The Annual Monitor for 1851
Author: Anonymous
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The death of her only daughter, at the age of nineteen, as well as that of her husband after a short illness, a few years subsequently, were close trials to her; but she bowed in humble submission to these dispensations, and, under the chastening hand of the Lord, it became increasingly evident, that the "one thing needful" was steadily kept in her view. She was diligent in her attendance of our religious meetings, and often remarked, that she had been permitted to find in them "a resting place to her soul."

After her second marriage, with Robert Waller of Holdgate near York, her health, which for a long time had not been strong, began more rapidly to decline, and at the death of her husband, after a long and protracted illness, she was so complete an invalid, as to be chiefly confined to her bed for many months together. This was a great trial upon her faith and patience; but her hope and trust in her Saviour's love never forsook her, and often through her long illness, she was enabled to look forward with hope and joy to that time, when "absent from the body," she should be "present with the Lord."

Six months after her husband's death, she was removed, in an invalid carriage, to the residence of her eldest son in Essex, whose house continued to be her home the remainder of her days. In writing to a much beloved friend, from this quiet retreat soon after her arrival, she remarks,—"Every comfort and every indulgence is allotted to me by my attentive children. Oh what boundless demands upon my gratitude are thus poured forth. I would gladly hope not without a heartfelt acknowledgment to that Almighty Giver, who is the author of all our manifold mercies. For all things I reverently thank my God and Saviour, remembering you my dear friends, whom I have left, with the truest affection." To the same friend, who herself was suffering from illness, she again writes, "Oh, dearest —-, how many of His dear children does the Lord keep long in the furnace, yet if he do but grant his presence there, and watch over the refining process he designs to be accomplished, there ought to be no complaining either of the length of time, or the severity of the operation, but through all, the full fruits of resignation should be brought forth in perfection, to his praise, and his glory. That so it may be, my dear friend, forms a wish on my own account as well as on thine, day by day. The time has appeared long to me, that I have been required to lay under the rod, but when we measure time as did the Apostle of old, and think of it as a vapour that quickly passeth away, or as a shadow that abideth not, we see that it is but for a little moment that our chastening can endure. I cannot forbear beholding my day as far spent; but I do rejoice to see heaven as a place of rest for me,—yes, even for me! through the blood shed for my sins on Calvary's Mount. This mercy in Christ Jesus, how precious it is to dwell upon."

Alice Waller loved the company of all those that loved the Lord Jesus, and especially the messengers of the gospel were acceptable to her. On one occasion when receiving a visit from a friend, whilst laid upon her bed of suffering, she, in great contrition, expressed her sense of her heavenly Father's love and mercy to her, a poor creature, adding, "I feel bound to tell of His marvellous goodness to me, even to me, by night and by day upon my bed, in seasons of trial I have been comforted by my Saviour's presence."

In the beginning of the Sixth Month, 1850, she became more poorly, and both herself and her children were impressed with the belief that her end was drawing near; on the 15th she passed a very trying day, but in the evening revived a little and spoke most sweetly of the fulness and clearness of her hope, and her perfect confidence in the love and mercy of her God, extended to her for the sake of her beloved Saviour; she was full of sweetness and affection to all around her, her heart overflowing with gratitude to God and man. "Dear Hannah C. Backhouse," she remarked, "visited me a short time before I came here, and she said, 'I believe Jesus has thrown his arm of everlasting love around thee, and is drawing thee nearer and nearer to himself, and he will draw thee nearer and nearer, till at last He will press thee into his bosom.' It was a sweet message; I have often thought upon it since, and I now feel such close union of spirit with God, that I cannot doubt it is even so." On the passage of Scripture being repeated, "The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him," she added, "yes, and preserveth them.—'This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him and delivered him from all his troubles.' The fear of the Lord has been my support for many years past." And on being reminded of that verse of Scripture, "Thy rod and thy staff they comfort me," she said, "He has been my staff and my rod in the dark valley of death, keeping my head above the waters, and he has given me hope full of immortality,—full of immortality! and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord for ever; I humbly trust that such will be my portion." She then remarked "It is just a week to-day since I began to be so very ill;—strange conflict of the body, with the mind so perfectly tranquil, in strong confirmation of the blessed promise, 'Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee.'—I have often thought I heard the song of Moses and of the Lamb, as I lay here in deep exhaustion." At another time she remarked, "I have often sinned, and erred much, but I have One in heaven that pleadeth for me."

She hailed with much joy the arrival of a beloved friend, and spoke of the event as filling up the only remaining desire she had on earth; their meeting was a season of mutual love and thanksgiving to the Lord. On Second day, the 24th, she said, "I am so loosed from every thing below, as I could not have believed;" and in the evening expressed that she was so filled with thankfulness her heart was overflowing! She intimated her belief, when her room was made ready for the night, that it would be the last she should have to pass, and the next morning it became evident that she was rapidly sinking. It was said to her that it was a long and trying travel, but she was near to a better land! when she quickly responded, "Yes, Emanuel's land:" and on its being remarked, "The crown is nearly won;" she emphatically replied, "Oh, I wish it were on!" A short time after this, her redeemed spirit was gently liberated from the shackles of mortality, to be, we humbly believe, "for ever with the Lord."

FANNY MARTIN WALLER, Guildford. Daughter of the late Thomas Waller. 30 12mo. 14 1849

EDWARD WALLIS, Melksham. Son of Abraham Wallis, of London. 26 3mo. 6 1850

JOHN WALTON, Southport. 61 1mo. 7 1850

ALFRED WATKINS, Eydon, Northamptonshire. Son of John and Susanna Watkins. 16 4mo. 22 1850

JANE WATSON, Allonby, Cumberland. 85 10mo. 20 1849

FERGUS WATSON, Allonby. 90 1mo. 21 1850

ANN WATSON, Heworth, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Wife of John Watson. 72 12mo. 6 1849

MARY WATSON, Cockermouth. 64 10mo 18 1849

LUCY BELL WESTWOOD, Brampton, Hunts. Daughter of John and Elizabeth Westwood. 17 3mo. 19 1850

JOSEPH WHEELER, Birmingham. 81 11mo. 21 1849

THOMAS WHITE, Ratcliff, London. 80 3mo. 7 1850

JANE WHITE, Chesham, Bucks. 41 1mo. 2 1850

MARIA BELLA WHITE, Henley-on-Thames. Widow of Gabriel G. White. 84 8mo. 17 1850

ANNE WHITFIELD, near Coothill, Ireland. 85 3mo. 12 1850

RICHARD WHITING, Tottenham. 84 7mo. 3 1850

ANNE WHITTEN, Roscrea, Ireland. Widow. 72 3mo. 24 1850

MAUDLIN WICKETT, Darlington. Widow of Benjamin Wickett. 94 11mo. 15 1849

WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Denbigh, Cheshire. 70 11mo. 2 1849

WILLIAM WILSON, Bradford. 82 11mo. 23 1849

The following account has much of it been taken from a brief memoir of William Wilson, which appeared in the "Bradford Observer," and which has since been published as a tract.

William Wilson might truly be said to be "an Israelite indeed, in whom there was no guile." He had his peculiarities of character, but with all, was singularly good, and we cannot doubt that his prayers and his alms, had come up for a memorial before Him, who seeth in secret.

At the age of fifty, with an ample fortune, he relinquished a business, in which he had most diligently laboured, when the full tide of prosperity was flowing in upon him, in order that he might devote his time, and the means placed by Providence at his disposal, to the cause of neglected and suffering humanity.

For more than thirty years it became the essential and exclusive employment of his life, to explore and to relieve cases of poverty and distress, and in the accomplishment of this undertaking, he employed the same assiduity and care, which he had been wont to exercise in the management of his secular calling, distributing many times at the rate of a thousand pounds a year.

As a steward of the gifts of God, he carefully invested his money so as to secure a fair rate of interest, and on no occasion did he relax from the utmost exactness in his monetary dealings; and yet it is believed that his personal and domestic expenditure never reached 150 pounds per annum.

His house, like his person, was a pattern of plainness and simplicity. His furniture consisted of nothing fashionable or superfluous; and his table was equally marked by comfort and frugality.

He was a warm advocate in the cause of Temperance, and was deeply interested in the subject of "the prevention of Cruelty to Animals."

Of Tracts, he must have paid for, and circulated gratuitously, some millions! His whole time and energies were fully employed, and often heavily taxed, in devising and carrying out schemes of mercy and benevolence, and his life presented one uniform tenor of consistent piety. To strangers he might appear reserved, but his apparent reserve only resulted from his constitutional modesty, and retiring habits, whilst to those who enjoyed his friendship, he was frank, open, and intelligent in no ordinary degree.

William Wilson was never robust, but toward the close of his life, his feebleness became more apparent; for more than a week he was confined to his bed, but without any urgent symptom of disease. His mind was calm and peaceful,—he knew and loved his Saviour, and through His mediation, we cannot doubt he has inherited the blessing to the pure in heart, leaving behind him, in many respects, an example worthy to be followed, practically bearing a noble testimony to "christian moderation and temperance in all things," and against that covetousness which is idolatry. The memory of such a man is blessed.

ELIZABETH WILSON, Rawden. 69 4mo. 12 1850

MARY WILSON, Kendal. Widow. 60 1mo. 31 1850

JAMES WILSON, Elm Farm, Liverpool. 76 10mo. 31 1849

ELIZABETH WOOD, Chelmsford. 68 1mo. 17 1850

JANE WOOD, Highflatts. Wife of John Wood. 28 4mo. 4 1850

FRANCIS WRIGHT, Kettering. 76 5mo. 13 1850

THOMAS WRIGHT, Cork. 61 10mo. 9 1849

Many, both within the limits of our own Society and out of it, can bear testimony to the integrity, benevolence, and Christian deportment of this dear friend. In his transactions with his fellow-men, he was particularly careful not to over-reach, or to avail himself of advantages subversive to their interests; and in the social circle, as well as among the poor, his kindness of disposition was conspicuous. During the scarcity of provision in Ireland, his liberality was great, and his exertions on behalf of the destitute almost unremitting.

His illness commenced in the early part of the 9th month, 1849, and on finding that the complaint did not yield to remedies, he expressed his earnest desire for resignation to the divine will, remarking, that whatever might be the termination, he believed "all would be well." He intimated, that he had not been one who could give much expression to his religious feelings, but that for many years his mind had been daily exercised before the Lord on his own behalf, as well as on that of his family. The prosperity of our religious Society lay very near to his heart, and he expressed his earnest desire for its preservation in "humility and simplicity."

The patience with which he bore the debility attendant upon his complaint was remarkable; His mind expanded in love to his family, his friends, and to all the world, repeating emphatically, "I love them all."

He frequently spoke of his willingness to depart; and as his illness advanced, there appeared an increasing sweetness and solemnity in his manner, and he mostly addressed those about him in terms of affection, expressing his thankfulness for their attention, and desiring that the Lord would strengthen them. On a hope being expressed that his mind was peaceful, he replied, "Yes, quite so." He took an affectionate leave of his wife and those around him; after which nature rapidly sank, and he quietly, and it is humbly believed, peacefully expired.

ELIZA WRIGHT, Sutton, Cambridgeshire. Daughter of Thomas and Mary Wright. 7 9mo. 8 1850

THOMAS WEIGHT, Sutton. 49 9mo. 16 1850

HENRY WRIGHT, Middlesboro. 30 9mo. 10 1849

JOHN FULLER YOUELL, Yarmouth. 28 12mo. 1 1849

INFANTS whose names are not inserted.

Under one month . . . Boys 1 . . . Girls 1

From one to three months . . . do. 2 . . . do. 3

From three to six months . . . do. 1 . . . do. 3

From six to twelve months . . . do. 1 . . . do. 1


Died 6th of 5th month, 1850.

Hannah Chapman Backhouse was the daughter of Joseph and Jane Gurney; she was born at Norwich the 9th of 2nd Month, 1787. Of her very early life she has left but little record. She disliked study, and was fond of boyish sports, until about the age of thirteen, when she began to feel enjoyment in reading.

Possessed of a naturally powerful and energetic mind, with talents of a very superior order, she soon began to take great delight in study, and was ambitious to excel in every thing that she undertook. Drawing she pursued with intense eagerness, and in this and other acquirements, she made great proficiency. Until about the age of seventeen, her highest enjoyment was derived from the cultivation of the intellectual powers, and in the endeavour to raise these to their highest perfection, she imagined the greatest happiness to consist. In her journal she writes:—"My thoughts have been this week, one continued castle in the air of being an artist; the only reality they were built on, was my having painted in oils better than I thought I could, and a feeling that I shall in a little time succeed, and an unbounded ambition to do so. I have had many arguments with myself, to know if it would be right. I think it would, if I could make good use of it."

But gradually she found that no object which had this world for its limit, could satisfy the cravings of an immortal soul. She began to feel that she was formed for higher purposes than the gratification of self in its most refined and plausible form, and in 1806, we note the gradual unfolding of that change of view, which through the operation of the Holy Spirit, led her to the unreserved surrender of her whole being to the service of her Lord;—a surrender that in so remarkable a manner marked her unwavering path through the remaining portion of her dedicated life. Speaking of this period, after her first attendance of the Yearly Meeting, she says,—

July, 1806. "This time, for almost the first in my life, I seem come to a stand in the objects of my darling pursuits, which I may say have been almost entirely the pursuit of pleasure, through the medium of the understanding. This I feel must be a useless search, for the further I go, the more unattainable is the contentment which I hoped a degree of excellence might have produced;—the further I go, the further does my idea of perfection extend; therefore this way of attaining happiness I find is impossible. Never in my life was I so sensible of the real weakness of man, though to all appearance so strong; for I am persuaded that it is almost impossible to conduct oneself through this world, without being sincerely religious. The human mind must have an object, and let that object be the attainment of eternal happiness. * * * After such considerations, can I be so weak as not to make religion my only pursuit? That which will, I believe, bring my mind into beautiful order, and, rendering all worldly objects subservient to its use, harmonize the whole, and fit it to bear fruit to all eternity, and the fruit of righteousness is peace. I have felt my mind very much softened of late, and more and more see the beauty of holiness, but all the progress I can say that I have made towards it, is in loving it more;—yet I feel I have a great way to go before my heart is entirely given up."

Feb. 9th, 1807. "To-day I am twenty; let me endeavour to describe with sincerity what twenty years have effected upon me; how difficult self- love and blindness make answering the questions, What am I? How far am I advanced in the great end of being, the making such use of my time here, that it may bear fruit when time with me is over? When I look upon myself with the greatest seriousness, how ill do I think of myself! I see myself endowed with powers, which I often, (I hope, with a pure and unfeigned heart,) wish may be applied aright. But in my mind, what strong 'bulls of Bashan' compass me about! What I fear most, and that which sometimes comes upon me most awfully, is, that my will is not properly brought into subjection. * * * Often when clothed with something of heavenly love, do I feel that I had rather be a door-keeper in the house of my God, than dwell in king's palaces, but I fear the general tendency of my pursuits would make me more fit for the latter than the former. What I want and do most sincerely wish for, is, that I may be truly humble, and that where pride now reigns, humility may prevail; and where ambition, contentment."

In 1808, the death of a favourite first cousin appears to have been the means of greatly deepening her serious impressions, and of increasing the desire to "relieve herself," as she expresses it, "from the miserable state of inconsistency in which a gay Friend is situated." A short time subsequent to this period, she writes:—

May, 1808. "With my father and mother I left the Grove this morning, with a mind much softened, though not afflicted by parting with those I love, earnestly wishing that what I was going to attend,—the Yearly Meeting, might stamp more deeply the impressions I had received. We reached Epping that night. I felt very serious; Love seemed to have smitten me, and under that banner, I earnestly hoped that I might be enabled to partake of whatever might be set before me in the banqueting house. I saw that it would be right for me to say thee, and thou, to everybody, and I begged that I might be so kept in love as to be enabled to do it,—that love might draw me, not fear terrify me."

"How deeply I felt to enjoy First-day, and was strengthened at meeting. For the first time, to-day I called the days of the week numerically, on principle, it cost me at first a blush. This day has afforded me deeper and sweeter feelings than any I have yet passed; surprise and ridicule I have felt to be useful!"

"Left Bury Hill early: I can look back to the time I have spent here as the happiest in my life; and I have earnestly wished that my example and influence in future life, may be useful to those whom, never before my mind was so altered, did I love with so sweet or so great an affection."

After alluding to some further change, she writes; "I felt increasingly the weight of advocating the cause I have engaged in; oh! may no word or action of mine, stain the character I am assuming, and may no self-exaltation be the consequence: the mind, I feel, must be kept deep indeed, to avoid the rocks that do every where surround."

6th Month, 1808. "Went to meeting—thought that by observing the commandment, and confessing Christ before men, we should only be showing the beautiful effect of obedience, in the fruit of the Spirit it produces,—that it does not consist in speech, dress, or behaviour, but that by being obedient in these and all things, to the law written in our hearts; we should be overshadowed by that sweetness and quietness of spirit, the fruits of which would prove whose government we are under."

7th Month, 1808, Cromer. "Walked on the shore, the sky was illuminated by the setting sun the scene was of nature's greatest beauty, I could not speak, but it was not the effect of the scene. Such scenes in which I used to revel, have lost much of their influence in the inferior peace they bring, to that which a few small sacrifices, the effect of obedience, produce."

Grove, 11th Month, 1808. "Patience tried, and censoriousness of mind and some words allowed to have too much dominion. The higher we rise, the more we feel the foibles of others; and then the more need have we of the spirit of love and charity, to be patient with them; and if we are not, it is not excellence, but only the sight of it we have gained."

12th Month, 1808. "I fear I have not sufficiently this week, wrestled for the blessing of peace. I am sensible of having the power of pleasing, of having stronger natural powers and more acquirements than most women,—I am conscious too, of having with all my might, sought that which is highest, and that my heart has been made willing to sacrifice all for the attainment of it, and wonders have I already known; if I do not now diligently seek that which can make me feelingly ascribe all the glory, where alone it is due, fruitless must all my talents be, and great my fall."

12th Month, 12th, 1808. "—- came, the conversation in the evening, softened my heart in the deduction I drew from it, of what a prize was our possession,—how anchorless the world seemed to be,—and I loved dear Friends!"

2nd Month, 9th, 1809. "Twenty-two years old. Through the mercy of everlasting kindness, great is the change that this year has wrought in me; the power of Love has enticed me to begin that spiritual journey which leads to the promised land: I have left, by His guidance and strength, the bondage of Egypt, and have seen His wonders in the deep. May the endeavour of my life be, to keep close to that Angel, who can deliver us through the trials and dangers of the wilderness of this world.

I have not studied much this year, yet I have almost every day read a little, and never was my sight so clear into the intellectual world. The works of the head may, I believe, usefully occupy such portions of time as are not necessary for discharging our relationship in society. * * * But above all things be humble, which a love of all perfection is, I believe, not only consistent with, but the root of."

In 1811, Hannah C. Gurney married Jonathan Backhouse, and settled at Darlington. The early years of her married life appear to have been much devoted to her young family. For a time, her journal was entirely suspended; but in 1815 she writes: "These last four years, are perhaps best left in that situation, in which spiritual darkness has in a great measure involved them; it may be the sweet and new objects of external love, and necessary attention in which I have been engaged, have too much drawn my mind from internal watchfulness, after the first flow of spiritual joy began to subside; or it has been the will of the Author of all blessing to change the dispensation, and taking from me the light of his love, in which all beauty so easily and naturally exists, to teach me indeed, that the glory of all good belongs to Him alone, and that He is jealous of our decking ourselves with His jewels."

In 1820, she first spoke as a minister, in reference to which she writes: 3rd Month, 1820, "Had felt for some time, and particularly lately, a warm concern for the interest of our family, which to my humiliation, surprise, and consolation, I was strengthened to express to them in a private opportunity, before I left Sunderland. On our ride home, I felt the candle of the Lord shine round about me, in a manner I had not done for years, accompanied with much tenderness and some foreboding fears. I felt I had put my hand to the plough, and I must not turn back, but I remembered the days that were past, and I knew something of the power of Him in whom I had believed; though fear often compassed me about, and too much imagination."

1820. "My heart has burned as an oven, internal and external supplication has not been wanting to ease it; may I endure the burnings as I ought." Speaking of attending the Yearly Meeting soon after, she says: "I saw many dangerous enemies of my own heart near me, yet was there mercifully preserved a germ of truth, in which met the hearts of the faithful, and which was an encouragement to me; I afterwards spoke twice in the Yearly Meeting, and the composure at the moment, and after a time the peace that ensued, seemed to assure me that I had not run without being sent. The remembrance of former days came strongly before me, and in thus again publicly manifesting the intent of my heart, I felt the comfort of being no stranger to that Hand, which, as it once fed me with milk, seemed to me now after a long night season, feeding me with meat."

After her return home, she writes: "Opened my mouth in Darlington meeting, on First-day afternoon. A mountain in prospect! The meetings now became very interesting to me, and as the reward of what I was induced to believe was faithfulness, often greatly refreshing."

In the course of this year, she lost her eldest son, a child of great promise, and the suffering attendant upon this deep sorrow, in addition to close mental baptism, at times greatly prostrated her physical powers.

11th Month 4th, 1820, we find the following-memorandum: "'Oh how great is Thy goodness which Thou hast laid up for them that fear Thee, which Thou hast wrought for them that trust in Thee before the sons of men.' In looking back to the last two or three months, I feel I may adopt this language: in them I have known the greatest portion of suffering that it has yet been my lot to taste."

3rd Month, 1822. She writes, "In the afternoon meeting, a subject seemed so clear before me, that I ventured to speak; but oh! the evil of my heart, the consciousness of having, or supposing I had, chosen my words well, was like the fly in the ointment of the apothecary, the baneful effects of which, I felt many days after. The more I see of my own mind, the more may the breathing of my soul be,—'If Thou wilt, Thou canst make me clean.' Sometimes to believe that it is His will, is sweet to me, but we must maintain the fight, for though the victory is His, the fall is ours."

"The constant and deep consideration for others in the most minute actions of life, how I love it, and feel myself 'as a bullock unaccustomed to the yoke.'"

5th Month, 6th, 1822. "Days and nights of much spiritual conflict, or rather perhaps the sight that there was much to conflict with; weak in body and weak in mind! In my ministry more patient and deep deliberation wanting. Last night, believed I had not kept close enough to my Guide in prayer, with which I felt some distress,—perhaps not altogether wrong,—but had not stopped when I ought, nor waited at every moment for clearness and strength in the exercise; I hope I shall not hurt others."

6th Month, 1822. "A month is now passed in which I have been sweetly enabled to enjoy the love of God in my heart. I trust we shall experience preservation, though we may well fear for ourselves, and be the subject of fear for others. Oh! that, without affectation, we may live deeply in the root of life!"

4th Month, 1823. "I have much to bind me to this earth, but perhaps more power of gratefully enjoying its blessings is wanted, and may be in store for me before I leave it; some minds seem deeply anchored in the truth, meekly and patiently bearing the trials of the day, with firmer faith and greater purity, but each heart alone knows its own bitterness, and I believe there is never much attainment without much suffering;—a chastened habit of thought, how desirable to be the habit of early life! riches and indulgences how inimical to it!"

4th Month, 1825. "My mind enjoyed a liberty, and something of the light of the glorious gospel, a state which I often pant after, and am so generally a stranger to; in each day a religious engagement seemed peculiarly blessed to myself. A sense of being liked and loved, is gratifying; at the same time I acknowledge, it has its dangers; it is, however, a stimulus to do good and to communicate."

4th Month, 25th. "A poor body, and a weak restless mind! How the sword does wear the scabbard! but this world is not to be our paradise; perhaps I lose some little strength in striving to make it so. Oh! my God, have pity upon me; thou alone canst know how much I suffer;—if my children ail anything, what it costs me."

In 1826, she visited the families of Friends in Darlington Monthly Meeting, in company with Isaac Stephenson; and in allusion to this engagement, she writes: "Entered last week on a visit, with I. Stephenson, to the families of this Monthly Meeting. Ministry is surely a gift! may the vessel be purified by using it in faith."

3rd Month, 1826. "After many cogitations and some provings of faith, I went with Isaac Stephenson to Manchester, Lancaster, and Leeds: I felt it like leaving all to follow what I believed to be my divine Guide; it cost me some heart-sinkings and tears, but my mind was sweetly preserved in peace and confidence; and, though I had times of depression and fear to pass through, I have been thankful that I made the sacrifice. It has endeared me to many individuals; and at times, in the undoubted belief that it was a divine requiring, it has strengthened my faith, and excited some degree of thankfulness for being so employed."

4th Month, 16th. "A sweet day of rest and peace, such as I do not remember to have known for years."

4th Month, 18th. "Monthly Meeting one of perplexity and fear, Oh! for dwelling deep and lying low! and waiting in quietness for the 'little cloud!' but it seems as if my faith were to be tried by things coming unexpectedly upon me, and to be humbled by feeling ill prepared."

From this time she went on advancing rapidly in the work of the ministry: her truly catholic spirit expanded in love to her fellow-creatures; the inmates of the palace as well as those of the prison, shared alike her Christian zeal and interest. Her naturally powerful and refined mind, deeply instructed in the things of God, rendered her peculiarly fitted to labour amongst those, who being invested with wealth and influence, she regarded as stewards, deeply responsible for the right occupation of their various gifts: with many of these, in the upper classes of society, she sought and obtained opportunities for conveying religious counsel; and in not a few instances there was a deep response in the hearts of her hearers, to the truths which she had to proclaim.

The public meetings which she held were very numerous,—many of them very remarkable. Her fervour in seeking to arouse to a sense of their condition, those who were "dead in trespasses and sins,"—her sound and convincing arguments, in controverting the views of the infidel,—her zeal against the lukewarm professor, and her earnest affectionate invitations to the humble believer in Jesus, to "lay aside every weight," and partake, in all their fulness, of the blessings purchased for them by the dear Son of God; will long be remembered by those who felt the truth and unction of her appeals. She dwelt upon the glorious scheme of redemption, through the propitiatory sacrifice of Christ Jesus upon the cross, for the sins of the whole world; and of the absolute necessity of sanctification of spirit, through the effectual operation of divine grace on the heart, as one, who had herself largely participated, in the blessings and mercies of her God. She was, however, no stranger to deep mental conflicts, both in the prosecution of her religious labours, and in the more retired sphere of domestic life, as some of her memoranda show.

In 1827, after visiting with her husband, the counties of Devon and Cornwall, an engagement which occupied them nearly two months, and included a visit to the Scilly Isles, she writes:—

7th Month, 1827. "I felt it a day of favour when we gave in our account at the Monthly Meeting, the third day after our arrival at home, but in returning from this journey, I have been made remarkably sensible, that the business of religion is the business of the day, and that the exercises and strength of any past day, are but as nothing for the day that is passing over us; and many of these days have been passed in much mental conflict, and much bodily weakness and languor."

1828. "Many, and many have been my fears, lest the good things that others may see us surrounded with, should be as a stumbling block leading to covetousness; how hardly shall they that have riches lead the life of a humble follower of the dear Redeemer! These thoughts often beset me, and sometimes make me fear, if ever I have a right to open my mouth to advocate His cause."

"I could wish I had a heart, a head, and a mind fit for all I could embrace, but that may never be: however, altogether my mind has been of late, less covered with clouds than it used to be, and my health revives with it. 'What shall I render for all thy benefits?' may well be the language of my soul."

In 1829 she was again joined by her dear husband in a visit to Ireland; after which she writes:—

10th Month, 1829. "We passed through many deep baptisms, many sinks both of body and mind, and in the course of three or four months, attended all the particular meetings; I think we did too much in the time to do it as well as we might; there was much exercise of faith, but patience had not its perfect work:—may my daily prayer be for patience, and the daily close exercise of my spirit to obtain it; for want of it, I get into many perplexities, that might be avoided; yet with all the omissions and commissions that I can look back upon with shame, I can number this journey among the many mercies of my life, being at times in it, introduced into a more soul-satisfying state than I had perhaps ever known before, and I was never more fully persuaded that we were commissioned to preach the gospel. The company of my dear husband was truly a comfort and support, as well as very endearing, and this journey has enlarged my heart in love to hundreds, and has written many epistles there, which I trust may never be blotted out."

In 1830, she laid before her Monthly Meeting, a prospect of going to America. This concern was cordially united with, and she and her husband were liberated for the service in that land. In reference to this very weighty engagement, she thus writes to her dear cousin, Elizabeth Fry:—

Darlington, 2nd Month, 4th, 1830.

"My dearest Betsy,

I believe some of thy tenderest sympathies will be aroused, on hearing of the momentous prospect now before us of visiting North America. I dare say many, many years ago, thy imagination sent me there,—call it by that name, or the more orthodox one of faith,—so has mine, but I saw it without baptism; now, I pass into it under baptism, which in depth far exceeds any thing I have known before; the severing work it is to the ties of nature, to my dear Father, Mother, and Children, breaks me all to pieces, but I have much, if not entirely, been spared from doubts; all I seem to have had to do was to submit; this is a great comfort, for which I desire to be thankful, and for that peace which in the midst of deep suffering has so far rested upon it.

Thy very affectionate H. C. BACKHOUSE."

Her labours in America were very abundant, and there is reason to believe, blessed to very many. During the five years she spent on that Continent, she visited the greater part of the meetings of Friends, and in doing so, shrank from no hardship or privation consequent upon travelling in districts recently settled.

In 1833, Jonathan Backhouse thus writes of her labours—

"I do think my wife's labours in these parts, have been of essential service;—helped some sunken ones out of a pit, strengthened some weak hands, and confirmed some wavering ones, as well as comforted the mourners. She has no cause to be discouraged about her labours, they have been blessed."

Her husband thinking it desirable to return for a while to England, Hannah C. Backhouse was provided with a most faithful valuable companion in Eliza P. Kirkbride, and for her as well as for many other beloved friends to whom she had become closely united in America, she retained a warm interest and affection to the close of her life.

In 1835, they returned to England, and in the bosom of her beloved family and friends, great was, for a time, her domestic happiness. But home endearments were not permitted to interfere with her devotion to Him, to do whose will, was not only her highest aim, but her chief delight: and whenever the Lord's call was heard, she was ready to obey. Many parts of England, and Scotland were visited between this time and 1845. During this interval some of her nearest domestic ties were broken; her eldest surviving son, an engaging youth of seventeen, her beloved husband, and a precious daughter, the wife of John Hodgkin, of Tottenham, were all summoned to their eternal home: whilst under the pressure of sorrow occasioned by the removal of Ann Hodgkin, the following letter was penned:—

Tottenham, 12th Month, 9th, 1845.

"My losses have been many and great, but the greatness of this, I am increasingly coming into the apprehension of. She was lovely in her life, and in death may we not be divided! or by death, but may her sweet spirit be very near in my remembrance, to the end of my days, and then may I join Father and Mother, Brothers and Sisters, Husband and Children,—how many of the nearest ties now, we trust, in heaven, and how few on earth comparatively. On this subject I cannot now dwell,—when I can view her free from all weakness, corruption, and suffering, in the enjoyment of that rest, she knew so well how to appreciate, I could smile with a joyful sorrow; but few of such moments have been given; in general a patient bearing of the present moment, is the most we have arrived at, under the blessed unmoved confidence that all is well.

Your very affectionate sister, H. C. BACKHOUSE."

From this time a cessation from labour was granted, and after having thus devoted the meridian of her life to the service of her Lord, she was permitted for some years previous to her decease, to enjoy a season of almost uninterrupted repose. Love, meekness, gentleness, and peace were eminently the clothing of her spirit; and like Moses viewing from the Mount the Promised Land, she seemed almost to live above the trials and temptations of time; nothing appeared materially to disturb or ruffle the repose of her soul, deeply centred in God. Her ministry was often strikingly beautiful and impressive, especially exhorting to unreserved dedication, and dwelling on the glories of the heavenly kingdom.

During the latter part of 1849, her health, which had long been delicate, began increasingly to give way; at the end of the 3rd Month of 1850, she was seized with alarming illness, from which little hope was entertained of her recovery; from this she so far rallied as to leave her bed-room, and go into an adjoining sitting-room, but never was able to go down stairs. It was evident her strength was very small, but no immediate danger was at this time apprehended. She was at times, cheerful, always tranquil and full of repose, and able to enjoy the company of those immediately around her; at other times illness oppressed her, and prevented the power for much exertion of mind or communication of thought. But words were not needed to declare her faith or her love, when through having faithfully occupied with the grace that had been given to her, her whole life might almost be said to have been one act of dedication to God.

On the night of the 5th of Fifth Month, increased illness came on, she continued conscious almost to the last, and alluded with perfect calmness to the fresh symptoms of danger. On her sister remarking to her, that "though it was a dark valley, it would soon be all joy to her," she responded by a beautiful smile, but power of articulation soon failed, and on the morning of the 6th of Fifth Month, 1850, she most gently expired.

We cannot close this account more appropriately than in the language of a dear friend who had long known and loved her.

"A character of such rare excellence, such singleness of purpose, such true devotedness, in which the intellectual and the spiritual were so well balanced, and well developed together:—a character in which, with all the occasional undulations and agitations of the surface, there was such a deep, such a clear, such a calm and steady under-current of sterling piety, of unwavering attachment to the cause of our God and of his Christ, of close adherence to the leadings of his Spirit, and strong desire to do his will;—a character in which the woman, the Christian, and the Quaker were so fused into one, did truly adorn the doctrine of God her Saviour. It was conspicuous that by the grace of God she was what she was; though nature had done much, grace had done much more, and it was evident that she humbly felt that she was not her own, that she was bought with a price; that amidst all that surrounded her of the perishing things of time, she did not live unto herself, but unto Him who died for her and rose again, who was her Alpha and Omega, her all in all. In our little and afflicted church, the loss is great: she was one of our stakes, and one of our cords! The stake is removed, the cord is broken, but our God abideth for ever."


We think it will be agreeable to our readers, that we should occupy a few vacant pages, by the following lively particulars respecting "Patrick, the Apostle of the Irish." They are extracted from a work lately published, under the title of, "Light in Dark Places; or Memorials of Christian Life in the Middle Ages," which is stated, in the preface, to be translated from a German work by the late Augustus Neander. Patrick flourished in the early part of the fifth century, before the Romish yoke was imposed upon the British churches, but not before much superstition had become mixed with the purity of the Christian faith.

His early circumstances seem, however, to have entirely detached him from dependence upon man, and to have driven him to the One great Source of light and strength. Romanists have a story of his having gone to Rome, and having received there his authority as the first bishop of Ireland; but it is evident that his call to preach the gospel to the Irish, was not of man, or from man, but immediately from God, who inspired him with holy faith and courage, and in a most remarkable manner prospered his labours.

* * * * *

This remarkable man was prepared, by very peculiar circumstances, for his important work; and in his instance, also, it may be seen, how that infinite wisdom which guides the development of the kingdom of God amongst men, is able to bring great things out of what seems insignificant to the eyes of men.

Patrick, called in his native tongue Succath, was born A.D. 372, between the Scottish towns of Dumbarton and Glasgow, (then appended to England,) in the village of Bonaven, since named in honour of him, Kilpatrick. He was the son of a poor unlettered deacon of the village church. No particular care was bestowed on his education, and he lived on light-heartedly, from day to day, without making the religious truths taught him by his parents matters of personal interest, until his seventeenth year.

Then, it happened that he was awakened by a severe chastisement from his Heavenly Father from this sleep of death to a higher life. Some pirates of the wild tribe of the Scots, who then inhabited Ireland, landed at the dwelling-place of Patrick, and carried him off with other captives. He was sold into slavery to a Scottish prince, who committed to him the care of his flocks and herds. Necessity directed his heart to that God of whom, in his days of rest in his father's house, he had not thought. Abandoned of men, he found consolation and blessedness in Him, and now first learned to perceive and enjoy the treasures which the Christian has in heaven. Whilst he roamed about with his flocks, through ice and snow, communion with his God in prayer, and quiet contemplation, were his portion. Let us hear how he himself, in a confession which he subsequently wrote, describes this change which took place in him.

"I was about sixteen years old, and knew nothing of the true God, when I was led into captivity with many thousands of my countrymen, as we deserved, in that we had departed from God, and had not kept his commandments. There God opened my unbelieving heart, so that I, although late, remembered my sins, and turned with my whole heart to the Lord my God, to Him who had regarded my loneliness, had had compassion on my youth and my ignorance, and had watched over me before I knew him; who, ere I knew how to choose between good and evil, had guarded and cherished me, as a father doth his son. This I know assuredly, that before God humbled me, I was like a stone lying sunk in deep mire; but He who is able came, He raised me in his mercy, and set me on a very high place. Therefore must I loudly bear witness to this, in order, in some measure, to repay the Lord for such great blessings in time and eternity, great beyond the apprehension of human reason. "When I came to Ireland," he says, "and used daily to keep the cattle, and often every day to pray, the fear and the love of God were ever more and more enkindled in me, and my faith increased, so that, in one day, I spoke a hundred times in prayer, and in the night almost as often; and even when I passed the night on the mountains, or in the forest, amid snow and ice and rain, I would awake before daybreak to pray. And I felt no discomfort, there was then no sloth in me, such as I find in my heart now, for then the Spirit glowed within me."

After he had passed six years in the service of this prince, he thought he heard a voice in his sleep which promised him a speedy return to his native land, and soon afterwards announced to him that a ship was already prepared to take him. In reliance on this call, he set out, and after a journey of many days, he found a ship about to set sail. But the captain would not, at first, receive the poor unknown youth. Patrick fell on his knees and prayed. He had not finished his prayer before one of the ship's company called him back, and offered him a passage. After a wearisome voyage, in which he experienced, from the grace which guided him, many a deliverance from great peril, and many a memorable answer to prayer, he arrived once more amongst his people.

Many years after this, he was again carried off by pirates. But, in sixteen days, by the special guidance of Providence, he regained his freedom, and again returned, after many fresh perils and fatigues, to his people. Great was the joy of his parents to see their son again after so many perils, and they entreated him thenceforth to remain with them always. But Patrick felt an irresistible call to carry to the people amongst whom he had passed the years of his youth, and amongst whom he had been born again to the heavenly life, the tidings of that salvation which had been imparted to him by Divine grace, whilst amongst them. As the apostle Paul was by the Lord called, in a nocturnal vision, to carry to the people of Macedonia the first tidings of salvation, so there appeared to Patrick one night, in a vision, a man from Ireland with many letters. He gave him one, and Patrick read the first words, "The words of the Irish." And as he read these words, he thought he heard the simultaneous cry of many Irish tribes dwelling by the sea, "We pray thee, child of God, come and dwell once more amongst us." He could not read further, from the agitation of his heart, and awoke.

Another night he thought he heard in a dream a heavenly voice, whose last words only were intelligible to him, namely, these words,—"He who gave his life for thee, speaks in thee." And he awoke full of joy. One night it seemed to him as if something that was in him, and yet above him, and was not himself, prayed with deep sighings, and at the end of the prayer it spoke, as if it were the Spirit of God himself. And he awoke, and remembered the expressive words of the apostle Paul, concerning the inward communion of the children of God with his Spirit, "The Spirit itself helpeth our infirmities. For we know not what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings that cannot be uttered." And in Romans viii. 24 "Christ which also maketh intercession for us."

As the Almighty Shepherd of souls does not draw all to himself by the same means, nor guide and nourish them alike; but, on the contrary reveals and communicates himself to them in divers manners, according to his various purposes for them, and their various wants; it pleased Him to grant Patrick, by many manifestations of his grace, the pledge of the certainty of his fellowship with Himself, and of his call to preach the Gospel in Ireland. His parents and friends sought to hold him back, representing to him that such an undertaking far exceeded his capacity. He himself informs us of this, when he says: "Many dissuaded me from this journey, and said behind my back, 'Why does this man throw himself into danger, amongst the heathen who do not know the Lord?' It was not said maliciously, but they could not comprehend the thing on account of my rustic life and manners." But nothing could mislead him, for he trusted in the power of the Lord, who imparted to him the inward confidence that He had called him, and was with him. He himself says of this: "Whence came to me so great and blessed a gift, that I should know and love God, and be able to forsake my country and my kindred, although large gifts were offered me, with many tears, if I would remain? And against my will I was compelled to offend many of my kindred and my well-wishers. But by God's guidance, I yielded not to them; it was not my own power, it was God who triumphed in me, and resisted them all, so that I went amongst the people of Ireland to preach to them this Gospel, prepared to suffer much contempt from the unbelieving, and many persecutions, even to chains; and, if needful, to sacrifice my freedom for the good of others. And if I am counted worthy, I am ready also to lay down my life with joy for His name's sake."

Patrick, accordingly, went to Ireland, in the year 431. He could now make use of his early proficiency in the Irish language. He gathered great multitudes of the people together in the open air, by beat of drum, to tell them of the sufferings of the Saviour for sinful men; and the doctrine of the cross manifested its characteristic power over many hearts. Patrick met indeed with much opposition. The priests and national bards, who possessed great influence, excited the people against him, and he had to endure many a hot persecution. But he overcame by his steadfastness in the faith, by his fervent zeal, and by a love which drew all hearts to itself. Patrick addressed himself especially to the chiefs and princes of the people. They could do the most mischief, if they were excited by the Druids against the strange religion; and, on the other hand, if they received the Gospel, they might make their people more accessible, and form a counterbalance to the influence of the Druids.

Patrick took the part of servants who had suffered hard usage from their masters. When he found youths of the lower ranks, who seemed to him fitted for a higher calling, he provided for their education, and trained them to be teachers of the people.

He had, from his youth, as we have seen, experienced the especial guidance of the Lord, and his heart was penetrated by it. Now, whilst he laboured in the fervour and power of faith, he was able to produce effects on the rude minds of the Irish, such as never could have been produced by ordinary human power. He saw himself, moreover, sustained by the peculiar direction of that God whose word he preached. Patrick speaks of it, not in spiritual pride, but full of the sense of his unworthiness and impotence, as well as of the consciousness of the grace working in and through him.

After speaking, in one of his letters, of such marvels as God granted him to perform amongst the barbarous people, he added: "But I conjure all, let no one, on account of these or the like things, think to place me on an equality with the Apostles and other perfect men; for I am an insignificant, sinful, and despicable man." And more marvellous to him than the miracles which were wrought by him, was the simple fact which filled his whole soul, that by him who, until God drew his soul to Himself by severe chastisement, had himself cared so little about his own salvation, many thousands of the people, who had hitherto known nothing of the true God, should be brought to salvation. "Marvel," he says, "ye who fear God, small and great, and ye eloquent talkers, who know nothing of the Lord, inquire and acknowledge who it is that has awakened me, a simple man, from the midst of those who are accounted wise, learned, and mighty, in word and in deed. For I, who was abandoned beyond many others in the world; even I, in spite of all this, have been called by his Spirit, that in fear and trembling, yet faithfully and blamelessly, I should serve the people to whom the love of Christ has led me. Unweariedly must I thank my God, who has kept me faithful in the day of temptation, so that I can this day trustfully offer my soul as a living sacrifice of thanksgiving to my Lord Christ, who has delivered me out of all my afflictions, so that I must also say, Who am I, Lord? and what is my calling? that thou hast so gloriously revealed to me thy Godhead, that I can now constantly rejoice amongst the heathen, and glorify Thy name wherever I may be, not only in prosperity, but also in adversity; so that whatever may befall me, good or evil, I can calmly receive it, and continually thank that God who has taught me to believe in Him as the only true God."

Patrick endeavoured to avoid all appearance of seeking his own gain or glory. A man who, according to the judgment of men, was not fitted to effect such great things, who from obscurity and poverty had been called to so high a place, and in whom therefore, as is frequently the case, those who had formerly known him after the flesh would not recognise what the Spirit had accomplished, such a man was obliged, with all the more circumspection, to avoid giving any occasion to those who were disposed to declare a thing which they could neither measure nor comprehend by the common standard, altogether beyond flesh and blood. When many, full of love and gratitude to the teacher of salvation, their spiritual father, freely offered him gifts, and pious women offered their ornaments, Patrick, although the donors were at first offended at it, in order to avoid all evil report, declined everything. He himself gave presents to the heathen chiefs, in order thereby to purchase peace for himself and his churches; he ransomed many Christians from captivity; and was himself prepared, as a good shepherd, to lay down all, even to his life, for his sheep. In his confession of faith, which, after labouring for thirty years in this calling, he addressed to his converts, he says: "That ye may rejoice in me, and I may ever rejoice in you in the Lord, I repent not what I have done, and even now it is not enough for me, I shall go further and sacrifice much more. The Lord is mighty to confirm me yet more, that I may yield up my life for your souls. I call God to witness in my soul, that I have not written this to seek glory from you. The glory which is not seen, but believed on in the heart is enough for me. Faithful is that God who hath promised, and he lieth not. But already in this world I behold myself exalted above measure by the Lord. I know very well that poverty and hardship suit me better than wealth and ease; yea, even the Lord Christ became poor for our sakes. Daily have I expected to be seized, carried into captivity, or slain; but I fear none of these things, because of the promises of heaven; for I have cast myself into the arms of the Almighty God, who reigns everywhere, as it is said in the Psalm, 'Cast thy burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain thee.' Now I commend my soul to my faithful God, whom in my insignificance I serve as his messenger. For since with Him there is no respect of persons, and since He has chosen me for this calling, that I as one of the least of His people, should serve Him, what shall I render unto the Lord for all his benefits? What shall I say or promise unto my Lord? For I can do nothing, unless He himself give it me! But He trieth the hearts and reins, and He knoweth how greatly I long that He may give me to drink of the cup of His sufferings, as He has granted to others who love Him. I pray God that He may give me perseverance, and enable me to bear a faithful witness until my departure. And if I have striven after anything good for my God's sake, whom I love, I beseech Him that I, with those my new converts who have fallen into captivity, may shed my blood for his Name's sake, even though I should never be buried, even though my body should be torn in pieces by wild beasts. I believe firmly that if this should befall me, I should gain my body as well as my soul; for undoubtedly, in that day, we shall arise and shine like the sun, that is, in the glory of our Redeemer, Jesus Christ, who is the Son of the living God, as joint heirs with Christ, renewed in His image; for by Him, through Him, and with Him shall we reign. That sun which we see, rises daily for us by God's command; but it will never reign, and its brightness will not last for ever. All those also who worship it will (unhappy ones!) draw down punishment on themselves. But we pray in faith to Christ, the true Sun, that will never set, and he also who doeth His will shall never set, but shall live for ever, as Christ lives for ever, and reigns with God, the Almighty Father, and the Holy Spirit, from everlasting to everlasting."

Patrick would gladly, after the absence and labours of many years, have once more visited his relations and his old friends in his native Britain and in Gaul, but he sacrificed his inclination to the higher calling. "I would gladly," he says, "have journeyed to my fatherland and my parents, and also once more have visited my brethren in Gaul, that I might have seen again the countenances of the saints of my Lord; God knows I longed for it much, but I am restrained by the Spirit, who witnesseth to me, that if I do this, He will hold me guilty, and I fear lest the work I have commenced should fall to the ground."


Shewing the Deaths, at different Ages, in the Society of Friends in Great Britain and Ireland, during the years 1847-48, and 1848-49, 1849- 50.

AGE. YEAR 1847-48. YEAR 1848-49. YEAR 1849-50. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. Total. Male. Female. Total. Under 1 year 13 10 23 14 10 24 5 8 13 {129} Under 5 years 22 23 45 20 17 37 8 11 19 From 5 years to 10 7 9 16 4 4 8 2 6 8 From 10 to 15 7 7 14 3 3 6 0 2 2 From 15 to 20 7 13 20 9 10 19 2 7 9 From 20 to 30 13 16 29 13 13 26 9 6 15 From 30 to 40 6 13 19 11 19 30 6 12 18 From 40 to 50 13 15 28 10 24 34 9 14 23 From 50 to 60 14 12 26 9 25 34 12 17 29 From 60 to 70 23 25 48 29 37 66 21 30 51 From 70 to 80 28 58 86 24 44 68 33 40 73 From 80 to 90 21 26 47 16 33 49 22 22 44 From 90 to 100 3 6 9 4 8 12 2 4 6 All ages 164 223 387 152 237 389 131 179 310


{2} See Memoir at the end of the Obituary.

{129} The numbers in this series are included in the text, "under 5 years."

Average age in 1847-48, 48 years, 11 months, and 25 days.

Average age in 1848-49, 51 years, 3 months, and 22 days.

Average age in 1849-50, 54 years, and 9 months.

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