Descents, 248. cases where made, 250. difficulties of, 250. duty of defensive in, 251. effect of modern inventions on, 248. more extensive in ancient times, 248. precautions after landing, 252. rules for conducting, 251.
D'Estaing's fleet, 383.
Detached orders of Napoleon, 259. works, importance of, 154.
Detachments, field of operations of, should be large, 220. four kinds of, 217. great, 217, 219, 334. great, instances of, 221, 222. great, why made, 220, 221. multiplication of, must be avoided, 221. necessary when there is a double strategic front, 220. of Napoleon in 1805, 222. precise rules for, cannot be laid down, 222. requisites in officers of, 224. small, how useful, 224.
Detachment to form strategic reserve, illustration of, 219.
Detours, 197, 204.
Difficulty of applying theories in war, 269.
Diplomacy in invasions, 24.
Direction, lines of, their importance illustrated, 116. of lines of operations, 115.
Discipline, importance of, 42. importance of, in retreats, 242.
Distances in battle, calculation of, 334.
Distant expeditions, 169. invasions across extensive territories, 171. invasions, maxim for, 173. invasions to aid an ally, 170.
Distribution of troops in line of battle, 287.
Divergent lines, 103.
Duke of York's expedition to Dunkirk, 91. to Holland in 1799, 91.
Dumouriez, errors of, in 1792, 106, 107.
Dunkirk, expedition to, 91.
Duties of cavalry, 304. of staff officers, 254-256.
Duty of a general, 324. of statesmen in offensive wars, 17.
Diversions in zone of operations, when advantageous, 222.
Division, improper use of the term, 351.
Divisions, cavalry, of five regiments, 311. defects of system of, 278. remedied by Napoleon, 278. formation by, when preferable, 286. organization of, 279, 280. system of, 278.
Doctoroff, warning given to, in 1812, by Seslawin, 273.
Double line of operations, when applicable, 117. when necessary, 116. lines of operations, 102, 110. when advantageous, 123. lines to be avoided, 330. passages of rivers, 230. strategic front, 95. wars, 36. wars of Napoleon, 37.
Dragoons, 308. concentration of, by Emperor Nicholas, 309.
Drepanum, 363.
Dresden, 305. intrenched camp at, 155, 211. Napoleon's order of battle at, 198. victory at, 124.
Drissa, camp of, 155, 157.
Divergent lines, when advantageous, 118. operations, 126. retreats, when admissible, 239.
Diversions, 218. instances of, 218. when useful, 218.
Eccentric lines, 237. retreat. Bulow's use of the term, 237.
Eccentric system, 126.
Echelon, order of battle by, 193.
Echelons, order in, 193. squares in, 297.
Ecnomos, victory of, 363.
Edward III. of England, 376.
Egypt, expedition of John of Brienne against, 374.
Ehrenbreitstein, 158.
Elchingen, Ney at, 182.
Elective governments, weakness of, 46.
Elevated points, advantage of, for observation, 276.
Elongated squares, 296, 297.
Employment of artillery, 315-318.
Encounters of cavalry against cavalry, 311.
Enemy, bodies of, near line of operations, 67. contempt for, 63. how dislodged, 188. how to drive from his position, 201, 202. should not be paid to leave a country, 242.
Enemy's movements, importance of knowing, 268.
England controls the sea, 173. invasion of, by Sweyn, 370. projected invasion of, by Napoleon, 249, 250, 386.
England's attack on Washington in 1814, 385.
English and French expedition to China, 389.
English, descents of, on France, 376. expedition against Napoleon in 1815, 385. expedition in 1762 against Havana, 382. maritime expeditions, 384-390. squares at Waterloo, 294.
Enthusiasm, importance of, 41. not military spirit, 62.
Epaminondas, 190.
Error of Napoleon in campaign of 1812, 172.
Error of the allies in 1793, 107, 108.
Errors in strategy, 91.
Essential bases of military policy, 49.
Essling, 192, 193, 200, 350. Napoleon at, 158. Napoleon's order of battle at, 198. order of battle at, 192, 193.
Eugene at Turin, 153. march of, 141.
Eventual bases, 84. lines of defense, 96.
Expediency, wars of, 18.
Expedition of Prince Koudacheff, 273. to the Crimea, details of, 387-389.
Expeditions, assistance of fleets in, 174. distant, 169. marine, in modern times, 249. maritime, 361-390. of the ancients, 248. of the Middle Ages, 171. partly on land, partly by sea, 173.
Extended movements, when dangerous, 204.
Exterior lines of operations, 102.
Extermination, wars of, 34.
Eylau, 305, 306, 318, 352. French armament at, 47. Napoleon's march on, 94. Napoleon's order of battle at, 198. Russian artillery reserve at, 289. Russian order at, 295.
Famous retreats, instances of, 233.
Field, strategic, of 1806, 113.
Field-works, directions for attack of, 211, 212. instances of well-arranged assaults on, 212.
Final reserves, 203.
Financial considerations, 50.
Fire-arms, influence of improvements in, on war, 347, 355, 359.
Fire-signals, how used, 276.
Flank attack, 203. attack, cavalry, 310. charges of cavalry, 307. marches, 139, 140. marches, where inadmissible, 140. tactical maneuver by, 140.
Flanks of companies, movement by, 300, 301. protection of, in tactical positions, 182.
Fleets, assistance of, in expeditions, 174.
Fleurus, 136, 193, 200. balloons used at, 275. order of battle at, 192.
Foot-artillery in line of battle, 289. in the offensive, 316.
Forests, advantages of, in retreats, 183.
Formation by divisions, when preferable, 286. for attack at Turin, 213. for battle in small columns, 350. for battle, Napoleon's system, 278, 279. for battle often determined by size of army, 285. for battle, Prussian and Austrian system, 354. for close attack, 301. of infantry for attack, five methods of, 292. in two ranks, 356. of troops for battle, 347-350.
Formations of cavalry, 309-311. of lines of battle for two infantry corps, 282-284. various, for infantry, 285.
Fortification of Coblentz, 157, 158.
Fortifications, remark upon, 151.
Fortified camps, 154. places, attack of, 210. places on the sea-coast, importance of, 152. places, when a misfortune, 152.
Fortresses at Mayence, 150. greatest advantages of, 150. large, when preferable, 150. number and position of, 149. of France and Austria, 149. on frontiers, 148. relation of, to strategy, 148, 150.
Forts in a mountainous country, 151. purposes of, 146.
Fossano, battle of, 168.
Four-rank formation of infantry, 291.
France adapted to parallel retreats, 240. coalition against, in 1793, 37. course and error of, in 1792, 105. fortresses of, 149. intention of, when declaring war in 1792, 105. invasions of, by the English, 376.
Francis I., passage of the Alps by, 168.
Frederick the Great, 36, 37. at Leuthen, 229. at Prague, 205. at Torgau, 206. commissariat of, 142. defensive-offensive operations of, 74. maneuver of, at Leuthen, 141. military genius of, 16.
Frederick II., Crusade of, 374.
French and English expedition to China, 389.
French armies in the Revolution, 135. armies, situation of, in 1800, 112. at Bautzen, 196. at Fleurus, why successful, 193. at Waterloo, 196. capture of Vera Cruz by, in 1838, 386. causes of defeat of, at Waterloo, 359. cavalry, 313. columns at Waterloo, 351. defeat of, at Stockach, 111. descent on Algiers in 1830, 386. errors in 1795, 136. expedition to Syria, 390. in Bohemia in 1742, 171. invasions of 1766 and 1795, 120.
French, maritime efforts of, during American Revolution, 383. operations in Italy, 112. operations of, at close of 1793, 331-333. operations of, in 1794, 108. order at Essling and Fleurus, 200. order at Minden, 278. plan in 1799, error of, 110. Revolution, 26-28. Revolution, armies of, how subsisted, 142. Revolution, course of Austria in, 106. Revolution, course of Prussia in, 105, 106. Revolution, interest of Austria in, 105. Revolution, lines of operations in the wars of, 104. Revolution, relation of Italy to, 104. Revolution, relation of Prussia and Austria to, 104. Revolution, theater of operations in, 104. Revolution, zones of operations in, 105.
Frontier defenses, maxims for, 148, 149. when a permanent line of defense, 96.
Frontiers, defense of, 146. disadvantage of fortresses on, 148. how to be fortified, 152. mountains as, 146. rivers as, 147.
Front of operations, 330, 338. of operations, extent of, 98. of operations, how varied, 93. strategic, change of, 94. strategic, not to be too extended, 98.
Fronts of operations, 92.
Fronts, strategic, 92.
Fundamental principle of war, 66. maxims of, 70. principles for employment of troops, 328.
Gallop, when best for cavalry charge, 306, 307.
General advanced guard, how composed, 262. cavalry charge, 305.
General, essential qualities of a, 55. importance of a skillful, 43. one of the greatest talents of, 74. qualities of a skillful, 334. what constitutes a, 327.
General principle of war, manner of applying, 175. staff, employment of, in time of peace, 49. staff, usefulness of, 57.
Genoa, panic at siege of, 64.
Geography, military, 39.
Geographical objective points, 88.
Germanicus, expedition of, 366.
Girondists, 26, 37.
Gosa, French charge on, 305.
Governments, elective, weakness of, 46. should not be unprepared for war, 46.
Grand tactics, 69, 70, 178. principles of, 360.
Great detachments, 217, 219, 334. instances of, 221, 222. why made, 220, 221.
Grouchy, 127.
Guard, advanced, 261, 262. in battle, 288, 289. in unexpected battles, 208.
Gunpowder, effect of invention of, on distant invasions, 171.
Gustavus Adolphus, expedition of, 375.
Half-deep order, infantry-formation, 295. attacks in, 302.
Halts and departures in retreats, hours of, 236.
Halts in retreats to relieve rear-guards, 236.
Hannibal at Cannae, 191. at Zama, 179.
Harold, 370, 371.
Head-quarters of the army, when the most important point, 107.
Heights to be secured in mountainous countries, 167.
Hengist, 367.
Henry V. of England, descents of, on France, 376.
Hoche's expedition to Ireland, 383.
Hochkirch, 303. surprise of, 209.
Hohenfriedberg, 305.
Hohenlinden, 183, 206.
Holland, expedition to, 91.
Horse-artillery in line of battle, 289. in the offensive, 316.
Houchard, 333.
Hougoumont, 303.
Hungary, strategic character of the mountains of, 161.
Hypotheses as to the enemy's movements, 270.
Hypotheses of the author in 1806, 271. how events justified them, 272.
Igor, expeditions of, 368.
Illustrations of importance of logistics, 263-268.
Improvements in fire-arms, effect of, on infantry formations, 299. effects of, on war, 347, 355, 359.
Industrial pursuits secondary to heroic virtues, 60, 61.
Infantry, battle-formation of, in two lines, 287. best formation of, for assault, 298. best formation of, for the defensive, 298. cavalry must be supported by, 304. checkerwise formation, 310. formation of, in two deployed lines, 292. formations, effect of improvements in fire-arms on, 299. importance of, 290. in three-rank formation, 293. in what movements should be exercised, 300. lines of battle for, 282-284. mixed order, 295. mounted, 308. needs support of cavalry and artillery, 290. protection of, from enemy's artillery, 303. squares, 294, 296. supports of artillery, 316, 317. three-rank formation of, 291. various formations for, 285. when a line of, should be charged by cavalry, 305.
Information from partisans, 270. of enemy's movements, rules for gaining, 273, 274. of the enemy's movements, four means of acquiring, 269.
Initiative, advantages of, 184.
Institutions, military, 43.
Interior and simple lines, advantage of, 114.
Interior lines, observations on, 123. of Archduke Charles, 136. of operations, 102. of operations, why preferable, 127. should not be too much extended, 117. two armies on, 117.
Intervention, instances of, 20-22. kinds of, 19. reasons for, 19. wars of, 19. wars of, essentials in, 21.
Intestine wars, 35.
Intrenched camp, on which side of a river, 157.
Intrenched camps and lines, defense of, 215. connection of, with strategy, 154. how differ from tetes deponts, 160. influence of, 155. instances of, 210, 211. maxims on, 155, 156. on river, 156. Prussian system of. 158. use of, 156. where to be established, 155.
Intrenched lines, 146, 153. attack of, 214. continuous, 213.
Intrenched positions, 181.
Intrenchments, armies in, 154
Invaded country, how made to contribute to success, 142.
Invasion, advantage and disadvantage of, 72. advantages of awaiting, 17. army of, line of defense important to, 99. control of the sea important in, 30. difficult in national wars, 144. how rendered feasible, 106. of a mountainous country, 169. of England contemplated by Napoleon, 249, 250, 386. of Turkey by Russia, 23. two kinds of, 22. wars of, when advantageous, 17.
Invasions, diplomacy in, 24. distant, across extensive territories, 171. distant, effect of standing armies on, 171. distant, how affected by invention of gunpowder, 171. distant, maxim for, 173. distant, to aid an ally, 170. how to be carried on, 24. neutrality of states adjoining the theater of war important in, 174. of neighboring states, 174. of Spain, 23. when excusable, 23.
Investing a city, false system of, 152. force, how strengthened, 153.
Irregular cavalry, 313. arms for, 313.
Islamism, wars of, 25.
Italy, operations of the French in, 111, 112. parallel retreats in, 241. relation of, in the French Revolution, 104.
Ivar, expedition of, 369.
James II., expedition of, in Ireland, 381.
Jemmapes, 342.
Jena, battle of, won by strategy, 198. maneuvers at, 90. Napoleon's march on, 94. Ney's charge at, 305.
Jourdan, 229. at Stockach, 205. balloons used by, at Fleurus, 275.
Jourdan's passage of the Rhine in 1795, 120.
Julian, retreat of, from Parthia, 233.
Kagoul, panic at, 64.
Katzbach, 124.
Kehl, intrenchments at, 157, 210, 211.
Kolin, 303.
Koudacheff's expedition, 273.
Koutousoff, 170.
Krasnoi, combination at, 342.
Kray, 87.
Kunnersdorf, 304.
Lance, importance of, 47. when best for cavalry, 307. when useful, 306.
Lender, bravery the first requisite for, 345.
League, wars of the, 25.
Leipsic as a decisive and strategic point, 87. battle of, 192, 193, 267, 305. march of the allies upon, 123. march on, modified, 140. / Napoleon's order of battle at, 198. order of battle at, 193.
Lepanto, battle of, 378.
Leuthen, battle of, 190, 229, 342. maneuver of Frederick at, 140.
Level country, defensive in, 164
Light cavalry, advantages of, 314.
Ligny, 195.
Line of advance, how determined, 71. of battle, arrangement of cavalry in, 288. of battle before the French Revolution, 277. of battle, definition of, 179. of battle, defensive, heavy artillery in, 290. of battle, distribution of troops in, 287. of battle, offensive, concentration of artillery fire in, 290. of battle, posting troops in, 277.
Line of battle, post of artillery in, 289. of defense important to an army of invasion, 99. of defense should be short, 98. of operations, double, when necessary, 116. of operations, how protected, 132. of operations, single, when advantageous, 116. of retreat, 261, 341-343.
Lines and camps, intrenched, defense of, 215. and points, strategic, 85. central, application of, to large masses, 125. deployed, in two ranks, 294. double, to be avoided, 330. eccentric, 237. interior, observations on, 123. interior, two armies on, 117. intrenched, 146, 153. intrenched, attack of, 214. of battle for two infantry corps, different formations of, 282-284. of circumvallation, 152. of contravallation, 152. of defense, second, 147. of defense, eventual, 96. of defense, permanent, 95. of defense, strategical and tactical, 95. of depots, 263. of direction, importance of, illustrated, 116. of maneuver, importance of, 114. of operations, 100-103. of operations at home and in hostile countries, contrasted, 121. of operations, best direction of, 115. of operations, change of, 118. of operations, converging and divergent, 118. of operations, double, 110. of operations, double, when advantageous, 123. of operations, great art of directing, 120. of operations, how established, 114. of operations, how influenced, 119. of operations, illustration of, by strategic field of 1806, 113. of operations in fertile and barren countries, contrasted, 122. of operations in the wars of the French Revolution, 104. of operations, maxims on, 114. of operations, rivers as, 76. of operations, selecting of, 80.
Lines of operations, to have a geographic and strategic direction, 115. of Stollhofen, 154. of Turin, 153. of Turin, capture of, 213. parallel, 200. strategic, 128, 129. strategic, of Napoleon in 1796, 131.
Linz, towers of, 158.
Lloyd's proposed fourth rank in infantry formation, 291.
Logistics, 69, 252-268. derivation of the term, 253. faulty, instances of, 265-267. illustration of importance of, 263-268. of battle of Leipsic, 267. principal points of, 254-256.
Louis VII., Crusade of, 372. IX., Crusade of, 374. IX., expedition of, to Tunis, 375. XIV., coalition against, 36. XIV., commissariat of, 142.
Louvois, 59.
Lyons as a strategic and decisive point, 87.
Macdonald's column at Wagram, 295, 296. error at Katzbach, 124.
Mack, 164, 170. at Ulm, 53.
Magnesia, victory of, 364.
Malplaquet, 183.
Malta, descent of Mugtapha on, 377.
Maneuvering, success in battle depends on, 360.
Maneuver line, 114, 115. lines, 103. lines of, their importance, 114. objective points of, 88. pivots of, 98. tactical, by flank, 140. turning, 179, 206.
Maneuvers, 200, 201, 207. at Ulm and Jena, 90. for breaking through a line, 197. must conform to strategic principles, 333. objective points of, 89. of Napoleon in 1814,118. simplest, most likely to be successful, 196. strategic lines of, 128. sudden, generally better than predetermined, 196. transversal, 163.
Maneuvers, turning, rules for, 204.
Mantua, siege of, 111. Wurmser at, 156.
March, establishment of depots on, 262.
Marches and attacks, arrangements of, 258. effects of systems of, 138. flank, 139. instructions to generals commanding corps in, 260, 261. particulars to be considered in, 260. system of, 135, 138. rapid, 176. rules for, 257-263. transversal, in mountainous countries, 163. two kinds of, 260.
Marengo, French armament at, 47. Napoleon's order of battle at, 198.
Maritime expeditions, 361-390.
Marmont at Salamanca, 206.
Marsin, 53.
Masonry towers, Archduke Maximilian's system of defense by, 158.
Massena, position of, in Switzerland in 1799,165, 166.
Massena's position of the Albis, 181.
Materiel of war, 49. should be inspected by staff officers, 257.
Maurice of Saxony, 22.
Maxim for distant invasions, 173.
Maxims for frontier defenses, 148, 152. of fundamental principle of war, 70. on intrenched camps, 155, 156. on lines of operations, 114-122. on operations in mountainous countries, 163. on strategic fronts, 98, 99. on strategic operations, 90. relative to supplies, 143-146.
Mayence, Austrian camp before, 157. fortresses at, 150. intrenched camp at, 211.
Mexico, expedition against, in 1862, 390.
Middle Ages, expeditions of the, 171.
Military education important to a ruler, 49. geography and statistics, importance of a knowledge of, 40. geography, Lloyd's essay on, 40. institutions, 43. institutions of Rome, 61. instruments, signals by, 276. operations influenced by a cabinet, 42. policy, 38. policy, essential bases of, 49. sciences, study of. 49. spirit, how encouraged, 61. spirit, how maintained, 63. spirit of nations, 60. statistics and geography, 39.
Militia as cavalry, 314, 315.
Millesimo, effect of the battle of, 111.
Minden, French order at, 278.
Mithridates, 364, 365.
Mixed order, infantry formation, 295. system of Benningsen at Eylau, 352.
Modern inventions, effect of, on character of naval armaments, 376. marine expeditions, 249.
Mohammed II., 375.
Molitor, General, 167.
Mollwitz, battle of, 348.
Montesquieu, opinion of, as to great enterprises, 125.
Moors, invasion of Europe by, 367.
Morale of armies, 60, 178, 322. of cavalry, 312.
Moreau at Engen, 203. base of operations of, in 1800, 82. retreat of, in 1796, 233.
Moreau's diversion toward Kastadt in 1800, 222. passage of the Rhine in 1800, 224, 225.
Morocco, Spanish descent on, in 1859, 389.
Moscow, retreat of the French from, 233.
Mountain-campaigns, instances of, 169.
Mountainous countries as principal fields of operations, 162. countries, cavalry in, 304. countries, defense in, 163. countries, heights to be secured in, 167. countries, strategic defense in, 164. countries, strategic positions of, 76. countries, the offensive in, 167. countries, transversal marches in, 163. country, character of a war in, 169. country, forts in a, 151. country, invasion of a, 169.
Mountains as eventual lines of defense, 96. as frontiers, 146. campaigns in, 169. importance of, when secondary, 161, 162. of European countries, relation of, to warlike operations, 161. strategic operations in, 160.
Mounted infantry, 308. militia, 315.
Movement by flanks of companies, 300, 301.
Movements, extended, when dangerous, 204. in which infantry should be exercised, 300. of armies, points to be attended to, 254-256. of the enemy, rules for gaining information of, 273, 274.
Murat, surprise of, at Taroutin, 209.
Murray's descent in 1813, 385.
Musketry-fire better for defensive, 203. influence of, in battles, 348.
Nansouty's charge at Chateau-Thierry, 212.
Naples, French army at, 112.
Napoleon, 111, 164, 166, 170, 171, 177, 185, 198, 218. and Grouchy at Waterloo, 127,130. at Austerlitz, 206. at Essling, 158. at Ligny, 195. at Ratisbon, 274. at Wagram, 195. double wars of, 37. English expedition against, in 1815, 385. his own chief staff officer, 264. operations of the armies of, 136.
Napoleon's artillery, 318. artillery at Wagram, 316. base of operations in 1806, 80-82. battles, orders of, 198. bold maneuvers in 1814, 118. campaign of 1800, 137. cantonment on the Passarge, 247. central lines in Saxony, 124. central position in 1813, why disastrous, 123. changes of line of operations, 118. choice of objective points, 89. concentric retreat in 1796, 238. defense in Champagne in 1814, 125. detachments in 1805, 222. error after his victory at Dresden, 124. error in the campaign of 1812, 172. favorite objective, 330. front of operations in 1796, 93. front of operations in 1813, 93. infantry, panic of, at Wagram, 64. line of defense in 1813, 93. logistics in 1806 and 1815, 264, 265. march on Bassano, 131.
Napoleon's march on Eylau, 94. march on Jena in 1806, 94. march on Naumburg in 1806, 94. march to Koenigsberg, 20. mode of issuing orders, 259. motives and necessities, 22. operations, comments on, 116. order at the Tagliamento, 295. passages of the Danube, 226, 266. passage of the Saint-Bernard, 168. passage of the Po in 1800, 225. projected invasion of England, 249, 250, 386. reserves, 133. retreat from Smolensk, 235. return from Egypt in 1800, 112. rule for the passage of an army, 147. strategic lines in 1796, 130, 131. strategic positions, 97. system of formation for battle, 278, 279. system of marches, 137. victories and disasters, lesson taught by them, 23.
National wars, character of, in mountainous countries, 167. wars, definition of, 29. wars, difficulties of conquest in, 31-34. wars, effect of the nature of the country in, 30. wars, how prevented, 33, 34. wars, how success attained in, 33. wars, invasion difficult in, 144. wars, military precepts for, 27.
Nations, military spirit of, 60.
Nature and extent of war, how influenced, 14.
Naumburg, Napoleon's march on, 94.
Naval armaments, effect of modern inventions on, 376.
Neutrality of states adjoining theater of war, important in invasions, 174.
Ney, 31, 168, 196. at Bautzen, 317. at Dennewitz, 130. at Elchingen, 182. at Jena, 305.
Nicholas I., concentration of dragoons by, 309.
Objective point, how held, 67. point, manner of approach to, 67. point of Napoleon in 1800, 87. point, selection of, 66. points, geographical, 88. points, how chosen, 90.
Objective points in strategy, how determined, 88. points of maneuver, 88, 89. points of operations, 85. points, political, 91.
Objectives of operations, 329, 330.
Objects of war, 14.
Oblique order, 199, 200. order, antiquity of, 199. order assumed by Napoleon at Marengo, 198. order of battle, 190.
Offensive, advantage of the, in strategy, 184. army, proper course for, 324. battle, object of, 188. battles, 186. characteristics of infantry formation for, 297. line of battle, concentration of artillery-fire in, 290. movements, when advised, 124. or defensive system, either may be employed, 185. order of battle, 200. system to be followed in, 176. the, disadvantages of, in tactical operations, 184. the, in mountainous countries, 167. use of artillery in, 316. war, 72, 73. war, duty of staff officers in, 258. war, reserves, how posted in, 133, 135. wars, duty of statesmen in, 17. wars, how conducted, 16. wars to reclaim rights, 16.
Oleg, expedition of, 867.
Open positions, 181.
Operations, base of, where to be established, 84. bases of, definition of, 77. how to be chosen, 79, 80. plurality of, 78. change of lines of, 118. control of, 52. divergent and convergent, 126, 127. double lines of, 102, 110, 123. exterior lines of, 102. fronts of, 92, 330, 338. in mountainous countries, maxims on, 163. interior lines of, 102. line of, how protected, 132. lines of, 100, 120. lines of, converging and divergent, 118. lines of, how established, 114. lines of, how influenced, 119. lines of, maxims on, 114. military, influenced by a cabinet, 42. objective points of, 85. objectives of, 329, 330. of 1809 and 1814, 176, 177. of the French at the close of 1793, 331-333. pivots of, 98. simple lines of, 101. system of, 72. system of, how to be judged, 125. system of, necessary in war, 50. theater of, 74, 75. theater of, between the Rhine and the North Sea, 338-340. theater of, how divided, 71. zone of, 66. zone of, how to select, 329. zones of, 100, 338.
Opinion, public, danger of, 55. wars of, 25.
Orchomenus, 365.
Order, checkerwise, battalions deployed in, 301. half-deep, attacks in, 302. half-deep, infantry formation, 295. importance of, 42. in deep masses, infantry formation, 295, 296. in echelons, 193. in squares, when suitable for attack, 297. mixed, infantry formation, 295, oblique, 199, 200. of attack in columns, 194. of battle, 186. of battle at Agincourt, 192. at Cannae, 189. at Crecy, 192. at Essling, 192, 193. at Fleurus, 192. at Leipsic, 193. at Mollwitz, 348. at passage of a river, 192. by echelon, 193. convex, 192. definition of, 180. oblique, 190. offensive, 200. of the generals of the Republic, 349. of infantry as skirmishers, 292. shallow, infantry, 292.
Orders, best mode of issuing, 259. how issued by Napoleon, 259. inaccurate transmission of, 196. of battle, 188. of battle, classification of, useful, 197.
Orders of battle, influence of, on result of engagements, 197. of Napoleon's battles, 198. should be clear, 258. two methods of issuing, 258, 259.
Organization and arms of cavalry, 307, 308. by corps, likely to be permanent, 287. of an army in four corps, 281. in seven corps, 281. of divisions, 279, 280. of very large armies, 286.
Panics, cause and remedy of, 65. instances of, 64. officers and troops to be warned against, 63.
Parallel lines, 200. order of battle, 188. order of battle reinforced, 189. order of battle, when suitable, 189. order of battle with crotchet, 189. retreat, 237. retreats, countries adapted to, 240, 241. retreats, when preferable, 239.
Partisans, information from, 270.
Partisan troops, services of, illustrated, 273.
Paskevitch's passage of the Vistula in 1831, 120.
Passage of an army, Napoleon's rule for, 147. of a river, best position for, 226. of the Beresina, 226, 245. of the Danube by Napoleon, 266. of the Rhine in 1795, 120. of the Saint-Bernard by Napoleon, 168. of rivers, 224, 343. of rivers, double, 230. of rivers, famous modern, 226. of rivers in retreats, 243, 244. of rivers in retreats, rules for, 245. of rivers, rules for, 227. of rivers, rules for preventing, 228.
Peninsular War, 32.
Perfect army, essential conditions of, 43.
Permanent lines of defense, 95.
Perpendicular order of battle, 190.
Peter the Great, expedition of, against Persia, 382.
Peter the Hermit, 371.
Peterwardein, panic at, 64.
Philip II. of Spain, 378.
Pichegru, movements of, in 1794, 109.
Pistol-firing, in cavalry charges, 306.
Pivots of maneuver, 98.
Pivots of operations, 98.
Points, decisive, 337. decisive and objective, 86. decisive geographic, 87. decisive, how affected by arrangement of forces, 187. decisive, of battle-field, now determined, 186. decisive strategic, 86. of operations, objective, 85.
Political objective points, 91. objective points subordinate to strategy, 91. wars, 26.
Po, Napoleon's passage of, in 1800, 225.
Portable telegraphs, 275.
Port Mahon, assault of, 212.
Port Royal, expedition of U.S. government to, 390.
Position, defensive, means of retreat to be considered in, 183. for battle, 341. how to drive an enemy from, 201, 202. strong, essentials for, 181. system of wars of, 135. tactical, protection of flanks in, 182.
Positions, 179. for cantonments, selection of, 247. intrenched, 181. open, 181. strategic, 66, 97, 330, 331. tactical, 181. tactical, rules for selecting, 181. two kinds of, 180, 181.
Post, capture of, when important, 216.
Posting troops in line of battle, 277.
Posts, means for capture of, 216.
Prague, battle of, 189, 205.
Preservation of armies in time of peace, 47.
Prince, duty of, when not conducting his armies, 54.
Prince Eugene, 54, 141, 153, 213. of Coburg, error of, in 1794, 109.
Principle of decisive points of maneuver, 88.
Principles of strategy, 331. of strategy always the same, 17.
Promotions in armies, 47.
Protection by trees and brushwood, 303.
Provisional lines, 103.
Prussia, course of, in the French Revolution, 105, 106. parallel retreat in, 241. relation of, in the French Revolution, 104.
Prussian army at Waterloo, 129. reserves in 1806, 134. system of forming columns, 294. system of intrenched camps, 158.
Public opinion, danger of, 55.
Punic wars, 363, 364.
Pursuit, rules for, 242.
Pursuits, 241.
Pyramids, Napoleon's order of battle at, 198.
Pyrrhus, descent of, on Italy, 362.
Qualities of a skillful general, 334.
Ramillies, 312.
Ramrods, 348.
Rapid marches, 176.
Ratisbon, Napoleon at, 274. Napoleon's order of battle at, 198.
Rear, attack in, 207.
Rear-guard in retreat, 243.
Rear-guards in retreat, 234.
Rear-guard in retreat, duty of, in passage of rivers, 244.
Reconnoissances, 268. give but limited information, 269. to gain information of the enemy's movements, 268.
Religion, wars of, 35.
Reports of prisoners, 269.
Reserve, cavalry, 311. final, 203. horse-artillery, advantages of, 289.
Reserves, cavalry, 288. importance of, 133, 134. in offensive war, how posted, 133, 135. nature of, 133. of Napoleon, 133. Prussian, in 1806, 134. strategic, 67, 133.
Retreat along converging roads, 236 along diverging roads, 237. along parallel roads, 236. by several corps, 235. difficulty of deciding method of, 231. five methods of arranging, 234. in single mass, when preferable, 234. line of, 261, 341-343. means of, to be considered in a defensive position, 183. parallel, 237. well effected, should be rewarded, 63.
Retreats, 230. at night, 231. attack of the enemy's advanced guard in, 243. bridges in, 244. by diverging roads, danger of, 238. cavalry in, 243. circumstances influencing, 232, 233. concentration in, 238. concentric, instances of, 238, 239. defiles in, 243. divergent, when admissible, 239. duty of staff officers in, 256. firmness of Russians in, 64. halts in, to relieve rear-guard, 236. hours of departures and halts in, 236. in daylight, 231. instances of famous, 233. measures to insure success of, 242, 243. parallel, countries adapted to, 240, 241. parallel, when preferable, 239. passage of rivers in, 243, 244. Prince de Ligne's remark on, 230. rear-guard in, 234, 243. should be slow, 232. various kinds of, 231.
Reverse fire, 317.
Rhine, passages of, 120, 224, 226.
Rhodes, capture of, by the Turks, 377.
Richard Coeur-de-Lion, 373.
Richelieu, expedition of, against Minorca, 382.
River, best position for passage of, 226. crossing of, in presence of an enemy, 120. order of battle at passage of, 192.
Rivers as eventual lines of defense, 96. as frontiers, 147. as lines of operations, 76. double passage of, 230. famous modern passages of, 226. passage of, 224, 343. passage of, in retreats, 243, 244. rules for, 245. points of passage of, in presence of an enemy, 121. rules for passage of, 227. rules for preventing passage of, 228.
Rivoli 179, 205. Napoleon's order of battle at, 198.
Rocket-batteries, use of, 318.
Rollo, 369.
Roman legions, cause of the ruin of, 63. nation, cause of the decline of, 60.
Romans, naval expeditions of, 363.
Rome, military institutions of, 61.
Rossbach, 207.
Ruler, a, should be able to arrange plans of operations, 328.
Rules for conducting descents, 251. for fighting battles scientifically, 203. for gaining information of enemy's movements, 273, 274. for offensive or defensive operations, 185. for passage of rivers, 227. for passage of a river in retreat, 245. for pursuit, 242. for preventing passage of rivers, 228. for use of artillery in battle, 316-318. to be observed in selecting tactical positions, 181.
Russian army, firmness of, in retreats, 64. army, skirmishers in, 293. base in 1828 and 1829, 84. cavalry, 314. expeditions in 1809, 385. order at Eylau, 295. retreat in 1812, 233. system of forming columns, 294.
Russians, early maritime expeditions of, 368, 369.
Saber, when best for cavalry, 308. when useful, 306.
Saint-Bernard, Napoleon's passage of, 168.
Saint-Cyr at Stockach, 205.
Saxons, expedition of, 367.
Saxony, Napoleon's central lines in, in 1813, 124.
Savoy, Duke of, 22.
Scandinavians, 366.
Science of marches, essential point in, 139. of marches, includes what, 138.
Sciences, military, study of, 49.
Scipio, 364.
Sea-coast as a base of operations, 83, 84.
Sea, control of, held by England, 173. control of, important in an invasion, 30.
Secondary lines, 103.
Sebastian of Portugal, descent of, on Morocco, 378.
Sebastopol, 347.
Secondary depots, 262, 263.
Shallow order, 298. order, infantry, 292.
Shumla, camp of, 155.
Siege, how covered, 153. of Candia, 380, 381. of Copenhagen, 384. of Mantua, 111.
Sieges and active armies, relations between, 112. duty of staff officers in, 256. wars of, 146.
Signaling by fires, 276.
Signals by military instruments, 276. simultaneous shouts as, 277. system of, 274.
Simple and interior lines, advantage of, 114. lines of operations, 101.
Simultaneous shouts as signals, 277.
Single line of operations, when preferable, 116.
Sizeboli, capture of, 223.
Skill, superiority in, 42.
Skirmishers, 359, 360.
Skirmishing-order, 292.
Small detachments, how useful, 224.
Smolensk, Napoleon's retreat from, 235.
Southern Germany, valley of the Danube the strategic key of, 162.
Sovereign as commander, 52.
Spain adapted to parallel retreats, 240. and Portugal, Wellington's tactics in, 358. invasions of, 23. war in, in 1823, 27.
Spanish Armada, 249, 378, 379. capture of Vera Cruz by, 390. descent on Algiers, 382. descent on Morocco in 1859, 389.
Spies, 269. best course for, 270. difficulties in their way, 270. use of, neglected in many modern armies, 270. when especially useful, 270.
Squares in echelons, 297. infantry, 294, 296, 297. in two ranks, 294.
Staff, chief of, 253, chief of, how selected, 57. general, usefulness of, 57. officers and general must act in concert, 257. officers, duties of, should be defined, 253. officers, duty of, in offensive war, 258. officers should inspect materiel, 257. officers, summary of duties of, 254-256.
Standing armies, effect of, on distant invasions, 171.
State, how rendered secure, 138.
Statesmanship, relation of, to war, 14.
Statesmen, duty of, in offensive war, 17.
Statistics, military, 39.
St. Domingo, expedition to, in 1802, 384.
Stockach, 179, 205. defeat of the French at, 111.
Strategic defense in mountainous countries, 164.
Stollhofen, lines of, 152.
Strategical and tactical lines of defense, 95.
Strategic combinations, 72. combinations, when better than tactical, 179. coup-d'oeil, 337-345. field of 1806, 113. front and line of defense may coincide, 92. front, change of, 94. front, double, 95. front not to be too extended, 98. front of Napoleon in his march on Eylau, 94. fronts, 92. fronts, maxims on, 98. lines, 128, 129. lines and points, 85. lines at Waterloo, 130. lines of maneuvers, 128. lines of Napoleon in 1796, 130, 131. operations in mountains, 160. operations, maxims on, 90. point, Leipsic as a, 87. Lyons as a, 87. point of a battle-field, when important, 187. points, capitals as, 87. position, essential conditions for, 99. positions, 66, 97, 330, 331. positions of mountainous countries, 76. positions of Napoleon, 97. reserves, 67, 133. square for camps, 99.
Strategy, 322, 337. advantage of the offensive in, 184. and the commissariat, 141. battles of Ulm and Jena won by, 198. connection of intrenched camps with, 154. connection of tetes de ponts with, 154. definition of, 66. directs movements, tactics executes them, 175. errors in, 91. how it should be studied, 337. illustration of, by operations of 1793, 331-333. illustrations of, 339-341. in what it consists, 328. objective points in, how determined, 88. one great end of, 177. points embraced by, 68. political objective points subordinate to, 91. principles of, 331. principles of, always the same, 17. province of, 178. relation of fortresses to, 148, 150. science of marches in, 138. system of, developed in 1800, 137. the art of, 69.
Strong position, essentials for a, 181.
Study of strategy, how made profitable, 337.
Successful retreat, how to insure, 242, 243.
Surprises of armies, 209. difficulty of, 209.
Suwaroff, 55, 170.
Suwaroff's expedition in Switzerland, 166.
Supplies, depots of, 141, 143.
Suza, position of Swiss and Italians at, 168.
Svatoslav, expedition of, 308.
Sweyn, 369, 370.
Switzerland, invasion of, by French Directory, 162. Massena in, in 1799, 165. Suwaroff in, 166. tactical defense of, 169.
Syria, French expedition to, 390.
System, concentric or eccentric, 126. of corps, 279. of divisions, 278. of marches, 135. of marches, effects of, 138. of marches, includes what, 138. of marches, relation of, to commissariat, 141. of marches the result of circumstances, 135. of operations, 72. of operations, how to be judged, 125. of signals, 274. of strategy developed in 1800, 137. of wars, change of, 135. of wars of position, 135.
Systems modified by forms of government, 45.
Tactical combinations, guiding principle in, 178. defense of Switzerland, 169. operations, disadvantages of the offensive in, 184. position, protection of flanks in, 182.
Tactical positions, 181. positions, rules for selecting, 181.
Tactics, 322. executes movements, strategy directs them, 175. grand, 69, 70. of battles, great difficulty of, 196. of Wellington in Spain and Portugal, 358.
Tagliamento, Napoleon's order at, 295.
Taroutin, surprise of Murat at, 209.
Telegraphs, portable, 275.
Temporary bases, 84. bases, when necessary, 132.
Tetes de ponts, 160. connection of, with strategy, 154. how differ from intrenched camps, 160.
Theater of operations, 74, 75. of operations between the Rhine and North Sea, 338-340. of operations, how composed, 75. of operations, how divided, 71. of operations in the French Revolution, 104. of war, border of the, 80, 81. of war, decisive points of the, 85. of war, definition of, 74.
Theories, difficulty of applying, in war, 269. use of, in war, 323.
Thirty Years' War, 25.
Three-rank formation of infantry, 291, 293.
Topographical and statistical reconnoissances, 268.
Torgau, battle of, 205.
Torres-Vedras, camp of, 155. intrenched camp at, 83.
Towers, masonry, 158. of Coblentz, 159. of Linz, 158.
Transversal maneuvers, 163. marches in mountainous countries, 163.
Trees, clumps of, should be occupied, 303.
Troops, distribution of, in line of battle, 287. employment of, 328.
Trot, when best for cavalry charge, 306, 307.
Turenne's surprise of the Austrian cantonments, 246.
Turin, battle of, 53. intrenched camp at, 211. lines of, 153, 213.
Turkey, invasion of, 23.
Turkish war of 1828 and 1829, 84. wars, squares in, 296, 297.
Turks, cavalry charge of, 307. naval expeditions of, 377, 378, 380.
Turning maneuvers, 179, 201, 206. maneuver, rules for, 204.
Two corps, one behind the other, 285.
Two-rank formation, 346.
Two wars at once, danger of, 36.
Ulm, battle of, 53. battle of, won by strategy, 198. camp of, 154. maneuvers at, 90.
Uncertainty regarding battles, elements of, 197.
Unexpected battles, advanced guard in, 208. meeting of two armies, 207.
United States, capture of Vera Cruz by, 387. English expeditions against, in 1814 and 1815, 385, 386. expedition to Port Royal, 390.
Use of spies neglected in many modern armies, 272. of the three arms combined, 203.
Vandals, 366.
Vandamme's disaster at Culm, lesson of, 221.
Venice, 379, 380.
Vera Cruz captured by the Spaniards, 390. taken by the French, 386. taken by the United States, 387.
Vessels, Roman, 363. Scandinavian, 366.
Victories, French, of 1793, why indecisive, 333.
Victory, assailant's best means of, 202. on what it depends, 309, 310. when it may be expected, 360.
Villages, importance of, on front of a position, 303.
Villars's infantry, panic among, 64.
Vistula, passage of, by Paskevitch, 120.
Wagram, 195, 206, 266, 317, 343, 350. Macdonald's column at, 295, 296. Napoleon's artillery at, 289, 316. Napoleon's order of battle at, 198. panic at, 64.
War an art, 321. border of the theater of, 80, 81. character of, from Middle Ages to French Revolution, 135. circumstances which influence result of, 321. council of, at seat of government, 59. councils of, 58. decisive points of the theater of, 85. defensive-offensive, 74. definition of the art of, 13. fundamental principle of, 66, 70. governments should not be unprepared for, 46. how to be conducted, 15. influence of cavalry in a, 313, 314. influence of improvements in fire-arms on, 347, 355, 359. manner of applying general principle of, 175. materiel of, 49. maxims of fundamental principles of, 70. nature and extent of, how influenced, 14. not an exact science, 344, 350. objects of, 14. of the Crimea, 387. offensive and defensive, definition of, 72. offensive, duty of staff officers in, 258. operations of, how directed, 150. principal parts of the art of, 66. relation of statesmanship to, 14. theater of, definition, 74. use of theories in, 323.
Warsaw, intrenchments at, 211.
Wars, aggressive, for conquest, 22. change of system of, 135. civil, 35. defensive politically, offensive militarily, 17. double, 36. for conquest, instances of, 22. intestine, 35. natural character of, in mountainous countries, 167. national, definition of, 29. national, difficulties of conquest in, 31-34. national, effect of nature of the country on, 30. national, how prevented, 33, 34. national, invasion difficult in, 144. offensive, how conducted, 16. offensive, to reclaim rights, 16. of expediency, 18. kinds of, 18. of extermination, 34. of intervention, 19. of intervention, essentials in wars of, 21. of intervention, military chances in, 20. of invasion, when advantageous, 17. of opinion, 25. of opinion, character of, 26. of opinion, instances of, 25. of opinion, military precepts for, 27. of position, system of, 135. of religion, 35. of sieges, 146. political, 26. political part of, how modified, 17. Punic, 363, 364. Turkish, squares in, 296, 297. when most just, 16. with or without allies, 18.
Waterloo, 127, 183, 206, 295, 303-306, 354. Bluecher at, 130. campaign of, 129, 130. English squares at, 294 formations at, 351. French at, 196. Napoleon's order of battle at, 198. Ney at, 182,183. strategic lines at, 130. Wellington's position at, 181, 388.
Wellington, 181, 185, 353, 357, 358, 381, 382, 384, 385. and Bluecher at Waterloo, 127, 130. at Salamanca, 206. at Torres-Vedras, 83. defensive-offensive operations of, 74.
Wellington's position at Waterloo, 181.
Weyrother, 205, 206.
William the Conqueror, 370, 371.
Winkelried, column of, 194.
Winter campaigns, 68. quarters, countries adapted to, 246. quarters, when dangerous, 247. quarters, when strategic, 97.
Woods, importance of possession of, 303.
Wurmser at Mantua, 156. eccentric retreat of, in 1796, 238. error of, 111.
Xerxes, 173. army of, 362.
Zama, battle of, 364.
Zimisces, 368.
Zone of operations, 66, 100, 338. of operations, how to select, 329. of operations in 1813, 101.
Zones of operations in the French Revolution, 105.
Zurich, defeat of the allies at, 112.