1624 Lindahn, J. 1. J. 18/8/15. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 1555 Long, C. R. 1. J. 18/8/15. Wdd. 1964 Lord, W. E. 3. J. 12/10/15. Ptd. Cpl. Wdd. 2180 Louder, W. J. 4. J. 19/1/16. 1965 Lovell, J. B. 3. J. 12/10/15. Wdd. 2410 Lucas, S. R. 5. J. 19/1/16. Wdd. 1745 Lukin, H. W. 2. J. 29/12/15. Ptd. T/Sgt. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 1966 Lund, R. J. 3. J. 12/10/15. Ptd. Cpl. 2408 Lyons, R. 5. J. 19/1/16. Wdd. 2414 McCahon, H. A. 5. J. 19/1/16. Ptd. Cpl. Wdd. 2 occ. 1968 McCallum, M. 3. J. 12/10/15. Ptd. L/Cpl. K. in A., France, 3-6/11/16. 2415 McCarthy, B. J. 5. J. 19/1/16. Wdd. 3207 McCaskill, M. 7. J. 15/3/16. Ptd. L/Cpl. Wdd. D. of Wds., Belgium, 2/1/18. 2251 McDermott, V. F. 4. J. 19/1/16. 2193 MacDonald, A. 4. J. 19/1/16. Wdd. 2185 McEnroe, P. T. 4. J. 19/1/16. K. in A., France, 29/5/16. 2417 McGinnis, F. W. 5. J. 19/1/16. K. in A., France, 3-6/11/16. 1751 McGregor, J. 2. J. 19/1/16. 1752 McHugh, J. 2. J. 10/1/16. Ptd. Sgt. Wdd. D. of Wds., Belgium, 4/10/17. 2418 McInnes, I. 5. J. 19/1/16. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 1970 McKeown, P. J. 3. J. 12/10/15. Wdd. 1971 McKinnon, D. S. 3. J. 12/10/15. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 1558 MacLachlan, J. J. 1. J. 18/8/15. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 1754 McLaughlin, W. 2. J. 12/10/15. Wdd. 1969 McLean, G. J. 3. J. 12/10/15. Ptd. Sgt. Wdd. 1504 Sgt. McTaggart, G. S. 1. J. 18/8/15. Apptd. 2nd Lieut. 16/8/16. Ptd. T/Captain. D.C.M. D. of Wds., France, 9/8/18. 2181 Maddern, W. T. 4. J. 19/1/16. Ptd. L/Cpl. M.M. Wdd. D. of Wds., Belgium, 28/10/17. 1747 Madigan, W. 2. J. 12/10/15. D. of Wds., France, 14/8/15. 2411 Maitland, J. M. 5. J. 19/1/16. Ptd. Cpl. 1967 Marshall, J. W. 3. J. 29/12/15. Wdd. 1748 Masters, F. D. 2. J. 12/10/15. Wdd. 1749 May, A. 2. J. 12/10/15. T. 59 51st Bn. 3/3/16. K. in A., France, 14-16/8/16. 1750 Mayes, W. J. 2. J. 12/10/15. T. to 51st Bn. K. in A., France, 15/8/16. 2412 Meredith, A. F. 5. J. 19/1/16. 2334 Prov.Cpl. Meredith, I. H. 5. J. 19/1/16. Ptd. T/-Sgt. Wdd. D.C.M. 1755 Merifield, W. T. 2. J. 12/10/15. Ptd. E.R. Sgt. 1756 Messenger, J. T. 2. J. 12/10/15. K. in A., France, 4-6/8/16. 1757 Meyer, A. C. 2. J. 12/10/15. T. to 2nd Div. Sig. Coy. 7/5/17. Wdd. D. of Ill., France, 5/12/18. 1758 Meyer, W. L. 2. J. 12/10/15. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 2182 Middleton, D. 4. J. 19/1/16. 1505 Cpl. Miller, J. B. 1. J. 18/8/15. Ptd. Cpl. 1975 Miller, O. 3. J. 29/12/15. 1976 Miller, T. 3. J. 29/12/15. T. to 2nd Div. Sig. Coy. 15/11/17. Rejoined Bn. 29/4/18. 2183 Milligan, F. D. 4. J. 19/1/16. Wdd. 3205 Minett, S. J. 7. J.15/3/16. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 1760 Moller, H. A. 2. J.12/10/15. K. in A., France, 26/3/17. 2184 Moore, G. S. 4. J.19/1/16. K. in A., France, 5/9/18. 1974 Moore, H. 3. J.12/10/15. K. in A., France, 3-6/11/16. 3198 Moran, B. J. 7. J.15/3/16. Ptd. Sgt. K. in A., Belgium, 20/9/17. 2188 Moran, R. J. 4. J.19/1/16. Wdd. Ment. in Corps Orders. 2022 Morgan, R. 3. J.20/12/15. T. to A.A. Postal Corps 12/10/18. Wdd. M.M. and Bar. 2187 Morgan, S. H. S. 4. J.19/1/16. Ptd. Sgt. Wdd. 3. occ. 1972 Morphett, H. H. 3. J.12/10/15. T. to H.T.M. Bty 22/4/16, and to 51st Bn. 21/7/17. Ptd. L/Cpl. K. in A., France, 25/4/18. 1561 Morris, R. 1. J.18/8/15. Apptd. Dr. 1762 Morrison, J. D. D. 2. J.29/12/15. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 1557 Morrow, A. 1. J.18/8/15. K. in A., Gallipoli, 16/12/15. 1556 Morrow, E. 1. J.18/8/15. Ptd. Cpl. Wdd. 2 occ. 2328 Prov.Sgt. Mullen, F. S. H. 5. J.19/1/16. Apptd. 2nd Lieut. 16/8/16. Ptd. Lieut. Wdd. 2189 Mullins, J. 4. J.19/1/16. D. of Wds., Belgium, 5/11/17. 2186 Mullins, V. H. 4. J.19/1/16. D. of Wds., France, 5/11/17. 1876 Prov.Sgt. Munro, R. C. 3. J.12/10/15. Ptd. T/-Sgt. K. in A., France, 26/2/17. 1764 Murphy, B. F. 2. J.12/10/15. Ptd. Sgt. D.C.M. Belgian Croix de Guerre. Detached for special duty with Dunsterville's Force through Mesopotamia and Persia to Baku. Bar to D.C.M. 2252 Murphy, E. 4. J.19/1/16. Wdd. 2190 Murphy, H. O. 4. J.19/1/16. Wdd. 2 occ. 2258 Murphy, P. J. D. 4. J.19/1/16. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 2413 Murray, D. 5. J.19/1/16. Wdd. 2191 Murray, F. 4. J.10/1/16. T. to I.C. Corps 1/2/16. Ptd. L/Cpl. 1765 A/-Cpl. Murray, R. 2. J.12/10/15. 1562 Murray, T. 1. J.18/8/15. Ptd. T/-Cpl. Wdd. 1915 and 2nd occ. 2420 Nalder, R. B. 5. J.19/1/16. Wdd. 2253 Neville, S. 4. J.19/1/16. K. in A., France, 3-6/11/16. 1567 Newman, W. C. F. 1. J.18/8/15. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 1977 Nicholls, J. F. H. 3. J.12/10/15. Wdd. 2194 Nicholls, W. G. P. 4. J.19/1/16. T. to 16th Bn. 10/3/16. 2422 Nichols, R. H. 5. J.19/1/16. 2195 Nicol, H. R. 4. J.19/1/16. Ptd. Sgt. 1978 Nicol, W. C. 3. J.29/12/15. T. to I.C. Corps, 1/2/16. 2196 Oakey, G. A. V. 4. J.19/1/16. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 2197 O'Boyle, J. 4. J.19/1/16. 1569 O'Brien, H. 1. J.18/8/15. D. of Wds., France, 4-6/8/16. 1979 O'Connor, D. E. 3. J.12/10/15. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 2025 O'Donnell, L. 3. J.29/12/15. 1980 O'Donnell, R. 3. J.21/1/16. 2112 A/-Cpl. O'Grady, G. C. 4. J.19/1/16. Apptd. 2nd Lieut. 1/8/16. Ptd. Lieut. Wdd. 2 occ. 6343 O'Grady, S. de C. T. from 16th A.A.S.C. 4/3/16. Ptd. Sgt. Wdd. 3 occ. 2018 O'Loughlin, L. 3. J.29/12/15. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 2423 Olsen, E. H. 5. J.19/1/16. Ptd. L/Cpl. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 1981 O'Neill, J. C. 3. J.12/10/15. T. to 2nd M.G. Bn. 26/5/18. Wdd. 2 occ. 1982 Osborne, T. S. 3. J.12/10/15. Wdd. 1616 Parker, F. 1. J.18/8/15. Apptd. Dr. 2424 Parker, P. H. 5. J.19/1/16. Wdd. 1608 Parkinson, T. 1. J.18/8/15. T. to 7th M.G. Coy. 3/3/16. 2198 Parkyn, A. 4. J.19/1/16. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 1571 Parnell, C. 1. J.18/8/15. Ptd. Sgt. Wdd. 1768 Parsons, C. W. G. 2. J.12/10/15. Ptd. Cpl. K. in A., France, 3-6/11/16. 2426 Pascoe, F. J. 5. J.19/1/16. Ptd. Sgt. Wdd. D. of Wds., Belgium, 23/9/17. 2199 Passmore, A. C. 4. J.19/1/16. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 1659 A/Sgt. Paterson, A. M. 2. J.12/10/15. T. to I.C. Corps, 1/2/16. Ptd. Sgt. 2427 Payne, A. E. 5. J.19/1/16. Wdd. 2 occ. 1983 Peach, G. H. 3. J.12/10/15. Wdd. 2 occ. 1802 Phillips, E. C. 2. J.29/12/15. Wdd. 2202 Phillips, H. 4. J.19/1/16. Wdd. 2429 Phillips, T. L. 5. J.19/1/16 K. in A., France, 3-6/11/16. 2027 Philpott, A. 3. J.29/12/15. Wdd. 1627 Pickard, H. 1. J.18/8/15. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 2203 Plumb, F. A. 4. J.19/1/16. Wdd. 1574 Pollard, J. H. 1. J.18/8/15. T. to 2nd Pnr. Bn., 12/3/16. Wdd. 2 occ. 1984 Pratt, F. B. 3. J.29/12/15. Ptd. L/Cpl. Wdd. 2 occ. 1573 Prentice, T. 1. J.18/8/15. 2200 Price, C. W. 4. J.19/1/16. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 1985 Price, S. F. 3. J.12/10/15. Ptd. Sgt. Wdd. 3 occ. D.C.M. M.M. 2434 Priest, G. 5. J.19/1/16. Ptd. L/Cpl. Wdd. 1986 Probert, C. G. 3. J.19/1/16. Wdd. 2204 Quarrell, C. 4. J.19/1/16. Ptd. L/Cpl. D. of Wds., France, 17/11/16. 1988 Raby, H. C. 3. J.12/10/15. D. of Wds., France, 30/7/16. 1578 Rainsden, A. 1. J.18/8/15. Drowned at sea, 6/10/15. 1580 Raitt, E. W. 1. J.18/8/15. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 2207 Ramsay, W. J. C. 4. J.19/1/16. 1620 Randell, N. 1. J.18/8/15. 1771 Rankin, G. 2. J.29/12/15. T. to 2nd Div. Salvage Coy., 24/1/17. Ptd. E.R. Cpl. 1772 Rankine, S. C. 2. J.12/10/15. T. to I.C. Corps and later to 14th Light Horse 1/7/18. Ptd. T/Cpl. 2208 Rawnsley, E. R. 4. J.19/1/16. T. to 4th Pnr. Bn. 30/12/16. Wdd. 2435 Reidy, J. T. 5. J.19/1/16. Wdd. 2205 Rickard, L. G. 4. J.19/1/16. Wdd. 2254 Rillstone, L. J. 4. J.19/1/16. Ptd. Cpl. 2327 Prov.Sgt. Riva, C. S. 5. J.19/1/16. Wdd. T. to 3rd Echelon, G.H.Q., 22/12/16. Ptd. E.R. Staff Sgt. 1989 Roberts, H. W. 3. J.12/10/15. 1575 Roe, J. A. 1. J.18/8/15. Wdd. 1915. T. to Aust. Provo. Corps 10/6/17. Ptd. E.R. Sgt. Ment. in Despatches. 1991 Rolls, A. L. 3. J.12/10/15. Wdd. 2 occ. K. in A., France, 10/6/18. 1773 Rosser, O. 2. J.12/10/15. 1503 Sgt. Rourke, J. J. 1. J.18/8/15. Ptd. C.S.M. 2211 Rowe, C. C. 4. J.19/1/16. Invalided 11/4/16. Rejoined 4/1/18. Wdd. 2 occ. 1613 Rowe, T. F. 1. J.18/8/15. Ptd. Sgt. Wdd. 1993 Roxburgh, S. D. 3. J.12/10/15. Ptd. Sgt. Wdd. 1576 Roy, J. H. 1. J.12/10/15. Ptd. L/Cpl. D. of Wds., Egypt, 28/11/15. 1774 Rudler, J. H. 2. J.12/10/15. Wdd. 2206 Rushton, L. 4. J.29/12/15. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 1995 Sainsbury, N. G. 3. J.29/12/15. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 1583 Sandells, S. W. 1. J.18/8/15. T. to 7th M.G. Coy. 15/9/16. Wdd. 1586 Sanders, C. 1. J.18/8/15. T. to 7th M.G. Coy, 3/3/16. Wdd. 1994 Sands, F. S. 3. J.12/10/15. Wdd. 2 occ. 1775 Saunders, J. 2. J.12/10/15. Wdd. 1915. D. of Ill., Egypt, 18/2/16. 1588 Savill, A. W. 1. J.18/8/15. Wdd. 2 occ. 2214 Sawyer, N. B. 4. J.19/1/16. Wdd. M.M. 2256 Scott, F. 4. J.19/1/16. Ptd. L/Cpl. 1884 Prov.Cpl. Scott, F. A. 3. J.19/1/16. Ptd. E.R. Cpl. 1629 Scott, J. 1. J.18/8/15. T. to I.C. Corps, 30/1/16. D. of Wds., Palestine, 21/4/17. 2216 Selkirk, D. 4. J.19/1/16. Ptd. Cpl. Wdd. 2 occ. 2215 Seymour, G. H. 4. J.19/1/16. Wdd. 2220 Sharp, E. 4. J.19/1/16. 2446 Shaw, R. H. 5. J.19/1/16. Ptd. L/Cpl. Wdd. 2001 Sheldrake, W. G. 3. J.12/10/15. T. to Aust. Provo. Corps, 3/4/16. 1879 Prov.Sgt. Shellabear, S. A. 3. J.12/10/15. T. to 2nd Div. Hqrs. 24/1/16. Apptd. 2nd Lieut. 1/4/19. M.S.M. 2221 Shepherd, G. 4. J.19/1/16. Wdd. 1635 Silvester, R. 1. J.18/8/15. Ptd. Cpl. Wdd. Ment. in Despatches. 1776 Simmers, F. 2. J.12/10/15. Ptd. Sgt. D. of Wds., France, 27/3/17. 1780 Sinclair, L. R. R. 2. J.29/12/15. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 1781 Sinclair, W. H. 2. J.19/1/16. Ptd. L/Cpl. Wdd. 1782 Skinner, P. J. 2. J.12/10/15. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 1582 Smart, E. S. 1. J.18/8/15. T. to 7th M.G. Coy. 3/3/16. Wdd. 1998 Smith, C. H. C. 3. J.12/10/15. T. to Aust. Flying Corps 3/8/17. Apptd. 2nd Lieut. 17/5/18. Wdd. 2 occ. 1587 Smith, E. E. 1. J.18/8/15. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 2222 Smith, F. 4. J.19/1/16. T. to H.T.M. Bty. 11/6/16. 2218 Smith, G. 4. J.19/1/16. Wdd. K. in A., Belgium, 20/9/17. 2023 Smith, H. A. 3. J.29/12/15. D. of Wds., France, 30/6/16. 1997 Smith, H. D. 3. J.29/12/15. 2223 Smith, J. 4. J.19/1/16. 2224 Smith, S. 4. J.19/1/16. Wdd. 1783 Spencer, A. 2. J.19/1/16. Ptd. Sgt. Wdd. 3 occ. 2226 Spencer, E. 4. J.19/1/16. 2225 Spencer, H. J. 4. J.19/1/16. Apptd. 2nd Lieut. 27/9/17. Ptd. Lieut. Wdd. 2 occ. 1619 Spencer, T. W. 1. J.18/8/15. T. to 7th M.G. Coy. 14/3/16. 2104 A/-Sgt. Stansfield, A. 4. J.19/1/16. T. to 2nd Pnr. Bn. 13/3/16. Ptd. Sgt. Wdd. 3 occ. 1996 Steele, P. 3. J.12/10/15. T. to Aust. Flying Corps 18/7/17. Ptd. L/Cpl. Wdd. 2 occ. 2227 Stent, A. G. 4. J.19/1/16. Ptd. Cpl. Wdd. 2 occ. 1660 A/-Cpl. Stewart, C. 2. J.12/10/15. Ptd. L/Cpl. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 1618 Stewart-Payne, 1. J.18/8/15. E. C. S. F. 2228 Strike, W. E. 4. J.19/1/16. Ptd. L/Cpl. 2219 Stuart, J. A. C. 4. J.19/1/16. T. to Aust. Provo. Corps, 5/8/17. Ptd. E.R. 2nd Cpl. Wdd. 1999 Stuart, V. O. 3. J.12/10/15. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 2103 Stutchbury, H. 4. J.19/1/16. Ptd. T/-Sgt. Wdd. 2 occ. 2456 Summers, H. P. 5. J.19/1/16. Ptd. T/R.Q.M.S. Ment. in Despatches. 1623 Sumner, R. 1. J.18/8/15. 1585 Swindell, N. 1. J.18/8/15. Wdd. 2230 Tapper, N. 4. J.19/1/16. Ptd. Sgt. 1785 Tate, E. A. B. 2. J.12/10/15. T. to 10th Light Horse 29/1/16. Wdd. 1915. 1593 Taylor, D. P. E. 1. J.18/8/15. Wdd. 1915. T. to H.T.M. Bty. 11/6/16. Ptd. Bombardier. 2232 Taylor, J. 4. J.19/1/16. Wdd. 1560 Taylor, P. W. 1. J.18/8/15. K. in A., Belgium, 20/9/17. 2257 Templeman, J. W. 4. J.19/1/16. 2003 Terry, D. K. 3. J.12/10/15. Wdd. 2002 Terry, M. R. 3. J.12/10/15. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 1786 Thomas, C. 2. J.29/12/15. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 2005 Thompson, W. F. 3. J.19/1/16. Wdd. 2236 Thorn, L. 4. J.19/1/16. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 2235 Thorns, A. J. V. 4. J.19/1/16. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 1788 Thorp, H. H. 2. J.12/10/15. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 2004 Tickle, F. R. 3. J.12/10/15. Wdd. 1789 Tilbury, G. V. 2. J.12/10/15. D. of Wds., France, 30/7/16. 1804 Tindall, W. H. A. 2. J. 29/12/15. Ptd. L/Cpl. Wdd. 2 occ. 2006 Tolland, F. 3. J. 12/10/15. T. to 2nd Div. Sig. Coy., 14/8/16. 1790 Touzel, C. N. 2. J. 12/10/15. T. to 16th Bn., 12/11/15. K. in A., France, 11/4/17. 1791 A/Cpl. Townsend, W. G. 2. J. 12/10/15. Invalided 2/1/16. Rejoined 4/12/16. Ptd. T/Sgt. Wdd. 1886 Prov.Cpl. Tozer, H. J. H. 3. J. 12/10/15. Apptd. 2nd Lieut. 7/4/17. Ptd. Lieut. Wdd. M.C. M.M. 1792 Tucker, W. H. 2. J. 12/10/15. Apptd. T/Dr. 2234 Turner, C. 4. J. 19/1/16. T. to 7th M.G. Coy. 13/11/16. Wdd. 2229 Turner, H. D. 4. J. 19/1/16. Wdd. 1592 Turner, J. 1. J. 18/8/15. Ptd. L/Cpl. Wdd. 1915 and 3 occ. later. 2459 Turner, J. 5. J. 19/1/16. D. of Wds., France, 22/8/16. 2238 Vallentine, 4. J. 19/1/16. Wdd. V. G. J. 2239 Van Den Bosch, W. 4. J. 19/1/16. T. to 48th Bn., 26/4/16. Wdd. 2 occ. 2237 Van-Ooran, C. 4. J. 19/1/16. Ptd. Sgt. 2240 Vaughan, D. J. 4. J. 19/1/16. Wdd. 2241 Vessey, E. R. 4. J. 19/1/16. Wdd. 2242 Vickers, W. 4. J. 19/1/16. T. to 32nd Bn. 6/4/16. Ptd. Cpl. Wdd. K. in A., France, 16/3/18. 2019 Vickrage, T. 3. J. 18/8/15. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 2326 Prov.Sgt. Walker, G. A. 5. J. 19/1/16. Ptd. C.S.M. Wdd. K. in A., France, 1/6/18. 1803 Wallis, F. C. 2. J. 18/8/15. T. to 2nd Div. Sig. Coy. 14/3/16. Wdd. 2243 Wallis, S. 4. J. 29/12/15. 1602 Wardlaw, A. C. 1. J. 18/8/15. T. to Aust. Provo. Corps 5/8/17. Ptd. E.R. 2nd Cpl. Wdd. 2007 Warner, S. E. 3. J. 12/10/15. T. to 7th M.G. Coy. 3/3/16. Ptd. Cpl. Wdd. 2333 Prov.Cpl. Warrington, A. V. 5. J. 19/1/16. T. to 51st Bn. 3/3/16. Apptd. 2nd Lieut. 19/12/17. Ptd. Lieut. Wdd. 3 occ. 1599 Watson, J. 1. J. 18/8/15. T. to 2nd Pnr. Bn. 12/3/16. Apptd. Dr. 2008 Watson, T. D. 3. J. 12/10/15. Wdd. 1915 and 2nd occ. D. of Ill., England, 30/10/17. 2247 Webb, S. A. 4. J. 19/1/16. Ptd. Sgt. Wdd. 1631 Webb, W. J. 1. J. 18/8/15. T. to 2nd Div. Sig. Coy. 14/3/16. 2029 Webster, W. D. 3. J. 29/12/15. Apptd. T/Dr. 2330 Wedd, C. G. 5. J. 19/1/16. T. to 51st Bn. 3/3/16. Ptd. Sgt. K. in A., France, 3/9/16. 1794 Weeks, E. S. 2. J. 2/10/15. Wdd. 2010 Weir, J. 3. J. 12/10/15. Wdd. 1915. 2009 West, C. H. G. 3. J. 12/10/15. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 1795 White, C. 2. J. 12/10/15. Ptd. L/Cpl. Wdd. D. of Wds., Belgium, 2/11/17. 1597 White, G. M. 1. J. 18/8/15. Ptd. Cpl. Wdd. 2 occ. 2011 Whittaker, F. F. 3. J. 29/12/15. 2246 Wicks, F. C. 4. J. 19/1/16. K. in A., France, 29/7/16. 1604 Cpl. Williams, A. B. 1. J. 18/8/15. T. to I.C. Corps 30/1/16. 2244 Williams, C. A. 4. J. 19/1/16. T. to Aust. Wireless Signal Squadron 4/1/18. Wdd. 1596 Williams, C. H. 1. J. 18/8/15. 1797 Williams, E. A. 2. J. 12/10/15. 2012 Williams, J. M. H. 3. J. 29/12/15. Ptd. L/Sgt. 1799 Williams, S. 2. J. 12/10/15. K. in A., France, 4-6/8/16. 1601 Williams, S. H. 1. J. 18/8/15. Wdd. 1614 Wilson, C. H. 1. J. 18/8/15. 1615 Wilson, T. H. R. 1. J. 18/8/15. Ptd. Cpl. 2013 Withnell, J. E. 3. J. 29/12/15. 1605 Wood, J. J. 1. J. 18/8/15. Wdd. 2 occ. 1800 Woodcock, L. N. 2. J. 12/10/15. 1628 Woods, J. M. 1. J. 18/8/15. Ptd. Cpl. Wdd. 2014 Wragg, D. D. 3. J. 12/10/15. T. to 11th Bn. 24/1/16. Wdd. 1801 Wright, I. R. 2. J. 12/10/15. T. to 17th Fld. Amb. 16/6/17. Rejoined Bn. 28/10/17. Ptd. Cpl. Wdd. K. in A., France, 9/4/18. 2015 Wrighton, A. F. 3. J. 12/10/15; D. of Wds., France, 6/8/16. 2248 Young, T. L. 4. J. 19/1/16. D. of Wds., France, 2/1/17. + -+ + -
- - - - Number Number absorbed of Port by parent unit Rein- of Strength on prior to force- Date Embarka- Name of Embarkation 21/3/1916 ments Embarked tion Transport - Other Other Officers Ranks Officers Ranks - - - - First 5/6/15 Fremantle A2. "Geelong" 1 100 1 97 Second 23/7/15 do. A64. "Demosthenes" 2 150 1 111 Third 2/9/15 do. A68. "Anchises" 2 150 2 142 Fourth 1/10/15 do. A20. "Hororata" 2 151 - 135 Fifth 13/10/15 do. A32. "Themistocles" 2 150 - 87 Sixth 2/11/15 do. A38. "Ulysses" 3 309 - - Seventh 18/1/16 do. A7. "Medic" 3 301 3 15 - - - - -
Total of Reinforcements Nos. 1 to 7 = 15 Officers 1,311 other Ranks. Total of Reinforcements absorbed prior to 21/3/16 = 7 " 587 " Add transfers from other Units 1 " 1 " — —- Total additions to strength 8 " 588 "
Appendix J.
Honours conferred on Original Members of the 28th Battalion.
Companion (C.M.G.): Colonel H. B. Collett.
Brown, Major A. Collett, Colonel H. B. Denson, Major H. R. Read, Lieut.-Colonel G. A. Shorrock, Lieut. J.
Davies, Lieut.-Colonel C. R. Gunn, Hon. Captain J. R.
Allen, Captain L. G. Brown, Major A. Brown, Captain R. Casey, Lieut. R. Coburn, Lieut. A. P. Foss, Captain C. M. Graham, Lieut. N. Hammond, Captain M. G. King, Captain H. C. Lamb, Major C. H. Leaver, Lieut. W. A. McIntyre, Captain J. McIntyre, Captain K. M. G. Nicholls, Captain T. O. Phillips, Major R. C. Shaw, Captain G. D. Smiley, Lieut. H. F. Sundercombe, Captain N. W.
Hammond, Captain M. G. Phillips, Major R. C.
Phillips, Major R. C.
Ahnall, 2nd Lieut. K. Ballingall, Bty. Sgt.-Major C. T. Clark, Coy. Sergt.-Major A. W. Cooper, Private H. W. Farmer, Lance-Corpl. H. Farris, Private R. P. Hall, Lance-Corpl. J. Molloy, Corporal H. Wilson, Sergeant T.
Acres, Lance-Corpl. J. J. Anderson, Sergt. W. Bourne, Bty. Sergt.-Major R. F. Broadbent, Private H. F. Brown, Lance-Sergt. G. J. R. Brown, Private W. T. Cottingham, Private D. Cross, Sergt. M. Dunne, Corpl. M. Fitzpatrick, Sergt. M. M. Franco, Private H. A. Hammond, Captain M. G. Hendrick, Sergt. T. J. Hill, Lieut. A. N. Hopkins, Lieut. J. Jerry, 2nd Lieut. A. Jones, Driver G. B. Keeley, Sergt. W. J. Leaver, Lieut. W. A. Lenegan, Private J. W. McAuliffe, Corpl. D. Piggott, Lieut. W. C. Powell, 2nd Lieut. G. E. Scott, Private J. Seymour, Lance-Sergt. H. L. Stewart, Lance-Sergt. A. Thomas, Private W. N. Trenorden, Corpl. L. C. Walker, Private R. Watson, Sergt. J. E. Wilson, Sergt. W. L. Winters, Corpl. B. Wright, Private L.
McAuliffe, Corpl. D.
Brown, Lance-Sergt. J. W. Goffin, Sergt. J. Simmonds, Driver H.
Major E. G. Glyde. Private A. J. Sweeting.
Captain J. J. S. Scouler.
Lieut.-Colonel G. A. Read.
Private H. A. Franco.
The Compiler will be grateful if readers will point out to him, in writing, any errors in the narrative or inaccuracies and omissions in the personal records of members.
The completion of this volume was delayed considerably through difficulty in obtaining the required information. For the second volume a good deal of material is already in hand, but success cannot be ensured unless ex-members will co-operate with the 28th Battalion Association Committee and the Compiler.
In the many actions in which the Battalion fought, no single person could possibly observe all that happened. To give a complete picture it is therefore necessary that the stories should be set down by as many individuals as care to contribute. From their accounts a full and accurate narrative can be constructed. Lengthy writings are not required, nor need any contributor worry about style. It will be sufficient to merely set down actual occurrences and give the names of persons and places, also the dates and times. Anecdotes with reference to any Member of the Battalion are valuable and serve to lighten the story.
The following notes are made for the purpose of assisting the memories of those who are willing to help:—
I. FRANCE, 1916.—Marseilles to Thiennes. Steenbecque, Morbecque, Hazebrouck, Erquingham, Armentieres, Rue Marle, Bois Grenier, Lille Post, l'Epinette, First Raid, Rue Dormoire, Red Lodge, Messines, La Plus Douve Farm. Move to Somme, Bertangles, Amiens, Warloy, The Brickfields, La Boisselle, Pozieres, Ypres, Flers, Geudecourt, Waterlot Farm.
II. FRANCE, 1917.—Le Sars, Warlencourt, Malt Trench, Lagnicourt, Bapaume, Bullecourt, Noreuil, Senlis, Renescure, Passchendaele, Reninghelst, Swan Area, Broodseinde Ridge, Dickebusch, Albert Redoubt, Fletre, Steenvoorde, Aldershot Camp, Red Lodge, Neuve Eglise, Warneton Sector, Romarin Camp.
III. FRANCE, 1918.—Warneton Sector, Kortepyp Camp, Romarin, Locre, Le Waast. Return to Somme, Ville-sur-Ancre, Morlancourt, Monument Wood, Villers-Bretonneux, Herleville Ridge, Mt. St. Quentin, Haut Allaines, Beaurevoir. The Armistice. Move to and stay at Charleroi. Demobilising. Quotas. Journey to England.
IV. Waiting for transports. Voyage to Australia.
V. Incidents in Billets. The French and Belgian peasantry.
VI. Schools of Instruction in France and England.
VII. Tours of duty in Training Camps in England.
VIII. Description and incidents of Hospital life.
IX. Occurrences and places visited whilst on leave.
X. Happenings to officers and men who, after enlisting in the 28th Battalion, were transferred to other units.
XI. Experiences of Prisoners of War.
The Compiler would welcome any spare photographs of persons, places, and events, which are likely to be of general interest. It is particularly desirable to secure portraits of all those Members who were decorated for gallant service or were, for other reasons, well known in the Unit.
Page 175.—Opposite the name of Lamb, C. H., delete "Mentioned in Despatches."
Page 196.—Opposite the name of Rickman, F. O., add "Mentioned in Despatches."
Page 206.—Opposite the name of Fox, J. A., add "Mentioned in Despatches."
Page 207.—Opposite the name of Green, G., delete "T. to Y.M.C.A., Ptd. Hon. Lieut. 1/5/18," and insert "Apptd. 2nd Lieut. 6/1/19. Ptd. Lieut."
Transcriber's Note: Typographical errors corrected in text: Page ix commmencement changed to commencement Page xiv Ausonia changed to Ansonia Page 54 platooon changed to platoon Page 115 befel changed to befell Page 192 Ivalided changed to Invalided Page 192 bombadier changed to bombardier Page 202 1/71/6 changed to 1/7/16 Page 219 DANILLO changed to DANILO Errata mentioned on last page of book has been corrected in the text.