Crobialus, a city of Paphlagonia, II, 942
Cromna, a city of Paphlagonia, II, 942
Cronian, IV, 327, 509, 548
Cronos, I, 505; II, 1232; IV, 986
Ctimene, a city of Thessaly, I, 68
Ctimenus, I, 67
Curetes, (1) in Crete, II, 1234: (2) in Aetolia, IV, 1229
Cyanean rocks, I, 3; II, 318, 770; IV, 304, 1003
Cyclopes, I, 510, 730
Cyllenus, one of the Idaean Dactyls, I, 1126
Cypris, a name of Aphrodite, I, 615, 803, 850, 860, 1233; II, 424; III, 3, 25, 37, 76, 80, 90, 127, 549, 559, 936, 942; IV, 918.
Cyrene, mother of Aristaeus II, 500
Cytaean, i.e. Colchian, II, 399, 403, 1094, 1267; III, 228; IV, 511
Cytherea, a name of Aphrodite, I, 742; III, 108, 553
Cytissorus, a son of Phrixus, II, 1155
Cytorus, a city of Paphlagonia, II, 942
Cyzicus, (1) king of the Doliones, I, 949, 962, 1056, 1076: (2) a city on a peninsula in the Propontis, II, 765
Dactyls, fabulous iron-workers on Mt. Ida, in Crete, I, 1129
Danae, IV, 1091
Danai, IV, 262
Danais, daughter of Danaus, I, 137
Danaus, I, 133
Dardania, I, 931
Dascylus (1) father of Lycus, II, 776: (2) son of Lycus, II, 803
Deileon, a son of Deimachus, II, 956
Deimachus, II, 955
Delos, I, 308
Delphyne, a dragon, II, 706
Deo, the goddess Demeter, III, 413; IV, 896, 986, 988
Deucalidae, descendants of Deucalion, IV, 266
Deucalion, son of Prometheus, III, 1087
Dia, an island in the Aegaean sea, IV, 425, 434
Dictaean, of Dicte, in Crete, I, 509, 1130; II, 434; IV, 1640
Dindymum, a mountain of Phrygia, I, 985, 1093, 1125, 1147
Dionysus, I, 116; IV, 424, 540
Dipsacus, II, 653
Dodonian oak, I, 527; IV, 583
Doeantian plain, II, 373, 988
Doliones, inhabitants of Cyzicus, I, 947, 952, 961, 1018, 1022, 1058
Dolionian, I, 1029, 1070; II, 765
Dolopian, I, 68, 585
Drepane, the island of the Phaeacians, later Corcyra, IV, 990, 1223
Dryopians, I, 1213, 1218
Dysceladus, an island in the Adriatic, IV, 565
Echetus, a mythical king of Epirus, IV, 1093
Echinades, islands at the mouth of the Acheloues, IV, 1230
Echion, an Argonaut, I, 52
Egypt, IV. 268
Eidyia, wife of Aeetes, III, 243, 269
Eilatides, son of Eilatus, Polyphemus, I, 41, 1241, 1248, 1347; IV, 1470
Eileithyia, the goddess of birth, I, 289
Elare, mother of Tityos, I, 762
Eleans, I, 173
Electra, daughter of Atlas, I, 916
Electris, an island, IV, 505, 580
Electryon, I, 748
Elysian plain, IV, 811
Encheleans, a people of Illyria, IV, 518
Endymion, IV, 58
Eneteian, i.e. Paphlagonian, an epithet of Pelops, II, 358
Enipeus, a river of Thessaly, I, 38
Enyalius, a name of Ares, III, 322, 560, 1366
Ephyra, the old name of Corinth, IV, 1212
Erato, one of the Muses, III, 1
Erectheidae, descendants of Erechtheus, the Athenians, I, 101
Erectheis, daughter of Erechtheus, Oreithyia, I, 212
Erginus, (1) son of Poseidon, an Argonaut, I, 187; II, 896: (2) a river of Thrace, I, 217
Eribotes, an Argonaut, I, 71, 78; II, 1039
Eridanus, the river Po, IV, 506, 596, 610, 623, 628
Erinys, a Fury, II, 220; III, 704, 776; IV, 476, 1042: in the plur., III, 712; IV, 386, 714
Eros, son of Aphrodite, III, 120, 275, 297, 972, 1018, 1078; IV, 445: in the plural, "the Loves," III, 452, 687, 765, 937
Erymanthian marsh, I, 127
Erytheis, one of the Hesperides, IV, 1427
Erythini, a town in Paphlagonia, II, 941
Erytus, an Argonaut, I, 52
Eryx, a mountain in Sicily, IV, 917
Etesian winds, II, 498, 525
Ethiopians, III, 1192
Euboea, an island, I, 77; IV, 1135, 1780
Euphemus, an Argonaut, I 179; II, 536, 556, 562, 588, 896; IV, 1466, 1483, 1563, 1732 1756, 1758, 1764
Eupolemeia, I, 55
Europa, (1) daughter of Tityos, I, 181: (2) daughter of Agenor, III, 1179; IV, 1643: (3) a division of the earth, IV, 273
Eurydamas, an Argonaut, I, 67
Eurymedon, a name of Perseus IV, 1514
Eurymenae, a city of Thessaly, I, 597
Eurynome, I, 503
Eurypylus, IV, 1561
Eurystheus, I, 130, 1317, 1347
Eurytides, son of Eurytus, Clytius, II, 1043
Eurytion, son of Teleon, an Argonaut, I, 71
Eurytus, I, 87, 88; II, 114
Eusorus, I, 949
Gaea, the earth-goddess, I, 762; II, 39, 1209, 1273; III, 699, 716
Ganymedes, III, 115
Garamas, also called Amphithemis, which see, IV, 1494
Genetaean headland, in Pontus, II, 378, 1009
Gephyrus, one of the Doliones, I, 1042
Geraestus, a promontory of Euboea, III, 1244
Glaucus, I, 1310; II, 767
Gorgon, IV, 1515
Graucenii, a people near the Ister, IV, 321
Gyrton, a city of Thessaly, I, 57
Hades, (1) god of the under world, II, 353, 609, 642, 735; III, 704, 810; IV, 1666: (2) the under world, IV, 1699
Haemonia, a name of Thessaly, II, 504, 690; III, 1090, 1244; IV, 1000, 1034
Haemonians, II, 507; IV, 1075
Hagniades, son of Hagnias, Tiphys, I, 105, 560, 1296; II, 557, 854
Halys, a river of Paphlagonia, II, 366, 953, 963; IV, 245
Harmonia (1) a nymph, mother of the Amazons, II, 990: (2) wife of Cadmus, IV, 517
Harpies, II, 188, 223, 252, 264, 289, 298, 461
Hecate, III, 251, 478, 529, 738, 842, 915, 985, 1035, 1211; IV, 247, 829
Heliades, daughters of Helios, IV, 604, 625
Helice, the great Bear, II, 360; III, 745, 1195
Helios, the Sun-god, I, 172; II, 1204; III, 233, 309, 362, 598, 999; IV, 221, 229, 591, 598, 727, 965, 971, 1019
Hellas, I, 336, 416, etc.; II, 414, 459, etc.; III, 13, 29, etc.; IV, 98, 204, etc.
Helle, sister of Phrixus, I, 256
Hellespont, I, 935
Hephaestus, I, 203, 851; III, 40, 136, 223, 229; IV, 761, 775, 818, 929, 958
Hera, I, 14, 187, 859, 997; II, 216, 865; III, 8, 10, 19, 23, 32, 55, 77, 83, 91, 106, 210, 214, 250, 818, 931, 1134; IV, 11, 21, 242, 510, 577, 640, 646, 774, 781, 846, 858, 1137, 1152, 1185, 1199: goddess of marriage ([Greek: Zugie]), IV, 96
Heracles, I, 122, 197, 341, 349, 397, 426, 531, 855, 864, 993, 997, 1040, 1163, 1242, 1253, 1291, 1303, 1316; II, 146, 767, 772, 793, 913, 957, 967, 1052; III, 1233; IV, 538, 1400, 1459, 1469, 1477
Hercynian rock, IV, 640
Hermes, I, 51, 642; II, 1145; III, 197, 588, 1175; IV, 121 1137
Hespere, one of the Hesperides, IV, 1427
Hesperides, IV, 1399, 1406
Hippodameia, I, 754
Hippolyte, a queen of the Amazons, II, 779, 968, 999
Hippotades, son of Hippotas, Aeolus, IV, 819
Hippotas, IV, 778
Hippuris, an island in the Aegaean sea, IV, 1712
Homole, a mountain of Thessaly, I, 594
Hyacinthus, one of the Doliones, I 1044
Hyantian, Boeotian, III, 1242
Hylas, I, 131, 1207, 1258, 1324, 1350, 1354
Hyllean, IV, 535, 562, 1125: as subst. in plur., IV, 524, 527
Hyllus, a son of Heracles, IV, 538, 543
Hyperasius, I, 176
Hyperboreans, II, 675; IV, 614
Hypius, a river of Bithynia, II, 795
Hypnos, the god of sleep, IV, 146
Hypsipyle, queen of Lemnos, I, 621, 637, 650, 654, 675, 699, 713, 718, 786, 836, 848, 853, 873, 886, 897, 900; III, 1206; IV, 423, 426
Iapetionides, son of Iapetus, Prometheus, III, 1087
Iapetus, III, 866
Idaean (1) of Mt. Ida, in the Troad, I, 930: (2) of Mt. Ida, in Crete, I, 1128, 1129; II, 1234; III, 134
Idas, son of Aphareus, an Argonaut, I, 151, 462, 470, 485, 1044; II, 830; III, 516, 556, 1170, 1252
Idmon, son of Apollo, an Argonaut, I, 139, 436, 449, 475; II, 816, 850
Ilissus, a river of Attica, I, 215
Illyrian, IV, 516
Imbrasian, of Imbrasus, a river of the island Samos, I, 187; II, 866
Imbros, an island in the Aegaean sea, I, 924
Indians, II, 906
Iolcus, a city of Thessaly, I, 572, 906; III, 2, 89, 1091, 1109, 1114, 1135; IV, 1163
Ionian, IV, 289, 308, 632, 982: as subst. in plur., I, 959, 1076
Iphias, a priestess of Artemis, I, 312
Iphiclus (1) uncle of Jason, I, 45, 121: (2) son of Thestius, an Argonaut, I, 201
Iphinoe, a woman of Lemnos, I, 702, 703, 709, 788
Iphitus, (1) son of Eurytus, an Argonaut, I, 86; II, 115: (2) son of Naubolus, an Argonaut, I, 207
Iris, (1) a goddess, messenger of Hera, II, 286, 298, 432; IV, 753, 757, 770: (2) a river of Pontus, II, 367, 963
Irus, I, 72, 74
Ismenus, a river of Boeotia, I, 537
Issa, an island in the Adriatic, IV, 565
Ister, a river of Thrace, the Danube, IV, 284, 302, 309, 325
Isthmian, of the isthmus of Corinth, III, 1240
Itonian, epithet of Athena, I, 551
Itymoneus, (1) one of the Doliones, I, 1046: (2) a Bebrycian, II, 105
Ixion, III, 62
Jason, I, 8, 232, etc.; II, 122, 211, etc.; III, 66, 143, etc.; IV, 63, 79, etc.
Jasonian, I, 960, 988, 1148
Keres, spirits of death, I, 690; IV, 1485, 1665
Lacereia, a city of Thessaly, IV, 616
Ladon, the dragon of the Hesperides, IV, 1396
Lampeia, a district in Arcadia, I, 127
Lampetia, a daughter of Helios, IV, 973
Laocoon, an Argonaut, I, 191, 192
Lapithae, a people of Thessaly, I, 41, 42
Larisa, a city of Thessaly, I, 40
Latmian cave, in Caria, IV, 57
Laurium, a plain near the river Ister, IV, 321, 326
Leda, mother of Castor and Polydeuces, I, 146
Lemnian, I, 653; II, 32, 764; III, 1206
Lemnos, an island in the Aegaean sea, I, 602, 608, 852, 868, 873; IV, 1759, 1760
Leodocus, an Argonaut, I, 119
Lerna, a lake in Argolis, III, 1241
Lernaean hydra, IV, 1404
Lernus, (1) son of Proetus, I, 135: (2) father of Palaemonius, I, 202, 203
Leto, mother of Apollo and Artemis, II, 213, 257, 674, 710
Letoides, son of Leto, Apollo, I, 66, 144, 439, 484; II, 181, 698, 771; IV, 612, 1706
Letois, daughter of Leto, Artemis, II, 938; III, 878; IV, 346
Liburnian islands, in the Adriatic, IV, 564
Libya (1) I, 81, 83; II, 505; IV, 1227, 1309, 1313, 1323, 1358, 1384, 1485, 1492, 1513, 1561: (2) a nymph, IV, 1742
Libyan, IV, 1233, 1753
Ligystian or Ligurian islands, IV, 553
Ligyans, IV, 647
Lilybean promontory, in Sicily, IV, 919
Locrians, IV, 1780
Lycaon, a king of Arcadia, II, 521
Lycastians, a tribe of Amazons, II, 999
Lycia, I, 309; II, 674
Lycoreian, an epithet of Phoebus, IV, 1490
Lycoreus, a servant of Amycus, II, 51
Lycurgus, son of Aleus, I, 164; II, 118
Lycus (1) king of the Mariandyni, II, 139, 752, 759, 813, 839; IV, 298: (2) a river of Bithynia, II, 724: (3) a river of Armenia, IV, 132
Lynceus, son of Aphareus, an Argonaut, I, 151, 153; IV, 1466, 1478
Lyra, II, 829
Lyrceian, epithet of the city Argos, I, 125
Macrians, a people near Cyzicus, I, 1025, 1112
Macris, (1) the island of the Phaeacians, also called Drepane, later Corcyra, IV, 540, 990, 1175: (2) daughter of Aristaeus, IV, 1131
Macrones, a people of Pontus, II, 394, 1242
Maenalus, a mountain in Arcadia, I, 168, 770
Magnesia, a district in Thessaly, I, 238, 584
Maia, the mother of Hermes, IV, 1733
Mariandyni, a people of Bithynia, II, 140, 352, 723, 748, 753
Medea, daughter of Aeetes, III, 3, 248, etc.; IV, 213, 243, etc.
Megabrontes, one of the Doliones, I, 1041
Megalossaces, one of the Doliones, I, 1045
Megarians, II, 747
Melaena (1) a promontory in Bithynia, II, 349, 651: (2) an island, Black Corcyra, IV, 571
Melampus, I, 121
Melanippe, an Amazon, II, 966
Melantian rocks, in the Aegaean sea, IV, 1707
Melas, (1) a son of Phrixus, II, 1156: (2) a sea near Thrace, I, 922
Meleagrus, son of Oeneus, an Argonaut, I, 191
Meliboea, a city of Magnesia, I, 592
Melie, a nymph, mother of Amycus, II, 4
Melite (1) a nymph, mother of Hyllus, IV, 538, 543: (2) an island in the Adriatic, IV, 572
Meliteian mountain, in Corcyra, IV, 1150
Mene, the moon, IV, 55
Meneteis, daughter of Menetes, Antianeira, I, 56
Menoetius, son of Actor, an Argonaut, I, 69
Mentores, a people of Illyria, IV, 551
Merops, father of Cleite, I, 975
Miletus, a city of Ionia, I, 186
Mimas, (1) a Bebrycian, II, 105: (2) a giant, III, 1227
Minoan, of Minos, i.e. Cretan, II, 299, 516; IV, 1564, 1691
Minois, daughter of Minos, Ariadne III, 908; IV, 433
Minos, king of Crete, III, 1000, 1098, 1100, 1107; IV, 1491
Minyan, of Minyas, IV, 117
Minyans, the Argonauts, I, 229, 709, 1055; II, 97; III, 578; IV, 338, 509, 595, 1074, 1220, 1364, 1456, 1500
Minyas, son of Aeolus, I, 230; III, 1093, 1094
Mopsus, son of Ampycus, an Argonaut, I, 65, 80, 1083, 1086, 1106; II, 923; III, 543, 916, 938; IV, 1502, 1518
Mossynoeci, a people of Pontus, II, 379, 1016, 1117
Mycenaeans, I, 128
Myrine, a city of Lemnos, I, 604, 634
Myrmidon, father of Eupolemeia, I, 55
Myrmidons, old inhabitants of Aegina, IV, 1772
Myrtilus, charioteer of Oenomaus, I, 755
Myrtosian height, in Libya, II, 505
Mysian, I, 1115, 1349; II, 766: as subst. in plur., I, 1164, 1179, 1298, 1322, 1345; II, 781, 786; IV, 1472
Narex, a mouth of the river Ister, IV, 312
Nasamon, a Libyan, IV, 1496
Naubolides, son of Naubolus Clytoneus, I, 134
Naubolus, (1) son of Lernus, I, 135: (2) son of Ornytus, I, 203
Naupliades, son of Nauplius, Proetus, I, 136
Nauplius (1) son of Poseidon, I, 138: (2) son of Clytoneus, an Argonaut, I, 134; II, 896
Nausithous, king of the Phaeacians before Alcinous, IV, 539, 547, 550
Neleidae, descendants of Neleus, I, 959
Neleis, daughter of Neleus, Pero, I, 120
Neleus, king of Pylos, I, 156, 158
Nepeian plain, near Cyzicus, I, 1116
Nereides, daughters of Nereus, IV, 844, 859, 930
Nereus, a sea-god, I, 1311; IV, 772, 1599, 1743
Nestaeans, a people of Illyria, IV, 1215
Nestian lands, in Illyria, IV, 337
Nisaeans, II, 747, 847
Nycteus, a king, father of Antiope, IV, 1090
Nymphaea, the island of Calypso, IV, 574
Nyseian, of Nysa, epithet of Dionysus, II, 905, 1214; IV, 431, 1134
Nyx, the goddess Night, III, 1193; IV, 630, 1059
Oaxus, a river of Crete, I, 1131
Oceanis, daughter of Oceanus, (1) Eurynome, I, 504: (2) Philyra, II, 1239
Oceanus, I, 506; III, 244, 957, 1230; IV, 282, 632, 638, 1414
Oeagrus, father of Orpheus, I, 25, 570; II, 703; IV, 905, 1193
Oechalia, a city of Euboea, I, 87
Oeneides, son of Oeneus, Meleagrus, I, 190, 1046; III, 518
Oeneus, I, 192, 193
Oenoe, (1) an island in the Aegaean, I, 623: (2) a nymph, I, 626
Oenomaus, I, 756
Ogygian, epithet of Thebes, III, 1178
Oileus, an Argonaut, I, 74; II, 1037
Olenian, of Olenus, a city in Aetolia, I, 202
Olympian, IV, 95
Olympus, (1) a mountain in Thessaly, I, 598: (2) the abode of the gods, I, 504, 1099; II, 300, 603, 1232; III, 113, 159, 1358; IV, 770, 781
Onchestus, a city of Boeotia, III, 1242
Ophion, I, 503
Opuntian, of Opus, IV, 1780
Opus, a city of Locris, I, 69
Orchomenus (1) son of Minyas and king of Orchomenus, II, 654, 1093, 1186; III, 265, 266: (2) a city of Boeotia, II, 1153; III, 1073, 1094; IV, 257
Oreides, an attendant of Amycus, II, 110
Oreithyia, daughter of Erechtheus, I, 212
Oricus (or Oricum), a city of Epirus, IV, 1215
Orion, the constellation, I, 1202; III, 745
Ornytides, the son of Ornytus, Naubolus, I, 207
Ornytus, a Bebrycian (not father of Naubolus), II, 65
Orpheus, I, 23, 32, 494, 540, 915, 1134; II, 161, 685, 928; IV, 905, 1159, 1409, 1547
Ortygia, a name of Delos, I, 419, 537; IV, 1705
Ossa, a mountain in Thessaly, I, 598
Othrys, a mountain in Thessaly, II, 515
Otrere, a queen of the Amazons, II, 387
Pactolus, a river of Lydia, IV, 1300
Paeeon, the physician of the gods, IV, 1511
Pagasae, a city of Thessaly, I, 238, 411
Pagaseian, I, 318, 524; IV, 1781
Palaemonius, an Argonaut, I, 202
Pallas, the goddess Athena, I, 723; III, 340
Pallenaean, of Pallene, a promontory in Chalcidice, I, 599
Panachaean, I, 243; III, 347
Panhellenes, II, 209
Paphlagonians, II, 358, 790; IV, 245, 300
Paraebius, a friend of Phineus, II, 456, 463
Parnassus, a mountain between Phocis and Locris, II, 705
Parrhasian, of Parrhasia, a district in Arcadia, II, 521
Parthenia, a name of the island Samos, I, 188; II, 872
Parthenius, a river of Paphlagonia, II, 936; III, 876
Pasiphae, wife of Minos, III, 999, 1076, 1107
Pegae, a spring in Mysia, I, 1222, 1243
Peiresiae, a city of Thessaly, I, 37, 584
Peirithous, king of the Lapithae, I, 103
Pelasgian, I, 14, 906; III, 1323; IV, 243, 265: as subst. in plur., I, 580; II, 1239
Peleides, son of Peleus, Achilles, I, 558
Peleus, son of Aeacus, an Argonaut, I, 94, 1042; II, 829, 868, 1217; III, 504; IV, 494, 816, 853, 880, 1368
Pelian, of Mt. Pelion, I, 386, 525, 550, 581; II, 1188
Pelias, king of Iolcus, I, 3, 5, 12, 225, 242, 279, 323, 902, 981, 1304; II, 624, 763; III, 64, 75, 1135; IV, 242
Pelion, a mountain in Thessaly, I, 520
Pellene, a city of Achaea, I, 177
Pelles, the founder of Pellene, I, 177
Pelopeia, daughter of Pelias, I, 326
Pelopeian, of Pelops, I, 758; II, 790; IV, 1570, 1577
Pelops, I, 753; II, 359; IV, 1231
Peneus, a river of Thessaly, II, 500
Percosian, of Percote, I, 975
Percote, a city in the Troad, I, 932
Periclymenus, an Argonaut, I, 156
Pero, daughter of Neleus, I, 119
Perse, mother of Circe, IV, 591
Perseis, daughter of Perses, Hecate, III, 467, 478, 1035; IV, 1020
Persephone, goddess of the under world, II, 916
Perseus, IV, 1513
Peuce, an island at the mouth of the Ister, IV, 300
Phaeacian, IV, 769, 1222, 1722: as subst. in plur., IV, 539, 549, 822, 991, 992, 1139, 1181, 1211
Phaethon, (1) a name of Apsyrtus, III, 245, 1236: (2) son of Helios, IV, 598, 623
Phaethusa, a daughter of Helios, IV, 971
Phalerus, an Argonaut, I, 96
Phasis, a river of Colchis, II, 401, 1261, 1278; III, 57, 1220; IV, 134
Pherae, a city of Thessaly, I, 49
Phillyrides, son of Philyra, Cheiron, I, 554
Philyra, a daughter of Ocean, II, 1232, 1239
Philyrean, of Philyra, II, 1231
Philyres, a people of Pontus, II, 393
Phineus, a blind seer, II, 178, 236, 277, 294, 305, 436, 438, 530, 618, 647, 769, 1051, 1090, 1135; III, 549, 555, 943; IV, 254
Phlegraean, of Phlegra, III, 234, 1227
Phlias, son of Dionysus, an Argonaut, I, 115
Phliuntian, of Phlius, a city of the Peloponnese, IV, 568
Phlogius, (1) one of the Doliones, I, 1045: (2) son of Deimachus, II, 956
Phocians, I, 207
Phocus, brother of Telamon and Peleus, I, 92
Phoebus, Apollo, I, 1, 301, 353, 536, 759; II, 216, 506, 702, 713, 847; IV, 529, 1490, 1493, 1550, 1702, 1717, 1718
Phorcys, father of Scylla, IV, 828, 1598
Phrixus, son of Athamas, I, 256, 291, 763; II, 1093, 1107, 1119, 1141, 1143, 1151, 1194; III, 178, 190, 196, 263, 304, 330, 338, 361, 374, 584, 595; IV, 22, 71, 81, 119, 441, 736
Phrontis, a son of Phrixus, II, 1155; IV, 72, 76, 80
Phrygia, I, 937, 1126, 1166
Phrygians, I, 1139; II, 787
Phthia, a city of Thessaly, I, 94; II, 514, 520
Phthian, I, 55
Phylace, a city of Thessaly, I, 45
Phylaceis, daughter of Phylacus, Alcimede, I, 47
Phylleian, (1) of the river Phyllis, in Bithynia, II, 652: (2) of a mountain in Thessaly, I, 37
Pieria, a district in Thessaly, I, 31, 34
Pierides, a name of the Muses, IV, 1382
Pimpleian, of Pimpleia, in Pieria, 1, 25
Pityeia, (1) a city of the Troad, I, 933: (2) one of the Liburnian islands, IV, 565
Planctae, rocks past which Argo sailed, IV, 860, 924, 932, 939
Plegades, the clashing rocks, the Symplegades, II, 596, 645
Pleiads, III, 226
Pleistus, II, 711
Plotae, floating islands, II, 285, 297
Polydeuces, son of Zeus and Leda, an Argonaut, I, 146; II, 20, 100, 756; IV, 588
Polyphemus, son of Eilatus, an Argonaut, I, 40, 1241, 1321, 1347; IV, 1470
Polyxo, aged nurse of Hypsipyle, I, 668
Pontus, the Euxine or Black Sea, I, 2; II, 346, 413, 418, 579, 984; IV, 304, 1002
Poseidon, I, 13, 136, 158, 180, 185, 951, 1158; II, 867; III, 1240; IV, 567, 1326, 1356, 1370, 1559, 1621; god of the family ([Greek: Genethlios]), II, 3
Posideian headland, in Bithynia, I, 1279
Priolas, II, 780
Proetus, I, 136
Prometheus, II, 1249, 1257; III, 845, 853, 1086
Promeus, one of the Doliones, I, 1044
Propontis, I, 936, 983
Pylos, a city of Messenia, I, 157
Pytho, the old name of Delphi, I, 209, 308, 413, 418, 536; IV, 530, 1704
Rhea, a goddess, wife of Cronos, mother of Zeus, I, 506, 1139, 1151; II, 1235
Rhebas, a river of Bithynia, II, 349, 650, 789
Rhipaean mountains, in Scythia, IV, 287
Rhodanus, the river Rhone, IV, 627
Rhoeteian shore, in the Troad, I, 929
Rhyndacus, a river of Bithynia, I, 1165
Salangon, a river of Illyria, IV, 337
Salmonian promontory, in Crete, IV, 1693
Sangarius, a river of Bithynia, II, 722
Sapeires, a people of Pontus, II, 395, 1243
Sardinian sea, IV, 633
Sarpedonian rock, in Thrace, I, 216
Sauromatae, a people of Scythia, III, 353, 394
Sciathus, an island near Magnesia, I, 583
Scylla, IV, 789, 827, 828, 922
Scythians, IV, 288, 320
Sepian headland, in Thessaly, I, 582
Serbonian lake, in Egypt, II, 1215
Sesamus, a city of Paphlagonia, II, 941
Sicinus, (1) son of Thoas, I, 625: (2) an island, also called Oenoe, in the Aegaean sea, I, 624
Sigynni, a people near the river Ister, IV, 320
Sindi, a people near the river Ister, IV, 322
Sinope, daughter of Asopus, II, 946
Sintian, an epithet of the island Lemnos, I, 608; IV, 1759
Siphaean, an epithet of the Thespians, I, 105
Sirens, IV, 893, 914
Sirius, the dog star, II, 517, 524; III, 957
Sparta, I, 148; IV, 1761, 1762
Sphodris, one of the Doliones, I, 1041
Sporades, islands in the Aegaean sea, IV, 1711
Sthenelus, II, 911, 925
Stoechades, islands off Liguria, IV, 554, 650, 654
Strophades, islands in the Ionian sea, II, 296
Stymphalian birds, II, 1053
Styx, a river of Hades, II, 291
Syrtis, quicksands in Libya, IV, 1235
Taenarus, a city of Laconia, I, 102, 179; III, 1241
Talaus, an Argonaut, I, 118; II, 63, 111
Talos, a giant, guardian of Crete, IV, 1638, 1670
Taphians, inhabitants of islands off the coast of Acarnania, same as the Teleboae, I, 750
Tegea, a city of Arcadia, I, 162, 398
Telamon, son of Aeacus, an Argonaut, I, 93, 1043, 1289, 1330; III, 196, 363, 440, 515, 1174
Teleboans, see Taphians, I, 748
Telecles, one of the Doliones, I, 1040
Teleon, (1) father of Eribotes, I, 72, 73: (2) father of Butes, I, 96; IV, 912
Tenos, an island in the Aegaean sea, I, 1305
Terpsichore, one of the Muses, IV, 896
Tethys, wife of Oceanus, mother of Eidyia, III, 244
Thebes, I, 736; II, 906; III, 1178; IV, 260
Theiodamas, king of the Dryopians, I, 1213, 1216, 1355
Themis, IV, 800
Themiscyreian headland, II, 371, 995
Thera, an island in the Aegaean sea, IV, 1763
Therapnaean, of Therapnae, a city of Laconia, II, 163
Theras, IV, 1762
Thermodon, a river of Pontus, II, 370, 805, 970
Theseus, I, 101; III, 997; IV, 433
Thespians, I, 106
Thestiades, son of Thestius, Iphiclus, I, 201
Thetis, a Nereid, wife of Peleus, IV, 759, 773, 780, 783, 800, 833, 845, 881, 932, 938
Thoantias, daughter of Thoas, Hypsipyle, I, 637, 712
Thoas, former king of Lemnos, I, 621, 625, 718, 798, 829; IV, 426
Thrace, I, 213, 614, 799, 826, 1113
Thracian, I, 24, 29, 214, 602, 678, 795, 954, 1110, 1300; II, 427; IV, 905, 1484: as subst. in plur., I, 632, 637, 821, 923; II, 238; IV, 288, 320
Thrinacia, the island Sicily, IV, 965
Thrinacian sea, IV, 994
Thyiades, Bacchants, I, 636
Thynian, II, 350, 460, 485, 548, 673: as subst. in plur., II, 529
Tibareni, a people of Pontus, II, 377, 1010
Tiphys, the pilot of Argo, I, 105, 381, 401, 522, 561, 956, 1274, 1296; II, 175, 557, 574, 584, 610, 622, 854
Tisaean headland, in Thessaly, I, 568
Titanian, III, 865; IV, 54, 131
Titans, I, 507; II, 1233; IV, 989
Titaresian, of Titaresus, a river of Thessaly, I, 65
Titias, (1) one of the Idaean Dactyls, I, 1126: (2) a boxer, II, 783
Tityos, I, 181, 761
Trachis, a city of Thessaly, I, 1356
Triccaean, of Tricca, a city of Thessaly, II, 955
Trinacrian sea, IV, 291
Triton, (1) a sea-god, IV, 1552, 1589, 1598, 1621, 1741, 1742, 1752: (2) the river Nile, IV, 269: (3) a lake in Libya, IV, 1311
Tritonian, I, 721, 768; III, 1183; IV, 260, 1391, 1444, 1495, 1539
Tyndareus, I,148; III, 517
Tyndarides, the son of Tyndareus, Polydeuces, II, 30, 41, 74, 798: in plur., Castor and Polydeuces, I, 1045; II, 806; III, 1315; IV, 593
Typhaon, II, 1211
Typhaonian rock, II, 1210
Typhoeus, II, 38
Tyrrhenian, Etruscan, III, 312; IV, 660, 850, 856: as subst. in plur., IV, 1760
Uranides, son of Uranus, Cronos, II, 1232: in plur., the gods, II, 342
Uranus, III, 699, 746; IV, 992
Xanthus, a river of Lycia, I, 309
Xynian lake, in Thessaly, I, 68
Zelys, one of the Doliones, I, 1042
Zetes, son of Boreas, an Argonaut, I, 211; II, 243, 282, 430
Zethus, son of Zeus and Antiope, I, 736, 738
Zeus, I, 150, 242, etc.; II, 43, 154, etc.; III, 8, 11, etc.; IV, 2, 95, etc.; god of suppliants ([Greek: Hikesios]), II, 215, 1132; IV, 358; of fugitives ([Greek: Phuxios]), II, 1147; IV, 119: of strangers ([Greek: Xeinios]), II, 1132; III, 103: of rain ([Greek: Ikmaios]), II, 522: lord of hospitality ([Greek: Euxeinos]), II, 378: the Beholder ([Greek: Epopsios]), II, 1123: the Cleanser ([Greek: Katharsios]), IV, 708
Zone, a town of Thrace, I, 29