Take the very young green shoots of the pumpkin plant. Wash them well and put them into a large saucepan, with a very little water seasoned with salt and a pinch of carbonate of soda; keep pressing them down into the water and boil till soft. Turn into a colander and squeeze very dry, put into a saucepan with one ounce of butter, pepper, salt, and a few drops of lemon juice. Stir about till thoroughly hot through, dish neatly, and serve.
* 1 doz. Green Bananas—3d. * * Lemon Juice * * 1/2 pint Brown Sauce * * Pepper and Salt—2d. * * Total Cost—5d. * * Time—Half an Hour. * Peel the bananas and put them in boiling water to which a few drops of lemon juice have been added; boil them for half an hour, or until soft. Make sauce by directions already given, flavour with lemon juice, pepper, and salt. Strain all the water from the bananas, dish, and pour over the sauce
To fry potatoes successfully, two things must be carefully attended to. First of all dry the potatoes thoroughly, and then have very hot fat. Peel the potatoes and dry them in a cloth. Cut into any shape—slices, strips, quarters, &c.—and dry again. Have a good quantity of very hot fat ready, put the chips into a frying basket, and plunge into the fat. Fry quickly, and directly they are brown enough they are done. Throw them on to some kitchen paper to drain off the fat. Pile high on a dish, sprinkle with salt, and serve very hot.
* 1 Cabbage—2d. * * 1 oz. Butter—1d. * * 2 oz. Dry Cheese * * 1 spoonful Flour * * Pepper and Salt—1d. * * Total Cost—4d. * * Time—15 Minutes. * Boil the cabbage by directions given, strain away the water and press it very dry. Put the butter into a saucepan, and when it is dissolved, chop up the cabbage and put a layer at the bottom of the saucepan. Sprinkle over some grated cheese, pepper, and salt, then more cabbage and cheese, until all are used up. Simmer gently for fifteen minutes, slip it on to a hot dish, and serve.
* 5 or 6 Large Potatoes—1 1/2d. * * 2 oz. Cheese—1d. * * 1 spoonful of Milk * * 1 Egg * * Pepper and Salt—1d. * * Total Cost—31/2 d. * * Time—Two Hours. * Scrub the potatoes and bake them in the oven. Cut off the end, scoop out all the meal; grate up some dry pieces of cheese, beat it into the potatoes with the yolk of the egg, and some seasoning. Whip the white till stiff and stir lightly in; fill the potatoes with this mixture. Lay in a baking sheet and bake for about twenty minutes. Garnish with parsley, and serve.
* Cold Cauliflower * * Frying Batter * * Hot Fat * * Total Cost—1 1/2 d. * * Time—5 Minutes. * Take any cold cauliflower that may be left, divide it into branches. Make the frying batter by directions given. Dip the pieces of cauliflower into it, and put into very hot fat. Fry a good colour and pile high on a dish. Garnish with fried parsley and serve very hot.
* 1 doz. Tomatoes—4d. * * 1 gill Milk * * 1 oz. Butter * * Pepper and Salt—1 1/2d. * * Total Cost—51/2 d. * * Time—10 Minutes. * Slice up the tomatoes, mix a spoonful of flour with some pepper and salt; dip in the slices and fry quickly, pile on a dish. Pour the milk into the pan in which they were fried, stir until it boils, and pour over. Garnish with fried bread and serve hot.
* 1 Onion * * 1 Apple * * 1/2 oz. Flour * * Lemon Juice * * Salt—1d * * 1/2 oz. Curry Powder * * 1 oz. Butter or Dripping * * 1 pint Gravy—1d * * Total Cost—2d. * * Time—Half an Hour. * Peel and chop up the apple and onion. Put the butter or dripping into a saucepan, and when it is melted put in the apple and onion, and fry for a few minutes; sprinkle over the curry powder and the flour. Pour over the gravy and stir until it boils. Simmer for half an hour, then strain, flavour with lemon juice and salt, boil up, and it is ready. If this sauce is for fish, use milk or fish stock instead of gravy.
* 1/2 pint Milk—1d. * * 1 oz. Butter—1d. * * Lemon Juice * * 1/2 oz. Flour * * 1 teaspoonful Parsley * * Pepper and Salt.—1d. * * Total Cost—3d. * * Time—5 Minutes. * Put the butter into a small saucepan, and when it is melted stir in the flour, and mix smoothly; pour in the milk and stir until it boils. Take the saucepan from the fire, add a few drops of lemon juice, a pinch of pepper and salt to taste, last of all the parsley. It is then ready to serve.
* 3 Small Onions—1/2d. * * 1 oz. Butter—1d. * * Lemon Juice * * 1/2 pint Milk * * 1 oz. Bread Crumbs * * Pepper and Salt—1 1/2d. * * Total Cost—3d. * * Time—5 Minutes. * Peel the onions, put them into cold water, and let them boil for a minute. Strain away the water, cover again with cold water, boil up and cook till soft; take out the water, chop small. Put the butter and milk into a saucepan, and when it boils put in the bread crumbs and onions. Cook slowly for five minutes, season with pepper, salt, and a few drops of lemon juice, and it is ready to serve.
* 4 Slices Toast—1d. * * Pepper and Salt * * 1/2 pint White Sauce—2d. * * Total Cost—3d. * * Time—5 Minutes. * Make the toast and lay it in a dish. Make the sauce by directions given for white sauce. Season with pepper and salt, and pour over it; serve hot. If a richer dish is desired, a little butter may be put on the toast.
* 1 tablespoonful Jam—1d. * * 1/2 pint Water * * 1 oz. Sugar * * 1 teaspoonful Cornflour * * 1/2 Lemon—1d. * * Total Cost—2d. * * Time—5 Minutes. * Put the water, jam, lemon juice, and sugar into a small saucepan and boil it for five minutes. Mix the cornflour with a little cold water and pour it in; stir till it boils up. Strain the jam out, and it is ready to serve; a few drops of cochineal improve the colour.
When the joint is served pour the dripping into a basin and stand away till cold; then cut it out of the basin. The gravy that will be found at the bottom is an excellent addition to hash or mince. Cut the dripping into small pieces and pour over it sufficient boiling water to dissolve it. Stir it well and leave till it is a solid cake of fat. Cut it off the water, scrape the impurities from the bottom, and it will be ready for use.
The fat from meat not required in dressing it, and the ends of chops, &c., make excellent shortening for pies and cakes. Cut it into small pieces and put it into an old saucepan with about one quart of water. Boil until all the water is evaporated; the fat will then begin to boil. Strain this melted fat into a basin, and continue to do so until all the fat is extracted. This is a good substitute for butter and lard.
* 1/2 pint Water * * 1 oz. Butter * * 1/2 oz. Flour * * Salt * * Total Cost—1 1/2 d. * * Time—5 Minutes. * Put half the butter into a small saucepan, and when it is dissolved stir in the flour and mix smoothly; pour in the cold water and stir until it boils. Take the saucepan from the fire, stir in the rest of the butter in small pieces, and some salt, it is then ready to serve.
Wash the rice well in two or three waters; have a large saucepan on the fire full of boiling water seasoned with salt. Throw in the rice and boil very quickly for five or six minutes. Take up a grain, and if it feels quite soft it is done; if not, boil another minute. Strain off the water and pour over it some clean hot water to separate the grains. If required immediately, put it back in the saucepan and toss over the fire till dry. If not, spread it on a sieve or dish and dry on the stove, covered with a cloth, or in the oven with the door open.
The top or flower of parsley only should be used for frying. Pick it carefully and rub well in a damp cloth, and then in a dry cloth. Put into a frying basket and plunge into the fat when the fish, or whatever it is to be served with, has been fried; leave it in not more than one minute. Turn it on to some kitchen paper and stand for a minute on the stove to dry; it is then ready.
* 1/4 lb. Flour—1/2d. * * 1/2 gill Tepid Water * * White of Egg * * 1 dessertspoonful Oil—1d. * * Total Cost—11/2 d. * * Time—5 Minutes. * Sift the flour into a basin, pour over it the oil, then the water, and beat into a smooth batter; stand away for an hour, if possible in a cool place. Whip the white of the egg to a stiff froth, and stir it in, and it is ready to use. This batter is useful for fritters and many dishes both sweet and savoury.
* 6 Tomatoes—2d. * * 1 oz. Butter—1d. * * 1 1/2 oz. Flour * * 1/2 spoonful Sugar * * 1/2 spoonful Salt—1/2d. * * Total Cost—31/2 d. * * Time—5 Minutes. * If the tomatoes are ripe they need not be cooked; but if at all hard, boil them for five minutes. Then slice up and rub through a sieve. Put the butter into a small saucepan, and when it is dissolved stir in the flour and sugar; then pour in the tomato juice and stir until it boils; season with salt to taste. This is tomato sauce pure and simple; but it is often made with half stock and half tomato juice; it is suitable for chops, steaks, &c. If made thicker it is called a puree, and is served with braised and dressed meats.
* 1/2 pint Milk—1d. * * 1 oz. Butter—1d. * * 1/2 oz. Flour * * Salt and Pepper—1/2d. * * Total Cost—2 1/2 d. * * Time Minutes. * Put the butter into a small saucepan, and when it is dissolved put in the flour; mix well and pour on the cold milk and stir till it boils. Let it boil for two minutes and it is ready. It may be served either as a sweet or savoury sauce, putting either sugar or pepper and salt, as required.
Brown gravy can be made from any kind of stock. If the stock is good, put it into a saucepan and thicken every pint with 1 oz of flour. If the stock is not very good, boil some vegetables in it with any trimmings of meat and poultry available, and thicken with butter and flour; a few drops of lemon juice will bring up the flavour. It should be of a rich brown colour. It can be coloured with a little sugar burnt in a spoon, or with a few drops of caramel, a recipe for which will be found elsewhere.
* 1 pint Stock * * 1 oz. Butter * * 1/2 oz. Flour—1 1/2d. * * 1/2 Stalk of Celery * * 1 Carrot * * 1 Onion * * 1/2 Turnip * * 1 doz. Peppercorns—1d. * * Total Cost—21/2 d. * * Time—One Hour. * Put the butter into a saucepan, and when it is quite hot, slice up the vegetables and put them in with the peppercorns, and fry a good colour. Stir in the flour and brown that too, then pour in the stock and stir till it boils. Cover down and let it simmer slowly for an hour. Rub through a sieve, return to the saucepan; season with salt and lemon juice, boil up, and it is ready to serve.
Put half a pound of sugar into a frying-pan and let it get very brown. Pour over half a pint of water and stir till it boils; strain into a bottle. It will keep good a long time, and is very useful for colouring soup and gravies.
* 2 oz. Suet (Beef)—1/2d. * * 3 oz. Bread Crumbs—1/2d. * * Pepper and Salt * * 1 Egg * * 1/2 teaspoonful Parsley * * 1/2 teaspoonful Sweet Herbs * * Half a Lemon—1 1/2d. * * Total Cost—21/2 d. * Shred the suet and mix it with the bread crumbs. Chop the parsley and sweet herbs very finely and stir them in, then the grated rind of half a lemon, and the pepper and salt; drop in the egg and bind into a paste, and it is ready to use. This forcemeat is suitable for fowls, turkeys, veal, and fish.
Cut up some very stale bread and bake it in the oven till a nice colour. Put these pieces through a sausage machine and then rum them through a sieve; keep in a bottle for use. They are excellent for many savoury dishes, and it is good way of using up stale pieces of bread.
Take any cold vegetables that there may be in the larder—such as potatoes, cauliflowers, peas, beans, haricots, &c. Slice up the potatoes, branch the cauliflower, and mix in the peas and beans; put all into a salad bowl. Take oil and vinegar in the proportion of one of oil to two of vinegar, blend them together and season with salt and pepper. Pour this over the vegetables, slice up one or two hard boiled eggs into very thin slices, and lay round as a garnish.
Peel and slice up some ripe bananas and oranges, removing the pips from the oranges, but saving the juice. Take a deep glass dish, lay at the bottom some bananas, then a layer of oranges. Sprinkle well with sugar, then some more bananas and oranges and sugar, until all the materials are used up. Cover and let it stand for an hour, then serve as a sweet.
Take any fruits in season, such as oranges, mandarins, passion fruit, apricots, nectarines, pineapples, bananas, &c. Peel and slice them up, and put them into a glass dish in layers, with plenty of sugar between each layer. Stand in a cool place for an hour covered over, and it is ready to serve.
Slice up some cold boiled potatoes. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and chopped parsley. Mix the oil and vinegar together in the proportion of two of oil to one of vinegar; pour this over, let it stand for an hour, and serve.
* 1/2 lb. Rice—1d. * * 1/2 lb. Cheese—2d. * * 1 pint Stock * * 1 oz. Butter * * Pepper and Salt—1d. * * Total Cost—4d. * * Time—Three-quarters of an Hour. * Boil some rice, or take any cold rice that may be left, put it into a saucepan with the stock, and simmer till the stock is absorbed. Grate up some dry, hard pieces of cheese, stir them in with the butter, pepper and salt. Cover down by the side of the fire for about half an hour; pile on a dish, and serve.
* 4 Eggs—4d. * * 1/2 pint Tomato Sauce—2d. * * Fried Bread * * 1 teaspoonful Parsley—1d. * * Total Cost—7d. * * Time—5 Minutes. * Take some thick tomato sauce and pour it on to a hot dish. Poach the eggs carefully and lay them on the sauce. Garnish with parsley and fried bread, and serve hot.
* 2 oz. Macaroni—1 1/2d. * * 1/2 pint White Sauce—1 1/2d. * * 3 oz. Dry Cheese * * Pepper and Salt—1d. * * Total Cost—4d. * * Time—10 Minutes. * Put the macaroni into boiling salt and water, and boil for half an hour or until soft; strain off the water and cut into pieces about 1 1/2 inch long. Make the sauce by directions given elsewhere. Mix in half the cheese and some pepper and salt. Take a dish in which it can be served, and lay at the bottom some macaroni; then some sauce and a little of the dry cheese. Continue in this way till all the materials are used up, leaving plenty of dry cheese for the top. Put in the oven for five or ten minutes till a nice colour. Serve hot.
* 2 Eggs—2d. * * 1 gill Oil—2d. * * 1/2 gill Vinegar * * Salt—1/2d. * * Total Cost—41/2 d. * * Time—Three-quarters of an Hour. * Put the yolks of the eggs into a basin, sprinkle over the salt, begin to stir them with a wooden spoon, dropping in the oil very slowly. The sauce must be kept thick, and the oil added very slowly. When it is quite thick and smooth, pour in the vinegar slowly, and it is ready for use. This is considered the finest of all salad dressings. If made some time before it is required for table, it must be kept cool. It ought to stand in ice, and the vinegar should be added just before serving. It may be used for any kind of salad instead of the ordinary dressing.
Salads form such a pleasant item in the menu, particularly during the hot season, that they should be regarded as a daily dish. There are no scraps of fish, poultry, meat, or cold boiled vegetables, but what can be turned to account in this way. If these are utilised, a great variety can be obtained at a very trifling cost; in fact these dainty tit-bits can often be made of food that otherwise would be thrown away. Cold cauliflowers, beans, peas, and potatoes are particularly nice in salads.
* Cold Boiled Fish—4d. * * 1 Lettuce—1/2d. * * 1 Egg—1d. * * Salad Dressing, or Remoulade Sauce—4d. * * Total Cost—91/2 d. * Make a salad dressing the same as that given for lettuce salad; flake up the fish free from skin and bone. Wash and dry the lettuce and shred it up, mix the fish with the dressing. Put a layer of lettuce at the bottom of the bowl, then one of fish and dressing. Do this alternatively, leaving plenty of lettuce for the top; garnish with hard boiled eggs cut into slices.
* 2 Lettuces—1d. * * 1 tablespoonful Condensed Milk * * 2 teaspoonful Mustard—1d. * * 2 Eggs—2d. * * 1/2 gill Vinegar—1/2d. * * 1/4 gill Oil * * Pepper and Salt—1/2d. * * Total Cost—5d. * Boil the eggs hard; take the yolk of one and put it into a basin and work it quite smooth with a spoon. Then add the mustard made with vinegar instead of water, the condensed milk, pepper, and salt, and then the oil slowly; last of all the vinegar. Mix it all very thoroughly. Cut off the outside leaves of the lettuce, and pull it all to pieces, wash in cold water and dry thoroughly in a cloth. Break into small pieces and put into a salad bowl, pour over the dressing. Garnish with the other egg and the white that was not used in the dressing. These should be cut into slices and placed round. A few of the best pieces of lettuce should be laid over the dressing.
* 3 oz. Macaroni—2d. * * 2 tablespoonsful Oil—1d. * * 1 bunch Beetroot * * Pepper and Salt * * 2 tablespoonful Vinegar—2d. * * Total Cost—5d. * Boil both the macaroni and the beetroot by directions given elsewhere. When quite cold, peel and slice up the beetroot and cut the macaroni into pieces about two inches long; arrange them in alternate layers on a dish. Blend the oil and vinegar with the salt and pepper and pour it over; let it stand for an hour, basting continually with the oil and vinegar. By that time it should be of a bright red colour. It is then ready to serve.
* 1 pint Prawns—9d. * * 6 Tomatoes—2d. * * Mayonnaise or Salad Dressing—4d. * * Total Cost—1s. 3d. * Pick the prawns, leaving the skin on a few fine ones for a garnish. Peel and slice up the tomatoes and arrange them on a dish; put over them the prawns, and pour over all some mayonnaise or salad dressing. Place the other prawns round as a garnish with a few lettuce leaves broken up.
* Slices of Corned Beef * * 1 Lettuce—1/2. * * 2 Eggs—2d. * * Mayonnaise or Salad Dressing—4d. * * Total Cost—61/2 d. * Take some slices of cold corned beef, dip them in a salad dressing, and lay them in a dish with alternate layers of lettuce leaves. Garnish with hard boiled eggs cut in slices.
* 6 Eggs—6d. * * 1 Lettuce—1d. * * 1 bunch Watercress—1d. * * Mayonnaise or Salad Dressing—4d. * * 1 Beetroot—1/2d. * * Total Cost—1s. 0 1/2 d. * Put the eggs into boiling water and boil fifteen minutes. Plunge into cold water till quite cold, peel and cut into quarters. Wash and cleanse the watercress and lettuce and cut into pieces. Put a layer of this at the bottom of the bowl, then one of eggs dipped in the dressing, then another of lettuce and egg until all are used up, leaving plenty of lettuce for the top. Garnish with sprigs of watercress and slices of beetroot alternately.
* 1 Head of Celery—1d. * * 1 Lettuce—1/2d. * * Salad Dressing—4d. * * Total Cost—51/2 d. * Pull the celery to pieces, wash it, and cut into small pieces; shred up some lettuce and lay it at the bottom the dish. Stir the celery into the dressing and lay it on the top of the lettuce. Cover with more lettuce, and serve.
* 1/2 tin Sardines—4d. * * 2 Eggs—2d. * * 1 Lettuce—1/2d. * * Salad Dressings—4d. * * Total Cost—101/2 d. * Split the sardines open and remove the bone. Break some of the lettuce into a bowl, lay on this the sardines. Chop up one of the eggs and sprinkle over them, pour on the dressing. Cover with the rest of the lettuce, and garnish with the other egg cut in slices, and a little watercress or beetroot.
* 1 bottle Oysters—1s. * * 1 Lettuce—1d. * * Half a Lemon * * Mayonnaise or Salad Dressing—4d. * * Total Cost—1s. 5d. * Strain away the liquor from a bottle of oysters; put it into a saucepan, and when it boils put in the oysters and cook for five minutes; let them get cold in the liquor. Wash and break up the lettuce and put some of the bottom of a bowl. Strain the liquor from the oysters and mix a little with the dressing, stir in the oysters and spread over the lettuce. Cover with more lettuce and garnish with slices of lemon and red radishes.
Any remains of smoked blue cod that may have been left from a meal make an excellent salad either with just a simple dressing of oil and vinegar and a lettuce, or with a mayonnaise or salad dressing. Follow the directions for fish salad, but do not put any salt, as the fish is usually salt enough.
* 1 Salt Herring * * Cold slices of Meat * * 1 teaspoonful Mustard * * 1 Beetroot—1 1/2d. * * 4 tablespoonsful Oil—1d. * * 3 tablespoonsful Tarragon Vinegar * * 1/2 oz. Capers * * 3 Boiled Potatoes—2d. * * Total Cost—4 1/2d. * Wash the herring in cold water and soak it in milk for an hour; cut it open and take out the bone and slice up both the fish and the meat. Arrange in a bowl, chop the capers and put over. Put the mustard into a basin, add gradually the oil and vinegar; pour this, when well mixed, over the fish and meat, and cover with slices of cold potatoes. Garnish with any cold vegetables in the larder or with some green pickles from a bottle of pickles, a little chopped parsley, and some small radishes.
* 1/4 lb. Macaroni—2 1/2d. * * 1/4 lb. Cheese—1 1/2d. * * 1 teaspoonful French Mustard * * 3 tablespoonsful Oil—1d. * * 3 tablespoonsful Vinegar—1/2d. * * 1/2 Head of Celery—1/2d. * * 1/2 Lettuce—1/2d. * * Total Cost—6 1/2 d. * Boil the macaroni, or use any cold that may be in the larder. Cut it into pieces about three inches long, cut the cheese into very thin slices, and cut the celery into very small pieces. Lay these alternately in a bowl with some shredded lettuce. Make a dressing of the mustard, oil, and vinegar, and pour it over. Garnish with a little beetroot, and serve.
Take some dry, hard cheese and some dry crusts of bread. Pour a little boiling milk over the bread, cover it down till quite soft, then beat it with a fork; grate up the cheese and beat it in with the yolk of an egg and some pepper and salt. Beat the white of the egg to a stiff froth and stir it lightly in, pour into a buttered pie-dish and bake in a quick oven for twenty minutes. Serve hot.
* 4 Young Turnips * * 2 Spring Onions—1 1/2d. * * 2 Boiled Potatoes—1/2d. * * Half a Lettuce—1/2d. * * Salad Dressing—4d. * * Total Cost—6 1/2 d. * Peel and slice up the turnips and boil them for twenty minutes, or until soft. Let them get quite cold. Shred up very small the onions, and slice up the potatoes. Break up half a lettuce. Arrange these neatly in a bowl and pour over a simple salad dressing or remoulade sauce.
* 2 Eggs—2d. * * 1 teaspoonful Curry Powder—1/2d. * * 1/2 gill Oil * * 1/4 gill Vinegar—1 1/2d. * * Total Cost—4d. * Boil the eggs hard; put the yolks into a bowl and work them till they are quite smooth. Work in gradually the curry powder, oil, and vinegar. Blend well, and it is ready. It may be used sometimes instead of mayonnaise or ordinary salad dressing.
* 5 slices Stale Bread * * 1/2 gill Oil * * 3 Pickled Onions * * 1 piece Pickled Cauliflower—2d. * * 2 Eggs—2d. * * 1 Beetroot * * 2 slices Cold Mutton * * 1 tablespoonful Vinegar—1d. * * Mustard and Cress—1/2d. * * Total Cost—51/2 d. * Trim off the crust and cut the bread into dice, put into a bowl and pour over the oil. Let it stand till all the oil is absorbed; then mince up the onion, cauliflower, eggs, and meat, and strew them over. Season with pepper and salt. Well wash the mustard and cress and arrange on the top. Cut the beetroot into neat shapes and arrange as a garnish.
* 2 Tomatoes—1/2d. * * 1 Cucumber—2d. * * 1 tablespoonful Oil—1/2d. * * 1 Spring Onion * * Half a Lettuce * * 2 tablespoonsful Vinegar—1/2d. * * Total Cost—31/2 d. * Scald the tomatoes and take off the skin, and put them into cold water or on to the ice until quite cold. Cut them up the same as an orange; peel and cut up the cucumber into very thin slices and mince up the onion. Sprinkle these with pepper and salt, pour over the oil and vinegar. Shred up the lettuce and lay on the top, it is then ready to serve.
* 1 Cauliflower—3d. * * Half a Lettuce—1/2d. * * 2 Eggs—2d. * * 1/2 gill Oil and Vinegar—1d. * * Total Cost—61/2 d. * Boil the cauliflower by directions given elsewhere and branch it carefully. Boil the eggs hard, separate the whites from the yolks; chop the whites small and cut the yolks in slices. Shred up the lettuce in a bowl and put the branches of cauliflower all round it, and the slices of yolk of egg outside as a border. Pour on the salad dressing and put the white of egg in little heaps on the lettuce. It is then ready to serve.
* 2 or 3 Cold Boiled Carrots—1/2d. * * 1/2 lb. Cold Boiled Mutton * * 1 stalk Celery * * 6 Capers—1 1/2d. * * Half a teaspoonful Parsley—1/2d. * * Salad Dressing—3d. * * Total Cost—51/2 d. * Cut up some cold boiled mutton into small pieces and lay them in a salad bowl. Mince up the celery and capers and strew over it, then pour over the dressing. Slice up the cold carrots and lay them on top; garnish with the chopped parsley, and serve.
Calves' feet that have been boiled down for jelly make a good salad. They must, of course, be boiled very thoroughly for at least eight hours. Strain off the stock, remove the bones, and put the meat on one side till quite cold. Then cut up into neat pieces and put into a salad bowl. Pour over a salad dressing or just oil and vinegar; shred over it a nice white lettuce, and garnish with sliced beetroot.
This is a good dressing when mayonnaise is not liked. It is made in the same way as mayonnaise, using hard boiled eggs (yolks) instead of raw ones. Put the yolks into a basin and work very smoothly with the bowl of a wooden spoon; add the oil gradually, using about one gill to every two yolks. A little French mustard and vinegar may be added before using.
The meat which has been boiled down for soup makes a nice salad. When the stock has been poured off, press the meat into a basin with about a gill of jelly stock, and some salt and pepper. When cold and firm, cut it into neat pieces and lay in a salad bowl. Pour over it some remoulade sauce and shred on top some nice white lettuce leaves; it may be garnished with beetroot or hard boiled eggs.
* Cold Roast Lamb * * 2 Lettuces—1d. * * 1 Tomato—1/2d. * * 12 Capers—1/2d. * * 2 Eggs—2d. * * Remoulade Dressing—3d. * * Total Cost—7d. * Cut the lamb into small pieces and lay it in a bowl. Cut the tomato into thin slices and lay it over, then the capers chopped small. Pour over the dressing, break up the lettuces and put over, and garnish with the hard boiled eggs cut in slices.
* 6 Apples—3d. * * 1 1/2 oz. Tapioca—1/2d. * * 1/2 Lemon—1/2d. * * 2 oz. Sugar * * 1 1/4 pints Water * * A few drops of Cochineal—1/2d. * * Total Cost—41/2 d. * * Time—Half an Hour * Peel and quarter the apples and remove the core, put them into a saucepan with the lemon juice, sugar, and a spoonful of water, and stew till soft but not broken. Place them in a glass dish. Wash the tapioca in cold water, put it in a saucepan, pour over it 1 1/4 pints of water, and stir till it boils. Cook it till quite clear, sweeten and flavour with a few drops of lemon juice, and colour with cochineal. Pour over the apples and put away till cold; it is then ready to serve.
* 1 lb. Flour * * 6 or 8 oz. Dripping * * 1 gill Water * * Total Cost—2d. * Sift the flour into a basin, rub in the dripping very lightly until it is quite fine, mix into a very stiff dough with the water, turn on to a floured board, and knead into a smooth paste. Roll out to the required thickness, and it is ready at once. This will be found an exceedingly nice paste for everyday pies, and it is very wholesome. The dripping should be clarified, directions for which are given elsewhere.
* 1 lb. Flour—2d. * * 8 oz. Butter * * 1 gill Water * * Juice of Half a Lemon—6d. * * Total Cost—8d. * Sift the flour into a basin, rub the butter lightly in, until it is fine as bread crumbs; make a well in the centre, and strain the lemon juice. Mix into a stiff paste with the water, knead for a few minutes until it is quite smooth, it is then ready for use. A crust may be made with lard just in the same way; this is much lighter of digestion than a butter crust, and should always be given to anyone suffering from a weak digestion.
* 1 lb. Flour—2d. * * 4 oz. Butter—3d. * * 4 oz. Lard * * 1/2 pint Water * * Juice of Half a Lemon—2d. * * Total Cost—7d. * Sift the flour into a basin, cut about one ounce of the lard into it with a knife, then mix into a paste with the water; it should be about the same consistency as the butter. Roll it out evenly, and lay on it small pieces of the butter and lard, sprinkle with flour and roll into three; roll out again and proceed as before. It is ready for use at once if required, but it is much improved by standing in a cool place for an hour. This kind of pastry requires a very quick oven; and if used for meat pies, a piece of buttered paper should be laid over the top as soon as it has rise, to prevent it getting too brown.
* 1 lb. Flour—2d. * * 10 oz. Beef Suet * * 1/2 pint Water—3d. * * Total Cost—5d. * Sift the flour into a basin, and make it into a firm paste with the water. Free the suet from skin, and put it twice through a sausage machine. Roll the paste out, and put half over it in very tiny pieces; sprinkle with flour and fold into three. Double the ends over till they meet, roll out again, and put on the rest of the suet and proceed as before. It is then ready for use, but is much improved by standing for an hour in a cold place. This is a very wholesome pastry, and particularly nice for meat pies. If it is properly made, it ought to rise like the best puff pastry; it is an easy crust to make in hot weather, when the puff crusts made with butter are troublesome.
* 1 lb. Flour—2d. * * 8 oz. Suet * * 1/2 pint Water * * Pinch of Salt—3d. * * Total Cost—5d. * Sift the flour into a basin; prepare the suet by cutting it into very thin slices and then shredding it up very fine indeed; mix it in with the flour. Stir in the water until it is a firm consistency, but do not use too much water, or the paste will be tough. Suet crust should be kept as dry as possible. Turn it on to a floured board and knead for a few minutes. It is then ready for use; this crust is suitable for all kinds of boiled puddings, such as meat, apple, jam, & c. These puddings require to be boiled for a very long time. They must always be plunged into boiling water, and kept boiling and covered with water all the time they are cooking.
* 1 lb. Flour—2d. * * 8 or 10 oz. Suet * * 1/4 teaspoonful Salt * * 1/2 pint Water * * 2 Cold Potatoes—3d. * * Total Cost—5d. * * Time—Two Hours and a Half. * Sift the flour and salt into a basin, mash the potatoes or rub them through a sieve, and stir them in. Shred the suet finely and mix in thoroughly with a knife; make into rather a stiff paste with the water, dip a pudding cloth into boiling water. Put the pudding into the centre, and tie up tightly. Plunge into boiling water and boil steadily for two hours; turn out of the cloth carefully into a hot dish, and serve. This pudding is delicious with roast meat, or it may be served as a sweet; jam sauce is nice poured round it. A recipe for this will be found elsewhere.
* 1 pint Milk—2d. * * 2 Eggs—2d. * * 1 oz. Flour * * 1 oz. Sugar * * Flavourings—1d. * * Total Cost—5d. * * Time—40 Minutes * Put the milk on to boil, mix the flour smoothly with a little cold milk; when the milk in the saucepan nearly boils stir this in and stir until it boils. Then take off the fire and beat in the sugar, flavouring, and the yolks of the eggs. Whisk the whites to a stiff froth and stir them lightly in, pour into a buttered pie-dish, and bake in a brisk oven for forty minutes; serve hot.
* 1 pint Sour Milk—2d. * * 2 Eggs—2d. * * 1/2 lb. Flaky Pastry—3d. * * 2 oz. Sugar * * Flavouring—1d. * * Total Cost—8d. * * Time—15 Minutes. * Pour the milk through a sieve and use only the thick curd which does not run through into the basin; beat in the sugar, yolks of the eggs, and flavouring to taste. Roll our some flaky pastry and line some patty pans with it; fill them with rice or crusts of bread, and bake for about ten minutes. Then take out the rice or crusts and fill with the cheese cake mixture. Finish baking, and stand on a sieve till cool. Sprinkle well with sugar, and serve cold.
* 6 Bananas—2d. * * 2 oz. Sugar—1/2d. * * 1/2 pint Milk—1d. * * 2 Eggs—2d. * * Total Cost—51/2 d. * * Time—5 Minutes. * Choose ripe bananas, peel and slice them up, and lay them in a glass dish, sprinkle with sugar. Make a custard with the milk and yolks of the eggs by directions for boiled custard, flavour with a pinch of ginger, and pour it over the bananas. Let it stand till quite cold, then whip the whites to a very stiff froth and heap them on top; sprinkle with sugar, and serve.
* 1 pint Milk—2d. * * 3 Eggs—3d. * * 1 1/2 oz. Sugar * * Flavouring—1d. * * Total Cost—6d. * * Time—5 Minutes * Put the yolks of the eggs into a basin and whisk them. Put the milk into a saucepan, and when it is boiling pour it over the eggs, stirring all the time. Strain back into the saucepan and whist well till it comes to boiling point; draw away from the fire, but continue whisking for a few minutes. Then pour into a basin, sweeten and flavour to taste, and it is ready for use.
* 1/2 pint Milk—1d. * * 1 Egg—1d. * * 1 dessertspoonful Cornflour * * Sugar and Flavouring—1d. * * Total Cost—3d. * * Time—5 Minutes. * Put the milk into a saucepan to boil, mix the cornflour with a spoonful of cold milk, and when the milk in the saucepan is nearly boiling, stir it in and continue stirring till it boils. Let it boil two or three minutes, then draw the saucepan away from the fire, beat in the yolk of the egg and flavouring. Put back on the fire and bring to boiling point; it is then ready for use. This is a good sauce for plum or other puddings and fruit tarts.
* 5 oz. Flour—1/2d. * * 2 oz. Sugar—1/2d. * * 1/2 teaspoonful Carbonate of Soda * * 1 oz. Butter * * 1 teaspoonful Cream of Tartar * * 6 drops Essence of Almonds—2d. * * Total Cost—3d. * * Time—10 Minutes. * Rub the butter into the flour, stir in the sugar, carbonate of soda, and cream of tartar; mix into a stiff dough with the egg and flavouring. Roll into small balls about the size of a marble; toss in coarse sugar, put on to a greased baking sheet, and bake from five to eight minutes.
* 1/4 lb. Flour—1/2d. * * 1/4 lb. Cornflour—1d. * * 1 gill Milk—1/2d. * * 1/2 teaspoonful Baking Powder—1/2d. * * 2 oz. Butter—2d. * * 1 Egg—1d. * * Flavouring—1/2d. * * 2 oz. Sugar—1/2d. * * Total Cost—61/2 d. * * Time—20 Minutes. * Mix the flour, cornflour, and baking powder together, beat the butter and sugar to a cream, beat in the egg, flavouring, and milk, then the flour, &c., and continue to beat for five minutes. Butter some small bun tins, half fill them with the mixture, put into a moderate oven and bake for about twenty minutes; stand on a sieve till cold.
* 2 Stale Buns—2d. * * 1 Egg—1d. * * 1/2 pint Milk—1d. * * Sugar—1/2d. * * Total Cost—41/2 d. * * Time—One Hour and a Half. * Boil the milk and pour it over the beaten egg, sweeten to taste. Put the buns into a pie-dish, pour over the custard, cover and leave for an hour. Then put into a moderate oven and bake for about half an hour. Serve hot.
* 1 slice of Dry Bread * * 2 Eggs—2d. * * 1 oz. Sugar—1/2d. * * Half a Lemon—1/2d. * * 1 1/2 pints of Milk—4d. * * 1 tablespoonful Jam—1d. * * 1/2 tablespoonful Cornflour—1/2d. * * Total Cost—81/2 d. * * Time—One Hour. * Take a piece of very stale bread and cut it into small squares, bake it in the oven till a good colour. Break the eggs into a pie-dish, beat in the sugar and grated rind of the lemon, pour in one pint of milk, and mix well. Drop in the rusks and put into a cool oven and bake till firm; then spread on the top a layer of jam. Put half a pint of milk into a saucepan, and when it nearly boils, stir in the cornflour which has been mixed with a little lemon peel and sugar, and pour it on top of the pudding. Put it back in the oven for a few minutes, then stand away till cold.
* Dry Crusts of Bread * * 1/2 pint of Milk—1d. * * 1 tablespoonful Jam—1d. * * 2 Eggs—2d. * * 1 1/2 oz. Sugar—1/2d. * * Total Cost—41/2 d. * * Time—Three-quarters of an Hour. * Soak the bread in cold water till quite soft, put it into a cloth and squeeze all the water out of it; turn into a basin and beat it smooth with a spoon. Then beat in the yolks of the eggs, sugar, milk, and a little grated lemon peel. Pour into a pie dish and bake till quite firm, then take from the oven and spread the jam on the top. Whip the whites to a stiff froth and spread over the jam; put back in the oven for a few minutes till brown, then sprinkle with sugar and serve either hot or cold.
* 1/2 lb. Flour—1d. * * 1/4 lb. Raisins—2d. * * 1/4 lb. Sugar—1d. * * 1 oz. Dripping * * 1 teaspoonful Carbonate of Soda * * 1 gill Boiling Water—1/2d. * * Total Cost—41/2 d. * * Time—Three Hours. * Put the flour into a basin; stone the raisins and cut them in half, mix in the sugar and carbonate of soda. Dissolve the dripping in the water, pour in and make into a dough; leave it to stand all night. Dip a cloth in boiling water and tie the pudding up tightly. Plunge into plenty of boiling water, and keep it boiling steadily for three hours; turn into a hot dish. A little custard sauce served with this pudding is a great improvement.
* 1 Egg, and its Weight in Flour—1 1/2d. * * Sugar—1/2d. * * Bread Crumbs—1/2d. * * 1 tablespoonful Marmalade—1d. * * 1/2 teaspoonful Carbonate of Soda * * 1/2 gill Milk—1/2d. * * Total Cost—4d. * * Time—One Hour. * Mix the flour, sugar, and bread crumbs together; stir in the marmalade. Make the milk just warm, dissolve in it the soda. Beat up the egg and mix together, pour this over the dry ingredients, beat for a few minutes; turn into a buttered basin. Tie over it a cloth, plunge into boiling water, and boil one hour. Serve either hot or cold. A spoonful of marmalade placed on the top of this pudding just before serving is an improvement.
* 3 tablespoonsful Flour—1/2d. * * 3 tablespoonsful Sugar—1d. * * 3 Eggs—3d. * * 2 teaspoonsful Baking Powder—1d. * * 3 teaspoonsful Jam—1 1/2d. * * Total Cost—7d. * * Time—10 Minutes. * Beat the eggs and sugar together for five minutes, mix the flour and baking powder together and stir them lightly in. Pour into a well-buttered tin and bake in a quick oven for eight or ten minutes. Turn on to a damp cloth and roll up directly; warm the jam in a saucepan while the roll is cooking, and if it is very stiff mix in a spoonful of water. Take the roll out of the cloth and lay flat on a piece of sugared paper, spread the jam on quickly and roll up again; place on a sieve till cold.
* 1 lb. Flour—2d. * * 6 oz. Dripping * * 6 oz. Sugar—1 1/2d. * * 1 1/2 teaspoonsful Caraway Seeds—1/2d. * * 1 Egg—1d. * * 2 teaspoonsful Baking Powder * * 1 gill Milk or Water—1 1/2d. * * Total Cost—61/2 d. * * Time—One Hour and a Half. * Sift the flour into a basin and rub in the dripping; carefully stir in the sugar, baking powder, and caraway seeds.
Beat up the egg and milk or water, and mix the dry ingredients into a dough; beat for two or three minutes. Turn into a cake tin which has been well rubbed with dripping, stand on a baking sheet and place in a moderate oven. Bake for one hour and a half or longer, test it by running a skewer right through the centre; if it comes out clean the cake is done. Turn it out of the tine carefully and stand on a sieve till cold.
* 3/4 lb. Flour—1 1/2d. * * 1/2 pint Milk—1d. * * 1 oz. Butter—1d. * * 2 teaspoonsful Baking Powder—1 1/2d. * * Total Cost—5d. * * Time—10 Minutes. * Rub the butter into the flour, stir in the baking powder, and make into a very light dough with the milk; turn on to a floured board, knead for a few minutes, roll out about half an inch thick. Cut into shapes, put on to a floured tin, and bake in a quick oven for about ten minutes. Serve either hot or cold.
* 1 lb. Flour—2d. * * 1/2 pint Sour Milk * * 3 teaspoonsful Baking Powder * * 1 teaspoonful Salt—1 1/2d. * * Total Cost—31/2 d. * * Time—5 Minutes. * Mix the flour, baking powder, and salt together, mix into a very light dough with the milk, adding a little more milk if necessary; turn on to a floured board and knead till smooth, roll out half an inch thick. Cut into small rounds and bake for about five minutes.
* 1 lb. Flour—2d. * * 2 oz. Dripping * * 1 oz. Sugar * * 1/2 pint Sour Milk * * 1 teaspoonful Cream of Tartar * * 1/2 teaspoonful Carbonate of Soda—1 1/2d. * * Total Cost—31/2 d. * * Time—20 Minutes. * Rub the dripping into the flour; stir in the sugar, cream of tartar, and soda. Mix into a very light dough with the milk, turn on to a floured board; divide into two parts. Flatten these out into two cakes, divide each one into four pieces, brush over with milk. Put on to a floured tin and bake in a hot oven from fifteen to twenty minutes.
* Cold Potatoes * * 1 Egg * * 2 oz. Sugar * * Nutmeg or Lemon Peel * * Hot Fat * * Total Cost—11/2 d. * * Time—5 Minutes. * Mash up the potatoes very smoothly, beat in the sugar and a flavouring of nutmeg or grated lemon peel. Beat up the egg and pour over the potatoes and mix into a paste; form into small round cakes. Fry in very hot fat till brown; pile high on a dish, sprinkle with sugar and serve. One egg is sufficient for about 1 lb., potatoes.
* 3 Apples—2d. * * Frying Batter—1d. * * Hot Fat * * Sugar * * Lemon—1d. * * Total Cost—4d. * * Time—5 Minutes. * Peel and slice up the apples into rounds, take out the core with a small round cutter. Make frying batter by directions given elsewhere, and flavour with lemon juice. Dip in the pieces of apple, plunge into plenty of hot fat, and fry till a good colour. Drain on kitchen paper, pile high on a dish, and sprinkle well with sugar; serve very hot.
* 2 Eggs—2d. * * 1/2 oz. Butter—1/2d. * * 1 teaspoonful Jam—1/2d. * * Sugar—1/2d. * * Total Cost—31/2 d. * * Time—5 Minutes. * Put the yolks of the eggs into a basin and beat in half the sugar, put the whites on to a plate with a little sugar, and whip till stiff; mix with the yolks. Put the butter into a small frying-pan, and when it is dissolved pour in the mixture; leave over the fire for about three minutes. Then hold the pan in front of the fire for a minute or two to brown the top. Put the jam on to a hot plate, slip the omelet on the top; serve at once.
* 1 pint Milk—2d. * * 1 1/2 oz. Tapioca—1/2d. * * 1 oz. Sugar—1/2d. * * Whites of 2 Eggs—1d. * * Flavouring—1/2d. * * 1 oz. Beef Suet—1/2d. * * Total Cost—5d. * * Time—Two Hours. * Wash the tapioca well in cold water, strain off the water, and put it into a pie dish. Chop the suet very finely and mix it in with the sugar; flavour with grated lemon peel or nutmeg, pour over the milk and mix well, stand in a very cool oven for two hours. Whip the whites of the eggs to a very stiff froth, flavour the same as the pudding, spread these on top, sprinkle with sugar, and stand in the oven till set; serve cold. This meringue is very much improved if a few macaroons are broken up and laid on the top before the eggs are put on, or if a spoonful of raspberry jam is spread over.
* 1 pint Milk—2d. * * 1 oz. Butter—1d. * * 3 oz. Flour * * 2 oz. Sugar—1d. * * Total Cost—4d. * * Time—5 Minutes. * Put the milk on the fire to boil, and when boiling stir in the flour quickly; it should be rather lumpy. Pour it into a dish, melt the butter and sugar, and pour it in the middle of the pudding. A little flavouring of grated lemon peel may be put into the milk, or jam served with the pudding.
* 1 Egg * * 1 tablespoonful Flour—1d. * * 1 tablespoonful Jam * * 1 teaspoonful Sugar * * 1 teaspoonful Baking Powder—2d. * * Total Cost—3d. * * Time—5 Minutes. * Mix the flour and baking powder together, beat the egg till very light, whisk in the sugar, and stir in the flour. Pour into a buttered tin, and bake five minutes; turn on to a sugared paper spread with jam. Roll up and serve. Custard sauce is nice with this.
* 1 pint Milk * * 2 oz. Flour—2d. * * 1 oz. Sugar—1d. * * 2 Eggs—2d. * * 2 spoonful Jam—1d. * * Total Cost—6d. * * Time—One Hour. * Put the milk into a saucepan, mix the flour with a little cold milk; and when the milk in the saucepan is nearly boiling, stir it in, and let it boil up. Pour into a basin and beat in the yolks of the eggs and the sugar; turn into a pie dish and bake till firm. Spread a spoonful of jam on the top; whip the whites of the eggs to a stiff froth and spread them over, sprinkle with sugar, and put back in the oven to set. Serve cold.
* 1 Egg—1d. * * 1/2 gill Milk—1/2d. * * 1 teaspoonful Sugar * * 1 teaspoonful Jam * * 1 teaspoonful Flour—1d. * * Total Cost—21/2 d. * * Time—5 Minutes. * Beat the yolk and white of egg separately; beat the flour and milk together, and mix in the sugar and yolk of egg. Stir in the white, butter a saucer, put the jam at the bottom. Pour in the mixture, bake in the oven for five minutes, sprinkle with sugar, and serve.
* 1 pint Milk—2d. * * 1 1/2 oz. Rice—1/2d. * * 1 oz. Sugar * * Rind of Half a Lemon—1/2d. * * Total Cost—3d. * * Time—Two Hours. * Wash the rice well, strain off the water and put it into a pie-dish. Mix in the sugar and the rind of the lemon; pour over the milk, and let it sand for half an hour. Put it into a very slow oven, and bake till firm. This is a very delicious pudding if properly made; it should be firm, but not dry.
* 1/2 lb. Flour—1d. * * 1 gill Milk—1/2d. * * 1 oz. Butter * * 1/4 saltspoonful Salt—1d. * * Total Cost—21/2 d. * * Time—10 Minutes. * Rub the butter into the flour, sprinkle in the salt, and make into a dough with the milk; knead till smooth, roll out very thin. Cut into small rounds, prick well with a fork, put on to a floured tin and bake for about ten minutes. They should not get brown.
* 1 lb. Flour—2d. * * 1/2 lb. Currants—2d. * * 1/2 lb. Sugar—1d. * * 6 oz. Dripping * * 1 1/2 teaspoonsful Carbonate of Soda * * 1/2 pint Milk—2d. * * Total Cost—7d. * * Time—Two Hours. * Rub the dripping and the flour together; clean and stir in the currants and sugar. Stir in the soda and mix into a dough with the milk, beat for a few minutes. Pour into a tin which has been well rubbed with dripping, bake in a moderate oven for two hours.
* 1/2 lb. Brown Meal * * 1/4 lb. Flour—1 1/2d. * * 1 1/2 gills Water * * 1 oz. Butter or Lard * * 1 oz. Sugar—1d. * * Total Cost—21/2 d. * * Time—5 Minutes. *
Mix the meal and flour together, rub in the butter or lard and the sugar; mix into a dry paste with water, knead till smooth. Roll out very thin, cut into rounds, and bake in rather a slow oven.
* 1/2 lb. Flour—1d. * * 3 oz. Suet—1d. * * 1 Egg—1d. * * 2 Lemons—1d. * * 2 oz. Sugar * * 1/2 gill Water—1/2d. * * Total Cost—41/2 d. * * Time—Two Hours. * Sift the flour, chop the suet finely, and mix together. Stir in the sugar and the grated rind of the lemons, beat up the egg, add the juice of one lemon, and mix the pudding into a dough with this, and a little water if required. Dip a cloth in boiling water, tie the pudding in it; plunge into boiling water and boil two hours. Take out of the cloth and turn on to a hot dish, and pour round it the following sauce: Squeeze the juice of the other lemon into a small saucepan, stir in some sugar and a gill of water, and boil up; it is then ready.
* 1 pint Milk—2d. * * 2 Eggs * * 1 oz. Currants—2d. * * 1/2 lb. Flour—1d. * * Total Cost—5d. * * Time—One Hour. * Put the eggs into a basin, beat in the flour, and then the milk, pour into a battered basin. Clean the currents and drop them in; steam for one hour, turn out of the basin, sprinkle with sugar, and serve.
* 1/2 lb. Flour * * 2 oz. Dripping—1d. * * 1/4 lb. Sugar—1d. * * 2 oz. Currants—1d. * * 1 Egg—1d. * * 1 oz. Peel—1d. * * 1 teaspoonful Baking Powder—1/2d. * * Total Cost—51/2 d. * * Time—15 Minutes. * Rub the dripping and flour together, stir in the sugar, currants (well cleaned), the baking powder, and the peel. Beat up the egg and pour it in, and make into a very stiff dough; take up in rough pieces and lay on a greased tin, bake in rather a quick oven for fifteen minutes.
* 1/4 lb. Flour—1/2d. * * 1/4 lb. Bread Crumbs—1d. * * 1/4 lb. Raisins—2d. * * 6 oz. Suet—1 1/2d. * * 1/4 lb. Sultanas—2d. * * 1/4 lb. Sugar—1d. * * 2 Apples—1d. * * Total Cost—9d. * * Time—Six Hours. * Mix the flour and bread crumbs together. Any dry pieces of bread will do if put through the sausage machine; shred the suet finely and mix it in with the sugar. Stone the raisins and pull them in half, and clean the sultanas; mix these in. Peel and core the apples; put in the pips, chop the apples finely, and add them. Let it stand for an hour, and then mix it into a paste; the juice from the applies and the sugar will be found sufficient. Press into a basin, tie down tightly, and boil at least six hours. This will be found an excellent pudding if well boiled.
* 1 pint Milk—2d. * * 1 oz. Almonds—1d. * * 2 oz. Sugar * * 1 1/2 oz. Arrowroot—2d. * * Total Cost—5d. * * Time—5 Minutes. * Blanch and chop the almonds very small, mix them with the sugar and arrowroot. Put the milk on to boil, and when it boils pour it on to the arrowroot and stir; if it does not get thick enough, pour back into the saucepan and boil for a minute. Turn into a wet mould and stand away till firm; then turn out and serve with jam or custard sauce, or it may be served plainly.
* 1/4 lb. Flour—1/2d. * * 1/4 lb. Bread Crumbs—1d. * * 1/4 lb. Suet—1d. * * 1 oz. Sugar * * 1 tablespoonful Vinegar—1/2d. * * 1 gill Milk—1d. * * 1 tablespoonful Raspberry Jam—2d. * * 1 Egg * * 1/2 teaspoonful Carbonate of Soda—1d. * * Total Cost—7d. * * Time—Two Hours. * Mix the flour, crumbs, finely chopped suet, and sugar in a basin, then stir in the jam. Beat up the egg and milk, and stir it in. Mix up the carbonate of soda and the vinegar together; beat it in, and when well mixed pour it into a buttered basin. Tie up carefully, and boil for two hours; turn out on to a hot dish, and serve either with sifted sugar or custard sauce.
* 1 bundle Rhubarb—3d. * * 6 oz. Sugar—1 1/2d. * * 1/4 lb. Sago * * 1/2 pint Water—1 1/2d. * * Total Cost—6d. * * Time—20 Minutes * Wipe and cut up the rhubarb and put it on to boil with one gill water, and boil for about ten minutes. Wash the sago and soak it in one gill warm water, then add to the rhubarb. Stir in also the sugar, and boil for about ten minutes or longer, stirring constantly. Pour into a basin or mould which has been dipped in cold water, and stand away till cold and firm, then turn out and serve. A little boiled custard is a great improvement to this dish.
* 3 Large Apples—2d. * * 2 oz. Rice—1d. * * 2 oz. Sugar—1/2d. * * 1 tablespoonful Jam—1d. * * 1 Egg—1d. * * 1/2 pint Milk—1d. * * Total Cost—61/2 d. * * Time—Half an Hour. * Peel the apples and scoop out the core and fill in with jam; put into a pie-dish and bake till the apples are soft. While they are baking, boil the rice and milk together till the rice is soft and the milk absorbed. Beat in the egg and sugar, pour over the apples; brush over with milk, and bake till a nice colour. Serve either hot or cold.
* 1 pint Milk—2d. * * 1 1/2 oz. Ground Rice—1/2d. * * 1 oz. Sugar * * Flavouring—1d. * * Total Cost—31/2 d. * * Time—5 Minutes. * Put the milk on to boil with a strip of lemon peel in it; when nearly boiling mix the rice in a spoonful of cold water and pour it in. Stir till it boils, and let it boil two or three minutes; pour into a mould which has been dipped in cold water, and stand away till firm. Turn out when cold, and serve with jam, stewed fruit, or custard sauce.
* 1 quart Milk—4d. * * 1 tablespoonful Rennet * * 1 oz. Sugar—1d. * * Nutmeg—1/2d. * * Total Cost—51/2 d. * * Time—Two Hours. * Make the milk tepid, stir in the sugar and a spoonful of rennet or a rennet tablet; pour into a dish and stand on the stove till solid. Grate a little nutmeg on top and serve cold. Rennet can be bought at the chemist's ready for use; but rennet tables, which answer very nicely, can be used instead. These can be bought in many places, and keep good a long time.
* 1/2 lb. Pastry—5d. * * 1 oz. Currants * * 1 oz. Raisins * * Half a Lemon * * Half an Orange—2d. * * 1 oz. Cake or Bread Crumbs—1/2d. * * 1 oz. Sugar—1/2d. * * Total Cost—8d. * * Time—20 Minutes. * Stone the raisins and chop them lightly, put them into a basin with the currants cleaned, the sugar, and the cake or bread crumbs. Mix together, grate over the rind of half a lemon, and half an orange. Strain in the juice, and let it stand for an hour. Roll out the pastry and cut into rounds about three inches long. Lay a little of the mixture in the centre, close over the pastry, turn the cake over, flatten it out in the middle. Brush over with sugar, and bake in rather a quick oven. Serve warm.
* 1/2 lb. Flour * * 3 oz. Dripping—1d. * * 1 teaspoonful Baking Powder * * 3 oz. Sugar—1d. * * 1 Lemon—1d. * * 1 Egg—1d. * * Total Cost—4d. * * Time—10 Minutes. * Rub the dripping into the flour, stir in the sugar and baking powder, and grate over the rind of the lemon. Beat up the egg and strain in the lemon juice; add these to the dry ingredients, mix into a stiff dough, and knead for a few minutes. Roll out, cut into small biscuits, and bake in a quick oven for about ten minutes.
* 3/4 lb. Flour—1 1/2d. * * 1 Egg—1d. * * 1 1/2 gills Milk—1d. * * 1 tablespoonful Yeast * * 1/2 tablespoonful Sugar—1/2d. * * 1 oz. Butter—1d. * * Total Cost—5d. * * Time—One Hour and a Quarter * Rub the butter and flour together, make a well in the centre, sprinkle in the sugar, and drop in the egg. Mix the yeast and sugar in a basin, make the milk just tepid, and pour it over the yeast. Strain into the flour and egg and work into a light dough, divide into two parts. Rub a little butter over two small tins, and put one cake in each tin. Cover with thin paper, and stand the tins near the stove for an hour, or until they have risen to at least three times their original size; then bake in a quick oven for fifteen minutes. Serve either plain, or toasted and buttered.
* 1 lb. Flour—2d. * * 1/2 pint Milk—1d. * * 2 oz. Butter—1 1/2d. * * 1 Egg—1d. * * 2 teaspoonsful Baking Powder * * 1 teaspoonful Sugar—1 1/2d. * * Total Cost—7d. * * Time—20 Minutes. * Rub the butter into the flour, stir in the sugar and baking powder. Beat up the egg and milk, and mix the dry ingredients into a dough with them; divide into two pieces and form each into a flat cake. Cut lightly across into four with a knife, put on to a buttered tin, and bake twenty minutes. Cut open, butter, and serve.