TREMEARNE, MARY AND NEWMAN Uncle Remus in Hansaland.
WHEELER, POST Russian Wonder Tales. Century.
WICKSTEAD, J. H. Our Lady's Tumbler; Twelfth Century Legend Done Out of Old French into English. Mosher.
WIGGIN, KATE DOUGLAS AND NORA ARCHIBALD SMITH The Fairy Ring. Doubleday. Tales of Laughter. Doubleday.
WILDE, OSCAR Fairy Tales. Putnam.
WILSON, RICHARD The Indian Story Book. Macmillan.
WRATISLAW, A. H. Sixty Folk Tales from Exclusively Slavonic Sources. Stock.
1. I venture to hope (at this long distance of years) that my language in telling the story was more simple than appears from this account.
2. This difference of spelling in the same essay will be much appreciated by those who know how gladly children offer an orthographical alternative, in hopes that one if not the other may satisfy the exigency of the situation.
3. See "List of Stories."
4. At the Congressional Library in Washington.
5. Letters of T. E. Brown, page 55.
6. Page 55.
7. In further illustration of this point see "When Burbage Played," Austen Dobson, and "In the Nursery," Hans Andersen.
8. "Les jeux des enfants," page 16.
9. A noted Greek gymnast struck his pupil, though he was applauded by the whole assembly. "You did it clumsily, and not as you ought, for these people would never have praised you for anything really artistic."
10. For further details on the question of preparation of the story, see chapter on "Questions Asked by Teachers."
11. Sully says that children love exact repetition because of the intense enjoyment bound up with the process of imaginative realization.
12. At the Summer School at Chautauqua, New York, and at Lincoln Park, Chicago.
13. There must be no more emphasis in the second manner than the first.
14. From "Education of an Orator," Book II, Chapter 3.
15. One child's favorite book bore the exciting title of "Birth, Life and Death of Crazy Jane."
16. This does not imply that the child would not appreciate in the right context the thrilling and romantic story in connection with the finding of the Elgin marbles.
17. One is almost inclined to prefer Marjorie Fleming's little innocent oaths.
"But she was more than usual calm, She did not give a single dam."
18. Published by John Loder, bookseller, Woodbridge, in 1829.
19. From "Literary Values."
20. A story is told of Confucius, who, having attended a funeral, presented his horse to the chief mourner. When asked why he bestowed this gift, he replied: "I wept with the man, so I felt I ought to do something for him."
21. This experiment cannot be made with a group of children for obvious reasons.
22. From an address on "The Cultivation of the Imagination."
23. "The House in the Wood" (Grimm), is another instance of triumph for the youngest child.
24. See list of stories under this heading.
25. To be found in Andrew Lang's "The Violet Fairy Book."
26. To be found in Jacob's "More English Fairy Tales."
27. From the "Thabagata."
28. For selection of suitable stories among legends of the Saints, see list of stories under the heading, "Stories from the Lives of the Saints."
29. These words have been set most effectively to music by Miss Margaret Ruthven Lang.
30. From "The Use of Fairy Tales," in "Moral Instruction of Children".
31. See Chapter on Questions asked by Teachers.
32. From "Talks to Teachers," page 93.
33. An excellent account of this is to be found in "The Song of Roland," by Arthur Way and Frederic Spender.
34. Njal's Burning, from "The Red Book of Romance," by Andrew Lang.
35. From "Studies of Childhood."
36. England.
37. From "The Lockerbie Book," by James Whitcomb Riley, copyright, 1911. Used by special permission of the publishers, The Bobbs-Merril Company.
38. From "Virginibus Puerisque."
39. See "Long Bow Story;" "John and the Pig."
40. Published by George Allen & Co.
41. This is even a higher spirit than that shown in the advice given in the "Agamemnon" (speaking of the victor's attitude after the taking of Troy):
"Yea, let no craving for forbidden gain Bid conquerors yield before the darts of greed."
42. It is curious to find that the story of Puss-in-Boots in its variants is sometimes presented with a moral, sometimes without. In the Valley of the Ganges it has none. In Cashmere it has one moral, in Zanzibar another.
43. From Hans Christian Andersen, in "Childhood in Literature and Art."
44. "Sartor Resartus," Book III, page 218.
45. From "Childhood in Literature and Art."
46. See "Eastern Stories and Fables," published by Routledge.
47. See Chapter I.
48. In this matter I have, in England, the support of Dr. Kimmins, Chief Inspector of Education in the London County Council, who is strongly opposed to the immediate reproduction of stories.
49. These remarks refer only to the illustrations of stories told. Whether children should be encouraged to self-expression in drawing (quite apart form reproducing in one medium what has been conveyed to them in another), is too large a question to deal with in this special work on story-telling.
50. I give the following story, quoted by Professor Ker in his Romanes lecture, 1906, as an encouragement to those who develop the art of story-telling.
51. The melody to be crooned at first and to grow louder at each incident.
52. "The punishment that can most affect Merfolk is to restrict their freedom. And this is how the Queen of the Sea punished the Nixie of our tale."
53. The three stories from Hans Christian Andersen have for so long formed part of my repertoire that I have been requested to include them. I am offering a free translation of my own from the Danish version.
54. Alas! dear Augustin, All is lost, lost!
My thanks are due to:
Mrs. Josephine Dodge Daskam Bacon, for permission to use an extract from "The Madness of Philip," and to her publishers.
To Messrs. Houghton Mifflin, for permission to use extract from "Thou Shalt Not Preach," by Mr. John Burroughs.
To Messrs. Macmillan and Co., for permission to use, "Milking Time," of Miss Rossetti.
To Mrs. William Sharp, for permission to use passage from "The Divine Adventure," by Fiona MacLeod.
To Miss Ethel CLifford, for permission to use the poem of "The Child."
To Mr. James Whitcomb Riley and the Bobbs Merrill Co., for permission to use "The Treasure of the Wise Man."
To Professor Ker, for permission to quote from "Sturla the Historian."
To Mr. John Russell, for permission to print in full, "A Saga."
To Messrs. Longmans, Green, and Co., for permission to use "The Two Frogs," from the Violate Fairy Book, and "To Your Good Health," from the Crimson Fairy Book.
To Mr. Heinemann and Lady Glenconner, for permission to reprint "The Water Nixie," by Pamela Tennant, from "The Children and the Pictures."
To Mr. Maurice Baring and the Editor of The Morning Post, for permission to reprint "The Blue Rose" from The Morning Post.
To Dr. Walter Rouse and Mr. J. M. Dent, for permission to reprint from "The Talking Thrush" the story of "The Wise Old Shepherd."
To Rev. R. L. Gales, for permission to use the article on "Nursery Rhymes" from the Nation.
To Mr. Edmund Gosse, for permission to use extracts from "Father and Son."
To Messrs. Chatto & Windus, for permission to use "Essay on Child's Play" (from Virginibus Puerisque) and other papers.
To Mr. George Allen & Co., for permission to use "Ballad for a Boy," by W. Cory, from "Ionica."
To Professor Bradley, for permission to quote from his essay on "Poetry and Life."
To Mr. P. A. Barnett, for permission to quote from "The Commonsense of Education."
To Mr. James Stephens, for permission to reprint "The Man and the Boy."
To Mr. Harold Barnes, for permission to use version of the "The Proud Cock." To Mrs. Arnold Glover, for permission to print two of her stories.
To Miss Emilie Poulson, for permission to use her translation of Bjornsen's Poem.
To George Routledge & Son, for permission to use stories from "Eastern Stories and Fables."
To Mrs. W. K. Clifford, for permission to quote from "Very Short Stories."
To Mr. W. Jenkyn Thomas and Mr. Fisher Unwin, for permission to use "Arthur in the Cave" from the Welsh Fairy Book.