Section 81. The thorax is bounded dorsally by the vertebral column, and ventrally by the sternum. The sternum consists of segments, the sternebrae (st.); anteriorly there is a bony manubrium (mb.), posteriorly a thin cartilaginous plate, the xiphisternum (xi.). Seven pairs of ribs articulate by cartilaginous ends (sternal ribs) with the sternum directly, as indicated in the figure; five (false) ribs are joined, to each other and to the seventh, and not to the sternum directly. The last four ribs have no tuberculum (Section 77).
Section 82. The fore-limb (pectoral limb) consists of an upper arm bone, the humerus (hum.) the distal end of which is deeply excavated by the olecranon fossa (o.f.) as indicated by the dotted lines; of two bones, the ulna (u.) and radius (r.) which are firmly bound by ligament in the position of the figure (i.e., with the palm of the hand downward, "prone"); of a number of small bones (carpalia), the carpus (c.); of a series of metacarpals (mc.); and of three digits (= fingers) each, except the first, or pollex, of three small bones— the phalanges, only the proximal of which appear in the figure. The ulna has a hook-like head, the olecranon (o.) which distinguishes it easily from the distally thickened radius. The limb is attached to the body through the intermediation of the shoulder-blade (scapula, sc.) a flattened bone with a median external ridge with a hook-like termination, the acromion (acr.). There is also a process overhanging the glenoid cavity (g.) wherein the humerus articulates, which process is called coracoid (co.); it is ossified from two separate centres, and represents a very considerable bone in the bird, reptile, and frog. Along the dorsal edge of the scapula of the rabbit is unossified cartilage, which is called the supra-scapula (s.sc.). In man there runs from the acromion to the manubrium of the sternum a bone, the collar-bone or clavicle. This is represented by a very imperfectly ossified rudiment in the rabbit. The scapula and clavicle, the bones of the body connected with the fore-limb, are frequently styled the pectoral girdle, or shoulder-girdle; this name of girdle will appear less of a misnomer when lower vertebrate types are studied.
Section 83. The hind limb and its body bones— pelvic limb and girdle— are shown in Figure 2. The limb skeleton corresponds closely with that of the fore-limb. The femur (fe.) answers to the humerus, and is to be distinguished from it by the greater distinctness of its proximal head (hd.) and by the absence of an olecranon fossa from its distal end. The tibia (ti = the radius) is fused for the distal half of its length with the fibula (fb. = ulna). A tarsus (tarsalia) equals the carpus.* Two of the proximal tarsalia may be noted: one working like a pulley under the tibia, is the astragalus (as.); one forming the bony support of the heel, is the calcaneum (ca.). There is a series of metatarsals, and then come four digits of three phalanges each.
* Such a resemblance as exists between one vertebra and another in the rabbit, or between the humerus and the femur, is called serial homology; the two things correspond with each other to the extent of imperfect reduplication. "Homology" simply is commonly used to indicate the resemblance between any two structures in different animals, in origin and position as regards other parts. Thus the heart of the rabbit and of the frog are homologous structures, corresponding in position, and resembling each other much as two memory sketches of one picture might do.
Section 84. The pelvic girdle differs from the pectoral in most land vertebrata in being articulated with the vertebral column. This difference does not exist in fishes. It consist in the rabbit of four bones; the ilium (i.), the ischium (is.), the pubis (pb.), and the small cotyloid bone— the first two and the latter one meeting in the acetabular fossa (ac.) in which the head of the femur works. The pubes and ischia are fused along the mid-ventral line. Many morphologists regard, the ilium as equivalent to, that is, strictly corresponding in its relation, to the scapula, the pubis to the cartilaginous substratum of the clavicle, and the ischium to the coracoid.
Section 85. These bones will be studied at the greatest advantage when dissected out from a boiled rabbit. Prepared and wired skeletons, disarticulated skeletons, plates of figures, and written descriptions are in succession more tedious and less satisfactory ways to a real comprehension, of this matter. This chapter directs the student's attention to the most important points in the study of the skeleton, but it is in no way intended to mitigate the necessity of practical work. It is a guide simply.
Section 86. The mammalian skull will be better understood after the study of that of some lower vertebrate. We shall describe its main features now, but their meaning will be much clearer after the lower type is read. Our figures are of Canis. In section (Figure VI., Sheet 6), we perceive a brain case (cranium) opening behind by a large aperture, the foramen magnum (F.M.). In front of this is an extensive passage, the nasal passage (E.N. to P.N.) which is divided from the mouth by a bony floor, the palate, and which opens into the pharynx behind at the posterior nares (P.N.) and to the exterior by the anterior or external nares (E.N.). It is divided into right and left passages by a middle partition, the nasal septum. Outside the skull, on its wings, is a flask-like bone, the bulla tympani (b. in Figures 2 and 3), protecting the middle ear, and from above this there passes an arch, the cheek bone (ju. in Figures 1, 2, and 3), to the upper jaw, forming in front the bony lower protection of the cavity containing the eye, the orbit. The cheek arch, nasal passage, and jaws, form collectively the "facial apparatus," as distinguished from the cranium, and the whole skull is sometimes referred to as, the "cranio-facial apparatus." Two eminences for articulation with the atlas vertebra, the condyles (c.), lie one on each side of the lower boundary of the foramen magnum.
Section 87. The floor of the cranium consists of a series of cartilage bones, the basi-occipital (b.o.), basi-sphenoid (b.sp.), pre-sphenoid (p.sp.), and in front, the ethmoid (eth.), which sends down a median plate, not shown, in the figure, to form the nasal septum between right and left nasal passages. Like extended wings on either side of the basi-occipital are the ex-occipital (e.o.) (the bone is marked in Figure 4, but the letters are a little obscured by shading). Similarly the ali-sphenoids (a.s.), are wings to the basi-, and the orbito-sphenoids (o.s.), to the pre-sphenoid bone (p.sp.). Between the ex-occipital and ali-sphenoid there is wedged in a bone, the periotic (p.o.) containing the internal ear (Section 115). Above the foramen magnum the median supra-occipital bone completes what is called the occipital arch. A pair of parietals (pa.) come above the ali-sphenoids, and a pair of frontals (f.) above the orbito-sphenoids. At the side the brain case is still incomplete, and here the aquamosal (sq.) enters into its wall. In the external view (Figure 3) the bulla hides the periotic bone from without. The student should examine all four figures for these bones before proceeding.
Section 88. The outer edge of the upper jaw and the cheek arch are made up of three paired bones. First comes the premaxilla (p.m.) (not p.m.1 or p.m.4), containing in the dog, the three incisors of either side. Then comes the maxilla, bearing the rest of the teeth.* The jugal or malar (ju.) reaches over from the maxilla to meet a zygomatic process (= connecting outgrowth) (z.p.) of the squamosal bone.
* In the dog a sabre-like canine (c.), four premolars (p.m.1 and p.m.4) and two molars (m.1 and m.2).
Section 89. In the under view of the skull (Figure 2) it will be seen that the maxilla sends in a plate to form the front part of the hard palate. Behind, the hard palate is completed by the pair of palatine bones (pal.), which conceal much of the pre- and orbito-sphenoid in the ventral view, and which run back as ridges to terminate in two small angular bones, the pterygoids (pt.) which we shall find represent much more important structures in the lower vertebrata.
Section 90. The pre-maxillae and maxillae bound the sides of the nasal passage, and it is completed above by a pair of splints, the nasals. Along the floor of the nasal passage, on the middle line, lies a splint of bone formed by the coalescence of two halves. It embraces in a V-like groove the mesethmoid (nasal septum) above, and lies on the palate.
{Lines from First Edition only.} -Its position is indicated by a heavy black line in 4, and it is called, the vomer bone (vo.).-
{Lines from Second Edition only.} [In the frog it is represented by two laterally situated bones. This is the vomer bone (vo.).]
The nasal passages are partially blocked by foliated bony outgrowths, from the inner aspect of their walls, which in life are covered with mucous membrane, and increase the surface sensitive to smell. The ethmoid ends in the ethmo-turbinal (e.t.); the nasal, the naso-turbinal (n.t.); and the maxilla, the maxillo-turbinal (m.t.). In the anterior corner of the orbit there is a bone, the lachrymal (lc. Figure 1), which is hidden by the maxilla in the side view of the skull.
Section 91. The lower jaw (mandible) is one continuous bone in the mammal. Three incisors bite against the three of the upper jaw. Then comes a canine, four premolars, and three molars, the first of which is blade-like (sectorial tooth), and bites against the similar sectorial tooth (last premolar) of the upper jaw. The third molar is small. The arrangement of tooth is indicated in the following dental formula:— I. 3.3/3.3, C. 1.1/1.1, P.M. 4.4/4.4, M. 2.2/3.3
Section 92. Attached just behind the bulla above, and passing round on either side of the throat to meet at the base of the tongue, is the hyoid apparatus (Figure 6). The stylohyal (s.h.), epihyal (e.h.), and ceratohyal (c.h.) form the anterior cornu of the hyoid. The body of the hyoid (b.h.) forms a basis for the tongue. The posterior coruna (t.h.) of the hyoid are also called the thyrohyals.
Section 93. The following table presents these bones in something like their relative positions. A closer approximation to the state of the case will be reached if the student will imagine the maxilla raised up so as to overlie and hide the palatine and presphenoid, the squamosal similarly overlying the periotic bone, and the jugal reaching between them. Membrane bones are distinguished by capital letters.
-Nasal (paired), Ethmoid Bone (median), -Vomer -Frontal (paired), -Lachrymal (paired), Orbito-sphenoid (paired), Pre-sphenoid (median), Eye -Parietal (Paired), Ali-sphenoid (paired), Basi-sphenoid (median)*, Periotic Bone (paired) -Bulla (paired) Supra-occipital (median), Ex-occipital (paired), Basi-occipital (median)
-Upper Jaw_
-Pre-Maxilla_ (paired) Palatine (paired) Pterygoid (paired)
-Lower Jaw_
-Maxilla_ (paired) -Jugal_ (paired) -Squamosal_ (paired)
*In this table the small bones of the ear are simply indicated by an asterisk.
Section 94. Hidden by the bulla, and just external to the periotic bone, are the auditory ossicles, the incus, malleus, os orbiculare, and stapes. These will be more explicitly treated when we discuss the ear.
Section 95. When we come to the study of the nerves, we shall revert to the skull, and treat of its perforations. The student should not fail, before proceeding, to copy and recopy our figures, and to make himself quite familiar with them, and he should also obtain and handle an actual skull. For all practical purposes the skull of a sheep or cat will be almost as useful as that of the dog.
6. Muscle and Nerve
Section 96. We have, in the skeleton, a complicated apparatus of parts hinged and movable upon one another; the agent moving these parts is the same agent that we find in the heart walls propelling the blood through the circulation, in the alimentary canal squeezing the food along its course, and universally in the body where motion occurs, except in the case of the creeping phagocytes, and the ciliary waving of ciliated epithelium. This agent is muscle. We have, in muscular tissue, a very wide departure from the structure of the primordial cell; to use a common biological expression, a very great amount of modification (= differentiation). Sheet 7 represents the simpler kind of muscular tissue, unstriated muscle, in which the cell character is still fairly obvious. The cells are fusiform (spindle-shaped), have a distinct nucleus and faint longitudinal striations (striations along their length), but no transverse striations.
Section 97. In striated muscle extensive modifications mask the cell character. Under a 1/4 inch objective, transverse striations of the fibres are also distinctly visible, and under a much higher power we discern in a fibre (Sheet 7) transverse columns of rod-like sarcous elements (s.e.), the columns separated by lines of dots, the membranes of Krause (k.m.), and nuclei (n.), flattened and separated into portions, and lying, in some cases, close to the sarcolemma (sc.) the connective tissue enclosing the fibre, in others scattered throughout the substance of the fibre. The figure shows the fibre ruptured, in order to display the sarcolemma; e.p. is the end plate of a nerve (n.v.), and fb. are the fibrillae into which a fibre may be teased.
Section 98. In the heart we have an intermediate kind of muscle cardiac muscle (Figure 2), in which the muscle fibres branch; there is apparently no sarcolemma, and the undivided nuclei lie in the centre of the cell.
Section 99. Unstriated muscle is sometimes called involuntary, and striated, voluntary muscle; but there is really not the connexion with the will that these terms suggest. We have just mentioned that the heart-muscle is striated, but who can alter the beating of the heart by force of will? And the striated muscles of the limbs perform, endless involuntary acts. It would seem that unstriated muscle contracts slowly, and we find it especially among the viscera; in the intestine for instance, where it controls that "peristaltic" movement which pushes the food forward. Voluntary muscle, on the other hand, has a sharp contraction. The muscle of the slow-moving snails, slugs, and mussels is unstriated; all the muscle of the active insects and crustacea (crabs, lobsters, and crayfish) is striated. Still if the student bears the exception of the heart in mind, and considers muscles as "voluntary" that his will can reach, the terms voluntary and involuntary will serve to give him an idea of the distribution of these two types of muscle in his own body, and in that of the rabbit.
Section 100. Muscular contraction, and generally all activity in the body is accompanied by kataboly. The medium by which these katabolic changes are set going and controlled is the nervous system. The nervous system holds the whole body together in one harmonious whole; it is the governing organization of the multicellular community (Section 55), and the supreme head of the government resides in the brain, and is called the mind. But just as in a political state only the most important and most exceptional duties are performed by the imperial body, and minor matters and questions of routine are referred to boards and local authorities, so the mind takes cognisance only of a few of the higher concerns of the animal, and a large amount of the work of the nervous system goes on insensibly, in a perfectly automatic way— even much that occurs in the brain.
Section 101. The primary elements in the tissue of the nervous system are three; nerve fibres, which are simply conducting threads, telegraph wires; ganglion cells, which are the officials of the system; and neuroglia, a fine variety of connective tissue which holds these other elements together, and may also possibly exercise a function in affecting impressions. A message along a nerve to a ganglion cell is an afferent impression, from a cell to a muscle or other external end is an efferent impression. The passage of an impression may be defined as a flash of kataboly along the nerve, and so every feeling, thought, and determination involves the formation of a certain quantity of katastases, and the necessity for air and nutrition.
Section 102. Unlike telegraph wires, to which they are often compared, nervous fibres usually convey impressions only in one direction, either centrally (afferent or sensory nerve fibres), or outwardly (efferent or motor nerve fibres). But the so-called motor nerve fibres include not only those that set muscles in motion, but those that excite secretion, check impulsive movements, and govern nutrition.
Section 103. Figure 7, Sheet 8, shows the typical structure of nervous tissues. The nerve fibres there figured are bound together by endoneurium into small ropes, the nerves, encased in perineurium. There is always a grey axis cylinder (a.c.), which may (in medullated nerves), or may not (in non-medullated or grey nerves) have a medullary sheath (s.S.) interrupted at intervals by the nodes of Ranvier (n.R.). Nuclei (n.) at intervals under the sheath indicate the cells from which nerve fibres are derived by a process of elongation. The nerves of invertebrata, where they possess nerves, are mostly grey, and so are those of the sympathetic system of vertebrata, to be presently described, g.c., g.c. are ganglion cells; they may have many hair-like processes, usually running into continuity with the axis cylinders of nerve fibres, in which case they are called multi-polar cells, or they may be uni- or bi-polar.
Section 104. The simplest example of the action of the nervous system is reflex action. For instance, when the foot of a frog, or the hand of a soundly sleeping person, is tickled very gently, the limb is moved away from the irritation, without any mental action, and entirely without will being exercised. And when we go from light into darkness, the pupil of the eye enlarges, without any direct consciousness of the change of its shape on our part. Similarly, the presence or food in the pharynx initiates a series of movements— swallowing, the digestive movements, and so on— which in health are entirely beyond our mental scope.
Section 105. A vast amount of our activities are reflex, and in such action an efferent stimulus follows an afferent promptly and quite mechanically. It is only where efferent stimuli do not immediately become entirely transmuted into outwardly moving impulses that mental action comes in and an animal feels. There appears to be a direct relation between sensation and motion. For instance, the shrieks and other instinctive violent motions produced by pain, "shunt off" a certain amount of nervous impression that would otherwise register itself as additional painful sensation. Similarly most women and children understand the comfort of a "good cry," and its benefit in shifting off a disagreeable mental state.
Section 106. The mind receives and stores impressions, and these accumulated experiences are the basis of memory, comparison, imagination, thought, and apparently spontaneous will. Voluntary actions differ from reflex by the interposition of this previously stored factor. For instance, when a frog sees a small object in front of him, that may or may not be an edible insect, the direct visual impression does not directly determine his subsequent action. It revives a number of previous experiences, an image already stored of similar insects and associated with painful or pleasurable gustatory experiences. With these arise an emotional effect of desire or repulsion which, passes into action of capture or the reverse.
Section 107. Voluntary actions may, by constant repetition, become quasi-reflex in character. The intellectual phase is abbreviated away. Habits are once voluntary and deliberated actions becoming mechanical in this way, and slipping out of the sphere of mind. For instance, many of the detailed movements of writing and walking are performed without any attention to the details. An excessive concentration of the attention upon one thing leads to absent-mindedness, and to its consequent absurdities of inappropriate, because imperfectly acquired, reflexes.
Section 108. This fluctuating scope of mind should be remembered, more especially when we are considering the probable mental states of the lower animals. An habitual or reflex action may have all the outward appearance of deliberate adjustment. We cannot tell in any particular case how far the mental comes in, or whether it comes in at all. Seeing that in our own case consciousness does not enter into our commonest and most necessary actions, into breathing and digestion, for instance, and scarcely at all in the details of such acts as walking and talking we might infer that nature was economical in its use, and that in the case of such an animal as the Rabbit, which follows a very limited routine, and in which scarcely any versatility in emergencies is evident, it must be relatively inconsiderable. Perhaps after all, pain is not scattered so needlessly and lavishly throughout the world as the enemies of the vivisectionist would have us believe.
7. The Nervous System
Section 109. A little more attention must now be given to the detailed anatomy of the peripheral and central nerve ends. A nerve, as we have pointed out, terminates centrally in some ganglion cell, either in a ganglion or in the spinal cord or brain; peripherally there is a much greater variety of ending. We may have tactile (touch) ends of various kinds, and the similar olfactory and gustatory end organs; or the nerve may conduct efferent impressions, and terminate in a gland which it excites to secretion, in a muscle end-plate, or in fact, anywhere, where kataboly can be set going and energy disengaged. We may now briefly advert to the receptive nerve ends.
Section 110. Many sensory nerves, doubtless, terminate in fine ends among the tissues. There are also special touch corpuscles, ovoid bodies, around which a nerve twines, or within which it terminates.
Section 111. The eye (Figure 8) has a tough, dense, outer coat, the sclerotic (sc.), within which is a highly vascular and internally pigmented layer, the choroid, upon which the percipient nervous layer, the retina (r.) rests. The chief chamber of the eye is filled with a transparent jelly, the vitreous humour (v.h.). In front of the eye, the white sclerotic passes into the transparent cornea (c.). The epidermis is continued over the outer face of this as a thin, transparent epithelium. The choroid coat is continued in front by a ring-shaped muscle, the iris (ir.) the coloured portion of the eyes. This iris enlarges or contracts its central aperture (the black pupil) by reflex action, as the amount of light diminishes or increases. Immediately behind this curtain is the crystalline lens (l.), the curvature of the anterior face or which is controlled by the ciliary muscle (c.m.). In front of the lens is the aqueous humour (a.h.). The description of the action of this apparatus involves the explanation of several of the elementary principles of optics, and will be found by the student in any text-book of that subject. Here it would have no very instructive bearing, either on general physiological considerations or upon anatomical fact.
Section 112. The structure of the retina demands fuller notice. Figure 9 shows an enlarged, diagram of a small portion of this, the percipient part of the eye. The optic nerve (o.n. in Figure 8) enters the eye at a spot called the blind spot (B.S.), and the nerve fibres spread thence over the inner retinal surface. From this layer of nerve fibres (o.n. in Figure 9) threads run outward, through certain clear and granular layers, to an outermost stratum of little rods (r.) and fusiform bodies called cones (c.), lying side by side. The whole of the retina consists of quite transparent matter, and it is this outermost layer of rods and cones (r. and c.) that receives and records the visual impression. This turning of the recipient ends away from the light is hardly what one would at first expect— it seems such a roundabout arrangement— but it obtains in all vertebrata, and it is a striking point of comparison with the ordinary invertebrate eye.
Section 113. We may pause to call the student's attention to a little point in the physiology of nerves, very happily illustrated here. The function of a nerve fibre is the conduction of impressions pure and simple; the light radiates through the fibrous layer of the retina without producing the slightest impression, and at the blind spot, where the rods and cones are absent, and the nerve fibres are gathered together, no visual impressions are recorded. If there is any doubt as to the existence of a blind spot in the retinal picture, the proof is easy. Let the reader shut his left eye, and regard these two asterisks, fixing his gaze intently upon the left-hand one of them.
* *
At a distance of three or four inches from the paper, both spots will be focussed on his retina, the left one in the centre of vision, and the right one at some spot internal to this, and he will see them both distinctly. Now, if he withdraws his head slowly, the right spot will of course appear to approach the left, and at a distance of ten or twelve inches it will, in its approach, pass over the blind spot and vanish, to reappear as he continues to move his head away from the paper. The function of nerve fibres is simply conduction, and the nature of the impressions they convey is entirely determined by the nature of their distal and proximal terminations.
Section 114. Certain small muscles in the orbit (eye-socket) move the eye, and by their action contribute to our perception of the relative position of objects. There is a leash of four muscles rising from a spot behind the exit of the optic nerve from the cranium to the upper, under, anterior, and posterior sides of the eyeball. These are the superior, inferior, anterior, and posterior recti. Running from the front of the orbit obliquely to the underside of the eyeball is the inferior oblique muscle. Corresponding to it above is a superior oblique. A lachrymal gland lies in the postero-inferior angle of the orbit, and a Handerian gland in the corresponding position in front. In addition to the upper and lower eyelids of the human subject, the rabbit has a third, the nictitating lid, in the anterior corner of the eye.
Section 115. The ear (Sheet VII.) consists of an essential organ of hearing, and of certain superadded parts. The essential part is called the internal ear, and is represented in all the true vertebrata (i.e., excluding the lancelet and its allies). In the lower forms it is a hollow membranous structure, embedded in a mass of cartilage, the otic capsule; in the mammal the latter is entirely ossified, to form the periotic bone. The internal ear consists of a central sac, from which three semicircular canals spring. The planes of the three canals are mutually at right angles; two are vertical, the anterior and posterior (p.v.c.) vertical canals, and one is horizontal, the horizontal canal (h.c.). There are dilatations, called ampullae, at the anterior base of the anterior, and at the posterior base of the posterior and horizontal canals. Indirectly connected with the main sac is a spirally-twisted portion, resembling a snail shell in form, the cochlea. This last part is distinctive of the mammalia, but the rest of the internal ear is represented in all vertebrata, with one or two exceptions. The whole of the labyrinth is membranous, and contains a fluid, the endolymph; between the membranous wall of the labyrinth and the enclosing bone is a space containing the perilymph. Strange as it may appear at first, the entire lining of the internal ear is, at an early stage, continuous with the general epidermis of the animal. It grows in just as a gland might grow in, and is finally cut off from the exterior; but a considerable relic of this former communication remains as a thin, vertical blind tube (not shown in the figure), the ductus endolymphaticus.
Section 116. The eighth nerve runs from the brain case (Cr.), into the periotic bone, and is distributed to the several portions of this labyrinth. In an ordinary fish this internal ear is the sole auditory organ we should find; the sound-waves would travel through the water to the elastic cranium and so reach and affect the nerves. But in all air-frequenting animals this original plan of an ear has to be added to, to fit it to the much fainter sound vibrations of the compressible and far less elastic air. A "receiving apparatus" is needed, and is supplied by the ear-drum, middle ear, or tympanic cavity (T.). In the mammal there is also a collecting ear trumpet (the ear commonly so-called), the external ear, and external auditory meatus (e.a.m.). A tightly stretched membrane, the tympanic membrane, separates this from the drum. A chain of small bones, the malleus (m.), the incus (i.), the os orbiculare (o.or.), a very small bone, and a stirrup-shaped stapes, swing across the tympanum, from the tympanic membrane to the internal ear. At two points the bony investment of this last is incomplete— at the fenestra rotunda (f.r.), and at the fenestra ovalis, (f.o.), into which latter the end of the stapes fits, and so communicates the sound vibrations of the tympanic membrane to the endolymph. A passage, the Eustachian tube, communicates between the tympanic cavity and the pharynx (Ph.), and serves to equalize the pressure on either side of the drum-head. A comparative study of the ears of the vertebrata brings to light the fact that, as we descend in the animal scale, the four ear ossicles are replaced by large bones and cartilages connected with the jaw, and the drum and Eustachian tube by a gill slit. We have, in fact, in the ear, as the student will perceive in the sequel, an essentially aquatic auditory organ, added to and patched up to fit the new needs of a life out of water.
Section 117. The impressions of smell are conducted through the first nerve to the brain, and are first received by special hair-bearing cells in the olfactory mucous membrane of the upper part of the nasal passage. The sense of taste has a special nerve in the ninth, the fibres of which terminate in special cells and cell aggregates in the little papillae (velvet pile-like processes) that cover the tongue.
Section 118. At an early stage in development, the brain of a mammal consists of a linear arrangement of three hollow vesicles (Figure 5, Sheet VIII., 1, 2, and 3), which are the fore-, mid-, and hind-brain respectively. The cavities in these in these vesicles are continuous with a hollow running through the spinal cord. On the dorsal side of the fore-brain is a structure to be dealt with more fully later, the pineal gland (p.g.), while on its under surface is the pituitary body (pt.).
Section 119. The lower figure of (5) shows, in a diagrammatic manner, the derivation of the adult brain from this primitive state. From the fore-brain vesicle, a hollow outgrowth on either side gives rises to the (paired) cerebral hemisphere (c.h.), which is prolonged forward as the olfactory lobe (o.l.). From the fore-brain the retina of the eye and the optic nerve also originate as an, at first, hollow outgrowth (op.). The roof of the mid-brain is also thickened, and bulges up to form two pairs of thickenings, the corpora quadrigemina, (c.q.). The hind-brain sends up in front a median outgrowth, which develops lateral wings, the cerebellum (cbm.), behind which the remainder of the hind-brain is called the medulla oblongata, and passes without any very definite demarcation into the spinal cord.
Section 120. Figure 1 is a corresponding figure of the actual state of affairs in the adult. The brain is seen in median vertical section. (ch.) is the right cerebral hemisphere, an inflated vesicle, which, in the mammal— but not in our lower types— reaches back over the rest of the fore-brain, and also over the mid-brain, and hides these and the pineal gland in the dorsal view of the brain (Figure 2). The hollow of the hemisphere on either side communicates with the third ventricle, the original cavity of the fore-brain (1 in Figure 5), by an aperture (the foramen of Monro), indicated by a black arrow (f.M.). Besides their original communication through the intermediation of the fore-brain, the hemispheres are also united above its roof by a broad bridge of fibre, the corpus callosum (c.c.), which is distinctive of the mammalian animals. The original fore-brain vesicle has its lateral walls thickened to form the optic thalami (o.th.), between which a middle commissure, (m.c.), absent in lower types, stretches like a great beam across the third ventricle. The original fore-brain is often called the thalamencephalon, the hemisphere, the prosencephalon, the olfactory lobes, the rhinencephalon.
Section 121. The parts of mid-brain (mesencephalon) will be easily recognised. Its cavity is in the adult mammal called the iter; its floor is differentiated into bundles of fibres, the crura cerebri (c.cb.), figured also in Figure 4.
Section 122. The cerebellum (metencephalon) consists of a central mass, the vermis (v.cbm.), and it also has lateral lobes (l.l.), prolonged into flocculi (f.cbm.), which lastare -em-bedded in pits, [in] the periotic bone, and on that account render the extraction of the brain from the cranium far more difficult than it would otherwise be. The roof of the hind-brain, before and behind the cerebellum, consists of extremely thin plates of nervous matter. Its floor is greatly thickened to form the mass of the medulla, and in front a great transverse track of fibres is specialized, the pons Varolii (p.V.). Its cavity is called, the fourth ventricle.
Section 123. Figure 2 gives a dorsal view of the rabbit's brain; a horizontal slice has been taken at the level of the corpus callosum. The lateral ventricle (i.e., the hollows of the hemisphere) is not yet opened. A lower cut (Figure 3) exposes this (V.L.). The level of these slices is approximately indicated in Figure 1 by the lines A and B. This latter figure will repay careful examination. The arrow, ar., plunges into the third ventricle, behind the great middle commissure (m.c.), and the barb is supposed to lie under the roof of the mid-brain, the corpora quadrigemina (c.q.). The position of ar. is also indicated in Figure 1. Before reading on, the beginner should stop a while here; he should carefully copy or trace our figures and, putting the book aside, name the parts, and he should then recopy, on an enlarged scale, and finally draw from memory, correct, and again draw. By doing this before the brain is dissected a considerable saving of time is possible.
Section 124. Proceeding from the brain are twelve pairs of cranial nerves. From the fore-brain spring two pairs, which differ from the rest of the cranial nerves in being, first of all, hollow outgrowths of the brain— the others are from the beginning solid. The first nerve is the olfactory lobe, which sends numerous filaments through the ethmoid bone to the olfactory organ. The second is the optic nerve, the visual sensory nerve.
Section 125. The mid-brain gives rise to only one nerve, the third, which supplies all the small muscles of the eye (see Section 114), except the superior oblique and external rectus.
Section 126. The remainder of the nerves spring from the hind-brain. The fourth pair supply the superior obliques, and the sixth the external recti; so that III., IV., and VI. are alike purely motor nerves, small and distributed, to the orbit. The fifth nerve, the trigeminal, is a much larger and more important one; it is a mixed nerve, having three main branches, of which the first two are chiefly sensory, the third almost entirely motor; it lies deeply in the orbit. V1 (see Sheet 9) runs up over the recti behind the eyeball, it is the ophthalmic branch; V2, the maxillary branch, runs deeply under the eyeball and emerges in front of the malar, and V3, the mandibular branch, runs down on the inner side of the jaw-bone to the jaw muscles and tongue.
Section 127. If the student will now recur to the figures of the dog's skull (Sheet 6), he will see certain apertures indicated in the cranial wall. Of these, o.f. is the optic foramen for the exit of nerve II., perforating the orbito-sphenoid. Behind this there comes an irregular aperture, (f.l.a.), the foramen lacerum anterius, giving exit to III., IV., VI., and V1. V2 emerges from the foramen rotundum, and V3 from the foramen ovale, two apertures uniting behind a bony screen.* Just in front of the bulla is a foramen lacerum medium (f.l.M.), through which no nerve passes.
* In the rabbit's skull f.l. anterius, the foramen rotundum, and foramen ovale are not distinct, and there are two condylar foramina instead of one, through each of which, a moiety of XII. passes.
Section 128. The eighth nerve (auditory) is purely sensory, the nerve of the special sense of hearing; it runs into the periotic bone, and breaks up on the labyrinth. The seventh nerve (facial) is almost entirely motor; it passes through the periotic anterior to VIII., and emerges by the stylo-mastoid foramen (s.m.f.) behind the bulla, to run outside the great jaw muscle across the cheek immediately under the skin (Figure 1).
Section 129. The ninth (glossopharyngeal) nerve is chiefly sensory; it is the special nerve of taste, and is distributed to the tongue. The tenth nerve (vagus) arises by a number of roots, and passes out of the skull, together with IX and XI, by the foramen lacerum -posterium- [posterius] (f.l.p.). It is a conspicuous white nerve, and runs down the neck by the side of the common carotid artery. It sends a superior laryngeal branch (Xa) to the larynx. The left vagus passes ventral to the aortic arch, and sends a branch (l.x.b.) under this along the trachea to the larynx— the recurrent laryngeal nerve. The corresponding nerve on the right (r.x.b.) loops under the subclavian artery. The main vagus, after this branching, passes behind the heart to the oesophagus and along it to the stomach. XI., the spinal accessory, supplies certain of the neck nerves. XII., the hypoglossal, runs out of the skull by the condylar foramen (c.f.), is motor, crosses the roots of XI., X., and IX., passes ventral to the carotid, and breaks up among the muscles of the tongue and neck.
Section 130. Of the functions of the several parts of the brain there is still very considerable doubt. With disease or willful destruction of the cerebral tissue the personal initiative is affected— the animal becomes more distinctly a mechanism; the cerebellum is probably concerned in the coordination of muscular movements; and the medulla is a centre for the higher and more complicated respiratory reflexes, yawning, coughing, and so on. The great majority of reflex actions centre, however, in the spinal cord, and do not affect the brain.
Section 131. A cross section of the spinal cord is shown in Figure 6, Sheet 8. It is a cylinder, almost bisected by a dorsal (d.f.) and a ventral (v.f.) fissure. Through its centre runs a central canal (c.c.), continuous with the brain ventricles, and lined by ciliated epithelium. The spinal cord consists of an outer portion, mainly of nervous fibres, the white matter, and of inner, ganglionated, and more highly vascular grey matter. (In the cerebrum the grey matter is external, and the white internal.) The cord, like the brain, is surrounded by a vascular fibrous investment, and protected from concussion by a serous fluid. The nerves which emerge from the vertebral column between the vertebrae, arise, unlike the cranial nerves, by two roots. The dorsal of these, the sensory root (d.n.), has a swelling upon it, the dorsal ganglion, and— by experiments upon living animals— has been shown to contain only afferent fibres; the ventral, the motor root, is without a ganglion, and entirely or mainly motor. The two unite outside the cord, and thereafter the spinal nerves are both sensory and motor.
Section 132. Besides the great mass of brain and spinal cord (cerebro-spinal axis), there is, on either side of the dorsal wall of the body cavity, a sympathetic nervous chain. The nerve fibres of this system, like the nerve fibres of invertebrates, are non-medullated. It may be seen as a greyish thread running close by the common carotid in the neck (sym., Figure 1); it then runs over the heads of the ribs in the thorax and close beside the dorsal aorta in the abdominal region. In the anterior region of the neck it dilates to form a superior cervical ganglion, and opposite the first rib it forms an inferior cervical ganglion. Thence, backwards, there is a ganglion on each sympathetic chain opposite each spinal nerve, and the two exchange fibres through a thread, the ramus communicans. To the sympathetic chain is delegated much of the routine work of reflex control of the bloodvessels and other viscera, which would otherwise fall upon the spinal cord.
Section 133. There are eight cervical (spinal) nerves, one in front of the atlas, and one behind each of the cervical vertebrae. The last four and the first thoracic (spinal) contribute to a leash of nerves running out to the fore limb, the brachial plexus (plexus, literally network, but here meaning a plaited cord). The fourth cervical also sends down a phrenic nerve (p.n., Figure 1), along by the external jugular vein and the superior caval vein to the diaphragm. The last three lumbar and the sacral nerves form a sacral plexus, supplying the hind limb.
Section 134. From the sympathetic in the hinder region of the thorax a nerve, the great splanchnic nerve, arises, and runs, back to a ganglionated nervous network, just behind the coeliac artery, into which the vagus also enters; this is the coeliac ganglion, and together with a similar superior mesenteric ganglion around the corresponding artery, makes up a subsidiary visceral nervous network, the solar plexus. A similar and smaller nervous tangle, bearing an inferior mesenteric ganglion, lies near the inferior mesenteric artery.
Section 135. Finally, we may note the pineal gland and the pituitary body, as remarkable appendages above and below the thalamencephalon. Their function, if they have a function, is altogether unknown. Probably, they are inherited from ancestors to whom they were of value. Such structures are called reduced or vestigial structures, and among other instances are the clavicles of the rabbit, the hair on human limbs, the little pulpy nodule in the corner of the human eye, representing the rabbit's third eyelid, and the caudal vertebrae at the end of the human spinal column. In certain lowly reptiles, in the lampreys, and especially in a peculiar New Zealand lizard, the pineal gland has the most convincing resemblance to an eye, both in its general build and in the microscopic structure of its elements; and it seems now more than probable that this little vascular pimple in our brains is a relic of a third and median eye possessed by ancestral vertebrata. The pituitary body is probably equivalent to a ciliated pit we shall describe in the lacelet (Amphioxus).
8. Renal and Reproductive Organs
Section 136. We have now really completed our survey of the individual animal's mechanism. But no animal that was merely complete in itself would be long sanctioned by nature. For an animal species to survive, there must evidently, also, be proper provision for the production of young, and the preservation of the species as well as of the individual. Hence in an animal's physiology and psychology we meet with a vast amount of unselfish provision, and its structure and happiness are more essentially dependent on the good of its kind than on its narrow personal advantage. The mammalia probably owe their present dominant position in the animal kingdom to the exceptional sacrifices made by them for their young. Instead of laying eggs and abandoning them before or soon after hatching, the females retain the eggs within their bodies until the development of the young is complete, and thereafter associate with them for the purposes of nourishment, protection, and education. In the matter of the tail, for instance, already noted, the individual rabbit incurs the disadvantage of conspicuousness for the rear, in order to further the safety of the young.
Section 137. The female organs of reproduction are shown in Sheet 10. The essential organ is the ovary (ov.), in which the ova (eggs) are formed. Figure 3 gives an enlarged and still more diagrammatic rendering of the ovary. There is a supporting ground mass, or stroma, into which numerous bloodvessels and nerves enter and break up. The ova appear first as small cells in the external substance of the ovary (as at 1), and move inward (2 and 3), surrounded by a number of sister cells, which afford them nourishment. At (4) an ovum with its surrounding group of cells is more distinct and near the centre of the ovary; a fluid is appearing within the ovisac as the development proceeds. (5) is a much more mature ovisac or Graafian follicle.
Section 138. The ovum (ov.), is now large, and its nucleus and nucleolus (the germinal vesicle and spot) are very distinct. The wall of the follicle consists, in the mammal, of several layers of cells, the membrana granulosa (or "granulosa" simply); the ovum lies on its outer side embedded in a mass of cells, discus proligerus, separated from actual contact with the ovum by a zona pellucida. The ripening follicle moves to the surface of the ovary and bursts, the ovum falls into the body cavity. In Figure 2, a ripe Graafian follicle (G.F.), projects upon the ovary.
Section 139. The liberated ovum is caught up by the funnel-shaped opening of the Fallopian tube, which passes without any very conspicuous demarcation into the cornu uteri (c.ut.) of its side; the two uterine cornua meeting together in the middle line form the vagina (V.), which runs out into a vestibule (vb.) opening between tumid lips to the exterior. The urinary bladder (ur.b.) also opens into the vestibule, and receives the two ureters from the kidney.
Section 140. In the male we find, in the position of the female uterus, a uterus masculinus (u.m.). The essential sexual organ is the testis (T.), a compact mass of coiling tubuli, which opens by a number of ducts, the vasa efferentia, into a looser and softer epididymis (ep.), which sends the sexual product onward through a vas deferens (v.d.), to open at the base of the uterus masculinus. The urinary bladder and ureters correspond with those of the female, and the common urogenital duct (= vestibule), the urethra, is prolonged into an erectile penis (P.) surrounded by a fold of skin, the prepuce. A prostate gland (pr.), contributes to the male sexual fluid. The character of the essential male element, the spermatozoon, the general nature of the reproductive process, will be conveniently deferred until the chapters upon development are reached.
9. Classificatory Points
Section 141. The following facts of classificatory importance may now be considered, but their full force will be better appreciated after the study of other vertebrate types. They are such as come prominently forward in the comparison of the rabbit with other organisms.
Section 142. In the first place, the rabbit is a metazoon, one of the metazoa, i.e., a multicellular organism, as compared with the amoeba, which belongs to the protozoa or one-cell animals (Section 55). In the next place, it is externally bilaterally symmetrical, its parts balance, and where, in its internal anatomy, it departs from this symmetry (as in the case of the aorta, the stomach and intestines, and the kidneys), the departure has an appearance of being the results of partial reductions and distortions of an originally quite symmetrical plan. And the facts of development strengthen this idea; in the very earliest stages we have paired aortic arches, of which, the left only remains, a straight alimentary canal, and less asymmetrical kidneys. In the vast majority of animals the same bilateral symmetry is to be seen, but in the star-fish and sea-urchins, and in the jelly-fish, corals, sea anemones, and hydra, the general form of the animal is, instead, arranged round a centre, like a star and its rays, and the symmetry is called radial.
Section 143. We also see in various organs of the rabbit, and especially in the case of the limbs and vertebral column, what is called metameric segmentation, that is, a repetition of parts, one behind the other, along the axis of the body. Thus the bodies and arches of the vertebrae repeat each other, and so do the spinal nerves. The renal organ of the rabbit, some time before birth, displays a metameric arrangement of its parts; but this disappears, as development proceeds, into the compact kidney of the adult. But the metameric segmentation in the rabbit's organism is not nearly so marked as that of an earthworm, for instance, which is visibly a chain of rings. If the student wants a perfect figure of metameric segmentation he should think of a train of precisely similar carriages, or a string of beads. One bead, one carriage, one vertebra, would be a metamere.
Section 144. In contrast to metameric segmentation is the antimeric repetition of radial symmetry (Section 142), in which each ray of the star is called an antimere. It is possible to have bilateral symmetry without a metameric arrangement of parts, as in the mussel and the cuttle-fish; but metameric segmentation without complete or reduced bilateral symmetry does not occur.
Section 145. We are now in a position to appreciate the fact that the old and more popularly know division of animals into vertebrata and invertebrata scarcely represents the facts of the case, that the primary division should be into protozoa and metazoa, and that the vertebrata are one of several groups of metazoa with a fundamental bilateral symmetry and imperfect metameric segmentation.
The rabbit is one of the vertebrata, and, in common with all the other animals collected under this head, it has—
(a) A skeletal axis (the vertebral column) between its central nervous system and its body cavity. In the adult rabbit this consists of a chain of vertebrae, but in the embryo (i.e., the young rabbit before birth) it is represented by a continuous chord, the notochord, and it remains as such in some of the lowest vertebrata throughout life. In other words, in these lower vertebrata, the vertebral axis is not metameric.
(b) A dorsal and -Tubular_ nervous axis. (Section 131, the central canal)
(c) It has, though in the embryo only, certain slits between the throat and the exterior, like the gill slits of a fish. Such slits are— with one or two remarkable exceptions outside the sub-kingdom— distinctly vertebrate features, and remain, of course, in fishes throughout life.
The presence of true cartilage and bone mark a vertebrate, but vertebrata occur in which -these tissues- [bone] -are- [is] absent.
Section 146. The rabbit shares the following features with all the vertebrata, except the true fishes, which do not possess any of them—
(a) Lungs (but many fish have a swimming bladder which answers to the lungs in its anatomical relations.)
(b) Limbs which consist of a proximal joint of one bone an intermediate part of two, and a distal portion which has five digits, or is evidently a reduced form of the five-digit limb.*
(c) The absence of a median fin supported by fin rays.**
* The frog shows indications of a sixth digit. ** The frog's tadpole has a median fin, but no fin rays.
Section 147. The rabbit shares the following features with all the vertebrata above the fishes and amphibia (= frogs, toads, newts, and etc.)—
(a) Absence of gills (not gill slits, note) at any stage in development.
(b) An amnion, and
(c) An allantois in development.
The meaning of (b) and (c) we shall explain to the student in the chapters on embryology. We simply mention them here to render our table complete.
Section 148. The rabbit shares with all mammals, and differs from all other vertebrata (i.e., birds, reptiles, amphibia, and fishes), in having—
(a) Hair.
(b) A diaphragm.
(c) Only one aortic arch, and that on the left side of the body.
(d) Its young born alive. (But two very reptile-like mammals of Australia, the duck-billed platypus and the echidna, lay eggs, and certain fish and reptiles bear living young.)
(e) Epiphyses to its vertebral -centre- [centra].*
(f) The cerebral hemispheres covering the mid-brain.
(g) Corpora quadrigemina instead of bigemina.
[(h) A corpus callosum.]
[(i) A spirally coiled cochlea to the internal ear.]
[(In respect to h and i also, the echidna and platypus are scarcely mammalinan.)]
* But certain mammals have no such epiphyses.
Section 149. The rabbit, together with the hares and conies, rats and mice, voles, squirrels, beavers, cavies, guineapigs is included in that order of the class of mammals which is called the rodentia, and is distinguished by the character of the incisor teeth from other orders of the class.
10. Questions and Exercises
1. Describe the venous circulation of the rabbit (with diagrams). Compare a vein and artery. Compare the distribution of the great venous trunks with that of the arterial system.
2. Construct a general diagram of the circulation of the rabbit, to show especially the relation of the portal system, the lymphatics and lacteals, and the renal circulation to the main blood current.
3. Draw the alimentary canal of the rabbit from memory.
4. What is a villus? Describe its epithelium, and the vessels within it. Write as explicit an account as you can of the absorbent action of a villus.
5. Tabulate the alimentary secretions, and their action on the food.
6. What is botryoidal tissue? Where does it occur? What is known of its functions?
7. Copy Diagram I. (enlarged), and insert upon it the visceral nerves as far as you can.
8. What are the most characteristic points in the mammalian vertebral column?
9. Describe cartilage and bone, and compare them with one another.
10. Give an account of the amoeba, and compare it with a typical tissue cell in a metazoon (e.g., the rabbit).
11. Give a general account of connective tissue. What is tendon?
12. Trace, briefly, the increased modification of tissues in the vertebrata.
13. Describe, with diagrams, the structure of blood. State the function of each factor you describe.
14. Compare the pectoral with the pelvic limb and girdle. What other structures of the adult rabbit display a similar repetition of similar parts?
15. Draw from memory typical vertebrae from each region of the vertebral column.
16. What are bilateral symmetry and metameric segmentation?
17. Give a schedule of distinctive mammalian features.
18. Describe the rabbit's brain (with diagrams).
19. Give a list of the cranial nerves of the rabbit, and note their origin in the brain.
20. Give a list of the nerve apertures of the dog's skull.
21. What are the chief anatomical differences between a typical cranial, a spinal, and a sympathetic nerve?
22. Describe and figure the distribution of nerves V., VII., IX., and X.
23. Describe the muscles, glands, and nerves of the orbit of the rabbit.
24. Describe, with figures, the eye of the rabbit.
25. Give a diagram of the rabbit's internal ear.
26. Draw and describe the ear ossicles. What is their function?
27. Draw and state the precise position of the hyoid bone, the clavicle, the calcaneum, and the olecranon process.
28. Describe, as accurately as possible, the position of palatine bones, pterygoids, the ethmoid bone, the pre- and basi-sphenoids, in the dog's skull.
29. What is membrane bone? What is cartilage bone? Discuss their mutual relationship.
30. What is an excretion? What are the chief excretory products of an animal? How are they removed?
31. Describe the minute anatomy of the liver. Give a general account of its functions.
32. Describe the minute anatomy of the kidney, and the functions of the several parts.
33. What is ciliated epithelium? Where does it occur in the rabbit?
34. Describe the mechanism of respiration. What is the relation of respiration to the general life of the animal?
35. What are the functions of the skin? Describe its structure.
36. What is a secretion? Tabulate and classify secretary organs. What is a goblet cell?
37. Draw, from memory, the dorsal and ventral aspects of, and a median section through, a dog's skull.
38. Name any structures that appear to you to be vestiges or rudiments, i.e., structures without adequate physiological reason, in the rabbit's anatomy.
39. How are such structures interpreted?
40. Describe the structure of striated muscular fibre. Describe its functions, and the various means by which they may be called into activity.
41. Describe the characters and structure of the blood of the rabbit. What is the lymphatic system? Describe its relation to the blood system in a mammal.
42. Describe the structure of (a) blood, (b) hyaline cartilage, (c) bone, in the rabbit; (d) point out the most important resemblances and differences between these tissues; (e) state what you know of the development of the same tissues.
43. Draw diagrams, with the parts named, of the male and female generative organs of the rabbit.
44. In the rabbit provided dissect on one side and demonstrate by means of flag-labels the main trunk of the vagus nerve, the phrenic nerve, and the recurrent laryngeal nerve.
45. Dissect the rabbit provided so as to expose the abdominal viscera. Mark with flag-labels the duct of the pancreas, the ureters, and the oviducts or the sperm ducts (as the case may be).
[Many of the above questions were actually set at London University Examinations in Biology.] {In Both Editions.}
-The Frog_
1. General Anatomy
Section 1. We will now study the adult anatomy of the frog, and throughout we shall make constant comparisons with that of the rabbit. In the rabbit we have a distinctly land-loving, burrowing animal; it eats purely vegetable food, and drinks but little. In the frog we have a mainly insectivorous type, living much in the water. This involves the moister skin, the shorter alimentary canal, and the abbreviated neck (Rabbit, Section 2) of the frog; the tail is absent— in a fish it would do the work the frog accomplishes with his hind legs— and the apertures which are posterior in the rabbit, run together into one dorsal opening, the cloaca. There is, of course (Rabbit, Section 4), no hair the skin is smooth, and an external ear is also absent. The remarkable looseness of the frog's skin is due to great lymph spaces between it and the body wall.
Section 2. If we now compare the general anatomy of the frog (vide Sheet 11) with that of the rabbit, we notice that the diaphragm is absent (Rabbit, Section 4), and the body cavity, or coelom, is, with the exception of the small bag of the pericardium round the heart, one continuous space. The forked tongue is attached in front of the lower jaw, and can be flicked out and back with great rapidity in the capture of the small insects upon which the frog lives. The posterior nares open into the front of the mouth— there is no long nasal chamber, and no palate, and there is no long trachea between the epiglottis and the lungs. The oesophagus is less distinct, and passes gradually, so far as external appearances go, into the bag-like stomach, which is much less inflated and transverse than that of the rabbit. The duodenum is not a U-shaped loop, but makes one together with the stomach; the pancreas lies between it and the stomach, and is more compact than the rabbit's. There is no separate pancreatic duct, but the bile duct runs through the pancreas, and receives a series of ducts from that gland as it does so. The ileum is shorter, there is no sacculus rotundus, and the large intestine has no caecum, none of the characteristic sacculations of the rabbit's colon, and does not loop back to the stomach before the rectum section commences. The anus opens not upon the exterior, but into a cloacal chamber. The urinary and genital ducts open separately into this cloaca, and dorsally and posteriorly to the anus. The so-called urinary bladder is ventral to the intestine, in a position answering to that of the rabbit, but it has no connection with the ureters, and it is two-horned.
Section 3. The spleen is a small, round body, not so intimately bound to the stomach as in the rabbit, but in essentially the same position.
Section 4. Much that we knew of the physiology of the frog is arrived at mainly by inferences from our mammalian knowledge. Its histology is essentially similar. Ciliated epithelium is commoner and occurs more abundantly than in the rabbit, in the roof of the mouth for instance, and its red blood corpuscles are much larger, oval, and nucleated.
Section 5. The lungs of the frog are bag-like; shelves and spongy partitions project into their cavities, but this structure is much simpler than that of the rabbit's lung, in which the branching bronchi, the imperfect cartilaginous rings supporting them, alveoli, arteries and veins, form together a quasi-solid mass.
Section 6. The mechanism of respiration is fundamentally different from that of the mammal. The method is as follows:— The frog opens its anterior nares, and depresses the floor of the mouth, which therefore fills with air. The anterior nares are then closed, and the floor mouth rises and forces the air into the lungs— the frog, therefore, swallows its air rather than inhales it. The respiratory instrument of the rabbit is a suction pump, while that of the frog is a "buccal force pump."
Section 7. The heart is not quadrilocular (i.e., of four chambers), but trilocular (of three), and two structures, not seen in Lepus, the truncus arteriosus and the sinus venosus, into the latter of which the venous blood runs before entering the right auricle, are to be noted. The single ventricle is blocked with bars of tissue that render its interior, not an open cavity, but a spongy mass. Figure 2, Sheet 11, shows the heart opened; l.au. and r.au. are the left and right auricles respectively; the truncus arteriosus is seen to be imperfectly divided by a great longitudino-spiral valve (l.s.v.); p.c. is the pulmo-cutaneous artery -going to the lungs- [supplying skin and lungs]; d.ao., the dorsal aorta [furnishing the supply of the body and limbs]; and c.a. the carotid artery going to the head; all of which vessels (compare Figure 1) are paired.
Section 8. It might be inferred from this that pure and impure blood mix in the ventricle, and that a blood of uniform quality flows to lungs, head, and extremities; but this is not so. The spongy nature of the ventricle sufficiently retards this mixing. It will be noted that the opening of pulmonary arteries lies nearest to the heart, next come the aortic and carotid arches, which have a common opening at A. Furthermore, at c.g.l. [the carotid artery, repeatedly divides to form a close meshwork of arterioles, the carotid gland, forming a sponge-like plug in this vessel.] is a spongy mass of matter, the carotid gland inserted upon the carotid. Hence the pulmonary arteries yawn nearest for the blood, and, being short, wide vessels, present the least resistance to the first rush of blood— mainly venous blood for the right auricle. As they fill up, the back resistance in them becomes equal, and then greater, than the resistance at A, and the rush of blood, now of a mixed quality passes through that aperture. It selects the dorsal aorta, because the carotid arch, plugged by the carotid gland, offers the greater resistance. Presently, however, the back resistance of the filled dorsal aorta rises above this, and the last flow of blood, from the ventricular systole— almost purely oxygenated blood for the left auricle— goes on towards the head.
Section 9. At the carotid gland the carotid artery splits into -an- [a] -external carotid- [lingual] (e.c.), and a deeper internal carotid. The dorsal aorta passes round on each side of the oesophagus, as indicated by the dotted lines in Figure 2, Sheet 11, and meets its fellow dorsal to the liver. Each arch gives off subclavian arteries to the limbs, and the left, immediately before meeting the right, gives off the coeliaco-mesenteric artery [to the alimentary canal]. This origin of the coeliaco-mesenteric artery a little to the left, is the only asymmetry (want of balance) in the arterial system of the frog, as contrasted with the very extensive asymmetry of the great vessels near the heart of the rabbit. [Posteriorly the dorsal aorta forks into two common iliac arteries (right and left) supplying the hind limbs.]
Section 10. Figure 3 gives a side view of the frog, to display the circulation.
{Lines from Second Edition only.} [The venous return to the heart, as in the rabbit, is by paired venae cavae anteriores and by a single vena cava inferior. The factors of the anterior cava on either side are an external jugular (ex.j.) an innominate vein (in.v.) and subclavian (scl.v.). The last receives not only the brachial vein (b.v.) from the fore limb, but also a large vein bringing blood for the skin, the cutaneous (p.v.). The innominate vein has also two chief factors, the internal jugular (l.i.j.v.) and the subscapular (s.s.v.). The blood returns from each hind limb by a sciatic (l.sc.) or femoral (f.m.) vein, and either passes to a renal portal vein (l.r.p.), which breaks into capillaries in the kidney, or by a paired pelvic vein (l.p.v. in Figures 1 and 3) which meets its fellow in the middle line to form the anterior abdominal vein (a.ab.v.) going forward and uniting with the (median) portal vein (p.v.) to enter the liver.]
-The vessels are named in the references to the figure, which should be carefully copied and mastered. Here we need only- [Comparing with the rabbit, we would especially] call attention to the fact that the vena cava inferior extends posteriorly only to the kidney, and that there is a renal portal system. The blood from the hind limbs either flows by the anterior abdominal vein to the portal vein and liver, or it passes by the renal portal vein to the kidney. There the vein breaks up, and we find in the frog's kidney, just as we find in the frog's and rabbit's liver, a triple system of (a) nutritive arterial, (b) afferent* venous and (c) efferent** venous vessels.
* a, ad = to; ** e, ex = out of.
{This Section missing from Second Edition.} -Section 11. It is not very improbable that the kidney of the frog shares, or performs, some of the functions of the rabbit's liver, or parallel duties, in addition to the simply excretory function. Since specialization of cells must be mainly the relatively excessive exaggeration of some one of the general properties of the undifferentiated cell, it is not a difficult thing to imagine a gradual transition, as we move from one organism to another, of the functions of glands and other cellular organs. It is probable that the mammalian kidney is, physiologically, a much less important (though still quite essential) organ than the structures which correspond to it in position and development in the lower vertebrate types.-
Section 12. The lymphatic system is extensively developed in the frog, but, in the place of a complete system of distinctly organized vessels, there are great lymph sinuses (compare Section 1). In Figure 5, Sheet 12, the position of two lymph hearts (l.h., l.h.) which pump lymph into the adjacent veins, is shown.
Section 13. The skull of the frog will repay a full treatment, and will be dealt with by itself later. The vertebral column (Sheet 12) consists of nine vertebrae, the centra of which have faces, not flat, but hollow in front (pro-coelous), and evidently without epiphyses (compare the Rabbit). The anterior is sometimes called the atlas, but it is evidently not the homologue of the atlas of the rabbit, since the first spinal nerve has a corresponding distribution to the twelfth cranial of the mammal, and since, therefore, it is probable that the mammalian skull = the frog's skull + one (or more) vertebrae incorporated with it. Posteriorly the vertebral column terminates in the urostyle, a calcified unsegmented rod. The vertebrae have transverse processes, but no ribs.
Section 14. The fore-limb (Figure 6, Sheet 12) consists of an upper segment of one bone, the humerus, as in the rabbit; a middle section, the radius and ulna, fused here into one bone, and not, as in the mammalian type, separable; of a carpus, and of five digits, of which the fourth is the longest. The shoulder girdle is more important and complete than that of the higher type. There is a scapula (sc.) with an unossified cartilaginous supra-scapula (s.sc.); the anterior border of the scapula answers to the acromion. On the ventral side a cartilaginous rod, embraced by the clavicle (cl.) (a membrane bone in this type), runs to the sternum, and answers to the clavicle of the rabbit. In the place of the rabbit's coracoid process, is a coracoid bone (co.), which reaches from the glenoid cavity to the sternum; it is hidden on the right side of Figure 6, which is a dorsal view of the shoulder girdle. There is a pre-omosternum (o.st.) and a post-omosternum, sometimes termed a xiphisternum (x.).
Section 15. Figure 7 shows the pelvic girdle and limb of the frog. There is a femur (f.); tibia and fibula (t. and f.) are completely fused; the proximal bones of the tarsus, the astragalus (as.), and calcaneum (cal.) are elongated, there are five long digits, and in the calcar (c.) an indication of a sixth. With considerable modifications of form, the three leading constituents of the rabbit's pelvic girdle occur in relatively identical positions. The greatly elongated ilium (il.) articulates with the single (compare Rabbit) sacral vertebra (s.v. in Figure 5). The ischium (is.) is relatively smaller than in the rabbit, and the pubis (pu.) is a ventral wedge of unossified cartilage. The shape of the pelvic girdle of the frog is a wide departure from that found among related forms. In connection with the leaping habit, the ilia are greatly elongated, and the pubes and ischia much reduced. Generally throughout the air-frequenting vertebrata, we find the same arrangement of these three bones, usually in the form of an inverted. Y— the ilium above, the ischium and pubis below, and the acetabulum at the junction of the three.
Section 16. The uro-genital organs of the frog, and especially those of the male, correspond with embryonic stages of the rabbit. In this sex the testes (T., Sheet 13) lie in the body cavity, and are white bodies usually dappled with black pigment. Vasa efferentia (v.e.) run to the internal border of the anterior part of the kidney, which answers, therefore, to the rabbit's epididymis. The hinder part of the kidney is the predominant renal organ. There is a common uro-genital duct, into which a seminal vesicle, which is especially large in early spring, opens. This is the permanent condition of the frog. In the rabbit, for urogenital duct, we have ureter and vas deferens; the testes and that anterior part of the primitive kidney, the epididymis, shift back into the scrotal sacs, and the ureters shift round the rectum and establish a direct connection with the bladder, carrying the genital ducts looped over them. The oviducts of the female do not fuse distally to form a median vagina as they do in the rabbit. In front of the genital organ in both sexes is a corpus adiposum (c.ad.), which acts as a fat store, and is peculiar to the frogs and toads. The distal end of the oviduct of the female is in the breeding season (early March) enormously distended with ova, and the ovaries become then the mere vestiges of their former selves. The distal end of the oviduct is, therefore, not unfrequently styled the uterus. There is no penis in the male, fertilisation of the ova occurring as they are squeezed out of the female by the embracing fore limbs of the male. The male has a pad, black in winter, shown in Figure 1, which is closely pressed against the ventral surface of the female in copulation, and which serves as a ready means of distinguishing the sex.
Section 17. The spinal cord has a general similarity to that of the rabbit; the ratio of its size to that of the brain is larger, and the nerves number ten pairs altogether. The first of these (sp. 1, in Figure 2, Sheet -12- ) {First Edition error.} [13] corresponds in distribution with the rabbit's hypoglossal nerve, a point we shall refer to again when we speak of the skull. The second and third constitute the brachial plexus. The last three form the sciatic plexus going to the hind limb.
Section 18. The same essential parts are to be found in the brain of both frog and rabbit, but in the former the adult is not so widely modified from the primitive condition as in the latter. The fore-brain consists of a thalamencephalon (th.c. and 1), which is exposed in the dorsal view of the brain, and which has no middle commissure. The cerebral hemispheres (c.h.) are not convoluted, do not extend back to cover parts behind them, as they do in the rabbit, and are not connected above the roof of the thalamencephalon by a corpus callosum. Moreover, the parts usually regarded, as the olfactory lobes (rh.) fuse in the middle line. The mid-brain gives rise to the third nerve, and has the optic lobes on its dorsal side, but these are hollow, and they are not subdivided by a transverse groove into corpora quadrigemina, as in the rabbit. In the hind-brain the cerebellum is a mere band of tissue without lateral lobes or flocculi, and the medulla gives origin only to nerves four to ten; there is no eleventh nerve, and the hypoglossal is the first spinal— from which it has been assumed that the rabbit's medulla equals that of the frog, plus a portion of the spinal cord incorporated with it. The hypoglossal is very distinctly seen on opening the skin beneath the hyoid plate.
Section 19. The first, second, third, and fourth cranial nerves of the frog correspond with those of the rabbit in origin and distribution. So do five, six and eight. The seventh nerve forks over the ear-drum— the larger branch emerging behind it and running superficially, as shown in Figure 4. There is also a deeper palatine branch of VII. (P.) running under V2 and V3 below the orbit, and to be seen together with V1 and V2 after removal of the eyeball. The ninth nerve similarly forks over the first branchial slit of the tadpole, and evidence of the fork remains in the frog. It is seen curving round anterior to the hypoglossal nerve, and lying rather deeper in dissection. The vagus (tenth) nerve is distributed to heart, lungs, and viscera— in the tadpole it also sends for forking branches over the second, third, and fourth branchial slits. It lies deeper than IX., and internal to the veins, and runs close beside the cutaneous artery. Most of these nerves are easily dissected and no student should rest satisfied until he has actually seen them.
Section 20. The sympathetic chain is closely connected with the aorta. It is, of course, paired, and is easily found in dissection by lifting the dorsal aorta and looking at its mesentery. In the presence of ganglia corresponding to the spinal nerves, and of rami communicantes, it resembles that of the rabbit.
Section 21. The whole of this chapter is simply a concise comparison, of frog and rabbit. In addition to reading it, the student should very carefully follow the annotations to the figures, and should copy and recopy these side by side with the corresponding diagrams of the other types.
2. The Skull of the Frog (and the vertebrate skull generally)
Section 22. We have already given a description of the mammalian skull, and we have stated where the origin of the several bones was in membrane, and where in cartilage; but a more complete comprehension of the mammalian skull becomes possible with the handling of a lower type. We propose now, first to give some short account of the development and structure of the skull of the frog, and then to show briefly how its development and adult arrangement demonstrate the mammalian skull to be a fundamentally similar structure, complicated and disguised by further development and re-adjustment.
Section 23. Figure 1,I. Sheet 14, shows a dorsal view of a young tadpole cranium; the brain has been removed, and it is seen that it was supported simply upon two cartilaginous rods, the trabeculae cranii (tr.c.). Behind these trabeculae comes the notochord (n.c.), and around its anterior extremity is a paired tract of cartilage, the parachordals (p.c.). These structures, underlying the skull, are all that appear[s] at first of the brain box. In front, and separate from the cranium, are the nasal organs (n.c.); the eyes lie laterally to the trabeculae, and laterally to the parachordals are two tracts of cartilage enclosing the internal ear, the otic capsules.
Section 24. Figure 1, II., is a more advanced, phase of the same structures. The trabeculae have met in front and sent forward a median (c.t.) and lateral parts (a.o.) to support the nasal organs. They have also flattened, out very considerably, and have sent up walls on either side of the brain to meet above it and form an incomplete roof (t.) over it. The parachordals have similarly grown up round, the hind-brain and formed a complete ring, the roof of which is indicated, by b. Further, the otic capsules are fusing with the brain-case. With certain differences of form these elements— the trabeculae, the parachordals, and the otic capsules, are also the first formed structures of the mammalian cranium.
Section 25. In Figures 1,I. and II., there appears beneath the eye a bar of cartilage (p.p.), the palato-pterygoid cartilage, which is also to be seen from the side in Figures 8,I. and III. It will be learnt from these latter that this bar is joined in front to the cranium behind the nasal organ, and behind to the otic capsule. The cartilaginous bar from the palato-pterygoid to the otic capsule is called the quadrate, and at the point of junction, at the postero-ventral angle of the palato-pterygoid, articulates with the cartilaginous bar which is destined to form the substratum of the lower jaw— Meckel's cartilage (M.c. in Figure 8,I.).
Section 26. Figure 2 shows a dorsal view of these structures in a young frog. The parts corresponding to these in 1,II. will be easily made out, but now ossification has set in at various points of this cartilaginous cranium. In front of the otic capsule is the paired pro-otic bone (p.o.); behind it at the sides of the parachordal ring is the paired ex-occipital (e.o.); in front of the cranium box, and behind the nasal capsules, is a ring of bone, the (median, but originally paired) sphenethmoid (s.e.). -A paired ossification appears in the palato-pterygoid cartilage the pterygoid bone (pt.), while- A splint of bone, the quadrato-jugal, appears at the angle of articulation with the lower jaw. These are all the cartilage bones that appear in the cranium and upper jaw of the frog.
Section 27. But another series of bones, developed first chiefly in dermal connective tissue, and coming to plate over the cranium of cartilage, are not shown in Figure 2. They are, however, in Figure 3. These membrane bones are: along the dorsal middle line, the parieto-frontals (p.f.), originally two pairs of bones which fuse in development, and the nasals (na.). Round the edge of the jaw, and bearing the teeth, are pre-maxillae (p.m.), and maxillae (mx.), and overlying the quadrate cartilage and lateral to the otic capsules are the T-shaped squamosal bones (sq.). In the ventral view of the skull (Figure 4) we see a pair of vomers (vo.) bearing teeth, a pair of palatines (pal.), [and a pair of pterygoids (pt.)] (which [palatines and pterygoids, we may note,] unlike those of the rabbit, are -stated to be- membrane bones), and a great median dagger-shaped para-sphenoid (p.sp.). These two Figures, and 5, which shows the same bones in side view, should be carefully mastered before the student proceeds with this chapter. The cartilage bones are distinguished from membrane bones by cross-shading.
Section 28. Turning now to Figure 8,I., we have a side view of a tadpole's skull. On the ventral side of the head is a series of vertical cartilaginous bars, the visceral arches supporting the walls of the tadpole's gill slits. The first of these is called the hyoid arch (c.h.), and the four following this, the first (br.1), second, third, and fourth (br.4), branchial arches. Altogether there are four gill slits and between the hyoid arch and the jaw arch, as it is called (= Meckel's cartilage + the palato-pterygoid), is "an imperforate slit," which becomes the ear-drum.* The frog no longer breathes by gills, but by lungs, and the gills are lost, the gill slits closed, and the branchial arches consequently much reduced. Figures 8, II., and 8, III., show stages in this reduction. The hyoid arch becomes attached, to the otic capsule, and its median ventral plate, including also the vestiges of the first, second, and fourth branchial arches, is called the hyoid apparatus. In Figure 5, the apparatus is seen from the side; c.h. is called the (right) anterior cornu** of the hyoid. The function of the hyoid apparatus in the frog is to furnish, a basis of attachment to the tongue muscles; it remains cartilaginous, with the exception of the relic of one branchial arch, which ossifies as the thyro-hyal (Figure 7 th.h.). It will be noted that, as development proceeds, the angle of the jaw swings backward, and the hyoid apparatus, shifts relatively forward. These changes of position are indicated in Figure 8, III., by little arrow-heads.
* We may note here that, comparing the ear of the frog with that of the rabbit, there is no external ear. There is, moreover, no bulla supporting the middle ear, and the tympanic membrane stretches between the squamosal in front and the anterior cornu of the hyoid behind. A rod-like columella auris replaces the chain of ear ossicles, and may, or may not, answer to the stapes alone, or even possibly to the entire series. In the internal ear there is no cochlea, and the otic mass is largely cartilaginous instead of entirely bony.
** Plural cornua.
Section 29. Before proceeding to the comparison of the mammalian skull with this, we would strongly recommend the student thoroughly to master this portion of the work, and in no way can he do this more thoroughly and quickly than by taking a parboiled frog, picking off the skin, muscle, and connective tissue from its skull, and making out the various bones with the help of our diagrams.
Section 30. Figure 9 represents, in the most diagrammatic way, the main changes in form of the essential constituents of the cranio-facial apparatus, as we pass from the amphibian to the mammalian skull. F. is the frog from the side and behind; b.c. is the brain-case, o.c. the otic capsule, e. the eye, n.c. the nasal capsule, p.p. the palato-pterygoid cartilage, mx. the maxillary membrane bones, sq. the squamosal, and mb. the mandible. The student should compare with Figure 5, and convince himself that he appreciates the diagrammatic rendering of these parts. Now all the distinctive differences in form, from this of the dog's skull (D.), are reducible to two primary causes—
(1) The brain is enormously larger, and the brain-case is vastly inflated, so that—
(a) the otic capsule becomes embedded in the brain-case wall;
(b) the palato-pterygoid rod lies completely underneath the brain-case instead of laterally to it;
(c) the squamosal tilts down and in, instead of down and out, and the lower jaw articulates with its outer surface instead of below its inner, and, moreover, with the enormous distention of the brain-case it comes about that the squamosal is incorporated with its wall.
(2) The maxilla anteriorly and the palatine posteriorly send down palatine plates that grow in to form the bony palate, cutting off a nasal passage (n.p.) from the mouth cavity (m.p.), and carrying the posterior nares from the front part of the mouth, as they are in the frog, to the pharynx. Hence the vomers of the dog lie, not in the ceiling of the mouth, but in the floor of this nasal passage.
Section 31. The quadrate cartilage of the frog is superseded by the squamosal as the suspensorium of the lower jaw. It is greatly reduced, therefore; but it is not entirely absent. In the young mammal, a quadrate cartilage can be traced, connected with the palato-pterygoid cartilage, and articulating with Meckel's cartilage. Its position is, of course, beneath the squamosal, and just outside the otic capsule. As development proceeds, the increase in size of the quadrate, does not keep pace with that of the skull structures. It loses its connection with the palato-pterygoid, and apparently ossifies as a small ossicle— the incus of the middle ear. A small nodule of cartilage, cut off from the proximal end of Meckel's cartilage, becomes the malleus. The stapes would appear to be derived from the hyoid arch. Hence these small bones seem to be the relics of the discarded jaw suspensorium of the frog utilized in a new function. Considerable doubt, however, attaches to this interpretation— doubt that, if anything, is gaining ground.
Section 32. The tympanic bulla of the dog is not indicated in Diagram 9, and it would appear to be a new structure (neomorph), not represented in the frog.
Section 33. Besides these great differences in form, there are important differences in the amount and distribution of centres of ossification of the skull of frog and mammal. There is no parasphenoid in the mammal*; and, instead, a complete series of ossifications, the median-, basi-, and pre-sphenoids, and the lateral ali- and orbito-sphenoids occur. The points can be rendered much more luminously in a diagram than in the text, and we would counsel the student to compare this very carefully with that of the Rabbit.
* Faint vestigeal indications occur in the developing skulls of some insectivora.
Section 34.
-Nasal (paired), -Vomer (paired) -Fronto-Parietal, Sphenethmoid Bone (median), Eye, Pro-otic Bone, Otic Cartilage, Ex-occipital (paired) -Para-sphenoid Bone
-Upper Jaw_
-Pre-Maxilla (paired), -Palatine (paired), Pterygoid (paired), -Squamosal, Quadrate Cartilage {To 1.} -Maxilla 1. Quadrato-Jugal
-Lower Jaw_
Mento-meckelian, -Dentary, -Articulare- [-Angulo Splenial]
Section 35. -Points especially- [Additional points] to be noticed are:
(1) The otic capsule (= periotic bone) of the dog ossifies from a number of centres, one of which is equivalent to the frog's prootic.
(2) The several constituents of the lower jaw are not to be distinguished in the adult mammal.
(3) The frog has no lachrymal bone.
Section 36. We are now in a position to notice, without any danger of misconception, what is called the segmental theory of the skull. Older anatomists, working from adult structure only, conceived the idea that the brain-case of the mammal represented three inflated vertebrae. The most anterior had the pre-sphenoid for its body, the orbito-sphenoids for its neural processes, and the arch was completed above by the frontals (frontal segment). Similarly, the basi-sphenoids, ali-sphenoids, and parietals formed a second arch (parietal segment), and the ex-, basi-, and supra-occipitals a third (occipital segment). If this were correct, in the frog, which is a more primitive rendering of the vertebrate plan, we should find the vertebral characters more distinct. But, as a matter of fact, as the student will perceive, frontal segment, parietal segment, and occipital segment, can no longer be traced; and the mode of origin from trabeculae and para-chordals show very clearly the falsity of this view. The vertebrate cranium is entirely different in nature from vertebrae. The origin of the parietals and frontals as paired bones in membrane reinforces this conclusion.
Section 37. But as certainly as we have no such metameric segmentation, as this older view implies, in the brain-case of the frog, so quite as certainly is metameric segmentation evident in its branchial arches. We have the four gill slits of the tadpole and their bars repeating one another; the hyoid bar in front of these is evidently of a similar nature; and that the ear drum is derived from an imperforate gill slit is enforced by the presence of an open slit (the spiracle) in the rays and dog-fish in an entirely equivalent position. Does the mouth answer to a further pair of gill slits, and is the jaw arch (palato-pterygoid + Meckel's cartilage) equivalent to the arches that come behind it? This question has been asked, and answered in the affirmative, by many morphologists, but not by any means by all. The cranial nerves have a curious similarity of arrangement with regard to the gill slits and the mouth; the fifth nerve forks over the mouth, the seventh forks over the ear drum, the ninth, in the tadpole and fish, forks over the first branchial slit, and the tenth is, as it were, a leash of nerves, each forking over one of the remaining gill slits. But this matter will be more intelligible when the student has worked over a fish type, and need not detain us any further now.
Section 38. See also Section 13 again, in which is the suggestion that the occipital part of the skull is possibly a fusion of vertebrae, a new view with much in its favour, and obviously an entirely different one from the old "segmental" view of the entire skull, discussed in Section 36.
Questions on the Frog
[All these questions were actually set at London University Examinations.] {In Both Editions.}
1. Give an account, with illustrative sketches, of the digestive organs of the common frog, specifying particularly the different forms of epithelium met with in the several regions thereof.
2. Describe the heart of a frog, and compare it with that of a fish and of a mammal, mentioning in each case the great vessels which open into each cavity.
3. Compare with one another the breathing organs and the mechanism of respiration in a frog and in a rabbit. Give figures showing the condition of the heart and great arteries in these animals, and indicate in each case the nature of the blood in the several cavities of the heart.
4. Draw diagrams, with the parts named, illustrating the arrangement of the chief arteries of (a) the frog, (b) the rabbit. (c) Compare briefly the arrangements thus described. (d) In what important respects does the vascular mechanism of the frog differ from that of the fish, in correlation with the presence of lungs?
5. In the frog provided, free the heart, both aortic arches, dorsal aorta as far as its terminal bifurcation, and both chains of sympathetic ganglia from surrounding structures; and remove them, in their natural connection, from the animal into a watch-glass.
6. Describe the male and female reproductive organs of the common frog, and give some account of their development.
7. Describe, with figures, the bones of the limbs and limb-girdles of a frog.
8. Remove the brain from the frog provided, and place it in spirit. Make a lettered drawing of its ventral and dorsal surfaces.
9. Point out the corresponding regions in the brain of a frog and a mammal, and state what are the relations of the three primary brain-vesicles to these regions.
10. (a) Give an account, with diagrams, of the brain of the frog; (b) point out the most important differences between it and the brain of the rabbit. (c) Describe the superficial origin and the distribution of the third, (d) of the fifth, (e) of the seventh., (f) of the ninth, and (g) of the tenth cranial nerves of the frog.
11. Describe, with figures, the brain of a frog, and compare it with that of a rabbit. What do you know concerning the functions of the several parts of the brain in the frog?
12. Describe briefly the fundamental properties of the spinal cord in the frog. By what means would you determine whether a given nerve is motor or sensory?
13. Prepare the skull of the frog provided. Remove from it and place in glycerine on a glass slip the fronto-parietal and parasphenoid bones. Label them. Mark on the skull with long needles and flag-labels the sphenethmoid and the pro-otic bones.
14. Compare the skull of the rabbit and the frog; especially in regard to the attachment of the jaw apparatus to the cranium, and other points which distinctly characterize the higher as contrasted with the lower vertebrata.
15. Describe the skeleton of the upper and lower jaw (a) in the frog, (b) in the rabbit. Point out exactly what parts correspond with one another in the two animals compared. (c) What bone in the rabbit is generally regarded as corresponding to the quadrate cartilage of the frog?
-The Dog-Fish_
1. General Anatomy
Section 1. In the dog-fish we have a far more antique type of structure than in any of the forms we have hitherto considered. Forms closely related to it occur among the earliest remains of vertebrata that are to be found in the geological record. Since the immeasurably remote Silurian period, sharks and dog-fish have probably remained without any essential changes of condition, and consequently without any essential changes of structure, down to the present day. Then, as now, they dominated the seas. They probably branched off from the other vertebrata before bone had become abundant in the inner skeleton, which is consequently in their case cartilaginous, with occasional "calcification" and no distinct bones at all. Unlike the majority of fish, they possess no swimming bladder— the precursor of the lungs; but in many other respects, notably in the uro-genital organs, they have, in common with the higher vertebrata, preserved features which may have been disguised or lost in the perfecting of such modern and specialized fish as, for instance, the cod, salmon, or herring. |