MINNESOTA, $405.68. Ada. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch., for Jonesboro, Tenn. 1.10 Audubon. Cong. Ch. 4.10 Barnesville. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. 3.25 Brownsville. Mrs. S.A. McHose, for Sherwood, Tenn. 1.25 Lake City. First Cong. Ch. 7.46 Mankato. Woman's Miss'y Soc., by Mrs. A.B. Smith 10.75 Northfield. First Cong. Ch. 81.77 Rochester. Cong. Ch. 50.48 Worthington. Sab. Sch. of Cong. Ch. 2.00 Minnesota Woman's Home Missionary Soc., by Mrs. M.W. Skinner, Treas., for Woman's Work: Ada, for Santee Ind. Sch. 0.76 Austin. L.S. 6.27 Cannon Falls. L.S. 1.70 Cottage Grove. L.S. 7.50 Elk River. S.S. for Santee Ind. Sch. 4.00 Glyndon. M.S. 10.00 Groveland. S.S. 5.00 Hancock, for Santee Ind. Sch. 0.55 Hutchinson. "Daughters of the King." 7.61 Lake City. S.S., for Santee Ind. Sch. 2.00 Minneapolis. Plymouth L.M.S. 19.67 Minneapolis. Como Av. M.S. 10.00 Minneapolis. First Cong. Ch. M.S. 50.00 Marshall. L.M.S. 8.00 Mazeppa. M.S. 1.00 Morris. Miss'y Union 3.38 Northfield. "Willing Workers" 10.38 Owatonna. M.S. 2.33 Rochester. M.S. 20.00 Saint Paul. M.S. (of which 12.50 for Fort Berthold Ind. M.) 25.00 Saint Paul. Plymouth Sab. Sch., for Santee Ind. Sch. 3.01 Saint Paul. Pacific M.S. 13.00 Waseca. M.S. 3.48 Winona. Y.L.M.S., First Cong. Ch. 25.00 Winona. Sab. Sch. First Cong. Ch., for Santee Ind. Sch. 3.88 ———- 243.52
MISSOURI, $3.00. Holden. "S.E. Hawes," for Indian M. 3.00
KANSAS, $66.03. Council Grove. Cong. Ch. 13.00 Lawrence. Cong. Ch. 38.15 Osawatomie. Cong. Ch. 13.00 Russell Springs. Cong. Ch. 1.38 Solomon City. Mary W. Eastman 0.50
NORTH AND SOUTH DAKOTA, $67.35. Cummings. Cong. Ch. 6.15 Oahe. "Dividend." 20.00 Redfield. Cong. Ch. 16.00 Yankton. Ward Family Miss'y Soc., for Oahe Ind. Sch. 1.00 ——. 0.50 Woman's Home Missionary Society of North Dakota, by Mrs. Mary M. Fisher, Treas.: Cooperstown. Ladies M. Soc. 7.06 ———- 7.06 Woman's Home Missionary Union of South Dakota, by Mrs. S.E. Fifield, Treas.: Faulkton. W.M.S. 1.25 Huron. W.M.S. 5.00 Mitchell. W.M.S. 1.00 Plankinton. "Willing Hearts." 1.50 Sioux Falls. "King's Daughters." 2.00 Yankton. W.M.S. 5.89 ———- 16.64
NEBRASKA, $139.83. Camp Creek. Cong. Ch. 10.00 Fremont. Mrs. M.J. Abbott to const. MRS. LIZZIE H. BULLOCK, MRS. MARY NILSSON and MISS LUCY A. SMITH L.M.'s 100.00 Grafton. First Cong. Ch. 4.60 Verdon. Cong. Ch. 13.20 York. Y.P.S.C. 5.65 Woman's Home Missionary Union of Neb. by Mrs. D.B. Perry, Treas.: Norfolk. Y.P.C.E.S. 6.38 ———- 6.38
COLORADO, $12.54. Boulder. Cong. Ch. 1.00 Highland Lake. Sab. Sch. Miss'y Soc. 10.79 Pueblo. Cong. Ch. 0.75
CALIFORNIA, $50.38. Arcata. "A Friend." 2.00 Los Angeles. J.E. Cushman 25.00 San Diego. Second Cong. Ch., for Chinese M. 8.38 San Francisco. Rev. J.C. Holbrook, D.D. 10.00 San Jose. Sarah Brown, for Student Aid, Fisk U. 5.00
OREGON, $8.50. Ashland. Cong. Ch. 8.50
DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, $2.05. Washington. "A.J.W.", for Oahe Ind. Sch. 2.05
KENTUCKY, $12.75. Williamsburg. Alice C. Tupper, 5; Miss C. Coleman, 7.25; Through Miss Bingham, 50c, for Williamsburg, Ky. 12.75
NORTH CAROLINA, $73.96. Wilmington. Cong. Ch. 66.96 Strieby. Cong. Ch. 1.00 Salem. Cong. Ch. 2.00 Pekin. Cong. Ch. 2.50 Dry Creek. Cong. Ch. 1.50
TENNESSEE, $15.00. Jonesboro. Cong. Ch. 5.00 Nashville. Rev. F.A. Chase 10.00
GEORGIA, $3.00. Savannah. Woman's Miss'y Soc., for Indian M. 3.00
ALABAMA, $33.33. Marion. Cong. Ch. 33.33
MISSISSIPPI, $3.00. Jackson. Rev. C.L. Harris 3.00
LOUISIANA, $1.00. New Orleans. Boys Miss'y Soc. of Straight U., for Oahe Ind. Sch. 1.00
TEXAS, $72.80. Helena. Cong. Ch. 72.80
CHINA, $31.00. Faiku. Mr. and Mrs D.H. Clapp 25.00 Pang Chuang. Misses G. and G. Wyckoff 6.00
—————— Donations $17,801.49 Estates 15,024.90 —————— $32,826.39
SLATER FUND APPROPRIATIONS. Memphis, Tenn. 1,299.99 Nashville, Tenn. 2,000.00 Macon, Ga. 500.00 Talladega, Ala. 1,400.00 New Orleans, La. 1,300.00 Tougaloo, Miss. 1,500.00 Austin, Texas 900.00 ————- 8,899.99
INCOME, $1,844.05. Avery Fund, for Mendi M. 1,597.78 C.F. Dike Fund, for Straight U. 50.00 General Endowment Fund, for Freedmen 50.00 Howard Theo. Fund, for Howard U. 146.27 ————- 1,844.05
TUITION, $67.35. Williamsburg, Ky., Tuition 36.80 Troy, N.C., Tuition 1.35 Nashville, Tenn., Tuition 0.75 Talladega, Ala., Tuition 5.55 Austin, Texas, Tuition 22.90 ———- 67.35
RENTS, $506.36. Jonesboro, Tenn. 32.60 Nashville, Tenn. 65.70 St. Augustine, Fla. 59.54 Tougaloo, Miss. 138.30 Austin, Texas 210.22 ———- 506.36
United States Government for the Education of Indians 1,189.43 From Sale of Property 2,007.75 ————— Total for September $47,341.37
SUMMARY. Donations $189,299.57 Estates 114,020.41 —————— $303,319.98 Slater Fund 8,899.99 Income 10,947.26 Tuition 34,126.69 Rent 506.36 U.S. Government 16,408.85 Sale of Property 2,007.75 —————— Total from Oct. 1 to Sept. 30 $376,216.88 ============
* * * * *
FOR THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY. Subscriptions for September $38.68 Previously acknowledged 759.67 ———— Total $798.35
H.W. HUBBARD, Treasurer,
56 Reade St. N.Y.
* * * * *
Messrs. A.S. Barnes & Co. publish a great variety of valuable works. There is nothing better in the line of hymn books than their "Carmina Sanctorum," edited by Zachary Eddy, Lewis Ward Mudge and the late Dr. Roswell Dwight Hitchcock. This book of sacred song has already been adopted by over 400 CHURCHES of different denominations—The New York Observer.
Any congregation that likes to have its hymnal represent careful thought and full culture, would do well to examine this collection of "Carmina Sanctorum," recently published by A.S. Barnes & Co. The editors have taken it for granted that choirs and congregations are desiring, not revolution, but only improvement in their service of song, i.e.—the plan is conservative, but not narrowly so. It represents the great communion of saints of all ages and nations. All corners of the vast hymnic field have been drawn on.—The Independent, New York.
"Carmina Sanctorum" contains 746 hymns, 21 doxologies, 43 chants, 450 tunes and 7 separate indexes. The hymns are only the choicest, and they have been carefully edited by that accomplished authority in hymnody, Dr. Hitchcock, who gives the date and authorship of each hymn and notes all abbreviations and changes in each page. The responses are selected from the revision and make a complete manual. The cream of the old [tunes] is all here. The cream of the new is all here. As The AMERICAN CHURCHES HAVE GROWN IN TASTE AND CAPACITY FOR MUSICAL EXPRESSION IN WORSHIP, THIS BOOK SEEMS TO MEET THEIR WANTS COMPLETELY, GIVING THEM PLENTY OF TUNES, THEY CAN AND WILL SING, AND AT THE SAME TIME EDUCATING THEIR TASTE AND IMPROVING THEIR PUBLIC WORSHIP. It is also a pleasant feature that when new tunes are furnished to certain hymns, the more familiar ones will be found on the same page. To all this may be added that four editions are published, two with music and two without, and they are all cheap.—The New York Evangelist.