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Publick rebuke of Master Henry Futhie.
Recommendation of the desire of Sir John Crawford of Kilburnie Knight, to the Presbytery of Dumbartan.
Anent Doctour Howies papers.
Act anent the desire of the Letters sent from the Minister of the Scottish Kirk at Camphire.
Recommendation to him, to urge the subscribing of the Covenant.
Deposition of Master Andrew Logie.
Erection of a presbytery at Biggar, with a suspension of entry thereunto.
Reference of the matter betwixt the Parishoners of Closburn &c. and the Presbyterie of Penpont, to the Synod of Drumfreis.
Reference of the Petition of Dunscoir to the Commiss. Parl. for Plantation of Kirks.
Recommendation anent the Kirk of Carwhit, to the Presbytery of St. Andrews.
Remitt. anent Trastat and Drungey, to the Synod of Drumfriess.
Act anent Roger Lindsay of Maine his Excommunication, with a Recommendation to the Convention of Estates Concerning him.
Recommendation to the Convention of Estates, anent Persons Excommunicate.
Commission for visitation of Orkney, Zetland, &c.
Act anent the Kirk of Stracathro.
Recommendation anent Erecting a Kirk at Seatoun.
Reference to the Commission to be appointed by this Assembly, for the publick affairs of this Kirk, for providing the University of Aberdene with a Professour of Divinity.
Reference to the said Commiss. for providing a Professour of Divinity to the University of St. Andrews.
Committee appointed to conferre with the English Commissioners upon the papers presented by them to the Assembly upon the 15. of August.
Committee to conferre also with the Committee of the Convention of Estates thereanent.
Ordinance that Master Alexander Henderson, Master David Calderwood, and Master David Dickson, make some draught and forme of the Publick Directory for Worship.
Act for proceeding with Ecclesiastick Censures against the Murtherers of William Crichtoun.
Commission appointed to sit at Air for the particulars concerning the Parochiners of Stainiskirk, &c.
Tryal of the Synod Books.
Approbation of the Act of the last Assembly, concerning the power granted to Sir Archibald Johnstoun, Procurator for the Kirk, and Clerk to the Assembly.
Recommendation of the matter concerning a Collegue to the Minister of Drumfries, to the Commissioners of Parliament for Plantation of Kirks.
Recommendation to the Synod of Lewishsam to try the proceedings of the Presbytery of Peebles, in admission of Master John Hay to the Kirk of Peebles.
Reference of Master John Mackeinzie to the Commission of the General Assembly.
Act for proceeding against the Presbytery of Sky, for not keeping the Synod.
Recommendation to the Lord Marquess of Argyle, to move the ruling Elders in Argyle, to be more observant of Presbyteries and Synods.
Recommendation to the Lord Marquesse Argyle for planting Loquhaber.
Ordinance for supressing of Sub-Synods.
Ordinance for deleting an Act of the Synod of Murray.
Reference anent the order of Tryal of Synods, Presbyteries, and Kirks, with a recommendation for using the orders set down in the Assemblies 1638. and 1602. in the interim.
Commission for planting the Kirks of Edinburgh.
Remit to the Presbytery of St. Andrews, anent the Kirk of Largo.
Recommendation of Master James Fairlie, to the Commission of this Assembly.
Recommendation anent the Bill given in by William Janson Printer in Amsterdam.
Reference anent Master Robert Fleming to the Commission appointed to sit at Air.
Report and approbation of the proceedings of the Commission of visitation for the University of Glasgow.
Commission for Visitation of that Universitie.
Report of the Committee anent the distressed People in Ireland.
Recommendation to the Commissioners of the General Assembly, to sit at Edinburgh anent Expectants to go to Ireland.
Acts anent James Murray.
Recommendation of Master Robert Brown.
Commission to the Presbytery of Edinburgh, for his admission to the Earle of Irwines Regiment.
Report of the Committee anent the receiving and dispensing of his receipts of the annuitie of five hundred pounds sterling, &c. And approbation thereof.
Report of the Committee appointed to consider the References from the Commission of the late Assembly.
Act for Master Andrew Murray, Minister at Ebdie, his exercise of his calling of the Ministerie, and for rejecting honours, &c. Incompatible with that calling.
Recommendation of Master William Bennet Minister at Ancrum, to abstain from civil Courts and Meetings, &c.
Recommendation to the Commissioners of the Assembly for tryal if any Excommunicate Papists be in the Scottish Regiments in France, &c.
Recommendation of Master James Johnstoun.
Reference of Tillifrusbie to the Presbyterie of Edinburgh.
Recommendation anent Laird Gagies mortification.
Recommendation of Master Alexander Trotter.
Recommendation anent the dismembering some parts of the Paroch of Hadingtoun, to be a several Parochine.
Election of Master James Bonar Moderator. Sess. I.
Continuation of the decision in the question concerning the Commission from Crail, untill the appellation be discussed. Ib.
Appointment of Committees for Bills, Reports, &c, Sess. II.
A Letter from the Presbytery at the Armie concerning sending Ministers unto them. Ib.
A Letter from the Presbyterie in Ireland, Ib.
The Assemblies thankful resentment of the E. Louthians sufferings, Ib.
The desire of the Convention of Estates, to quicken the proceedings of the Assembly, and the Assemblies Resolutions thereinto. Sess. III.
Reference to the Commission to be appointed by the Assembly, for presenting Overtures, Acts, &c. to the Parliament. Ib.
Renovation of the Act of the preceeding Assembly, for planting the new Colledge of St. Andrews, Ib.
Ref. of Denmures Bill.
Ref. of Aytouns Bill.
Committee to consider some Overtures concerning Universities and Schooles. Sess. IV.
Commission granted to Mr. William Cockburn, & Mr. Hugh Mackel for the first 3. Moneths beginning the 1. of Aug. next; to Mr. George Dick, and Mr. John Dick, the next 3. Moneths, and to Mr. John Livingstoun, and Mrs. Thomas Wylie for the Last 3. Moneths, to repair to the North of Ireland, bearing the same power granted to the Persons appointed for that imployment by the preceeding Assembly. Ib.
Renovation of the Commission for sending Expectants to Ireland, Ib.
Recom. of Sir John Weemes of Bagie, his Bill. Ib.
Commission for visitation of Orkney, Zetland, Caithness, Sutherland and Rosse, to Masters William Falconer, and Murdo Mackeinzie, and Alexander Brodie of that Ilk.
Act for, M. George Halyburtouns going to the Army. Ib.
Report of the Lords of Exchequer their promise concerning payment of some of the arrears of the Annuitie of 500. Lib. Ib.
Act and Reference concerning Mr. James Wood, Ib.
Reference to the Commission of this Assembly concerning the Papers presented by my Lord Waristoun, which were directed to the Commissioners of the proceeding Assembly, Sess. V.
Ref. to the Commission for planting the New Colledge of Aberdeen. Ib.
Transportation of Mr. George Leslie to the Kirk of Leslie. Ib.
Act concerning the planting of the Kirk of Syres, Ib.
Ref. of the Countess of Kinnowles Bill to the Commission. Ib.
Act concerning Mr. Andrew Murray Minister at Ebdie, Ib.
Act and Ref. concerning the planting of the Kirk of Lamingtoun. Ib.
Ref. to the Commission of the Assembly concerning Overtures for Universities and Schooles, &c. Sess. VI.
Ref. to the said Commission for planting the Kirk of Aberdeen, Ib.
Indiction of a Fast, Ib.
Renovation of the appointment of the preceeding Assembly for framing a Directory for Worship, and for Tryal of Synods, Presbyteries, and Kirks, Ib.
Act for the Clerks subscribing the deliverance of the Committee of Bills for Charity to the distressed People of Ireland. Ib.
Ref. to the Commission for considering the formes and draughts of Commissions for Visitation of Universities. Ib.
Act recalling two Acts of Commission for Visitation of the University of S. Andrews. Ib.
Recom. to the said Commission concerning confirmation of Ministers Books in their Wives Testaments. Ib.
Recom. to the said Commission concerning Witches and Charmers. Ib.
Ref. of the Overtures of the Synod of Murray to the said Commission. Ib.
Recom. of D. Adam Stuart, Ib.
Renovation of the Act concerning James Murray. Sess. ult.
Continuation of the Commission of the preceeding Assembly appointed to sit at Air. Ib.
Act concerning Mr. Robert Peirson Minister in Orkney. Ib.
Recom. of the Lord Gasks Bill. Ib.
Act concerning the Kirks of Aberchirdour and Ennerkethenne, Ib.
Ref of Mr. Alex. Petries Letter to the Commission of Assembly. Ib.
Act concerning the reposition of Mr. John Maxwel sometime Minister at Glasgow, with an Ordinance for his subscribing a particular Declaration of the unlawfulness of Episcopacy. Ib.
Ref. of my Lord Seatons Bill to the Commission of Assembly. Ib.
Letter from the Presbytery at the Army, with a Reference to the Commission concerning the restraint of transporting Women to the Army. Ib.
Ref. to the Commission of Assembly concerning the Letters from the Commissioners at London, &c. and concerning the Paraphrase of the Psalmes in Meeter. Ibid.
Ref. of my Lord Tester's Bill to the said Commission. Ibid.
Act concerning Mr. Alexander Trotter, Ib.
Ref. of Margaret Thomsons Bill to the Commission of Assembly. Ib.
Remit. of the Presbytery of Achterardour concerning the matter of Mr. William Cook. Ib.
Transplantation of Mr. William Rait to Brachen, Ib.
Ordinance for the Ministers of the Presbytery of Peebles their acknowledgment of their disobedience to the Acts both of the General and Provincial Assemblies, in admitting Mr. John Hay, upon their knees before the Provincial of Louthian; And approbation of the Dissenters; with Mr. John Hayes Declaration, and the Assemblies Ordinance for his subscribing a particular Declaration, concerning the unlawfulness of Episcopacy, Ib.
Ref. concerning the Kirk of Lesmahago to their Provincial. Ib.
Ratification of the Contract betwixt James Maxwel of Imnorweeke, and Mr. John Macghie, concerning the augmentation of the Ministers Provision at Dirletoun, and of the Acts of Presbytery and Synod thereanent. Ib.
Ref. from the Presbytery of Hadingtoun, and the Assemblies Answers, Ib.
Act for the Presbytery of Ersiltoune furnishing of Ministers to the Master of Cranstons Regiment, and for sending forth presently Mr. Thomas Donaldson. Ib.
Act for the Presb. of Dalkeith sending a Minister to La. Nidires Regiment. Ib.
Ref. to the Commission of Assembly of the desires and Overtures of Caithnes. Ib.
The Remonstrance sent to the Kings Majesty from the Commissioners of the preceding Assembly, concerning the Dyet and occasion of the meeting of this Assembly.
Election of Mr. Robert Douglas Moderator. Ib.
Report of Mr. Robert Baillie, and Mr. Geo. Gillespie, of the progress of the Treaty for Uniformity, Sess. 2.
Appointment of Committees for the Directory, and for Bills, Appeals, &c. Ib.
Ref. of the Petitions from Ireland to the Committee of Bills, Sess. 3.
Letter to Mr. James Martin for intimating the Deposition of Mr. William Barclay. Ib.
Acts appointing Mr. James Nasmith to attend the Lord Montgomeries Regiment; Mr. Arthur Granger, Lieutenant General Baillie his Regiment; and Mr. Thomas Wilkie to the Earl of Lothians Regiment. Ib.
Ref. of the Lord General's Letter to the Presbytery of Edinburgh. Ib.
Ref. of the Petition of Mr. James Hamilton's Wife to the Committee for the Directory. Ib.
Recommendation to the Parliament for Ministers losses, Sess. 4.
Committee concerning Bursars, Ib.
Committee to confer with the lord Ogilvie, Sess. 5.
Act ordaining the Presbytery of Hamiltoun to proceed against Mr. John Rae for refusing the Covenant. With an Ordinance for giving in to the Clerk the report of Mr. John Hamiltouns subscribing the Covenant, and of the Excommunication of D. Hamiltoun.
Act discharging the relaxation of Nash Gordoun, with a reference concerning the same to the Commissioners of this Assembly. Ibid.
Committee for examining the witnesses against Mr. John Robertson, and Mr. John Fife. Ib.
The Solemne League and Covenant of the three Kingdoms, (which is not here printed, because already printed by Ordinance of the Commission of Assembly 1643. and universally subscribed) with an Approbation of the Ordinances, and the diligence of the Commissioners of Assembly for receiving thereof, &c. Ib.
Committee concerning Col. Arcskines Regiment. Sess. 6.
Committee appointed to speak with Col. Munro, concerning Letters sent from the Officers of the Army of Ireland; Ib.
Committee for examining witnesses against Mr. James Oliphant. Ib.
Invitation of all who had scruples concerning the Directory, to address themselves to that Committee, with a reference to the said Committee concerning uniformity of practice of the Directory in this Kirk. Ib.
Committee to conferre with the young Laird of Drum. Ib.
Appointment of Mr. Hugh Henderson to Col. Stuarts Regiment. Sess. 7.
Committee for hearing Mr. James Wood, and the Commissioners from S. Andrews and Aberdene. Ib.
Recommendation of Barbara Meins Petition to the Parliament. Ib.
Recommendation to the Parliament concerning the Army in Ireland.
Invitation again of all that had scruples or doubts concerning the Directory, to address themselves to the Committee for resolution. Ib.
Recommendation to the Parliament of the Petition of the Hospital of Leith, Sess. 8.
Recommendation to the Parliament of the Petition of the Kirk Drummen. Ib.
Refer. of the Petition from the Northwest parts of Ireland to the Committee of Bills. Ib.
Recom. for a charitable supply to the people in and about Borrowstounness, visited with the plague. Ib.
Transportation of Mr. James Wood to S. Andrews. Ib.
Commission for Masters Alexander Blair Minister at Galstoun, Robert Hamiltoun Minister at Ballentrae, to go to Ireland for the first three Months, beginning the first day of July. Mr. Samuel Row Minister at Kirkmabrek, Mr. Alexander Levingstoun Minister at Carmichael for the next three Months, beginning the first day of October: and Mr. Henry Colwart Minister at Pasley, and Mr. Henry Semple Minister at Killcarne, beginning the first of January next. Sess. 9.
Act for Ministers to the Earl of Lanericks Regiment of Horse, Ib.
Sentence absolvitour of Mr. James Lichtoun. Ib.
Act for Ministers to the L. Balgonie and L. Kirkcudbrights Regiments. Ib.
Committee for Colon. Arcskines Regiment.
Committee for conferring with the Laird of Drums second Son, and their report. Sess. 10.
The Directory for publick Worship in the three Kingdoms. Ib.
Committee for presenting the Directory to the Parliament. Ib.
Act for planting the Kirk of Tarbes. Ib.
Committee appointed to assist the Petition given into the Parliament, for trying and executing some Witches. Sess. 11.
Committee appointed to visit young Drum. Ib.
Refer. to the Commission at Edinburgh, for planting the Kirk of Hamiltoun. Ib.
Exemption of Mr. Alexander Balnaves, from going to Kirkcudbrights Regiment. Ib.
Refer. to the Commission at Edinburgh, for planting the Kirk of Mauchline. Ib.
Committee appointed for considering the best means for planting the Kirk and new Colledge of Aberdene. Ib.
My Lord Angus, and the Laird of Lammingtouns submission to the Assembly, with the Assemblies determination, concerning the planting of the Kirk of Lammingtoun. Ib.
Recom. of Mr. Andrew Macghie to the Presbytery of Hadingtoun. Ib.
Recom. of Mr William Young to the Presbytery of Glasgow; Ib.
Recom. concerning the new Kirk of Carfarne to the Parliament. Ib.
Committee appointed to consider of the way for Printing Mr. Rob. Boyd of Trochrigs Works. Ib.
Ref. to the Commission at Edinburgh, for revising the Labours of a Brother, upon the continuation of the History of this Kirk, and thereafter to cause Print them with consent of the Author. Ib.
Approbation of the Report, concerning the injuries done to Mr. John Burne in London Derie, with a Recom. thereof to the Parliament, and a Letter to the Commissioners at London. Sess. 12.
Two Acts concerning James Murray. Ib.
Appointment of the Commissioners of Presbyteries, to give in a list of the Excommunicate persons within their bounds to the Clerk. Ib.
Committee for assisting the Petion. to the Parliament, for the necessities of the Army in Ireland. Ib.
Recom. of Mr. John Williamson to the Presbytery of St. Andrews. Ib.
Tryal of the Books of the Synods of Lothian, Dumfreit, Glasgow, Aberden, and Ross, which were only produced. Ib.
Admission of the Excuses for non production of the Books of Fife, Angus, and Perth. Ib.
Recom. of Sir James Hopes Petition to the Presbytery of Lanrick. Ib.
Recom. to the Parliament, concerning Suspensions against Ministers and Universities. Ib.
Recom. of Mr. Thomas Boyd to the Presbytery of Glasgow. Ib.
Recom. of Mr. John Bruce to the Parliament and Commission, for Plantation of Kirks. Ib.
Recom. of the Petition of the Synod of Galloway to the Parliament, concerning Tho. Mackee. Ib.
Recom. of the Petition of the Inhabitants of the Chanrie of Ross to the Parliament, and to the Commission for planting of Kirks. Ib.
Recom. of the Petition of Mr. Archbald Maccorquodill Student in S. Andrews, to D. Colvill Professor of Divinity there. Ib.
Recom. of the Petition of the Parochiners of Pasley to the Commis. of Parl. for planting of Kirks. Ib.
Recom. of Mr. Robert Torres to the Commission of Parliament, for Plantation of Kirks. Ib.
Recom. to the Parliament of the Petition of the Ministers upon the Borders, concerning the insolence of Moss Troopers. Ib.
Recom. of the Petition of the unprovided Ministers within the Provinces of Aberdene, Murray, and Ross to the Parliament, and Commission of Parliament for plantation of Kirks. Ib.
Recom. to the Parliament for changing the Fairs upon Mondays to some other day. Ib.
Ref. to the Presbytery of Lochmaben, for going on in the process against Mr. Geo. Bryde. With a Recom. to the E. Hartfell, to possess the Minister to the Kirk, and concerning Mr. Thomas Chambers Gleib. Ib.
Two Letters from the Commissioners at London. Sess. 13.
Act authorizing Mr. Alexander Henderson to assist the Commissioners of Parliament in the Treaty at Uxbridge, in matters concerning Religion. Ib.
Ref. of the Proposition concerning Excommunication to the Committee for the Directory. Ib.
Ref. of the Propositions concerning Government to the Committee for the Directory. Ib.
Deposition of Mr. George Halyburtoun. Ib.
Renovation of the Commission, for trying and censuring the Ryot at Stanikirk, Sess. 14.
Renovation of the Commission, for visiting the University of St. Andrews, Ib.
Renovation of the Commission, for visiting the University of Glasgow, Ib.
Indiction of a Fast. Ib.
Committee for presenting the Petition to the Parliament. Ib.
Act for a Minister to Preach to the Lord Uchiltrie in the Blackness.
Ordinance for Mr. James Campbell, his attending my Lord Coupers Regiment. Ib.
Invitation of any that had doubts concerning the Propositions of Government, &c. to come to the Committee for Resolution. Ib.
Ordinance for Mr. John Govans repairing to my Lord Kircudbrights Regiment. Ib.
Recom. to the Presbyteries of Linlithgow and Stirling, for a voluntar Contribution of Clothes to the Earl of Calenders Regiment. Ib.
Act for admitting Mr. James Livingstoun Minister to the Earl of Calenders Regiment. Ib.
Ordinance for Mr. John Hoomes attendance for the E. Lanricks Regiment of Foot. Ib.
Ref. to the Presbytery of Peebles, to consider Mr. Robert Scots Bill, and to appoint another of their number to Balgonies Regiment, in case his reasons be found good. Sess. 15.
Ref. Mr. Alexander Robertson to the Commission at Edinburgh, Ib.
Act concerning the admission of Mr. David Houstoun to the Kirk of Tyrie. Ib.
Deposition of Mr. John Grahame. Ib.
Recom. of the Petition concerning the Kirk of Logie Montrose to the Parliament, of their Commission for the plantation of Kirks. Ib.
Recom. of Mr. James Hamiltoun his relief to the Parliament. Sess. 16.
The Propositions of Government and Ordination. Ib.
Act concerning the Printing of Mr. Robert Boyds Commentar upon the Ephesians. Ib.
Act discharging the Printing or Reprinting of the said Commentary, and of the continuation of the History of the Kirk, and of Mr. David Dicksons short Explication of the Apostolical Epistles, without the consent of Mr. John Boyd, and of the Authors of the other works respective. With a Recommendation to the Parliament for their Authority to that effect. Ib.
Warrant for printing Mr. Robert Boyds Opuscula. Ib.
Recommendation of the Kirk of Calder to the Parliament. Ib.
Recommendation of the Petition of Mr. Alexander Trotter to the Commission of Parliament for plantation of Kirks. Ib.
Reference to the Commission at Edinburgh for petitioning the Parliament, That Commissions may be granted for Visitation of Hospitals in every Province. Ib.
Recommendation to the Synod of Aberdene, to crave account of the Laird of Drum his Bursers, and of any others in that Province. Ib.
Sentence absolvitour of Mr. James Oliphant, with a rebuke and admonition of the particulars proven. Ib.
Recommendation of Mr. John Weirs Wifes Bill to the Parliament. Ib.
Act giving Warrant to the Commissioners at London, to agree to the clause concerning Excommunication. Sess. 17.
Act concerning the Earl of Athols right of presenting to the Kirk of Blair in Athol. Ib.
Reference of a Bigamist to the Justice, Ib.
Act giving power to Mr. John Stuart to preach at the Kirk of Dungorth, as an Expectant, while the Presbytery or Synod sit. Ib.
Recommendation to the Parliament concerning Thomas Mackie. Ib.
Act for intimating Mr. George Halyburtouns Deposition, Ib.
Act concerning the planting of the Kirk of Aberdour. Ib.
Suspension of Mr. John Robertson. With a Reference to the Commission at Edinburgh for his farther tryal and censure. Ib.
Deposition of Mr. John Fyfe. Ib.
Recom. Mr. Samuel Rows petition to the Parliament. Ib.
Commission for visitation of the University of Aberdene. Ib.
Act for changing the Presbytery seat of Aberdene, from the old Town, to the new Town of Aberdene, Ib.
Recommen. and Reference to the Commission at Edinburgh, for planting the Kirk and Colledge Of Aberdene, Ib.
Reference of the petition given in by Mr. Thomas Mitchel, from the Presbytery of Turreff, and the Viscount of Frendraught for himself, and in the name of the Parishoners of Aberchirdour and Innerkething, to the Commission appointed for visitation of the University of Aberdene. Sess. 18.
Ref. of the petition of the Commissioners of the presbytery of Strabogie to the said Commission for visitation of Aberdene. Ib.
Recom. to the Parliament of Mr. George Wisharts Bill for his maintenance, Ib.
Ref. to the Commission at Edinburgh, for planting the Kirks of Edinburgh with three Ministers out of the Province of Lothian. Ib.
Ref. to the said Commission at Aberdene, for tryal and censure of Mr. George Hannah. Ib.
Ordinance for Mr. Alexander Moncreiffs repairing to my Lord Balcarras Regiment. Ib.
Committee for presenting the Propositions of Government, and of the solemn Warning, to the Parliament. Ib.
Recom. of Isabel Peebles Bill to the Parliament, and the Committee of losses. Ib.
Ref. of Patrick Strauchan to the Presbytery of Deere. Ib.
Deposition of Mr. James Row. Ib.
Declaration in favours of Ministers that cannot keep their houses in thir times of troubles. Sess. 19.
Ref. to the Commission of the Kirk of the Lord Ogilvies Bill, with a Reference to the Parliament of the latter part of it. Ib.
Ref. of the Laird of Lamingtouns Bill to the Province of Glasgow, Ib.
Act concerning Col. Areskines Regiment. Ib.
Recommendation of the petition of the Parishoners of Larbar, to the Commission for plantation of Kirks, Ib.
Commission for visitation of the Hospitals of Perth and Stirling. Ib.
Recommendation of the education of the Lord Semples children to the Earl of Eglingtoun. Ib.
Ordinance to the Presbytery of Turress, for Excommunicating Mr. John Forbes, sometime Minister at Auchinles, and of Mr. William Lowman, sometime Minister at Cromartie. Ib.
Ref. Mr. William Sibbald to the Presbytery of Edinburgh, Ib.
Ref. Mr. Alexander Robertson to the Presbytery of Kincardin. Ib.
Ref. of the tryal and censure of Mr. John Cheyne to the Commission for visitation of the University of Aberdene. Ib.
Recom. of the Bill concerning the Theeves in the Borders to the Parliament. Ib.
Commission for visitation of the Hospitals, and mortified moneys, within the Province of Aberdene, Ib.
Commission for visitation of the Hospitals within the Province of Angus, Ib.
Act in favours of the deposed Minister referred unto the Commission of the Assembly at Edinburgh. Ib.
Recommendation to the Parliament for punishing the murther of Mr. Patrick Lindsay. Ib.
Recommendation to the Commission of the Assembly at Edinburgh, to present the Propositions of Government to the Parliament, and to receive their answer thereunto. Ib.
Recommendation to the said Commission to urge all means for Mr. James Hamiltouns relief.
Letter to the Brethren of the Ministery in Ireland. Ib.
Letter to Gen. Major Monro. Ib.
Act appointing Mr. Hugh Kennedie for the first three moneths, beginning the first of July, Mr. Andrew Lawder for the second three moneths, Mr. George Hutchisone for the last three months to repair to London Derry. Ib.
Letter in favours of Margaret Thomson to the Presbytery of Kirkcudbright. Ib.
Ref. to the Commission of the Assembly sitting at Edinburgh, to present Overtures to the Parliament for the good of the Kirk, and advancement of piety, and to prosecute these presented to the preceding Sessions of Parliam. Ib.
Ref. to the said Commission to present an Overture to the Parliament, that Presbyteries may plant the Kirks which are of the patronage of the forfaulted and Excommunicate Persons. Ib.
Ref. to the said Commission, To present an Overture for restraining of printing without License. Ib.
Act appointing Mr. James Woods entry to S. Andrews To be the first Tuesday of June. Ib.
Ref. to the said Commission for presenting some Overtures to the Parliament for restraining the education of Youth in the Colledge of Doway, or any other corrupt Colledge. Ib.
Ref. of the Summonds against those that joyned with Montrose to the said Commission at Edinburgh, Ib.
Ref. to the said Commis. concerning Witches and Charmers, Ib.
Ref. to the said Commission, To revise the Paraphrase of the Psalms. Ib.
Ref. to the said Commis. concerning the transplanting of Mr. Jam. Nasmith. Ib.
Appointment of Mr. Robert Baillie, Mr. Geo. Gillespie, and the Lord Waristoun, To repair to England with all diligence. Ib.
Ref. of the Summonds against the Subscribers of the Declaration at Oxford to the said Commis. Ib.
Recom. of some distressed persons to the charity of Presbyteries and Synods.
Election of Mr. Robert Blair Moderator Sess. 1.
Committee for tryal of the Commissions questioned. Sess. 2.
Committee for References, Reports, and Appeals. Ib.
Committee for Bills and Overtures. Ib.
Committee for examining the proceeding of the Commissioners of the preceding Assembly. Ib.
Committee for revising the provincial Books. Ib.
Commission from Ireland for representing the condition of the Kirk there. Ib.
Letters from the Committee at Newcastle, the General, and the Commissioners at London. Ib.
Ref. concerning the printed Papers sent from the Commissioners at London to the Commis. Assem. Ib.
Thanks to Mr. David Calderwood, with a recommendation to him concerning the History of the Kirk. Ib.
Act concerning the charitable contribution for the distressed Brethren in Argyle. Ib.
Order for re-printing the Answer of the House of Lords to the City of Londons Remonstrance. Ib.
Ref. to the Commis. Assem. concerning absents from this Assembly. Sess. 3.
Report concerning the Kirks of Levingstoun and Slamanna approven. Ib.
Recom. sent by William Hume to the Earl of Wintoun, concerning the L. Semples education. Sess. 4.
Recom. to the province of Merss and Tivotdale, for abolishing Festival and Patron dayes in these bounds, and to report their diligence to the next Assembly. Ib.
Committee for the Querees from the Province of Merss. Ib.
Committee for the Petitions from Ireland. Ib.
Recom. for Mr. Alex. Case. Ib.
Committee to confer with Mr. James Kennedy. Ib.
Ref. to the Commis. Assem. for planting the South Kirk of Leith. Ib.
Recom. concerning the Spittle-Lands of Garvock to the Commission of Parliament for plantation of Kirks. Ib.
Act for the supply of Margaret Rind relict of Mr. Robert Lindsay Minister at Couper in Angus, murdered by the Rebels. Ib.
Ref. of the Petition from Doun and Antrim in Ireland, to the Commission of Assembly. Sess. 5.
Committee for the Petition of Robert Brysons relict. Ib.
Act for delating the Querees of Merss and Tiviotdale out of the Provincial Book. Ib.
Act concerning the Presb. of Kirkwall, and Mr. Ja. Morison their rebuke, with the reposition of the said Mr. James. Ib.
Report from the Earl of Wintoun, concerning the Lord Sempils education in Glasgow. Ib.
Letter from the Commissioners at London, with a Committee to consider the same. Sess. 6.
Ref. to that same Committee concerning Delinquents. Ib.
Concerning the relict of Mr. Rob. Lindsay. Ib.
Remit. concerning Michael Watson, Agnes Ritchie and Isabel Adam, to the Presbytery of Glasgow. Ib.
Rec. Ja. Bannerman to the Magistrate.
Recom. Mr. Robert Boyd for some supply to the Presbytery of Hamiltoun. Ib.
Ratif. of the Act made concerning the printing Mr. Boyd of Trochrigs Book, in favours of the Relick and Successors of Robert Bryson Printer. Ib.
Committee for the matter concerning the Kirk of Glenluce. Ib.
Recom. for Ministers to imploy their Talents in writing. Ib.
Act for Mr. John Hay at Peebles going to the Master of Testers Regiment. Sess. 7.
Recom. for conveening the Commission of Parl. for plantation of Kirks, and concerning the disorders in the Borders, to the Committee of Estates, Ib.
Recom. Glencorce, Tweedmore, Kailzie and Bath, to Commis. for planting Kirks. Ib.
Report of the answer of the Committee of Estates, to the particulars recommended to them. Ib.
Committee to consult upon the remedies of the disorders in the south borders. Ib.
Ordinance for Claude Hamiltouns relaxation. Ib.
Ref. Mr. Peter Inglis and his Tenents to the Commis. Assem. for publick affairs. Ib.
Refer. concerning idle and sturdy beggars, especially these called Gipsies, concerning concealers and destroyers of conception, adulterers, and incestuous persons to Commis. Assem. for presenting Overtures thereanent to Parliament. Ib.
Recom. of Arch. Douglas and Margaret Smith for charity. Ib.
Thanks to the E. of Bacleugh. Sess. 8.
Committee concerning the Earl of Seafort. Ib.
Recom. concerning the present election of the Magistrates and Counsel of Aberdeen to the Com. of Estates, Ib.
Ref. concerning the transportation of Mr. Rob Ker to Hadingtoun to the Presbytery and others adjoyned. Ib.
Ref. concerning the Kirk of Gordoun to the Commis. of Assem. Ib.
Warrant for examination of Mr. Ja. Daes as a witness in the matter concerning the Kirk of Gordoun. Ib.
Recom. Fothringhame Bigamist to the justice. Ib.
Commis. for visitation of the Universitie of St. Andrews. Sess. 9.
Commis. for visitation of the Universitie of Glasgow. Ib.
Commis. for visitation of the University of Aberdeene. Ib.
Committee for conference with Mr. James Kennedie excommunicate. Ib.
Recom. Mr. John Maccorne. Ib.
Ref. concerning Ministers to Ireland to the Commis. Assem. Ib.
Ref. concerning the Petitions of London-derry, Newtoun and Killeleauch, to the Commis. Assem. Ib.
Recom. of Mr. John Cunneson and Mr. Thomas Ireland. Ib.
Warrant for citing witnesses in the particulars of the Paper given in by Halyburton. Ib.
Continuation of Sir John Mackenzie. Ib.
Recom. Eliz. Borthwick. Ib.
Committee concerning Jam. Murrays business. Sess. 10.
Renounciation Sir John Mackenzie of Seaforts Band. Ib.
Recom. to Presbyteries that they admit not Expectants to be actual Ministers to Regiments. Ib.
Ref. to Commis. concerning Mr. Francis Comerie. Ib.
Committee for conference with the Committee of Estates upon the answer to the Commissioners at London. Ib.
Rec. concerning Mr. Al. Petrie. Ib.
Ref. Mr. James Lang to the Commission for publick Affairs. Ib.
Ref. concerning Rouse's paraphrase of the Psalms to the Commis. Ib.
Recom. to Mr. David Calderwood to consider the order of the visitation of Kirks and tryal of Presbyteries, and to report to the next Assem. Ib.
Act for Mr. Thomas Wyllies removing to Mauchlen conform to the Act of transportation. Ib.
Recom. to Presb. Linlithgow concerning the planting of Linlithgow and Falkirk, Ib.
Recom. for intimation of Seaforts excommunication. Sess. 11.
Letter from the Commissioners at London 9 Junii.
The Assemb. Answer to the Commissioners at London. Ib.
Act concerning the Lord Scottistarbets delivery of the authentick Confession of Faith, subscribed by King James and his Houshold, with an order for Thanks to him therefore. Ib.
Town of Edinburghs Bill for three Ministers laid aside. Ib.
Ref. concerning Aberchirdor, and Innerkething to the Commis. for visitation of the University of Aberdene. Ib.
Recom. Margary Fraiser, relick of Mr. D. Houston to the Committee of losses. Ib.
Recom. Mr. Alexander Forrester. Ib.
Recom. Margaret Campbel to the Committee of Estates. Ib.
Recom. of Agnes Halyburton to the Presb. of Merss and Tiviotdale. Ib.
Acts concerning Ja. Murray. Ib.
Ref. to the Commis. Ass. to consider the Interests of the Kirk in planting Universities and the chief Masters thereof. Ib.
Recom. concerning the publick passages of thir times, to be collected in several Presbyteries, and sent to the Com. Assem. Ib.
Recom. Jean Alexander to the Presb. of Edinburgh, and the Presbyteries in Angus and Merns. Ib.
Recom. Sir William Dick to the Committee of Estates, Ib.
Order for Mr. Alexander Levingston to the General Artilleries Regiment. Ib.
Recom. Mr. Thomas Crawfoord to revise Mr. Robert Boyds Works. Ib.
Recom. to Presb. to put in execution on the former Acts concerning Bursars, and to make account of their diligence to the next Assembly. Ib.
Admonition Presb. Hamiltoun for proceeding against Alexander Taes, Ib.
Relaxation of Mr. John Hay from the sentence of suspension. Ib.
Committee to represent the Bill concerning the insolencies in the Borders, to the Councill and Committee. Sess. 12.
Recom. Ministers of Argyle to the Committees. Ib.
Commiss. concerning the particulars betwixt John Wilkie of Fouldoum and Mr. Thomas Ramsay Minister there. Ib.
Advice concerning the division of Basinden. Ib.
Committee to urge an answer to the desires of the Assem. concerning the election of the Magistrates of Aberdeen. Ib.
Ref. to the Commiss. of Assem. to insist upon all occasions for an answer thereunto. Ib.
Ref. to the said Commission of Assem. for planting vaking places in the Kirk and Colledge of Aberdeen. Ib.
Letters to the Committee of Newcastle, the General, Lieut. General Lesly, and General Major Middletoun. Sess. 13.
Ref. Mr. Edward Wright to the Commiss. of Assem. Ib.
Renovation of the Commission of Orknay and Zetland. Ib.
Ref. concerning Witches to the Commission of Assemb. Ib.
Recom. of the Printer in Amsterdam his Bill concerning the Charts of this Kingdom. Ib.
Suspension of Mr. William Wilkie with a reference to the Commis. of Assem. concerning his relaxation. Sess. 14.
Ref. Commis. Assem. concerning Doctor Balcanquals Letters. Ib.
Ref. of the Petitions of the Earl of Traquair and Drumfreis to the Commis. Assem. Ib.
Act in favours of Barbara Mein, relick of umwhile Mr. Will. Home Minister. Ib.
Order for a Minister to Col. Robert Montgomeries Regiment. Ib.
Ref. Sir John Smith to Commis. Assem. for publick affairs. Ib.
Ref. of the Petition of the Town of Edinburgh for two Ministers to the Commis. Assem. Ib.
Report of the Committee concerning the Kirk of Glenluce, and the Assem. approbation thereof. Ib.
Act concerning such as are absolved by civil Judicatories. Ib.
Declaration concerning an Act in the Provincial Book of Aberdeen, touching Mr. Nathaniel Martin, Sess. ult.
Recom. of the vaking stipends of Aberdeen, in favours of Mr. Nathaniel Martin. Ib.
Recom. concerning the mortifications by the Laird of Drum to the Commis. for visitation of the University of Aberdeen. Ib.
Act concerning the distribution of the contribution for the distressed Ministers in Argyle, Mr. Tho. Ireland, and Mr. John Cunneson. Ib.
Report of the Committee concerning the Insolencies in the Borders, Ib.
Refer. Commis. concerning the planting the Kirks of Perth. Ib.
Ref. concerning the correspondence with the Protestants in Holland and elsewhere. Ib.
Ref. concerning the recom. of Mr. Eleazer Gilbert to a Regiment. Ib.
Recom. of Mr. Gawin Forsythe for maintenance to the Presb. of Glasgow and Province of Glasgow and Air. Ib.
Recom. of that part without the Town of Edinburgh called Bristo to Lothian and Teviotdale. Ib.
Three Acts concerning D. Strang. Ib.
Act ratifying Mr. Alex. Innes his deposition, with an Ordinance to the Presb. of Aberdeen to proceed farther against him. Ib.
Committee for presenting the Assemblies Thanks to the General Artillery. Ib.
Ref. to the Commis. Assem. for trying of the murther committed within the Presbytery of Chirnsyde, and the Presbyteries carriage thereanent. Ib.
Ref. Mr. Alex. Robertson and Mr. John Cheine, to the Commis. for visitation of the University of Aberdeen. Ib.
Ordinance for Presb. of Hamiltoun to proceed against Mr. John Rae. Ib.
Recom. for laying aside some old customes and practises. Ib.
Indiction of a Fast. Ib.
Recom. Mr. Dougal Daroch to the Committee of Estates and the Committee of money. Ib.
Ref. to the Commis. of Assem. concerning the tryal of persons of Quality Members of the Colledge of Justice, or others who have their residence in Edinburgh for their complyance with the Rebels. Ib.
Commission for these that are to repair to the King. Ib.
The Assemblies Letter to Mr. Alex. Henderson. Ib.
Letter to the Earl of Sutherland and other Gentlemen in the North Ib.
Ref. Commis. for dispensing the annuity of 500 L. Sterling upon publick affairs of the Kirk, Ib.
Act to provide for the charges and all necessaries for Mr. David Calderwood in his publick imployments; And likewise for the great pains and charges of the Clerk. Ib
Act concerning Mr. Ja. Strachan.
Ref. to the Commission to consider of Overtures for restraining any youths to go to the Colledge of Doway, or other corrupt Colledges Ib.
Ref. to the Commis. for presenting Overtures to the Parliament. Ib.
Election of Mr. Robert Douglass Moderator. Sess. 1.
Committee for the controverted Commissions, Sess. 2.
Committee of Reports, References and Appeals, Ib.
Commit. of Bills and Overtures. Ib.
Committee for examining the proceedings of the Commission of the preceeding Assembly for publick Affairs. Ib.
Committee for examining the Synod Books. Ib.
Commission from the Brethren in Ireland with the Scots Army there. Ib.
Committee for appointing Ministers to Preach. Ib.
Papers produced by Mr. Robert Baillie, and Mr. George Gillespie. Sess. 3.
Act concerning their Report and Approbation, Ib.
Committee for examining the Confession of Faith, Rouse Paraphrase, Catechisme, &c. and to receive any scruples and objections, and to report. Ib.
Act appointing some Brethren to present to the Committee of Estates, the progress of Uniformity. Ib.
Invitation of all that had objections against any thing in the Confession, to repair to the Committee. Sess. 4.
A Latine Letter from the Helvetian Churches to the Assembly, Ib.
Act for Printing 300. Copies of the advice of the Assembly of Divines in Engl. Concerning a Confession of Faith, for the use of the Members of the Assembly, Sess. 5.
Recom. to the Commission for planting of Kirks, for a provision to another Minister in Aire. Ib.
Ref. to the Committee for Preaching, to appoint Ministers to the Army, with addition of others to that Committee, Ib.
Appointment of Mr. Robert Young for Lodevick Leslies Regiment. Sess. 6.
Committee for considering the dangers that are either from within or without this Kirk, and the best remedies for preventing the same, and to report. Ib.
Committee concerning John Wilkie and Master Tho. Ramsay, Ib.
Remitt. John Johnstouns desire of relaxation from Excommunication to the provincial of Drumfreis. Ib.
Committee for the vaking Stipends in Dunkeld, Ib.
Recom. Marjory Smith for charity, Ib.
Remitt. Mr. James Rosse a deposed Minister to Presbytery and Synod, Sess. 7.
Ref. Mr. James Nasmith to the Committee for appointing Ministers to the Army, Ib.
Committee for considering a Process in dependence before the Presbytery of Peebles, concerning a scandal upon the relick of umwhile Mark Hamiltoun, Ib.
Continuation of the Town of Edinburghs Bill for Mr. John Smith, till Saturday, Ib.
Advice and Ordinance for prosecuting the Process against Agnes Stewart, relick of Umwhile Mark Hamiltoun. Sess. 8.
Recom. of Mr. George Claghorne that he suffer no prejudice in his old Age, Ib.
Transportation of Mr. John Scot from Schottis to Glenluce, Sess. 9.
Act refusing Mr. Andrew Honymans transportation to Craill, Ib.
Transportation of Mr. James Hamiltoun from Dumfreis to Edinburgh, Ib.
Act concerning the planting of Eymonth Kirk upon the Submission of Earl Home and Wedderburne, Sess. 10.
Act concerning the tryal of Mr. William Home, Ib.
Transportation of Mr. John Smith from Bruntiland to Edinburgh, Ib.
Act for providing a Collegue to Mr. Thomas Wyllie. Ib.
Recom. Thom. Burnet to the Committee of Estates, Ib.
Recom. Mr. Martine Mackferson to the Committee of Estates, Ib.
Recom. Mr. Neill Mackinnan to the Committee of Estates. Ib.
Act concerning the Visitation of Kailzae and Lyne, Sess. 11.
Recom. Mr. John Houstouns Petition to the Commission for planting of Kirks, Ib.
Act for Excommunicating of William Forbes of Skelleier, his committing a late murther being sufficiently evidenced. Ib.
Transportation of Mr. Walter Comrie to Dunkeld. Ib.
Act for conference with James Urquhart of old Craige, desiring to be relaxed from Excommunication, Ib.
Act appointing Mr. John Lothian to be relaxed from the sentence of Suspension. Ib.
Recom. Petition of the Presbytery of Wigtoun, for erecting a Kirk for Penningham and Monigafe, To the Commission of Parliament for planting of Kirks. Ib.
Committee for the matter betwixt John Wilkie of Foulden, and Mr. Thomas Ramsay, Ib.
Act appointing the Committee of Bills, to divide the Petitions for charity amongst Presbyteries and Provinces, Sess. 12.
Act appointing the Committee concerning Dr. Strang to meet. Ib.
Act refusing Mr. John Levingstouns transportation to Glasgow. Ib.
Refer. to the Committee of dangers, to give opinion in the question concerning the carriages of our Commissioners at London in the case propounded. Ib.
Ref. to the committee of dangers, concerning choosing a Moderator, and censure of absents from the Assembly, Sess. 13.
Ref. James Urquhart of old Craige, concerning his relaxation from Excommunication, to the Provincial of Murray, Ib.
Committee appointed to confer in some particulars, concerning Ministers provisions with my Lord Advocate, Ib.
Committee concerning the particulars of Master Eleazer Gilberts petition, Ib.
Ref. Gilbert Ogilvie of Craige, Major John Ogilvie, and Patrick Ogilvie of Brigend of Lentrathane, to the Presbytery of Macgill. Ib.
Instruction with a Letter to the Commissioners at London. Ib.
Appointment of some to speak Earl Bacleuch concerning the Kirk at Borthwick. Ib.
Ref. concerning Mr. Zachary Boyds labours to the Committee for the Confession of Faith. Ib.
Committee to consider of Ministers for Ireland. Ib.
Act continuing the Declaration for England, to be again read and farther considered. Sess. 14.
Committee for hearing the Objections of the persons appointed for Ireland. Ib.
Recom. to Presbyteries for encouraging Expectants to embrace a calling from Ireland. Ib.
Ref. to the Committee for Preaching, to hear the reasons alledged by some Ministers why they should not go to the Army. Ib.
Act refusing Master John Robertsons Petition for opening his mouth. Ib.
Approbation of the Declaration for England. Sess. 15.
Act for authorizing the Commissioners at London, to present the Declaration to the Parliament of England, City of London, and Synode of Divines, and to crave an answer to the Paper of the 25 December. Ib.
Act appointing some Brethren to present the Declaration for England to the Committee of Estates, and to crave their Lordships concurrance in the like desires. Ib.
Act continuing the Directions for Private and Family Worship, to be farther Considered and again read, with an Invitation to all that had any scruples to propone them to the Committee of dangers Ib.
Act for joyning the Committee for the Confession of Faith, to the Committee for dangers together to be one Committee, and their place of meeting to be the old Session-house, Ib.
Invitation of all that had any scruples or objections concerning any Article in the Confession, to propone the same to the Committee. Ib.
Report of the Committee touching the particulars in Mr. Gilberts Petition, with an appointment for drawing a Letter to those of the Scottish Nation in Poland, &c. Ib.
Appoint. for drawing a Letter to Lieutenant General David Lesly. Sess. 16.
Appoint. of Ministers for Ireland. Ib.
Letter to Major General Monro. Ib.
Continuation of the Directions for Worship, to be again read and considered upon Tuesday, and all invited to address themselves to the Committee who had doubts or objections. Ib.
Committee for thinking on Overtures for planting the Kirks in the Highlands, and advancing Piety and Learning there. Ib.
Recom. to the Ministers of Edinburgh for their assistance to Ministers before the Commission for planting of Kirks. Ib.
Committee to confer with the Lord Treasurer, concerning the Kings gift of Patronage of Lanerk, and to advise with the Committee for dangers upon the Kirks interest therein. Ib.
Recom. of the Petition of the Presbyteries of Deir, Ellon, and Turres, to the Commission for planting of Kirks, Ib.
Recom. Mr. Neil Mackinnan and Martin Mackferson, to be supported out of the vaking Stipends in the Sky, Ib.
Ref. to the Commission for publick affairs for the planting of Drumfreis. with a recommendation to the Treasurer for a presentation. Ib.
Recom. to the Commission of Estates, concerning the house of Dalgetie, Ib.
Act appointing Mr. Gabriel Maxwell for the Lieutenant General, Mr. James Nasmith for General Major Holburns Regiment, Mr George Pittillo for the General Artilleries Regiment. Mr. George Bonnet for the Troups of Horse with the General Lieutenant, and Mr. John Lothian for the Squadron of Horse with General Major Middletoun.
Remit. Mr. Francis Orney to the Presbytery and Synode, Sess. 17.
Ordinance for admission of Mr. John Baillie to the Kirk of Cambuslang, Ib.
Committee to confer with Earl of Eglingtoun, concerning his petition touching planting the Kirk of Eglisham, Ib.
Recom. to the Committee of Estates, of the petition of Aberdeen concerning a Jesuit there, Ib.
Remit. Mr. Matthew Ramsay to the Presbytery of Hamiltoun for opening his mouth, Ib.
Ref. and Commission concerning the Kirk of Lyndean. Ib.
Committee for revising the Collectors counts, and to report, Ib.
Report of the Brethren sent to the Committee of Estates, concerning the house of Dalgety, and the Jesuit in Aberdene, Ib.
Advice to the Presbytery of Stranrauer, concerning their proceeding in the trial of the scandal upon Ardwell, Ib.
Ref. to the Committee of dangers, to think upon some Overtures for commodious planting, dividing, and uniting of Kirks, and to report. Sess. Ib.
Recom. of some Persons for charity to Presb. and Provinces, Ib.
Recom. of the petition concerning Glencorse to the Lord Tresaurer, and the Lords of Exchequer, Ib.
Ref. Sir Lauchlen Macklen to the Presbytery of Edinburgh, Ib.
Recom. to the Committee of Estates, of the petition of Master Adam Barcley, Ib.
Recom. of the Petition of Mr. Patick Lindsay to the Committee of Estates, and to the charity of the Presbyteries within the Province of Aberdene. Ib.
Recom. to the Presbytery of Stranrauer and the Lord Advocate, concerning the Kirk of Glenluce. Ib.
Addition of the Lord Marquess of Argile to the Commitee for the dangers, Ib.
Appointment of the Committee concerning Doctor Strang, to make report and to receive any objections that any had against his dictates, Ib.
Warrand for Mr. Samuel Rutherfords return, Sess. Ib.
A Letter to General Lieutenant David Leslie. Ib.
Invitation of all to propone their doubts or objections against any head or Article in the Confession of Faith, to the Committee, Ib.
Recom. to the Commission, for visitation of the University of St. Andrews, for Mr. Samuel Rutherford to be Principal of the new Colledge there, Ib.
Approbation of the report concerning planting of Eglishame, Sess. 20.
Recom. Mr. Robert Lindsayes wife, and Mr. Jam. Kirk to Provinces Ib.
Appointment of some Brethren to visit the Idolatrous Monuments brought from the late Marquess of Huntlies house, Ib.
Act refusing the petition for Mr. John Annans transportation to Edinburgh, Ib.
Act concerning the Dyet of Mr. James Hamiltoun and Mr. John Smiths coming to Edinburgh, Ib.
Recom. to the Town of Edinburgh to plant all their Kirks with two Ministers with diligence, Ib.
Quere proponed by the Commissioners of the Presbytery of Chirnside, with the Assemblies advice thereanent, Ib.
Recom. of petitions for charity, Ib.
Appoint. of Mr. John Forbes for Collonel Scots Regiment, and Mr. Ro. Cowdoun to Pitscotties. Sess. 21.
Nominatien of a list for a Kirk of Gordon. Ib.
Ref. concerning Mr. David Leith Ib.
Recom. concerning the conttribution for the distressed people in Argyle, Ib.
Approbation of the report of the Committee for the vaking Stipends in Dunkeld, Sess. 22.
Recom. Mr. Robert Brounlies wife to the Commit. of Estates. Ib.
Commission for planting the Kirk of Linlithgow. Ib.
Declaration that some votes of the Commission of the preceding Assembly upon the 21 of August 1646. and an Act of the 22. of the same month, are not to be examined by the Assembly, Ib.
Committee for the trial of some speeches spoken by some of the Presbytery of Dunkeld concerning the Commission, Ib.
Ref. concerning Mr. Will. Hay. Ib.
Act concerning the committing of the plantation of the Kirk of Glasgow, Ib.
Ref. to the Commission for publick Affairs of the Earl of Callenders petition, concerning the adjoyning Falkirk, Slammane, and Morreningside to the Presbytery of Sterling, with power to hear parties visit, and report, Sess. 23.
Conference appointed with the Earl of Abercorne, Ib.
Ref. to the Commission for publick affairs, for planting in Airea Collegue to Mr. William Adair, Ib
Report concerning Doctor Strangs dictats, Ib.
Act appointing the Clerk to redeliver Doctor Strangs dictats unto him, Ib.
Ref. concerning Mr. John Mackenzie, Sess. 24.
Approbation of the Collectors accounts, Ib.
Ref. to the Ministers of Edinburgh, to take course with the Monuments of Idolatry brought from the North, Ib.
Recom. of the petition for a Minister to Chanrie of Rosse to the Commis. for planting or Kirks, Ib.
Recom. Mr. Alexander Petrie, Ib.
Recom. Mr. Eleazar Gilbert, Ib.
Recom. Mr. William Douglas to the Committee of Estates, Ib.
Recom. Mr. George Sharpe to the Committee of Estates for reparation of his losses, Ib.
Ref. complyers in Murray to the Provincial, Ib.
Recom. to the Commission for planting of Kirks, concerning provisions to Ministers in the Presbytery of Kirkendbright, Sess. 25.
Act appointing conference with Earl Abercorne, until the last of March, Ib.
Recom. to the Synod of Murray of the petition of Badinoch, concerning Mr. John Dollar, Ib.
Recom. concerning the Minister of Corrie and Hutton, Ib.
Recom. to the Commission for planting of Kirks, concerning the adjoyning some lands to the Parish of Monswall. Ib.
Act for Printing the Directory for Church Government, to be examined by Presbyteries against the next Assembly, and for Printing the Catechism also when it shall be perfected, Ib.
Act concerning the contribution for the distressed people in Argyle, Ib.
Recom. to Committee for dangers, to consider of a Letter for the Scots in Poland, &c. Ib.
Ref. to the Committee appointed for tryal of proceedings of the Commission of Assembly, to consider of the process of Master John Rosse, and to report, Ib.
Act concerning the tryal of the payment of the contribution for distressed people of Argyle, Ib.
Act concerning Ja. Murray Sess. 26.
Act for collecting the contribution for the Province of Argyle, in these parts that have not yet contributed, and sending it to the receivers. Ib.
Recom. to the Synod of Glasgow, concerning a second Minister to Dumbarton, Ib.
Recom. to the Lords of Privy Council for punishing an injury done to a Presbytery about burying in a Kirk. Ib.
Act appointing a conference with some Divines, Lawyers, and Physitians, concerning witchcraft and charming, Ib.
Report of the tryal of the Synods Books with the Assemblies censure, Ib.
Appointment of some to salute the Lieutenant General now in Town and General Major Middletoun when he comes, Sess. 27.
Ref. to the Commission for publick affairs to endeavour for obtaining from the Parliament, some restraint of Burials in Kirks, Ib.
Commission for visitation of Lochaber, Badenoch, and the Isles, Ib.
Recom. to the Commission of Parliament for planting of Kirks, for providing some course for the payment of the charges of Commissioners to the General Assembly, Ib.
Ref. to the Commission for publick affairs, for Printing of some Papers concerning the Treaty of Uniformity, and matters handled in the Synod of Divines in England, Ib.
Ref. and warrand to the Commission for publick affairs, to give license for Printing, Ib.
Recom. to the Lords of the Exchequer, concerning the passing of gifts of the Prebendaries, Ib.
Report from Robert Bryson's Relick, concerning the Printing of Trochrigs Works, Ib.
Warrand given to the Moderator and Clerk, and some others, to agree with Evan Tayler for Printing the Works of Trochrig upon the condition promised to Robert Bryson, Ib.
Ref. John Wilkie of Foulden and Mr. Thomas Ramsay to the Commission for publick affairs. Ib.
Act concerning the choosing of the Moderator of the General Assembly, Ib.
Act for changing every Assembly the rolls of the Commissioners by courses, according to the order of Provinces. Ib.
Commission for Visiting the University of St. Andrews, Ib.
Commission for visiting the University of Aberdeen, Ib.
Commission for visiting Orkney and Zetland, Ib.
Appointment of some Brethren to speak to the Lord Treasurer, concerning passing of gifts of Patronage, Ib.
Ref. Mr. John Rosse at Lunfannan Sess. 28.
Approbation of the report concerning planting of Kirks in the Highlands, Ib.
Ref. John Gillon to the Presbytery of Edinburgh for private tryal, Ib.
Renovation of the Commission for publick affairs, Ib.
Warrand for Mr. James Gordon to come to Sterling-shire, for drawing the Mappe thereof, Sess. ult.
Ref. of Gorthie, Inchbrakie and Lindsay of Mans, their Petitions for relaxation from the sentence of Excommunication, to the Commission for publick affairs, Ib.
Recom. in favours of Sir William Dick, Ib.
Ref. Master James Row. Ib.
Ref. to the Commission for publick affairs concerning the Scots in Poland, &c. Ib.
Ref. for planting the Kirk and Colledge of Aberdeen to the Commission for publick affairs, Ib.
Ref. concerning Mr. William Douglas, Mr. John Logie, Mr. George Hanney, Mr. Richard Maitland and Mr. Coline Mackenzie, Ib.
Ref. and Commission concerning the tryalof Mr. Murdo Mackenzie, Mr. John Duncane, and Mr. William Cowper, Ib.
Recom. Mr. William Chalmers to Committee of Estates, Ib.
Ref. James Grahame of Claypots to the Presbytery of Dundee. Ib.
Recom. of some persons for charity, Ib.
Ref. for planting the Kirk of Bruntiland to the Commission for publick affairs, Ib.
Ref. concerning the planting of the Kirk of Prestoun to the Commission for publick Affairs, Ib.
Ref. for planting the vaking Kirk in Glasgow to the Commission for publick affairs, Ib.
Ref. the Lord Ray his Son and some of his Friends to the Comission for publick affairs, Ib.
Ref. Mr. Gilbert Gordon to the Commission for publick affairs, Ib.
Recom. for Mr. George Hannayes wife and children, Ib.
Act for presenting the Confession of Faith to the Parliament, Ib.
Act concerning the Translators of the Dutch Notes, Ib.
Recom. and Ref. concerning the collecting of the passages and Occurrances of these late times, to the Commis. for publick affairs, Ib.
Ref. for planting the Kirk of Ancrum, to the Commission for publick affairs, Ib.
Renovation of the Commission for visitation of the University of Glasgow. Ib.
Ref. Mr. John Rosse at Birse, to the Synod of Aberdeen. Ib.
Ref. of Mr. Thomas Ramsey younger, his petition to the Commission for publick affairs. Ib.
Indiction of a Thansgiving and of a Fast. Ib.
Election of Mr. George Gillespie, Moderator, Sess. 1.
Recom to the Magistrates of Edinburgh, for accomodating the Assembly-house for the Members thereof, Sess. 2.
Committee for the controvered Commissions, Ib.
Committee for References and Appeals, Ib.
Committee for Bills and Overtures, Ib.
Committe for trial of the proceedings of the Commission of the preceeding Assembly. Ib.
Committee for revising the Provincial Books, Ib.
Committee for appointing Ministers to Preach during the Sitting of the Assembly, Ib.
Committee to consider the present dangers and duties of these times, and other publick matters, Ib.
Ref. to the Committee to consider of the said Elections of Commissioners from Burghs, Ib.
Act concerning the Commission from Ireland, Ib.
Act rejecting the Commission from the Presbytery of Chirnside, Sess. 3.
Letter to the Laird of Blacader, Elder in the said Commission, to clear the Assemblies respects to him. Ib.
Act refusing the Commission from Dunse, Ib.
Meeting of the Commissioners from several Provinces to try the blasphemies and insolences of the Army, now forth in the late Engagement against England, and to report, Ib.
Act concerning Mr. James Aitkin, Sess. 4.
Commission for Visitation of the Presbyteries of Dunse and Chirnside, Ib.
Committee for hearing the report concerning the Paraphrase of the Psalms in Meetter, Ib.
Ref. to the Committee for publick matters, to take in the reports concerning the Directory of Government, Catechisme, and CXI. Propositions. Ib.
Recom. in favours of the relicks of Doctor Sharpe, and Mr. R. Brounlies to the Commit. of Estates Ib.
Petition from the Army lately gone to England, Sess. 5.
The offers and desires of the Committee of Estates of the 17 July. Ib.
Quere to the Committee of Estates, Ib.
Recom. to the Lord Theasurer for the Arrears of the annuity of 500l. Sterl. Ib.
Answer to the Quere from the Committee of Estates 17 July. Ib.
Return to the Committee of Estates, Ib.
Ref. Petitions from Ireland for Ministers to a Committee. Ib.
Modification to Mr. David Calderwood for his publick imployments, Sess. 6.
Modification to the Clerk of the Assembly for his service, Ib.
Paper from the Committee of Estates of the 18 July. Ib.
The Assemblies return to the said Paper, Ib.
The Committee of Estates answer to the said return, Ib.
The Assemblies Return to the said answer, Ib.
Another Paper from the Committee of Estates of the 18. July. Sess. 7.
Answer to the Paper last sent from the Committee of Estates, bearing a power to certain Members of the Assembly to confer with their Lordships, Ib.
Answer to Mr. Patrick Hamiltoun, denying his desire for opening his mouth, with a Recommendation in his favours, Sess. 8.
Remit. Mr. James Rosse to Presbytery and Synod. Ib.
Recom. to Presbytery of Dunkeld concerning vaking Stipends, Ib.
Approbation of the Act of the Commission of the preceeding Assembly concerning the Collecting of the History of the time. Ib.
Recom. to the Clerk for Printing the publick Papers, Ib.
Recom. to the Clerk for re-printing the Confession of Faith with the Assemblies Approbation. Sess. 9.
Recom. to Mr. Robert Dowglas for printing two of his Sermons, Ib.
Remit to the Presbytery of Edinburgh concerning the Service-books and Idolatrous Monuments, now lying in the High-School yard, Ib.
Committee for considering James Murrays business, Ib.
Paper from the Committee of Estates of the 20 July, Sess. 10.
The Assemblies Answer thereto with an appointment for conference, Ib.
Order for citing Patrick Lesly Provost of Aberdeen, Ib.
Recom. to the Committee of Estates concerning his miscariage. Ib.
Ref. concerning insolences and blasphemies of the Souldiers to the Commission for publick affairs, Sess. 11.
Paper from the Committee of Estates of the 22 July concerning the conference, and concerning Patrick Lesly, Sess. 12.
The Assemblies answer to the said Paper, Ib.
Act concerning Mr. George Clerk, Ib.
Act refusing Mr. George Hutchesons transportation to Air, Ib.
Motion verbally from the Committee for Ministers to the Army, with the Assemblies answer thereunto. Ib.
Act concerning Patrick Leslies answers, Ib.
Paper from the Committee of Estates of the 24 July. Sess. 13.
Ref. of the said paper to the Committee for publick business to consider of an answer, and report their opinions, Ib.
Act concerning Patrick Lesly, Ib.
Appointment of a letter to Mr. Hew Henderson for setling in Dumfries according to the sentence of transportation, Ib.
Ref. for planting a Collegue in Air to the Commission for publick affairs, Ib.
Ref. of the remedies of the sins of the times to the Committee which was appointed for trial of the Commission of the preceeding Assembly, Ib.
Ref. Mr. Walter Comries transportation to the Committee of bills, and they to report, Ib.
Appointment that all bills, appeals, references, reports, &c. be given in before Wednesday next, Ib.
Paper from the Committee concerning Patrick Lesly, Sess. 14.
The Assemblies answer thereunto, Ib.
Ref. Patrick Lesly to a Committee for conference, Ib.
Suspens. Mr Harie Cockburn, Sess. 15.
Vote sustaining the summons concerning the transportation of Mr. John Levingstoun to Ancrum, Ib.
Recom. Mr. John Durie to the Earl of Hadingtoun, Sess. 16.
Ref. Mr. Samuel Douglas to the visitation of Dunse and Chirnside, Ib.
Ref. the dissent of the Brethren in the Provincial of Merse and Tiviotdale to the said visitation, Ib.
Ref. concerning Ministers to Ireland to the Commission to be appointed for publick affairs, Ib.
Advice concerning discipline to be used, with the Garisons and Regiments in Ireland, Ib.
Letter to General Major Monro, Ib.
Ref. for planting the Kirk of Bruntiland to the Commission to be appointed for publick affairs, Sess. 17.
Recom. concerning James Murrayes children, Ib.
Recom. to the Commission of Parliament for planting of Kirks the adjoyning Sutherland, Sutherlandhall, &c. to Lindean and making it a distinct Parish, Ib.
Recom. for keeping in the interim the Kirk of Galowsheils, Ib.
Recom. in favours of Mr. James Morison Minister at Erne and Randell, or his executors for the payment of a sum of money by the next Intrant, Ib.
Recom. for planting Kirks in Badinach to the Commission for planting of Kirks, Ib.
Recom. to the Commission for publick affairs to think upon and prosecute some wayes for planting a Ministry in Lochaber. Ib.
Recom. to Presbyteries to send a more particular information of the insolencies and miscarriages of the souldiers and the evidences thereof to the Commission for publick affairs, Ib.
Ref. to the Commit. of Bills to distribute the petitions for charity.
Recom. Mr. Robert Lindsayes relick and Children, Sess. 18.
Recom. Mr. Patrick Lindsayes children, Ib.
Paper from the Committee of Estates of the 28 of July, Ib.
Recom. to Presbyteries to supply the places of the Brethren sent in Commission to the General Assembly, or that attend the meetings of the Commission of the Assembly, Sess. 19.
Act for conference with E of Abercorne until first of March, Sess. 20.
Committee for considering the Hospitals, and to report their condition, Ib.
Commission for visiting, Rosse, Sutherland, Cathnes, Orknay, and Zetland, with a Reference concerning Mr. James Johnston, Ib.
Commission for visitation of Stirling, and Dunblane Presbyteries, with a Reference for the particular concerning Mr. Andrew Jaffray, Ib.
Ref. to the Commission for publick affairs for the trial of the Provincial Book of Argyle. Ib.
Act appointing the Clerk to print the Declaration with the first conveniency, and to send it to Presbyteries, Sess. 22.
Vote for removing the Commissioners in the Province of Galloway in the matter concerning Mr. John Levingstons transportation to Ancrum, Ib.
Declaration in favours of the Presbytery of Jedburgh, for preserving their right and Interest in planting Ancrum proprio Jure, Ib.
Transportation of Mr. John Leviston to Ancrum, Ib.
Order for some Brethrens presenting the Declaration to the Committee of Estates, Sess. 23.
Ref. to the Committee appointed for publick matters to consider of the materials and draught of a Petition to the Committee of Estates, Ib.
Ref. for planting Kirkcaldie to the Commission for publick affairs, Sess. 24.
Approbation of the manner and order of the calling and setling a Collegue in the Kirk of Culrosse, Ib.
Committee concerning Mr. James Row, Ib.
Committee for examining Witnesses upon the injury done to Mr. Robert Melvill, Ib.
Committee for examining a scandalous Pamphlet fastly put forth under the name of Mr. Alexander Henderson, Sess. 25.
The Assemblies Answer Refusing the desire of the Isle of Makghie in Ireland for Mr. John Dick. Ib.
Warrant for citing the persons that injured Mr. Robert Melvill, Ib.
Vote concerning Patrick Leslie, Sess. 27.
Approbation of the Excambion mentioned in the contract betwixt Sir William Scot and the Minister of Mertoun consented to by the Presbytery, and approven by the Synod, Ib.
Ref. of Mr. William Home to the Visitation of Dunse and Chirnside. Ib.
Liberty for John Gillan to preach until the next Assembly for exercise of his gift, Ib.
Ref. concerning the Quere from the Presbytery of Edinburgh, touching the marriage of a young Gentlewoman minor without consent of her Tutors, to a Committee, Ib.
Act refusing the desire of Mr. James Row for opening his mouth. Ib.
Remit. the appeal of the Parishioners of Schots, concerning the admission or Mr Francis Kincaid to the Presbytery and Synod respectively of consent, Ib.
Act refusing the transporting of Doctor Colvill to the Colledge of Edinburgh, Sess. 29.
Ref. Mr. William Sanders to the Commission for planting of Kirks, Ib.
Ref. dissent in the Presbytery of Chirnside to the visitation of Dunse and Chirnside, Sess. 30.
Act for conference with the Lady Mordington. Ib.
Ref. to the Visitation of Dunse for tryal of that murther committed in the Lord Mordingtons house.
Appointment of Mr. Alexander Levingston to go to Ireland first, next Mr. Henry Semple, Mr. Andrew Lawder in the third place, and Mr. John Dick the last three Months, Ib.
Recom. Some Brethren to speak again the Lord Theasurer for payment of by gones of the annuity of 500 l. Sterling, Ib.
Vote for laying aside the question concerning Mr. John Lawes appeal. Ib.
Ref. to a Committee to consider of some Overtures concerning Papists, and their Children and Excommunicate persons and to report, Ib.
Recom. to the Presbytery of Chirnside, concerning Mordingtons Family. Ib.
Act concerning Patrick Leslies acknowledgement and promise of better behaviour, with a Reference to the Commission for publick affairs if he keep not his promise, Sess. 31
Committee for considering the Petition of the great Session of Edinburgh for Ministers, and to report. Ib.
Continuation of the examination of the Directory of Government, and the CXI. Propositions until the next Assembly, Sess. 32.
Recom. to Universities to bring to the next Assembly the grounds and evidences of their Commissions to Assemblies, Ib.
Commission for Visitation of Glasgow, Ib.
Commission for Visitation of Aberdeen, Ib.
Commission for Visitation of Edinburgh, Ib.
Letter to the Officers of the Army now in England in Answer to their Letter and Petition to the Assembly for Ministers, Ib.
Act reponing Mr. William Dowglas. Ib.
Act reponing Mr. John Logie, Ib.
Recom. certain persons for charity. Ib.
Act for delaying the communion, Ib.
Recom. for repairing of Kirks, and founding of Schools in the Presbytery of Sky, Sess. 33.
Continuation of Mr. Andrew Ramsay, until the morne, Ib.
Suspension of Mr. Andrew Ramsay, until the next General Assembly. Sess. 34.
Ref. Mr. William Colvill to a conference, and they to report. Ib.
Citation of Mr. William Colvill apud acta to answer for not reading the Causes of the late Fast, Ib.
Ref. Doctor John Baron to a conference, Ib.
Recom. Mr. George Clerk to the Presbyteries within Fife, Angus, and Merns and Aberdeen Sess. 35.
Commission for Visitation of the University of St. Andrews, Ib.
Act for visiting Hospitals and Mortifications, Ib.
Recom. to the Provincial of Argyle to visit the Presbytery of Sky, Ib.
Advise to the Presbyterie to depose Mr. William Edmiston with a Recommendation to the Justice to proceed against him for Adultery. Ib.
Recom. to the Presbyterie of Sky to censure Profanation of the Sabbath. Ib.
Approbation of the report for planting of the Kirks of Edinburgh. Sess. XXXVI.
Committee for naming a List of six Ministers for Edinburgh. Ib.
Vote concerning Mr. William Colvill, answering presently for not reading the Causes of the Fast. Ib.
Continuation of Mr. William Colvils untill the morn, Ib.
Continuation of Doctor Baron untill the morn, Ib.
Continuation of the 20. S. payed out of every Kirk for dispatches. Ib.
Suspension of Mr. William Colvill. Sess. XXXVII.
Suspension of Doctor Baron with a Reference to the Visitation of the Universitie of St. Andrews and Commission for publick affairs respectively. Ib.
Recom. of the Minister of Cameron to the Commission of Parliament for planting of Kirks. Sess. XXXVIII.
Recommendation to Master James Hamiltoun and Master James Guthrie to draw in Articles the duties of Elders, and a forme of Visitation of Families, and to prepare a report to the next Assembly. Ib.
Recom. to Mr. David Calderwood to draw a draught of a form of visitation of particular Congregations, and to prepare a report to the next Assembly. Ib.
Recom. to Mr. John Smith and the Clerk, to draw out all the Acts of Parliament and Assembly, for Kirk discipline and Penalties for scandalous Sins, and to report to the next Assembly. Ib.
List of six Ministers to Edinburgh. Ib.
Ref. to the Commission for publick affairs to plant four Ministers out of the said List in the Kirks of Edinburgh. Ib.
Declaration of the unsatisfactoriness of the Observations of the Committee of Estates upon the Assemblies Declaration, with a Reference to the Commission for publick affairs, to put forth an Answer thereto. Sess. 39.
Appointment of the first dyet of Citations in the matter of transportations not to be before the last Wednesday of October, Ib.
The Assemblies Answer to a Quere from the Presbytery of Elgin, concerning the transporting from the Highlands a Minister to the Low lands, Sess. 40.
Letter to their Brethren in Ireland, Ib.
Letter to the Lord Chancellor, Ib.
Indiction of a Fast on the second Sabbath of September, with the causes thereof. Ib.
Recom. concerning Mr. Hew Henderson, Ib.
Recom. for the people in Libberton to repair to the Kirk of Quodquen, Ib.
Recom. to the Parliament for dissolution of the benefice of Kinkell, Ib.
Act for proceeding against Captain Maxwell and John Somervail and Coronet Weir, Ib.
Recom. for planting in Innerness another Minister that hath the Irish tongue, Ib.
Recom. for planting a Kirk in Gladsmore, and that some Brethren speak to the E. Hadington that by his pretence to the Patronage he do not obstruct so good a work, Ib.
Remit. Mr. John Law to the Provincial of Glasgow, Ib.
Ref. concerning Mr. James Aitkin to the visitation of Ross and Caithnes, &c. Ib.
Ref. Mr. Donald Ross Minister at Lochbroom to the said visitation, Ib.
Ref. Mr. John Duncan to the said Visitation, Ib.
Recom. to the Presbytery of Dingwall concerning Mr. Murdo Mackenzie late Minister at Suddie, Ib.
Act declaring Mr Murdo Mackenzie late Minister at Dingwall uncapable for ever of the Ministry with a Recommendation to the Presbytery to proceed against him with Excommunication, Ib.
Deposition Mr. William Couper School-master at Chanrie from that charge, Ib.
Continuation of the matter concerning Mr. John Rosse at Lunsaman, to the next Assembly, Sess. Ult.
Act Ordaining the Presbytery of Elgin to proceed against Mr. Thomas Gilzean and John Gordon. Ib.
Ref. Mr. Francis Omey to the Provincial of Perth, Ib.
Refusal of Mr. George Hannays desire, and his censure for his miscarriage. Ib.
Recom. in favours of his wife and children. Ib.
Recom. concerning the Kirk of Mordington, to the visitation of Dunse and Chirnside, Ib.
Recom. to the Provinces of Aberdeen, Angus and Murray to supply the vaking Kirks in Badenoch, Lochaber, &c. respectively in their own bounds, Ib.
Ref. of Sir Lachlan Mackean to the Commission for publick affairs, Ib.
Ordinance for the Presbytery of Sky to proceed with Excommunication against Mr. Lachlane Fraser. Ib.
Ref. Concerning the particulars given in by Mr. James Moreson against the Presbytery of Kirkwall to the visitation Rosse and Caithnes, Ib.
Renovation of the Commission of the preceeding Assembly in Sess. 26 concerning Witchcraft. Ib.
Recommendation Mr. Alexander Mackean to Presbyteries and Universities for a Bursar and particularly to the Presbytery of Edinburgh, Ib.
Act concerning the tryal of Mr. William Home and Citing of Witnesses, Ib.
Commission to Mr. John Pringill and Mr. John Strachan to examine Witnesses in that matter, Ib.
Recom. to the Commissioners of the Presbytery of Glasgow for sending to the Clerk an exact report of the condition of their Kirks, with their provisions, the extent of Parishes, and number of Parishoners, Ib.
Act for intimating the Visitation of Dunse and Chirnside, Ib.
Recommendation Mr. William Douglas to the Committee of Estates. Ib.
Election of Mr. Robert Douglas Moderator, Sess. 1.
Act concerning the Commission from Ireland, Ibid.
Committee for Refers and Appeals, Sess. 2.
Committee for Bills and Overtures, Ibid.
Committee for publick business, Ib.
Committee for tryall of the Synod Books, Ib.
Committee for the tryall of the proceedings of the Commissioners of the Generall Assembly, Ib.
Renovation of the Commission for visiting the University of Saint Andrews. Ib.
Recom. Gedeon Morise to the Committee of Estates. Ib.
Order for speaking the Earle of Abercorne for payment of the begone stipends of Kilpatrick, Ib.
Recom. business of Ireland to the Committee for publick business, Sess. 3.
Continuation of Generall Major Midleton to the 9 of July, Ib.
Committee for the Psalmes, Ib.
Ref. of the Protestation of Mr. James Morison to the Committee of Refers, Ib.
Act Concerning the papers comitted by the Parliament for correspondence, Sess. 4.
Continuation of particular References from the Commission of the General Assembly until the report thereof be brought in from the Committee of Refers, Ib.
Committee for considering the Earle of Egligtouns Bill concerning Mr. James Ferguson, Ib.
Comittee for conference with the Committee of dispatches, Ib.
Committee for conference with Mr. Walter Comrie to satisfie him in his transportation to Inneraray, Ib.
Continuation of the Lord Ogilvy to the 17 of that instant, Sess. 5.
Continuation of G. M. Midleton untill fryday next, Ib.
Letter to the Brethren of the Presbytrie of Carrickfergus, Ib.
Continuation of the Commission for visitation of the University of Glasgow, Ib.
Ratification of the act of the Presbytery of St. Andrews concerning the agreement betwixt the Laird of Anstruther and the Parochiners, Ib.
Act recommending to the Brethren to make out the descriptions of these parts of the Kingdom not yet described. Ib.
Remitt. Elizabeth Armestrange to the Province of Drumfries, Ib.
Act for a Minister to Colonel Gilbert Ker his Regiment, Sess. 6.
Recom. Mr. Robert Jamesone to the Parliament, Ib.
Letter from Rivet, Ib.
Order for presenting to the Parliament the report of the Commissioners sent to his Majestie, and for printing thereof, Ib.
Committee for revising a Tract of Chronologie, Sess. 7.
Committee for considering the Petition of the Town of Edinburgh for Ministers and Professors, Ib.
Approbation of the act of transportation concerning Mr. Walter Comrie, Ib.
Committee for corecting the paraphrase the Psalmes, Ib.
Ref. to the Committee of publick business to consider the petitions given in by the Engagers, and report, Sess. 8.
Committee for appointing Ministers to preach, Ib.
Recom. concerning the Minister of Giencorse to the parliament and Exchequer, Ib.
Approbation of the sentence of decision against M. Harie Guthrie notwithstanding of his appeal, Sess. 9.
Approbation of the Depositions of Mr. John Allane, Mr Andrew Jeffrey and Mr. Harie Schaw, Ib.
Approbation of the depositions of Mr. Alexander Monroe, Mr. David Menroe and Mr. Thomas Ross, Ib.
Approbation of the Suspensions of Mr. Donald Ross, Mr. Willam Rosse, Mr. John Hosack: with the Ref. concerning Mr. David Ross, Mr. Robert Williamson, Mr. Walter Sewart, Mr. George Monroe and Mr. Andrew Anderson to the next visitation, Ib.
Deposition of Mr. Patrick Graham somtime Minister at Holme, Ib.
Committee for conference with the Officers that were upon the Engagement, Sess. 10.
Recom. Mr. Alexander Smith for stipend to the Parliament, Sess. 11.
Deposition Mr. James Aitkin, Ib.
Admonition to the visitation of Ross, Sess. 12.
Act for laying aside the Commission from the Presbytrie of Orknay, Ib.
Order for General Major Midleton appearing with certification, Ib.
Order for citation of Mr. Andrew Ramsay and Mr. William Colvill, Ses. 13.
Ref. Mr. Edward Wright and Mr. Andre Keir to their Presbytries, Ib.
Ref. Mr. George Haliburton and Mr. Archibald Drumond to the visitation of Stirling and Dumblane, Ib.
Ref. to the Commission for publick affaires concerning the providing a Collegue to the Minister of Air, Ses. 14.
Order for citing the witnesses in the matter of Mr. Thomas Ramsay elder, Ib.
Reposition of Mr. William Cowper to the office of Schoolmaster in Channerie, Ses. 15.
Approbation of the Deposition of Mr. James Lundie, Ib.
Act and Ref. concerning Mr. Walter Swinton, Ib.
Ref. Concerning Mr. Patrick Smith, and approbation of his suspension, Ib.
Act and Ref. concerning Mr. John Home for the farther tryall, Ib.
Approbation of the suspension concerning Mr. Ja. Edgar and Ref. concerning him, Ib.
Deposition of Mr. Andro Rollock, Ib.
Ref. Mr. William Sinclair to the visitation of Dunse, Ib.
Ref. concerning M. William Home, Ib.
Approbation of the diligence of the visiters of Dunse and Chirneside, Ib.
Committee to meet with the committee of Parliament for considering and revising the proceedings of the visitation of Saint Andrews, Ib.
Continuation of the business concerning Mr. James Durhames transportation till the morne, Ses. 16.
Recom. for incarcerating one delated for witchcraft, Sess. 17.
Committee for conference with the Lord Ogilby, Ib.
Recom. officers come from Ireland, Ib.
Committee for conference with the Earle of Galloway, Ib.
Recom. Helen Gordoun to the Parliament, Ib.
Answer to the Petition given in for the Earles of Damfermling and Lauderdalie. Ib.
Recom. of the Relick of umquhile Dr. Sharpe to the Parliament, Ib.
Ref. Mr. John Logie to the Synod, Ses. 18.
Committee for presenting overtures and desires to the Parliament, concerning the Moss troopers, Ib.
Committee for considering Mr. Alexander Smiths condition, Ib.
Ref. Liev. Col. Ker to his Presbyterie, Ib.
Ref. concerning Pitfoddells younger, Urquhart of Old Craig and Thomas Menzies to the visitation of Angus and Merns, Ib.
Ref. Sir John Weyme of Bogie to his Presbyterie, Ib.
Ref. Sir John Makenzie and Lieutenant Collonel David Weymes to their Presbyterie, Ib.
Ref. Thomas Rutherfurd to his Presbyterie, Ib.
Ref. Liev. Will. Sutherland to his Presbytery, Ib.
Ref. Andrew Wardlaw to the Presbytery of Kirkcadie, Ib.
Ref. certain persons accessory to the late unlawful engagment to their Presbytries.
Ref. Argustine Hofeman to the Presbytery of Edinburgh, Ib.
Ref. Hary Stuart to the Presb. of Edinb.
Ref. Mr. Edward Wright M. Andrew Keir and M. Robert Keyte to the Presbyterie of Linlithgow, Ib.
Ref. Mr. James Guthrie in Angus, Mr. Thos. Paterson and Silvester Lamie to the visitation of Angus, Ib.
Ref. Mr. George Halyburton and Mr. Arch. Drummond to the visitation of Stirling and Dumblane, Ib.
Recom. the division of Libberton and Quodqhen to the Presbytrie of Biggar. Ib.
Ref. Mr. John Crichton to the Presbyterie of Glasgow and Paislay, Ib.
Ref. the Laird of Kelhead to his Presbyterie, Sess. 19.
Ref. the Laird of Innes younger to the Presbytrie of Taine, Ib.
Commission to the Presbyterie of Kelso for examining Margery Ker. Ib.
Recom. to the Parliament of the Petition of the Commissioners of Argyle Ses. 20.
Act appointing some brethren to assist John Greirson in discussing his suspension, Ib.
The Assemblies addition and their judgement concerning the Petitions which were to have been presented to the last G. Assembly, Ib.
Act declaring Mr. Alexander Smith to be transportable, Ib.
Committee for the collectors accompts and Alex Blairs bill, Ib.
Act refuting the transportation of Mr. James Durham to Edinb. Ib.
Ref. E. of Galloway to his Presbyterie, Ib.
Ref. Major Alexander Forbes to the Presbyterie of Kincardin, Ib.
Ref. Col. David Barklay to the Commission for publick affairs. Sess. 21.
Committee for considering the matter concerning the transportation of Mr. Neill Cameron, Ib.
Report from the Committee of appeals concerning Mr. John Hay his taking up of his appellation, Ib.
Deposition Mr. Alexander Keyth. Ib.
Ref. E. of Queensberie to his Presbytrie, Ses. 22.
Committee to confer with Mr. _Patrick _ Hamiltoun_, Ib.
Act concerning Mr. Patrick Hamiltoun, Ib.
Recom. for assisting the petition of the people of Athbole for dividing Paroches and planting of Kirks, Ib.
Committee for preparing a report in the matter concerning G. M. Midleton, Ses. 23.
Act for citing the E. of Abercorne, Ib.
Committee for conference with Mr. Hary Guthrie, Ses. 25.
Approbation of the report of the Committee appointed to revise the proceedings of the visitation of the university of Saint Andrews, Ib.
Ref. D. Barron and Mr. Thomas Glagge to the Presbyterie of St. Andrews, Ib.
Ref. Mr. Thomas Ross to the Presb. of Dingwall, Ib.
Warrand for printing a Tract of Chronologie, Ib.
Recom. of the Petition to the Parliament for erecting the Kirks of Fairnie, Ib.
Recom. of the Petition of D. Sharps Relick to the Parliament, Ib.
Ref. Mr. Harie Cockburne to his Presbyterie. Ib.
Order from citing of Mr. Andrew Ramsay and Mr. William Colvill, Ib.
Act for visiting the Hospitalls and Mortifications, Ib.
Recom. of the petition of Mr. Robert Scot Minister at Ettleston to the Commission for planting of Kirks, Ib.
Recom. concerning the disuniting of the paroch of Abirchirdar, Ib.
Ref. for the matter concerning the transportation of Mr. Neill Cameron, Ib.
Act sustaining the Appeal of the Parochiners of Northberwick with an order for citing the Minister and parochiners of Baro to answer in the cause, Ib.
Ref. Earle of Abercorne to the Presbyterie of Paislay, Ib.
Continuation of the matter concerning Mr. Andrew Ramsay till the morne, Ib.
Continuation of Mr. William Colvil till the Morn. ib.
Recom. of the petition of the town of Couper to the Commission for planting of Kirks. Sess. 26.
Recom. the Officers come from Ireland to the honorable Estates of Parliament, Ib.
Deposition of Mr. John Graham sometime Minister at Auchterardor, Ib.
Approbation of the sentence of Deposition of Mr. David Drummond sometime Minister at Lithgow, Ib.
Recom. Mr. John Nairne, Ib.
Act for giving in the appeals and References to the Assembly, Ib.
Approbation of the report concerning the Collectors accompts, Ses. 27.
Act in favours of Alex. Blaire, Ib.
Act for giving up Mr. Hary Guthries appeal upon his desire to cancel the same, Ib.
Continuation of Mr. Andrew Ramsayes business till the morne, Ib.
Deposition of Mr. William Colvill, Ib.
Intimation if any doubt upon the Declaration, to come to the committee, Ib.
Order for Writing a letter to Mr. Theodor Haack for hasting forth the Dutch Annotations upon the Bible, Sess. 28.
Deposition Mr. Andrew Ramsay, Ib.
Commission for visitation of the University of Aberdeen, Sess. 29.
Recom. Mr. Gilbert Mershel for a competent maintenance, to the Commission for planting of Kirks, Ib.
Recom. Mr. George Clerk for a charitable supplie, Ib.
Commission for visitation of the university of Saint Andrews, Ib.
Ref. to the Commission for publick affairs for planting the place of the provest of the old colledge of Saint Andrews, Ib.
Committee for examining witnesses in the matter concerning Mr. Tho: Ramsay, with an order for citing witnesses not appearing, Ib.
Act in favours of Mr. William Dowglas, Sess. 30.
Act appointing Ministers to preach in Edinburgh during the sitting of the Assembly, Ib.
Ref. Mr. James Affleck to the visitation of Angus and Merns, Ib.
Committee for considering the petition of the Town of Stirling, Ib.
Act in favours of Mr. Thomas Ireland Minister at Weyme, Ib.
Act permitting John Gillan to exercise his gift publickly, Ib.
Commission for visiting the Colledge of Edinburgh, Ib.
Recom. to the Parliament for reparation of the losses of Mr. Alexander Ferreis, Mr. Robert Jameson and Mr. John Keyth, Sess. 31.
Ref. Mr. Richard Maitland to the visitation of the universitie of Aberdeene, Ib.
Act in the matter concerning the Kirk of Dairsoy, Sess. 32.
Remitt. the matter concerning James Ross Banneil to the Presbyterie, Ib.
Act exeeming the Presbyterie of Dunkeld from payment of the fortie shillings for the highland boyes, Ib.
Ref. John Maxwell younger of Calderwood to the Presb. of Hamilton, Ib.
Ref. of the Earle of Athols bill for planting the Kirk of Dunkeld to the visitation of the Presbyterie of Dunkeld, Ib.
Commission for visitation of Ross, Sutherland, and Caithnes, Ib.
Commission for visitation of Stirling and Dumblane, Ib.
Commission for visitation of Angus and Merns, Ib.
Commission for visitation of Dunse and Chirnsyde, Ib.
Continuation of the matter concerning the transportation of Mr. John Stirling to Northberwick till the morne, Sess. 33.
Approbation of the sentence of deposition of Mr. William Wilkie, Sess. 34
Suspension of Mr. Robert Balcanquel with Ref. to the Commiss. for publick affaires, Ib.
Recom. Helene Ersken to the Parliament for charitable supplie, Ib.
Reposition of Mr. Marten Makilwrae, with a Recommendation to the Synod of Argyle to settle him in some charge in the Ministery, Ib.
Ref. my Lord Cochrane to the Commission for publick affairs, Sess. 35.
Ref. of the petition of James Sanders to the visitation of hospitals, Ib.
Act in favours of Violet Dauling spouse to Mr. George Hannay, Ib.
Act refusing the transportation of Mr. John Stirling to Northberwick, Ib.
Ref. to the Commission for publick affaires for planting the Kirk of Northberwick Ib.
Committee for conference with the Earl of Linlithgow, Sess. 36.
Ref. of the Articles of election of Ministers to the Committee for publick business with intimation to all that have objection, to come there, Ib. |
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