"It's Arline then. She's been doing something. Yes, I remember now that I saw her out riding with Ward Kenwood only yesterday. Say, that dude has been saying something that wasn't true about you, Paul, I'd just wager anything. He's gone and poisoned her ears with a yarn. It'd be just like the sneak!"
"Just go slow, Jack. You're saying something that you can't prove. Of course I believe myself that Ward wouldn't stop at anything like that; but without the least proof I can't accuse him of it," Paul said, severely.
"But you could ask Arline?" his friend went on.
"Could I? Well, when a girl chooses to turn me down without a hearing, and even smiles when she drives past me in the company of a fellow she knows I detest, and whom she has often said she disliked, what then? Think I would so far forget myself as to get down on my knees, and beg her to take me back into favor? Bah!"
"Is it so bad as that then? Oh well, there are other girls just as pretty as Arline; and you've always been a great favorite with them, Paul; but hold on, why not let me try to straighten this thing out? You've helped me all right; and tit for tat is fair play."
"H'm! how do you think you could do anything, Jack? I don't suppose you'd care to go straight to her, and ask her point blank what I'd done to make her treat me so cruelly? I shouldn't think of allowing that at all?"
Paul tried to display an air of indifference; but it was poorly assumed; and his chum knew full well that he was much more pained at these strange actions on the part of Arline than he cared to admit.
"Oh! there are ways and ways. For instance, you know that Dorothy is one of the crowd of high school girls Arline goes with. Ward's sister Mazie is another; and that might account for her being at his house so much. Now, suppose you let me tell Dorothy. She'll keep it a dead secret, and in some way manage to get a confession. Say you will, Paul!"
"Have it your own way, old fellow. I'm just about ready to wash my hands of the whole business. Besides, I've really too many irons in the fire to be bothering over the silly notions of girls."
It was bravely put, but did not deceive Jack even a little bit; for he happened to know just how very fond his friend was of the particular girl in question.
"All right, then. Consider that settled, and I won't say any more about it until I can report progress," remarked the latter.
"Let's talk of other things than my poor affairs. You insisted on knowing; and wouldn't take no for an answer. Hello! there's Carlo asking to come in again. Shall I let him past the door, Jack?"
"Why, of course. This is his den as well as mine. I keep sugar on tap, so as to put him through some of his paces. Here Carlo, how's your sweet tooth coming on?" and Jack snapped his fingers in a peculiar way.
Immediately the educated dog squatted on his hind quarters, sat upright with his forepaws drooping appealingly, and waited, cocking his eyes in a humorous way at his young master, who had opened a drawer in his desk.
"Just one piece left. Somebody else likes sugar as well as Carlo, I guess. Well, here you are, now. On trust, boy, on trust!"
So saying he laid the piece of sugar upon the nose of the dog, balancing it so there could be no falling off.
Carlo, knowing what was expected of him, sat there like a drum major, quivering with eagerness, yet not daring to move as long as he failed to hear the command.
"Say, isn't he a sport, all right, Paul? Don't he sit up like a soldier? Look at his eyes fixed on me. Did you ever see such agony?"
Paul was laughing now.
"He's speaking with his eyes, and begging you not to stretch it out too far, Jack. Have a little mercy on the poor beggar. Look at his tongue coming out and reaching up. I think he just wants to taste that sugar. Give it to him now!"
"Well, Carlo knows that he can't expect to have anything on trust; but it's a different thing when it's paid for!"
With the last two words, spoken in a natural tone, Carlo became galvanized into sudden action. He had received the cue for which he was waiting so patiently. Immediately he made an upward spring; the lump of sugar was thrown into the air, and as it came down one quick snap secured it, after which there was a crunching of canine teeth, and a look of bliss appeared on Carlo's dog face.
"There's the supper gong. Come on down to the bathroom and wash up, Paul! And you come, too, old dog. No more sugar here; see, the drawer is empty. Carlo never comes up here without sniffing at that drawer, and looking at me knowingly. Go ahead, Paul, and I'll put out the lamp."
So they went downstairs, and after a while sought the dining room, where Paul met both parents of his chum, as well as a gentleman who was visiting Mr. Stormways.
"Mr. Jared Pender, an old schoolmate of mine, and with whom I made several voyages abroad years ago," said Mr. Stormways. "He is in the employ of the Government now, and has to make visits all over the country, you know."
Paul had once met a gentleman who was a post-office inspector, and somehow took it for granted that Mr. Pender might be engaged in some similar business; at any rate it concerned him not at all he concluded, just what the gentleman's private affairs might be, and he gave the subject little thought.
After supper the two boys once more ascended to the snuggery near the roof.
There was no further reference made to either the disappearance of the old coins, or Paul's little heart trouble with his girl chum.
They had a number of books loaned them by the good old minister and which were full of interesting facts connected with the wonderful Boy Scout movement, especially over in England, where it originated.
Paul was deeply interested in picking out all features that would appeal to American lads. Until they had found the right party to take the position of troop master he wished to play the part of scout leader in such fashion that no one could pick a flaw with his management.
Usually it is some adult to whom this important position is entrusted from the start; Paul, however, had long been known to be so deeply interested in many of the branches which concern life in the open, that his mates were only too glad to have him occupy the exalted position of leader for the time being.
When they knew as much as Paul did, they believed they would be well qualified to pass for a first-class scout's assignment.
So Paul, with the assistance of his comrade, was selecting many interesting competitions. By means of these the boys could be tested as to their knowledge of those things so important to the boy scouts.
He made many charts showing the different footprints of wild animals, as well as those of the domestic cat and dog. By following the tracks of a rabbit a most interesting as well as instructive story could be made out. It was possible just from the marks on the ground, or the snow, to tell how the animal had been frightened into wild flight, by what sort of enemy it had been pursued, where the swoop of owl or eagle had brought specks of blood upon the leaves or white snow, and finally the picked bones of poor bunny would reveal the secret of the windup of the chase.
So, in every case, the student of nature could weave a story out of the marks discovered. It was so in the days of the Indian, when old Leatherstocking and his long-barreled rifle were leading factors in the life of the wilds. Daniel Boone and his pioneers used to read such signs as easily as any boy might the pages of this book. And the deeper any lad dips into such fascinating studies the more he wants to learn.
When half past nine came Paul said he must be going.
"I've had a jolly evening of it, Jack, and enjoyed every minute with you. When we get the boys together again we can have half a dozen competitions going on at once," he said as he arose and stretched himself.
"That's so," replied the other, following suit; while even Carlo arched his broad back, and prepared to follow them downstairs; "and the best of this thing is that the more you go into it the greater it gets. I'm fairly wild to keep it up."
Just as the boys reached the lower floor the telephone bell rang, and Jack, being near, stepped over to the small table in the hall on which the receiver rested.
"Yes, sure, he's here. Hold the wire," Paul heard him say, as he smiled; and then turning to his friend Jack continued: "here, Paul, take hold. Somebody wants to talk with you. Says he called up your house, and they told him you were over at my home."
Paul of course wondered who could be wanting him so positively that he even followed him over to the Stormways house.
"Hello! hello!" he said, quietly.
"That you, Paul?"
"It's Bobolink, I guess," remarked Paul, for the benefit of his chum who stood by, listening curiously.
"That's right," continued the voice over the wire.
"What's doing to make you chase me up this way, Number Three?" Paul went on.
"That's the trouble; I just don't know for sure. But when I caught Ted's voice among the bunch I said to myself, they're up to no good; and I bet it's Paul they are laying for."
"Hey! what's that? Who's laying for me, and where?" demanded the startled boy.
"Listen, and I'll tell you all I learned. 'Taint much, but I know that critter so well that I wouldn't put it past him to try and knock you out, so that all our drilling in the woods would be upset, and his crowd get an advantage."
"Oh! bosh! What's this you're giving me, Bobolink?"
"Yes, I expected you'd say that. Think I'm stringing you, don't you, Paul? But I'm not, all the same. Listen again. Perhaps Ted and two of his cronies have gone and dressed up in some old Hallowe'en toggery until they look like a set of bears or hyenas just to frolic around a bit. Well, mebbe they have; but tell me just why they are hiding close to your place?" continued the talkative yet determined Bobolink.
"When did you see them?" demanded the other.
"Not more'n eight minutes ago, Paul. Was comin' home myself. Been over to Bluff's house to fix up some surprises we expect to play on all you fellers later on, and show you what we know about this scoutin' business. On the way home I turned in and passed your house. Often come that way, you know," and the speaker paused as if for breath, or to hear Paul admit the fact.
"Sure. Go on, you slow turtle. You've got me keyed up now to my top-notch curiosity. Give us the rest of the yarn," said Paul, eagerly.
"Yarn! H'm! there you go, making out I'm hatching up a story. But take my word for it, Paul, three fellers are hidin' in the bushes close to your place, and expectin' some one to pass along in the dark. They started to jump out at me, and then I heard Ted's voice growlin' to 'em to fade away, that it wasn't the right one. Thought I'd just ask you if you could explain what it meant. When your mother told me you was over with Jack I saw a light, and that's what."
"Well, I'm glad you told me, Bobolink. A good scout is always on the alert to do his comrade a clever turn; and I won't forget this. That all?"
"But now I've told you, Paul, aren't you goin' to slip around the back way, and let them fellers take it out waitin'? Three to one is too much. They'll do you up, and make out 'twas only horseplay. Please give 'em the slip, Paul. We need you in our business, you know."
"I'll see about it, Bobolink. Thanks, good-bye!" and Paul switched off.
"Well, what's all this about?" asked Jack, as his chum turned toward him, with a frown on his face, and a gleam in his eye that the other knew stood for grim determination.
"He says there are three fellows lying in wait in the bushes near my place, all rigged up in their Hallowe'en toggery; and that he believes they know I am over at your house. That's all," remarked Paul, with a little nervous laugh, and a clinching of his hands.
"Good gracious! you don't say; three of them waiting to pounce on you! Did he seem to know who they were?" asked Jack, looking worried.
"Well, you might guess that easy enough," replied Paul, scornfully.
"Ted Slavin and some of his ugly ducklings?"
"Bobolink says he recognized Ted's voice. And, I suppose my warm friend Ward is one of the others. He never loses a chance to get a dig in at me."
"I don't know," returned Jack, thoughtfully; "to tell the honest truth I hardly think he can be one of the bunch, because his sister took Arline home with her to supper; and I guess Ward couldn't be coaxed out while she is there."
Paul winced, but said nothing.
"Oh! well, it doesn't matter much after all. They're a lot of cowards, or else they wouldn't be concerned in such a low game. You can give them the slip by going around the back way," and Jack chuckled at the thought of those silly fellows waiting an hour or two for the expected victim who never came, and then going home in sheer disgust.
Paul shook his head.
"Now, that's just what Bobolink said, too; but I've made up my mind that I'm not going to sneak home, like a dog with his tail between his legs," he said, shutting his teeth hard together.
"You mean that you'll take the street that leads to the front of your house? Oh I well, they'll hardly tackle us when they see there are two," remarked Jack.
"And by that you mean you expect to go along. I won't let you do anything of the kind. Even if they allowed us to pass by, don't you think they'd be apt to take it out of you when you returned alone? No, I'm your superior officer, and I order you to stop right here where you belong; do you understand, Jack?"
"Well," grumbled Jack, shaking his head as if convinced against his will; "I know you too well to try and go up against you when your mind's made up; but just the same I think it's a mean shame that you won't let me walk home with you. Think if they did jump out at us what a jolly time we'd have handing 'em more than they expected."
"Give it up, old fellow. But I tell you what I can do. You remember that baseball bat of mine that's been lying over here so long? I'll carry it home now, and save you the trouble, thank you," nodded Paul.
"Bully! a good idea. Here it is behind the door. And Paul, don't spare the measly bunch; but whack 'em good and hard."
Paul walked down the street, swinging the baseball bat carelessly, and softly whistling to himself.
He left the street on which his chum's house fronted, and presently came to his own thoroughfare.
"H'm!" he said to himself, as he boldly turned in here; "looks kind of half dark for a fact; but that always suits fellows up to a mean dodge. I musn't hit too hard, for this is an awful tough old bat, that has brought me in more than a few home-runs. Well, it's helping me make one now," and he actually snickered at the conceit.
As he advanced he braced himself for the expected fray. Of old he knew Ted Slavin was a muscular fellow, capable of enforcing obedience from his slavish followers.
What was that? He certainly heard the sound of voices a little further along. And somehow one of them seemed to give Paul a strange feeling; for he was positive that it was a girl's tones; and he recognized them too!
Ward Kenwood was taking Arline home; and for some unknown reason chose to select this very street as a part of his route, although it was a little out of the way.
How strange that they should all come together just at that very identical spot, where the trio of ambushed boys were crouching, ready to spring out.
Ah! Paul caught sight of something moving close by. He felt sure that it must be the concealed fellows, launching their boom. Yes, now he could make out their figures as they emerged from the bushes on the jump.
Some one screamed. It must be Arline, frightened by the appearance of these ugly, uncouth forms dancing upon the pavement.
Instantly the greatest confusion existed, with the ambushers attacking Paul, to shout in consternation when he began to thump them heartily on the legs and backs with his baseball bat; and the girl standing there trying to shut out, with her clasped hands, the strange sight, seen so dimly in the half darkness.
The patter of feet down the street told only too well where her protector had gone; but he was valiantly calling lustily for help as he ran.
Met by such a determined opposition, overwhelmed by the shower of punches and whacks that seemed to be freighted with painful reminders; and startled by the cries of the fleeing Ward, not to mention the little shrieks of Arline, the three boys who had been the cause of all this excitement soon had enough.
"Skip out, fellers!" roared Ted, as he almost doubled up when the swinging bat came with considerable force against his ribs.
The others were only too willing to obey. Away they clattered after the fleeing Ward, who, hearing what he took to be a hot pursuit, let loose more vigorously than ever, still crying for assistance.
Paul was laughing now, for the comical side of the thing seemed to have occurred to him. He took out a match and struck it. As the light flamed up, Arline, who had by now ceased her cries of alarm, possibly guessing the truth, stared at the face of the victor.
"Oh! Paul! is it you?" she said; and somehow he seemed to understand that she was more than glad of the opportunity to make up with him.
Boylike he pretended to hold back, and as the light went out, leaving them once more in the gloom, he remarked:
"Yes, those fellows were lying in wait for me. They expected to give me a sound thumping; but I was warned and ready. I'm sorry that you were annoyed by the row, Miss Blair. I'll stay here with you until your company comes back. I think he must have gone for help!" this with some bitterness and scorn.
She moved closer to him. Possibly the darkness made her afraid; and then again some other cause may have influenced her.
Paul felt her hand on his arm, and was thrilled when she said:
"Please don't mention him to me again. Oh! what a miserable coward, to run off and leave a girl that way. Won't you take me home, Paul?"
He could not say anything for a minute, he was so overcome. And perhaps Arline thought he must still be angry because she had treated him so shabbily of late.
"Please, please do, Paul. I want to tell you how sorry I am for believing what came to me in a roundabout way. I'll never forgive myself, never!" she went on, clinging to his arms.
Paul could hold out no longer.
"Of course I will, Arline, and glad of the chance. Come on before anybody hurries out to see what all this noise means."
So they walked down the street together, Paul with his faithful bat tucked under one arm, and a pretty girl clinging, oh! so confidingly to the other.
But the boys of Stanhope often made more or less of a noise on the streets after dark, being filled with exurberant spirits; and so no one thought it worth while to investigate what all the racket meant.
Paul heard what had been carried to the ears of Arline, and had no trouble in proving to her complete satisfaction that he was entirely innocent of the charge.
"And to think that I allowed myself to believe it," said the girl, almost crying; "oh! Paul, will you ever forgive me? Nothing can ever make me listen to anything wrong about you again. I wonder if he had a hand in hatching that wretched story up. If I knew it I would tell him to his face what I thought of him!"
"You mean Ward. Please don't do that. I really can't believe any fellow would be so mean and low. It must have been just accident that coupled my name with that affair. But I'm satisfied if you say we're going to be just as good friends as ever," Paul said, warmly.
"Better than ever, I hope, Paul. I've had my lesson. It will never happen again, I promise you," she answered, pressing his arm as she spoke.
So Paul saw her safely to her door, and then said good-night; but Arline insisted upon shaking hands with him; and the tingle of his fingers as he walked down the street made him laugh with joy.
"What luck!" he kept saying to himself, as he made out to shake his own hand; "and what a mess of it Ward made of his chances. He thought to have the laugh on me if we met, and here the shoe is on the other foot. Oh! I'm not complaining a little bit. Everything's coming my way now."
Nothing further happened on his way home. But when he reached the house his father met him with the announcement that Jack was holding the wire, and waiting for him.
"On deck there!" he said, briskly, and heard an exclamation of relief.
"How is it, Paul? Anything doing? Seemed to me I heard an awful racket over your way; but the nine-forty train was just coming in at the station, and drowned it out. Did they tackle you, son?" demanded Jack, eagerly.
"Did they? Well, I guess some! Ask Ted," chuckled the one addressed.
"You're laughing, and that tells me you enjoyed the circus. What did you do to poor old Ted and his cronies, Paul?" entreated the other.
"I could tell you easier what I didn't do to 'em, Jack. I gave the boys about every style of punch and jab I could think of, and with my home-run bat too. Oh! make up your mind they're going to be a sore lot in the morning. And if you run up against Ted, just sniff the air for arnica. My word for it, he'll empty the bottle to-night on his bruises."
"Bully! bully! and again bully! I would have rushed to assist you only you made me promise to keep my hands off; and you're my superior officer, you see. Besides, I reckoned that with such a hunky-dory bat you'd be able to give just pie, which you did, Paul."
"But the half hasn't been told yet," went on the narrator.
"What! do you mean there's a sequel to this story?" asked Jack, burning with eagerness apparently, to hear.
"I guess that's what it is. Listen. Ward was just taking a young lady home. He chose to pass along our street, though now he wishes he hadn't; for they arrived just when Ted and his backers jumped out of the bushes. She screamed, and her escort sprinted down the street for help. After I had punched and pounded the three Hallowe'en left-overs from last year until they faded away, I had the pleasure of seeing the young lady to her door, yum! yum!"
"Hurrah! and I bet all differences are patched up again between you!" cried Jack.
"Everything is lovely, and the goose hangs high," sang Paul.
"Meaning poor old blundering Ward. He showed himself for a coward to the girl he's sweet on. Oh! my, oh! me, how is the mighty fallen. Congratulations, good friend, and then more of them. So the clouds have disappeared along your horizon, just as they did on mine. I only wish I'd had a hand in clearing your skies."
"So you did. You kept that baseball bat of mine until the right minute came. Only for that my name might have been mud," laughed Paul.
"And if you'd only open your heart now, and give me a hint about the fellow you believe has been playing that trick on me with my old coins—"
"Just you wait a little. It's coming soon. So-long!" and with a click the connection was cut off.
"How are you, Paul?"
It was Mr. Jared Pender who came out of the post-office as Paul happened to be passing the next day, and addressed the boy he had met on the preceding evening at the house of the Stormways.
"Why, how do you do, Mr. Pender? Been at work, I see," replied Paul, with a suggestive look in the direction of the post-office.
The tall dark gentleman looked a little perplexed, and followed Paul's glance. Then an expression of understanding passed over his face.
"Ah! yes, I see, you are a good guesser, Paul. But please do not mention the fact to any one. We Government officials sometimes have to work sub rosa, as the saying is; that means without any one knowing what we are at. You understand, Paul?"
"Yes, sir, I guess I do; but I hope there's nothing wrong here at our post-office. We all think the world of Mr. Mygatt, and his clerks," said Paul.
"Oh! don't mention such a thing. We have to investigate many times just to discover how smoothly things are going on. Isn't that Jack's dog coming out with a package of papers in his mouth? Has he actually been down for the mail?" went on the gentleman.
"That's Carlo, all right. Sometimes they give him the mail when there are no letters, as you see."
"And will he carry the bundles home safely, without stopping to play with other dogs, or to fight?"
"Oh! Carlo knows his duty. He never forgets what is expected of him. There, sir, look at him halting for a minute at the open door of the butcher shop, to wag his tail, and peep in. It smells mighty inviting to him, I wager; but will he go in? Not much. See, there he goes along, heading straight for home. If another dog picked a fight with him, Carlo would lay that package down, give the cur a good licking, then pick the papers up again, and trot along."
"I see you know his traits well, Paul," remarked the gentleman, smiling.
"Some of them, but not all. He's a great dog, all right, and Jack's fond of him."
"I suppose money couldn't buy him, then?" suggested Mr. Pender.
"It would be useless to try it, sir, I think. Will you stay long with Mr. Stormways?"
"That I cannot say. My business may be completed in a day, and it may keep me in this vicinity for a week. That depends on circumstances. You have been around more or less, Paul; do you happen to remember seeing a large red touring car, with a khaki-colored cover, and occupied by two men, one of whom has a glass eye?"
Paul stared at the tall gentleman, as though he thought at first the other might be joking him; but seeing not a ripple of a smile on the dark face, he changed his mind.
"Why, no, sir; I can't seem to remember seeing that particular car. Of course red ones are common; but most of them have black tops, if any at all. Some friends of yours, Mr. Pender?" he remarked, naturally.
The gentleman allowed just a twinkle to appear in the corners of his eyes as he nodded his head, and said:
"Well, er—yes, very particular friends of mine, Paul, and whom I would be glad to see again right now. If you happen to sight such a machine, and I am still at my old friend, Stormways, I wish you would let me know about it."
"I certainly will, sir; and perhaps you'd like me to speak to the gentlemen, and tell them how anxious you are to see them?" Paul went on; at which the other gave a laugh.
"I see you are on to me, my boy. You guess that such is the very last thing I would want you to do. Now, I'm going to take you into my confidence, Paul," he went on, bending his head lower, and giving a quick glance around.
"Yes, sir; that's very kind of you, Mr. Pender," said the lad, smiling.
"Oh! I don't know. I have an axe to grind in doing so; for I believe that you can be of assistance to me. The two men in that motor car are criminals, for whose capture I have come to this part of the country, Paul."
"Goodness! that sounds interesting, sir. What have they been doing?" asked the young scout leader, with boyish curiosity brimming over.
"I won't tell you that, Paul; but they are wanted by the Government. And sometimes we agents have to go about our business with great caution, in order to discover enough evidence on the suspects to convict. So, above all things, I do not wish to alarm these clever gentlemen unduly, lest they manage to hide, or get rid of the only burden of proof. In other words, as a common expression has it, I want to get them with the goods on. You understand?"
"Yes, sir; I think I do. And if I see or hear anything about that red car, I'll tell you. But is it true that you and Jack's father were chums long ago?"
"That's the positive truth, my boy," replied the agent, nodding; "why, we took several voyages together, and had lots of queer adventures. I never dreamed that my wild old friend Alan would settle down to this humdrum life, as a lumber merchant, and the head of a family. But I suppose it all came of his meeting a girl. And after knowing his fine wife I don't blame him a bit; though I've kept right along in the same old groove, and see more or less of adventure."
"He's a mighty fine man, and they think lots of him here," declared Paul, who was amazed to learn that his chum's parent could have, once upon a time, been reckoned a wild blade.
Paul walked on with his lips puckered up as if whistling, and his face filled with the new interest that had taken possession of him.
He had read accounts in the papers of Boy Scouts being concerned in many useful enterprises; and he wondered whether he and his patrol might not find a chance to assist the officers of justice in rounding up a couple of rogues who had apparently broken the laws of the land.
Then other things came up to draw his attention elsewhere.
He ran across boys on the street, who asked dozens of questions about the many interesting features of the new organization.
These were often lads who had begun to think of uniting with one of the rival troops; and Paul was only too glad to give them all the information in his power.
They wanted more recruits, provided the applicants were of the right sort. Those their committee rejected might find solace in joining forces with Ted's crowd, who, not being at all particular, would receive them with open arms.
That afternoon there was another meeting in the woods, at which every member of Stanhope Troop No 1, as they now determined to call their organization, did his best to be present.
Paul had given several of the boys duties to perform, that were part and parcel of the grand scheme to whip his company into first-class shape in a shorter time than it had taken any other troop.
Reports were received and filed of numerous things done which would count in the final summing up. These were to be accompanied by vouchers from the persons interested, which could be filed away for inspection when the committee appointed by the giver of the fine banner looked through the records of the several patrols competing for the prize.
Andy Flinn and Philip Towns reported that they had cleaned up the beautiful green in front of the town high school, and which was generally known as the campus. It was kept mowed by the town authorities; but numerous scraps of paper and trash, blowing hither and thither in the wind, gave it an unsightly appearance.
"Never forget that you have taken our campus under your protecting care, Numbers Three and Four of the Gray Fox patrol," said the head scout, after reading the report; "of course it is always your privilege to enlist smaller boys in the job, if you can do so without actually hiring them. That is expressly forbidden."
Then came Wallace Carberry and Tom Betts, telling how they had started a crusade to cover the entire town with receptacles to contain stray rubbish. Half a dozen cans had already been ordered, each one of which was to have in startling red letters the significant picture of a staring eye, and followed by the words, "Eat Trash!"
"We've got a contribution box ready, and every scout is privileged to drop in pennies and nickels that he has earned. No others accepted; and no larger amount at one time from any boy desired. Have already enough to pay for two of the cans; and hope to increase the order soon!"
Cheers greeted this announcement. Others, who had heard about the good work being started by Numbers Seven and Eight of the Red Fox patrol, arose to announce that their mothers had promised to throw all sorts of opportunities for earning money in their way, if it was to be devoted to such a fine purpose.
"The Women's Club is to bring this thing up at its next meeting. My mother says it shames them to know that the boys of the town are taking such a leading part in cleaning it up," said Bobolink, when he found an opening.
"Who's next to report?" asked Jack, who had charge of this end of the meeting; while the "honorable secretary" made notes, and filed away the various papers submitted.
Immediately all eyes were turned toward Bobolink and Bluff, which team was known as Three and Four.
Bluff started to rise, when a groan greeted him; but he was not dismayed.
"Our r-r-report will be d-d-delivered b-b-by my c-c-confederate!" he simply said, and subsided with a grin, as though he thought he had hoodwinked his friends.
Bobolink arose slowly. When he chose he could be very tantalizing; though in an emergency none might excel him in speedy action. But when he had something to tell that he knew was being eagerly awaited, he liked to keep his chums in suspense just as long as he dared.
Immediately all sounds died away. Every one seemed to know that Numbers Three and Four had been delegated to attempt an actual scouting trip that morning, into a hostile territory, so as to learn what progress a rival camp was making in the various degrees of efficiency.
They had already heard about Manchester, and a few believed that they would have little difficulty in excelling that town when it came down to an actual test.
With Aldine it was different. From all sources had come hints to the effect that the troop in that town was working most faithfully, with an eye on that coveted banner. And every scout in Paul's patrol felt wild to know how much truth there might be in these reports.
"Hurry up, old molasses! Winter's coming."
"Hit up the pace, won't you, please, Bobby?"
Bobolink grinned. This was apparently just what he liked. When, however, he saw a restless movement among some of the more impatient, as though they were stooping down to gather chips to shy at him, he knew the time had come to open those sphinx-like lips, and speak.
"Mr. Chairman, ladies and gentlemen," he began, when a roar interrupted him, so that he pretended to hastily remedy his error—"I mean just gentlemen; I have the honor to report that your committee waited on the brothers of the Aldine troop, though unbeknown to their keenest scouts, and watched the entire operations at their called meeting this morning."
"Good! Fine! Keep it up, Old Leatherstocking!"
"We learned that they are working like mad to excel in all the arts that interest the scouting fraternity. Competitions were being run off in every branch of the woodcraft business. We saw fires started, camps made, trails followed, boats mended, fish flies tied, rods that had been made by single members; we heard of all sorts of clever things that were being done in Aldine that would give the troop marks in the grand round-up. We listened to splendid speeches from the really efficient scout master, and our hearts warmed within us toward the gallant foe against whom we must soon be pitted; just as our bones ached because we had to squat there high up in that tree over their camp, like a couple of roosting monkeys."
"Hear! hear! Bully for our monkeys! They're all to the good!" shouted some of the more demonstrative boys, waving their hats wildly.
Bobolink stopped to give a few melancholy dabs at his thighs, just as though they still ached from the long service in the tree; while Bluff managed to emit a series of sympathetic groans.
Then the orator took up his theme again; and when Bobolink chose he could even run Wallace Carberry a warm race on the school rostrum.
"Some people might think that it was hardly fair in us to spy on our rivals; but we are running our troop under strictly military rules. It's always fair to try and find out what you are going to be up against when entering a competition. We are badly handicapped, because both of these other troops in the county have been working all summer; and we've got to come up from behind in our attempt to capture the prize. That's right, isn't it, fellows?"
"Sure! We only want to know if they're going to make a big fight; or whether they expect to have a walk-over. Besides, I happen to know that there was a Bald Eagle from Aldine watching us work yesterday. He had a field glass, and was hidden where he could see all that went on."
It was Jud Elderkin who made this astonishing declaration; and what he said created quite a stir among the assembled scouts.
"All right. We didn't go there expecting to steal any of their thunder, fellows," said Bobolink.
"Of course not," asserted the nearest scouts.
"Well, how did you find it?" demanded William.
"I didn't see that they had anything on us. Of course they did lots of things better, because they've had a heap more experience; but there's time between now and Thanksgiving for the scouts of the Stanhope troop to get a move on, and shake all rivals out of their boots. That's all," and Bobolink made a sudden duck to get out of the lime-light.
"Hurrah! Well done, Three and Four of the Red Fox patrol! Whenever we've got any more climbing to do, we know where to get the monkeys!" cried William, with a mock bow in the direction of the blushing Bluff, and the grinning Bobolink.
"I congratulate the scouts on the way they carried out their mission. It was worthy of the annals of Cooper. May I ask how they learned just where the camp of the Aldine Troop was to be pitched?" asked Paul.
Bluff was no longer to be repressed; but sprang erect.
"I d-d-discovered that they always w-w-went to a p-p-particular p-p-place; and w-w-when we s-s-saw that noble tree, why, we j-j-just l-l-looked at each other, and s-s-shook hands. Then we c-c-climbed up before the f-f-first eagle f-f-flew that way. T-t-thank you gentlemen f-f-for your k-k-kind attention."
"Wow! he got that in pat, all right. When Bluff makes up his mind to hustle he can beat the band. I move a vote of thanks to these most efficient scouts," said Wallace, pushing forward.
They were given with a will; after which other reports came to show what was being accomplished in numerous lines.
The troop photographers produced their prints, which were passed around for examination, and brought forth an abundance of good words. To see themselves in the new suits of khaki made many a fellow's heart thrill with pride.
"We must have a meeting every day up to the beginning of school," declared the acting scout master, finally; "for these busy Eagles have stolen a march on us while we slept; and we've just got to hustle now to catch up."
"But we've got some mighty fine things to our credit already, and don't you forget it, boys. I haven't heard of a horse being stopped, and a child's life saved over in Aldine or Manchester," declared Wallace, with a proud glance toward Paul.
"Or any account of the rival troops attending a fire in a body, and working to beat the band until their new uniforms were next to ruined," spoke up Nuthin'.
"I guess the boys of Manchester must feel pretty small when they listen to the story of how a Red Fox scout walked right into a burning building, and snatched up a baby that had been forgotten; hey, how about that, fellers?" shouted William, pointing his finger at Jack.
"We're hitting up the pace. We're going strong, and bound to make things hustle right up to Thanksgiving Day! Every fellow do his level best to bring that banner home to Stanhope!" cried Jud Elderkin.
"We can do it!" yelled half a dozen in chorus.
"Why, its easy money, boys. Just organized, and not a second class scout in the troop yet, but look at what we've done. Give us a little time, and we're going to make the Beavers and Bald Eagles, and all the rest of 'em, sit up and take notice!" avowed Nuthin'.
"And wait until you hear the inspiring sound of my bugle, which I expect to have at the next meeting," said Bobolink, proudly.
"Huh! that won't h-h-hold a c-c-candle to my d-d-drum!" declared Bluff, waving his arms wildly, as though he could already imagine the great fun in store when that instrument came to hand.
And so the meeting broke up, with the scouts disbanding for the day. Some lingered to try once more the various stunts that interested them most. It seemed as if every fellow's heart might be wrapped up in the desire to win that coveted trophy, and bring the banner to his home town.
Strange to say there had not been a single mention of the other Stanhope organization. None of them believed that Ted and Ward would be able to make the least show in the competition. They knew the habits of these fellows only too well. As a rule, they never won, save through trickery; and in the eyes of the committee appointed by the donor of the banner, anything that smacked of double dealing would be rigidly barred from the game.
Paul and Jack, as usual, walked home together, arm in arm.
As the recognized leaders in the movement that had so lately struck the boys of Stanhope, they must always have much to talk over.
Besides that, they had their own personal affairs to discuss.
"Well," said Jack, finally, when they found that they were alone, the nearest comrades being far behind on the road; "the four coins are still there in the snug little box, Paul."
His companion looked quickly at him.
"You carried out my suggestion then?" he asked.
"Yes. The door has been closed and locked all day. Even the window was shut down and fastened," replied Jack.
"That made the little den as tight as a drum, eh?" laughed his chum.
"I should say it did. If any one got in there to-day he would have to slip through the keyhole," came from Jack.
"Unless he happened to have a duplicate key," Paul went on, seriously. "And since you found the four coins there that could hardly have happened. Sure you counted four, are you?"
"That's positive," returned his companion; "but to tell the truth I did get a little scare. At first I counted only three."
"But you found the fourth all right, Jack?"
"Oh! yes," replied the other. "It was gummed fast to the side of the box. I had to scrape it off before I put it back. But when do you mean to tell me what you know about this strange affair, Paul?"
"I guess to-morrow," answered his chum.
"Bully for you. I'll be glad to get it off my mind. What do you want me to do, Paul, in the meantime?"
"Nothing," came the ready response.
"Shall I leave the den shut up as it is, then?" demanded Jack.
"Until I see you in the morning, yes," laughed Paul. "Don't be surprised if I pop in on you unexpectedly. Perhaps I may not want any one to see me go in your house, and so I might come by the back door."
Jack looked at him in a whimsical way and shook his head.
"You've got me guessing, all right, my boy," he declared.
Paul instantly changed the subject, after a way he had.
"The boys are getting on fine in that water boiling test, aren't they? Four had it in nine minutes, and Wallace beat his own record by nearly half a minute. That is going to be one thing Stanhope must excel in," he said.
"Yes," remarked Jack, falling in readily enough with his companion's desire to "talk shop," "and those photographs couldn't well be beaten. What a lot of new and interesting facts some of the trackers have dug out of the trails they followed. The papers read fine. Paul, I really begin to believe we're going to make a strong bid for that banner."
Paul did not reply, and on Jack turning his head to ascertain why, he found his chum staring at a red automobile that had just whizzed past!
It had a khaki-colored top!
"What's the matter with you, Paul?"
Jack asked this question, for of course he could not understand why his chum should take such a deep interest in any automobile that passed them on the road.
"Did you happen to see inside that red car as it went by?" asked Paul, turning eagerly on his friend.
"Why, er—yes, I did chance to be looking over your shoulders just then; I was a little afraid the wheels might graze you," admitted Jack.
"Do you know the machine, then?" asked the other, in some suspense.
"Don't believe I ever saw it before; but then, what of that? Don't dozens pass along here every day, that come up from the city? It's common to see a strange car, even if it has got a khaki-colored top, instead of a plain black one. Hey, Paul! what ails you?" demanded Jack.
"It wasn't Colonel Strange, was it?" asked the other; for the gentleman mentioned happened to possess a red auto.
"Of course it wasn't, because his car has a black top; and besides, neither of the two men was the fat colonel," replied Jack, immediately.
Paul had learned something already.
"Then there were two men in it, you say?" he went on, casually, as though much of his interest had abated.
"Yes, and one of them was staring at me to beat the band. Perhaps he has lost a boy, and thinks I look like him. Don't let him kidnap me, will you, Paul?" went on Jack with pretended anxiety, as he clung to his companion's arm.
"Say, look there, the car's stopped. I believe they're waiting for us!" declared Paul, in some excitement.
"Well, that's what gave me such a scare, you see. That's why I'm shaking all over, Paul. But in union there is strength; and I'm going to hang on to you, if he tries to coax me to get aboard. I'm not in the long lost class."
"Oh! come along, and let's see what they want. He's leaning over the top now, and keeps beckoning to us."
Paul started on a run. He could feel his heart beating very hard; indeed it was strange, he thought, that his companion did not hear it pounding away, and make some sort of remark.
The chance that he had been hoping for seemed to be within his grasp. Not only had he discovered a car that answered the description of the one mentioned by Mr. Pender; but the occupants were plainly desirous of obtaining information of some sort, and had selected him and Jack as the ones most likely to give it.
As he hurried on, he tried to control himself. It would never do to show more than natural curiosity in his actions. If these two men were the ones the gentleman stopping at Jack's house wanted to find, they must be smart enough to read his secret, unless he took warning.
No sooner had he come abreast of the car than looking up he found himself staring into the dark face of a man who had a cruel look about him. What thrilled Paul, however, was the fact that one of his eyes was undoubtedly artificial. He had guessed this fact when Jack stated that the party stared so at him.
All doubt was gone now, and he understood that by the strangest of luck he had come upon the parties for whom Mr. Pender was searching. The official must have known that they were headed this way for some purpose or other.
"Live around here, bub?" asked the man with the glass eye, as he looked piercingly at Paul.
"Yes, sir; in Stanhope," replied the boy, surprised himself to find how steady his voice turned out to be under the trying circumstances.
"How far ahead is that place?" continued the man.
"About half a mile, sir. You can see the steeple of the Methodist church after you turn that bend ahead," and Paul pointed with a steady finger.
"Huh! I wonder now if either of you happen to know a Mr. Solus Smithers?" and as he put the question the man shot a quick glance toward his companion; at which the shorter party nodded his big head, and grinned approvingly.
Paul turned to his chum.
"Say, Jack, isn't that the name of the man who took the old Grimes farm up at the milldam?" he asked, though he knew positively that it was so.
"Smithers—why, yes, I reckon it is. Is he a tall man, with a hooked nose; and does he dip snuff?" queried Jack, innocently enough.
"That's Solus to a dot. You see, boys, he's from North Caroliny, where even the wimmen use snuff, only they rub it on their teeth with a stick. Now, mebbe one of you boys would be so obligin' as to direct us to the shortest way to where this old mill stands," continued the man with the bogus orb.
"I guess the quickest way to get there is to drive through Stanhope, and pick up the Deerfield road on the other side. It's only a few miles off; but the road turns lots of times to avoid the hills."
Paul noted that the taller man seemed to invariably look to his companion for support. It was as though they worked in common, and neither wished to become responsible for action without the other's assent.
After an interchange of low words, which the boys did not catch, the spokesman once more turned around. He held a silver half dollar in his hand.
"Here's something for your trouble, boys. But look here, ain't there another way to get to that old abandoned mill without going through the town? To tell you the truth we lost our number away back, and might get hauled up because we can't show a tag on the back of the car."
Paul had already noticed this significant fact. It is the business of a scout to take note of even trifles. One of the tests of memory is to look in at a store window for just one full minute; and then, going away, make out as complete a list of articles it contained as is possible.
And still, he did not believe that this was the true reason these men disliked passing through Stanhope if it could be avoided. Perhaps they had some suspicion that Mr. Pender was visiting there; and did not want to take chances of his meeting them face to face.
"Sure there is," broke in Jack, who saw no reason why he should not believe the artful excuse given; for Jack did not know all his chum had learned about these parties; "after you pass the bend yonder, just turn to the left. You can't miss the road, for its got a big maple tree right at the junction. We call that the Grapevine Road, because it twists and turns so; but it will fetch you out right at the old dam, mister."
Many a time had Jack himself walked along that same winding path when coming home with a string of bass, taken in the mill pond. It was longer, to be sure, but there were some fine apple trees on the way; and the walk through the dense woods was so much more enjoyable on a hot summer day than the open stretch that marked the other route.
The man flipped the coin in the air, and as it fell at Paul's feet he felt constrained to stoop and pick it up. To do anything else might have aroused the suspicions of the man who stared. And at the worst it meant another contribution toward the various funds which the boys were raising for many purposes.
Boys as a rule have little objection about receiving "tainted money." And while Paul understood that these men had been breaking some of the laws of the land, he was not supposed to know the particular way in which their money had been gained.
"Much obliged for the information, boys; and please don't report us in town as being short a license tag. We'll get a new one just as quick as we can. So-long!"
As the shorter fellow started the machine his companion waved his hand at the two chums on the road, both of whom of course returned the salute.
Jack watched his friend out of the corner of his eye as they walked on. Perhaps he was entertaining a dim suspicion that Paul might be keeping something from him.
But he asked no questions; and the other volunteered no information. A scout is supposed to know when to hold his tongue, especially when in the company of his superior officer; and so Jack let the matter drop.
"See, they've turned in, all right, Paul," he said, as he pointed to the broad marks of heavy tires leaving the main road, and passing under the spreading maple that stood at the junction with the Grapevine.
"That's so," returned Paul, apparently not in the least interested; and yet as they continued to walk briskly toward home he frequently turned a wistful look over his left shoulder, as in fancy his thoughts followed those two strangers up to the old farmhouse at the mill pond.
Who was this Solus Smithers? Could he be in league with these two men whom the Government expert was sent to watch? Paul remembered that he had heard several people talking about the man and his ways. He seemed to have plenty of money, yet he made no effort to farm the place he had rented that summer.
As soon as they reached town he started to accompany his chum home, hoping to have an opportunity to see Mr. Pender in secret.
Catching sight of that gentleman walking down for the evening mail, he made some excuse and broke away from Jack; who looked after him in bewilderment, grieved because Paul, for once, seemed to be keeping some secret from him.
Mr. Pender presently came out of the post-office. He had a letter in his hand, and was apparently much displeased at what it had contained.
"Why, hello! Paul, my boy! Glad to see you. How is the patrol coming on? Some day you must allow me to watch your manoeuvers up there in the woods. I'm deeply interested in all such goings-on, you know," he said, shaking hands, heartily.
"Yes, sir; I'll ask the boys for permission to invite you," began Paul.
"Were you looking for me, my boy?" asked the other suddenly, his keen eyes having doubtless detected something in the manner of the young scout master that gave him his idea.
"Yes, sir, I was," replied the one addressed.
"I wonder now if, on the top of bad news from Washington, you could be about to bring me new hope. Have you learned anything you want to tell me, Paul?"
"I've seen that red auto, and talked with the gentleman who has the glass eye!" said the boy, trying in vain to keep his eager voice from trembling with excitement.
Mr. Pender swooped down and seized Paul's hand, which he squeezed so heartily that he almost made the tears come to the boy's eyes.
"That sounds good to me, my boy. Please tell me about it. Where was it at the time? And do you think it can have gone beyond Stanhope? I hope you didn't give the gentleman any idea that you had ever heard a word about him or his car?"
"Oh! I give you my word, sir, that they never dreamed I knew a thing about them. A scout has to learn how to keep his feelings in check, you see, Mr. Pender. I acted just as naturally as Jack did; and he knew nothing."
"Well, tell me about it now, please."
Stopping at the corner, Paul started in to relate all the incidents connected with that meeting on the road. The gentleman hung upon every word. He certainly looked pleased, and Paul realized that he had done something worth while. To his credit be it said that never once had he entertained the thought of receiving any sort of reward for his services.
"All this is of the greatest importance to me, my boy. I am frank to tell you that the successful capture of those two men you have so ably described, thanks to your scout training, will mean much to me. And depend upon it, if success rewards my efforts, I shall certainly remember that you gave me very valuable assistance in the undertaking."
"Then you think I might have a reward, don't you, Mr. Pender?" he said.
"I most positively do, and right now and here I'm willing to promise you—"
"Wait a little, Mr. Pender. There's only one thing you could do to pay me for the little assistance I have been to you. Some time later on, after you get back to Washington, write me a letter on your official paper, stating just what aid the Boy Scouts of the Red Fox patrol were to you in furthering the ends of justice. That's all any of us could accept, sir."
"By Jove! I'm proud to know such boys, and proud to shake hands with the fine scout leader at their head!" exclaimed the Government representative, as he cordially thrust out his digits.
But "once bit, twice shy"; and Paul shook his head as he caressed his fingers.
"Excuse me, won't you, Mr. Pender; but once at a time is enough. I expect to have a lot of use for my right hand to-night, sir," he laughed.
"Oh! pardon me, my dear boy!" cried the other, "I was forgetting that it wasn't the hand of a tiller of the soil I squeezed. I'll be more careful next time. But your news was so unexpected, coming at a moment when I had received some depressing information by mail, that I quite forgot myself. Please continue to keep these facts to yourself for a little while longer, Paul."
"Yes, sir; until you give me leave to speak I won't tell anybody, not even my own folks at home. And if we are so fortunate as to get that letter from you, Stanhope Troop will have a big advantage over other competitors. You know, sir, we are competing for an elegant banner; and the other patrols have been working all summer; so that we've just got to get busy if we hope to have a show in."
"I don't care if they've been going along a year, I'd be willing to wager that Stanhope will win the prize. That shows what faith I put in the leader of the Red Fox patrol. Nothing is going to ever hold you back. I can see the spirit glowing right now in your eyes," and Mr. Pender nodded his head wisely as he said this.
Paul turned red under the praise.
Mr. Pender was apparently anxious to know all he could about the place around the abandoned mill.
"Have you seen this party named Solus Smithers?" he asked, presently, as they walked slowly on in company.
"Yes, sir; several times. He's a very tall and thin man, with a face I never liked. He's driven some of us boys away from the mill pond this last summer. We have always fished there, and nobody ever said a word; but he acted as if he had an idea some of us would steal his old house. He even brought out a gun once, and warned three fellows off. After a while no one cared to go up there. Some of the boys even said they believed the old man was daffy, and that he might shoot if anybody made him real mad."
"Oh! yes; I see; and he didn't want trespassers on his farm, eh? Does the mill pond stand on the ground he's rented?" asked the gentleman.
"Oh! yes, and all the ground around there. It must cover four hundred acres, but most of it is in woodland, you see, sir," replied Paul, promptly.
"Can you tell me what Smithers looks like, Paul?"
"He's very tall, stoops quite a lot, uses snuff like they do down in North Carolina, and has small blue eyes and a queer nose. Some of the boys say it looks as if it had been broken. That man in the red car knew it when Jack called it a hooked nose, sir."
Mr. Pender slapped his thigh as though in great glee.
"Well, this is great luck, sure enough. From your description I believe that I know this Mr. Solus Smithers, though that isn't his name at all. It keeps on getting better and better, the deeper I grub. And if all turns out well, I shall owe you a heavy debt, my dear boy."
"Make it up in that letter then, sir. The stronger the better. And if you happen to need any further assistance don't hesitate to call on us. We've got some dandy trackers in the Red Fox patrol; and it would have to be a pretty smart fellow to pull the wool over their eyes, sir."
"Good for you, Paul," said the gentleman, warmly; "always ready to sound the trumpet for your comrades; but if the truth were told I reckon I'd find the scout leader at the top of the bunch when it came to a knowledge of woodcraft."
"Please don't, sir," pleaded Paul.
"Jack has been confiding to me all about how you've always been deeply interested in outdoor life," went on Mr. Pender; "but as you have told me all you know about this red car that has gone along the Grapevine Road, headed for the old mill pond, I believe I'll have to leave you. Take my hand, won't you, Paul? I promise to be good, and not put on pressure, though my heart is very warm toward you, lad."
So Mr. Pender hurried away.
Paul turned back. He had noticed an air of unusual excitement inside the post-office, and his curiosity was stirred. While Mr. Pender and his strange mission was in the foreground, of course, he had been able to pay little attention to anything else; but now that this was shelved he could not resist the inclination to return, and ask what made the people stand around in knots as though exchanging views.
He discovered Ted Slavin and three of his friends jabbering away just inside the door, and heard one of them exclaim:
"Course we will go along; it'd be a big feather in our cap, fellers, if we'd be the ones to bring him back."
"Yes, send out word for the boys to get together, Ted. We'll show 'em what we fellers that has hunted since we was knee high, know about follerin' a trail!" another remarked.
"Let up, you; d'ye want to give the whole snap away? See who's here!" whispered Ted; but in such a hoarse tone of voice that Paul could not help hearing.
Of course his curiosity was still further aroused. Whatever could have happened in quiet Stanhope, to cause all this gathering of people, and such earnest consultations?
He saw Chief Billings, who was in charge of the police force in the town, leaving the post-office, and noted that a large delegation trailed after him.
Could it be possible that the local authorities had in some manner become aware of the fact that law breakers were abroad in the land? Was Mr. Jared Pender, the Government expert, about to have rivals in the field? When those cronies of Ted spoke of following a trail could they have had any reference to the track of the wonderful red automobile with the khaki-colored top; and occupied by the two parties whom Mr. Pender wished to catch, as he said, "with the goods on?"
Paul hoped not. It would complicate things very much; and in the confusion the rascals might manage to slip away. Paul had known Chief Billings to undertake a clever piece of business before now; but never succeed in accomplishing one.
Some one banged into him as he turned a corner in the building.
"Why, hello! Paul, that you?" said a voice.
It was Si Growdy, who claimed to be a nephew of old Peleg, but who had never been known to be recognized by the crusty old farmer. He clerked in one of the general stores, of which Stanhope boasted several big ones, where everything, from a package of pins to a coffin could be purchased.
"What's all the row about, Si?" demanded the acting scout master, as he seized hold of the clerk, to head him off; for Si seemed to be in a hurry as usual; he worked for a man who was a driver, and had to give an account of every minute of his time.
"Ain't you heard nawthin' about it, Paul? Where you ben all this afternoon?" was the way the clerk answered one question with another.
"Up in the woods with the scouts, doing stunts. But tell me what's gone wrong? Another robbery at the jewelry store; or has some one sneaked away with one of the coffins your house carries?" pursued Paul.
"If anybody ever got off with a pin that didn't belong to 'em at our emporium, the fact ain't never been known. I've seen the boss chargin' customers with the cracker they eat when samplin'. We got orders to make light weight if they buy. But about this rumpus; they's a child lost!" said Si.
"Who's child?" asked Paul, instantly deeply interested.
"Mr. Boggs' little Willie. The Chief was just in to talk with him. He's all broken up over it, because you know, he uses a crutch, and can't help hunt."
Paul knew Mr. Boggs assisted the post-master in his duties; and many a time had Paul chatted with the pretty little chap who played around the building while his father was assorting the incoming mails. Willie Boggs had always been a universal favorite. He was the sweetest child in all Stanhope, and everybody loved him.
Paul was shocked at the news. Still, he hoped it might not be as bad as Si said.
"Where did it happen? How do they know? Who saw little Willie last? What has been done to find him?" he fired at the clerk like the discharge of a Gatling gun.
"Glory! expect me to tell the hull story, with my boss asettin' there inside the store, watchin' the clock, an' dockin' me for every minute I'm late? All right, who cares? And besides, Paul, p'raps that troop of yours might be useful in follerin' the tracks of poor little Willie," Si went on.
"Where, when, how?" demanded the scout master, resolutely.
"This mornin' it happened. Willie went with Annie Spooner to get some leaf mould in the edge of the woods, for her ma's flowers. She came back just at noon an' sed Willie had strayed away in the woods."
"Did anybody go to look for Willie?" asked Paul.
"Three boys went out to bring him in. They hunted high an' low, but he wa'n't there. Then a dozen people set out to search the woods. Just now they come back to say Willie ain't to be found high nor low. That stirs the big chief some. He 'low he knows how the thing's to be did; and so he's agoin' to organize a hunt for the lost child. That's all. Now, let me get back to my slave tasks, Paul."
"And night coming on," murmured Paul, as he looked out of the door to where people were assisting the crippled Mr. Boggs across the square in the direction of his nearby home, where his wife was no doubt waiting eagerly for some news of the missing darling.
Si Growdy shot out of the door, and headed in the direction of the store where he gave his valuable services daily from seven in the morning until late in the evening, for a miserable pittance.
Paul walked thoughtfully out of the post-office. He was tired from his exertions of the afternoon; but all that was immediately forgotten when he mentally pictured the weeping mother in that little cottage where the honeysuckle climbed above the door. Then he thought of the terror of the little fellow, wandering about in the great woods with night coming down, and all sorts of strange noises arising to chill his blood.
"I'll do it!" exclaimed Paul presently; "the chance is too good to be lost. Why let Ted and Ward have the inside track? Just as soon as I can send word around we'll test our new system of bringing a bunch of the Fox scouts together. And then, if the boys are willing, we'll try and discover where Willie Boggs has wandered. It's a glorious opportunity to find out if what we've learned is worth having. Here goes then, to send out the call for help!"
"Why, Paul, what's all this hurry mean?"
"I just want to get a few bites of supper, mother, and then rush off. I've sent out the call for a hurry meeting of the patrol. Some people call it the emergency signal. Every one of the scouts knows what it means. Those who can get out will be gathering here inside of half an hour."
"But it must be something very unusual that urges you to do this. You've been on the go all afternoon, and I don't know that it is wise to bolt your supper in such a style, just to be ready to greet the boys when they arrive."
"Mother, you don't understand. Father hasn't come back from his afternoon round of visits, has he? Then you couldn't possibly know," went on Paul.
"Know—what, my son?" questioned his mother, seeing that the boy was worked up more than usual.
"We're going to organize a searching party. Perhaps some of the scouts may be smart enough to get on the track. It's poor little Willie Boggs, mother."
"Searching party—Willie Boggs! Is the child lost?"
"Yes, and has been ever since before noon, in the big woods. You see it's just beginning to get dark now. Think of the poor little fellow wandering perhaps miles off in the woods. What if a storm should come up?" and Paul's manner told how he felt.
"But there are no wild animals large enough to injure the child. The most he could suffer would be exposure to the night air; that and the fright of finding himself alone. Oh! it is a terrible thing though; and little Willie is all his poor father has left. It would kill him if anything happened," declared the good lady, whose heart was very tender.
"Now you see why I'm in such a hurry to get a bite, mother. Every minute might count, for perhaps he is wandering further and further away. You'll let Jane get me something in a jiffy, won't you, now?" continued the eager lad.
"Gladly, and help her too, after you have told me more. How do you boys expect to look for the child in the blackness of those woods?"
"Every scout will carry a lantern, with which we have practiced signal wig-wagging until we are able to send messages back and forth. Besides that, we can form a long line across the woods, and comb nearly every bit of it, looking into every stack of brush and waste to see if Willie has lain down. And mother, think if we should just find him, how glad you'd be that we went out!"
"Indeed, I should! I shall pray that you succeed, my boy. And it does you great credit that you are so earnest in your desire to help others. Sit down, and I'll wait on you myself," and Mrs. Morrison bustled away toward the kitchen as she spoke.
As Paul was hastily devouring his supper, for he was as hungry as a wolf, who should come in but the doctor. And of course he had to be told; though Paul's mother took this task upon herself, giving the boy a chance to eat.
Through the window Paul could see that already several fellows had gathered; and other lanterns were meanwhile coming like giant fireflies through the gathering gloom of the night.
The prospect of bringing his scout troop into action for such a good cause was particularly pleasing to the boy who temporarily filled the office of leader. Spurred to do their very best by a recollection of the vows they had so recently taken, the members of Stanhope Troop might be depended on to bring credit to their organization.
By the time Paul issued from the house there were a full dozen of his chums present. He was glad to see that all the original charter members forming the Red Fox patrol were on hand. They happened to live closer than others who had joined later; and boys of a particular community generally flock together.
Immediately a great hubbub ensued. Those who did not know what all the fuss was about had to be "put wise," as William said. And Paul was called upon to explain his plans for the tracking of little Willie Boggs, who had become as a chip on the torrent, a wanderer in that mysterious forest, the end of which few Stanhope fellows had ever reached in their wanderings up over the hills.
There were now fourteen present, and Paul determined not to wait for any more of the troop to come to time.
"Fall in!"
Down the street they marched, the lanterns flickering as they swung to and fro.
No wonder people, rushing to the doors as shouts arose, began to ask eagerly if the lost child had been recovered.
"It's the Boy Scouts; and they're going out to join the hunt!" some one shouted.
"Oh! they're about a mile behind Ted and his crowd!" jeered one fellow who must have had leanings toward the Slavin party; he had been detected in cheating so often in every game boys played that for months now he found himself left severely alone by decent fellows, and it was reported had applied for admission to the patrol Ward and Ted were getting up.
Out of the town, and straight to the spot where the lost boy had last been seen Paul led his squad. He knew that it would be only a miracle if the many feet that had trod the ground over would have left any trace of the child's little shoes; but he still had hopes that the training some of his scouts possessed would bring more or less success.
The unique sight of all those lanterns on the road had attracted many people, so that when they arrived at the spot Paul had in mind, fully thirty followed, a number of them boys who came only to make sport of the scouts.
"Spread out, fellows," said the scout leader, quietly, "and examine every foot of ground. If you find a single impression of Willie's little shoe, give the signal, and I'll come; but hold your places every one."
Immediately the scene became an animated one. Lanterns flashed hither and thither, swinging close to the ground; while young eyes searched diligently for a trace.
In less than five minutes the signal sounded, and Paul hurried over to the one who had given the same. Jack was at his elbow, and between them they examined the mark, to ascertain in what quarter it pointed.
Then the advance was taken up in that direction.
Again came the thrilling cry that told of a new footprint that had been found.
This time it was Wallace Carberry who had made the discovery. He talked so intelligently about it that Paul determined to keep him close by. Wallace would be a valuable advisor in case he and Jack disagreed at any time as to what the signs meant.
So they went on for an hour, finding a footprint now and then to encourage them. These came at more frequent intervals when they got far enough away to avoid the trampled soil where the crowd had hunted all the afternoon.
Those who had followed were now missing. They had seen that the scouts meant business, and did not care to wander so far from town. Hence, Paul presently found that he and his patrol had the woods almost to themselves.
Several times though he had seen other lanterns wandering around, and guessed that these were carried by some of the Slavin crowd, also diligently combing the woods in the hope of being the lucky ones to find the missing boy.
The chief of police and his party had gone off in an altogether different direction.
"How long can we keep this up, Paul?" asked Jack, when they had been moving on for two hours, with no end in sight.
"Don't know, but we ought to be able to put our best foot forward just as long as that little fellow does, don't you think?" replied the other, reproachfully.
"Why, of course, and don't think I'm showing the white feather so early in the game. I've made up my mind never to go back until he's found. Why, we can camp right in the woods if it comes to it. And that would be a bully experience for every Fox in the bunch. Think of having to make beds out of branches! Ain't I glad some of us brought our camp hatchets along."
"And Jack, it would leave us in a good position to take up the hunt again in the morning; for you see we'd be right on the ground where the little chap passed along. Suppose you call out again. He might hear, and answer."
Jack obeyed, and repeated the name of Willie in a loud voice again and again. But only the echoes of the great woods answered. If the boy were within reach of that cheery hail he must be wrapped in the sleep of exhaustion, and unable to reply.
Finally Jack ceased to call, for he was growing very husky.
The search still went on with unabated zeal, each boy trying to vie with his mates in the endeavor to make some new discovery. Paul examined every faint print of that little foot, desirous of fixing the time it was made. Wallace joined him in this, and it was clearly shown that hours must have elapsed since the child passed that way.
"Still, he may be within fifty yards of where we are. Let's keep at it as long as we can, and only camp when some are too tired to go on," declared Paul, greatly disappointed to think that they had thus far been baffled by hard luck.
It was astonishing to see how far the little fellow had wandered; but fear always lends wings to the feet; and all the while Willie doubtless really believed he must be heading toward home.
And Paul noted another fact that somehow gave him new interest in the enterprise. By degrees the trail had swung around to the left, as is nearly always the case when grown persons are lost; and the principle seemed to hold good in the case of even a child.
In itself this was not strange; but Paul knew that if they kept on for another hour the chances were they would come upon the old mill pond, nestling in the valley. The fact caused him to remember his friend Mr. Pender; to once more mentally see that red motor with the khaki-colored top; and to picture the two strangers who had asked him so many questions.
Was this really an accident, their being drawn out toward the farm of the unneighborly Sol Smithers; or might it turn out to be the working of destiny?
He was aroused by a call that he had been expecting to hear for some time now.
One of the scouts felt forced to admit that he was "all in." They had done manly work to keep up the tramp all this time, being but boys at best.
It meant that camp must be made, and the balance of the night spent there in the woods, waiting for day to come to renew their search.
Poor little Willie was destined then to pass still more hours, surrounded by the terrors of the black and unknown forest. But probably by this time he must be so exhausted through his unusual exertions that he was dead to the world in sleep; so it would not matter very much.
Soon all was bustle as the fourteen lads began to make ready to spend a time in open camp. The sound of hatchets made pleasant music, as branches were cut, and beds made close to the fire that had been started.
Some of the smaller lads were so utterly exhausted that they just dropped to the ground, and went to sleep. Paul and Jack passed around to see that these wornout fellows did not lie too near the blaze; and that they were fairly comfortable.
In an hour's time it seemed as though every one were taking solid comfort after such rude fashion as could be devised. One of the boys had brought his camera along, keen to secure novel effects; and without warning he set off a flash that gave him a picture of the slumbering heroes on their lowly beds, that would be ever afterwards treasured as invaluable.
At the brilliant illumination several sat up, and one even gave a cry of alarm, thinking perhaps that lightning had struck a tree close by; but with the coming of darkness again they settled back.
But Paul could not sleep. He was only waiting until some of the more restless souls quieted down. Then he and Jack, together with Wallace, meant to again tackle the job of seeking for further imprints of those worn little shoes among the dead leaves, and in the soft soil under the giant trees.
Somehow Paul believed that the hunt was bound to carry them to the very door of that farmhouse on the mill pond. He was induced to suspect this because the last time they had examined the small shoeprints, the mark of a much larger foot had appeared beside it; and after mature deliberation he and Wallace came to the conclusion that some man, walking through the forest, had discovered the trail of the child, and was following it!
He looked around him. As near as he could tell every one of the tired scouts was slumbering soundly.
So Paul silently arose, touching Jack on the shoulder, who immediately gave Wallace Carberry the signal.
The three uttered no word, but moving softly back from the circle of firelight, carrying their almost exhausted lanterns, made ready to once more start out into the depths of the wood; with the lonely farmhouse now rented by the surly Sol Smithers just half a mile further to the north!
"There it is again, Paul!"
"As sure as you live we're being followed, boys!" and Wallace allowed his voice to rise just above a hoarse whisper when he made this energetic remark.
The three were crouching in the bushes.
As yet Paul had not caught a glimpse of the object which seemed to disturb both of his friends; but he was looking sharply now.
"Why, yes, I do believe you are right, fellows," he said, calmly.
"Well, you take it mighty cool, I must say," declared Jack.
"Because I see no reason to get flurried over such a little thing, boys," was what the leader replied.
"Little thing, when you know Ted Slavin and a bunch of his toadies came up here to get all the glory they could out of this business! Don't you understand, Paul, that if they thought they could down us, they'd just as lief waylay us in the woods, and put an end to all our expectations?"
This was a very unusual way of talking for Wallace, but it only went to show how the boy was worked up over the situation, and made nervous by the continuous strain.
"But how do you know those moving figures are Ted and Ward, or even any of that crowd?" demanded Paul.
The others hesitated, and finally Jack remarked:
"Well, for a fact we don't know; but you remember we saw signs that even you declared proved what I'm saying—that some of those fellows have wandered as far as this."
"Yes, that's a fact. I'm not apt to forget it. Now, how many figures have you seen dodging along back there, just as if they didn't care to be seen—yet?"
"How about it, Wallace?" queried Jack, doubtfully.
"Two, anyhow; I'm sure of that," came the hesitating reply.
"Yes, at least two, Paul," the other echoed.
"And we are three. That's one reason why I don't see any reason for getting nervous over the discovery," observed the leader, his voice now apparently showing a trace of humor that was bubbling up near the surface.
"But where there are two there may be more, Paul?" objected Jack.
"Yes, possibly eight or ten more," went on the calm leader.
"Goodness! and you say there is no need of our worrying?" exclaimed Wallace.
"Yes, explain what you mean, old fellow. Eight or ten would give us a warm time don't you think?" demanded Wallace, gripping Paul's arm fiercely.
"Hardly, if they were all sound asleep around a dying campfire, dead to the world," quoth Paul, chuckling now.
But the others uttered low but vehement exclamations.
"Don't you see what he means, Wallace?" asked Jack.
"Sure. What a couple of fools you and I were," came the scathing reply.
"We've been followed by two of our own boys. They must have watched us crawl out of camp, and not wanting us to have all the fun, here they come creeping after us. What shall we do, Paul?" Jack queried in the other's ear; for the flitting figures were now very near.
"Open our arms and welcome the recruits. If they're just bound to join forces with us, why should we make any kick. I'm glad of it."
Then raising his voice a little, Paul continued:
"Hey! there!"
They could hear the murmur of voices. Evidently the two shadows were talking it over, and must have arrived at some quick conclusion, for presently same a hail.
"Hello! Paul, Jack!"
"It's Bobolink, for one," muttered Jack, immediately.
"Then it's a sure thing William is tagging along," said Wallace.
"Come on, both of you fellows. No danger!" called Paul, softly.
After that assurance the shadows boldly advanced, and quickly joined the three who stood under the spreading oak.
It proved just as Jack and Wallace had predicted, for the newcomers turned out to be William and Bobolink. They were chuckling, as though considering it a good joke.
"Thought you'd give us the quiet sneak, and gobble all the glory yourselves, hey?" said the latter, as they bustled up; "but William and myself had it all fixed. We were on to your curves, all right."
"Yes," broke in William, just there; "didn't we see you with your heads together a lot, and wasn't we wise to what was in the wind. Bobolink was awake, and it was my turn to snooze. He gave me a kick in the seventh rib that made me think a comet had dropped on me. But we showed up game. Now, what's doing, fellows; and do we get a grab at the scout?"
"If you both feel like trotting around a whole lot more, why you're just as welcome as a shower in spring," asserted Paul, promptly.
"I should say, yes," declared Jack; "and if the whole bunch could stand the racket we wouldn't have crept away like we did. But most of the poor fellows are all in, and dead tired, and we thought it would be a shame to invite them to hike some more."
"Did you bring your glim along?" asked Paul.
"Our lanterns? Well, William didn't want to, but I insisted. I knew that if we missed you fellows, and lost ourselves in the bush, they'd come in mighty fine for company," returned Bobolink.
"Then let's light up. After that we'll spread out, and try to find the trail," with which remark Paul set the example.
Presently five lanterns glowed like giant fireflies.
"Think it lies in this direction, Paul?" asked William.
"I'm sure of it. After that man's track came alongside the print of the little chap's shoe, there was no more wandering about; but it struck straight ahead. That told me the trail was heading for a house," came the ready reply.
"A house. Say, is there any other place up here but the old farm alongside the mill pond? I don't seem to remember any," remarked Bobolink.
"And that's just where I expect we'll bring up sooner or later," observed Paul.
"Then why not put for the old place at full speed right away?" suggested William, always impetuous.
"To do that we'd have to drop the trail again. And besides, what does an hour, or even two of them, matter in the end? Slow but sure is the successful scout's motto, boys. Hello I look here, what's this?"
Paul thrust his lantern down close to the ground. Bending over to look, the others could see the plain impression of a child's little shoe. It was heading due north, just as many similar tracks had been of late.
"Now if you look at this you'll see it's nearly crushed out by the big print of a man's foot; while just beyond the child has stepped into the impression made by the man. That can mean only one thing; the two were going on in company, and for a minute he let go the little one's hand, so that first the child was in front, and then behind."
"I guess you're right, Paul. But see here, what does this mean? The small track has dropped out altogether," remarked William.
"That is where the big fellow picks the boy up in his arms, and is carrying him," said Wallace, before Paul could answer.
"Right you are, that is just what happened. To tell the truth I don't know why he didn't do that before. He must have been toting some bundle along, and couldn't well carry the boy too. Come back a bit. I want to look around," and Paul retraced his steps until he had reached the spot where a confusion of tracks met his gaze.
He followed the man's trail a few paces, and found himself under a tree. Raising his lantern he carefully examined the bark of the trunk, and finding several fresh scratches, pursued his investigations still higher.
One accommodating limb grew rather low. In fact a man could, by reaching up his arms, clasp it easily; and that was what Paul believed had been done.
"Give me a push, somebody; and then hand up my lantern," he said, clasping his arms about the tree as well as he was able.
Ten seconds later William was handing him up the light; after which Paul began to ascend slowly, looking about him as though constantly on the watch for signs that would tell another had preceded him.
"All right; it's here. I'm coming down, fellows," he soon called out.
Reaching that friendly lower limb he held something in view.
"Take hold of this, Bobolink, and handle it carefully, because we don't know what's in the package. It might be dynamite!" he remarked.
"Oh! I hope not!" exclaimed the one in whose arms the bundle reposed; and he did not look any too happy at the prospect ahead.
"Don't be silly," said Paul, as he dropped beside them. "But whatever it may be, we might as well hide it in a new place. Then if the fellow should come back here to get it, he's going to meet with a disappointment, that's all."
"But what d'ye think it is?" argued the one who clasped the large package in his arms, though with evident reluctance.
"That is none of our business just now. It may be honest enough, and we'd get into a peck of trouble if we peeked. So let's just chuck it in some hollow stump as we go along, and muffle our trail behind us so he can't find where we put it. Later on I think I know some one who will be glad to look into what it contains."
"Perhaps I do too," remarked Jack; and the two chums looked at each other, with mutual astonishment marked on their faces.
"Oh!" remarked Paul, "are you on, too? Did he tell you the secret?"
"I happened to pick up an envelope he dropped, and wondered whose it was; so I went around, asking. He laughed when I came to him, and told me a little bit of news that surprised me. But Paul, he asked me not to breathe a word, even to you. That was a mean joke, when you knew all along," Jack complained.
"Remember the red car on the road, and the two men in it?"
"Oh! did they have anything to do with his coming up here? Yes, now that I think of it, you were pretty much excited over that same red car. You guessed something then, didn't you, Paul?"
"He had asked me to watch out for a red car with a khaki-colored top, that might have two men in it, one of them owning to a glass eye."
"Good gracious!" said Jack; "that tall chap did have a bogus eye, for a fact. And when you left me in town you hurried around to the post-office to find Mr. Pender, didn't you? I see it all now. He never came home for supper, as far as I know. I reckon he must have got a rig of some sort, and put out for the mill pond. But what about Solus Smithers—they asked after him, you know?"
Paul pointed to the marks on the ground.
"Unless I'm wrong those are his tracks. I noticed that he had big feet at the time he came out and ordered us to clear away from the pond, and threatened us with his gun. Yes, perhaps he got home to find visitors waiting for him," Paul observed, just as though he could read all these things from the trail.
"Then we go on, do we?" asked Bobolink, eagerly.
He had been listening to what passed between his two comrades, and while it was partly Greek to him, enough of the truth filtered through to give him a creepy sensation, as though cold water were being poured down his back.
Bobolink was no coward though, and while he shivered it was more through a delicious frame of mind over the chance of an adventure than because he felt fear.
"Straight on, as long as these lanterns hold out. I see yours has begun to flicker already, William. There, it's puffed out; and my own isn't near as strong a light as it was."
Paul seemed to be a true prophet, for inside of five minutes the lanterns "gave up the ghost," the last to expire being that of Jack.
"What's doing now?" demanded Jack.
"Gather up all the matches in the crowd. Then I'll strike them one by one," was Paul's immediate response. |