The Beacon Second Reader
by James H. Fassett
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a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Do you think you could have done as well as little Billy?

The next place Margery came to was Farmer Simpson's, and here it is.

"Bowwow, wow," said the dog at the door.

"Be still, sir," said Mrs. Simpson. "Why do you bark at little Two Shoes? Come, Alice, here is Goody Two Shoes ready to teach you."

Then out came the little one.

"Well, Alice," said Two Shoes, "have you learned your lesson?"

"Yes, indeed, I have," said the little one, and taking the letters, she formed them in this way:

ba be bi bo bu da de di do du fa fe fi fo fu ha he hi ho hu

As she formed them she gave their exact sounds.

The next place Margery came to was Gaffer Cook's house. Here a number of poor children all came around her at once. These children had been to her school longer than the first little tots, and could read words and lines.

This is what Margery gave them to read:

"He that will thrive must rise by five."

"Truth can be blamed, but cannot be shamed."

"A friend in your need is a friend indeed."

"A wise head makes a close mouth."

"A lie stands upon one leg, but truth upon two."

"A good boy will make a good man."

"Honor your parents and the world will honor you."

"Love your friends and your friends will love you."

Did you ever read lines like these in your school reader?


At last Margery grew up and was given a real school to teach and a real schoolroom to teach in. She still used her little wooden letters, and made the children fetch each one to spell the words.

One day, as Margery was going home from school, she saw some bad boys who had caught a young crow. She went over to them and gave them a penny for the poor little bird, and took him home.

Margery called the crow Ralph, and under her care he grew into a very fine bird indeed. She even taught him to speak and to pick out a few of the letters.

Some time after this a poor lamb had lost his mother, and the farmer was about to kill him. Margery bought him and took him home with her to play with the children. This lamb she called Will, and a pretty fellow he was. Do look at him. See him run and play with the children.

The lamb was trained to carry home the books and the slates of the children who behaved well at school. See what a fine, strong fellow he is, and how he trudges along.

Margery also had a present of a little dog. His name was Jumper. Look at him sitting up and begging in the picture.

Did you ever see a dog with such bright eyes? He almost seems able to talk.

Jumper, Jumper, Jumper! He was always playing and jumping about, and Jumper was a good name for him. His place was just outside the door. See how he sits, the saucy fellow!


One day Jumper came whining into the schoolroom. He took hold of Margery's dress and pulled and pulled.

"What do you wish, dear Jumper?" asked Margery.

But the dog only whined and pulled her toward the door. At last Margery went outdoors to see what was the matter.

Then Jumper left her and ran back into the schoolroom. He took hold of the dress of one of the little girls and tugged and tugged. At length she too followed Jumper to the door.

By this time all the children were on their feet and quickly followed the teacher out of the schoolroom.

They were none too soon. The last little girl had hardly passed the door when, with a great crash, the roof fell in.

All the children were safe, but what had become of Margery's dear books and letters and other things?

Margery did not lose her school. A rich man who lived near ordered the schoolhouse to be rebuilt at his own expense.

Another gentleman, Sir Charles Jones, having heard of Margery's good sense, offered her a home if she would teach his daughter. In fact he finally fell in love with Margery, and they were married in the great church. And what do you think! On her wedding day, while the bells were ringing, Margery's brother Tommy came home. He had become the captain of a great ship. He had sailed to many lands, and he brought her all kinds of presents. Do you think she deserved to be very happy?

She did not forget the children, you may be sure. A house in the village was fitted up as a school, and all the boys and girls were taught to read and write.

Ascribed to GOLDSMITH


One step and then another, And the longest walk is ended; One stitch and then another, And the largest rent is mended.

One brick upon another, And the highest wall is made; One flake upon another, And the deepest snow is laid.



curious neighed curtsied

A fair little girl sat under a tree, Sewing as long as her eyes could see; Then smoothed her work and folded it right, And said, "Dear work, good night, good night!"

Such a number of rooks came over her head, Crying "Caw, caw!" on their way to bed. She said, as she watched their curious flight, "Little black things, good night, good night!"

The horses neighed, and the oxen lowed, The sheep's "bleat, bleat!" came over the road; All seeming to say, with a quiet delight, "Good little girl, good night, good night!"

She did not say to the sun, "Good night!" Though she saw him there like a ball of light, For she knew he had God's time to keep All over the world, and never could sleep.

The tall pink foxglove bowed his head; The violets curtsied and went to bed; And good little Lucy tied up her hair, And said, on her knees, her favorite prayer.

And while on her pillow she softly lay, She knew nothing more till again it was day; And all things said to the beautiful sun, "Good morning, good morning! our work is begun."



Philistines guarding Goliath

Long, long ago there lived, in the country of Israel a boy named David.

He was a shepherd boy, and all day long he watched the quiet sheep as they ate sweet grass on the hillside.

Although David was only a boy, he was tall and strong and brave.

When he knew he was in the right, he feared nothing.

David's quiet life did not last long.

There was a great war between the people of Israel and men called the Philistines.

All the strong men in David's town went to join the army of Israel.

David could not go, as he had to tend the sheep, but his three older brothers went to the war.

For a long time David's father heard nothing from his three oldest boys.

At length he called David to him and said, "Take to your brothers a bag of this corn and these ten loaves of bread. Find out how your brothers are, and bring word to me."

The next morning David rose very early, and taking the bag of corn and the loaves of bread, he went to the camp where his brothers were.

The camp of Israel was on the side of a high mountain.

Across the valley from this mountain and on the side of another mountain was the camp of the Philistines.

After David had come to the camp and had found his brothers, shouts of anger and fear came from the soldiers.

David looked across the valley to the camp of the Philistines.

There he saw a huge soldier dressed in shining armor.

This giant soldier carried a great spear and shield.

"Who is that man?" asked David.

"Do you not know? That is Goliath," said the soldiers. "Every day he comes out and dares any man on our side to meet him in battle."

"Does no one of our soldiers dare to meet him?" asked David.

"We have no man so strong as he in our whole army," said the soldiers.

The giant from the opposite hillside shouted with a loud voice, and again dared the army of Israel to choose a man to meet him.

David was a brave boy; he was stirred to anger at the sight of this great giant.

"Is not God on the side of our people?" he asked. "I will fight with this man, even though he kill me."


The king of Israel heard of these brave words and sent for David to come before him.

When he saw that David was only a boy, he said, "You are not able to go against this Philistine. You are only a boy, while he has fought in many battles."

Then David said to the king, "Once, when I was guarding my father's sheep, I killed a lion and a bear without help from any one but the Lord. He will help me fight this man."

Then the king said, "Go, and the Lord be with you."

The king fitted David with heavy armor and gave to him his own sword, but David said, "I am not used to this heavy armor; it will only hinder me."

So he threw it off.

Then David went to a brook near by and chose five smooth stones.

Armed with these five stones and his sling; he went bravely out to meet the giant.

When the giant saw that David was only a boy, he was angry and cried out:

"Do you dare fight with me? I will kill you, and will give your flesh to the birds and the beasts."

David looked at him without fear and said, "You come against me with a sword and with a spear and with a shield, but I come to you in the name of the Lord. This day will he give you into my hand. I will kill you and take your head from you, and I will give the bodies of the Philistines to the birds and the beasts."

When they came near to each other, David fitted one of the five stones to his sling.

He whirled the sling swiftly about his head. The stone flew straight to its mark. It struck the Philistine full in the forehead. The huge giant took one step and, with a groan, fell to the earth.

Then David, standing upon the giant, took his sword and cut off the head of his enemy.

When the Philistines saw that their giant was dead, they were filled with fear.

They left their camp and tried to run away, but the army of Israel followed them and won a great victory.

For this brave deed David was made a captain and was held in honor by the king.

Adapted from the Bible


The following tables are planned to supplement those already developed in the "Beacon Primer" and in the "Beacon First Reader."

The earlier tables are introduced in order that the teacher may have them for rapid review work with her slower pupils, and also for those pupils entering the class without any previous phonetic training.

The strictly new matter, which includes the last ten pages, should receive special emphasis and care in its development and drill.

REVIEW OF THE VOWELS a, e, i, o, and u

fix jut fob jig lag rid tug kin van yet fog cab bog pod vex wed box mix wax cud

Yes Jug Kid Sit Six Pug Jim Yell Red Fox Keg Dug Win Ned Will Puff Hug Bess Rub Vim

In the following words a blend of two consonants follows the vowel.

felt tilt elm elk self kilt sick rich loft link silk lank test gilt dish lock limp tuft hilt nick gust bulk pelt lint dust land gush wilt belt sack pick hack lent sent mist sink bunt lash lend rush sash hush rust luck such king dusk ring fond hulk dent sunk lack kick sank desk bank hint welt wing back wink sulk bent went lamp must rock pack hand wind lump wick duck bunk punt mock husk band much bump mush bend jump mend hump pump bond musk damp

In the following words a blend of two consonants precedes the vowel. The vowel must be sounded with the preceding consonants.

fled flog flag clip cliff grit slip grin frog grip slat trot trill stiff slop spot blot prig sled still sniff drip slap slab scan scud twit step spin brag span crab stag glen drag slum stab crag trim skill skim slim glad crop drop snuff skin skip scab snob skull snip bled stun twin dress grab drill skiff from swell drug twig grim snap scum bran stub snag stem plum sped spill prop slam drum gruff snug tress snub smell spell brim bless spun

The correct pronunciation of wh is important. In reality the h is sounded before the w, and in the oldest English it was so written. This table combines the features of the two previous tables.

wit chip flock crank theft whit shut trick shock sling whet shed shelf trunk trust whig shop swift plank sting whip shad frock swing fresh whiff chub strap smith twist when shun prick string track whist trash brick smack crash whim chest crust stump stock which script scrub splash scrap whisk spend shred struck block ship cramp grunt scamp frank chill smash print shrink throb chat twitch stack thump pluck sprang spring drink thrush shrub sham switch check stretch brush chess snatch thank scratch spank

In the following words the vowel is long because of the final e.

tide rote rite fade core gore lute five trade glide tone pole live plate wore cope lobe tore crave drive tube lane hive spore pride wipe bide save globe stove slate pore rave snipe snore mere flake cove stone spine store stole cave flame blade mute wide stale grove crime stake hone mete grape shave skate mine wake smite grime spike more wave white stride brake score slope drone spade spoke fume strife twine shape snake wade slime strive whale strike slave mode stripe blame stroke shine smile swore scrape smoke shade shore shame throne

The following words illustrate the effect of final e in lengthening the vowel otherwise short. Final se usually has the sound of ze.

cot cote slat slate glaze rob robe trip tripe nose cut cute slid slide doze not note grip gripe fuse dot dote slop slope maze tub tube shin shine hose con cone slim slime froze cub cube glad glade these nod node snip snipe gaze met mete shot shote rise plat plate spin spine size flam flame plan plane wise shad shade strip stripe haze mop mope grim grime rose whit white twin twine daze sham shame prim prime those scrap scrape plum plume close

Before r the sounds of the vowels a, e, i, and u are greatly modified. These combinations occur so frequently that much drill is required. Final e affects ar as in care.

stir serf mar jar fur slur tart cart bur furl star turf first curl gird jerk lard fern bird dart firm scar card char spar hurl lark hurt part arch turn blur purr pert spur hard barn darn carp herd dark burn term hark yard start shirt bark yarn harp sharp clerk skirt chirp park spark shark mark spurt third parch smart churn perch harm charm starch march mirth smirch

* * * * *

tare scare dare pare rare fare snare hare ware glare bare spare mare stare share

In the words of this table ea and ee have the long sound of e.

fear tear lean heap fleet thee east ease keep beef near plea heed greet year freed dean team weed ream tease deed treat wean teach sheet yeast meet spree plead sheaf mead steep sheer eaves greed creak creek shear spear breed agree sneer bleed speed beach sheen green preen cheap sweep sheep reach street freeze dream tweed fleece cream weave screen peach gleam wheat streak bream leaves cleans crease teapot beams please greedy Easter spleen breeze gleans squeak beaver season grease sneeze wheeze sheath stream reason teacher sheaves scream beacon

In the words of this table ai and ay have the long sound of a.

rail lain hail bail flail slay fray nail bait frail vain mail gray clay paid dray bray main wail pray raise saint stray snail faint staid away paint faith train gayly spray chain plain maid stain strain waist braid drain grain praise strait twain claim sway sprain raisin afraid dainty

In the words of this table oa and oe have the long sound of o.

oats soar floe roar coat coax float oak goal soap roam hoed load loan soak whoa loam boat goat moat cloak coarse foam roast toast groan throat shoal croak coast loaves hoarse moan coach board

In the words of this table ie and final y take the long sound of i.

fie hie sly cry shy vie sty pry why lied fried sky tied vied tried pried ally rely defy deny reply spry skies flies cried supply spied plied dried comply

In the words of this table ew and ue are pronounced very nearly like u long.

hue due stew hew cue pew mew view ague jewel rescue sinew argue subdue value mildew pewter renew steward ensue

In the words of this table oi and oy are pronounced alike.

coy coil join loin toil soil foist boil coin cloy point broil joist hoist joint enjoy voice royal noise spoil moist avoid choice annoy doily employ oyster anoint poison boiler

In the words of this table au and aw take the sound of a in all.

jaw claw haul Paul flaw faun yawn bawl thaw slaw fault hawk daub Maud fraud fawn gauze vault brawl cause dawn drawl pawn lawful crawl awful pauper straw brawn drawn pause awning lawyer spawn caucus

In the words of this table ou and ow are pronounced alike.

gout rout scow pout scour town trout scout down shout prow cloud snout tower proud flour south scowl pouch mount stout spout aloud power bound count about crowd pound crouch towel couch sound blouse devout found growl frown grouse wound clown vowel drown sprout shroud flower round shower mound ground

In the following list of words oo is pronounced like u in rude.

boot cool tool pool roof poor root toot loop loon soon food hoot boor rood noon coop hoop hoof coon loom loose moor boon sloop proof stoop troop stool spool boost noose sooth room boom croon moon mood roost shoot broom doom goose scoop tooth bloom brood gloom groom swoop swoon spoon moose choose groove

Review the sound of qu.

quilt quid quill equip quit quell quite quiz quire quail queer quote quest quick squire squirt queen quince quake squint squaw quack squirm square quaint squeak squeal quench squeeze squirrel


sly card loft due ear stir why cliff tied cue jaw turn curl hilt coil boil tube cloy clay nail lute mail rose spar crag slay Paul flaw hoof haul firm quill gore pray sank boot wore stew herd heap stun stem fried twin tried scow bless smile mew term trout mere glean froze glide store slave sheaf team more quite noise mode daub boom shore stoop mend score gauze sheet much chain stone grime grunt hawk moon pawn shark pump peach quick block quack snake sound pouch queen march smash cramp stump smoke switch sky glare rely room tress skill doily gruff plied royal gayly tooth sloop scrap scare snare ensue coast spurt pried croak perch strife twain strait growl flower noose stripe gauze awful power parch annoy smart strive moose stride choice blame churn loaves afraid starch throat sinew beaver rescue coarse oyster praise poison teapot lawful sprain struck breezy hoarse anoint squeal screen sprout groove choose squint scrape shower grouse twitch blouse supply stretch caucus dainty throne pauper shroud season reason square auburn teacher subdue sprawl freezer awning mildew employ smirch pewter squeeze squirrel preacher squirm comply

In the following list of words c is soft before e or i.

cite ace ice cell cent vice rice lace city since nice trice dice farce fence slice pace mice voice lance price trace grace pence mince truce mace cease hence prince place brace fleece dance thence space twice peace glance chance splice spruce choice quince whence

In the following list of words g and dg before e and i are pronounced like j.

gin gist gill gem gibe germ tinge edge urge huge serge judge singe ledge large barge fudge lodge dodge ridge cringe lunge budge hedge badge sledge nudge wedge fringe range bridge merge grudge trudge mange smudge charge plunge dredge change

K and ck are sounded exactly alike. Their use is not so confusing from the point of view of sounding as from spelling. The use of the ck after a short vowel should be strongly emphasized by the teacher.

nick dike flake fleck flick cake sock deck meek flock pack yoke slick shock poke track hack dock snake neck stuck clack sleek strike crack freak pluck truck stroke brake drake shake black struck sneak spoke tweak broke smack shuck

* * * * *

bake sake like beak stoke back sack lick beck stock take slake pike Luke smoke tack slack pick luck smock rake stake peak duke croak rack stack peck duck crock lake dike speak coke cloak lack Dick speck cock clock

Tch generally has the same sound as ch. Ch usually follows vowels having the long sound, while tch usually follows vowels having the short sound.

each teach peach reach speech bleach screech leech breach beech coach roach poach broach preach fetch stretch itch botch notch blotch catch sketch crutch pitch latch batch snatch ditch match hatch patch hutch twitch clutch switch witch stitch scratch flitch

This table contains a further development of the two sounds of th.

fifth tenth strength thud thill thing thump thick thank thatch throb throne thrust thrash thrush this thus these those that them than then the thee thy bathe lathe seethe lithe blithe withe clothe scathe thine breathe soothe smooth thence sheathe

In the following list of words ie has the sound of long e.

field niece priest piece shield grief yield siege thief relief brief chief fiend shriek believe

In the following list of words o has a sound midway between its sound in for and in fox.

cost moss song broth frost soft toss long cloth strong lost loss tong froth loft

In the following list of words a has the sound of short o.

was wand swap what swamp wad wash swan want wander wan wasp swab watch washer

Two vowels together are often sounded separately.

fuel poem giant quiet duel poet idea gruel truant suet diet real trial pliant dial

Tion and sion are pronounced shun.

nation mention vision tension session ration pension notion mission station option fraction motion passion action


fuel snail cede defy bare field stare skirt thief gruel trial mete roost away ledge mere deny grace quiet fence paint quail dried share snore whist niece spare judge braid yeast poem value growl crawl scowl goose giant Maud argue groan moist yawn swore drawl mirth coach raisin squirt oyster annoy boiler strain choice swoon broom gaudy priest gleans squaw sneeze whisk quake rescue truant poison prince renew crouch sprout dredge crease flower motion greedy chance charm bridge mound believe supply nation notion squeak shower lawyer plunge square employ comply quench awning stream mildew sheaves

The following list contains words with the most common suffixes.

jacket market velvet trumpet locket basket ticket thicket secret blanket bracket bucket goblet musket rocket gimlet closet carpet racket hornet mantle camel model parcel ravel panel saddle travel slumber chapel canter pickle lumber cinder printer master whisper helper sister corner barber under lobster farmer scamper winter number tumbler blunder jester pitcher milker farther monster marble cycle uncle thimble jumble grumble stumble tingle tickle speckle candle nimble tumble ankle twinkle single dangle dimple cackle buckle magic picnic handle bundle frolic mimic simple wrinkle merit arctic solid limit habit infant stupid visit spirit distant rapid profit pulpit merchant timid ashes classes servant kisses dishes dresses brushes losses stitches bunches wishes glasses matches lunches pinches fishes branches churches goblin sweeten cabin driven robin quicken satin harden pumpkin seven napkin beacon shorten beckon reckon dragon blacken sermon wagon lemon prison season melon lesson mason fifty angry ugly milky sixty sadly dainty rusty hungry pantry empty silky finely safely lately pages merely widely purely prices nicely lonely closely wages races spices ages places faces cases cages stages laces blazes closes roses axes gazes noses rises hateful sizes uses prizes wasteful helpful rival naval needful spiteful final vital cheerful thankful oval opal graceful truthful local legal wakeful careful floral fatal

The following list contains words with the most common prefixes.

awake abed afloat adorn afraid aloud asleep alert afire ago amid adrift away about agree alas alone across ablaze award became again become apart because around begin alive belong along untwist abuse unhitch awhile unjust between unhurt began depend befall delay behave declare beside demand before devote unbend display unlock excite untrue displace unfit explode unchain disgust unclean expand exceed encamp decay discharge expect enrage depart dispute excel enjoy defend dismiss expose inquire endure disturb excuse inclose enlarge forbid express inform engrave forgive explain intent except forget require insist exchange forsake unwind invite explore rebound behind inflame exclaim recess unfold remark repeat recite reply refer repair replace recall renew regret release retain rejoice return reduce report regard refresh restore remain coachman huntsman seaman postman salesman workman footman hackman railroad birthday foreman boatman inkstand daylight fireplace teacup seaside seaweed sunbeam tiptoe stairway necktie rainbow railway seashore cobweb spyglass beehive

Usually the vowel followed by one consonant is given the long sound, whereas, when the consonant is doubled, the vowel usually has the short sound, as illustrated in the following words.

biter plater toper hoping bitter platter stopper hopping diner shiny tiny doted dinner shinny tinny dotted cuter hater poker offer cutter hated paper wider holy hatter taper spider holly riding favor diver bony ridding fever gallon bonny biting clover racer bogy bitting over cider boggy caning halo label Mary canning solo yellow marry planer polo jolly mate planner flabby jelly matter ruder shabby maker robed rudder ruddy taker robbed loping tulip dummy pining lopping cedar common pinning baker tamer moment tuning shady liner silent stunning lady pacer ruby planing tidy giddy bonnet planning pony sudden penny

The following words illustrate silent k, g, w, b, l, t, and gh.

knee kneel knelt knell knit knife knot knock knob knew knave knead know knack gnat gnaw gnu gnash gnarl gnome wry wren wrist wrote write wrap wring wrung wrong wrest wreck wrath wretch wreak wrench writhe wreath high sigh wright thigh light fight tight sight knight right fright plight night blight slight bright flight might caught naught taught daughter aught tightly brightly lightly lightning naughty climb comb crumb dumb lamb limb numb thumb debt doubt combing calf half balm calm chalk stalk walk folks talk often soften castle jostle rustle thistle whistle chestnut fasten listen


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