The American Missionary
January, 1900.
Vol. LIV. No. 1.
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Price 50 Cents a year in advance.
Entered at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., as Second-Class mail matter.
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FISK UNIVERSITY (Illustrated) 12
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The AMERICAN MISSIONARY presents new form, fresh material and generous illustrations for 1900. This magazine is published by the American Missionary Association quarterly. Subscription rate fifty cents per year.
Many wonderful missionary developments in our own country during this stirring period of national enlargement are recorded in the columns of this magazine.
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VOL. LIV. JANUARY, 1900. NO. 1.
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The receipts to December 31st, the first quarter of the fiscal year, are $6,586.98 more than for the same period last year—an increase in donations of $6,874.52, in income of $890.20, and in tuition of $1,652.58—a decrease in estates for current work of $2,830.32 under the policy of reserve legacy account.
We are greatly cheered by this increase in donations. We appreciate the cordial response of the churches, Sunday-schools, Endeavor Societies and individuals to the necessities of this great work. We call especial attention to the efforts which are being made to increase the gifts of this Association for the current year thirty-three and one-third per cent. This is the amount of increase which the Council Committee of Fifteen have asked from the churches. The large work demands at least this per cent. of addition to the gifts for the current year. Will not each individual church and Sunday-school see that their contribution for this year is at least a third larger than for the former year?
In addition to this amount needed for the work which has been established in other years, the claims of Porto Rico are pressing. Ten thousand dollars was a very conservative estimate of the amount that was needed at once in this new island territory. The churches, and especially the Sunday schools, have responded generously in bringing up the gifts to about half this amount. There is imperative need immediately for the full amount, properly and energetically to press the work in Porto Rico along the lines of Christian education and evangelization.
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"Annual Statistical Leaflet."
"Annual Report, 1899."
"Universal Brotherhood Through Christ," Sermon by Rev. C. H. Patton, D.D.
"Michael E. Strieby," (illustrated) Sec. J. E. Roy, D.D.
"The Hand of God or Failure," Rev. H. A. Stimson, D.D.
"By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them," Rev. C. E. Jefferson, D.D.
"What Has Been Done for the Indians," Rev. J. R. Nichols, D.D.
"The Evangelical Side of Missionary Work," Rev. Sydney Strong, D.D.
"Why and How?" Rev. Gerald H. Beard, Ph.D.
"The Americans in the Southern Mountains," Rev. Archibald Hadden.
"The Story of Three Million Highlanders," Rev. M. N. Sumner.
"In the Cypress Swamps," (illustrated) Miss C. F. Knowlton.
"Difficult Problems with Pleasing Results," Prof. J. L. Wiley.
"Our Churches a Necessity to the South," Rev. George V. Clark.
"Fisk University," (illustrated) Prof. J. G. Merrill, D.D.
"Pioneers in Porto Rico," (illustrated) Sec. C. J. Ryder.
"Christian Endeavorers Among the Indians," Prof. F. B. Riggs.
"People Passed By," (reprint) by a Missionary.
"The Debt of Our Country," (reprint, illustrated) Sec. C. J. Ryder.
"Arctic Alaska," Mr. W. T. Lopp.
"Christian Endeavorers and the A. M. A.," Rev. Francis E. Clark, D.D.
"Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians," (illustrated) Rev. W. M. Wellman.
These leaflets may be had for personal use and distribution on application to this office.
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It is encouraging to note the signs of progress at the South towards meeting the heavy responsibilities of the situation. It is a mistake to imagine that the Southern situation does not improve from year to year. Hundreds of thousands, if not millions, appreciate the trend of events and the necessity for the elevation of the depressed millions with whom they are intermingled. The Southern tragedies of murder and violence have awakened the same horror in their hearts as throughout the country at large. There is a rising sentiment against lynching and for enforcing justice by the cold and passionless execution of law. There is a strong desire to give the advantages of education to both the ignorant whites and the ignorant blacks. There is a growing sympathy for the beneficent efforts to this end which are put forth from the North.
It is a great mistake to confuse the whole South with certain lower elements in its vast and varied populations. It is also a mistake to imagine that sporadic instances of violence here and there are sufficient indices of the situation at large. Millions of the Southern whites and blacks are dwelling together in amity and co operation for the advance of education and for moral progress. Illustrations are multiplying on every side of the desire on the part of the progressive South to fulfil the duties and meet the heavy responsibilities thrust upon it by the masses of population submerged in ignorance.
These immense masses are the burden not only of the South, but of the American people at large. Ignorant labor is shiftless and wasteful labor. The growth of varied and inter-related manufactures cannot rest upon a labor element of clumsiness and stupidity. Civil duties demand intelligence and morals. The best patriotism of the South joins hands with that of the North in the elevation of the lowly and ignorant. What has been done is only the initiation of the ten times more which must be done.
It is a significant fact that the last national census showed that the white illiteracy of the South was deeper than even the foreign illiteracy of the North; while that of the Southern black population was fearfully darker. Both public and private efforts are being made in countless communities of the South to begin the lifting of this great burden. Some of the States have already taken encouraging measures in this direction. While there are reactions, the general tide is that of progress. It is easy to make too much of the violent reactionary outcries of a few Southern newspapers. It must be remembered that these shrill expostulations against progress are comparatively isolated and do not represent the general and deliberate sense of the intelligent South. The day has come when intelligent leaders, North and South, can unite their efforts and push forward the work of popular upliftment throughout the South. The lesson of the hour is not that of impatience and denunciation, but of mutual sympathy and co-operation. The hopeful progress of the past is a presage to the magnificent progress assured to the immediate future.
No more timely words have been spoken than those of a Southern philanthropist when he said: "The Negro must be educated. It is absolutely necessary to both races that his education go on. In our extremity we look to wise and just people in the Northern States to help us to help both races."
F. P. W.
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At a meeting of the representatives of the different benevolent societies of our Protestant denominations who are entering upon mission work in Porto Rico a committee was appointed to draw up a paper containing a greeting to these people. The paper was to be published in Spanish and English. The copies in English were to go especially to the missionaries to be scattered among English-speaking people. The Spanish translation was intended for the native Porto Ricans. This paper was signed by representatives of different denominations as will be seen. This broad, comprehensive and loving message from the Christians of America to the people of Porto Rico, who are now a part of our own country, must meet the approval of all those interested in the progress of the Kingdom of God rather than some narrow denominational victory. This greeting to the Porto Ricans is as follows:
"We rejoice that your beautiful island has become part of the United States. We take you by the hand as fellow-citizens of this Republic. We pray that you may share fully with us in all the blessings it has to give. We have come among you to show our interest in and our sympathy with you, and to do what we can to help you and your children toward the larger life that is possible to us all.
"We come to you as we have gone to all other parts of our beloved land—as messengers of the gospel of Jesus Christ our Saviour. We have come as brethren in Christ, as joint-members of that spiritual body of which He is the head, to preach and teach among you, and thus in mutual helpfulness to build up the Kingdom of our common Lord and to answer His prayer 'that they all may be one,' and that His will may 'be done in earth as it is in heaven.'
"We are agreed in the great truths of our holy religion, and we will work together that they may produce in this historic island all the choicest fruits of Christian life and culture. We would teach the children the way of eternal life, and bring to the men and women—full of cares and burdens—the rest and comfort and hope that come through faith in the Saviour. And so shall they and we all be brethren and sisters in Christ.
"These are the common purposes that bring us hither. In the name of our common Master we pray you give us and our preachers welcome, and join your labors with ours that this island, so charming in its natural features, may more and more have the beauty of a pure and purifying religion. Then happy will be your homes and happy your people—as Holy Scriptures declare, 'Happy is that people whose God is the Lord.' Education will brighten the lives of the children; Christian morality will stand guard in every community against sin, and the peace which Christ promised to His people will rest upon us and ours.
"Praying for God's richest blessings upon you, beloved people of Porto Rico, and asking your co-operation with us, we are
Yours in Gospel of Jesus Christ,
(Signed) C. L. THOMPSON,
W. H. WARD."
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The opening of this new island territory for the Christian schools and the evangelistic work of the American Missionary Association is of great interest. Many questions are naturally asked by those who are in sympathetic touch with this new and important movement.
Who have gone to this field? Where have they gone and what fields are opening? Why have they gone? These questions present themselves to the attention of those who have watched with great interest the opening of this island to an intelligent and progressive Christian influence. Let us answer these questions in this article.
First, who have gone in this pioneer band of missionaries to Porto Rico?
The educational work is especially under the care and direction of Prof. Charles B. Scott and his wife. Prof Scott is a graduate of Rutgers College and of Oswego State Normal School. He is a teacher of many years' experience and thoroughly qualified for the establishment and direction of the educational work of the Association among this people. Mrs. Scott, a graduate of Michigan University, also takes an active part in this work. They are both devoted Christians, and the religious quickening and spiritual elevation of the people comprise an important part of their efforts.
Miss Julia D. Ferris goes from Saginaw, Michigan. She received her education at Wellesley College after leaving the High School of her own city. She has been a teacher for several years and has attained marked success in this work.
Miss Isabel French is a graduate of a classical school in New York City and pursued a post-graduate course at Barnard College. She has had large experience in teaching and in Christian and philanthropic work, which qualifies her for this mission field.
Miss Jennie L. Blowers has already had experience in the mission schools of the American Missionary Association, having taught in Chandler Normal School at Lexington, Ky. Her home is in Westfield, New York. She was reappointed to work in the South, but was ready to enter this more distant island field. She is well qualified for this new work.
Miss Katherine M. Rowley comes from Oberlin, Ohio, being a member of the First Congregational Church of that city. She is a graduate of Oberlin College and is cordially recommended for this missionary service by her professors and teachers.
Miss Mary L. Daniels is a member of Dr. Munger's church in New Haven, Conn. She has been a teacher in the public schools, where she has attained a high position as a very competent instructor. She takes with her the regard and confidence of a large circle of friends and there is every prospect of her abundant success.
All these teachers understand the Spanish language to some extent. This is essential, in order to do the work in Porto Rico.
Rev. John Edwards, a pastor from Ohio, has been sent out by the Association as an evangelist in this same field. The preaching of the gospel is greatly needed, and Mr. Edwards' circuit covers a large area in evangelistic services. He is in eastern Porto Rico, where there is scarcely any other missionary work.
And so this little band of eight devoted men and women have entered upon the pioneer work in opening up Porto Rico to an intelligent gospel. They have gone out with the prayers and sympathy of thousands of those who have been greatly interested in the important work in this island territory. The future promises large things in the building up of Christian character and the establishment of progressive Christian institutions.
Where have these missionaries gone? They landed first at San Juan, on the northeastern portion of the island. They established a school at Santurce, which is a few miles distant from San Juan. From this field Miss Blowers writes as follows:
"The schoolhouse opens on the street (the military road), where there is a constant stream of passers by. There is not an hour in the day that there are not spectators peering in at doors and windows with idle curiosity or eager interest. Sometimes there are not more than three or four, but often as many as eighteen or twenty. Let me tell you of the various persons who composed this outside audience, as I watched them one morning. A native policeman, a business man waiting for his car, three beggars, boys with large trays of bread, fruit and sweetmeats on their heads, a washerwoman with a huge basket of clothes poised securely on her head, the driver of an ox-cart, who stopped his team while we sang "America," three women going to market, a party of daintily dressed, sweet-faced senoritas with their chaperone, a dirty, wild-looking old hag who almost frightened me, a young mother carrying a naked baby in her arms, and boys—well, it was no use to count them. What do you think? Are we not being well advertised?"
Great care was taken in locating these schools. Rev. A. F. Beard, Senior Secretary of the A. M. A., and Rev. William H. Ward, D.D., a member of the Executive Committee, visited the island to examine the conditions and discover the best points for such work. Prof. Scott, after reaching the island, also made thorough investigation concerning the most important location. He wrote after reaching Porto Rico: "The railroad from Arecibo is impassable. I hired a pony and a boy to guide me and started for the town. The only way of traveling now, except on military roads, is by pony. I had never ridden two miles on horseback in my life, but it had to be done and I am still intact, and have ridden twenty to twenty-five miles to-day without even getting stiff. We reached Arecibo, having to ford or ferry streams five times. There were no bridges left.
"Friday I rode to Lares, eighteen miles over the roughest trail imaginable. Much of it is as steep as a stairway, with stones of all sizes replacing the steps. But I managed to stick to my pony. We reached Lares at eight o'clock, the eighteen miles taking nine hours, with three hours at noon waiting for the rain to cease."
Lares, a town of 3,000 population, is situated in the western part of the island. It was finally decided that this should be the place for the second school planted by the American Missionary Association. Prof. Scott writes also: "Lares is a very pleasant place, built around the top of a hill, the best residences at the top, with best possible drainage and supplied with excellent spring water. I had a letter to the Alcalde (Mayor) and to the leading doctor of the town, a very intelligent man, who speaks English. I examined several buildings and found one admirably adapted to our purpose. It is central, with a large room on the ground floor and five bedrooms, a dining room and kitchen for the teachers. Everything is in excellent order. The sanitary condition, with some changes, cannot be surpassed. The house seems just built for our purpose, and with a minimum expense can be enlarged to give two good-sized dormitories. All the people whom I saw were very much interested in our work. The city can do nothing. They have paid no salaries for months."
The schools at Lares and Santurce represent the present educational work of the Association in Porto Rico. Both schools are well under way and large numbers of eager pupils are in attendance. Prof. Scott wrote so urgently for reinforcements in order to meet the needs already pressing, that an additional missionary teacher was sent in January. Miss Johanna Blinka was selected for this important mission, as she was thoroughly acquainted with the Spanish language and had had large experience in educational and missionary work. This completes the force of eight teachers already engaged in the educational work under the American Missionary Association in the island of Porto Rico.
Rev. John Edwards has begun work in the eastern part of the island. There are few missionaries here and the opportunities for evangelistic work are pressing. The following interesting facts were received under recent date from Mr. Edwards: He writes from Fajardo, eastern Porto Rico, "There are many circumstances attending the work here that are very trying and require the greatest of patience. Still, on the whole, there is great encouragement. I have rented a building here at Fajardo, to occupy as the centre of missionary work in this region. I ordered a dozen benches with backs, to be used for public service. A little table stands at the end of the room, on which I place the Bible and use as a pulpit. It is my intention to develop fully the promising conditions both here at Fajardo and also at Humacao, where I have found a warm welcome.
"I understand the best time on Sunday for public worship is in the evening. The young men are most of them occupied during the day. Sunday is their busy market day until three or four o'clock in the afternoon, when the market and stores close and all are free to go whither they like. Some of the young men told me that a number would attend our meetings in the night, that could not come during the day. Of course, this is a condition unfavorable to such Christian work, and yet I hope to be able to gather considerable audiences and reach this needy people with the living gospel of Jesus Christ. I speak in Spanish with comparative ease. We held services Sunday morning, at which I preached. We then sang several hymns which the people are rapidly learning. We need hymn books to offer them for sale, that they may be used in our meetings."
From this letter it will be seen that work is opening hopefully before our evangelist. As the work develops it will demand a reinforcement of preachers capable of doing the same sort of earnest, evangelistic work. The demand in every department of this new island territory is pressing and imperative. Surely the churches of our Congregational fellowship will see to it, each one of them, that the work is fully and cordially supported.
But a very natural question remains to be answered, namely, why have these missionaries gone to this island field? The answer is easy and natural. In the first place, Porto Rico is the only territory that has come under the immediate direction and control of the United States government as a result of the war with Spain. It is emphatically a home missionary field. The responsibility of our American churches is immediate and direct for the spread of the gospel among the inhabitants of this island, who are even now our fellow citizens. The American Missionary Association follows the flag. By the adjustment of work suggested by the churches years ago, at which the Association surrendered its foreign field and took the work among the Indians as a legitimate department of its home work, it has confined its missions to the territory of the United States. Patriotism reinforces the demands of Christianity for the physical, intellectual and religious development of the people in Porto Rico. The time is immediate and the command imperative. It is the command of our country as truly as of God.
Churches, expressing their views through resolutions of local conferences and associations, urged upon the A. M. A. to occupy this island field. This was another reason for going.
The appeal put before the churches in behalf of this important new work met with immediate and hopeful response. Ten thousand dollars are still demanded in order to put the work upon a proper and permanent foundation. Buildings should be erected for the schools, and this immediately. Also homes for the teachers, where model housekeeping can reinforce the instruction of the schoolroom and industrial class. Has not some friend, who reads these messages from Porto Rico, the ability and desire to send a check to our treasury at once, to put one of these mission schools in permanent quarters and thus greatly reinforce the present work and secure its permanency?
Little by little, as the evangelistic movements progress, chapels will be needed for the accommodation of audiences that gather for Christian worship. Here again is a large increase upon the demands of Christian people for this new work of the American Missionary Association.
Surely this little band of heroic Christian missionaries and teachers who have gone out from their homes and from our shores, responding at once to the call of the Master to enter this important and large field, will not be forgotten by Christian men and women in our churches. The work must not suffer. It should be reinforced promptly and largely. In God's providence, mysterious and incomprehensible, this island has become a part of our country. The call now comes to occupy the field, not with armies and military movements, but with the peaceful influences of Christianity. The intellectual and moral quickening of the youth and children through the Christian institutions planted among them, and the preaching of the simple gospel of Jesus Christ to this destitute people, create a responsibility which our Congregational churches must meet courageously and generously.
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There was romance in its birth. Regimental bands headed the procession; army officers, men of renown, North and South, gathered in the hospital barracks; thousands of ex-slaves, were there. One passion animated this dusky throng. To learn to read was the ambition of the bright colored boy, of his sedate but none the less eager sire, and of the veteran grandparent with white hair and with eyes that must learn the alphabet by the aid of spectacles.
It was a moment of inspiration. The man to appreciate the hour and give utterance to its meaning, was there. He had hardly surrendered his commission as chaplain in the army. He had fought to win the freedom of a race. To make that race true free men was a task much more vast than to emancipate them. The parting of the ways had come. An illiterate people must be taught. No longer should it be a crime to instruct them. The rather was he the criminal who should deny them an education. It was an hour for the voice of a prophet. With the ken of a seer, Chaplain Cravath, representing the American Missionary Association, Jan. 9th, 1866, made the proclamation, that the founding of the school inaugurated that day was the beginning of a great educational institution, that should give to the emancipated race the opportunities and advantages of education which had so long been furnished to the white race in their colleges and universities.
Gen. Fisk, the brilliant soldier and ardent philanthropist, lent invaluable aid and consented to have the institution, so problematical in its existence, bear his name. Governor Brownlow and the pioneer educator of colored youth, Professor John Ogden, added the weight of their words and helpful deeds, and Fisk had come into being.
ROMANCE ATTENDED THE EARLY LIFE OF THE UNIVERSITY.—Nearly four years had passed, when the Professor of music started out with a band of colored youth, who had been named the Jubilee Singers. That they could sing with incomparable sweetness he knew. That the songs they were to sing had incomparable pathos no one who heard them doubted. But nothing short of sublimest faith could have sent forth this band of friendless youth on their mission. They often were penniless as they went from town to town. They arrived at Oberlin and were permitted to sing before the National Council, then in session at that stronghold of the colored man. The tide turned. It rose with rapidity. Plymouth, Brooklyn, and other churches were opened to them. The entire North gave them welcome. They crossed the Atlantic; that gracious friend of humanity Queen Victoria, gave them audience. Her incomparable prime minister, Gladstone, made them his guests at Hawarden. Germany and France heard them. At the end of seven years they returned to Nashville and laid at the feet of the University the munificent sum of $150,000, a large part of which was devoted to the erection of Jubilee Hall and the remainder to the paying for the campus of thirty-five acres, once a slave plantation, now the most commanding location in the Athens of the South, as Nashville, the seat of four universities, is justly called.
THERE HAS BEEN ROMANCE IN ALL ITS LIFE. Never for a year has the hard work, the distasteful drudgery, the, at the time, apparently fruitless toil been undertaken on the basis of cold calculating judgment; from its birth to the present hour, ideals that to most men would have seemed dreams and wild fancies, have animated the leaders of this enterprise—such ideals as have underlain the world's greatest achievements and have given heart to the world's victors.
WISDOM AND PAINSTAKING ATTENTION to the material interests of the University, that have challenged the admiration of those who have watched its growth, have been coupled with all this romance. The ideal has been made actual. This has not been due to one man, nor one sex, nor one race. For a quarter of a century and more, have men and women, white and black, worked with an unanimity rarely equaled, with patience and self-sacrifice. As the outcome there is
The building of Jubilee Hall set the pace for the progress of the institution. Thorough workmanship, good taste and belief in a large future, have prevented the erection of buildings which could be used only a short time and must be replaced by structures adapted to the work. Eight substantial buildings afford the facilities now needed and are so grouped that in the near future the Central and Music Halls can be erected, to complete the general plan. Already the large enrolment of pupils, coming, as they do, from more than a score of the states of our Union, is making the proposed buildings a necessity and affording other givers the opportunity to bless humanity that has been so handsomely met by those large-minded donors who have built the structures already erected.
THE EVERY-DAY LIFE OF THE UNIVERSITY is first of all religious. With no cant, with the avoidance of undue emotion, with a constant appeal to Christian manhood and womanhood, men and women loyal to Jesus, seeking less their rights than to faithfully perform their duties, are being reared. For nine months in a year the faculty of Fisk, like those who in large cities man college settlements, day and night seek in every way and by all means to arouse and perpetuate the highest Christian ideals. Added to these are intellectual training, musical culture and a spirit of true gentility. The student body honors scholarship, awakens ambitions, cultivates good manners, frowns upon untidyness of appearance, while by firmly sustained legislation the faculty forbids any display of extravagance in attire. Patches and darns are expected; soiled or neglected garments the school will not permit. In a word, what one would expect to find in a Caucasian institution, composed of pupils of moderate means, with high ideals and gentle manners, are found at Fisk. The choicest of the recently emancipated race are here seeking a training. As always and everywhere, none reach the highest ideal. Some are found who fail to aspire to it; a few are intractable, but to one who recalls the life of the race and the treatment it has received before and since it was freed, life at Fisk is a constant miracle.
THE FISK IDEA is an expression often on the lips of its alumni. It may be summed up in this: The rudiments of learning for all, manual training for those that are adapted to it and will use it in their after life, the best of culture for those who are capable of receiving and employing it. In a word, capacity not color, Christianity not caste, is to decide the question as to the kind of education a youth is to receive, whether he dwell in the North or South, whether he be an Ethiopian or an Anglo-Saxon. Exceeding few in comparison with the vast multitude of their race will be those who receive their diploma at Fisk; but they are to be the leaders of a people sorely needing leadership. And Fisk's determination to rear such leaders is an abiding protest against the spirit which denies to any human being a chance, and a declaration that the Church, like its divine Master, is to minister especially to those who most need help.
FISK PRODUCTS are the test of its work. Each year it publishes to the world its list of graduates, and over against each name what he is doing for the world. It does not hesitate to compare this list with a like catalogue of any institution with equipment equal to its own. It has faith to believe that the demon of prejudice will not always hold its flaming sword to bar true manhood deserving success at the threshold of life. It would do its part to overcome this demon by producing self-respecting manhood, which in the eyes of all true men commands respect.
FISK'S NEEDS are great. It needs such an endowment as shall enable it to decline help from that truest foster mother—the A. M. A. Its chairs professorial and for instructors should be placed upon a permanent footing. In no other way can its fine plant be utilized. If Northern institutions of learning must rely upon endowments to pay from two-thirds to three-quarters of the cost of educating their students, certainly an institution educating the youth of a race scarcely forty years out of the house of bondage, and hence poor beyond all expression, needs vastly more the income of an endowment to supplement the meagre tuitions which its pupils pay. Here is an opportunity for the man of large means to bestow a princely gift, while the man of slender means none the less can invest in the same undertaking.
The man or men who shall thus endow Fisk, will have ever the favor of Him who has declared Himself the friend of the poor and needy.
Fisk's greatest need is an answer to the prayer of God's people for that constant indwelling of the divine Spirit which shall keep in stout heart those who, with personal self-sacrifice, are doing its work.
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Christian work among the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians of Oklahoma was first entered upon some ten years ago. It was begun by two Christian Indians who labored with their own people until they were discouraged and the work well-nigh died. Afterwards several young men, one after another, came into the field, but though they were individually earnest, their work did not make much impression. They procured tables, chairs and reading matter and fitted up a room, but nine out of ten of those to whom they were sent could neither read nor write, and of course did not seem to be greatly drawn to current literature. In 1893, however, Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Woodward took charge, and did most excellent service, remaining almost a year until they left to become missionaries in India.
Up to this time, for lack of funds and steady workers, the work had been but poorly organized, and though the men who had been leading were wise, earnest and true, yet as a force for permanent good, it was somewhat in question.
In 1895 Rev. R. H. Harper, coming to take charge, found, he says, one cheap two-room cottage, one pony, an old wagon and harness and besides these a table and a few chairs. He knew that unless more buildings could be procured, the work would amount to nothing. Upon request, the Interior Department set aside two acres of land near the government school for the use of the mission.
The Church-Building Society has at different times extended generous help, as a result of which the mission finally secured a beautiful chapel, with rooms and apartments above and below. Mr. Harper did much excellent service throughout his stay, until 1897, when, his wife's health giving way, he was compelled to leave the field.
I succeeded him at once, and the work went forward, apparently without abatement. I organized the work at the two government schools carefully, and instituted evangelistic work in both. This phase of the work was so successful that on the following Easter, 37 Indian young people gave their hearts to God and were baptized, and on Children's Day, in June following, 29 others came in the same way. A fervent religious interest prevailed in both of the government schools, so that, at Christmas time, 35 others came into the Church on an intelligent confession of faith. This most blessed work could not be kept within the narrow bounds of the schoolroom. It spread to the camp and field. The parents came to me to learn, and I had many requests to go to them and tell them about Jesus, till in at least two places, 18 and 20 miles distant from the Agency, the camp Indians have asked to have a church organized and a house built. On Easter Sunday, 1898, the climax was reached, so far as numbers were concerned, when 67 young people, from ten to twenty-six years of age, from both tribes, gave themselves to Christ, and presented themselves for baptism. The interest is still general though somewhat abated in intensity. Several times in the last few months have smaller numbers united with the Church.
A few weeks ago I returned to my work from the East, where dear friends showed me every courtesy and sympathy possible, and while at the Mohonk Conference of Indian Workers I met many whose hearts and purses were open to pray for and help the helpless and abused red man. During my visit East I found a general interest and sympathy from churches and individuals, and money was put into my hands sufficient to add two or three warm rooms to our parsonage, which we have vacated and turned over to the sick and distressed Indians for a hospital. With the rooms we have just added—work is now going on—this parsonage hospital has one kitchen, one general work-room, two rooms sufficient for four beds, a room for reading and study, a laundry or general purpose room, and a bathroom; this latter, however, we cannot finish at present for lack of money to provide water facilities. Chairs and tables will be put in, and bead and embroidery work, done in both silk and worsted, will be persistently encouraged, so far as funds will allow.
There is attached to the mission a free medical dispensary, to which a great many come. It is, however, only intended to be supplemental to the general medical work under the direction of the stationed Government physician, who is not only a thoroughly trained and competent physician, but a careful and painstaking one as well. A great many questions mingled with doubt are frequently asked us, by those who look upon the Indian more as a curiosity than a human being, or as a painted entity watching for an opportunity to wreak vengeance on the white man. "Do you really think these young people and camp Indians understand what they are doing," etc., etc.
I say, "We certainly do, when a boy or girl, or a young man or woman, no matter what color the skin may be, comes to us of his own will, and says, 'I want to have a good heart and love Jesus and want to be a Christian,' and then in the presence of both white and red scoffers, is baptized and unites with the Church, and lives a consistent and prayerful life, I have no reason or no right to doubt." A few months ago there walked into the church, just as service had begun one Sunday morning, eleven fine-looking Arapahoe Indians. They were not richly attired, but they were clean. Only one could even partially understand my words, but they were quiet and attentive. After service they lingered. I said, addressing the leader, "Coyote, what do you want?" "We Indians come 20 miles, want to talk about Jesus. We hear you talk some days back, down on Big River. You say, God love Indian just the same He love white man. You say, Jesus came to help Indian be good just the same as white man. Indian want good heart, to know how to love squaw and children. Indian love Jesus and Indian give Jesus heart and brain and hand and feet." "Well," I said, "let us pray and ask God." We knelt. I prayed, Coyote prayed, and, with some hesitation, they all, in turn, prayed fervently. I have no doubt they understood, although I have not taken them into the Church yet.
A few weeks ago an old Indian woman with gray hair came into the church. She could not talk much, but in their sign language I asked, "Are you a Christian?" "Yes, yes," she replied; "I could not live if Jesus leave me," and then making the sign as if washing on a wash-board, and the sign for spirit (soul), pointing to my white cuff—Jesus has washed my soul white—do they not understand? Can we, dare we, turn one of these, His little ones, away?
* * * * *
Quite a number of students and graduates of our A. M. A. schools are in business and professional life in northern and western cities, as well as in the South. A growing number of colored youth from the North attend our Southern institutions. Thus Dr. Dubois, the noted negro scholar and writer, came from Massachusetts to Tennessee to take his college training at Fisk University. But it is of the Southern field, as I have seen it during the last six weeks, that I wish to speak.
Our Chandler Institute at Lexington, Ky., is filled with earnest students, under the direction of Miss Fanny J. Webster and her associates. Every year well-trained young people go out from this school to their life-work. During a gospel meeting recently held with the Lexington Church, more than fifty of the pupils of Chandler School avowed their faith in Christ.
The church is built upon the site of an old slave-pen, the key of which is preserved as a relic of those dark days. The neat chapel now stands as a symbol of light and truth to the people. The pastor, Rev. W. L. Johnson, is a graduate of Fisk, and his wife is from Le Moyne Institute. She has taught in our service at Memphis and Mobile.
Some of the most representative and influential citizens are members of our Lexington Church, among whom are the two leading physicians, the supervising principal and several teachers of the public schools.
A directory of the negro in business reports: four physicians, two dentists, two lawyers, an editor, two undertaking establishments, several groceries, a drug store and other business enterprises, besides mechanics, farmers, etc. They support a home for orphans, and maintain a number of benevolent organizations.
The colored people of Lexington hold an Annual Fair at the State Fair Grounds, which is a most attractive feature of Kentucky life. During the week of the Fair the city is crowded, and the daily attendance numbers thousands of the best people of both races. The Negro Fair Association is entirely under the management of colored men, and has a paid-up capital of several thousand dollars.
The thrift and intelligence of the colored people can be seen by the large number of neat and well-appointed homes owned by them.
Plymouth Church, at Louisville, is making hopeful progress under the ministry of Rev. E. G. Harris. Among the members of this church are three teachers of the Colored High School, who are Fisk graduates. The president of the Christian Endeavor is Dr. Whipple, a physician of note, and the superintendent of the Sunday-school is Professor Perry, the principal of a large public school of over a thousand pupils. Some of the most active workers are mechanics and people in humble life.
Rev. Gilbert Walton was present at one of our meetings and gave an interesting address on the work among the people of the mountains of Kentucky and Tennessee.
The colored people of Louisville are also making encouraging, material progress. Dr. Whedbee and other colored physicians have opened a medical school under the auspices of the Colored State College. They have also opened a free sanitarium in the central part of the city, which is supported by the colored people.
Our school at Florence, Ala., is crowded with boys and girls who are eager for an education. Many of them walk in from the country a distance of several miles. Among the pupils are two men who are preachers. Miss M. L. Corpier and Miss Nicholson are in charge of this school. They are both graduates of Fisk University. A revival of great spiritual power was held in connection with the Florence church and school. Four men of mature life and heads of families were among the converts. The church is growing in numbers and influence under the ministry of Rev. R. J. McCann, a graduate of Talladega College.
We visited eight families of the church who lived in the country. In one of these country homes we held a service in which four persons were converted, whom we baptized. Two small children were also baptized. There was joy in that home.
One of the most unique institutions of Birmingham, Ala., is the Penny Savings Bank, under the management of colored men. This bank has stood the storms of several panics and has been in successful operation for more than a decade; it has the confidence of the entire community. Mr. B. H. Hudson, the cashier, a graduate of Talladega College, is a leading member of our Congregational Church.
Rev. Abraham Simmons is pastor of the church. At our closing service at Birmingham, the three principals of the public schools, and a number of teachers who graduated at A. M. A. schools, a graduate of Fisk and now a theological student of Oberlin, several business men, and men and women of humble life, all testified to their loyalty to Christ and joy in His service.
A successful revival service was also held at Knoxville, Tenn., in which more than thirty conversions were reported. I was greatly cheered on Thanksgiving Day by the receipt of twenty-five messages from these young disciples of their love to Christ and desire to serve Him.
* * * * *
A letter just received from Mr. W. T. Lopp, who is missionary in Arctic Alaska at Cape Prince of Wales, which was written under date of October 2d, is of very great interest. It brings the latest message from this distant mission-field, and this message is one of great encouragement. Mr. Lopp writes:
"Now that the American Missionary Association is out of debt, we hope you will be able to send us a missionary with a missionary wife to be with us. It is hardly necessary for us to cite reasons for this. He should be a minister, if possible. It would not be right to subject children of school age to the influences of the life here. You wrote us up last year as having 'no time for gold hunting, and yet gold has been discovered within a few miles of the Cape.' This brings upon us new anxiety and greater work. Should these claims turn out well, the American Missionary Association will not be forgotten.
"The Bear has made a wonderful cruise this season. I doubt if she ever made a longer one. She arrived here too late to look after some whaling vessels, but considerable testimony has been secured, and if the present captain commands the Bear again next year I think certain whalers will be seized if they do not change their ways. The present captain has made a very conscientious commander, and has surely exerted himself to perform his duty vigorously and honestly. He has administered the law toward the Eskimo as well as white men, and arrested those who were guilty of crime. He was very kind to the natives, giving them help in coming from Cape Prince of Wales to this point and also across the straits to Siberia. When the sea was too rough for their skin boats he would have them hoisted up on deck. The United States surgeon has also been exceedingly kind to us.
"We now have 437 reindeer, and have sent an order signed by Dr. Jackson to the station on Norton Sound for the 277 which are yet due us. These will be driven up some time this winter. After they come we will make an estimate of the number belonging to the Eskimo boys and mark them. I have taken one new herder as an apprentice, and hope to take another or two next year. We sold reindeer at thirty dollars per head to the Bureau of Education, which furnished money for training other apprentices. Our old apprentices can now pay their own way, and the sale of the reindeer in the future will go toward helping new apprentices till they can help themselves.
"The Woman's Home Missionary Association of Boston have contributed toward the support of native workers. We received word about it and rejoiced in their generous gifts. I will use it in helping support Sokweena at our little mission at Mitle-tok. As I wrote last year, we were enabled to start this mission through a small contribution of about twenty-five dollars from the generous Endeavorers of Westboro, Mass. Then some other friends sent in a little help that went toward the support of Sokweena and his wife. It is not enough, but we will try to make it do for the present. We were unable to visit Sokweena but three times last winter. If we could only visit him oftener and help him more he would be able to accomplish more. But some of the children at his mission learn to spell and write a little and to sing. We had some very good meetings. Lucy and I went up and stayed three days. We took a lantern. Many of the old folks had professed Christ and seemed to be earnest and sincere in their prayers. The position for Sokweena is a hard one at times.
"Adlooat, one of our brightest boys, was typo and artist for the Eskimo Bulletin. We will not be able to get the Bulletin out before November, I am afraid.
"We have just erected a building twelve by forty feet, which we have decided to call 'Thornton House.' It is to be used as a workshop, club-room and other purposes for the natives. The need of such a building had occurred to Mr. Thornton and myself in 1890. Last year Mrs. Thornton succeeded in gathering one hundred and twenty-seven dollars, which was sufficient to purchase the lumber and pay the freight on it. Two natives and I have put up the building. The natives did most of the work on it, as I could not leave our house long at a time."
* * * * *
It will be ten years this February since the first Indian Christian Endeavor Society was organized in Santee Normal Training School, at Santee, Nebraska.
The Christian Endeavor movement was rapidly gaining everywhere, and it was not long before other societies were started—in the Oahe mission school, and the Presbyterian mission school at Sisseton, South Dakota. Fourteen months later the first Indian Christian Endeavor Society was started at Santee.
This year at Santee the young people's society includes twenty-one of the Indian pupils with three or four of the teachers, and there are two junior societies, one of girls and one of boys. There is a mothers' society, which was started three or four years ago among the women of the mission church. All these societies have an important place in the Indian mission work.
In the young people's society many of the members remain the same from year to year; but during the ten years one hundred and thirty-two young people have joined. They have come from eighteen different agencies, and in several cases from more than one village in the agency. Out of this one-hundred and thirty-two, twenty-three have been engaged, since leaving school, in direct missionary work, most of them as preachers and teachers of day-schools, but a few as the wives of such teachers, or as teachers in mission boarding-schools or missionary helpers. Some of these have done excellent work, and those of whom this is true are nearly always those who were most faithful and active during their school course in the Christian Endeavor Society. Three or four of the most promising have died before they had any opportunity to work at their homes, but some of these short lives were so faithful and patient that perhaps they did more good than many longer lives.
Three other societies have been started among the Indians, where the leaders were chiefly from those who had been members at Santee. But the societies not connected with mission schools have been transient, or intermittent in their life. Those at Santee and Sisseton, and one at Fort Berthold mission school in North Dakota, have lived. A society is to be started at the Omaha Agency soon.
The young people's society at Santee has been a training school for its members. It has broadened their feeling of Christian fellowship with the great army of fellow Endeavorers. It has given them songs that they enjoy very much. It has increased their interest in missions and deepened their feeling of responsibility for service to the Master.
The junior work at Santee has been especially encouraging among the girls, who are rather more responsive than the boys. Of the twelve little girls in the picture, one died last year, but eight are now members of the senior society.
In the monthly meetings of the Mothers' Society of Christian Endeavor many questions are asked and answered concerning the care and training of children, and the children are remembered in prayer.
One thing, at least, these Christian Endeavor Societies have done. They have emphasized the idea of endeavor and service. It expresses itself in the use of a new word, or rather the use of an old word a thousand times where it was used once before. The name in Dakota means "The society of those who want to work for Jesus," and "working for Jesus" has become a more prominent thought in all their religious life.
Last year a Junior Endeavor Society of Indian girls gave one dollar to the Church-Building Society, one dollar to the Education Society, one dollar to the Dakota Native Missionary Society, and one dollar to the American Board. A Junior Endeavor Society of Indian boys gave one dollar to the American Missionary Association. A Senior Endeavor Society of Indian boys and girls last year gave fourteen dollars to the American Board and three dollars to the Woman's Missionary Union. The Endeavor Society proves, therefore, among the Indian boys and girls and young people just what it does everywhere else. It gives them larger views of the kingdom of God, it stimulates them to greater sacrifice in giving of their means to the spread of this kingdom, and awakens within them deeper spiritual earnestness. The life of a Christian Endeavorer, wherever that life may be spent, cannot be a narrow, selfish life, if loyal to the great Christian Endeavor idea. This society is an important factor in Christian enlargement and quickening among our young people on the prairie.
* * * * *
Sunday, February 11th, marks this celebration in the calendars of our Congregational Sunday-schools. A new Concert Exercise has been prepared and will be sent to superintendents and teachers who desire to keep this day in the interests of Christian patriotism and for the support of the work among the needy millions represented in the life and history of our martyred President, Abraham Lincoln. The A. M. A. reaches by Christian education the American Highlanders, from whom Abraham Lincoln came. It sends missionaries and teachers to the Negroes, whom Abraham Lincoln freed. It plants its Christian work among the Indians, for whom Abraham Lincoln spoke words of honest sympathy. It is this great work that appeals to our Sunday-schools.
* * * * *
* * * * *
For Colored People.
Income for October $1,340.00 ==========
NOTE.—Where no name follows that of the town, the contribution is from the church and society of that place. Where a name follows, it is that of the contributing church or individual. S. means Sunday-school; C. means Church; C. E., the Young People's Society of Christian Endeavor; S. A. means Student Aid.
MAINE, $332.01.
Cape Elizabeth, First, 5. Deer Isle, First, 5. Eastport, Central, 10.27. Ellsworth, First, 12.25. Farmington, First, 17.16. New Sharon, 2
MAINE WOMAN'S AID TO A. M. A., by Mrs. F. W. Davis, Treas., $280.33.
Auburn, W. M. S., High St. C., "In memory of Stephen and Elizabeth Harrison, by H. H. P.," 10. Belfast, 15. Cornish, 5. Falmouth, First, 10. Gorham, 27. Litchfield Corners, 9.15. North Belfast, 2. Portland, State St., 50; Second Parish, 17; High St., 69.63. Scarboro, 10. Searsport, First, 20. Searsport, Second, 8. Waterville. 7. Yarmouth, 20.55.
NEW HAMPSHIRE, $800.11—of which from Estates, $517.20.
Amherst, 10. Exeter, Isaac S. Shute, to const. MARION S. BUSH L.M., 100. Hanover, Mrs. S. J. Kellogg, 10. Gilmanton, Iron Works, 4. Lyme, 55. Manchester, First, S., Special, for S. Work, 9.34. New Ipswich, 38th Annual Fair by children of the town, for Negroes, Indians and Mountain Whites, 6. Penacook, 8.60. Peterboro, Union, 14.27. Plainfield, Mrs. S. R. Baker, 10. Rochester, First, 30.70. Rochester, C., by H. M. Plumer, 15. Rochester, "M.," 10.
ESTATES.—Cornish. Estate of Mrs. Sarah W. Westgate, by Edwin W. Quimby, Trustee of Cong. Soc., Windsor, Vt., 18.08. Meredith, Estate of Mrs. Lovey A. Lang, 300. Rindge, Estate of Otis Hubbard, by Herbert E. Wetherbee, Executor, 199.12.
VERMONT, $399.82.
Barre, 17.40. Bradford, 13.28. Chester, 16.30. East Berkshire, 9. Fairlee, M. W. Smith, 5. Hartland, "A Friend," 5. Lower Waterford, 2.75. Newfane, First, 12.34. Roxbury, 2.35. Saint Johnsbury, Mrs. F. H. Brooks, box Maps, for Williamsburg, Ky. Salisbury, 6.60, Springfield, "Two Friends," through W. H. M. A., 200. Waterford, 3. West Brattleboro, 25.80. Weybridge, C. E., 3.32. Williamstown, 8.17. Woodstock, 40.44. Windsor, Old South 7.47.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF VERMONT, by Mrs. Robert Mackinnon, Treas., $21.60.
Brattleboro, West, for S. A., Indian M., 3. Chelsea, for Schp's, 5. Franklin, 5.60. Saint Johnsbury, North, S. Class, for Indian Sch'p, 1. Westfield, S. Class, for Schp's, 6. Windham, Jr. C. E., for Indian Sch'p, 1.
MASSACHUSETTS, $6,611.39—of which from Estates, $3,398.68.
Andover, South, for Fisk U., 100. Andover, South, for Ballard Sch., Ga., 75. Andover, South, S., 25. Andover, Y. L. S. of Christian Workers, for Pleasant Hill Acad., Tenn., 20. Attleboro, Second, C. E., for Campton, Ky., 10. Berlin, 6.
Boston, Union, C. E., 25; Park St., Summer Bible Class, for S. S. Work, Harriman, Tenn., 10, "A Friend," 10. South Boston, Phillips, 57.31. Dorchester, Second, C., by Miss E. Tolman, 25; Mrs. Elbridge Torrey, for S. A., Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 10; Second, 71.60; "E. C. C.," 10.
Bradford, First, 33. Braintree, First, 10.13. Bridgewater, Central Sq., 21. Brookline, Harvard, 66.81. Cambridgeport, Pilgrim, 10.15. Chester, Second, C., 11; C. E., 5. Danvers, Maple St., 124.87. Douglas, First, 5. East Billerica, Mrs. Caroline E. Richardson, 25. Edgartown, 4. Enfield, W. M. Soc., by Amanda W. Ewing, Treas., 40. Everett, First, C. E., 10. Feeding Hills, 12.50. Framingham, "A Friend," 17.50 for Indian Sch'p and 5 for Indian Work. Globe Village, "A Friend," 75 cents. Greenfield, Second, 86.29; Mrs. M. K. Tyler, 12. Holyoke, First, 21.64. Hudson, First, 10. Ipswich, First, 20; Linebrook, 16.70. Lakeville, Precinct, 13.50, and S., 8.16 Lakeville, W. M. Soc., by Mrs. A. C. Southworth, Sec'y. for S. A., Santee Indian Sch., Neb., 11. Lancaster, Women's Aux., by Mrs. A. J. Bancroft, Treas., 41.63. Lawrence, Samuel White, 50. Lawrence, Lawrence St., 35; Jas. H. Eaton, 5, for Porto Rico. Leominster, Mrs. G. H. Wheelock, 5. Malden, First, 81.77. Mattapoisett, 8.75. Marlborough, Union, 82.71. Medford, Mystic, 176.25. Millbury, Second, 39.65. Milton, First Evan., 27.56. Monson, Mrs. Esther R. Holmes, for McIntosh, Ga., 30. Monson, 27.52. Newton, Eliot, 140. Newton, Eliot, "A Friend," 5. Northampton, Edwards, 93.58. Northampton, Mrs. S. E. Bridgman, for S. A., Straight U., 10. North Dighton, H. M. Soc. of C., for Big Creek Gap, Tenn., and to const. MRS. MARY E. HATHAWAY L.M., 40. North Hadley, Second, 30. Newton Center, Maria B. Furber M. Soc., for Dining Room, Tougaloo U., 10. Newton Highland, Home M. S. of C., by Mrs. Emily W. Hyde, 2 bbls. Goods, etc. Peabody, West, 9.58. Reading, 15. Rutland, 14.50. Rochester Center, 8.25. Salem, Tabernacle, to const. SARAH P. CHAMBERLAIN and CHARLES E. ADAMS L.M's, 60. Salem, C. E., United Service of South, Tabernacle and Crombie St., 21.59. Shirley, 10. Shrewsbury, 11. Somerville, Winter Hill, 30. South Deerfield, C., 44.48; S., 7. South Hadley, 23. South Sudbury, L. M. Circle, bbl. Goods, for Pleasant Hill, Tenn. South Weymouth, Mrs. Joseph Dyer, for S. A., Jos. K. Brick A. I. and N. Sch., Enfield, N. C., 25. South Weymouth, Old South, 8. Springfield, First C. of Christ, for Porto Rico, 61. Springfield, Hope, 17.89. Springfield, Hope, S., for Mountain White Work, 14. Springfield, Mrs. Fred Law, for S. A., Tougaloo U., 5. Springfield, Emmanuel, 2. Stoneham, 15.35. Templeton, Trin., C., 12.43. Webster, First, 30. Wellesley, 58.37. West Barnstable, 5. Westford, Union, Mrs. L. A. Keyes, 5. West Springfield, Park St., L. M. Soc., by Mrs. Ethan Brooks, Treas., for Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 73. Williamsburg, Mrs. Helen E. James, 25. Wilmington, 5. Winchester, Mission Union, for Porto Rico, 20. Worcester, Union, 191.45; Piedmont, quarterly 35. Worcester, Summer St. for Mountain White Work, 15. Worcester, Rev. Willard Scott, 13.14. Worcester, Mr. and Mrs. Henry C. Brown, for McIntosh, Ga., 5. Wrentham, First, 20.35. ——, E. C., for Mountain White Work, 1.
W. H. M. A., of Mass. and R. I., for Chinese M., 200; for C. at Fort Berthold, N. D., 100.
ESTATES.—Andover, Estate of Edward Taylor, by O. B. Taylor, Exec'r, 300. Boston, Estate of Wm. Hilton, 2,526.84. Medfield, Estate of Miss Lydia A. Dow, by Ella T. Haynes, Executrix, 255.18. North Adams, Estate of Ann Eliza Babbitt, by W. D. and Arthur Robinson, Executors, 316.66.
RHODE ISLAND, $463.35.
Providence, Cent'l, 292.22; Beneficent, 92.67. Central Falls, 56.23. Newport, United, quarterly, 9.57. Tiverton Four Corners, 12.66.
CONNECTICUT, $1,104.31.
Berlin, Second, 40. Berlin, Second, S., for Tougaloo U., 35. Bridgeport, South, C. E., 5.16. Bridgeport, Olivet, S., for Mountain White Work, 1.25. Cheshire, 17.25. Chester, 20.34. Danbury, First, S., for Porto Rico, 11.89. Easton, 15.20. Ellington. 62.55. Greenwich, Second, C. E., for S. A., Lincoln Sch., Ala., 24. Groton, "In Memory of S. P. C.," 25 Hartford, Miss Clara Hillyer, for Dining Room, Tougaloo U., 100. Lyme, Grassy Hill, 4.80. Middlefield, 61.86. New Haven, Ch. of the Redeemer, 192.82; Dwight Place, 40.26. New London, First Ch. of Christ, 46.70. New Milford, "A Friend," 5. Noank, M. H. Giddings, 3. Northford, 13. Norwich, "A Friend," 100. Portland, C. E., by Mrs. F. W. Goodrich, for Williamsburg, Ky., 2. Prospect, 12. Salem, 12. Southport, Miss Eliza A. Bulkley, 90. Thomaston, First, 8.79. Trumbull, 3.06. Vernon, 5.52. Wallingford, 55.01. Wallingford, Mrs. B. F. Harrison, 5. Washington, Henry S. Nettleton, for Porto Rico, 2. Waterbury, Second, W. M. Soc., 5. Wethersfield, C. (2 of which for Allen Sch., Thomasville, Ga.), 38.85.
WOMAN'S CONG. HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF CONNECTICUT, by Mrs. Geo. Follett, Secretary, $40.00.
Bridgeport, Park St., 25. Canaan, Pilgrim, 7. Wauregan, 8.
ESTATE.—North Haven, Estate of W. T. Reynolds, by Rev. J. B. Reynolds, Executor, 2 cases Books, for Theo. Dept., Straight U.
NEW YORK, $564.78—of which from Estate, $83.90.
Angola, Miss A. H. Ames, 5. Bergen, First, 10.82. Binghamton, C. E. Rally at Annual Meeting, 12; Mrs. J. E. Bacon, 10. Brooklyn, "Friend in Central Cong. Soc.," 100. Brooklyn, Lewis Av., Cong. Bible Sch., for Indian M., Santee, Neb., and to const. MISS MARY E. C. BARDEN and JAMES S. BRACKENRIDGE L.M's, 75. Brooklyn, MISS LYDIA BENEDICT, to const. herself L.M., 30. Brooklyn, Mrs. Julia E. Brick, for Jos. K. Brick A., I. and N. Sch., Enfield, N. C., 30. Brooklyn, Puritan, 26.50. Brooklyn, Willoughby Av., S., for Porto Rico, 5. Churchville, Rev. J. W. Norris, for S. A., Theo. Dept., Straight U., 5. Corning, First, 3.52. Deansboro, C., for freight, to Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 2.01. Lysander, 6.36. Moravia, First, 32. New York, Forest Av., C. E., for S. A., Fisk U., 25. New York, Bedford Park, 9.27; Charles P. Pierce, 3.50. Oswego, 8.11. Paris, 5.25. Syracuse, H. A. Flint, 20 cts. Warsaw, 10.59. West Groton, 19.50.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF N. Y., by Mrs. J. J. Pearsall, Treas., $46.25.
Brooklyn, Plymouth, Y. W. G., for Singing Books, A. G. Sch., Moorhead, Miss., 10. Brooklyn, Lewis Av., C. E., balance to const. MISS J. FRANCES WELLS, L.M., 15. Honeoye, 4. Rochester, South, 15. Wellsville, 2.25.
ESTATE.—Sherburne, Est. of A. B. DeForest, by Chas. A. Fuller, Exec'r, 83.90.
NEW JERSEY, $240.90.
East Orange, Trinity, 129. Elizabethport, First, 10. Paterson, Auburn St., 20. ——, "A Friend," 1.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF THE N. J. ASS'N, by Mrs. J. H. Denison Treas., $80.90.
Glen Ridge, Mission Band, for Indian Boys, 10. Newark, Belleville Av., 13.40. Washington, D. C. First, Jr. C. E., 7.50. Westfield, 50.
Neath, S., for Porto Rico, 2.
Corry, C. M. Soc., 5.
OHIO, $608.12.
Akron, First, 26. Berea, Mrs. E. M. McKean, 1. Chatfield, Pietist C., for Indian M., 45.17. Cleveland, Mount Zion, M. Soc., for S. A. Jos. K. Brick A., I. and N. Sch., Enfield, N. C., 11. Collinwood, First, 15. Columbia, 5.20. Grafton, 2.44. Greenwich, First, 5.13. Kingsville, Mrs. S. C. Kellogg, for Indian M., N. D., 10. Lenox, 4.70. Litchfield, E. R. Turner, for S. A., Grandview Acad., Tenn., 5. Madison, Central, 10.81. Mansfield, First, 120.19. Medina, 148.66, to const. SHERMAN HOFF, N. P. NICHOLS, MRS. FRANCES MAPLE, MABEL HARRINGTON and CHARLES WERTZ, L. M'S. Newton Falls, First, 10.58. Oberlin, Mrs. E. W. Lord, 24 bbls. Goods, for Jos. K. Brick A., I. and N. Sch., Enfield, N. C., and 13.42 for freight. Parkman, C., "A Member," 6.28. Randolph, "Friends," 6. Tallmadge, S., for Porto Rico, 24.27. Windham, First, 8.50. York, 14.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF OHIO, by Mrs. G. B. Brown, Treas., $114.77.
Alexis, 3. Bellevue, 8.25. Burton, 20. Cincinnati, North Fairmont, 2.50. Clarksfield, 2.85. Cleveland, First, 15.23; Hough Ave., Jr. C. E., 2.50; Lakeview, 2; Pilgrim, 4.50; Pilgrim, Jun. S., 5; Plymouth, 13. Columbus, Eastwood, 4; Mayflower, 5; Plymouth, 7. Kirtland, 2.72. Litchfield, Jr. C. E., 1.25. Mansfield, Mayflower, Mem., 1.50. New London, 3.50. Norwalk, 75 cts. Toledo, Second, Jr. C. E., 2.50. Washington St., 7.72.
ILLINOIS, $859.19.
Abingdon, C., ad'l, 70 cts. Aurora, Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Greenfield, 321.17. Beaver Creek, Joseph Pike, 2.
Chicago, Union Park, 75.21. Chicago, First, 42.53; Englewood, North Ch., 10. Chicago, Union Park, C. E., 15; Millard Av., C. E., 13.85. Chicago, Tabernacle, S., for Nat. Ala., 5. Chicago Central, C. E., 2. Chicago, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Freeman, for freight and bbl. Goods, for Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 1.
Crystal Lake, 4.50 Danville, Mrs. A. M. Swan, for Santee Indian M., 6. Farmington, Mrs. H. B. Haskell, 10. Granville, C. E., 20. Harvey, 13.72. Hennepin, 3. Hinsdale, 18.81. Kewanee (50 of which from H. T. Lay, for Porto Rico), 79.86. Lamoille, 10.81. Lockport, 7.82. Marseilles, R. N. Baughman, M. D., dec'd, 51. Marseilles, 20.68. Maywood, 8.25. Mazon, 9. Mendon, 4.63. Moline, First, S., 10; Second, 3.11. Neponset, 6.50. Oak Park, First, S., 13.26. Ontario, C., 5.75; C. E., 2. Princeton, Mrs. S. C. Clapp, 25. Seward, Minooka, First, 12. Stark, 8. Waukegan, German C., 2. Waverly, 4.75. Wyoming, 10.28.
MICHIGAN, $325.16.
Allegan, First, 3.25. Cheboygan, C. E., 1; Jr. C. E., 1. Covert, Mrs. Abigail G. Pixley, deceased, by F. E. Rood, 94.78. Detroit, First, 100; Brewster, S., 4.57. Dorr, 5.60. Grand Rapids, S. Class, by J. J. Lathrop, for S. A., Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 8. Salem, Second, 11.26. South Haven, 18. Union City, Mrs. Lydia Lee, 5; C. E., 2.50; Individuals, 2.50, for S. A., Pleasant Hill, Tenn. Union City, First, C. E., 2. Watervliet, Plymouth, 15.70. West Bay City, John Bourn, for Alaska M., 50.
IOWA, $231.96.
Algona, A. Zahlten, to const. MISS CLARA ZAHLTEN L.M., 50. Cass, 14.60. Clinton, 18.25. Eldora, Chas. McKeen Duren, for S. A., Grandview Acad., Tenn., 20. Genoa Bluff, 2.70. Gilbert Station, W. M. Soc., 5, by Mrs. E. B. Stewart, Sec.; C. E., 3.80, for Porto Rico. Grinnell, S., 15.74. Harlan, 11.30. Iowa Falls, 5.84. Kellogg, 2.60. Lakeside, 10. Lansing Ridge, German, 2.50. Magnolia, 5.10. Monticello, 16.30. Sheldon, 16.61. Sioux City, First, 31.62.
MINNESOTA, $103.07.
Clay Co., "Hail Insurance," 5. Duluth, Pilgrim, 70.72. Duluth, Rev. J. Kimball, for Porto Rico, 5. Lake City, First, 17.85. Spring Valley, Jr. C. E., for S. A., Fisk U., 4.50.
WISCONSIN, $76.79.
Beloit, First, 20. Bristol and Paris, 14.60. Delavan, 5.12. Eagle River, 3.20. River Falls, C., 25.37; S., 5. Viroqua, C. E., 3.50.
MISSOURI, $70.78.
Lebanon, 9.30. Old Orchard, 11.48. Pleasant Hill, George M. Kellogg, for Teacher, Porto Rico, 50.
KANSAS, $23.73.
Eureka, 15.73. Lenora, Miss Anna Lord, 1. Wakefield, Ladies' Miss'y Soc., by Miss Martha A. Young, Treas., 7.
MONTANA, $13.10.
Missoula, 4. Red Lodge, 4.10.
WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION OF MONTANA, by Mrs. W. S. Bell, Treas., $5.00.
Helena, L. M. S., 5.
NEBRASKA, $44.83.
Curtis, 2.75. Red Cloud, 5.25. Red Cloud, Indian Creek, C., 2.63.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF NEBRASKA, by Mrs. Geo. C. Hall, Treas., $34.20.
W. H. M. U. of Nebraska, 31.20. Lincoln, First, 3.
Armour, 7.03. Cheyenne River, Light Bearers of Oahe School, for Oahe Sch., 1.44. Sioux Falls, First, 15. Webster, 10.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF SOUTH DAKOTA, by Mrs. Adda M. Wilcox, Treas., $34.14.
Academy, 1.25. Armour, 1.50. Belle Fourche, 1.50. Columbia, Jr. C. E., 1.25. Deadwood, 2. Firesteel, 1. Lead, 3. Pierre, 1.75. Rapid City, 3.75. Vermillion, 5. Wakonda, 2. Willow Lakes, for Porto Rico, 5. Willow Lakes, 3. Yankton, 2.14.
ARKANSAS, $4.60.
Little Rock, Pilgrim, 4.60.
WYOMING, $40.00.
Cheyenne, First, 40.
COLORADO, $5.00.
Piceance, W. H. Violett, 5.
CALIFORNIA, $448.69.
Campbell, 25. Compton, 4. Lockeford, 6.50. Lodi, 7. Los Angeles, Bethlehem, 3.05. Ontario, First, 48.90. Ontario, Rev. D. B. Eells, 5. San Diego, H. Sheldon, 25. Santa Barbara, Mrs. Falkner, for S. A., Jos. K. Brick A., I. and N. Sch., Enfield, N. C., 2. San Francisco, Receipts of the California Chinese Mission (see items below), 311.09.
W. H. M. U., for Mountain Work, 11.15.
Ritzville, German, Zions, 10.
MARYLAND, ESTATE, $3,000.00.
Baltimore, Estate of Mrs. Mary R. Hawley, 5,000 (less expenses, 5, Reserve Legacy, 1,995), 3,000.
Washington, Mount Pleasant, C., 51.70. Lincoln Memorial, C., 21.
Williamsburg, from Unknown Source, bbl. Goods.
Enfield, Smith Chapel, Bapt. C., for Jos. K. Brick A., I. and N. Sch., Enfield, N. C., 1.26. Haywood, Liberty Chapel, 1. Strieby, Strieby C., 55 cts
TENNESSEE, $11.00.
Deer Lodge, Rev. George Lusty, 5. Grandview, Rev. T. W. Merritt, for Bell-tower, Grandview, 5; Miss Mary Taylor, for S. A., Grandview, 1.
ALABAMA, $24.50.
Marion, First, 6. Montgomery, Miss Hattie R. Stratton, for Grandview Acad., Tenn., 10. Selma, 4.50. Talladega, Cove, 4.
Hammond, 6.63.
TEXAS, $2.54.
Corpus Christi, First, 54 cts. Goliad, 2.
INCOME, $304.75.
Avery Fund, for African M., 5.73. E. A. Brown Sch'p Fund, for Talladega C., 7.00. De Forest Fund, for President's Chair, Talladega C., 34. Fisk University Theo. Fund, 56 cts. Hammond Endowment Fund, for Straight U., 28.30. Howard Theo. Fund, for Howard U., 188.38. LeMoyne Fund, for Memphis, Tenn., 17.08. Lincoln Sch'p Fund, for Talladega C., 11.40. Seth Wadham Sch'p Fund, for Talladega C., 11.40.
TUITION, $533.51.
Lexington, Ky., 51.75. Williamsburg, Ky., 23.80. Saluda, N. C., 14.80. Atlanta, Ga., Storrs Sch., 135.88. Florence, Ala., 22.50. Nat, Ala., 22.53. Big Creek Gap, Tenn., 100. Grandview, 15.75; Public Sch. Fund, 40. Nashville, Tenn., 20. Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 86.50.
Donations $9,576.70 Estates 6,999.78 ————— $16,576.48 Income 304.75 Tuition 533.51 ————— Total for October $17,414.74
Subscriptions for October $14.23
RECEIPTS OF THE CALIFORNIA CHINESE MISSION, from Sept. 1st to Oct. 20th, 1899, William Johnstone, Treas., applicable to the expenses of the fiscal year ending Aug. 31st, 1900, $69.75.
Fresno. Chinese M. O., 1. Los Angeles, Chinese M. O., 3. Marysville, Chinese M. O., 10. Oakland, Chinese M. O., 3.45. Oroville, Chinese M. O., 1.50. Pasadena, Chinese M. O., 2.20. Petaluma, Chinese M. O., 2.50. Sacramento, Chinese M. O., 5.50. San Bernardino, Chinese M. O., 6.50. San Diego, Chinese M. O., 4.25. San Francisco, Central, Chinese M. O., 4.40. San Francisco, West, Chinese M. O., 4.35. San Francisco, Barnes, Chinese, M. O., 1. Santa Barbara, Chinese M. O., 5.60. Santa Cruz, Chinese M. O., 6.50. Santa Cruz, Japanese M. O., 7. Ventura, Chinese M. O., 1.
RECEIPTS OF THE CALIFORNIA CHINESE MISSION, applicable to the expenses of the fiscal year ending August 31st, 1899, $184.03.
Fresno, Sub's, 14.93. Marysville, Ann'y Pledges, 10. Oakland, Annual Mem's, 13. Riverside, Ann'y Pledges, 16.60. Sacramento, Monthlies, 5.50; Annual Mem's, 22. San Francisco, Bethany, Ann'y Pledges, 10.50. San Francisco, Central Mission, Annual Mem's 14. San Francisco, West Mission, Annual Mem's, 2. Santa Cruz, Chinese Ann'y Pledges, 11. Ventura, Annual Mem's, 2.50.
Rev. George Moore, D.D., 25.
Portland, Me., The Misses Libby, 20. Newport, Vt., Mrs. Lydia H. Pond, 2. Greenfield, Mass., Miss Helen L. Mann, 10. Auburn, Mass., "Friends," by Mrs. E. K. Bancroft, 5.
W. H. M. U. of California, 43.31. Vernon, Ladies' M. Soc., through W. H. M. U. of Cal., 3. Albany, N. Y., "Friends of Chinese," 10. Wheaton, Ill., Mrs. C. B. Kennedy, 1.
* * * * *
* * * * *
For Colored People.
Income for November $11,380.00 Previously acknowledged 1,340.00 —————- $12,720.00 ===========
MAINE, $135.52.
Auburn, Jr. C. E., for S. A., McIntosh, Ga., 2. Brunswick, First, 28.54. Castine, Meth. C., 12; C. E., 5; Jr. C. E., 2; Mrs. J. P. Cushman, 1; Mrs. Partridge, 1; "Friends," bbl. Goods, for S. A., McIntosh, Ga. Lewiston, Mrs. Mathewson, 10; Miss S. Lizzie Weymouth, 2; Harold Dinsmore, 1.08, for S A., Brewer N. Sch., Greenwood, S. C. Mount Desert, Somesville, C., 6.70. Norridgewock, 25. Orland, Miss H. T. Buck and Friends, bbl. Goods, for McIntosh, Ga. Portland, W. M. S., West C., 8; Miss A. E. Farrington, 2 bbls. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. Searsport, Mrs. James MacDougall, for freight to McIntosh, Ga., 3. South Berwick, S. Class, 1; Ethel B. Ridley, bbl. Goods, for Andersonville, Ga. South Freeport, Jr. C. E., 2. South West Harbor, Miss Mary C. Parker, for S. A., McIntosh, Ga., 5.50.
MAINE WOMAN'S AID TO A. M. A., by Mrs. F. W. Davis, Treas., $19.70.
Woodfords, L. M. S., 12.25; "Thank Offering," 6.20; bal. to const. MRS. MARIA B. WOODBURY and MRS. E. JENNIE SPURR L.M's. Oxford Co. Conference, 1.25.
NEW HAMPSHIRE, $350.72—of which from Estate, $100.88.
Alsted Center, Ladies' M. S., for Knoxville, Tenn., 5.25. Bennington, 4.63. Boscawen, First, 17.33. Candia, 6.13. Claremont, C. E. of C., for Knoxville, Tenn., 4. Durham, 10.82. Exeter, First, C. E., for Porto Rico, 5. Hinsdale, 4.19. Hudson, 9.11. Keene, First, 28.35. Laconia, 18. Manchester, First, 54.68. Manchester, Franklin St., Ladies, bbl. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. Meredith, C., ad'l, 5. Meriden, Mrs. J. S. Bryant and Miss Clayes, for Tillotson C., 5. Milford, First, 21. Milton, C., 6.48 C. E., 57 cts. Nashua, First, C. E., for Mountain White Work, 5. Newfields, C., for freight to Wilmington, N. C., 1.30. North Hampton, 26. Portsmouth, North, H. M. S., bbl. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C.
Concord, First, Y. L. M., for S. A., Marion, Ala., 6. Milford, L. C. Soc., 6.
ESTATE—Rindge. Estate of Otis Hubbard, by Herbert E. Wetherbee, Exec'r, 100.88.
VERMONT, $781.42—of which from Estate, $400.00.
Ascutneyville, Mrs. Hubbard, for Knoxville, Tenn., 1. Brattleboro, Miss Crosby, for Knoxville, Tenn., 1. Brattleboro, Center C., S., 2-1/2 bbls. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. Brownington and Barton Landing, C., 26.25. Burlington, S. S. Tinkham, 5. Cambridge, C. E. of Cong. Ch., for S. A., Straight U., 5. Dorset, 19. East Braintree and North Brookfield, 8.50, Franklin, Ladies' H. M. S., bbl. Goods (val. 16.81); Rev. Levi Wild, for freight, 1.16, for McIntosh, Ga. Hartford, Mrs. Eph Morris, 10; Miss Anne Morris, 5, for Knoxville, Tenn. Jeffersonville, Second Ch., Cambridge, 7.25. Orwell, 36.56. Pittsford, 68. Saint Johnsbury, W. H. M. S., 4 and bbl. Goods; Mrs. T. M. Howard, 4, for Wilmington, N. C. Stowe, First, 49. Swanton, Mrs. A. M. Allen, 10. Thetford, First, 8. Townshend, Nancy B. Batchelder, 1. Wallingford, Ladies of Cong. Ch., bbl. Goods, 2.50 for freight, for Saluda, N. C., by Miss C. M. Townsend. Westfield, A. C. Hitchcock, to const. MAUDE E. MILLER L.M., 30. Westmore, First, "Soc. for Promotion of Christian Giving." 5.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF VERMONT, by Mrs. Robert MacKinnon, Treas., $74.20.
Cambridge, 10. Chester, 9.37. Glover, West. Bristol C., 3. Leyden, Jr. C. E., for Indian Sch'p, 2. Manchester, 15. Saint Johnsbury, North, 25. Stowe, S., for Indian Sch'ps, 4.83. Wells River, Jr. C. E., 5.
ESTATE.—White River Junction, Estate of R. C. A. Latham, by I. K. Hamilton, Ex'r, 400.
MASSACHUSETTS, $7,654.69—of which from ESTATES, $3,900.00.
Amesbury, Main St., S., for S. A., Santee Indian Sch., Neb., 32.08. Amesbury, Main St., 18. Amherst, Second, W. M. S., for S. A., Straight U., 13. Andover, Free Christian, 35. Andover, South, C. E., for S. A., Macon, Ga., 8. Athol, Ladies' Soc. of C., bbl. Goods, freight paid, for McIntosh, Ga. Attleboro, Second, 49.95. Baldwinsville, Ladies, Soc. of C., bbl. Goods, freight paid, for McIntosh, Ga.
Boston, Union, 150.35; J. W. Davis, for Artesian Well, Santee Agency, Neb., 100; Mrs. Charlotte Fiske, for Marshallville, Ga., 50; Union, S., for S. A., McIntosh, Ga., 30; Mrs. Woodbury, for Big Creek Gap, Tenn., 20; George D. Bigelow, for Wilmington, N. C. 20; Shawmut, 5; "A Friend." 5. Allston, 119.21. Charlestown, First Parish, for Chinese Mission House, San Francisco, Cal., 30. Roxbury, "Friends," for Mountain White Work, 200. Roxbury, Walnut Av., S., 20.09, for Mountain White Work, and 12.16 for Indian Work. Roxbury, Immanuel, 5.
Brookline. Y. L. B. S., bbl. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. Cambridgeport, S., bbl. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. Colrain, 5.75. Dalton, S., 25; C. E., 10, for S. A., McIntosh, Ga. Dedham, Allen, C. E. of Cong. Ch., to furnish room in Tougaloo U., in memory of Ella L. Taft, 125. Dracut, First, 1.50. Dunstable, bbl. Goods, for Meridian, Miss. East Taunton, 3. Essex, 21. Fall River, Broadway, 4.25. Fitchburg, Rollstone, C., 52.24; S., 15; Calvinistic, 53.25. Groton, "A Friend," for Porto Rico, 10. Hamilton, Mrs. Enoch Knowlton, 1. Harvard, 7. Hatfield, 46.37. Haverhill, West, S., to const. MISS LIZZIE H. WEBSTER L.M., 30. Haydenville, 8.30. Holbrook, Winthrop, 45.49. Holden, 7.75. Holyoke, S. M. Cook, 20; "A. L. H.," 2; Sec., Woman's Prayer Cir., 5. Hubbardston, 8. Indian Orchard, L. M. S., bbl. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. Lawrence, United, 9; South, 8.16. Lawrence, Inf. & Prim. Depts. S., Trin. Cong. Ch., 8; L. B. S., bbl. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. Littleton, Soc. of United Workers, by Julia S. Conant, bbl. Goods, for Nat, Ala. Lowell, Miss Maria Cottle, dec'd, by Mrs. Sarah Blanchard, for Mount'n White Work, 500. Lowell, First, 49.35. Lowell, Pawtucket M. Soc., for S. A., Fisk U., 25. Lynnfield Center, 28.25. Mansfield, Ladies, 5. Marlboro, Union, Prim. Dept., S., for Wilmington, N. C., 8. Middleboro, Central, C., 28.73; S., 5; First, 17. Milford, 74.79. Mittineague, Agawam Paper Co., 2 cases Paper, for Gregory Inst., Wilmington, N. C. New Bedford, Trinitarian, 40.91. Newburyport, North, 24.63. Newton, Eliot, 50. Newton, Mrs. Dr. E. H. Byington, for Gregory Inst., N. C., 8. Newton Center, First, S., for Gregory Inst., N. C., 24. Norfolk, L. M. S., bbl. Goods, for Thomasville, Ga. Northampton, "A Friend," 300. Northampton, Mrs. Kneeland and S. Class, 8; Mrs. Morgan, 2, for Wilmington, N. C. Northampton, Misses Kingsley, for Marshallville, Ga., thro' W. H. M. S., 15. Northampton, Ladies of Edwards Ch., bbl. Goods, freight paid, for McIntosh, Ga. North Attleboro, Trin. C., L. S., bbl. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. North Brookfield, Union, Dea. A. Spooner, 10; Miss Gilbert, 2. North Woburn, C. E., for Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 10. Oakham, C., for Porto Rico, 13.65. Plympton, C., C. E., 3. Quincy, Home Dept., Bethany C., S., 1. Reading, C., Ladies' Social C., bbl. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. Richmond, Opp'y Cir., King's D., for S. A., McIntosh, Ga., 15. Salem, Crombie St., 72.36. Sherborn, Pilgrim, 30. Shrewsbury, 13. Somerville, Highland, 29.07. Somerville, Y. P. S., for Marshallville, Ga., through W. H. M. S., 10. Somerville, Highland C., Women Workers, bbl. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. Southampton, "Friends," 5. Spencer, First C., Brookfield Ass'n pledge, for Teacher, Porto Rico, 100. Springf'd, First, L. B. S., 16, and bbl. Goods; Mrs. Clark, 1, for Wilmington, N. C. South Dartmouth, 5. South Framingham. Grace, C. E., 8; Ladies' Assoc'n of Grace Ch., bbl. Goods, for Gregory Inst. South Framingham, "A Friend," for Meridian, Miss., 5. South Hadley, Miss Esther Van Deman, for Wilmington, N. C., 6. Stockbridge, Miss Alice Byington, for Thunderhawk Work, Grand River Dist., S. D., 100. Taunton, Winslow, 75.28. Topsfield, 15. Uxbridge. First Evan., 21.69. Walpole, "A Friend," 2. Ward Hill, Ch. of Christ, 1. Ware, Mrs. L. G. Cutler, Patchwork, for Meridian, Miss. Webster, Anna L. Perry, bbl. Goods, for Andersonville, Ga. Westboro, Evan., 57.31. Westboro, S., for Mountain White Work, 10. Weston, Ella H. Burrage, for Macon, Ga., 5. West Boxford, 6.25. Westford, Union, 20. West Medford, 15. West Rutland, Mrs. C. E. Morehouse, bbl. Goods, for Andersonville, Ga. West Springfield, First, S., for Indian M., Fort Yates, N. D., 6.68. West Springfield, Park Street C., 6.63. Whitinsville, C., S. S., 144.30. Williamsburg, 24.28. Worcester, Inter. Dept. Old South, Bible Sch., for S. A., McIntosh, Ga., 3.63. Wrentham, C., "A Friend," ad'l, 2.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION OF MASS. AND R. I., Miss Lizzie D. White, Treas., $225.00.
W. H. M. A., for Indian M., Fort Berthold, N. D., 37; "Friends," for Church at Fort Berthold, N. D., 113. Amherst, Aux., for Sch'p, Pleasant Hill Acad., Tenn., 50. Salem. Tabernacle, Y. L. Aux., for Sch'p, Indian Sch., Santee Agency, Neb., 25.
ESTATES.—Leicester Estate of Mrs. Mary D. Denny, by Charles A. Denny, Exec'r, 500. Somerville, Estate of Martha F. Wilder, 400. Worcester, Estate of Albert Curtis, by E. B. Stoddard, for Executors, 25,000 (less 2,500 U. S., Inheritance Tax, Reserve, 19,500), 3,000.
RHODE ISLAND, $110.00.
Central Falls, Hon. E. L. Freeman, 100. Providence, Jr. Benev. Soc., for Williamsburg, Ky., 10.
CONNECTICUT, $5,456.18—of which from Estates, $3,521.96.
Branford, First Cong. S., for Porto Rico, 50. Bridgeport, Second, S., for Indian M., Santee Agency, Neb., 25. Cornwall, First, Endeavor Soc., for Porto Rico, 11. East Berlin, Second C., S., for King's Mountain, N. C., 11. East Canaan, 4.74. East Hampton, 23.13. East Hampton, K. D. C., bbl. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. East Hartford, First, 15.99. East Hartford, bbl. Goods, for Pleasant Hill, Tenn. East Windsor, 21.33. Farmington, First, 60.75. Hanover, 8.94. Hartford, Asylum Hill, S., for Porto Rico, 53.31. Hartford, Center, S., 23.19; E. C. Stone, Treas., 5. Hartford, Atwood Collins, for Tougaloo U., 20. Jewett City, H. M. Soc., for Porto Rico, 16.50. Jewett City, H. M. Soc., by Mrs. Jane C. Panton, Treas., bbl. Goods, for Porto Rico Sufferers. Lebanon, First, for Porto Rico, 13.25. Mansfield Center, S., for Porto Rico, 60c. Meriden, First, 69.50. Meriden, Guardian Sew. Cir. First C., bbl. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. Middletown, Third, 12.18; South, 16.35; South, "A Lady," by G. A. Craig, Treas., 10. Nepaug, C., 11; C. E., 5. Nepaug, C. and Ladies S. C., 8, and bbl. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. New Canaan, W. H. M. Soc. of C., for Allen Sch., Thomasville, Ga., 26. New Haven, Mrs. Henry Farnam, for Artesian Well, Santee Agency, Neb., 500. New Haven, Center, 202.22. New Haven, Children of Primary Dept., United C., 2.50. Newington Junction, C. E., for Marshallville, Ga., 10. Noank, 5. Oronoque, bbl. Goods, for Greenwood, S. C. Plainfield, Mrs. S. B. Carter, for Thomasville, Ga., 5. Plymouth, Girls' Club, 8, Willing Helpers C. C., 8, for Wilmington, N. C. Poquonock, 6.42. Portland, C. E., by Mrs. F. W. Goodrich, for Williamsburg, Ky., 2. Putnam, Second, 43.92. Reading, L. M. S., box Goods, for Thomasville, Ga. Rockville, Union C., 182.52. Saybrook, Cong. C. E., 7. Saugatuck, T. B. Hill, for Porto Rico, 20. Simsbury, First Ch. of Christ, 50.08. Somers, 13. Sound Beach, First, Jr. C. E., 10. South Coventry, C. E., 5; Ladies' Soc., bbl. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C.; C. E. of Cong. Ch., for Freight to Wilmington, N. C., 1.16. Suffield, bbl. Goods, for Pleasant Hill, Tenn. Southfield, 4.50. South Manchester, C., L. B. S., bbl. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. Stratford, 24.90. Stafford Springs, 20.26. Talcottville, 90.47. Vernon Centre, C., 10. Wallingford, L. B. S. of C., for Wilmington, N. C., 10. Washington, Romford Mission Sch., for S. A., Grand View Inst., Tenn., 8.50. Waterbury, Second, W. B. Soc., for Allen N. and I. Sch., Thomasville, Ga., 25. Waterbury, Second, Primary S. Class, for Children, Porto Rico, 10. Waterbury, First, L. B. S., box Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. Westford, 5. West Suffield, Miss M. Webster, for Troy, N. C., 2. Westville, L. B. S. of Woodbridge C., bbl. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. Wethersfield, S., for Porto Rico, 17.15. Windsor, Miss Olive Pierson, for Tougaloo U., 30. Woodbridge, Primary Classes S., for Wilmington, N. C., 8. Woodbury, First, 8.29.
WOMAN'S CONG. HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF CONN., by Mrs. George Follett, Secretary, $56.66.
Bridgeport, South, 48.16. Danbury, Second, for S. A., Williamsburg Acad., Ky., 3.50. Taftville, Jr. C. E., 5.
ESTATES.—Cornwall, Estate of S. C. Beers, 521.96. East Haddam, Estate of Christopher Tyler, 5,000, (less tax, 493.26. Reserve, 1,506.74), by W. H. Chapman, Executor, 3,000.
NEW YORK, $4,350.55.
Albany, First, 32. Brooklyn, Church of the Pilgrims, "Anonymous gift from a member," 2,000. Brooklyn, Mrs. Julia E. Brick, for Jos. K. Brick A., I. and N. Sch., Enfield, N. C., 1,000. Brooklyn, Mrs. Julia E. Brick, Furnishing, 37; S. A., 5, for Jos. K. Brick, A., I. and N. Sch., Enfield, N. C. Brooklyn, Central C., S., for A. G. School, Moorhead, Miss., 53; South, S., for McIntosh, Ga., 25; South, C. E., for Pleasant Hill, Tenn., 10; Mrs. Paul, for S. A., McIntosh, Ga., 3; Miss M. D. Halliday, bbl. Goods, for Wilmington, N. C. Buffalo, First, 150. Buffalo, Pilgrim, 2.50. Buffalo, Niagara Sq. C., W. M. S., 2 bbls. Goods, for Kings Mountain, N. C. Cambridge, C., C. E., 5. Castile, Miss F. Bogart and Friends, bbl. Goods (val. 20), for McIntosh, Ga. Clifton Springs, Mrs. F. H. Newland, bbl. Goods, for McIntosh, Ga. Clintonville, Miss Etta Hitchcock, for Wilmington, N. C., 2. Cortland, Mrs. John W. Keese, for Chinese Mission House, San Francisco, Cal., 5. De Ruyter, First, 4.80. Gloversville, 86.79. Hannibal, Miss Ella Brewster, 1; Miss S. E. Keeler, 1, for S. A., McIntosh, Ga. Jamesport, 6. Jamestown, 157.10. Le Roy, Mr. and Mrs. Butler Ward, for S. A., Fisk U., 17.50. Moravia, Mrs. Carrie L. Tuthill, 40.35. New York, "A Friend," for Porto Rico, 500. New York, Pilgrim, 80. New York, Pilgrim, for Chinese Mission House, San Francisco, Cal., 10. New York, Lafayette Post, G. A. R., for Flag Pole, Wilmington, N. C., 5. Phoenix, Cong., C. E., bbl. Goods, freight paid, for McIntosh, Ga. Perry Center, 7.40; Mrs. C. K. Minor, 1. Port Leyden, Port Leyden Conf., 50 cts. Port Richmond, S. Squire, 5. Poughkeepsie, Missionary Com., Vassar College, 2.75. Rensselaer Falls, 4.54. Rodman, 27.80. Spencerport, First, C. and S., 15.63. Ticonderoga, W. M. S., 2 bbls. Goods, for Kings Mountain. Warsaw, Miss Martha Barber, for S. A., Straight, U., 5. Westmoreland, 6.75. West Winfield, 17.14. New York State, "An Anonymous Friend," for Chinese Mission House, San Francisco, Cal., 20. |