The American Architect and Building News, Vol. 27, Jan-Mar, 1890
Author: Various
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S. J. PARKHILL & CO. Printers Boston Mass.



Abattoirs, 128

Aberbrothwick. The Abbey of, 13

Aboriginal Races of America. The, 151

ACCIDENTS:— Fall of a Hotel in Sydney, N.S.W., 184 " " " Scaffold, 104 " " St. Louis Academy of Music, 66 " " the Roof of the Flora Hall, Hamburg, 196

Agreement between Architect and Client, 30

Albany Capitol. Defective Gutters on the, 97

Aluminium from Bauxite, 194

Alva. Statue of the Duke of, 74

America. The Aboriginal Races of, 151

American Architect Travelling-Scholarship Design for a New White House. The, 158

American Bricks, 77

A.I.A. Convention. The, 79 " Illinois Chapter of, 182 " Philadelphia Chapter, 46 " St. Louis Chapter, 206 " Washington Chapter, 43

Amsterdam. High-level Bridge for, 47

Ancient Architecture, 19, 35, 51

Andre, Architect. Death of Jules, 145 " The Career of M. Jules, 162

"Angelus." Millet's, 12

Apartment-house. The, 3

ARCHAEOLOGICAL:— Burial Mounds, 99, 151 Cleopatra's Tomb, 141 Delphi. The Proposed Excavations at, 65 Dighton Rock. The, 93 Hissarlik Controversy. The, 144 History of Habitation. The, 149, 168 Locrian Town. The Site of a, 16 Maya. Temples of Ancient, 204 Mesopotamia. Explorations in, 160 Obelisk. Protecting the New York, 178, 207 Persian Court Art, 16 Rome. Discovery of an Ancient Viaduct in, 80 St. Emilion. The Monolithic Church of, 16 Scandinavia. Discoveries in, 63 Uxmal, 204 Vikings. The Art of the, 37, 53 Yucatan. Ancient Temples in, 204 " Exploring Expedition. A New, 112 " Ruins and Works of Art in, 58

Arches. Concrete, 1

ARCHITECT:— New York State. The, 206

ARCHITECTS:— Annoyances of. The, 194 Chimney-flues and, 146 Dismissal of. The Right of, 158 Examinations and Diplomas, 162 in Canada. The Registration of, 183 " Spanish America, 18 Incomes of. The, 1, 47, 127 Libel-suit Between. A, 206 New South Wales Institute of. Quarrel in the, 183 of Mons Cathedral. The, 114 Office. A Chicago, 50 Ontario Association of, 41 Philadelphia Master-Builders and the, 161 Reputation of. The Influence of Architectural Journals on the, 17 Responsibility of. The, 2, 130 Stray Thoughts for Young, 90 Suit against a Railroad. An, 194

ARCHITECTURAL:— Club. Boston, 95 Drawings at the League Exhibition, 40, 57, 143 " Philadelphia Exhibitions of, 107, 146 Education at Munich, 181 " in France, 162 Exhibition at the Pennsylvania Academy, 107 Journals on the Reputation of Architects. The Influence of, 17 League Exhibition. The, 40, 57, 143 Prints. Arranging, 207 Shades and Shadows, 56 Styles. Changes of, 108 Water-color Drawings, 107

ARCHITECTURE:— Ancient, 19, 35, 51 at Evanston, Ill., 118 Civil and Domestic, 19, 35, 51, 67, 83 Decoration and, 6 Funerary, 99, 115, 131, 147, 163 History of. The, 150 in Baltimore, 187 " Brooklyn, 5 of the Brooklyn Institute. Department of, 206 Military, 179, 195 Sculpture and, 7 Spanish. Sir Frederick Leighton on a Device of, 146 Study of. The, 6

Army Engineer and our Public Buildings. The, 143

Arranging Architectural Prints, 207

Art Museum. The Cost of a Small, 23 " of the Vikings. The, 37, 53 " The Tariff on Works of, 18

Artificial-ice Skating-rink. An, 145

Artists. Quarrel among French, 80

Asphalt Paving, 82

Assyrian Architecture, 20 " Fortifications, 179 " Tombs, 116, 144

Australia. Engineering Triumphs in, 106 " Letters from, 106, 183 " Roman Catholic Buildings in, 107

Automatic Sprinklers in Mills, 177

BALTIMORE:— Architecture in, 187 Building-permits in, 97 Letters from, 187 Pennsylvania Steel Company's Works near. The, 188 Railway. The proposed "Belt Line," 188

Balveny Castle, Scotland, 61

Barye Exhibition. The, 10

Barye's English Admirer, 15

Bauxite. Aluminium from, 194

Belgian Prizes and Honors, 34

Belle Isle Dam. The Straits of, 48

Belt Line Railway for Baltimore. A, 188

Berlin Industrial Museum Exhibition, 174 " Technical College. The, 140

Beryt or Fluid Marble, 160

Bids. The Right of Revising, 194

"Black-lining"? What is, 65

Books on School-houses, 207

Borrowing Suburban Fire-Engines, 18, 146

BOSTON:— Architectural Club, 95 Building Laws. The, 109 Fires. Water Used in, 79 Letter from, 190 Lock-out in the Freestone-Cutting Trade, 161, 177 Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Annual Report of, 177 Museum of Fine Arts. The, 175, 190 Society of Architects, 14 Walking-delegate's Power. A, 193

Botticher vs. Dr. Schliemann. Dr., 144

Bourse du Commerce, Paris. The New, 185

Brentano, Architect. Death of Signor, 130

Brick. Cheap Unbaked Colored, 176

Bricks. American, 77

Bridge at London. The Tower, 192 " for Amsterdam. High-level, 47 " Testing the Forth, 160 " The Hawkesbury Railway, 106

Bridges in China. Ancient, 96

British Museum. Electric-Light at the, 104

Brooklyn. Architecture in, 5 " Institute. Department of Architecture of the, 206

Bronze Gates for Cologne Cathedral, 135

Brunswick Monument at Geneva. The, 18

Buenos Ayres, 18

Builders. Convention of National Association of Master, 34, 81

BUILDING:— Committee. A Competitor's Suit against a, 104 Contracts. German, 82 Laws. The Boston, 109 Permits in Baltimore, 97 Safe, 121, 135, 197 Stones. Decay of, 98 Swedish Penalties for Bad, 72 Syndicate. Proposed, 81 Trades. Troubles in the, 193

Bull-fights in Paris, 130

Bull-ring for Paris. Proposed, 50

Bureau of Ethnology's Fifth Annual Report. The, 151

Burial-mounds, 99, 151

Building and the Underwriters. Safe, 49, 97

Burmese Temples. Jewels in, 58

Burnham & Root's Office, 50

Byzantine Architecture, 52

Canada. Letters from, 41, 104, 182 " Proposed Public Buildings in, 104 " The History of Education in, 183 " The Registration of Architects in, 183

Cast-iron and its Treatment for Artistic Purposes, 201 " Pavements, 192

Castle Campbell, Scotland, 127 " of St. Angelo, Rome. The, 208 " " Vincigliata, Italy. The, 62

Casts at the Boston Art Museum, 190

Catacombs, 147

Cathedral. Bronze Gates for Cologne, 135 " Drawings at the League Exhibition, 30, 62 " of Mons. The, 114 " " St. Machar. The, 27 " Strasbourg, 153 " The Completion of Milan, 130 " Towers, 92, 102

Cathedrals. Clearing away Buildings around, 162

Cats. Egyptian Mummy, 208

Cawdor Castle, Scotland, 110

Celtic Tumuli, 99

Cement. Palming off Poor, 113

Cemented Surfaces. Painting on, 146

Cemeteries. Mediaeval, 164

Cemetery Vaults, 47

Centennial Hall, Sydney, N.S.W., 184

Charges. A Question of, 207

CHICAGO:— Letters from, 118, 182 Suburban Building in. Rapid Transit and, 182 World's Fair. The, 177, 182

Chimney. A Tall, 16 " flues. Architects and, 146

China. Ancient Bridges in, 96

Chinese Architecture, 19

Christians. The Primitive, 147

Church-restoring by Lottery, 128 " Towers, 91, 92, 102

Churches. The Picturesque Lighting of, 146

Cippi, 134

Circular Annoyance. The, 194

"City of the Gods," Mexico. The, 172

Civil and Domestic Architecture, 19, 35, 51, 67, 83

Clark, Architect. Death of George, 63

Cleopatra's Tomb, 141

Clerk-of-works Question. The, 79, 111, 159

Cohesive Construction, 123

Cologne Cathedral. Bronze Gates for, 135 " " Clearing away Buildings around, 162

Color Changes in New York Buildings, 108

Colored Brick. Cheap unbaked, 176

Columbaria, 134

Columns. Ventilating Wooden, 31

Commission on a Standing Party-wall, 142

Commissioner of the Albany Capital The, 206

Commissions. The Question of, 31, 159

Compensation. A Question of, 207

COMPETITIONS:— Drawings, 40, 62, 65 Grant Monument. The, 145 Hartford Railroad Station. The, 194 Montreal Insane Asylum, 104 New York Episcopal Cathedral, 40, 62 Quebec City-hall. The, 63 Sheffield Municipal Buildings. The, 33

Competitor's Suit against a Building-committee. A, 104

Composite Metal. A New, 93

Concentrated Residence in various Countries, 88, 119

Concrete Arches, 1

"Concrete." Laying a Foundation of Dry, 113

Concrete. Wrong Methods of Mixing, 114

Conde. Fremiet's Figure of, 76

Congressional Palace. The Mexican, 96

Construction. Cohesive, 123 " German, 155 " Improvements in Mill, 177 " Slow-burning, 29, 97

Contract. The Lowell City-hall, 194 " " "Standard Form" of, 81 " taking Labor Syndicates, 194

Contracting Syndicate. Proposed, 81

Contractors. Great, 95

Contractor's Profit-sharing. A, 2, 43

Contracts. German Building, 82 " Importance of Written, 65

Convention of National Association of Master-Builders, 34, 81

Copan in Yucatan. The Ruins of, 59

Copper-rolling. Remarkable, 80

Corrections, 79

Cotman. John Sell, 174

Count and his Machine. A Mysterious, 112

County Council. The London, 104

Coverings for Steam-pipes, 22, 157

Craigievar Castle, Scotland, 189

Dalmeny Church, Scotland, 189

Dam. The Straits of Belle Isle, 48

Dangers of Electricity. The, 15, 27

Dead. The Disposition of the, 24

Deaths from Electricity, 15, 27

Decay of Building Stones. The, 98

Decoration and Architecture, 6

Decorative Paintings in the new Bourse du Commerce, Paris. The, 185

Delphi. The Proposed Excavations at, 65

Dessication of the Dead, 25

Dighton Rock. The, 93

Directory. A Lamp-post, 98

Dismissal of an Architect. The Right of, 158

Divining-rod. The, 15

Domes. Spires, Towers and, 91, 101

Domestic Architecture. Civil and, 19, 35, 51, 67, 83

Doors. Fire, 156

Drawing Instruments. A Yale Professor's Trouble through Prescribing, 66

Drawings at Architectural League Exhibition, 40, 57, 143 " " Philadelphia. Exhibition of Architectural, 107, 146 " "Black-lining" Competition, 65

Durand, Architect. Death of George F., 1

Duty on Window-glass. The, 31

Earnings of Architects. The, 1

East River Tunnel. The Proposed, 178

Education in Canada. The History of, 183

Effigies. Funeral, 164

Egyptian Architecture, 20 " Fortifications. Ancient, 179 " Tombs, 99, 115

Eight-hour Movement. The, 1, 93, 194

ELECTRIC:— Light at the British Museum, 104 Lights and Motors, 79 Railways, 64, 111, 128 Reading light for Railways, 50 Welding, 176 Wire. The Queen of Greece and an, 128

Electrical Terms, 44

Electricity and Insurance, 79 " The Dangers of, 15, 27

Elevator in Stockholm. An American, 111

Emperor Frederick. A Statue of the, 208

Engine. A new Style of Railway, 82

Engineer and our Public Buildings. The Army, 143

ENGINEERING:— Bridge. A complete Account of the Forth, 177 " for Amsterdam. High-level, 47 " London's Tower, 192 " Testing the Forth, 160 " The Hawkesbury Railway, 106 " in China. Ancient, 96 Dam. The Straits of Belle Isle, 48 Docks at Vizagapatam. Mud, 63 Electric Railways, 64, 111 Elevator in Stockholm. American, 111 Railroad. A Pneumatic Street, 95 " for Baltimore. A Proposed Belt-line, 188 Tower for the Exhibition of 1892. High, 177 " The Watkin, 16, 105 Tunnel. The East River, 178 " " St. Clair River, 128 " " Washington Aqueduct, 103 Water-power. A Remarkable, 47

"Entombment" in Mexico. A Titian, 60

Entombment. Sanitary, 24

Episcopal Cathedral, New York, Competition, 40, 62

Equestrian Monuments, 72, 170

Estimates. Builders' and Sub-Contractors', 161

Ethnology's Fifth Annual Report. The Bureau of, 151

Etruscan Architecture, 36 " Tombs, 131

Evanston, Ill. Architecture at, 118

Evaporation of Water in Traps, 15

Examinations and Diplomas. Architects', 162

EXHIBITION:— Architectural League. The, 40, 57, 143 Boston Architectural Club, 95 of 1892. The Chicago, 177

EXHIBITIONS:— of Architectural Drawings at Philadelphia, 107, 146

EXPOSITION OF 1889:— Algerian Pavilion at the, 105 Buildings of the, 21, 105 Cairo Street at the, 105 Cochin-Chinese Pavilion at the, 106 Colonial Sections at the, 105 Double Statue at the, 32 Forestry Pavilion at the, 105 History of Habitation at the, 149, 168 Indian Pavilion at the, 105 Palaces of Liberal and Fine Arts, 21 Pavilions at the. The City of Paris, 21 Portuguese Pavilion at the, 105 Sanitary Exhibits at the, 21 Spanish Pavilion at the, 105 Tunisian Pavilion at the, 106 Views of Old Paris at the, 21

Fall of a Hotel in Sydney, N.S.W., 184 " " St. Louis Academy of Music, 66 " " the Roof of the Flora Hall, Hamburg, 196

Ferstel. Baron, 66

Feudal Military Architecture, 195

Fifteenth Century "Working-day." A, 155

FIRE:— Apparatus, 29 Backs, 201, 203 Destruction of Toronto University by, 182 Doors, 156 Engines. Borrowing Suburban, 18, 146 in Secretary Tracy's House. The, 186 Loss. Reducing the, 28

Fireplace Throat. The Open, 159

Fireproof Floor. The Schneider, 158 " Whitewash, 208

FIRES:— in American Cities, 97 " Mills. Extinguishing, 177 Water Used in Boston, 79

"Flats," 3

Flues. Floor-beams and, 146

Floor. Beams and Flues, 146 " The Schneider Fireproof, 158

Font in St. Peter Mancroft, 62

Forth Bridge Issue of "Engineering," 177 " " Testing the, 160

Fortifications. Ancient Egyptian, 179 " Assyrian, 179 " Greek, 179 " Modern, 195 " Roman, 180

Foundation of Dry "Concrete." A, 113

Foundations. A New Process of Preparing, 160

France. Architectural Education in, 162

Frederick the Great's Tomb, 144

Freestone-Cutters. Lock-out among Boston, 161, 177

Fremiet's Figure of Conde, 76

French Architects. Proposed Licensing of, 162 " " The Responsibility of, 2

Frost on Stone. The Action of, 98

Funerary Architecture, 99, 115, 131, 147, 163

Gallic Architecture, 52

Garnier's History of Habitation, 149, 168

Gates for Cologne Cathedral. Bronze, 135

Geneva. The Brunswick Monument at, 16

German Building Contracts, 82 " Construction, 155

Glass. The Duty on Window, 31 " The Salviati Murano, 207 " Lined Tubes for Underground Wires, 160

Grant Monument Competition. The, 145

Gravity Transit, 178

Great Wall of China. The, 19

Greek Architecture, 35 " Fortifications, 179 " Mouldings, 139 " Tombs, 131

"Gods," Mexico. "The City of the," 172

Gustavus Adolphus. Statue of, 74

Gutters on the Albany Capitol. Defective, 97

Habitation. History of, 149, 168

Halls. The Sizes of Some Large, 184

Hand vs. Machine Work, 108

Hawkesbury Railway Bridge. The, 106

Hawthorn Tree of Cawdor. The, 110

Hay Fuel, 159

Heat. Loss of Power by Radiation of, 22, 157

Heating by Hot-water, 33

Hindoo Architecture, 19 " Tombs, 148

History of Habitation, 149, 168

Horse in Sculpture. The, 72, 170

Hot-water Heating, 33

Hotel. A Paper, 160 " at the Pyramids. A, 160

House of St. Simon, Angouleme, 61

Houses for Workingmen, 105

Hungary. Railway Zones in, 178

Hydraulic Power in London, 155 " Pressure. Rocks Upheaved by, 26

Hypogea, 115

Ice for Domestic Use, 34 " Skating-rink. An Artificial, 145 " The Power of, 118

Illinois Chapter A.I.A. The, 182

Incomes of Architects. The, 1, 47, 127

India-rubber Paving, 192

Industrial Museum. The Berlin, 174

Inspection of Buildings in New York, 31 " " School-houses. State, 129

Insurance. A Question of, 18, 146 " and Electricity, 79 " and Safe Building, 49, 97 " Company. Annual Report of Boston Manufacturers Mutual Fire, 177 " Companies and Building Construction. The, 49, 97

Interiors. Photographing, 96

International Edition. Our, 17, 18, 65

Iron and its Treatment for Artistic Purposes. Cast, 201

Japanese Collections at the Boston Art Museum. The, 192

Jewels in Burmese Temples, 58

Jewish Architecture, 20

Judean Tombs, 117

Keely, Architect. Death of Charles, 18

Kirby's Drawings. Mr. H. P., 107

Labor Syndicates. Contract-taking, 194 " Troubles, 130, 161, 177, 193

Lamp-post Directory. A, 98

Land Values in Milwaukee, 160

"Lantern of the Dead." The, 164

Laths. A Corner in, 192

Lead-pencils, 178

League Exhibition. The Architectural, 40, 57, 143

Leclere Prize. The Achille, 50

LEGAL:— Alterations and Old Material, 109 Boston Building Laws. The, 109 Commission on a Standing Party-wall, 142 Compensation for Designs, 31 Competitor's Suit against a Building-committee. A, 104 Contracts. Importance of Written, 65 Dismissal. Right of, 158 Libel Suit between Architects. A, 206 Lien Law. The New Rhode Island, 113 Owner's Right to Build. An, 97 Responsibility of Architects. The, 2, 130 Suit against a Railroad. An Architect's, 194 "Trolley" System. Decision against the, 128 Understanding between Architect and Client, 159 Van Beers Suits. The, 80

Leighton on a Device of Spanish Architecture. Sir Frederick, 146

LETTERS FROM:— Australia, 106, 183 Boston, 190 Canada, 41, 104, 182 Chicago, 118, 182 London, 42, 104 New York, 108 Paris, 21, 105, 185 Philadelphia, 197 Washington, 43, 186

Libel-suit between Architects. A, 206

Licensing of Architects. The, 162

Lien Law. The New Rhode Island, 113

Light-house at Houstholm. The, 88

Lighting Effects. Picturesque Interior, 146

Lime in Architect's Specifications, 161

Lock-out among Boston Freestone-Cutters, 161, 177

Locomotive. A New Style of, 82

Locrian Town. The Site of a, 16

LONDON:— British Museum. Electric-light at the, 104 County Council. The, 104 Houses for Workingmen, 105 Hydraulic Power. The Distribution of, 155 Letters from, 42, 104 National Portrait Gallery. The New, 208 Prize-men of the R.I.B.A., 104 St. Saviour's, Southwark, 43 Subways for. Proposed, 43 Tower Bridge. The, 192 Waterhouse's Annual Address before the R.I.B.A. Mr., 42 Watkin Tower. The, 16, 105

Lottery. Church Restoring by, 128

Louis XIV. Equestrian Statues of, 170

Lowell City-hall Contracts. The, 194

Machine-work. Hand vs., 103

Magnesia Coverings for Steam-pipes, 23, 157

Manual Training-school Pupils, 96

Marble and Freestone Cutters, 161 " Beryt or Fluid, 160

Marcus Curtius. Statue of, 172

Massachusetts. State Inspection of School-houses in, 129

Master-builders' Attempt to Discipline Architects. The Philadelphia, 161

Mausoleums, 133

Maximilian at Innsbruck. Tomb of, 61

Maximilian I. Statue of, 76

Maya. Temples of Ancient, 204

McAlpine, Civil Engineer. Death of, W. J., 129

McArthur, Jr., Architect. Death of John, 33 " " The Late John, 48

Mediaeval Architecture, 52, 67 " Cemeteries, 164 " Tombs, 163

Mesopotamia. Explorations in, 160

Metal. A new Composite, 93

Mexican Congressional Palace. The Proposed, 96 " Pyramids, 172

Mexico. A Titian "Entombment" in, 60 " "The City of the Gods," 172

Milan Cathedral. The Completion of, 130

Military Architecture, 179, 195

Mill-construction. Improvements in, 177

Millet's "Angelus," 12

Milwaukee. Land Values in, 160

Missouri State Association of Architects, 46

Modern Fortifications, 195 " Tombs, 166

Monolithic Church of St. Emilion, 16

Mons. The Cathedral of, 114

Monument to the Emperor William. National, 32 " " Prison-ship Martyrs, 128

Monuments. Equestrian, 72, 170 " Funerary, 99, 115, 131, 147, 163 " New York, 151

Mosaic. The Salviati, 208

Mouldings. Greek, 139

Mud-docks at Vizagapatam, 63

Mummy Cats. Egyptian, 208

Munich. The Royal Polytechnicum at, 181

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. The, 175, 190 " The Cost of a small, 23

Mussulman Architecture, 52

Naples. Heavy Rains at, 95

National Portrait Gallery, London. The New, 208

Natural-gas Supply. The, 32

Neutral Axis. To Find the, 111

New South Wales Institute of Architects. Quarrel in the, 183

NEW YORK:— Architectural League Exhibition, 40, 57, 143 Architecture. Color in, 108 Barye Exhibition. The, 10 City-hall Park. The, 138 East River Tunnel. The, 178 Episcopal Cathedral Competition. The, 40, 62 Inspection of Buildings in, 31 Letters from, 108 Monuments, 151 Obelisk. The Protection of the, 178, 207 Paintings at the Barye Exhibition, 11 Tenement-houses, 89, 119

Newark Architectural Sketch-Club, 30

Northwestern University. The Buildings of the, 118

Nun. A Written Contract Necessary even when Dealing with a, 65

Oak-trees built into Chimney-walls, 146 " Warfare on, 10

Obelisk. Protection of the New York, 198, 207

OBITUARY:— Andre. Jules, Architect, 145 Brentano. Signor, Architect, 130 Clark. George, Architect, 63 Durand. George F., Architect, 1 Keely. Charles, Architect, 18 McAlpine. W. J., Civil Engineer, 129 McArthur, Jr. John, Architect, 33 Oudinot. Eugene, Glass-stainer, 81 Roberts. E. L., Architect, 177 Sidel. Edouard, Architect, 113 Wells. Joseph M., Architect, 95

Office. A Chicago Architect's, 50

Ontario Association of Architects, 41

Open-fireplace Throat. The, 159

Oriental Textiles at Berlin, 175 " Tombs, 148

Oudinot, Glass-stainer. Death of Eugene, 81

Owner's Right to Build. An, 97

Paint for Underground Work. A Cheap, 146

Painting on Cemented Surfaces, 146

Paintings at the Barye Exhibition, 11 " " " Boston Art Museum, 191

Palace of San Giorgio, Genoa, 64

Paper Hotel. A, 160

Paraffine Process used on the Egyptian Obelisk. The, 178, 207

PARIS:— Bourse du Commerce. The New, 185 Bull-fights in, 130 Bull-ring Proposed for. A, 50 Halle au Ble. The, 185 Lamp-post Directory. A, 98 Letters from, 21, 105, 185 Model School-house. A, 82 Peabody Homes in, 56 Plasterers, 94 Salons. The Proposed two, 80 Skating-rink. An Artificial Ice, 145

PARIS EXPOSITION:— Algerian Pavilion at the, 105 Buildings of the, 21, 105 Cairo Street at the, 105 Cochin-Chinese Pavilion at the, 106 Colonial Sections at the, 105 Double Statue at the, 32 Forestry Pavilion at the, 105 History of Habitation at the, 149, 168 Indian Pavilion at the, 105 Palaces of Liberal and Fine Arts, 21 Pavilions at the. The City of Paris, 21 Portuguese Pavilion at the, 105 Sanitary Exhibits at the, 21 Spanish Pavilion at the, 105 Tunisian Pavilion at the, 106 Views of Old Paris at the, 21

Pavement. India-rubber, 192

Pavements. Cast-iron, 192

Paving. Asphalt, 82

Peabody Homes in Paris, 56

Pencils. Lead, 178

Persian Court Art, 16 " Tombs, 117

PHILADELPHIA:— Architectural Exhibition at the Art Club, 146 " " at the Penn. Academy, 107 Chapter, A.I.A., 46 Letters from, 107 Master-builders' Attempt to Discipline Architects. The, 161 T-Square Club, 206

Phoenician Architecture, 20 " Tombs, 117

Photographing Interiors, 96

Pirating Sculpture, 160

Planning of School-buildings. The, 81

Plaster-of-Paris and Marshmallow, 48

Plasterers. Paris, 94

Plate-glass. Protecting, 8 " Works Convention. The, 176

Pneumatic Street Railroad. A, 95

Polytechnicum at Munich. The Royal, 181

Polytechnique. The Zurich, 154

Power in London. Hydraulic, 155 " Lost by Radiation of Heat, 22, 156

Prehistoric Ruins of Yucatan. The, 58

Prints. Arranging Architectural, 207

Prison-ship Martyrs' Monument. The, 128

Prize-winners. The R.I.B.A., 104

Profit-sharing. A Contractor's, 2, 43

Protecting Building Stone, 98

Public Buildings in Canada. Proposed, 104

Pueblo Indians and the Works of the Rio Grande Irrigation Co. The, 63

Pyramids, 100 " A Hotel at the, 160 " Mexican, 172

Quebec City-hall Competition. The, 63

Queen of Greece and an Electric-wire. The, 128

Radiation of Heat. Loss of Power by, 22, 156

Railroad. A Pneumatic Street, 95 " An Architect's Suit against a, 194

Railway Bridge. The Hawkesbury, 106 " Zones in Hungary, 178

Railways. Electric, 64, 111, 128

Rains at Naples. Heavy, 95

Rantzau. Statuette of Marshal, 76

Rapid Transit for Chicago, 182

Ravenna. The Early Christian Tombs at, 147

Reading-light for Railways. Electric, 50

Registration of Architects in Canada. The, 183

Renaissance Architecture, 69 " Tombs, 165

Report of Boston Manufacturers Mutual Fire Insurance Company. Annual, 177 " The Bureau of Ethnology's Fifth Annual, 151

Reputation of Architects. The Influence of Architectural Journals on the, 17

Residence in Various Countries. Concentrated, 88, 119

Responsibility of Architects. The, 2, 130

Revising Bids. The Right of, 194

Rhode Island Lien Law. The New, 113

Richardson, H. H., 145

Rio Janeiro. The Sewage of, 156

Roberts, Architect. Death of E. L., 177

Rock. The Dighton, 93

Rocks Upheaved by Hydraulic Pressure, 26

Roman Architecture, 36, 51 " Catholic Buildings in Australia, 107 " Fortifications, 180 " Tombs, 133

Romanesque Tombs, 163

ROME:— Castle of St. Angelo. The, 208 Vandalism in, 79 Vatican Museum. The, 208 Viaduct in. Discovery of an Ancient, 80

Rotting. To Prevent Wood from, 146

Royal Institute of British Architects. Prize-winners, 104

Ruskin and His Work. John, 49

Safe Building, 121, 135, 197

St. Alban's Abbey. The Restoration of, 42 " Angelo, Rome. The Castle of, 208 " Clair River Tunnel. The, 128 " Emilion. The Monolithic Church of, 16 " Louis Academy of Music. Fall of, 66 " " Chapter, A.I.A., 206 " Regulus Church. St. Andrews, 45 " Salvator's Church, St. Andrews, 46 " Saviour's, Southwark. The Restoration of, 43 " Sebald. Restoring the Church of, 128

Salons. The Proposed Two, 80

Salviati. Death of Dr., 208

Sandstone. The Structure of, 9

Sandy Foundations, 160

SANITARY:— Concentrated Residence in Various Countries, 88, 119 Dessication of the Dead, 25 Entombment, 24 Exhibits at the Paris Exposition, 21 Inspection of New York Buildings, 31 Sewage of Rio Janeiro. The, 156 Tenement-houses, 88, 119 Ventilation of School-buildings, 82, 129

Sarcophagi, 163

Scaffold Accidents, 104

Scandinavian Art, 37, 53, 63

Schliemann vs. Dr. Botticher. Dr., 144

Schmiedbarenguss, 93

Schneider Fireproof Floor. The, 158

Scholar. Our Travelling. 153, 181

School-buildings. The Planning of, 81 " House at Evanston, Ill. A, 118 " " The Model, 82 " Houses. Books on, 207 " " The Ventilation of 82, 129

Sculpture and Architecture, 7 " Pirating, 160 " The Horse in, 72, 170

Sewage of Rio Janeiro. The, 156

Sgraffito-work, 154

Shades and Shadows. Architectural, 56

Sidel, Architect. Death of Edouard, 113

Skating-rink in Paris. An Artificial-Ice, 145

Slater Memorial Museum. The, 23

Slow-burning Construction, 29, 97

Soldiers' Home at Washington. The, 143

South America. Architects in, 18

Spanish Architecture. A Device of, 146

Specifications Should be Specific. Good, 161

"Spectator" on the Underwriters' Interest in Building. The, 49

Spires, Towers and Domes, 91, 101

Sprinklers in Mills. Automatic, 177

Stand-pipes and the Underwriters, 49

State Architect. The New York, 206

Statue Giving a Double Image, 32 " of the Emperor Frederick. A, 208

Steam-pipes and Woodwork, 48 " Coverings for, 22, 156

Steel Company's Works near Baltimore. The Pennsylvania, 188

Stelae, 99, 115

Stevens, Sculptor. Alfred, 201, 203

Stockholm. An American Elevator in, 111

Stones. The Decay of Building, 98

Straightening Walls, 22

Strasbourg Cathedral, 153 " University, 154

Stray Thoughts for Young Architects, 90

Strikes and Lockouts. Threatened, 130

Styles. Changes of Architectural, 108

Subterranean Tombs, 115, 147

Suburban Building in Chicago, 132

Subways in London. Proposed, 43

Suspension-bridges. Chinese, 96

Swedish Penalties for Bad Building, 72

Syndicate. Proposed Contracting, 81

Syndicates. Contract-taking Labor, 191

Tapestries at Berlin. Exhibition of Textiles and, 174

Tariff on Works of Art. The, 18

Taxation of Roman Catholic Property in Montreal. The Exemption from, 42

Technical College. The Berlin, 140

Temples of Ancient Maya, 204

Tenement-houses, 88, 119

Teotihuacan, Mexico, 172

Testing the Forth Bridge, 160

Textiles and Tapestries at Berlin. Exhibition of, 174

Thirty Year's War. The, 72

Thoughts for Young Architects. Stray, 90

Titian "Entombment" in Mexico. A, 60

Tobacco in England. The first Use of, 110

Tomb. Cleopatra's, 141 " Frederick the Great's, 144 " of Cecilia Metella, 134 " " Maximilian at Innsbruck, 61

TOMBS:— Assyrian, 116 Egyptian, 99, 115 Etruscan, 131 Greek, 131 Hindoo, 148 Judean, 117 Mediaeval, 163 Modern, 166 Oriental, 148 Persian, 117 Phoenician, 117 Renaissance, 165 Roman, 133 Romanesque, 163 Subterranean, 115, 147

TORONTO:— Architectural Sketch-Club, 142 Burning of the University. The, 182 Proposed Improvements in, 42

Tower for the Exhibition of 1892. High, 177 " The Watkin, 16, 105

Towers and Domes. Spires, 91, 101

Towns. The Laying-out of, 184

Tracy's House. The Fire in Secretary, 186

Trade Surveys, 16, 32, 48, 64, 80, 96, 112, 128, 144, 160, 176, 192, 208

Trades-unions, 193

Training-school Pupils, 96

Traps. Evaporation of Water in, 15

Travelling-Scholar. Our, 153, 181

"Trolley" System. Decision against the, 128

T-Square Club, Philadelphia. The, 206

Tumuli. Celtic, 99

Tunnel. The East River, 178 " " St. Clair River, 128 " " Washington Aqueduct, 103

Underground Wires. Glass-lined Tubes for, 160 " Work. A Cheap Paint for, 146

Understanding between Architect and Client. The, 159

Underwriter's Interest in Building. The Spectator on the, 49

Undermining. Well-sinking by, 98

University. Strasbourg, 154

Uxmal, 204

Van Beers. The Artist Jan, 80

Vandalism in Rome, 79

Vane in Burmah. A Jewelled, 58

Vatican. Art at the, 208

Ventilating Wooden Columns, 31

Ventilation of School-buildings, 82, 129

Verplanck Homestead. The, 26

Viaduct in Rome. Discovery of an Ancient, 80

Vikings. The Art of the, 37, 53

Walking Delegate. The Power of a, 193

Wall. Collapse of a Retaining, 113

Walls. Straightening, 22

Walnut Logs, 192

Warren's Sketches at the League Exhibition. Mr., 57, 143

WASHINGTON:— Aqueduct Tunnel. The, 103 Building in. Recent and Future, 44 Chapter, A.I.A., 43 Letters from, 43, 186 Railroad. A Pneumatic Street, 95 Soldiers' Home Building. The, 143 Tracy's House. The Fire in Secretary, 186

Water-color Drawings. Architectural, 107 " Painting. Books on, 31

Waterhouse's Annual Address before the R.I.B.A. Mr., 42

Water-power. A Remarkable, 47 " supply of London. The, 156 " used in Boston Fires, 79

Watkin Tower. The, 16, 105

Wattle-tree. The, 10

Welding. Electric, 176

Well-sinking by Undermining, 98

Wells, Architect. Death of Joseph M., 95

White House. The American Architect Travelling-scholarship Design for a new, 158

Whitewash. Fireproof, 208

Will. The Power of the, 112

William of Orange. Statue of, 74

Wood from Rotting. To Prevent, 146

"Working-day." A Fifteenth-century, 155

Working-drawings, 63

World's Fair. The Chicago, 177, 182

Yucatan. Ancient Temples of, 204 " Exploring Expedition. A New, 112 " Ruins and Works of Art in, 58

Zones in Hungary. Railway, 178


[The figures refer to the number of the journal, and not to the page.]


Old Iron and Brasswork at Providence, R.I., 737

Renaissance Doorways, Toulouse, France, 737


Balveny Castle, Scotland, 735

Block of Houses for E. K. Greene, Kearney, Neb. Frank, Bailey & Farmer, Architects, 741

Cottage at Tuxedo, N.Y. Renwick, Aspinwall & Russell, Architects, 744 " for Dr. T. H. Willard, Jr., Greenville, N.Y. Adolph Haak, Architect, 737

House at Malden, Mass. Chamberlin & Whidden, Architects, 738 " " Rochester, N.Y. W. C. Walker, Architect, 736

HOUSE OF:— J. R. Burnett, Orange, N.J. F. W. Beall, Architect, 743 C. H. Elmendorff, Kearney, Neb. Frank, Bailey & Farmer, Architects, 737 C. De Lacey Evan, Ruxton, Md. E. G. W. Dietrich, Architect, 734 Geo. W. Frank, Kearney, Neb. Frank, Bailey & Farmer, Architects, 743 Capt. Jesse H. Freeman, Brookline, Mass. W. A. Rodman, Architect, 738 Prof. C. E. Hart, New Brunswick, N.J. H. R. Marshall, Archt., 736 J. H. Howe, Rochester, N.Y. Nolan Bros., Architects, 736 Julius Howells, Chicago, Ill. Wm. H. Pfau, Architect, 740 A. H. Stem, Minnetonka Beach, Minn. A. H. Stem, Architect, 741 W. S. Wells, Newport, R.I. G. E. Harding & Co., Architects, 736 Albert Will, Rochester, N.Y. Otto Block, Architect, 735

Houses for Potter Palmer, Chicago, Ill. C. M. Palmer, Architect, 735 " " Dr. A. Wharton, St. Paul, Minn. A. H. Stem, Architect, 739

Netley Corners, Minneapolis, Minn. J. C. Plant, Architect, 744

Premises of G. G. Booth, Detroit, Mich. Mason & Rice, Architects, 740

Suggestion for the Executive Mansion by Theodore F. Laist. Successful Design for the American Architect Travelling-Scholarship.

Workman's Dwelling-house on the Cohesive System, 739


Aberbrothwick Abbey, Arbroath, Scotland, 732

Baptist Church, Gardiner, Me. Stevens & Cobb, Architects, 737

Cathedral of St. Machar, Aberdeen, Scotland, 733

Chapel, St. Paul's School, Concord, N.H. Henry Vaughan, Architect, 742

Competitive Design for First Baptist Church, Malden, Mass. Lewis & Phipps, Architects, 740

COMPETITIVE DESIGN FOR THE:— Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York, N.Y. Glenn Brown, Architect, 732 Cram & Wentworth, Architects, 738 (Imp.) B. G. Goodhue, Architect, 738 (Imp.) J. R. Rhind, Architect, 743 (Imp.)

Congregational Church, Wakefield, Mass. Hartwell & Richardson, Architects, 744

Dalmeny Church, Linlithgow, Scotland, 743 (Imp.)

Design for Presbyterian Church, Memphis, Tenn. W. Albert Swasey, Architect, 742

First Baptist Church, Elmira, N.Y. Pierce & Dockstader, Architects, 739

Memorial "Church of the Angels," Los Angeles, Cal. E. A. Coxhead, Architect, 733

St. Augustine Roman Catholic Church Buildings, Brooklyn, N.Y. Parfitt Bros., Architects, 733 " Luke's Church, Mansfield, O. W. G. Preston, Architect, 744 " Regulus's Church, St. Andrews, Scotland, 734 (Imp.) " Salvator's Church, St. Andrews, Scotland, 734 (Imp.)

Sketch for a Church. Edward Stotz, Architect, 742

Throop Ave. Presbyterian Church, Brooklyn, N.Y. Fowler & Hough, Architects, 742


High School, Cambridge, Mass. Chamberlin & Austin, Architects, 743 " " Los Angeles, Cal. J. N. Preston & Son, Architects, 738

School-house, Lewiston, Me. Geo. F. Coombs, Architect, 735

University, Strasbourg, Germany. Prof. Worth, Architect, 741


Aberbrothwick Abbey, Arbroath, Scotland, 732

Balveny Castle, Scotland, 735

Cathedral of St. Machar, Aberdeen, Scotland, 733

Central Dome of Exhibition Buildings, Paris, France, 740

Dalmeny Church, Linlithgow, Scotland, 743 (Imp.)

Hall, Craigievar Castle, Aberdeen, Scotland, 743 (Imp.)

Renaissance Doorways, Toulouse, France, 737

St. Regulus's Church, St. Andrews, Scotland, 734 (Imp.) " Salvator's Church, St. Andrews, Scotland, 734 (Imp.)

Tower, St. Etienne du Mont, Paris, France, 737

Town Hall, Sydney, N.S.W., 743

University, Strasbourg, Germany. Prof. Worth, Architect, 741


Alicia Springs Hotel, Pennfield, Pa. E. Culver, Architect, 738

Hotel de Soto, Savannah, Ga. W. G. Preston, Architect, 733

Sketch for Hotel at Norton, Va. Geo. T. Pearson, Architect, 734


Hall, Craigievar Castle, Aberdeen, Scotland, 743 (Imp.) " in House of W. R. Ray, Los Angeles, Cal. W. Redmore Ray, Architect, 740

Sitting-room in House of J. H. Howe, Rochester, N.Y. Nolan Bros., Architects, 736


Anniston City Land Co. Building, Anniston, Ala. Chisolm & Green, Architects, 734

Building for the Boston Real Estate Trust. Cabot, Everett & Mead, Architects, 744

Design for an Office-building, Boston, Mass. C. H. Blackall, Archt., 734

Factory Building, on the Cohesive System, 739

Sketch of Store, Boston, Mass. Wait & Cutter, Architects, 732


Alcove Sleeping-car, 742

Heads of Mexican Gods, 742

Vault, Greenwood Cemetery, Brooklyn, N.Y. Renwick, Aspinwall & Russell, Architects, 744


Central Dome of Exhibition Buildings, Paris, France, 740

Town-hall, East Providence, R.I. W. K. Walker & Son, Architects, 738 " Sydney, N.S.W., 743


Competitive Designs for Railroad-stations, by the Rochester Architectural Sketch Club, 738


Sketch of Stable, Paterson, N.J. C. Edwards, Architect, 735


Tower, St. Etienne du Mont, Paris, France, 737 " Sketched from the Competitive Design of C. B. Atwood, Architect, for the New City-hall, New York, N.Y., 736

Town Clock-tower. Designed by Willis Polk, Architect, 736


Aberbrothwick Abbey, 732

Balveny Castle, 735

Castle Campbell, 739 (Int.)

Cawdor Castle, 738 (Int.)

Craigievar Castle, 743 (Imp.)

Dalmeny Church, 743 (Imp.)

St. Machar's Cathedral, 733 " Regulus's Church, 734 (Imp.) " Salvator's Church, 734 (Imp.)


[Published only in the Imperial and International Editions.]

Angers Cathedral, 734 (Imp.)

Catania, 734 (Imp.)

Notre Dame, Poitiers, 734 (Imp.)

Pierrefonds, 734 (Imp.)

St. Ours, Loches, 731 (Imp.)


[The figures refer to the number of the journal and not to the page.]


[Published only in the Imperial and International Editions.]

Detail of Entrance, Osborn Hall, New Haven, Conn. Bruce Price, Architect, 744 (Imp.)

House of W. A. Burnham, Boston, Mass. E. C. Curtis, Archt., 739 (Imp.)

Ruined Chapel of Charles V, Yuste, Spain, 732

Street View in Dinan, France, 736

Torre del Vino, Alhambra, Granada, Spain, 732

U.S. Trust Co.'s Building, New York, N.Y. R. W. Gibson, Architect, 734 (Imp.)


Capitals from Chamber of Commerce, Cincinnati, O. H. H. Richardson and Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge, Successors, Architects, 740 (Gel.)

Detail of Entrance, Osborn Hall, New Haven, Conn. Bruce Price, Architect, 744 (Gel.)

Entrance, Holcombe, Chatham, Eng. John Belcher, Architect, 739

Font and Canopy, St. Peter, Mancroft, Norwich, Eng. Frank T. Baggallay, Architect, 735

House-gable on Taubenstrasse, Berlin, Germany. Herr Holst, Architect, 742 (Gel.)

Piers of the Cathedral Portico, Lucca, Italy, 739 (Gel.)

Porte Cochere, Paris, France, 744 (Gel.)

Portico, Ecole de Medicine, Paris, France, 741 (Gel.)

Window in Grisaille Glass. W. R. Lethaby, Designer, 740

Wrought-iron Gates, Chelmsford, Eng., 732


A Country House. Horace R. Appelbee, Architect, 732

Black Knoll, Brockenhurst, Eng. R. T. Blomfield, Architect, 742

Butler's Wood, Chislehurst, Eng. Ernest Newton, Architect, 733

Castle Campbell, Clackmannan, Scotland, 739

Cawdor Castle, Nairn, Scotland, 738

Chateau de Josselin, Morbihan, France, 733 (Gel.)

Coombe Warren, Kingston, England. George Devey, Architect, 732, 734

Folkton Manor House, Eng. E. J. May, Architect, 743

Hall Place, Tonbridge, Eng. George Devey, Architect, 741

Holcombe, Chatham, Eng. John Belcher, Architect, 735, 738

House at Exeter, Eng. James Crocker, Architect, 733 " " Goring-on-Thames, Eng. Geo. W. Webb, Architect, 740 " " Tunbridge Wells, Eng. George Devey, Architect, 741

House-gable on Taubenstrasse, Berlin, Germany. Herr Holst, Archt., 742 (Gel.)

House, James St., Buckingham Gate, London, Eng. R. T. Blomfield, Architect, 742 " near Birmingham, Eng. Essex & Nicol, Architects, 743

HOUSE OF:— J. Benic, Karlstadt, Austria. Hans Pruckner, Architect, 743 (Gel.) Mrs. Charles Blake, Boston, Mass. Sturgis & Cabot, Archts., 732 (Gel.) Charles F. Brush, Cleveland, O. George H. Smith, Archt., 742 (Gel.) W. A. Burnham, Boston, Mass. E. C. Curtis, Architect, 739 (Gel.) Mrs. Consino, Santiago, Chili, 733, 734 Senor Cuda, Santiago, Chili, 740 (Gel.) Mrs. S. T. Everett, Cleveland, O. C. F. & J. A. Schweinfurth, Architects, 735 (Gel.) Herr Hatner, Buda-Pesth, Austria. Alfred Wellisch, Archt., 744 (Gel.) Mrs. T. T. Haydock, Cincinnati, O. J. W. McLaughlin, Archt., 743 (Gel.) Edwin Long, R.A., Hampstead, Eng. R. Norman Shaw, Architect, 744 Mr. McKenna, Santiago, Chili, 740 (Gel.) E. D. Pearce, Providence, R.I. Rotch & Tilden, Architects, 740 G. M. Smith, Providence, R.I. Stone, Carpenter & Willson, Architects, 733 (Gel.) St. Simon, Angouleme, France, 735

House on the Rauchstrasse, Berlin, Germany. Kaiser & Grossheim, Archts., 741 (Gel.) " " " Yorkstrasse, Berlin, Germany. Herr Rintz, Architect, 744 (Gel.)

Mill Pond Farm, Cranbrook, Eng. M. E. Macartney, Architect, 743

Official Residence of the Intendente, Santiago, Chili, 734

Palace of Count Pallavicini, Vienna, Austria. Herr Von Hohenberg, Architect, 743 (Gel.)

Residence of the Former Viceroy of the Province, Santiago, Chili, 738 (Gel.)

Semi-detached Houses, Ripon, Eng. T. Butler Wilson, Architect, 740

The Gables, Felixstowe, Eng. William A. Thorp, Architect, 740

Vicarage, Tweedmouth, Eng. F. R. Wilson, Architect, 744

Villa Blanca, near Innsbruck, Austria. J. W. Deininger, Archt., 740 (Gel.)


All Saints' Church, Leek, Eng. R. Norman Shaw, Architect, 735 " " " London, Eng. Christopher & White, Architects, 743

Cathedral, Quimper, France, 742 (Gel.)

Chapel of St. Mary of Nazareth, Edgware, Eng. James Brooks, Architect, 736

Church of All Saints, Falmouth, Eng. J. D. Sedding, Archt., 737 " " St. John the Baptist, Reading, Eng. E. Prioleau Warren, Architect, 737 " " " Martin, Seamer, Eng. C. Hodgson Fowler, Architect, 742

Cloister, Poblet, Spain, 737 (Gel.)

COMPETITIVE DESIGN FOR THE:— Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York, N.Y. Edward C. Casey, Architect, 736 Stephen C. Earle, Architect, 736 John L. Faxon, Architect, 736

Design for a Village Church. Gerald C. Horsley, Architect, 740 " " Church of the Good Shepherd, London, Eng. T. Phillips Figgis, Archt., 733

Episcopal Church, West Medford, Mass. H. H. Richardson, Archt., 737 (Gel.)

Font and Canopy, St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich, Eng. Frank T. Baggallay, Architect, 735

Interior of St. Paul Extra Muros, Rome, Italy, 734 (Gel.) " " the Cathedral, Albi, France, 734 (Gel.) " " " Hofkirche with Tomb of Maximilian I, Innsbruck, Austria, 735 (Gel.) " " " Recoletu Church, Santiago, Chili, 735 (Gel.)

Parish Room and School, Charleton, Devon, Eng. F. J. Commin, Architect, 739

Ruined Chapel of Charles V, Yuste, Spain, 732

Wesleyan Chapel, Leeds, Eng. T. Butler Wilson, Architect, 734


Board School, Bromley, Kent, Eng. Vacher & Hellicar, Architects, 739

COMPETITIVE DESIGN FOR:— Gymnasium for Brown University, Providence, R.I. Gould & Angell, Architects, 741 Stone, Carpenter & Willson, Architects, 741

Design for a Board School. Geo. W. Webb, Architect, 733

Old Facade, Ecole de Medecine, Paris, France, 741 (Gel.)

Osborn Hall, New Haven, Conn. Bruce Price, Architect, 741 (Gel.)

Parish Room and School, Charleton, Devon, Eng. F. J. Commin, Architect, 739

Swimming-bath and Gymnasium, Grocers' Company's Schools, Hackney Downs, Eng. Henry C. Boyes, Architect, 736


All Saints' Church, Leek, Eng. R. Norman Shaw, Architect, 735 " " " London, Eng. Christopher & White, Archts., 743

Arch of Septimus Severus, Rome, Italy, 734

Auditorium of the Palace of the Trocadero, Paris, France, 732 (Gel.)

"Bargello," Florence, Italy. The, 734

Black Knoll, Brockenhurst, Eng. R. T. Blomfield, Architect, 742

Board School, Bromley, Kent, Eng. Vacher & Hellicar, Architects, 739

Business Premises, London, Eng. Frederick Wallen, Architect. 738

Butler's Wood, Chislehurst, Eng. Ernest Newton, Architect, 733

"Ca' d'Oro," Venice, Italy. The, 734

Castle Campbell, Clackmannan, Scotland, 739

Cathedral, Quimper, France, 742 (Gel.)

Cawdor Castle, Nairn, Scotland, 738

Chapel of St. Mary of Nazareth, Edgware, Eng. James Brooks, Architect, 736

Chateau de Josselin, Morbihan, France, 733 (Gel.)

Church of All Saints, Falmouth, Eng. J. D. Sedding, Archt., 737 " " St. John the Baptist, Reading, Eng. E. Prioleau Warren, Architect, 737 " " " Martin, Seamer, Eng. C. Hodgson Fowler, Architect, 742

Clee Park Hotel, Grimsby, Eng. E. W. Farebrother, Architect, 738

Cloister, Poblet, Spain, 737 (Gel.)

Congress Hall and Chamber of Deputies, Santiago, Chili, 738 (Gel.)

Coombe Warren, Kingston, England. George Devey, Architect, 732

Corridor in House of Edwin Long, R.A., Hampstead, Eng. R. Norman Shaw, Architect, 744

Design for Church of the Good Shepherd, London, Eng. T. Phillips Figgis, Architect, 733

Dining-room, Coombe Warren, Kingston, Eng. George Devey, Archt., 734

Drawing-room, Holcombe, Chatham, Eng. John Belcher, Architect, 736

Entrance, Holcombe, Chatham, Eng. John Belcher, Architect, 739

Folkton Manor House, Eng. E. J. May, Architect, 743

Font and Canopy, St. Peter Mancroft, Norwich, Eng. Frank T. Baggallay, Architect, 735

Frome Union Offices, Frome, Eng. Drake & Bryan, Architects, 744

Grand Hotel, Vienna, Austria. Carl Tietz, Architect, 741 (Gel.)

Hall, Castle Campbell, Clackmannan, Scotland. The, 739 " Coombe House, near Shaftesbury, Eng. E. Towry White, Architect, 736 " Holcombe, Chatham, Eng. The, 738

Hill Place, Tonbridge, Eng. George Devey, Architect, 741

Holcombe, Chatham, England. John Belcher, Architect, 733, 736

House at Exeter, Eng. James Crocker, Architect, 733 " " Goring-on-Thames, Eng. Geo. W. Webb, Architect, 740 " " Tunbridge Wells, England. George Devey, Archt., 741

House-gable on Taubenstrasse, Berlin, Germany, 742 (Gel.)

House, James St., Buckingham Gate, London, Eng. R. T. Blomfield, Architect, 742 " near Birmingham, Eng. Essex & Nicol, Architects, 743

HOUSE OF:— J. Benic, Karlstadt, Austria. Hans Pruckner, Architect, 743 (Gel.) Mrs. Consino, Santiago, Chili, 733, 734 Senor Cuda, Santiago, Chili, 740 (Gel.) Herr Hatner, Buda-Pesth, Austria. Alfred Wellisch, Archt., 744 (Gel.) Edwin Long, R.A., Hampstead, Eng. R. Norman Shaw, Archt., 744 Mr. McKenna, Santiago, Chili, 740 (Gel.) St. Simon, Angouleme, France, 735

House on the Rauchstrasse, Berlin, Germany. Kaiser & Grossheim, Archts., 741 (Gel.) " " " Yorkstrasse, Berlin, Germany. Herr Rintz, Architect, 744 (Gel.)

Interior in the Chateau de Josselin, Morbihan, France, 732, 733 (Gel.) " of St. Paul Extra Muros, Rome, Italy, 734 (Gel.) " " the Cathedral, Albi, France, 734 (Gel.) " " " Hofkirche, with Tomb of Maximilian I, Innsbruck, Austria, 735 (Gel.) " " " Recoletu Church, Santiago, Chili, 735 (Gel.)

Italian Sketches, 734

Kitchen, Castello di Vincigliata, Italy. G. Fancelli, Architect, 735

"Lloyds," Trieste, Austria. Baron Heinrich von Ferstel, Architect, 740 (Gel.)

Mill Pond Farm, Cranbrook, Eng. M. E. Macartney, Architect, 743

New Bourse du Commerce, Paris, France. H. Blondel, Architect, 735 " Premises, Chester, Eng. T. M. Lockwood, Architect, 737

Official Residence of the Intendente, Santiago, Chili, 734

Old Facade, Ecole de Medecine, Paris, France, 741 (Gel.)

Painting by Puvis de Chavannes in the Grand Hall of the Sorbonne, Paris, France, 743 (Gel.)

Palace of Count Pallavicini, Vienna, Austria. Herr Von Hohenberg, Architect, 743 (Gel.) " " the Liberal Arts, Paris, France. J. C. Formige, Architect, 735

Parish Room and School, Charleton, Devon, Eng. F. J. Commin, Architect, 739

Piers of the Cathedral Portico, Lucca, Italy, 739 (Gel.)

Porte Cochere, Paris, France, 744 (Gel.)

Portico, Ecole de Medecine, Paris, France, 741 (Gel.)

Railway Tavern, Grimsby, Eng. E. W. Farebrother, Architect, 738

Residence of the Former Viceroy of the Province, Santiago, Chili, 738 (Gel.)

Ruined Chapel of Charles V, Yuste, Spain, 732

Savings Bank, Linz, Austria. Austrian Building Co., Architects, 742 (Gel.)

Semi-detached Houses, Ripon, Eng. T. Butler Wilson, Architect, 740

Stables, Holcombe, Chatham, Eng. John Belcher, Architect, 739

Street View in Dinan, France, 736 " " " Santiago, Chili, 736 (Gel.)

Swimming-bath and Gymnasium, Grocers' Company's Schools, Hackney Downs, Eng. Henry C. Boyes, Architect, 736

Temples of Faustina and Romulus, Rome, Italy, 734

The Gables, Felixstowe, Eng. William A. Thorp, Architect, 740

Torre del Vino, Alhambra, Granada, Spain, 732

Vicarage, Tweedmouth, Eng. F. R. Wilson, Architect, 744

Villa Blanca, near Innsbruck, Austria. J. W. Deininger, Architect, 740 (Gel.)

Warehouse, Stockholm, Sweden. A. Egendomen, Architect, 735

Wesleyan Chapel, Leeds, Eng. T. Butler Wilson, Architect, 734

Wrought-iron Gates, Chelmsford, Eng., 732


[Published only in the Imperial and International Editions.]

Auditorium of the Palace of the Trocadero, Paris, France, 732

Capitals from Chamber of Commerce, Cincinnati, O. H. H. Richardson and Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge Successors, Architects, 740 (Imp.)

Cathedral, Quimper, France, 742

Chateau de Josselin, Morbihan, France, 733

Cloister, Poblet, Spain, 737

Congress Hall and Chamber of Deputies, Santiago, Chili, 738

Detail of Entrance, Osborn Hall, New Haven, Conn. Bruce Price, Architect, 744 (Imp.)

Entrance Hall in House of Prof. C. E. Hart, New Brunswick, N.J. H. R. Marshall, Architect, 736, (Imp.)

Episcopal Church, West Medford, Mass. H. H. Richardson, Archt., 737 (Imp.)

Grand Hotel, Vienna, Austria. Carl Tietz, Architect, 741

House-gable on Taubenstrasse, Berlin, Germany. Herr Holst, Archt., 742

HOUSE OF:— J. Benic, Karlstadt, Austria. Hans Pruckner, Architect, 743 Mrs. Charles Blake, Boston, Mass. Sturgis & Cabot, Archts., 732 (Imp.) Charles F. Brush, Cleveland, O. George H. Smith, Archt., 742 (Imp.) Senor Cuda, Santiago, Chili, 740 Mrs. S. T. Everett, Cleveland, O. C. F. & J. A. Schweinfurth, Architects, 735 (Imp.) Herr Hatner, Buda-Pesth, Austria. Alfred Wellisch, Architect, 744 Mrs. T. T. Haydock, Cincinnati, O. J. W. McLaughlin, Architect, 743 (Imp.) Mr. McKenna, Santiago, Chili, 740 G. M. Smith, Providence, R.I. Stone, Carpenter & Willson, Architects, 733 (Imp.)

House on the Rauchstrasse, Berlin, Germany. Kaiser & Grossheim, Architects, 741

House on the Yorkstrasse, Berlin, Germany. Herr Rintz, Archt., 744

Interior in the Chateau de Josselin, Morbihan, France, 732, 733 " of St. Paul Extra Muros, Rome, Italy, 734 " " the Cathedral, Albi, France, 734 " " " Hofkirche with Tomb of Maximilian I, Innsbruck, Austria, 735 " " " Recoletu Church, Santiago, Chili, 735

Interiors in House at Malden, Mass. Chamberlin & Whidden, Architects, 738 (Imp.)

"Lloyds," Trieste, Austria. Baron Heinrich von Ferstel, Architect, 740

Old Facade, Ecole de Medecine, Paris, France, 741

Osborn Hall, New Haven, Conn. Bruce Price, Architect, 741 (Imp.)

Painting by Puvis de Chavannes in the Grand Hall of the Sorbonne, Paris, France, 743

Palace of Count Pallavicini, Vienna, Austria. Herr Von Hohenberg, Architect, 743

Piers of the Cathedral Portico, Lucca, Italy, 739

Porte Cochere, Paris, France, 744

Portico, Ecole de Medecine, Paris, France, 741

Residence of the Former Viceroy of the Province, Santiago, Chili, 738

Savings Bank, Linz, Austria. Austrian Building Co., Architects, 742

Street View in Santiago, Chili, 736

Villa Blanca, near Innsbruck, Austria. J. W. Deininger, Architect, 740


Clee Park Hotel, Grimsby, Eng. E. W. Farebrother, Architect, 738

Grand Hotel, Vienna, Austria. Carl Tietz, Architect, 741 (Gel.)

Railway Tavern, Grimsby, Eng. E. W. Farebrother, Architect, 738


Auditorium of the Palace of the Trocadero, Paris, France, 732 (Gel.)

Church of All Saints, Falmouth, Eng. J. D. Sedding, Archt., 737 " " St. Martin, Seamer, Eng. C. Hodgson Fowler, Architect, 742

Corridor in House of Edwin Long, R.A., Hampstead, Eng. R. Norman Shaw, Architect, 744

Dining-room, Coombe Warren, Kingston, Eng. George Devey, Archt., 734

Drawing-room, Holcombe, Chatham, Eng. John Belcher, Archt., 736

Entrance Hall in House of Prof. C. E. Hart, New Brunswick, N.J. H. R. Marshall, Architect, 736 (Gel.)

Hall, Castle Campbell, Clackmannan, Scotland. The, 739 " Coombe House, near Shaftesbury, Eng. E. Towry White, Architect, 736 " Holcombe, Chatham, Eng. John Belcher, Architect, 738

Interior in the Chateau de Josselin, Morbihan, France, 732, 733 (Gel.) " of All Saints' Church, Leek, Eng. R. Norman Shaw, Architect, 735 " " St. Paul Extra Muros, Rome, Italy, 734 (Gel.) " " the Cathedral, Albi, France, 734 (Gel.) " " " Hofkirche with Tomb of Maximilian I, Innsbruck, Austria, 735 (Gel.) " " " Recoletu Church, Santiago, Chili, 735 (Gel.)

Interiors in House at Malden, Mass. Chamberlin & Whidden, Architects, 738 (Gel.)

Kitchen, Castello di Vincigliata, Italy. G. Fancelli, Architect, 735

Painting by Puvis de Chavannes in the Grand Hall of the Sorbonne, Paris, France, 743 (Gel.)

Swimming-bath and Gymnasium, Grocers' Company's Schools, Hackney Downs, Eng. Henry C. Boyes, Architect, 736


Business Premises, London, England. Frederick Wallen, Architect, 738

"Lloyds," Trieste, Austria. Baron Heinrich von Ferstel, Architect, 740 (Gel.)

New Premises, Chester, Eng. T. M. Lockwood, Architect, 737

Savings Bank, Linz, Austria. Austrian Building Co., Archts., 742 (Gel.)

U.S. Trust Co.'s Building, New York, N.Y. R. W. Gibson, Architect, 734 (Gel.)

Warehouse, Stockholm, Sweden. A. Egendomen, Architect, 735


Historical Figures from the Lord Mayor's Procession, 732

Italian Sketches, 734

"Lion and Serpent." A. L. Barye, Sculptor, 732

New Year's Day in the Olden Time, 735

Norwich, from the Cromer Road, by John Sell Cotman, 742

Painting by Puvis de Chavannes in the Grand Hall of the Sorbonne, Paris, France, 743 (Gel.)

Sketches in Normandy, by Herbert Railton, 739

Street View in Dinan, France, 736 " " " Santiago, Chili, 736 (Gel.)

Swimming-bath and Gymnasium, Grocers' Company's Schools, Hackney Downs, Eng. Henry C. Boyes, Architect, 736

Winter, from a Painting by Nicolas Lancret, 741


Interior of the Hofkirche with Tomb of Maximilian I, Innsbruck, Austria, 735 (Gel.)


Congress Hall and Chamber of Deputies, Santiago, Chili, 738 (Gel.)

Frome Union Offices, Frome, England. Drake & Bryan, Architects, 744

New Bourse du Commerce, Paris, France. H. Blondel, Architect, 735

Palace of the Liberal Arts, Paris, France. J. C. Formige, Archt., 735


Stables, Holcombe, Chatham, England. John Belcher, Architect, 739


Torre del Vino, Alhambra, Granada, Spain, 732


[These figures refer to the page of text, not to the plates.]

Arch at Naples, 77

Axe-head, 89

Bracteates, 53, 54

Capitals, 60, 91, 94, 156

Cartoon for Sgraffito, 3

Centennial Hall, Sydney, 184

Chair from Khorsabad, 72

CIVIL & DOMESTIC ARCHITECTURE:— Basilica. A Roman, 51 Baths of Caracalla. Plan of, 36 Colonnade of the Louvre, Paris, 70 Foscari Palace, Venice, 68 Fountain, Place Stanislas, Nancy, 85 Garde-Meuble, Paris, 83 Gare d'Orleans, Paris, 88 Halle au Ble, Paris, 83, 84 Halles Centrales, Paris, 87, 88 Hotel de Ville, Brussels, 67 " " " Paris, 69 " " " St. Antonin, France, 51 " des Invalides, Paris, 70, 71 Library of St. Genevieve, Paris, 87 Mint, Paris. The, 83 Monument of Lysicrates, 35 Odeon, Paris. The, 84 Opera-House, Paris, 86 Palazzo Vecchio, Florence, 67 Place Stanislas, Nancy, 85 Procurazie Nuove, Venice, 68 Strozzi Palace, Florence, 70 Theatre of Herculaneum, 51 Tower of the Winds, 36

Copper-plates from Etowah Mound, 153

"Dance," Paris Opera-House. Carpeaux's, 101

Doorway, Newport, R.I., 28

Doorways. Carved Church, 38, 39

Dormer, 58

Entrance, Stokesay Castle, 155

Equestrian Designs, 72, 170

EQUESTRIAN MONUMENTS:— Conde. The Great, 76 Louis XIV, 170, 171 Gustavus Adolphus, 73 Maximilian I, 74 Marcus Curtius, 170 Marshal Rantzau, 76 William of Orange, 72

Fibula, 54

FUNERARY ARCHITECTURE:— Absalom's Tomb, 116 Campo Santo at Genoa, 167 " " " Pisa, 164 Catacombs, 147 Celtic Tumuli, 99 Egyptian Tombs, 100 Etruscan Tombs, 131 Hypogea, 115 Mausoleum of Taghlak, 148 Mediaeval Tombs, 163 Mougheir Tombs, 115 Phoenician Tombs, 116 Pyramids. The, 100 Roman Cippus, 134 " Columbarium, 134 " Funerary Urn, 134 Sepulchral Chapel at Paris, 167 Stelae, 116 Tomb at Montmorency, 166 Tomb at Palmyra, 134 Tomb at Pompeii, 133 Tomb in S. Maria del Popolo, Rome, 165 Tomb of Louis de Breze, Rouen, 165 Cecilia Metella, Rome, 132 Hadrian, 132, 133 Louis XII, St. Denis, 164 Mazarin, Paris, 166 Nakschi Roustam, 117 Paul III, Rome, 166 St. Stephen, Obazine, 163 Marshal Saxe, Strasbourg, 167 Theodoric, Ravenna, 147 Tombs at Mycenae, 131 Tombs at Telmissus and Theron, 131 Tombs in India, 148 Tombs in Judea and Asia Minor, 117 Tomb of the Caliphs at Cairo, 148 Urn Containing Heart of Francis I, 164

George Inn, Norton, Eng., 44

Hall in House of J. H. Howe, Rochester, N.Y. Nolan Bros., Architects, 78

Hinge. Wrought-iron, 135

HISTORY OF HABITATION:— Aztec Dwelling. An, 169 Byzantine House, 151 Egyptian House, 150 Etruscan House, 168 Gallo-Roman House, 150 Hebrew House, 169 Inca Dwelling, 149 Pelasgian Hut, 149 Phoenician House, 168

Horns. Golden, 55, 56

House of A. A. Carey, Cambridge, Mass. Sturgis & Brigham, Architects, 23

Impost, 50

Martyrs Column, Naples, Italy, 22

MILITARY ARCHITECTURE:— Arch of Austria. The Louvre, 195 Assyrian Fortress, 179 Bastioned City. A, 196 Enceinte of Constantinople, 180 Fortification. Section of a, 196 Fortresses. Egyptian, 179 Plan of Tiryns, 179 Towers of Messene, 180 Tyre, 180 Wall of Castellum of Jublaius, 180 Wall of Chateau Gaillard, 195 Walls of Pompeii, 180 Walls of Verona, 180

"Modern Improvements." "All the," 109, 141, 156, 174

Monument. Scandinavian, 55 " to Egmont and Horn, Brussels, 9 " " Liszt, 5 " " Minine and Pojarsky, Russia, 27 " " the Heroes of the Franco-Prussian War, Berlin, 19

Pulpit, 10

Quintus Church, Mainz, 172

Scabbard Ornament, 40

Sculpture, Campanile of St. Mark's, 57, 93

Sword Hilt, 37

Tower, 24

Turret, Rothenburg, Ger., 204

Verplanck Homestead, Fishkill, N.Y., 26

Waterspout, 90

Window at Ulm, 201


[The figures refer to the number of the journal, and not to the page.]

Aberdeen, Scotland. Cathedral of St. Machar, 733 (Reg.) " " Hall, Craigievar Castle, 743 (Imp.)

Albi, France. Interior of the Cathedral, 734 (Int.)

Angouleme, France. House of St. Simon, 735 (Int.)

Anniston, Ala. Anniston City Land Co. Building. Chisolm & Green, Architects, 734 (Reg.)

Arbroath, Scotland. Aberbrothwick Abbey, 732 (Reg.)

Balveny Castle, Scotland, 735 (Reg.)

Berlin, Ger. House-gable on Taubenstrasse. Herr Holst, Architect, 742 (Int.) " " House on the Rauchstrasse. Kaiser & Grossheim, Architects, 741 (Int.) " " House on the Yorkstrasse. Herr Rintz, Architect, 744 (Int.)

Birmingham, Eng. House near, Essex & Nicol, Architects, 743 (Int.)

BOSTON, MASS.:— Building for the Boston Real Estate Trust, 744 (Reg.) Design for an Office-building. C. H. Blackall, Architect, 734 (Reg.) House of Mrs. Charles Blake. Sturgis & Cabot, Architects, 732 (Imp.) " " W. A. Burnham. E. C. Curtis, Archt., 739 (Imp.) Sketch of Store. Wait & Cutter, Architects, 732 (Reg.)

Brockenhurst, Eng. Black Knoll. R. T. Blomfield, Architect, 742 (Int.)

Bromley, Eng. Board School. Vacher & Hellicar, Architects, 739 (Int.)

Brookline, Mass. House of Capt. Jesse H. Freeman. W. A. Rodman, Architect, 738 (Reg.)

Brooklyn, N.Y. St. Augustine's Roman Catholic Church Buildings. Parfitt Bros., Architects, 733 (Reg.) " " Throop Avenue Presbyterian Church. Fowler & Hough, Architects, 742 (Reg.) " " Vault, Greenwood Cemetery. Renwick, Aspinwall & Russell, Archts., 744 (Reg.)

Buda-Pesth, Austria. House of Herr Hatner. Alfred Wellisch, Architect, 744 (Int.)

Cambridge, Mass. High School. Chamberlin & Austin, Architects, 743 (Reg.)

Castle of Vincigliata, Italy. Kitchen. G. Fancelli, Architect, 735 (Int.)

Charleton, Eng. Parish Room and School. F. J. Commin, Architect, 739 (Int.)

Chatham, Eng. Holcombe. John Belcher, Architect, 735, 736, 738, 739 (Int.)

Chelmsford, Eng. Wrought-iron Gates, 732 (Int.)

Chester, Eng. New Premises. T. M. Lockwood, Architect, 737 (Int.)

Chicago, Ill. House of Julius Howells. Wm. H. Pfau, Architect, 740 (Reg.) " " Houses for Potter Palmer. C. M. Palmer, Architect, 735 (Reg.)

Chislehurst, Eng. Butler's Wood. Ernest Newton, Architect, 733 (Int.)

Cincinnati, O. Capitals from Chamber of Commerce. H. H. Richardson and Shepley, Rutan & Coolidge, Successors, Architects, 740 (Imp.) " " House for Mrs. T. T. Haydock. J. W. McLaughlin, Architect, 743 (Imp.)

Clackmannan, Scotland. Castle Campbell, 739 (Int.)

Cleveland, O. House of Chas. F. Brush, George H. Smith, Architect, 742 (Imp.) " " House of Mrs. S. T. Everett. C. F. & J. A. Schweinfurth, Architects, 735 (Imp.)

Concord, N.H. Chapel, St. Paul's School. Henry Vaughan, Architect, 742 (Reg.)

Cranbrook, Eng. Mill Pond Farm. M. E. Macartney, Architect, 743 (Int.)

Detroit, Mich. Premises of G. G. Booth. Mason & Rice, Architects, 740 (Reg.)

Dinan, France. Street View, 736 (Int.)

East Providence, R.I. Town-hall. W. R. Walker & Son, Archts., 738 (Reg.)

Edgware, Eng. Chapel of St. Mary of Nazareth. James Brooks, Architect, 736 (Int.)

Elmira, N.Y. First Baptist Church. Pierce & Dockstader, Archts., 739 (Reg.)

Exeter, Eng. House at. James Crocker, Architect, 733 (Int.)

Falmouth, Eng. Church of All Saints. J. D. Sedding, Architect, 737 (Int.)

Felixstowe, Eng. The Gables. William A. Thorp, Architect, 740 (Int.)

Frome, Eng. Frome Union Offices. Drake & Bryan, Architects, 744 (Int.)

Gardiner, Me. Baptist Church. Stevens & Cobb, Architects, 737 (Reg.)

Goring-on-Thames, Eng. House. Geo. W. Webb, Architect, 740 (Int.)

Granada, Spain. Torre del Vino, Alhambra, 732 (Int.)

Greenville, N.Y. Cottage for Dr. T. H. Willard, Jr. Adolph Haak, Architect, 737 (Reg.)

Grimsby, Eng. Clee Park Hotel. E. W. Farebrother, Architect, 738 (Int.) " " Railway Tavern. E. W. Farebrother, Architect, 738 (Int.)

Hackney Downs, Eng. Swimming-bath and Gymnasium, Grocers' Company Schools. H. C. Bowes, Archt., 736 (Int.)

Hampstead, Eng. House of Edwin Long, R.A. R. Norman Shaw, Architect, 734 (Int.)

Innsbruck, Austria. Interior of the Hofkirche, with Tomb of Maximilian I, 735 (Int.) " " Villa Blanca, near. T. W. Deininger, Architect, 740 (Int.)

Karlstadt, Austria. House of J. Benic. Hans Pruckner, Architect, 743 (Int.)

Kearney, Neb. Block of Houses for E. K. Greene. Frank, Bailey & Farmer, Architects, 741 (Reg.) " " House of C. H. Elmendorff. Frank, Bailey & Farmer, Architects, 737 (Reg.) " " House of Geo. W. Frank. Frank, Bailey & Farmer, Architects, 743 (Reg.)

Kingston, Eng. Coombe Warren. George Devey, Archt., 732, 734 (Int.)

Leeds, Eng. Wesleyan Chapel. T. Butler Wilson, Architect, 734 (Int.) " " All Saints' Church. R. Norman Shaw, Architect, 735 (Int.)

Lewiston, Me. School-house. Geo. F. Coombs, Architect, 735 (Reg.)

Linlithgow, Scotland. Dalmeny Church, 742 (Imp.)

Linz, Austria. Savings Bank. Austrian Building Co., Architects, 742 (Int.)

LONDON, ENG.:— All Saints' Church. Christopher & White, Architects, 743 (Int.) Business Premises. Frederick Wallen, Architect, 738 (Int.) Design for Church of the Good Shepherd. T. Phillips Figgis, Architect, 733 (Int.) House, James Street, Buckingham Gate. R. T. Blomfield, Architect, 742 (Int.)

Los Angeles, Cal. Hall in House of W. R. Ray. W. Redmore Ray, Architect, 740 (Reg.) " " " High-School. J. N. Preston & Son, Archts., 738 (Reg.) " " " Memorial "Church of the Angels." E. A. Coxhead, Archt., 733 (Reg.)

Lucca, Italy. Piers of the Cathedral Portico, 739 (Int.)

Malden, Mass. Competitive Design for the First Baptist Church. Lewis & Phipps, Architects, 740 (Reg.) " " House. Chamberlin & Whidden, Architects, 738 (Reg.) " " Interiors in House at. Chamberlin & Whidden, Architects, 738 (Imp.)

Mansfield, O. St. Luke's Church. W. G. Preston, Architect, 744 (Reg.)

Memphis, Tenn. Design for Presbyterian Church. W. Albert Swasey, Architect. 742 (Reg.)

Minneapolis, Minn. Netley Corners. J. C. Plant, Architect, 744 (Reg.)

Minnetonka Beach, Minn. House of A. H. Stem. A. H. Stem, Architect, 741 (Reg.)

Morbihan, France. Chateau de Josselin, 733 (Int.) " " Interior in the Chateau de Josselin, 732, 733 (Int.)

Nairn, Scotland. Cawdor Castle, 738 (Int.)

New Brunswick, N.J. Entrance-hall in House of Prof. C. E. Hart. H. R. Marshall, Architect, 736 (Imp.) " " " House of Prof. C. E. Hart. H. R. Marshall, Architect, 736 (Reg.)

New Haven, Conn. Osborn Hall. Bruce Price, Architect, 741, 744 (Imp.)

Newport, R.I. House of W. S. Wells. G. E. Harding & Co., Archts., 736 (Reg.)

NEW YORK, N.Y.:— Competitive Design for the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. Glenn Brown, Architect, 732 (Reg.) Edward C. Casey, Archt., 736 (Int.) Cram & Wentworth, Architects, 738 (Imp.) Stephen C. Earle, Archt., 736 (Int.) John L. Faxon, Architect, 736 (Int.) B. G. Goodhue, Archt., 738 (Imp.) J. R. Rhind, Architect, 743 (Imp.) U.S. Trust Co.'s Building. R. W. Gibson, Architect, 734 (Imp.)

Normandy. Sketches in. By Herbert Railton, 739 (Int.)

Norton, Va. Sketch for Hotel at. Geo. T. Pearson, Architect, 734 (Reg.)

Norwich, Eng. Font and Canopy, St. Peter, Mancroft. Frank T. Baggallay, Architect, 735 (Int.)

Orange, N.J. House of J. R. Burnett. F. W. Beall, Architect, 743 (Reg.)

PARIS, FRANCE:— Auditorium of the Palace of the Trocadero, 732 (Int.) Central Dome of Exhibition Buildings, 740 (Reg.) Ecole de Medecine, 741 (Int.) New Bourse du Commerce. H. Blondel, Architect, 735 (Int.) Painting by Puvis de Chavannes in the Grand Hall of the Sorbonne, 743 (Int.) Palace of the Liberal Arts. J. C. Formige, Architect, 735 (Int.) Porte Cochere, 744 (Int.) Tower, St. Etienne du Mont, 737 (Reg.)

Paterson, N.J. Sketch of Stable. C. Edwards, Architect, 735 (Reg.)

Pennfield, Pa. Alicia Springs Hotel. E. Culver, Architect, 738 (Reg.)

Poblet, Spain. Cloister, 737 (Int.)

PROVIDENCE, R.I.:— Competitive Design for Gymnasium for Brown University. Gould & Angell, Architects, 741 (Int.) Competitive Design for Gymnasium for Brown University. Stone, Carpenter & Willson, Archts., 741 (Int.) House of E. D. Pearce. Rotch & Tilden, Archts., 740 (Int.) " " G. M. Smith. Stone, Carpenter & Willson, Architects, 733 (Imp.) Old Iron and Brass Work, 737 (Reg.)

Quimper, France, Cathedral, 742 (Int.)

Reading, Eng. Church of St. John the Baptist. E. Prioleau Warren, Architect, 737 (Int.)

Ripon, Eng. Semi-detached Houses. T. Butler Wilson, Architect, 740 (Int.)

Rochester, N.Y. House of J. H. Howe. Nolan Bros., Architects, 736 (Reg.) " " House of Albert Will. Otto Block, Architect, 735 (Reg.) " " House on Portsmouth Terrace. W. C. Walker, Architect, 736 (Reg.)

Rome, Italy. Interior of St. Paul Extra Muros, 734 (Int.)

Ruxton, Md. House of C. De Lacey Evan. E. G. W. Dietrich, Architect, 734 (Reg.)

St. Andrews, Scotland. Churches of St. Regulus and St. Salvator, 734 (Imp.)

St. Paul, Minn. Houses for Dr. A. Wharton. A. H. Stem, Archt., 739 (Reg.)

SANTIAGO, CHILI:— Congress Hall and Chamber of Deputies, 738 (Int.) House of Mrs. Consino, 733, 734 (Int.) " " Senor Cuda, 740 (Int.) " " Mr. McKenna, 740 (Int.) Interior of the Recoletu Church, 735 (Int.) Official Residence of the Intendente, 734 (Int.) Residence of the former Viceroy of the Province, 738 (Int.) Street View, 736 (Int.)

Savannah, Ga. Hotel de Soto. W. G. Preston, Architect, 733 (Reg.)

Seamer, Eng. Church of St. Martin. C. Hodgson Fowler, Archt., 742 (Int.)

Shaftesbury, Eng. Hall, Coombe House, near. E. T. White, Archt., 736 (Int.)

Stockholm, Sweden. Warehouse. A. Egendomen, Architect, 735 (Int.)

Strasbourg, Germany. University. Prof. Worth, Architect, 741 (Reg.)

Sydney, N.S.W. Town-hall, 743 (Reg.)

Tonbridge, Eng. Hall Place. George Devey, Architect, 741 (Int.)

Toulouse, France. Renaissance Doorways, 737 (Reg.)

Trieste, Austria. Lloyds. Baron Heinrich von Ferstel, Architect, 740 (Int.)

Tunbridge Wells, Eng. House. George Devey, Architect, 741 (Int.)

Tuxedo, N.Y. Cottage at. Renwick, Aspinwall & Russell, Architects, 744 (Reg.)

Tweedmouth, Eng. Vicarage. F. R. Wilson, Architect, 744 (Int.)

Vienna, Austria. Grand Hotel. Carl Tietz, Architect, 741 (Int.) " " Palace of Count Pallavicini. Herr Von Hohenberg, Archt., 743 (Int.)

Wakefield, Mass. Congregational Church. Hartwell & Richardson Architects, 744 (Reg.)

West Medford, Mass. Episcopal Church. H. H. Richardson, Architect, 737 (Imp.)

Yuste, Spain. Ruined Chapel of Charles V, 732 (Int.)


VOL. XXVII. Copyright, 1890, by TICKNOR & COMPANY, Boston, Mass. No. 732.

Entered at the Post-office at Boston as second-class matter.

JANUARY 4, 1890.


The Incomes of Architects.—Death of Mr. George F. Durand, Architect.—Concrete Arches.—An Architect's Responsibility for Exceeding the Stipulated Cost of a Building.—A French Case in Point.—A Contractor Engages in Profit-Sharing with his Workmen. 1






"The Lion and the Serpent."—Auditorium of the Palace of the Trocadero, Paris, France.—An Interior in the Chateau de Josselin, Morbihan, France.—Torre del Vino, Alhambra, Granada, Spain.—Ruins of the Chapel of Charles V, Yuste, Spain.—Coombe Warren, Kingston, England: Garden Front.—Coombe Warren, Kingston, England: Entrance Front.—A Gentleman's Country House.—Wrought-Iron Gates, Duke Street, England.—Historical Figures from Lord Mayor's Procession, 1889.—House of Mrs. Charles Blake, Beacon Street, Boston, Mass.—Competitive Designs for the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, New York, N.Y.—Abbey of Aberbrothwick: Gallery over Entrance.—Abbey of Aberbrothwick: The Western Doorway.—Design for a Store. 12



Barye's Admirer.—Evaporation of Water in Traps. 15



* * * * *

That extraordinary phenomenon, which those who read many newspapers sometimes encounter, of the inspiration of two writers following tracks so closely parallel that their effusions are word for word the same from beginning to end, was recently to be observed in the case of the New York Herald and the Pittsburgh Leader, which published on the same day an article devoted to architects or, rather, to their incomes, which held up these fortunate professional men as objects to be envied, if not by all the world, at least by journalists, many of whom have just now a way of writing about rich men or women which suggests the idea that the journalist himself was brought up in a jail, and sees nothing but the pockets of those whom he favors with his attention. The present writers, after half a column or so of rubbish about the grandeur of American buildings, furnish the New York and Pittsburgh public with the information that "there are in the city of New York at least ten architects whose annual net income is in excess of a hundred thousand dollars, while in Philadelphia, Chicago, Boston and St. Louis there are quite as many who can spend a like amount of money every year without overdrawing their bank accounts." This is certainly very liberal to the architects, but what follows is even more so. "There are," we are told, in addition to the magnates just mentioned, "hosts of comparatively small fry whose annual profits will pass the fifty-thousand-dollar mark." If an architect whose net income is only a thousand dollars a week belongs to the "small fry," what name would these journalists have for the remaining insignificant beings who practise architecture faithfully and skilfully, and thank Providence sincerely if their year's work shows a profit of three thousand dollars? Yet, with a tolerably extended acquaintance in the profession, we are inclined to think that this list includes the greater part of the architects in this country. As to the architects whose usual income from their business is a hundred thousand dollars, they are pure myths. The New York-Pittsburgh authority mentions by name Mr. R. M. Hunt as one of them. As a counterpoise to this piece of information, we will mention what a worthy contractor once said to us about Mr. Hunt. The builders were not, in those days, very fond of our venerated President. He had altogether too many new ideas to suit their conservatism, which looked with horror on anything out of the common way. "The fact is," said the contractor, in a burst of confidence, "Mr. Hunt never could get a living at all if he hadn't a rich wife." By averaging these two pieces of misinformation, after the manner of the commissioners of statistics, one may, perhaps, get some sort of notion of what a very able and distinguished architect in New York, seconded by skilful and devoted assistants, can make out of his business; but men so successful are extremely rare exceptions in the profession, and the "hosts" of "small fry" whose annual profits amount to fifty thousand dollars, of course, do not exist. It would be a waste of time to notice such ridiculous assertions, were it not that they do a great deal of harm to the profession and the public: to the profession by making people believe that architects are combined to extort an unreasonable compensation for their work; and to the public by spreading the idea that the profession of architecture is just the one in which their sons can become rapidly rich without much trouble. It would be a useful thing to publish here, as is done in England, the value of the estate left at their death by architects of distinction, although in many cases this is greatly increased by inheritance, by marriage, by fortunate investments or by outside employment; but, if this should be done, it would be not less useful to publish also a few true accounts of the early trials and struggles of architects. How many of them have we known who have given drawing-lessons, illustrated books, designed wall-papers, supervised laborers, delivered lyceum-lectures or written for newspapers, happy if they could earn two dollars a day while waiting for a vacancy in the "hosts" of architects with a thousand dollars a week income. How many more, who were glad of the help of their faithful young wives in eking out the living which had love for its principal ingredient. And of those who have persisted until time and opportunity have brought them a comparatively assured, though modest position, how many have found their way to it through architecture? If we are not mistaken, less than half of the trained students in architecture turned out by our technical schools are to be found in the profession six years later. The others, ascertaining, on a closer view, that their expected income of fifty thousand dollars a year is farther off than they anticipated, and that fifty thousand cents is about as much as they can expect for a good many years to come, drift away into other employments, and some of them, no doubt, will be much astonished to learn from the newspaper reporters what they have missed.

* * * * *

We regret very much to hear of the death of Mr. George F. Durand, Vice-President of the Canadian Society of Architects; which occurred at London, Ontario, last week. Mr. Durand was young in the profession, being only thirty-nine years old, but was very widely and favorably known among architects and the public, both in Canada and elsewhere. He was a native of London, but after spending a short time in the office of the city engineer there, he went to Albany, N.Y., where he was employed by Mr. Thomas Fuller as his chief assistant in the work on the new capitol, which was then in Mr. Fuller's hands. When Mr. Fuller was superseded, Mr. Durand left Albany with him, and, after a year spent in Maine, with a granite company, he returned to his native city, where he soon found constant and profitable employment, having for several years built a large part of the most important structures in Western Ontario. The London Advertiser, to which we owe most of our information as to his works, offers to his relatives and friends the sincere sympathy of the public which it represents, and we are sure that the architects of the United States will join with their brethren in Canada in mourning the loss of one who, at so early an age, had conquered for himself so conspicuous a place in his laborious profession.

* * * * *

Some interesting experiments on concrete arches were made recently, during the construction of the new railway station at Erfurt. Some of the rooms were to be covered with concrete floors, carried on iron beams, while others, of smaller size, were intended to be spanned by arches extending from wall to wall. One of the latter, something over seven feet in width, was covered with concrete, flat on top, and forming on the underside a segmental arch, the thickness of the material at the crown of the arch being four inches, and about eleven inches at the springing. The concrete was made of "Germania" Portland cement, mixed dry with gravel, moistened as required, and well rammed on the centring; and skew-backs were cut in the brick walls at the springing line, extending two courses higher, so as to give room for the concrete to take a firm hold on the walls. Fourteen days after completion, this floor was loaded with bricks and sacks of cement to the amount of more than six hundred pounds per square foot, without suffering any injury, although, after the load was on, a workman hammered with a pick on the concrete, close to the loaded portion, so as to provoke the cracking of the arch if there had been any tendency to rupture. In the other cases, the concrete arches being turned between iron beams, the strength of the floor was limited by that of the beams, so the extreme load could not be put on; but the curious fact was established that a section of concrete flat on top, and forming a regular segmental arc beneath, was far stronger than one in which a portion of the under surface was parallel to the upper; showing, apparently, that the arched form, even with homogeneous concrete, causes the conversion of a large part of a vertical pressure into lateral thrust, reducing by so much the tendency of the load to break the concrete transversely. This observation is important theoretically as well as practically. It has been of late generally maintained that a concrete arch is not an arch at all, but a lintel, without thrust, and that the common form, flat above and arched beneath, is objectionable, as it gives least material at the centre, where a lintel is most strained. The Erfurt experiments directly contradict this view, and it remains for some students of architecture to render the profession a service by repeating them, and, at the same time, actually determining the thrust, for a given load, of arches of particular forms. Until this is done, the concrete construction, which is likely, we may hope, to become before many years the prevailing one in our cities, will be practised with difficulty and uncertainty, if not with danger. Incidentally, a trial was made of the effect of freezing on the concrete. The floor of a room arched in four bays, between iron beams, had just been finished when the weather became cold, and on the morning after its completion the thermometer stood at twenty above zero. The concrete had not been protected in any way, and the contractor was notified that it had been frozen, and must be removed. This was early in December, and it was about the first of April before the work of removal, preliminary to replacing the concrete with new material, was begun. Three bays had been wholly or partly removed when the hardness of the concrete under the workmen's tools attracted attention, and the arch remaining intact was tested with a load of three hundred pounds per square foot, which it bore perfectly.

* * * * *

The question how far an architect can be held responsible in damages, in cases where the cost of work exceeds the estimates, is examined in a recent number of La Semaine des Constructeurs, and some considerations are mentioned which are new to us. According to Fremy-Ligneville, the most familiar authority on the subject, the architect incurs no responsibility whatever, either for his own estimates or those of other people, unless he intentionally and fraudulently misleads his client by a pretended estimate. In this case, as in that of any other fraud, he is liable for the results of his crime. Except under such circumstances, however, the architect's estimate of cost is simply an expression of opinion, the correctness of which he does not guarantee, any more than a lawyer guarantees the correctness of an opinion, although important interests may depend upon it. The owner can estimate the value of the architect's opinion, as of the lawyer's, by the professional reputation of the man who gives it, and, if he wishes to be more secure, he can go to another architect, as he would to another lawyer, for an independent estimate. Moreover, if the owner of the projected building is still anxious that the cost should be strictly limited to the sum estimated by the architects, he can have a contract drawn by which the builder shall be obliged to complete it for that sum, and can have his plans and specifications examined by competent authority, to see if they include everything necessary. This ought to make him reasonably sure what his house will cost him, provided he does not himself make changes in the plans or specifications. If he has omitted to take this precaution, and, as his building goes on, he finds that it is likely to exceed the estimate, he has another excellent opportunity to protect himself, by ordering immediately such changes in the plans and specifications for the work yet remaining to be done as may reduce the expense to the desired amount, and by doing so he generally suffers no damage, as, if he does not get all he expected to for his money, he gets all his money will pay for.

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With all these opportunities for revising and testing the correctness of an architect's estimate, the man who neglects to avail himself of any of them, and who allows the work on his house to go on, after it has become evident that it will cost more than the estimate, has, according to M. Fremy-Ligneville, no claim against any one on account of his disappointment. Of course, the architect should be as careful in his estimates as his experience allows him to be, and any conscientious man would try not to mislead a client, but both he and his client must remember that when the tenders of the builders themselves usually vary from fifty to a hundred per cent for the same piece of work, an architect's estimate cannot be anything more than an opinion. Moreover, the architect should not forget that, being an opinion, and not a guaranty, he is not only at liberty to modify it as much and as often as he sees fit, but is bound to do so, and to inform his client at once of the change, when fuller information, or alteration in the circumstances, shall show him that the original estimate is likely to be exceeded. If he does this frankly, although his client may be disappointed, he cannot reproach the architect with trying to deceive him, and there will probably still be time to make the changes necessary for reducing the expense to the desired point. In a case decided in Paris in July, 1855, a man was condemned to pay fifty-four thousand francs for repairs done on a house. He proved that his architect had estimated the expense at seven or eight thousand, but it was shown that the architect had subsequently informed him that it would be necessary to do more work than was at first contemplated, and that he had made inquiries about the matter, and had turned out his tenants so that the work might be done, and had paid the contractors more than the sum originally estimated; and the court thought he had no case at all against the architect.

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The great building firm of Peto Brothers, in England, having been awarded a contract for a large public building, have taken advantage of what, as they say, they consider a favorable opportunity to initiate a system of profit-sharing with their men, in accordance with a circular which is printed in the Builder. The system described by the circular is very simple. It is to apply for the present, only to the contract mentioned, but, if it works well, will be extended to future cases. Under the arrangement proposed one-quarter of the net profits of the contract are, when the building is done and the accounts settled, to be divided, as a bonus above their wages, among the men who have worked on it, in proportion to the wages they have earned. The conditions under which each man is entitled to his share are that he shall have worked long enough on the contract to have earned five pounds, at the regular rate of wages; that he shall not have neglected his duty, or misconducted himself, or wasted his time, or in other ways have acted so as to diminish the profits of the contract, or injure the reputation of the firm for good and honest work; and, that he shall not have engaged in any strike for shorter hours, or for wages above the schedule of wages which prevailed at the time the contract was made, and upon which the contract price was based. That the workmen may assure themselves of the fairness with which the division is carried out they are invited by the circular to send a representative to watch the making-up of the accounts by the auditor of the firm, and to sign the balance-sheet. In order to identify the claimants, every man must obtain a printed ticket from the time-keeper, on beginning his work, countersigned by the foreman, and noting the day and hour when his employment commenced, with his name, number and wages. This is to be again signed and countersigned when he leaves, and must be produced to secure a share in the dividend. Unpretending as it is, this bids fair to be one of the most interesting experiments in social science yet tried, and unless the trades-unions in England have forgotten their prowess, it will not be carried out without a struggle. Our readers will remember Mr. Lewis H. Williams's experiences in trying a similar plan with his carpenters in New York, and his final victory, but he had only one union to contend with, and that not a very compact one, while Messrs. Peto Brothers will have all the building trades about their ears at once, and the great question whether men shall be allowed to do only a fixed amount of work in a day, and that amount as small as possible, or whether they shall be allowed to work as they please, will be fairly brought before the parties for decision.

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