"I said to him: 'Sergeant-Major, that's not your job.' He replied: 'I know that, sir, but I couldn't help it.' Poor Powney was wounded later in the day, and died of his wounds.
"The advance to the second objective started promptly, but the Hun fought hard for a time, and held us up. Every bush seemed to contain a machine gun, and a redoubt on our left front caused us many casualties. This redoubt contained several machine guns, with overhead cover, and a first-aid post. As soon as the C.O. received news of this check he sent up two reserve Lewis guns. These worked round the redoubt, and, finding an opening, killed most of the garrison, and then rushed it. The survivors fled, but Sergeant Royston found one of their own guns was still in action, and finished them off with it.
"DEALING WITH COUNTER-ATTACKS.—The final objective was quickly reached and consolidated, and for a while our men had a pleasant time dealing with counter-attacks from the front. The field of fire was good, and they quickly dealt with all the attempts made to push us back. Our casualties, though, were very heavy, particularly amongst officers. At one time 'A' Company was commanded by Lance-Corporal Goodman, and another company by a C.S.M.
"Then the Hun artillery got busy on the wood, which was, of course, an ideal mark. For the rest of the day they simply poured heavy shells in. It was pretty terrible. Trees were torn up by the dozens, and fell blazing. By the end of the day there was nothing but shattered stumps.
"The Medical Officer had a busy time, and owing to the barrage could not evacuate his wounded. The aid post was filled, and the overflow had to be put in shell-holes round about. The consequence was that many of them were killed as they lay there. Owing to the barrage, too, the sending of messages back to Brigade headquarters and the companies in front became almost impossible. Out of sixteen headquarter runners no fewer than fourteen became casualties before mid-day.
"One message was sent back by carrier pigeon, and a message received from the Brigadier read: 'Hold on. Reinforcements are being sent.' The reply of the C.O. was: 'Of course we shall hold on. We are being hammered, but our tails are still up.'
"As the day wore on many efforts were made to get round our flanks and turn us out. Bombing parties crept up, and had to be dealt with by our bombers. It was in one of these tussles that Jerry Delany (the famous boxer) was killed.
"At one time word came from our comrades on the right that the Hun had broken through. So we sent over a party to their assistance, and finally repelled the attackers. We spent the whole of the afternoon and evening in this way, but when our relief came up that night we handed over the wood intact.
"The scene at night was awful, the wood being ablaze in many places. I read messages and wrote out the relief orders by the light of a blazing tree, which had fallen across the shell-hole then being occupied by Battalion headquarters.
"During the night our Brigadier came up and held a conference in our shell-hole. One of our men, Corporal Walker, who was attached to the Brigade Machine-Gun Company, came to this conference, and when asked by the Brigadier what he wanted, replied: 'I have reason to believe, sir, I now command the Machine-Gun Company.' This was actually the case, and he brought the remnants out, being badly wounded in doing so.
"We were relieved by the 6th Brigade, and at dawn returned to our quarters at Bernefay—that is to say, those of us who were left. Our casualties were nearly 400, over 60 per cent, of those who went in. Out of eighteen officers who went into the wood, thirteen became casualties, every company commander being included in this number, while the 1/60th suffered equally heavily.
"As I was making out our casualty return in our headquarters' shell-hole by the light of the blazing trees, our Quartermaster appeared with the rations. He threw a newspaper down to me, with the remark: 'You'll find something interesting in that.' I opened the paper, and found a full column describing how the South Africans took Delville Wood!
"When we were moving back into support, I noticed a horrible smell, and found it was due to the fact that almost every man was smoking a Hun cigar, large quantities of which had been found in the trenches, together with large quantities of soda-water.
"One of the Hun officer prisoners remarked that our advance through the wood was the finest thing they ever saw, but that he objected to being captured by civilians."
* * * * *
SOME LIGHTER STORIES.—Another story of Delville Wood, introducing the M.O.
"During the Delville Wood show a captured Hun Red Cross man was lending a hand in the Battalion aid post. Suddenly a scuffle was heard on the steps of the dug-out, and the prisoner went to see what was the matter. 'What's happened?' asked Doc. Isaac, busily engaged in bandaging a wounded man.
"'Oh, it's only some of those b—— Bosches!' was the reply...."
* * * * *
There were many middle-aged men in the First Sportsman's. This introduces one of them.
"The Battalion was marching down the main street of Carnoy when a charming French girl of about eighteen dashed into the line of route, evidently with the idea of 'parleyvooing' with one of the young sports. She commenced in a breezy manner chatting with my father, a youngster of fifty, not noting, at first, his grey hair. Suddenly he turned his head toward her and smiled. 'Oh, papa!' she ejaculated, and fled...."
* * * * *
The Quartermaster is a noted personage in the Army. This is to introduce him.
"While the Battalion was at Aix Neulette the transport came under shell-fire one morning. The shells came nearer and nearer, in a direct line with the water-carts, highly polished, the pride of the corporal in charge. The personnel eventually thought fit to take shelter in an adjacent shell-hole until the Hun had finished his unpleasant pranks.
"Over came the fifth shell with a whistle and a scream, and—bang!—up went the two carts in the air, while shell fragments flew all over the place. Hanging on a line were various articles of washing, the clean clothes of the water-cart crew. These were in the line of fire, and as a consequence were well perforated.
"Now comes the sequel. They were taken to the Quartermaster on the following morning, and, so it is said, he refused to replace them on the ground that the holes were not the result of fair wear and tear!..."
* * * * *
Two gentlemen rankers are introduced here.
"After some months of hard roughing it, two of the Battalion cooks decided to apply, modestly, for commissions. So they duly appeared before the Colonel. But the summons to attend did not give them time in which to get out of their cooking rig, and the sergeant paraded them in their old overalls.
"'Hem. Where were you educated?' asked the Colonel of one man.
"'Rugby and Oxford,' was the reply.
"'And what were you in private life?' asked the Colonel, turning to the other.
"'A painter.'
"'A painter?' queried the Colonel.
"'Yes, sir. I have exhibited at the Royal Academy....'"
* * * * *
Many Germans left London when the war started, to fight against us. This is one of them, turned up as a prisoner.
"We were up the line one day when a patrol brought in a Hun prisoner. Of course we wanted information, for we were expecting an attack of some sort that very night. So we hauled our man up before the C.O. and started asking him questions. We tried him in German, and got no reply. We tried French with him, and it had no result. Then, seeing he was eyeing a water-bottle eagerly, I suddenly thought he might be thirsty.
"'Ask him if he would like a drink,' I suggested.
"'I should,' came the reply, in quite as good English as I could have spoken myself. Naturally I was surprised, and I asked him where he had learnt his English.
"'In London, sir,' was the rejoinder. 'I worked as a barber close to Holborn for years.'
"We gave him a little drink of whisky, and he told us there would be no attack that night. But we took no chances. A guard, with fixed bayonet, was placed over him, and he was told in English that he would be the first to get his medicine if he had played us false.
"He had not, however. No attack was made, and he was sent back behind the lines to the 'cage' next day...."
* * * * *
Overheard in the ranks on the march up the Cambrai Road in a snow-storm to take over at Bourlon Wood.
"Italy!" said the Doc. "It looks more like being another b—— Wood!"
"Reported missing."
Many poignant memories attach to such a bald announcement as this. Dead—probably a prisoner of war—perhaps. And there have been those who would have preferred, had they had the chance, of a death under the open sky to imprisonment under the Hun.
In the diary of a 23rd Royal Fusilier, "Mr. Brooks, the schoolmaster," as he was once dubbed by his captors, tells the story of how he was made a prisoner, his detention by the enemy, and his eventual return home.
The arrival of a parcel, he says, was a red-letter event; the problem of how much to eat at a time, and how much to save out of his rations for the provision of another apology of a meal, was a big one. Boiled nettles and dandelions for dinner and tea on Whit Sunday, 1917, proves what the fare actually was; quarters of eggs were unaccustomed luxuries. "I have picked mouldy crusts off the ground, and prunes off dust-heaps," he says.
Dry bread and tea was a luxurious meal; beards had to be cut, or pulled out by means of borrowed scissors; one loaf, and a small one at that, had to prove sufficient for the needs of five men; there were occasional intervals of twenty-two hours between meals. "We were thinking of nothing but food," he explains. All this time, too, the prisoners were engaged in heavy manual work, humping bricks, loading and stacking hay, and so on.
While in hospital, "Mr. Brooks, the schoolmaster," sold his boots for tobacco and his socks for bread, and he mixed his jam ration with coffee in order to eke it out. "Personally, I am hungry all day long," is how he describes his feelings. "I bought about one-sixth of a loaf for seventeen cigarettes."
"I was rather slow in getting into bed," is how he describes another of his experiences, "and the German orderly picked up my satchel and hurled it against the wall, open as it was, at the risk of spilling its contents."
He pays a deep tribute to the humanity of the French who were still living in the occupied territory; the Belgians he met were also kind; some Germans showed traces of feeling, others were no better than brutes....
Here, however, are actual extracts from the diary itself. They speak for themselves.
"Three or four Germans began to advance, and it seemed to me that the question which had been at the back of my mind since a second or two after the first opening of the guns, Was this the end? was about to be answered....
"With many signs to hasten, my German hurried me on. Soon, with three others, I found myself by poor old Bill Shoebridge, a good old grumbler of some fifty summers, who had been cruelly sent out to us in December, and had kept his end up well, with, at times, many grumblings. He was painfully hit above the knee....
"We came to the village, yet unsmashed, but showing signs that it had received a knock or two. OPPY was printed in black letters on white boards in various places, and after wondering for some time what Oppy meant I found it was the name of a place.... We were then marched off, and after some more wandering found ourselves in a kitchen with two or three Germans, who looked quite comfortable, well fed, and at home....
"The Germans we saw almost all regarded us kindly, though many of them had something of mockery in their looks. We now began to see a few of the French inhabitants. They are splendid. Willingly they give us all they can spare, and much that they cannot. Were it not for the fact that they are not allowed to give, and that all their gifts have to be sub rosa, we should, I think, want for little....
"Then came the first unpleasant incident. A poor Frenchwoman rushed out and gave a loaf to one of us. One of the guards, a boy of about nineteen, snatched it out of his hands, and threw it on the pavement in front of the woman.
"At Phalemphin station we were all included in a party of eighty. We were addressed in English by a German officer. The gist of his remarks was that we were to be marched to our destination, and that any man who tried to escape would be incontinently shot, also that any man who did not behave would be punished....
"After this day, Saturday, April 28, for more than five and a half weeks, day in and day out, we left our prison between 6.15 and 6.40, struck work and returned for dinner between 11.15 and 1.30, according to the job, left the prison at 1.30 (if we had not arrived for dinner until after 1 we got extra time), and struck work any time between 5.30 and 10.30....
"In our (British) lines if one (a prisoner of war) has to work extra time, one always gets time off to compensate, also one has plenty of food to work on. Here, extra work carried no compensations. The work, especially latterly, was mainly unloading trucks, pushing the trucks about, and packing the contents of the trucks in various stores.
"In the yard were always parties of French and Belgians working, and, if allowed, they would have given us their souls. At the commencement of our stay, however, we were told to take nothing from the French, and it was certainly not many days before we found it was almost impossible to take anything from them because the penalty was so great. Whenever the French and the Belgians did get a chance they availed themselves of it....
"Let us never forget that we also got things from the Germans. Until we reached Phalemphin we had received no rough or cruel treatment whatever....
"At Douai our gaolers were without exception friendly and kind; at Lille our gaolers were taciturn, and when they did speak, though loud and threatening in words, laid hands on no man. We were, therefore, expecting no man-handling, and it came as a fearful shock. It is my impression that man-handling began in about four days' time, but it may be that some smaller incident, such as being thumped in the back by the guard, had passed unnoticed as being mere playfulness on their part.
"As to man-handling, it began slowly and increased in frequency, and I think in severity, as the time went on, until, to me at any rate, it became somewhat of a nightmare. Within a week of our arrival at Phalemphin the guard would rush at, beat, strike, or kick any man who had a pipe or cigarette in his mouth while we were being counted in the yard....
"Suddenly the man in charge in that part of the yard appeared. It was the first time I had seen him. Judging from first impressions, he was a quiet, self-contained, steady kind of man, rather like the great 'Agrippa' in 'Shock-headed Peter' to look at.... Suddenly the man changed, and with a sudden rush was amongst us.
"'Agrippa,' thinking he was being disparaged, flew at Barber and struck him violently two or three times in the face. One of our sergeants, named Morley, remonstrated, and in a second 'Agrippa' had struck him two or three times in the face....
"I don't know what you would think of one and a half spoonfuls of jam, or grease, or preserved meat, or half an uncooked herring for the only thing to eat daily in addition to dry bread and a bowl of soup at midday, but such are our rations, and I can tell you that by now one has got to look forward to the day's issue as a very big thing....
"The first 'tying up' shows him, the sergeant-major, at his best as a wise judge, jury, and executioner.... The method of tying up was as follows: In the garden behind our barn were some trees. The man had to stand with his feet close together and his back to the tree; he was then tied to the tree by a strap round the ankles.
"His hands were tied together behind his back and the strap passed round the tree. The third strap was the worst; it was tied round the man's neck, and tied tightly round the tree, so that the back of the man's head was against the tree.
"Of course, a good deal depended upon the guard—some guards would tie all the straps lightly, some would tie some men tight and others loose, and so on. The most popular tree for tying men up to was not straight, so that being tied up tightly to it was no joke, as I can vouch for....
"A favourite pastime of the sergeant-major was to come and watch the men at work. Then, indeed, did everyone buck up.... On one occasion I saw him mercilessly belabour an Australian boy with his stick. The boy had not been able to respond quickly enough to his order.
"Well, it is six months to-morrow since I had an English meal. (This is written in hospital.) The last three days I have tried the tip of having a drink of coffee at breakfast-time, and having my breakfast between 8.30 and 10, but I don't know that it is any better. Strange are the ways of this hospital—no soap and no clean bedding since I came in.
"Sometimes peace and go as you please, sometimes every little rule fussed about. Clothes and food are not in any way satisfactory, but one is getting a rest, and that is what one should remember.... Suspense. Waiting with, oh, how many hopes and fears, for that parcel to turn up. Hungrier and hungrier, and with the dread of tobacco running out...."
Then in conclusion comes a pathetic little personal note.
"I have never read this through since I returned in December, 1918. Seeing the mention of Bull a few pages back reminds me that I afterwards heard he had died in hospital. I wrote to his wife on my return, and found she was a widow.
"The Germans reported that her husband had died from wounds in Mons Hospital. I was with him all through August, and he had no wounds. I saw him in hospital in November, and he had no wounds, only boils. So I do not see how he died of wounds."
-+ + + - Date of Rank. Name. Award or Decoration, etc. Mention. -+ + + - Capt. Bull, F.G. 4. 6.17 Military Cross Capt. Bull, F.G. 26. 7.17 Bar to M.C. Major Bowyer, C.H. 4. 4.17 Chevalier de la Coronne Major Bowyer, C.H. 13. 3.18 D.S.O. Capt. Barr, A.J. 11. 5.17 Military Cross Lieut. Colman, L.H. 9. 4.17 Mentioned in Despatches Capt. Gardner, A.S. 17. 4.17 Military Cross Capt. Humfrey, A.A.P. 13. 2.17 Military Cross Capt. Humfrey, A.A.P. 17. 4.17 Bar to M.C. Capt. Hilder, M.L. 11. 5.17 Military Cross Capt. Isaac, E.E. 20.10.16 Military Cross (R.A.M.C.) Capt. Isaac, E.E. 17. 4.17 Bar to M.C. (R.A.M.C.) Major Lewis, N.A. 13. 2.17 Military Cross Major Lewis, N.A. 17. 4.17 Bar to M.C. Major Lewis, N.A. 26. 7.17 D.S.O. Major Lewis, N.A. 7.11.17 Mentioned in Despatches Lieut. Moore, E.A. 22. 5.17 Mentioned in Despatches Lieut. Milsom, M.G. 26. 7.17 Military Cross Capt. Spencer, H. 15. 6.16 Mentioned in Despatches Capt. Spencer, H. 1. 1.17 Military Cross Capt. Spencer, H. 7.11.17 Mentioned in Despatches Capt. Spencer, H. 7. 4.18 Mentioned in Despatches Capt. Spencer, H. 8. 7.19 Mentioned in Despatches Lt.-Col. Vernon, H.A. (From 22. 2.16 Croix de Chevalier 1st K.R.R. Corps) Lt.-Col. Vernon, H.A. (From 20.10.16 D.S.O. 1st K.R.R. Corps) Lt.-Col. Vernon, H.A. (From 4. 1.17 Mentioned in Despatches 1st K.R.R. Corps) Lt.-Col. Winter, E.A. 1. 1.17 Military Cross Lt.-Col. Winter, E.A. 7.11.17 Mentioned in Despatches Lt.-Col. Winter, E.A. 1. 1.18 D.S.O. Lt.-Col. Winter, E.A. 23. 7.18 Bar to D.S.O. Lt.-Col. Winter, E.A. 8.11.18 Mentioned in Despatches Capt. Wiggen, R.H. 20.10.16 Military Cross Lieut. Anderson, J. McC. 8. 3.19 Military Cross Lieut. Cashman, J. 8.11.18 Mentioned in Despatches Capt. Cluff, W.B. 23. 7.18 Military Cross 2/Lieut. De Ritter, J.R. 15. 2.19 Military Cross 2/Lieut. James, C.F. 8. 3.19 Military Cross Lieut. Phipps, G.C. 8. 3.19 Military Cross 2/Lieut. Bird, H. Mc. 18. 2.18 Military Cross 2/Lieut. Brownlee. J. 18. 2.18 Military Cross Lieut. Carr, J.W. 3. 6.18 Military Cross Lieut. Carr, J. W 8.11.18 Mentioned in Despatches 2/Lieut. Colbourne, J. 8.11.18 Mentioned in Despatches. Lieut. Driscoll, J. 9. 1.18 Military Cross. (Award also mentioned in Lon Gaz., dated 26.9.17) Capt. Goodman, S.T. 12. 2.18 Military Cross A/Capt. Gore, J.T., D.C.M., 2.12.18 Military Cross M.M. Lieut. Maxfield, S.C. 18. 2.18 Military Cross 2/Lieut. McLean, A. 2.12.18 Military Cross A/Capt. Royston, E. 8.11.18 Mentioned in Despatches Lieut. Sizen, R. 18. 2.18 Military Cross Lieut. Sizen, R. 23. 7.18 Bar to M.C. Lieut. Skinner, T.E. 18. 2.18 Military Cross Capt. Taylor, H.A. 1. 1.18 Military Cross 2/Lieut. Woodford, R.D.L. 8. 3.19 Military Cross Major Rogers, H.P. 8. 3.19 D.S.O. -+ + + -
- - Regtl. Date of No. Rank. Name. Award or Decoration, etc. Mention. - - 115 Cpl. Albany, W. 21.10.16 Military Medal 1495 L/Cpl. Anderson, D. 21.10.16 Military Medal 1657 Sgt. Bell, T.T. 10.10.16 Military Medal 1657 Sgt. Bell, T.T. 5. 1.17 Bar to M.M. 82231 Pte. Bate, F.T. 11. 2.19 Military Medal 1375 Pte. Beaven, F.L. 17. 4.17 Military Medal 48041 Pte. Becks, J.W. 13. 3.18 Military Medal 88156 Cpl. Bryden, T. 24. 4.17 Military Medal Old No. 1278 61952 Cpl. Buery, W. J 17. 9.17 Military Medal 4502 Pte. Bull, W. 29. 1.19 French Croix de Guerre 4502 Pte. Bull, W. 11. 2.19 Military Medal 1358 Sgt. Carmichael, D.C. 10.10.16 Military Medal 1473 Pte. Clarke, C. 21.10.16 Military Medal 20906 L/Cpl. Carter, A. 13. 3.18 Military Medal 619 C.Q.M.S. Catley, C.K. 18. 7.17 Military Medal 351 Sgt. Clark, A.E. 17. 6.18 M.S. Medal 7332 L/Cpl. Clark, E. 17. 4.17 Military Medal 7332 L/Cpl. Clark, E. 18. 7.17 Bar to M.M. 7028 Pte. Clark, J.G. 13. 3.18 Military Medal 1079 Sgt. Cochrane, J. 17. 4.17 Military Medal 1079 Sgt. Cochrane, J. 13. 3.18 Bar to M.M. 216 L/Cpl. Collings, J. 16. 7.18 Military Medal 6025 L/Sgt. Cornish, J.A. 18. 7.17 Military Medal 18783 Pte. Cramb, J.J. Not Military Medal stated. 7613. L/Cpl. Crompton, J.B. 19.11.17 Military Medal 390 L/Cpl. Crozier, F.D. 16. 7.18 Military Medal 390 L/Cpl. Crozier, F.D. ? Bar to M.M. 856 Pte. Diamond, J.A. 5. 1.17 Military Medal 1861 L/Cpl. Davies, A.E. 24. 4.17 Military Medal 1123 Cpl. Dennis, H.G. 9. 4.17 Mentioned in Despatches 1123 Cpl. Dennis, H.G. 18. 7.17 Military Medal 975 Sgt. Dobinson, C.R. 18. 1.19 M.S. Medal 1405 C.Q.M.S. Donn, R. 7.11.17 Mentioned in Despatches 1405 C.Q.M.S. Donn, R. 17. 6.18 M.S. Medal 1649 Pte. Dossett, H.E. 19. 9.17 Military Medal 3185 Pte. Downing, J.T. 18. 7.17 Military Medal 48150 Cpl. East. A. 14.12.17 Military Medal 229431 Pte. Ervin, J.H. 16. 7.18 Military Medal 152 R.Q.M.S. Essex, P.C. 9. 4.17 Mentioned in Despatches 4179 L/Sgt. Fisher, E. 17. 9.17 Military Medal 74823 R.S.M. Franey, S.H. 1. 1.19 D.C. Medal 13632 Sgt. Freelove, W.A. 18. 7.17 Military Medal 1244 Sgt. Goodfellow, H. 21.10.16 Military Medal 1217 Sgt. Goodman, S.T. 20.10.16 D.C. Medal 1593 Pte. Gardner, A. 5. 1.17 Military Medal 316 Pte. Garratt, E.V. 21.10.16 Military Medal 1775 Sgt. Gore, J.T. 10.10.16 Military Medal 1775 Sgt. Gore, J.T. 17. 4.17 D.C. Medal 702 Pte. Hopkins, H. 10.10.16 Military Medal 3796 Pte. Hollyer, H.W.D. 5. 1.17 Military Medal 7688 Cpl. Haslam, C. 5. 1.17 Military Medal 61752 Pte. Gower, A. 19. 9.17 Military Medal 9635 Sgt. Harvey, W.R.J. 17. 4.17 Military Medal 2825 Cpl. Hemington, F. 13. 3.18 Military Medal 59592 Pte. Hitchcock, E.J. 16. 7.18 Military Medal 113 L/Cpl. Hope, R. 13. 3.18 Military Medal 3595 Sgt. Horton, T. 16. 7.18 Military Medal 51156 Sgt. Jackson, A.G. 16. 7.18 Military Medal 3419 Sgt. Jones, C. 13. 3.18 Military Medal 4500 Pte. Jones, F. 17. 9.17 Military Medal 4500 Pte. Jones, F. 15. 4.18 Belgian Croix de Guerre 48325 A/C.S.M. Jones, T.B. 18. 7.17 Military Medal 1967 L/Cpl. King, G.W. 17. 4.17 D.C. Medal 151 Pte. Kirby, F.D. 18. 7.17 Military Medal 3592 Pte. Kirk, H. 14. 3.16 D.C. Medal 63095 A/Sgt. Lawes, G. 11. 2.19 Military Medal 1257 C.S.M. Leith, E. 16. 7.18 Military Medal 4322 Cpl. Leveritt, H. 18. 7.17 Military Medal 646 Sgt. Lindsay, C.W. 13. 3.18 Military Medal 57987 Pte. Little, J. 6. 8.18 Military Medal 9172 Cpl. Lord, B.D. 17. 4.17 Military Medal 275 C.S.M. Lewis, R. 8. 8.16 Military Medal 275 C.S.M. Lewis, R. 17. 4.17 Bar to M.M. 533 Sgt. Lewis, M. 10.10.16 Military Medal 1293 L/Cpl. Little, J. 21.10.16 Military Medal 3533 L/Sgt. MacDonald, R.V. 26. 7.17 D.C. Medal 773 R.Q.M.S. Madgwick, H. 17. 4.17 Military Medal 51270 Pte. Mallon, W.J.A. 8.11.18 Mentioned in Despatches 229467 Pte Marchbank, R. 16. 7.18 Military Medal 564 Sgt. McCowan, T.E. 5. 1.17 Military Medal 564 Sgt. McCowan, T.E. 26. 7.17 D.C. Medal 57184 Sgt. McDiarmiad, J. 13. 3.18 Military Medal 1314 Sgt. Nunn, H.E. 9. 4.17 Mentioned in Despatches 57185 Cpl. Orme, J. 11. 2.19 Military Medal 49288 Sgt. Parsons, J.L. 26. 7.17 D.C. Medal 357 Sgt. Payne, E.A. 8.11.18 Mentioned in Despatches 687 L/Sgt. Penfold, R.F. 7. 4.18 Mentioned in Despatches 269 R.S.M. Pilkington, F. 4. 6.17 D.C. Medal 1242 Sgt. Plummer, V. 13. 3.18 Military Medal 1242 Sgt. Plummer, V. 16. 7.18 Bar to M.M. 57350 Sgt. Purgavie, W.R. 13. 3.18 Military Medal 3826 L/Sgt. Randall, P.T. 18. 7.17 Military Medal 1024 Pte. Rhodes, L.M.L. 21.10.16 Military Medal 89197 Pte. Raymond, F. 17. 6.18 M.S. Medal 7896 C.Q.M.S. Read, F.C. 17. 6.18 M.S. Medal 1997 Sgt. Reynolds, R. 17. 4.17 Military Medal 12463 L/Sgt. Rowley, E.G. 24. 4.17 Military Medal 375 Sgt. Royston, E. 9. 4.17 Mentioned in Despatches 375 Sgt. Royston, E. 26. 5.17 Italian Bronze Medal for Military Valour 1719 C.S.M. Rutherford, P.J. 16. 2.17 Military Medal 1340 L/Cpl. Sutherland, W.L. 21.10.16 Military Medal 4680 Pte. Sears, H.R. 21.10.16 Military Medal 1258 Sgt. Sadd, C.W.H. 17. 4.17 D.C. Medal 2337 Q.M.S. Sarginson, R.H. 1. 1.18 M.S. Medal 7964 Pte. Saxton, J.B. 19.11.17 Military Medal 7964 Pte. Saxton, J.B. 11. 2.19 Bar to M.M. 7415 Sgt. Shepard, H. 13. 3.18 Military Medal 63073 L/Cpl. Smith, A. 13. 3.18 Military Medal 60911 Pte. Sparrowhawk, A. 16. 7.18 Military Medal 1318 Sgt. Spowage, P.H. 16. 7.18 Military Medal 1618 A/R.S.M. Stafford, W.D. 1. 1.18 M.S. Medal 1618 A/R.S.M. Stafford, W.D. 3. 9.18 D.C. Medal 1398 Sgt. Steggal, R.F. 11. 5.17 D.C. Medal 49304 Sgt. Stirrups, A.T. 17. 4.17 Military Medal 1296 Pte. Thomas, T.W. 5. 1.17 Military Medal 4109 L/Cpl. Thomas, A. 17. 4.17 Military Medal 48089 Cpl. Thompson, P. 11. 2.19 Military Medal 4114 Sgt. Walters, T.S. 11. 2.19 Military Medal 183 Cpl. Webber, A.E. 18. 1.19 M.S. Medal 8736 Cpl. Webster, R.G. 26. 4.17 Military Medal 8736 Cpl. Webster, R.G. 18. 7.17 Bar to M.M. 12315 Sgt. Weller, C. 17. 9.17 Military Medal 60918 L/Cpl. Weston, A. 11. 2.19 Military Medal 5915 C.S.M. Wheeler, F.E. 7.11.17 Mentioned in Despatches 5915 C.S.M. Wheeler, F.E. 1. 5.18 D.C. Medal 49479 Pte. White, C. 18. 7.17 Military Medal 1795 Pte. Wilks, E.L. 17. 4.17 Military Medal 186 Sgt. Wingate, T.C. 17. 4.17 Military Medal 1886 Sgt. Wood, W.F. 24. 4.17 Military Medal 1441 A/C.S.M. Woodward, E.M.M. 15.11.18 D.C. Medal 14681 Sgt. Wren, H.G. 16. 7.18 Military Medal 211 Cpl. Wright, T.H. 13. 3.18 Military Medal 4127 L/Cpl. Walker, V.D. 21.10.16 Military Medal 165 Sgt. Woollett, C. 10.10.16 Military Medal 569 L/Cpl. White, W.H. 5. 1.17 Military Medal - -
-+ -+ + Rank. Name. Date of Remarks. Death. -+ -+ + Lieut. Aris, T.A. 16. 4.17 2/Lieut. Bushell, R.H.C. 27. 7.16 Lieut. Carpenter, C. 17. 2.17 2/Lieut. Chubb, T. 17. 2.17 2/Lieut. De Beck, G.C. 18. 2.17 2/Lieut. Green, L.A. 13.11.16 Capt. Hayward, C.B. 27. 7.16 Capt. Hilder, M.L. 3. 5.17 Capt. Johnson, R.D. 6. 7.16 2/Lieut. Kentfield, E.N. 17. 2.17 Capt. Lissaman, A.J. 13. 4.17 2/Lieut. Morris, R.M. 17. 2.17 2/Lieut. Oliver, E.A. 27. 7.16 Capt. Ranken, D.C. 27. 7.16 Capt. Rattray, D.L. 17. 2.17 2/Lieut. Symonds, A. 17. 2.17 2/Lieut. Taylor, E.F.H. 27. 7.17 Capt. Wiggen, R.H. 17. 2.17 2/Lieut. Balbirnie, J.V.E. 7. 9.18 2/Lieut. Burgess, R.C. 3. 5.17 Missing 3.5.17. Death accepted as having occurred on or since 3.5.17, on lapse of time. 2/Lieut. Cornes, H.P.G. 27. 9.17 A/Capt. Coull, J.F. 30. 9.18 2/Lieut. Davies, D.F. 15. 4.18 2/Lieut. Dixon, R.E.L. 8. 5.18 2/Lieut. Freeston, C.A.E. 25. 3.18 Reported wd. and missing 25.3.18. Death accepted as having occurred on or since. Capt. Fugeman, W.A. 1.12.17 2/Lieut Jackson, A.R. 25. 4.18 2/Lieut. Jackson, W. 30. 9.18 2/Lieut. Pratt, W.G.J. 28. 9.17 2/Lieut. Sanders, F.J. 6. 8.18 Died of wds. at 3 Can. St. Hosp. 2/Lieut. Smith, A.W. 7. 9.18 2/Lieut. Wells, F.B. 10.10.18 Died of wds. at 46 C.C.S. -+ -+ +
- - Regtl. Rank. Name. Date of Remarks. No. Death. - - 115 Cpl. Albany, W. 2. 8.16 Died of wds. 5 C.C.S. 4197 L/Cpl. Arnold, E.L. 13.11.16 4429 Pte. Ayers, E.R. 27. 7.16 7111 Pte. Allison, G. 1. 8.16 Died of wds. 21 C.C.S. 2409 Pte. Alcock, C.J. 27. 7.16 10689 L/Cpl. Anthony, G.C. 16. 9.16 1208 Pte. Baker, G.F. 13.11.16 Died of wounds at K.R.R. Aid Post. 1585 L/Cpl. Barrett, T. 13.11.16 1881 Pte. Boyce, F.J. 27. 7.16 Reported wd. and missing 27.7.16. Report amended to "Killed in Action." 3935 Pte. Bardell, R.J. 29. 7.16 1585 L/Cpl. Baker, L.F. 14. 8.16 Reported wd. 27.7.16. Trans. to U.K. Subsequently reported by W.O. as having died of wds. at Southwark Military Hosp. 14.8.16. 1380 Pte. Bell, R. 8. 2.16 1739 Pte. Brown, A.E. 17. 9.16 1710 Pte. Brown, G. 27. 7.16 1045 Pte. Black, W.D. 1. 6.16 828 Pte. Bowman, H. 1. 8.16 Died of wounds 1 S. African Gen. Hosp. 1800 Pte. Bown, H.E. 24. 1.16 1847 Pte. Brewer, A.H. 25. 6.16 702 Pte. Burt, T.M. 20. 3.16 4325 Pte. Bradburn, W. 9. 5.16 4421 Pte. Burnip, W. 27. 7.16 2474 Pte. Burnie, J.G. 27. 7.16 2492 Pte. Brandreth, A.K.B. 1.11.16 7275 Pte. Baron. H. 27. 7.16 4621 Pte. Broderick, J.A. 13.11.16 3949 Pte. Brown, A. 27. 7.16 1998 Pte. Burrington, P.C. 13.11.16 10679 Pte. Bardsley, W.M. 13.11.16 13655 Pte. Benn, E. 13.11.16 3779 Pte. Britten, H.A. 13.11.16 1871 Pte. Bennett. F.J. 14.11.16 1068 L/Cpl. Clunas, C. 8. 2.16 1626 Pte. Crone, W.C. 24. 6.16 Wd. 10.5.16. Trans. to U.K. 20.5.16. Subsequently reported "Died of wounds" at Ashbourne Hosp., Sunderland, 24.6.16. 1942 Pte. Cable, M. 14.11.16 1354 Pte. Clarke, E.A. 26. 3.16 Died of wds. 1 Stat. Hosp., Rouen, 23.3.16. 1219 L/Cpl. Conquer, H.G.K. 21. 3.16 1309 L/Cpl. Cross, W. 3. 8.16 796 L/Cpl. Christophers, G.C. 27. 7.16 1957 L/Cpl. Curtis, A.C. 27. 7.16 3756 L/Cpl. Crokett, I. 27. 7.16 3868 Pte. Carey, R.D.A. 1. 3.16 96 Pte. Clarke, F.W. 12. 3.16 Died from wounds 5 Gen. Hosp., Rouen. 4123 Pte. Catlin, H. 27. 7.16 4318 Pte. Crowe, R.J. 27. 7.16 4746 Pte. Coffey, R. 13. 9.16 Died from wounds 100 F.A. 4736 Pte. Cunnington, A.W. 13.11.16 12272 Pte. Cook, A.E. 14.11.16 Died from wounds 14.11.16, 20 C.C.S. Pte. Crickner, J. 14. 9.16 9877 Pte. Alport, S. 19. 1.17 Wd. 16.9.16. Trans. to U.K. 18.9.16. Reported by W.O. as died of wounds 19.1.17 Horton C./Ldn. War Hosp., Epsom. 10669 L/Cpl. Delaney, J. 27. 7.16 1431 Pte. Dobbin, W. 27. 7.16 266 Pte. Doe, H. 10. 2.16 4051 L/Cpl. Dowker, F.H. 27. 7.16 765 Pte. Dandy, A.J. 1.11.16 4370 L/Cpl. Dimant, R.H. 27. 7.16 4206 Pte. Doherty, J.H. 1. 5.16 Died of wounds 69 4456 F.A. 4136 Pte. Darbyshire, H.C. 27. 7.16 1812 Pte. Dodman, A. 2. 8.16 Died of wds. 21 C.C.S. 161 L/Cpl. Davidson, J. 27. 7.16 Wounded in action and missing. 4217 Pte. Daniel, W. 30. 5.16 266 Sgt. Ditzen, O.S. 27. 7.16 1451 Pte. Eley, C.W. 20.12.15 Died of wounds received in action. 4514 Pte. Erwood, F.L. 27. 7.16 478 Pte. Fair, J.P. 3. 8.16 Died of wounds received in action. 1224 Pte. Farren, J.P. 27. 7.16 1245 Pte. Fay, V.T.M. 27. 7.16 2494 Pte. Foster, A.J. 12. 7.16 Died of wds. 7 Gen. Hosp., Stomer. 1834 Pte. Fowler, J.P.A. 12. 6.16 Died of wds. 6 C.C.S. 9101 Pte. Fitton, W. 13.11.16 1244 Cpl. Goodfellow, H. 1. 8.16 3780 Pte. Glasgow, M.R. 27. 7.16 3741 Pte. Garcia, A.R. 27. 7.16 51260 L/Cpl. Grant, A.E. 13.11.16 504 Pte. Hedger, C.A. 27. 7.16 702 Pte. Hopkins, H. 13.11.16 1524 Pte. Hodge, R.N. 27. 7.16 974 Sgt. Hutchinson, D.L. 27. 7.16 1085 L/Cpl. Hanbury, L.F. 27. 7.16 153 Sgt. Head, P.F. 1. 8.16 Died of wds. 21 C.C.S. 225 L/Cpl. Huntley, E. 27. 7.16 1740 Pte. Harrison, H.J. 27. 7.16 4285 Pte. Holmes, M. 27. 7.16 8943 Pte. Harding, H. 27. 7.16 4690 Pte. Harrison, F. 27. 7.16 348 L/Cpl. Hendren, J.M. 27. 7.16 4683 Pte. Hobden, A.G. 17.11.16 Died of wds. 3 C.C.S. 2021 Pte. Heaton, 14.11.16 10535 Pte. Honeyman, G.S. 13.11.16 10664 Pte. Hirst, J.E. 16. 9.16 411 Pte. Hopkins, A. 13.11.16 2066 L/Cpl. Inwood, W.S. 13.11.16 1735 Pte. Johnston, W.H. 27. 7.16 1564 Pte. Jones. R, 9. 5.16 Died of wds. 22 C.C.S. 1688 Pte. Jones, W.D.P. 18.11.16 Died of wds. 3 C.C.S. 274 Pte. Jackson, G. 27. 7.16 1214 L/Cpl. Jeffreys, C.W. 21.11.16 Died of wounds 2 Stationary Hosp. 7778 Pte. Josephs, B. 27. 7.16 4615 Pte. Kelly, W.A. 27. 7.16 8709 Pte. Kibble, 24. 8.16 Died of wds. 100 F.A. 63094 Pte. King, A. 13.11.16 1591 Pte. Loveland, H. 13.11.16 1647 Pte. Littman, S. 27. 7.16 4073 L/Cpl. Lewis, T. 5.10.16 3623 Pte. Lloyd, A. 26. 1.16 3894 Pte. Lindow, W.A. 30. 4.16 4491 Pte. Lynn, W.J. 27. 7.16 8743 Pte. Lucas, A. 29. 5.16 Died of wds. 6 C.C.S. 7502 Pte. Lee, J. 2. 8.16 Died of wds. 13th Corps Main Dressing Station. 4574 Pte. Lambert, A. 13. 9.16 4665 Pte. Lloyd, E.E.H.C. 13.11.16 291 L/Cpl. Morgan, D. 10. 2.16 998 Pte. Macpherson, J.C.B. 5. 3.16 1392 Pte. McKay, A. 7. 5.16 Died of wds. 22 C.C.S. 1796 Pte. Murray, C.F. 16. 6.16 Died of wds. 18 C.C.S. 1878 Pte. McPhail, P. 2. 8.16 Died of wounds 13th Corps Main Dressing Station. 4015 Pte. Monk, E.W. 12. 3.16 1827 Pte. McKenzie, W. 16. 3.16 Died of wds. 5 F.A. 3528 Pte. Moss, F.A. 27. 7.16 1277 Pte. McFarlane, J. 15. 9.16 177 Pte. McGregor, J.M. 10. 3.16 4008 Pte. Mogford, A.C. 4. 8.16 Died of wds. 21 C.C.S. 4461 Pte. Morris, J. 13.11.16 4618 Pte. Moore, M. 13.11.16 1595 Pte. Moore, A.W.N. 5.10.16 1930 Cpl. Marshall, A.F. 21.11.16 Died of wds. 43 C.C.S. 1862 Pte. Nancarrow, G.W. 8. 5.16 1725 Pte. Owen, H. 13. 3.16 4713 Pte. O'Brien, D.C. 15. 8.16 Wd. 27.7.16. Subsequently reported by W.O. having died of wounds at Kitchener War Hospital. 426 Pte. Palliser, A.J.B. 19.12.15 1575 Pte. Pearce, F. 1.11.16 886 A/R.S.M. Pouney, F. 1. 8.16 Died of wounds 1 Stationary Hosp. 1458 Pte. Purgavie, F. 1. 3.16 1564 L/Cpl. Pellymainter, W.J. 13.11.16 807 Pte. Perry, O. 27. 7.16 3907 Pte. Parr, E.A. 10. 2.16 3129 Pte. Parry-Crooke, L.W. 27. 7.16 10933 Pte. Philpot, G.H. 13.11.16 3762 Pte. Redwood, W. 22. 6.16 1746 Pte. Rogers, B.F. 16.11.16 Died of wds. 6 F.A. 869 Pte. Race, S. 13.11.16 3827 Pte. Reeman, A.W. 10. 2.16 1992 L/Cpl. Richards, E.W. 18.10.16 Died of wds. (gunshot), head (self-inflicted). 4149 Pte. Rooney, E. 27. 7.16 4501 Pte. Roe, A.E.C. 27. 7.16 9958 Pte. Ramsbottom, W. 5.11.16 Died of wounds 1/3 H.F.A. 123 Pte. Shotten, J.S. 27. 7.16 3560 Pte. Simpson, C. 27. 5.16 1025 Sgt. Skuse, L.N. 27. 7.16 954 Sgt. Siever, E.H.P. 13.11.16 3629 Pte. Schobiers, J.A.G. 27. 7.16 1222 L/Cpl. Simpson, W. 27. 7.16 26 Pte. Stagg, E. 21. 3.16 Died of wds. 100 F.A. 3605 L/Cpl. Stares, J. 10. 2.16 1792 Pte. Stokes, A.E. 14. 2.16 Died of wds. 1 C.C.S. Chocques. 1509 Sgt. Simpson, J. 13.11.16 1756 Pte. Smith, H.E.T. 27. 7.16 1345 Pte. Suttie, W.F. 17. 3.16 Died of wds. 18 C.C.S. 4204 L/Cpl. Smith, A. 27. 7.16 4163 Pte. Scott, H. 27. 7.16 7719 Pte. Swift, B.A. 13.11.16 4226 Pte. Stotford, M.R.F. 27. 7.16 4227 Pte. Stewart, H. 13.11.16 4141 Pte. Smith, W.J. 27. 7.16 10934 Pte. Smith, C.H. 21.10.16 Died of wds. 13th Corps 3 Operating Station. 1743 Cpl. Tomalin, R.A. 27. 7.16 1904 Pte. Taylor, C.W. 21. 9.16 Died of wounds (gas), 13 Staty. Hosp. 11 Sgt. Taylor, J.H. 27. 7.16 68 Pte. Thomas, T.J. 23. 3.16 Died of wds. 18 C.C.S. 4047 Pte. Talbot, A.J. 13.11.16 40438 Pte. Talbot, S.W. 27. 7.16 3656 Pte. Teeling, A. 13.11.16 7531 Pte. Turner, A. 8. 7.16 1475 Pte. Vickery, G.H. 15. 9.16 4056 Pte. Wain, G.A. 27. 7.16 1478 L/Cpl. Wilson, A.V. 27. 7.16 902 L/Cpl. Whitlock, A.E. 30.10.16 990 Pte. Willcocks, N. 7.12.16 1204 Pte. Webster, S. 13.11.16 1901 Pte. White, F.C. 28. 5.16 299 L/Cpl. Woodin, J.B. 27. 7.16 1634 L/Cpl. Willocks, J.C. 13.11.16 4460 Pte. Wade, A. 14.11.16 1582 Cpl. Wright, S.C.H. 13.11.16 569 L/Cpl. White, W.H. 26.11.16 Died of wounds 13 General Hospital. 4442 Pte. Wilson, H.H.L. 15. 6.16 Died of wounds 7 General Hospital. 4275 Pte. Wood, E.C. 27. 7.16 1075 Pte. Williams, R.W. 13.11.16 7730 Pte. Wilson, H.E. 27. 7.16 8542 Pte. Wiseman, W.J. 14. 6.16 4631 Pte. Willsher, W.A. 23. 8.16 Died of wounds 6 General Hospital. 4775 Pte. Woodcock, J.J. 6.10.16 4626 Pte. Wright, W.J. 19.11.16 Died of wds. 3 C.C.S. 61934 Pte. Watts, G. 23. 1.17 75577 Pte. Addison, F. 7. 9.18 9823 L/Cpl. Aujurai, R. 3.12.17 1732 Pte. Aldred, H.D. 10. 3.17 63117 Pte. Amos, H.G. 20. 2.17 Died of wds. 49 C.C.S. 93338 Pte. Andell, N. 30. 9.18 1692 Pte. Anderson, W. 27. 7.16 Reported missing 27.7.16. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 27.7.16. 63057 Pte. Andrews, G.J. 17. 2.17 Reported missing 17.2.17. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 17.2.17. 61962 Pte. Arlidge, A.V. 3. 5.17 Reported missing 3.5.17. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 3.5.17. 1489 L/Cpl. Arnot, G.S. 1. 6.18 Died of wds. 3 C.C.S. 275314 Pte. Arthur, W.R. 25. 3.18 Shown on German list of dead P. of W. No further details. 60920 L/Cpl. Ashman, L. 3. 5.17 Reported missing 3.5.17. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 30.17. 93342 Pte. Astley, J.W. 8.10.18 93337 Pte. Aston, J.T. 4. 9.18 48691 Pte. Bailey, H. 11. 6.17 27418 Pte. Baker, A. 7. 9.18 1995 Pte. Baker, C.A. 17. 2.17 50785 Pte. Baker, H. 2.12.17 1997 Pte. Baker, W. 17. 2.17 10915 Pte. Balmforth, J.N. 14.11.16 747530 L/Cpl. Barker, A.A. 3. 5.17 6625 L/Cpl. Barker, E.B. 23. 2.17 Died of wds. 3rd Can. General Hospital. 229484 C.Q.M.S. Barnes, A.G. 31. 5.18 Died of wds. 91 F.A. 2127 L/Cpl. Barnfather, N.C. 16. 2.17 61595 Pte. Barrett, C. 3. 1.18 80142 Pte. Barrett, J.E. 30. 9.18 4774 Pte. Barry, K. 27. 7.16 Reported missing 2.7.16. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 27.7.16. 80097 Pte. Barsby, T.N. 30. 9.18 49579 Pte. Battison, C. 8. 3.17 4045 L/Cpl. Bavin, W.J. 30. 1.17 37366 Pte. Beales, C.E.C. 17. 2.17 21235 Pte. Beamiss, T.J. 24. 8.18 1375 Pte. Beaven, F.L. 17. 2.17 63082 Pte. Beckett, W. 17. 2.17 1723 Cpl. Bee, L. 23. 2.18 4744 Pte. Bennett, J.A. 13.11.16 Wd. and reported missing 3.11.16. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 13.11.16. 68491 Pte. Bennett, C.R. 8. 1.18 Died from effects of lobar pneumonia. 82 Pte. Benson, C. 11. 2.17 Died of wds. 47 C.C.S. 3888 Pte. Bibby, C. 3. 5.17 Reported missing 3.5.17. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 3.5.17. 82241 Pte. Bimpson, R.W. 25.10.18 275310 Pte. Bing, W. 29.11.17 20696 Pte. Blackwell, J.H. 25. 3.18 Reported missing 25.3.18. Identity disc found; death accepted. 93349 Pte. Blyth, J. 3. 9.18 15015 Pte. Bolt, A.E. 20. 7.17 Reported missing 20.7.17. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 20.7.17. 14570 Pte. Bourne, W. 17. 2.17 13946 Pte. Bowler, J.W. 10. 3.17 49310 Pte. Boyle, E.A. 17. 2.17 79744 Pte. Bradbury, C 8.10.18 60921 Pte. Bradshaw, E. 24. 4.17 82232 Pte. Brannagan, J. 26. 8.18 Died of wounds. 10451 Pte. Breakley, J.O.J. 6. 4.17 Died from effects of P.O.O. (?) enteric. 6458 Pte. Brennen, T. 7. 3.18 Died of wounds. 13729 Pte. Brewer, G.A. 27.11.17 63083 Pte. Briggs, L.G. 31. 5.18 106 Pte. Bristow, S.R. 30. 1.17 9164 L/Cpl. Brockley, G. 3. 5.17 Reported missing 3.5.17. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 3.5.17. 7513 Pte. Brodle, C.H. 23. 7.17 127996 A/Cpl. Brook, A.R. 17. 2.17 1513 L/Cpl. Brown, J. 3. 5.17 Reported missing 3.5.17. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 3.5.17. 6428 Pte. Buckland, A. 7. 7.17 50781 Pte. Buggy, W. 1. 6.17 Died of wounds. 63120 Pte. Bull, W.J. 24. 3.17 Died from effects of tumour of kidney (L). 20338 Pte. Burgess, C.S.V. 28. 4.17 4607 Pte. Burns, R. 27. 7.16 Reported missing 27.7.16. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 27.7.16. 8739 Pte. Burton, G.G.E. 28.11.17 4527 Pte. Burton, H.B. 27. 7.16 Reported missing 27.7.16. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 27.7.16. 4519 L/Cpl. Bush, H. 11. 5.17 Died of wounds. 8717 Pte. Bush, H.C. 24.10.18 Died of wounds. 61749 Pte. Buswell, J.W. 20. 2.17 Died of wounds. 68510 Pte. Butler, S.M. 2.12.17 E/2295 Pte. Butterworth, L.G. 25. 3.18 Shown on P. of W. list of dead. 11370 Pte. Bye, C.E. 13.11.16 75586 Pte. Campbell, W. 6. 5.18 Died of wounds. 1483 Pte. Carnochan, J. 27. 7.16 Reported wd. and missing 27.7.16. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 27.7.16. 11215 Pte. Carruthers, A.J. 8.10.18 Died of wounds. 1946 Pte. Carter, E.A. 3. 5.17 Reported missing 3.5.17. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 3.5.17. 4272 Pte. Carter, H. 27. 7.16 Reported wd. and missing 27.7.16. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 27.7.16. 631 L/Cpl. Chambers, H.M. 10. 3.17 51804 Pte. Chilton, S.J. 17. 4.17 7028 Pte. Clark, J.G. 3. 5.18 Regarded as died of wds. in War Hosp., Germany (P. of W.). 75696 L/Cpl. Clayton, R. 7. 9.18 93356 Pte. Clennel, J. 24.10.18 Died of wounds. 63124 Pte. Cochrane, T. 17. 2.17 51268 Pte. Coey, V.J. 3. 5.17 Reported missing 3.5.17. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 3.5.17. 62051 Pte. Coles, G.H. 3.12.17 229329 Pte. Coley, G. 23. 3.18 Reported missing 23.3.18. Shown on German list of dead Assumed as having died on or since 23.3.18. 71552 Pte. Collett, T.A. 1. 4.18 3847 Pte. Colley, T.N. 18.11.18 Died from influenza. 61640 Pte. Collins, A.W. 17. 2.17 71553 Pte. Cook, G.E. 1. 4.18 1413 Sgt. Cooke, E.G. 25. 3.18 Reported missing 25.3.18. Regarded as having died on or since 25.3.18. 10159 Pte. Cooney, T. 10. 3.17 60211 Sgt. Cooper, E.R. 25. 3.18 Reported missing 25.3.18. Regarded as having died on or since 25.3.18. 229330 Pte. Cooper, H. 18. 4.18 61732 Pte. Cordell, D. 9. 3.17 Died of wounds. 6025 L/Sgt. Cornish, J.A. 6. 3.18 1594 Pte. Cotterill, H.J. 27. 7.16 Reported wd. and missing 27.7.16. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 10940 Pte. Cotterill, W.H. 25. 3.18 79766 Pte. Coupe, H. 8. 9.18 Died of wounds. 1430 L/Cpl. Coyle, J. 14.11.16 61928 Pte. Crabb, F.W. 17. 2.17 61967 Pte. Cummins, P. 10. 3.17 1701 Pte. Curryer, R.W. 3.12.17 68610 L/Cpl. Daines, A. 28. 8.18 Died of wounds. 12713 L/Cpl. Daniels, F. 17. 2.17 Rptd. missing 3.5.17. 1861 L/Cpl. Davies, A.E. 3. 5.17 Regarded as having died on or since 3.5.17. 859 Pte. Davies, J. 17. 2.17 161 L/Cpl. Davison, J. 27. 7.16 Reported wd. and missing 27.7.16. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 6050 Pte. Day, J.C. 28. 1.17 4377 Pte. Dean, J. 12. 4.17 1973 Pte. Deares, H. 27. 7.16 Reported wd. and missing 27.7.16. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 2041 Pte. Dearing, J. 17. 2.17 Died of wounds. 4360 Pte. De Backer, M.H. 17. 2.17 61650 Pte. Dennet, A.J. 17. 2.17 71565 Pte. Dicker, A.S. 1. 4.18 10768 L/Cpl. Dickerson, G.H. 8.10.18 23721 Pte. Dinkell, G.E. 3. 5.17 93366 Pte. Dillon, A. 30. 9.18 55068 Pte. Dixie, L. 30. 9.18 1424 Pte. Dodds, W.J. 30.11.17 245409 Pte. Doel, G. 20.12.17 Died of wounds. 61958 Pte. Donnan, J.P. 1.12.17 18944 Pte. Donovan, J.P. 1.12.17 2705 Pte. Dooley, D. 29. 4.17 Killed accidentally (fall from railway carriage). 93362 Pte. Dooley, M. 30. 9.18 61649 L/Cpl. Dossett, H.E. 1. 9.18 Died of wounds. 868 L/Cpl. Drew, C. 20. 4.17 Wd. 12.4.17. Trans. to U.K. 16.4.17. Subsequently died of wds. on 20.4.17 at Ardmillan Aux. Military Hospital, Oswestry. 41626 Pte. Driver, E. 17. 2.17 75700 Pte. Driver, W.G. 8.10.18 73948 Pte. Dumont, J. 30. 9.18 58802 Sgt. Dunkley, E. 26. 6.18 82269 Pte. Dupre, T.D. 27. 8.18 Died of wounds. 75592 Pte. Edwards, R.R. 8.10.18 4034 Pte. Elley, C.H. 27. 7.16 Reported missing 27.7.16. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 20409 Pte. Ellis, B. 17. 2.17 63080 Pte. Emberson, C.G. 25. 3.18 93368 Pte. Embleton, A. 8. 9.18 Died of wounds. 15132 L/Cpl. Embleton, W. 8.10.18 75591 Pte. Evans, G.H. 27. 3.18 Died of wounds. 22 L/Cpl. Evans, H. 20. 2.17 Died of wounds. 7730 L/Cpl. Evans, J.F. 2. 5.17 82271 L/Cpl. Evans, T. 8.10.18 6071 L/Cpl. Fadden, E.T. 29. 1.17 29568 Pte. Farrow, F. 21. 2.17 Died of wounds. 87749 Pte. Fell, H. 26.12.18 Wd. 22.8.18. Trans. (Prev. to U.K. 17.9.18. No. in Subsequently died 23/RF at Military Hosp., SP/ Kirkham 26.12.18. 4523) 54861 Pte. Fisher, P. 17. 9.17 253629 L/Cpl. Fitch, T.P. 8.10.18 229432 Pte. Forbes, G.F. 3.12.17 1761 L/Cpl. Ford, F.H. 13.11.16 Reported wd. and missing 13.11.16. Regarded as having died on or since 13.11.16. 6629 Pte. Forest, J.G. 27. 7.16 Reported missing 27.7.16. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 275312 Pte. Foster, A. 23. 3.18 Reported missing 23.3.18. Shown on German official list of dead P. of W. 24386 Pte. Frampton, C.W. 17. 2.17 66879 Pte. Fear, A. 25. 3.18 Reported missing 23.3.18. Shown on German list of dead P. of W. 13088 Cpl. French, P.J. 7. 9.18 4264 Pte. Fullarton, A.J. 27. 7.16 Reported wd. and missing 27.7.16. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 1506 Pte. Fuller, V.H. 3. 5.17 Reported missing 3.5.17. Regarded as having died on or since 3.5.17. 70737 Pte. Furuta, F. 8.10.18 93378 Pte. Gaughan, T. 30. 9.18 23131 Pte. George, J.L. 18. 2.17 Died of wounds. 86129 Pte. George, S.G. 7. 9.18 64074 Pte. Gibson, W.G. 23. 3.18 93374 Pte. Gill, A.E. 8. 9.18 23430 L/Cpl. Gillard, F.B. 17. 2.17 61643 L/Cpl. Golds, L.H. 3. 5.17 Reported wd. and missing 3.5.17. Regarded as having died on or since 3.5.17. 29257 L/Cpl. Good, B. 25. 3.18 Reported missing 25.3.18 Shown on German list of dead P. of W. 59649 Pte. Goode, P.A. 21. 7.18 63088 Pte. Goodrum, S.G. 3. 5.17 Reported wd. and missing 3.5.17. Regarded as having died on or since 3.5.17. 4457 Pte. Goodway, R.W. 14. 6.18 4250 Pte. Gray, R. 3. 5.17 75712 Pte. Greener, C.E. 9.10.18 Died of wounds. 3725 Pte. Greenfield, F. 17. 2.17 66913 Pte. Greenwood, H. 25. 3.18 Reported missing 25.3.19. Shown on German list of dead P. of W. 66881 Pte. Greenwood, J.W. 8.10.18 82280 Pte. Greenwood, R.S. 22. 8.18 Died of wounds. 6990 Cpl. Gregg, G.E. 3. 5.17 Reported missing 3.5.17. Regarded as having died on or since 3.5.17. 21997 Pte. Griffiths, L.J. 8.10.18 80127 Pte. Griffiths, W.G. 30. 9.18 8428 Pte. Gromadzki, W. 31. 5.18 1706 Pte. Grout, H. 14.11.16 63113 Pte. Gunn, A.R. 17. 2.17 66789 Pte. Hackett, F.G. 25. 3.18 Shown on official German list of dead. No further details. List P.M. 601, 2.1.19. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 25.3.18. 4721 Pte. Hague, W. 3. 5.17 2746 Pte. Haines, F.P. 28.11.17 4923 L/Cpl. Haigh, J.L. 21. 8.18 49112 Pte. Hall, F.P. 15.11.18 Died from influenza due to exposure on military duty 15.11.18. 61663 Pte. Hance, S. 3. 5.17 49639 Pte. Harber, R.W. 13. 5.17 Missing and regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 3.5.17. 3858 Pte. Harding, C.W. 27. 7.16 Reported killed in action or died of wds. on or shortly after 27.7.16. 63066 Pte. Harman, W.J. 17. 2.17 15746 L/Cpl. Harniman, R.J. 30. 1.17 78967 Pte. Harper, E. 24. 8.18 48322 Pte. Harrild, R.W.C. 17. 2.17 61921 Pte. Harris, C.J. 17. 2.17 82294 Pte. Harris, F. 28. 8.18 Died of wounds in 16 Gen. Hospital 28.8.18. 7655 Pte. Hart, J.I. 17. 4.17 1417 Pte. Hart, S. 27. 7.16 Missing and regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 27.7.16. 72686 Pte. Harvey, F. 7. 9.18 Died of wds. 45 C.C.S. 7.9.18. 7688 Cpl. Haslam, C. 29. 4.17 1909 L/Cpl. Hawksworth, K. 27. 7.16 Wd. and missing 27.7.16. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 27.7.16. 4566 L/Cpl. Hazelhurst, B. 16. 3.17 Died of wds. 45 C.C.S. 49642 L/Cpl. Heath, A. 3. 5.18 Died of wounds 26 General Hospital. 93389 Pte. Henderson, D. 1.10.18 Died of wounds. 47783 Pte. Hickie, G.D.C. 13. 4.17 20352 Pte. Hickman, A.J. 13.11.16 67023 Pte. Hill, J.W. 25. 3.18 Reported missing 25.3.18. Shown on German list of dead P. of W. 1094 Pte. Hills, P.E. 7. 6.17 Died of wounds. 66456 Pte. Hodgetts, F. 23. 3.18 75704 Pte. Hodgson, H.R. 20. 4.18 1049 Pte. Hodgson, J.C. 27. 7.16 Reported wd. and missing 27.7.16. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 27.7.16. 1271 Cpl. Holcombe, C.J. 23. 2.18 21474 Pte. Holden, A.E. 3. 5.17 48063 Pte. Holt, T.E. 23. 3.18 Reported missing 23.3.18. Shown on German list of dead P. of W. 2.1.19. 113 L/Cpl. Hope, R. 25. 3.18 Reported wd. and missing 25.3.18. Shown on German list of dead P. of W. 26412 Cpl. Hopgood, A.E. 17. 2.17 19668 Pte. Hopps, J.S. 25. 3.18 Reported missing 25.3.18. Shown on German list of dead P. of W. 63089 Pte. Horn, A.G. 15.11.16 Died of wounds. 4193 Pte. Horsfall, J. 3. 5.17 Reported missing 3.5.17. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 3.5.17. 680121 Pte. Horton, P.S. 7. 9.18 4185 Pte. Howard, F. 17. 2.17 42188 Pte. Howes, E. 17. 2.17 61924 Pte. Hucker, W.J. 18. 2.17 Died of wounds 47 C.C.S. 18.2.17. 1411 Pte. Hudson, W. 27. 7.16 Missing. Regarded for official purposes as having died on or since 27.7.16. 73571 Pte. Hulkes, R.A. 23. 8.18 Died of wounds 19 C.C.S. 23.8.18. 1754 Pte. Humphreys, A.W. 25. 3.18 Shown on P. of W. list of dead, accepted for official purposes as having died on or since 25.3.18. 78978 Pte. Hyde, V.E. 24. 8.18 1518 L/Cpl. Irving, T.H. 8.10.18 13923 Pte. Ivey, H. 2. 2.17 63091 Pte. Ivory, F.V. 2.12.17 4765 Pte. Jackson, S.S. 27. 7.16 Reported wd. and missing 27.7.16. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 63067 L/Cpl. James, B.C. 3. 5.17 Reported missing 3.5.17. Regarded as having died on or since 3.5.17. 80171 Pte. Jarrett, W.A. 12. 9.18 Died of wounds. 23563 Pte. Jarvis, W.E. 17. 2.17 78979 Pte. Jeffery, A. 30. 9.18 1818 Pte. Jewell, J.O. 27. 7.16 Reported missing 27.7.16. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 2870 Pte. Jinks, W.H. 3. 5.17 245533 Pte. Johnson, F. 3. 5.18 Died of wounds. 17810 Pte. Johnson, T. 17. 2.17 Reported missing 17.2.17. Regarded as having died on or since 17.2.17. 48411 Pte. Johnson, W.J. 31. 7.17 Died of wounds. 48066 Pte. Jolley, C.W. 23. 3.18 81290 Pte. Jones, A.R. 17. 4.18 3419 Sgt. Jones, C. 28. 4.18 Died of wds. whilst P. of W. in War Hospital, Mons. 49364 Pte. Jones, F. 17. 2.17 4500 Pte. Jones, F. 31.12.17 80194 Pte. Jones, W. 24.10.18 78981 Pte. Keeping, A.W. 4.10.18 Died of wounds. 93404 Pte. Kenny, J. 30. 9.18 73413 Pte. Kiff, A. 8.10.18 1603 Pte. Kildare, T.J. 27. 7.16 Reported missing 27.7.16. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 88716 Pte. Killip, L.W. 5. 9.18 Died of wounds. 1967 L/Cpl. King, G.W. 2. 5.17 93403 Pte. Kinghorn, J.W. 7. 9.18 Died of wounds. 51284 L/Sgt. Kirkham, J.R. 17. 2.17 3995 Pte. Kirton, B. 14.11.16 4382 Pte. Kitchen, H. 15. 2.17 661 Pte. Knight, H.E. 27. 7.16 Reported wd. and missing 27.7.16. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 4785 Pte. Knight, J.W. 25. 3.18 Reported missing 25.3.18. Regarded as having died on or since 25.3.18. 82314 Pte. Lamb, G.H. 24. 8.18 Died of wounds. 1281 Sgt. Laycock, P.G.D. 3. 5.17 Reported missing 3.5.17. Regarded as having died on or since 3.5.17. 73526 Pte. Leach, B.H. 24. 8.18 24775 Pte. Leary, R.G. 29. 9.18 Died of wounds. 1679 L/Cpl. Lee, C. 27. 7.16 Reported missing 27.7.16. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 63494 Pte. Lee, H.S. 7. 9.18 66501 L/Cpl. Lee, J. 8. 9.18 61744 L/Cpl. Leverick, A. 28. 1.17 3929 L/Cpl. Lilley, S. 17. 2.17 3852 L/Cpl. Line, G.E. 5.12.17 Died of wounds. 93405 Pte. Longstaff, A. 8.10.18 Died of wounds. 62009 Pte. Lonnen, H. 17. 2.17 10183 Pte. Lupton, G.A. 17. 2.17 6818 Pte. MacDonald, H.A. 20. 7.17 Shown on list of dead. 229456 L/Cpl. Macdonald, J. 24. 3.18 Died of wounds. 1675 Pte. MacFarlane, H. 27. 7.16 Reported wd. and missing 27.7.16. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 229377 Pte. Macklin, R. 25. 3.18 Shown on P. of W. list of dead. 61986 Pte. Madden, E. 29. 4.17 4528 Pte. Main, R.M. 17. 2.17 699 Pte. Mann, H.V. 14. 8.18 55240 Pte. Mansbridge, R. 17. 1.18 Died from heart failure. 21247 Pte. Mansfield, H. 30. 9.18 Died of wounds. 93419 Pte. March, J.D. 8.10.18 46364 Pte. Marks, J.T. 21. 7.17 Died whilst P. of W. 4279 L/Cpl. Marshall, W.E. 14.11.16 15888 Cpl. Martin, P. 3.12.17 229463 Pte. Matthew, J. 28.11.17 26231 Pte. Mayhew, C.K. 3. 5.17 Reported missing 3.5.17. Regarded as having died on or since 3.5.17. 69410 Pte. Mayor, T.F. 23. 8.18 Died of wounds. 100296 Pte. McDonnell, F. 30. 9.18 49276 Pte. McGooch, J. 17. 2.17 1883 Pte. McGlone, J. 25. 3.18 27545 Pte. Merricks, F. 3. 5.17 Reported missing 3.5.17. Regarded as having died on or since 3.5.17. 93398 Pte. Metcalfe, J. 8. 9.18 Died of wounds. 49778 Pte. Mickleburgh, S.G. 17. 2.17 61658 Pte. Miller, G.V. 3. 5.17 Reported missing 3.5.17. Regarded as having died on or since 3.5.17. 73173 L/Cpl. Miller, R. 8.10.18 7701 Pte. Milne, F. 27. 7.16 Reported missing 27.7.16. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 81336 Pte. Minter, G. 8.10.18 49386 Pte. Moogen, W.L. 17. 2.17 3844 Pte. Morris, F. 27. 7.16 Reported missing 27.7.16. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 6140 L/Cpl. Morris, H.G. 23.12.17 Died of wounds. 50280 Pte. Morris, J. 29. 4.17 449 Pte. Morrison, A. 17. 2.17 73408 Pte. Mortimer, T.W. 26. 8.18 Died of gas wounds. 82329 Pte. Mottershead, A. 31. 7.18 9656 Pte. Muir, T.J. 21. 7.18 Died of wounds. 42286 Pte. Musk, H.E. 10. 3.17 93397 Pte. Myers, C.H. 7. 9.18 16967 Pte. Myers, H. 20. 7.17 6312 Pte. Nash, A.E. 17. 4.17 21620 Pte. Neale, W. 3. 5.17 Reported missing 3.5.17. Regarded as having died on or since 3.5.17. 37362 Pte. Neale, W.H. 27. 9.17 82333 Pte. Neame, R.S. 26. 6.18 Died of wounds. 1815 Pte. Neil, D.A. 17. 2.17 1645 L/Cpl. Newman, R.G. 27. 5.17 446 Sgt. Newman, T.B. 16. 5.17 Wounded in action 17.2.17. Trans. U.K. 1.3.17. Subsequently died of wounds Alexander Hosp., Cosham, 16.5.17. 42287 Pte. Niblett, C.H. 17. 2.17 61747 Pte. Nicholls, G.A. 15. 2.17 8003 Pte. Nicklin, S.S. 3. 5.17 4387 Pte. Norris, J.H. 1. 3.17 Died of wounds. 7911 Pte. Norton, E.A. 8.10.18 78995 Pte. Notley, F. 28. 8.18 Died of wounds. 205976 Pte. Noyes, A.A. 30. 9.18 3380 Pte. Mutt, G. 13.12.17 Died of wounds. 15208 L/Sgt. O'Connor, F. 20. 3.17 Died of wounds. 50283 L/Cpl. Olding, J.L. 21. 4.17 Accidentally killed by collapsed dug-out at Rodincourt 21.4.17. 52159 Pte. Oswick, W.C. 21. 2.17 Died of wounds. 1718 Sgt. Paddon, G.W. 17. 2.17 3902 Pte. Parkin, W. 27. 7.16 Reported wd. and missing, 27.7.16. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 61739 Pte. Parsons, F. 17. 2.17 49288 Sgt. Parsons, J.L. 23. 2.18 88698 Pte. Parsons, W.F. 5. 9.18 Died of wounds. 87747 Pte. Patmore, A.E. 1.10.18 Killed (S. 1). 81349 Pte. Pearson, T.B. 6.10.18 Died of wounds. 48509 Pte. Perkins, A. 2. 5.17 90174 L/Cpl. Perrins, W. 30. 9.18 7507 Pte. Petty, T.S. 18.11.18 Died from influenza. (Exposure while on military duty.) 7384 Pte. Pickles, J.H. 18.11.18 Died from influenza. (Exposure while on military duty.) 6232 Pte. Pilton, C.H. 31. 7.18 42289 Pte. Pink, W.G. 24. 2.17 Died of wounds. 48706 Cpl. Pittaway, T. 23-24.3.18 Reported died whilst a P. of W. 10460 Pte. Pollard, G. 14.11.16 Reported missing 14.11.16. Regarded as having died on or since 14.11.16. 500 L/Cpl. Pollard, W.A. 27. 7.16 Reported missing 27.7.16. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 1965 Pte. Poplett, J.J. 21. 6.17 79395 Pte. Porter, S. 24. 8.18 1414 L/Cpl. Powell, W.F. 28. 1.17 64043 Pte. Powney, A.F. 25. 3.18 Shown on P. of W. list of dead. Reported missing 25.3.18. 23332 L/Cpl. Prangley, N.C. 17. 2.17 15563 Cpl. Prescott, J. 3. 5.17 Reported missing 3.5.17. Regarded as having died on or since 3.5.17. 245380 Pte. Price, C. 17. 4.18 204 L/Sgt. Prior, F. 18. 2.17 27204 Pte. Pryke, B.J. 29. 4.17 Reported missing 29.4.17. Regarded as as having died on or since 29.4.17. 68772 Pte. Quantrell, C.R. 30. 9.18 1656 Pte. Rait, D. 3. 5.17 Reported missing 3.5.17. Regarded as having died on or since 3.5.17. 53091 Pte. Randall, H.A. 7. 9.18 4030 Pte. Ransley, W.J. 27. 7.16 Reported wd. and missing 27.7.16. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 2026 Pte. Ravenhill, H.H. 10. 3.17 442221 Pte. Rawlings, A. 3. 5.17 Reported missing 3.5.17. Regarded as having died on or since 3.5.17. 42292 Pte. Reynolds, C. 10. 3.17 223 Sgt. Rhodes, H.S. 3. 5.17 Reported missing 3.5.17. Regarded as having died on or since 3.5.17. 61652 Pte. Rhodes, J. 22. 2.17 68774 Pte. Rich, C. 25. 3.18 Reported missing 25.3.18. Shown on German P. of W. list of dead. 488 L/Cpl. Riddell, M. 27. 7.16 Reported wd. and missing 27.7.16. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16 81143 Pte. Rider, H. 11. 3.18 82349 Pte. Ridge, R.C. 8.10.18 Reported wd. and missing 8.10.18. Regarded as having died on or since 8.10.18. 75394 Pte. Ridgway, W.G. 9.10.18 Died of wounds. 4525 Pte. Righton, E.D. 14.11.16 75645 Pte. Riley, A.W. 24. 8.18 1985 Cpl. Robbins, A. 17. 2.17 10899 Pte. Roberts, E. 30. 9.18 4458 L/Sgt. Roberts, H. 3. 5.17 48078 Pte. Roberts, J.A. 25. 3.18 Reported missing 25.3.18. Shown on P. of W. list of dead. 71677 Pte. Ray, W.A. 1. 4.18 37794 Pte. Rayner, A. 17. 2.17 8556 Pte. Read, C.E. 17. 2.17 1716 Pte. Read, E.S. 27. 7.16 48077 Pte. Reed, M.R. 21. 6.17 856 Pte. Reeves, H.D. 3. 7.18 To U.K. (Pleurisy.) Subsequently reported by W.O. as died of sickness on 3.7.18 at War Hospital, Whitechurch. 75643 Pte. Roberts, W. 10. 6.18 1471 Cpl. Robertson, D.M. 27. 7.16 Reported wd. and missing 27.7.16. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 65829 Pte. Robinson, R. 8.10.18 Reported missing 8.10.18. Regarded as having died on or since 8.10.18. 87457 Pte. Rochford, H.J. 21. 8.18 3940 L/Cpl. Roots, C.C. 10. 5.17 Died of wounds. 51853 Pte. Roper, A. 13. 7.18 12463 L/Sgt. Rowley, E.G. 27. 7.17 Wounded in action. Trans. to U.K. 25.7.17. Reported by W.O. having died of wds. Uni. War Hospital, Southampton. 1773 Cpl. Rumsey, F.G. 29. 4.17 32591 Pte. Ryan, J.D. 17. 2.17 87275 Pte. Sadrgove, L.S. 7. 9.18 7685 Pte. Samuels, J.G. 2. 8.18 38690 Pte. Sanders, E. 17. 2.17 52151 Pte. Saunders, P. 20. 7.17 Reported missing and wd. 20.7.17. Regarded as having died on or since 20.7.17. 68456 L/Cpl. Sanderson, R. 25. 3.18 Reported missing 25.3.18. Shown on P. of W. list of dead as died 25.3.18. 228471 Pte. Sang, W.H. 5. 3.16 Died of wds. 48 C.C.S. 61727 Pte. Savill, A. 17. 2.17 49308 Pte. Sears, H.R. 17. 2.17 673 Pte. Seaward, H. 23. 2.18 68802 Pte. Self, G.A. 3.12.17 37482 Pte. Sewell, C.S. 30. 4.17 Died of wds. 30 C.C.S. 8143 L/Cpl. Sexton, E.J. 2. 3.18 Reported missing. Regarded as having died on or since 2.3.18. 3379 L/Cpl. Seymour, H.A. 19. 4.17 Died whilst P. of W. Official German list forwarded. 8141 Pte. Shackleton, S.H. 27. 7.16 Wd. and missing. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 75649 Pte. Sheaf, R.W. 28. 6.18 Died of wds. 28.6.18, 19 C.C.S. 10667 Pte. Skelton, R.W. 30. 9.18 1325 Cpl. Shute, W.E. 7. 9.18 4766 Pte. Sibbles, O. 2. 5.18 Died of wds. 2 W.G. Hosp., Manchester, England, 2.5.18. 4255 Pte. Sidebottom, J.H. 27. 7.16 Missing. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 5726 Pte. Simmonds, J. 7. 9.18 80079 Pte. Simmonds, F. 30. 9.18 1612 Pte. Simpson, A.B. 27. 7.16 Wd. and missing. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 61959 Pte. Sinnott, P. 17. 2.17 73430 Pte. Skinner, J.H. 21. 7.18 1335 Pte. Slaughter, R.F. 27. 7.16 Wd. and missing. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 1080 L/Cpl. Smith, A.H. 27. 7.16 Wd. and missing. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 46583 Pte. Smith, F. 17. 2.17 1981 L/Cpl. Smith, F.J. 27. 7.16 Wd. and missing. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 1720 Sgt. Smith, R. 17. 2.17 7483 L/Cpl. Smith, R.L. 24. 2.17 Died of wds. 11 Stat. Hospital. 3720 Pte. Smith, S. 14.11.16 Missing. Regarded as having died on or since 14.11.16. 75655 Pte. Smith, W.F. 22. 6.18 68993 Pte. Soloman, F. 30. 9.18 K'd in action or d. of wds. received in action on or shortly after 30.9.18. 75709 Pte. Spark, G. 19. 4.18 7624 Pte. Spright, C. 19.11.18 Died from influenza and exposure while on military duty. 51184 Pte. Squirrel, E.C. 20. 2.17 Died of wds. 10 Gen. Hospital 20.2.17. 48502 Pte. Starnes, A.E. 28. 5.17 61982 Pte. Stephens, W. 15. 2.17 1579 L/Cpl. Stepney, 3. 5.17 Missing. Regarded as having died on or since 3.5.17. 229474 Pte. Stewart, J.W. 28. 1.17 715755 L/Cpl. Stone, H.P. 27. 7.16 Wd. and missing. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 4402 Pte. Stone, W.J. 13.11.16 Wd. and missing. Regarded as having died on or since 13.11.16. 46024 Pte. Styles, W.R. 30. 9.18 Missing. Reported killed in action or died of wounds received in action on or shortly after 30.9.18. 68799 Pte. Sutton, L.V. 23. 3.18 Died of wounds 48 C.C.S. 23.3.18. 1892 Pte. Tapp, J.H. 17. 2.17 23059 Pte. Tattersfield, A. 22. 3.18 Reported missing 22.3.18. Regarded as having died on or since 22.2.18. 61742 Pte. Taylor, A. 15. 2.17 1410 Pte. Taylor, J. 27. 7.16 80131 Pte. Taylor, J. 24.10.18 15866 Pte. Terry, A.E. 23. 3.18 Reported missing 23.3.18. Regarded as having died on or since 23.3.18. 75661 Pte. Thexton, J. 22. 6.18 46598 Pte. Thomas, G.H. 13. 4.17 1234 L/Cpl. Thomson, W. 17. 2.17 Reported wd. and missing 17.2.17. Regarded as having died on or since 17.2.17. 3775 L/Cpl. Thorburn, W.G. 17. 2.17 47981 Sgt. Thorning, S. 20. 5.18 Died of wounds. 18569 Sgt. Thornton, F.W. 3.12.17 1979 Pte. Timmis, J. 14.11.16 Reported missing 14.11.16. Regarded as having died on or since 14.11.16. 63138 Pte. Tinley, A.J. 17. 2.17 87289 Pte. Tompkins, J.A. 8.10.18 80071 Pte. Turner, F. 30. 9.18 3818 Pte. Turner, H. 27. 7.16 Reported wd. and missing. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 9151 Pte. Turner, W. 17. 2.17 61743 Pte. Ury, A.F. 26. 2.17 Died of wounds. 75690 Pte. Varley, J.W. 8.10.18 71842 Pte. Walker, E. 27. 7.16 Missing. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 37418 Pte. Walker, F.J.A. 3. 5.17 Missing. Regarded as having died on or since 3.5.17. 47826 Pte. Walsh, J. 3. 5.17 Missing. Regarded as having died on or since 3.5.17. 76747 Pte. Walton, H.S. 23. 9.18 Died of wounds 12 General Hospital. 80781 Pte. Walton, L. 24. 8.18 21020 Pte. Warwick, W. 25. 5.17 20870 Pte. Watking, R. 17. 2.17 61657 Pte. Watts, C.D. 24. 2.17 Died of wounds 45 C.C.S. 24.2.17. 1934 Pte. Watts, G. 23. 1.17 Killed accidentally. 1765 Pte. Weal, C.A. 5. 3.17 Died of wounds 12 Gen. Hosp. 5.3.17. 1401 Pte. Webster, F.A. 23. 4.18 Died of wounds 3 C.C.S. 23.4.18. 51269 Pte. Welch, J.W. 9. 5.17 Died of wounds 24 General Hospital. 61757 Pte. Welch, P.D. 3. 5.17 63075 Pte. Welham, P. 17. 2.17 1361 Pte. West, E.J. 27. 7.16 Wd. and missing. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 201 L/Cpl. West, F. 29.11.17 4216 L/Cpl. West, V.J. 27. 7.16 Reported killed in action or died of wds. shortly after or on 27.7.16. 74860 Pte. West, W. 8.10.18 68624 Pte. White, A.E. 25. 3.18 Missing. Regarded as having died on or since 25.3.18. 50193 Pte. White, B.S. 17. 2.17 49479 Pte. White, C. 3. 5.17 62001 Pte. White, J. 17. 2.17 10620 Pte. White, G. 17. 2.17 63165 Pte. Whitrick, J. 20. 4.17 Died whilst a P. of W. 1496 Pte. Wild, A.H. 14.11.16 Missing. Regarded as having died on or since 14.11.16. 1829 Pte. Wilkinson, H. 17. 2.17 52161 Pte. Wilkinson, J.C. 17. 2.17 1401 Pte. Wilkinson, J.F. 17. 2.17 73172 Pte. Williamson, J. 31. 5.18 5966 Pte. Willott, H. 28. 1.17 4209 Pte. Wilson, A. 27. 7.16 Wd. and missing. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 245549 Pte. Wilson, F. 18. 4.18 Died at Adv. Dressing Station, 100 F.A. 69248 Cpl. Wilson, F.W. 23. 3.18 Shown on P. of W. list of dead. Regarded as having died 23.3.18. 186 Sgt. Wingate, T.C. 23. 3.18 Missing. Accepted as killed on 23.3.18. 4712 L/Cpl. Witham, D.H. 27. 6.17 Died of wds. 6 F.A. 8222 Cpl. Wood, W.L. 1.11.18 Died from influenza 59 C.C.S. 1886 Sgt. Wood, W.F. 19. 4.18 79400 Pte. Woodier, F. 24. 8.18 61920 Pte. Woods, H.H. 17. 2.17 68823 Pte. Woolsey, W. 30. 9.18 Killed in action or died of wounds. 229005 Pte. Worsnop, H. 8.10.18 Killed in action or died of wounds received in action on or shortly after 8.10.18. 2095 Cpl. Wright, G.H. 3. 5.17 Missing. Regarded as having died on or since 3.5.17. 4380 Pte. Wright, J. 27. 7.16 Wd. and missing. Regarded as having died on or since 27.7.16. 68825 Pte. Wyatt, A.C. 25. 3.18 7350 L/Cpl. Young, C.W. 17. 2.17 48101 L/Cpl. Young, F. 30.11.17 - -
[NOTE.—It is regretted it has not proved practicable to compile a roll of all the officers, N.C.O's., and men who have served at any time in the 23rd Royal Fusiliers.]
Colonel Viscount Maitland. 2nd Lieut. A.G. Rees. Lieut.-Col. A. St. H. Gibbons. 2nd Lieut. F.H. Brown. Major G.H.H. Richey. 2nd Lieut. A.J. Barr. Capt. W.A. Powell. 2nd Lieut. Hon. B. Yorke. Capt. P. Suckling. 2nd Lieut. F.E. Pearson. Capt. N.A.L. Cockell. 2nd Lieut. L.E. Eeman. Capt. E. Cragg. 2nd Lieut. R.O. Jourdain. Capt. Stanley Holmes. 2nd Lieut. N.A.L. Way. Capt. H.J.H. Inglis. 2nd Lieut. E.V. Hine. Capt. B.A. de Bourbel. 2nd Lieut. J.C. Fenton. Capt. H.E.F. Richardson. 2nd Lieut. N. Firth. Capt. H.V.C. Pirie. 2nd Lieut. C.B. Hayward. Lieut.-Quar. R. de Vere Stacpoole. 2nd Lieut. G.R. Nicolaus. Lieut. H.V. Foy. 2nd Lieut. W.J. Stevenson. Lieut. R.N. Sealey. 2nd Lieut. D. Godlonton. Lieut. P.V. Hayes. 2nd Lieut. C.R. Little. Lieut. H.A. Taylor. 2nd Lieut. R.M. Ritchie. Lieut. E.E. Isaac, R.A.M.C. 2nd Lieut. N.R. Crum-Ewing. Lieut. E.A. Winter. 2nd Lieut. C.A. Moore. Lieut. E.J. Cross. 2nd Lieut. D. Rattray. Lieut. Hon. A. Yorke. 2nd Lieut. L.H. Colman. Lieut. R.C. Hillcoat. 2nd Lieut. R.B. Marriott. Lieut. J.P. Roberts. 2nd Lieut. L.H. Bayley. 2nd Lieut. F.H. Cox. 2nd Lieut. R.O. Crookes. 2nd Lieut. G. Dixon-Spain. 2nd Lieut. F.G. Bull. 2nd Lieut. W.A. Rutherford. 2nd Lieut. Owen H. Williams. 2nd Lieut. J.J. Cameron. 2nd Lieut. N. Worship. 2nd Lieut. P.H. Cooper. 2nd Lieut. R.H. Gregg. 2nd Lieut. A.C. Hobson. 2nd Lieut. M. Fraser. 2nd Lieut. N.A. Lewis. 2nd Lieut. E.G. Hayes. 2nd Lieut. A.J.H. Kennedy. 2nd Lieut. A.A. Humfrey. 2nd Lieut. E.F.H. Taylor. 2nd Lieut. F.S. Meeks. 2nd Lieut. G.C. Lovibond. 2nd Lieut. C.W. Burgess. 2nd Lieut. P.A. Williams.
* * * * *
1 Mitchell, E.C. 9 Devereux, L. 2 Hyams, J. 10 Kay, C. 3 Drysdale, S.A. 11 Taylor, J.H. 4 Roberts, G.P. 12 Dunn, C.H. 5 Garnett, P.C. 13 Preece, T.C. 6 Wharton, A.S. 14 Colston, F.J. 7 Holloway, W.S. 15 Bangs, E.R. 8 Foy, H.V. 16 Headland, W. + 17 Pennington, S.C. 68 Thomas, J.L. 18 Webb, A.S. 69 De Burgh Thomas, A. 19 Cobb, A. 70 Lockwood, E.H.A. 20 Andrews, W.R. 71 Hackworth, H.J. 21 Kendall, J.M. 72 Jupp, G.E. 22 Smith, S. 73 Nicholl, E.B. 23 Andrews, P.A. 74 Logan, C. 24 Drake, J. 75 Rogers, V.H. 25 Jefferson, J. 76 Hayhoe, W.H. 26 Stagg, E. 77 Tudor, H.O. 27 MacLarty, B. 78 Bovill, F.H. 28 Cadman, K. 79 Hayward, C.A. 29 Mussard, C. 80 Mattingly, S.W. 30 Ward, H.E. 81 May, H.R. 31 Lort, V.P. 82 Wheildon, F. 32 Ayres, H.S. 83 Pledge, G.T. 33 Haines, C.E. 84 Payne, H.A. 34 Phelps, J. 85 Denton, C. 35 Maynard, B.T. 86 Keevil, C.H. 36 Howe, D.H. 87 Forrester, C. 37 Wallis, W.T. 88 Hawtrey, G.H.C. 38 Sheffield, E.C. 89 Green, H. 39 Perkins, W.G. 90 Bradfield, B.W. 40 Townshend, W.S. 91 Bridger, J.B. 41 Sawden, W.W. 92 Martin, C.W. 42 Henderson, D. 93 Hardee, F. 43 Worthington, S. 94 Moir, H.A. 44 Scovell, T.S. 95 Hodgkinson, A.H. 45 Waters, F. 96 Clarke, F.W. 46 Dowsett, A. 97 Barton, M.D. 47 Aylward, C.B. 98 Bellamy, B.D. 48 Crum-Ewing, N.R. 99 Anderson, W.C. 49 De Grehl, F.S.C. 100 Wedeymeyer, P.E. 50 Leveson, W.C. 101 McNeill, J. 51 Curle, J.H. 102 Halford, A. 52 Wylie, R.E. 103 Harvey, A.G. 53 Hawkins, W.A. 104 Nash, C.H. 54 Farwell, C.W. 105 Hopkins, J.C. 55 Stone, H.P. 106 Bacchus, W.A. 56 Sullivan, E. 107 Watson, C. 57 Wood, M. 108 Steele, F.J. 58 Hepner, H. 109 Bamford, E. 59 Norman, J.C. 110 Timperley, T.L. 60 Smith, F.S.L. 111 Thunder, M.P. 61 Fraser, W.G. 112 Wadham, H.F. 62 Glendinning, G.G. 113 Makeham, E. 63 Edouin, F. 114 Aston, W.F. 64 Watts, J.G.D. 115 Albany, W. 65 Dodman, A.W.J. 116 Barff, W.H. 66 Ropner, W. 117 Wickens, E.T. 67 Crabb, L.F.J. 118 Guy, C.H. + 119 Lawes, A.E. 170 Lewis, S.R. 120 Benjamin, N.H. 171 Moncrieff, J.B. 121 Storey, T.H. 172 Felton, A.H. 122 Sharland, L.J. 173 Burch, V.G. 123 Shotton, J.S. 174 Wilson, T. 124 Chester, J. 175 Rees, A.W. 125 Troup, C.L. 176 Wilkinson, D.S. 126 Carew, H.F. 177 McGregor, J.M. 127 Medland, S.C. 178 Terry, F.W. 128 Lavarack, F.S. 179 Bramley-Moore, A. 129 Lavarack, A.W. 180 Hadden, H.L. 130 Denton, A.W. 181 Muller, C.J. 131 Houlden, J.W.F. 182 Guntrip, E. 132 Millen, A. 183 Webber, A.E. 133 Campbell-Colquhoun, A.C. 184 Cordery, G.D. 134 Cooper, W.P. 185 Heathorn, A.T. 135 Hine, E.V. 186 Wingate, T.C. 136 Fordham, W.H. 187 Field, C.W. 137 Fordham, S.H. 188 Crowhurst, T.O. 138 Picken, P.W. 189 Boote, E.R. 139 Pinniger, W.L. 190 Wallace, W.J. 140 Robinson, T.H. 191 Allen, A.L. 141 Lyster, H.N. 192 Page, H. 142 Leuw, H.S. 193 Oliver, H.J. 143 Burmingham, S.H. 194 Oxberry, H. 144 Price, R.P. 195 Reeves, H.E. 145 Piachaud, G. 196 Cook, H. 146 Atkinson, W. 197 Evans, R. 147 Meeks, F.S. 198 Peddar, E.A. 148 Smith, R. 199 Haine, L.G. 149 Henri, P.R. 200 Elphicke, B. 150 Melbourne, S.W. 201 West, T. 151 Finch, M.S. 202 Lovibond, G.C. 152 Essex, P.C. 203 Ellis, T. 153 Head, P.T. 204 Hooper, H.J. 154 Marquardt, 205 McLeod, W.C. 155 Hayward, E. 206 McGregor, W. 156 Robert, C.L. 207 Purnell, J.J. 157 Archbold, T.E. 208 Rose, G.C. 158 Buxton, F.C. 209 Hooper, W. 159 Rose, E.M. 210 Waldron, E.A. 160 Goodchild, A.E. 211 Evans, J.H. 161 Davison, J. 212 Ramsden, H.C. 162 Farquhar, J.E.M. 213 De Jesse, R. 163 Pope, E.W. 214 Garner, H.W. 164 Barker-Mill, W.C.F.V. 215 Batton, W.B. 165 Woollett, C. 216 Devitt, E.L. 166 Hobson, A.C. 217 Whitewright, W.A. 167 Murray, H.F.U.T. 218 Bannatyne, D. 168 Smith, A.C. 219 Hopper, T. 169 Morton, F. 220 Metcalfe, H.M. + 221 Brydon, C.J.B. 272 Brown, B. 222 Scott, H.P. 273 Bewick, J.L. 223 Rhodes, H.S. 274 Jackson, G. 224 Emery, H.D. 275 Lewis, R. 225 Huntley, E. 276 Cockell, N.A.L. 226 Darwall, J.R. 277 Chick, W.D. 227 Duncan, W.L. 278 Starkey, W.E. 228 Powell, A. 279 Hemmerde, T.W. 229 Thornber, G.R. 280 Eeman, L.E. 230 Cave, H.J. 281 Morgan, J.W.R. 231 Hignett, S.F. 282 Sikes, B.H. 232 Ward, L. 283 Pierce, P.B. 233 Holden, G.Y. 284 Gardner, A.E. 234 Barrett, J.H. 285 Gordon, G.R. 235 Woodin, W.G. 286 Ewan, F.W. 236 Watts, H. 287 Donovan, E.L. 237 Littlewort, H.C. 288 Goodard, W.D. 238 Harris, H.I. 289 Heinemann, A.B. 239 Dalyrimple, D.W. 290 Lowcock, D.R. 240 Wilson, J.A.G. 291 Morgan, J.D. 241 Richardson, H. 292 Jourdain, R.O. 242 Driver, G.D. 293 Nash, V.E. 243 Wills, C.G. 294 Moore, H. 244 Salveson, G. 295 Bragg, V. 245 Day, B. 296 Oliver, T.L. 246 Norton, C.A. 297 Barber, H. 247 Shammon, H.A. 298 Moon-Ord, G.C. 248 Prentice, G.D. 299 Woodin, J.B. 249 Haslam, E.S. 300 Franey, G.T. 250 Wright, G.F.E. 301 Neal, L.A. 251 Richards, R. 302 Franey, S.H. 252 Christie, F. 303 Ovenell, R. 253 Mackie, E.D. 304 Moxon, F. 254 Hepworth, N. 305 Rogers, F.J.C. 255 Wright, I.F.H. 306 Reeves, C.R. 256 Darlington, F.L. 307 Harwood, G. 257 Brookes, C.B. 308 O'Shea, S.H.W. 258 Taylor, R.J. 309 Train, H. 259 Watts, E.M. 310 Haskew, F.J.T. 260 Forrest, A.H.W. 311 Newitt, L.D. 261 Williams, L. 312 Jervis, W.F. 262 Tireman, G.W. 313 Leigh, H.E. 263 Davey, H.B. 314 Leigh, Harold. 264 Brookshank, P. 315 Fenton, D. 265 Curran, W. 316 Garratt, E.V. 266 Dobbin, W. 317 Down, T.M. 267 Taylor, W.E. 318 Whitehead, |