Oman current situation: Oman is a destination country for men and women primarily from Pakistan, Bangladesh, and India who migrate willingly, but may subsequently become victims of trafficking when subjected to conditions of involuntary servitude as domestic workers and laborers; there have been occasional reports that expatriate children engaged in camel racing may transit or reside in Omani territory tier rating: Tier 2 Watch List - Oman is placed on the Tier 2 Watch List because of a lack of evidence of increasing efforts to combat severe forms of trafficking in persons in 2005
Peru current situation: Peru is primarily a source country for women and children trafficked internally for the purposes of sexual exploitation and forced domestic labor; most victims are girls and young women moved internally from rural to urban areas, or from city to city, and lured or coerced into prostitution in nightclubs, bars, and brothels; Peruvians have also been trafficked for sexual exploitation to Spain, Japan, the United States, and Venezuela; the government acknowledges that sex tourism occurs, particularly in the Amazon region of the country tier rating: Tier 2 Watch List - Peru is placed on the Tier 2 Watch List for failure to show evidence of increasing efforts to eliminate trafficking in 2005
Qatar current situation: Qatar is a destination country for men and women from South and Southeast Asia who migrate willingly, but are subsequently trafficked into involuntary servitude as domestic workers and laborers; the problem of trafficking of foreign children as camel jockeys was thoroughly addressed by government action in 2005, but independent confirmation of the problem's complete elimination is not yet available tier rating: Tier 2 Watch List - Qatar has made noticeable progress in rescuing and repatriating child camel jockeys, establishing a shelter for abused domestic workers, and creating hotlines to register complaints; however, Qatar is placed on the Tier 2 Watch List for its failure to provide sufficient evidence of increasing efforts to combat trafficking in persons in 2005, particularly with regard to labor exploitation
Russia current situation: Russia is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children trafficked for various purposes; it remains a significant source of women trafficked to over 50 countries for commercial sexual exploitation; Russia is also a transit and destination country for men and women trafficked from Central Asia, Eastern Europe, and North Korea to Central and Western Europe and the Middle East for purposes of forced labor and sexual exploitation; internal trafficking remains a problem in Russia with women trafficked from rural areas to urban centers for commercial sexual exploitation, and men are trafficked internally and from Central Asia for forced labor in the construction and agricultural industries; debt bondage is common among trafficking victims, and child sex tourism remains a concern tier rating: Tier 2 Watch List - Russia is placed on the Tier 2 Watch List for a third consecutive year for its continued failure to show evidence of increasing efforts to combat trafficking, particularly in the area of victim protection and assistance
Saudi Arabia current situation: Saudi Arabia is a destination country for workers from South and Southeast Asia who are subjected to conditions that constitute involuntary servitude including being subjected to physical and sexual abuse, non-payment of wages, confinement, and withholding of passports as a restriction on their movement; domestic workers are particularly vulnerable because some are confined to the house in which they work, unable to seek help; Saudi Arabia is also a destination country for Nigerian, Yemeni, Pakistani, Afghan, Somali, Malian, and Sudanese children trafficked for forced begging and involuntary servitude as street vendors; some Nigerian women were reportedly trafficked into Saudi Arabia for commercial sexual exploitation tier rating: Tier 3 - Saudi Arabia does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is not making significant efforts to do so
South Africa current situation: South Africa is a source, transit, and destination country for men, women, and children trafficked for forced labor and sexual exploitation; women and girls are trafficked internally - and occasionally to European and Asian countries - for sexual exploitation; women from other African countries are trafficked to South Africa and, less frequently, onward to Europe for sexual exploitation; men and boys are trafficked from neighboring countries for forced agricultural labor; Asian and Eastern European women are trafficked to South Africa for debt-bonded sexual exploitation tier rating: Tier 2 Watch List - South Africa is placed on the Tier 2 Watch List for its failure to show increasing efforts to address trafficking in 2005
Sudan current situation: Sudan is a source country for men, women, and children trafficked for the purposes of forced labor and sexual exploitation; Sudan may also be a transit and destination country for Ethiopian women trafficked for domestic servitude; boys are trafficked to the Middle East, particularly Qatar and the United Arab Emirates, for use as camel jockeys; small numbers of girls are reportedly trafficked within Sudan for domestic servitude, as well as for commercial sexual exploitation in small brothels in internally displaced persons (IDP) camps; the terrorist rebel organization "Lord's Resistance Army" (LRA) continues to abduct and forcibly conscript small numbers of children in Southern Sudan for use as cooks, porters, and combatants in its ongoing war against Uganda; some of these children are then trafficked across borders into Uganda or possibly the Democratic Republic of the Congo; children are utilized by rebel groups and the Sudanese Armed Forces and associated militias in the ongoing conflict in Darfur; during the decades of civil war, thousands of Dinka women and children were enslaved by members of Baggara tribes and subjected to various forms of forced labor without remuneration, as well as physical and sexual abuse; with the cessation of the North-South conflict and the ongoing peace process, there were no known new abductions of Dinka by Baggara tribes during 2005; however, inter-tribal abductions of a different nature continue in Southern Sudan and warrant further investigation tier rating: Tier 3 - Sudan does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is not making significant efforts to do so
Syria current situation: Syria is a destination country for women from South and Southeast Asia and Africa for domestic servitude and from Eastern Europe and Iraq for sexual exploitation; women are recruited for work in Syria as domestic servants, but some face conditions of exploitation and involuntary servitude including long hours, non-payment of wages, withholding of passports and other restrictions on movement, and physical and sexual abuse; Eastern European women recruited for work in Syria as cabaret dancers are not permitted to leave their work premises without permission and have their passports withheld; some displaced Iraqi women and children are reportedly forced into sexual exploitation tier rating: Tier 3 - Syria does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is not making significant efforts to do so
Taiwan current situation: Taiwan is primarily a destination for men, women, and children trafficked for forced labor and sexual exploitation; women from China and Southeast Asian countries are trafficked for sexual exploitation and forced labor; women and children, primarily from Vietnam, are trafficked through the use of fraudulent marriages, deceptive employment offers, and illegal smuggling for commercial sexual exploitation and forced labor; a significant share of foreign workers - primarily from Vietnam, Thailand, and the Philippines - are recruited legally for low-skilled jobs, and are subjected to forced labor or involuntary servitude by labor agencies or employers upon arrival in Taiwan; to a much lesser extent, there is internal trafficking of children for sexual exploitation and trafficking of a small and declining number of Taiwanese women to Japan for commercial sexual exploitation tier rating: Tier 2 Watch List - Taiwan is placed on the Tier 2 Watch List for its failure to show evidence of increasing efforts over the past year to address trafficking, despite ample resources to do so, particularly the serious level of forced labor and sexual servitude among legally migrating Southeast Asian contract workers and brides
Togo current situation: Togo is a source, transit, and destination country for children, women, and men trafficked for forced labor and sexual exploitation; the majority of victims are children, and trafficking within the country is more prevalent than international trafficking; children are trafficked to work as domestic servants, produce porters, roadside sellers, agricultural laborers, and for sexual exploitation; Togolese women may be trafficked to Europe for forced labor and sexual exploitation tier rating: Tier 2 Watch List - Togo is placed on the Tier 2 Watch List for failure to show evidence of increased efforts to combat trafficking over the past year, particularly in the areas of prosecution and protection
United Arab Emirates current situation: the United Arab Emirates is a destination country for men, women, and children trafficked from South and East Asia, Eastern Europe, Africa, and the Middle East for involuntary servitude and for sexual exploitation; an estimated 10,000 women from sub-Saharan Africa, Eastern Europe, South and East Asia, Iraq, Iran, and Morocco may be victims of sex trafficking in the UAE; women also migrate from Africa, and South and Southeast Asia to work as domestic servants, but may have their passports confiscated, be denied permission to leave the place of employment in the home, or face sexual or physical abuse by their employers; men from South Asia come to the UAE to work in the construction industry, but may be subjected to conditions of involuntary servitude as they are coerced to pay off recruitment and travel costs, sometimes having their wages denied for months at a time; victims of child camel jockey trafficking may still remain in the UAE, despite a July 2005 law banning the practice; while all identified victims were repatriated at the government's expense to their home countries, questions persist as to the effectiveness of the ban and the true number of victims tier rating: Tier 2 Watch List - UAE is placed on the Tier 2 Watch List for its failure to show increased efforts to combat trafficking in 2005, particularly in its efforts to address the large-scale trafficking of foreign girls and women for commercial sexual exploitation
Uzbekistan current situation: Uzbekistan is a source and, to a lesser extent, a transit country for women trafficked to Asia and the Middle East for the purpose of sexual exploitation; women from other Central Asian countries and China are trafficked through Uzbekistan; men are trafficked for purposes of forced labor in the construction and agricultural industries to Ukraine, Russia, Kazakhstan, and Kyrgyzstan; men and women are also trafficked within the country tier rating: Tier 3 - Uzbekistan is placed on Tier 3 because it failed to fulfill commitments by the country to take additional steps during 2005, including the adoption of comprehensive anti-trafficking legislation, criminal code amendments to raise trafficking penalties, support to the country's first trafficking shelter, and approval of a national action plan
Venezuela current situation: Venezuela is a source, transit, and destination country for women and children trafficked for the purposes of sexual exploitation and forced labor; women and children from Colombia, China, Peru, Ecuador, and the Dominican Republic are trafficked to and through Venezuela and subjected to commercial sexual exploitation or forced labor; Venezuelans are trafficked internally and to Western Europe, particularly Spain and the Netherlands, and to countries in the Caribbean region for commercial sexual exploitation; Venezuela is a transit country for illegal migrants from other countries in the region and for Asian nationals, some are believed to be trafficking victims tier rating: Tier 3 - Venezuela does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is not making significant efforts to do so
World current situation: about 600,000 to 800,000 people, mostly women and children, are trafficked annually across national borders, not including millions trafficked within their own countries; at least 80% of the victims are female; 75% of all victims are trafficked into commercial sexual exploitation; roughly two-thirds of the global victims are trafficked intra-regionally within East Asia and the Pacific (260,000 to 280,000 people) and Europe and Eurasia (170,000 to 210,000 people)
Zimbabwe current situation: Zimbabwe is a source, transit, and destination country for women and children trafficked for forced labor and sexual exploitation; children may be trafficked internally for forced agricultural labor, domestic servitude, and sexual exploitation; women and girls are lured out of the country to South Africa, China, Egypt, and Zambia with false job or scholarship promises that result in domestic servitude or commercial sexual exploitation; there are reports of South African employers demanding sex from undocumented Zimbabwean workers under threat of deportation; women and children from Malawi, Zambia, and the Democratic Republic of the Congo transit Zimbabwe en route to South Africa; small numbers of South African girls are trafficked to Zimbabwe for domestic labor tier rating: Tier 3 - Zimbabwe does not fully comply with the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking and is not making significant efforts to do so
This page was last updated on 8 February, 2007
Rank code: @2001
Rank Country GDP (purchasing power parity) Date of Information
1 World $ 65,000,000,000,000 2006 est. 2 United States $ 12,980,000,000,000 2006 est. 3 European Union $ 12,820,000,000,000 2006 est. 4 China $ 10,000,000,000,000 2006 est. 5 Japan $ 4,220,000,000,000 2006 est. 6 India $ 4,042,000,000,000 2006 est. 7 Germany $ 2,585,000,000,000 2006 est. 8 United Kingdom $ 1,903,000,000,000 2006 est. 9 France $ 1,871,000,000,000 2006 est. 10 Italy $ 1,727,000,000,000 2006 est. 11 Russia $ 1,723,000,000,000 2006 est. 12 Brazil $ 1,616,000,000,000 2006 est. 13 Korea, South $ 1,180,000,000,000 2006 est. 14 Canada $ 1,165,000,000,000 2006 est. 15 Mexico $ 1,134,000,000,000 2006 est. 16 Spain $ 1,070,000,000,000 2006 est. 17 Indonesia $ 935,000,000,000 2006 est. 18 Taiwan $ 668,300,000,000 2006 est. 19 Australia $ 666,300,000,000 2006 est. 20 Turkey $ 627,200,000,000 2006 est. 21 Iran $ 610,400,000,000 2006 est. 22 Argentina $ 599,100,000,000 2006 est. 23 Thailand $ 585,900,000,000 2006 est. 24 South Africa $ 576,400,000,000 2006 est. 25 Poland $ 542,600,000,000 2006 est. 26 Netherlands $ 512,000,000,000 2006 est. 27 Philippines $ 443,100,000,000 2006 est. 28 Pakistan $ 427,300,000,000 2006 est. 29 Saudi Arabia $ 374,000,000,000 2006 est. 30 Colombia $ 366,700,000,000 2006 est. 31 Ukraine $ 355,800,000,000 2006 est. 32 Bangladesh $ 330,800,000,000 2006 est. 33 Belgium $ 330,400,000,000 2006 est. 34 Egypt $ 328,100,000,000 2006 est. 35 Malaysia $ 308,800,000,000 2006 est. 36 Sweden $ 285,100,000,000 2006 est. 37 Austria $ 279,500,000,000 2006 est. 38 Vietnam $ 258,600,000,000 2006 est. 39 Algeria $ 253,400,000,000 2006 est. 40 Hong Kong $ 253,100,000,000 2006 est. 41 Switzerland $ 252,900,000,000 2006 est. 42 Greece $ 251,700,000,000 2006 est. 43 Czech Republic $ 221,400,000,000 2006 est. 44 Norway $ 207,300,000,000 2006 est. 45 Portugal $ 203,100,000,000 2006 est. 46 Chile $ 203,000,000,000 2006 est. 47 Denmark $ 198,500,000,000 2006 est. 48 Romania $ 197,300,000,000 2006 est. 49 Nigeria $ 188,500,000,000 2006 est. 50 Peru $ 181,800,000,000 2006 est. 51 Ireland $ 177,200,000,000 2006 est. 52 Venezuela $ 176,400,000,000 2006 est. 53 Hungary $ 172,700,000,000 2006 est. 54 Finland $ 171,700,000,000 2006 est. 55 Israel $ 166,300,000,000 2006 est. 56 Morocco $ 147,000,000,000 2006 est. 57 Kazakhstan $ 138,700,000,000 2006 est. 58 Singapore $ 138,600,000,000 2006 est. 59 United Arab Emirates $ 129,400,000,000 2006 est. 60 New Zealand $ 106,000,000,000 2006 est. 61 Slovakia $ 96,350,000,000 2006 est. 62 Sudan $ 96,010,000,000 2006 est. 63 Iraq $ 94,100,000,000 2005 est. 64 Sri Lanka $ 93,330,000,000 2006 est. 65 Tunisia $ 87,880,000,000 2006 est. 66 Burma $ 83,840,000,000 2006 est. 67 Belarus $ 80,740,000,000 2006 est. 68 Bulgaria $ 77,130,000,000 2006 est. 69 Syria $ 75,100,000,000 2006 est. 70 Libya $ 74,970,000,000 2006 est. 71 Puerto Rico $ 74,890,000,000 2006 est. 72 Dominican Republic $ 73,740,000,000 2006 est. 73 Ethiopia $ 71,630,000,000 2006 est. 74 Guatemala $ 60,570,000,000 2006 est. 75 Ecuador $ 60,480,000,000 2006 est. 76 Croatia $ 59,410,000,000 2006 est. 77 Ghana $ 59,150,000,000 2006 est. 78 Azerbaijan $ 58,100,000,000 2006 est. 79 Uzbekistan $ 54,810,000,000 2006 est. 80 Lithuania $ 54,030,000,000 2006 est. 81 Kuwait $ 52,170,000,000 2006 est. 82 Angola $ 51,950,000,000 2006 est. 83 Uganda $ 51,890,000,000 2006 est. 84 Costa Rica $ 48,770,000,000 2006 est. 85 Slovenia $ 46,080,000,000 2006 est. 86 Turkmenistan $ 45,110,000,000 2006 est. 87 Serbia $ 44,830,000,000 2006 est. 88 Congo, Democratic Republic of the $ 44,600,000,000 2006 est. 89 Cuba $ 44,540,000,000 2006 est. 90 Oman $ 43,880,000,000 2006 est. 91 Cameroon $ 42,200,000,000 2006 est. 92 Nepal $ 41,920,000,000 2006 est. 93 Kenya $ 40,770,000,000 2006 est. 94 Korea, North $ 40,000,000,000 2006 est. 95 Cambodia $ 36,780,000,000 2006 est. 96 Uruguay $ 36,560,000,000 2006 est. 97 Latvia $ 35,080,000,000 2006 est. 98 El Salvador $ 33,200,000,000 2006 est. 99 Luxembourg $ 32,600,000,000 2006 est. 100 Paraguay $ 30,640,000,000 2006 est. 101 Mozambique $ 29,320,000,000 2006 est. 102 Tanzania $ 29,250,000,000 2006 est. 103 Jordan $ 28,890,000,000 2006 est. 104 Cote d'Ivoire $ 28,470,000,000 2006 est. 105 Bolivia $ 27,210,000,000 2006 est. 106 Qatar $ 26,050,000,000 2006 est. 107 Estonia $ 26,000,000,000 2006 est. 108 Equatorial Guinea $ 25,690,000,000 2005 est. 109 Panama $ 25,290,000,000 2006 est. 110 Zimbabwe $ 25,050,000,000 2006 est. 111 Bosnia and Herzegovina $ 24,800,000,000 2006 est. 112 Honduras $ 22,130,000,000 2006 est. 113 Senegal $ 22,010,000,000 2006 est. 114 Afghanistan $ 21,500,000,000 2004 est. 115 Lebanon $ 21,450,000,000 2006 est. 116 Trinidad and Tobago $ 20,990,000,000 2006 est. 117 Yemen $ 20,380,000,000 2006 est. 118 Albania $ 20,210,000,000 2006 est. 119 Guinea $ 19,400,000,000 2006 est. 120 Botswana $ 18,720,000,000 2006 est. 121 Burkina Faso $ 17,870,000,000 2006 est. 122 Cyprus $ 17,790,000,000 2006 est. 123 Georgia $ 17,790,000,000 2006 est. 124 Bahrain $ 17,700,000,000 2006 est. 125 Madagascar $ 17,270,000,000 2006 est. 126 Macedonia $ 16,910,000,000 2006 est. 127 Nicaragua $ 16,830,000,000 2006 est. 128 Mauritius $ 16,720,000,000 2006 est. 129 Armenia $ 15,990,000,000 2006 est. 130 Chad $ 15,260,000,000 2006 est. 131 Papua New Guinea $ 15,130,000,000 2006 est. 132 Namibia $ 15,040,000,000 2006 est. 133 Mali $ 14,590,000,000 2006 est. 134 Haiti $ 14,560,000,000 2006 est. 135 Rwanda $ 13,540,000,000 2006 est. 136 Laos $ 13,430,000,000 2006 est. 137 Jamaica $ 12,710,000,000 2006 est. 138 Niger $ 12,230,000,000 2006 est. 139 Zambia $ 11,510,000,000 2006 est. 140 Iceland $ 11,400,000,000 2006 est. 141 Kyrgyzstan $ 10,490,000,000 2006 est. 142 Gabon $ 10,210,000,000 2006 est. 143 Macau $ 10,000,000,000 2004 144 Tajikistan $ 9,405,000,000 2006 est. 145 Togo $ 9,248,000,000 2006 est. 146 Moldova $ 8,971,000,000 2006 est. 147 Benin $ 8,931,000,000 2006 est. 148 Mauritania $ 8,397,000,000 2006 est. 149 Malta $ 8,122,000,000 2006 est. 150 Malawi $ 8,038,000,000 2006 est. 151 Brunei $ 6,842,000,000 2003 est. 152 Bahamas, The $ 6,476,000,000 2006 est. 153 Swaziland $ 5,910,000,000 2006 est. 154 Mongolia $ 5,781,000,000 2006 est. 155 Burundi $ 5,744,000,000 2006 est. 156 Fiji $ 5,504,000,000 2006 est. 157 Sierra Leone $ 5,380,000,000 2006 est. 158 Gaza Strip $ 5,327,000,000 2005 est. 159 West Bank $ 5,327,000,000 2005 est. 160 Lesotho $ 5,195,000,000 2006 est. 161 Barbados $ 5,108,000,000 2006 est. 162 Somalia $ 5,023,000,000 2006 est. 163 Congo, Republic of the $ 4,958,000,000 2006 est. 164 Central African Republic $ 4,913,000,000 2006 est. 165 French Polynesia $ 4,580,000,000 2003 est. 166 Cyprus $ 4,540,000,000 2006 est. 167 Bermuda $ 4,500,000,000 2004 est. 168 Eritrea $ 4,471,000,000 2005 est. 169 Guyana $ 3,620,000,000 2006 est. 170 Jersey $ 3,600,000,000 2003 est. 171 Montenegro $ 3,394,000,000 2006 est. 172 Gambia, The $ 3,250,000,000 2006 est. 173 New Caledonia $ 3,158,000,000 2003 est. 174 Cape Verde $ 3,129,000,000 2006 est. 175 Suriname $ 3,098,000,000 2006 est. 176 Liberia $ 2,911,000,000 2006 est. 177 Bhutan $ 2,900,000,000 2003 est. 178 Netherlands Antilles $ 2,800,000,000 2004 est. 179 Guernsey $ 2,742,000,000 2005 180 Guam $ 2,500,000,000 2005 est. 181 Belize $ 2,307,000,000 2006 est. 182 Aruba $ 2,258,000,000 2005 est. 183 Isle of Man $ 2,113,000,000 2003 est. 184 Cayman Islands $ 1,939,000,000 2004 est. 185 Andorra $ 1,840,000,000 2004 186 Liechtenstein $ 1,786,000,000 2001 est. 187 Virgin Islands $ 1,577,000,000 2004 est. 188 Maldives $ 1,250,000,000 2002 est. 189 Guinea-Bissau $ 1,244,000,000 2006 est. 190 Greenland $ 1,100,000,000 2001 est. 191 Faroe Islands $ 1,000,000,000 2001 est. 192 Samoa $ 1,000,000,000 2002 est. 193 San Marino $ 940,000,000 2001 est. 194 Northern Mariana Islands $ 900,000,000 2000 est. 195 Monaco $ 870,000,000 2000 est. 196 Saint Lucia $ 866,000,000 2002 est. 197 British Virgin Islands $ 853,400,000 2004 est. 198 Solomon Islands $ 800,000,000 2002 est. 199 Gibraltar $ 769,000,000 2000 est. 200 Antigua and Barbuda $ 750,000,000 2002 est. 201 Seychelles $ 626,000,000 2002 est. 202 Djibouti $ 619,000,000 2002 est. 203 American Samoa $ 510,100,000 2003 est. 204 Mayotte $ 466,800,000 2003 est. 205 Comoros $ 441,000,000 2002 est. 206 Grenada $ 440,000,000 2002 est. 207 Dominica $ 384,000,000 2003 est. 208 East Timor $ 370,000,000 2004 est. 209 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines $ 342,000,000 2002 est. 210 Saint Kitts and Nevis $ 339,000,000 2002 est. 211 Micronesia, Federated States of $ 277,000,000 2002 est. 212 Vanuatu $ 276,300,000 2003 est. 213 Turks and Caicos Islands $ 216,000,000 2002 est. 214 Sao Tome and Principe $ 214,000,000 2003 est. 215 Kiribati $ 206,400,000 2004 est. 216 Cook Islands $ 183,200,000 2005 est. 217 Tonga $ 178,500,000 2004 est. 218 Palau $ 124,500,000 2004 est. 219 Marshall Islands $ 115,000,000 2001 est. 220 Anguilla $ 108,900,000 2004 est. 221 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) $ 75,000,000 2002 est. 222 Nauru $ 60,000,000 2005 est. 223 Wallis and Futuna $ 60,000,000 2004 est. 224 Saint Pierre and Miquelon $ 48,300,000 2003 est. 225 Montserrat $ 29,000,000 2002 est. 226 Saint Helena $ 18,000,000 1998 est. 227 Tuvalu $ 14,940,000 2002 est. 228 Niue $ 7,600,000 2000 est. 229 Tokelau $ 1,500,000 1993 est.
This file was last updated on 8 February, 2007
Rank code: @2003
Rank Country GDP - real growth rate(%) Date of Information
1 Azerbaijan 32.50 2006 est. 2 Mauritania 19.40 2006 est. 3 Equatorial Guinea 18.60 2005 est. 4 Angola 14.00 2006 est. 5 Turkmenistan 13.00 2006 est. 6 Trinidad and Tobago 12.60 2006 est. 7 Liechtenstein 11.00 1999 est. 8 Cyprus 10.60 2006 est. 9 Armenia 10.50 2006 est. 10 China 10.50 2006 est. 11 United Arab Emirates 10.20 2006 est. 12 Anguilla 10.20 2004 est. 13 Faroe Islands 10.00 2001 est. 14 Mozambique 9.80 2006 est. 15 Sudan 9.60 2006 est. 16 Latvia 9.30 2006 est. 17 Estonia 9.20 2006 est. 18 Georgia 8.80 2006 est. 19 Venezuela 8.80 2006 est. 20 Argentina 8.50 2006 est. 21 India 8.50 2006 est. 22 Kazakhstan 8.50 2006 est. 23 Ethiopia 8.50 2006 est. 24 Afghanistan 8.40 2006 est. 25 Belarus 8.30 2006 est. 26 Libya 8.10 2006 est. 27 Kuwait 8.00 2006 est. 28 Vietnam 7.80 2006 est. 29 Bahrain 7.60 2006 est. 30 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 7.50 2006 est. 31 Mongolia 7.50 2006 est. 32 Cuba 7.50 2006 est. 33 Singapore 7.40 2006 est. 34 Dominican Republic 7.20 2006 est. 35 Laos 7.20 2006 est. 36 Lithuania 7.20 2006 est. 37 Qatar 7.10 2006 est. 38 Chad 7.00 2006 est. 39 Malawi 7.00 2006 est. 40 Uruguay 7.00 2006 est. 41 Tajikistan 7.00 2006 est. 42 Vanuatu 6.80 2005 est. 43 Sierra Leone 6.80 2006 est. 44 Uzbekistan 6.80 2006 est. 45 Liberia 6.70 2006 est. 46 Morocco 6.70 2006 est. 47 Macau 6.70 2005 48 Russia 6.60 2006 est. 49 Oman 6.50 2006 est. 50 Pakistan 6.50 2006 est. 51 Peru 6.50 2006 est. 52 Slovakia 6.40 2006 est. 53 Romania 6.40 2006 est. 54 Sri Lanka 6.30 2006 est. 55 Isle of Man 6.30 2003 56 Panama 6.30 2006 est. 57 Czech Republic 6.20 2006 est. 58 Niue 6.20 2003 est. 59 Bangladesh 6.10 2006 est. 60 Congo, Republic of the 6.00 2006 est. 61 Zambia 6.00 2006 est. 62 Ukraine 6.00 2006 est. 63 Bhutan 5.90 2005 est. 64 Hong Kong 5.90 2006 est. 65 Serbia 5.90 2005 est. 66 Saudi Arabia 5.90 2006 est. 67 Cambodia 5.80 2006 est. 68 Tanzania 5.80 2006 est. 69 Rwanda 5.80 2006 est. 70 Egypt 5.70 2006 est. 71 Luxembourg 5.70 2006 est. 72 Ghana 5.70 2006 est. 73 Algeria 5.60 2006 est. 74 Bulgaria 5.50 2006 est. 75 Cape Verde 5.50 2005 est. 76 Madagascar 5.50 2006 est. 77 Palau 5.50 2005 est. 78 Samoa 5.50 2005 est. 79 Malaysia 5.50 2006 est. 80 Kenya 5.50 2006 est. 81 Colombia 5.40 2006 est. 82 Indonesia 5.40 2006 est. 83 Bosnia and Herzegovina 5.30 2006 est. 84 Nigeria 5.30 2006 est. 85 Philippines 5.30 2006 est. 86 Poland 5.30 2006 est. 87 Ireland 5.20 2006 est. 88 Burkina Faso 5.20 2006 est. 89 Turkey 5.20 2006 est. 90 Honduras 5.20 2006 est. 91 Korea, South 5.10 2006 est. 92 World 5.10 2006 est. 93 Saint Lucia 5.10 2005 est. 94 Mali 5.10 2006 est. 95 Albania 5.00 2006 est. 96 Uganda 5.00 2006 est. 97 Suriname 5.00 2006 est. 98 Nepal 5.00 2006 est. 99 Burundi 5.00 2006 est. 100 Iran 5.00 2006 est. 101 Gambia, The 5.00 2006 est. 102 Finland 4.90 2006 est. 103 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 4.90 2005 est. 104 West Bank 4.90 2005 est. 105 Turks and Caicos Islands 4.90 2000 est. 106 Senegal 4.90 2006 est. 107 Gaza Strip 4.90 2005 est. 108 Saint Kitts and Nevis 4.90 2005 est. 109 Chile 4.80 2006 est. 110 Israel 4.80 2006 est. 111 Botswana 4.70 2006 est. 112 Costa Rica 4.70 2006 est. 113 Bermuda 4.60 2004 est. 114 Moldova 4.60 2006 est. 115 Jordan 4.60 2006 est. 116 Mexico 4.50 2006 est. 117 South Africa 4.50 2006 est. 118 Solomon Islands 4.40 2005 est. 119 Taiwan 4.40 2006 est. 120 Sao Tome and Principe 4.40 2006 est. 121 Croatia 4.40 2006 est. 122 Slovenia 4.40 2006 est. 123 Thailand 4.40 2006 est. 124 Mauritius 4.30 2006 est. 125 Sweden 4.20 2006 est. 126 Cameroon 4.10 2006 est. 127 Namibia 4.10 2006 est. 128 Andorra 4.00 2004 est. 129 El Salvador 4.00 2006 est. 130 Barbados 4.00 2006 est. 131 Benin 4.00 2006 est. 132 Tunisia 4.00 2006 est. 133 Macedonia 4.00 2006 est. 134 Bahamas, The 4.00 2006 est. 135 Guatemala 3.90 2006 est. 136 Antigua and Barbuda 3.80 2005 est. 137 Hungary 3.80 2006 est. 138 Cyprus 3.70 2006 est. 139 Iceland 3.70 2006 est. 140 Ecuador 3.60 2006 est. 141 Greece 3.60 2006 est. 142 Spain 3.60 2006 est. 143 Belize 3.50 2005 est. 144 Niger 3.50 2006 est. 145 Marshall Islands 3.50 2005 est. 146 Austria 3.30 2006 est. 147 Bolivia 3.30 2006 est. 148 Djibouti 3.20 2005 est. 149 Guyana 3.20 2006 est. 150 Yemen 3.20 2006 est. 151 United States 3.20 2006 est. 152 Papua New Guinea 3.20 2006 est. 153 Paraguay 3.20 2006 est. 154 Brazil 3.10 2006 est. 155 Dominica 3.10 2005 est. 156 Iraq 3.10 2006 est. 157 American Samoa 3.00 2003 158 Central African Republic 3.00 2006 est. 159 Norway 3.00 2006 est. 160 Togo 3.00 2006 est. 161 Guernsey 3.00 2005 est. 162 Denmark 3.00 2006 est. 163 Comoros 3.00 2005 est. 164 Netherlands 2.90 2006 est. 165 Guinea-Bissau 2.90 2006 est. 166 Switzerland 2.90 2006 est. 167 Syria 2.90 2006 est. 168 Australia 2.80 2006 est. 169 Japan 2.80 2006 est. 170 Gabon 2.80 2006 est. 171 European Union 2.80 2006 est. 172 Canada 2.80 2006 est. 173 Fiji 2.70 2006 est. 174 Jamaica 2.70 2006 est. 175 United Kingdom 2.70 2006 est. 176 Burma 2.60 2006 est. 177 Somalia 2.60 2006 est. 178 Belgium 2.50 2006 est. 179 Nicaragua 2.50 2006 est. 180 Aruba 2.40 2005 est. 181 Tonga 2.40 2005 est. 182 France 2.30 2006 est. 183 San Marino 2.30 2002 est. 184 Germany 2.20 2006 est. 185 Eritrea 2.00 2005 est. 186 Virgin Islands 2.00 2002 est. 187 Guinea 2.00 2006 est. 188 Kyrgyzstan 2.00 2006 est. 189 Swaziland 2.00 2006 est. 190 New Zealand 1.90 2006 est. 191 Greenland 1.80 2001 est. 192 Haiti 1.80 2006 est. 193 East Timor 1.80 2005 est. 194 Brunei 1.70 2004 est. 195 Lesotho 1.70 2006 est. 196 Italy 1.60 2006 est. 197 Malta 1.30 2006 est. 198 Cote d'Ivoire 1.20 2006 est. 199 Tuvalu 1.20 2002 est. 200 Portugal 1.20 2006 est. 201 Korea, North 1.00 2006 est. 202 Netherlands Antilles 1.00 2004 est. 203 British Virgin Islands 1.00 2002 est. 204 Cayman Islands 0.90 2004 est. 205 Grenada 0.90 2005 est. 206 Monaco 0.90 2000 est. 207 Puerto Rico 0.50 2006 est. 208 Micronesia, Federated States of 0.30 2005 est. 209 Kiribati 0.30 2005 210 Cook Islands 0.10 2005 est. 211 Montserrat -1.00 2002 est. 212 Seychelles -1.00 2006 est. 213 Maldives -3.60 2005 est. 214 Zimbabwe -4.40 2006 est. 215 Lebanon -5.00 2006 est.
This file was last updated on 8 February, 2007
Rank code: @2004
Rank Country GDP - per capita (PPP) Date of Information
1 Bermuda $ 69,900 2004 est. 2 Luxembourg $ 68,800 2006 est. 3 Equatorial Guinea $ 50,200 2005 est. 4 United Arab Emirates $ 49,700 2006 est. 5 Norway $ 47,800 2006 est. 6 Guernsey $ 44,600 2005 7 Cayman Islands $ 43,800 2004 est. 8 Ireland $ 43,600 2006 est. 9 United States $ 43,500 2006 est. 10 Jersey $ 40,000 2003 est. 11 British Virgin Islands $ 38,500 2004 est. 12 Iceland $ 38,100 2006 est. 13 Denmark $ 37,000 2006 est. 14 Hong Kong $ 36,500 2006 est. 15 Canada $ 35,200 2006 est. 16 San Marino $ 34,600 2001 est. 17 Austria $ 34,100 2006 est. 18 Switzerland $ 33,600 2006 est. 19 Japan $ 33,100 2006 est. 20 Australia $ 32,900 2006 est. 21 Finland $ 32,800 2006 est. 22 Belgium $ 31,800 2006 est. 23 Netherlands $ 31,700 2006 est. 24 Sweden $ 31,600 2006 est. 25 Germany $ 31,400 2006 est. 26 United Kingdom $ 31,400 2006 est. 27 Faroe Islands $ 31,000 2001 est. 28 Singapore $ 30,900 2006 est. 29 France $ 30,100 2006 est. 30 Italy $ 29,700 2006 est. 31 Qatar $ 29,400 2006 est. 32 European Union $ 29,300 2006 est. 33 Taiwan $ 29,000 2006 est. 34 Gibraltar $ 27,900 2000 est. 35 Isle of Man $ 27,800 2003 est. 36 Monaco $ 27,000 2000 est. 37 Spain $ 27,000 2006 est. 38 Israel $ 26,200 2006 est. 39 New Zealand $ 26,000 2006 est. 40 Bahrain $ 25,300 2006 est. 41 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) $ 25,000 2002 est. 42 Liechtenstein $ 25,000 1999 est. 43 Macau $ 24,300 2005 44 Korea, South $ 24,200 2006 est. 45 Andorra $ 24,000 2004 46 Brunei $ 23,600 2003 est. 47 Greece $ 23,500 2006 est. 48 Slovenia $ 22,900 2006 est. 49 Cyprus $ 22,700 2006 est. 50 Aruba $ 21,800 2004 est. 51 Czech Republic $ 21,600 2006 est. 52 Kuwait $ 21,600 2006 est. 53 Bahamas, The $ 21,300 2006 est. 54 Malta $ 20,300 2006 est. 55 Greenland $ 20,000 2001 est. 56 Trinidad and Tobago $ 19,700 2006 est. 57 Estonia $ 19,600 2006 est. 58 Portugal $ 19,100 2006 est. 59 Puerto Rico $ 19,100 2006 est. 60 Barbados $ 18,200 2006 est. 61 Slovakia $ 17,700 2006 est. 62 French Polynesia $ 17,500 2003 est. 63 Hungary $ 17,300 2006 est. 64 Netherlands Antilles $ 16,000 2004 est. 65 Latvia $ 15,400 2006 est. 66 Lithuania $ 15,100 2006 est. 67 Argentina $ 15,000 2006 est. 68 New Caledonia $ 15,000 2003 est. 69 Guam $ 15,000 2005 est. 70 Virgin Islands $ 14,500 2004 est. 71 Oman $ 14,100 2006 est. 72 Poland $ 14,100 2006 est. 73 Saudi Arabia $ 13,800 2006 est. 74 Mauritius $ 13,500 2006 est. 75 Croatia $ 13,200 2006 est. 76 South Africa $ 13,000 2006 est. 77 Libya $ 12,700 2006 est. 78 Malaysia $ 12,700 2006 est. 79 Chile $ 12,600 2006 est. 80 Northern Mariana Islands $ 12,500 2000 est. 81 Russia $ 12,100 2006 est. 82 Costa Rica $ 12,000 2006 est. 83 Turks and Caicos Islands $ 11,500 2002 est. 84 Botswana $ 11,400 2006 est. 85 Antigua and Barbuda $ 10,900 2005 est. 86 Uruguay $ 10,700 2006 est. 87 Mexico $ 10,600 2006 est. 88 Bulgaria $ 10,400 2006 est. 89 World $ 10,000 2006 est. 90 Cook Islands $ 9,100 2005 est. 91 Kazakhstan $ 9,100 2006 est. 92 Thailand $ 9,100 2006 est. 93 Iran $ 8,900 2006 est. 94 Turkey $ 8,900 2006 est. 95 Turkmenistan $ 8,900 2006 est. 96 Anguilla $ 8,800 2004 est. 97 Romania $ 8,800 2006 est. 98 Brazil $ 8,600 2006 est. 99 Tunisia $ 8,600 2006 est. 100 Belize $ 8,400 2006 est. 101 Colombia $ 8,400 2006 est. 102 Macedonia $ 8,200 2006 est. 103 Saint Kitts and Nevis $ 8,200 2005 est. 104 Dominican Republic $ 8,000 2006 est. 105 Panama $ 7,900 2006 est. 106 Belarus $ 7,800 2006 est. 107 Seychelles $ 7,800 2002 est. 108 Algeria $ 7,700 2006 est. 109 China $ 7,600 2006 est. 110 Ukraine $ 7,600 2006 est. 111 Palau $ 7,600 2005 est. 112 Namibia $ 7,400 2006 est. 113 Azerbaijan $ 7,300 2006 est. 114 Gabon $ 7,200 2006 est. 115 Cyprus $ 7,135 2006 est. 116 Suriname $ 7,100 2006 est. 117 Saint Pierre and Miquelon $ 7,000 2001 est. 118 Venezuela $ 6,900 2006 est. 119 Peru $ 6,400 2006 est. 120 Fiji $ 6,100 2006 est. 121 Cape Verde $ 6,000 2006 est. 122 American Samoa $ 5,800 2005 est. 123 Niue $ 5,800 2003 est. 124 Albania $ 5,600 2006 est. 125 Bosnia and Herzegovina $ 5,500 2006 est. 126 Lebanon $ 5,500 2006 est. 127 Armenia $ 5,400 2006 est. 128 Swaziland $ 5,200 2006 est. 129 Nauru $ 5,000 2005 est. 130 Philippines $ 5,000 2006 est. 131 El Salvador $ 4,900 2006 est. 132 Jordan $ 4,900 2006 est. 133 Guatemala $ 4,900 2006 est. 134 Saint Lucia $ 4,800 2005 est. 135 Guyana $ 4,700 2006 est. 136 Paraguay $ 4,700 2006 est. 137 Sri Lanka $ 4,600 2006 est. 138 Jamaica $ 4,600 2006 est. 139 Ecuador $ 4,500 2006 est. 140 Morocco $ 4,400 2006 est. 141 Serbia $ 4,400 2005 est. 142 Angola $ 4,300 2006 est. 143 Egypt $ 4,200 2006 est. 144 Syria $ 4,000 2006 est. 145 Cuba $ 3,900 2006 est. 146 Maldives $ 3,900 2002 est. 147 Grenada $ 3,900 2005 est. 148 Dominica $ 3,800 2005 est. 149 Georgia $ 3,800 2006 est. 150 Wallis and Futuna $ 3,800 2004 est. 151 Montenegro $ 3,800 2005 est. 152 Indonesia $ 3,800 2006 est. 153 India $ 3,700 2006 est. 154 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines $ 3,600 2005 est. 155 Montserrat $ 3,400 2002 est. 156 Vietnam $ 3,100 2006 est. 157 Bolivia $ 3,000 2006 est. 158 Nicaragua $ 3,000 2006 est. 159 Honduras $ 3,000 2006 est. 160 Vanuatu $ 2,900 2003 est. 161 Marshall Islands $ 2,900 2005 est. 162 Kiribati $ 2,700 2004 est. 163 Papua New Guinea $ 2,700 2006 est. 164 Cambodia $ 2,600 2006 est. 165 Ghana $ 2,600 2006 est. 166 Lesotho $ 2,600 2006 est. 167 Pakistan $ 2,600 2006 est. 168 Mauritania $ 2,600 2006 est. 169 Mayotte $ 2,600 2003 est. 170 Saint Helena $ 2,500 1998 est. 171 Cameroon $ 2,400 2006 est. 172 Micronesia, Federated States of $ 2,300 2005 est. 173 Sudan $ 2,300 2006 est. 174 Bangladesh $ 2,200 2006 est. 175 Tonga $ 2,200 2005 est. 176 Laos $ 2,100 2006 est. 177 Samoa $ 2,100 2005 est. 178 Gambia, The $ 2,000 2006 est. 179 Kyrgyzstan $ 2,000 2006 est. 180 Guinea $ 2,000 2006 est. 181 Moldova $ 2,000 2006 est. 182 Mongolia $ 2,000 2006 est. 183 Zimbabwe $ 2,000 2006 est. 184 Uzbekistan $ 2,000 2006 est. 185 Iraq $ 1,900 2006 est. 186 Burma $ 1,800 2006 est. 187 Haiti $ 1,800 2006 est. 188 Korea, North $ 1,800 2006 est. 189 Senegal $ 1,800 2006 est. 190 Uganda $ 1,800 2006 est. 191 Togo $ 1,700 2006 est. 192 Cote d'Ivoire $ 1,600 2006 est. 193 Tuvalu $ 1,600 2002 est. 194 Rwanda $ 1,600 2006 est. 195 Chad $ 1,500 2006 est. 196 West Bank $ 1,500 2005 est. 197 Nepal $ 1,500 2006 est. 198 Mozambique $ 1,500 2006 est. 199 Gaza Strip $ 1,500 2003 est. 200 Bhutan $ 1,400 2003 est. 201 Nigeria $ 1,400 2006 est. 202 Congo, Republic of the $ 1,300 2006 est. 203 Tajikistan $ 1,300 2006 est. 204 Burkina Faso $ 1,300 2006 est. 205 Kenya $ 1,200 2006 est. 206 Sao Tome and Principe $ 1,200 2003 est. 207 Mali $ 1,200 2006 est. 208 Benin $ 1,100 2006 est. 209 Central African Republic $ 1,100 2006 est. 210 Djibouti $ 1,000 2005 est. 211 Liberia $ 1,000 2006 est. 212 Zambia $ 1,000 2006 est. 213 Tokelau $ 1,000 1993 est. 214 Niger $ 1,000 2006 est. 215 Ethiopia $ 1,000 2006 est. 216 Eritrea $ 1,000 2005 est. 217 Madagascar $ 900 2006 est. 218 Guinea-Bissau $ 900 2006 est. 219 Sierra Leone $ 900 2006 est. 220 Yemen $ 900 2006 est. 221 Afghanistan $ 800 2004 est. 222 Tanzania $ 800 2006 est. 223 East Timor $ 800 2005 est. 224 Burundi $ 700 2006 est. 225 Congo, Democratic Republic of the $ 700 2006 est. 226 Solomon Islands $ 600 2005 est. 227 Comoros $ 600 2005 est. 228 Somalia $ 600 2006 est. 229 Malawi $ 600 2006 est.
This file was last updated on 8 February, 2007
Rank code: @2034
Rank Country Military expenditures - percent of GDP(%) Date of Information
1 Eritrea 17.70 2005 est. 2 Jordan 11.40 2005 est. 3 Oman 11.40 2003 4 Qatar 10.00 5 Saudi Arabia 10.00 2002 6 Angola 8.80 2005 est. 7 Israel 7.70 2005 est. 8 Liberia 7.50 2005 est. 9 Madagascar 7.20 2005 est. 10 Armenia 6.50 FY01 11 Yemen 6.40 2005 est. 12 Macedonia 6.00 13 Syria 5.90 14 Burundi 5.60 2005 est. 15 Maldives 5.50 2005 est. 16 Turkey 5.30 2003 17 Brunei 5.10 2003 est. 18 Morocco 5.00 2003 est. 19 Bahrain 4.90 2005 est. 20 Singapore 4.90 21 Bosnia and Herzegovina 4.50 22 China 4.30 2005 est. 23 Djibouti 4.30 2005 est. 24 Greece 4.30 2003 25 Kuwait 4.20 2005 est. 26 United States 4.06 2005 est. 27 Zimbabwe 4.00 2005 est. 28 Libya 3.90 29 Tajikistan 3.90 FY01 30 Pakistan 3.90 2005 est. 31 Cyprus 3.80 32 Chile 3.50 2005 est. 33 Botswana 3.40 2005 est. 34 Ethiopia 3.40 2005 est. 35 Gabon 3.40 2005 est. 36 Egypt 3.40 2004 37 Turkmenistan 3.40 38 Colombia 3.40 FY01 39 Iran 3.30 2003 est. 40 Algeria 3.20 2005 est. 41 United Arab Emirates 3.10 42 Guinea-Bissau 3.10 2005 est. 43 Lebanon 3.10 2004 44 Cambodia 3.00 45 Comoros 3.00 2005 est. 46 Sudan 3.00 2004 47 Indonesia 3.00 2004 48 Guinea 2.90 2005 est. 49 Rwanda 2.90 2005 est. 50 Australia 2.70 2005 est. 51 Azerbaijan 2.60 52 Korea, South 2.60 2005 est. 53 Sri Lanka 2.60 2005 est. 54 France 2.60 2005 est. 55 Bulgaria 2.60 2003 56 Honduras 2.55 2005 est. 57 India 2.50 2005 est. 58 Vietnam 2.50 59 Romania 2.47 2002 60 Taiwan 2.40 2005 est. 61 United Kingdom 2.40 2003 62 Croatia 2.39 2002 est. 63 Benin 2.30 2005 est. 64 Namibia 2.30 2005 est. 65 Portugal 2.30 2003 66 Fiji 2.20 FY02 67 Uganda 2.20 2005 est. 68 Mongolia 2.20 FY02 69 Burma 2.10 70 Uruguay 2.10 2005 est. 71 Seychelles 2.10 2005 est. 72 Lesotho 2.10 2005 est. 73 Equatorial Guinea 2.10 2005 est. 74 Malaysia 2.03 75 Ecuador 2.00 2005 est. 76 World 2.00 77 Uzbekistan 2.00 78 Finland 2.00 FY98/99 79 Estonia 2.00 2002 est. 80 Lithuania 1.90 FY01 81 Mali 1.90 2005 est. 82 Norway 1.90 2003 83 Slovakia 1.87 2005 84 Czech Republic 1.81 85 Bangladesh 1.80 2005 est. 86 Zambia 1.80 2005 est. 87 Thailand 1.80 2003 88 Italy 1.80 2004 89 Cuba 1.80 2005 est. 90 Hungary 1.75 2002 est. 91 Poland 1.71 2002 92 Afghanistan 1.70 2005 est. 93 Sierra Leone 1.70 2005 est. 94 Slovenia 1.70 FY00 95 Belize 1.70 2005 est. 96 Cote d'Ivoire 1.60 2005 est. 97 Togo 1.60 2005 est. 98 Netherlands 1.60 2004 99 Kenya 1.60 2005 est. 100 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 1.50 2005 est. 101 Tunisia 1.50 102 Sweden 1.50 2005 est. 103 South Africa 1.50 2005 est. 104 Nepal 1.50 2005 est. 105 Cameroon 1.50 2005 est. 106 Germany 1.50 2003 107 Denmark 1.50 2004 108 Albania 1.49 FY02 109 Bolivia 1.40 2005 est. 110 Senegal 1.40 2005 est. 111 Swaziland 1.40 2005 est. 112 Ukraine 1.40 FY02 113 Papua New Guinea 1.40 FY02 114 Peru 1.40 2003 est. 115 Niger 1.40 2005 est. 116 Belarus 1.40 FY02 117 Kyrgyzstan 1.40 FY01 118 Mauritania 1.40 2005 est. 119 Congo, Republic of the 1.40 2005 est. 120 Argentina 1.30 FY00 121 Burkina Faso 1.30 2005 est. 122 Mozambique 1.30 2005 est. 123 Belgium 1.30 2003 124 Brazil 1.30 2005 est. 125 Latvia 1.20 FY01 126 Spain 1.20 2003 127 Venezuela 1.20 2005 est. 128 Canada 1.10 2003 129 Bhutan 1.00 2005 est. 130 Switzerland 1.00 FY01 131 Panama 1.00 2005 est. 132 New Zealand 1.00 FY02 133 Malta 1.00 2005 est. 134 Japan 1.00 2005 est. 135 Central African Republic 1.00 2005 est. 136 Chad 1.00 2005 est. 137 El Salvador 1.00 2005 est. 138 Austria 0.90 2004 139 Somalia 0.90 2005 est. 140 Philippines 0.90 2005 est. 141 Paraguay 0.90 2003 est. 142 Luxembourg 0.90 2003 143 Kazakhstan 0.90 FY02 144 Haiti 0.90 2003 est. 145 Guyana 0.90 2003 est. 146 Ireland 0.90 FY00/01 147 Ghana 0.80 2005 est. 148 Sao Tome and Principe 0.80 2005 est. 149 Malawi 0.80 2005 est. 150 Mexico 0.80 2005 est. 151 Nigeria 0.80 2005 est. 152 Cape Verde 0.70 2005 est. 153 Nicaragua 0.70 2005 est. 154 Suriname 0.70 2003 est. 155 Trinidad and Tobago 0.60 2003 est. 156 Georgia 0.59 157 Guatemala 0.50 2005 est. 158 Costa Rica 0.40 2005 est. 159 Jamaica 0.40 2003 est. 160 Gambia, The 0.40 2005 est. 161 Laos 0.40 2005 est. 162 Moldova 0.40 FY02 163 Mauritius 0.20 2005 est. 164 Tanzania 0.20 2005 est. 165 Bermuda 0.11 166 Dominican Republic 0.00 2002 est. 167 Iceland 0.00
This file was last updated on 8 February, 2007
Rank code: @2038
Rank Country Electricity - production(kWh) Date of Information
1 World 17,150,000,000,000 2004 est. 2 United States 3,979,000,000,000 2004 3 European Union 2,980,000,000,000 2004 est. 4 China 2,500,000,000,000 2005 5 Japan 974,400,000,000 2004 6 Russia 952,400,000,000 2005 7 India 630,600,000,000 2004 8 Canada 573,000,000,000 2004 9 Germany 566,900,000,000 2004 10 France 540,600,000,000 2004 11 Brazil 380,900,000,000 2004 12 United Kingdom 363,200,000,000 2004 13 Korea, South 345,200,000,000 2004 14 Italy 277,600,000,000 2004 15 Spain 263,300,000,000 2004 16 Mexico 242,400,000,000 2004 17 South Africa 227,200,000,000 2004 18 Australia 225,300,000,000 2004 19 Taiwan 189,700,000,000 2005 20 Ukraine 177,300,000,000 2004 21 Iran 155,700,000,000 2004 22 Saudi Arabia 155,200,000,000 2004 23 Sweden 150,500,000,000 2004 24 Poland 143,500,000,000 2004 25 Turkey 143,300,000,000 2004 26 Thailand 121,700,000,000 2004 27 Indonesia 112,600,000,000 2004 28 Norway 108,900,000,000 2004 29 Argentina 93,940,000,000 2004 30 Venezuela 93,030,000,000 2004 31 Netherlands 92,700,000,000 2004 32 Egypt 91,720,000,000 2004 33 Finland 81,600,000,000 2004 34 Pakistan 80,240,000,000 2004 35 Belgium 80,220,000,000 2004 36 Czech Republic 79,140,000,000 2004 37 Malaysia 78,240,000,000 2004 38 Austria 65,560,000,000 2004 39 Kazakhstan 63,260,000,000 2004 40 Switzerland 61,970,000,000 2004 41 Greece 55,510,000,000 2004 42 Romania 54,530,000,000 2004 43 Philippines 53,130,000,000 2004 44 Paraguay 51,770,000,000 2004 45 Chile 50,910,000,000 2004 46 United Arab Emirates 49,520,000,000 2004 47 Colombia 46,930,000,000 2004 48 Uzbekistan 46,450,000,000 2004 49 Israel 46,070,000,000 2004 50 Portugal 42,520,000,000 2004 51 Bulgaria 41,960,000,000 2004 52 New Zealand 41,100,000,000 2004 53 Kuwait 40,370,000,000 2004 54 Vietnam 40,110,000,000 2004 55 Hong Kong 38,450,000,000 2005 56 Denmark 38,020,000,000 2004 57 Serbia 33,870,000,000 2004 58 Singapore 32,640,000,000 2004 59 Hungary 31,830,000,000 2004 60 Iraq 31,700,000,000 2005 61 Syria 29,640,000,000 2004 est. 62 Algeria 29,390,000,000 2004 est. 63 Belarus 29,330,000,000 2004 64 Slovakia 28,810,000,000 2004 65 Puerto Rico 24,140,000,000 2004 66 Peru 23,990,000,000 2004 est. 67 Ireland 23,260,000,000 2004 68 Korea, North 21,710,000,000 2004 69 Azerbaijan 20,350,000,000 2004 70 Libya 19,440,000,000 2004 71 Nigeria 19,060,000,000 2004 72 Morocco 18,480,000,000 2004 73 Bangladesh 18,090,000,000 2004 74 Lithuania 17,800,000,000 2004 75 Tajikistan 16,500,000,000 2004 76 Cuba 15,340,000,000 2005 77 Dominican Republic 15,020,000,000 2004 78 Slovenia 14,460,000,000 2004 79 Oman 14,330,000,000 2004 80 Kyrgyzstan 14,060,000,000 2004 81 Bosnia and Herzegovina 12,980,000,000 2004 82 Croatia 12,950,000,000 2004 83 Qatar 12,400,000,000 2004 84 Ecuador 12,200,000,000 2004 85 Tunisia 11,810,000,000 2004 86 Mozambique 11,580,000,000 2004 87 Turkmenistan 10,790,000,000 2004 est. 88 Zambia 9,962,000,000 2004 89 Lebanon 9,762,000,000 2004 90 Zimbabwe 9,412,000,000 2004 91 Estonia 9,290,000,000 2004 92 Iceland 8,474,000,000 2004 93 Jordan 8,431,000,000 2004 94 Costa Rica 8,400,000,000 2004 95 Uruguay 8,183,000,000 2004 96 Bahrain 7,794,000,000 2004 97 Sri Lanka 7,714,000,000 2004 98 Guatemala 7,604,000,000 2004 99 Panama 7,545,000,000 2004 100 Jamaica 6,913,000,000 2004 101 Congo, Republic of the 6,847,000,000 2004 102 Georgia 6,804,000,000 2004 103 Ghana 6,489,000,000 2004 104 Armenia 6,317,000,000 2005 105 Burma 6,310,000,000 2004 106 Macedonia 6,271,000,000 2005 107 Trinidad and Tobago 6,049,000,000 2004 108 Kenya 5,709,000,000 2004 109 Albania 5,434,000,000 2004 110 Honduras 4,805,000,000 2004 111 Cote d'Ivoire 4,625,000,000 2004 112 Latvia 4,550,000,000 2004 113 Bolivia 4,472,000,000 2004 114 El Salvador 4,174,000,000 2004 115 Yemen 4,077,000,000 2004 est. 116 Laos 3,936,000,000 2004 117 Cyprus 3,926,000,000 2004 118 Cameroon 3,924,000,000 2004 119 Sudan 3,845,000,000 2004 120 Moldova 3,506,000,000 2004 121 Papua New Guinea 3,358,000,000 2004 122 Mongolia 3,240,000,000 2005 est. 123 Luxembourg 3,203,000,000 2005 est. 124 Montenegro 2,864,000,000 2005 est. 125 Brunei 2,806,000,000 2004 126 Nicaragua 2,766,000,000 2004 127 Nepal 2,565,000,000 2005 128 Tanzania 2,562,000,000 2004 129 Ethiopia 2,294,000,000 2004 130 Malta 2,291,000,000 2004 131 Angola 2,194,000,000 2004 132 Mauritius 2,107,000,000 2004 133 Bhutan 2,050,000,000 2004 134 Macau 2,027,000,000 2005 135 Uganda 1,894,000,000 2004 136 Bahamas, The 1,795,000,000 2004 137 Guam 1,764,000,000 2004 138 New Caledonia 1,675,000,000 2004 139 Gabon 1,543,000,000 2004 140 Suriname 1,509,000,000 2004 141 Senegal 1,453,000,000 2004 142 Namibia 1,397,000,000 2004 143 Malawi 1,293,000,000 2004 144 Netherlands Antilles 1,005,000,000 2004 145 Madagascar 984,000,000 2004 146 Virgin Islands 980,000,000 2004 147 Barbados 896,000,000 2004 148 Botswana 823,000,000 2004 149 Guyana 818,800,000 2004 150 Fiji 817,000,000 2004 151 Guinea 790,000,000 2004 152 Aruba 770,000,000 2004 153 Afghanistan 734,300,000 2004 154 Bermuda 682,500,000 2005 155 Haiti 536,200,000 2004 156 French Polynesia 477,000,000 2004 157 Swaziland 458,000,000 2004 158 Mali 410,000,000 2004 159 Cayman Islands 400,000,000 2004 160 Burkina Faso 400,000,000 2004 161 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 353,000,000 2004 162 Liberia 325,000,000 2004 163 Greenland 295,000,000 2004 164 Faroe Islands 292,600,000 2004 165 Saint Lucia 290,000,000 2004 166 Togo 286,200,000 2004 167 Eritrea 276,100,000 2004 168 Somalia 269,000,000 2004 169 Lesotho 250,000,000 2004 170 Sierra Leone 244,000,000 2004 171 Niger 232,000,000 2004 172 Seychelles 208,000,000 2004 173 Djibouti 200,000,000 2004 174 Micronesia, Federated States of 192,000,000 2002 175 Mauritania 176,700,000 2004 176 Belize 175,000,000 2004 177 Grenada 171,300,000 2004 178 Maldives 149,900,000 2004 179 Gambia, The 145,000,000 2004 180 Burundi 137,000,000 2004 181 Gibraltar 131,200,000 2004 182 Cambodia 131,000,000 2004 183 American Samoa 128,000,000 2004 184 Saint Kitts and Nevis 125,000,000 2004 185 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 114,000,000 2004 186 Central African Republic 109,000,000 2004 187 Samoa 108,000,000 2004 188 Antigua and Barbuda 105,000,000 2004 189 Chad 94,000,000 2004 190 Rwanda 93,000,000 2004 191 Western Sahara 85,000,000 2004 192 Dominica 83,880,000 2004 193 Benin 82,000,000 2004 194 Guinea-Bissau 58,020,000 2004 195 Solomon Islands 55,000,000 2004 196 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 50,000,000 2004 197 Cape Verde 44,000,000 2004 198 Vanuatu 43,000,000 2004 199 British Virgin Islands 42,000,000 2004 200 Tonga 41,000,000 2004 201 Nauru 30,000,000 2004 202 Cook Islands 28,000,000 2004 203 Equatorial Guinea 26,000,000 2004 204 Comoros 19,000,000 2004 205 Sao Tome and Principe 18,000,000 2004 206 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) 16,000,000 2004 207 Kiribati 13,000,000 2004 208 Saint Helena 7,000,000 2004 209 Turks and Caicos Islands 7,000,000 2004 210 Niue 3,000,000 2004 211 Montserrat 2,000,000 2003 212 Gaza Strip 140,000
This file was last updated on 8 February, 2007
Rank code: @2042
Rank Country Electricity - consumption(kWh) Date of Information
1 World 16,180,000,000,000 2004 est. 2 United States 3,717,000,000,000 2004 3 European Union 2,770,000,000,000 2004 est. 4 China 2,494,000,000,000 2005 5 Russia 940,000,000,000 2005 6 Japan 906,200,000,000 2004 7 India 587,900,000,000 2004 8 Germany 524,600,000,000 2004 9 Canada 522,400,000,000 2004 10 France 440,600,000,000 2004 11 Brazil 391,700,000,000 2004 12 United Kingdom 345,200,000,000 2004 13 Korea, South 321,000,000,000 2004 14 Italy 303,800,000,000 2004 15 Spain 241,800,000,000 2004 16 Mexico 224,600,000,000 2004 17 Australia 209,500,000,000 2004 18 South Africa 207,000,000,000 2004 19 Taiwan 175,300,000,000 2005 20 Ukraine 158,900,000,000 2004 21 Iran 145,100,000,000 2004 22 Saudi Arabia 144,400,000,000 2004 23 Turkey 140,300,000,000 2005 24 Sweden 137,800,000,000 2004 25 Poland 124,100,000,000 2004 26 Thailand 116,200,000,000 2004 27 Norway 112,800,000,000 2004 28 Indonesia 104,700,000,000 2004 29 Netherlands 102,400,000,000 2004 30 Argentina 90,930,000,000 2004 31 Venezuela 86,520,000,000 2004 32 Egypt 84,490,000,000 2004 33 Belgium 82,410,000,000 2004 34 Finland 80,790,000,000 2004 35 Pakistan 74,620,000,000 2004 36 Malaysia 72,710,000,000 2004 37 Austria 64,070,000,000 2004 38 Czech Republic 58,800,000,000 2004 39 Kazakhstan 58,300,000,000 2004 40 Switzerland 56,930,000,000 2004 41 Greece 53,500,000,000 2005 est. 42 Romania 49,620,000,000 2004 43 Philippines 49,410,000,000 2004 44 Chile 49,090,000,000 2004 45 Uzbekistan 48,200,000,000 2004 46 United Arab Emirates 46,050,000,000 2004 47 Portugal 46,050,000,000 2004 48 Hong Kong 44,550,000,000 2005 49 Colombia 42,010,000,000 2004 50 Israel 41,380,000,000 2004 51 New Zealand 38,220,000,000 2004 52 Kuwait 37,540,000,000 2004 53 Vietnam 37,300,000,000 2004 54 Hungary 37,100,000,000 2004 55 Bulgaria 35,230,000,000 2004 56 Iraq 33,300,000,000 2005 57 Denmark 32,560,000,000 2004 58 Belarus 31,050,000,000 2004 59 Singapore 30,350,000,000 2004 60 Syria 27,570,000,000 2004 est. 61 Algeria 27,400,000,000 2004 est. 62 Slovakia 24,200,000,000 2004 63 Ireland 23,230,000,000 2004 64 Puerto Rico 22,450,000,000 2004 65 Peru 22,310,000,000 2004 66 Azerbaijan 20,570,000,000 2004 67 Korea, North 20,190,000,000 2004 68 Morocco 18,890,000,000 2004 69 Libya 18,080,000,000 2004 70 Nigeria 17,710,000,000 2004 71 Bangladesh 16,820,000,000 2004 72 Croatia 16,530,000,000 2004 73 Tajikistan 15,700,000,000 2004 74 Cuba 14,100,000,000 2004 75 Dominican Republic 13,960,000,000 2004 76 Oman 13,330,000,000 2004 77 Ecuador 12,950,000,000 2004 78 Slovenia 12,670,000,000 2004 79 Qatar 11,530,000,000 2004 80 Bosnia and Herzegovina 11,030,000,000 2004 81 Zimbabwe 11,000,000,000 2004 82 Tunisia 10,970,000,000 2004 83 Uruguay 9,939,000,000 2004 84 Mozambique 9,592,000,000 2004 85 Lebanon 9,529,000,000 2004 86 Lithuania 9,358,000,000 2004 87 Turkmenistan 9,030,000,000 2004 88 Georgia 8,528,000,000 2004 89 Jordan 8,387,000,000 2004 90 Macedonia 7,933,000,000 2005 91 Iceland 7,881,000,000 2004 92 Costa Rica 7,574,000,000 2004 93 Bahrain 7,248,000,000 2004 94 Sri Lanka 7,174,000,000 2004 95 Ghana 7,095,000,000 2004 96 Panama 6,888,000,000 2004 97 Estonia 6,846,000,000 2004 98 Kyrgyzstan 6,777,000,000 2004 99 Moldova 6,731,000,000 2004 100 Zambia 6,692,000,000 2004 101 Guatemala 6,649,000,000 2004 102 Jamaica 6,429,000,000 2004 103 Latvia 6,329,000,000 2004 104 Luxembourg 6,140,000,000 2005 est. 105 Burma 5,869,000,000 2004 106 Trinidad and Tobago 5,626,000,000 2004 107 Kenya 5,459,000,000 2004 108 Albania 5,231,000,000 2004 109 Congo, Republic of the 5,127,000,000 2004 110 Honduras 4,824,000,000 2004 111 Armenia 4,374,000,000 2005 112 El Salvador 4,229,000,000 2004 113 Bolivia 4,168,000,000 2004 114 Yemen 3,792,000,000 2004 est. 115 Cyprus 3,651,000,000 2004 116 Cameroon 3,649,000,000 2004 117 Sudan 3,576,000,000 2004 118 Mongolia 3,370,000,000 2005 est. 119 Laos 3,260,000,000 2004 120 Cote d'Ivoire 3,202,000,000 2004 121 Paraguay 3,133,000,000 2004 122 Papua New Guinea 3,123,000,000 2004 123 Namibia 2,819,000,000 2004 124 Brunei 2,609,000,000 2004 125 Nicaragua 2,573,000,000 2004 126 Botswana 2,464,000,000 2004 127 Tanzania 2,383,000,000 2004 128 Macau 2,159,000,000 2005 129 Ethiopia 2,133,000,000 2004 130 Malta 2,130,000,000 2004 131 Angola 2,040,000,000 2004 132 Mauritius 1,960,000,000 2004 133 Nepal 1,850,000,000 2005 134 Bahamas, The 1,669,000,000 2004 135 Guam 1,641,000,000 2004 136 Uganda 1,596,000,000 2004 137 New Caledonia 1,558,000,000 2004 138 Gabon 1,435,000,000 2004 139 Suriname 1,403,000,000 2004 140 Senegal 1,351,000,000 2004 141 Malawi 1,202,000,000 2004 142 Swaziland 1,123,000,000 2004 143 Netherlands Antilles 934,700,000 2004 144 Togo 929,200,000 2004 145 Madagascar 915,100,000 2004 146 Virgin Islands 911,400,000 2004 147 Barbados 833,300,000 2004 148 Afghanistan 782,900,000 2004 149 Guyana 761,500,000 2004 150 Fiji 759,800,000 2004 151 Guinea 734,700,000 2004 152 Aruba 716,100,000 2004 153 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 658,300,000 2004 154 Jersey 630,100,000 2004 est. 155 Bermuda 616,700,000 2005 156 Benin 576,300,000 2004 157 Bhutan 526,500,000 2004 158 Haiti 498,600,000 2004 159 French Polynesia 443,600,000 2004 160 Niger 415,800,000 2004 161 Mali 381,300,000 2004 162 Cayman Islands 372,000,000 2004 163 Burkina Faso 372,000,000 2004 164 Liberia 302,300,000 2004 165 Greenland 274,400,000 2004 166 Faroe Islands 272,100,000 2004 167 Saint Lucia 269,700,000 2004 168 Eritrea 256,700,000 2004 169 Somalia 250,200,000 2004 170 Lesotho 244,500,000 2004 171 Sierra Leone 226,900,000 2004 172 Rwanda 196,500,000 2004 173 Seychelles 193,400,000 2004 174 Djibouti 186,000,000 2004 175 Micronesia, Federated States of 178,600,000 2002 176 Mauritania 164,300,000 2004 177 Belize 162,800,000 2004 178 Grenada 159,300,000 2004 179 Burundi 157,400,000 2004 180 Maldives 139,400,000 2004 181 Gambia, The 134,900,000 2004 182 Gibraltar 122,000,000 2004 183 Cambodia 121,800,000 2004 184 American Samoa 119,000,000 2004 185 Saint Kitts and Nevis 116,300,000 2004 186 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 106,000,000 2004 187 Central African Republic 101,400,000 2004 188 Samoa 100,500,000 2004 189 Antigua and Barbuda 97,650,000 2004 190 Mayotte 87,790,000 2001 191 Chad 87,420,000 2004 192 Western Sahara 79,050,000 2004 193 Dominica 78,010,000 2004 194 Guinea-Bissau 53,960,000 2004 195 Solomon Islands 51,150,000 2004 196 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 46,500,000 2004 197 Anguilla 42,600,000 198 Cape Verde 40,920,000 2004 199 Vanuatu 39,990,000 2004 200 British Virgin Islands 39,060,000 2004 201 Tonga 38,130,000 2004 202 Nauru 27,900,000 2004 203 Cook Islands 26,040,000 2004 est. 204 Equatorial Guinea 24,180,000 2004 205 Montenegro 18,600,000 206 Comoros 17,670,000 2004 207 Sao Tome and Principe 16,740,000 2004 208 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) 14,880,000 2004 209 Kiribati 12,090,000 2004 210 Saint Helena 6,510,000 2004 211 Turks and Caicos Islands 6,510,000 2004 212 Niue 2,790,000 2004 213 Montserrat 1,860,000 2003 214 Gaza Strip 230,000
This file was last updated on 8 February, 2007
Rank code: @2053
Rank Country Airports Date of Information
1 World 49,024 2006 2 United States 14,858 2006 3 Brazil 4,276 2006 4 Mexico 1,839 2006 5 Russia 1,623 2006 6 Argentina 1,381 2006 7 Canada 1,337 2006 8 Bolivia 1,084 2006 9 Colombia 984 2006 10 Paraguay 881 2006 11 South Africa 731 2006 12 Indonesia 662 2006 13 Papua New Guinea 582 2006 14 Germany 554 2006 15 France 501 2006 16 Ukraine 499 2006 17 China 486 2006 18 France 477 2006 19 United Kingdom 471 2006 20 Australia 455 2006 21 Guatemala 450 2006 22 Zimbabwe 403 2006 23 Venezuela 375 2006 24 Chile 363 2006 25 Ecuador 359 2006 26 India 341 2006 27 Iran 321 2006 28 Peru 268 2006 29 Philippines 256 2006 30 Sweden 255 2006 31 Angola 244 2006 32 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 234 2006 33 Kenya 225 2006 34 Bulgaria 217 2006 35 Saudi Arabia 208 2006 36 Nicaragua 176 2006 37 Japan 175 2006 38 Cuba 170 2006 39 Mozambique 158 2006 40 Costa Rica 157 2006 41 Spain 157 2006 42 Kazakhstan 150 2006 43 Finland 148 2006 44 Algeria 142 2006 45 Libya 141 2006 46 Pakistan 139 2006 47 Oman 137 2006 48 Namibia 137 2006 49 Italy 133 2006 50 Tanzania 124 2006 51 Poland 122 2006 52 Czech Republic 121 2006 53 New Zealand 118 2006 54 Malaysia 117 2006 55 Panama 117 2006 56 Turkey 117 2006 57 Honduras 116 2006 58 Madagascar 116 2006 59 Zambia 111 2006 60 Iraq 110 2006 61 Thailand 108 2006 62 Korea, South 107 2006 63 Norway 99 2006 64 Iceland 98 2006 65 Denmark 92 2006 66 Syria 92 2006 67 Lithuania 91 2006 68 Guyana 90 2006 69 Egypt 88 2006 70 Sudan 88 2006 71 Belarus 86 2006 72 Botswana 85 2006 73 Burma 85 2006 74 Ethiopia 84 2006 75 Greece 82 2006 76 Korea, North 77 2006 77 El Salvador 75 2006 78 Nigeria 69 2006 79 Croatia 68 2006 80 Portugal 66 2006 81 Somalia 65 2006 82 Switzerland 65 2006 83 Bahamas, The 64 2006 84 Uruguay 64 2006 85 Romania 61 2006 86 Uzbekistan 61 2006 87 Morocco 60 2006 88 Gabon 56 2006 89 Austria 55 2006 90 Israel 53 2006 91 Liberia 53 2006 92 Chad 52 2006 93 French Polynesia 51 2006 94 Central African Republic 50 2006 95 Nepal 48 2006 96 Cameroon 47 2006 97 Suriname 47 2006 98 Afghanistan 46 2006 99 Latvia 46 2006 100 Yemen 46 2006 101 Hungary 46 2006 102 Laos 44 2006 103 Mongolia 44 2006 104 Belgium 43 2006 105 Belize 43 2006 106 Malawi 42 2006 107 Taiwan 42 2006 108 Tajikistan 40 2006 109 Serbia 39 2006 110 United Arab Emirates 37 2006 111 Kyrgyzstan 37 2006 112 Azerbaijan 36 2006 113 Ireland 36 2006 114 Slovakia 36 2006 115 Solomon Islands 35 2006 116 Cote d'Ivoire 35 2006 117 Jamaica 35 2006 118 Burkina Faso 34 2006 119 Dominican Republic 33 2006 120 Congo, Republic of the 32 2006 121 Vietnam 32 2006 122 Vanuatu 31 2006 123 Uganda 31 2006 124 Puerto Rico 30 2006 125 Tunisia 30 2006 126 Mali 29 2006 127 Turkmenistan 29 2006 128 Bosnia and Herzegovina 28 2006 129 Fiji 28 2006 130 Lesotho 28 2006 131 Guinea-Bissau 28 2006 132 Niger 28 2006 133 Netherlands 27 2006 134 Mauritania 25 2006 135 New Caledonia 25 2006 136 Estonia 24 2006 137 Georgia 23 2006 138 Antarctica 20 2006 139 Senegal 20 2006 140 Cambodia 20 2006 141 Kiribati 19 2006 142 Swaziland 18 2006 143 Eritrea 17 2006 144 Macedonia 17 2006 145 Jordan 17 2006 146 Bangladesh 16 2006 147 Sri Lanka 16 2006 148 Cyprus 16 2006 149 Guinea 16 2006 150 Marshall Islands 15 2006 151 Seychelles 15 2006 152 Greenland 14 2006 153 Slovenia 14 2006 154 Armenia 13 2006 155 Djibouti 13 2006 156 Ghana 12 2006 157 Haiti 12 2006 158 Moldova 12 2006 159 Albania 11 2006 160 Western Sahara 11 2006 161 Sierra Leone 10 2006 162 Cook Islands 9 2006 163 Singapore 9 2006 164 Togo 9 2006 165 Rwanda 9 2006 166 Burundi 8 2006 167 Turks and Caicos Islands 8 2006 168 East Timor 8 2006 169 Cape Verde 7 2006 170 Lebanon 7 2006 171 Kuwait 7 2006 172 Micronesia, Federated States of 6 2006 173 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 6 2006 174 Tonga 6 2006 175 Mauritius 6 2006 176 Trinidad and Tobago 6 2006 177 Benin 5 2006 178 Qatar 5 2006 179 Netherlands Antilles 5 2006 180 Guam 5 2006 181 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) 5 2006 182 Northern Mariana Islands 5 2006 183 Maldives 5 2006 184 Montenegro 5 2006 185 Comoros 4 2006 186 Samoa 4 2006 187 Svalbard 4 2006 188 Equatorial Guinea 4 2006 189 Antigua and Barbuda 3 2006 190 West Bank 3 2006 191 British Virgin Islands 3 2006 192 Palau 3 2006 193 Spratly Islands 3 2006 194 Midway Islands 3 2006 195 Hong Kong 3 2006 196 Grenada 3 2006 197 Bahrain 3 2006 198 Anguilla 3 2006 199 American Samoa 3 2006 200 Cayman Islands 3 2006 201 Bhutan 2 2006 202 Wallis and Futuna 2 2006 203 Virgin Islands 2 2006 204 Sao Tome and Principe 2 2006 205 Saint Lucia 2 2006 206 Saint Kitts and Nevis 2 2006 207 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 2 2006 208 Montserrat 2 2006 209 Brunei 2 2006 210 Dominica 2 2006 211 Gaza Strip 2 2006 212 Luxembourg 2 2006 213 Guernsey 2 2006 214 Aruba 1 2006 215 Barbados 1 2006 216 Wake Island 1 2006 217 Tuvalu 1 2006 218 Tromelin Island 1 2006 219 Saint Helena 1 2006 220 Mayotte 1 2006 221 Macau 1 2006 222 Palmyra Atoll 1 2006 223 Christmas Island 1 2006 224 Juan de Nova Island 1 2006 225 Johnston Atoll 1 2006 226 Jan Mayen 1 2006 227 Jersey 1 2006 228 British Indian Ocean Territory 1 2006 229 Isle of Man 1 2006 230 Paracel Islands 1 2006 231 Nauru 1 2006 232 Norfolk Island 1 2006 233 Niue 1 2006 234 Malta 1 2006 235 Glorioso Islands 1 2006 236 Gibraltar 1 2006 237 Gambia, The 1 2006 238 Faroe Islands 1 2006 239 Europa Island 1 2006 240 Cocos (Keeling) Islands 1 2006 241 Bermuda 1 2006
This file was last updated on 8 February, 2007
Rank code: @2054
Rank Country Birth rate(births/1,000 population) Date of Information
1 Niger 50.73 2006 est. 2 Mali 49.82 2006 est. 3 Uganda 47.35 2006 est. 4 Afghanistan 46.60 2006 est. 5 Sierra Leone 45.76 2006 est. 6 Chad 45.73 2006 est. 7 Burkina Faso 45.62 2006 est. 8 Somalia 45.13 2006 est. 9 Angola 45.11 2006 est. 10 Liberia 44.77 2006 est. 11 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 43.69 2006 est. 12 Malawi 43.13 2006 est. 13 Yemen 42.89 2006 est. 14 Congo, Republic of the 42.57 2006 est. 15 Burundi 42.22 2006 est. 16 Guinea 41.76 2006 est. 17 Madagascar 41.41 2006 est. 18 Zambia 41.00 2006 est. 19 Mauritania 40.99 2006 est. 20 Mayotte 40.95 2006 est. 21 Nigeria 40.43 2006 est. 22 Rwanda 40.37 2006 est. 23 Sao Tome and Principe 40.25 2006 est. 24 Kenya 39.72 2006 est. 25 Djibouti 39.53 2006 est. 26 Gaza Strip 39.45 2006 est. 27 Gambia, The 39.37 2006 est. 28 Benin 38.85 2006 est. 29 Ethiopia 37.98 2006 est. 30 Tanzania 37.71 2006 est. 31 Guinea-Bissau 37.22 2006 est. 32 Togo 37.01 2006 est. 33 Comoros 36.93 2006 est. 34 Haiti 36.44 2006 est. 35 Oman 36.24 2006 est. 36 Gabon 36.16 2006 est. 37 Equatorial Guinea 35.59 2006 est. 38 Laos 35.49 2006 est. 39 Mozambique 35.18 2006 est. 40 Cote d'Ivoire 35.11 2006 est. 41 Maldives 34.81 2006 est. 42 Sudan 34.53 2006 est. 43 Eritrea 34.33 2006 est. 44 Central African Republic 33.91 2006 est. 45 Cameroon 33.89 2006 est. 46 Bhutan 33.65 2006 est. 47 Marshall Islands 33.05 2006 est. 48 Senegal 32.78 2006 est. 49 Tajikistan 32.65 2006 est. 50 Iraq 31.98 2006 est. 51 West Bank 31.67 2006 est. 52 Nepal 30.98 2006 est. 53 Kiribati 30.65 2006 est. 54 Ghana 30.52 2006 est. 55 Solomon Islands 30.01 2006 est. 56 Guatemala 29.88 2006 est. 57 Bangladesh 29.80 2006 est. 58 Pakistan 29.74 2006 est. 59 Papua New Guinea 29.36 2006 est. 60 Saudi Arabia 29.34 2006 est. 61 Paraguay 29.10 2006 est. 62 Belize 28.84 2006 est. 63 Honduras 28.24 2006 est. 64 Zimbabwe 28.01 2006 est. 65 Syria 27.76 2006 est. 66 Turkmenistan 27.61 2006 est. 67 Swaziland 27.41 2006 est. 68 East Timor 26.99 2006 est. 69 Cambodia 26.90 2006 est. 70 El Salvador 26.61 2006 est. 71 Libya 26.49 2006 est. 72 Uzbekistan 26.36 2006 est. 73 Tonga 25.37 2006 est. 74 Philippines 24.89 2006 est. 75 Cape Verde 24.87 2006 est. 76 Nauru 24.76 2006 est. 77 Lesotho 24.75 2006 est. 78 Micronesia, Federated States of 24.68 2006 est. 79 Nicaragua 24.51 2006 est. 80 Namibia 24.32 2006 est. 81 Bolivia 23.30 2006 est. 82 Dominican Republic 23.22 2006 est. 83 Botswana 23.08 2006 est. 84 Egypt 22.94 2006 est. 85 Malaysia 22.86 2006 est. 86 Kyrgyzstan 22.80 2006 est. 87 Vanuatu 22.72 2006 est. 88 Fiji 22.55 2006 est. 89 American Samoa 22.46 2006 est. 90 Ecuador 22.29 2006 est. 91 Tuvalu 22.18 2006 est. 92 Grenada 22.08 2006 est. 93 India 22.01 2006 est. 94 Morocco 21.98 2006 est. 95 Kuwait 21.94 2006 est. 96 Turks and Caicos Islands 21.84 2006 est. 97 Panama 21.74 2006 est. 98 Mongolia 21.59 2006 est. 99 Jordan 21.25 2006 est. 100 Cook Islands 21.00 2001 census 101 Jamaica 20.82 2006 est. 102 Azerbaijan 20.74 2006 est. 103 Mexico 20.69 2006 est. 104 Colombia 20.48 2006 est. 105 Peru 20.48 2006 est. 106 Indonesia 20.34 2006 est. 107 World 20.05 2006 est. 108 Saint Lucia 19.68 2006 est. 109 Northern Mariana Islands 19.43 2006 est. 110 United Arab Emirates 18.96 2006 est. 111 Brunei 18.79 2006 est. 112 Guam 18.79 2006 est. 113 Venezuela 18.71 2006 est. 114 Lebanon 18.52 2006 est. 115 Costa Rica 18.32 2006 est. 116 Guyana 18.28 2006 est. 117 South Africa 18.20 2006 est. 118 New Caledonia 18.11 2006 est. 119 Palau 18.03 2006 est. 120 Suriname 18.02 2006 est. 121 Saint Kitts and Nevis 18.02 2006 est. 122 Israel 17.97 2006 est. 123 Burma 17.91 2006 est. 124 Bahrain 17.80 2006 est. 125 Montserrat 17.59 2006 est. 126 Bahamas, The 17.57 2006 est. 127 Algeria 17.14 2006 est. 128 Iran 17.00 2006 est. 129 Antigua and Barbuda 16.93 2006 est. 130 Vietnam 16.86 2006 est. 131 Argentina 16.73 2006 est. 132 French Polynesia 16.68 2006 est. 133 Turkey 16.62 2006 est. 134 Brazil 16.56 2006 est. 135 Samoa 16.43 2006 est. 136 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 16.18 2006 est. 137 Seychelles 16.03 2006 est. 138 Kazakhstan 16.00 2006 est. 139 Greenland 15.93 2006 est. 140 Moldova 15.70 2006 est. 141 Qatar 15.56 2006 est. 142 Korea, North 15.54 2006 est. 143 Tunisia 15.52 2006 est. 144 Sri Lanka 15.51 2006 est. 145 Mauritius 15.43 2006 est. 146 Dominica 15.27 2006 est. 147 Chile 15.23 2006 est. 148 Albania 15.11 2006 est. 149 British Virgin Islands 14.89 2006 est. 150 Netherlands Antilles 14.78 2006 est. 151 Ireland 14.45 2006 est. 152 Anguilla 14.17 2006 est. 153 United States 14.14 2006 est. 154 Faroe Islands 14.05 2006 est. 155 Virgin Islands 13.96 2006 est. 156 Uruguay 13.91 2006 est. 157 Thailand 13.87 2006 est. 158 New Zealand 13.76 2006 est. 159 Iceland 13.64 2006 est. 160 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 13.52 2006 est. 161 China 13.25 2006 est. 162 Trinidad and Tobago 12.90 2006 est. 163 Puerto Rico 12.77 2006 est. 164 Cayman Islands 12.74 2006 est. 165 Barbados 12.71 2006 est. 166 Montenegro 12.60 2004 167 Cyprus 12.56 2006 est. 168 Taiwan 12.56 2006 est. 169 Australia 12.14 2006 est. 170 Saint Helena 12.13 2006 est. 171 Armenia 12.07 2006 est. 172 Macedonia 12.02 2006 est. 173 France 11.99 2006 est. 174 Luxembourg 11.94 2006 est. 175 Cuba 11.89 2006 est. 176 Norway 11.46 2006 est. 177 Bermuda 11.40 2006 est. 178 Belarus 11.16 2006 est. 179 Denmark 11.13 2006 est. 180 Isle of Man 11.05 2006 est. 181 Aruba 11.03 2006 est. 182 Netherlands 10.90 2006 est. 183 Canada 10.78 2006 est. 184 Gibraltar 10.74 2006 est. 185 Portugal 10.72 2006 est. 186 United Kingdom 10.71 2006 est. 187 Romania 10.70 2006 est. 188 Slovakia 10.65 2006 est. 189 Finland 10.45 2006 est. 190 Georgia 10.41 2006 est. 191 Belgium 10.38 2006 est. 192 Sweden 10.27 2006 est. 193 Malta 10.22 2006 est. 194 Liechtenstein 10.21 2006 est. 195 Spain 10.06 2006 est. 196 Estonia 10.04 2006 est. 197 San Marino 10.02 2006 est. 198 European Union 10.00 2006 est. 199 Korea, South 10.00 2006 est. 200 Russia 9.95 2006 est. 201 Poland 9.85 2006 est. 202 Hungary 9.72 2006 est. 203 Switzerland 9.71 2006 est. 204 Greece 9.68 2006 est. 205 Bulgaria 9.65 2006 est. 206 Croatia 9.61 2006 est. 207 Japan 9.37 2006 est. 208 Singapore 9.34 2006 est. 209 Jersey 9.30 2006 est. 210 Latvia 9.24 2006 est. 211 Monaco 9.19 2006 est. 212 Czech Republic 9.02 2006 est. 213 Slovenia 8.98 2006 est. 214 Ukraine 8.82 2006 est. 215 Guernsey 8.81 2006 est. 216 Bosnia and Herzegovina 8.77 2006 est. 217 Lithuania 8.75 2006 est. 218 Austria 8.74 2006 est. 219 Italy 8.72 2006 est. 220 Andorra 8.71 2006 est. 221 Macau 8.48 2006 est. 222 Germany 8.25 2006 est. 223 Hong Kong 7.29 2006 est.
This file was last updated on 8 February, 2007
Rank code: @2066
Rank Country Death rate(deaths/1,000 population) Date of Information
1 Swaziland 29.74 2006 est. 2 Botswana 29.50 2006 est. 3 Lesotho 28.71 2006 est. 4 Angola 24.20 2006 est. 5 Liberia 23.10 2006 est. 6 Sierra Leone 23.03 2006 est. 7 South Africa 22.00 2006 est. 8 Zimbabwe 21.84 2006 est. 9 Mozambique 21.35 2006 est. 10 Niger 20.91 2006 est. 11 Afghanistan 20.34 2006 est. 12 Zambia 19.93 2006 est. 13 Malawi 19.33 2006 est. 14 Djibouti 19.31 2006 est. 15 Namibia 18.86 2006 est. 16 Central African Republic 18.65 2006 est. 17 Nigeria 16.94 2006 est. 18 Mali 16.89 2006 est. 19 Somalia 16.63 2006 est. 20 Guinea-Bissau 16.53 2006 est. 21 Tanzania 16.39 2006 est. 22 Chad 16.38 2006 est. 23 Rwanda 16.09 2006 est. 24 Burkina Faso 15.60 2006 est. 25 Guinea 15.48 2006 est. 26 Equatorial Guinea 15.06 2006 est. 27 Ethiopia 14.86 2006 est. 28 Cote d'Ivoire 14.84 2006 est. 29 Russia 14.65 2006 est. 30 Ukraine 14.39 2006 est. 31 Bulgaria 14.27 2006 est. 32 Belarus 14.02 2006 est. 33 Kenya 14.02 2006 est. 34 Latvia 13.66 2006 est. 35 Cameroon 13.47 2006 est. 36 Burundi 13.46 2006 est. 37 Congo, Democratic Republic of the 13.27 2006 est. 38 Estonia 13.25 2006 est. 39 Hungary 13.11 2006 est. 40 Congo, Republic of the 12.93 2006 est. 41 Monaco 12.91 2006 est. 42 Bhutan 12.70 2006 est. 43 Moldova 12.64 2006 est. 44 Gambia, The 12.25 2006 est. 45 Gabon 12.25 2006 est. 46 Uganda 12.24 2006 est. 47 Benin 12.22 2006 est. 48 Haiti 12.17 2006 est. 49 Mauritania 12.16 2006 est. 50 Romania 11.77 2006 est. 51 Laos 11.55 2006 est. 52 Croatia 11.48 2006 est. 53 Isle of Man 11.19 2006 est. 54 Madagascar 11.11 2006 est. 55 Lithuania 10.98 2006 est. 56 Germany 10.62 2006 est. 57 Czech Republic 10.59 2006 est. 58 Trinidad and Tobago 10.57 2006 est. 59 Portugal 10.50 2006 est. 60 Italy 10.40 2006 est. 61 Denmark 10.36 2006 est. 62 Slovenia 10.31 2006 est. 63 Sweden 10.31 2006 est. 64 Belgium 10.27 2006 est. 65 Greece 10.24 2006 est. 66 United Kingdom 10.13 2006 est. 67 European Union 10.10 2006 est. 68 Guernsey 10.01 2006 est. 69 Poland 9.89 2006 est. 70 Finland 9.86 2006 est. 71 Burma 9.83 2006 est. 72 Togo 9.83 2006 est. 73 Austria 9.76 2006 est. 74 Azerbaijan 9.75 2006 est. 75 Ghana 9.72 2006 est. 76 Spain 9.72 2006 est. 77 Eritrea 9.60 2006 est. 78 Slovakia 9.45 2006 est. 79 Kazakhstan 9.42 2006 est. 80 Senegal 9.42 2006 est. 81 Norway 9.40 2006 est. 82 Gibraltar 9.31 2006 est. 83 Nepal 9.31 2006 est. 84 Jersey 9.28 2006 est. 85 Georgia 9.23 2006 est. 86 Montenegro 9.20 2004 87 Japan 9.16 2006 est. 88 France 9.14 2006 est. 89 Cambodia 9.06 2006 est. 90 Bahamas, The 9.05 2006 est. 91 Uruguay 9.05 2006 est. 92 Sudan 8.97 2006 est. 93 Macedonia 8.77 2006 est. 94 Faroe Islands 8.70 2006 est. 95 Netherlands 8.68 2006 est. 96 Barbados 8.67 2006 est. 97 World 8.67 2006 est. 98 Turkmenistan 8.60 2006 est. 99 Switzerland 8.49 2006 est. 100 Luxembourg 8.41 2006 est. 101 Saint Kitts and Nevis 8.33 2006 est. 102 Yemen 8.30 2006 est. 103 Guyana 8.28 2006 est. 104 Bangladesh 8.27 2006 est. 105 Bosnia and Herzegovina 8.27 2006 est. 106 Kiribati 8.26 2006 est. 107 United States 8.26 2006 est. 108 Tajikistan 8.25 2006 est. 109 Armenia 8.23 2006 est. 110 Pakistan 8.23 2006 est. 111 Comoros 8.20 2006 est. 112 India 8.18 2006 est. 113 San Marino 8.17 2006 est. 114 Malta 8.10 2006 est. 115 Greenland 7.84 2006 est. 116 Uzbekistan 7.84 2006 est. 117 Ireland 7.82 2006 est. 118 Vanuatu 7.82 2006 est. 119 Canada 7.80 2006 est. 120 Bermuda 7.74 2006 est. 121 Mayotte 7.70 2006 est. 122 Cyprus 7.68 2006 est. 123 Puerto Rico 7.65 2006 est. 124 Argentina 7.55 2006 est. 125 Bolivia 7.53 2006 est. 126 New Zealand 7.53 2006 est. 127 Australia 7.51 2006 est. 128 Suriname 7.27 2006 est. 129 Papua New Guinea 7.25 2006 est. 130 Cuba 7.22 2006 est. 131 Liechtenstein 7.18 2006 est. 132 Korea, North 7.13 2006 est. 133 Tuvalu 7.11 2006 est. 134 Montserrat 7.10 2006 est. 135 Kyrgyzstan 7.08 2006 est. 136 Maldives 7.06 2006 est. 137 Thailand 7.04 2006 est. 138 China 6.97 2006 est. 139 Mongolia 6.95 2006 est. 140 Grenada 6.88 2006 est. 141 Mauritius 6.86 2006 est. 142 Saint Pierre and Miquelon 6.83 2006 est. 143 Palau 6.80 2006 est. 144 Dominica 6.73 2006 est. 145 Iceland 6.72 2006 est. 146 Nauru 6.70 2006 est. 147 Aruba 6.68 2006 est. 148 Samoa 6.62 2006 est. 149 Cape Verde 6.55 2006 est. 150 Saint Helena 6.53 2006 est. 151 Sri Lanka 6.52 2006 est. 152 Jamaica 6.52 2006 est. 153 Taiwan 6.48 2006 est. 154 Sao Tome and Principe 6.47 2006 est. 155 Netherlands Antilles 6.45 2006 est. 156 Virgin Islands 6.43 2006 est. 157 Hong Kong 6.29 2006 est. 158 Seychelles 6.29 2006 est. 159 Andorra 6.25 2006 est. 160 Indonesia 6.25 2006 est. 161 East Timor 6.24 2006 est. 162 Peru 6.23 2006 est. 163 Vietnam 6.22 2006 est. 164 Lebanon 6.21 2006 est. 165 Israel 6.18 2006 est. 166 Brazil 6.17 2006 est. 167 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 5.98 2006 est. 168 Turkey 5.97 2006 est. 169 Korea, South 5.85 2006 est. 170 Chile 5.81 2006 est. 171 El Salvador 5.78 2006 est. 172 Dominican Republic 5.73 2006 est. 173 Belize 5.72 2006 est. 174 New Caledonia 5.69 2006 est. 175 Fiji 5.65 2006 est. 176 Colombia 5.58 2006 est. 177 Morocco 5.58 2006 est. 178 Iran 5.55 2006 est. 179 Philippines 5.41 2006 est. 180 Antigua and Barbuda 5.37 2006 est. 181 Iraq 5.37 2006 est. 182 Panama 5.36 2006 est. 183 Anguilla 5.34 2006 est. 184 Honduras 5.28 2006 est. 185 Tonga 5.28 2006 est. 186 Egypt 5.23 2006 est. 187 Albania 5.22 2006 est. 188 Guatemala 5.20 2006 est. 189 Tunisia 5.13 2006 est. 190 Saint Lucia 5.08 2006 est. 191 Malaysia 5.05 2006 est. 192 Venezuela 4.92 2006 est. 193 Cayman Islands 4.89 2006 est. 194 Syria 4.81 2006 est. 195 Marshall Islands 4.78 2006 est. 196 Micronesia, Federated States of 4.75 2006 est. 197 Mexico 4.74 2006 est. 198 Qatar 4.72 2006 est. 199 French Polynesia 4.69 2006 est. 200 Algeria 4.61 2006 est. 201 Paraguay 4.49 2006 est. 202 Guam 4.48 2006 est. 203 Macau 4.47 2006 est. 204 Nicaragua 4.45 2006 est. 205 British Virgin Islands 4.42 2006 est. 206 United Arab Emirates 4.40 2006 est. 207 Costa Rica 4.36 2006 est. 208 Singapore 4.28 2006 est. 209 Ecuador 4.23 2006 est. 210 Turks and Caicos Islands 4.21 2006 est. 211 Bahrain 4.14 2006 est. 212 Solomon Islands 3.92 2006 est. 213 West Bank 3.92 2006 est. 214 Oman 3.81 2006 est. 215 Gaza Strip 3.80 2006 est. 216 Libya 3.48 2006 est. 217 Brunei 3.45 2006 est. 218 American Samoa 3.27 2006 est. 219 Jordan 2.65 2006 est. 220 Saudi Arabia 2.58 2006 est. 221 Kuwait 2.41 2006 est. 222 Northern Mariana Islands 2.29 2006 est.
This file was last updated on 8 February, 2007
Rank code: @2067
Rank Country Military expenditures - dollar figure Date of Information
1 United States $ 518,100,000,000 2005 est. 2 China $ 81,480,000,000 2005 est. 3 France $ 45,000,000,000 2005 4 Japan $ 44,310,000,000 2005 est. 5 United Kingdom $ 42,836,500,000 2003 6 Germany $ 35,063,000,000 2003 7 Italy $ 28,182,800,000 2003 8 Korea, South $ 21,060,000,000 2005 est. 9 India $ 19,040,000,000 2005 est. 10 Saudi Arabia $ 18,000,000,000 2002 11 Australia $ 17,840,000,000 2005 est. 12 Turkey $ 12,155,000,000 2003 13 Brazil $ 9,940,000,000 2005 est. 14 Spain $ 9,906,500,000 2003 15 Canada $ 9,801,700,000 2003 16 Israel $ 9,450,000,000 2005 est. 17 Netherlands $ 9,408,000,000 2004 18 Taiwan $ 7,930,000,000 2005 est. 19 Mexico $ 6,070,000,000 2005 est. 20 Greece $ 5,890,000,000 2004 21 Sweden $ 5,510,000,000 2005 est. 22 Svalbard $ 5,501,000,000 23 Korea, North $ 5,217,400,000 FY02 24 Singapore $ 4,470,000,000 25 Argentina $ 4,300,000,000 26 Iran $ 4,300,000,000 2003 est. 27 Pakistan $ 4,260,000,000 2005 est. 28 Norway $ 4,033,500,000 2003 29 Belgium $ 3,999,000,000 2003 30 Chile $ 3,910,000,000 2005 est. 31 South Africa $ 3,550,000,000 2005 est. 32 Poland $ 3,500,000,000 2002 33 Portugal $ 3,497,800,000 2003 34 Colombia $ 3,300,000,000 35 Denmark $ 3,271,600,000 2003 36 Kuwait $ 3,010,000,000 2005 est. 37 Algeria $ 3,000,000,000 2005 est. 38 Switzerland $ 2,548,000,000 FY01 39 Egypt $ 2,440,000,000 2003 40 Morocco $ 2,310,000,000 2003 est. 41 Montenegro $ 2,306,000,000 42 Czech Republic $ 2,170,000,000 2004 43 Angola $ 2,000,000,000 2005 est. 44 Finland $ 1,800,000,000 FY98/99 45 Thailand $ 1,775,000,000 46 Malaysia $ 1,690,000,000 47 Venezuela $ 1,610,000,000 2005 est. 48 United Arab Emirates $ 1,600,000,000 49 Austria $ 1,497,000,000 FY01/02 50 Jordan $ 1,400,000,000 2005 est. 51 Iraq $ 1,340,000,000 2005 est. 52 Indonesia $ 1,300,000,000 2004 53 Libya $ 1,300,000,000 54 New Zealand $ 1,147,000,000 FY03/04 55 Hungary $ 1,080,000,000 2002 est. 56 Bangladesh $ 1,010,000,000 2005 est. 57 Western Sahara $ 992,200,000 58 Yemen $ 992,200,000 2005 est. 59 Romania $ 985,000,000 2002 60 Syria $ 858,000,000 61 Philippines $ 836,900,000 2005 est. 62 Peru $ 829,300,000 2003 est. 63 Nigeria $ 737,600,000 2005 est. 64 Qatar $ 723,000,000 65 Ireland $ 700,000,000 FY00/01 66 Cuba $ 694,000,000 2005 est. 67 Ecuador $ 650,000,000 2005 est. 68 Vietnam $ 650,000,000 69 Bahrain $ 627,700,000 2005 est. 70 Croatia $ 620,000,000 2004 71 Ukraine $ 617,900,000 FY02 72 Sri Lanka $ 606,200,000 2005 est. 73 Sudan $ 587,000,000 2004 74 Lebanon $ 540,600,000 2004 75 Belarus $ 420,500,000 2006 76 Slovakia $ 406,000,000 2002 77 Cyprus $ 384,000,000 78 Uruguay $ 371,200,000 2005 est. 79 Slovenia $ 370,000,000 FY00 80 Bulgaria $ 356,000,000 FY02 81 Tunisia $ 356,000,000 82 Madagascar $ 329,000,000 2005 est. 83 Botswana $ 325,500,000 2005 est. 84 Ethiopia $ 295,900,000 2005 est. 85 Brunei $ 290,700,000 2003 est. 86 Kenya $ 280,500,000 2005 est. 87 Gabon $ 253,500,000 2005 est. 88 Oman $ 252,990,000 2004 89 Cote d'Ivoire $ 246,600,000 2005 est. 90 Bosnia and Herzegovina $ 234,300,000 91 Luxembourg $ 231,600,000 2003 92 Lithuania $ 230,800,000 FY01 93 Cameroon $ 230,200,000 2005 est. 94 Kazakhstan $ 221,800,000 FY02 95 Eritrea $ 220,100,000 2005 est. 96 Macedonia $ 200,000,000 97 Uzbekistan $ 200,000,000 98 Turks and Caicos Islands $ 192,800,000 99 Uganda $ 192,800,000 2005 est. 100 Guatemala $ 169,800,000 2005 est. 101 El Salvador $ 161,700,000 2005 est. 102 Estonia $ 155,000,000 2002 est. 103 Equatorial Guinea $ 152,200,000 2005 est. 104 Panama $ 150,000,000 2005 est. 105 Namibia $ 149,500,000 2005 est. 106 Armenia $ 135,000,000 FY01 107 Bolivia $ 130,000,000 2005 est. 108 Zimbabwe $ 124,700,000 2005 est. 109 Afghanistan $ 122,400,000 2005 est. 110 Zambia $ 121,700,000 2005 est. 111 Azerbaijan $ 121,000,000 112 Guinea $ 119,700,000 2005 est. 113 Senegal $ 117,300,000 2005 est. 114 Cambodia $ 112,000,000 115 Mali $ 106,300,000 2005 est. 116 Nepal $ 104,900,000 2005 est. 117 Congo, Democratic Republic of the $ 103,700,000 2005 est. 118 Benin $ 100,900,000 2005 est. 119 Turkmenistan $ 90,000,000 120 Latvia $ 87,000,000 FY01 121 Congo, Republic of the $ 85,220,000 2005 est. 122 Ghana $ 83,650,000 2005 est. 123 Costa Rica $ 83,460,000 2005 est. 124 Mozambique $ 78,030,000 2005 est. 125 Burkina Faso $ 74,830,000 2005 est. 126 Chad $ 68,950,000 2005 est. 127 Liberia $ 67,400,000 2005 est. 128 Trinidad and Tobago $ 66,720,000 2003 est. 129 Tokelau $ 66,720,000 130 Albania $ 56,500,000 FY02 131 Rwanda $ 53,660,000 2005 est. 132 Paraguay $ 53,100,000 2003 est. 133 Honduras $ 52,800,000 2005 est. 134 Maldives $ 45,070,000 2005 est. 135 Niger $ 44,780,000 2005 est. 136 Burundi $ 43,900,000 2005 est. 137 Swaziland $ 41,600,000 2005 est. 138 Lesotho $ 41,100,000 2005 est. 139 Burma $ 39,000,000 140 Malta $ 38,168,000 2005 est. 141 Fiji $ 36,000,000 2004 142 Tajikistan $ 35,400,000 FY01 143 Nicaragua $ 32,270,000 2005 est. 144 Jamaica $ 31,170,000 2003 est. 145 Togo $ 29,980,000 2005 est. 146 Djibouti $ 29,050,000 2005 est. 147 Haiti $ 25,960,000 2003 est. 148 Mongolia $ 23,100,000 FY02 149 Georgia $ 23,000,000 150 Somalia $ 22,340,000 2005 est. 151 Tanzania $ 21,200,000 2005 est. 152 Mauritania $ 19,320,000 2005 est. 153 Kyrgyzstan $ 19,200,000 FY01 154 Belize $ 19,000,000 2005 est. 155 Papua New Guinea $ 16,900,000 2003 156 Central African Republic $ 16,370,000 2005 est. 157 Malawi $ 15,810,000 2005 est. 158 Serbia $ 14,850,000 159 Seychelles $ 14,850,000 2005 est. 160 Sierra Leone $ 14,250,000 2005 est. 161 Comoros $ 12,870,000 2005 est. 162 Mauritius $ 12,040,000 2005 est. 163 Laos $ 11,040,000 2005 est. 164 Guinea-Bissau $ 9,460,000 2005 est. 165 Moldova $ 8,700,000 2004 166 Bhutan $ 8,290,000 2005 est. 167 Suriname $ 7,500,000 2003 est. 168 Cape Verde $ 7,180,000 2005 est. 169 Guyana $ 6,480,000 2003 est. 170 East Timor $ 4,400,000 FY03 171 Bermuda $ 4,030,000 2001 172 Gambia, The $ 1,550,000 2005 est. 173 San Marino $ 700,000 FY00/01 174 Sao Tome and Principe $ 581,729 2005 est. 175 Dominican Republic $ 0 2002 est.
This file was last updated on 8 February, 2007
Rank code: @2078
Rank Country Exports Date of Information
1 World $ 12,450,000,000,000 2004 est. 2 European Union $ 1,330,000,000,000 2005 3 Germany $ 1,133,000,000,000 2006 est. 4 United States $ 1,024,000,000,000 2006 est. 5 China $ 974,000,000,000 2006 est. 6 Hong Kong $ 611,600,000,000 2006 est. 7 Japan $ 590,300,000,000 2006 est. 8 France $ 490,000,000,000 2006 est. 9 United Kingdom $ 468,800,000,000 2006 est. 10 Italy $ 450,100,000,000 2006 est. 11 Netherlands $ 413,800,000,000 2006 est. 12 Canada $ 405,000,000,000 2006 est. 13 Belgium $ 335,300,000,000 2006 est. 14 Korea, South $ 327,900,000,000 2006 est. 15 Russia $ 317,600,000,000 2006 est. 16 Singapore $ 283,600,000,000 2006 est. 17 Mexico $ 248,800,000,000 2006 est. 18 Spain $ 222,100,000,000 2006 est. 19 Taiwan $ 215,000,000,000 2006 est. 20 Saudi Arabia $ 204,500,000,000 2006 est. 21 Sweden $ 173,900,000,000 2006 est. 22 Switzerland $ 166,300,000,000 2006 est. 23 Malaysia $ 158,700,000,000 2006 est. 24 Austria $ 144,400,000,000 2006 est. 25 Brazil $ 138,000,000,000 2006 est. 26 United Arab Emirates $ 137,100,000,000 2006 est. 27 Thailand $ 123,500,000,000 2006 est. 28 Norway $ 122,600,000,000 2006 est. 29 Ireland $ 119,800,000,000 2006 est. 30 Australia $ 117,000,000,000 2006 est. 31 India $ 112,000,000,000 2006 est. 32 Poland $ 110,700,000,000 2006 est. 33 Indonesia $ 102,300,000,000 2006 est. 34 Denmark $ 93,930,000,000 2006 est. 35 Czech Republic $ 89,340,000,000 2006 est. 36 Turkey $ 85,210,000,000 2006 est. 37 Finland $ 84,720,000,000 2006 est. 38 Venezuela $ 69,230,000,000 2006 est. 39 Hungary $ 67,990,000,000 2006 est. 40 Iran $ 63,180,000,000 2006 est. 41 South Africa $ 59,150,000,000 2006 est. 42 Nigeria $ 59,010,000,000 2006 est. 43 Chile $ 58,210,000,000 2006 est. 44 Kuwait $ 56,060,000,000 2006 est. 45 Algeria $ 55,600,000,000 2006 est. 46 Puerto Rico $ 46,900,000,000 2001 47 Portugal $ 46,770,000,000 2006 est. 48 Argentina $ 46,000,000,000 2006 est. 49 Philippines $ 44,200,000,000 2006 est. 50 Israel $ 42,860,000,000 2006 est. 51 Vietnam $ 39,920,000,000 2006 est. 52 Slovakia $ 39,640,000,000 2006 est. 53 Ukraine $ 39,120,000,000 2006 est. 54 Libya $ 37,020,000,000 2006 est. 55 Kazakhstan $ 35,550,000,000 2006 est. 56 Angola $ 35,530,000,000 2006 est. 57 Qatar $ 33,250,000,000 2006 est. 58 Romania $ 33,000,000,000 2006 est. 59 Iraq $ 32,190,000,000 2006 est. 60 Colombia $ 24,860,000,000 2006 est. 61 Oman $ 24,730,000,000 2006 est. 62 Greece $ 24,420,000,000 2006 est. 63 Egypt $ 24,220,000,000 2006 est. 64 New Zealand $ 23,690,000,000 2006 est. 65 Peru $ 22,690,000,000 2006 est. 66 Slovenia $ 21,850,000,000 2006 est. 67 Belarus $ 19,610,000,000 2006 est. 68 Luxembourg $ 19,550,000,000 2006 est. 69 Pakistan $ 19,240,000,000 2006 est. 70 Lithuania $ 14,640,000,000 2006 est. 71 Bulgaria $ 14,600,000,000 2006 est. 72 Bahrain $ 12,620,000,000 2006 est. 73 Ecuador $ 12,560,000,000 2006 est. 74 Azerbaijan $ 12,510,000,000 2006 est. 75 Trinidad and Tobago $ 12,500,000,000 2006 est. 76 Morocco $ 11,720,000,000 2006 est. 77 Tunisia $ 11,610,000,000 2006 est. 78 Bangladesh $ 11,170,000,000 2006 est. 79 Croatia $ 11,170,000,000 2006 est. 80 Estonia $ 9,680,000,000 2006 est. 81 Equatorial Guinea $ 8,961,000,000 2006 est. 82 Yemen $ 8,214,000,000 2006 est. 83 Panama $ 8,087,000,000 2006 est. 84 Costa Rica $ 7,931,000,000 2006 est. 85 Cote d'Ivoire $ 7,832,000,000 2006 est. 86 Sudan $ 7,505,000,000 2006 est. 87 Sri Lanka $ 7,076,000,000 2006 est. 88 Latvia $ 6,980,000,000 2006 est. 89 Syria $ 6,923,000,000 2006 est. 90 Gabon $ 6,677,000,000 2006 est. 91 Dominican Republic $ 6,495,000,000 2006 est. 92 Congo, Republic of the $ 5,996,000,000 2006 est. 93 Uzbekistan $ 5,510,000,000 2006 est. 94 Turkmenistan $ 5,421,000,000 2006 est. 95 Burma $ 5,289,000,000 2006 est. 96 Botswana $ 4,836,000,000 2006 est. 97 Jordan $ 4,798,000,000 2006 est. 98 Serbia $ 4,553,000,000 2005 est. 99 Brunei $ 4,514,000,000 2004 est. 100 Chad $ 4,342,000,000 2006 est. 101 Cameroon $ 4,318,000,000 2006 est. 102 Virgin Islands $ 4,234,000,000 2001 103 Guatemala $ 4,097,000,000 2006 est. 104 Papua New Guinea $ 4,096,000,000 2006 est. 105 Uruguay $ 3,993,000,000 2006 est. 106 Zambia $ 3,928,000,000 2006 est. 107 El Salvador $ 3,686,000,000 2006 est. 108 Bolivia $ 3,668,000,000 2006 est. 109 Kenya $ 3,614,000,000 2006 est. 110 Iceland $ 3,587,000,000 2006 est. 111 Bosnia and Herzegovina $ 3,500,000,000 2006 est. 112 Cambodia $ 3,331,000,000 2006 est. 113 Ghana $ 3,286,000,000 2006 est. 114 Macau $ 3,156,000,000 2005 115 Cuba $ 2,956,000,000 2006 est. 116 Liechtenstein $ 2,470,000,000 1996 117 Mozambique $ 2,429,000,000 2006 est. 118 Malta $ 2,425,000,000 2006 est. 119 Macedonia $ 2,341,000,000 2006 est. 120 Namibia $ 2,321,000,000 2006 est. 121 Mauritius $ 2,318,000,000 2006 est. 122 Swaziland $ 2,201,000,000 2006 est. 123 Jamaica $ 2,087,000,000 2006 est. 124 Netherlands Antilles $ 2,076,000,000 2004 est. 125 Honduras $ 1,947,000,000 2006 est. 126 Lebanon $ 1,881,000,000 2005 est. 127 Tanzania $ 1,831,000,000 2006 est. 128 Zimbabwe $ 1,766,000,000 2006 est. 129 Georgia $ 1,761,000,000 2006 est. 130 Nicaragua $ 1,714,000,000 2006 est. 131 Paraguay $ 1,690,000,000 2005 est. 132 Senegal $ 1,478,000,000 2006 est. 133 Bermuda $ 1,469,000,000 2004 est. 134 Korea, North $ 1,400,000,000 2005 est. 135 Cyprus $ 1,340,000,000 2006 est. 136 Tajikistan $ 1,160,000,000 2006 est. 137 Congo, Democratic Republic of the $ 1,108,000,000 2004 est. 138 Ethiopia $ 1,085,000,000 2006 est. 139 Armenia $ 1,056,000,000 2006 est. 140 Moldova $ 1,020,000,000 2006 est. 141 New Caledonia $ 999,000,000 2004 est. 142 Madagascar $ 993,500,000 2006 est. 143 Uganda $ 961,700,000 2006 est. 144 Liberia $ 910,000,000 2004 est. 145 Suriname $ 881,000,000 2004 est. 146 Togo $ 868,400,000 2006 est. 147 Mongolia $ 852,000,000 2004 est. 148 Nepal $ 822,000,000 2005 est. 149 Mauritania $ 784,000,000 2004 est. 150 Lesotho $ 779,100,000 2006 est. 151 Albania $ 763,200,000 2006 est. 152 Fiji $ 719,600,000 2005 153 Kyrgyzstan $ 701,800,000 2006 est. 154 Monaco $ 656,500,000 2004 155 Guyana $ 621,600,000 2006 est. 156 Guinea $ 615,100,000 2006 est. 157 Laos $ 593,600,000 2006 est. 158 Benin $ 563,100,000 2006 est. 159 Burkina Faso $ 543,500,000 2006 est. 160 Faroe Islands $ 533,000,000 2004 est. 161 Malawi $ 513,100,000 2006 est. 162 Greenland $ 480,000,000 2004 est. 163 Afghanistan $ 471,000,000 2005 est. 164 Bahamas, The $ 469,300,000 2004 est. 165 American Samoa $ 445,600,000 FY04 est. 166 Haiti $ 443,700,000 2006 est. 167 Seychelles $ 365,100,000 2006 est. 168 Belize $ 359,500,000 2006 est. 169 Mali $ 323,000,000 2004 est. 170 Gaza Strip $ 313,000,000 2004 171 West Bank $ 313,000,000 2004 172 Gibraltar $ 271,000,000 2004 est. 173 Djibouti $ 250,000,000 2004 est. 174 Somalia $ 241,000,000 2004 est. 175 Niger $ 222,000,000 2004 est. 176 French Polynesia $ 211,000,000 2005 est. 177 Barbados $ 209,000,000 2004 est. 178 Sierra Leone $ 185,000,000 2004 est. 179 Montenegro $ 171,300,000 2003 180 Solomon Islands $ 171,000,000 2004 est. 181 Turks and Caicos Islands $ 169,200,000 2000 182 Bhutan $ 154,000,000 2000 est. 183 Andorra $ 145,000,000 2004 184 Rwanda $ 135,400,000 2006 est. 185 Central African Republic $ 131,000,000 2004 est. 186 Gambia, The $ 130,500,000 2006 est. 187 Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) $ 125,000,000 2004 est. 188 Maldives $ 123,000,000 2004 est. 189 Guinea-Bissau $ 116,000,000 2004 est. 190 Cape Verde $ 96,710,000 2006 est. 191 Samoa $ 94,000,000 2004 est. 192 Saint Lucia $ 82,000,000 2004 est. 193 Aruba $ 80,000,000 2004 est. 194 Dominica $ 74,000,000 2004 est. 195 Saint Kitts and Nevis $ 70,000,000 2004 est. 196 Cyprus $ 69,000,000 2006 est. 197 Burundi $ 55,680,000 2006 est. 198 Antigua and Barbuda $ 46,810,000 2004 est. 199 Guam $ 45,000,000 2004 est. 200 Grenada $ 40,000,000 2004 est. 201 Saint Vincent and the Grenadines $ 37,000,000 2004 est. 202 Vanuatu $ 34,110,000 2004 est. 203 Comoros $ 34,000,000 2004 est. 204 Tonga $ 34,000,000 2004 est. 205 British Virgin Islands $ 25,300,000 2002 206 Saint Helena $ 19,000,000 2004 est. 207 Eritrea $ 17,650,000 2006 est. 208 Kiribati $ 17,000,000 2004 est. 209 Anguilla $ 14,560,000 2005 est. 210 Micronesia, Federated States of $ 14,000,000 2004 est. 211 East Timor $ 10,000,000 2005 est. 212 Sao Tome and Principe $ 9,773,000 2006 est. 213 Marshall Islands $ 9,100,000 2000 214 Palau $ 5,882,000 2004 est. 215 Saint Pierre and Miquelon $ 5,500,000 2005 est. 216 Cook Islands $ 5,222,000 2005 217 Mayotte $ 4,850,000 2004 218 Cayman Islands $ 2,520,000 2004 219 Norfolk Island $ 1,500,000 FY91/92 220 Tuvalu $ 1,000,000 2004 est. 221 Montserrat $ 700,000 2001 222 Niue $ 201,400 2004 223 Nauru $ 64,000 2005 est. 224 Wallis and Futuna $ 47,450 2004 225 Tokelau $ 0 2002 |