* * * * *
As an indication of the great interest aroused by the matter of one of the recent publications of D. Lothrop & Co., while it was passing through the WIDE AWAKE magazine in serial form, we print the following letter written from BROOKLINE, Mass., and dated Oct. 6, 1884, and signed "A well wisher."
We have read with great interest the "Anna Maria Housekeeping Talks," and think you could not do a better work than to publish them in a cheap form, so as to be within the reach of almost any one, and so ladies could buy them for their servants to read, It cannot fail of success, it seems to me. The "talks" are too good to have their light "hid under a bushel," and ought to be in the hands of every one who has a house in charge, whether servant or mistress.
In accordance with the general desire expressed in this and similar letters, the publishers have presented the papers in an attractive 16mo volume, published at $1.00. The subjects treated of embrace directions for the table and kitchen departments, the general arrangement and adornment of rooms, matters of dress and domestic economy, and numberless small details which every young girl will desire to be posted upon, and which even trained housekeepers are often grateful for being reminded of.
* * * * *
Among selections of the choicest works of best authors, in this department, are George Eliot's story of HOW LISA LOVED THE KING, and her splendid hymn, O MAY I JOIN THE CHOIR INVISIBLE; Tennyson's MAUD, AND OTHER POEMS, also THE BROOK, AND OTHER POEMS; Adelaide Procter's beautiful poem THE LOST CHORD; the favorite Christian songs, THE NINETY AND NINE, and JESUS, LOVER OF MY SOUL; and the popular song, THE OLD OAKEN BUCKET. Each volume in this Series is furnished in elegant cloth bindings, or fringed floral bindings at $1.50 each.
Book lovers whose critical judgment extends to the binding as well as to the contents of a volume, will find something quite to their taste in Lothrop's new list of Illustrated Library Editions, which includes a selection of favorites presented in a form most acceptable to gift-makers, and very desirable for library use. The illustrations are by notable artists, and admirably suited to the text. In this class may be mentioned among others the volumes named below, which are published in 8vo form, extra cloth, in morocco, full gilt, at the wonderfully low prices indicated.
POETS' HOMES. The desire of multitudes to know something of the home life of the poets whose verses have become familiar in every household, will find gratification in the attractive one-volume edition of the delightful sketches edited by R.H. Stoddard, Arthur Gilman, and others, under the title of POETS' HOMES. It contains appreciative chapters upon Bryant, Longfellow, Whittier, Trowbridge, Lowell, Homes, Bayard Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Piatt, Stedman, Aldrich, and other poets of reputation. The homes of these poets are described in charming sketches, many of which are accompanied by portraits and other illustrations. Cloth, $4.00, Morocco, $8.00.
HAYNE'S POEMS. The welcome accorded to the first edition of the "Poetical Works of Paul H. Hayne," has led to the publication of a new edition. The critical estimate of Mr. Hayne's works, favorable from the outset, accords him a place among the few American writers whose works are likely to have a permanent place in public favor. As has been appreciatively said, "He is a songster of the Southern groves, and having built a nest in the wild wood (referring to his country home at Copse Hill), he is content in the companionship of his mate and his young, warbling to nature and to nature's God. If his notes reach beyond his sylvan hall, and fall upon ears without its wall, and plaudits of approval come in return, he trills responsively a grateful melody, and resumes his solo as he would do had no encore greeted him." Cloth, $4.00, Morocco, $7.00.
In the same attractive bindings, are the following complete Works of FAMOUS POETS at uniform prices, extra cloth, full gilt, $3.00. Morocco, full gilt, $6.00.
WILLIAM SHAKESPEARE. Edited, with a critical Biography, by William Michael Rossetti. With an essay on the Chronology of Shakespeare's Plays, by Edward Dowden, LL. D. A History of the Drama in England to the Time of Shakespeare, by Arthur Gilman, M.A. A Critical Introduction to each Play, by Augustus W. Von Schlegel. An Essay on Shakespeare's Indebtedness to the Bible, a List of early editions to Shakespeare's Plays; an Index to noteworthy Scenes; an Index to all the Characters; a List of the Songs in the Plays; an Index to familiar Quotations, and a carefully prepared Glossary, Shakespeare's Will, etc. The above illustrative matter makes this the best-furnished one-volume edition in the market.
LORD BYRON, with portrait, correspondence, and notes, by Sir John Gilbert, W.J. Linton and others.
ROBERT BURNS. With portrait, correspondence and notes, edited by Allan Cunningham.
GOETHE. Translated in the original metres by Edgar Alfred Browning, C.B.
JEAN INGELOW. Including "The Shepherd Lady." 400 pages.
Lord Macaulay's LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME. With IVRY and the ARMADA. With illustration by Wequelin.
OWEN MEREDITH (Robert, Lord Lytton). "Lucille," "The Apple of Life," "The Wanderer," etc.
JOHN MILTON. With Memoir, Introduction and Notes, by David Masson, M.A., LL. D.
THOMAS MOORE. Unabridged. With explanatory notes.
ADELAIDE A. PROCTER. There are, in this volume, gems of as noble and perfect poetry as in any language.—London Athenaeum.
JOHANN C.F. VON SCHILLER. The finest one-volume edition of the works of this favorite poet.
SIR WALTER SCOTT. Including introduction and notes.
PERCY BYSSHE SHELLEY. "No poet was ever warmed by a more genuine or unforced inspiration."
ALFRED TENNYSON. Including all the latest poems. Illustrated by Gustave Dore, W. Holman Hunt and others.
This series presents a selection of books, remarkable for the rare and enduring value of their contents, and made additionally attractive by the form in which they are published. The volumes are of the semi-square shape which offers such excellent opportunities for the best effects in simple but elegant typography and binding, and the results will be in the highest degree satisfactory to all lovers of handsome books. The series takes its name from the book first upon the list.
THE GOLDEN TREASURY, edited by Francis Turner Palgrave, consists of selections made with rare discrimination from the very best of English songs and lyrical poems.
IN THE BOOK OF PRAISE, Sir Roundell Palmer, with a just appreciation of their merits and a devout sympathy with their spirit, has brought together, from the range of English hymns, those which are worthy of a permanent place in public favor.
THE BALLAD BOOK, edited with no less painstaking care, and excellence in judgment, by William Allingham, includes an unsurpassed selection of the representative ballads which have won fame and favor for the bards of Britain. In no other form is so rare and pleasing a collection of British ballads to be found.
Of the volume which includes those masterpieces of Sir Walter Scott, MARMION, LADY OF THE LAKE, AND THE LAY OF THE LAST MINSTREL, no explanatory words are necessary. These poems in the future, as in the past, will hold undisputed place among the gems of classic literature.
The popularity of England's Poet Laureate makes it equally unnecessary to more than present the title of the next volume upon the list, THE COMPLETE WORKS OF TENNYSON.
Lord Macaulay's LAYS OF ANCIENT ROME, IVRY, and the ARMADA, is another volume upon which comment is needless.
RELIGIOUS POEMS is an admirable selection, reflecting the life and sentiments of the Christian believer.
IN THE MIND AND WORDS OF JESUS, by Rev. T.R. Macduff, we have a masterly interpretation of the thoughts and utterances of the Divine Teacher, so full of deep insight, of spirituality, and helpfulness, as to seem little less than inspired.
This series of standard books would be incomplete without the name of Bunyan and his PILGRIM'S PROGRESS, which concludes the list.
Each volume is beautifully illustrated and printed on the finest paper. To their other excellent features is added a price which cannot fail to make them popular. Vellum, cloth, $1.25 each.
"The significance of the name of this series is seen from the fact that THOUGHTS THAT BREATHE, for instance, has 300 pages, and contains 273 separately numbered and independent extracts. Thus a person can read one or more of these at a time, and put the book down without breaking the train of thought." 6 vols, 12mo, $5.00. 6 vols, imitation half calf. $7.50. 6 vols, full imitation calf. $9.00.
RIGHT TO THE POINT. From the writings of Theodore L. Cuyler, D.D., selected by Mary Storrs Haynes. With an introduction by Rev. Newman Hall.
Pithy paragraphs on a wide range of subjects, not one of which but will be found to contain some terse, sparkling truth worthy of thought and attention. A spare ten minutes devoted to such reading can never be wasted.
THOUGHT THAT BREATHE. From the writings of Dean Stanley. Introduction by Rev. Phillips Brooks. The numerous admirers on this side of the water of the late eloquent English churchman, will be grateful for this volume, which contains some of his best utterances. 16mo, cloth, $1.00.
CHEERFUL WORDS. From George MacDonald. Introduction by James T. Fields.
THE MIGHT OF RIGHT. From Rt. Hon. Wm. E. Gladstone. Introduction by John D. Long.
TRUE MANLINESS. From Thomas Hughes. Introduction by James Russell Lowell.
LIVING TRUTHS. From Charles Kingsley. Introduction by W.D. Howells.
"Bronckton Series." SO AS BY FIRE, by Margaret Sidney. A bright story full of life and interest, as are all the writings by this popular author.
HALF YEAR AT BRONCKTON, by the same author. Earnest, yet lively, this is just the book for all boys old enough to be subjected to the temptations of school life.
The other books of this series, "Tempter Behind," by John Saunders, "For Mack's Sake," by S.J. Burke, and "Class of '70," by Helena V. Morrison, are all worthy of a place in every Sunday-school library.
Amaranth Library. 4 vols., 12mo, illust. $6.00 Books by the author of Andy Luttrell. 6 vols., 12mo, illust. 7.50 Julia A. Eastman's Books. 6 vols., 12mo, illust. 7.50 Ella Farman's Books. 9 vols., large 16mo, illust. 10.00 Pansy Series. 4 vols. 3.00 Mudge (Rev. Z.A.) Works. 3 vols. 3.75 Porter (Mrs. A.E.) Books. 5 vols. 6.25 Capron (M.J.) Books. 4 vols. 6.00 Mrs. E.D. Kendall's Books. 3 vols., 12mo, illust. 3.75 Our Boy's Library. 5 vols., illust. 6.25 Our Girls' Library. 5 vols., illust. 6.25 Snow Family Library. 5 vols., illust. 5.00 Sturdy Jack Series. 6 vols., 12mo, illust. 4.50 To-day Series. New and of extraordinary excellence. 6 vols., illust. 7.50 Child Life Series. 26 vols., illust. Each 1.00 Hill Rest Series. 3 vols., 16mo, illust. 3.75 Uncle Max Series. 8 vols., illust. 6.00 Yensie Walton Books. 5 vols., 12mo, illust. 7.50
Nothing at once so good and cheap is anywhere to be found. These choice 16mo volumes of 300 to 500 pages, clear type, carefully printed, with handsome and durable covers of manilla paper, and embracing some of the best stories by popular American authors, are published at the low price of 25 cents per volume, and mailed postpaid. One number issued each month. No second edition will be printed in this style. The regular edition is issued in cloth bindings at $1.25 to $1.75 per volume. Among the numbers already published at 25 cents each as above are
1. Tip Lewis and his lamp, by PANSY. 2. Margie's Mission by MARIE OLIVER. 3. Kitty Kent's Trouble, by JULIA A. EASTMAN. 4. Mrs. Hurd's Niece, by ELLA FARMAN PRATT, editor of WIDE AWAKE. 5. Evening Rest, by REV. J.L. PRATT.
Other equally charming stories will follow each month. The Library is especially commended to Sunday-school superintendents or those interested in securing choice Sunday-school books at lowest prices. Attention is called to the necessity of early orders, as when the present editions are exhausted, no more copies of the several volumes can be had at the same price.
Admirable books in history, biography and story.
Fern Glen Series. 31 vols., illust. Each 1.25 Young Folks' Series. 33 vols., illust. Each 1.50 Popular Biographies. 18 vols., illust. Each 1.50 Young Folks' Histories, by MISS YONGE and others. 10 vols., illust. Each 1.50 Yonge's Historical Stories. 4 vols., illust. Each 1.25 The $1000 Prize Books. A fresh edition in new style of binding. 16 vols., 12mo. 24.50 The new $500 Prize Series. A fresh edition in new style of binding. 13 vols., 12mo. 16.75 The Original $500 Prize Series. A fresh edition in new style of binding. 8 vols., 12mo. 12.00
No Sunday-school library is complete without some well-chosen volumes showing the evils of intemperance, the great curse which good men and women are everywhere endeavoring to remove.
D. Lothrop & Co. publish among others the following admirable temperance books.
The only way Out. By J.W. Willing. $1.50 John Bremm. By A.A. Hopkins. 1.25 Sinner and Saint. by A.A. Hopkins 1.25 The Tempter Behind. By John Saunders. 1.25 Good Work. By Mary D. Chellis. 1.50 Mystery of the Lodge. By Mary D. Chellis. 1.50 Finished or Not. By the author of "Fabrics." 1.50 Modern Prophets. By Pansy and Faye Huntington. 1.50 May Bell. By Hubert Newbury. 1.50
TEMPERANCE REFORMATION, The, and Its Claims upon the Christian Church. By Rev. James Smith, of Scotland. 8 vo. $2.50.
Sunday-school teachers and superintendents will find the above books admirably adapted to the purpose of teaching great moral lessons, while they are also full of pleasure and interest to young readers.
Among attractive and valuable Libraries issued in sets at prices which place them not only beyond competition, but within the easy reach of all, are
Best Way Series. 3 vols., illust. $1.50 Half Hour Library, by PANSY. 8 vols., illust. 3.20 Little People's Home Library. 12 vols., illust. 3.00 Little Pansy Series. 10 vols., illust. Cloth, $4.00; boards. 3.00 Little May's Picture Library. 12 vols., illust. 2.40 Mother's Boys and Girls, by PANSY. 12 vols., illust. 3.00 Rainy Day Library. 8 vols., illust. 4.00 Spring Blossom. 12 vols., illust. 3.00 Stories from the Bible, 1st and 2d Series. Each .15 Twisty Clover Series. 6 vols., illust. 1.20 Happy Thought Library. 6 vols., large 18mo, illust. 3.00 Little Neighbor Series. 6 vols., large 18mo, illust. 1.50 May and Tom Library. 5 vols., 18mo, illust. 3.00 Sunny Dell Series. 6 vols., 18mo, illust. 3.60 Side by Side library. 3 vols., 16mo, illust. 1.80
The works of this popular author are universally acknowledged to be among the very best of all books for Sunday-school reading. Earnest, hopeful, practical, full of the spirit of Christian faith and courage, they are also in the highest degree interesting.
Each volume, 12mo, $1.50.
Chautauqua Girls at Home.
Divers Women.
Echoing and Re-echoing.
Endless Chain (An).
Ester Ried.
Ester Ried Yet Speaking.
Four Girls at Chautauqua.
From different Standpoints.
Hall in the Grove (The).
Household Puzzles.
Julia Ried.
King's Daughter (The).
Links in Rebecca's Life.
Mrs. Solomon Smith Looking On.
Modern Prophets.
Man of the House (The).
New Graft on the Family Tree (A).
Pocket Measure (The).
Ruth Erskine's Crosses.
Randolphs (The).
Sidney Martin's Christmas.
Those Boys.
Three People.
Tip Lewis and his Lamp.
Wise and Otherwise.
Each volume, 12mo, $1.25.
Cunning Workmen.
Dr. Deane's Way.
Grandpa's Darlings.
Miss Priscilla Hunter and My Daughter Susan.
Mrs. Deane's Way.
What she Said.
Each volume, 12mo, $1.00.
Five Friends.
Mrs. Harry Harper's Awakening.
Next Things.
Pansy's Scrap Book.
Some young Heroines.
Each volume, 12mo, 75 cents.
Getting Ahead.
Mary Burton Abroad.
Six little Girls.
That Boy Bob.
Two Boys.
Each volume, 16mo, 75 cents.
Bernie's White Chicken.
Docia's Journal.
Helen Lester.
Jessie Wells.
Hedge Fence (A)., 16mo, 60c.
Side by Side, 16mo, 60c.
Pansy's Picture Book. 4to, boards, 1.50; cloth 2.00
The little Pansy Series. 10 vols., boards, 3.00; cloth 4.00
Mother's Boys and Girls Library. 12 vols., quarto, boards. 3.00
Among the new books by this favorite author, which Sunday-school superintendents and all readers of her previous books will wish to order, are
A HEDGE FENCE. A story that will be particularly pleasing to boys, most of whom will find in its hero a fair representation of themselves. 16mo, 60 cents.
AN ENDLESS CHAIN. From the introduction, on the first page, of the new superintendent of the Packard Place Sabbath-school, to the end, there is no flagging of interest in this bright, fresh, wholesome story. Illustrated, 12mo, $1.50.
SIDE BY SIDE. Short illustrated stories from Bible texts for the help of boys and girls in their everyday duties. 16mo, cloth, 60 cents.
CHRISTIE'S CHRISTMAS. No more charming little heroine can be found than the Christie of this volume, and the story of her journey to spend Christmas, with the great variety of characters introduced, all of them original and individual in their way, is perfectly novel and interesting.
As a guide to teachers, rich in suggestions and directions for methods of teaching, etc., there is nothing better than PANSY'S SCRAP BOOK. 12mo. Cloth, Illustrated $1.00.
In fact all of Pansy's books have some special charm or attraction which makes them a power for good wherever read.
Every book in these marvellously cheap libraries will bear the closest criticism. Each is fresh and interesting in matter, unexceptionable in tone and excellent in literary style. These libraries as a whole, considering their character and cost have no superiors.
Select Sunday-school Library, No. 12, 20 vols., $5.00 net. " " " No. 9, 50 vols., 25.00 net. " " " No. 10, 12 vols., 5.00 net. " " " No. 11, 20 vols., 10.00 net. Pansy's Primary Library, 30 vols. 7.50 net. Select Primary Sunday-school Library, 36 vols., in extra cloth binding. 5.50 net.
BIBLE READER, THE. By Rev. H.V. Dexter, D.D. 16mo, .50.
BIBLE LESSONS FOR SUNDAY-SCHOOL CONCERTS AND ANNIVERSARIES. By Edmund Clark. 18 numbers 5 cts. each. Bound in 16mo. vol, cloth, $1.00.
BIBLE PICTURES. By Rev. Geo. B. Ide, D.D. 12mo, $2.00.
FIFTY YEARS WITH THE SABBATH-SCHOOL. By Rev. Asa Bullard, D.D. 12mo, cloth, $1.25.
HELP FOR SUNDAY-SCHOOL CONCERTS. By A.P. and M.T. Folsom. 16mo, $1.00.
SELF-GIVING. A story of Christian missions. By Rev. W.F. Bainbridge. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, $1.50.
ROCK OF AGES. By Rev. S.F. Smith, D.D. A choice collection of religious poems. 18mo, cloth, gilt edges, $1.25.
STUDY OF NAHUM (A). By Professor Thos. H. Rich, 16mo, $.40.
STORY OF THE PRAYERS OF CHRISTIAN HISTORY (The). By Hezekiah Butterworth. 12mo, illustrated, $1.50.
WALKS TO EMMAUS. By Rev. Nehemiah Adams. Charming specimens of sermon literature. 12mo, $1.00.
WARS OF THE JEWS. By Flavius Josephus. Translated by William Whiston, M.A. 8vo, cloth, plain, $1.00. Extra cloth, gilt top, fully illustrated, $1.50.
WORK OF THE HOLY SPIRIT [The]; or, The New Birth. By Prof. Austin Phelps, D.D. 16mo, $1.25.
It is often a difficult matter to determine what to use for Sunday-school anniversaries, etc. To those in doubt, we would suggest the use of the following capital aids:
BIBLE LESSONS FOR SUNDAY-SCHOOLS, CONCERTS AND ANNIVERSARIES. By Edmund Clark. 18 numbers, 5 cents each. Bound in one 16mo volume, cloth, $1.00.
HELP FOR SUNDAY-SCHOOL CONCERTS. By A.P. and M.T. Folsom. A choice collection of poems. 16mo, $1.00.
ENTERTAINMENTS. By Lizzie W. Champney. For concerts, exhibitions, church festivals, etc. 15mo, Illustrated. $1.00.
The above, and a thousand other choice books which cannot be mentioned here, mention, make up a list from which superintendents and teachers can easily select a VALUABLE LIBRARY at a low price. Send for full catalogue, mailed free, and for special terms to those ordering any number of volumes. Any book sent postage paid on receipt of price.
* * * * *
"WE HAVE NOTHING AS GOOD."—N.Y. Independent.
* * * * *
Arthur Gilman's History of the American People.
The publishers embrace the opportunity afforded by the publication of the SIXTH THOUSAND of this important work to bring together a few extracts from the large number of commendatory reviews that it has been favored with. They exhibit a singular unanimity of opinion.
* * * * *
"On its own ground, and for its clearly defined purpose, we have nothing as good, are not likely to have. It begins a long step back of the beginning, with Plato's Atlantis, tells the story of Columbus, Cabot and the other explorers, or the Aborigines, of the French and Spanish settlements, and so finds its way to the English colonies, the war for independence, and down through the long history to the recent events of President Arthur's administration. Considering the general brevity of the book, it is marvellously full; and considering the long story to be told, crowded with fact and detail; the graceful style, warm coloring and general lifelike animation of the books is a still greater marvel.
"Mr. Gilman writes with a happy pen which never fumbles for a word, and has the knack of saying a thing accurately, concisely and gracefully. He lights up his pages with items gleaned from rare sources. He puts in telling and characteristic facts. He is good in topography, and makes a skilful and judicious use of local antiquarian lore. He is an intelligent reporter of debates, who knows how to condense the strong and vital points of a long history. He is neither shy nor timid in expressing his opinion on controverted questions, but carries such a happy art in his boldness that it will never lose him a reader. His account of the constitutional debate and of the political situation at the close of the Revolutionary War, and the brief touches in the subsequent development of political history, are done well. Working very much on the general lines and methods of Mr. Green, in his history of the English people, he notes the progress of the arts of life, of literature, education and social life, and in discussing political affairs, brings, them up to the high standard of independent liberalism. The book is well manufactured, with good paper and open, clear type."—New York Independent.
"Mr. Gilman has rehearsed the interesting and wonderful story of the people of these United States in a clear and concise way, and has enlivened the narrative by extracts from letters, diaries, newspapers and other contemporary writings.... The book opens with a condensed and accurate account of the early voyages of discovery and exploration, beginning with that of Columbus; and among the subjects presented with a reasonable degree of fulness may be enumerated the efforts towards union form 1637 to the adoption of the Constitution, and the nature and influence of the Virginia and Kentucky resolutions of 1798 and 1799.... The growth of the feeling of nationality is well brought out.... The slavery struggle is well described.... The last chapter in the book, on the 'Era of Progressive National Life,' is exceptionally well written.... The most agreeable portions of the volume, however, are those wherein the habits and manners of the past are described.... The books contains very many (173) wood-cuts which have been selected with great care and god judgment.... An excellent index closes the book, and the publishers are to be congratulated on the mechanical excellence of the volume. In fine, it is the most attractive one-volume History of the United States that we have seen."—Boston Literary World.
"Mr. Gilman aims at something more than a literary production. He is by training and instinct an educator. This story of the people's life will foster a genuine love of country by the wholesome method of instruction.... The contents are succinctly massed; the statements embody facts, not speculations. It is a book that will be popular and it is written for popular acceptance, yet its accuracy will stand. Nothing better exists as a compendium of our country's history, if in a compendium we desire not figures and facts only, but the flesh and blood reality of living history."—Boston Transcript.
"This work sustains the already established reputation of the author. The extreme care with which the facts have been collated, and the attention shown to the latest results of investigation and discussion even in minor matters, make it very valuable as a book of reference."—Berkshire Co. Eagle.
"The author shows rare tact and wisdom."—Chicago Inter-Ocean.
"Bring out on the canvas a noble picture of the grand American movement."—New York Home Journal.
"The chapters form pleasing and finished pictures, one by one, of the various stages in our national career. It is a good book for out-loud reading at the home fireside."—Chicago Standard.
"Probably the best history of the United States that has appeared in a single volume."—Detroit Post and Tribune.
"Fascinating."—Cleveland Leader.
"Thoroughly interesting."—Portland Globe.
"The social and political history of the people of America is told with point and brevity, and yet with a wealth of incident and ease of style that ensure interest and charm to the narrative.... It is the most interesting compendious history that we have ever read."—Outing and The Wheelman.
"By far the best history of our country ever published in one volume. In fact there is more in it than there is in any large history, except, perhaps, Bancroft and Hildreth, and even in these the majority of readers can never get the facts so nicely arranged and so neatly formulated.... I say without any reserve that there is no other history of the United States comparable with this."—J.W. Heston, Pres't Pennsylvania State College.
* * * * *
12mo, cloth, illustrated, $1.50; Crown, 8vo, cloth, illustrated, gilt top, $2.50.
* * * * *
Baptism in Fire (The).
By REV. O.E. SMITH. A very thoughtful book, stimulating and suggestive. It meets a long recognized want of some work on the Holy Spirit which should take account of the deeper manifestations of its power. 16mo, cloth. $1.25.
*Cambridge Sermons.
By ALEXANDER MCKENZIE, D.D. Fresh living thought from the pen of one of the most eloquent American divines. 12mo, extra cloth, $1.50.
Or, Meditations and Prayers on the Last Hours of the Sufferings and Death of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Translated from the German of CHARLOTTE ELIZABETH NEBELIN. Large 16mo, $1.25.
Helps and Hindrances to the Cross
By MRS. LESLIE. Its helpful lessons are incorporated in a charming story. 12mo, illustrated, $1.25.
How to Conduct Prayer Meetings,
By REV. LEWIS O. THOMPSON. A practical book of great value. 12mo, $1.25.
Light at Evening Time.
Or, Jewels from God's Word. Very large type. Introduction by THEODORE L. CUYLER, D.D. Quarto, cloth binding,$150; leather, $2.50.
Lord's Day Rescued (The).
By ALEXANDER SESSIONS, with introduction by HENRY M. DEXTER, D.D. 16mo, cloth, $.60.
From CHARLES KINGSLEY. Edited by E.E. Brown, with an introduction by W.D. Howells. 12mo, cloth, gilt top, $1.00.
Life of Edward Norris Kirk, D.D.
By DAVID O. MEARS, D.D. A limited edition on large paper. 432 pages, 8vo, $2.50.
*Not of Man, but of God.
By REV. JACOB M. MANNING, D.D., pastor of the Old South Church, Boston. Invaluable and timely sermons on the evidences of Christianity, the ripe work of this eminent scholar and distinguished preacher. 12mo, extra cloth, $1.25.
Our Sabbath Evening.
By A.A. HOPKINS. square, 16mo, $1.25.
Prayer-Meeting and its Improvement (The).
By REV. LEWIS O. THOMPSON. It gives most wise and helpful suggestions. 16mo, $1.25.
Right to the Point.
From the writings of Theodore L. Cuyler, D.D. Selected by MARY STORRS HAYNES, with an introduction by REV. NEWMAN HALL, LL.B. Sixth volume of the Spare Minute Series, 12mo, $1.00.
Seven Words from the Cross.
By REV. WM. H. ADAMS. 12mo, $1.00.
By PROF. AUSTIN PHELPS, D.D. New edition, cloth extra, 60 cents. Dark Leatherette binding, gilt edges, $1.00. Seal grain leather, $1.50.
Story of the Manuscripts.
With fac-simile illustrations of the various New Testament Manuscripts. By REV. GEORGE E. MERRILL, 12mo, cloth, $1.00.
*Life of Oliver Wendell Holmes.
By E.E. BROWN, author of "Life of Washington," "Life of Garfield," etc. Aside from the interest attached to the name of the subject it is a biography of unusual merit. It has also the approval of Doctor Holmes, who has furnished the author with much valuable material. 12mo, $1.50.
*Life Of Charles XII. KING OF SWEDEN.
By M. DEVOLTAIRE. With portrait. 12mo, extra cloth, $1.50.
*Life of Nelson.
By ROBERT SOUTHEY. With illustrations by Birket Foster. Clear and concise; a manual for the young sailor, this book will interest all who admire the great naval hero. $1.50.
*Life of Paul.
By D.H. TAYLOR. A most readable as well as accurate presentation of the life of the illustrious Apostle. 12mo, cloth, illustrated, $1.50.
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By GRACE GREENWOOD. The author says n her preface, "I have long felt that the wonderful story of the life of the Queen of England—of her example as a daughter, wife and mother, and as the honored head of English society—could but have, if told simply, yet sympathetically, a happy and ennobling influence on the hearts and minds of my young country women." That she has fulfilled her task in the most graceful and fascinating manner all will admit who read the pages of this delightfully interesting life. 12 me, cloth, illustrated, $1.50.
* * * * *
By MRS. S.M.B. PIATT. Mrs. Piatt is acknowledged the poet of Motherhood and Childhood, and the sweetest and happiest of her verses lies between these two dainty covers. Small Quarto, illustrated, $1.00.
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Children's Etiquette.
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Double Masquerade (A).
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Hedge Fence (A).
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History of the United States in Rhyme.
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Side by Side.
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A holiday novelty, cut shape of butterfly, with twelve color designs by Miss L.B. Humphrey. This really original and charming novelty imitates in outside appearance a large, handsome tropic butterfly; but, on parting the wings, we find between, on a dozen leaves shaped like the wings, the gracefully told story—a prose poem in fact—of "Girl Goldie" and her strange adventures with the butterflies. Miss L.B. Humphrey, the popular illustrator and winner of the Prang's Christmas Card Prizes, has designed the wing covers and the twelve exquisite illustrations in colors. $1.25.
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* * * * *
AEsop's Fables.
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A book of rare excellence. One of the few in the great flood of books of travel that are worth reading. Fourth edition. 12mo, cloth, $1.50.
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Endless Chain (An).
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Vicar of Wakefield.
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* * * * *
Standard Editions of Standard Works.
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12 vols., popular edition, $15.00. 12 vols., standard edition, $18.00. 12 vols., half calf, $30.00.
* * * * *
No writer has achieved a more enviable reputation than "Pansy." Her style is unique, and the strong, healthy, natural spirit, breathed through all her writings, ennobles the mind—making the manly more strong, and the womanly more true.
AN ENDLESS CHAIN. One of the most attractive books on the lists for Sabbath school and family reading. 12mo, illustrated 1.50
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It was a friend that taught this wayward little girl to use these spectacles, and they proved a perfect blessing to her, and, step by step, led her up to a Christian life.—The Advance.
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Full of examples of love and self-denial, it teaches not only what one Christian woman may do, but how powerful is the influence of children for good if they are rightly taught.
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A story of Western life, illustrating the gradual separation of the good and bad elements as civilization advances, and the power of religion to unite and improve a community.—Rev. Dr. Rankin.
* * * * *
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It is just such a book as wide-awake and intelligent young people will never tire of, or nod over, and while they are entertained they will be lifted.—Boston Daily Journal.
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[Illustration: Verse inside the illustration:
Said Tom, "I've little time For luxuries like these; But get your lantern, Pussy Grey, And hurry about it, please, For I've found a door ajar, And I think our chances are Good for a bit of cheese."
"Ah, Tom," cried Pussy Grey, "I fear you're a wicked one! But wait, I'll light my lantern quick And put my ulster on!" The twirl of a furry paw Was all the firelight saw, And the thieving friends were gone.
Not the noise of one footfall Was made by their twice four, As they sped along in silent stealth And reached the dairy door. It was open the merest crack, And they pushed the hinges back, And crept along the floor.
From AEsop's Fables, Versified.]
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