269. Claudius defeats the Goths at Naissus.
272. Aurelian defeats Zenobia.
284-305. Diocletian.
Cir. 297. Birth of Athanasius.
303-313. The great persecution.
306-337. Constantine (in Gaul).
311. First edict of toleration (by Galerius).
312-337. Constantine (in Italy).
312. Second edict of toleration (from Milan).
314. Council of Arles, on the Donatists, &c.
315-337. Constantine (in Illyricum).
Cir. 317. Athanasius de Incarnatione Verbi Dei.
Cir. 318. Outbreak of Arian controversy.
323-337. Constantine (in the East).
325 (June). Council of Nicaea.
328-373. Athanasius bishop of Alexandria.
330. Foundation of Constantinople.
Cir. 330. Deposition of Eustathius of Antioch.
335. Councils of Tyre and Jerusalem.
336 (Feb.)-337 (Nov.) First exile of Athanasius.
337 (May 22). Death of Constantine.
339 (Lent)-346 (Oct.) Second exile of Athanasius.
341. Council of the Dedication at Antioch. Consecration of Ulfilas.
343. Councils of Sardica and Philippopolis.
350. Death of Constans.
351. Battle of Mursa.
353. Death of Magnentius.
355. Julian Caesar in Gaul. Council at Milan.
356 (Feb. 8)-362 (Feb. 22). Third exile of Athanasius.
357. Sirmian manifesto.
358. Council at Ancyra. Hilary de Synodis.
359 (May 22). Conference at Sirmium. The dated creed. Councils of Ariminum and Seleucia. Athanasius de Synodis.
360 (Jan.) Julian Augustus at Paris. Council at Constantinople. Exile of Semiarians.
361. Appointment and exile of Meletius. (Nov.) Death of Constantius.
362. Council at Alexandria. Fourth exile of Athanasius.
363 (June 26). Death of Julian. Jovian succeeds.
364 (Feb. 16). Death of Jovian. Valentinian succeeds.
365-366. Revolt of Procopius. Fifth exile and final restoration of Athanasius.
367-369. Gothic war.
370-379. Basil bishop of Caesarea (in Cappadocia).
371. Death of Marcellus.
372. Meeting of Basil and Valens.
373 (May 2). Death of Athanasius.
374. Epiphanius Ancoratus.
374-397. Ambrose bishop of Milan.
375. Death of Valentinian. Gratian succeeds.
376. Goths pass the Danube.
378 (Aug. 9). Battle of Hadrianople. Death of Valens.
379-395. Theodosius Emperor.
381 (May.) Council of Constantinople.
383. Last overtures of Theodosius to the Arians.
397. Chrysostom bishop of Constantinople.
410. Sack of Rome by Alaric.
451. Council of Chalcedon.
487-526. Reign of Theodoric in Italy.
507. Battle of Vougle.
589. Visigoths abandon Arianism.
599. Lombards abandon Arianism.
800. Coronation of Karl the Frank.
Acasius, Bishop of Caesarea, 42, 49; at Sardica, 70, 90; forms Homoean party, 92; at Seleucia, 97; character, 100; at Constantinople, 101; and Meletius, 103, 104; accepts Nicene faith, 115, 120, 124.
Aetius, Anomoean doctrine, 75; ordained by Leontius, 78; 100; degraded, 101.
Agelius, Novatian bishop of Constantinople, 163.
Alaric, 164.
Alexander, Bishop of Alexandria, 5; excommunicates Arius, 14, 19; at Nicaea, 21; death of, 47; and Athanasius, 48.
Alexander, Bishop of Thessalonica, at Tyre, 57, 58.
Ambrose, Bishop of Milan, 122, 134; Illyrian council, 146, 151.
Ammianus, historian, 109.
Anastasia church, 153.
Anthimus, Bishop of Tyana, quarrels with Basil, 135, 153; with Gregory of Nyssa, 145.
Antony, legendary hermit, 48, 123.
Apollinarius of Laodicea, 12, 113, 124; doctrine, 136-142, 145.
Arinthaeus the Goth, 132.
Arius, early life and doctrine, 5; excommunicated, 14; flees to Caesarea, 15, 19; exiled, 38; restored at Jerusalem, 58; death, 59; 68, 75, 77; and Apollinarius, 137.
Ascholius, Bishop of Thessalonica, baptizes Theodosius, 155.
Asterius, Cappadocian sophist, 131.
Athanaric, Goth, 148; death, 155.
Athanasius, de Incarnatione, 9-12; as a commentator, 13, 49, 167; at Nicaea, 21; persistence, 27; account of Nicene debates, 34; dislikes Meletian settlement, 38; policy at Nicaea, 39; 46, 47; Bishop of Alexandria, 48; character and early life, 48; power in Egypt, 50, 87, 114, 122; at Tyre, 57; flees to Constantinople, 58, 87; first exile, 59; return, 62; second exile, 64, 68; at Sardica, 70; second return, 73; overtures of Magnentius, 81; expelled by Syrianus, 86; third exile, 87; on Homoean reasoning, 94; de Synodis, 97, 98; third return, 111; at council of Alexandria, 112; fourth exile, 114; fourth return, 120, 122; on the Holy Spirit, 125; troubles with Valens, 127; final restoration, 129; and Basil, 132, 134; and Apollinarius, 137-141; last years, reception of Marcellus, 142; death, 143; 151; holds to Nicene creed, 160.
Aurelian, Emperor (270-275), services, 16; test of Christian orthodoxy, 24.
Auxentius, Arian bishop of Milan, 102, 121; Cappadocian, 131.
Baptismal professions, 23.
Basil, Bishop of Ancyra, expelled, 62; restored, 82; at synod of Ancyra, 90, 132; 98, returns, 111.
Basil, Bishop of Caesarea (Cappadocia), 109; on the Holy Spirit, 125; life and work, 132-136; on reception of Marcellians, 144, 145; death, 151; student life, 152; holds to Nicene creed, 160.
Basilina, mother of Julian, 105, 106.
Belisarius, 165.
Caecilian, Bishop of Carthage, at Nicaea, 20.
Cappadocia, 130.
Carpones, an early Arian, 14; at Rome, 65.
Chrysostom (John), 43, 46, 163.
Claudius, Bishop in Picenum, 100.
Constans, Emperor (337-350), 62, 69, 73; death, 80.
Constantia, sister of Constantine, 25.
Constantine, Emperor (306-337), character, 17; dealings with Arianism, 18; summons Nicene council, 19; action there, 36, 37, 47; church on Golgotha, 57, 76; exiles Athanasius, 59; work and death, 61; church at Antioch, 67, 87; power of his name, 80, 127, 128; 148.
Constantine II., Emperor (337-340), 62; death, 70.
Constantius, Emperor (337-361), 45, 46; accession and character, 62; calls Sardican council, 70; recalls Athanasius, 73; defeats Magnentius, 81; pressure on the West, 82; exiles Liberius, 85; expels Athanasius, 86, 101, 103; death of, 106, 112.
Councils: Alexandria (362), 112. Ancyra (358), 90. Antioch (269), 33. " (338), 64. " (341), 67. " (344), 72. Ariminum (359), 93. Arles (314), 20. " (353), 70. Constantinople (360), 101. " (381), 157. Lampsacus (364), 125. Jerusalem (335), 58. Milan (355), 83. Nicaea (325), 19-40. Sardica (343), 70. Seleucia (359), 93. Tyre (335), 57.
Creeds: Antioch (first), 68. " (second = Lucianic), 68. " (third = Tyana), 69. " (fourth), 69. " (fifth), 72. Apostles' (Marcellus), 22, 67. Caesarea, 26. Constantinople (360), 101. "Constantinople" (381), 159. Jerusalem, 77, 159. Nicaea (genuine) 29. " (spurious), 159. Nice, 95. Sardica (Philippopolis), 72. Seleucia, 97. Sirmium (manifesto), 88. " (dated), 94.
Cyril, Bishop of Alexandria, 163.
Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem, Catecheses, 76; accepts Nicene faith, 115; 147, 151; at Constantinople, 157; and "Nicene" creed, 160, 161.
Dalmatius, 62.
Damasus, Bishop of Rome, 155.
Demophilus, Bishop of Constantinople, 122, 145, 151; gives up the churches, 156.
Dianius, Bishop of Caesarea (Cappadocia), 115; baptizes Basil, 132.
Diocletian, Emperor (284-305), persecution, 9; reign, 17.
Diodorus, Bishop of Tarsus, 78.
Dionysius, Bishop of Milan, exiled, 82, 83, 90.
Dominica, Empress, 126.
Donatists, 18, 20.
Dorotheus, Arian bishop of Antioch, 151.
Eleusius, Bishop of Cyzicus, at Seleucia, 96, 97, 115; at Lampsacus, 125; at Constantinople, 157, 158.
Epiphanius, Bishop of Salamis, 160, 161.
Eudoxius, Bishop of Constantinople, 75; Bishop of Antioch, 90, 97; translated to Constantinople, 102; 104, 115, 120; 122; deposed at Lampsacus, 125; influence with Valens, 126, 129; Cappadocian, 131, 145.
Eugenius, deacon, 142.
Euippius, Arian bishop, 132, 133.
Eunomius, Anomoean, 75, 95; Bishop of Cyzicus, 103, 115; on the Holy Spirit, 125; exiled, 130; Cappadocian, 131; 156.
Euphrates, Bishop of Cologne, 72.
Euphronius, Bishop of Antioch, 51.
Eusebia, Empress, 105.
Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea (Palestine), countenances Arius, 15, 21; action at Nicaea, 25; proposes Caesarean creed, 35; signs Nicene, 36; 42; caution after Nicaea, 47; 49, 51; at Tyre, 57, 58; succeeded by Acacius, 70, 100.
Eusebius, Bishop of Caesarea (Cappadocia), 132.
Eusebius, Bishop of Nicomedia, favours Arius, 15; at Nicaea, 21; presents Arianizing creed, 25; 37; exiled, 38; organizes new party, 50; attacks Athanasius, 56, 59.
Eusebius, Bishop of Samosata, 133, 151; murder of, 152.
Eusebius, Bishop of Vercellae, exiled, 83, 90; restored, 111; at Alexandria, 112.
Eustathius, Bishop of Antioch, at Nicaea, 21, 34; exiled, 51; and Apollinarius, 137.
Eustathius, Bishop of Sebastia, at Ancyra, 91, 103; at Lampsacus, 126; exiled by Valens, goes to Liberius, 128, 132; quarrels with Basil, 135, 136, 145.
Euzoius, an early Arian, 14, 58, 68; Bishop of Antioch, 104, 115, 120, 124; death, 151.
Flavian, Bishop of Antioch, 78, 158.
Flavianus, prefect of Egypt, 127.
Fortunatian, Bishop of Aquileia, 70.
Fritigern, Goth, 148; death, 154.
Gainas, 164.
Galatia, 52.
Gallus, Caesar, 62, 105.
George of Cappodocia, Arian bishop of Alexandria, 86, 87; deposed at Seleucia, 97; and Julian, 107; lynched, 111, 112; 131.
Germinius, Bishop of Cyzicus, translated to Sirmium, 82.
Gothic wars, first, 129; second (Hadrianople), 149-155.
Gratian, Emperor (375-383), 149; edict of toleration, 151; takes Theodosius for colleague, 154.
Gratus of Carthage, 70
Gregory, Bishop of Nazianzus, consecrates Basil, 133; 152.
Gregory of Nazianzus (son of the above), 151; life and work at Constantinople, 152, 156; Bishop of Constantinople, 157, 158.
Gregory, Bishop of Nyssa, 141, 145; at Constantinople, 157, 163.
Gregory, Bishop of Rome, 166.
Gregory of Cappadocia; Arian bishop of Alexandria, 64; death of, 73; 86, 131.
Gregory the Wonder-worker, 132.
Hannibalianus, 62.
Hecebolius, renegade, 107.
Helladius, Bishop of Caesarea (Cappadocia), 157, 163.
Hilarion, legendary hermit, 123.
Hilary, Bishop of Poitiers, 46, 67, 82; exile and character, 84, 90; denounces Liberius, 92; his de Synodis, 93; at Seleucia, 96; 112; on the Holy Spirit, 124.
Hosius, Bishop of Cordova, at Nicaea, 20; 34, 37; at Sardica, 70, 72, 82; exile and death, 85, 90.
James, Bishop of Nisibis, at Nicaea, 21.
Jerusalem in 348, 76.
John Archaph, Meletian, exiled, 59.
John the Persian at Nicaea, 22.
Jordanis, 165.
Jovian, Emperor (363-364), 119, 120.
Julian, Emperor (361-363), 40, 43, 46, 47, 62; made Caesar, 83; Augustus, 102; his reign, 105-117; ascetic leanings, 108, 123; education edict, 109, 137; exiles Athanasius, 114, 127; results, 118, 122; and Cappadocia, 130; student life, 152.
Julius, Bishop of Rome, receives Athanasius and Marcellus, 65; 70, 72, 85, 88.
Julius Constantius, 105.
Justina, Empress, 164.
Karl the Great, coronation of, 166.
Lactantius on the persecutors, 11.
Leonas, 97.
Leontius, Bishop of Antioch, appointed, 72; management, 78; 104.
Libanius, heathen rhetorician, 43; friend of Basil, 132.
Liberius, Bishop of Rome, 82; disavows Vincent, 83; exile of, 85, 90; signs Sirmian creed, 91; receives Semiarian deputation, 128.
Licinius, Emperor (306-323), 15, 19.
Lucian of Antioch, teacher of Arius, 5; of Eusebius of Nicomedia, 15; disciples at Nicaea, 21; left no successors, 46; disciples after Nicaea, 50; connection with Aetius, 75.
Lucianic creed, at Antioch, 68; 77, 91; at Seleucia, 97, 115; at Lampsacus, 126.
Lucifer, Bishop of Calaris, exile and writings, 83, 90; returns, 111; absent from Alexandria, 112; consecrates Paulinus, 114; forms schism, 124, 134.
Lucius, Arian bishop of Alexandria, 142, 144, 147.
Macarius, Bishop of AElia (Jerusalem), 15; at Nicaea, 21.
Macedonius, Bishop of Constantinople, 79, 115.
Magnentius, Emperor (350-353), 74; 80, 82.
Marcellus, Bishop of Ancyra, at Nicaea, 21; and Apostles' creed, 23, 67; persistence, 27; 31, 32; and Nicene creed, 47, 51; character and doctrine, 52-56; exiled, 59; restored, 62; flees to Rome, 65; at Sardica, 70, 72; attacked by Cyril, 77; deposed, 81; 90, 103; returns, 111; embassy to Athanasius, 142; death, 143; extinction of his school, 144.
Mardonius, 105, 107.
Maris, Bishop of Chalcedon, at Nicaea, 21; curses Julian, 111, 117.
Maximin (Daza), Emperor (305-313), 48.
Maximus, Bishop of Jerusalem, 57, 58; receives Athanasius, 73.
Maximus, Bishop of Trier, 70.
Meletius, Bishop of Antioch, 78; translated from Sebastia, 103; exiled, 104; return, 113, 115; accepts Nicene creed, 120; exiled by Valens, 128; restored, 129; 131, 134, 147, 151; death at Constantinople, 157.
Meletius, Bishop of Lycopolis, 19; Nicene settlement, 38.
Modestus, renegade, 132, 133.
Nectarius, Bishop of Constantinople, 158, 163, 164.
Nepotianus, Emperor (350), 80.
Nestorius, Bishop of Constantinople, 163.
Origen, 9, 33, 76, 113; on the Holy Spirit, 124.
Paphnutius, confessor, at Nicaea, 21; at Tyre, 57, 58.
Paul, Bishop of Neocaesarea, at Nicaea, 21.
Paul of Samosata, 33, 91.
Paul of Thebes, legendary hermit, 123.
Paulinus, 51; consecrated by Lucifer, 114, 147; ignored at Constantinople, 157, 158.
Paulinus, Bishop of Trier, 82, 83, 90.
Pegasius, Bishop of Ilium, apostate, 108.
Pelagius, Bishop of Laodicea, 104.
Peter, Bishop of Alexandria, 144, 152, 155.
Philagrius, expels Athanasius, 64, 86.
Phoebadius, Bishop of Agen, condemns Sirmian manifesto, 90; at Ariminum, 99, 101.
Photinus, Bishop of Sirmium, condemned, 73; deposed, 81; 90, 91.
Pistus, an early Arian, 14; Arian bishop of Alexandria, 64, 65.
Poemenius, Anomoean bishop of Constantinople, 120.
Potammon, confessor, at Nicaea, 21; at Tyre, 57, 58.
Proaeresius, teacher of Julian, 109, 152.
Procopius, revolt of, 128.
Protasius, Bishop of Milan, 70.
Restaces, Armenian bishop at Nicaea, 22.
Sabellianism, its meaning, 9; relation of Athanasius to, 12, 32; general dislike of, 13; relation of Marcellus to, 32.
Sasima, 153.
Sebastian the Manichee, outrages in Egypt, 86; commands against Goths, 149.
Secundus, Bishop of Ptolemais, at Nicaea, 21; refuses Nicene creed, 38; consecrates Pistus, 64, 65.
Serapion, Bishop of Thmuis, 125.
Silvanus the Frank, 81.
Silvanus, Bishop of Tarsus, at Seleucia, 95, 97.
Socrates, historian, 79.
Stephen, Bishop of Antioch, at Sardica, 70; deposed, 72.
Syrianus, dux AEgypti, expels Athanasius, 86.
Tertullian, 9.
Theodoric, 165.
Theodosius, Emperor (379-395), choice of and character, 154; first rescript, 155; calls council of Constantinople, 157; second rescript, 163.
Theodotus, Bishop of Nicopolis, 136.
Theonas, Bishop of Marmarica, at Nicaea, 21; refuses Nicene creed, 38.
Theophilus the Goth, at Nicaea, 22.
Theophilus the Indian, 120.
Theophronius, Bishop of Tyana, 69.
Theudelinda, Lombard queen, 166.
Timothy, Bishop of Alexandria, 157.
Ulfilas, death, 156, 164.
Ursacius, Bishop of Singidunum, and Sirmian manifesto, 88, 90, 91; forms Homoean party, 92; at Ariminum, 95.
Valens, Emperor (364-378), 46; character, 121; church and state under, 122, 144, 161; 124; Homoean policy, 126; fresh exiles, 127; Procopian panic, 128; baptism and first Gothic war, 129; overawed by Basil, 133; second Gothic war, 149; death at Hadrianople, 150.
Valens, Bishop of Mursa, and Sirmian manifesto, 88, 90, 91; forms Homoean party, 92; at Ariminum, 95, 99, 101, 130.
Valentinian, Emperor (364-375), character and policy, 121; Semiarian deputation to, 128, 131; death, 146.
Vetranio, Emperor (350), 80, 81.
Victor, a Sarmatian, 132.
Victorinus, Marius, 109.
Vincent, Bishop of Capua, at Nicaea, 20; at Sardica, 70; at Antioch, 72; yields at Arles, 83.
Vitalis, Apollinarian bishop of Antioch, 141.