00 S 85 00 W Belmopan Belize 17 15 N 88 46 W Belorussia Belarus 53 00 N 28 00 E Bengal, Bay of Indian Ocean 15 00 N 90 00 E Bering Sea Pacific Ocean 60 00 N 175 00 W Bering Island Russia 55 00 N 166 30 E Bering Strait Pacific Ocean 65 30 N 169 00 W Berkner Island Antarctica 79 30 S 49 30 W Berlin [US Branch Office] Germany 52 31 N 13 24 E Berlin, East Germany 52 30 N 13 33 E Berlin, West Germany 52 30 N 12 20 E Bern [US Embassy] Switzerland 46 57 N 7 26 E Bessarabia [region] Romania, Moldova, Ukraine 47 00 N 28 30 E Bhopal India 23 16 N 77 24 E Biafra [region] Nigeria 5 30 N 7 30 E Big Diomede Island Russia 65 46 N 169 06 W Bijagos, Arquipelago dos Guinea-Bissau 11 25 N 16 20 W Bikini Atoll Marshall Islands 11 35 N 165 23 E Bilbao Spain 43 15 N 2 58 W Bioko [island] Equatorial Guinea 3 30 N 8 42 E Biscay, Bay of Atlantic Ocean 44 00 N 4 00 W Bishkek [US Embassy] Kyrgyzstan 42 54 N 74 36 E Bishop Rock United Kingdom 49 52 N 6 27 W Bismarck Archipelago Papua New Guinea 5 00 S 150 00 E Bismarck Sea Pacific Ocean 4 00 S 148 00 E Bissau [US Embassy] Guinea-Bissau 11 51 N 15 35 W Bjornoya (Bear Island) Svalbard 74 26 N 19 05 E Black Forest Germany 48 00 N 8 15 E Black Rock South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 53 39 S 41 48 W Black Sea Atlantic Ocean 43 00 N 35 00 E Bloemfontein South Africa 29 12 S 26 07 E Boa Vista [island] Cape Verde 16 05 N 22 50 W Bogota [US Embassy] Colombia 4 36 N 74 05 W Bohemia [region] Czech Republic 50 00 N 14 30 E Bombay (see Mumbai) India 18 58 N 72 50 E Bonaire [island] Netherlands Antilles 12 10 N 68 15 W Bonifacio, Strait of Atlantic Ocean 41 01 N 14 00 E Bonin Islands Japan 27 00 N 140 10 E Bonn [US Embassy] Germany 50 44 N 7 05 E Bophuthatswana South Africa 26 30 S 25 30 E Bora-Bora [island] French Polynesia 16 30 S 151 45 W Bordeaux France 44 50 N 0 34 W Borneo [island] Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia 0 30 N 114 00 E Bornholm [island] Denmark 55 10 N 15 00 E Bosnia Bosnia and Herzegovina 44 00 N 18 00 E Bosporus [strait] Atlantic Ocean 41 00 N 29 00 E Bothnia, Gulf of Atlantic Ocean 63 00 N 20 00 E Bougainville [island] Papua New Guinea 6 00 S 155 00 E Bougainville Strait Pacific Ocean 6 40 S 156 10 E Bounty Islands New Zealand 47 43 S 174 00 E Brasilia [US Embassy] Brazil 15 47 S 47 55 W Bratislava [US Embassy] Slovakia 48 09 N 17 07 E Brazzaville [US Embassy] Republic of the Congo 4 16 S 15 17 E Bridgetown [US Embassy] Barbados 13 06 N 59 37 W Brisbane Australia 27 28 S 153 02 E Britain (see Great Britain) United Kingdom 54 00 N 2 00 W British East Africa Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda 1 00 N 38 00 E British Guiana Guyana 5 00 N 59 00 W British Honduras Belize 17 15 N 88 45 W British Solomon Islands Solomon Islands 8 00 S 159 00 E British Somaliland Somalia 10 00 N 49 00 E Brussels [US Embassy, US Mission to European Union (USEU), US Mission to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (USNATO)] Belgium 50 50 N 4 20 E Bubiyan [island] Kuwait 29 47 N 48 10 E Bucharest [US Embassy] Romania 44 26 N 26 06 E Budapest [US Embassy] Hungary 47 30 N 19 05 E Buenos Aires [US Embassy] Argentina 34 36 S 58 27 W Bujumbura [US Embassy] Burundi 3 23 S 29 22 E Burnt Pine Norfolk Island 29 02 S 167 56 E Byelorussia Belarus 53 00 N 28 00 E C Cabinda [province] Angola 5 33 S 12 12 E Cabot Strait Atlantic Ocean 47 20 N 59 30 W Caicos Islands Turks and Caicos Islands 21 56 N 71 58 W Cairo [US Embassy] Egypt 30 03 N 31 15 E Calcutta [US Consulate General] India 22 32 N 88 22 E Calgary [US Consulate General] Canada 51 03 N 114 05 W California, Gulf of Pacific Ocean 28 00 N 112 00 W Campbell Island New Zealand 52 33 S 169 09 E Canal Zone Panama 9 00 N 79 45 W Canary Islands Spain 28 00 N 15 30 W Canberra [US Embassy] Australia 35 17 S 149 08 E Canton (Guangzhou) China 23 06 N 113 16 E Canton Island (Kanton Island) Kiribati 2 49 S 171 40 W Cape Town [US Consulate General] South Africa 33 55 S 18 22 E Caracas [US Embassy] Venezuela 10 30 N 66 56 W Cargados Carajos Shoals Mauritius 16 25 S 59 38 E Caroline Islands Federated States of Micronesia, Palau 7 30 N 148 00 E Caribbean Sea Atlantic Ocean 15 00 N 73 00 W Carpentaria, Gulf of Pacific Ocean 14 00 S 139 00 E Casablanca [US Consulate General] Morocco 33 39 N 7 35 W Castries Saint Lucia 14 01 N 61 00 W Catalonia [region] Spain 42 00 N 2 00 E Cato Island Australia 23 15 S 155 32 E Caucasus [region] Russia 42 00 N 45 00 E Cayenne French Guiana 4 56 N 52 20 W Cebu [US Consular Agency] Philippines 10 18 N 123 54 E Celebes [island] Indonesia 2 00 S 121 00 E Celebes Sea Pacific Ocean 3 00 N 122 00 E Celtic Sea Atlantic Ocean 51 00 N 6 30 W Central African Empire Central African Republic 7 00 N 21 00 E Ceuta Spain 35 53 N 5 19 W Ceylon Sri Lanka 7 00 N 81 00 E Chafarinas, Islas Spain 35 12 N 2 26 W Chagos Archipelago (Oil Islands) British Indian Ocean Territory 6 00 S 71 30 E Channel Islands Guernsey, Jersey 49 20 N 2 20 W Charlotte Amalie Virgin Islands 18 21 N 64 56 W Chatham Islands New Zealand 44 00 S 176 30 W Chechnya (Chechnia) Russia 43 15 N 45 40 E Cheju-do [island] Korea, South 33 20 N 126 30 E Cheju Strait Pacific Ocean 34 00 N 126 30 E Chengdu [US Consulate General] China 39 39 N 104 04 E Chennai (Madras) [US Consulate General] India 13 04 N 80 16 E Chesterfield Islands (Iles Chesterfield) New Caledonia 19 52 S 158 15 E Chiang Mai [US Consulate General] Thailand 18 47 N 98 59 E Chihli, Gulf of (see Bo Hai) Pacific Ocean 38 30 N 120 00 E China, People's Republic of China 35 00 N 105 00 E China, Republic of Taiwan 23 30 N 105 00 E Chisinau [US Embassy] Moldova 47 00 N 28 50 E Choiseul [island] Solomon Islands 7 05 S 121 00 E Christmas Island [Indian Ocean] Australia 10 25 S 105 39 E Christmas Island (Kiritimati) [Pacific Ocean] Kiribati 1 52 N 157 20 W Chukchi Sea Arctic Ocean 69 00 N 171 00 W Ciskei South Africa 33 00 S 27 00 E Ciudad Juarez [US Consulate General] Mexico 31 44 N 106 29 W Cluj-Napoca [US Branch Office] Romania 46 47 N 23 36 E Cochin China [region] Vietnam 11 00 N 107 00 E Coco, Isla del Costa Rica 5 32 N 87 04 W Cocos Islands Cocos (Keeling) Islands 12 30 S 96 50 E Colombo [US Embassy] Sri Lanka 6 56 N 79 51 E Colon, Archipielago de (Galapagos Islands) Ecuador 0 00 N 90 30 W Commander Islands (Komandorskiye Ostrova) Russia 55 00 N 167 00 E Conakry [US Embassy] Guinea 9 31 N 13 43 W Congo (Brazzaville) Republic of the Congo 1 00 S 15 00 E Congo (Leopoldville) Democratic Republic of the Congo 0 00 N 25 00 E Con Son [Islands] Vietnam 8 43 N 106 36 E Cook Strait Pacific Ocean 41 15 S 174 30 E Copenhagen [US Embassy] Denmark 55 40 N 12 35 E Coral Sea Pacific Ocean 15 00 S 150 00 E Corfu [island] Greece 39 40 N 19 45 E Corinth Greece 37 56 N 22 56 E Corisco [island] Equatorial Guinea 0 55 N 9 19 E Corn Islands (Islas del Maiz) Nicaragua 12 15 N 83 00 W Corocoro Island Guyana, Venezuela 3 38 N 66 50 W Corsica (Corse) [island] France 42 00 N 9 00 E Corsico [island] Equatorial Guinea 0 55 N 9 19 E Cosmoledo Group (Atoll de Cosmoledo) Seyhelles 9 43 S 47 35 E Cotonou [US Embassy] Benin 6 21 N 2 26 E Courantyne River Guyana, Suriname 5 57 N 57 06 W Crete [island] Greece 35 15 N 24 45 E Crimea [region] Ukraine 45 00 N 34 00 E Crimean Peninsula Ukraine 45 00 N 34 00 E Crooked Island Passage Atlantic Ocean 22 55 N 74 35 W Crozet Islands (Iles Crozet) French Southern and Antarctic Lands 46 30 S 51 00 E Curacao [US Consulate General] Netherlands Antilles 12 11 N 69 00 W Cyclades [islands] Greece 37 00 N 25 10 E Czechoslovakia Czech Republic, Slovakia 49 00 N 18 00 E D Dahomey Benin 9 30 N 2 15 E Daito Islands Japan 43 00 N 17 00 E Dakar [US Embassy] Senegal 14 40 N 17 26 W Dalmatia [region] Croatia 43 00 N 17 00 E Daman (Damao) India 20 10 N 73 00 E Damascus [US Embassy] Syria 33 30 N 36 18 E Danger Islands (see Pukapuka Atoll) Cook Islands 10 53 S 165 49 W Danish Straits Atlantic Ocean 58 00 N 11 00 E Danish West Indies Virgin Islands 18 20 N 64 50 W Danzig (Gdansk) Poland 54 23 N 18 40 E Dao Bach Long Vi [island] Vietnam 20 08 N 107 44 E Dardanelles [strait] Atlantic Ocean 40 15 N 26 25 E Dar es Salaam [US Embassy] Tanzania 6 48 S 39 17 E Davis Strait Atlantic Ocean 67 00 N 57 00 W Dead Sea Israel, Jordan, West Bank 32 30 N 35 30 E Deception Island Antarctica 62 56 S 60 34 W Denmark Strait Atlantic Ocean 67 00 N 24 00 W D'Entrecasteaux Islands Papua New Guinea 9 30 S 150 40 E Desolation Islands (Isles Kerguelen) French Southern and Antarctic Lands 49 30 S 69 30 E Devils Island (Ile du Diable) French Guiana 5 17 N 52 35 W Devon Island Canada 76 00 N 87 00 W Dhahran [US Consulate General] Saudi Arabia 26 18 N 50 08 E Dhaka [US Embassy] Bangladesh 23 43 N 90 25 E Dhofar [region] Oman 17 00 N 54 10 E Diego Garcia [island] British Indian Ocean Territory 7 20 S 72 25 E Diego Ramirez [islands] Chile 56 30 S 68 43 W Diomede Islands Russia [Big Diomede], United States [Little Diomede] 65 47 N 169 00 W Diu India 20 42 N 70 59 E Djibouti [US Embassy] Djibouti 11 30 N 43 15 E Dnieper [river] (Dnyapro, Dnepr, Dnipro) Belarus, Russia, Ukraine 46 30 N 32 18 E Dniester [river] (Nistru, Dnister) Moldova, Ukraine 46 18 N 30 17 E Dodecanese [islands] Greece 36 00 N 27 05 E Dodoma Tanzania 6 11 S 35 45 E Doha [US Embassy] Qatar 25 17 N 51 32 E Donets Basin Russia, Ukraine 48 15 N 38 30 E Douala Cameroon 4 03 N 9 42 E Douglas Man, Isle of 54 09 N 4 28 W Dover, Strait of Atlantic Ocean 51 00 N 1 30 E Drake Passage Atlantic Ocean, Southern Ocean 60 00 S 60 00 W Dubai [US Consulate General] United Arab Emirates 25 18 N 55 18 E Dubayy (see Dubai) United Arab Emirates 25 18 N 55 18 E Dublin [US Embassy] Ireland 53 20 N 6 15 W Durban [US Consulate General] South Africa 29 55 S 30 56 E Dushanbe [US Embassy] Tajikistan 38 35 N 68 48 E Dutch Antilles Netherlands Antilles 52 05 N 4 18 E Dutch East Indies Indonesia 5 00 S 120 00 E Dutch Guiana Suriname 4 00 N 56 00 W Dutch West Indies Netherlands Antilles 52 05 N 4 18 E Dzungarian Gate China, Kazakhstan 45 25 N 82 25 E E East China Sea Pacific Ocean 30 00 N 126 00 E East Frisian Islands Germany 53 44 N 7 25 E East Germany (German Democratic Republic) Germany 52 00 N 13 00 E East Korea Strait (Eastern Channel or Tsushima Strait) Pacific Ocean 34 00 N 129 00 E East Pakistan Bangladesh 24 00 N 90 00 E East Siberian Sea Arctic Ocean 74 00 N 166 00 E East Timor (Portuguese Timor) Indonesia 9 00 S 126 00 E Easter Island (Isla de Pascua) Chile 27 07 S 109 22 W Eastern Channel (East Korea Strait or Tsushima Strait) Pacific Ocean 34 00 N 129 00 E Eastern Samoa American Samoa 14 20 S 170 00 W Edinburgh [US Consulate General] United Kingdom 55 57 N 3 13 W Eire Ireland 53 00 N 8 00 W Elba [island] Italy 42 46 N 10 17 E Ellef Ringnes Island Canada 78 00 N 103 00 W Ellesmere Island Canada 81 00 N 80 00 W Ellice Islands Tuvalu 8 00 S 178 00 E Elobey, Islas de Equatorial Guinea 0 59 N 9 33 E Enderbury Island Kiribati 3 08 S 171 05 W Enewetak Atoll (Eniwetok Atoll) Marshall Islands 11 30 N 162 15 E England [region] United Kingdom 52 30 N 1 30 W English Channel Atlantic Ocean 50 20 N 1 00 W Eniwetok Atoll (see Enewetak Atoll) Marshall Islands 11 30 N 162 15 E Eolie, Isole Italy 38 30 N 15 00 E Epirus, Northern Albania, Greece 40 00 N 20 30 E Espana Spain 40 00 N 4 00 W Essequibo [region] [claimed by Venezuela] Guyana 6 59 N 58 23 W Etorofu (Iturup) [island] Russia [de facto] 44 55 N 147 40 E F Farquhar Group (Atoll de Farquhar) Seychelles 10 10 S 51 10 E Fernando de Noronha Brazil 3 51 S 32 25 W Fernando Po [island] (see Bioko) Equatorial Guinea 3 30 N 8 42 E Finland, Gulf of Atlantic Ocean 60 00 N 27 00 E Florence [US Consulate General] Italy 43 46 N 11 15 E Florida, Straits of Atlantic Ocean 25 00 N 79 45 W former Soviet Union (FSU) Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan Formosa [island] Taiwan 23 30 N 121 00 E Formosa Strait (see Taiwan Strait) Pacific Ocean 24 00 N 119 00 E Fortaleza [US Consular Agency] Brazil 3 43 S 38 30 W Fort-de-France Martinique 14 36 N 61 05 W Frankfurt am Main [US Consulate General] Germany 50 07 N 8 40 E Franz Josef Land [islands] Russia 81 00 N 55 00 E Freetown [US Embassy] Sierra Leone 8 30 N 13 15 W French Cameroon Cameroon 6 00 N 12 00 E French Guinea Guinea 11 00 N 10 00 W French Indochina Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam 15 00 N 107 00 E French Morocco Morocco 32 00 N 5 00 W French Somaliland Djibouti 11 30 N 43 00 W French Sudan Mali 17 00 N 4 00 W French Territory of the Afars and Issas (FTAI) Djibouti 11 30 N 43 00 E French Togoland Togo 8 00 N 1 10 E French West Indies Guadeloupe, Martinique 16 30 N 62 00 W Friendly Islands Tonga 20 00 S 175 00 W Frisian Islands Denmark, Germany, Netherlands 53 35 N 6 40 E Frunze (see Bishkek) Kyrgyzstan 42 54 N 74 36 E Fukuoka [US Consulate] Japan 33 35 N 130 24 E Funafuti Tuvalu 8 30 S 179 12 E Fundy, Bay of Atlantic Ocean 45 00 N 66 00 W Futuna Islands (Hoorn Islands/Iles de Horne) Wallis and Futuna 14 19 S 178 05 W G Gaborone [US Embassy] Botswana 24 45 S 25 55 E Galapagos Islands (Archipielago de Colon) Ecuador 0 00 N 90 30 W Galilee [region] Israel 32 54 N 35 20 E Galleons Passage Atlantic Ocean 11 00 N 60 55 W Gambier Islands (Iles Gambier) French Polynesia 23 09 S 134 58 W Gaspar Strait Pacific Ocean 3 00 S 107 00 E Geneva [US Consular Agency, US Mission to European Office of the UN and Other International Organizations] Switzerland 46 12 N 6 10 E Genoa Italy 44 25 N 8 57 E George Town Malaysia 5 26 N 100 16 E George Town The Bahamas 23 30 N 75 46 W George Town Cayman Islands 19 20 N 81 23 W Georgetown The Gambia 13 30 N 14 47 W Georgetown [US Embassy] Guyana 6 48 N 58 10 W German Democratic Republic (East Germany) Germany 52 00 N 13 00 E German Southwest Africa Namibia 22 00 S 17 00 E Germany, Federal Republic of Germany 51 00 N 9 00 E Gibraltar Gibraltar 36 11 N 5 22 W Gibraltar, Strait of Atlantic Ocean 35 57 N 5 36 W Gidi Pass Egypt 30 13 N 33 09 E Gilbert Islands Kiribati 1 25 N 173 00 E Goa [state] India 14 20 N 74 00 E Godthab (Nuuk) Greenland 64 11 N 51 44 W Gold Coast Ghana 8 00 N 2 00 W Golan Heights [region] Syria 33 00 N 35 45 E Good Hope, Cape of South Africa 34 24 S 18 30 E Goteborg Sweden 57 43 N 11 58 E Gotland [island] Sweden 57 30 N 18 33 E Gough Island Saint Helena 40 10 S 9 45 W Grand Banks Atlantic Ocean 47 06 N 55 48 W Grand Cayman [island] Cayman Islands 19 20 N 81 20 W Grand Turk Turks and Caicos Islands 21 28 N 71 08 W Great Australian Bight Indian Ocean 35 00 S 130 00 E Great Belt (Store Baelt) Atlantic Ocean 55 30 N 11 00 E Great Bitter Lake Egypt 30 20 N 32 23 E Great Britain United Kingdom 54 00 N 2 00 W Great Channel Indian Ocean 6 25 N 94 20 E Greater Sunda Islands Brunei, Indonesia, Malaysia 2 00 S 110 00 E Green Islands Papua New Guinea 4 30 S 154 10 E Greenland Sea Arctic Ocean 79 00 N 5 00 W Grenadines, Northern Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 13 15 N 61 12 W Grenadines, Southern Grenada 12 07 N 61 40 W Grytviken South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 54 15 S 36 45 W Guadalajara [US Consulate General] Mexico 20 40 N 103 20 W Guadalcanal [island] Solomon Islands 9 32 S 160 12 E Guadalupe, Isla de Mexico 29 11 N 118 17 W Guangzhou [US Consulate General] China 23 06 N 113 16 E Guantanamo Bay [US Naval Base] Cuba 20 00 N 75 08 W Guatemala US Embassy] Guatemala 14 38 N 90 31 W Guinea, Gulf of Atlantic Ocean 3 00 N 2 30 E Guayaquil [US Consulate General] Ecuador 2 13 S 79 54 W H Ha'apai Group Tonga 19 42 S 174 29 W Habomai Islands Russia [de facto] 43 30 N 146 10 E Hadhramaut [region] Yemen 15 00 N 50 00 E Hagatna (Agana) Guam 13 28 N 144 45 E Hague, The [US Embassy] Netherlands 52 05 N 4 18 E Haifa Israel 32 50 N 35 00 E Haiphong Vietnam 20 52 N 106 41 E Hainan Dao [island] China 19 00 N 109 30 E Halifax [US Consulate General] Canada 44 39 N 63 36 W Halmahera [island] Indonesia 1 00 N 128 00 E Hamburg [US Consulate General] Germany 53 33 N 9 59 E Hamilton [US Consulate General] Bermuda 32 17 N 64 46 W Hanoi [US Embassy] Vietnam 21 02 N 105 51 E Harare [US Embassy] Zimbabwe 17 50 S 31 03 E Hatay [province] Turkey 36 30 N 36 15 E Havana [US post not maintained; representation by US Interests Section (USINT) of the Swiss Embassy] Cuba 23 08 N 82 22 W Hawaii United States 20 00 N 157 45 W Heard Island Heard Island and McDonald Islands 53 06 S 73 30 E Hejaz [region] Saudi Arabia 24 30 N 38 30 E Helsinki [US Embassy] Finland 60 10 N 24 58 E Hermosillo [US Consulate] Mexico 29 04 N 110 58 W Herzegovina Bosnia and Herzegovina 44 00 N 18 00 E Hispaniola [island] Dominican Republic, Haiti 18 45 N 71 00 W Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam 10 45 N 106 40 E Hokkaido [island] Japan 44 00 N 143 00 E Holland Netherlands 52 30 N 5 45 E Hong Kong [US Consulate General] Hong Kong 22 15 N 114 10 E Honiara Solomon Islands 9 26 S 159 57 E Honshu [island] Japan 36 00 N 138 00 E Hormuz, Strait of Indian Ocean 26 34 N 56 15 E Horn, Cape (Cabo de Hornos) Chile 55 59 S 67 16 W Horne, Iles de Wallis and Futuna 14 19 S 178 05 W Horn of Africa Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia 8 00 N 48 00 E Hudson Bay Arctic Ocean 60 00 N 86 00 W Hudson Strait Arctic Ocean 62 00 N 71 00 W Hunter Island New Caledonia, Vanuatu 22 24 S 172 06 E I Iberian Peninsula Portugal, Spain 40 00 N 5 00 W Inaccessible Island Saint Helena 37 17 S 12 40 W Indochina Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam 15 00 N 107 00 E Inland Sea Japan 34 20 N 133 30 E Inner Mongolia (Nei Mongol) China 42 00 N 113 00 E Ionian Islands Greece 38 30 N 20 30 E Ionian Sea Atlantic Ocean 38 30 N 18 00 E Irian Jaya [province] Indonesia 5 00 S 138 00 E Irish Sea Atlantic Ocean 53 30 N 5 20 W Iron Gate Romania, Serbia and Montenegro 44 41 N 22 31 E Islamabad [US Embassy] Pakistan 33 42 N 73 10 E Islas Malvinas Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) 51 45 S 59 00 W Istanbul [US Consulate General] Turkey 41 01 N 28 58 E Istrian Peninsula Croatia, Slovenia 45 00 N 14 00 E Italian East Africa Eritrea, Ethiopia, Somalia 8 00 N 38 00 E Italian Somaliland Somalia 10 00 N 49 00 E Iturup (see Etorofu) Russia [de facto] 44 55 N 147 40 E Ivory Coast Cote d'Ivoire 8 00 N 5 00 W Iwo Jima [island] Japan 24 47 N 141 20 E J Jakarta [US Embassy] Indonesia 6 10 S 106 48 E Jamestown Saint Helena 15 56 S 5 44 W Jammu India 32 42 N 74 52 E Jammu and Kashmir [region] India, Pakistan 34 00 N 76 00 E Japan, Sea of Pacific Ocean 40 00 N 135 00 E Jars, Plain of Laos 19 27 N 103 10 E Java [island] Indonesia 7 30 S 110 00 E Java Sea Pacific Ocean 5 00 S 110 00 E Jeddah (see Jiddah) Saudi Arabia 21 30 N 39 12 E Jerusalem [US Consulate General] Israel, West Bank 31 47 N 35 14 E Jiddah [US Consulate General] Saudi Arabia 21 30 N 39 12 E Johannesburg [US Consulate General] South Africa 26 15 S 28 00 E Juan de Fuca, Strait of Pacific Ocean 48 18 N 124 00 W Juan Fernandez, Isla de Chile 33 00 S 80 00 W Jubal, Strait of Indian Ocean 27 40 N 33 55 E Judaea [region] Israel, West Bank 31 35 N 35 00 E Jutland [region] Denmark 56 00 N 9 15 E Juventud, Isla de la (Isle of Youth) Cuba 21 40 N 82 50 W K Kabul [US Embassy now closed] Afghanistan 34 31 N 69 12 E Kaduna Nigeria 10 33 N 7 27 E Kailas Range China, India 30 00 N 82 00 E Kalimantan [region] Indonesia 0 00 N 115 00 E Kamaran [island] Yemen 15 21 N 42 34 E Kamchatka Peninsula (Poluostrov Kamchatka) Russia 56 00 N 160 00 E Kampala [US Embassy] Uganda 0 19 N 32 25 E Kampuchea Cambodia 13 00 N 105 00 E Kanton Island Kiribati 2 49 S 171 40 W Karachi [US Consulate General] Pakistan 24 52 N 67 03 E Kara Sea Arctic Ocean 76 00 N 80 00 E Karakoram Pass China, India 35 30 N 77 50 E Karelian Isthmus Russia 60 25 N 30 00 E Karimata Strait Pacific Ocean 2 05 S 108 40 E Kashmir [region] India, Pakistan 34 00 N 76 00 E Katanga [region] Democratic Republic of the Congo 10 00 S 26 00 E Kathmandu [US Embassy] Nepal 27 43 N 85 19 E Kattegat [strait] Atlantic Ocean 57 00 N 11 00 E Kauai Channel Pacific Ocean 21 45 N 158 50 W Keeling Islands Cocos (Keeling) Islands 12 30 S 96 50 E Kerguelen, Iles French Southern and Antarctic Lands 49 30 S 69 30 E Kermadec Islands New Zealand 29 50 S 178 15 W Kerulen River China, Mongolia 48 48 N 117 00 E Khabarovsk Russia 48 27 N 135 06 E Khanka, Lake China, Russia 45 00 N 132 24 E Khartoum [US Embassy] Sudan 15 36 N 32 32 E Khmer Republic Cambodia 13 00 N 105 00 E Khuriya Muriya Islands (Kuria Muria Islands) Oman 17 30 N 56 00 E Khyber Pass Afghanistan, Pakistan 34 05 N 71 10 E Kiel Canal (Nord-Ostsee Kanal) Atlantic Ocean 53 53 N 9 08 E Kiev [US Embassy] Ukraine 50 26 N 30 31 E Kigali [US Embassy] Rwanda 1 57 S 30 04 E Kingston [US Embassy] Jamaica 18 00 N 76 48 W Kingston Norfolk Island 29 03 S 167 58 E Kingstown Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 13 09 N 61 14 W Kinshasa [US Embassy] Democratic Republic of the Congo 4 18 S 15 18 E Kirghiziya Kyrgyzstan 41 00 N 75 00 E Kiritimati (Christmas Island) Kiribati 1 52 N 157 20 W Kishinev (see Chisinau) Moldova 47 00 N 28 50 E Kithira Strait Atlantic Ocean 36 00 N 23 00 E Kobe Japan 34 41 N 135 10 E Kodiak Island United States 57 49 N 152 23 W Kola Peninsula (Kol'skiy Poluostrov) Russia 67 20 N 37 00 E Kolonia [US Embassy] Federated States of Micronesia 6 58 N 158 13 E Korea Bay Pacific Ocean 39 00 N 124 00 E Korea, Democratic People's Republic of North Korea 40 00 N 127 00 E Korea, Republic of South Korea 37 00 N 127 30 E Korea Strait Pacific Ocean 34 00 N 129 00 E Koror [US Embassy] Palau 7 20 N 134 29 E Kosovo [region] Serbia and Montenegro 42 30 N 21 00 E Kowloon Hong Kong 22 18 N 114 10 E Kra, Isthmus of Burma, Thailand 10 20 N 99 00 E Krakatoa [volcano] Indonesia 6 07 S 105 24 E Krakow [US Consulate General] Poland 50 03 N 19 58 E Kuala Lumpur [US Embassy] Malaysia 3 10 N 101 42 E Kunashiri (Kunashir) [island] Russia [de facto] 44 20 N 146 00 E Kunlun Mountains China 36 00 N 84 00 E Kuril Islands Russia [de facto] 46 10 N 152 00 E Kuwait [US Embassy] Kuwait 29 20 N 47 59 E Kuznetsk Basin Russia 54 00 N 86 00 E Kwajalein Atoll Marshall Islands 9 05 N 167 20 E Kyushu [island] Japan 33 00 N 131 00 E Kyyiv (see Kiev) Ukraine 50 26 N 30 31 E L Labrador Canada 54 00 N 62 00 W Laccadive Islands India 10 00 N 73 00 E Laccadive Sea Indian Ocean 7 00 N 76 00 E Lagos [US Embassy] Nigeria 6 27 N 3 24 E Lahore [US Consulate General] Pakistan 31 35 N 74 18 E Lakshadweep (Laccadive Islands) India 10 00 N 73 00 E La Paz [US Embassy] Bolivia 16 30 S 68 09 W La Perouse Strait Pacific Ocean 45 45 N 142 00 E Laptev Sea Arctic Ocean 76 00 N 126 00 E Las Palmas Spain 28 06 N 15 24 W Lau Group Fiji 18 20 S 178 30 E Lefkosa (see Nicosia) Cyprus 35 10 N 33 22 E Leipzig [US Consulate General] Germany 51 19 N 12 20 E Lemnos [island] Greece 39 54 N 25 21 E Leningrad (see Saint Petersburg) Russia 59 55 N 30 15 E Lesser Sunda Islands Indonesia 9 00 S 120 00 E Lesvos [island] Greece 39 15 N 26 15 E Leyte [island] Philippines 10 50 N 124 50 E Liancourt Rocks [claimed by Japan] South Korea 37 15 N 131 50 E Libreville [US Embassy] Gabon 0 23 N 9 27 E Ligurian Sea Atlantic Ocean 43 30 N 9 00 E Lilongwe [US Embassy] Malawi 13 59 S 33 44 E Lima [US Embassy] Peru 12 03 S 77 03 W Lincoln Sea Arctic Ocean 83 00 N 56 00 W Line Islands Jarvis Island, Kingman Reef, Kiribati, Palmyra Atoll 0 05 N 157 00 W Lisbon [US Embassy] Portugal 38 43 N 9 08 W Ljubljana [US Embassy] Slovenia 46 03 N 14 31 E Lobamba Swaziland 26 27 S 31 12 E Lombok Strait Indian Ocean 8 30 S 115 50 E Lome [US Embassy] Togo 6 08 N 1 13 E London [US Embassy] United Kingdom 51 30 N 0 10 W Longyearbyen Svalbard 78 13 N 15 33 E Lord Howe Island Australia 31 30 S 159 00 E Louisiade Archipelago Papua New Guinea 11 00 S 153 00 E Loyalty Islands (Iles Loyaute) New Caledonia 21 00 S 167 00 E Luanda [US Embassy] Angola 8 48 S 13 14 E Lubumbashi Democratic Republic of the Congo 11 40 S 27 28 E Lusaka [US Embassy] Zambia 15 25 S 28 17 E Luxembourg [US Embassy] Luxembourg 49 45 N 6 10 E Luzon [island] Philippines 16 00 N 121 00 E Luzon Strait Pacific Ocean 20 30 N 121 00 E Lyakhov Islands Russia 73 45 N 138 00 E M Macao Macau 22 10 N 113 33 E Macedonia The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 41 50 N 22 00 E Macquarie Island Australia 30 07 S 147 24 E Maddalena, Isola Italy 41 13 N 09 24 E Madeira Islands Portugal 32 40 N 16 45 W Madras (see Chennai) India 13 04 N 80 16 E Madrid [US Embassy] Spain 40 24 N 3 41 W Magellan, Strait of Atlantic Ocean 54 00 S 71 00 W Maghreb Algeria, Libya, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia 30 00 N 5 00 E Mahe Island Seychelles 4 41 S 55 30 E Maiz, Islas del (Corn Islands) Nicaragua 12 15 N 83 00 W Majorca Island (Isla de Mallorca) Spain 39 30 N 3 00 E Majuro [US Embassy] Marshall Islands 7 05 N 171 08 E Makassar Strait Pacific Ocean 2 00 S 117 30 E Malabo Equatorial Guinea 3 45 N 8 47 E Malacca, Strait of Indian Ocean 2 30 N 101 20 E Malagasy Republic Madagascar 20 00 S 47 00 E Male Maldives 4 10 N 73 31 E Mallorca (Majorca) Spain 39 30 N 3 00 E Malpelo, Isla de Colombia 4 00 N 90 30 W Malta Channel Atlantic Ocean 56 44 N 26 53 E Malvinas, Islas Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) 51 45 S 59 00 W Mamoutzou Mayotte 12 47 S 45 14 E Managua [US Embassy] Nicaragua 12 09 N 86 17 W Manama [US Embassy] Bahrain 26 13 N 50 35 E Manaus [US Consular Agency] Brazil 3 08 S 60 01 W Manchukuo China 44 00 N 124 00 E Manchuria China 44 00 N 124 00 E Manila [US Embassy] Philippines 14 35 N 121 00 E Manipa Strait Pacific Ocean 3 20 S 127 23 E Mannar, Gulf of Indian Ocean 8 30 N 79 00 E Manua Islands American Samoa 14 13 S 169 35 W Maputo [US Embassy] Mozambique 25 58 S 32 35 E Marcus Island (Minami-tori-shima) Japan 24 16 N 154 00 E Mariana Islands Guam, Northern Mariana Islands 16 00 N 145 30 E Marion Island South Africa 46 51 S 37 52 E Marmara, Sea of Atlantic Ocean 40 40 N 28 15 E Marquesas Islands (Iles Marquises) French Polynesia 9 00 S 139 30 W Marseille [US Consulate General] France 43 18 N 5 24 E Martin Vaz, Ilhas Brazil 20 30 S 28 51 W Mas a Tierra (Robinson Crusoe Island) Chile 33 38 S 78 52 W Mascarene Islands Mauritius, Reunion 21 00 S 57 00 E Maseru [US Embassy] Lesotho 29 28 S 27 30 E Matamoros [US Consulate] Mexico 25 53 N 97 30 W Mata-Utu Wallis and Futuna 13 57 S 171 56 W Matsu [island] Taiwan 26 13 N 119 56 E Matthew Island New Caledonia, Vanuatu 22 20 S 171 20 E Mazatlan Mexico 23 13 N 106 25 W Mbabane [US Embassy] Swaziland 26 18 S 31 06 E McDonald Islands Heard Island and McDonald Islands 53 06 S 73 30 E Mecca Saudi Arabia 21 27 N 39 49 E Medan [US Consulate General] Indonesia 3 35 N 98 40 E Mediterranean Sea Atlantic Ocean 36 00 N 15 00 E Melbourne [US Consulate General] Australia 37 49 S 144 58 E Melilla Spain 35 19 N 2 58 W Merida [US Consulate] Mexico 20 58 N 89 37 W Mesopotamia Iraq 33 00 N 44 00 E Messina, Strait of Atlantic Ocean 38 15 N 15 35 E Mexico [US Embassy] Mexico 19 24 N 99 09 W Mexico, Gulf of Atlantic Ocean 25 00 N 90 00 W Middle Congo Republic of the Congo 1 00 S 15 00 E Milan [US Consulate General] Italy 45 28 N 9 12 E Minami-tori-shima (Marcus Island) Japan 24 16 N 154 00 E Mindanao [island] Philippines 8 00 N 125 00 E Mindoro [island] Philippines 12 50 N 121 05 E Mindoro Strait Pacific Ocean 12 20 N 120 40 E Minicoy Island India 8 17 N 73 02 E Minsk [US Embassy] Belarus 53 54 N 27 34 E Minorca Island (Isla de Menorca) Spain 40 00 N 4 00 E Mitla Pass Egypt 30 02 N 32 54 E Mogadishu Somalia 2 04 N 45 22 E Moldavia [region] Moldova, Romania 47 00 N 29 00 E Moluccas (Spice Islands) Indonesia 2 00 S 28 00 E Mombasa Kenya 4 03 S 39 40 E Mona Passage Atlantic Ocean 18 30 N 67 45 W Monaco Monaco 43 44 N 7 25 E Monrovia [US Embassy] Liberia 6 18 N 10 47 W Montenegro Serbia and Montenegro 42 30 N 19 00 E Monterrey Mexico 25 40 N 100 19 W Montevideo [US Embassy] Uruguay 34 53 S 56 11 W Montreal [US Consulate General, US Mission to the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)] Canada 45 31 N 73 34 W Moravia [region] Czech Republic 49 30 N 17 00 E Moravian Gate Czech Republic 49 35 N 17 50 E Moroni Comoros 11 41 S 43 16 E Mortlock Islands (Nomoi Islands) Federated States of Micronesia 5 30 N 153 40 E Moscow [US Embassy] Russia 55 45 N 37 35 E Mount Pinatubo Philippines 15 08 N 120 21 E Mozambique Channel Indian Ocean 19 00 S 41 00 E Mumbai [US Consulate General] India 18 58 N 72 50 E Munich [US Consulate General] Germany 48 09 N 11 35 E Musandam Peninsula Oman, United Arab Emirates 26 18 N 56 24 E Muscat [US Embassy] Oman 23 37 N 58 35 E Muscat and Oman Oman 21 00 N 57 00 E Myanma, Myanmar Burma 22 00 N 98 00 E N Nagorno-Karabakh [region] Azerbaijan 40 00 N 46 40 E Nagoya [US Consulate] Japan 35 10 N 136 55 E Naha [US Consulate General] Japan 26 13 N 127 40 E Nairobi [US Embassy] Kenya 1 17 S 36 49 E Nampo-shoto [islands] Japan 30 00 N 140 00 E Naples [US Consulate General] Italy 40 50 N 14 15 E Nassau [US Embassy] The Bahamas 25 05 N 77 21 W Natuna Besar Islands Indonesia 3 30 N 102 30 E Naxcivan [region] Azerbaijan 39 20 N 45 20 E N'Djamena [US Embassy] Chad 12 07 N 15 03 E Negev [region] Israel 30 30 N 34 55 E Negros [island] Philippines 10 00 N 123 00 E Netherlands East Indies Indonesia 5 00 S 120 00 E Netherlands Guiana Suriname 4 00 N 56 00 W Nevis [island] Saint Kitts and Nevis 17 09 N 62 35 W New Britain [island] Papua New Guinea 6 00 S 150 00 E New Delhi [US Embassy] India 28 36 N 77 12 E New Guinea Indonesia, Papua New Guinea 5 00 S 140 00 E New Hebrides Vanuatu 16 00 S 167 00 E New Siberian Islands Russia 75 00 N 142 00 E New Territories Hong Kong 22 24 N 114 10 E New York, New York [US Mission to the United Nations (USUN)] United States 40 43 N 74 01 W Newfoundland [island] Canada 52 00 N 56 00 W Niamey [US Embassy] Niger 13 31 N 2 07 E Nicobar Islands India 8 00 N 93 30 E Nicosia [US Embassy] Cyprus 35 10 N 33 22 E Nightingale Island Saint Helena 37 25 S 12 30 W Nomoi Islands (Mortlock Islands) Federated States of Micronesia 5 30 N 153 40 E North Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean 30 00 N 45 00 W North Channel Atlantic Ocean 55 10 N 5 40 W North Frisian Islands Denmark, Germany 54 50 N 8 12 E North Island New Zealand 39 00 S 176 00 E North Korea North Korea 40 00 N 127 00 E North Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean 30 00 N 165 00 W North Sea Atlantic Ocean 56 00 N 4 00 E North Vietnam Vietnam 23 00 N 106 00 E North Yemen (Yemen Arab Republic) Yemen 15 00 N 44 00 E Northeast Providence Channel Atlantic Ocean 25 40 N 77 09 W Northern Epirus Albania, Greece 40 00 N 20 30 E Northern Grenadines Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 12 45 N 61 15 W Northern Ireland United Kingdom 54 40 N 6 45 W Northern Rhodesia Zambia 15 00 S 30 00 E Northwest Passages Arctic Ocean 74 40 N 100 00 W Norwegian Sea Atlantic Ocean 66 00 N 6 00 E Nouakchott [US Embassy] Mauritania 18 06 N 15 57 W Noumea New Caledonia 22 16 S 166 27 E Novaya Zemlya [islands] Russia 74 00 N 57 00 E Nubia Sudan 20 30 N 33 00 E Nuku'alofa Tonga 21 08 S 175 12 W Nuevo Laredo [US Consulate] Mexico 27 30 N 99 31 W Nuuk (Godthab) Greenland 64 11 N 51 44 W Nyasaland Malawi 13 30 S 34 00 E O Oahu United States 21 30 N 158 00 W Ocean Island (Banaba) Kiribati 0 52 S 169 35 E Ocean Island (Kure Island) United States 28 25 N 178 20 W Ogaden [region] Ethiopia, Somalia 7 00 N 46 00 E Oil Islands (Chagos Archipelago) British Indian Ocean Territory 6 00 S 71 30 E Okhotsk, Sea of Pacific Ocean 53 00 N 150 00 E Okinawa [island group] Japan 26 30 N 128 00 E Oman, Gulf of Indian Ocean 24 30 N 58 30 E Ombai Strait Pacific Ocean 8 30 S 125 00 E Oran Algeria 35 43 N 0 43 W Oranjestad Aruba 12 33 N 70 06 W Oresund (The Sound) Atlantic Ocean 55 50 N 12 40 E Orkney Islands United Kingdom 59 00 N 3 00 W Osaka-Kobe [US Consulate General] Japan 34 40 N 135 30 E Oslo [US Embassy] Norway 59 55 N 10 45 E Osumi Strait (Van Diemen Strait) Pacific Ocean 31 00 N 131 00 E Otranto, Strait of Atlantic Ocean 40 00 N 19 00 E Ottawa [US Embassy] Canada 45 20 N 73 58 W Ouagadougou [US Embassy] Burkina Faso 12 22 N 1 31 W Outer Mongolia Mongolia 46 00 N 105 00 E P Pacific Islands, Trust Territory of the Marshall Islands, Federated States of Micronesia, Northern Mariana Islands, Palau 10 00 N 155 00 E Pagan [island] Northern Mariana Islands 18 08 N 145 47 E Pago Pago American Samoa 14 16 S 170 42 W Palawan [island] Philippines 9 30 N 118 30 E Palermo Italy 38 07 N 13 21 E Palestine Israel, West Bank 32 00 N 35 15 E Palikir Federated States of Micronesia 6 55 N 158 08 E Palk Strait Indian Ocean 10 00 N 79 45 E Pamirs [mountains] China, Tajikistan 38 00 N 73 00 E Pampas [region] Argentina 35 00 N 63 00 W Panama [US Embassy] Panama 8 58 N 79 32 W Panama Canal Panama 9 00 N 79 45 W Panama, Gulf of Pacific Ocean 8 00 N 79 30 W Panay [island] Philippines 11 15 N 122 30 E Pantelleria, Isola di Italy 36 47 N 12 00 E Papeete French Polynesia 17 32 S 149 34 W Paramaribo [US Embassy] Suriname 5 50 N 55 10 W Parece Vela [island] Japan 20 20 N 136 00 E Paris [US Embassy, US Mission to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), US Observer Mission to the UN Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)] France 48 52 N 2 20 E Pascua, Isla de (Easter Island) Chile 27 07 S 109 22 W Passion, Ile de la Clipperton Island 10 17 N 109 13 W Pashtunistan [region] Afghanistan, Pakistan 32 00 N 69 00 E Peking (see Beijing) China 39 56 N 116 24 E Pelagian Islands (Isole Pelagie) Italy 35 40 N 12 40 E Peleliu (Beliliou) [island] Palau 7 01 N 134 15 E Pemba Island Tanzania 7 31 S 39 25 E Penang Island Malaysia 5 23 N 100 15 E Pentland Firth Atlantic Ocean 58 44 N 3 13 W Perim [island] Yemen 12 39 N 43 25 E Perouse Strait, La Pacific Ocean 44 45 N 142 00 E Persia Iran 32 00 N 53 00 E Persian Gulf Indian Ocean 27 00 N 51 00 E Perth [US Consulate General] Australia 31 56 S 115 50 E Pescadores [islands] Taiwan 23 30 N 119 30 E Peshawar [US Consulate] Pakistan 34 01 N 71 33 E Peter I Island Antarctica 68 48 S 90 35 W Philip Island Norfolk Island 29 08 S 167 57 E Philippine Sea Pacific Ocean 20 00 N 134 00 E Phnom Penh [US Embassy] Cambodia 11 33 N 104 55 E Phoenix Islands Kiribati 3 30 S 172 00 W Pines, Isle of (Isla de la Juventud) Cuba 21 40 N 82 50 W Pleasant Island Nauru 0 32 S 166 55 E Plymouth Montserrat 16 44 N 62 14 W Ponape (Pohnpei) [island] Federated States of Micronesia 6 55 N 158 15 E Ponta Delgada [US Consulate] Portugal 37 44 N 25 40 W Port-au-Prince [US Embassy] Haiti 18 32 N 72 20 W Port Louis [US Embassy] Mauritius 20 10 S 57 30 E Port Moresby [US Embassy] Papua New Guinea 9 30 S 147 10 E Porto Alegre [US Consulate] Brazil 30 04 S 51 11 W Port-of-Spain [US Embassy] Trinidad and Tobago 10 39 N 61 31 W Porto-Novo Benin 6 29 N 2 37 E Portuguese East Africa Mozambique 18 15 S 35 00 E Portuguese Guinea Guinea-Bissau 12 00 N 15 00 W Portuguese Timor (East Timor) Indonesia 9 00 S 126 00 E Port-Vila Vanuatu 17 44 S 168 19 E Poznan Poland 52 25 N 16 55 E Prague [US Embassy] Czech Republic 40 55 N 21 00 E Praia [US Embassy] Cape Verde 14 55 N 23 31 W Pretoria [US Embassy] Prevlaka peninsula South Africa 25 45 S 28 10 E Pribilof Islands United States 57 00 N 170 00 W Prince Edward Island Canada 46 20 N 63 20 W Prince Edward Islands South Africa 46 35 S 38 00 E Prince Patrick Island Canada 76 30 N 119 00 W Principe [island] Sao Tome and Principe 1 38 N 7 25 E Prussia [region] Germany, Poland, Russia 53 00 N 14 00 E Pukapuka Atoll Cook Islands 10 53 S 165 49 W Pusan [US Consulate] South Korea 35 06 N 129 03 E P'yongyang North Korea 39 01 N 125 45 E Q Quebec [US Consulate General] Canada 52 00 N 72 00 W Queen Charlotte Islands Canada 53 00 N 132 00 W Queen Elizabeth Islands Canada 78 00 N 95 00 W Queen Maud Land [claimed by Norway] Antarctica 73 30 S 12 00 E Quemoy [island] Taiwan 24 27 N 118 23 E Quito [US Embassy] Ecuador 0 13 S 78 30 W R Rabat [US Embassy] Morocco 34 02 N 6 51 W Ralik Chain Marshall Islands 8 00 N 167 00 E Rangoon [US Embassy] Burma 16 47 N 96 10 E Ratak Chain Marshall Islands 9 00 N 171 00 E Recife [US Consulate] Brazil 8 03 S 34 54 W Redonda [island] Antigua and Barbuda 16 55 N 62 19 W Red Sea Indian Ocean 20 00 N 38 00 E Revillagigedo Island United States 55 35 N 131 06 W Revillagigedo Islands Mexico 19 00 N 112 45 W Reykjavik [US Embassy] Iceland 19 00 N 111 30 W Rhodes [island] Greece 36 10 N 28 00 E Rhodesia Zimbabwe 20 00 S 30 00 E Rhodesia, Northern Zambia 15 00 S 30 00 E Rhodesia, Southern Zimbabwe 20 00 S 30 00 E Riga [US Embassy] Latvia 56 57 N 24 06 E Rio de Janeiro [US Consulate General] Brazil 22 54 S 43 14 W Rio de Oro Western Sahara 23 45 N 15 45 W Rio Muni Equatorial Guinea 1 30 N 10 00 E Riyadh [US Embassy] Saudi Arabia 24 38 N 46 43 E Road Town British Virgin Islands 18 27 N 64 37 W Robinson Crusoe Island (Mas a Tierra) Chile 33 38 S 78 52 W Rocas, Atol das Brazil 3 51 S 33 49 W Rockall [island] United Kingdom 57 35 N 13 48 W Rodrigues [island] Mauritius 19 42 S 63 25 E Rome [US Embassy, US Mission to the UN Agencies for Food and Agriculture (FODAG)] Italy 41 54 N 12 29 E Roncador Cay Colombia 13 32 N 80 03 W Roosevelt Island Antarctica 79 30 S 162 00 W Roseau Dominica 15 18 N 61 24 W Ross Dependency [claimed by New Zealand] Antarctica 80 00 S 180 00 E Ross Island Antarctica 81 30 S 175 00 W Ross Sea Antarctica, Southern Ocean 76 00 S 175 00 W Rota [island] Northern Mariana Islands 14 10 N 145 12 E Rotuma [island] Fiji 12 30 S 177 30 E Ryukyu Islands Japan 26 30 N 128 00 E S Saba [island] Netherlands Antilles 17 38 N 63 10 W Sabah [state] Malaysia 5 20 N 117 10 E Sable Island Canada 43 55 N 59 50 W Safety Islands (Iles du Salut) French Guiana 5 20 N 52 37 W Sahel Burkina Faso, Cape Verde, Chad, The Gambia, Guinea- Bissau, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Senegal 15 00 N 8 00 W Saigon (see Ho Chi Minh City) Vietnam 10 45 N 106 40 E Saint Brandon (Cargados Carajos Shoals) Mauritius 16 25 S 59 38 E Saint Christopher [island] Saint Kitts and Nevis 17 20 N 62 45 W Saint Christopher and Nevis Saint Kitts and Nevis 17 20 N 62 45 W Saint-Denis Reunion 20 52 S 55 28 E Saint George's [US Embassy] Grenada 12 03 N 61 45 W Saint George's Channel Atlantic Ocean 52 00 N 6 00 W Saint Helier Jersey 49 12 N 2 37 W Saint John's Antigua and Barbuda 17 06 N 61 51 W Saint Lawrence, Gulf of Atlantic Ocean 48 00 N 62 00 W Saint Lawrence Island United States 49 30 N 67 00 W Saint Lawrence Seaway Atlantic Ocean 49 15 N 67 00 W Saint Martin [island] Guadeloupe 18 04 N 63 04 W Saint Martin (Sint Maarten) Netherlands Antilles 18 04 N 63 04 W Saint Paul Island Canada 47 12 N 60 09 W Saint Paul Island United States 57 11 N 170 16 W Saint Paul Island (Ile Saint-Paul) French Southern and Antarctic Lands 38 43 S 77 29 E Saint Peter and Saint Paul Rocks (Penedos de Sao Pedro e Sao Paulo) Brazil 0 23 N 29 23 W Saint Peter Port Guernsey 49 27 N 2 32 W Saint Petersburg [US Consulate General] Russia 59 55 N 30 15 E Saint-Pierre Saint Pierre and Miquelon 46 46 N 56 11 W Saint Thomas [island] Virgin Islands 18 21 N 64 55 W Saint Vincent Passage Atlantic Ocean 13 30 N 61 00 W Saipan [island] Northern Mariana Islands 15 12 N 145 45 E Sakishima Islands Japan 24 30 N 124 00 E Sakhalin Island (Ostrov Sakhalin) Russia 51 00 N 143 00 E Sala y Gomez, Isla Chile 26 28 S 105 00 W Salisbury (see Harare) Zimbabwe 17 50 S 105 00 W Salvador de Bahia [US Consular Agency] Brazil 12 59 S 38 31 W Salzburg Austria 47 48 N 13 02 E Samar [island] Philippines 12 00 N 125 00 E Samaria [region] West Bank 32 15 N 35 10 E Samoa Islands American Samoa, Samoa 14 00 S 171 00 W Samos [island] Greece 37 48 N 26 44 E Sanaa [US Embassy] Yemen 15 21 N 44 12 E San Ambrosio, Isla Chile 26 21 S 79 52 W San Andres y Providencia, Archipielago Colombia 13 00 N 81 30 W San Bernardino Strait Pacific Ocean 12 32 N 124 10 E San Felix, Isla Chile 26 17 S 80 05 W San Jose [US Embassy] Costa Rica 9 56 N 84 05 W San Juan Puerto Rico 18 28 N 66 07 W San Marino San Marino 43 56 N 12 25 E San Salvador [US Embassy] El Salvador 13 42 N 89 12 W Santa Cruz Bolivia 17 48 S 63 10 W Santa Cruz Islands Solomon Islands 11 00 S 166 15 E Santiago [US Embassy] Chile 33 27 S 70 40 W Santo Antao [island] Cape Verde 17 05 N 25 10 W Santo Domingo [US Embassy] Dominican Republic 18 28 N 69 54 W Sao Paulo [US Consulate General] Brazil 23 32 S 46 37 W Sao Pedro e Sao Paulo, Penedos de [rocks] Brazil 0 23 N 29 23 W Sao Tiago [island] Cape Verde 15 05 N 23 40 W Sao Tome [island] Sao Tome and Principe 0 12 N 6 39 E Sapporo [US Consulate General] Japan 43 03 N 141 21 E Sapudi Strait Pacific Ocean 7 05 S 114 10 E Sarajevo [US Embassy] Bosnia and Herzegovina 43 52 N 18 25 E Sarawak [state] Malaysia 2 30 N 113 30 E Sardinia [island] Italy 40 00 N 9 00 E Sargasso Sea Atlantic Ocean 30 00 N 55 00 W Sark [island] Guernsey 49 26 N 2 21 W Saxony [region] Germany 51 00 N 13 00 E Schleswig-Holstein [region] Germany 54 31 N 9 33 E Scopus, Mount Israel, West Bank 31 48 N 35 14 E Scotia Sea Atlantic Ocean, Southern Ocean 56 00 S 40 00 W Scotland [region] United Kingdom 57 00 N 4 00 W Scott Island Antarctica 67 24 S 179 55 W Senyavin Islands Federated States of Micronesia 6 55 N 158 00 E Seoul [US Embassy] South Korea 37 34 N 127 00 E Serbia Serbia and Montenegro 43 00 N 21 00 E Serrana Bank Colombia 14 25 N 80 16 W Serranilla Bank Colombia 15 51 N 79 46 W Settlement, The Christmas Island 18 44 N 64 19 W Severnaya Zemlya (Northland) [island group] Russia 79 30 N 98 00 E Shaba [region] Democratic Republic of the Congo 8 00 S 27 00 E Shag Island Heard Island and McDonald Islands 53 00 S 72 30 E Shag Rocks South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 53 33 S 42 02 W Shanghai [US Consulate General] China 31 14 N 121 28 E Shenyang [US Consulate General] China 41 48 N 123 27 E Shetland Islands United Kingdom 60 30 N 1 30 W Shikoku [island] Japan 33 45 N 133 30 E Shikotan [island] Russia [de facto] 43 47 N 146 45 E Siam Thailand 15 00 N 100 00 E Siberia [region] Russia 60 00 N 100 00 E Sibutu Passage Pacific Ocean 4 50 N 119 35 E Sicily [island] Italy 37 30 N 14 00 E Sicily, Strait of Atlantic Ocean 37 20 N 11 20 E Sidra, Gulf of Atlantic Ocean 31 30 N 18 00 E Sikkim [state] India 27 50 N 88 30 E Sinai Peninsula Egypt 29 30 N 34 00 E Singapore [US Embassy] Singapore 1 17 N 103 51 E Singapore Strait Pacific Ocean 1 15 N 104 00 E Sinkiang (Xinjiang) China 42 00 N 86 00 E Sint Eustatius [island] Netherlands Antilles 17 29 N 62 58 W Sint Maarten [island] Netherlands Antilles 18 04 N 63 04 W Skagerrak [strait] Atlantic Ocean 57 45 N 9 00 E Skopje [US Embassy] The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia 41 59 N 21 26 E Slavonia [region] Croatia 45 27 N 18 00 E Society Islands (Iles de la Societe) French Polynesia 17 00 S 150 00 W Socotra [island] Yemen 12 30 N 54 00 E Sofia [US Embassy] Bulgaria 42 41 N 23 19 E Solomon Islands, northern Papua New Guinea 6 00 S 155 00 E Solomon Islands, southern Solomon Islands 8 00 S 159 00 E Solomon Sea Pacific Ocean 8 00 S 153 00 E Songkhla Thailand 7 12 N 100 36 E Sound, The (Oresund) Atlantic Ocean 55 50 N 12 40 E South Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean 30 00 S 15 00 W South China Sea Pacific Ocean 10 00 N 113 00 E South Georgia [island] South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 54 15 S 36 45 W South Island New Zealand 43 00 S 171 00 E South Korea South Korea 37 00 N 127 30 E South Orkney Islands Antarctica 61 00 S 45 00 W South Ossetia [region] Georgia 42 20 N 44 00 E South Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean 30 00 S 130 00 W South Sandwich Islands South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands 57 45 S 26 30 W South Shetland Islands Antarctica 62 00 S 59 00 W South Tyrol [region] Italy 46 30 N 10 30 E South Vietnam Vietnam 12 00 N 108 00 E South Yemen (People's Democratic Republic of Yemen) Yemen 14 00 N 48 00 E South-West Africa Namibia 22 00 S 17 00 E Southern Grenadines Grenada 12 20 N 61 30 W Southern Rhodesia Zimbabwe 20 00 S 30 00 E Soviet Union Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan Spanish Guinea Equatorial Guinea 2 00 N 10 00 E Spanish Morocco Morocco 32 00 N 7 00 W Spanish North Africa Spain (Ceuta, Islas Chafarinas, Melilla, Penon de Alhucemas, Penon de Velez de la Gomera) 35 15 N 4 00 W Spanish Sahara Western Sahara 24 30 N 13 00 W Spice Islands (Moluccas) Indonesia 2 00 S 28 00 E Spitsbergen [island] Svalbard 78 00 N 20 00 E Stanley Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas) 51 42 S 57 41 W Stockholm [US Embassy] Sweden 59 20 N 18 03 E Strasbourg [US Consulate General] France 48 35 N 7 45 E Stuttgart Germany 48 46 N 9 11 E Sucre Bolivia 19 02 S 65 17 W Suez Canal Egypt 29 55 N 32 33 E Suez, Gulf of Indian Ocean 28 10 N 33 27 E Sulu Archipelago Philippines 6 00 N 121 00 E Sulu Sea Pacific Ocean 8 00 N 120 00 E Sumatra [island] Indonesia 0 00 N 102 00 E Sumba [island] Indonesia 10 00 S 120 00 E Sunda Islands (Soenda Isles) Indonesia, Malaysia 2 00 S 110 00 E Sunda Strait Indian Ocean 6 00 S 105 45 E Surabaya [US Consulate General] Indonesia 7 15 S 112 45 E Surigao Strait Pacific Ocean 10 15 N 125 23 E Surinam Suriname 4 00 N 56 00 W Suva [US Embassy] Fiji 18 08 S 178 25 E Sverdlovsk (see Yekaterinburg) Russia 56 50 N 60 39 E Swains Island American Samoa 11 3 S 171 15 W Swan Islands Honduras 17 25 S 83 56 W Sydney [US Consulate General] Australia 33 52 S 151 13 E T Tahiti [island] French Polynesia 17 37 S 149 27 W Taipei Taiwan 25 03 N 121 30 E Taiwan Strait Pacific Ocean 24 00 N 119 00 E Tallinn [US Embassy] Estonia 59 25 N 24 45 E Tanganyika Tanzania 6 00 S 35 00 E Tangier Morocco 35 48 N 5 45 W Tarawa [island] Kiribati 1 25 N 173 00 E Tatar Strait Pacific Ocean 50 00 N 141 00 E Tashkent [US Embassy] Uzbekistan 41 20 N 69 18 E Tasmania [island] Australia 43 00 S 147 00 E Tasman Sea Pacific Ocean 4 30 S 168 00 E Taymyr Peninsula (Poluostrov Taymyr) Russia 76 00 N 104 00 E T'bilisi [US Embassy] Georgia 41 43 N 44 49 E Tegucigalpa [US Embassy] Honduras 14 06 N 87 13 W Tehran [US post not maintained; representation by Swiss Embassy] Iran 35 40 N 51 26 E Tel Aviv [US Embassy] Israel 32 05 N 34 48 E Terre Adelie (Adelie Land) [claimed by France] Antarctica 66 30 S 139 00 E Thailand, Gulf of Pacific Ocean 10 00 N 101 00 E Thessaloniki [US Consulate General] Greece 40 38 N 22 56 E Thimphu Bhutan 27 28 N 89 39 E Thuringia [region] Germany 51 00 N 11 00 E Thurston Island Antarctica 72 20 S 99 00 W Tiberias, Lake Israel 32 48 N 35 35 E Tibet (Xizang) China 32 00 N 90 00 E Tibilisi (see T'bilisi) Georgia 41 43 N 44 49 E Tien Shan [mountains] China, Kyrgyzstan 42 00 N 80 00 E Tierra del Fuego Argentina, Chile 54 00 S 69 00 W Tijuana [US Consulate General] Mexico 32 32 N 117 01 W Timor [island] Indonesia 9 00 S 125 00 E Timor Sea Pacific Ocean 11 00 S 128 00 E Tinian [island] Northern Mariana Islands 15 00 N 145 38 E Tiran, Strait of Indian Ocean 28 00 N 34 27 E Tirana [US Embassy] Albania 41 20 N 19 50 E Tirane (see Tirana) Albania 41 20 N 19 50 E Tirol [region] Austria, Italy 47 00 N 11 00 E Tobago [island] Trinidad and Tobago 11 15 N 60 40 W Tokyo [US Embassy] Japan 35 42 N 139 46 E Tonkin, Gulf of Pacific Ocean 20 00 N 108 00 E Toronto [US Consulate General] Canada 43 39 N 79 23 W Torres Strait Pacific Ocean 10 25 S 142 10 E Torshavn Faroe Islands 62 01 N 6 46 W Toshkent (see Tashkent) Uzbekistan 41 20 N 69 18 E Transjordan Jordan 31 00 N 36 00 E Transkei South Africa 32 15 S 28 15 E Transylvania [region] Romania 46 30 N 24 00 E Trindade, Ilha de Brazil 20 31 S 29 20 W Tripoli Lebanon 34 26 N 35 51 E Tripoli [US post not maintained; representation by Belgian Embassy] Libya 32 54 N 13 11 E Tristan da Cunha Group Saint Helena 37 04 S 12 19 W Trobriand Islands Papua New Guinea 8 38 S 151 04 E Trucial Coast United Arab Emirates 24 00 N 54 00 E Trucial Oman United Arab Emirates 24 00 N 54 00 E Trucial States United Arab Emirates 24 00 N 54 00 E Truk Islands Federated States of Micronesia 7 25 N 151 47 E Tsugaru Strait Pacific Ocean 41 35 N 141 00 E Tuamotu Islands (Iles Tuamotu) French Polynesia 19 00 S 142 00 W Tubuai Islands (Iles Tubuai) French Polynesia 23 00 S 150 00 W Tunb al Kubra [island] Iran 26 14 N 55 19 E Tunb as Sughra [island] Iran 26 14 N 55 09 E Tunis [US Embassy] Tunisia 36 48 N 10 11 E Turin Italy 45 04 N 7 40 E Turkish Straits Atlantic Ocean 40 40 N 28 00 E Turkmeniya Turkmenistan 40 00 N 60 00 E Turks Island Passage Atlantic Ocean 21 40 N 71 00 W Tuscany [region] Italy 43 25 N 11 00 E Tutuila [island] American Samoa 14 18 S 170 42 W Tyrol, South [region] Italy 46 30 N 10 30 E Tyrrhenian Sea Atlantic Ocean 40 00 N 12 00 E U Udorn(Udon Thani) [US Consulate] Thailand 17 26 N 102 46 E Ulaanbaatar [US Embassy] Mongolia 47 55 N 106 53 E Ullung-do [island] South Korea 37 29 N 130 52 E Unimak Pass [strait] Pacific Ocean 54 20 N 164 50 W Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan United Arab Republic (UAR) Egypt, Syria Upper Volta Burkina Faso 13 00 N 2 00 W Ural Mountains Kazakhstan, Russia 60 00 N 60 00 E Ussuri River China, Russia 48 28 N 135 02 E V Vaduz Liechtenstein 47 09 N 9 31 E Vakhan (Wakhan Corridor) Afghanistan 37 00 N 73 00 E Valletta [US Embassy] Malta 35 54 N 14 31 E Valley, The Anguilla 18 13 N 63 04 W Vancouver [US Consulate General] Canada 49 16 N 123 07 W Vancouver Island Canada 49 45 N 126 00 W Van Diemen Strait (Osumi Strait) Pacific Ocean 31 00 N 131 00 E Vatican City [US Embassy] Holy See 41 54 N 12 27 E Velez de la Gomera, Penon de Spain 35 11 N 4 18 W Venda South Africa 23 00 S 31 00 E Verde Island Passage Pacific Ocean 13 34 N 120 51 E Victoria Hong Kong 22 17 N 114 09 E Victoria Seychelles 4 38 S 55 27 E Vienna [US Embassy, US Mission to International Organizations in Vienna (UNVIE)] Austria 48 12 N 16 22 E Vientiane [US Embassy] Laos 17 58 N 102 36 E Vilnius [US Embassy] Lithuania 54 41 N 25 19 E Viti Levu [island] Fiji 18 00 S 178 00 E Vladivostok [US Consulate General] Russia 43 10 N 131 56 E Volcano Islands Japan 25 00 N 141 00 E Vostok Island Kiribati 10 06 S 152 23 W Vrangelya, Ostrov (Wrangel Island) Russia 71 14 N 179 36 W W Wake Atoll Wake Island 19 17 N 166 36 E Wakhan Corridor (see Vakhan) Afghanistan 37 00 N 73 00 E Wales [region] United Kingdom 52 30 N 3 30 W Wallis Islands Wallis and Futuna 13 17 S 176 10 W Walvis Bay Namibia 22 59 S 14 31 E Warsaw [US Embassy] Poland 52 15 N 21 00 E Washington, DC [US Mission to the Organization of American States (OAS)] United States 38 53 N 77 02 W Weddell Sea Southern Ocean 72 00 S 45 00 W Wellington [US Embassy] New Zealand 41 28 S 174 51 E West Frisian Islands Netherlands 53 26 N 5 30 E West Germany (Federal Republic of Germany) Germany 53 22 N 5 20 E West Island Cocos (Keeling) Islands 12 10 S 96 55 E West Korea Strait (Western Channel) Pacific Ocean 34 40 N 129 00 E West Pakistan Pakistan 30 00 N 70 00 E West Siberian Plain Russia 60 00 N 75 00 E Western Channel (West Korea Strait) Pacific Ocean 34 40 N 129 00 E Western Samoa Samoa 13 35 S 172 20 W Wetar Strait Pacific Ocean 8 20 S 126 30 E White Sea Arctic Ocean 65 30 N 38 00 E Willemstad Netherlands Antilles 12 06 N 68 56 W Windhoek [US Embassy] Namibia 22 34 S 17 06 E Windward Passage Atlantic Ocean 20 00 N 73 50 W Wrangel Island (Ostrov Vrangelya) Russia 71 14 N 179 36 W Y Yalu River China, North Korea 39 55 N 124 20 E Yamoussoukro Cote d'Ivoire 6 49 N 5 17 W Yangon (see Rangoon) Burma 16 47 N 96 10 E Yaounde [US Embassy] Cameroon 3 52 N 11 31 E Yap Islands Federated States of Micronesia 9 30 N 138 00 E Yaren Nauru 0 32 S 166 55 E Yekaterinburg (Sverdlovsk) [US Consulate General] Russia 56 50 N 60 39 E Yellow Sea Pacific Ocean 36 00 N 123 00 E Yemen (Aden) [People's Democratic Republic of Yemen] Yemen 14 00 N 46 00 E Yemen Arab Republic Yemen 15 00 N 44 00 E Yemen, North [Yemen Arab Republic] Yemen 15 00 N 44 00 E Yemen (Sanaa) [Yemen Arab Republic] Yemen 15 00 N 44 00 E Yemen, People's Democratic Republic of Yemen 14 00 N 46 00 E Yemen, South [People's Democratic Republic of Yemen] Yemen 14 00 N 46 00 E Yerevan [US Embassy] Armenia 40 11 N 44 30 E Youth, Isle of (Isla de la Juventud) Cuba 21 40 N 82 50 W Yucatan Peninsula Mexico 19 30 N 89 00 W Yucatan Channel Atlantic Ocean 21 45 N 85 45 W Yugoslavia Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Serbia and Montenegro, Slovenia Z Zagreb [US Embassy] Croatia 45 48 N 15 58 E Zaire Democratic Republic of the Congo 15 00 S 30 00 E Zanzibar [island] Tanzania 6 10 S 39 11 E Zion, Mount Israel, Jordan 31 46 N 35 14 E Zurich Switzerland 47 23 N 8 32 E