Takchibal, n. That which incites, or persuades. An instrumental form from takchiih.
Takchiih, v. To incite, move, induce.
Takeh, v. To obey.
Tan, adv. Now, at present; particle of present time.
Tap, n. Crab.
Tata, n. Father. Originally the reduplication of the particle of courtesy, ta, which is now used by and to married people. It also means lord, ruler. Cf. Gram., p. 72.
Ta[t]ah, n. A plain; the sea coast as opposed to the interior. See Huyu.
Ta[c]h, n.
Tecpan, n. See p. 13.
Tee, n. Mother. See p. 35.
Telep, v. To carry on the shoulders.
Telechuh, v. To wrestle; to take captive; to tie with cords.
Tem, n. A bench or seat. See p. 20.
Tepeval, n. Sovereignty, power.
Teuh, adj. Cold.
Ti, v. To eat, to bite.
Ti, pron. He, it, she; you.
Tih, v. To give to eat, to feed; to invite; to try, to test; to teach, to instruct.
Tih, n. The doctrine, the teaching.
Tihoh, v. To teach another.
Tinamit, n. Town, city.
Tiohil, n. The body, the bulk of an animal.
Tiquer, v. To begin, to commence.
Titil, n. A color. See p. 204.
Tiuh tiuh, n. See p. 196.
Tixli, n. The tapir.
Ti[c]uil, v. To be rooted in the ground. See [c]uil.
To, v. To aid, to succor.
Tohoh, v. To make a loud noise, to thunder. See p. 199.
Tol, v. To abandon.
Toloba, v. To desert, abandon, forsake.
Tooh, n. Weapons, of all kinds.
To[t], v. To shoot up, to burst forth.
To[t], v. To push in, to insert.
To[t]e, v. To arrive at a place.
Tuc, v. To turn, revolve, move about.
Tucur, n. The owl.
Tulul, n. The zapote tree.
Tun, n. A native drum; a branch, a sprout, a twig.
Tunay, n. The elder tree. Span. sauco.
Tux, n. A kind of acorn.
Ucheex, v. To relate, to tell, to say, especially in reporting what others have said. As a rule it follows the words quoted (Coto).
Ue, conj. If.
Ul, v. To arrive, to come to.
Ulaah, v. To arrive at, as a home; to seek as a refuge (Bras.).
Ulaam, v. To have at one's house, as a guest, etc.
Uleuh, n. Earth, soil, land, ground.
Umul, n. The rabbit.
Unum, n. The male organ; a worm, a snake.
Ut, n. Dove.
Utiuh, n. The coyote.
Utzin, v. To finish, to complete.
Ux, v. To be, to become. See Gram., p. 33.
Uxla, n. The breath; an odor; steam.
Uxlan, v. To rest, to repose, to take breath (from uxla).
Va, part. Here, now.
Va, v. To eat.
Vach, n. Face, visage, front; surface, superficies; brightness, splendor; fruit, products, profits; power, dignity.
Vachih, v. To see with one's own eyes; to have before one's face.
Vae, part. This, this is, here is.
Vapal, n. The lintel of a door, the frame of a window, etc.
Var, v. To sleep.
Vave, adv. Here.
Vay, n. Bread, of any kind.
Vayhal, n. Hunger.
Vi, n. The head.
Vi, part. A correlative and instrumental particle. See Gram., p. 63.
Vik, v. To increase or add something; to ornament, to adorn; to arrange, to set in order by adding to.
Vinak, n. Man, the human species; a people.
Vinak chij, n. Injury or misfortune; a legal term applied to certain torts.
Vuk, adj. Seven.
Xa, part. But, only, etc. An antithetical particle, used in many connections, as xae, xa [c]a, xa ri [c]a, va xe re, xa [c]a, xe re, xa ha, all signify but, next, etc.
Xah, v. To move actively and cheerfully; hence, to dance; of a dog, to wag his tail.
Xahab, n. Sandals, shoes, moccasins.
Xahan, n. Prohibition, abstention.
Xahaneh, v. To abstain from, to refrain.
Xahpota [c]hi[c]h, n. Body armor. ("Malla o peto." Varea).
Xak, n. 1. Leaf. 2. Dye, color, tint. See p. 204.
Xambey, n. One who follows another.
Xambeyah, v. To do something later than another, to follow, to come after.
Xane, v. To strip, to uncover.
Xaquere, adv. But thus; see Xa.
Xavi[c]a. See Xa.[TN-42]
Xax. Particle of affirmation, an intensive.
Xhayil, n. A married woman, a wife. From hay, with the fem. prefix—"the woman of the house."
Xim, v. To tie, to bind onesself; to assume.
Xiquin, n. Ears.
Xit, n. The jade, the green stone (piedra verde como torquesa. Varea).
Xivae, n. A conch shell used as a horn.
Xmier, adv. Already, formerly; xmierok, before, previously.
Xocon, n. The left hand; chu xocon, on the left.
Xoh, pron. We.
Xo[t], Xo[c]oh, v. To complain against one.
Xo[c]h, n. The owl; a malicious person.
Xul, n. A flute.
Xule, v. To descend, to go down.
Xu[c], n. A net used by the Indians of the Sierra to catch birds.
X[c]ul, n. A kind of dance. See p. 45.
Ya, v. To give, to present.
Yaar, v. To spoil, waste, go to ruin.
Yac, n. To build a house; to contract for, ask for.
Yala, v. To surpass, become distinguished.
Yaloh, v. To delay, to remain.
Yamalakin, v. To give presents.
Yamanic, n. Precious stone.
Yanabil, n. Sickness, disease.
Ybah, n. The ancient site of a town; the hereditary home; the cement of a house. From ybil, to ripen, to mature.
Ye[t], v. To tread under foot, to detest, to hate.
Ylon, v. To overtake one (alcanzar a otro que va adelante. Varea).
Yncheel, adv. How, in what manner.
Ynup, n. The ceiba tree.
Yoh, v. To destroy, tear down.
Yon, adv. Only, alone; ruyon, he or it alone or only. See Gram., p. 32.
Yo[t], v. To knead dough. Met. to bruise.
Yuh, v. To mix, to mingle.
Yuhuh, n. A quarrel, a revolt.
Yuk, v. To string out, to stretch out, like a rope. Hence
Yuku, n. A rope or cord. Varea.
Yuyub, n. Shouts.
Yx, pron. You.
Yxim, n. Maize (the grains).
Y[c]o, v. To pass over; to go from one place to another.
[t]a, n. The hand, the arm.
[t]aba, v. To place supports; to strengthen; to extend the hands.
[t]ahan, v. To sound, to resound; to snore, etc.
[t]ahar, v. To expend, to expand.
[t]ahartizah, v. To praise, to commend.
[t]alaba, v. To cause misfortune, to make miserable.
[t]alah, adj. n. Something clear, apparent, manifest.
[t]alel. See p. 37.
[t]alibal, n. Seat, see, throne. "Asiento[TN-43] del senor principal." Coto. See p. 20.
[t]am, n. Bridge, stairs.
[t]ana abah, n. A color. See p. 204.[TN-44]
[t]an, adj. Yellow; ripe; rich.
[t]arama[t], n. Nation, confederation.
[t]at, v. To cut, in general; hence, to decide a question; to ford a river; to die early, etc.
[t]avonon, n. A yellow bug; from [t]an, yellow, and Vonon, bug. (Guzman).
[t]ax, v. 1. To pass, to pass over. 2. To bring forth, to give birth to.
[t]a[t], n. Fire.
[t]a[t]al, n. Distinction, greatness.
[t]ek, adj. Black; dark.
[t]ekal, n. Blackness, darkness.
[t]ekum, n. The darkness of the night.
[t]ih, n. The sun; a day; a time or epoch; an occasion or opportunity; the sign or constellation under which one is born; hence, fate or fortune. Ah[t]ih, the diviner; cholol [t]ih, to cast the horoscope.
[t]ihib, v. To divine, to predict, to tell fortunes.
[t]il, v. To prevent, impede, harass.
[t]inom, adj. Rich. n. riches.
[t]iomah, n. This appears to be a form of [t]inomah, riches.
[t]ip, v. To take up in the fingers; to pinch.
[t]o, v. To sustain, to maintain, to give to eat.
[t]ol, n. Resin from the pine.
[t]op, n. Ear rings.
[t]uz[t]um, n. Delicacy, something delicious to eat.
[t]u[t], n. A species of bird. See p. 204.
[t]u[t]uraxon, n. Green feathers; the plumage of certain birds.
[c]a, conj. And, also.
[c]abovil, n. The deity, God, divinity.
[c]ace, v. To survive, to grow strong.
[c]ahol, n. A son, sons; also, generally, descendants of a common ancestor.
[c]aholah, v. To beget, engender.
[c]ak, v. To shoot with arrows; to stone. 2. To place onesself in front of another.
[c]akaba, v. To show onesself.
[c]al, v. To tie together, to arrange in order as by tying.
[c]alakan, n. Small bells tied together. See p. 17.
[c]am, v. To take, to bear away; especially to take a woman in marriage, to marry.
[c]anixt, n. A bird. See p. 197.
[c]arunah, adv. The same, again.
[c]axto[c], n. The Evil Spirit.
[c]ay, adj. Pungent, bitter, strong of smell or taste.
[c]ayh, v. To sell.
[c]a[c]alih, v. To guard.
[c]eche, n. A forest, a woods.
[c]el, n. A small species of parrot.
[c]exevach, n. Substitute, one who stands for another (Anon).
[c]iyaley, adv. That which exceeds; used in comparison. See Gram., p. 67.[TN-45]
[c]iy, adv. Much, many.
[c]iyar, v. To multiply, to increase.
[c]iz, v. To finish, to conclude, to end.
[c]oh, v. To be in a place, etc. Spanish, estar. See Gram., p. 33.
[c]ok, [c]okoh, v. To complain (quejarse a Dios. Varea, p. 414).
[c]ol, v. To cut down, to send out from, to diminish, to lessen.
[c]ot, v. To dig a hole. Met. to examine verbally, to interrogate, to cross-question.
[c]otoh, v. 1. To engrave, to sculpture. [c]otonic, that which is sculptured. 2. To set in order, to arrange battalions, etc.
[c]okikan, n. Loads of roasted maize, used as food on long journeys; from ço, "mais cocido," and kikan.
[c]ox, v. To clash; to strike hard things together, ta [c]oxel [t]a[t][TN-46] to strike fire with the flint (Varea).
[c]oxol, n. He who dashes together hard things, as stones. See [c]ox.
[c]oxom, n. That which is dashed together, as stones. See [c]ox.
[c]oxtun, n. Fortress, stronghold.
[c]u, v. To put well in order, to arrange.
[c]ual, n. Diamond, or other precious stone.
[c]ubul, n. Garlands (Br.). From [c]u, to arrange in order, to put in place.
[c]uil, v. To throw down to the ground, to lie or roll upon the ground; to annoy, harass.
[c]ul, n. All kinds of clothing; vesture, etc.
[c]ul, v. To receive; to meet, to go out to meet one; to visit one; to converse, to reply to, to be beaten.
[c]ule, v. To marry.
[c]ulvachih, v. To meet face to face. From [c]ul, to receive, to meet, and vach, face.
[c]ut, v. To show, to make manifest.
[c]utuh, v. To ask, to inquire.
[c]ux, n. The heart; the mind.
[c]ha, n. The bow; the arrow.
[c]ha, } v. To speak to talk, to say. [c]habeh, }
[c]habak, n. Mud.
[c]hac, n. A pestilence.
[c]hac, v. To conquer, to overpower.
[c]hac, n. Flesh, meat.
[c]hacatah, v. To sit down, to rest seated; to reduce in value, to depreciate.
[c]hacbal, n. A victory, a conquest.[TN-47]
[c]hacat, n. A seat, a throne. See p. 20.
[c]haka, prep. From the other side; [c]haka palouh, from beyond the sea; he ah [c]haka ya, those from the other side of the water, a term applied to the Spaniards (Varea).
[c]hakap, n. and adv. The half, partly.
[c]hamey, n. Cane, staff; a badge of office; ah[c]hamey, the alguacil or constable.
[c]haoh, n. See p. 55.
[c]hay, v. To injure, destroy. 2. To fasten, solder.
[c]hi, v. To disquiet, to be noisy.
[c]hih, v. To suffer, to bear.
[c]hipil, n. The youngest son.
[c]hique, v. To appoint, to resolve upon.
[c]hi[c]h, n. Iron, copper. See p. 19.
[c]hob, n. Division, class, order, battalion.
[c]hocoba, v. To seat a person.
[c]hol, v. To skin, to bark, to clean; to acquit, to rid of.
[c]holih, v. To value, to put a value upon; hence, [c]holih [t]ih, to value days, to decide which are lucky and which unlucky; [c]hol [t]ih, an astrological calendar. See p. 31.
[c]hub, v. To ravage, as a pestilence.
[c]huc, n. The arm, or arms.
[c]hutin, adj. Small, little, young.
çak, v. To work in clay; to make bricks or tiles; to make, to create. 2. To joke; to make fun. 3. To lie, to deceive.
çakol, n. The maker, the creator.
çalam. See p. 32.
çanin, v. To sound loudly, to make a great noise, of people, trumpets, dancing, etc.
çapal, n. An enclosure; that which is shut up or enclosed; from çape, neuter of tin çapih, shut up or enclose.
çapibal, n. The place where something is enclosed or shut up. See çapal, and p. 197.
çi, n. A dog.
çibah, v. To paint; to write. See p. 16.
çima, n. A sharp-pointed tool; v. to dig with one (Ximenes).
çiquin, n. A bird, the generic word.
çiz, v. To sew, to puncture.
çiçot, v. To hiss (of a snake), to squeak (of a rat), to whistle (of a bird), etc.
çum. 1. The breasts, the mammae. 2. A skin, a hide.
çumah, v. To suck, to take the breast; to reduce a swelling; to lessen, to diminish.
çutuh, n. A flower, especially of the maize.
Tzak, v. To throw, to fall; to tangle, to trip; to hinder; to go from the road; to drop a subject, a lawsuit, etc.; to pardon; to excuse onesself; to cease, to die.
Tzal, v. To make war, to give battle.
Tzam, n. 1. Nose, beak, snout, of man, bird or brute. 2. The point or end of anything.
Tzap, n. Fault, evil, misdemeanor. See p. 28.
Tzara, n. A snare to take birds, etc.
Tzayh, v. To do an injury without cause.
Tzatz, adv. Much, many, thickly, densely.
Tzih, n. A word, a speech.
Tzihoxic, n. That which has been said; a passive verbal from tzih.
Tzimay, n. A cup, or drinking vessel.
Tzolih, v. To turn; to return; to turn one's thoughts upon, etc.
Tzuy, n. A large calabash or gourd.
Tzuk, v. To sustain, to maintain.
Tzul, v. To intertwine, to embrace, to sleep together.
(The numbers refer to the sections.)
Acalan, 182.
Acacot, 81.
Ahachel, 41.
Akahal, 10, 20, 41, 63, 64, 73, 94, 97, 99, 100, 110, 111.
Ahalquil, 77.
Ah cic ama[t], 20.
Ahci[c]ahuh, 95.
Ah Itza, 80.
Ah mak, 112. d. 132.
Ah max nay, 105, 106,[TN-48]
Ah pak, 3.
Ahquehay, 3, 27, 29, 40.
Ah tuncic Tihax, 163.
Ah tucuru, 10.
Ah[c]ibihay, 107.
Ah[c]humilahay, 10, 77.
Ahçiquinahay, 38, 53, 54, 137.
Ah çalam Hunahpu, 135.
Ahçuruya, 77.
Alinam, 66.
Atacat, see Panatacat
Bacah Pokoh, 10, 21, 36.
Bacah Xahil, 10, 21, 36.
1. Balam, 119, 125. d. 130, 131.
2. Balam, 134, 135, 136.
Ba[c]ahola, 3, 10, 29, 39, 40, 45, 48, 50, 136.
Beleh chi Hunahpu, 23.
Beleh chi [t]a[t], 23.
Beleh cuihay, 77.
Belehe Toh, 11.
Belehe [t]ih, 98.
Belehe [c]at, 115, 136, 140, 159, 166.
Bo[t]oiya, 73.
Bubatzo, 53.
Bulbux ya, 77, 161.
Cablahuh Baç, 88.
Cablahuh Tihax, 88, 91, 116.
Cahi bak, 21.
Cahi Imox, 136, 140, 159, 172.
Cakay, see Cakhay.
Cakchiquel, 3, 10, 16, 20, 27, 41, 54, 84, 89, etc.
Cakhay, 28, 125.
Cakix, 20.
Cakixahay, 34.
Cakolahay, 126.
Camachal, 81.
Canalakam, 45.
Caok, 88, 98, etc.
Carchah, 25.
Cata Noh, 162.
Cauke, 49. See Cavek.
Cavek, 3, 29, 39, 40, 84, 100.
Cavek Paoh, 29.
Cay batz, 40, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54.
Cay Hunahpu, 100, 103.
Cay Noh, 46, 47, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 66.
Cibakihay, 3, 10, 29, 39, 40, 48, 88.
Cinahi toh, 101, 102, 105.
Cinpual Taxuch, 25.
Citan Tihax Cablah, 75.
Citan [c]atu, 60, 65, 66, 75.
Coha, 77.
Cotanoh, 162.
Cucu huyu, 27.
Culhuacan, 117.
Cumatz, 5, 10, 77.
Cupilcat, 45, 61, 62.
Cutam chah, 20.
Cuzcatan, 150, 151.
Cuztum chixnal, 49.
Cactecauh, 2, etc. d. 30, 48.
Cak bim, 26, 112.
Cakcab, 63, 107.
Caki huyu, 20.
Caki teuh, 20, 25.
Caki [c]oxol, 21, 22. See p. 42.
Caki çunun, 31.
Caki [c]uva, 20, 25.
Caktzuy, 26.
Cak[c]uch abah, 85.
Cali[c]ahol, 63.
Camaneh, 41.
Cecic Inup, 33.
Cimahi hay, 44, 63.
Cinanihay, 39.
Coroch, 97.
Coçil, 10, 20, 34, 41.
Coçil Tukuche, 36, 54, 72, 74, 82, 91.
Cubinal, 25.
Cunpancu, 23.
Cuquitan, 23.
Cutum, 77.
Cuyva, 12, 20. See note, p. 199.
Chacachil, 25.
Chakiya, } 84. Chaquihya, }
Chay Abah, 5, 44, 46.
Chee tzulu, 37.
Chetecauh, 38.
Chiabak, 21.
Chiavar, 63, 67, 68, 71, 75, 83, 84, 104.
Chicakyu[t], 77.
Chicbal, 173.
Chichah, 77.
Chiholom, 64, 73, 77.
Chinta Queh, 162.
Chita[t]ah, 20.
Chiixot, 160-1.
Chitulul, 38, 140.
Chituy, 80.
Chiyol, 21.
Chi[t]a[t], 178.
Chi[t]alibal, 34.
Chi[t]ohom, 46, 63.
Chi[c]ib, 99.
Chi[c]otuk, 77.
Choloma, 169.
Chopena Queh, 88.
Chopena Tohin, 88.
Chopena çiquin u[c]a, 88.
Chucuyba[c]in, 102.
Chuluc, 82, 84, 85.
Chuvy çiquinu, 173.
Chuvy çut, 135.
Daqui, 3.
Deocacvancu, 17.
Eventec, 81.
Halic, 77.
Herech, 81.
Holom, 85, 94, 97, 159.
Hukahic, 97.
Hultucur, 77.
Hun ah pu, 21, 174.
Hunahpu çian, 95.
Hun cun[c]un [t]anel, 53.
Hun Tihax, 11.
Hun toh, 73-76, 82-86.
Huny[c], 115. d. 129.
Hun tzuy, 26.
Huvarah bix, 97.
Yaqui, 110, 117, 118.
Yaxon tuh, 126.
Yaxon [c]ul, 104.
Icxiuh, 53.
Ikoma[t], 3, 34, 62.
Imox, 115.
Yut [t]um Calla, 63.
Iximche, 84, 85, 89, 93, 122, 137, 148.
Izmachi, 70.
Iztayul, 89, 93.
I[t]ich, 119.
Y[c]hal Amullac, 73, 94.
Y[c]hal can chi cum cuvat, 63, 64.
Yçiyul, 85.
Lacantun, 194.[TN-49]
Lahub, 77.
Lahuh Ah, 87.
Lahuh Noh, 117.
Lahuh Tihax, 115.
Lama[t]i, 10, 77.
Loch, 3, 27, 28.
Loxpin, 23.
Lakan Abah, 140.
Maku X[c]uhay, 115.
Mayahauh, 53.
Meahauh, 17, 20.
Meme, 20, 24.
Mevac, 25.
Mexico, 117.
Mixcu, 85, 109.
Modec cumatzin, 117.
Moinal, 25.
Molinxot, 63.
Molobak, 77.
Molomic abah, 77.
Motzoray, 45.
Mukchee, 26, 124.
Nacuxcux, 77.
Nacxit, 25.
Nahtihay, 107.
Nimahay, 39.
Nima Ahin, 88.
Nimabah, 173.
Nima cahay, 95.
Nimapan Xeacauh, 82.
Nimcakah pec, 63, 64.
Nimpokon, 26, 77.
Nimxor, 25.
Noh, 115.
Nonovalcat, 19, 20.
Orbal tzam, 25.
Oronic, 28.
Oxlahuh çu, 88, 91.
O[c]hal, 63, 64.
Paanuyaal che, 164.
Pa caki uleuh, 91.
Pacaval, 139.
Pacavek, 39, 44.
Pa chalic bak, 63.
Pacibakul, 39, 44.
Pampetak, 81.
Paneh, 64, 77.
Panatacat, 88, 128, 149, 150.
Pan ca[t], 85.
Pan chee, 63.
Pan choy, 164, 174.
Pangan, 165, 183, 185.
Pantzic, 20, 39, 44, 46, 63.
Paraxon, 20, 39, 44, 46, 47, 63.
Paraxtun ya, 98.
Paruyaal chay, 164.
Paxaya, 173.
Paxil, 5.
Payanchocol, 38.
Pec pa ru pec, 53.
Peçe, 63.
Pokom, 26, 85.
Popo abah, 21.
Popoya, 85.
Puciahauh, 53.
Pu hu hil, 39.
Pul[c]hi[c]h, 38.
Puzbal, 63.
Queh chun, 173.
Quehil, 39, 44.
Quehnay, 80.
Quixavit Caoh, 172.
Rabinal, 10, 41.
Rahamun, 73.
Ralabal Yg, 97.
Rapak, 77.
Ratzamut, 83, 84, etc.
Raxakan, 91, 102, 103.
Rax[c]hi[c]h, 26.
Rokel baçin, 93.
Tacna, 20, 24.
Tameltoh, 97.
Tamyac, 85.
Ttah ttah Akbal, 66.
Tata yac, 80.
Tapcu Oloman, 17, 20.
Ta [t]unun, 81.
Tecpalan, 23.
Tecpan, 28.
Telom, 3, 21.
Te pac uman, 20.
Te pe pul, 89, 93, 138.
Tepeuh, 49, 51, 52, 53, 62.
Tepuztan, 23.
Teyocuman, 31.
Tiba[c]oy, 91, 102, 103.
Tihax cablah, 75.
Tohin, 135.
Tohohil, 20, 41, 90.
Tol[c]om, 35, 37.
Totomay, 3.
Totunay, 29.
Tox[c]omine, 77.
Tox[c]om Noh, 100, 103.
To[t]ohil, 20.
Tucuru cakixala, 88.
Tuh, 126.
Tuhalahay, 10, 77.
Tukuchee, 10, 20, 41, 43, 99, 100, 103.
Tulan, 2, 4, 10, 16, 47, 82.
Tunacotzih, 28.
Utzupa, 63.
Uxa, 77.
Vail [c]ahol, 97.
Vakaki Ahmak, 115, 127.
Valval Xucxuc, 17, 20.
Vayca, 41.
Vitaum, 77.
Voo caok, 98, 107, 110.
Voo queh, 114.
Vooymax, 93.
Vuchabahay, 10, 77.
Vukubatz, 73-76, 82.
Vukucivan, 77, 97.
Xahila, 2, 43, 61, 81.
Xavi Ahin, 88.
Xeabah, 85.
Xeamatal chii, 23.
Xe Caka Abah, 139.
Xecuh, 23.
Xechibohoy, 84.
Xechipeken, 101, 102.
Xechituh, 84.
Xe la hub, 145, 179.
Xepakay, 64.
Xepahca, 112.
Xepau, 157, 158.
Xe pit, 144.
Xepoyom, 41, 138.
Xerahapit, 77, 97.
Xet, 3, 27, 28.
Xetocoy, 23.
Xe tulul, 144.
Xeuh, 23.
Xey noh, 112.
Xhuçuy, 81.
Xibalbay, 4, 5.
Xiliviztan, 23.
Ximbal xu[c], 29.
Ximox, 88.
Xiquitzal, 70, 73.
Xit amal Queh, 82, 84, 85.
Xitayul Hax, 69.
Xivanul, 84.
Xivico, 110.
Xttamer Caquentol, 66.
Xubabal, 77.
Xuchipillan, 173.
Xulpit, 19, 20.
Xulu [c]atu, 66.
Xumak cham, 95.
Xurcah, 3, 29.
X[t]eka[c]uch, 135.
[t]alaah, 63, 91.
[t]a[t]alyx, 77.
[t]a[t]avitz, 2, etc.
[t]a[t]xanul, 31, 32.
[t]ekacivan, 77.
[t]eka[c]uch, 3, 10, 29, 39, 40, 48, 50.
[t]inona, 63, 66, 91.
[t]ucumatz, 20, 38.
[t]umarcaah, 70, 71, 82, 90, 146.
[t]u[t]ucot, 41.
[t]u[t]uchom, 3.
[t]u[t]u huyu, 77, 94, 97.
[c]abouil civan, 63
[c]alalapacay, 33.
[c]akbatzulu, 35, 37.
[c]ama[t]ekum, 77.
[c]atu, 88, 119, 125.
[c]atun, 3.
[c]ax[c]an, 77, 94, 97.
[c]eche, 9, 15, 20, 28, 29, 41, 45, 66, 76.
[c]eletel, 41.
[c]ian, 133, 135.
[c]icihay, 137.
[c]ikab, 67-72, 74-114.
[c]iria Yyu, 100, 103.
[c]iz[c]ab, 84, 85.
[c]obakil, 3, 11, 26, 61.
[c]omakaa, 43.
[c]ot balcan, 66.
[c]oxahil, 3, 21, 26, 61.
[c]ubulahay, 34.
[c]ulavi cochoh, 34.
[c]ulavi [c]anti, 34.
[c]hicbal, 112.
[c]hitibal, 22.
[c]hixnal, 49, 77.
[c]hiyoc Queh Ah[t]u[t], 66.
[c]holama[t], 23.
[c]hooc Tacatic, 95.
[c]hopiytzel, 21, 30, 48.
[c]hupichin, 23.
[c]huti, 63.
[c]hutiah, 3.
çala, 41.
çimaki Piaculcan, 95.
çulahauh, 25.
çununaa, 41.
çunun choy, 23.
çunun huyu, 23, 27.
çupi ta[t]ah, 63, 68, 70, 75, 84.
çutuhil, 9, 38, 103, 107, 112, 138, 149.
Tzak tzuy, 27. For Cak tzuy, q. v.
Tzanat, 3.
Tzololaa, 41, 162.
Tzupam, 148.
Tzutzumpan, 169.
Transcriber's Note
The following typographical errors and inconsistencies have been maintained in this version of the book.
Typographical errors:
TN-1 29 Second cacao harvest should read Second cacao harvest. TN-2 30 20. Hunahpu, should read 20. Hunahpu. TN-3 33 moroever should read moreover TN-4 47 Dicc. Anon should read Dicc. Anon. TN-5 48 Pokoman should read Pokomam TN-6 51 gutteral should read guttural TN-7 51 magic candle should read magic candle TN-8 58 Quikab should read Qikab TN-9 61 agains should read against TN-10 13, fn. 1 Baschmann should read Buschmann TN-11 38, fn. 1 Cakchiquel Anon should read Cakchiquel Anon. TN-12 57, fn. 1 d,the should read d, the TN-13 88 ahpop[c]amahay. ha should read either ahpop[c]amahay, ha or ahpop[c]amahay. Ha TN-14 110 Ba[c]ahol the h was printed upside down in the original. TN-15 111 youself should read yourself TN-16 119 without, should read without. TN-17 119 Caybatz." should read Caybatz. TN-18 133 Vxa. should read Vxa TN-19 136 achiha. maqui should read either achiha; maqui or achiha. Maqui TN-20 139 Vucubatz should read Vukubatz TN-21 147 Oxlahu tzii should read Oxlahuh tzii TN-22 148 vinak. hucumah should read either vinak. Hucumah or vinak, hucumah TN-23 188 Oh should read On TN-24 189 litle should read little TN-25 190 Ig should read Yg TN-26 196 our should read four TN-27 197 etaient should read etaient TN-28 201 Civilisees should read Civilisees TN-29 202 [t]a[t] xanul should read [t]a[t] xanul TN-30 204 [t]a[t]avitz should read [t]a[t]avitz TN-31 208 173. should read 172. TN-32 208 181. The second 181 should not appear, it refers to the same section as the preceding pargraph TN-33 209 mayor. should read mayor." TN-34 209 Ah-çib, should read Ah-çib. TN-35 212 Anon). should read Anon.). TN-36 215 p, 64 should read p. 64 TN-37 217 etc should read etc. TN-38 218 mountain should read mountain. TN-39 218 To put one should read To put to one TN-40 219 she it should read she, it TN-41 219 Tak (first listing) is out of alphabetical order TN-42 222 See Xa should read See Xa TN-43 223 Asiento should read Asiento TN-44 223 [t]ana abah is out of alphabetical order TN-45 224 [c]iyaley is out of alphabetical order TN-46 225 [t]a[t] should read [t]a[t], TN-47 225 [c]hacbal is out of alphabetical order TN-48 229 106, should read 106. TN-49 231 194 should read 184
Inconsistent spelling:
ante / ante halebal / halibal
Inconsistent hyphenation:
Ahtzib / Ah-tzib Ahuchan / Ah-uchan calpulli / calp-ulli honeycomb / honey-comb kikan / ki-kan