The American Indian as Participant in the Civil War
by Annie Heloise Abel
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Public Laws of the Confederate States of America, 1863-1864 (Richmond, 1864).

Statutes at Large of the Confederate States of America, First Congress, edited by J.M. Matthews (Richmond, 1862).

Statutes at Large of the Provisional Government of the Confederate States of America from February 8, 1861 to February 18, 1862, together with the Constitution for the Provisional Government and the Permanent Constitution of the Confederate States, and the

Treaties Concluded by the Confederate States with the Indian Tribes, edited by J.M. Matthews (Richmond, 1864).

Statutes at Large of the Confederate States, commencing First Session of the First Congress and including First Session of the Second Congress, edited by J.M. Matthews (Richmond, 1864).

Statutes at Large of the Confederate States of America, Second Congress (Richmond, 1864).

CONFEDERATE STATES OF AMERICA. Papers of the Adjutant and Inspector General's Office.

Special Orders (Richmond, 1862).

General Orders, January, 1862 to December, 1863 (Columbia, 1863).

General Orders for 1863 (Richmond, 1864).

Special Orders (Richmond, 1864).

General Orders, January 1, to June 30, 1864, compiled by R.C. Gilchrist (Columbia, 1864).

—— "Pickett Papers."

State papers of the Southern Confederacy now lodged in the Library of Congress. Had Pike continued to prosecute his mission under the auspices of the State Department, these papers would undoubtedly have contained much of value for the present work, but as it is they yield only an occasional document and that of very incidental importance. The papers used were found in packages 81, 86, 88, 93, 95, 106, 107, 109, 113, 118. The "Pickett Papers" were originally in the hands of Secretary Benjamin. After coming into the possession of the United States government, they were at first confided to the care of the Treasury Department and were handed over later, by direction of the president, to the Library of Congress. The fact of their being in the charge of the Treasury Department explains the circumstance of its possession of the original treaty made by Pike with the Comanches, and the fact that that manuscript turned up long after the main body of "Pickett Papers" had been transferred to the Congressional Library suggests the possibility that detached Confederate records may yet repose in the recesses of the Treasury archives. Between the dates of their consignment and their transfer, they must have become to some degree disintegrated. The War Department borrowed some of the Pickett Papers for inclusion in the Official Records of the War of the Rebellion.

—— Records, or Archives.

Among these, which are to-day in the War Department in charge of the Chief Clerk of the Adjutant-general's Office, are the following:

Chap. 2, no. 258, Letter Book, Brig. Gen. D.H. Cooper, C.S.A., Ex officio Indian Agent, etc., May 10-27, 1865 (File Mark, W. 236).

It is a mere fragment. Its wrapper bears the following endorsement: War Department, Archive Office, Chap. 2, No. 258.

Chap. 2, no. 270, Letter Book, Col. and Brig. Gen. Win. Steele's command.

The contents are,

a. A few letters dealing with Texas, Arizona, and New Mexico, March to July, 1862, pp. 7-22. These letters emanated from the

authority of William Steele, Colonel of the Seventh Regiment of Texas Mounted Volunteers.

b. Letters dealing with matters in the Department of Indian Territory, January 8, 1863 to May 18, 1863, pp. 27-254. Pages 1-6, 23-26, and 47 and 48 are missing.

The list of the whole, as given, is,

Letters Sent—Col. and Brig. Gen. Wm. Steele's command—Mch. 7, 1862 to May 18, 1863, viz.,

1. 7th Regt Texas M. Vols. Mch. 7 to June 20/62

2. Dept. New Mexico, June 24/62

3. Forces of Arizona, July 12, 1862.

4. Dept of Indian Territory, Jan. 8-12, 1863

5. 1st Div. 1st. Corps Trans-Miss. Dept., Jan. 13-20, 1863.

6. Dept. of Indian Territory, Jan. 21 to May 18, 1863.

Chap. 2, no. 268, Letters Sent, Department of Indian Territory, from May 19, 1863 to September 27, 1863.

This is another William Steele letter book, but is not quite complete. In point of time covered, it succeeds no. 270 and is itself succeeded by no. 267.

Chap. 2, no. 267, Letters Sent, September 28, 1863 to June 17, 1864.

Pages 3 to 6, inclusive, are missing and there are no letters after page 119.

Chap. 2, no. 259, Inspector General's Letters and Reports, from April 23, 1864, to May 15, 1865.

The cover has this as title: Letter Book A: Insp't Gen'l's Office—Dis't of Indian Ter'y From April 23rd, 1864 to May 15, 1865. On the inside of the front cover, appears this in pencil: "Received from Gen'l M.J. Wright, Oct. 16/79." Some pages at the beginning of the book have been cut out. Between pages 145 and 196, are reports, variously signed, some by E.E. Portlock, some by N.W. Battle, and some by James Patteson.

Chap. 2, no. 260, District of the Indian Territory, Inspector General's Letter Book, April 23, 1864 to January 7, 1865.

"Received from Gen'l M.J. Wright, Oct. 16/79." From a comparison of nos. 259 and 260, it is seen that no. 259 is a rough letter and report book and that no. 260 is a finished product. The 1864 material in no. 259 is duplicated by that in no. 260.

Chap. 7, no. 36. Indian Treaties.

Chap. 7, no. 48. Regulations adopted by the War Department, on the 15th of April 1862, for carrying into effect the Acts of Congress of the Confederate States, Relating to Indian Affairs, etc. (Richmond, 1862).

On page 1, is to be found, "Regulations for Carrying into effect, the Act of Congress of the Confederate States, approved May 21, 1861, entitled An Act for the protection of certain Indian Tribes, and of other Acts relating to Indian Affairs."

FORT SMITH PAPERS. See Abel, The American Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist, p. 361.

GREELEY, HORACE. The American conflict (Hartford, 1864-1867), 2 vols.

INDIAN BRIGADE, Inspection Reports of, for 1864 and 1865. These were loaned for perusal by Luke F. Parsons, who was brigade inspector under Colonel William A. Phillips.

KAPPLER, CHARLES J., compiler and editor. Indian Affairs: Laws and Treaties. United States Senate Documents, 58th congress, second session, no. 319, 2 vols. Supplementary volume, United States Senate Documents, 62nd congress, second session, no. 719.

LEEPER PAPERS. See Abel, The American Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist, pp. 360, 362.

LINCOLN, ABRAHAM. Complete Works, edited by John G. Nicolay and John Hay (New York, 1890), 10 vols.

MCPHERSON, EDWARD. Political History of the United States of America during the Great Rebellion (Washington, D.C., 1864).

MISSIONARY HERALD, containing the proceeding of the American Board for Foreign Missions (Boston), vols. 56, 57, 60.

MOORE, FRANK, editor. Rebellion Record: Diary of American Events (New York, 1868), 11 vols. and a supplementary volume for 1861-1864.

PHILLIPS, WILLIAM ADDISON. Conquest of Kansas by Missouri and her allies (Boston, 1856).

"PIKE PAPERS." On subjects other than Indian, extant manuscripts written and received by Albert Pike are exceedingly numerous. One collection of his personal papers is in the possession of Mr. Fred Allsopp of Little Rock; but the largest proportion of those of more general interest, as also of more special, is in the Scottish Rite Temple, Washington, D.C., under the care of Mr. W.L. Boyden. Three things only deserve particular mention; viz.,

a. Autobiography of General Albert Pike. A bound typewritten manuscript, "from stenographic notes, furnished by himself."

b. Confederate States, a/c's with. These papers are in a small file-box and are chiefly receipts from John Crawford, Matthew Leefer, Douglas H. Cooper, John Jumper, and

others for money advanced to them and vouchers for purchases made by Pike. There are three personal letters in the box: D.H. Cooper to Pike, July 28, 1873; William Quesenbury to Pike, August 10, 1873; William Quesenbury to Pike, August 11, 1873. All three letters have to do with a certain $5000 seemingly unaccounted for, a subject in controversy between Pike and Cooper, reflecting upon the latter's integrity. One of the papers is an itemized account of the money Pike expended for the Indians, money "placed in his hands to be disbursed among the Indian Tribes under Treaty stipulations in January, A.D. 1862." It contains an enclosure, the receipt signed by Edward Cross, depositary, showing that Pike restored to the Confederate Treasury the unexpended balance, $19,263 10/100 specie, $49,980 55/100, treasury notes. The receipt is dated Little Rock, March 13, 1863.

c. Choctaw Case. Two packages of papers come under this heading. One is of manuscript matter mainly, the other of printed matter solely. In the latter is the Memorial of P.P. Pitchlynn, House Miscellaneous Documents, no. 89, 43d congress, first session, and on it Pike has inscribed, "Written by me, Albert Pike."

RICHARDSON, JAMES D., editor. Compilation of the messages and papers of the Confederacy, including the diplomatic correspondence (Nashville, 1905), 2 vols.

—— Compilation of the messages and papers of the presidents, 1789-1897 (Washington, 1896-1899), 10 vols.

United States of America. Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Reports, 1861, 1862, 1863, 1864, 1865.

—— Congressional Globe, 37th and 38th congresses, 1861-1865.

—— Department of the Interior, Files.

The files run in two distinct series. One series has its material arranged in boxes, the other, in bundles. The former comprises letters from the Commissioner of Indian Affairs only, and has been examined to the extent here given,

No. 9, January 1, 1861 to December 1, 1861. " 10, December 1, 1861 to November 1, 1862. " 11, November 1, 1862 to July 1, 1863. " 12, July 1, 1863 to June 15, 1864. " 13, June 15, 1864 to April 1, 1865.

The latter were difficult of discovery. After an exhausting search, however, they were located on a top-most shelf, under the roof, in the file-room off from the gallery in the Patent Office building. The bundles are small and each is bandaged as were the Indian Office files, originally. The bandage, or wrapper, is labelled according to the contents. For example, one bundle is labelled, "No. 1, 1849-1864, War;" another, "No. 24, 1852-1868, Exec." In the first are letters from the War Department, in the second, from the White House. Some of the letters are from a

given department by reference only. A great number of the bundles have nothing but a number to distinguish them,

No. 53, January to June, 1865. " 54, July to August, 1865. " 55, September to December, 1865. " 56, January to December, 1866.

United States of America. Department of the Interior, Letter Books, "Records of Letters Sent."

No. 3, July 22, 1857 to January 3, 1862. " 4, January 3, 1862 to June 30, 1864. " 5. July 1, 1864 to December 12, 1865. " 6, December 14, 1865 to September 22, 1865.

—— Department of the Interior, Letter Press Books, "Letters, Indian Affairs."

No. 3, August 20, 1858 to March 5, 1862. " 4, March 5, 1862 to July 1, 1863. " 5. July 1, 1863 to June 22, 1864. " 6, June 22, 1864 to April 11, 1865.

Department of the Interior, Register Books, "Register of Letters Received," Corresponding to the two series of files, are two series of registers. One series is a register of letters received from the Indian Office and each volume is labelled "Commissioner of Indian Affairs." The particular volume used for the present work covers the period from December 5, 1860 to January 6, 1866. It will be found cited as "D," that being a designation given to it by Mr. Rapp, the person at present in charge of the records. The second series is a register of letters received from persons other than the Commissioner of Indian Affairs. Each volume is labelled, "Indians."

"Indians," No. 3, January 8, 1856 to October 27, 1861. '' 4, January 2, 1862 to December 27, 1865.

—— Office of Indian Affairs, Consolidated Files. During the last few years and since the time when most of this investigation was made, the various files of the Indian Office have been consolidated and, in many cases, hopelessly muddled. It has been thought best to refer in the text, wherever possible, to the old separate files, inasmuch as all letter books and registers were kept with the separate filing in view.

—— Office of Indian Affairs,

General Files.

Central Superintendency, boxes 1860-1862, 1863-1868; Southern Superintendency, boxes 1859-1862, 1863-1864, 1865, 1866; Cherokee, 1859-1865, 1865-1867, 1867-1869, 1869-1870; Chickasaw, 1854-1868; Choctaw, 1859-1866; Creek, 1860-1869; Delaware, 1855-1861, 1862-1866; Kansas, 1855-1862, 1863-1868; Kickapoo, 1855-1865; Kiowa, 1864-1868; Miscellaneous, 1858-1863, 1864-1867, 1868-1869; Osage River, 1855-1862, 1863-1867;

Otoe, 1856-1862, 1863-1869; Ottawa, 1863-1872; Pottawatomie, 1855-1861, 1862-1865; Sac and Fox, 1862-1866; Seminole, 1858-1869; Wichita, 1860-1861, 1862-1871.

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Office of Indian Affairs, Irregularly-Shaped Papers.

This was a collection made for the convenience of the Indian Office.

The name itself is a sufficient explanation.

—— Office of Indian Affairs, John Ross Papers.

These were evidently part of the evidence furnished at the Fort Smith Council, 1865.

—— Office of Indian Affairs, Land Files.

Central Superintendency, box 10, 1852-1869; Southern Superintendency, 1855-1870; Cherokee, box 21, 1850-1869; Choctaw, box 38, 1846-1873; Creek, box 45, 1846-1873; Dead Letters, box 51; Freedmen in Indian Territory, 2 boxes; Indian Talks, Councils, &c., box 3, 1856-1864, box 4, 1865-1866; Kansas, box 80, 1863-1865; Kickapoo, box 86, 1857-1868; Miscellaneous, box 103, 1860-1870; Neosho, box 117, 1833-1865; New York, box 130, 1860-1874; Osage, box 143, 1831-1873; Osage River, box 146, 1860-1866; Shawnee, box 190, 1860-1865; Special Cases, box 111, "Invasion of Indian Territory by White Settlers;" Treaties, box 2, 1853-1863, box 3, 1864-1866.

—— Office of Indian Affairs, Special Files.

No. 87, "Claims of Loyal Seminoles." " 106, "Claims of Delawares for Depredations, 1863." " 134, "Claims of Choctaws and Chickasaws." " 142, " " " " " " 201, "Southern Refugees." " 284, "Claims of Creeks."

Kansas, box 78, 1860-1861, box 79, 1862; Otoe, box 153, 1856-1876; Ottawa, box 155, 1863-1873; Pawnee, box 156, 1859-1877; Pottawatomie, box 163, 1855-1865; Sac and Fox, box 177, 1860-1864, box 178, 1865-1868; Shawnee Deeds and Papers, box 195; Subsistence Indian Prisoners, one box; Wyandott, box 242, 1836-1863, and many other file boxes, with dates of the period under investigation, have been examined but have yielded practically nothing of interest for the subject.

Special Cases are quite distinct from Special Files. There are in all two hundred three of the former and three hundred three of the latter. There is in the Indian Office a small manuscript index to the Special Cases and a folio index to the Special Files.

—— Office of Indian Affairs. Letter Books (letters sent). See Abel, The American Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist, pp. 363-364.

—— Office of Indian Affairs. Letters Registered (abstract of letters received), ibid., p. 364.

—— Office of Indian Affairs, Miscellaneous Records, vol. viii, April, 1852 to July, 1861; vol. ix, July, 1861 to January 22, 1887.

UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. Office of Indian Affairs. Parker Letter Book. Letters to E.S. Parker, Commissioner of Indian Affairs, and others, 1869 to 1870.

—— Office of Indian Affairs. Report Books, Reports of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the Secretary of the Interior. See Abel, The American Indian as Slaveholder and Secessionist, p. 365.

UNITED STATES SENATE, Report of the Committee on the Conduct of the War, 37th congress, third session, no. 108 (1863), 3 vols.; 38th congress, second session, no. 142 (1865), 3 vols. and Supplemental Report (1866), 2 vols.

—— Committee Reports, no. 278, 36th congress, first session, being testimony before a Select Committee of the Senate, appointed to inquire into the Harper's Ferry affair.


Aside from the Confederate Records, which are not regular War Department files, papers have been examined there for the Civil War period, although not by any means exhaustively. Enough were examined, however, to show reason for disparaging somewhat the work of the editors of the Official Records. Apparently, the editors, half of them northern sympathizers and half of them southern, proceeded upon a principle of selection that necessitated exchanging courtesies of omission.

WAR OF THE REBELLION. Compilation of the official records of the Union and Confederate armies (Washington), 129 serial volumes and an index volume.

The volumes used extensively in the present work were, first series, volumes iii, viii, xiii, xxii, parts 1 and 2, xxvi, part 2, xxxiv, parts 1, 2, 3, and 4, xli, parts 1, 2, 3, and 4, xlviii, parts 1 and 2, liii, supplement; fourth series, volume iii.


ABEL, ANNIE HELOISE. American Indian as slaveholder and secessionist (Cleveland, 1915).

—— History of events resulting in Indian consolidation west of the Mississippi.

American Historical Association Report, 1906, 233-450.

—— Indian reservations in Kansas and the extinguishment of their titles.

Kansas Historical Society Collections, vol. viii, 72-109.

ANDERSON, MRS. MABEL WASHBOURNE. Life of General Stand Watie (Pryor, Oklahoma, 1915), pamphlet.

BADEAU, ADAM. Military history of U.S. Grant (New York, 1868), 3 vols.

BARTLES, WILLIAM LEWIS. Massacre of Confederates by Osage Indians in 1863.

Kansas Historical Society Collections, vol. iii, 62-66.

Biographical Congressional Directory, 1774-1903.

House Documents, 57th congress, second session, no. 458 (Washington, D.C., 1903).

BLACKMAR, FRANK W. Life of Charles Robinson (Topeka, 1902).

BLAINE, JAMES G. Twenty years of Congress, 1860-1880 (Norwich, Connecticut, 1884-1886), 2 vols.

BOGGS, GENERAL WILLIAM ROBERTSON, C.S.A. Military reminiscences (Durham, North Carolina, 1913).

BORLAND, WILLIAM P. General Jo. O. Shelby.

Missouri Historical Review, vol. vii, 10-19.

BOUTWELL, GEORGE SEWALL. Reminiscences of sixty years in public affairs (New York, 1902), 2 vols.

BOYDEN, WILLIAM L. The character of Albert Pike as gleaned from his correspondence.

New Age Magazine, March 1915, pp. 108-111.

BRADFORD, GAMALIEL. Confederate portraits.

"Judah P. Benjamin," Atlantic Monthly, June, 1913; "Alexander H. Stephens," Ibid., July, 1913; "Robert Toombs," Ibid., August, 1913.

BRITTON, WILEY. Memoirs of the rebellion on the border, 1863 (Chicago, 1882).

—— The Civil War on the border (New York, 1899), 2 vols.

BROTHERHEAD, WILLIAM. General Fremont and the injustice done him.

Yale University Library of American Pamphlets, vol. 22.

CAPERS, HENRY D. The life and times of C.G. Memminger (Richmond, 1893).

CARR, LUCIEN. Missouri: a bone of contention, American Commonwealth series (Boston, 1896).

CHADWICK, ADMIRAL FRENCH ENSOR. Causes of the Civil War, American Nation series (New York, 1907), vol. xix.

CLAYTON, POWELL. The aftermath of the Civil War in Arkansas (New York, 1915).

CONNELLEY, WILLIAM E. James Henry Lane: the grim chieftain of Kansas (Topeka, 1899).

—— Quantrill and the border wars (Cedar Rapids, 1910).

CORDLEY, RICHARD. Pioneer days in Kansas (Boston, 1903).

COX, JACOB DOLSON. Military reminiscences of the Civil War (New York, 1900), 2 vols.

CRAWFORD, SAMUEL J. Kansas in the sixties (Chicago, 1911).

CURRY, J.L.M. Civil history of the government of the Confederate States with some personal reminiscences (Richmond, 1901).

DANA, C.A. Recollections of the Civil War (New York, 1898).

DAVIS, JEFFERSON. Rise and fall of the Confederate government (New York, 1881), 2 vols.

DAVIS, JOHN P. Union Pacific Railway (Chicago, 1894).

DAWSON, CAPTAIN F.W. Reminiscences of Confederate service, 1861-1865 (Charleston, 1882).

DRAPER, J.W. History of the American Civil War (New York, 1867-1870), 3 vols.

DYER, FREDERICK H., compiler. Compendium of the war of the rebellion (Des Moines, 1908).

EATON, RACHEL CAROLINE. John Ross and the Cherokee Indians (Menasha, Wisconsin, 1914).

EDWARDS, JOHN NEWMAN. Shelby and his men (Cincinnati, 1867).

—— Noted guerrillas, or the warfare of the border (Chicago, 1877).

EGGLESTON, GEORGE CARY. History of the Confederate war: its causes and conduct (New York, 1910), 2 vols.

EVANS, GENERAL CLEMENT A., editor. Confederate military history (Atlanta, 1899), 10 vols.

FISHER, SYDNEY G. Suspension of habaes corpus during the war of the rebellion. Political Science Quarterly, vol. iii, 454-488.

FISKE, JOHN. Mississippi Valley in the Civil War (Boston, 1900).

FITE, EMERSON DAVID. Social and industrial conditions in the North during the Civil War (New York, 1910).

FORMBY, JOHN. American Civil War (New York, 1910).

FORNEY, J.W. Anecdotes of public men (New York, 1873-1881), 2 vols.

FOULKE, WILLIAM DUDLEY. Oliver P. Morton, life and important speeches (Indianapolis, 1899), 2 vols.

GORDON, GENERAL JOHN B. Reminiscences of the Civil War (New York, 1903).

GORHAM, GEORGE C. Life and public services of Edwin M. Stanton (New York, 1899), 2 vols.

GRANT, ULYSSES SIMPSON. Personal memoirs (New York, 1895), 2 vols., new edition, revised.

GREENE, FRANCIS VINTON. Mississippi, Campaigns of the Civil War series (New York, 1882).

GROVER, CAPTAIN GEORGE S. Shelby raid, 1863. Missouri Historical Review, vol. vi, 107-126.

—— The Price campaign of 1864.

Missouri Historical Review, vol. vi, 167-181.

HALLUM, JOHN. Biographical and pictorial history of Arkansas (Albany, 1887).

HODGE, DAVID M. Argument before the Committee of Indian Affairs of the United States Senate, March 10, 1880, in support of Senate Bill, no. 1145, providing for the payment of awards' made to the Creek Indians who enlisted in the Federal army, loyal refugees, and freedmen (Washington, D.C., 1880), pamphlet.

—— Is-ha-he-char, and Co-we Harjo. To the Committee on Indian

Affairs of the House of Representatives of the 51st congress in the matter of the claims of the loyal Creeks for losses sustained during the late rebellion (Washington, D.C.), pamphlet.

HOSMER, JAMES KENDALL. Appeal to arms, American Nation series (New York, 1907), vol. xx.

—— Outcome of the Civil War, American Nation series (New York, 1907), vol. xxi.

HOUCK, LOUIS. History of Missouri (Chicago, 1908), 3 vols.

HULL, AUGUSTUS LONGSTREET. Campaigns of the Confederate army (Atlanta, 1901).

HUMPHREY, SETHK. The Indian dispossessed (Boston, 1906), revised edition.

HUNTER, MOSES H., editor. Report of the military services of General David Hunter, U.S.A., during the war of the rebellion. (New York, 1873), second edition.

JOHNSON, ROBERT UNDERWOOD and Clarence Clough Buel, editors. Battles and leaders of the Civil War (New York, 1887), 4 vols.

JOHNSTON, GENERAL JOSEPH E. Narrative of military operations during the late war (New York, 1874).

JOHNSTON, COLONEL WILLIAM PRESTON. Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston (New York, 1878).

LEWIS, WARNER. Civil War reminiscences. Missouri Historical Review, vol. ii, 221-232.

LIVERMORE, WILLIAM ROSCOE. The story of the Civil War (New York, 1913), part iii, books 1 and 2.

LOVE, WILLIAM DELOSS. Wisconsin in the war of the rebellion (Chicago, 1866).

LOWMAN, HOVEY E. Narrative of the Lawrence massacre [Lawrence, 1864], pamphlet.

LUBBOCK, F.R. Six decades in Texas, or memoirs, edited by C. W. Raines (Austin, 1890).

MCCLURE, A.K. Abraham Lincoln and men of war times (Philadelphia, 1892), fourth edition.

MCDOUGAL, JUDGE H.C. A decade of Missouri politics, 1860 to 1870, from a Republican Viewpoint. Missouri Historical Review, vol. iii, 126-153.

MCKIM, RANDOLPH H. Numerical strength of the Confederate army (New York, 1912).

MCLAUGHLIN, JAMES. My friend, the Indian (Boston, 1910).

MANNING, EDWIN C. Biographical, historical, and miscellaneous selections (Cedar Rapids, 1911).

MARTIN, GEORGE W. First two years of Kansas (Topeka, 1907), pamphlet.

MERRIAM, G.S. Life and times of Samuel Bowles (New York, 1885).

NOBLE, JOHN W. Battle of Pea Ridge, or Elk Horn tavern (St. Louis, 1892). War papers and personal recollections, 1861-1865, published by the Commandery of the State of Missouri.

PELZER, LOUIS. Marches of the dragoons in the Mississippi Valley (Iowa City, 1917).

PHILLIPS, JUDGE JOHN F. Hamilton Rowan Gamble and the provisional government of Missouri. Missouri Historical Review, vol. v, 1-14.

PHISTERER, FREDERICK, compiler. Statistical record of the armies of the United States (New York, 1890).

PUMPELLY, RAPHAEL. Across America and Asia (New York, 1870), third edition, revised.

REAGAN, JOHN H. Memoirs with special reference to secession and the Civil War, edited by W.F. McCaleb (New York, 1906).

REYNOLDS, JOHN HUGH. Makers of Arkansas, Stories of the States series (New York, 1905).

—— Presidential reconstruction in Arkansas.

Arkansas Historical Association Publications, vol. i, 352-361.

RHODES, JAMES FORD. History of the United States from the compromise of 1850 (New York, 1893-1906), 7 vols.

RIDDLE, ALBERT GALLATIN. Recollections of war times (New York, 1895).

ROBINSON, CHARLES. Kansas conflict (Lawrence, 1898). Roman, Alfred. Military operations of General Beauregard (New York, 1884), 2 vols.

ROPES, JOHN C. Story of the Civil War (New York, 1895-1905), parts 1 and 2.

ROSENGARTEN, JOSEPH GEORGE. The German soldier in the wars of the United States (Philadelphia, 1886).

ROSS, MRS.W.P. Life and times of William P. Ross (Fort Smith, 1893).

SCHOFIELD, JOHN MCALLISTER. Forty-six years in the army (New York, 1897).

SCHURZ, CARL. Reminiscences (New York, 1909), 3 vols.

SHEA, JOHN C. Reminiscences of Quantrill's raid upon the city of Lawrence, Kansas (Kansas City, Mo., 1879), pamphlet.

SHERIDAN, PHILIP H. Personal memoirs (New York, 1888), 2 vols.

SHERMAN, GENERAL WILLIAM T. Home letters, edited by M.A. DeWolfe Howe (New York, 1909).

—— Memoirs (New York, 1875), 2 vols.

SHINN, JOSEPH H. History of education in Arkansas (Washington, D.C., 1900).

United States Bureau of Education, Publications.

SHOEMAKER, FLOYD C. Story of the Civil War in northeast Missouri

Missouri Historical Review, vol. vii, 63-75, 113-131.

SMITH, GUSTAVUS W. Confederate war papers (New York, 1884), second edition.

SMITH, WILLIAM HENRY. Political history of slavery (New York, 1903), 2 vols.

SNEAD, THOMAS L. Fight for Missouri (New York, 1886).

SPEER, JOHN. Life of Gen. James H. Lane, "the liberator of Kansas." (Garden City, Kansas, 1896).

SPRING, LEVERETT. Career of a Kansas politician (James H. Lane).

American Historical Review, vol. iv, 80-104.

—— Kansas: the prelude to the war for the union, American Commonwealth series (Boston, 1892).

STANTON, R.L. Church and the rebellion (New York, 1864).

STEARNS, FRANK PRESTON. Life and public services of George Luther Stearns (Philadelphia, 1907).

STEPHENS, ALEXANDER H. Constitutional view of the late war between the states (Philadelphia, 1870), 2 vols.

STOREY, MOORFIELD. Charles Sumner, American Statesmen series (Boston, 1900).

SUMNER, CHARLES. Works (Boston, 1874-1883), 15 vols.

TENNEY, WILLIAM J. Military and naval history of the rebellion in the United States (New York, 1866).

THAYER, WILLIAM ROSCOE. Life and letters of John Hay (Boston, 1915), 2 vols.

THORNDIKE, RACHAEL SHERMAN, editor. Sherman letters (New York, 1894).

TODD, ALBERT. Campaigns of the rebellion (Manhattan, Kansas, 1884).

VAN DEVENTER, HORACE. Albert Pike (Knoxville, 1909).

VIOLETTE, E.M. Battle of Kirksville, August 6, 1862. Missouri Historical Review, vol. v, 94-112.

VICTOR, ORVILLE J., editor. Incidents and anecdotes of the war (New York, 1862).

VILLARD, HENRY. Memoirs (Boston, 1904), 2 vols.

VILLARD, OSWALD GARRISON. John Brown, 1800-1859 (Boston, 1910).

WHITFORD, WILLIAM CLARKE. Colorado volunteers in the Civil War (Denver, 1906).

WIGHT, S.A. General Jo. O. Shelby. Missouri Historical Review, vol. vii, 146-148.

WILDER, DANIEL W. Annals of Kansas (Topeka, 1875).

WILLIAMS, CHARLES R. Rutherford Birchard Hayes (Boston, 1914), 2 vols.

WILLIAMS, R.H. With the border ruffians: memoirs of the far west, 1852-1868, edited by E.W. Williams (London, 1908).

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WILSON, HILL P. John Brown: soldier of fortune (Lawrence, 1913).

WOODBURN, JAMES ALBERT. Life of Thaddeus Stevens (Indianapolis, 1913).

WRIGHT, MARCUS J. General officers of the Confederate army (New York, 1911).


Abbott, James B: 204, footnote, 236, footnote

Abel, Annie Heloise: work cited in footnotes on pages 14, 57, 75, 85, 172, 183, 190, 226, 241, 260

Absentee Shawnees: 205, footnote

Acadians: removal of, 304, footnote

Adair, W. P: 268, footnote, 277, footnote, 326 and footnote

Adams, C. W: 333

Ah-pi-noh-to-me: 108, footnote

Aldrich, Cyrus: 225, footnote, 229, footnote

Alexander, A. M: 267, footnote

Allen's Battery: 146

Allen County (Kans.): 82, footnote

Aluktustenuke: 94, footnote, 108, footnote

Amnesty Proclamation: 322

Anderson, Mrs. Mabel Washbourne: work cited in footnotes on pages 127, 130, 138, 194, 197, 271, 272, 288

Anderson, S. S: 265, footnote

Arapahoes: 274, footnote

Arizona Territory: 61-62

Arkadelphia (Ark.): 261

Arkansans: circulate malicious stories about Pike, 160, footnote; lawless, 264; unable to decide arbitrarily about Indian movements, 326

Arkansas: regards McCulloch as defender, 15; Van Dora's requisition for troops, 25; Federals occupy northern, 34; Pike to call for aid, 36; attack from direction of, expected, 48; left in miserable plight by Van Dorn, 128; army men exploited Pike's command, 150; R.W. Johnson serves as delegate from, 175; R.W. Johnson becomes senator from in the First Congress, 176; Thomas B. Hanly, representative from, introduces bill for establishment of Indian superintendency, 176; disagreeable experiences of Indians in, 177; Pike recommends separation of Indian Territory from both Texas and, 179; unsafe to leave interests of Indian Territory subordinated to those of, 246; political squabbles in, 249, footnote; Indian Home Guards not intended for use in, 259; privilege of writ of habeas corpus suspended, 269; Blunt and Curtis want possession of western counties, 325

Arkansas and Red River Superintendency: 181; territorial limits, 177; officials, 177-178; restrictions upon Indians and white men, 178; Pike recommends organization, 179; Cooper seeks appointment as superintendent, 179

Arkansas Military Board: 15, 16

Arkansas Post (Ark.): loss of, 270

Arkansas River: mentioned, 165, 192, 194, 216, 268, footnote, 272, footnote, 295; Pike's headquarters near junction with Verdigris, 22; Pike to call troops to prevent descent, 36; Indian refugees reach, 85; Indians flee across, 135; Campbell to examine alleged position of enemy south, 136; Federals in possession of country north of, 198; Stand Watie and Cooper pushed below, 220; Phillips to hold line of, 251; Schofield desires control of entire length of course, 260; Blunt patrolling, 293; Stand Watie to move down, to vicinity of Fort Smith,

271, footnote; Osages, Pottawatomies, Cheyennes, and others to gather on, 274-275, footnote; natural line of defence, 315; seizure of supply boat on, 327

Arkansas State Convention: 16

Arkansas Volunteers: 60, footnote

Armstrong Academy (Okla.): meeting of Indian General Council at, 317; unfortunate delay of Scott in reaching, 320; Southern Indians renew pledge of loyalty to Confederate States at, 323

Army of Frontier: under Blunt, 196; regiments of Indian Home Guards part of, 196; encamps on old battlefield of Pea Ridge, 197; gradual retrogression into Missouri, 219, footnote; District of Kansas to be separated from, 248

Atchison and Pike's Peak Railway Company: 230

Atrocities: Pike charged with giving countenance to, 30-31, 31, footnote; degree of Pike's responsibility for, 32; repudiated by Cherokee National Council, 32-33; become subject of correspondence between opposing generals, 33; charged against Indians at Battle of Wilson's Creek, 34, footnote; forbidden by Van Dorn, 36; guerrilla, 44; influenced Halleck regarding use of Indian soldiers, 102; at Battle of Newtonia, 195; Blunts army accused of, 248, footnote; Stand Watie's men commit, 332

Badeau, Adam: work cited, 96, footnote

Baldwin, A.H: 235, footnote

Bankhead, S.P: given command of Northern Sub-District of Texas, 286; Steele applies for assistance, 290; fails to appear, 291; dissatisfaction with, 306, footnote

Barren Fork (Okla.): skirmish on, 312

Bartles, W.L: 237, footnote

Bass's Texas Cavalry: 276, footnote, 303, footnote, 306, footnote

Bassett, Owen A: 123, footnote

Bates County (Mo.): 58, 304, footnote

Baxter Springs (Kans.): location, 121, 125, footnote; Weer leaves Salomon and Doubleday at, 121; Indian encampment at, 125, 129; negro regiment sent to, 259, 284; commissary train expected, 291; massacre at, 304

Bayou Bernard: 163-164

Beauregard, Pierre G.T: devises plans for bringing Van Dorn east, 14, footnote, 34; Hindman takes command under order of, 127, 186, footnote, 190

Belmont (Kansas.): 274, footnote

Benge, Pickens: 132

Benjamin, Judah P: 22, 23, footnote, 24, footnote, 175, footnote

Bennett, Joseph: 269, footnote

Bentonville (Ark.): 29, 216

Big Bend of Arkansas: 73, footnote, 274, footnote

Big Blue Reserve: 235, footnote

Big Hill Camp: 237, footnote

Big Mountain: 148, footnote

Billy Bowlegs: 68, footnote, 108, footnote, 228, footnote

Biographical Congressional Directory: work cited, 59, footnote, 70, footnote

Bishop, Albert Webb: work cited, 219, footnote

Black Beaver Road: 67, footnote

Black Bob: 235, footnote, 236, footnote

Black Bob's Band: 204; to be distinguished from Absentee Shawnees, 204-205, footnote; lands raided by guerrillas, 205

Black Dog: 263, footnote

Blair, Francis P: 49

Blair, W.B: 290, footnote

Bleecker, Anthony: 41, footnote

Blue River (Okla.): 110

Blunt, James G: learns of designs of Drew's Cherokees, 33; avenges burning of Humboldt, 53; succeeds Denver at Fort Scott, 98; in command of reestablished Department of Kansas, 106; reverses policy of Halleck and Sturgis, 106-107 and footnote; promotion objected to, 107, footnote; ideas on necessary equipment of Indian soldiers, 109; Weer reports on subject of Cherokee relations, 136; forbids Weer to make incursion into adjoining states, 139; orders white troops to support Indian Brigade, 192-193; in charge of Army of Frontier, 196; plans Second Indian Expedition, 196 and footnotes; promises to return refugees to homes, 196, footnote, 203; opinion touching profiteering, 208, 210-211; issue between, and Coffin, 210-211 and footnote; promises return home to refugee Cherokees, 213; vigorous policy, 218; achievements discounted by Schofield, 248, 249; accusation of brutal murders and atrocities, 248, footnote; makes headquarters at Fort Leavenworth, 249; wishes Phillips to advance, 254, 257; advancement of Schofield obnoxious to, 260; undertakes to go to Fort Gibson, 261, 286; in command of District of Frontier, 286; victorious at Honey Springs, 288-289; decides to assume offensive, 293; no faith in Indian soldiery, 294; transfers effects from Fort Scott to Fort Smith, 304; relieved by McNeil, 305; summoned to Washington for conference, 322 and footnote; restored to command, 324; controversy with Thayer, 324

Bob Deer: 68, footnote

Boggs, W.R: 286, footnote

Boggy Depot (Okla.): 162, 284, 295, footnote, 296 and footnote

Bogy, Lewis V: 235, footnote

Bonham (Texas): 302-303

Border Warfare: 16-17, 44

Boston Mountains: McCulloch and Price retreating towards, 26, footnote; to push Confederate line northward of, 192

Boudinot, Elias C: Cherokee delegate in Confederate Congress, 180; submits proposals to Cherokees, 279; active in Congress, 299, footnote; coadjutor of Cooper and relative of Stand Watie, 300; Steele forwards letter from, 307, footnote; Steele believes, responsible for opposition, 311; urges plan of brigading upon Davis, 317; suggests attaching Indian Territory to Missouri, 317, footnote, 318, 321, footnote; reports to Davis, 321

Bourland, James: 312, footnote

Bowman, Charles S: 108

Branch, H.B: 48, footnote, 51, footnote, 74, footnote, 116; charges against, 234, footnote

Breck, S: 324, footnote

Britton, Wiley: work cited in footnotes on pages 20, 22, 30, 35, 50, 51, 52, 55, 113, 118, 126, 131, 132, 146, 194, 196, 197, 198, 216, 218, 237, 249, 250, 257, 260, 271, 273

Brooken Creek (Okla.): 295, footnote

Brooks, William: 46, footnote, 47, footnote

Brown, E.B: 119, footnote, 127

Brown, John: 42, footnote

Browne, William M: 172, footnote

Bryan, G.M: 292, footnote

Buchanan, James: 41, 70, footnote

Buffalo Hump: 65, footnote

Burbank, Robert: 77, footnote

Bureau of Indian Affairs: created in Confederate War Dept, 172 and footnote

Burlington (Kans.): 80

Burns, Robert: 26

Bushwhackers: 125, 236, footnote, 239, footnote, 260, 266, footnote

Buster, M.W: 194, footnote

Cabell, A.S: 270, footnote

Cabell, W.L: 277, footnote, 284 and footnote, 287, 289, 292, 297

Cabin Creek (Okla.): 131, 283-286 and footnote, 332

Caddoes: reported loyal to U.S., 66, footnote; in First Indian Expedition, 115, footnote; encamped at Big Bend, 274, footnote

Calhoun, James S: 260, footnote

Camden Campaign (Ark.): 326-327

Cameron, Simon: 56, 60, footnote, 72

Camp Bowen: 219, footnote

Camp Imochiah: 288, footnote

Camp McIntosh: 112, 153

Camp Quapaw: 146

Camp Radziwintski (Radziminski?): 153

Camp Ross, 255

Camp Stephens: 32, 35

Campbell, A.B: 81

Campbell, W.T: sent to reconnoitre, 136; halts at Fort Gibson, 136

Canadian River: 129, 162, 164, 293, 327

Canby, E.R.S: 335

Cane Hill (Ark.): 28, footnote, 218

Cantonment Davis (Okla.): established as Pike's headquarters, 22; Indians gather at, 27; Cooper at, 169; Cooper's force flee to, 198

Carey's Ferry (Okla.): 192

Carey's Ford (Okla.): 126

Carney, Thomas: 211, footnote; named as suitable commissioner, 233, footnote

Carr, Eugene A: 30, footnote

Carriage Point: 111, footnote

Carrington, W.T: 296, footnote

Carruth, E.H: teacher among Indians, 59, 64, footnote; furthers plan for inter-tribal council, 69; suspected of stirring up Indian refugees against Coffin, 87-88 and footnote; refugee Creeks want as agent, 89; satisfied with appointment to Wichita Agency, 89; sent on mission, 122 and footnote, 133; in Cherokee Nation, 195, footnote; disapproves of attempting return of refugees, 209; Martin and, arrange for inter-tribal council, 273-275, footnote

Carter, J.C: 208, footnote

Cass County (Mo.): 304, footnote

Cassville (Mo.): 293

Century Company's War Book: work cited, 13, footnote

Central Superintendent: 116-117

Chapman, J.B: 222 and footnote, 229, footnote

Chap-Pia-Ke: 69, footnote

Charles Johnnycake: 64, footnote

Chatterton, Charles W: 214, footnote

Cherokee Brigade: 309

Cherokee country: 193, 194

Cherokee Delegate: 111, footnote, 180

Cherokee Expedition: 73, footnote

Cherokee Nation: 47, footnote, 74, footnote, 111, footnote; Clarkson to take command of all forces within, 130; future attitude under consideration, 133; Weer suggests resumption of allegiance to U.S., 134; Weer proposes abolition of slavery by vote, 134, footnote; intention to remain true to Confederacy, 135; cattle plentiful, 145; Hindman designs to stop operations of wandering mercantile companies, 156; maintenance of order necessary, 192; archives and treasury seized, 193; Carruth and Martin in, 195, footnote; Delaware District of, 197; deplorable condition of country, 217; Boudinot, delegate in Congress from, 299, footnote; Quantrill and his band pass into, 304

Cherokee National Council: ratifies treaty with Confederacy, 28, footnote; opposed to atrocities, 32-33; resolutions against atrocities, 33; assemblies, 255-256, legislative work, 256-257; Federal victory at

Webber's Falls prevents convening, 271 and footnote; passage of bill relative to feeding destitute Indians, 277, footnote; adopts resolutions commendatory of Blunt's work, 305, footnote; Stand Watie proposes enactment of conscription law, 329

Cherokee Neutral Lands (Kans.): 47, footnote, 53, 121, 125, footnote; refugee Cherokees collect on, 213; refugees refuse to vacate, 214; Pomeroy advocates confiscation of, 224; John Ross and associates ready to consider retrocession of, 231-232 and footnote

Cherokee Strip (Kans.): 79

Cherokee Treaty with Confederacy: ratified by National Council, 28, footnote; Indians stipulated to fight in own fashion, 32

Cherokees: unwilling to have Indian Territory occupied by Confederate troops, 15; civil war impending, 29; disturbances stirred up by bad white men, 47, footnote, 48; effect of Federal defeat at Wilson's Creek, 49; attitude towards secession, 63, footnote; in First Indian Expedition, 115, footnote; driven from country, 116; flee across Arkansas River, 135; exasperated by Pike's retirement to confines of Indian Territory, 159; outlawed, participate in Wichita Agency tragedy, 183; demoralizing effect of Ross's departure, 193; secessionist, call convention, 193; should be protected against plundering, 195, footnote; refugee, on Drywood Creek, 209, footnote, 213; repudiate alliance with Confederacy, 232; approached by Steele through medium of necessities, 276; charge Confederacy with bad faith, 279-281; asked to give military land grants to white men in return for protection, 279-281; Blunt thinks superior to Kansas tribes, 294; intent upon recovery of Fort Gibson, 311; troops pass resolution of reenlistment for war, 328-329

Chicago Tribune: 75, footnote

Chickasaw Battalion: 152, 155; Tonkawas to furnish guides for, 184, footnote

Chickasaw Home Guards: 184, footnote

Chickasaw Legislature: 306, footnote, 329, footnote

Chickasaw Nation: Pike arrested at Tishomingo, 200; funds drawn upon for support of John Ross and others, 215, footnote; Phillips communicates with governor, 323, footnote

Chickasaws: discord within ranks, 29; attitude towards secession, 63, footnote; delegation of, and Creeks, and Kininola, 65, footnote; plundered by Osages and Comanches, 207, footnote; refugee, given temporary home, 213; dissatisfied with Cooper, 265, footnote; disperse, 323

Chiekies: 66, footnote

Chillicothe Band of Shawnees: 236, footnote

Chilton, W.P: 173, footnote

Chipman, N.P: 207, footnote

Chippewas: 212

Choctaw and Chickasaw Battalion: 25, 32

Choctaw Battalion: 152, 155

Choctaw Council: considers Blunt's proposals, 302; disposition towards neutrality, 306, footnote; Phillips sends communication to, 323, footnote

Choctaw Militia: 311-312, 312, footnote

Choctaw Nation: Pike withdraws into, 110; Robert M. Jones, delegate from, in Congress, 299, footnote; proposed conscription within, 328

Choctaws: discord bred by unscrupulous merchants, 29; attitude

towards secession, 63, footnote; refugee, given temporary home, 213; waver in allegiance to South, 220; sounded by Phillips, 254; little recruiting possible while Fort Smith is in Confederate hands, 258-259; Steele entrusts recruiting to Tandy Walker, 265; no tribe so completely secessionist as, 290; protest against failure to supply with arms and ammunition, 301; proposals from Blunt known to have reached, 302; cotton, 308-309, footnote; bestir themselves as in first days of war, 311; principal chief opposes projects of Armstrong Academy council, 321; want confederacy separate and distinct from Southern, 321, footnote; do excellent service in Camden campaign, 326

Choo-Loo-Foe-Lop-Hah Choe: talk, 68, footnote; signature, 69, footnote

Chouteau's Trading House: 329, footnote

Christie: 305, footnote

Chustenahlah (Okla.): 79

Cincinnati (Ark.): 28, 35

Cincinnati Gazette: 58, footnote, 88, footnote

Clarimore: 238, footnote

Clark, Charles T: 82, footnote

Clark, George W: 158 and footnote

Clark, Sidney: 104, footnote

Clarke, G.W: 22

Clarkson, J.J: assigned to supreme command in northern part of Indian Territory, 129-130; applies for permission to intercept trains on Santa Fe road, 129, footnote; at Locust Grove, 131; surprised in camp, 131, footnote; made prisoner, 132; Pike's reference to, 158; placed in Cherokee country, 159, footnote

Clarksville (Ark.): 287-288, footnote

Clay, Clement C: 176, footnote

Cloud, William F: 193, 297

Cochrane, John: 56-57

Coffee, J.T: 113 and footnote, 125

Coffin, O.S: letter, 82 and footnote

Coffin, S.D: 208

Coffin, William G: testifies to disturbances among Osages, 46, footnote; pays visit to ruins of Humboldt, 54, footnote; plans for inter-tribal council, 69; orders countermanded for enlistment of Indians, 77; learns of refugees in Kansas, 80; compelled by settlers to seek new abiding-place for refugees, 86; refugees lodge complaint against, 87 and footnote; military enrollment of Indians conducted under authority of Interior Department, 105 and footnote; applies for new instructions regarding First Indian Expedition, 105; dispute with Elder, 116-117, 207, footnote; anxious to have Osage offer accepted by refugee Creeks, 207-208, footnote; disapproves of Blunt's plan for early return of refugees, 209; issue between Blunt and, 210-211; contract with Stettaner Bros. approved by Dole, 211, footnote; urges removal of refugees to Sac and Fox Agency, 212; visits refugee Cherokees on Neutral Lands, 213; details Harlan and Proctor to care for refugee Cherokees at Neosho, 214; drafts Osage treaty of cession, 229; suggests location for Indian colonization, 233; would reward Osage massacrers, 238, footnote; prevails upon Jim Ned to stop jayhawking, 274, footnote

Colbert, Holmes: 207, footnote

Colbert, Winchester: 184, footnote

Coleman, Isaac: 209

Collamore, George W: career, 87, footnote; investigation into condition of refugees, 87, footnote

Colorado Territory: likely to be menaced by Southern Indians, 61; conditions in, 61, footnote; recruiting officers massacred by Osages,

238, footnote; political squabbles in, 249, footnote; harassed by Indians of Plains, 320; made part of restored Department of Kansas, 321

Comanches: Pike's negotiation with, 63, footnote, 65, footnote, 173, footnote; peaceable and quiet, 112; this side of Staked Plains friendly, 153; Osages and, plunder Chickasaws, 207, footnote; reported encamped at Big Bend, 274, footnote

Confederates: disposition to over-estimate size of enemy, 30, footnote; defeat at Pea Ridge decisive, 34; should concentrate on saving country east of Mississippi, 34; retreat from Pea Ridge, 35; possible to fraternize with Federals, 44; victorious at Drywood Creek, 51-52; in vicinity of Neosho, 127; no forces at hand to resist invasion of Indian Territory, 147; defeat at Locust Grove counted against Pike, 161; Cherokee country abandoned to, 193; in possession as far north as Moravian Mission, 194; victory at Newtonia, 194-195 and footnotes; ill-success on Cowskin River and at Shirley's Ford, 197; flee to Cantonment Davis, 198; officers massacred by Osages, 237-238, footnote; grants to Indian Territory, 250; foraging and scouting occupy, 253; distributing relief to indigents, 258

Congress, Confederate: authorizes Partisan Rangers, 112; Arkansas delegates testify to Van Dorn's aversion for Indians, 148, footnote; act of regulating intercourse with Indians, 169; act for establishing Arkansas and Red River Superintendency, 177-178; concedes rights and privileges to Indian delegates, 299, footnote

Congress, United States: 71, 76, footnote, 86 and footnote, 99; circumstances of refugees well-aired in, 209; gives president discretionary power for relief of refugees, 209; Osages memorialize for civil government, 229 and footnote; act authorizing negotiations with Indian tribes, 231; decides to relieve Kansas of Indian encumbrance, 294

Connelley, William E: work cited, 42 and footnotes on pages 51, 101, 205, 239

Conway, Martin F: 72, footnote, 88, footnote, 107, footnote

Cooley, D.N: 205, footnote

Cooper, Douglas H: colonel of First Regiment Choctaw and Chickasaw Mounted Rifles, 25; communicates with Pike, 29, footnote; objects to keeping Indians at home, 31, footnote; arrives at Camp Stephens, 32, 35; protects baggage train on way to Elm Springs, 35; recommends Indians as guerrillas, 112; ordered to repair to country north of Canadian River, 129, 154; orders Indian leaders to report at Fort Davis, 137; regiment goes out of service, 153; views on employment of Indians, 159 and footnote; Pike to hand over command to, 162; transmits Pike's circular, 167, 169; orders arrest of Pike, 169; calls for troops from all Indian nations, 174, footnote; seeks to become superintendent of Indian affairs, 179; appointment withheld because of inebriety, 181; to attempt to reenter southwest Missouri, 194; after Battle of Newtonia obliged to fall back into Arkansas, 197; under orders from Rains, plans invasion of Kansas, 197; defeated in Battle of Fort Wayne, 197-198; in disgrace, 198; Steele preferred to, 246; not ranking officer of Steele, 247, footnote, 300, footnote; force poorly equipped, 248, footnote;

apparently bent upon annoying Steele, 265; can get plenty of beef, 272; influences to advance, at expense of Steele, 278, 306 and footnote; orders Stand Watie to take position at Cabin Creek, 284-285; ammunition worthless at Honey Springs, 288; Boudinot and, intrigue together, 300; headquarters at Fort Washita, 303, footnote; manifests great activity in own interests, 303; Quantrill and band reach camp of, 304; plans recovery of Fort Smith, 309; opposed to idea of separating white auxiliary from Indian forces, 310; raises objection to two brigade idea, 316; Boudinot and, advise formation of three distinct Indian brigades, 317; placed in command of all Indian troops in Trans-Mississippi Department on borders of Arkansas, 319; declared subordinate to Maxey, 319; begins work of undermining Maxey, 333-334

Cooper, S: 29, footnote, 128, footnote

Corwin, David B: 144

Corwin, Robert S: 231, footnote

Cottonwood River (Kans.): 85, footnote

Cowskin Prairie (Mo. and Okla.): Stand Watie's engagement at, 113; encampment on, 119, 120, footnote; affair at, erroneously reported as Federal victory, 119, footnote; Round Grove on, 126; scouts called in at, 138

Cowskin River: 197

Crawford, John: 48, 214, footnote

Crawford, Samuel J: work cited, 101, footnote, 194, footnote, 197, footnote; at Battle of Fort Wayne, 197

Crawford Seminary: 46, 50

Creek and Seminole Battalion: 25

Creek Nation: 62, footnote, 111, footnote; Clarkson to take command of all forces within, 130; Pike negotiates treaty with, 173, footnote

Creeks: delegation of, and Chickasaws and Kininola seek help at Leroy, 65, footnote; desert Opoeth-le-yo-ho-la, 76, footnote; constitute main body of refugees in Kansas, 81; compose First Regiment Indian Home Guards, 114 and footnote; company authorized by Pike, 173, footnote; refugee, offered home by Osages, 207 and footnote; refugee, given temporary home by Sacs and Foxes of Mississippi, 213; unionist element attempts tribal re-organization, 228; views regarding accommodation of other Indians upon lands, 233; Senate ratifies treaty with, 234; reject treaty, 235; Phillips sounds, 254; Phillips learns that defection has begun, 256; refuse to charge, 272; nature and extent of disaffection among, 272-273 and footnote; address Davis, 278; bad conduct complained of by Steele, 285, footnote; inevitable effect of Battle of Honey Springs upon, 290; Blunt's offensive and Steele's defensive, 301; proposals of Blunt known to have reached, 302; disperse among fastnesses of mountains, 323

Cross Timber Hollow (Ark.): 30, footnote

Currier, C.F: 67, footnote

Curtis, Samuel R: in charge of Southwestern District of Missouri, 26-27; estimate of number of troops contributed by Pike, 30, footnote; instructed to report on Confederate use of Indians, 33, footnote; victory at Pea Ridge complete, 34; surmise with respect to movements of Stand Watie and others, 120, footnote; resents insinuations against military capacity of Blunt and Herron, 249; Lane opposed to Gamble, Schofield, and, 249, footnote; regrets sacrifice of red men

in white man's quarrel, 250; calls for Phillips to return, 259; succeeded by Schofield, 260; in command of restored Department of Kansas, 321; arrives at Fort Gibson, 324

Cutler, George A: council held at Leroy by, 62, footnote; at Fort Leavenworth, 74, footnote; ordered by Lane to transfer council to Fort Scott, 74, footnote; reports Opoeth-le-yo-ho-la in distress, 76, footnote; refugees complain of treatment, 87; approves of early return of refugees, 209; calls Creek chiefs to consider draft of treaty, 233

Dana, Charles A: 126, footnote, 324, footnote

Danley, C.C: 15

Davis, Jefferson: work cited, 14, footnote; urged to send second general officer out, 15-16; McCulloch's sacrifice of Confederate interests in Missouri reported to, 18; unfavorable to Price and to his method of fighting, 18-19; report of Pike submitted to, 21; Cooper, in name of, orders Ross to issue proclamation calling for fighting men, 137; correspondence with Pike, 167-168; recommends creation of bureau of Indian affairs, 172; appoints Pike diplomatic agent to Indian tribes, 173, footnote; signs bill for establishment of southern superintendency, 176; Pike makes important suggestions to, 179; offers explanation for non-payment of Indian moneys, 179, footnote; inconsistentcy of, 187; refusal to accept Pike's resignation, 190; orders adjutant-general to accept Pike's resignation, 200; lack of candor in explaining matters to Holmes, 269; Creeks address, 278; replies to protest from Flanagin, 287, footnote; opposed to surrendering part to save whole, 297, footnote; considers resolutions of Armstrong Academy council, 317; addresses Indians through principal chiefs, 318 and footnote; objects making Indian Territory separate department, 318-319; knowledge of economic and strategic importance of Indian Territory, 331

Davis, John S: 80, footnote

Davis, William P: 80, footnote

Dawson, C.L: 150, footnote, 152, 153, 154, footnote

Deitzler, George W: 97, footnote

Delahay, M.W: 222, footnote

Delaware Reservation (Kans.): location, 206; store of Carney and Co. on, 211, footnote

Delawares: interview of Dole with, 77, footnote; in First Indian Expedition, 113, footnote, 115, footnote; from Cherokee country made refugees, 116, 206; wandering, implicated in tragedy at Wichita Agency, 183; eager to enlist, 207; request removal of Agent Johnson and Carney and Co. from reservation, 211, footnote; wild, involved in serious trouble with Osages, 274, footnote

Democratic Party: 47, footnote

De Morse, Charles: 266, footnote, 330, footnote

Denver, James W: career, 70; popular rejoicing over prospect of recall, 72, footnote; learns of presence of refugees in Kansas, 80; assigned by Halleck to command of District of Kansas, 97; Lane and Pomeroy protest against appointment, 97; later movements, 98 and footnote; cooeperates with Steele and Coffin to advance preparations for First Indian Expedition, 102; removal from District of Kansas inaugurated "Sturgis' military despotism," 104

Department no. 2: 19

Department of Arkansas: 322

Department of Indian Territory: Pike in command, 20; relation to other military units, 21; Pike deplores absorption of, 151; Pike's appointment displeasing to Elias Rector, 181, footnote; created at suggestion from Pike, 189

Department of Kansas: Hunter in command, 27, 61, 70; consolidated with Department of Missouri, 96; reestablished, 106 and footnote; Blunt assigned to command, 106, 118; restored, Curtis in command, 321

Department of Mississippi: 96, 105

Department of Missouri: Halleck in command, 27, 61; consolidated with Department of Kansas, 96

Department of Mountain: 96

Department of Potomac: 96

Department of West: 27, 61

De Smet, Father: 234

De Soto (Kans.): 236, footnote

Dickey, M.C: 226 and footnote

District of Arkansas: Hindman in command, 192; Price in command during illness of Holmes, 299, footnote; Price succeeds Holmes, 326

District of Frontier: Blunt in command, 286; McNeil relieves Blunt, 305; Schofield institutes investigation, 305, footnote

District of Kansas: Denver assigned to command of, 97; Sturgis assigned to, 98; checks progress of First Indian Expedition, 105; Schofield advises complete separation from Army of Frontier, 248; re-constituted with headquarters at Fort Leavenworth, 249

District of Texas: 306, footnote, 318, footnote

Dole, R.W: 74, footnote, 114, footnote

Dole, William P: 53, footnote, 54, footnote; absent on mission to West, 60; submits new evidence of serious state of affairs among Indians, 61; authority of U.S. over Indians to be maintained, 61; Lane's plans appeal to, 72-73; disappointed over Stanton's reversal of policy for use of Indian troops, 76; countermands orders for enlistment of Indians, 77; warned that army supplies to refugees to be discontinued, 83; Coffin and Ritchie apply for new instructions regarding First Indian Expedition, 105-106; reports adversely upon subject of Lane's motion, 223; motives considered, 225; submits views on Pomeroy's project for concentration of tribes, 230, footnote; undertakes mission to West, 234; treaties made by, 234 et seq.; detained by Delawares and by Quantrill's raid upon Lawrence, 238-239 and footnote; negotiates with Osages at Leroy, 239 and footnote; treaties impeachable, 241

Dorn, Andrew J: mentioned, 263, footnote, 264, footnote; avowed secessionist, 47, footnote

Doubleday, Charles: 114, footnote; colonel of Second Ohio Cavalry, 118; Weer to supersede, 119; proposes to attempt to reach Fort Gibson, 119; desirous of checking Stand Watie, 119; indecisive engagement on Cowskin Prairie, 119 and footnote; ordered not to go into Indian Territory, 120; left at Baxter Springs by Weer, 121

Downing, Lewis: 231, footnote, 255, 256

Drew, John: dispersion of regiment, 24, 132; movements of men at Pea Ridge, 32; finds refuge at Camp Stephens, 35; authorized to furlough men, 111, footnote; regiment stationed in vicinity of Park Hill, 111, footnote; desires

Clarkson placed in Cherokee country, 159, footnote

Drywood Creek (Kans.): Federal defeat at, 51 and footnote; Price breaks camp at, 52, footnote; fugitive Indians on, 195, footnote, 209, footnote; Cherokee camp raided by guerrillas, 213-214

Du Bose, J.J: 288, footnote

Duval, B.G: 266, footnote

Dwight's Mission: 217

East Boggy (Okla.): 296

Eaton, Rachel Caroline: work cited, 257, footnote

Echo Harjo: 278, footnote

Edgar County (Ill.): 84, footnote

Edwards, John Newman: work cited in footnotes on pages 14, 151, 194, 198

Elder, Peter P: 48, footnote, 204; makes Fort Scott headquarters of Neosho Agency, 50; disputes with Coffin, 116-117, 207, footnote; prevails upon Ottawas to extend hospitality to refugees, 213, footnote; suspicious of Coffin, 229

Elk Creek (Okla.): Kiowas select home on, 153; Cooper encamps on, 287, footnote

Elkhorn Tavern (Ark.): 30 and footnote

Ellithorpe, A.C: 105, footnote, 115, footnote, 131, footnote; with detachment at Vann's Ford, 144; disapproves of attempting to return refugees at early date, 209-211 and footnote; complains of Opoeth-le-yo-ho-la, 219, footnote; opinion about Indian Home Guards, 251

Elm Springs (Ark.): 35

El Paso (Tex.): 48

Emancipation Proclamation: Fremont's, 57; Lincoln's, 234

Evansville (Ark.): 28

Ewing, Thomas: 304, footnote, 321, footnote

"Extremists": 305, footnote

Fairhaven (Mass.): 31, footnote

Fall River (Kans.): 79, 81, 82, footnote, 84-85, 273, footnote

False Wichita (Washita) River (Okla.): 153

Farnsworth, H.W: 205, footnote, 236, footnote

Fayetteville (Ark.): 28, footnote, 256; battle of, 218, footnote

Federals: early encounter with, anticipated by Van Dorn, 20; expulsion from Missouri planned by Van Dorn, 26; drive back Confederates under McCulloch and Price, 26; disposition to over-estimate number of enemy, 30, footnote; attempt to recover battery seized by Indians at Leetown, 31; in occupation of northern Arkansas, 34; defeat at Wilson's Creek, 49; defeat at Drywood Creek, 51-52 and footnote; showing unwonted vigor on northeastern border of Cherokee country, 112, footnote; flight, 113, footnote; Stand Watie on watch for, 130; defeat in Battle of Newtonia, 194-195 and footnotes; direct efforts towards arresting Hindman's progress, 218; grants to Indian Territory, 250; foraging and scouting, 253; in possession of Fort Smith, 290; Steele places drive from Fort Smith to Red River, 311; fail to pursue Stand Watie, 312

First Choctaw Regiment: under Col. Sampson Folsom, 152; ordered to Fort Gibson, 155; men unanimously reenlist for duration of war, 328; demands, 328

First Creek Regiment: commanded by D.N. McIntosh, 25; men gather at Cantonment Davis, 27; two hundred men gather at Camp Stephens, 32; about to make extended scout westward, 112; under orders to advance up Verdigris toward Santa Fe road, 152

First Indian Brigade: 327

First Indian Expedition: had beginnings in Lane's project, 41; revival of interest in, 99; Denver, Steele, and Coffin cooeperate to advance, 102; arms go forward to Leroy and Humboldt, 102; time propitious for, 103; policy of Sturgis not yet revealed, 103-104; Steele, Denver, and Wright in dark regarding, 103, footnote; Steele issues order against enlistment of Indians, 105; vigor restored by re-establishment of Department of Kansas, 106; orders for resuming enlistment of Indians, 106-107; organization proceeding apace, 113 and footnote; outfit of Indians decidedly inferior, 117; Weer appointed to command of, 117 and footnote; Doubleday proposed for command of, 118; existence ignored by Missourians, 119, footnote; destruction planned by Stand Watie and others, 120 and footnote; Weer attempts to expedite movement, 121; special agents accompany, 121-122 and footnote; component parts encamp at Baxter Springs, 125; First Brigade put under Salomon, 125; Second Brigade put under Judson, 125; advance enters Indian Territory unmolested, 126; forward march and route, 126; Hindman proposes to check progress, 129; march, 130; delicate position with respect to U.S. Indian policy, 134; troubles begin, 138; supplies insufficient, 138; in original form brought to abrupt end, 143; Pike's depreciatory opinion, 164 and footnote; Osages join conditionally, 207 and footnote; Gillpatrick serves ends of diplomacy between John Ross and, 271

First Kansas: 97, footnote

First Missouri Cavalry: 113

First Regiment Cherokee Mounted Rifles: commanded by John Drew, 25; joins Pike at Smith's Mill, 28; movements and conduct at Pea Ridge, 32; iniquitous designs, 33; stationed in vicinity of Park Hill, 111, footnote; defection after defeat at Locust Grove, 132

First Regiment Choctaw and Chickasaw Mounted Rifles: commanded by Cooper, 25; gathers at Camp Stephens, 32; goes out of service, 153; two companies post themselves in upper part of Indian Territory, 155; eight companies encamp near Fort McCulloch, 155; fights valiantly at Battle of Newtonia, 194

Flanagin, Harris: 270, footnote, 287, footnote

Folsom, Sampson: 152, 155

Folsom, Simpson N: 152

Foreman, John A: 144, 284, 285

Formby, John: work cited, 19, footnote

Fort Arbuckle (Okla.): 15, 60, footnote, 184 and footnote

Fort Blunt (Okla.): 260

Fort Cobb (Okla.): 15, 60, footnote, 112, 153, 275, footnote; about to be abandoned by Texan volunteers, 173, footnote; McKuska appointed to take charge of remaining property, 174, footnote

Fort Davis (Okla.): Campbell discovers strong Confederate force at, 136; Cooper orders Indians to report at, 137; many of buildings destroyed by order of Phillips, 220 and footnote, 254

Fort Gibson (Okla.): Pike's headquarters not far from, 22; Choctaw troops guard road by Perryville towards, 112; Hindman orders Pike to establish headquarters at, 128, footnote; Campbell halts at, 136; Weer inclined to wander from straight road to, 139; newly-fortified, given name of Fort Blunt, 260; Blunt undertakes to go to,

261; Cooper learns of approach of train of supplies for, 272, footnote; Creeks obliged to stay at, 273, footnote; Phillips despatches Foreman to reenforce Williams, 284; Steele's equipment inadequate to taking of Fort Gibson, 286, 290-291; Phillips continues in charge at, 305; Cherokees intent upon recovery, 311; Phillips to complete fortifications at, 325; rapid changing of commands at, 333, 335

Fort Larned (Kans.): 112, 152

Fort Leavenworth (Kans.): 73, footnote, 123, footnote; protected, 45; Prince in charge at, 55; troops ordered to, 60, footnote; Hunter stationed at, 69, footnote; arms for Indian Expedition to be delivered at, 100

Fort Lincoln (Kans.): 52

Fort McCulloch (Okla.): constructed under Pike's direction, 110; Pike to advance from, 119, footnote; Pike's force at, not to be despised, 128; Cherokees exasperated by Pike's continued stay at, 159; Pike departs from, 162

Fort Roe (Kans.): 80, 85

Fort Scott (Kans.): 213, 214; Lane at, 45, 51; chief Federal stronghold in middle Southwest, 46; temporary headquarters for Neosho Agency, 50; abandoned by Lane in anticipation of attack by Price, 52; Indian council transferred to, 74, footnote; Blunt succeeds Denver at, 98; tri-weekly post between St. Joseph and, 116; supply train from, waited for, 126; Indians mustered in at, 132; Weer cautioned against allowing communication to be cut off, 138-139; Phillips's communication with, threatened, 272; Steele plans to take, 286

Fort Smith (Ark.): Drew's Cherokees marching from, to Fayetteville, 28, footnote; troops ordered withdrawn from, 60, footnote; Choctaw troops watch road to, 112; indignation in, against Pike, 158; martial law instituted in, 162, footnote; attempt to make permanent headquarters for Arkansas and Red River Superintendency, 176-177; plans to push Confederate line northward of, 192; conditions in and around, 247, 269, footnote; Phillips despairs of Choctaw recruiting while in Confederate hands, 258-259; Steele takes command at, 261; door of Choctaw country, 290; becomes Blunt's headquarters, 304; Steele expects Federals to attempt a drive from, to Red River, 311; included within restored Department of Kansas, 321; dispute over jurisdiction of, 324; included within re-organized Department of Arkansas, 325; Indian raids around, 331

Fort Smith Papers: work cited, 150, footnote

Fort Towson (Okla.): 330

Fort Washita (Okla.): 15, 60, footnote, 303, footnote

Fort Wayne (Okla.): in Delaware District of Cherokee Nation, 197; battle of, October 22, 1862, 197, 211, 216, 249

Fort Wise (Colo.): 152

Foster, R.D: 47, footnote

Foster, Robert: 47, footnote

Foulke, William Dudley: work cited, 43, footnote

Fourteenth Kansas Cavalry: 322

Fourteenth Missouri State Militia: 113

Fourth Kansas Volunteers: 117, footnote

Franklin County (Kans.): 50, footnote

Fremont, John C: removal of, 13; sends out emergency call for men, 48; failure to support Lyon, 49; no cooerdination of parts of army

of, 56; emancipation proclamation, 57; put in charge of Department of Mountain, 96

Frontier Guards: 45, footnote

Fuller, Perry: 88 and footnote, 211, footnote, 212, 233

Furnas, Robert W: 105, footnote; letter to Dole, 107-108; becomes ranking officer in field, 143; made commander of Indian Brigade, 144

Gamble, Hamilton R: 119, footnote, 249, footnote, 260

Gano, Richard M: 306, footnote, 332

Gano's Brigade: 306, footnote

Garland, A.H: 148, footnote, 270, footnote

Garland, Samuel: 312, footnote, 321

Gillpatrick, Doctor: sent under flag of truce to Ross, 135; bearer of verbal instructions, 193, 217, footnote; death, 271

Granby (Mo.): lead mines, 20; abandoned, 20, footnote; plan for recovery, 194

Grand Falls: 47, footnote

Grand River (Okla.): 284; Cowskin Prairie on, 119; Second Indian Home Guards to examine country, 126; Salomon places Indians as corps of observation on, 142, 144;

Grand Saline (Okla.): 112, 131, footnote, 139

Grayson County (Texas): 190

Great Father: 46, footnote, 240-241, footnote, 272-273, footnote

Greene, Francis Vinton: work cited, 14, footnote

Greenleaf Prairie (Okla.): 272

Greeno, H.S: 136, 137

Greenwood, A.B: 222, footnote

Guerrillas: Indian approved by Pike, 22 and footnote, 112; not present in Sherman's march, 44; Halleck interested in suppression of, 101; operations checked by Hindman in Indian Territory, 194; Quantrill and, raid Black Bob lands and Olathe, 205; policy of Confederate government towards, 205, footnote; attacks disturb Shawnees, 236, footnote; raid Cherokee refugee camp on Drywood Creek, 213-214; everywhere on Indian frontier, 260; perpetrate Baxter Springs Massacre, 304; are recruiting stations in certain counties of Missouri, 304, footnote

Hadley, Jeremiah: 236, footnote

Halleck, Henry W: in command of Department of Missouri, 27; plans for Denver, 71; disparaging remarks, 75, footnote; probable reason for objecting to use of Indians in war, 75, footnote; in charge of Department of Mississippi, 96; Lincoln's estimate of, 96; instructed regarding First Indian Expedition, 100; opposed to arming Indians, 101; interested in suppression of jayhawkers and guerrillas, 101; well rid of Kansas, 106, footnote; disregard of orders respecting Indian Expedition, 109; calls for men, 259

Hallum, John: work cited, 149, footnote

Halpine, Charles G: 96

Hanly, Thomas B: 176

Hardin, Captain: 276, footnote

Harlan, David M: 232, footnote

Harlan, James: 214 and footnote

Harper's Ferry Investigating Committee: 226-227

Harrell, J.M: work cited in footnotes on pages 23, 149, 188, 190, 194, 249, 251, 284, 289

Harris, Cyrus: 63, footnote

Harris, John: 207, footnote

Harris, J.D: 152

Harrison, J.E: 267, footnote

Harrison, LaRue: 259

Harrisonville (Mo.): 55

Hart's Company: 266, footnote

Hart's Spies: 153

Hay, John: work cited in footnotes on pages 41, 45, 96

Hebert, Louis: 34

Helena (Ark.): 283

Henning, B.S: 207, footnote

Herndon, W.H: 214, footnote

Herron, Francis J: 249, 260

Heth, Henry: 19

Hindman, Thomas C: 119, footnote; appointment, 127, footnote; assumes command of Trans-Mississippi District, 128, 186; disparagement of Pike's command, 128, footnote; orders Pike's white auxiliary to move to Little Rock, 147; begins controversy with Pike, 156; starts new attack upon Pike, 161; justification for treatment of Pike, 162; impossible to be reconciled to Pike, 163; withdraws approval of Pike's resignation, 169; placed in charge of District of Arkansas, 192; appears in Tahlequah, 193; summoned by Holmes, 194; instructed to let Pike go free, 200; resorts to save expense, 247; recall demanded by Arkansas delegation, 270; associates appraised by, 270, footnote; asks for assignment to Indian Territory, 270, footnote; feeds indigents at cost of army commissary, 307

Hitchcock, E.A: 98, footnote

Ho-go-bo-foh-yah: 82

Holmes, Theophilus H: 127, footnote, 166, footnote; appointed to command of Trans-Mississippi Department, 187; develops prejudice against Pike, 188; grants Pike leave of absence, 190; real reasons for unfriendliness to Pike, 198-199; orders arrest of Pike, 199; forced to concede Indian claim to some consideration, 200; command placed under supervision of Kirby Smith, 269; relations with Hindman, 269; displacement demanded by Arkansas delegation, 270; Price commands in District of Arkansas during illness, 299, footnote; not friend of Steele, 311

Honey Springs (Ark.): 288

Horse Creek (Mo.): 145

Horton, Albert W: 230, footnote

Hoseca X Maria: 65, footnote

Hubbard, David: 172, footnote

Hudson's Crossing (Okla.): 126, 143

Humboldt (Kans.): 69, 79; proposed headquarters of Neosho Agency, 52; sacked and burnt by marauders, 53; Coffin's account of burning of, 54, footnote; Kansas Seventh ordered to give relief to refugees, 82, footnote; Kansas Tenth at, 82, footnote; Jennison with First Kansas Cavalry at, 99, footnote

Hunter, David: falls back upon Sedalia and Rolla, 13, 26; in command of Department of Kansas, 27, 65-66; Lane places men at disposal, 41, footnote; guards White House, 45, footnote; appointment distasteful to Lane, 66-69; stationed at Fort Leavenworth, 69, footnote; orders relief of refugees, 73, footnote; issues passes to Indian delegation, 73, footnote; interviewed at Planter's House in St. Louis, 74, footnote; friction between Lane and, 74-76; suggests mustering in of Kansas Indians, 74-75, footnote; Halleck's strictures upon command, 75, footnote; sends relief to refugees, 81; warns that army supplies to refugees must cease, 83; relieved from command, 96; troubles mostly due to local politics, 97

Hutchinson, C.C: 55, footnote, 212, 213, footnote

Illinois Creek: battle of, 218, footnote

Illinois River: 28, 312

Indian Alliance with Confederacy: conditioned by stress of

circumstances, 134; Creeks and Choctaws disgusted with, 254; Cherokee National Council revokes, 256; Indians fear mistake, 273-274; effect of Battle of Honey Springs upon, 290; strengthened by formation of Indian league, 317; revitalized by Maxey's reforms, 326

Indian Confederacy: formed by Choctaws, Chickasaws, Creeks, Seminoles and Caddoes, 317; Choctaws want separate from Southern, 321, footnote

Indian Brigade: formed, 144; scouting of component parts of, 145-146; white troops ordered to support of, 192-193; Phillips given command, 249; integral parts, 249, 250, footnote; assigned service, 250; regarded by Phillips as in sad state, 251

Indian Delegation: 62, footnote, 73, footnote, 74, footnote; Dole interviewed in Leavenworth, 94; Osage wants conference with Great Father, 240, footnote; Creek, confers with Steele, 262, footnote; Davis disregards, 318 and footnote

Indian Home Guards: Fifth Regiment, 219 and footnote; First Regiment, Furnas, colonel commanding, 107, 143; muster roll, 108-109, footnote; composed of Creeks and Seminoles, 114; ordered to take position in vicinity of Vann's Ford, 144; demoralization, 145; component part of Phillips's Indian Brigade, 249; composed mainly of Creeks, 251; fought dismounted at Honey Springs, 288; Fourth Regiment, 219 and footnote; Second Regiment, 125; Third Regiment, formation, 132; Phillips commissioned colonel of, 132; detachment at Fort Gibson, 144; engagement, 163-164, 194, 197; component part of Phillips's Indian Brigade, 249; largely Cherokee in composition, 252; innovations introduced into, 252; part placed at Scullyville, 325

Indian Protectorate: 175

Indian Indigents: 247, 262, 307-308 and footnote

Indian Refugees: Opoeth-le-yo-ho-la and his men, 79; numbers justified use of Indian soldiery, 79; numbers exaggerated, 81, 209 and footnote; destitution, 81; Dr. Campbell ministers to needs, 81-82; Seventh Kansas gives relief, 82, footnote; Coffin describes pitiable state, 82 and footnote; Snow furnishes details of destitution of Seminole, 83, footnote; army supplies to be discontinued, 83; Kile made special distributing agent, 84; much-diseased, 85; hominy, chief food, 85, footnote; Neosho Valley selected as suitable place for, 86; complain of treatment, 87; Collamore and Jones investigate condition, 87, footnote; unwilling to remove to Sac and Fox reservation, 88 and footnote; Creek request appointment of Carruth as agent, 89; manifest confidence in Lane's power, 94; unassuaged grief, 95; subsistence becomes matter of serious moment, 99; Congress applies Indian annuity money to support of, 99; want to assist in recovery of Indian Territory, 99; to furnish troops for First Indian Expedition, 100; Halleck opposed to arming of, 101; Blunt advises early return to own country, 136; numbers increase as result of Salomon's retrograde movement, 146, footnote, 203; Blunt promises to restore to homes, 196, 203; of Neosho Agency, 204-207 and footnotes; Creek offered home by Osages, 207 and footnote; conditions among, 208; Cherokee on Drywood Creek, 209; distributed over Sac and Fox Agency,

212-213; collect on Neutral Lands, 213 and footnote; camp of Cherokee raided by guerrillas, 213-214; Harland and Proctor to look out for, at Neosho, 214; claim of Sacs and Foxes against Creek, 235, footnote; Phillips's reasons for returning to homes, 258; at Neosho returned to homes, 273 and footnote; cattle stolen, 274, footnote; on return journey preyed upon by compatriots, 332

Indian Representation in Confederate Congress: 180, 279, 298-299, footnote

Indian Soldiers (Confederate): as Home Guard, 23-24; as possible guerrillas to prey upon Kansas, 23 and footnote; as corps of observation, 25; refuse to move until paid, 27; conduct at Battle of Pea Ridge, 30-33; not included in Van Dorn's scheme of things, 35; Van Dorn orders return to own country, 35; order to cut off supplies from Missouri and Kansas, 35-36; may be rewarded by Pike, 36; Pike's report on activity, 112; Hindman's appraisement, 128, footnote; stigma attaching to use, 148, footnote; organized in military way for own protection, 159; do scouting, 163; Smith to raise and command certain, 173, footnote; Pike to receive five companies from Seminoles, 173, footnote; Leeper to enlist from Reserve tribes, 173-174, footnote; Cooper calls from all Indian nations, 174, footnote; as Home Guard, 189; privations and desertions, 200; threw away guns at Battle of Honey Springs, 288; recruiting, 317, 319; results under best conditions, 326-327; consider reenlistment, 328; recognition of services, 330

Indian Soldiers (Federal): feasibility of, 50, 57; Fremont and Robinson not in favor of, 57; Hunter suggests making, out of Kansas tribes, 74-75, footnote; Stanton refuses to employ, 76 and footnote; use justified, 79; economy, 99; to form larger part of First Indian Expedition, 100; Halleck opposed to, 101, 102; Dole instructs officers to report at Fort Leavenworth, 102, footnote; necessary equipment, 109; final preparations, 121; appearance, 123 and footnote; excellent for scouting, 125; at Locust Grove, 131, footnote; accused of outrages committed by white men, 135, footnote; do scouting, 163; tribute of praise for, 195, footnote; made part of Army of Frontier, 196; diverted to service in Missouri, 196; desertions, 203 and footnote; do well at Cane Hill and Prairie Grove, 218-219; disposed to take leave of absence, 252; to help secure Indian Territory, 294; negro regiment compared with Indian, 295

Indian Springs (Ga.): treaty, 255, footnote

Indian Territory: McCulloch expected to secure, 15; included within Trans-Mississippi District, 20; troops of, 25; Pike to endeavour to maintain, 36; attack, from, expected, 48; Fremont calls for aid, 48; situation delicate, 59-60; left destitute of protection, 60; Hunter's suggestion, 75, footnote; first refugees from, 79; "home," 93; early return promised, 94; expeditions to recover, projected, 95 and footnote; refugees want to recover, 99; Stand Watie returns into, 113; Carruth and Martin to take note of conditions in, 122 and footnote; Pike's force for defence of, exclusively, 129; Indian Brigade holding its own there, 146; Pike's Indian force ordered to northern

border, 148; Pike attempts justification of retirement to southern part, 151; Pike declares Indian officers peers of white, 158-159; defence regarded by Pike as chief duty, 159; strategic importance not unappreciated by Confederate government, 171; attached for judicial purposes to western district of Arkansas, 177; Confederate government fails to carry out promise, 177, footnote; Pike advises complete separation of, 179; Scott to investigate conditions in, 181; Pike returns to, 190; included within District of Arkansas, 192; guerrilla warfare in, suppressed, 194; Federals in undisputed possession of, 198; Holmes exploiting, 199; Indian alliance valuable, 201; Absentee Shawnees expelled from, 205, footnote; Blunt advises speedy return of refugees, 209; Confederates plan recovery, 218; Lane introduces resolution for adding, to Kansas, 223; Dole objects to regular territorial form of government in, 223; Kansas tribes willing to exchange lands for homes in, 227; project for concentration of tribes in, 230, footnote; negotiations for removal of Kansas tribes to, 231; depletion of resources, 245, 247; organized as separate military command, 245 and footnote; troops to be all unmounted, 247; advertised as lost to Confederate cause, 250; conception of responsibility to, 253; Phillips's plans for recovery not at present practicable, 257; strategic importance unappreciated by Halleck and Curtis, 259; Curtis to take consequences of giving up 259; privilege of writ of habeas corpus suspended in, 269; Hindman asks for assignment to, 270, footnote; is mere buffer, 276; Cooper poses as friend of, 278, 300; Creeks complaint to Davis, 279; Confederate operations confined to attacks upon supply trains, 283; removal of all Kansas Indians to, 294; roads and highways in, 295-296, footnote; necessary to Confederacy, 298, footnote; Scott enters, 300; command devolved upon Cooper, 303; made distinct from Arkansas, 303; Magruder wants attached to District of Texas, 306, footnote; war measures applied to, 308-309; Maxey in command of, 311; Indian Home Guards only Federal forces in, 312; granary of Trans-Mississippi Department, 315; Boudinot's suggestions regarding, 317, footnote; council requests be made separate department, 318; Davis objects, 318-319; included within restored Department of Kansas, 321; Phillips starts upon expedition through, 322; Price asks for loan of troops from, 326; strategic importance of, 331; scandalous performances in, 333

Indian Trust Funds: 173-174

Indians of Plains: regarding alliance with, 320, 335; harass Kansas and Colorado, 320 and footnote, 335

Interior Department: 73, footnote, 105 and footnote; profiteering among employees, 208; Lane and Wilder make request, 230, footnote

Inter-tribal Council: at Leroy, 62-69, footnotes; Lane's plans for at headquarters, 69; Leroy selected as the place for, 69; sessions of, 69-70; Hunter's plans for, at Fort Leavenworth, 70, 74, footnote; Lane orders transfer to Fort Scott, 74, footnote; at Belmont, 237, footnote; at Armstrong Academy, 317, 320, 323

Iola (Kans.): 88, footnote; Doubleday concentrates near, 120, footnote; Osages advance as far as, 207 footnote

Ionies: 274, footnote

Iowas: 77, footnote

Ironeyes: 115, footnote

Iroquois: 79

Jackson, Claiborne: 16, 17, 50, footnote

Jackson County (Mo.): 304, footnote

Jacksonport (Ark.): 25

Jan-neh: 109, footnote

Jayhawkers: 41, footnote, 97, 101, 251, 266, 268, footnote, 269, 273, footnote

Jayhawking Expedition: 73, footnote 274, footnote

Jennison, C.R: 50, footnote, 52, footnote 99, footnote, 104, footnote

Jewell, Lewis R: 131

Jim Ned: 274, footnote

Jim Pockmark: 65, footnote

John Jumper: in command of Creek and Seminole Battalion, 25; on side of Confederacy, 62, footnote; ordered to take Fort Larned, 112; Seminole Battalion in motion toward Salt Plains, 152; honour conferred upon, by Provisional Congress, 174, footnote; renegade members from Seminole Battalion of, involved in tragedy at Wichita Agency, 183; loyal to Pike, 200; member of delegation to Davis, 318, footnote; Phillips sends communication to, 323, footnote

John Ross Papers: work cited, 28, footnote

Johnson and Grimes: 308, footnote

Johnson, F: 207 and footnote, 211

Johnson, Robert W: 24, footnote, 25, footnote, 175, 176

Johnson County (Kans.): 204, 235, footnote

Johnston, Albert Sidney: 14, footnote, 19 and footnote, 26

Joint Committee on Conduct of War: 33, 33, footnote

Jones, Evan: 64, footnote, 73, footnote; investigates conditions among refugees, 87, footnote; accompanies Weer, 121; entrusted with confidential message to John Ross, 121-122; pleads for justice to Indians, 225 and footnote; offers to negotiate about Neutral Lands, 231

Jones, J.T: 213, footnote

Jones, Robert M: 180 and footnote

Jon-neh: 108, footnote

Jordan, A.M: 214, footnote

Jordan, Thomas: 128, footnote

Journal of the Confederate Congress: work cited in footnotes on pages 172, 173, 174, 175, 278

Judson, William R: 134; in charge of Second Brigade of First Indian Expedition, 125

Kansans: fighting methods, 17, 44; implacable and dreaded foes of Missouri, 18; fears attack from direction of Indian Territory, 48; profiteering among, 208; covet Indian lands, 221, 224

Kansas: Indians on predatory expeditions into, 23; Indians to form battalion, 23, footnote; Indians to cut off supplies from, 35-36; bill for admission signed by Buchanan, 41; exposed to danger, 45; troops called to Missouri, 48; Price has no immediate intention of invading, 52; Indian enlistment, 57; likely to be menaced by Southern Indians, 61; Territory, 70; refugees afflicted sorely, 93; desire to recover Indian Territory, 95; Halpine makes derogatory remarks about, 96; not desired in Halleck's command, 96, footnote; revolution to have been expected, 104, footnote; Pike's Indians to repel invasion of Indian Territory from, 148; Pike tries to prevent cattle-driving to, 173, footnote; failure of corn crop in southern part, 209; people want refugees removed from southern, 212; refugees

plundering in, 218; resolution for extending southern boundary, 223; proposition to confederate tribes of Nebraska and of, 227; negotiations begun to relieve, of Indian encumbrance, 228; project to concentrate tribes of, in Indian Territory, 230, footnote; negotiations with tribes of, 231; political squabbles, 249, footnote; Wells's command on western frontier, 267, footnote; stolen property brought into, 273, footnote; Steele plans to invade, 286; advisability of making raid considered, 320; Stand Watie contemplates an invasion, 332 Kansas Brigade: See Lane's Kansas Brigade Kansas Legislature: 42, 71, footnote, 225 Kansas Militia: 50, footnote Kansas River: 206 Kansas Seventh: 82, footnote Kansas-Nebraska Bill: 17, 44 Kansas Tenth: 82, footnote Kaws: 226, 236 and footnote Kaw Agency (Kans.): 55, 205 Kechees (Keeches?): 115, footnote Ke-Had-A-Wah: 65, footnote Keith, O.B: 230 Ketchum, W. Scott: 119, footnote Kickapoos: reported almost unanimously loyal to U.S, 66, footnote; in First Indian Expedition, 115, footnote; implicated in tragedy at Wichita Agency, 183; fraudulent negotiation with, 230 and footnote; confer with Carruth, 274, footnote Kile, William: special agent to refugees, 84; refuses appointment as quartermaster, 115, footnote; misunderstanding with Ritchie, 115, footnote; estrangement between Coffin and, 208 and footnote; resignation, 208, footnote; advises speedy return of refugees, 209 Killebrew, James: 50, footnote King, John: 269, footnote Kininola: 65, footnote Kiowas: 112; select home on Elk Creek, 153; friendly, 153, footnote; confer with Carruth, 274, footnote Knights of Golden Circle: 111, footnote

Lane, H.S: 146, footnote Lane, James Henry: character, 41, 56; enthusiasm, 41, 49; influence with Lincoln, 41-42; elected senator from Kansas, 42; accepts colonelcy and begins recruiting, 43; not to be taken as type, 45; redoubles efforts for organizing brigade, 49; empowered to recruit, 50; conceives idea of utilizing Indians, 50, 57; abandons Fort Scott, 52; throws up breastworks at Fort Lincoln, 52; proceeds to seek revenge in spite of Robinson's opposition, 55; burns Osceola, 55; attitude towards slavery, 56; suggests re-organization of military districts on frontier, 58; disconcerted by appointment of Hunter, 66-69; plans for inter-tribal council, 69; Denver had measured swords with, 70; control over Federal patronage in Kansas, 71; nominated brigadier-general, 71; friction between Hunter and, 74-76; instructed by anti-Coffin conspirators, 88, footnote; protests to Lincoln against appointment of Denver, 97; succeeds in preventing appointment of Denver, 98; responsible for Blunt's promotion, 107, footnote; Phillips appointed on staff, 126, footnote; endorses request of Agent Johnson, 207, footnote; introduces resolution for extending southern boundary of Kansas, 223; denounces Stevens as defaulter, 226, footnote; opposed to Gamble, Schofield, and Curtis, 249, footnote; belongs to party of

Extremists, 305, footnote; requests that Blunt be summoned to Washington for conference, 322, footnote

Lane, W.P: 266, footnote

Lane's Kansas Brigade: 41, 43, 49, 51, 58, 59, 71; relation to Hunter's command, 72 and footnote; marauding committed, 75, footnote; prospective Indian element dispensed with, 77

Lawler, J.J: 204, footnote

Lawrence (Kans.): 62, footnote, 73, footnote; Quantrill's raid upon, 238, footnote; Dole detained by raid upon, 239

Lawrenceburg (Ind.): 43, footnote

Lawrence Republican: 58, footnote

Leased District (Okla.): 181-182, 198

Leavenworth Daily Conservative: 58, footnote

Lee, Robert E: 186, footnote, 187

Lee, R.W: 307, footnote

Leeper, Matthew: authorized to enlist men, 173, footnote; departs for Texas, 183; murder, 183

Leetown (Ark.): 30, 31

Leroy (Kans.): 86, 229, 239 and footnote; arrangements for keeping cattle, 54, footnote; Lane builds stockades, 55; council held by Cutler at, 62, footnote; substituted for Humboldt as place for council, 69; sessions of council, 69-70; Indian Brigade left, for Humboldt, 115, footnote; Weer returns to, 121; some Quapaws at, 204, footnote; Osages at, 207; Blunt thinks refugees not properly cared for, 215; Dole negotiates with Osages at, 239 and footnote

Lexington (Mo.): 52, footnote, 55

Limestone Gap: 111, footnote

Limestone Prairie: 328

Lincoln, Abraham: 71, 72 and footnote, 211, footnote; suggests Hunter's falling back, 13; calls for volunteers, 41; approached by Phelps and Blair, 49; popularity asserted, 54, footnote; fears Fremont's supineness, 56; Lane urged to seek interview with, 58; appointment of Cameron mistake, 60; attention solicited by Dole, 61; sickness in family, 76, footnote; refugees appeal to, 87 and footnote; estimate of Halleck, 96; protests to, against appointment of Denver, 97; wires Halleck to defer assignment of Denver, 97-98; responsible for Blunt's promotion, 107, footnote; Ross to intercede with, 192, footnote; inquires into practicability of occupying Cherokee country, 216; selects Schofield to succeed Curtis, 260; Amnesty Proclamation distributed among Indians, 322

Lindsay's Prairie: 216

Linn County (Kans.): 101, footnote

Lipans: 274, footnote

Little Arkansas River: 275, footnote

Little Bear: 240, footnote

Little Bear Band of Osages: 238, footnote

Little Blue River (Okla.): 151, footnote

Little Boggy (Okla.): 112

Little Osage River: 45, 52

Little Rock (Ark.): 36, 63, footnote, 190; Van Dorn assumes command at, 25; Hindman assumes command at, 128; Hindman orders Pike to move part of forces to, 147; Scott endeavours to interview Holmes in, 299

Livermore, William Roscoe: work cited in footnotes on 260, 269, 270

Locust Grove (Okla.): skirmish at, 33, 131-132; Clarkson's commissary captured at, 138; defeat of Confederates at, counted heavily against Pike, 161

Lo-ka-la-chi-ha-go: 109, footnote

Lo-ga-po-koh: 109, footnote

Long Tiger: 103, footnote

Longtown Creek (Okla.): 295, footnote

Louisiana: portion included within Trans-Mississippi District, 20; requisition upon, for troops, 25; portion included within Trans-Mississippi Department, 192 and footnote; western, detached from Trans-Mississippi Department, 246

Love, William DeLoss: work cited in footnotes on pages 118, 138

Lower Creeks: 62, footnote

Lyon, Nathaniel: work to be repeated, 14; insight into Indian character, 48; death, 49

McClellan, George B: 13, 75, footnote, 96

McClish, Fraser: 62, footnote

McCulloch, Ben: refuses to cooeperate with Price, 14, 56; takes position in Arkansas, 15; relations with leading Confederates in Arkansas and Missouri, 16; little in common with Price, 17; indifference towards Missouri, 18; proceeds to Richmond to discuss matters in controversy, 19; driven back into northwestern Arkansas, 26; death, 31, 34; had approved of using Indians against Kansas, 31, footnote; commission from, found on John Matthews, 54, footnote; had diverted Pike's supplies, 147-148

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