The American Missionary
JULY, 1894.
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Bible House, Ninth St. and Fourth Ave., New York.
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Price, 50 Cents a Year, in advance.
Entered at the Post Office at New York, N. Y., as second-class matter.
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American Missionary Association.
Rev. F. A. NOBLE, D.D., Ill. Rev. ALEX. McKENZIE, D.D., Mass. Rev. A. J. F. BEHRENDS, D.D., N. Y. Rev. HENRY HOPKINS, D.D., Mo. Rev. HENRY A. STIMSON, D.D., N. Y.
Corresponding Secretaries.
Rev. M. E. STRIEBY, D.D., Bible House, N. Y. Rev. A. F. BEARD, D.D., Bible House, N. Y. Rev. F. P. WOODBURY, D.D., Bible House, N. Y.
Assistant Corresponding Secretary.
Rev. C. J. RYDER, Bible House, N. Y.
Recording Secretary.
Rev. M. E. STRIEBY, D.D., Bible House, N. Y.
H. W. HUBBARD, Esq., Bible House, N. Y.
Executive Committee.
CHARLES L. MEAD, Chairman. CHARLES A. HULL, Secretary.
For Three Years.
For Two Years.
For One Year.
District Secretaries.
REV. GEO. H. GUTTERSON, 21 Cong'l House, Boston, Mass. Rev. Jos. E. Roy, D.D., 151 Washington Street, Chicago, Ill. Rev. W. E. C. WRIGHT, Cong'l Rooms, Y. M. C. A. Building, Cleveland, Ohio.
Secretary of Woman's Bureau.
Miss D. E. EMERSON, Bible House, N. Y.
Relating to the work of the Association may be addressed to the Corresponding Secretaries; letters for "THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY," to the Editor, at the New York Office; letters relating to the finances, to the Treasurer; letters relating to woman's work, to the Secretary of the Woman's Bureau.
In drafts, checks, registered letters, or post office orders, may be sent to H. W. Hubbard, Treasurer, Bible House, New York, or, when more convenient, to either of the Branch Offices, 21 Congregational House, Boston, Mass., 151 Washington Street. Chicago, Ill., or Congregational Rooms, Y. M. C. A. Building, Cleveland, Ohio. A payment of thirty dollars constitutes a Life Member.
NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS.—The date on the "address label," indicates the time to which the subscription is paid. Changes are made in date on label to the 10th of each month. If payment of subscription be made afterward, the change on the label will appear a month later. Please send early notice of change in post-office address, giving the former address and the new address, in order that our periodicals and occasional papers may be correctly mailed.
"I GIVE AND BEQUEATH, the sum of —— dollars, to the 'American Missionary Association,' incorporated by act of the Legislature of the State of New York." The Will should be attested by three witnesses.
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VOL. XLVIII. JULY, 1894. NO. 7.
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American Missionary Association.
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In some respects our report is favorable. Our receipts for the eight months ending May 31st are $18,487.18 more than for the same period last year. If the Association had received funds from the Government this year for the eight months, $10,127.95, the receipts would have been 28,615.13 more than last year. The payments for the eight months have been $11,315.16 less than last year. With this showing the debt of the current year to May 31st is $19,419.98 as over against $49,222.32 to May 31st of last year, but as this debt of the current year is to be added to the $45,028.11 due at the close of the year September 30th, 1893, it makes the total debt May 31, $64,448.09. Those who have read the statements made in the MISSIONARY will recall that in the month of March our debt was reduced $10,718.47, and in April $4,847.40, but the fear was then expressed, which has since been realized, that these reductions might not continue. The month of May shows an increase of the debt, bringing it now to $64,448.09. We appeal most earnestly to the friends of the Association to stay the progress of this debt.
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We begin in this issue of the MISSIONARY to print the reports of the anniversary exercises of our schools. They will occupy largely this number and the next, and will appear somewhat in the order of time in which the schools closed. When the whole are published, they will make an impression of the vastness, variety and usefulness of the work. It will show institutions of higher grade in nearly all the States of the South, normal and graded schools in nearly all the large cities, and parochial schools connected with many of the churches. The industrial feature of these schools will appear most conspicuously in the details given.
In the account of the larger schools, Fisk University, Talladega College, Tougaloo University, Straight University and Tillotson Institute, Austin, Texas, we give but in part the full extent of the plan originally laid down by the Association, for it does not include Hampton Institute, Atlanta University and Berea College, children of the Association which have set up and are conducting housekeeping on their own account.
The origin of Hampton Institute was in that first freedmen's school at Fortress Monroe, enlarged year by year, and at length falling under the sagacious eye of Gen. Armstrong, it opened to him in almost prophetic vision what his great genius and untiring industry brought to full consummation. Nor did the American Missionary Association send this child forth empty-handed. It turned over to its use the one hundred and twenty-five acres of beautiful land, with its buildings, permanent and transient, on which the wonderful plant is now established.
Atlanta University was founded by the Association, and under the wise leadership of President Ware, and the steady support of the Association for many years, it at length reached a condition of independence and self-support.
Berea College, founded by the intrepid John G. Fee, a missionary of the American Missionary Association, owned by its own Board of Trustees from the first, was for many years assisted by the generous contributions of the Association.
These three institutions, though independent of the Association and not under its care or support, if added to the list already given of our higher schools, will show a line of educational lighthouses stretching from the Atlantic to the Gulf and thence into the heart of Texas. Such was the original plan of the Association, and such has been the remarkably successful result.
But the work of the Association is not confined to the Negro race. In the mountains of the South it touches with the wand of Christian education the noble Highlanders of America with their proud achievements and yet with their long-neglected education, needing the inspiring uplift of the school and cultured church. To these influences they yield a most hearty response, and no brighter reports will be found than from these mountain regions.
The Indians have from the outset been the subjects of our watchful care, and with some variation in their activity, the services among them have brought forth some of the brightest results. Revivals during the past year of greater power than any reported from any other part of the field were experienced in these Indian churches.
The Chinese work on the Pacific Coast, under the admirable leadership of Dr. Pond, has made steady progress in the conversion of souls here and in carrying the gospel to China.
The mission in Alaska, brought to so sudden and terrible a close by the murder of Mr. Thornton, is expected to be opened again this summer by the return of Mr. and Mrs. Lopp to Cape Prince of Wales. With their knowledge of the language and of the people, and with the advantages of their past experience, we hope the mission will enter upon a new and much more successful life than heretofore.
We invite the friends of the Association to study this work in its variety and extent. We make no comparisons, but surely this work touches the sympathies of the patriot and the Christian, and calls for a steady and abundant support.
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We congratulate our teachers who are now returning from the South on the vacation that awaits them in the hills and on the seashores of the North. They have had the unbroken toil of eight or ten months in the South, far from their homes and friends, finding little companionship except with the pupils and their parents, sometimes ostracized and scorned by the whites—and yet not always—for we rejoice to say that there are many localities in the South where the work of our teachers is appreciated and where they are themselves treated with Christian courtesy by the whites.
We need not ask their friends at the North to welcome these returned workers with that kindness that is restful, but we do ask that the facts they reveal in regard to the South may be heard and heeded. There is no set of witnesses more competent to tell of the actual situation at the South, its home life, its industries, its struggle with difficulties, than these same teachers. Sometimes the teachers have been there but a short time and their labors may have been confined to one locality, but in that narrow range their observations among the colored people have been most minute. They have watched the operations of the pupils closely from day to day, and have been brought constantly in contact with the people in their cabins, in their work, and in their trials.
But many of the teachers have been there for years and in different locations, and their representation of the state of affairs is as reliable as any that can be found from any source whatever. If the observations and experiences of this corps of teachers could be set forth, they would furnish, with all its lights and shades, the most accurate picture that could be presented of the state of affairs in the South. Pastors and churches would do well to give these returned teachers an opportunity to present in the prayer-meeting and elsewhere the exact facts as they have found them in the South.
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Under the head of "Church Work" will be found in these pages a sketch of the work of an evangelist in our churches during the past year, written by himself. That evangelist is so unselfish and consecrated to his work, and has been so long and so successfully employed in it that we are sure our readers will be glad to have some account of the man himself.
Mr. James Wharton is an Englishman, resident at Barrow-in-Furness, near to Furness Abbey and the English lakes. He is not an ordained minister, but a lay preacher, as Mr. Moody is. He accepts no salary for his services, and consents to receive only the amount of his traveling expenses. For over twenty years he has been thus engaged, residing at his home in the summer but busy in gospel work, and in the winters traveling to distant places. His labors have been in England, Ireland, Scotland, the Shetland Islands, Wales, Canada, Spain and America. During these ministrations he has traveled 88,000 miles, and has made eleven trips to America.
In 1876, he learned of the condition of the emancipated slaves of this country, and entered into correspondence with this Association with reference to work here. He has spent eleven years here, and has evinced great wisdom, good judgment and, as will be seen by the report of his work this past year, has had great success. He was the first man to attempt an open-air service in New Orleans after the war. He stood on a cotton bale at the foot of Canal St., and continued the service for several weeks, although the white people threatened to shoot him. In his labors among the blacks of the South, he strikes the happy medium between undue excitement and cold formalism. As he returns from year to year, he rejoices to find the converts of earlier years holding on their way with faith and a stable Christian life. Our readers will be interested to read the sketch which Mr. Wharton gives of his labors.
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A friend sends, with the following brief note, two Spanish dollars of ancient date. We hope that some lovers of ancient coin will be able to make a good offer for them:
"I send you by express two old Spanish silver dollars of date 1786 and 1800, for the work of the American Missionary Association. They belong to my wife, who has had them a long time and now thinks they had better be sent out to help in the Lord's work through the American Missionary Association. Our hope is, that some lover of the great and good cause, who has also a fancy for old and rare coins, may appear, who would pay a liberal premium for them. If such should be the case, we would be much gratified to be informed as to how much they bring to the work."
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Anniversary Exercises.
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While, owing to hard times, the enrollment at Tougaloo this year, 362, was less than that of the two previous years, the average attendance has been better than before, larger numbers having continued until the close. The year has been marked by specialty good work on the students' part, only one having failed of promotion. It has been a notable year also in the religious development of many. One only of the Normal Department is not now a professing Christian, and at the farewell prayer-meeting he expressed the earnest desire soon to become one. In the new Theological Department nine have been enrolled. The prospect for next year is that this feature of the work will be largely developed. The new College Preparatory Department has made a most successful beginning, seven having been enrolled and having done good work. The past year has also been notable in the industrial departments. Great attention has always been given to these, though in the girls' industries, especially, the facilities have been exceedingly inadequate. During the year, Berkshire Cottage, the girls' industrial building, has been completed, and in it are pleasant accommodations for the needlework and cooking classes. Seventy girls have had class instruction throughout the year in these branches. In Berkshire Cottage is also carried on the work for which the building was specially designed—the model housekeeping. When the rooms are all furnished eight girls at a time, in two sets of four, will keep house for two months at a time, gaining a practical knowledge of household economies. This year sixteen girls have had this most important training, the last four in the new cottage. Of this four, three were in the graduating Normal class. The exhibits of the cooking and sewing classes at Commencement, consisting of cakes, biscuits, confectionery, etc., and a great variety of well made and useful garments, were highly praised, and a large number sold to visitors. Few schools have better facilities for the practical and most important work of developing homemakers than has Tougaloo. Upon the trained young women who can make good homes depends very largely the future of the Negro race.
From the earliest history of the school there has been attention paid to agriculture, and each year sees development in the acreage under cultivation and the quantity of produce raised. This year nearly all the fresh meat and the milk, sweet potatoes, molasses, vegetables, etc., needed by the large boarding department, have been raised on the farm, and some things have been marketed, besides the large amount of corn and hay needed upon so large a plantation. The need of a special agricultural building, to cost about $2,000, in which those students who work upon the farm can live, and where they may have special class instruction, is greatly needed.
The Manual Training Department has also this year received new impetus. It includes work in wood and iron, and industrial drawing. The methods are those of the most modern and most approved schools for manual training. Sixty boys have had the woodworking, and twenty the forging. Industrial drawing has been the new feature of the year. There are twenty new and complete sets of drawing tools. For the lower grades there is elementary or "one view drawing," and in the normal grades both boys and girls have advanced work that includes the fundamentals of machine and architectural drawing. Orthographic and isometric projection are taught. The exhibit of this drawing work was remarkably fine, and elicited hearty commendation. Its utility was clearly recognized when on the walls were seen drawings of house framings, house plans, architectural and building details, etc. It should be said that the work along industrial lines is neither optional nor elective, but that it is a part of the regular class-work of the school as much as grammar or arithmetic.
Another feature has been the opening up of the "Tougaloo University Addition to Tougaloo." About one hundred and twenty acres of university land have been surveyed and plotted off into home lots of about five acres each, to be sold to former students of the school and to others who desire to educate their children at Tougaloo. Already several lots have been taken and homes built, and in a few years there will be quite a little educational community.
The Commencement exercises, May 20th-23d, passed off pleasantly. On Sunday, President Woodworth's baccalaureate was from the text, "He endured as seeing him who is invisible." The farewell prayer-meeting in the evening, conducted by Miss Page, valedictorian of the graduating class, was peculiarly rich and helpful in its reminiscences, forecastings and inspirations. All the graduates go out as earnest Christians. The boys' gymnastic exhibition on Monday evening drew a very interested audience, and the eighth grade exercises on Tuesday morning were admirable. The alumni meeting was the largest that has ever been held, one-third of the alumni having been in attendance. Two notable papers were read, one by Miss Jessie Rhone, of '84, on, "It is better beyond," and one by Mr. W. H. Lanier, '81, on, "The conduct to be pursued by the educated colored young people in gaining success." Both were hopeful and helpful.
Mr. Lanier's relation of his experience as teacher in one of the most difficult towns of the State, where former teachers had been run off and the school closed by the whites, and of the way in which he had so conducted himself that men whose only greeting at first was, "Howdy, boy," now recognize him cordially with, "How do you do, professor," was a most admirable illustration of how tact and good sense will help to break down barriers. The Commencement concert on Tuesday evening drew a very large crowd. Every seat was occupied and all standing room, and it was clearly shown that the chapel at Tougaloo is all too small. Over one hundred and fifty of the audience of about six hundred were white. Better chorus work is not often heard. Tougaloo is fortunate not only in having had competent music teachers, but in having in Prof. Hill, Dean of the Normal Department, a most capable musician.
For the first time in years Commencement day was showery, but a large audience assembled to see the normal graduation. Seven graduated, and their orations and essays were highly creditable. The annual address was given by Rev. B. F. Ousley, now professor in the Alcorn Agricultural and Mechanical College at Rodney, Miss., the State institution for colored young men, and formerly a missionary of the American Board in South Africa. It was a clear, thoughtful, and in every way admirable presentation of the qualifications of "The Man for the Age." Brief impromptu addresses were made by Rev. S. P. Smith, American Missionary Association pastor in Jackson, Mr. W. H. Lanier, of '81, Major Millsaps, one of the leading bankers of the State, Rev. S. C. Mounger, presiding elder of the Methodist Episcopal Church South, residing at Jackson, and Col. J. L. Power, of the Jackson Clarion Ledger. The last three gentlemen emphasized again and again the fact that the best white sentiment of the State is heartily in favor of such work as is done at Tougaloo, and in full sympathy with it.
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The Ballard Normal School, located at Macon, Ga., has closed with flattering success in all departments. The work in all the grades reflects much credit on the teachers, but no work is more marked than that of the industrial department. The display was much more imposing than was thought possible, the work having been delayed until late in the year; it seemed at first unwise to try to make any display at all, but all felt paid for the attempt. In the girls' department we found work of all grades of sewing, dresses, waists, aprons and other articles of wearing apparel, also darning, matching, buttonholes, quilting, etc. Each article was marked with the name of the girl and grade, and many were the exclamations of commendation from those who visited the rooms where the display was made. Works deserving special mention are buttonholes made by Martha Howard of the seventh grade; patching by Lulu Gaston, and darning by Gertrude Williams. The cooking-school, for lack of money, was discontinued after three months, but during that time substantial progress was made, and there can be no question about the advisability of pushing the industrial work as far as possible the coming year. In the boys' department, too, all were surprised to see the articles in display. There were joints of every shape, all of them showing skill of high order; there were many useful articles displayed, such as pen-racks, pen-trays, towel-rolls, hat-racks, puzzles, etc. Many of the articles were given away by the boys to the friends, and some of the articles will be exhibited in the North to show the class of work done in our schools. As it seems to me, no branch of work is more important than the industrial, and great interest is taken in it by the boys. The lack of money has made it necessary to curtail this very important part of our educational work.
The work done in the last year leads me to believe that there should be no cutting down in any part of the work of Ballard school, which I regard as one of the most promising of the many American Missionary Association schools, and especially should there be no cutting in either of the industrial departments. More than any one thing, these people need to be taught the use of time and the saving of money; this, with the intellectual and moral training in our schools, will make full grown men and women. The work-begun is one that should be pursued with no let up.
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The closing week began with the class reunion, Friday evening, May 18th, when, notwithstanding a wild wind and rain storm, a blithe company assembled in the cosy rooms at the Teachers' Home.
Sunday afternoon, May 20th, an able baccalaureate address was preached by the Rev. Alexander Ellis, of Savannah. The large audience, which filled our flower-decked chapel, were said, by a resident, to be "the best colored people of Savannah." Certainly the sight of this large company of refined and intelligent persons of the Negro race might have served as an inspiration to a worker for that race.
On Tuesday morning, after the usual opening exercises, the Rev. Mr. Upshaw gave an instructive and stirring talk on the evils of the use of narcotics. A good letter from the Junior Christian Endeavor band of Ionia, Iowa, was read to the students, who returned a hearty vote of thanks for the draft for five dollars therein contained for a clock for our chapel, also for the promise of a scholarship for a student next year. Then the long line of students repaired to their respective class-rooms, followed by the friends who came to listen to their oral examinations. The latter were in all grades, from the seniors who replied to questions in Latin, mathematics, etc., to the tiny tots in room No. 1.
A conspicuous feature in the day's programme was the exhibition of articles made in the sewing department. Hundreds of specimens were effectively displayed against the walls of the large office. There were nicely made garments, bright patchwork quilts, dressed dolls illustrating hygienic styles of dress, buttonhole work and neat patches. Much of the work done won warm commendation from the visitors present, and that by the boys of the third grade received a full share of praise. In many cases it was difficult to believe that the specimens of work done in May were wrought by the same pairs of hands as the great, uncouth stitches made on the companion pieces furnished in January. Yet each pupil has had but two hours' instruction a week. We hope during the coming year to enlarge and improve the department. Extending our sincere thanks to the kind friends who have sent us supplies for the sewing, we would, by the way, very modestly suggest that a good sewing machine is needed here, and if one should be forthcoming from the beneficent ones who have an especial interest in this most important branch of education, we should indeed hail its advent with fervent gratitude.
Tuesday noon found us with our friends again gathered in the chapel, where prizes were awarded to those who had made the most improvement in sewing. One little girl had said to her sewing teacher: "Oh, if I can only get a prize for sewing, just a card, or anything, to show my mother that I am improving, and that she is getting something in return for the dollar she pays for my tuition!" From the nice books, etc., sent us in boxes by Northern friends, we distributed our prizes. To this little girl we were glad to give something, which rejoiced her heart, and the gleaming eyes of several other pupils—notably those of the boys of the third grade—as they came forward for the coveted honor, was a pleasant sight. Before dismissal, the Rev. L. B. Maxwell gave us a bright and helpful little talk. Tuesday night, in the freshly decorated and densely crowded chapel, was given an exhibition by members of all grades of the school. The songs, recitations, readings, gymnastics and tableaux elicited much delighted applause.
Thursday morning the school assembled to listen to the reading of promotions. One of the pleasantest memories of Beach Institute which the workers there carried away to their vacation was that of the sight of the eager yet self-controlled company of students, which, holding its breath to listen, yet, when it heard, spent no breath in murmurs of delight or of disappointment. Only the graver, self-reproachful expression or radiant smile betrayed the feelings of the listener.
Thursday evening the Anniversary exercises took place. Palmettoes, roses, etc., made our chapel a place of beauty. Over the platform in artistic design, the class motto, "Row, not Drift," hung above a great boat decorated with the blossoms of the cape jasmine, suspended over its crossed oars, tastefully tied with the class colors—nile green and cream white. All showed effectively against a soft background of white overlaid with festoonings of the long gray moss. Our eight graduates, seven girls and one stalwart youth, "a rugged young oak in the midst of roses," rendered their parts in spicy essays, humorous reading, graceful and spirited recitations and earnest oration in a manner which won due signals of appreciation. The choruses, etc., were sung in good style, the diplomas were given, the successful contestant for the scholarship from the new tenth grade was announced, the class song was sung, and then Richard R. Wright, who in his boyhood sent to Northern friends the message, "Tell them we are rising," and who is now President of the Georgia State Agricultural College for Colored Youth, followed with an address replete with that which might instruct and enthuse this class of 1894, which was about to embark in boats in which they were to "Row, not Drift."
As one listened to this address, again what an inspiring scene met the eye—the gifted, cultured speaker, his very life an inspiration, the semicircle of earnest, hopeful young graduates, the chapel and adjoining rooms crowded with an audience whose appearance betokened education and refinement, among whom were doctors of divinity, editors and other professional men. One could but only exclaim, "Within these thirty years, verily, 'What hath God wrought!'"
Oh, that American Christians could be brought to such a sense of the tremendous needs of this Negro race at the South, that through myriad channels the needed supplies would flow, to continue and enlarge this, the Master's own blessed work.
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For this event we had made great preparations. For weeks practicing had been going on vigorously, despite regular lessons and extreme warm weather. The class to graduate consisted of four members, and we felt anxious that as residents of Thomasville they should do themselves credit, and grandly did they rise to meet our expectations.
Commencement exercises began Sunday evening with the baccalaureate sermon preached by our pastor, Rev. C. F. Sargent. It was listened to by a full house, composed of the best people among the colored race of the city. Tuesday at 8 P.M. the school marched to the school-building to find it already crowded to its utmost capacity, there being not standing room then. Half an hour later tiers of eager faces were peering through the open windows. Hack-loads came from the town and adjoining towns, only to find entrance impossible. Some half a dozen of the white citizens stood upon boards at the rear of the building through the two hours' programme, and declared they "enjoyed it very much." The concert lasted an hour and was followed by gymnastic drills given by the boarding pupils. Their wielding of the heavy dumbbells elicited hearty applause. With no breaks they went through with marching, stepping movements, wand-drills and the anvil chorus, the exercises closing with a full chorus, "The Song of the Sea," by Veazie. Our only regret was that so many must be turned away. Between the concert and the gymnastic drills, Miss Dickerman's tiny ones entertained the company with motion songs, recitations and solos, showing the careful drill and thorough work of the year.
Wednesday was a busy day indeed, for the church had to be trimmed for the great event, namely, the graduating exercises. Long folds of blue and yellow, the class colors, hung from the highest point in the ceiling over the pulpit to the windows on either side. Directly in the center, in large gold letters, was the class motto "Forward." Huge bouquets of the most exquisite roses, sent in by friends and pupils, were everywhere. A bank of ferns in front of the platform completed the decorations. Just before the time to go to the church a heavy thunder shower came up and the prospect for the evening was dubious indeed, but by eight there was nothing more than clouds and mud to trouble us. Upon reaching the church we found it full, despite the rain, and among the audience were the editor of the city paper and one of the leading physicians.
Prayer was offered by one of the colored ministers of the city, followed by the "Te Deum Laudamus," by the school. The essays "Joan of Arc," "Evangeline," "England's Growth in Free Government," and "H. H.," were well read and well received. Comment was made by the doctor upon the correct pronunciation of the class, a remark being made to the effect that it was superior to the work done in their own schools. There were no class honors, for all had worked faithfully and well. The speaker of the evening was T. S. Inborden, of the Albany high school, a graduate of Fisk University. His address was an earnest appeal for "growth."
The diplomas were presented by Rev. C. F. Sargent. His words to each member of the class were most appropriate and heartfelt. The "Good-night" song was followed by the benediction and that by the hearty congratulations and good wishes of the friends of the school, leaving in our hearts happiness and content that the hard work of the year is appreciated and our school both blessing and blessed.
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Wednesday morning, May 16th, marked the beginning of the end of our year's work. After our usual devotional exercises we commenced the public examination of our school in all the various classes. It was an exhaustive review of as much of the work of the year as could be covered in the given time. All passed off to the satisfaction of the teachers and the great delight of a good number of visiting patrons and friends. It was a thorough test, and was well met by the various classes from primary to normal, and gave evidence of earnest work and real advancement.
Although Wednesday's examination was the test of actual work, Thursday was the day which marked the high-water point in the matter of general interest, being the occasion of our regular anniversary. The exercises consisted of declamations by a number of young men, and recitations by young women, interspersed with music by a choir selected from the school. Although my boys and girls wear dark skins and come from the rice field and turpentine swamp, and their native speech is sometimes little better than a jargon, still I would not have hesitated to put them beside boys and girls coming from much more favorable surroundings. Our music, too, rendered by young people whose previous practice, for the most part, extended no farther than Gospel hymns or plantation melodies, could not have failed to convince one of careful drill and earnest effort, and was a very pleasurable part of the day's programme.
The County Superintendent of schools was with us through the whole of Thursday, and expressed his keen appreciation of the work done. While these two days gave evidence of solid work accomplished, it is only by daily contact during the entire year that one can realize the gain in scholarship, methods of work, ability to think and express thought, and the growth in morals and Christian character that has been made.
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Burrell School has just closed a very pleasant and successful year, having, despite the hard times, a larger enrollment than any of the three years preceding; the attendance being also slightly better at the very last. Selma is an educational center, and, for the colored people, has five institutions receiving generous patronage—the A. M. E. ("Payne") Institute, the Reformed Presbyterian ("Knox") Academy, the Baptist University, Burrell School, and the public school supported by the city, the latter just taking possession of a commodious brick building; so we may truly say that the youth of the despised race now have an upward look. And yet not one-half of the colored children of Selma are even enrolled, much less regular attendants at school.
These people are fond of public exercises, and give large audiences and interested attention that seem to know no diminution, even when some twenty closing exercises of the different grades occur, as within the past ten days. Burrell came in for her share, beginning with the annual sermon by the principal on the 20th of May, and offering two evening programmes on the 24th and 25th in the Congregational Church, each well patronized, the last named securing an especially full house. "Maud Muller" and the "Songs of Seven" were given with tableaux, while Carleton's "First Settler's Story" and the "Tramp Story" showed that careful training had been given in elocutionary lines. The primary and intermediate grades presented the customary variation of recitations, dialogues and songs. One and all did well; the church was tastefully decorated, our twenty-eight foot flag having a prominent place; the patrons and friends of Burrell were loud in her praise, and the teachers on the evening of their departure were given a banquet by a surprise party at the "Home."
One feature of the programmes at the church, calling attention to some work of Burrell not done at these other schools, illustrating shop, sewing and drawing, were interesting for their own sake; first a presentation of models executed at our shop, then a tableau of the boys having on their aprons and caps and tools in hand; then the girls of the fourth and fifth grades grouped with different articles of sewing about the sewing teacher, who stood directing one of the number at work upon the new sewing-machine. The drawings exhibited were two large, finely executed crayons that won the admiration of all. These industries, for which over $50 had been solicited the past year, were fully shown at Burrell School building during the week on public days when some fifty patrons favored us with their presence and praise, former pupils lamenting the lack of these features during their school days.
Better than all special attractions, than the general interest in texts and teachers, has been the marked interest in Bible study and evident conversion of a number of our pupils whose lives show a changed purpose. The Endeavor Society has had a part in this, and each of the last meetings seemed to be better than the others, so that it is hoped that the organization may be maintained through the summer. It was the prayer of a "father in Israel" here, "Turn loose thy Spirit upon us, for sinners are running wild to hell; uphold our heads above the swelling tides of sin in which others are floundering; and, after the confusion of this life is wound up, permit us to march around thy throne above, eternally."
There is in the above the true idea, however strangely it is phrased; but the words of our pupils sometimes need translating, and they continually interest even a teacher of long-standing among them. Only recently the writer has come upon these expressions: "He called me out of my name," meaning that the objector had been called "a fool," perhaps; and "I've done spoiled it out," the excuse of one who had erased his examples before the teacher could correct the same.
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At Orange Park Normal School the year just closed has been a prosperous one. Owing to straitened means and hard times, the enrollment has been a little less than last year; but in the grade of scholarship there has been a distinct advance.
Many pleasant incidents have occurred, notably the Christmas festival. A United States flag, nine feet by fifteen, presented to the school at Christmas, was hoisted over the building February 22d, with great enthusiasm. Appropriate exercises, including such patriotic songs as "The Star Spangled Banner," "The Red, White and Blue," "The Battle Hymn of the Republic," gave added spirit to the occasion.
Of a hundred pupils not one has died or been seriously sick during the year—a fact that speaks much for the sanitary condition of the school.
The concluding exercises, beginning with our annual picnic, May 19th, have all been interesting. The literary societies have done themselves much credit. The closing day, May 30th, brought together from near and far an assembly of all sorts and conditions, of every hue from fairest blonde to ebony, which completely filled the spacious chapel. The oral reviews or examinations, the music, both vocal and instrumental, were highly appreciated; while the calisthenics showed admirable drill. In the evening came more music, essays, recitations and the like, to the great enjoyment of a crowded audience.
The exhibit made by the industrial department was extremely gratifying. Many specimens of plain sewing, neatly and strongly done, showed that the girls have been making progress in the practical arts of the house-keeper and home-maker; while abundant samples of fancy needlework displayed not only rare deftness of hand, but an artistic taste as well. Pretty quilts, elegant bed-spreads, handkerchiefs of drawn work, tasty tray-cloths, embroidered table-covers, doilies, aprons, neckties, etc., were displayed in profusion.
The boys' exhibit of wood-work was no less gratifying. Their numerous picture-frames and book-shelves, of tasteful designs and handsome workmanship, would in many cases have done no discredit to expert craftsmen; while many articles by the smaller boys gave proof that hand, eye and judgment were being trained in an admirable way. The workshop is also an excellent school of applied arithmetic, as well as of practical handicraft. Free-hand, and some surprisingly good mechanical drawings were exhibited; also plain, colored and relief maps, illustrating the geography of our own and other lands.
The botanical work exhibited was worthy of all praise. Fifty varieties of flowers, comprising nearly all the most important orders, have been examined and classified, and half as many handsomely mounted.
This young school is doing a work of inestimable value. On the very spot, where less than a generation ago gangs of slaves toiled under the overseer's lash, and within rifle-shot of the plantation whipping-post, their children are now developing into worthy citizenship; and youth, both white and colored, are growing up into enlightened Christian manhood and womanhood.
Many of our students are poor—very poor—and are working out their salvation by efforts none the less pathetic because so bravely and cheerfully made. The truest heroism is unconscious. Touching stories could be easily told. Those who struggle so courageously and perseveringly for an education do not need to be pitied, but they need to be aided and encouraged. May the Lord inspire those who can to hold out a helping hand and so fulfill their own prayer, "Thy Kingdom come."
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Our school closed on the 29th of May, and it has been a full one despite the trials we have had because of hard times. On the 27th, our pastor, Rev. C. L. Harris, preached his annual sermon to the school. The church was crowded as never before, not even at its dedication. The topic, "The satisfied soul," was handled with marked ability, and the audience was deeply moved. On Monday our school-rooms were visited by many friends, and our ex-graduates from Tougaloo were welcomed home. The "students'" sociable at night was a pleasant affair, and gave us a chance to plan with our scholars about their work this summer. All are eager for work that they may enter school in the fall; all seem ready to do whatever they can find to do.
The most spiritual feature of our closing exercises was on Tuesday morning, when at the opening hour the house was filled with friends to unite in a "Congregational love-feast," as they called it. We had several clergymen and teachers, and one lawyer and a host of friends to cheer us with their words, or to aid us in our service of song and prayer. One friend told of a wealthy colored man who had pledged to give three thousand dollars to the American Missionary Association to carry on these Christian schools, although he himself is not a Christian. May his example incite others to come to our help.
After two hours of pleasant interchange of good fellowship we all went to the church, where the industrial work was on exhibition. It was arranged with great artistic effect. Each room had its display by itself in miniature booths constructed out of the finished sewing. The primary rooms had festoons of "blockwork," and under an awning made from a bright patchwork quilt, made by them, hung their dainty pockets, tidies, scarfs, etc., quaintly outlined in bright needlework. There were scores of buttonholes arranged in a wheel pattern, and they were beautifully done, and were admired by all. There were three entire quilts, twenty-nine garments of various kinds, and twenty-five neatly hemstitched handkerchiefs, besides a large quantity of articles for home decoration. Perhaps the exhibit which attracted most attention was the young men's department. There were fourteen handkerchiefs and eight Windsor ties hemstitched by the young men, and hardly any of them had ever used a needle, yet their dainty work was pronounced equal, if not superior, to that of the young ladies. There were in all four hundred and sixty-three articles made, some from old material, some from scraps and some from new cloth. Before the winter term the young girls had cut and prepared their own sewing.
At eight o'clock in the evening the house was filled to overflowing with people who wished to witness the graduation of twelve young persons, or to hear the various exercises from the younger children, and to listen to our well rendered music. The exercises were all excellent, although they were greatly marred by the vast audience on so warm a night. There were no failures, but fine delivery and appearance. The mayor of the city was pleased to pronounce it "grand."
And so closed our school year, but "the half has not been told" if we omit to tell of the spiritual growth. Twenty-four in our school have united with our church, almost as many more with other denominations, and some have now gone to their own homes, and will there confess what Christ has done for them this year. It has been a beautiful year. We can but feel that God has been with us. The flowers and blackboard decorations were very attractive, and our dear old flag draping the entire wall behind the platform added not a little to the attractiveness of our rooms. On Sunday the sadness of parting was accentuated, and it was from a full heart each one gave the Y. P. S. C. E. benediction of "The Lord watch between thee and me while we are absent one from the other."
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GRAND VIEW, TENN., MAY 19.—Commencement exercises at Grand View Normal Institute were held last night. This excellent school is situated on the eastern brow of Walden's Ridge, fifty-five miles north from Chattanooga. It overlooks a view of fertile valley below, and beyond a vast expanse of numberless wooded hills with glimpses of the Tennessee river winding between, while on the horizon looms the dim, majestic form of the Smoky Range.
It is an institution of the American Missionary Association (Congregational), and is equal to many of our lesser colleges. Mathematics is carried through trigonometry and surveying. Latin and music are taught, also, as well as the ordinary studies of the common and high schools. Above one hundred and fifty pupils, from a dozen different States, were on the roll of the past term. The teachers are of the highest order and their efficiency was emphatically demonstrated by the splendid work of last night's exercises.
While there was, of course, a marked difference in the oratorical powers of the young speakers, yet the uniformly high moral and intellectual tone of the admirably composed essays was a feature gratifying indeed to the numerous fathers and mothers present. There were present men of learning, teachers and preachers from surrounding cities, whose words of frank encomium upon the exercises emphasized their excellence. The visitors crowded the spacious hall to its utmost capacity and a large "overflow meeting" looked in through the windows.
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Church Work.
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It has again been my privilege to spend the winter in the South in the interests of the colored population under the auspices of the American Missionary Association, and in each section of the country visited I am glad to record a marked change for the better both morally and spiritually in advance of twenty years ago, and this I consider is due in a great measure to the influence and instrumentality of the Congregational churches and schools in connection with them.
The untold good that is being done by the various institutions under the American Missionary Association will never be known this side of eternity, and wherever I have gone I have found the people speaking in the highest terms of praise of the efforts which are being put forth to help raise the standard already attained.
During the last winter I have visited and held revival services at Dudley and Raleigh, N. C.; Hampton, Va.; Howard University, Washington, D. C.; Oaks and Hillsboro, N. C.; Athens and Thomasville, Ga.; High Point, N. C.; and at each place the ministers and teachers of the schools have worked admirably, with the result that the churches have been quickened and scores of the most promising young people of both sexes from different parts of the States have been led to trust in Jesus as their Saviour and to commence a new life for Him. It has been a great joy to me on returning to places formerly visited to find after years of absence the converts going on still in the "good way," witnessing for Christ and working for the welfare of others, and, in many cases, settled for life in comfortable frame-built houses where once it was the one-roomed log cabin with its evil influences. In spite of the distress so keenly felt by everyone, the past year has been one of unusual interest and revival. The old idea, of visions, dreams and voices being necessary to a person's assurance of his acceptance of God, seems to be yielding to a more perfect and Scriptural way: "Thus saith the Lord."
In Plymouth church, Rev. S. Brown, pastor, protracted meetings were held, resulting in the lifting heavenward of the members. Among the converts was a Mrs. T., who had been a seeker for thirty-three years. While listening to an address on Ex. xii Chap. 13 v., "He sprinkled blood," the light she had been so long looking for began to dawn upon her soul, and before the address closed she was rejoicing in God's wondrous love. She could scarcely keep her seat for joy; she arose to testify that God had saved her that night. Her testimony caused considerable rejoicing, as she was well known to all as a "long-time mourner."
At the invitation of Dr. Rankin, the Evangelist and Pastor Brown held a ten days' mission, resulting in some good cases of conversion, two brothers being among the number, the sons of a Methodist minister, one studying to become a doctor and the other a pharmacist.
During the week of prayer we felt a deep wave of spiritual blessing sweep over the institution such as had not been realized for years past. Quite a number of the students were brought over on the Lord's side, including several young Indian students.
Meetings were held here for ten days, and although snow covered the ground several inches thick, the people attended well, and every night a large proportion of the congregation was composed of white folks who did not hesitate to worship under the same roof with their colored brethren.
Here the revival commenced in the school. When the Christian pupils were asked to show hands only about three testified, but ere the meeting closed a marked change was seen, for a large number became Christians during the meeting. As there is no Congregational church the Baptists kindly offered their church building for our use, which from the first was packed to its utmost, the people standing around the doors and windows unable to get inside, so eager were they to hear the word preached. Several "long-time mourners" were converted, including three old grandfathers and two or three grandmothers. People of all classes came in from the country for miles around, willing to leave their fields and work to attend the services. Many of the older inhabitants of the town said that such a revival had not been known since before the war, for in a few days the converts reached the number of one hundred and sixteen. As a result, a goodly number were added to the Sunday-school. A society of Christian Endeavor was organized and a weekly prayer-meeting started, the young converts readily taking part.
The members took an active part here in helping on the good work. At Knox Institute meetings were held for the pupils and a large number professed conversion. At the church three public school teachers were converted, also the mother of two of them.
I was rejoiced to find in this city quite a number of young converts who decided for Christ seven years ago still going on steadily, many of them now grown up into fine young men and women, and still seeking to glorify God in a consistent life and walk. Here one editor of a weekly newspaper came over on business and made his way to the services, and the first night gave himself to the Lord, going home to the town from whence he came to tell his friends what great things the Lord had done for him.
After the first meeting it was evident the Lord had something good in store for us. At the close of every succeeding service anxious souls were to be found kneeling at the front seat seeking Christ, and great was the joy of all when they saw those whom they were interested in deciding for Him. Every night the young ladies of the boarding department with a part of the congregation formed a large circle outside the church door to sing some of the "old-time" hymns, which, in the stillness of the night under the starry heavens, and with nearly all the singers dressed in white, made the scene more a heavenly one than can well be imagined. Their sweet voices pealed forth the strains of Zion, which on the gentle breeze were wafted to many an ear of those who lived in the neighborhood, and hearts were touched, and many drew nigh to listen who never ventured inside the church door. Many of the young ladies ere this have gone back to their homes in the country, others to their summer schools, and from these services will carry with them the happy influence of the gospel which will in turn reach the ears of those entrusted to their care, the result of which will be many a sad heart made glad, and many a dark home brightened, and, above all, God will be glorified. Brethren, pray for the three hundred and forty converts of this last winter's campaign.
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I have been telling our pupils and the Christian people in the several localities that their schools must close unless they are sustained by contributions on the field, during June, July and August. And the responses have been encouraging. I do not think that a single one of the missions which I have visited will fail to take care of itself during those months, unless it be San Bernardino. The times are wretchedly hard, but the missions seem to have gotten a good hold on the consciences and hearts of our best people.
The great fire at Santa Cruz swept away the entire Chinese quarter, including our mission house. I enclose two letters from Mrs. Hall, the teacher there, which will interest you I am sure, and will, perhaps, afford a paragraph or an item for the magazine:
Dear Dr. Pond:—I have been very busy this week hunting a mission house. Mr. Cruzan has been very kind, and has not only advised me, but has taken me in his carriage all over town, looking for a mission-room. We have finally settled on a cottage about a block from where the mission formerly stood. Mr. Birkensees has a number of cottages there, which he has concluded to rent to the Chinamen. We have secured a cottage with six small rooms, and he is building on a schoolroom in front (18 by 26 feet), with every convenience we want. He is putting an attic above the schoolroom, which can be used as sleeping-rooms. Mr. Hall is overseeing the work, and Mr. Birkensees is having it built to suit me. We hope to go on with the mission work by Monday night. The rent, I am sorry to say, is more than we had expected to pay, but we could do no better. It will be $12.50 per month, but the brethren will pay $5 each month, instead of $2.75 which they formerly paid, besides the monthly collection.
The brethren saved from the flames the organ, pictures, books, carpet, in fact almost everything in the schoolroom. The tables and some of the chairs were burned, and will have to be replaced; but when I heard that they had saved these things I was very much surprised, as they were surrounded by fire in no time, as the fire broke out opposite the mission house and there was no water to stay it. I have heard people say that our brethren worked like heroes. They carried everything, organ and all, by hand, for blocks, and finally stored them in Mrs. Tagan's shed. They had many heavy trunks to move, besides the school furniture. They worked systematically, displaying no selfishness, but went right on with the moving without losing their wits. Many of their belongings were lost, their dishes, stoves, chairs, tables, etc., which they cannot do without.
The Christian people here have been very kind, and have shown a great deal of sympathy for our Chinese brethren since the fire, and I think many will give little things, such as dishes, etc., which will be a great help to them.
Of course I feel very sorry for our mission brethren, but I am glad Chinatown is in ashes. We were all getting sick from the impure air. Some of the boys had been sick for months on account, I think, of the filth surrounding our mission rooms, and I believe it was the Lord's will that it should burn, and besides I am certain that we can do a better work where we are. The Chinamen are driven from their nests, and I believe many will come to school now. They are disgusted with their idols, because they did not save them from the fire. About six Chinese women were driven out, so I will commence work with them soon, if possible. Then I find a good many little children, too, and I will try to get some Christian lady to teach them. I hope I may save the women. I could never locate them in Chinatown, and the Chinamen told me there were only two in town, but I find they told me an untruth, and I will now endeavor to reach them.
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In our letters from different parts of the country, the above is the oft-repeated question. My answer, which is the purpose of this letter, will not deal with statistics either of church or of school, for the best work done among the mountaineers is not recorded in the church books or school curriculums; it is the work accomplished in the lives of individuals and through them. Often these individuals are never known outside their own community.
A little over a year ago, in company with a friend, I went to visit a Sunday-school in a mountain community way back in the "Ridges." The Superintendent, a man whom we had met before at a Sunday-school convention, invited us to speak. After the services we went home with him to dinner. His family consisted of a wife and five children. He deplored the fact that they had not better opportunities for education and better church privileges, so we suggested that, when the crops were harvested, he should move with his family to C—— to send them to school.
The idea pleased Mr. W——, and in course of time he came. Mrs. W—— entered the school with her children as a regular student, being in some of the same classes with her little girls. All worked diligently through the winter, enjoying an intellectual feast, of which they had hitherto known nothing. It is unnecessary to say that the winter passed too quickly with them, and the time came for "making a new crop" all too soon. They left the school reluctantly and returned to the mountain home, taking with them a spirit of progress, which will make even a rugged fastness into a blooming garden.
Last Sunday we visited the Sunday-school again, no longer a small one, for it enrolls over one hundred and fifty pupils. Mr. W—— has also organized a "Saturday class," at which the youth and grown people of the neighborhood meet after the week's work on the farm, and learn to read and write and spell. On Sunday they "meet out" at 9 o'clock in the morning for Bible study and worship, and again in the afternoon for sacred song service and church. Thus they spend the entire day. The county Superintendent has visited Mr. W's "Saturday class," and is about to recommend such movements throughout the county, as a means of keeping up an interest in education during the long period between the sessions of the free school, which rarely last longer than three months in a year. Who knows but that from this small beginning great good may grow?
Mr. W. is not a Congregationalist, nor is he a minister of the gospel, but he and his estimable wife are doing good work for Christ in their own community. This is by no means an isolated instance; all over our mountain country are schools established by the American Missionary Association, which are doing valuable work in and through their students.
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WOMAN'S AID TO A. M. A. State Committee—Mrs. C. A. Woodbury, Woodfords; Mrs. A. T. Burbank, Yarmouth; Mrs. Helen Quimby, Bangor.
FEMALE CENT INSTITUTION AND HOME MISS. UNION. President—Mrs. Joseph B. Walker, Concord. Secretary—Mrs. John T. Perry, Exeter. Treasurer—Miss Annie A. McFarland, Concord.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. J. H. Babbitt, W. Brattleboro. Secretary—Mrs. M. K. Paine, Windsor. Treasurer—Mrs. Wm. P. Fairbanks, St. Johnsbury.
[A]WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. President—Mrs. C. L. Goodell, Boston Highlands, Mass. Secretary—Miss Anna A. Pickens, 32 Congregational House, Boston. Treasurer—Miss Sarah K. Burgess, 32 Congregational House, Boston.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Miss Ellen R. Camp, 9 Camp St., New Britain. Secretary—Mrs. C. T. Millard, 36 Lewis St., Hartford. Treasurer—Mrs. W. W. Jacobs, 19 Spring St., Hartford.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. Wm. Kincaid, 483 Green Ave., Brooklyn. Secretary—Mrs. Wm. Spalding, 511 Orange St., Syracuse. Treasurer—Mrs. J. J. Pearsall, 230 Macon St., Brooklyn.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION OF THE N. J. ASSOCIATION. President—Mrs. A. H. Bradford, Montclair. Secret'y—Mrs. Wm. O. Weeden, Upper Montclair. Treasurer—Mrs. J. H. Dennison, 150 Belleville Ave., Newark.
WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. A. H. Claflin, 191 Franklin St., Allegheny. Secretary—Mrs. C. F. Yennee, Ridgway. Treasurer—Mrs. T. W. Jones, 211 Woodland Terrace, Philadelphia.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. J. G. W. Cowles, 417 Sibley St., Cleveland. Secretary—Mrs. Flora K. Regal, Oberlin. Treasurer—Mrs. G. B. Brown, 2116 Warren St., Toledo.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. W. A. Bell, 221 Christian Ave, Indianapolis. Secretary—Mrs. W. E. Mossman, Fort Wayne. Treasurer—Mrs. F. E. Dewhurst, 28 Christian Ave., Indianapolis.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. Isaac Claflin, Lombard. Secretary—Mrs. C. H. Taintor, 151 Washington St., Chicago. Treasurer—Mrs. L. A. Field, Wilmette.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. T. O. Douglass, Grinnell. Secretary—Mrs. V. H. Mullett, Clinton. Treasurer—Mrs. M. J. Nichoson, 1513 Main St., Dubuque.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. George M. Lane, 179 West Alexandrine Ave., Detroit. Secretary—Mrs. J. H. Hatfield, 301 Elm Street, Kalamazoo. Treasurer—Mrs. E. F. Grabill, Greenville.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. H. A. Miner, 540 State Street, Madison. Secretary—Mrs. A. O. Wright, Madison. Treasurer—Mrs. C. M. Blackman, White Water.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Miss Katherine W. Nichols, 230 East Ninth Street, St. Paul. Secretary—Mrs. C. F. Fullerton, 3016 Harriet Ave., Minneapolis. Treasurer—Mrs. H. W. Skinner, Northfield.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. W. P. Cleveland, Caledonia. Secretary—Mrs. Silas Daggett, Harwood. Treasurer—Mrs. J. M. Fisher, Fargo.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. A. H. Robbins, Bowdle. Secretary—Mrs. W. H. Thrall, Huron. Treasurer—Mrs. F. H. Wilcox, Huron.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. J. T. Duryea, 2402 Cass Street, Omaha. Secretary—Mrs. S. C. Dean, 636 31st Street, Omaha. Treasurer—Mrs. G. J. Powell, 30th & Ohio Sts., Omaha.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. O. C. Clark, Missoula. Secretary—Mrs. W. S. Bell, 410 Dearborn Ave., Helena. Treasurer—Mrs. Herbert E. Jones, Livingston.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. Henry Hopkins, 916 Holmes St., Kansas City. Secretary—Mrs. E. C. Ellis, 2456 Tracy Ave., Kansas City. Treasurer—Mrs. K. L. Mills, 1526 Wabash Ave., Kansas City.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. F. E. Storrs, Topeka. Secretary—Mrs. George L. Epps, Topeka. Treasurer—Mrs. D. D. DeLong, Arkansas City.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. John Summerville, 108 Second Street, Portland. Secretary—Mrs. George Brownell, Oregon City. Treasurer—Mrs. W. D. Palmer, 283 Fourth St., Portland.
WOMAN'S MISSIONARY ASSOCIATION. President—Mrs. A. J. Bailey, 323 Blanchard St., Seattle. Secretary—Mrs. W. C. Wheeler, 434 South K St., Tacoma. Treasurer—Mrs. J. W. George, 620 Fourth St., Seattle.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY SOCIETY. President—Mrs. M. L. Merritt, 478 Edwards St., Oakland. Secretary—Mrs. L. M. Howard, 911 Grove St., Oakland. Treasurer—Mrs. J. M. Havens, 1329 Harrison St., Oakland.
WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. L. J. Flint, Reno. Secretary—Miss Margaret N. Magill, Reno. Treasurer—Miss Mary Clow, Reno.
WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. John McCarthy, Vinita. Secretary—Mrs. Fayette Hurd, Vinita. Treasurer—Mrs. R. M. Swain, Vinita.
WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. C. E. Winslow, Albuquerque. Secretary—Mrs. E. W. Lewis, 301 So. Edith St., Albuquerque. Treasurer—Mrs. F. A. Burlingame, Albuquerque.
WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President—Miss Bella Hume, corner Gasquet and Liberty Sts., New Orleans. Secretary—Miss Matilda Cabrere, New Orleans. Treasurer—Mrs. C. S. Shattuck, Welsh.
WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. C. L. Harris, 1421 31st Avenue, Meridian. Secretary—Miss Edith M. Hall, Tougaloo Univ., Tougaloo. Treasurer—Mrs. L. H. Turner, 3012 12th Street, Meridian.
WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. H. W. Andrews, Talladega. Secretary—Mrs. T. N. Chase, Selma. Treasurer—Mrs. H. S. DeForest, Talladega.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. S. F. Gale, Jacksonville. Secretary—Mrs. Nathan Barrows, Winter Park. Treasurer—Mrs. W. D. Brown, Interlachen.
WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION OF THE TENNESSEE ASSOCIATION. President—Mrs. G. W. Moore. Box 8, Fisk Univ., Nashville. Secretary—Mrs. Jos. E. Smith, 304 Gilmer Street, Chattanooga. Treasurer—Mrs. J. E. Moreland, 1214 Grundy St., Nashville.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. J. W. Pickett, White Water. Secretary—Mrs. Chas. Westley, Denver. Treasurer—Mrs S. A. Sawyer, Boulder.
WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. G. S. Ricker, Cheyenne. Secretary—Mrs. W. C. Whipple, Cheyenne. Treasurer—Mrs. H. N. Smith, Rock Springs.
WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President—Miss M. McConnell, Guthrie. Secretary—Mrs. L. E. Kimball, Guthrie. Treasurer—Mrs. L. S. Guilds, Choctaw City.
UTAH, (Including Southern Idaho).
WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. J. B. Thrall, Salt Lake City, U. Secretary—Mrs. W. S. Hawkes, 135 Sixth St., E., Salt Lake City, Utah. Treasurer—Mrs. Dana W. Bartlett, Salt Lake City, Utah. Secretary for Idaho—Mrs. Oscar Sonnenkalb, Pocatello, Idaho.
WOMAN'S MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. J. W. Freeman, Dudley. Secretary and Treasurer—Miss A. E. Farrington, High Point.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. J. M. Wendelkin, Dallas. Secretary—Mrs. H. Burt, Lock Box 563, Dallas. Treasurer—Mrs. C. I. Scofield, Dallas.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. A. F. Sherrill, 19 Highland Ave., Atlanta. Secretary—Mrs. H. A. Kellam, Atlanta. Treasurer—Miss Virginia Holmes, Barnesville.
WOMAN'S HOME MISSIONARY UNION. President—Mrs. Emma Cash, 1710 Temple St., Los Angeles. Secretary—Mrs. H. K. W. Bent, Box 443, Pasadena. Treasurer—Mrs. Mary M. Smith, Public Library, Riverside.
[A] For the purpose of exact information, we note that while the W. H. M. A. appears in this list as a State body for Mass. and R. I., it has certain auxiliaries elsewhere.
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For the Education of Colored People.
Income for May $36,660.00 Previously acknowledged 8,449.85 ————— $45,109.85 ==========
MAINE, $136.99.
Bangor. Hammond St. Sab. Sch., for Pleasant Hill, Tenn. 10.53 Denmark. Mrs. L. A. Berry, for Student Aid, Talladega C. 1.00 Gray. Cong. Ch. 6.00 Hallowell. "In His Name," for Central Ch., New Orleans, La. 1.00 Kennebunk. Union Ch. and Soc. 39.36 Kennebunk. Ladies, Bbl. C., for High Point, N. C., Freight Prepaid Lewiston. Y. P. S. C. E. of Pine St. Cong. Ch., for McIntosh, Ga. 15.00 Lewiston. Ladies of Pine St. Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Straight U. 10.00 Limerick. "A Friend," for Thunderhawk Mission, Fort Yates, N. D. 1.00 Norridgewock. "Friends." 5.00 North Waterford. Rev. D. McCormick, Bbl. C., 2, for Freight, for Blowing Rock, N. C. 2.00 Orland. Y. P. S. C. E., by Miss Jennie N. Buck, Treas., for Pleasant Hill, Tenn. 5.00 Patton. Cong. Ch., for Alaska M. 7.00 Portland. L. M. Circle State St. Ch., Bale Goods, 2, for Freight, for High Point, N. C. 2.00 Showhegan. Island Av. Ch. 27.10 South Bridgton. C. E. Choate, for Student Aid, Talladega C. 5.00 Willard. Mrs. Chas. Loverell, Box C., for Blowing Rock, N. C.
Amherst. Capt. G. W. Bosworth 82.00 Auburn. Pike Chase 5.00 Boscawen. Aux. to N. H. Cent Union, by Mrs. A. J. Carter, for a Share, Pleasant Hill, Tenn. 7.00 Colebrook. "Mrs. W.," Two Old Spanish Silver Dollars of Date 1786 and 1800 Concord. "A Friend." 5.00 Conway. West Side Sab. Sch., for Central Ch., New Orleans, La. 6.00 Exeter. Second Cong. Ch. (10 of which for Indian M.) 110.53 Gilsum. Cong. Ch. 3.50 Hampton. Cong. Ch. 6.90 Henniker. "A Friend," for Thunderhawk Mission, Ft. Yates, N. D. 4.00 Hillsboro Bridge. Y. P. S. C. E. of Cong. Ch. 4.44 Keene. Mrs Harriet I. Buckminster, 1; Miss Mason, 1 2.00 Manchester. Miss H. J. Parkhurst, for Student Aid, Talladega C. 20.00 Manchester. South Main St. Cong. Ch. 13.13 Mount Vernon. Cong. Ch. 12.00 Nashua. "M. E. E." 1.00 Penacook. Mrs. M. A. N. Fiske 5.00 Plaistow, N. H., and North Haverhill, Mass. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 12.00 Warner. Cong. Ch., Bbl. C., for Tougaloo, Miss. West Concord. Granite Mission Band, for Wilmington, N. C. 2.00 From W. H. Spalter, County Treas.: Marlboro. Cong. Ch. 8.51 Rindge. Cong. Ch. 26.30 Swanzey. Cong. Ch. 8.00 ——— 42.81
VERMONT, $936.65.
Albany. Y. P. S. C. E., for Student Aid, Fisk U. 3.00 Benson. Cong. Ch. 5.10 Cornwall. Cong. Ch., 29.46; Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., 15 44.46 Danville. Cong. Ch. and Soc., 17.73, and Sab. Sch., 10.85 28.58 Hyde Park. Second Cong. Ch., 17; Sab. Sch, 10.50; Y. P. S. C. E., 2.50, to const. M. B. EATON L. M. 30.00 Jericho. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 4.60 Manchester. Samuel G. Cone, 50; Cong. Ch., 19.74 69.74 Norwich. Rev. N. R. Nichols 19.00 Pittsford. Cong. Ch. 34.00 Pittsford. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. 3.58 Post Mills. "Cheerful Workers," for Student Aid, Williamsburg Acad., Ky. 3.50 Salisbury. Cong. Ch. 2.50 Saxton's River. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 23.00 Sharon. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 14.25 Underhill. Cong. Ch. 5.50 Vergennes. Cong. Ch. 15.00 Westminster, West. Y. P. S. C. E. of Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. 5.00 West Randolph. "A Friend," 2.50 for Freedmen, and 2.50 for Indian M. 5.00 Wilmington. Cong. Soc. 6.08
Woman's Home Missionary Union of Vt., by Mrs. Wm. P. Fairbanks, Treas., for Woman's Work: Barnet. Junior C. E., for Indian Sch'p 1.25 Barton. Mission Circle, 8.66; Junior C. E., 5, for Indian Sch'p 13.66 Bellows Falls. Junior C. E., for Indian Sch'p 10.00 Bennington. Second Ch. Junior C. E., for Indian Sch'p 5.00 Bethel. Jun. C. E., for Indian Sch'p 1.00 Bradford. Jun. C. E., for Indian Sch'p 2.00 Brattleboro, West. Jun. C. E., for Indian Sch'p 2.00 Brookfield. Second Ch., W. H. M. S. 10.00 Cambridge. W. H. M. S. 10.00 Chelsea. Sarah P. Bacon Miss Soc. 10.00 Coventry. W. H. M. S. 18.00 Derby. Jun. C. E., for Indian Sch'p .52 Fairlee. Ladies of. 2.50 Fairfield, East. Jun. C. E., for Indian Sch'p 2.50 Fairfax. Mrs. M. S. F. 2.00 Franklin. Ladies. 7.50 Grafton. Sab. Sch., 73 cts.; C. E., 32 cts., for Indian Sch'p 1.55 Greensboro. W. H. M. S. 8.00 Hardwick. Jun. C. E., for Indian Sch'p 2.56 Hardwick, East. W. H. M. S. 12.00 Jericho Center. Jun. C. E., for Indian Sch'p 3.50 Montpelier. Jun. C. E., for Indian Sch'p 10.00 Morrisville. Junior C. E., for Indian Sch'p 3.00 Orwell. L. M. S. 40.00 Pittsford. W. H. M. S. 25.00 Pittsford. Jun. C. E., for Indian Sch'p 4.25 Queechee. W. H. M. S. 10.00 Randolph, West. W. H. M. S. 9.00 Richmond. Homeland Circle, 9.14; Sab. Sch., 3.50 12.64 Richmond. Primary Sab. Sch., for Indian Sch'p 3.50 Rutland. Jun. C. E., for Indian Sch'p 10.00 Rutland. Lester District Junior C. E., for Indian Sch'p 7.00 Salisbury. Home Miss'y Army, for Indian Sch'p 1.36 Saint Johnsbury. So. Ch. W. H. M. S. 48.70 Saint Johnsbury. So. Ch. Junior C. E., for Indian Sch'p 10.00 Springfield. W. H. M. S. 10.00 Springfield. Junior C. E., for Indian Sch'p 3.00 Swanton. Jun. C. E., for Indian Sch'p 5.00 Waitsfield. Jun. C. E., for Indian Sch'p 2.50 Wallingford. Jun. C. E., for Indian Sch'p 5.00 Wells River. Jun. C. E., for Indian Sch'p 10.00 Williamstown. Jun. C. E., for Indian Sch'p 2.25 "Thank Offering." 262.52 ——— 623.76
Amherst. South Cong. Ch. 13.00 Amherst. "The Sunbeams," North Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Lincoln Acad. 12.06 Andover. West Ch., Junior Miss'y Soc., for Pleasant Hill Acad., Tenn. 20.00 Andover. Sab. Sch. South Ch. 25; Y. P. S. C. E., South Ch. 50, for Indian Sch'p, Santee, Neb. 75.00 Belmont. Mrs. W. H. Goodridge, 2 Bbls, C., and 2 for Freight, for Beaufort, N. C. 2.00 Beverly. W. H. M. S. of Dane St. Ch., for Evarts, Ky. 50.00 Boston. Central Cong. Ch. and Soc. 783.86 Mrs. Charlotte M. Fisher, by Miss Kate G. Lamson, for Marshallville, Ga. 200.00 E. F. Billings, for Indian M., Santee, Neb. 25.00 J. H. Sawyer, for Student Aid, Tougaloo U. 10.00 Edward Sawyer, for Student Aid, Tougaloo U. 5.00 Charlestown. Winthrop Cong. Ch. and Soc. 45.27 Dorchester. "An Old Subscriber." 5.00 South Boston, Phillips Ch., W. H. M. Soc., for Student Aid, Fisk U. 37.00 "Friends in Phillips Ch." 9.00 ——— 1,120.13 Chelsea. Mrs. E. V. R. Evans. 1.00 Clarendon Hills. ——, for Student Aid, Fisk U. 1.50 Clinton. C. E. Soc. of Cong. Ch. 10.00 Conway. Cong. Ch. 40.73 Danvere (Tapleyville). Mrs. Sarah Richmond 2.00 Dedham. Sab. Sch. First Cong. Ch. 15.81 Douglass. Junior Soc. of C. E., by Myra A. Proctor, Supt. 10.00 East Bridgewater. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. 2.04 Easthampton. "Memorial Gift" from Estate of Herbert S. Parsons, to const. MRS. L. E. PARSONS L. M. 30.00 East Weymouth. Cong. Ch. 40.00 Edgartown. First Cong. Ch. 9.91 Essex. Cong. Ch., Stereopticon Coll. 5.23 Everett. Mrs. Mary P. Allen, 10; "A Friend," 1 11.00 Fall River. J. P. Newell, for Burrell Sch. 10.00 Franklin. Cong. Ch. 9.05 Gill. Y. P. S. C. E., for Central Ch., New Orleans, La. 2.25 Granby. S. M. Cook, to const. MRS. ARTHUR W. FISKE L. M. 30.00 Hatfield. Cong. Ch., adl 5.52 Haverhill. Center Cong. Ch. 69.00 Haverhill. Algernon P. Nichols, in "Memory of Prof. Carroll Cutler, late of Talladega C.," for the Debt 500.00 Haverhill. Harriet F. Welch, for Thunderhawk M., Fort Yates, N. D., to const. M. C. D. WELCH, MRS. RUTH M. WELCH and M. LOUISE WELCH L. Ms 90.00 Hinsdale. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 52.85 Holbrook. Winthrop Cong. Ch. 20.34 Holyoke. Prayer Circle, Second Cong Ch., for Central Ch., New Orleans, La. 5.00 Hyde Park. Woman's Home Miss'y Union (30 of which for Indian M.) and to const. MRS. SARAH HENRIETTA HATHAWAY and MRS. HARRIET W. BROWN L. Ms 60.00 Hyde Park. Class No. 45 Cong. S. S., for Student Aid, Talladega C. 10.00 Hyde Park. Cong. Ch. 20.00 Ipswich. "Lend-a-Hand Soc." First Cong. Ch. 3.00 Leominster. Mrs. W. M. Howland, 50; F. J. Lathrop, 51, for Building, Cumberland Gap, Tenn. 101.00 Linden. "Mrs. S. A. D." 1.00 Lowell. High St. Cong. Ch., 160.33; John St. Cong. Ch., 41.66; First Cong. Ch., 41.53; "A. B. S.," 5 248.52 Lowell. Young People's Miss'y Soc. of Pawtucket Cong Ch., for Nat, Ala. 9.00 Marshfield Hills. Y. P. S. C. E. of Second Cong. Ch. 1.31 Medfield. Y. P. S. C. E. of Second Cong. Ch. 5.00 Medford. Charles Cummings, to const. EDWARD A. GROUT, MARY E. GROUT and HELEN T. WILD L. Ms 100.00 Medford. M. T. Haskins 20.00 Melrose. Intermediate Dept. Cong. Sab. Sch., for Y. P. S. C. E. Hall, McIntosh, Ga. 10.00 Milford. Woman's Home Miss'y Soc., by Mrs. W. W. Woodbury, for Saluda, N. C. 7.64 Milford. Rev. Webster Woodbury, Box Library Books, 1, for Freight for Pleasant Hill Academy, Tenn. 1.00 Millbury. "S. J. W." 1.00 Milton. "A Friend" in Cong. Ch., for Indian M., Santee, Neb. 25.00 Mittineague. Southworth Co., Case Paper, for Talladega C. Monson. Cong. Ch. 20.73 Nantucket. First Cong. Ch. 1.40 Newburyport. North Cong. Ch. 40.00 Newton. Eliot Ch. (of which 300 for Indian M., 100 for Thunderhawk Mission, Fort Yates, N. D. and 25 for Cumberland Gap, Tenn.) 1,107.69 Newton Highlands. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch., for Pleasant Hill Academy, Tenn. 20.64 Newton Highlands. Y. P. S. C. E. of Cong. Ch., Stereopticon Coll., for Mountain Work 8.00 Newton Highlands. Oak Hill S. S. 7.00 Norfolk. Union Cong. Ch. 2.00 Northampton. First Ch. 101.03 Northampton. Dorcas Soc. First Ch., for Student Aid, Tougaloo U. 36.50 Northampton. "A Friend," (15 of which for Indian M., N. D.), to const. MISS C. M. CLARK, L. M. 30.00 Northampton. Miss Anna C. Edwards, for Warner Inst. 1.00 Northboro. Evan. Cong. Soc. 21.00 North Wilbraham. Extra-cent-a-day Band, for Student Aid, Fisk U. 30.00 Norwood. Sab. Sch. First Cong. Ch. 10.00 Pepperell. "A Friend," Box Books, for Evarts, Ky. Peru. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch. 4.28 Pittsfield. Mrs. H. P. A. Campbell, for Student Aid, Tougaloo U. 25.00 Pittsfield. Sarah Martin, for Burrell Sch. 10.00 Princeton. Cong. Ch. 80.00 Reading. Cong. Ch. 18.00 Rockville. Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. 12.00 Royalston. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch., for Sch. Building, Evarts, Ky. 10.00 Salem. Miss C. Philbrick 10.00 South Braintree. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch., Special, for Evarts, Ky. 10.00 South Framingham. R. L. Day, for Indian M. 100.00 South Framingham. Sab. Sch. Grace Cong. Ch., for Mountain Work 18.47 Springfield. Mrs. W. H. Haile, 50; Y. P. S. C. E. South Ch., 25; Miss Helen Spring, 5, for Central Ch., New Orleans, La. 80.00 Springfield. Faith Ch. 5.25 Sutton. Cong. Ch. 15.17 Three Rivers. Union Evan. Ch., Stereopticon Lecture 10.00 Topsfield. Cong. Ch. 2.00 Waltham. Trin. Cong. Ch. 7.30 Waltham. Anna M. Simonds, for Martin, Fla. 5.00 Ward Hill. Cong. Ch. Stereopticon Coll. 12.00 Ware. East Cong. Ch. to const. WALDO F. WINSLOW, MARTHA ELIZABETH SMITH, GRACE I. BACON and JENNIE GILMORE L. Ms 153.99 Waverly. Cong. Ch. 20.31 Wenham. Cong. Ch. 10.50 Westhampton. Cong. Ch. 26.10 Whitman. First Cong. Ch. 47.35 Winchester. Mrs. Edwin Clapp 5.00 Woburn. Ladies of First Cong. Ch., for Colored and Indian M. and to const. MRS. CLARA M. PRIOR, MRS. ELIZABETH P BUXTON, MRS. LAVINA A. HARTWELL, and MRS. HARRIET T. BROWN L. Ms 126.18 Woburn. Sab. Sch. First Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. 15.55 Woburn. Mrs. Wheeler's Class, North Cong. S. S., for Indian M. 1.00 Woods Holl. Cong. Soc. 3.11 Worcester. "A Life Member, and Friend of the Colored People." 10.00 ——. "A Thank Offering," for Straight U. and Beach Inst., by a former worker 100.00 Hampden Benevolent Association, by George R. Bond, Treas.: Agawam. Y. P. S. C. E. (25 of which for Pleasant Hill, Tenn.), to const. OSCAR L. KING L. M. 30.00 Longmeadow. Gents' Benev Ass'n 1.00 Mittineague 31.29 South Hadley Falls 12.11 Springfield. First, 45; Hope, 42.63; South, 35; Indian Orchard, 32.40 155.03 Westfield. First 77.39 ——— 306.82
Woman's Home Missionary Association of Mass, and R. I., Miss Sarah K. Burgess, Treas., for Woman's Work: W. H. M. A., for Teachers Salaries 330.00 Brighton. Ladies' Aux., for Student Aid, Straight U. 20.00 South Hadley Falls. Ladies of Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Straight U. 10.00 ——— 360.00 ———— 5,946.25
Greenfield. Estate of William B. Washburn, by Franklin G. Fessenden, Executor 497.33 South Framingham. Estate of Moses S. Little, by B. T. Thompson, Executor 2,209.31 ————- $8,652.90
Chepachet. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. 2.00 Newport. United Cong. Ch., 2 Bbls Supplies and C, for Teachers' Home, Evarts, Ky. Providence Central Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. 50.00 Providence. Y. P. S. C. E. North Cong. Ch. 2.00
CONNECTICUT, $5,233.22.
Ansonia. V. Munger 10.00 Bozrah. Charles Baldwin, 10; Simeon Abell, 2nd, 3 13.00 Bridgeport. Jun. Endeavor Band of North Church 3.25 Bridgeport. Junior Endeavorers of North Ch., by Miss Edith B. Palmer, 35 Testaments, for Hillsboro, N. C. Bridgeport. Park Cong. Ch. Y. P. S. C. E., Box Sewing Material; Friends, Sewing Machine, for Williamsburg Acad., Ky. Bridgeport. South Cong. Ch., Ladies' S. C., Bbl. C., for Saluda, N. C. Central Village. Cong. Ch. ad'l 1.00 Cornwall Hollow. C. E. Soc. by Mrs. K. M. Sedgewick, for Mountain Work 2.00 Coventry. First Cong. Ch. to const. LOUIS A. KINGSBURY L. M. 39.14 East Windsor. First Cong. Ch. 20.00 Enfield. Sab. Sch. of First Cong. Ch., 25; Y. P. S. C. E. of Cong. Ch. 25, for Student Aid, Straight U. 50.00 Farmington. Mrs. Sarah E. Barney, for a Teacher for Mountain Highlanders 180.00 Farmington. Sab. Sch. First Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. 38.33 Gilead. Cong. Ch. 40.38 Guilford. A Friend, in First Cong. Ch. 4.00 Hartford. A Friend, for Thunderhawk M., Fort Yates, N. D. 50.00 Hebron. Ladies Soc. by Mrs. G. A. Little, for Allen N. and I. Sch. Ga. 12.00 Litchfield Corners. Cong. Ch. and Soc. 4.00 Manchester. Second Cong. Ch. 90.37 Manchester. Sab. Sch. North Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. 12.47 Milford. Sab. Sch. Plymouth Ch. 24.10 Naugatuck. Cong. Ch. 100.00 Naugatuck. C. E. Soc. of Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Williamsburg Acad., Ky. 25.00 New Britain. Mrs. L. H. Pease, for Student Aid, Tougaloo U. 10.00 New Haven. Taylor Cong. Ch. 11.00 New Haven. Mrs. E. Salisbury, for Warner Inst. 10.00 Newington. Mrs. Augusta E. Deming, for Salary Share, Pleasant Hill, Tenn. 25.00 New London. Second Cong. Ch. 380.64 North Branford. Cong. Ch. 32.84 North Haven. Sab. Sch., for Student Aid, Allen N. and I. Inst. Ga. 5.00 Norwalk. Circle of King's Daughters Mrs. Mead's Sch., for Central Ch., New Orleans, La. 10.00 Norwich. Ladies of Park Ch. 162; Ladies of Broadway Ch., 100, by Mrs. M. F. C. Barstow, for Teacher, Blowing Rock, N. C. 262.00 Old Lyme. Ladies of Cong. Ch., by Mrs. Arthur Shirley, for Thomasville, Ga. 21.00 Plainville. Henrietta R. Mitchell 3.00 Rocky Hill. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. 2.18 Salisbury. Cong. Ch. 35.16 South Glastonbury. Wm. S. Williams 200.00 Southington. Cong. Ch. 25.94 South Manchester. Cong. Ch. 86.54 South Norwalk. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch., for McIntosh, Ga. 50.00 Suffield. "Helping Ten.," for Student Aid, Skyland Inst. 15.00 Suffield. Mrs. A. R. Pierce, 2 Bbls C., for Meridian, Miss. Thomaston. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. 25.00 Thomaston. First Cong. Ch. 6.49 Thompson. Cong. Ch. 25.09 Wallingford. H. L. Judd, for Student Aid, Tougaloo U. 100.00 Waterbury. Y. P. S. C. E., by C. R. Lawrence, Chairman Miss. Com., for Indian Sch'p 70.00 Wauregan. Y. P. S. C. E. of Cong. Ch., for Alaska M. 5.00 Wauregan. By Rev. S. H. Fellows, ad'l for Alaska M. 1.50 Westchester. Cong. Ch. 6.53 West Hartford. Christian Workers Assn. of First Ch. of Christ, for Saluda, N. C. 15.00 Westport. Sab. Sch. Saugatuck Cong. Ch. 3.43 West Winsted. Ladies' Sew. Soc. Second Cong. Ch., Bbl. C., for Tougaloo, Miss. Wethersfield. Mrs. Elvira Wells, for Student Aid, Tougaloo U. 5.00 Winchester. Cong. Ch. 4.65 Windsor Locks. Cong. Ch. 5.00 Winsted. Box C., 1.80 for Freight, for Marion, Ala. 1.80 Woodstock. Ladies Soc., Bbl. C., for Tougaloo, Miss. ——. "P. B. E." to const. MISS FRANCES M. HAZEN, L. M. 30.00 ——. Miss Stanley, for Student Aid, Williamsburg Acad., Ky. 4.00 ——. "A Friend," by Miss L. Stevenson, for Organ, Andersonville, Ga. 1.00
Woman's Cong. Home Missionary Union of Conn., Mrs. W. W. Jacobs, Treas., for Woman's Work: Cromwell. Ladies of Cong. Ch. 21.00 Farmington. L. B. Soc. of Third Ch. 25.00 Griswold. Ladies' H. M. Soc. 10.00 Naugatuck. Ladies Aid Soc. 50.00 New Britain. So. Ch. Ladies' Benev. Soc., for Tougaloo U. 70.00 New Haven. Aux. College St. Ch., 35; L. B. Soc., Davenport Ch., 25 60.00 Norwich. Mission Students in Broadway Ch. 2.30 South Manchester. Aux., A Friend 5.00 West Haven. Ladies' H. M. Soc. 25.00 West Winsted. Y. P. S. C. E. Second Ch. 3.49 W. C. H. M. U. of Conn. 50.00 ——— 321.79 ———— 2,551.62
Brooklyn. Estate of Mary E. Ensworth, by P. B. Sibley, Executor 600.00 Groton. Estate of Mrs. B. N. Hurlbutt 581.60 Norwich. Estate of Mrs. Mary B. Coit, by George D. Colt, Executor 500.00 Waterbury. Estate of Benjamin A. Linsley, by Samuel Holmes and Rev. E. E. Lewis, Trustees 1,000.00 ————- $5,233.22
NEW YORK, $6,438.74.
Albany. Mrs. T. C. Cooper, for Cappahosic, Va. 1.00 Brooklyn. Joseph Keasbey Brick, deceased, by his widow, Mrs. Julia E. Brick, for the Joseph E. Brick Agricultural and Industrial School, Edgecomb Co., N. C. 5,000.00 Brooklyn. Plymouth Ch. 234.15 Brooklyn. Bethany Ch., C. E. Soc., for Student Aid, Williamsburg Acad, Ky. 9.00 Cambria. Ladies' M. Soc. of Molyneux Corners, by Mrs. A. W. Sherman, Treas. 5.00 Clifton Springs. "A Friend." 5.00 Cortland. Mrs. J. S. Dean 5.00 Coventryville. Cong. Ch. and Soc., 50 cts. ad'l to Contribution of 19 received in Feb. which was acknowledged incorrectly from Coventry in the April Number .50 Dansville. "Friends," by Mrs. M. L. Jenkins, for Reindeer, Alaska M. 2.00 East Bloomfield. Mrs. Eliza S. Goodwin 5.00 East Rockaway. Bethany Cong. Ch. 15.00 Homer. Cong. Ch. 7.50 Jamesport. Y. P. S. C. E., by E. W. Tuthill, Cor. Sec. 5.00 Livonia Center. Mrs. Wm. Calvert and Miss M. A. Jackman 12.00 Lockport. First Ch., Ladies' Soc., Bbl. C., for Tougaloo, Miss. Marion. "Life Member." 2.00 Middle Island. "Friends," 25; Mrs. Hannah M. Overton, 15; Joseph N. Hurtin, 5; Amelia Smith, 3; Cash, 2, for Thunderhawk M., Fort Yates, N. D. 50.00 New York. Rev. M. E. Strieby, D.D., 3 Boxes Books, and 11.50 for Freight, for Library, Tougaloo U. 11.50 New York. Mrs. L. H. Spellman, 30; Wm. C. Conant, 2, for Thunderhawk M., Fort Yates, N. D. 32.00 New York. Miss Grace Dodge, for Savannah, Ga. 25.00 New York. Miss D. E. Emerson, for Moorhead City, Miss. 20.00 New York. E. L. Champlin, 5; "M. C. H.," 2; "V. S. B.," 2 9.00 North Walton. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch. 8.76 Ogdensburg. First Cong. Ch. 9.57 Palisades. Home Circle, Bbl. C., for Moorhead City, Miss. Perry Center. Ladies' Benev. Soc., Bbl. C., for Tougaloo, Miss. Poughkeepsie. First Cong. Ch. 96.00 Riverhead. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. 4.00 Rome. Rev. Owen Enoch, 1; "Three Friends." 60 cts. 1.60 Sherburne. "A Friend." 5.00 Sing Sing. Mrs. Harriet M. Cole, 30; Mrs. C. E. Judd, 30, for Thunderhawk Mission, Fort Yates, N. D., and to const. REV. J. JONES VAUGHAN L. M. 60.00 Stanley. Sab. Sch. Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Fisk U. 3.40 Syracuse. D. H. Gowing, for Cappahosic, Va. 25.00 Tremont. Trinity Cong. Ch. 8.27 Troy. By Mrs. Archer Balden, for Cappahosic, Va. 10.00 Utica. Miss Caroline E. Backus, for Indian M. 5.00 Warsaw. Cong. Ch. 8.04 Winthrop. Junior Y. P. S. C. E. of Cong. Ch., by Rev. F. Hassold 3.00 |