Eodem die Postmeridiem. Sess. 19.
Approbation of the shorter Catechisme.
The Generall Assembly having seriously considered the shorter Catechisme, agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines sitting at Westminster, with assistance of Commissioners from this Kirk. Doe finde upon due examination thereof, That the said Catechisme is agreeable to the Word of God, and in nothing contrary to the received, Doctrine, Worship, Discipline and Government of this Kirk, And therefore Approve the said shorter Catechisme as a part of the intended Uniformity, to be a Directory for Catechising such as are of weaker capacitie.
Act discharging a little Catechisme printed at Edinburgh, 1647.
The Generall Assembly having found in a little Catechisme, printed at Edinburgh, entituled, The A. B. C. with the Catechisme, That is to say, an instruction to be taught and learned of young children, very grosse errours in the point of Universall Redemption, and in the number of the Sacraments, Therefore doe discharge the venting or selling of the said Catechisme of the foresaid impression, or of whatsoever other impression the same be of, and all use thereof in Schools or Families, Inhibiting also all Printers to reprint the same, And recommends to Presbyteries to take speciall care that this Act be obeyed.
Ult. Iuly 1648. Postmeridiem, Sess. 21.
A Declaration of the Generall Assembly concerning the present dangers of Religion, and especially the unlawfull engagement in War, against the Kingdom of England; Together, with many necessary exhortations and directions to all the Members of the Kirk of Scotland.
It cannot seem strange to any that considereth the great trust that lyeth on us, comparing the same with the eminent dangers wherewith the Cause of God is invironed in this Land, if at this time We declare our sense thereof, and warn the people of God from this watch-tower of the present duties incombent to them; Our witnesse is in heaven, and our record on high, that we doe not this from any disrespect to the Parliament whom we have honoured and will ever honour and also obey in all things which are agreeable to the Word of God, to our Solemn Covenants: And to the duties of our Callings, Not from any disloyalty or undutifulnesse to the Kings Majestie to whom we heartily wish, and to his posterity after him, a happy Reigne over these Dominions, Nor from any factious disposition or siding with this or that party whatsoever, Nor from any contentious humour about light or small matters, Nor from any favour to or complyance with Sectaries, against whose cursed opinions and ungodly practises, we have heretofore given ample testimony, and are still obliged by Solemn Covenant to endeavour the extirpation of Heresie and Schism; But from the Conscience or our duty when the glory of God, the Kingdom of his Son, his Word, Ordinances, Government, Covenant, Ministery, Consciences of People, Peace and Liberties of the Kirk are incompassed and almost overwhelmed with great and growing dangers.
How freely and faithfully the servants of God of old have rebuked sin in persons of all ranks, not sparing Kings, States nor Kingdoms, the Scripture maketh it most plain to all that looks thereon; Neither want we domestick examples, if we look back a little upon the behaviour of our zealous Ancestours in this Kirk, who not only in their Sermons severally with great gravity and freedom reproved the sins of the time, But more especially in the Kirk Judicatories plain and downright dealing was most frequent and familiar, as appears in the Assemblies holden in June and in October 1582. in October 1583. in May 1592. in May 1594. and in March 1595. And not only the Generall Assembly by themselves, but also by their Commissioners faithfully and freely laboured to oppose all the steps of defection; as at other times, so in the yeer 1596. wherein four or five severall times they gave most free admonitions to the King, Parliament and Councell, with a Protestation at the last before God, that they were free of their blood, and of whatsoever judgement should fall upon the Realm, and that they durst not for fear of committing High Treason against Jesus Christ the onely Monarch of his Kirk, abstain any longer from fighting against their proceedings with the spiritual armour granted to them of God, and mighty in him for overthrowing all these bulwarks set up against his Kingdom; And in their Declaration then emitted to the Kingdom, they shew that it was a main design to have the freedom of the Spirit of God in the rebuke of Sin by the mouthe of his Servants restrained and therefore they warne all Pastours of their duty in applying Doctrine and free preaching. Like as the Assembly, 24. March 1596, reckons up amongst the corruptions of the Ministery to be censured with deprivation, if continued in, the not applying their Doctrine against the corruptions of the time, which was renewed in our late Assembly at Glasgow 1638. What hath been done since that Assembly is in recent memory; and the Papers to that purpose have been published in Print, and are in the hands of all, Therefore being warranted by the Word of God, and encouraged by the forementioned examples, as after exact examination, we have approven the proceedings of the Commissioners of the last Generall Assembly, and specially their Declarations, Desires, Representatations, Remonstrances, Supplications, Vindication and other Papers relating to the present engagment in War, wherein they have given good proof of their fidelity, wisdom and zeal in the cause of God, So we finde our selves necessitate to make known unto all the People of God in this Nation our sense concerning the dangers and duties or this present time.
The cry of the insolencies of this present Army from almost all the parts of this Kingdom, hath been so great that it hath gone up to heaven, and if we should be silent, we could not be reputed faithfull in the performance of our duty. We do acknowledge that it is incident unto all Armies to be subject unto some disorders, and the Ministers of the Kingdom have not been deficient in former times to represent the same as they come unto their knowledge, calling for the redresse of them at their hands who had power: But the Commissioners of this present Assembly from the severall Provinces have exhibited great variety or abominable scandals and heinous impieties and insolencies committed by persons imployed in this service, whereof we think fitting here to give you a touch.
As if liberty had been proclaimed to the lusts of lewd men, These that have been imployed in very many places of Land have used horrible extortion of Moneys at their pleasure, and beside the taking of victuals as they would for their own use, they have in severall places wilfully destroyed the same, and have plundred many houses, taking all away they could and destroying what they could not carry away; in this great oppression & spoil of goods as the sufferers were many so choise hath been made of those who Petitioned the High and Honourable Court of Parliament for satisfaction to their Consciences before the Engagement, or who were known to make conscience of the worship of God in their families, on whom they might exercise their raging wrath and unsatiable convetousnesse; Nor stayed their rage here, but as though the war had been against God, publick Fasts have not only been neglected, but profaned by riotous spending and making merry, Divine Worship have been in many parts disturbed, some Ministers and people impeded from coming together, others scattered when they were met, some taken out of Kirks in time of worship, others apprehended at their coming out at the Kirk doors and carryed away; Besides these Ministers in performing the worship of God have been menaced, contradicted, not without blasphemous Oathes, yea their persons in Pulpit assaulted, not to speak of the spoiling of their goods, taking, beating, carrying away their persons and detaining them for a time. And finally that which excedes all the rest and is more immediately and directly against God, there hath also been many cruell mockings of his Worship, and horrid blasphemies; And it is not to be marvelled that such insolencies have been committed, since there hath been admitied upon this service some Papists, some bloody Irish Rebels, some non Covenanters, and very many fugitives from Kirk Discipline, Finally, even those who have been upon the late Rebellion, and these not onely common Souldiers but Commanders, beside many voluntiers who have no speciall command & trust.
Besides all these, the Liberties of the Kirk have been grievously encroached upon; 1. By emitting Declarations from the Parliament and Committee of Estates, containing severall things highly concerning Religion without the advice or consent of the Generall Assembly or their Commissioners, which was a ground of protestation to divers Members of Parliament who have been most zealous and active in the Cause. 2. The Article of Religion as expressed in the Declaration of Parliament hath in it many dangerous expressions, which are particularly instanced in the Representation of the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly; And the same Article of Religion in the late Declaration of the Committee of Estates to England is more unsatisfactory then the former: Like as in the said late Declaration there is a totall omission of some most materiall things pretended to in the Declaration of Parliament as satisfactory in point of securing Religion, viz. the clause concerning security to be had from his Majesty by his solemn Oath under his hand and Seal, that he shall for himself and his Successors give his Royall assent, and agree to such Act or Acts of Parliament, and Bills as shall be presented to him by his Parliaments of both and either Kingdoms respectively for enjoyning Presbyteriall Government, Directory of Worship and Confession of Faith in all his Majesties Dominions, and that his Majestie shall never make opposition to any of those, nor endeavour any change thereof; also the clause against association with any that refuse to take the Covenant is omitted: From all which it may appear in how great danger the liberties of the Kirk and even Religion it self are left. 3. In the close of the Declaration of Parliament, there is a new and unsound glosse put upon the Covenant and Acts of General Assembly, contrary to the sense of the General Assembly itself, as is more fully expressed in the Representation of the late Commission. 4. No redresse by the Parliament of certain injuries complained of to their Lordships by the Commissioners of the preceeding Generall Assembly. 5. Endeavours to weaken and frustrate Kirk-Censures by making provisions for securing the stipends of such as shall be censured for their concurring in, or preaching for this present Engagement. 6. A misrepresentation of the proceedings of the Commission of the Generall Assembly by the Parliaments Letter of May 11. to the severall Presbyteries, endeavouring to incense them against the Commission of the late Assembly and to pre-ocupie their Commissioners to this Assembly. 7. Whereas there were many Petitions presented to the High and Honourable Court of Parliament from the Commissioners of the General Assembly, Synods & Presbyteries against the present Engagement as stated in the Parliaments Declaration, yet notwithstanding of the said Petitions, and notwithstanding of many free & frequent warnings given by faithful Ministers in their Sermons, notwithstanding also that it was not unknown how much the generality of the wel affected in the Kingdom were unsatisfied in their consciences with the grounds and way of the said Engagement, yet good people are not onely left unsatisfied in their and our desires, but compelled and forced either to sin against their consciences or to be under heavy pressures & burdens. 8. Yea in the late Band injoyned to be subscribed by all the Subjects of this Kingdom, men are put to it to joyn and concur with their Persons & Estates, in the advancement, furtherance and assistance of the execution obedience & observation of the Acts and constitutions of the late Parliament; & consequently, as many as think the Engagement unlawful shall bind themselves not onely for their own part against their consciences, but to inforce the same upon others who refuse, and so not onely be oppressed, but turn oppressours of others. 9. This all the subjects are required by the Act and Declaration of Parliament to subscribe, as they desire to be holden true lovers of Religion; It being further affirmed in the said Act and Declaration, that the Acts and Constitutions of the late Parliament, are the most fit and necessary remedies for preservation of Religion; Where the Parliament assume to themselves, without the advice and consent of the Assemblies of the Kirk, to judge and determine such things wherein, (if in any thing) the ecclesiastical Assemblies have undoubtedly a special interest, viz. who are to be holden lovers of Religion, and what are the most fit and necessary remedies for preservation of Religion: Yea it is ordained by the fourth Act of Parliament, 1640. that for preservation of Religion, G. Assemblies rightly constitute, as the proper & competent judge of all matters Ecclesiastical, be keeped yearly and oftner pro re nata. The Coronation Oath doth also suppose the antecedent Judgement of the Kirk, as the proper and competent judge who are enemies to true Religion & who not; for his Majesty obliged himself by that Oath, that he should be carefull to root out all Hereticks and enemies to the true Worship of God, who shall be convict by the true Kirk of God, of the aforesaid crimes. 10. The General Assembly and their Commissioners are now deprived of their liberty of Printing, confirmed and ratified by Act of Parliament, there being an inhibition to the contrary upon the PRINTER, under the pain of Death by the Committee of Estates.
Whereas the desires of the Commissioners of the last Assembly, for the safety and security of Religion, and the right manner of proceeding to war, together with the supplications of Provinciall Assemblies and Presbyteries, all tending to the composing of the present unhappy differences, and to the begetting of a right understanding, have not produced the desired and wished-for effect; but on the contrary our just grievances being still more and more heightned, iniquity established by a law; and that law put in execution; We cannot chuse but declare and give warning to all the people of GOD in this land, concerning the sinfulnesse and unlawfulnesse of the present Engagement: which may be demonstrate by many reasons, as namely.
1. The Wars of GODS people, are called the Wars of the LORD, Numb. 21, 14. 2 Chron 20. 15. and if our eating and drinking, much more our engaging in war must be for God and for his glory; 1 Cor. 10. 31. whatsoever we do in word or deed, we are commanded to do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, and so for his glory, Col. 3. 17. The Kingdom of GOD and the righteousnesse thereof is to be sought in the first place and before all other things, Matth. 6. 33. It was the best flower and garland in the former expeditions of this Nation, that they were for God and for Religion principally and mainly. But if the principal end of this present Engagement were for the glory of GOD, How comes it to passe that not so much as one of the desires of the Kirk, for the safety and security of Religion in the said Engagement, is to this day satisfied or granted; But on the contrary such courses taken as are destructive to Religion. And if Gods glory be intended what meaneth the employing and protecting in this Army so many blasphemers persecutors of Piety, disturbers of divine worship, and others guilty of notorious and crying sins. Again, how can it be pretended that the good of Religion is principally aimed at, when it is proposed and declared that the Kings Majestie shall be brought to some of his houses in or near London, with Honour, Freedom and Safety, before ever there be any security had from him, or so much as any application made to him for the good of Religion. What is this but to postpone the honour of God, the liberties of the Gospel, the safety of Gods people to an humane interest, and to leave Religion in a condition of uncertainty, unsetlednesse and hazard, while it is strongly endeavoured to settle and make sure somewhat else.
2. Suppose the ends of this Engagement to be good (which they are not) yet the meanes and ways of prosecution are unlawfull, because there is no ane equall avoiding of rocks on both hands, but a joyning with malignants to suppresse Sectaries, a joyning hands with a black devill to beat a white devil; They are bad Physicians who would so cure one disease as to breed another as evil; or worse. That there is in the present Engagement a confederacy and association in war with such of the English who according to the solemn League and Covenant and Declarations of both Kingdoms, 1643. can be no otherwise looked upon but as Malignants and enemies of Reformation and the Cause of God, is now made so manifest before Sun and Moon, that we suppose none will deny it; And tis no lesse undeniable, that not only many known Malignants, but diverse who joyned in the late rebellion within this Kingdom are employed, yea, put into places of trust; All which how contrary tis to the Word of God, no man can be ignorant who will attentively search the Scriptures, for we finde therein condemned confederacies and associations with the enemies of true Religion, whether Canaanites, Exod. 23. 32. and 24. 12. 15. Deut. 7. 2. or other heathens 1 King 11. v. 1, 2. such was Asa his Covenant with Benhadad, 2 Chron. 16. to v. 10. Ahaz his confederacy with the King of Assyria 2 King. 16. 7. 10. 2 Chron. 28. 16. to v. 23. or whither the association was with wicked men of the seed of Abraham, as Jehoshaphats with Achab 2 Chron. 18. 2. compared with chap. 19. 2. also his association with Ahaziah 2 Chron, 20. 35. and Amaziachs associating to himself 100000. of the ten Tribes when GOD was not with them, 2 Chron. 25. 7, 8, 9, 10. The sin and danger of such associations may further appear from Isaiah 8. 12. 15. Jer.. 2. 18. Psal. 106. 35. Hos. 5. 13. and 7. 8, 11. Cor. 6. 14, 15. and if we should esteem Gods enemies, to be our enemies and hate them with perfect hatred, Psal. 139. 21 how can we then joyn with them as confederates and associates, especially in a cause where Religion is so highly concerned; and seeing they have been formerly in actuall opposition to the same cause.
3. We are commanded if it be possible and as much as lieth in us to have peace with all men, Rom. 12. 18, to seek peace and pursue it, Psal. 34. 14. war and bloodshed is the last remedy after all the wayes and means of peace have been used in vain. The intended war of the nine Tribes and a half against the two Tribes and half was prevented by a Message and Treaty of Peace Josh. 22; The like means was used by Jepthah (though not with the like success) for the preventing of war with the King of Ammon Judg. 11. The very light of nature hath taught Heathens not to make war till first all amicable wayes of preventing bloodshed were tried; yet this war hath been driven on without observing any such method of proceeding except by a message wherein not so much as one breach was represented. Yea though these two Kingdoms are straitly united in Covenant, yet these who have carried on this war did not only neglect to desire a Treaty, but also slight an offer of a Treaty made from the Parliament of England upon the Propositions of both Kingdoms.
4. There are many clear and ful testimonies of Scriptures against the breach and violation of Covenants, although but between man and man, Psal. 55. 20. Rom. 1, 31. 2 Tim. 3. 3, Especially where the name of God was interposed in Covenants by any of his people, Jer. 34. 8, 10, 11, 18. Ezek. 17. 18. 19. How much more the violation of a Solemn Covenant between God and his people. Lev. 26. 15. 25. Deut. 17. 2. and 29. 21, 14, 25. Jer. 22. 8, 9. 1 King. 19. 10. Dan. 11. 32. Hos. 6. 7. If therefore the present Engagement be a breach of our solemn League and Covenant, then they who have before taken the Covenant, and have now joyned in this Engagement, must grant by necessary and infailible consequence, either that the Covenant it self which they took was unlawful, and such as they cannot perform without sin (which yet they cannot professe) or otherwise, that the Engagement is unlawfull and sinfull, as being a breach of Covenant, and so contrary to the Word of God; that the present Engagement is a breach of Covenant may appear by comparing it with each of the Articles, for it is against all the six Articles of the Covenant.
Against the first, because in stead of the preservation of the Doctrine, Worship, Discipline and Government of this Kirk; there is not onely a great quarelling by those that do Engage, at the present doctrine, and free preaching, a disturbing of and withdrawing from the Worship, and namely from the late solemn humiliation: But also a refusall of such things as were desired by the Commission of the late Assembly and Provincial Synods, as necessary to the preservation of the true Reformed Religion: And we have just cause of fear that the Reformation of Religion in Doctrine, Worship, Discipline and Government is not intended to be sufficiently maintained and preserved, when we finde such a limitation and restriction in the late Declaration of the Committee of Estates to the Parliament and Kingdom of England, That they will maintain and preserve the Reformation of Religion, Doctrine, Worship, Discipline and Government, as is by the mercy of GOD, and his Majesties goodnesse established by Law among us; but as there is no such limitation in the Covenant, so we have not had such proof of his Majesties goodnesse as to establish by Law all that hath been by the mercies of God inacted in Generall Assemblies. As to the rest of the first Article, concerning the Reformation of England and Ireland, and the Uniformity, as there was some hopefull beginnings thereof, and a good foundation laid, during the late War against the Popish Prelaticall and Malignant party, so the state and ground of the War being now altered, and these chosen for confederates, and associates in the War, who are known enemies to that Reformation, and Uniformity, how can the Covenant be keeped in that point as long as such a War is carried on.
The second Article is violated because in stead of indeavouring to extirpate Popery and Superstition without respect of persons (as is exprest in the Covenant) there is in the late Declaration of the Committee of Estates a desire of the Queens return, without any condition tending to the restraint of her Masse or exercise of Popery; We do also conceive there is a tacit condescending to the toleration of Superstition and the Book of Common prayer in His Majesties family, because as it was reserved by himself in his concession, brought home by the Commissioners of this Kingdom, So these concessions were never plainly declared by the Parliament to be unsatisfactory to their Lordships, howbeit it hath been often and earnestly desired: neither can we conceive how the clause concerning the extirpation of Prelacy, can consist with indeavouring to bring His Majesty with Honour, Freedom and Safety to one of his Houses in or about LONDON, without any security had from him, for the abolition of Prelacy; it being his known principle (and publickly declared by himself shortly after he went to the Isle of Wight) that he holds himself obliged in conscience, and by his Coronation Oath to maintain Archbishops, Bishops, &c. Can it be said that they are endeavouring to extirpate Prelacy, who after such a Declaration would put in His Majesties hand an opportunity to restore it?
As for the third Article we cannot conceive how the preserving of the Priviledges of Parliament, and asserting the Kings negative voice can consist; And we are sorrowfull that under the colour, of the Priviledges of Parliament, the liberties of the Subjects are overthrown, and the persons and Estates of such as have been best affected to the Cause and Covenant are exposed to most grievous injuries, crying oppressions: And whereas the duty in preserving and defending his Majesties Person and Authority, is by the third Article of the Covenant qualified with, and subordinate unto the preservation and defence of the true Religion and Liberties of the Kingdoms, There is no such qualification, nor subordination observed in the present Engagement, but on the contrary, it is so carried on, as to make duties to God and Religion conditionall, qualified, limited; and duties to the King absolute and unlimited.
The fourth Article of the Covenant is so foully broken, that they who were by that Article declared Enemies, Incendiaries, Malignants, and therefore to be brought to condigne tryall and punishment, are now looked upon as friends and associates, and are the men who get most favour and protection, and sundry of them imployed in places of trust, in the Army and Committees.
For the fifth Article, instead of endeavouring to preserve Peace and Union, a breach is endeavoured between the Kingdoms, not only by taking in and garrisoning their frontire Towns, but also entering the Kingdom of England with an Army, and joyning with the common enemies of both Kingdoms, notwithstanding of an offer of a Treaty upon the Propositions of both Kingdoms made by the Parliament of England to the Parliament of this Kingdom. And whether the way of this Engagement can consist with the large Treaty between the Kingdoms, we shall with the Honourable Committee of Estates may yet take it into their serious second thoughts.
The sixth is also manifestly broken, for we are thereby obliged to assist and defend all those that entered into this League and Covenant, in maintaining and pursuing thereof: Whereas the Army now entered into England, is to assist and defend many who have not entered into that League and Covenant: And for those who took the Covenant in that Nation. and continue faithfull in it, what they may expect from this Army, may be collected not onely from their carriage towards their Brethren at home; but also from that clause toward the close of the late Declaration of the Committee of Estates, And that we will do prejudice or use violence to none (as far as we are able) but to such as oppose us, or such ends above mentioned. It cannot be unknown that many of the English Nation who are firm and faithfull to the Covenant, and Presbyteriall Government do, and will according to their places and callings oppose some of those ends above mentioned in that Declaration, as namely, the restoring both of King and Queen without any condition or security first had from them; And so by that rule in the Declaration they must expect to be used as enemies, not as friends. That sixth Article is also broken by a departing from the first principles and resolutions: and by dividing, and withdrawing from those that adhere thereunto, which hath been before cleared by the Commission of the late Generall Assembly in their Declaration in March, Representation, and other Papers published in Print.
5. We leave it to be seriously pondered by every one who is truely conscientious, whether it be any ways credible or probable, or agreeable to Scripture rules, that the generality of all that have been most faithfull and cordiall to the Covenant and cause of God should be deceived, deluded and darkened in this businesse, and that they who for the most part were enemies to the work of God in the beginning, and have never brought forth fruits meet for Repentance, should now finde out the will of God more than his most faithfull Servants in the Land, and who, that fears God, will believe that Malignants are for the ends of the Covenant and that they who are most instrumental in the Reformation, are against the ends of the Covenant.
All which considered, as we could not, without involving our selves in the guiltinesse of so unlawfull an Engagement, yeeld to the desire of the Army for Ministers to be sent by us to attend them; So we do earnestly exhort, and in the name and authority of Jesus Christ, charge and require all and every one of the Members of this Reformed Kirk of Scotland.
I. That they search narrowly into the sins which have Procured so great judgements and so sad an interruption of the work of God, that they examine themselves, consider their wayes, be much in humiliation and prayer, study a reall and practicall Reformation, That they also mourn and sigh for the abominations of the Land, and stand in the gap to turn away the wrath, Among all these fearfull sins, the violation of the Solemn League and Covenant, would not be forgotten but seriously laid to heart, as that which eminently provoketh the Lord and procureth his judgements to be powred forth not onely upon persons and families, but also upon States and Kingdoms. Covenant-breakers through in common things, are reckoned by the Apostle in that Catalogue of the abominations of the Gentiles: But among the people of God, where his great name is interposed, the breach of Covenant even in meaner matters, such as the setting of servants at liberty provoketh the Lord to say, Behold I proclaim a liberty for you (saith the Lord) to the sword, to the pestilence, and to the famine, and I will give the men that hath transgressed my Covenant, and (not excepting, but expressly mentioning Princes) he addes, I will give them into the hands of their enemies, The History of the Gibeonites, who surreptitiously procured the Covenant made to spare them, and whom Saul some ages thereafter in his zeal to the children of Israel and Judah sought to slay, as being cursed Canaanites, evidenceth with what vengeance, the LORD followeth Covenant-breakers, whereof there wants not in prophane History also both forreign and domestick examples: Therefore let all the inhabytants of the Land of whatsoever rank, seriously ponder how terrible judgements the violation of a Covenant so recently, so advisedly, so solemnly made, and in so weighty matters, may draw on, if not timously prevented by speedy repentance.
II. That they so respect and honour Authority, as that they be not the servants of men, nor give obedience to the will and authority of Rulers in any thing which may not consist with the word of God, but stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made them free, and obey God rather then men.
III. That they carefully avoid the dangerous rocks and snares of this time, whereby so many are taken and broken. Upon the one hand the sowre leaven of Malignancy where ever it enters, spoileth and corrupteth the whole lump, postponing Religion, and the Cause of God to humane interest, what ever be pretended to the contrary, and obstructing the work of Reformation, and propagation of Religion out of false respects and creature interest. As this hath formerly abounded in the land, to the prejudice of the Cause and Work of God, so of late it is revived, spreading with specious pretences of vindicating wrongs done to his Majesty. We desire not to be mistaken, as if respect and love to his Majesty were branded with the infamous mark of Malignancy; But hereby we warn all who would not come under this soul stain, not onely in their speech and profession, but really & in their whole carriage not to prefer their own, and the interest of any creature whatsoever, before the interest of CHRIST and Religion. The characters of these have been fully given in former Declarations, specially in the Declaration of the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly in March last, which we hold as here repeated; onely adding this, that they ordinarily traduce Kirk Judicatures, as medling with civill affairs, which as it is no new calumny, but such as hath been cast upon the servants of GOD in former times; so the whole course of proceedings doth manifestly confute the same.
Upon the other hand Sectarisme hath no lesse hindered the blessed and glorious work of Reformation in our neighbour Kingdom, against the venome whereof, lest it approach and infect this Kirk, we have need to watch diligently to avoid all the beginnings and dangerous appearances thereof. The many faithfull testimonies from godly Ministers in severall parts of England, against the vile errours, and abominable blasphemies abounding there, as they are to us matter of rejoicing before the Lord; so they ought to be looked on as warnings to all sorts of people, especially that regard Religion, to beware of Sathans snares, craftily set to catch their souls. And because such gangreens creep insensibly, all that love the Honour of GOD, and welfare of Religion, would seriously consider the following points, both by way of marks to discern; and meanes to escape the danger of this infection.
1. Whosoever are misprises of the blessed work of Reformation established within this Land, and do not shew themselves grieved for the impediments and obstructions it hath met with in our neighbour Kingdom, these are even on the brink of this precipice, ready to tumble down in this gulf whensoever occasion is offered: All therefore that love the Lord Jesus, would stir up their hearts in the light and strength of the Lord highly to prize, and thankfully to acknowledge what the right hand of the most High hath done among us, as also to thirst fervently after the advancing and perfecting of the LORD's work among our neighbours.
2. Disrespect to the publick Ministery and Ordinances is a symptome of a dangerous inclination to that disease: And therefore as all Christs Ministers ought to stir up themselves, to walk as becometh their high and holy calling lest they be stumbling blocks to the people of God; so all the people of God ought most carefully to stir up themselves unto a precious estimation of the Ordinances of God, & highly to esteem the Stewards thereof for their works sake. A duty at all times needful but now especially, when Sathan by all means endevours the contrary.
3. Indifferency in points of Religien, and pleading for Toleration to themselves or others how far soever different among themselves, is not to be forgotten among the characters of Sectaries, and therefore ought the more carefully to be avoided and opposed by all who desire to hold fast the profession of their faith without wavering.
4. They who are glorying in, and seeking after new lights, or under the pretext of them are self-conceited in singular opinions, or who affect new and strange expressions, are entring into the snare ready to be carried about with every winde of Doctrine. And therefore albeit we ought always as Disciples of the Lord to set ourselves as in his sight to be taught by his Spirit according to his Word, yet in this time so fertil of errours; it becommeth all the lovers of truth to hold fast what they have received, that no man take their Crown.
5. Whosoever brings in any opinion or practise in this Kirk contrary to the confession of Faith, Directory of Worship or Presbyterian Government may be justly esteemed to be opening the door to Schisme and Sects: And therefore all depravers or misconstructers of the proceedings of Kirk-Judicatories, especially the Generall Assembly would take heed least by making a breach upon the walls of Jerusalem they make a patent way for Sectaries to enter.
6. They who separate the Spirit from the Word, and pretend the Spirit, when they have no ground or warrant from the Word, are already taken in an evill snare, And therefore tis necessary to try the Spirits whither they are of God, for many false Prophets are gone out into the world, if they speak not according to the word it is because there is no light in them.
Besides the former, these are also marks of a Sectary; If any commend, and recommend to others, or spread and divulge the erroneous books of Sectaries, If any allow, avow, or use Conventicles or private meetings forbidden by the Acts of the Generall Assembly 1641. and 1647. last past, If any be unwilling, and decline to reckon Sectaries among the enemies of the Covenant, from whom danger is to be apprehended, And (though we disallow the abusing and Idolizing of learning to the patrocinie of Errour or prejudice of piety) if any contemn literature as needlesse at best, if not also hurtfull to a Minister.
When we thus expreste our selves for preventing the dangers of Sects and Schismes, it is far from our intention to discourage any from the duties of piety, and mutuall edification, according to the directions of the last Assembly published in Print, and seriously recommended by them, or to give any advantage to Malignants and Prophane persons, with whom it is frequent to cast upon all those who adhere to former principles, and cannot approve the present Engagement, the odious nick-names of Sectaries and Independents. For the beter discovery of such prophane mockers, we give these markes and characters. 1. They do prophanely and tauntingly abuse the name of the Spirit, under that name deriding the work of Grace and sanctification. 2. They esteem and speak of exercises of conscience, as fancies, or fits of melancholy. 3. They mock at Family-worship and the means of mutuall edification so much recommended by the last Assembly in their directions. 4. They do usually calumniate godly Ministers, and professors who follow holinesse, with the names of Sectaries, or the like odious names, without any just cause: As we account all such to be enemies to the practise and power of godlinesse; So we do exhort all the lovers of truth to hold on in the way of holinesse through good report and ill report, being stedfast, immovable, alwayes abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as they know their labour is not in vain in the Lord.
IV. That they do not concur in, nor any way assist this present Engagement, as they would not partake in other mens sins, and so receive of their plagues, but that by the grace and assistance of Christ they stedfastly resolve to suffer the rod of the wicked, and the utmost which wicked mens malice can afflict them with, rather then to put forth their hand to iniquity.
V. That they suffer not themselves to be abused with fair pretences and professions usuall in the mouths of those that carry on this designe, and often published in their Papers, But remember that the foulest actions have not wanted specious pretences; And if they who killed the Apostles did both pretend and intend to do God good service, what marvell that they who engage against the Covenant pretend to engage for it. Neither is it to be forgotten, That after the first subscription of our Nationall Covenant, these who had the chief hand in managing publick affairs, and had subscribed the Covenant, especially the Duke of Lenox, and Captain James then Earl of Arran, in the years 1581, 1582, 1583, 1584. when their designe was to subvert both the Doctrine and Discipline of this Kirk, yet gave great assurances by promises and Oaths to the contrary. At the Assemblies 1598, 1599, 1600. It was declared with many vows and attestations by the King, Statesmen, and these Ministers who were aspiring to Prelacy, That they intended no such thing as a change of the Government of the Kirk, or an introducing of Episcopacy, yet they were really doing what they disclaimed and professed not to do. And suppose that some who have an active hand in carrying on the present publick affairs, have no design either to destroy Religion, or utterly to sleight it: yet the way they are on, and work they are about as it is contrived, doth of its self, and in its own nature tend to the endangering, if not to the utter subversion of Religion, for it cannot be denyed, but the very undertaking of this War, sets the once suppressed Malignants on work again, and successe therein puts them in a capacity to set up according to their principles abolished and abjured corruptions; which will be the more hardly hindered, considering his Majesties propension, and professed resolution that way, Especially seeing His Majesties concessions (though it hath been often desired) have never been plainly declared unsatisfactore by the Parliament. And who in reason can think that any more then His Majesties concessions sent from the Isle of Wight will be required of him, by them who thereupon have proceeded to this Engagement. The Kings negative voice (asserted in the Papers of the Commissioners of this Kingdom unto England, which are owned in the late Declaration to the Kingdom of England, as the sense of this Kingdom) considered in relation to Religion makes the danger yet the greater and more palpable, yea, may reach further to shake and unsettle Religion established in this Land; If to the premises this be added which is not only often declared, but also demanded, That his Majestie be brought to one of his houses in Honour, Freedom and Safety, which may infer the admitting of his Maj. to the free exercise of his Royall power before security had from him for Reeligion, or Application made to him for the same, who sees not now what hazard Religion runs, certainly greater then a good intention can salve,
VI. That they do not mistake, or misunderstand the nature of the true Reformed Religion and of the Government of JESUS CHRIST, as if thereby either the Prerogative of Kings, Privileges of Parliaments or Liberties of Burghs, and other Corporations were any wayes hurt or weakened: whereas indeed Religion is the main pillar and upholder of civill authority, or Magistracie, and it is the resisting, and not the receiving of the Government of CHRIST, which hath overturned civill powers. If the Throne be established by righteousnesse (as we are plainly taught by the Word of God) then it is overthrowne by unrighteousnesse and iniquity.
VII. That they beware of all things which may ensnare their consciences, as evill councell, evill company, false informations, rash promises, and especially that they beware of taking any Oathes, subscribing any Bonds, which may relate to the Covenant and Cause of God, unlesse such Oaths or Bonds be approved by the General Assembly or their Commissioners for the publique affairs of the Kirk.
VIII. That they do not cast away their confidence, nor sink into despair, because of the present dangers and difficulties, but live by faith, waite for better times, and continue stedfast as seeing him who is invisible, firmly beleeving that such a course as is not of God but against him, will come to naught.
IX. To remember, that as the violation of the Covenant by some in England doth not set us free from the observation thereof, and as no laws nor authority on earth can absolve us from so solemn an obligation to the most High God (which not onely hath been professed by this Kirk but in a Petition of the City of London, and in publique Testimonies of many of the Ministery of England). So we are not acquited and assoiled from the obligation of our solemn Covenant, because of the troubles and confusions of the times; But that in the worst of times all those duties, whereunto by Covenant we oblige ourselves, do still lie upon us, for we have sworn (and must perform it) concerning that Cause and Covenant wherein we solemnly Engaged, That we shall all the dayes of our lives zealously and constantly continue therein against all opposition, and promove the same according to our power against all lets and Impediments whatsoever. And if against all lets and impediments whatsoever, then the altering of the way of opposition, or of the kinde of impediments doth not alter the nature, or the Joye of the Covenant, but we are obliged to all the duties therein contained.
We doe also exhort and charge in CHRISTS Name the Prince of Pastors, all the Ministers within this Kirk, that in no wayes they be accessary to this sinful Engagement, but in all their conferences and reasoning especially, in their publick Doctrine, they declare themselves freely, and faithfully, as they would eschew the wrath of GOD, due for a violated Covenant, and as they would escape the censures of the Kirk; and let all Presbyteries be watchful within their bounds, and carefully, wisely, and zealously to inflict Ecclesiastick censures.
Finally, we exhort all civil Iudicatories, and every one intrusted with power to manage the present affairs, That they would seriously remember the strict account they are to give before the Iudge of the quick and the dead, Considering deeply how fearful a thing it is to oppresse the consciences of their Brethren, either by pressing them to act where they finde no satisfactory warrant or by putting heavy pressures upon them for not acting according to their injunctions, and especially that they offer not to insnare by new Oaths, or Bonds those that make conscience of the great Oath of their Solemn Covenant, and hitherto have proven faithful and constant in promoving joyntly all the ends thereof.
If this our faithful warning finde favourable acceptance, so that the grievous things already enacted, be no more prosecuted and pressed, we shall blesse God who reigns in the Kingdoms and Councels of men: But if it fall out otherwise (as God forbid) we have liberate our souls of the guiltinesse of this sinful way of Engagement, and of all the miseries that shall ensue thereby upon this Kirk and Kingdom, And shall lament before the Lord that our labours have not as yet had the desired successe. In the meantime, we dare not cast away our confidence, but trusting in the name of the Lord, and staying upon our God, shall by his grace and assistance continue stedfast in our Solemn Covenants, and faithful in all the duties of our Calling.
August. 1. 1648. Antemeridiem. Sess. 22.
The General Assemblies Answer to the Paper presented from the Honourable Committee of Estates of the Date Iuly 28. 1648.
The General Assembly having considered the Paper of the 28. of July, delivered to them from the Honourable Committee of Estates, Do finde that the first part thereof concerning the great Offers made by the Parliament and Committee of Estates for the security of Religion, is no other but what was fully answered in our last Paper of the 25. of July, delivered to their Lordships, wherein it was plainly demonstrat by Theologicall reasons (though their Lordships are pleased to call them Politick) that the present Engagement is inconsistent with the safety and security of Religion. Next whereas it is affirmed in their Lordships Paper, that the grounds and reasons are the same which were fully answered before, we wish it had been instanced when and where they were answered, for we know no such thing.
Another reflection upon that former Paper of ours is thus expressed, That the Generall Assembly hath proceeded to such a Declaration before they had in an Ecclesiaslick way from clear testimonies out of the Word of God or convencing of our consciences, demonstrate the unlawfulnesse of the undertaking: Where we can see no reason why it should seem so very strange to the Honourable Committee that the Generall Assembly hath so proceeded to a Declaration of their judgement concerning this businesse, For as it hath been no unusuall thing, but very ordinary that approved Synods, both Provinciall, Nationall, and Oecumeniall have declared their judgement without publishing the particular grounds & reasons thereof from Scripture (a work more proper for full Tractates then for Synodicall Decrees or Cannons.) So if their Lordships had been pleased to attend (for many attended not) the late Parliament-Sermons mainly intended for their Lordships information, and had with mindes unprejudiced, hearkened thereunto, and searched in to all the Papers lately published in Print by the Commission of the last Assembly, they might have been by the blessing of God convinced from the Word of God of the unlawfulnesse of the present Engagement.
There are three things which may justly seem to us more strange: One is, That the Declaration of Parliament having given assurance in this manner, We are resolved not to ingage in any War before the necessity and lawfulnesse thereof be cleared, so as all who are wel-affected may be satisfied therewith, yet now they have ingaged in War without any such clearing of the necessity and lawfulnesse thereof, or satisfaction given to the wel-affected.
Another is, that although there are so great professions and offers in the generall to satisfie what can be desired for the security of Religion, yet none of those particulars desired by the late Commission of the Kirk for the security of Religion have been granted. We shall here onely give instance in one of those desires, which was, that his Majesties concessions and offers concerning Religion, sent home from the Isle of Wight, having been found by the said Commission unsatisfactory and destructive to the Covenant, might be by the Parliament declared unsatisfactory to their Lordships.
In this great point there hath been no satisfaction given, onely it was lightly touched in one clause of the Parliaments Declaration, and so ambiguously expressed, as might suffer many interpretations, and although this ambiguity was clearly laid open by the Commissioners of the last Generall Assembly in their Representation; yet to this day there hath been nothing published neither by the Parliament nor Committee of Estates to give any clearer satisfaction, by disclaiming those offers and concessions as unsatisfactory to the parliament: So that this (if there were no more) gives us great cause to apprehend that there is a greater mystery latent in that businesse then yet appeareth.
A third thing which seemeth strange to us is, That their Lordships desire of arguments from Scripture to prove the unlawfulnesse of this Engagement was not propounded to the Commissioners of the last Assembly, before the emitting of the Declaration of Parliament, and before the Levies (when it had been most orderly & seasonable) but is now propounded after publick resolutions and Declarations, yea not till those resolutions are put in actuall execution.
However seeing their Lordships do now desire proofs from Scripture for the unlawfulnesse of the Engagement.
We answer, That as joyning and concurring in this Engagement is unlawfull to all the wel-affected in this Kingdom, their consciences being altogether unsatisfied in the lawfulnesse thereof; and as it is unlawfull in the manner of putting it in execution, being accompanied with so many injuries, oppressions, and crying abominations, and with so much persecution of piety; so it is unlawfull in the own nature of it, and as it is stated upon the grounds of the Declarations of Parliament, and Committee of Estates. And this unlawfulnesse of the Engagement in it self, we have demonstrate in the Declaration herewith communicate to their Lordships, unto which we remit them for satisfaction in that point, and do nor doubt but their Lordships may be convinced thereby of the evill of their way, and that it is so far from being a pious and necessary Engagement (as their Lordships are pleased to call it) that it is a most unlawfull and sinfull Engagement to be repented of, and forsaken by all that have any hand in it, as they desire to make their peace with God, And we heartily wish that their Lordships subsequent proceedings may be reall testimonies, that their calling for Scripture proofs was from a reall desire to be informed and edified.
As to their Lordships other desire of our demonstrating from the Word of God, that the Kirk hath interest in the undertakings and Engagements in War, and what that interest is, We had thought this point to be without controversie in this Kingdom, not onely in respect of Kirk and State, their joyning and co-operating (each in their proper sphere,) in the former Expeditions of this Kingdom into England, but also because the very Conferences which have been between Committees of Kirk and State concerning this undertaking and Engagement, doth plainly suppose an interest of the Kirk in such affairs.
If their Lordships mean any politick interest in such undertakings, we claim no such thing, if the meaning be of a Spirituall interest and so far as concerneth the point of Conscience, there can be no doubt thereof made by such as do with David make the testimonies of the Lord their Counsellers, Psalm 119. 24. And consult with God as he used to do in undertaking War: It is also to be remembred that Joshua and all the Congregation of Israel were commanded to go out and in at the word of Eliazer the priest, who was to aske councell of the Lord for them, Numb. 27. 28. Hath not the Word of God prescribed to the Christian Magistrate the Rules of a Lawfull War, And doth it not belong, to particular Ministers, much more to the Assemblies of the Kirk, to declare the minde of God from Scripture, for all sorts of duties, and against all sorts of sins. And if the present War be a case of conscience, and alledged to be the most fit and necessary means for preservation of Religion, who seeth not that the Kirk hath an undoubted interest in resolving and determining such a case of Conscience from the word of God. This we shall onely adde, that whereas in the Parliaments Letter to the Presbyteries there instances were adduced by way of reflection upon the proceedings of the late Commission, as medling with Civill matters in which they had no Interest, The Commission did in their Printed Vindication so clear from Scripturall grounds their Interest in such things as their Lordships might have been easily satisfied in that point. We shall here onely mention one passage containing a good and safe rule for such Cases, The Duties of the second Table, as well as of the first, as namely, The Duties between King and Subject, Parents and Children, Husbands and Wives, Masters and Servants, and the like being contained in, and to be taught and cleared from the Word of God, are in that respect, and so far as concerneth the point of Conscience, a subject of Ministeriall Doctrine, and in difficult cases a subject of cognizance and Judgement, to the Assemblies of the Kirk.
Eodem die Postmeridiem, Sess. 23.
A Declaration and Exhortation of the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland, to their Brethren of England.
As the necessity of preserving a right understanding and mutuall confidence betwixt the Churches of Christ in both Kingdoms constrain us, so the good acceptance and the suitable affections that the Declaration of the last Generall Assembly met with in England from the Lovers of the Covenant and present Reformation, together with the many Testimonies that have of late been given unto the Truth in that Land, invites and incourages us to make known unto our Brethren there, our sense of the present condition of publick affairs, so far as concerns Religion and the point of Conscience.
The dispensation of God in ruling of the Nations, and in the revolutions of his Providence towards them, is full of wonder in all the earth; And we, who live in this Island, have cause to look upon it with speciall observation, in regard of that which concerns our selves. For many generations these two Kingdoms stood at odds and were the instruments of many sufferings and calamities one to another, untill at last the Lord having compassion upon both, did unite them under one King; which great and long desired Blessing hath received such increase from our being united together in one League and Covenant as doth adde much to the good and happinesse of both Nations: Therefore is it to be looked upon by all the Lovers of Truth and Peace in these Lands as a just ground of much thanksgiving & many praises unto GOD, even in the day of our greatest calamity and affliction what ever befall, as we know no cause why we should forget so a great a mercy or repent of so good a work.
But as the common Enemies of these Kingdoms studied by all means to keep them from entring into that Covenant, so hath all their power and Policy, now, for five years past, been imployed to bring it to nought. As soon as it had being the Popish, Prelaticall and Malignant Party did bend all their forces against it; and when by the mighty hand of GOD they were scattered and brought to confusion, in their stead stood up in England a generation who have perverted the Truth, and by turning aside into Errour have obstructed the work of Reformation; and by forsaking of the Covenant, and forgetting of the Oath of GOD, have brought a great reproach upon his Name, and made the Enemy to blaspheme; whose unthankfulnesse and unstedfastnesse, with the many provocations of these Lands, hath provoked the Lord again to raise out of the dust the horn of Malignants, and to arm them with such power as is terrible to his People, and threatenes his Work with ruine. And albeit, we acknowledge our selves bound and are still resolved to preserve and defend his Majesties Person and Authority in the preservation and defence of the true Religion and Liberties of the Kingdoms: Yet it is unto us matter of very great sorrow and grief that so many in our Land should so far joyn in Malignant Designes, and that there should be found amongst us who have undertaken and are now putting in execution an unlawfull War promoving their ends and opposing and making void (so far as in them lies) the Ends of the Covenant: Neverthelesse in this we cannot but rejoyce that they went not without a Witnesse and a Warning disswading them to go.
And we desire our Brethren of England to know, that as a very considerable number of the Members of the Parliament did dissent from and protest against the proceedings of the major part in reference to this Engagement so all the particular Synods and Presbyteries in this Kingdom, excepting some few, who by reason of their remotenesse and shortenesse of time had not the opportunity, have most harmoniously joyned with and seconded the Desires of the Commissioners of the General Assembly for preventing so unlawful a War: And now the Commissioners out of all the Provinces conveened in this National Assembly, as after an exact examination they have unanimously approved the proceedings of the Commissioners of the former Assembly against that Engagement; so have they emitted a Declaration to all the People of GOD in this Land, shewing it to be contrary to GODS Word and to the solemn League and Covenant. Neither have Ministers onely by their preaching, and Kirk Iudicatories by their Petitions and Declarations given testimony against it; but many others in this Land also by supplicating the High and Honourable Court of Parliament for satisfaction to their Conscience thereanent: And when it could not be obtained many have chosen rather to suffer the spoiling of their goods with joy, then to sin against GOD by complying with an evil course. And many of the Officers of our former Army, who are of special note for their good carriage and deserving in the Cause of GOD, have rather choosed to quit their charges then to joyn in it: Nay, the well-affected, both Ministers and People, as they do bear testimony against it before men, so groan under it before GOD. So that this character may justly be put upon it by all who shall speak of it now or in after Ages, That as it is a foul breach of the Covenant under a pretence and profession of being for the ends of the Covenant, so being carried on against the Consciences of the people, and contrary to the most harmonious and universal Testimonies of many Presbyteries and Synods that have been given against it, it is a sinning with many witnesses. A paralel will hardly be found in this or in any other Land wherein a publick sinful course hath been carried on with so high a hand against the Consciences of the People of GOD, and against so many Warnings of the Servants of GOD, and general opposition from the Judicatories of the Kirk; which yet is the less to be wondred at, because the greatest part of those who have been most active in contriving and carrying on of the fame, were either once open Enemies, or alwayes secret underminers, or indifferent and neutral in the Cause of GOD.
But whatsoever be the falling away of such, we shall desire and do expect that our Brethren in England, who continue faithful, may rest confident of the generality of all such of this Kingdom as were at first active in promoting the Covenant and Work of Reformation, that they are also still faithful in adhering thereunto, and walking after their former principles do resolve to abide stedfast and to hold fast the bands of Brotherhood and union between these Kingdoms: Neither are we lesse confident of the like Resolutions and Affections of our Brethren in England: The many Testimonies which the Truth and Cause of CHRIST, the Covenant and Presbyterial Government have lately received from that cloud of Witnesses of the Ministery in several Provinces and Countries of that Kingdom, after the example of the worthy Ministery of the City of London, against the Errours of Independency, Anabaptism, Antinomianisin, Arminianism, Socinianism, Faminism, Libertinism, Sceptism, Erastianism, and other new and dangerous Doctrines spred and received amongst many in that Nation; As they are unto us matter of great praise and hearty thanksgiving unto GOD, so also an evidence of the stedfastness of many in England, and a token for good, and a wide door of hope that the Lord will perfect his Work and bring forth the headstone of his House in that Land. It shall be the wisdom of each Nation to keep the golden path of truth and righteousnesse betwixt the crooked wayes of Malignants upon the one hand and Secteries upon the other, and for each of the Nations so to look upon another, as to distinguish betwixt the prevalent part and the better part, and betwixt friends and foes.
We conceive it to be high time for both Nations to search and try their ways and turn again to the LORD, that he who hath wounded us may heal us, and he who hath broken us may binde us up. The sin of both hath been the departing from the rule of the Covenant, and that we did not trust God for the prefecting of his Work, walking by the rule of piety, but took ourselves to humane polices, and endeavoured to carry it on by carnal and worldly means. For as Scotland did to much connive at and comply with Malignants, which is the immediate and neerest cause of all our present troubles and distractions; so England neglecting to hold fast the truth and to submit themselves to the Government of Jesus Christ, so clearly held forth by the pious and learned Assembly of Divines, did connive at many abominable Blasphemies and Errors, and complying with Sectaries, gave way to their wicked Toleration. Neither is it the least part of the sin of both Lands, that they have more minded the outward then the inward Reformation, the erecting of the outward Fabrick of GODS House, then the providing furniture for it by advancing the power of the Gospel, that his glory may be seen in his Temple. Because of these things is there great wrath from the LORD against these Kingdoms, and this controversie shall be continued until we really turn away from our crooked paths. Therefore as we wish that none of this Land may flatter themselves in their evil wayes, but repent and amend, so we desire our Brethren of England to consider what hath been the bitter fruits of their slow progresse in and neglect of the Work of Reformation, and of their connivance at and complying with Sectaries, and to do no more so, but that whatsoever is commanded by the God of Heaven, it be diligently done for the House of the God of Heaven.
We trust that the Parliament of England will be wise to remember and consider the great mercies of GOD towards them in delivering them from all their Enemies, & the many opportunities put into their hands for advancing and establishing the work of Reformation; for neglect whereof God hath now again threatned to lift up their Enemies above them, that he may once more prove what they will do for his Name, and for setling the order of his House. God forbid that they should run from one extream to another, from compliance with Sectaries to compliance with Malignants, and hearken to terms of an unsafe and sinful Peace, We cannot but abhor the purposes of any who minde the subversion of Monarchical Government, which we heartily wish to be preserved and continued in his Majesties Person, and Posterity; and we do no lesse dislike the Practises of those who deal so hardly with his Majesties Person, earnestly desiring that he were in the condition he was into by the advice of both Kingdoms before he was taken away by a party of Sir Thomas Fairfax Army; Nor are we against the restoring of the King to the exercise of his power in aright order and way. Yet considering what great expence of blood and pains these Kingdoms have been at for maintaining their just liberties and bringing the Work of Reformation this length; And considering his Majesties great aversnesse from setling Reformation of Religion, and his adhering still to Episcopacy; We trust that security will be demanded and had from his Majesty for Religion, before he be brought to one of his Houses in or neer about London, with honour, freedom and safety. And considering of what importance the solemne League and Covenant is unto all the interests of both Kingdoms concerning their Religion, Liberties and Peace, to make an agreement without establishing of it, were not only to rob these Nations of the blessings they have already attained by it, but to open a door to let in all the corruptions that have been formerly in the Kirks of God in these lands, & all the abuses and usurpations that have been in the civil government, & again to divide these two Kingdoms that are now so happily united and conjoyned: & therefore as we wish that all mis-understanding betwixt the Nations, & betwixt the King & People may be removed, that there may be a happy & lasting Peace, so that there may be no agreement without establishing and enjoyning the Covenant in all these three Kingdoms; and that for this end God would give wisdom to all that are intrusted in the managing of publick Affairs that they may seasonably discover and carefully avoid all snares which may be laid either by Sectaries, or Malignants, or both, under colour of a Treaty of Peace. And we are confident, through the Lord, that all the obstructions and oppositions, by which his work has been retarded and interrupted in this Island, shall not onely be taken out of the way, but shall turn to the advantage and furtherance of it at last. The onely wise God can and will bring about his holy purposes by unlikely, yea by contrary means: And God forbid that either our Brethren in England or our selves should give way to despondency of Spirit, and cast away the hopes of that so much prayed for and so much wished for Reformation of Religion, and Uniformity in all the parts thereof according to the Covenant: And now it is our hearts desire and prayer to God, that amidst the many tryals and tentations of these times, none of the Servants of God and witnesses of Jesus Christ may be deserted, or left to themselves to comply either with the Malignant party upon the one hand, or with Sectaries upon the other. Brethren pray for us, and the God of all grace, who hath called us unto his eternal glory, after that ye have suffered a while, make you perfect, stablish strengthen and settle you.
August. 2. 1648. Antemeridiem, Sess. 26.
Answer to the Letter of the Reverend Assembly of Divines in England.
Right Honourable, Right Reverend and Wel beloved in our LORD,
We cease not to give thanks to the Father of our Lord Jesus, by whose strength you keep the Word of his patience now in these times, when many depart from the Faith, giving heed to seducing Spirits; As also, that he who hath founded Zion, hath been pleased, by our Covenant sworn to the most high God, to lay the hopefull foundation of a glorious Work in these three Kingdoms, to unite his People therein, as one stick in the hand of the LORD.
We cannot but acknowledge to the Honour and Glory of the Lord, Wonderfull in counsell and excellent in working, that hee hath strongly united the spirits of all the godly in this Kingdom, and of his Servants in the Ministery, first in the severall Presbyteries and Synods, and now in this Nationall Assembly, in an unanimous and constant adhering to our first Principles and the Solemn League and Covenant, And particularly in giving a testimony against the present unlawfull Engagement in War: Yet it semeth good to the LORD who hath his Fire in Zion and Furnace in Jerusalem, for the purging of the vessels of his house to suffer many adversaries to arise with violence to obstruct and stop this great and effectuall door, which the Lord hath opened unto us. But we know that he openeth, and no man shutteth, and shutteth, and no man openeth: yea, he will cause them who say they are for the Covenant and are not, but are Enemies thereto, and do associate with Malignants or Sectaries, to acknowledge that God hath loved us, and that his truth is in us and with us. And now dearly beloved, seeing the Lord hath kept you together so many years, when the battel of the Warriour hath been with confused noise, and garments rolled in blood, the Lord also sitting as a refiner to purifie the Sons of Levi, and blessing you with unity and soundnesse in the Faith, we are confident you will not cease to give a publick testimony for Christ, both against Sectaries and all Seducers, who prophecie lies in the name of the LORD, and against Malignants and Incendiaries (the Prelaticall and Popish Faction) who now again bestir themselves to hold up the rotten and tottering throne of Antichrist, and are (whatever they pretend) the reall enemies of Reformation: As also, that as the Embassadors of Jesus Christ and his Watchmen, you will give seasonable warning to the Honourable Houses of Parliament, that now (after the losse of the opportunity of so many years) they would, in their places, repair the Houses of the LORD, that lyeth so long desolate, and promove the work of Reformation and Uniformity according to the Covenant.
For if the Honourable Houses of Parliament had timely made use of that power, which God hath put in their hands for suppressing of Sectaries, and had taken a speedy course for setling of Presbyterial Government, (a speciall and effectuall means appointed by God to purge his Church from all scandals in Doctrine and Practise) Then had not the insolencie of that party arisen to such a height, as to give occasion to the Malignants of both Kingdoms to justifie and blesse themselves in their old opposition to the work of Reformation, and to encourage one another, to new and more dangerous attempts; Neither had the Malignant party ever grown so strong in this Kingdom, if the Sectaries had not been connived at in ENGLAND; For their prime pretence (for their present rising in Armes) is, that they may suppress the Sectaries, and vindicate the King from that base condition, unto which he is brought by that party: Yet these do not wisely, nor well, who avoiding or opposing Sectarisme, split themselves upon the rock of Malignancy, and by taking that party by the hand how, do own all the cruelty, bloodshed and other ungodly and unjust Acts, which they have done since the beginning of this Reformation. And as we take thankfully your testimony of your steering so steady & even a course between the dangerous rocks of Prophanesse and Malignancy on the one hand, and of Errours, Schisme, Heresie and Blasphemy on the other hand; So we trust ye will not cease to give testimony against both these evils, and represent the same to the Honourable Houses of Parliament, as you shall have fit occasion; And that you will gravely warne your dissenting Brethren what a door they keep open for Errors, and Heresies, by their tenet of Independency; Whereby they leave no means of Authoritative Ecclesiastick Suppression of Errours; If an Independent Congregation will please to own them. We also are confident that you will be remembrancers to that famous City of London, and the whole Kingdom, of their Engagement to the LORD, in the solemn League and Covenant: Nor will we suffer our selves to believe that the wel-affected in the Houses of Parliament, In the City of London, and throughout that whole Kingdom will agree or harken to the motions of any such Treaty of Peace, as leaves out the best security for Religion, the Cause of GOD, and the solemn League and Covenant. Thus desiring the continuance of your Prayers to God for us, in this hour of temptation; and promising (through his grace and strength) to continue in prayers for you, We commit you to the infinite Wisdom, Power, Goodnesse, and Faithfulnesse of our blessed God and Father in Christ, in whom we are,
2. August 1648.
Your very loving and affectionate Brethren to serve you,
To the Right Honourable, And Right Reverend the Assembly of Divines in England now assembled at Westminster.
The Ministers and Elders conveened in the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland.
Eodem die Postmeridiem, Sess. 25.
The Humble Supplication of the Generall Assembly, To the Right Honourable the Committee of Estates.
Whereas the High and Honourable Court of Parliament and your Lordships were pleased to injoyn the subscription of a Declaration and Band of the date June 10. 1648. And we having found after such examination and tryal, as is competent to the Servants of God in an Ecclesiastick way, that the same is a snare to the Consciences of the People of GOD in this Land to involve them in guiltinesse, and to draw them from their former principles and Vows in the solemn League and Covenant, as doth more fully appear in our Act concerning the same herewith presented unto your Lordships. Therefore from our zeal to the glory of GOD and tender care of the souls committed unto us; and for our exonoration, As we do seriously exhort that your Lordships would be sensible of the guilt that you have already brought upon your selves and others, by injoyning and urging that subscription, So we do earnestly and in the bowels of Jesus Christ intreat, That your Lordships would take such order and course as that it may be no further pressed upon the people of GOD throughout the Land.
And because the people groan under the violence and oppression of Officers and Souldiers in their Quarterings of otherwise throughout all the corners of the Countrey (which as it hath ascended into the ears of the Lord of Hosts, so we doubt not but it is come to your knowledge) We conceive it to be incumbent to us to represent the same to your Lordships, beseeching and obtesting you that as you would not desire that the Lord should visit because of these things, you would think upon an effectuall remedy for punishing and redressing what is past, and preventing the like in time coming.
And whereas by an Act and inhibition of your Lordships The Liberty of Printing being one of the Kirks Priviledges confirmed by Parliament is restrained, Therefore we intreat that the inhibition upon the Printers may be taken off.
And now having condiscended upon a Declaration to all the Members of this Kirk concerning present dangers & duties, We do in all humility offer the same to your Lordships (together with our Answer to the Paper last sent to us from your Lordships) professing in the sight of GOD (whose Servants we are) that we have walked herein according to the rule of his Word, and have nothing before our eyes but his Glory, and the well of his People, And therefore intreats your Lordships, that you would seriously ponder the same without prejudice, and as you desire to be comforted in the day of your accompts, to make right use of the light that is holden forth therein from Gods Word.
August 3. 1648. Antemeridiem, Sess. 26.
Act for censuring Ministers for their silence, and not speaking to the corruptions of the time.
The Generall Assembly, taking to their serious consideration, the great scandals which have lately encreased, partly through some Ministers their reserving and not declaring of themselves against the prevalent sins of the times, partly through the spite, Malignity, and insolency of others against such Ministers as have faithfully and freely reproved the Sins of the times without respect of persons, Do therefore for preventing and removing such scandals hereafter, Appoint and Ordain, that every Minister do by the word of Wisdom apply his Doctrine faithfully against the publick Sins and Corruptions of these times, and particularly against the Sins and Scandals in that Congregation wherein he lives, according to the Act of the Generall Assembly 1596. revived by the Assembly at Glasgow, 1638. Appointing that such as shall be found not applying their Doctrine to corruptions, which is the Pastorall gift, cold, and wanting of Spirituall zeal, flatters and dissembling of publick sins, and especially of great Personages in their Congregations, that all such persons be censured according to the degree of their faults and continuing therein be deprived; And according to the Act of the Generall Assembly 1646. Sess. 10. That beside all other scandals, silence, or ambiguous speaking in the publike Cause much more detracting and disaffected speeches be seasonably censured; As therefore the Errours and exorbitancies of Sectaries in England are not to be passed in silence, but plain warning to be given of the danger of so near a contagion, that people may beware of it, and such as neglect this duty to be Censured by their Presbyteries, So it is thought fit and Appointted by the Assembly, conform to the foresaid Acts. That the main current of applications in Sermons may run along against the evils that prevail at home, and namely against the contempt of the Word, against all profanesse, against the present defection from the League and Covenant, against the unlawful Engagement in War, against the unlawful Band and Declaration of the Date of the 10. of June ordained to be subscribed by all the Subjects, and other unjust Decrees established by Law, against the Plots and Practises of Malignants, and against the Principles and Tenents of Erastianism, which spread among divers in this Kingdom; For the better confutation whereof, it is hereby Recommended to the Ministery to study that point of controversie well, that they may be the more able to stop the mouths of gainsayers: Tis also hereby Recommended to the several Presbyteries and Provincial Synods, that they make special enquiry and trial concerning all the Ministery in their bounds, And if any be found too sparing general, or ambiguous in the foresaid applications and reproofs that they be sharply rebuked, dealt with, and warned to amend under the pain of suspension from their Ministery; And if after such warning given they amend not, that such be suspended by Presbyteries, and in case of their negligence by the Synods till the next General Assembly; But if there be any, who do neglect and omit such applications and reproofs, and continue in such negligence after admonition and dealing with them, they are to be cited, and after due triall of the offence to be deposed, for being pleasers of men rather then servants of Christ, for giving themselves to a detestable indifferency or neutrality in the Cause of God, &c. for defrauding the souls of people, yea for being highly guilty of the blood of souls in not giving them warning: Much more are such Ministers to be censured with Deposition from their Ministry who preach for the lawfulnes or pray for the success of the present unlawfull Engagement, or that go along with the Army themselves, or who subscribe any Bands or take any Oaths not approved by the General Assembly or their Commissioners, or by their counsel, countenance or approbation make themselves accessory to the taking of such Bands and Oaths by others: It is to be understood that if any Minister preach in defence of or pray for the successe of the Sectaries in England, he is likewayes to be censured by deposition. And this we adde as a generall rule to be observed on both hands, but not as if we had found any of the Ministery of this Kingdom to be favourers of the Sectaries in England:
And in case any Minister for his freedom in preaching, and faithfull discharge of his conscience shall be in the face of the Congregation or elsewhere upbraided, railed at, mocked, or threatened, or if any injury or violence be done to his person, or any stop and disturbance made to him in the exercise of his Ministeriall calling, The Presbyterie of the bounds shall forthwith enter in processe with the offender, and whoever he be Charge him to satisfie the Discipline of the Kirk by publick Repentance, which if any do not, or refuse to do, That then the Presbyterie proceed to Excommunication against him; In all which Presbyteries and Synods are to give an account of their diligence: And the Assembly Appoints this Act to be intimate in the several Congregations of this Kirk.
August 4. 1648. Postmeridiem, Sess. 21.
Overtures concerning the education of the Hie-land Boys in the Province of Argyle.
This day the report following being made from the Committee concerning the education of Hie-land Boys in Argyle, viz.
The Committee considering the Bill remitted by the Generall Assembly to us concerning the Hie-land Boys (who are given up to be fourty in number of good spirits and approven by the Province of Argyle) Do humbly think, that four of them who are ready for the Colledge should be recommended to the Universities to get Burses on in every Colledge. As for the rest of the 40, who are to be brought up at Grammar Schools, The Committee thinks that if the said Boys should be scattered through the Kingdom they should lose the Irish Language, and so the Assembly shall fail of their purpose to make them usefull for the Hie-lands: And therefore do humbly conceive that it were fitting that every Congregation pay yearly fourty Shillings Scots for maintaining the said Boys at Schools in Glasgow, or in other places where many of them may be together accepted of, and that the money be brought in yearly to the General Assembly by the Commissioners of Presbyteries, and that Presbyteries augment or diminish the said proportion according to the ability of every Congregation.
The Assembly having considered the foresaid Report, Approves the first Overture, And recommends Colin Campbell to the University of Aberdeen, Duncan Campbell to Edinburgh, Patrick Campbell to Glasgow, Zachary Maccullum to St. Leonards Colledge in St. Andrews: As also Approve the second Overture, seriously Recommending to Presbyteries, That the said fourty shillings be collected carefully and sent to Glasgow, And the Ministers of Glasgow shall appoint some sufficient man in that Town to receive the said Collection from Presbyteries, And to take charge of the boording and entertainment of the saids Boys in Glasgow at Schooles, and they shall send in the names of the Boys with a Certificate of their proficiency yearly to the Generall Assembly: And this Collection shall onely endure for the space of twelve years.
August 5. 1648. Antemeridiem, Sess. 30.
Explanation of the fifth Article of the Overtures concerning Appeals past in the Assembly, 1643.
The Generall Assembly for clearing the sense of the fifth Article of the Overtures concerning Appeals in the Assembly, 1643. Sess. 2 Declare, that if Appellations, Post latam sententiam be not presented to the Judicatory when the sentence is pronounced: The party shall then immediately after the sentence protest for liberty of Appeal, as he shall see cause; And accordingly within ten dayes shall give in his Appeal in writ under his hand, either to the Judicatory or the Moderator thereof, otherwise the Appeal is not to be respected.
Eodem die 1648. Antemeridiem, Sess. 30.
Act discharging deposed or suspended Ministers from any exercise of the Ministery, or medling with the stipend.
The Generall Assembly considering that according to the ancient practise and order of this Kirk, the Censure of Suspension and Deposition of Ministers is both ab officio and a beuoficio, as is also acknowledged by the 20. Act of the Parliament, Anno 1644. And that the continuance of suspended or deposed Ministers in the exercise of the Ministery or in the possession of their stipend hath been & ought to be accompted and censured as a great contempt of the Authority and Censures of the Kirk, Considering also that the continuance of deposed Ministers in the possession of the stipend, is a great prejudice and obstruction to the planting of the vaiking Kirk, and to the service of God there. Therefore do declare and Ordain, That whosoever after the sentence of Deposition pronounced against them, Do either exercise any part of the Ministeriall calling in the places they formerly served in; or elsewhere, or do possesse, meddle, or intromet with the stipend or other benefits whatsoever belonging to these Kirks they served at, They shall be proceeded against with Excommunication; And if any suspended Minister during his suspension, either exercise any part of the Ministeriall Calling, or intromet with the Stipend, That he be Deposed, And after deposition, continuing in either of these faults, That he be processed with Excommunication; But prejudice always to them of their stipend resting for by-gone service and of any recompence due for building or repairing of the Manse according to the ordinary practise. And the Assembly recommends to Presbyteries seriously to be carefull of the putting of this Act in execution.
August 7. 1648. Antemeridiem. Sess 31.
The Assemblies Declaration of the falsehood and forgerie of a lying scandalous Pamphlet put forth under the name of their Reverend Brother Mastr Alexander Henderson after hes death.
The Generall Assembly of this Kirk having seen a Printed Paper, Intituled, The Declaration of Mr. Alexander Henderson principall Minister of the Word of GOD at Edinburgh and chief Commissioner from the Kirk of Scotland to the Parliament and Synod of England made upon his death-bed. And taking into their serious consideration how many grosse lies and impudent calumnies are therein contained; Out of the tender respect which they do bear to his name (which ought to be very precious to them and all posterity, for his faithfull service in the great Work of Reformation in these Kingdoms, wherein the Lord was pleased to make him eminently instrumentall) and lest through the malice of some, and ignorance of others the said Pamphlet should gain belief among the weaker sort, They have thought fit to make known and declare concerning the same as followeth.
That after due search and tryall they do finde that their worthy brother Master Alexander Henderson did from the time of his coming from London to Newcastle til the last moment of his departure out of this life upon all occasions manifest the constancy of his judgement touching the Work of Reformation in these Kingdoms; Namely, in all his discourses and conferences with his Majesty, and with his Brethren who were employed with him in the same Trust at Newcastle, In his Letters to the Commissioners at London, and particularly in his last discourse to his Majestie at his departing from Newcastle, being very weak and greatly decayed in his Naturall strength. When he was come from Newcastle by sea to this Kingdom, he was in such a weak worn and failed condition, as it was evident to all who saw him, that he was not able to frame any such Declaration, for he was so spent that he died within eight dayes after his arrivall; And all that he was able to speak in that time did clearly shew his judgement of, and affection to the Work of Reformation and Cause of God to be every way the same then, that it was in the beginning and progresse thereof, as divers Reverend Brethren who visited him have declared to this Assembly, and particularly two Brethren, who constantly attended him from the time he came home till his breath expired. A further testimony may be brought from a short Confession of Faith under his hand found amongst his Papers, which is expressed as his last Words, wherein among other mercies he declareth himself most of all obliged to the grace and goodnesse of God for calling him to believe the Promises of the Gospel, and for exalting him to be a Preacher of them to others, and to be a willing though weak instrument in this great and wonderful work of Reformation, which he earnestly beseecheth the Lord to bring to a happy conclusion. Other reasons may be added from the levity of the stile and manifest absurdities contained in that Paper. Upon confederation of all which this Assembly doth condemn the said Pamphlet as forged, scandalous, and false, And further Declare the author and contriver of the same void of charity and a good conscience, and a grosse lyar and calumniator led by the Spirit of the accuser of the Brethren.
Act for taking the Covenant at the first receiving of the Sacrament of the Lords Supper, & for the receiving of it also by all Students at their first entry to Colledges.
The Generall Assembly according to former recommendations, Doth Ordain that all young Students take the Covenant at their first entry to Colledges; And that hereafter all Persons whatsoever take the Covenant at their first receiving the Sacrament of the Lords Supper: Requiring hereby Provinciall Assemblies, Presbyteries and Universities to be carefull that this Act be observed, and accompt thereof taken in the visitation of and particular Kirks, and in the tryall of Presbyteries.
Eodem die Postmeridiem, Sess. 32.
Act concerning Presbyteries maintaining of Bursars.
The Generall Assembly Understanding that the frequent Recommendation of preceding Assemblies for maintaining Bursars, is by many Presbyteries neglected, Do therefore Ordain Synods to crave accompt thereof from Presbyteries at every Provinciall meeting, Which with the Presbyteries answer, shall be put upon record, That so the part both of Presbyteries and Synods and their negligance or diligence in so pious a work may be known by the examination of the Provinciall books to each Generall Assembly.
August 9. 1648. Antemeridiem Sess. 25.
Act for dis-joyning the Presbyteries of Zetland, from the Provinciall Synod of Orkney and Cathnes.
The Generall Assembly now after exact tryall, finding that the Presbytery of Zetland cannot meet with the Provinciall of Cathnes and Orknay to which it was adjoyned by an Act of the Assembly 1646. Sess. 11. And that the allowance and dispensation granted in the preceding Assembly for the halfe of their number to keep the meetings of the said Provinciall cannot be observed in respect of the great distance of that Isle by sea from the land, and the dangerousness of the seas there, and of the passage through them, Therefore after hearing the parties interested and serious deliberation of the matter, The Assembly doth hereby Dis-joyn the Presbytery of Zetland from the Provinciall of Cathnes and Orknay, And declares for these reasons, That the said Presbytery is to be hereafter subordinate immediately to the Generall Assembly, For which cause, their Commissioners are to be sent to each Generall Assembly the more carefully, And it is hereby recommended to them that they send to the next Assembly a particular information of the quality and condition of all their Kirks according to the direction of the act of the preceding Assembly Sess. 27. Entituled an act for pressing and furthering the planting of Kirks.
Aug. 10. 1648. Postmeridiem, Sess. 38.
Overtures for the Remedies of the grievous and common Sins of the Land in this present time.
The Sins of the Land and the Causes and occasions thereof being considered, The following Remedies of these Sins were propounded.
Civill Remedies.
For the present, untill the Overtures prepared to be presented to the Parliament, It is to be Recommended to every Congregation to make use of the 9. Act of the Parliament 1645. at Perth, for having Magistrates and Justices in every Congregation, and of the 8. Act of the said Parliament against Swearing, Drinking and mocking of Piety, and all other Acts of Parliament for restraining or punishing of Vice; particularly for the better restraining of the sin of Whoredom that each Magistrate in every Congregation exact and make compt to the Session of fourty Pounds for each Fornicatour and Fornicatrix, of an hundred Merks for each one of their relapse in Fornication, of an hundreth Pounds for each Adulterer and Adulteress according to express Acts of Parliament which is to be exacted of these who may pay it, and the discretion of the Magistrate is to modifie it according to the ability or inability of each Delinquent.
Domestick Remedies.
_1. Let care be taken of concionable receiving of Servants, that they have testimonials of their honest behaviour: And let all such as give testimonials take heed that these to whom they give them, be free of scolding, swearing, lying and such like more common sins, as well as fornication, adultery, drunkenesse, and other grosse and hainous evils; Let the ordinary time of giving Testimonials be in face of Session: And if an extraordinary exigent be: Let it be given by the Minister with _ consent of the elder of the bounds, wherein the person craving the Testimonial hath resided; If they have fallen or relapsed in scandalous sins, let their Testimonial bear both their fall and Repentance._
2. Let care be had that the Worship of God be practised, and Discipline exercised in Families, according to the Directory for Family Worship in all things as was appointed in the General Assembly 1647. especially in the Ministers constant Catechizing of the Family, and in the performance of the Duties of the Sabbath by all the Members thereof. |