Membrane, Sinew, Horn—Parchment; cat-gut; membrane thread; sinews for thread; glue;; isinglass; horn, tortoise-shell and whalebone.
Memoranda and Log-books—General remarks; pocket MS.-book; log-book; calculation books; number of observations requiring record Memoranda, to arrange.
Metals—Fuel for forge; bellows; iron and steel; case-hardening; lead, to cast; tin-plates; copper.
Mercury to harden lead with.
Metallic (prepared) paper.
Miller, Professor W. H.
Milk, to preserve; sizing paper with; used as sympathetic ink; to milk wild cows.
Milton, Lord.
Mirror, signalling with the sun.
Mitchell, Sir Thomas.
Mosquito curtains; tent of.
Moss on trees, a sign of direction.
Mould for candles.
Mountain (see Climbing and Mountaineering).
Muddy water, to filter.
Murray, Admiral Hon. C.
Nails, substitutes for.
Napoleon I., on bivouac.
Natives (see "Savages").
Navy (British) diet.
Nettle as food.
Niger, expedition to.
Night, to follow a track by; shooting; night-glass; compass.
Nocturnal animals.
Notes, to keep.
Notices to another party.
Number of a party; to camps.
Nunn, W. and Co.
Nutritive elements of food.
Oakum, for bedding.
Observations, number required; to procure calculation of.
Occultations, telescopes for.
Oil (olive) to refine (see "Grease").
Opera glass as a night glass; supplies a burning lens; and a lens to condense light.
Organising an Expedition—Best size for party; servants' engagement; women.
Osborn, Captain Sherard, R.N.
Ostrich eggs, to carry.
Oswell, Mr. W. C.
Otter; fishermen's board.
Outfit—Stores for general use; for individual use; presents and articles for payment; summary; means of transport; Outfit of medicine; Alpine gear; sewing materials.
Outline forms for calculations; for the log-book.
Outrigger, to balance canoes; irons for oars.
Ovampo camp-fires.
Owen, Professor.
Ox; for stalking; ox-gall.
Paces, length of; to measure rate of travel by.
Pack saddles; kegs for; art of packing.
Padlock to a buckled strap.
Paint; to paint cattle; paint-brush.
Palanquin (see "Litter,").
Palliser, Captain J.
Paper; warmth of, in coverlet.
Park, Mungo.
Parkyns, Mansfield, Mr.
Party, to organise (see Organising an Expedition).
Patch to a water-bag.
Path, lost.
Patterans (gipsy marks by road).
Paunch of dead animal, water in.
Payment, articles of.
Peal, Mr.
Pegs, tent; to secure tent ropes; for hooks.
Percussion caps.
Pereira, Dr.
Picketting horses in sand.
Picture writing.
Pitching a tent.
Pith for tinder; for hats.
Plaids in bivouac in heather; wetted, in wind.
Planks, to sew together (see Timber); plank-roads.
Poaching devices (see Game, Other Means, etc.).
Poison for beasts; for fish; for stakes in pitfalls; for arrows; for bullets; snake bites; suspicion of poison; poisonous plants; antedotes to poison.
Pole for tent; pole and bucket; pole star.
Portable food.
Porters for instruments; of provisions for depots.
Pottery—Glaze for; clay; pots for stores and caches; Pot for cooking; to mend; substitute for; baking in; distilling from.
Powder (see "Gunpowder").
Prairie on fire.
Precautions against poison; malaria; unwholesome water; thieves.
Preparatory Inquiries—Qualifications for a traveller; dangers of travel; advantages; to obtain information; conditions of failure and success; the leader; servants.
Presents for savages.
Preserving food.
Pricker for gun-nipples.
Prisoners, to secure; punishment.
Puna (effect of high mountain air).
Punt of hide; of tin.
Putrid water.
Qualifications for a traveller.
Quicksilver, to harden lead.
Quills, to prepare; to carry letters; to hold minute specimens.
Radiation chill.
Rae, Dr.
Rafts and boats—Rafts of wood; of bamboo; Boating power of woods; burning down trees; rafts of reeds; of hide; of gourds (Makara); rude boats; sailing; log canoe; of three planks; inflatable indi-rubber; of basket; of reed of fibre; of hide; corracle and fibre; of hide; corracle and skin punt; bark boat and canoe; tin boat; boats, well built, of various materials; boating gear; boat building; boat management; awning—(See also "Boats.").
Rain, to catch.
Ramrod; to replace; probing with, for water; broken ramrod tubes.
Rank birds, to prepare for eating.
Rarefied air.
Rarey, Mr.
Rate of movement, to measure; of swimming; theory of load, and rate of travel.
Rations; of water.
Raw meat; as an antiscorbutic.
Reconnoitring arid lands.
Reeds, for rafts; mats; huts and fences; to weave; for pens; as a cache (see "Bamboo").
Reel, substitute for.
Reflectors, to light tinder; of sun for a signal.
Retreat, hurried.
Richardson, Sir J.; Mr.
Rifle (see Guns and Rifles).
Right angle, to lay out.
Rings for saddle.
Rivers, to cross (see Fords and Bridges); their banks are bad roads.
Road, to mark; plank-road; lost road.
Rob Roy canoe.
Robbers (see "Thieves").
Rock, a reservoir of heat at night; magnetism of.
Roe of fish, as food.
Ropes, for descending cliffs; Alpine; of sheeting; of bark, (see Cord, String, Thread); tying a prisooner.
Rumford, Count.
Running, with horses.
Rushes (see "Reeds"), for chairs.
Sack (see "Rag").
Saddle; packsaddle; saddle as pillow; saddle bags; as screens against wind.
Sails to raft; sail-tent.
Salt; given to cattle; salt-lick; salt meat; to make; to salt hides; to prepare salt meat for cooking (see "Sea-water").
Saltpetre; for gunpowder.
Sand, sleeping in; to pitch tents or picket horses in; ripple marks on, give sign of direction; used in raising a sarcophagus.
Sarcophagus, raised by sand.
Savages, management of—General remarks; bush laws; to enable a savage to keep count; drawing lots.
Saw mark.
Scent of human touch.
Schlagintweit, H.
Science, preparatory information in.
Scorpion sting.
Sea-birds, as food—Sea-water, wetting with, a remedy for thirst; a remedy for damp through rain; to distill.
Seaweed as fuel; as food; as fodder; as string; to make gum; its ashes.
Seeds wetted, expansive force of.
Sealing-wax varnish.
Seasoning wood.
Sedlitz powders.
Sextant, to learn the use of; glasses to re-silver.
Shavings for bedding.
Sheep; sheep dogs.
Sheets used as ropes.
Shelter from wind; from sky.
Shingle, bivouac on.
Shingles (wood tiles).
Shirt sleeves, how to tuck up; writing notes upon.
Shoes; of untanned leather, eatable; shoemakers' wax.
Shooting, hints on—How to load; shooting in water; night shooting; battues to mark the beaters; scarecrows; stalking horses; pan-hunting; the rush of an enraged animal; hiding game; tying up the shooting horse; division of game; duck shooting; crocodileshooting; tracks; carrying game; setting a gun as a spring-gun; bow and arrows; knives; night-glass.
Shot; for defence.
Shutters of grass.
Sickness (see "Medicine").
Sickle, in cutting chaff.
Sights of a gun; to replace.
Signals—Flashing with flags; reflecting the sun with a mirror; fire and smoke; other signals; letters carried by animals.
Size, for paper.
Skins (see Leather), eatable when untanned; salting animals in their own skins; baking them, ditto; boiling, ditto; skin rafts; boats; water bags; lashings of raw hide; to make glue.
Sky, shelter from.
Sleeping-bags—Knapsack bags; Arctic bags; peasants' sack (see also).
Slugs (shot); to cast.
Smell of road; of water; of human touch; of a negro; as an indication to stop.
Smith, Archibald, Mr.
Smith, Dr.
Smith's work.
Smoke signals; smoking skins;.
Snake bites; tree snakes in boating; poison for arrows.
Snow, bivouac on; huts of; hearth on; filter for muddy water; snow does not satisfy thirst; blindness and spectacles; drifts to cross; ripple marks to steer by; snowy mountains, to climb.
Solder for tin.
Soldering (lots).
Sore backs to horses.
Sound, velocity of; signals by.
Span, measure of length; of angles.
Sparks; to strike; to make a fire from; struck as a signal; to show the road by night.
Spears, for fish; set over beast paths; trailed through grass by savages; to straighten wood for.
Specific gravities of wood.
Spectacles for snow; for seeing under water.
Speke, Captain.
Sponge, lapping up water from puddles; dew from leaves.
Spontaneous combustion.
Spring gun; bow.
Squaring (right angles to lay out).
Stalking-horses and screens; stalking game.
Stars for bearings.
Starving men.
Steels for flints; steel tools; cast steel; case-hardening.
Sticks, small, for lighting fires; for fire by rubbing; for tenting purposes and substitutes; to bend or straighten.
Still (distilling).
Sting of scorpions and wasps.
Stones, heated, to make water boil; as weapons of defence; as marks by roadside; to chisel marks upon.
Stores, lists of; store-keeping.
Straw, to work; straw walls.
Stuffy bedding.
Sturt, Captain.
Sulphur matches; for gun-powder.
Sunrise and sunset, diagram.
Sun signals; solar bearings.
Surveying Instruments.
Swimming—Rate of swimming; learning to swim; to support those who cannot swim; landing through breakers; floats; African swimming ferry; swimming with parcels; with horses; taking a wagon across a river; water spectaacles;—Swimming with carcass of game; with sheath knife.
Swivels for tether ropes.
Sympathetic ink.
Syphons, to empty water vessels.
Tables and chairs.
Tables, of diet; of outfit; for rate of movement; of chords; for triangulation by chords.
Tallow for candles (see "Grease").
Tanks for wagons.
Tar; tarpaulin; tarring wheels.
Tawing hides.
Taylor, Mr.
Tea, theory of making.
Temper, good.
Temper of steel, to reduce.
Tents—General remarks; materials for making them; large tents; smalltents; pitching tents; tent poles; tying things to them; to warm tents; permanent camp; to search for things lost in the sand; precautions against thieves—Awning, to litter; to boat; sail tent; tent and sleeping bag; gipsy tent.
Theory of finding a lost path; of fords; of fountains; of loads and distances; of nutriment; of reconnoitring by help of depots; of tea making.
Thiercelin, M.
Thieves, hedge round tent; tricks upon (see Hostilities).
Thirst (see Water for Drinking).
Thorn-wreath in noosing animals.
Thumbs, to tie.
Timber—Green wood, to season; to bend wood; carpenters' tools; sharpening tools; nails, substitutes for; lathe; charcoal, tar, and pitch; turpentine and resin—See also "Trees.").
Tiimber-hitch (knot).
Time, to measure; journey measured by.
Tin; tin boat.
Tinder; tinder-boxes.
Toggle and strop.
Toilet in travel.
Touchwood; touch-paper.
Tow rope, to fix.
Traces (harness).
Tracing designs.
Tracks, convergence of, towards water; towards dead game; to prepare ground to receive tracks; to obliterate tracks.
Transport, means of.
Travail (North America).
Travel, rate of.
Trees (see Timber), as shelter; to mark; to fell with fire; to hollow with fire; as signs of neighbouring water; to climb; to steer by; to make caches in; boughs bent as accumulators; bark to strip; tree-bridges.
Trektows (traces).
Triangulation; table for, by chords.
Trenches, for cooking.
Trous de loup.
Tschudi, Dr.
Tulchan bishops.
Turf screen against wind.
Turnscrew in pocket-knife.
Turtle, water in its pericardium.
Tylor, Mr.
Tyndall, Professor.
Uganda thorn-wreath.
Underground huts.
Units of length.
Ure's Dictionary.
Vapour baths.
Varnish of sealing-wax.
Vavasour, Lady.
Vegetables, Chollet's.
Vegetation indicates water.
Verification of instruments.
Vermin on the person.
Vessels to carry water, small; large.
Vice in horses; in oxen.
Vital heat.
Vraic (see "Seaweed").
Vulture trapping.
Wagons; to take across a river; axle-tree, to repair.
Waistcoat; strait-waistcoat.
Walls; of snow; of straw or reeds.
Washing clothes; oneself.
Watch, pocket for; watch-glass as a burning lens; cover as a reflector.
Water for Drinking—General remarks; signs of the neighbourhood of water; pools of water; fountains; wells; snow-water; distilled water; occasional means of quenching thirst; to purify water that is muddy or putrid; thirst, to relieve; small water-vessels; kegs and tanks; to raise water from wells for cattle—To see things under water; shooting by waterside; floating game across water; raising heavy bodies out of water; banks of watercourse a bad pathway; bivouac by water; water causes earth over caches to sink; waterproofing.
Wattle and daub.
Wax, bee-hives, to find; waxed paper; wax candles; shoemakers' wax.
Way, to find—Recollection of a path; to walk in a straight line through forest; to find the best way down a hill-side; blind paths; lost in a fog; mirage; lost path; theory.
Weapons of defence.
Weaving mats; girths.
Weber, Dr.
Weights drawn and carried by cattle; theory of, and distances; heavy weights, to move; to carry.
Welding iron.
Wells; dry, used as sleeping places.
Wet clothes, to dry (see "Dry").
Wheels, to tar and grease; tire made of hide.
Whymper, Mr.
Williams, Rev. Mr.
Wind, shelter from; as a guide.
Women, strength of; kindliness of.
Wood (see Timber and Trees) shavings for bed; fire-wood Wooden cups for tea; shingles for roof.
Woolley, Mr.
Wounded persons, to carry.
Wrangel, Admiral.
Writing Materials—Paper; bookbinding; pens and paint-brushes; ink; ox-gall; wafers, paste, and gum; signets; sealing-wax varnish; small boxes for specimens; Letters, to deposit en cache; writing in the dark; on horseback.
Wyndham, Mr. F. M.