MICHIGAN, $773.09.
Allendale. Cong. Ch., 4.15, and Sab. Sch., 1.85 6.00 Delhi Mills. "A Friend" 2.00 Dexter. Dennis Warner 20.00 Grandville. "E. B." 2.00 Greenville. M. Rutan 500.00 Hancock. Woman's Miss'y Soc. of Cong. Soc., for Theo. Dept., Talladega C. 25.00 Laingsburg. Cong. Ch. 10.85 Lake Lyndon. Cong. Sab. Sch., for Student Aid, Talladega C. 20.00 Lansing. Plymouth Ch. 4.71 Northville. D. Pomeroy 5.00 Oakley. Ch. of Christ 1.00 Olivet. Cong. Ch. 96.92 Saline. Eli Benton 50.00 Three Oaks. Cong. Ch. 19.61 White Lake. Robert Garner 10.00
IOWA, $637.35.
Burlington. Cong. Ch. 15.41 Davenport. Geo. W. Ells 10.00 Des Moines. Dr. H. L. Whitman, for Talladega C. 500.00 Dubuque. Young Ladies' Benev. Soc., for Student Aid, Talladega C. 25.00 Dubuque. Woman's Miss'y Soc. of Cong. Ch., for Missionary, New Orleans, La. 10.00 Grinnell. Cong. Ch. 30.29 Grinnell. By Miss Ella E. Marsh, for Missionary, New Orleans, La. 17.75 Grinnell. C. A. Taylor's Sab. Sch. Class, for Talladega C. 7.35 McGregor. Woman's Miss'y Soc. 6.30 New Hampton. Woman's Cent. Soc. 2.25 Osage. Cheerful Giver's Mission Band 8.00 Stuart. Woman's Miss'y Soc., for Missionary, New Orleans, La. 5.00
WISCONSIN, $222.04.
Appleton. Cong. Ch. 81.57 Beloit. First Cong. Sab. Sch., for Student Aid, Talladega C. 30.00 Elkhorn. Cong. Ch. 16.00 Fond du Lac. Cong. Ch. 13.00 Geneva. Cong. Ch. 10.73 Janesville. "Busy Bees," First Cong. Sab. Sch., for Student Aid, Macon, Ga. 3.00 New London. First Cong. Ch., Box of C., etc., for Macon, Ga. New Richmond. First Cong. Ch. 18.45 Nicollet. Mrs. D. D. Kellogg, Sewing Machine, for Macon, Ga. Oshkosh. Mrs. Lucy Bartlett, Box Books, for Library, and Box of C., for Macon, Ga. Racine. Mrs. D, D. Nichols .50 Ripon. First Cong. Sab. Sch., 10.85; Do Good Soc., 95c. 11.80 Ripon. Do Good Soc., 6.80; First Cong. Sab. Sch., 5.19; for Macon, Ga. 11.99 Salem. First. Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Williamsburg, Ky. 15.00 Sheboygan. First Cong. Sab. Sch., for Macon, Ga. 10.00
MINNESOTA, $406.63.
Excelsior. Cong. Ch. 12.00 Glyndon. Union Ch. 3.42 Hamilton. Cong. Ch. 4.00 Mankato. Belgrade Sab. Sch. 1.65 Minneapolis. Plymouth Cong. Ch., 33.35; First Cong. Ch., 11.15; The Open Door Cong. Ch., 3.15 47.65 Northfield. Ladies of Cong. Ch., for Talladega C., Freight 5.65 Rochester. G. H. Swasey 1.00 Saint Paul. Plymouth Cong. Ch. 67.11 Worthington. Union Cong. Ch. 14.15 ——. "Friends," for Atlanta U. 250.00
KANSAS, $15.95.
Atchison. Ladies of Cong. Ch., for Student Aid, Atlanta U. 3.00 Topeka. Tuition 12.95
MISSOURI, $97.71.
Kansas City. Clyde Cong. Ch. 5.00 Saint Joseph. Tab. Cong. Ch. 9.00 Saint Louis. First Cong. Ch. 83.71
NEBRASKA, $42.88.
Exeter. Ladies' Miss'y Soc., 7.45; Children's Mission Band, 3.55; First Cong. Ch., 7.80 18.80 Wahoo. Cong. Ch. 20.80 Waverly. Cong. Ch. 4.00
DAKOTA, $10.00.
Fort Berthold. Cong. Ch., for Indian M. 10.00
San Francisco. Rev. J. Rowell 25.00
Washington. Mrs. Abby N. Bailey, 10; Lincoln Mission Sab. Sch., 5 15.00
MARYLAND, $4.00.
Federalsburg. Sarah Beals 4.00
KENTUCKY, $106.14.
Lexington. Tuition, 38.40; Rent, 5.54 43.94 Williamsburg. Tuition, 58; Rent, 1 59.00 Williamsburg. Rev. J. T. Ford, for Room 3.20
VIRGINIA, $6.00.
Herndon. Cong. Ch. 6.00
TENNESSEE, $712.21
Chattanooga. Miss L. M. Lawson 1.00 Jellico. Tuition 29.00 Jonesboro. Tuition 5.50 Knoxville. Cong. Ch. 12.00 Memphis. Tuition 229.65 Nashville. Tuition 425.06 Nashville. Jackson St. Cong. Ch. 5.00 Pleasant Hill. Cong. Ch. 5.00
Kittrell. Tuition 14.00 McLeansville. Cong. Ch. 5.74 Wilmington. Tuition 188.27 Wilmington. Cong. Ch. 10.00 Wilmington. By Miss Warner, for Student Aid 3.00
Charleston. Plym. Cong. Ch. 15.00
GEORGIA, $612.47.
Atlanta. Storrs Sch., Tuition, 226.95; Rent, 3 229.95 Atlanta. Prof. T. A. Chase 5.00 Macon. Tuition 149.95 Macon. Cong. Ch. 10.00 Macon. Unknown Friends, 2 Boxes of C., for Macon, Ga. McIntosh. Tuition 43.36 Savannah. Tuition 174.21
ALABAMA, $925.76.
Athens. Tuition 168.70 Marion. Cong. Ch. 45.52 Mobile. Tuition 205.60 Montgomery. Cong. Ch. 30.00 Selma. Cong. Ch. 20.80 Talladega. Tuition 445.14 Talladega. Miss J. Lunt, for Student Aid 10.00
Tougaloo. Tuition 112.15 Tougaloo. By Miss Mary A. Scott, for Student Aid 12.00
LOUISIANA, $290.00.
New Orleans. Tuition 290.00
TEXAS, $151.88.
Austin. Tuition 148.88 Helena. Rev. M. Thompson 3.00
INCOMES, $895.00.
Avery Estate, for Mendi M. 570.00 Graves Library Fund, for Atlanta U. 150.00 Howard Theo. Fund, for Howard U. 125.00 Plumb Scholarship Fund, for Fisk U. 50.00
PERSIA, $10.00.
Oroomiah. Mrs. E. W. Labaree, by Charles Marsh, Treas. H. B. A. 10.00
————— Total for January $24,342.98 Total from Oct. 1 to Jan. 31 75,684.88 ==========
Subscriptions for January 274.10 Previously acknowledged 402.47 ————- Total $676.57 =========
H. W. HUBBARD, Treas., 56 Reade Street, N. Y.
* * * * *
1. A steady INCREASE of regular income to keep pace with the growing work. This increase can only be reached by regular and larger contributions from the churches, the feeble as well as the strong.
2. ADDITIONAL BUILDINGS for our higher educational institutions, to accommodate the increasing number of students; MEETING HOUSES for the new churches we are organizing; MORE MINISTERS, cultured and pious, for these churches.
3. HELP FOR YOUNG MEN, to be educated as ministers and teachers here and missionaries to Africa—a pressing want.
4. FUNDS FOR INDUSTRIAL DEPARTMENTS—to purchase farm implements, plows, harrows and cultivators; to erect shops and furnish tools and materials for instruction and use in the mechanic arts, for carpenters, blacksmiths, tin-men, harness and shoemakers; and to supply the girls' industrial rooms with sewing and knitting materials.
5. Ten Thousand new subscribers for THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY. All in favor of indorsing this want will please send on their vote, making use of the following:
H. W. HUBBARD, Esq., Treasurer,
56 Reade Street, New York:
Inclosed please find Fifty Cents, subscription for THE AMERICAN MISSIONARY for the year 1885.
Sign with your Name and Address.
We are not afraid of a heavy vote. Roll up the majority!
* * * * * Advertisements.
* * * * *
Eighteen years of terrible headache, disgusting nasal discharges, dryness of the throat, acute bronchitis, coughing, soreness of the lungs, rising bloody mucus, and even night sweats, incapacitating me from my professional duties, and bringing me to the verge of the grave—all were caused by, and the result of nasal catarrh. After spending hundreds of dollars and obtaining no relief, I compounded my Catarrh Specific and Cold Air Inhaling Balm, and wrought upon myself a wonderful cure. Now I can speak for hours with no difficulty, and can breathe freely in any atmosphere.
Do you take cold easily? Have you a cold in the head that does not get better? Have you a hacking cough? Is your throat affected? Are you troubled with hoarseness? Soreness of the throat? Difficulty in breathing? Have you pain in the head between and above the eyes? A sense of fulness in the head? Are the passages of the nose stopped up? Is your breath foul? Have you lost all sense of smell? Are you troubled with hawking? Spitting? Weak, inflamed eyes? Dullness or dizziness of the head? Dryness or heat of the nose? Is your voice harsh or rough? Have you any difficulty in talking? Have you an excessive secretion of mucus or matter in the nasal passages, which must either be blown from the nose, or drop back behind the palate, or hawked or snuffed backward to the throat? Ringing or roaring or other noises in the ears, more or less impairment of the hearing? If so you have CATARRH.
Catarrhal cases have applied to me for relief. Many thousands have received my Specific, and are cured. We add a few of the many hundreds of unsolicited certificates which have been sent to us by grateful patients—
My wife is entirely cured. I. V. COLLINS, Corcket, Tex.
Your remedy has cured me. M. ALSHULER, Mattoon, Ill.
Your treatment has cured my daughter of Catarrh, induced by a severe attack of measles. JOHN W. RILEY, U. S. Express Agent, Troy, O.
Your treatment did me great good. I have not lost a day by sickness this year. ABNER GRAHAM, Biddle Uni'sity, Charlotte, N. C.
I have used your Catarrh treatment, and am cured. A thousand thanks to you for so sure a remedy. FANNIE DEMENT, Dyer Station Tenn.
The medicine did for me all you represented. T. H. MESSMORE, Cadillac, Mich.
My health is fully restored. The horrid and loathsome disease is all gone. My lungs feel all right. MRS. W. D. LINCOLN, York, Neb.
Your treatment has cured me; Your inhalers are excellent. This is the only radical cure I have ever found. E. S. MARTIN, M. E. Church, Port Carbon, PA.
I have so far recovered that I am able to attend church, can walk half a mile, have a good appetite, and am gaining all the time. MRS. A. N. MUNGER, Detroit, Mich.
Now I am cured; head free; air passages all open, and breathing natural. A thousand thanks to you for so sure a remedy. (JUDGE) J. COLLETT, Lima, Ohio.
I was thought to have had Consumption, and had suffered many years with what was really Catarrh, before I procured your treatment. I have had no return of the disease. (MISS) LOUIE JAMES, Crab Orchard, Ky.
Childs' Catarrh Specific
Will effectually and permanently cure any case of catarrh, no matter how desperate. The treatment is local as well as constitutional, and can only be obtained at Troy, O. We especially desire to treat those who have tried other remedies without success.
Childs' Treatment for Catarrh, and for disease of the Bronchial Tubes, can be taken at home with perfect ease and safety, by the patient. No expense need be entailed beyond the cost of the medicine. A full statement of method of home treatment and cost will be sent on application.
Address REV. T. P. CHILDS, Troy, Ohio. Mention this paper.