2. The Assembly recommends to Presbyteries and Provincial Assemblies to consider all the matters referred by preceding Assemblies to the consideration of Presbyteries, And to report their opinions therein to the next Assembly.
Act for a publike Fast before the next Assembly.
The Assembly having considered an Act of the Assembly 1644. Sess. Ult. enjoyning a publike Fast to be keeped in all the Kirks of the City where the General Assembly holds upon the first day of the meeting of the Assembly; And finding some inconveniencies therein, Therefore at this time until the matter be further considered, Appoints a publike Fast and Humiliation for the Lords blessing to the meeting of the next Assembly, to be universally observed in all the congregations of this Kirk upon the Sabbath next except one preceeding the said next Assembly; The exercises for the members of the Assembly at their first meeting, being still observed according to the ancient and laudable practise of this Kirk, This appointment not withstanding.
The Assembly appoints the meeting of the next General Assembly to be at Edinburgh upon the first Wednesday of August 1647.
August. 16. 1647 Postmeridiem. Sess. 2.
Act allowing the half of the Ministers in the Presbyterie of Zetland only, with their Ruling Elders, to keep the Provincial Assembly.
The General Assembly, Understanding that the whole Members of the Presbyterie of Zetland, joyned to the Provincial of Caithnes and Sutherland upon weighty considerations by the preceeding Assembly, cannot be by present at the meetings of that Provincial, without great prejudice to the particular Congregations within that Presbyterie, and many other inconveniences; That Isle being of great distance from Land, and the passage from and to the same being uncertain and dangerous: Doe therefore Declare and Ordaine, That the whole Ministers and Elders of the Presbyterie of Zetland shall not be tyed hereafter to come to meetings of their said Provincial; But that the half of the number of the Ministers with their Ruling Elders, shall be onely oblieged to keep the meetings of the said Provincial Assembly in time coming.
20. August 1647. Antemeridiem. Sess. 15.
A Declaration, and Brotherly Exhortation of the General Assembly of the Church of Scotland, to their Brethren of England.
The conscience of our dutie to God obliging us to give a testimony to his Truth, and to the Kingdom of his Sonne Jesus Christ, now so much resisted and opposed by many, and so little owned by others: The laudable custome and example of correspondency between Neighbouring Churches, exhorting, encouraging, and (in case of publike scandal) admonishing in love one another, as well as single Brethren ought to admonish one another in love, in the case of private offence: Our neerer relation and more special affection to our Brethren of England, making us to sympathize with them in their danger and affliction as our own, both Kingdomes being united as one entire Body in one Covenant, for pursuing the common cause and ends therein expressed: Yea, common reason and experience it self teaching us that we have no cause to conceive our Religion, the liberties of this Church, or our selves to be in a condition of safety, when ever the enemies of our Religion and Liberties are growing to a prevalency in the Neighbour Kingdom. Any one of these considerations, much more all of them together, cry aloud upon us to break our silence in this present Juncture of Affaires; yet we hope to expresse our selves both concerning the present Dangers and present Duties, as in a conscionable and Brotherly freedome, so in, a fair and in offensive way; for we have no pleasure nor purpose to provoke any Person or Party whatsoever, not to encrease, but to endeavour the allaying and composing of the present unhappy differences. If any shall offend at our discharging our conscience & doing our duty, yet we shall rather chose to take our hazard of that, then of displeasing God by neglect of duty. But we hope better things, then to be mis-understood, or mis-interpreted by such as desire a candide interpretation of their own actions or expressions.
First of all, whatsoever the present discouragements, difficulties or dangers are, or whatsoever for the future they may be, we cannot but commemorate to the glory of God, and we doubt not it shall be remembred to his glory in the Church throughout all ages, How great a salvation his Mighty Hand and Outstretched Arme hath wrought for these three Kingdomes; How he stirred up the Spirits of his People in this Kingdome ten yeares agoe, to begin to shake off the Yoke of Prelatical tyrannie, and of Popish Ceremonies obtruded upon us, contrary to the Lawes of God and Men; How he led us on from so small beginnings, & from one degree to another, till we were United in a National Covenant; How he gave us a Banner to be displayed for the Truth, and so blessed us in the prosecution of that Covenant, that the Kings Majesty was graciously pleased upon the humble Petitions of his Loyal Subjects in this Nation, to indict a General Assembly and Parliament for healing the grievances of Church and State respectively, As likewise to grant his Royal consent for Confirming and Ratifying by Acts of Parliament our National Covenant, & the Government and Liberties of this Church. After which the new Troubles raised against us by the malice and treachery of our enemies, did occasion the first expedition of this Nation into England, (upon which followed the calling of the Parliament there, and the large Treaty) and in the issue, the return of that Army was with an Olive branch of Peace, and not without the beginnings of a Reformation in England: In which work while the Parliament was interrupted and opposed, and a bloody War begun with great successe on that side which opposed the Parliament and the begun Reformation, from whence also did accrew great advantage to the Popish Party (whereof the Cessation of Arms concluded in Ireland may be in stead of many testimonies;) Commissioners were sent hither from both Houses, earnestly inviting and perswading to a nearer Union of the Kingdomes, and desiring Assistance from this Nation to their Brethren in that their great distresse; And this by the good Hand of God produced the solemne League and Covenant of the three Kingdomes, to the terrour of the Popish and Prelatical party our common Enemies, and to the great comfort of such as were wishing and waiting for the Reformation of Religion; and the recovery of just Liberties. And although for the conjunction of the Kingdomes in Covenant, and Armes (being a speciall means tending to the extirpation of Popery) and strengthening the true Reformed Religion; this Kingdome hath been invaded and infested by the bloody Irish Rebels aided and strengthened by some degenerate and perfidious Countrey-men of our owne: Although also in England there were not wanting incendiaries, who hating and envying nothing more then the Union of the Kingdomes in such a Covenant, were very vigilant to catch, and active to improve all occasions of making divisive motions, and creating Nationall Differences; Yet God hath been graciously pleased to break our Enemies strength at Home when it was greatest, and to guide us through these Jealousies and Differences fomented by disaffected Persons between the Kingdomes; So that in stead of a splitting upon these Rocks (the thing hoped for by our Enemies) there was a peaceable and friendly parting: Since which time God hath further blessed our Army at Home, to the expelling of the Enemie out of our own Borders. Nor can we passe in silence the happy progresse which hath been made in the Reformation of the Church of England; He that hath brought the Children to the birth, can also give strength to come forth; And hee whose hand did cast out Prelacie and the Book of Common Prayer (although strongly rooted in standing Lawes;) and who enclined the Parliament of England to owne no other Church Government but the Presbyterial, (Though it bee not yet fully settled according to the Word of God, and the example of the best Reformed Churches) can as easily encline when hee thinks good both the King and them, and the body of that Kingdome to a thorow and perfect Reformation. He that made the Assemblies and Parliaments of both Kingdomes to agree upon one directory for the Publike Worship of God, can also when he will make an agreement in the other Parts of Uniformitie, Confession of Faith, form of Church Government, and Catechisme; In all which there hath beene also a good progresse made in the Reverend and Learned Assemblie of Divines through the good hand of God so long upon them.
Having now seen so much of God both in the beginning and progresse of this his great Work, And his Hand having done so wondrous things for his People in their greatest extremities of danger, and having discovered and defeated the plots of Enemies, making them fall even by their own Counsels; These things wee resolve to keep still fixed in our hearts, and as memorials before our eyes, that remembring the Works of the Lord, and the Years of the Right Hand of the most High, wee may neither want matter of Praies and thanksgivings, nor experience to breed hope. Although the building of the House of the Lord in England be not yet, after so long expectation, finished, and now also the work ceaseth, Yet wee doe from our hearts blesse the Lord for the laying of the Foundation, and for so much progresse as hath been made in the Work; Having still confidence in the Almighty, to whom nothing is impossible or too hard, that every Mountaine which doeth or shall stand in the way shall become a plaine, and that the Head-stone shall bee brought forth with shoutings of Joy, Grace, Grace unto it.
Neverthelesse, we are also very sensible of the great and imminent dangers into which this Common Cause of Religion is now brought by the growing and spreading of most dangerous errours in England, to the obstructing & hindering of the begun Reformation, as namely (beside many others) Socinianisme, Arminianisme, Anabaptisme, Antinomianisme, Brownisme, Erastianisme, Independency, and that which is called (by abuse of the word) Liberty of Conscience, being indeed Liberty of Errour, Scandall, Schisme, heresie, dishonouring God, opposing the Truth, hindering Reformation; and seducing others; Whereunto we adde those Nullifidians, or men of no Religion, commonly called Seekers: Yea, wee cannot but look upon the Dangers of the true Reformed Religion in this Island, as greater now then before; Not onely for that those very principles & fundamentals of Faith which under Prelacy, yea, under Popery it self, were generally received as uncontroverted, are now by the Scepticisme of many Sectaries of this time either oppugned, or called in question; But also, because in stead of carrying on the Reformation towards perfection, that which hath beene already built is in part cast down, and in danger to be wholly overthrowne through the endeavours of Sectaries to comply with many of the Prelaticall and Malignant, and even the Popish party; and their joyning hand in hand, and casting in their lots, and interweaving their interests together in way of Combination, against the Covenant and Presbyteriall Government; Yea, the unclean spirit which was cast out, is about to enter againe with seven other spirits worse then himselfe, and so the latter end like to be worse then the beginning.
We are extremely sorry that we have cause to aggravate these evils from the crying sin of breach of Covenant, Whereof if we should hold our peace, yet according to the Word of the Lord; other Nations will say, and many among them do say, Wherefore hath the Lord done thus unto this People? and what meaneth the heat of this great anger? And they answer one another, Because they have forsaken the Covenant of the Lord their God. We would not be understood as if we meant either to Justifie this Nation, or to charge such a sin upon all in that Nation. We know the Covenant hath been in divers particulars broken by many in both Kingdomes, the Lord pardon it, and accept a Sacrifice; And wee doe not doubt but there are many seven thousands in England who have not onely kept themselves unspotted, and retained their integrity in that businesse, but doe also mourne and groane before the Lord for that sin of others. Yet we should but deny our own sence and betray the Truth, if we should not resent so great a sinne and danger, as is the breach of a solemne Covenant, sworn with hands lifted up to the most High God: Which breach however varnished over with some colourable and handsome pretexts, one whereof is the Liberty & Common Right of the free People of England, as once Saul brake a Covenant with the Gibeonites, In his Zeal to the Children of Israel and Iudah: Yet God could not then, and cannot now be mocked; Yea, it is too apparent and undeniable, that among those who did take the Covenant of the three Kingdomes, as there are many who have given themselves to a detestable indifferency or neutralitie, so there is a Generation which hath made defection to the contrary Part; Persecuting as far as they could that true Reformed Religion, in Doctrine, Worship, Discipline, and Government, which by the Covenant they ought to preserve against the common Enemies; hindering and resisting the Reformation and Uniformity, which by the Covenant ought to bee endeavoured; preserving and tolerating those cursed things which by the Covenant ought to be extirpate, especially Heresie and Schisme, encroaching upon, yea offering violence unto the Rights, Priviledges, and Authority of Magistracie, Protecting and assisting such as by the Covenant ought to have been brought to condigne triall and punishment, and persecuting those who by the Covenant ought to be assisted and defended; Endeavouring also a breach in stead of a firme Peace and Union between the Kingdomes: So that there is not any one Article of the Solemne League and Covenant which hath not been sinfully and dangerously violated before God, Angels, and Men. Now if a Covenant for the preservation and Reformation of Religion, the Maintenance and Defence of Liberties was justly thought a fit and excellent mean, not only to strengthen and fortifie the Kingdomes against the common Enemie of the true Reformed Religion, publike Peace and Prosperity; But also to acquire the favour of Almightie GOD towards the three Kingdomes, of England, Scotland, and Ireland, as is expressed in the Ordinance of the Lords and Commons for the taking of the Covenant, dated February 2. 1643.
Surely then the Authors and chief Instruments of the breach of that Covenant, are to be looked upon as those who strengthen the hands of the common Enemie, and provoke the wrath of Almighty God against these Kingdomes. Yea, if this Covenant was the Soveraigne and onely meanes of the recovery of these embroiled bleeding Kingdoms, as is expressed in the exhortation of the Assembly of Divines to the taking of the Covenant, approved and ordered to be Printed by the House of Commons; The despising, refusing, and casting aside of that remedy, must needs render the disease much more desperate. And if by the Declaration of both Kingdomes joined in Arms, Anno 1643. such as would not take the Covenant, were declared to be publike Enemies to their Religion and Countrey, and that they are to be censured and punished as professed Adversaries and Malignants. Who seeth not now a strange falling away from these first Principles and Professions, among these who either magnifie and cry up, or at least connive at and comply with such as have not taken the Covenant, yea, are known Enemies to it, and cry down such as are most zealous for it?
In this case, while in the Neighbour Kingdom, the staves of Beauty and Bands, Covenant & Brother-hood are broken by many, the home of Malignants and Sectaries exalted, the best affected born down, Reformation ebbing, Heresie and Schisme flowing; It can hardly be marvelled at by any Person of prudence and discretion, if we be full of such feares and apprehensions as use to be in those who dwell near a House set on fire, or a Family infected, especially being taught by the sad experience of these Prelatical times, how easily a Gangrene in the one half of this Island may spread through the whole; Knowing also the inveterate and insatiable malice of the Enemies of this Cause and Covenant against this Church and Kingdome; which we cannot be ignorant of, unlesse we would shut our eyes & stop our ears.
Our present purpose leadeth us to touch somewhat of the proceedings of the Army in England this Summer, so far as Religion is therein concerned; As we are confident, divers have gone a long with them in the simplicity of their hearts, & we presume not to judge the thoughts & intentions of any, it being Gods owne prerogative, to bring to light the hidden things of darknes, and to make manifest the counsels of the hearts; So it cannot be denied, that upon these passages and proceedings hath followed the interrupting of the so much longed for Reformation of Religion, of the setling of Presbyteriall government, and of the suppressing of heresies and dangerous errors, (which works the Parliament had taken in hand) the retarding and delaying the relief of Ireland, the sowing of the seeds of another War in England, the strengthning of the hand of the Malignant & Episcopall party, the weakning and wounding both of Magistracy and Ministery: In all which, whether the Army bee blamelesse and innocent, from ministring occasion to so great evils, or whether there be not cause for them to repent and do the first works, and to practise more of that love, moderation, and meeknesse of Spirit, and of that zeal against Malignants and Prelaticall persons, which they have from the beginning professed, and the want whereof (when suspected in others) they did so much censure; or whether there be such a thing among them, as adjoyning with those against whom, and against whose with whom the Covenant was taken; We leave them in all these to the search and examination of their own consciences, that they may stand or fall unto God. For our part, we cannot conceive how the Proposals of that Army for setling of a Peace, do in point of Religion consist with the solemn League and Covenant, or with the Propositions of peace, formerly agreed upon by both Kingdomes; there being so considerable omission of divers materiall desires contained in those former Propositions, concerning the abolition of Prelacy; concerning the injoyning of the taking of the Covenant by all his Majesties Subjects, under such penalties as the Parliaments should agree upon; concerning the setling of Religion in England and Ireland, according to the Covenant, in such manner as both Houses of Parliament shall agree on, after advice had with the Assembly of Divines, concerning the setling of uniformity between the Churches of God in both Kingdomes, according to the Covenant, in such manner as shall be agreed on by both Houses of the Parliament of England, and by the Church, and Kingdome of Scotland, after advice had with the Divines of both Kingdomes; Also concerning an Act of Parliament to confirm the calling and sitting of the Assembly of Divines: All which, with some other particulars concerning Religion, expressed in the former Propositions, if they should now be omitted in the setling of a Peace, the progresse already made, not only in the Assembly of Divines, but in the Houses of Parliament, in setling Presbyteriall Government, with the Confession of Faith, yea the Directory of publike Worship (though agreed upon by the Assemblies and Parliaments of both Kingdomes) shall bee but so much lost labour. But beside these omissions it may be justly doubted whether there be not in the Proposals of the Army, somewhat for Episcopocy, and against the Covenant; For wee cannot understand the eleventh Proposall, in any other sense, but that it supposeth the continuance of the Ecclesiastical office of Bishops or Prelats, as well as of any other Church Officers, and taketh no more from the Prelats, but coercive power or jurisdiction extending to civil penalties, which indeed belongeth to no Ecclesisticall Officers. In the twelfth Proposall, wee do not see, how it can avoid or shun the toleration of Popery, Superstition, Heresie, Schisme, Profannesse, or whatsoever works of darknesse shall be practised by such as dispise the publicke Worship of God in the Church, & have the most unlawful and wicked meetings else where under a profession of Religious duties, exercises or ordinances. From the thirteenth Proposall, we can make no other result, but that in stead of enjoyning the taking of the Covenant, under such penalties as the Parliaments in their wisdome shall agree upon, the former ordinance of Parliament enjoyning the taking of it, is desired to be repealed: and then what may bee the danger of those that have taken, or shall take an oath of that kinde, not enjoyned nor ratified by authority, wee leave it to be judged by those who know best the Lawes of that Kingdome.
One thing more wee Cannot passe, that whereas in the Armies Declaration, or Representation to the Parliament, dated June 14 1647. they mention their Brethren of Scotland as having proceeded in the vindication and defence of their just rights and liberties, much higher then that Army hath done; Wee are necessitated to say this much for clearing of these proceedings in this Nation reflected upon: They of this Church and Kingdom who joyned together and associated themselves in this Cause, first by humble Petitions, and afterwards by Covenant, were so far from slighting or breaking that Covenant which was taken, that it was the special visible character by which the friends of the Cause were distinguished from the enemies thereof and they were so far from crying down the Ministery and Ecclesiasticall Assemblies, or from disobeying any Orders or Commands of Parliament, that a Generall Assembly of the Church, and a Parliament, were two chief Heads of their Petitions and desires, at that time when they had neither; And when they had obtained a Generall Assembly and Parliament, they chearfully submitted to both respectively.
And now the dangers of Religion in this Illand being so great, as there hath been lately a Solemne Humilitation throughout this Land, upon occasion of these great and growing dangers; so we cannot but still look upon them as matters of frequent Prayer and Humiliation to our selves, as well as our Brethren in England, there being much sin in both Kingdomes procuring all this evill, and justly deserving these, and heavier judgements. And as wee desire in the first place to be humbled for our own sins, and the sins of this Nation, so we trust, our Brethren will bee willing to be put in minde of the necessity of their Humiliation and Repentance for the Nationall sins of the Kingdome; which wee shall wish rather to be sadly considered by them, then expressed by us. One thing wee are confident of, that God hath had a speciall controversie against his People of old for the sin of a broken Covenant, and unwillingnesse to bee Reformed and Purged according to the Word of the Lord; and that till their sinnes were acknowledged and repented, his controversie did not take an end.
And here is the wisdome and patience of the Saints, to choose affliction rather then iniquity, to do duety in the worst of times, and to trust God with events and in so doing, to hope to the end and wait upon the Lord, untill hee plead their cause and execute judgement for them: So shall they bee more purified and not made blacker (as, alas, some are) but whiter in times of tryall.
More particularly, wee do desire that Presbyteriall Government may be setled and put in practice through out that Kingdom, according to the Word of God, and example of the best Reformed Churches: for without this wee know no other proper and effectuall remedy against the present dangers of Religion there, or for purging the Church from scandals, which are destructive either to sound Doctrine, or to Godlinesse: And herein we are confident, the experience of all the Reformed Churches will bear witnesse with us. Nor do we doubt but in England also, time and experience will more and more commend, not only the beautifull order, but the great utility, yea, necessity of this Government, and dispell all the clouds of aspersions and prejudices which it lieth under among such as know it not, who ought therefore to beware of speaking evill of the things they understand not. Yet we would not have our zeal for Presbyteriall Government mis-understood, as if it tended to any rigour or domineering over the flock, or to hinder and exclude that instructing in meeknesse them that oppose themselves, which the Apostolicall rule holds forth; or as if wee would have any such to bee intrusted with that Government, as are found not yet purged, either from their old profannesse, or from the Prelaticall principles and practices which were but to put a piece of new cloath unto an old garment, and so to make the rent worse; or to put new wine into old bottles, and so to lose both wine and bottles. Yea who knows whether this may not be one of the causes, (and not the least) why the present Reformation succeeds the worse, even because of so little repentance, either for the profannesse, or Prelaticall errours and corruptions of divers who have acted in it: Neverthelesse, the right hand of fellowship is to bee given to all such as bring forth fruits meet for repentance, whatsoever their former errours of failings were. And to our great joy, we understand that there are many learned, able, godly, and prudent ministers in that Kingdome, fit to be imployed in that government, together with such able and pious men, as are to be joyned with them in the capacity of ruling Elders. It shall be a part of our prayers, that the Lord of the Harvest may send forth many more labourers in that Kingdome, where the Harvest is so great and the Labourers so few proportionably; and in the meane while, that such as he hath already thrust out, may not be unemployed, as to the point of discipline and Government.
Nor lastly, doth our zeal for the Covenant and Presbyteriall Government abate or diminish any thing at all from our Loyalty and Duety to the Kings Majesty, although Incendiaries and Enemies spare not to reproach this Church and Kingdome with Disloyaltie: Yet such calumnies will easily be repudiate by all who will examine the whole course of the publike proceedings in this Nation, in reference to the King, and particularly the Declaration of the Parliament of this Kingdome, dated January 16. 1647.
Wherefore passing all such calumnies, whiche cannot but be hatefull to God and good Men, wee do clearly and candidly professe, That the Covenant and Presbyteriall Government are so far from hindering or excluding our duety to the King, that it is thereby very much strengthened and supported; for our giving to God what is Gods doth not hinder us, but help us, to give unto Caesar what is Caesars. And wee earnestly wish his Majesties Royall Heart may bee graciously inclined to the just desires of his good Subjects in both Kingdomes, and to that happy settlement of Truth and Peace, Religion and Righteousnesse, which may be as well for the establishment of his own Throne, as for the good of his people.
Now the Prince of Peace Himself, grant his afflicted People, tossed with tempests and not comforted, a safe and wel-grounded Peace, bring light out of the present darknesse, and order out of all these confusions, give unto all who are waiting for the consolation of Israel good hope through grace, comfort their hearts, stablish them in every good word and work, make his Cause to triumph at last over all opposition, and the enemies foot to slide in due time, and so put a new Song of praise in the mouths of his people. Amen.
24. August 1647. Antemeridiem. Sess. 19.
Act for observing the Directions of the Generall Assembly for Secret and Private Worship, and mutuall edification, and censuring such as neglect Familie Worship.
The General Assembly, after mature deliberation, doth approve the following Rules and Directions, for cherishing Piety and preventing Division and Schisme, and doth appoint Ministers and Ruling Elders in each Congregation to take speciall care that these directions be observed and followed; As likewise that Presbyteries and Provincial Synods enquire and make tryall whether the saids Directions bee duely observed in their bounds, and to reprove or censure (according to the quality of the offence) such as shall bee found to be reproveable or censurable therein. And to the end that these Directions may not be rendred ineffectuall and unprofitable among some through the usuall neglect of the very substance of the duty of Family Worship, The Assembly doth further require and appoint Ministers and Ruling Elders, to make diligent search and enquiry in the Congregations committed to their charge respectively, whether there bee among them any Family or Families which use to neglect this necessary duty; And if any such Family be found, the head of that Family is to be first admonished privately to amend this fault; And in case of his continuing therein, he is to be gravely and sadly reproved by the Session. After which reproof, if he be found still to neglect Familie Worship, Let him be for his obstinacy, in such an offence, suspended and debarred from the Lords Supper, as being justly esteemed unworthy to communicate therein till he amend.
The Directions of the Generall Assembly, for Secret and Private Worship & mutuall edification, for cherishing Piety, for maintaining Unitie, and avoiding Schisme and Division.
Besides the publike Worship in Congregations, mercifully established in this Land, in great purity; It is expedient and necessary, that Secret Worship of each person alone, and Private Worship of Families be pressed and set up: That with Nationall Reformation the profession and power of Godlinesse both Personall and Domestick bee advanced.
I. And first for Secret Worship; It is most necessar, that every one apart and by themselves be given to Prayer and Meditation, The unspeakable benefit whereof is best known to them who are most exercised therein: This being the meane whereby in a special way communion with God is entertained, and right preparation for all other duties obtained; And therefore it becometh not onely Pastors, within their severall Charges, to presse Persons of all sorts to performe this dutie Morning and Evening, and at other occasions, but also it is incumbent to the head of every Family, to have a care that both themselves & all within their charge be daily diligent herein.
II. The ordinar duties comprehended under the exercise of Pietie, which should be in Families when they are conveened to that effect, are these: First, Prayer and Praises performed, with a speciall reference as well to the publike condition of the Kirk of God and this Kingdome, as to the present case of the Familie, and every member thereof. Next, Reading of Scriptures with Catechizing in a plaine way, that the understandings of the simpler may be the beter enabled to profit under the publike Ordinances, and they made more capable to understand the Scriptures when they are read? Together with godly conferences tending to the edification of all the members in the most holy faith: As also, admonition and rebuke upon just reasons from these who have Authority in the Familie.
III. As the Charge and Office of interpreting the holy Scriptures, is a part of the Ministeriall calling, which none (howsoever otherwise qualified) should take upon him in any place, but he that is duely called thereunto by God and his Kirk: So in every Familie where there is any that can read, The holy Scriptures should be read ordinarily to the Familie; And it is commendable that thereafter they confer, and by way of conference make some good use of what hath beene read and heard: As for example, if any sin be reproved in the Word read, use may bee made thereof, to make all the Familie circumspect and watchfull against the same; Or, if any judgement be threatned or mentioned to have beene inflicted in that Portion of Scripture which is read, use may bee made to make all the Familie fear, lest the same or a worse judgement befall them, unlesse they beware of the sin that procured it: And finally, if any duety be required, or comfort held forth in a promise, use may bee made to stirre up themselves to imploy Christ for strength to enable them for doing the commanded duty, and to apply the offered comfort; In all which the Master of the Familie is to have the chief hand, And any member of the Familie may propone ane question or doubt for resolution.
IV. The head of the Family is to take care that none of the Familie withdraw himself from any part of Familie Worship: And seeing the ordinar performance of all the parts of Family worship belongeth properly to the head of the Family, The Minister is to stirre up such as are lasie, and traine up such as are weak to a fitnesse for these exercises. It being alwayes free to persons of qualitie to entertain one approven by the Presbyterie for performing Familie Exercise; And in other families where the head of the Familie is unfit, that another constantly residing in the Familie approven by the Minister and Session, may be imployed in that service; Wherein the Minister and Session are to be countable to the Presbyterie. And if a Minister by divine providence bee brought to any Familie, It is requisite, that at no time he conveen a part of the Familie for Worship secluding the rest; Except in singular cases, specially concerning these parties, which (in Christian prudence) need not, or ought not to bee imparted to others.
V. Let no Idler who hath no particular calling, or vagrant Person under pretence of a calling, be suffered to perform worship in Families, to or for the same: Seeing persons tainted with errours or aiming at division, may be ready (after that manner) to creep into houses and lead captive silly and unstable souls.
VI. At Family Worship a speciall care is to be had, that each Familie keep by themselves: Neither requiring, inviting, nor admitting persons from divers Families; Unlesse it be these who are lodged with them or at meal, or otherwise with them upon some lawfull occasion.
VII. Whatsoever hath been the effects and fruits of meetings of persons of divers Families in the times of corruption or trouble (in which cases many things are commendable, which otherwise are not tolerable), Yet when God hath blessed us with Peace and the purity of the Gospel, such meetings of persons of divers Families (except in the cases mentioned in these Directions) are to be disapproved, as tending to the hinderance of the Religious exercise of each Familie by it self, to the prejudice of the publike Ministery, to the renting of the Families of particular Congregations, and (in progresse of time) of the whole Kirk: besides many offences which may come thereby, to the hardning of the hearts of carnall men, and grief of the godly.
VIII. On the Lords Day, after every one of the Family apart, and the whole Family together have sought the Lord (in whose hands the preparation of mens hearts are) to fit them for the publicke Worship, and to blesse to them the publike Ordinances; The Master of the Familie ought to take care that all within his charge repair to the publike Worship, that he and they may joyne with the rest of the Congregation; And, the publike Worship being finished, after prayer, he should take an account what they have heard, And thereafter to spend the rest of the time which they may spare, in Catechising and in spirituall conferences upon the Word of God; Or else (going apart) they ought to apply themselves to reading, meditation, and secret prayer, that they may confirme and increase their Communion with God; That so the profit which they found in the publike Ordinances may bee cherished and promoved, and they more edified unto eternall life.
IX. So many as can conceive prayer; ought to make use of that gift of God: Albeit these who are rude and weaker may begin at a set form of prayer; But so, as they bee not sluggish in stirring up in themselves (according to their daily necessities) the spirit of prayer, which is given to all the children of God in some measure. To which effect, they ought to bee the more fervent and frequent in secret prayer to God, for enabling of their hearts to conceive, and their tongues to expresse convenient desires to God for their Familie. And in the mean time, for their greater encouragement, let these materialls of prayer be meditated upon, and made use of, as followeth.
Let them confesse to God how unworthy they are to come in his presence, and unfit to worship his Majesty; And therefore earnestly ask of God the spirit of prayer.
They are to confesse their sins, and the sins of the Family accusing, judging, and condemning themselves for them, till they bring their souls to some measure of true humiliation.
They are to pour out their souls to God, in the Name of Christ, by the spirit, for forgivinesse of sins, for Grace to repent, to believe, and to live soberly, righteously, and godly, and that they may serve God with joy and delight in walking before him.
They are to give thanks to God for his many mercies to his people, and to themselves, and especially for his love in Christ, and for the light of the Gospel.
They are to pray for such particular benefits, Spirituall and Temporall, as they stand in need of for the time, (whether it be Morning or Evening) as health or sicknesse, prosperitie or adversitie.
They ought to pray for the Kirk of Christ in general, for all the Reformed Kirks, and for this Kirk in particular, and for all that suffer for the Name of Christ for all our Superiours, The Kings Majesty, the Queene, and their Children, for the Magistrates, Ministers, and whole body of the Congregation whereof they are members, as well for their Neighbours absent in their lawfull affaires, as for those that are at home.
The prayer may be closed with an earnest desire, that God may be glorified in the comming of the Kingdome of his Son, and in the doing of his wil; And with assurance that themselves are accepted, and what they have asked according to his will shall be done.
X. These exercises ought to be performed in great sinceritie without delay, laying aside all Exercises of worldly businesse or hinderances, Notwithstanding the mockings of Atheists, and profane men; In respect of the great mercies of God to this Land, and of his severe Corections wherewith lately he hath exercised us. And to this effect, persons of eminency (and all Elders of the Kirk) not onely ought to stir up themselves and their Families to diligence herein; But also to concurre effectually, that in all other Families, where they have Power and Charge, the said exercises be conscionably performed.
XI. Besides the ordinary duties in Families which are abovementioned, extraordinary duties both of humiliation and thanksgiving are to bee carefully performed in Families, when the Lord by extraordinary occasions (private or publike) calleth for them.
XII. Seeing the Word of God requireth, That wee should consider one another to provoke unto love and good works, Therefore, at all times, and specially in this time wherein profanitie abounds, and mockers walking after their own lusts think it strange that others run not with them to the same excesse of riot, Every member of this Kirk ought to stir up themselves and one another to the duties of mutuall Edification, by instruction, admonition, rebuke, exhorting one another to manifest the Grace of God, in denying ungodlinesse and worldly lusts, and in living godly, soberly, and righteously in this present world, by comforting the the feeble minded, and praying with, or, for one another; Which duties respectively are to be performed upon speciall occasions offered by divine providence; As namely, when under any calamity, crosse, or great difficultie, counsel or comfort is sought, Or when an offender is to bee reclaimed by private admonition, and if that bee not effectuall, by joyning one or two more in the admonition, according to the rule of Christ; that in the mouth of two or three witnesses every word may be established.
XIII. And because it is not given to every one to speak a word in season to a wearied or distressed conscience, It is expedint, that a person (in that case) finding no ease after the use of all ordinary means private and publike, have their addresse to their own Pastour, or some experienced Christian, But, if the person troubled in conscience be of that condition, or of that sex, that discretion, modestie of fear of scandall, requireth a godly grave and secret friend to be present with them in their said addresse, It is expedient that such a friend be present.
XIV. When persons of divers Families are brought together by divine providence, being abroad upon their particular Vocations, or any necessary occasions, As they would have the Lord their God with them whithersoever they go, they ought to walk with God, and not neglect the duties of Prayer and Thanksgiving, but take care that the same be performed by such as the company shall judge fittest: And that they likewise take heed that no corrupt communication proceed out of their mouth, but that which is good, to the use of edifying, that it may minister grace to the hearers.
The drift and scope of all these Directions is no other, but that upon the one part, the power and practice of godlinesse among all the Ministers and Members of this Kirk, according to their severall places and vocations, may be cherished and advanced, and all impietie and mocking of Religious Exercises suppressed; And upon the other part, that under the name and pretext of Religious Exercises; no such meetings or practices be allowed, as are apt to breed Error, Scandall, Schisme, contempt or mis-regard of the publike Ordinances and Ministers, or neglect of the duties of particular Callings, or such other evils as are the works not of the Spirit but of the Flesh, and are contrary to Truth and Peace.
Act against such as withdraw themselves from the publike Worship in their own Congregation.
Since it hath pleased God of his infinite goodnesse to blesse his Kirk within this Nation, with the riches of the Gospel, in giving to us his Ordinances in great purity, liberty, and withall, a comely and well-established order: The Assembly, in the zeal of God, for preserving Order, Unitie and Peace in the Kirk, for maintaining the respect which is due to the Ordinances and Ministers of Jesus Christ, for preventing Schisme, noisome Errours, and all unlawfull Practices, which may follow on the Peoples withdrawing themselves from their own Congregations, Doth charge every Minister to bee diligent in fulfilling his Ministerie, to be holy and grave in his conversation, to be faithfull in Preaching, declaring the whole counsell of God, and as he hath occasion from the Text of Scripture to reprove the sins and errours, and presse the duties of the time; and in all those, to observe the rules prescribed by the Acts of Assembly; wherein if he be negligent, he is to be censured by his own Presbytery. As also Ordains every Member in every Congregation to keep their own Paroch Kirk, to communicate there in the Word and Sacraments; And if any person or Persons shall hereafter usually absent themselves from their own Congregations, except in urgent cases made known to, and approven by the Presbytery, The Ministers of these Congregations whereto they resort, shall both in publike by Preching, and in private admonition, shew their dislike of their withdrawing from their own Minister; That in so doing, they may witnesse to all that heare them, their due care to Strengthen the hands of their fellow labourers in the work of the Lord, and their detestation of any thing that may tend to separation, or any of the abovementioned evils; Hereby their own Flock will be confirmed in their stedfastnesse, and the unstable spirits of others will be rectified. Likeas the Minister of that Congregation from which they do withdraw, shall labour first by private admonition to reclaim them; And if any after private admonition given by their own Pastour do not amend, in that case the Pastour shall delate the foresaid persons to the Session, who shall cite and censure them as contemners of the comely order of the Kirk; And if the matter be not taken order with there, It is to bee brought to the Presbytery: For the better observing whereof, the Presbyteries at the Visitation of their severall Kirks, and Provincial Assemblies, in their censure of the several Presbyteries, shall enquire hereanent: Which inquirie and report shall be registrate in the Provincial Books, that their diligence may be seen in the General Assembly.
26. August 1647. Postmeridiem. Sess. 22.
Approbation of the preceedings of the Commission of the preceeding Assembly.
The General Assembly after mature deliberation do ratifie and approve the whole Acts and Conclusions of the Commissionners of the preceeding Assembly for publike affaires now tryed and examined; Declaring that they have proceeded therein with much zeal, wisdome, vigilance, and according to ther Commission.
27. August 1647. Antemeridiem. Sess. 23.
Approbation of the Confession of Faith.
A Confession of Faith for the Kirks of God in the three Kingdomes, being the chiefest part of that Uniformity in Religion which by the solemne League and Covenant we are bound to endeavour; And there being accordingly a Confession of Faith agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines sitting at Westminster, with the assistance of Commissioners from the Kirk of Scotland; Which Confession was sent from our Commissioners at London to the Commissioners of the Kirk met at Edinburgh in January last, hath been in this Assembly twice publikely read over, examined and considered; Copies thereof being also Printed, that it might be particularly perused by all the Members of this Assembly, unto whom frequent intimation was publikely made, to put in their doubts and objections if they had any; And the said Confession being upon due examination thereof found by the Assembly to bee most agreable to the Word of God, and in nothing contrary to the received Doctrine, Worship, Discipline, and Government of this Kirk. And lastly, it being so necesary and so much longed for, That the said Confession be with all possible diligence and expedition approved and established in both Kingdoms, as a principal part of the intended Uniformity in Religion, and as a special means for the more effectual suppressing of the many dangerous errours and heresies of these times; The General Assembly doth therefore after mature diliberation agree unto and approve the said Confession as to the truth of the matter (judging it to be most orthodox and grounded upon the Word of God) and also as to the point of Uniformity. Agreeing for our part that it be a common Confession of Faith for the three Kingdomes. The Assembly doth also blesse the Lord; and thankfully acknowledge his great mercy, in that so excellent a Confession of Faith is prepared, and thus far agreed upon in both Kingdomes; which we look upon as a great strengthning of the true Reformed Religion against the common enemies thereof. But lest our intention and meaning be in some particulars misunderstood, It is hereby expresly Declared and Provided, that the not mentioning in this Confession the several sort of Ecclesiastical Officers and Assemblies, shall be no prejudice to the Truth of Christ in these particulars to be expressed fully in the Directory of Government. It is further Declared, that the Assembly understandeth some parts of the second Article of the thirty one Chapter, only of Kirks not settled or constituted in point of Government, And that although in such Kirks, a Synod of Ministerrs and other fit persons may be called by the Magistrates authority and nomination without any other Call, to consult and advise with about matters of Religion; And although likewise the Ministers of Christ without delegation from their Churches, may of themselves, and by vertue of their Office meet together Synodically in such Kirks not yet constituted; Yet neither of these ought to be done in Kirks constituted and setled: It being always free to the Magistrate to advise with Synods of Ministers and ruling Elders meeting upon delegation from their Churches, either ordinarly, or being indicted by his Authority occasionally and pro re nata; It being also free to assemble together Synodically, as well pro re nata, as at the ordinary times upon delegation from the Churches, by the intrinsical power received from Christ, as often as it is necessary for the good of the Church so to assemble, in case the Magistrate to the detriment of the Church withhold or deny his consent, the necessity of occasionall Assemblies being first remonstrate unto him by humble supplication.
Edinburgh 28. August 1647. Postmeridiem. Sess. 25.
Act for revising the Paraphrase of the Psalmes brought from England, with a recommendation for Translating the other Scriptuall Songs in Meeter.
The General Assembly having considered the report of the Committee, concerning the Paraphrase of the Psalmes sent from England: And finding that it is very necessary, that the said Paraphrase be yet revised; Therefore doth appoint Master John Adamson to examine the first fourty Psalmes, Master Thomas Craufurd the second fourty, Master John Row the third fourty, and Master John Nevey the last thirty Psalms of that Paraphrase; and in their Examination they shall not only observe what they think needs to be amended, but also to set downe their own essay for correcting thereof; And for this purpose recommends to them, to make use of the travels of Rowallen, Master Zachary Boyd, or of any other on that subject, but especially of our own Paraphrase, that what they find better in any of these Works may be chosen: and likewise they shall make use of the animadversions sent from Presbyteries, who for this cause are hereby desired to hasten their observations unto them; And they are to make report of their labours herein to the Commission of the Assembly for publike affaires against their first meeting in February next: And the Commission after revising thereof, shall send the same to Provincial Assemblies, to bee transmitted to Presbyteries, that by their further consideration, the matter may be fully prepared to the next Assembly: And because some Psalmes in that Paraphrasie sent from England are composed in verses which do not agree with the Common-tunes, Therefore it is also recommended that these Psalms be likewise turned in other verses which may agree to the Common-tunes, that is, having the first line of eight syllabs, and the second line of six, that so both versions being together, use may bee made of either of them in Congregations as shall bee found convenient: And the Assembly doth further recommend, That M. Zachary Boyd be at the paines to translate the other Scriptural Songs in meeter, and to report his travels also to the Commission of Assembly, that after their Examination thereof, they may send the same to Presbyteries to be there considered untill the next Generall Assembly.
Act recommending the execution of the Act of Parliament at Perth, for uplifting pecuniall paines to bee imployed upon pious uses, and of all Acts of Parliament made against excommunicate Persons.
The Generall Assembly doth seriously Recommend and Ordain That Presbyteries diligently endeavour, that the ninth Act of the Parliament holden at Perth, Anno 1645. Concerning the uplifting of pecunial paines to bee imployed upon pious uses, may bee put to due execution within their several bounds; And also that the Acts of Parliament against excommunicate Persons, especially the twentieth Act of Parliament in March last, be also carefully execute: And that they cause use all diligence to that effect, and account hereof shall be required in Provinciall and Generall Assemblies.
Ult. August 1647. Antemeridiem. Sess. 26.
Act discharging the importing, venting or spreading of erronious Books or Papers.
The General Assembly considering how the errours of Independency and Separation (have in our Neighbour Kingdome of England) spread as a Gangraen, and do daily eat as a Canker; In so much that exceeding many Errours. Heresies, Schismes, and Blaspemies, have issued therefrom, and sheltered thereby; And how possible it is, for the same evils to invade, and overspread this Kirk and Kingdome, (lying within the same Island) by the spreading of their erronious Books, Pamphlets, Lybels, and Letters, and by conversing with them that are infected with these errours, except the same bee timeously prevented; Doe therefore, in the Name of God, Inhibit and Discharge all Members of this Kirk and Kingdome, to converse with Persons tainted with such errours; Or to import, sell, spread, vent, or disperse such erronious Books or Papers: But that they beware of, and abstain from Books maintaineing Independencie or Separation, and from all Antinomian, Anabaptisticall, and other erronious Books, and Papers; Requiring all Ministers to warne their flocks against such Bookes in generall, and particularly such as are most plausible, insinuating, and dangerous: And to try carefully from time to time if any such Bookes be brought into this Countrey from England, or from byond Seas (which is especially recommended to Ministers on Sea Coasts, or Towns where any Stationers are) and if any shall be found, to present the same to the Presbyterie, that some course may be taken to hinder the dispersing thereof: And hereby all Presbyteries, and Synods, are ordained to try and Processe such as shall transgresse against the premisses or any part of the same. And the Assembly also doth seriously recommend to Civill Magistrates, that they may be pleased to be assisting to Ministers and Presbyteries in execution of this Act, and to concurre with their authority in every thing to that effect.
Act for debarring of Complyers in the first Classe from Ecclesiastick office.
The Generall Assembly Declares and Ordaines, That no Person who is guilty of Compliance in the first Classe mentioned in the Act of the preceeding Assembly, shall bee received in any Ecclesiasticall charge, untill the evidence of his repentance before the Presbyterie and Congregation be reported to the Synode to which he belongs, and to the Generall Assembly, and their consent obtained for his bearing office. And if any such Person be already received unto the Eldership of any particular Congregation, yet he shall not be admitted to be a Member of any Presbyterie, Synode, or Generall Assemblie, untill (upon the evidence of his repentance) the consent and approbation of these judicatories respectively bee obtained thereto.
Act for pressing and furthering the plantation of Kirks.
The Generall Assembly considering how the Work of Provision, Plantation, convenient Dividing, Dismembring, better uniting or enlarging of Parish Kirks is hitherto foreslowed, to the great prejudice of many Ministers, many good People, and hinderance of the Work of Reformation; Doth therefore Ordaine, That all Presbyteries have speciall care that the present opportunity bee diligently improved by all their Members, as need is, before the Commission for Plantation of Kirks, as they would not be found censurable for neglect. And that every Presbytery send in to the next Generall Assembly the names of all their Parishes, with declaration which of them have Ministers, which not, what is the largenesse of the bounds, commodious or incommodious situation of each Parish Kirk, what is the number of Communicants, what Kirks are under Patrons, what not, who are the severall Patrons, what is the nature and quantitie of the present provision, or possible ground of further provision for competent Maintence, where the same is not sufficiently provided already: As also, what Parishes are united or disunited or bettered already, and in what measure by the said Commission, that the Generall Assembly being acquaint therewith, may doe accordingly both for censuring Neglecters, and finding out Overtures for better furtherance of the Work for time to come. Moreover it is hereby Ordained, That the next ensuing Provinciall Synodes, crave account of the severall Presbyteries their diligence, And presse that they have it ready in writ to present to the Provinciall Synodes in April next to come, that so all may be in readinesse and the full account made at the next General Assembly.
Act for censuring absents from the Generall Assembly.
The Generall Assembly considering the absence of many Commissioners in this and other preceeding Assemblies, and that many of those present have gone from the Assembly before the dissolving thereof: Therefore, for remedie hereof in time coming Doth Ordaine, that hereafter Every Commissioner from Presbyteries and Universities who shall be absent from the Assembly without a reasonable excuse notified to the Assembly, Or who being present shall goe from the Assembly before the dissolving thereof without a licence, shall be suspended by the Assembly untill the Provinciall Synode next thereafter following.
Renovation of former Acts of Assembly for Triall and Admission of Expectants to the Ministrie.
The Generall Assembly, doth hereby renew and confirme all former Acts and Ordinances for triall and admission of Expectants to the Ministery; Especially the Articles thereanentt allowed by the Generall Assembly 1596, and approven in the Assemblie at Glasgow 1638. The thirteenth Article concerning the age of intrants to the Ministery and the twentie fourth Article concerning the triall of Expectants, Of an Act of the said Assembly at Glasgow, Sess. 23 And the Act of the Assembly at St Andrews 1642. Sess. 7, concerning Lists for presentations from the King, and the trial of Expectants, &c. Ordaining Presbyteries to observe the same carefully in all time coming.
Eodem die, Sess. 28. Postmeridiem.
Renovation of the Commission for prosecuting the Treaty for Uniformity in England.
The Generall Assembly, Taking to their consideration that the Treaty of Uniformity in Religion in all his Majesties Dominions is not yet perfected; Therefore, Renews the Power and Commission granted by preceeding Assemblies for prosecuting that Treaty, unto the Persons afternamed, viz. Master Robert Douglas Master Samuel Rutherford, Master Robert Baillie, Master George Gillespie, Ministers: And John Earle of Lauderdaill, John Lord Balmerino, and Sir Archibald Johnstoun of Waristoun Elders; Authorizing them with full Power to prosecute the said Treaty of Uniformity with the Honourable Houses of the Parliament of England, and the Reverend Assembly of Divines there, or any Committees appointed by them: And to doe all and every thing which may advance, perfit, and bring that Treaty to an happy conclusion, conforme to the Commissions given thereanent.
Renovation of the Commission for the publike affaires of the Kirk.
The Generall Assembly taking to their consideration, that in respect the great Work of Uniformity in Religion in all his Majesties Dominions is not yet perfected, (though by the Lords blessing there is a good progresse made in the same) there is a necessity of renewing the Commissions granted formerly for prosecuting and perfecting that great Work; Doe therefore renew the Power and Commission granted for the publike Affaires of the Kirk by the Generall Assmblies held in St. _Andrews_ 1642. and at _Edinburgh_ 1643. 1644. 1645. and 1646. unto the Persons following, _viz._ Masters, _Alexander Casse, Samuel Douglas, Robert Knox, William Penman, James Guthrie, Robert Cuninghame, David Fletcher, Robert Lawder, Andrew Stevenson, Robert Davidson, David Calderwood, James Fleming, Robert Ker, James Fairlie, Oliver Colt, Patrick Sibbald, Andrew Ramsay, John Adamson, Robert Douglas, William Colvill, George Gillespe, Mungo Law, Andrew Fairfoul, George Lesly, Robert Lawrie, Alexander Spittle, Alexander Dickson, John Hay, Thomas Vassie, Ephraim Melvill, Patick Scheill, Alexander Simmervail, George Bennet, Alexander Levingstoun, Robert Murray, Alexander Rollock, William Menzies, Alexander Ireland, John Friebairn, George Murray, Henrie Guthrie, William Justice, Robert Wright, Henrie Livingstoun, James Hammiltoun, George Gladstanes, Bernard Sanderson, Andrew Lawder, George Rutherfurd, John Levingston, George Hutheson, John Bell, Heugh Mackaile, John Nevey, Matthew Brisbane, John Hammiltoun, Allan Ferguson, David Dickson, Zachary Boyd, Robert Ramsay, Robert Bailie, James _ Nesmith, Francis Aird, Robert Birnie, Thomas Kirkaldie, Evan Cameron, Robert Blair, Coline Adam, George Hammiltoun, Samuel Rutherford, Alexander Colvill, John Ramsay, James Martein, William Levingstoun, Thomas Melvill, John Smith, Fredrick Carmichaell, Patrick Gillespie, Alexander Moncreif, John Duncan, James Sibbald, Walter Bruce, George Pittillo, Andrew Affleck, John Barclay, Thomas Peirson, William Rait, David Srachan, Andrew Cant, William Douglas, John Forbes, George Sharp, William Chalmer, Joseph Brodie, Alexander Simmer, Gillbert Anderson, William Smith_ Ministers; And _Archibald_ Marques of Argile, _John_ Earle of Crawford, _Alexander_ E. of Eglintoun, _William_ E. of Glencairne, _John_ E. of Cassils, _James_ E. of Home, _James_ E. of Tullibairdine, _Francis_ E. of Bukeleuch, _John_ E. of Lawderdaill, _William_ E. of Lothian, _James_ E. of Finlatour, _William_ E. of Lanerk, _James_ Earle of Callendar, _Archibald_ Lord Angus, _George_ L. Brichen, _John_ L. Yester, _John_ L. Balmerino, _James_ L. Cowper, _John_ Lord Bargenie, Sir _Archibald Johnstoun_ of Waristoun, Sir _John Hope_ of Craighall, _Arthur Areskine_ of Scotiscraig, _Alexander Fraser_ of Phillorth, _Frederick Lyon_ of Brigtoun, _James Mackdougall_ of Garthland, Sir _William Cockburne_ of Langton, Sir _Andrew Ker_ of Greinheid, Sir _Heugh Campbell_ of Cesnock, Sir _James Levingstoun_ of Kilsyth, Sir _Thomas Ruthven_ of _Freeland_, Sir _Gilbert Ramsay_ of Balmayne, _John Henderson_ of Fordell, _Walter Dundas_ younger of that ilk, Sir _William Scot_ younger of Harden, Sir _Lodovick Gordoun_, Master _George Winthame_ of Libertoun, _Alexander Levingstoun_ of Saltcoats, _John Birsbane_ of Bishoptoun, Sir _Robert Douglas_ of Tilliquhillie, _James Pringle_ of Torwoodlie, Sir _Iames Nicolsone_ of Colbrandspath, _William Ker_ of Newtoun, _William Forbes_ younger of Lesly, _John Kennedy_ of Carmucks, _Robert Arburthnot_ of Findowrie, _Alexander Brodie_ of Letham, Master _Robert Narne_ younger of Strathurd, Master _James Schoneir_ of Caskeberrie, _James Ruchheid, Lawrence Hendersone, James Stewart, David Douglas, John Jaffray, George Porterfield, John Semple, John Kennedy, William Glendinning_, Master _John Cowan, John Mill_ Elders: Giving unto them full Power and Commission, to doe all and every thing for prosecuting, advancing, perfecting, and bringing the said Work of Uniformity in Religion in all his Majesties Dominions to a happy conclusion, conform to the former Commissions granted by preceding Assemblies thereanent. And to that effect, Appoints them or any seventeene of them, whereof thirteene shall bee Ministers, to meet heer in this City in the afternoone at four hours, and thereafter upon the last Wednesdayes of November, February, and May next, and upon any other day, and in any other place they shall think fit. Renewing also to the Persons before named, the Power contained in the Act of the Assembly 1643. intituled, _A reference to the Commission anent the Persons designed to repaire to the Kingdome of England_; As likewise the Power contained in the Act of Assemblie 1644. Sess. 6. for sending Ministers to the Armie. And further, in case Dilinquents have no constant residence in any one Presbyterie; Or if Presbyteries be negligent or overawed, in these cases, The Assemblie gives to the Persons before named, full power of censuring Complyers and Persons disaffected to the Covenant according to the Acts of Assemblie; Declaring always and Providing, that Ministers shall not bee deposed but in one of the Quarterly meetings of this Commission; With full power to them to treat and determine in the matters aforesaid, and in all other matters referred unto them by this Assemblie, as fully and freely as if the same were here particularly expressed, and with as ample power as any Commission of any former Generall Assemblies hath had, or been in use of before; They being alwayes for their whole proceedings countable to, and censurable by the next Generall Assembly.
Desires and Overtures from the Commissioners of Universities, and the Assemblies answer thereto.
1. The Commissioners of Universities represents to the Assembly: First, That the Overtures of the Assembly 1643. for the visitation of Schools and advancement of Learning are very much neglected.
The Assembly recommends to Synodes to take account of the observation of these Overtures.
2. That it were good to exhort all the Universities, to be careful to take account of all their Schollers on the Sabbathday of the Sermons, and of their lessons or the Catechisme.
The Assembly approves this Overture, and recommends accordingly.
3. That all the Universities bee exhorted to send their commissioners instructed with answers to the Overtures agreed upon by the Commissioners of Universities, and which from this meeting or their Commissioners shall bee communicate to them, and this to bee when their Commissioners come in Februar or March to the Commission of the Kirk.
The Assemblie reccommends to Universities to bee carefull hereof.
4. That the Overtures concerning the providing of Bursars for Divinity be recommended to Presbyteries and Synodes, and that they report their diligence to the next Assembly.
The Assembly allowes this Article, and recommends accordingly.
Edinburgh 1. September 1647. Sess. Ult.
The Assemblies Letter to their Countreymen in Poleland, Swedland, Denmarke, and Hungarie.
Unto the Scots Merchants and others our Countrey People scattered in Poleland, Swedland, Denmark, and Hungary; The General Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland wisheth Grace Mercy & Peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ.
Although this Kirk of Scotland, whiles spoiled of her Liberties under the Prelatical tyrannie, had much difficultie and wrestling to preserve the true reformed Religion from being quite extinguished among ourselves; yet since the mighty & out-stretched arme of the Lord our God hath brought us out of that Egypt, and hath restored to us well constituted and free national Synods, It hath been our desire and endeavour to set forward the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ and the purity of his Ordinances, not only throughout this Nation, but in other parts also so far as God gave us a call and opportunity and opened a way unto us. And among other things of this nature we have more particularly taken into our serious thoughts the sad and lamentable condition of many thousands of you our Country-men who are scattered abroad as sheepe having no shepherd, and are through the want of the meanes of knowledge grace and salvation, exposed to the greatest spirituall dangers, whether through ignorance or through manifold tentations to errors and false Religions, or through the occasions and snares of sinne.
Wee have therefore thought it incumbent to us to put you in minde of the one thing necessary, while you are so carefull and troubled about the things of the world. And although we do not disallow your going abroad to follow any lawfull calling or way of lively hood, yet seeing it cannot profit a man although he should gain the whole world and lose his own soul, and seeing you have travelled so farre, and taken so much pains to get uncertain riches which cannot deliver in the day of the wrath of the Lord, and which men know not who shall inherit; We doe from our affection to the salvation of your immortall souls most earnestly beseech and warn you to cry after knowledge and lift up your voyce for understanding, seeking her as silver, and searching for her as for hid treasures, and so play the wise Merchants in purchasing the Pearl of Price, and in laying up a sure foundation for the time to come, by acquainting your souls with Jesus Christ, and by faith taking hold of him whose free grace is now offered and held out to sinners, excluding none among all the kindreds of the earth who will come unto him. God forbid that you should let slip the time and offers of grace, or neglect any warning of this kinde sent to you in the name of the Lord. We shall hope better things of you, and that knowing the acceptable time and the day of salvation will not alwayes last, but the Lord Jesus is to be revealed from heaven with his mighty Angels, in flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God and obey not the Gospel, you will the rather bestirre your selves timely and with all diligence to seek the Lord while he may bee found, to endeavour that you may have among you the ordinary means of grace and salvation, to pray that God would give you Pastors according to his heart, who shall feede you with knowledge and understanding, to consult also and agree among your selves with consent of your Superiors under whom you live (whose favour and good will we trust will not be wanting to you in so good and necessary a work) for setting up the worship of God and Ecclesiasticall Discipline among you according to the form established and received in this your mother Kirk, and for a way of settled maintenance to Pastors and Teachers, Which if you do, our Commissioners appointed to meet from time to time in the intervall betwixt this and the next Nationall Assembly, will bee ready (upon your desire made known to them) to provide some able and godly Ministers for you, as likewise to communicate to you our Directory for the publike worship of God, and our form of Ecclesiastical Government and Discipline; together with the Confession of Faith and Catechisme.
And in the meane time we exhort you that you neglect not the Worship of God in secret and in your families, and that ye continue stedfast in the Profession of that faith in which yee were baptised, and by a godly, righteous, and sober conversation adorn the Gospel; and with all, that distance of place make you not the lesse sensible of your Countries sufferings, both in respect of the just judgements of God for the sinnes of the land, and in respect of the malice of Enemies for the Common Cause & Covenant of the three Kingdoms, of which happie conjunction, notwithstanding we do not repent us, but by the grace of God shall continue faithful and steadfast therein.
This Letter wee have thought fit to bee Printed and published, that it may be with the greater ease and conveniency conveyed to the many several places of your habitation or traffique. Consider what we have said, and the Lord give you understanding in all things. The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all, Amen.
Edinburgh, August 31. 1647.
Subscribed in name of the Generall Assembly of the Kirk of Scotland
Mr Robert Douglasse Moderator.
Act concerning the Hundred and eleven Propositions therein mentioned.
Being tender of so great an ingagement by Solemn Covenant, sincerely, really, and constantly to endeavour in our Place, and Callings, the preservation of the Reformed Religion in this Kirk of Scotland, in Doctrine, Worship, Discipline, and Government, the Reformation of Religion in the Kingdomes of England, and Ireland, in Doctrine, Worship, Discipline, and Government, according to the Word of God, and the example of the best Reformed Kirks, and to endeavour the nearest Conjunction and Uniformity in all these, together with the extirpation of Heresie, Schisme, and whatsoever shall bee found contrary to sound Doctrine: And considering withall that one of the speciall meanes which it becometh us in our Places and Callings to use in pursuance of these ends, is in zeal for the true Reformed Religion, to give our publike testimony against the dangerous Tenents of Erastianisme, Independencie, and which is falsely called Liberty of Conscience, which are not only contrary to sound Doctrine, but more speciall lets and hinderances, as well to the preservation of our own received Doctrine, Worship, Discipline, and Government, as to the Work of Reformation and Uniformity in England and Ireland. The Generall Assembly (M2) upon these considerations, having heard publikely read the CXI following Propositions exhibited and tendered by some Brethren, who were appointed to prepare Articles or Propositions for the vindication of the Trueth in these particulars, Doth unanimously approve & agree unto these eight generall Heads of Doctrine therein contained and asserted, viz. 1. That the Ministery of the Word and the Administration of the Sacraments of the New Testament, Baptisme and the Lords Supper, are standing Ordinances instituted by God himself to continue in the Church to the end of the World. 2. That such as Administer the Word and Sacraments, ought to be duely called and ordained thereunto. 3. That some Ecclesiasticall censures are proper and peculiar to be inflicted onely upon such as bear Office in the Kirk; Other censures are common and may bee inflicted both on Ministers and other Members of the Kirk. 4. That the censure of suspension from the Sacrament of the Lords Supper, inflicted because of grosse ignorance, or because of a scandalous life and conversation, As likewise the censure of Excommunication or calling out of the Kirk flagitious or contumacious offenders, both the one censure and the other is warranteble by and grounded upon the Word of God, and is necessary (in respect of divine institution) to be in the Kirk. 5. That as the Rights, Power, and Authority of the Civill Magistrate are to bee maintained according to the Word of God, and the Confessions of the Faith of the Reformed Kirks; So it is no lesse true and certaine, that Jesus Christ, the onely Head and onely King of the Kirk, hath instituted and appointed a Kirk Government distinct from the Civill Government or Magistracie. 6: That the Ecclesiastical Government is committed and intrusted by Christ to the Assemblies of the Kirk, made up of the Ministers of the Word and Ruling Elders. 7. That the lesser and inferiour Ecclesiasticall Assemblies, ought to bee subordinate and subject unto the greater and superiour Assemblies. 8. That notwithstanding hereof, the Civill Magistrate may and ought to suppresse by corporall or Civill punishments, such as by spreading Errour or Heresie, or by fomenting Schisme greatly dishonour God, dangerously hurt Religeon and disturbe the Peace of the Kirk. Which Heads of Doctrine (howsoever opposed by the authors and fomenters of the foresaid errours respectively) the Generall Assembly doth firmely beleeve, own, maintaine, and commend unto others, as Solide, True, Orthodoxe, grounded upon the Word of God, consonant to the judgement both of the ancient and the best Reformed Kirk; And because this Assembly (through the multitude of other necessary and pressing bussinesse) cannot now have so much leisure, as to examine and consider particularly the foresaid CXI. Propositions; Therefore, a more particular examination thereof is committed and referred to the Theologicall faculties in the four Universities of this Kingdome, and the judgement of each of these faculties concerning the same, is appointed to bee reported to the next Generall Assembly. In the meane while, these Propositions shall bee Printed, both that Copies thereof may bee sent to Presbyteries, and that it may be free for any that pleaseth to peruse them, and to make known or send their judgement concerning the same to the said next Assembly.
Desires and Overtures presented from Presbyteries and Synods, with the Assemblies answer thereunto.
It is humbly presented to the Assembly, that the children of many of the ordinary beggars want baptisme, Themselves also living in great vilenesse, and therefore desire that some remedie may be provided for these abuses.
The Assembly doth seriously recommend to Presbyteries to consider of the best remedies, and to report their opinions to the next Assembly.
That all Students of Philosophie at their entry and at their Lawreation, bee holden to subscribe the League and Covenant and be urged thereto, and all other Persons as they come to age and discretion before their first receiving the Sacrament of the Lords Supper.
The Assembly approves this Overture.
Whereas divers Ministers want Mansses and Gleebs, and others have their Gleeb so divided in parcells, or lying so Farre from their Charges the Ministers are thereby much prejudged; We desire that this Generall Assembly will recommend it to bee helped by the Parliament, or Committee for planting of Kirks, in the best manner that their Lordships can advise.
Whereas divers Kirks were incommodiously united in corrupt times, we desire that the same be now dismembered and adjoyned to other Kirks, or erected in Kirks by themselves alone, and when the present incumbents agrees thereto, we desire the same to bee recommend to the Parliament and Committee for plantation of Kirks, Provided alwayes, that the present Ministers who have laboured and indured the heat of day, may enjoy the benefit of such parcells as are taken from them during their life.
The Assembly doth approve these two Articles, and Recommends to the Commissioners for publike Affaires to assist any interested in the particulars for prosecuting the same before the Honourable Estates of Parliament, or the Commission appointed by them for plantation of Kirks.
The Generall Assembly, Doe yet againe recommend to Presbyteries and Provinciall Assemblies, to consider all matters formerly referred unto them by preceding Assemblies, and desires that their opinions concerning the same, be reported in writ to the next Generall Assembly.
It is this day appointed, that the next Generall Assembly shall meet at Edinburgh the second Wednesday of July 1648.
A. Ker.
Iuly 12. 1648. Post meridiem, Sess. 1.
The Letter from the Synod of Divines in England to the Generall Assembly.
Right Honourable, right Reverend, and dearly beloved brethen in JESUS CHRIST,
As we have great cause to blesse God for the brotherly Union of these two Nations in the common Cause of Religion and Liberty, and for that good hand of blessing which hath accompanied the joynt endeavours of both, in the prosecution thereof: So we cannot but be sadly and deeply sensible of those many obstructions and difficulties, wherewith God in his wisdom hath seen good to exercise his Servants in both Kingdoms in the carrying on of that work, wherein they stand so much ingaged. Herein he hath clearly manifested his own power, wisdom, and goodnesse for our encouragement to trust him in the managing of his own Work, and our utter inability to effect it of our selves, thereby to train us up to a more humble and faithfull dependency upon him to do all, when we by our own wisdom and strength can do nothing. Our perplexities we must confesse, are and have been many, and yet in the midst of them all we cannot but thankfully acknowledge it is a token for good, and that which hath bin and still is a great comfort and refreshing to our hearts, that God hath given you wisdom timely to foresee approaching dangers, but especially to behold, as the stedfastnesse of your Faith, in that both formerly you have been and at present are able to trust God in straits and to appear for him in greatest dangers, so your eminent faithfulnesse and integrity in your firm adhering to your first principles, and chiefly in your constancy and zeal for the preservation and prosecution of the Solemn League and Covenant, so Religiously ingaged in by both Kingdoms: In your vigorous pursuance whereof, with much thankfulnesse to God, We are very sensible more particularly of your steering so steady, and even a course between the dangerous rocks of Prophanesse and Malignancie on the one hand, and of Errour, Schisme, Heresie and Blasphemy on the other hand; as also of your constant desires and endeavours to preserve the Peace and Union between the two Nations so nearly and so many wayes United. In all which we humbly acknowledge the mercy and faithfulnesse of God in guiding you so graciously hitherto; and through his assistance we shall still be ready to afford you the best help & incouragement of our prayers and praises to God on your behalf; having this confidence that he who hath already vouchsafed you and us so many blessed pledges of his favour, will in his own time and way accomplish his own Work, which so much concerneth his own Glory and his Peoples good. To his most gracious protection & guidance in these doubtfull and dangerous times we humbly commend you and all your holy endeavours, and rest.
Westminster June 7. 1648.
Subscribed in the name and by the apointment of the whole Assembly by us.
To the Right Honourable, Right Reverend, the Generall Assembly of the Church of Scotland, or their Commissioners.
Charles Harle, Prolocutor. William Gouge, Assessor. Henry Robrough, Scribe. Adoniram Byfield, Scribe.
Iuly 15 Antemeridiem, Sess. 4.
Act concerning Commissions from Burghs.
It is resolved by the Generall Assembly, untill the matter concerning Commissioners from Burghs be further thought upon, that in the mean time according to the ordinary practice no Commission to the Generall Assembly be admitted from Burghs, but such as shall be consented to, and approven by the Ministry and Sessions thereof, the persons elected being always Elders.
Iuly 18. 1648. Antemeridiem. Sess 6.
Act concerning the examining of the proceedings of the Commissioners of Assemblies.
The Generall Assembly renews and revives the Act of the Assembly holden at Bruntiland Anno 1601. concerning the examination of the proceedings of the Commission of the Generall Assembly, tenour whereof follows. The Assembly hath Ordained that in every Assembly to be conveened in all time coming such as shall happen to be appointed Commissioners from the Generall Assembly, to endure while the Assembly next thereafter, shall give an account of their proceedings during the whole time of their Commission in the beginning of the Assembly, before any other cause or matter be handled and their proceedings to be allowed or disallowed as the Assembly shall think expedient.
Iuly 18. 1648. Postmeridiem. Sess. 7.
Approbation of the proceedings of the Commission of the preceeding Assembly,
The Generall Assembly having examined the proceedings of the Commission of the preceeding Assembly, especially their Declarations, Remonstrances, Representations, Petitions, Vindication, and other Papers relating to the present Engagement in War, Do unanimously finde that in all their proceedings, they have been zealous, diligent and Faithfull in discharge of the trust committed to them; And therefore ratifie and approve the whole proceedings, Acts and conclusions of the said Commission: and particularly their Papers relating to the said Engagement, and their judgement of the unlawfulnesse thereof, Appointing Mr John Moncreiff Moderator pro tempore to return them hearty thanks in name of the Assembly for their great pains, travells & fidelity in matters of so great concernment to the Cause of God and to this Kirk, admidst so great and many difficulties.
July 20. 1648. Postmeridiem, Sess. 10.
Approbation of the larger Catechisme.
The Generall Assembly having exactly examined and seriously considered, the larger Catechisme agreed upon by the Assembly of Divines sitting at Westminster with assistance of Commissioners from this Kirk, Copies thereof being Printed, and sent to Presbyteries for the more exact tryall thereof, and publick intimation being frequently made in this Assembly, that every one that had any doubts or objections upon it, might put them in; Do finde upon due examination thereof, That the said Catechisme is agreeable to the Word of God, and in nothing contrary to the received Doctrine, Worship, Discipline and Government of this Kirk, a necessary part of the intended Uniformity in Religion, and a rich treasure for increasing knowledge among the People of God, and therefore the Assembly, as they blesse the Lord that so excellent a Catechisme is prepared, so they Approve the same as a part of Uniformity; Agreeing for their part, that it be a common Catechisme for the three Kingdoms, and a Directory for Catechising such as have made some proficiency in the knowledge of the grounds of Religion.
July 21. 1648. Antemeridiem, Sess. 11.
Act against sudden admitting deposed Ministers to particular Congregations.
The General Assembly considering the danger of sudden receiving of deposed Ministers at this time when Malignancy is likely to spread; Therefore finding it necessary untill the ends of the Solemn League and Covenant be setled and secured to restrain the suddenness of admitting deposed Ministers to particular charges, Do Ordain that notwithstanding any License to be granted for opening the mouths of deposed Ministers yet they shall not be actually admitted to any particular Congregations without consent of the Generall Assembly, Declaring for such as have already their mouths opened before the time, that if any calling to a particular charge offer unto them before the next Assembly, it shall be sufficient for them to have the consent of the Commissioners of this Generall Assembly.
July 25. 1648. Antemeridiem. Sess. 14.
The Assemblies Answer to the Paper sent from the Committee of Estates of the 24. July.
The Generall Assembly having considered the Paper of the 24. July delivered to them from the conference, and having compared it with the other Paper of the 17. of July presented from the Honourable Committee of Estates whereunto it relates, and with the Declaration lately emitted by the Committee to the Parliament and Kingdom of England, finde that it is supposed by their Lordships, that we may be satisfied in point of the security of Religion according to the Covenant; notwithstanding of the present engagement in war; The Assembly do therefore in answer to the said Paper declare, That we see no possibility of securing Religion, as long as this unlawfull Engagement is carried on, Religion being thereby greatly endangered,
1. Because none of the just and necessary desires of the Commission of the late General Assembly for securing Religion have been granted or satisfied; More particularly it was represented to the High and Honourable Court of Parliament, that for securing of Religion, it was necessary that the Popish, Prelaticall and Malignant party, be declared Enemies to the Cause upon the one hand, as well as Sectaries upon the other, and that all Associations, either in Forces or Councels with the former as well as the latter be avoided. That his Majesties Concessions and offers concerning Religion, sent home from the Isle of Wight, be declared by the Parliament to be unsatisfactory, That before his Majesties restitution to the exercise of his Royall power assurance be had from his Majesty by his solemn Oath under his hand and Seal for settling Religion according to the Covenant, That their Lordships should keep themselves from owning any quarrel concerning his Majesties Negative voice, That the managing of the publike affairs, might be intrusted onely to such persons as have given constant proof of their integrity, and against whom there is no just cause of exception or jealousie, and that there might be no Engagement without a solemn Oath, wherein the Kirk ought to hand the same interest they had in the solemn League and Covenant; All which are more particularly expressed in the Papers given in by the Commission of the late Assembly to the Parliament; notwithstanding the Engagement hath been carried on without satisfaction to these and the like desires, and so without giving security in the point of Religion, but with great and manifest danger to the same.
2. As the happy Union of the Kingdoms, by the solemn League and Covenant hath been justly looked upon as a speciall means for preserving and strengthening the true Reformed Religion in this Island, So it is no lesse weakened & hurt by endeavouring a breach between these Kingdoms; Which howsoever disclaimed, is yet manifest from the reality of the publike proceedings in this Engagement, and namely from the neglect of endeavouring a Treaty between the Kingdoms for preventing of War and bloodshed as was earnestly desired, from their associating and joyning with known Malignants and Incendiaries, and such as have been declared Enemies to this Cause, from their entring the Kingdom of England with an Army, upon the grounds of the Declaration of the Parliament, which cannot but infer a National quarrel against the Parliament and Kingdom of England, and from their garrisoning the frontire Towns of that Kingdom.
3. The Engagement is carried on by such means and ways, as tend to the destroying of Religion, by ensnaring and forcing the consciences of the people of God with unlawfull Bands and Oathes, and oppressing the Persons and Estates of such as have been most active and zealous for Religion and the Covenant. All which is strengthened and authorized by Acts of Parliament, appointing that all that do not obey, or perswade others not to obey the Resolutions of Parliament and Committee anent this Engagement, or who shall not subscribe the Act and Declaration of the 10. June, 1648. imposed upon all the Subjects, shall be holden as enemies to the Cause and to Religion, and have their persons secured, and their Estates intromitted with.
4. The Engagement is carried on, not without great encroachments upon the Liberties of the Kirk, as we are ready to clear in many particulars.
Wherefore the security of Religion, and carrying on of the present Engagement being inconsistent, We do propose for the necessary security and safety of Religion, that all the dangers thereof may be taken to consideration, and amongst the rest the said Engagement as one of the greatest which yet being established and authorized by Act of Parliament, we leave it to their Lordships to think of what remedies may be provided for redressing grievances which flow from such Acts and Ordinances. This we are sure of, the publike desires of the Kirk will abundantly witnesse for us, that such things as were necessary for the security of Religion, were in due season represented, & yet not granted by them that had greater power & authority at that time when it was much more easie to give satisfaction therein then now; So that the blame cannot lye upon the General Assembly or their Commissioners that Religion is not secured.
July 28. 1648. Antemeridiem, Sess. 18.
Act and Declaration against the Act of Parliament & Committee of Estates ordained to be subscribed the 10. and 12. of June, and against all new Oathes or Bands in the common Cause imposed without consent of the Church.
The Generall Assembly taking to consideration a Declaration and Act of Parliament, of the date 10. of June, 1648. highly concerning Religion, and the consciences of the People of God in the Land, and one Act of the Committee of Estates, of the date 12. of June, 1648. both published in Print, whereby all Subjects are Ordained by subscription to acknowledge as just, and oblige themselves to adhere unto the said Act and Declaration, containing an obligation upon their honours and credits, and as they desire to be, and to be holden, as lovers of their Country, Religion, Laws and Liberties, to joyn and concur with their Persons and Estates in the assistance of the execution, and observation of the Acts and Constitutions of this Parliament, as the most fit and necessary remedies of the by-gone and present evils and distractions of this Kirk and Kingdom, and for the preservation of Religion, Laws and Liberties and of his Majesties authority, with certification that such as refuse or delay to subscribe the same, shall be holden as Enemies and Opposites to the Common Cause, consisting in the maintenance of the true reformed Religion, of the Laws and Liberties of the Kingdom and of his Majesties authority. Which subscription the Assembly cannot otherwise look upon, then as a snare for the People of God to involve them in guiltinesse, and to draw them from their former Principles and Vows in the solemn League and Covenant. For that subscription were an approving of some Acts of Parliament, which they have never yet seen nor known, they not being all published, were an agreeing to Acts of Parliament, highly concerning Religion and the Covenant, made not onely without, but expresly against the advise of the Kirk, were an acknowledging of this present Engagement in War, in all the means and ways for promoving the same, to be the most fit and necessary remedies of the by-gone and present evils, whereas so many Petitions to the Parliament, from Committees of War, Synods, Presbyteries and Paroches have made it appear, that they are no way satisfied therewith in point of conscience; were an ascribing of a power to the Parliament, to declare these to be enemies to the true Religion, whom the Kirk hath not declared to be such but rather friends; were an approving of an Act made for the restraining the liberty of printing from the Kirk, yea and of all the Acts of the Committee of Estates, to be made in time coming, till March 1650. which by Act of Parliament are ordained to be obeyed; were an allowing of Acts for securing of the persons, and intrometting with the Estates of such as themselves shall not obey, or perswade others not to obey resolutions concerning this Engagement, and for protecting persons under Kirk Censures, and so an infringing and violating of the Liberties and Discipline of the Kirk established by the Laws of the Land, and sworn to in the Nationall Covenant to be defended, under the pains contained in the Law of God, And in all these, such as do subscribe, do binde themselves not only to active obedience in their own persons, but to the urging of active obedience upon all others, and so draw upon themselves all the guiltinesse and sad consequences of the present engagement; Yea, such as are Members of Parliament, and have in the Oath of Parliament sworn not to Vote or consent to any thing, but what to their best knowledge is most expedient for Religion, Kirk and Kingdom, and accordingly have reasoned against, and dissented from divers Acts of this Parliament, These by the subscription of this Act, cannot eschew the danger of perjury, in obliging themselves to active obedience to these Acts, which according to their Oath, they did judge unlawfull. Neither can the 38. Act of the Parliament 1640. wherein such a kinde of Band was enacted to be subscribed by any precedent or Warrant for subscribing of this Act; For it plainly appears by the narrative of that Act omitted in this Band, how great a difference there is between the condition of affairs then & now. Then the Kings Commissioner had left and discharged the sitting of the Parl. then the Parl. for sitting was declared Traitors, and Armies in England and Ireland prepared against them, then not only the Act, but the very authority of Parliament was called in question, then Kirk and State were united in the Cause against the Malignant party, then nothing was determined in Parliament in matters of Religion without, much lesse against the advice of the Kirk; But beside that, it was not thought expedient by the State, that that Band should be pressed through the Kingdom. The case now not onely differs from what was then, But is in many things just contrary, as is evident to all who will compare the two together. And therefore the Generall Assembly professing in all tender respect to the high and Honourable Court of Parliament and Committee of Estates, but finding a straiter tye of God lying upon their Consciences, that they be not found unfaithfull watchmen, and betrayers of the souls of these committed to their charge, Do unanimously Declare the foresaid subscription to be unlawfull and sinfull. And do warn, and In the Name of the Lord Charge all the members of this Kirk, to forbear the subscribing of the said Act and Declaration, much more the urging of the subscription thereof, as they would not incur the wrath of God, and the Censures of the Kirk. And considering how necessary it is that according to the desire of the Commissioners of the Assembly to the Parliament, the Kirk might have the same interest in any new Oathes in this Cause, as they had in the solemn League and Covenant, and what dangers of contradictory Oathes, perjuries and snares to mens consciences may fall out otherwise: Therefore they likewise enjoyn all the members of this Kirk, to forbear the swearing, subscribing or pressing of any new Oathes or Bands in this Cause, without advice and concurrence of the Kirk, especially to in any way limit or restrain them in the duties whereunto they are obliged, by nationall or solemn League and Covenant, and that with certification as aforesaid. And such as have already pressed or subscribed the foresaid Act and Declaration, The Generall Assembly doth hereby exhort them most earnestly in the bowels of Christ, to repent of that their defection. And Ordains that Presbyteries, or in case of their negligence, or being overawed the provinciall Synods or the Commission of the Assembly, which of them shall first occur, and in case of the Synods negligence, that the said Commission be carefull to proceed against, and censure the contraveeners of the Act according to the quality and degree of their offences as they will be answerable to the Generall Assembly; and that therefore this Act be sent to Presbyteries to be republished in the several Kirks of their bounds. |