by William H. Dooley
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* * * * * *

Transcriber's Note

Minor typographic errors and hyphenation and accent inconsistencies have been corrected without note.

The footnote marker on page 267 was originally located next to the EXPERIMENTS heading, but the footnote itself referred to a dissecting pin. The marker has been moved next to the reference to a dissecting pin in the text.

The experiments are consecutively numbered, and Experiment Nos. 28 and 29 are missing. There do not appear to be any missing pages—the page numbering has no gaps, and Experiment No. 27 runs across a page boundary, and is then followed immediately by Experiment 30. It is possible that the two missing experiments were deliberately omitted from this edition by the author.

The index entry for Berber originally read Beiber. The entry has been corrected, and moved to the correct place in the index.

The page number in the index entry for Silk, finishing has been amended from 217 to 218.

The index entry for Zephyr wool had no printed page number; from the text content, the best match appears to be a reference on page 49, which has been added to the index entry.

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