Telling Fortunes By Tea Leaves
With Twenty Illustrations
At no time in the history of the world has there been such earnest searching for light and knowledge in all matters relating to Psychic Phenomena as in the present day. The desire to investigate some new disclosure has resulted in yet other discoveries. Such will be handed on in their various forms to be studied and used by those who seek to learn.
Few subjects need more patience than those dealing with Psychology. Even those who put their knowledge to a practical use in such studies as divination by tea-leaves, must still plod patiently along a path thickly strewn with new knowledge. The powers of clairvoyance, for instance, cannot be forced or hurried; such arbitrary laws as time have no meaning for the subconscious self, therefore the need for hurry does not exist.
I was once told by a very mediumistic woman that she had sat in the same room at the same time for an hour every day for seven years, because she "wished to develop Clairvoyance." Here was patience indeed! In some manifestations of the clairvoyant powers within us, it is spontaneous, the closing of the eyes to shut out all material surroundings being all that is necessary to bring a vision of what is happening, or shortly to happen, possibly hundreds of miles away.
In all dreams the clairvoyant powers are spontaneous; but for the development of clairvoyance at will, great perseverance is necessary. Its interests and powers are unlimited, so that it is well worth the patience and time spent upon it.
In the use of tea-leaves as a means of divination, the more developed the "clear sight," the more interesting and accurate will be the interpretation. Practice is most necessary, especially for those who have less natural clairvoyance than others.
The desire for knowledge on all Psychic matters has led to an increased demand for various methods of bringing into symbols and pictures that hidden knowledge of the present and the future. That this knowledge can be translated to us symbolically is apparent to everyone—who could doubt it, and still believe in anything at all?
Tea-leaves are habitually used by many people as a means of divination. To some it is an easier method than the cards, there is less to memorise, or the crystal.
There is in Paris a famous clairvoyant who always uses tea-leaves as the medium for her powers of divination. Some are inclined to jeer at the fortune in the teacup, but if the language of symbolism is rightly understood, the medium through which it is seen matters little.
Tea-leaves have the advantage of being simple, inexpensive, and within the reach of everyone. It cannot be claimed that the cult is of the greatest antiquity; for although it seems to have been used in China from very early times, tea was not brought into Europe until about the middle of the sixteenth century. For many years after its introduction into this country, tea was far too costly to be used except by a comparatively small proportion of the population. It has, however, proved its extreme usefulness as a means of divination, as well as its merits as a beverage, for close upon three centuries.
It is a very favourite method with the Highlanders, where it is customary for the "guid wife" to read in her cup of tea at breakfast the events she may look for during the day. Simple though they may probably be, there are to be seen in the tea-leaves, a letter, a parcel, a visitor, a wedding, and so on. It is said that no Highland seer would take money for making prognostications as to the future. This, no doubt, is one good reason for their powers as clairvoyants.
It is a misfortune that clairvoyance should ever have to come into the material necessities of money transactions, as it tends to mar the clear vision.
It is said by some that tea-leaves can foretell the events for twenty-four hours only. As clairvoyance has no restrictions as to time or space, I cannot see how it can be thus laid down as a fact that it is limited to man-made laws of time! Certainly there is much evidence of the "tea leaves" being capable of foreseeing events of an important nature at a considerable distance ahead.
One of the most difficult points in interpreting visions of clairvoyance is the time element; simply because time, as we know it, does not exist. The intuitive faculty is needed for any accurate definition of time, so important to us in our present conditions, so absolutely unimportant to the subconscious self. Let us decide at once, then, that divination by tea-leaves may, and often does, extend to a further vision than that of the twenty-four hours. Much depends upon the methods used.
Our individual past, quite apart from the arbitrary laws of heredity, makes the road of our future. Possibly this may account for the curious fact that in dreams the setting is often in childhood's surroundings, while the dream itself is obviously of the present or the future. This shows how the first beginnings of the event which is to come were brought about. It is somewhat like unwinding a cotton reel!
There are, no doubt, some who look upon the tea-leaves merely as a form of amusement, and who entertain their friends in that way. Well, it is a harmless amusement, and is often useful at a very dull tea party! But for those who take it seriously, and regard it as one of the many means of divination, it will be treated with the respect due to such matters.
As in other forms of divination, so with the reading of the tea-cup, a great deal depends on the seer. Those who are naturally clairvoyant will read many events and scenes in the cup which would be passed over by others not so gifted. Even without this "clear sight," however, the tea-leaves may be read by anyone who has learned the principles and the symbolic meanings given in this book. With a certain amount of intuition and imagination, the tea-cups may be most successfully used to reveal the future.
A wide, shallow cup is the best kind to use for tea-leaf divination—white if possible. A narrow cup adds to the seer's difficulties, as the tea-leaves cannot be plainly seen. Small cups, too, are objectionable for the same reason, and a fluted cup is even worse. A plain, even surface is required, with no pattern of any kind, as this has a tendency to confuse the symbols. Indian tea and the cheaper mixtures, which contain so much dust and twigs are of no use for reading a fortune, as they cannot form into pictures and symbols that can easily be distinguished.
Those who desire to have their tea-leaves interpreted should leave about a teaspoonful of tea at the bottom of the cup. It should then be taken in the left hand, and turned three times from left with a quick swing. Then very gently, slowly, and with care, turn it upside down over the saucer, leaving it there for a minute, so that all the moisture may drain away.
Some divinators of the tea-leaves insist on a concentration of the mind during this turning of the cup, as do many cartomantes whilst the cards are being shuffled; others prefer the mind to be as far as possible free from any definite thought or desire, simply allowing it to dwell on such abstract subjects as flowers or the weather. Personally, I advocate this for both systems of divination; it enables the subconscious mind to assert itself unhindered, whilst the normal mind is in abeyance.
The turning of the cup before inverting it over the saucer is equivalent to the shuffling of the cards. It is as a direct result of those few seconds turning that the pictures and signs are created, the subconscious mind directing the hand holding the cup. The following simple ritual is all that is necessary to those consulting the tea-leaves.
The cup to be read is held by the seer and turned about as necessary, so that the symbols may be read without disturbing them. This is important, but no disturbance will take place if the moisture has been properly drained away. The handle of the cup represents the consultant, also the home, or, if the consultant be away from home the present abode.
It is necessary to have a starting point in the cup for the purpose of indicating events approaching near to, or far distant from, the person consulting. The leaves near the rim denote such things as may be expected to occur quickly; those directly beneath the handle indicate present and immediate happenings; those on the sides of the cup suggest more distant events; whilst those at the bottom deal with the far distant future.
This method of fixing the time, coupled with intuition, renders it possible to give a consultant some idea as to when an event may be expected; but if there be no intuitive sense of time, it will be found wiser not to be too positive.
The turning of the cup and the draining of the moisture having been carried out as directed, the tea-leaves will be found distributed at the sides and bottom of the cup.
For those who wish to use the saucer as a further means of divination, the following suggestions will be useful.
There must be a definite point to represent the consultant, and for this reason the saucer is usually rejected. There is also the objection that it is more difficult to manipulate in the turning. Nevertheless, it is found to give excellent results, and, if the cup is bare of events, it is useful to be able to find information in the saucer.
First of all, then, to determine the position of the consultant. Take the centre of the saucer for this purpose. The circle round it represents the home, or if the consultant is away from home, the present abode, and also events near at hand. The more distant circle indicates those things which are not to be expected for some time. The outer circle and rim suggest events as yet in the misty future.
When the saucer is used as an additional means of seeking knowledge of coming events, after the symbols in the cup have been exhausted, it will often be found that this secondary divination confirms or enlarges upon that which has already been foretold in the cup.
The moisture and leaves drained from the cup, having remained in the saucer, should be turned by the consultant three times with the same swirling motion as for the cup, and the moisture carefully poured away. The saucer should be held inverted for a few seconds, otherwise when it is placed upright, the remaining moisture will disturb the tea-leaves. The symbols are read in exactly the same way as in the cup, the only difference being the positions representing the consultant, the home, and the indications of time. These have already been explained.
At first sight the interior of the cup will show the leaves scattered about apparently haphazard and with no arrangement; just a jumble of tea-leaves and nothing more. In reality they have come to their positions and have taken on the shapes of the symbols for which they stand, by the guidance of the subconscious mind directing the hand in the turning of the cup.
The various shapes and the meanings to be attached to them will at first be puzzling to beginners. A good deal of practice is necessary before the tea-leaf symbols can be accurately interpreted at a glance. That, however, will come later, and in time it will be as easy as reading a book.
If you wish to be a proficient reader of the tea-leaves, practise constantly this interpretation of the shapes and positions of the leaves. Take a cup and follow out the simple instructions for the turning and draining of it, and then carefully study the result.
It is an excellent plan to make a rough copy of the leaves as they present themselves to you in each cup, making notes of the various meanings.
Do not feel dismayed if, when you begin looking at the tea-leaves, you are unable to discover in them anything definitely symbolic. It is certain that nothing will be found if the seer is feeling nervous! Keep a calm, open mind, and do not be in a hurry, for it is under such conditions only that a clear reading of the leaves will be possible. In some cases the symbols are more easily read than in others. Much depends upon the consultant.
The gift of imagination (by no means to be confused with invention) is of the greatest possible importance in discerning the symbols which are of such endless shapes and variety. The seer has to find in the forms of the tea-leaves a resemblance, sometimes it may be but a faint one, to natural objects, e.g., trees, houses, flowers, bridges, and so forth. Figures of human beings and animals will frequently be seen, as will squares, triangles, circles, and also the line of fate.
These signs may be large or small, and the importance of them must be judged by their relative size and position. Suppose, for instance, that a small cross should be at the bottom of the cup, the only one to be seen, the seer would predict that a trifling vexation or a tiresome little delay must be expected; but not for the present, as it is at the bottom of the cup. An alphabetical list of symbols is given later on, so it is not necessary to define them here. The various points of a more general character, however, must be studied before it is possible to give an accurate reading.
It will constantly be found that the stems, isolated leaves, or small groups of leaves, form a letter of the alphabet, sometimes a number. These letters and numbers have meanings which must be looked for in connection with other noticeable signs. If an initial "M" appears, and near to it a small square or oblong leaf, both being near the rim of the cup, it would indicate a letter coming speedily from someone whose name begins with an "M." If the initial appears near the bottom of the cup it shows that the letter will not be coming for some time.
If there be a clear space at the bottom of the cup devoid of tea-leaves, it shows water, and that, in all probability, the letter is coming from abroad. If the symbol of the letter comes very near to a bird flying, it shows a telegram. If the bird is flying towards the consultant (the handle), the telegram has been received. The news in it is to be judged by other signs in the cup. If flying away from the handle, the telegram is sent by the consultant. A single bird flying always indicates speedy news.
In a cup with various ominous signs, such as a serpent, an owl, or many crosses, the news coming is not likely to be pleasant. In a cup without bad signs, it can safely be said that the news is good.
As a general rule large letters indicate places, whilst smaller ones give the names of persons. Thus a large letter "E" would stand for Edinburgh and a smaller "E" for Edwards, for instance. To all rules there comes the occasional exception, and this principle holds good with regard to the letters in the tea-cup. It is said that these smaller letters always point to the first letter of the surname. Usually it is so; but I have constantly found from experience that it is the first letter of the Christian name, or even a pet name, to which the letter refers. It is well to keep this possibility in mind, otherwise the seer may give misleading information to consultants.
Sometimes numbers mean the date for an event to be expected, a "5" for instance, very near the brim of the cup, or the handle (the consultant), means in five days; or five weeks if it come on the side, possibly as far off as five months if the figure be at the bottom of the cup.
As dots around a symbol always indicate money in some form or another, according to the character of the symbol, a figure beside the dots would signify the amount of money to be expected. If the symbol were that of a legacy with the figure "90" near, it would show that a little legacy of ninety pounds might be anticipated.
Clearly defined symbols that stand out separately are of more importance than such as are difficult to discern. Clusters of shapeless leaves represent clouds marring the effect of an otherwise fortunate cup.
Journeys are shown by lines or dots formed by the dust and smaller leaves of the tea. The length and direction of the journey may be known by the extent of the line and, roughly speaking, the point of the compass to which it leads, the handle in this case representing south. If the line of dots ascends sharply to the brim of the cup, a journey to a hilly country will be taken.
Supposing the consultant to be at home, and the dots form a line from the handle all round the cup and back to the handle, it signifies a journey for a visit and the return. If the line were to stop before reaching the handle again, with an appearance of a house where the line ends, a change of residence might safely be predicted. A wavy line shows indecision as to arrangements. Crosses upon the line indicate that there will be vexation or delay in connection with the journey. Large flat leaves some distance apart along the line stand for important stations to be passed through.
For some consultants there seems very little of interest to be read in their cup. There are no events, merely trivialities. It is therefore difficult to find anything that could be considered as "future," when it seems to be just a dead level "present," the daily life, nothing more. It is sad for those who have such a dull life, but there is usually some sign, a small happening such as a parcel, or a visit from a friend. These must be made the most of. The pleasure of anticipation will add to the realisation.
A confused looking tea-cup, without any definite symbols, just a muddle of tea-leaves, is useless for the purpose of divination, beyond giving an indication of the state of the consultant's mind, so vague and undecided in its character that it obscures everything. Tell such a one the reason for the failure of divining, and recommend a more reliable state of mind. Then let them try their "fortune" again in a few months, when it may be found quite different.
It is of course a great mistake to be always "looking in the tea-leaves," as some foolish people do twice a day. It is sure to lead to contradictions though there is no harm in the habit of "looking in the cup" each morning as others do, for finding the events likely to happen in the course of the day. This is as permissible as the reading of the cards each morning for the day's events by those who consider it a safeguard, remembering that to be forewarned is to be forearmed.
Some people use the tea-cup simply for the purpose of asking a definite question, such as, "Is the sum of money I am expecting coming soon?" When this is the case, the consultant should be told before turning the cup in the hand to concentrate the thoughts on this one point, as in the case of wishing while shuffling the cards for a definite wish. Then the seer must look only for the signs that will give the answer to the question, ignoring all other points. This is necessary for the giving of a satisfactory answer to the question asked.
The need for patience cannot be too strongly impressed upon those who are beginning to learn the language of tea-leaves. Some of the most interesting symbols are very minute, and will certainly be missed by the seer who is in a hurry.
When tea-leaf reading is indulged in merely as an amusement to while away a few moments after a meal, a hasty glance at the cup, or cup and saucer, will suffice. The seer will just note the chief features, such as a journey, a letter, a parcel, or news of a wedding, and pass on to the next cup. But this is far from being a really interesting method of divination by tea-leaves, wherein so much knowledge is to be found, and so much useful information gained.
Those who closely study this fascinating subject will certainly be well rewarded by a deep personal interest, in addition to the pleasure they give to others.
It is wonderful how rapidly converts are made to this form of divination. Some who in the past have been heard scornfully to assert that they "have no belief in tea-leaves," become the most regular inquirers. Moreover, these sceptics have proved to be very efficient students.
There is always a satisfaction in persuading another to one's own point of view. The more obstinate the opposition, the more glorious the final conquest!
It is a rare occurrence nowadays to meet with three people in the course of a day, and not to find that one at least is deeply interested in fortune-telling in some of its various forms.
Quite recently I had a letter from a girl who has gone on a visit to British Columbia, asking me if I would "do the cards" for her, as she could not find anyone in her vicinity who was particularly good at divination. She went on to say that "there is a perfect rage for fortune-telling out here, and everyone is keen on it." Another instance of this universal popularity was given to me by a friend who had recently been to America. She was amazed at the numbers of women whom she saw absorbed in the reading of their tea-cups each day of the voyage.
The male sex holds aloof and leaves us to "perform these follies." Some ascribe it to man's superiority. Or as briefly summed up by a delightful member of their sex, who when declaiming against the possibility of the future being made visible, said, "With all apologies to you, I must say I am not so profoundly stupid as to believe in these things; it cannot be anything more than rot."
It is remarkable how such protests die away when clairvoyant evidence, either by cards, tea-leaves, or other means, has accurately predicted some event of the distant future that at the time appeared absurd and impossible of happening.
Woman may lawfully claim superiority with regard to her intuitive faculty, and thus she is well equipped for exercising her divinatory powers.
Who need be dull or bored when the language of symbolism remains to be learned? Perhaps I should say, studied; for completely learned it can never be, seeing that fresh events are constantly occurring in the world, and new symbols appear representing each.
There are few things more fascinating than personal discovery, and those who become students of divination by tea-leaves, or cards, may safely be promised a taste of this pleasing sensation of achievement. It is limited to the few to discover the marvels of radium, or the discomforts of the South Pole, but a fragment of their glory is shared by those who find new evidence of the far-reaching knowledge of symbolism.
"For a man's mind is sometimes wont to tell him more than seven watchmen that sit above in a high tower."
To those of an inquiring or doubting turn of mind, there may arise the very natural question as to why one shaped tea-leaf should mean "a hat" and another "a table." It is useless to point out that these objects are perfectly represented by the leaves. That is of no practical satisfaction. The simple fact that each language has its alphabet, its spelling, and its words, which must be learned before there can be any reasonable understanding of it, seems the best and obvious reply.
Symbolism is a wide subject with many branches. Who can expect to master even its alphabet in a moment? To those who cannot accept the symbols in the tea-leaves on the authority of past experience, reaching over several centuries, I would recommend a careful study of their cups for, say, three months. Let them make notes of such signs as appear and beside them place their meanings and predictions.
At the end of this time, compare all that has taken place with these notes, and I think there will be no further lack of faith in the tea-leaf symbols.
Before very many years have passed the language of symbolism by cards, tea-leaves, crystal gazing, etc., will probably be almost universally understood. The day will undoubtedly come when it will be accepted as naturally as the English language, and we shall cease to worry ourselves as to the why and wherefore of it all.
It is important that those who are learning the art of divination by tea-leaves should realise the necessity for consistently attributing the same meanings to the symbols. Do not be tempted to change their interpretation for what may seem a more probable, or pleasant, prediction for your client. It is a fatal mistake.
Remember that you are dealing with conditions and events of the future which are outside the limited knowledge of the normal mind, whose power of vision is limited to physical sight.
A simple instance of what may occur, should you thus change the meanings of the symbols, will suffice to show the folly of such a practice.
A consultant comes to have her "fortune read." She is known to you personally, and you are aware that she is anxious to hear a hopeful report of someone dear to her who is ill. The tea-leaf symbols are obstinately unfavourable, and display ominous signs of forthcoming sorrow. If you gloss over this fact completely, and predict a rapid recovery from the illness, what becomes of your client's faith in the power of foretelling the future? Certain it is that the symbols would be right in their verdict, and you would be wrong.
It is usually easier to prophesy smooth things rather than unpleasant facts, but to do this in the face of obvious contradictions will lead to disaster in foretelling the future.
Divination by tea-leaves or cards has the candour to be frankly disagreeable when necessary. This is one great argument in favour of its unerring truthfulness. There is no means by which symbols may be coaxed into proclaiming false statements.
The most practised clairvoyant may occasionally make mistakes in her reading of the symbols, but no genuine seer should ever deliberately give a wrong interpretation of them to please her consultant. The business of the diviner is to give what she believes to be a correct and unprejudiced translation of the symbols before her.
It is sometimes a vexed question as to what extent information of a gloomy nature, which may appear in a divination, should be given to a client. Some are in favour of withholding such matter altogether, whilst others announce it frankly without modification. It seems impossible to lay down any hard and fast rule. There are so many things to be taken into account, and each case should be treated on its merits and according to its peculiar circumstances. There are some who would fret themselves ill at the least mention of coming misfortune, others would be the better prepared to meet it by having been warned of its approach.
One rule can be safely made for guidance on this point. Do not minimise danger when a timely warning may avert an accident, or other misfortune, nor should symbols of ill omen be exaggerated. As students become proficient, they will find many meanings in the tea-leaves in addition to those which they learn from this book. Much will depend upon circumstances and individual temperaments.
These personally discovered meanings should be carefully noted and verified with events as they occur.
It is necessary to remember that divination by the tea-cup is by no means limited to personal information. Forthcoming public events are frequently revealed. This adds largely to the interest and usefulness of the divination. It is important to point out this to consultants, so that they may not be too ready to fix the whole reading of their cups to purely personal matters. It will be found that public news is usually foretold in the cups of those who seek information of the future as a regular practice.
For those who rarely do so, private affairs alone will appear, probably without even a forecast of the weather to be expected within the next few days.
It is a curious fact that the wider knowledge should seem to be reserved for those who practise divination constantly, but so it is.
Some remarkable instances of the accurate foretelling of public events, which have quite recently been brought to my notice, may be interesting.
For some weeks before the coal strike of 1920 was declared, a pickaxe was seen on several occasions in the cups of two persons, both of whom read their tea-leaves regularly. This symbol, as will be seen in the dictionary which follows, stands for "labour trouble and strikes." A spade was also in evidence at intervals, a further sign of "trouble and unrest." So that it was through no fault of the tea-leaves if some of us were not in the superior position of knowing all about the strike before it came to pass.
The symbols already mentioned would of course apply equally to railway disturbance, and some time before the threat of a strike was announced, these symbols appeared again, together with an engine, and a signal at the angle of "Danger." This seemed ominous. But within a few days the signal was evident once more; but on this occasion set at "All Clear." So it was easy to decide that the threatened strike would not take place. The accuracy of this prediction by means of the tea-leaves was shortly afterwards made evident.
Again, a week before there seemed to be even a hope of a settlement of the coal strike, a mining shaft presented itself in one of the tea-cups which had previously been indicating the strike. This symbol appeared at the top of the cup standing out clearly by itself, evidently predicting the miners' return to work within a short time. There was no need to depend upon information from the newspapers as to the end of the strike, for here in the tea-leaves was all necessary evidence of the fact.
Another very remarkable instance of symbolism was given to me by a friend a short time ago. On Monday morning, October 26th, 1920, the three following symbols appeared in her cup:—
A vulture resting on a rock. An eagle. A monkey.
In the evening of that day the death of King Alexander of Greece was announced.
It will be seen, on referring to the dictionary, that an eagle and a vulture signify "the death of a monarch." The monkey who lay at the bottom of the cup, apparently dead, was of course the third symbol as having caused the King's death. It was particularly gratifying that these signs should have appeared in my friend's cup for she is a mathematical genius, and rejects every symbol which she cannot recognise at once. She was so struck by these signs that she called them to the attention of her mother, who also immediately perceived and identified them. The only regrettable omission was that the cup was not photographed. It would have been valuable evidence for the wonders of the tea-leaves.
This same friend had another interesting experience. The head of an Indian appeared in her cup, with other signs pointing to news of a personal nature. She was puzzled, for, as far as she knew, there was no one in India from whom she would be in the least likely to hear.
Very shortly afterwards, however, her mother went on a visit to London. There she quite unexpectedly met someone who had recently come from India, and who had brought back messages of remembrance and affection from a girl who my friend had no idea was in India at that time. Hence the Indian in her tea-cup!
Whilst on this subject, I am reminded of another occasion when India was represented in the tea-leaves. I was looking into my tea-cup one day, when I saw most clearly depicted two natives creeping stealthily, their attitude making this evident. In their hands were what appeared to be knives, and they were making towards a figure that was unmistakably that of an officer. He was standing upon what looked like a raised platform with a barricade round him. He held a revolver in his hand.
I am quite aware that some may think this a tall tale for the tea-leaves to relate! But fortunately my reading of the cup was witnessed by two others, one of them being a man, who, although interested in psychic subjects, despises the tea-leaves! Without remarking upon what I saw, I suggested that he should look at my cup and see what he made of it. Without a moment's hesitation he said, "There is an officer defending himself against some natives who are about to attack him."
My readers will appreciate the satisfaction this testimony gave me, coming as it did from one who had never before looked into a cup. Moreover, that this witness should have been one of the male sex added to its value! This prediction of danger for someone in India was borne out by facts that were disclosed shortly afterwards. These instances which I have given illustrate the variety and interest which are to be found in divination by tea-leaves.
Another source through which messages are received by the tea-leaves will be found in the writing which will be seen from time to time. Moreover, it has the great advantage of being clear and easy to decipher, so that there may be no doubt of what is intended to be understood by it. The tea-leaves can never be accused of being illegible. Occasionally it is very minute writing, and would probably be passed over by those who read their cups in a superficial manner. To those who study them carefully the future is revealed.
No one would reasonably expect to find a speech from the Prime Minister or an invitation to a tea-party written for them in the tea-leaves. But words they certainly will find.
A short time ago I saw in my cup, in perfect copperplate writing, the word "wait." I was annoyed by it, for what is more annoying than having to wait? Sometimes it may happen that the tea-leaves—as with their relatives, the tumbler and automatic writing—become a little shaky in their spelling. But this is not a serious defect, and the trifling errors do not prevent the word from being translatable. It is a recognised fact that writing seen through a medium, whether it be tea-leaves, or a dream, is of importance, and should always be regarded with attention and with an endeavour to understand its message.
I should like to point out that certain figures and symbols are of so frequent occurrence that it may be well to emphasise their general significance by referring to them here, in addition to their meaning being given in the dictionary.
Among those which threaten misfortune, or sorrow, are the following: Crosses, snakes, spades, pistols, guns, toads, cats.
Joy and success are indicated by such symbols as a crescent moon, clover leaves, flowers, trees, anchors, fruit, circles, stars.
Having learned the symbols and the combined symbols by heart, it will require only a little practice to interpret their meanings without hesitation. For those who find difficulty in committing the dictionary to memory, an essential for proficient reading of the cup, I would suggest that they write down any meaning which may seem specially hard to remember, roughly drawing its symbol beside it. In this way the difficulty will soon be overcome.
"If thou wouldst learn thy future with thy tea, This magic cup will show it thee."
Some readers may find an additional interest in divination by tea-leaves, if they use a cup marked with the planetary symbols, patented as the "Nelros Cup of Fortune." A short explanation of the symbols, and the method of using this cup, will be helpful for those who are not familiar with its signs. I am not suggesting the use of the "Nelros" saucer, for the reason that its signs are somewhat obscure, and students who have no experience in the science of astrology would find it confusing, if used in addition to the cup, in which all needful signs are illustrated.
As in the case of the ordinary tea-cup, the handle remains as the representative of the consultant. The turning of it and draining of the moisture should be carried out in the usual way.
Immediately under the handle, and above the space given to the Sun, are seen a Diamond and a Horseshoe. Next on the left are a Snake twisted round a stick, and a Spade, these being placed over the space given to Saturn.
Following them are a Bell and a Club, seen over the sign of Venus. Next, an Eye and Envelope, above the space given to Jupiter.
Then comes a Cross, with the sign of Pisces, the Fishes, these being over the sign of Mercury.
Next are a Winecup and a Spider above the space of Mars.
Followed by a Cat's Head and a Heart, above the Moon.
Each one of these signs round the brim has a symbolic meaning, though their meaning must also be judged by the position they occupy in the cup.
Now, taking the signs round the brim of the cup, and connecting them with the planetary symbols beneath.
Beginning at the handle is a Diamond, this being a token of wealth, which, with the sign of the Sun below, indicates much prosperity, favours, and general well-being, the Horseshoe over the Sun also betokening good luck and successful projects.
In the next space, reading to the left, is the Snake twisted round a stick, over the sign of Saturn. This is emblematical of a risk of poverty coming through deceit, and with a Spade over Saturn, whose characteristic is privation, there is a further indication of toil, loss, undoing.
The next sign is a happier one; the Bell over the sign of Venus, with the Club beyond, indicates joyful news, events meaning much happiness, love and peace, the characteristic of Venus being peace or placidity.
Next is the sign of Jupiter, whose characteristic is expansion; above it are placed an Eye and an Envelope, the Eye showing the power of penetration, seeing things in a right perspective, and light thrown on difficult questions, the letter showing that news from all parts of the world is made possible by its expansion.
Next come the Latin Cross and the watery sign Pisces, the Fishes. These being in connection with Mercury, whose characteristic is activity, show much alertness and desire for knowledge; the Cross meaning obstacles and hindrances in the chosen path, whilst the sign of Pisces denotes interesting news from distant lands, with much desire for travel and exploration.
In the next space the Winecup and Spider, in connection with the sign of Mars, the characteristic of Mars being energy, show the strength, courage, and perseverance needed to carry out a successful career; the Spider being a symbol of concentration, patience, and achievement, whilst the Wine-cup tells of joy and realised ambition.
Following these signs are the Cat's Head and the Heart, with the Crescent Moon below. The characteristic of the Moon is change, mobility; it is also a symbol of good fortune in the tea-leaves. In combination with the Heart it indicates a romantic love affair. The Cat's Head shows interference by those who are mean and spiteful.
Having learned from this brief explanation the symbols of the "Nelros Cup," the reading of the tea-leaves in relation to those symbols will be easy. For instance, suppose the wife of a sailor to be the consultant. Her husband is on his ship in the North Sea, and she is eagerly awaiting news of him. In the cup she has "turned," the symbol of a letter comes in the watery sign [Symbol: )-(] with a large ivy leaf beneath it. Further patience will be necessary, the ivy leaf tells us, as the wished-for letter is still far away. The distance from the handle (the consultant) shows this, also the letter symbol being in the watery sign indicates the fact that it will come from across the sea. The waiting for the news causes a feeling of disappointment and sadness; these will vanish later on, and the waiting be compensated by the happy news that will come in the longed-for letter. This is seen by the tea-leaves which appear on other symbols of the cup.
The form of a man is seen between the signs of the Bell and Club; near this form is the letter "A," the first letter of the consultant's name. Round this initial letter is a well-formed circle; a trident lies at a little distance from it.
Here is evidence of the joyful news coming from her husband, the tea-leaves in the spaces of the Bell and Club making a prediction of the satisfactory news a safe one. The circle round the letter "A" and the symbol of the trident near, enable the seer to prophesy a good promotion, much success and happiness.
This example reading of the "Nelros" cup is a fortunate one. We will now consider one of a less satisfactory character.
The consultant is a widow; opposite the handle of the cup she has "turned" is the Envelope over Jupiter, upon the Envelope tea-leaves forming an Owl are seen, beneath is a small arrow pointing towards the handle. These signs foretell bad news probably coming from a far country; the sign of Jupiter and distance from the handle (the consultant) would show this. The symbol of the Owl indicates the anxiety caused by the arrival of the letter and its news. The arrow pointing towards the handle would show that the matter is personal, and will much affect the consultant.
Upon the sign of Saturn, with an arm stretched towards the Spade above it, is the figure of a man. The characteristic of Saturn being privation, and the Spade being a symbol of toil, it is evident that the figure of the man represents someone related to the consultant for whom the present prospects are very bad. It may well be this man from whom is coming the news in the letter which will cause her so much anxiety.
Fortunately, on the Anchor at the bottom of the cup is a well-formed key. Being in this position, it shows that someone at a distance, having the welfare of the consultant much in their mind, will be the means in the future of helping her out of the difficulties. The key being on the Anchor indicates the security she may feel in the friends, who will be instrumental in giving her happiness and peace of mind.
These two example divinations will illustrate the manner in which the tea-leaves are read in relation to the signs upon the cup. To some it may appear an easier means than that of the ordinary tea-cup.
In any case it is very useful to have an alternative method of foretelling the future. Variety is always acceptable, and for this reason I commend the "Nelros Cup of Fortune" to my readers.
ABBEY.—A sign of increasing wealth and comfort; you will gain much success in your life.
ACE OF CLUBS.—This signifies good news through the post.
ACE OF DIAMONDS.—You will be gratified by a good present or sum of money.
ACE OF HEARTS.—Shows affection and happiness in the home.
ACE OF SPADES.—A large town or building.
ACORN.—This is a symbol of health, strength and gain through industry, a sowing of which you will see the reaping, a short journey from which there may be great results; good fortune and ease are predicted by several acorns.
AIRCRAFT.—If flying towards consultant, hasty news or an unexpected journey; if stationary it gives warning that you will have but little success in your life unless you come out of the rut into which you have fallen.
ALBATROSS.—If seen with the sign of a ship or water it portends distress for those at sea; to sailors or to those associated with them it is an omen of sadness, meaning sorrow and sometimes death.
ALDERMAN.—To workers this is a sign that if they proceed with caution they will become prosperous.
ALLIGATOR.—This is a bad sign of personal danger and distress possibly caused by those nearest to you; it also shows much mental disturbance and worry; if very near consultant a catastrophe is imminent.
ALMONDS.—These denote festivities and social enjoyment, good and generous friends.
ALTAR.—If with a figure near, sorrow and distress are foreshown.
ANCHOR.—A pleasing symbol of good and loyal friends, constancy in love, and the realisation of your wishes; an emblem of safety to a sailor.
ANEMONE.—These flowers often indicate an event to be expected in the early autumn; the nature of it must be judged by other signs in the cup.
ANGEL.—This is a symbol of good fortune in love, radiance, happiness, and peace.
ANGEL (FLYING).—A token of love and joy which are swiftly approaching you.
ANTLERS.—An accident is predicted by this symbol.
ANVIL.—Your strength and energy will bring you much success in new plans or enterprises.
APE.—This animal points to the fact that you have a secret enemy; it denotes malicious and dangerous persons whose tongues are to be feared; it is also a sign of despondency, care, anxiety, and fraud.
APPLES.—A pleasant sign of happiness, cheerful conditions, good health, and fortune.
APPLE TREES.—These predict a happy event in the apple season.
APRON.—Near consultant brings a new friend; at a distance new work or acquaintances.
ARAB.—This symbol points to a need for caution in choosing your friends, or you may find yourself in the power of someone who will prove to be an undesirable companion.
ARCH.—Things which you desire are developing in the wished-for direction; the arch is a sign of hope; your ambition may be gratified in a most unexpected manner. See also TRIUMPHAL ARCH.
ARK.—This symbol assures you of security and of finding refuge in times of distress and turmoil.
ARM.—If curved, it signifies love, protection, care and strength; stretched out, that a new influence will come into your life which will prove to be an endless source of joy and love.
ARMOUR.—A suit of armour foretells that you will be called upon to face difficulties and dangers and that you will come through them with courage. See KNIGHT IN ARMOUR.
ARROW.—Unpleasant news or a disagreeable letter from the direction in which it comes.
ARTICHOKE.—This signifies sadness, disappointment and delay; sometimes a secret trouble is indicated by this symbol.
ARTIST.—To see an artist at work, indicates association with those who study art; also a happy nature finding much joy and beauty in life.
ARTIST'S MAHL STICK.—This implies an artistic temperament, a dislike of daily duties or irksome tasks, and a fretting under any routine; a lack of attention to detail is also a usual characteristic of this symbol.
ARUM LILY.—This flower stands for dignity, expectancy, and calm; its fuller meanings must be judged by other symbols around it.
ASS.—If its head is towards consultant, a piece of good news or an event which has long been waited for is near; if its tail, then further patience is necessary, for there will be delay; if it gallops, it gives warning that if people allow themselves to become too boring their friends may reasonably, be expected to avoid them.
ASTERS.—These flowers indicate a smooth though possibly a somewhat monotonous life; they also show a settled state of mind and sound judgment; if seen in the form of a wreath a death is predicted.
AUTOMATIC MACHINE.—This signifies a lack of initiative and consequent failure in arriving at any great achievement.
AXE.—This shows mastery and power to overcome difficulties; sometimes separation.
BABY.—A naked baby near consultant is a sign of sadness and disappointment caused by those who are nearest and dearest; to some it is a sign of money worries; a baby in arms means reconciliation.
BACON.—Pieces of bacon signify good luck and profitable business.
BADGER.—For a maid, or a bachelor, this symbol predicts a single life, but one of freedom, health and success; for the married, it implies regret that they did not remain unmarried.
BAGPIPES.—This symbol gives warning of coming sorrow or much agitation and disturbance.
BALLET DANCE.—This is a forecast of unsuccessful plans.
BALLOON.—A symbol which indicates that much is attempted but little achieved; there is a passing enthusiasm for various experiments and new ideas, but the interest soon flags, and finally vanishes as the balloon in the clouds.
BANANAS.—These promise gratification and the occurrence of those things which are most pleasing to you; also a prediction of much happiness and success in love affairs.
BANNER.—This is a symbol of a prosperous life for a man and of a wealthy marriage for a woman.
BARBER.—This signifies the approach of a new interest coming into your life, which will lead you to be most particular as to your personal appearance.
BARREL.—Festivity, possibly a picnic; several barrels, prosperity.
BARREL ORGAN.—Melancholy and a distaste for present circumstances.
BASIN.—This symbol stands for small ailments and minor worries; a broken basin, domestic annoyance.
BASKET.—Domestic duties and family cares; if full, a present given or received.
BASKET OF FLOWERS.—Happiness and contentment, fulfilled desires.
BASSOON.—This musical instrument implies that your energy is apt to exceed your wit.
BATH.—This indicates grief or dismay.
BATS.—An ill omen showing sickness and trouble in the home; with other signs, a prediction of death.
BAYONET.—A sign to be feared; it shows danger of operation, wounds, and pain.
BEANS.—These show quarrels and disputes with relations.
BEAR.—A journey north, sometimes prolonged travel. See also POLAR BEAR.
BED.—A visit, illness; or death, according to other symbols.
BEEF.—A round of beef foretells coming financial worries.
BEEHIVE.—This is a symbol of eloquence, mental capacity, and much energy in forming new schemes and carrying them through; also of attainment to power and honour.
BEES.—These foretell success through your own ability, many friends and enjoyment of life to the full. See also BUMBLE BEE.
BEETLE.—This signifies unrest, domestic tribulation, or disagreements; several beetles, that there is a risk of slander and abuse by those whom you regard as friends.
BEETROOT.—This symbol indicates that someone will try to do you a bad turn, but it will fail in its object and rather turn out as a benefit.
Bell.—Amazing news according to other signs in the cup; several bells indicate a wedding. See also CANTERBURY BELLS, DIVING BELL, HANDBELL.
BELLADONNA LILY.—This flower is a sign of hope, love, happiness, and the leading of an upright and honourable life.
BELLOWS.—These show an endeavour to make the best of a bad business.
BESOM.—This gives a caution to avoid meddling in other people's affairs or you may find yourself regarded as an unpleasant busybody.
BIER.—A symbol of death; if near consultant, a personal sorrow, otherwise of a less personal nature.
BILLIARD TABLE.—Pleasure followed by regret.
BIRD FEEDING YOUNG.—After a time of patient waiting, your desires will be fulfilled.
BIRD OF PARADISE.—Difficulties and trials are vanishing and a future of comfort and pleasure awaits you.
BIRD ON A PERCH.—If near consultant, news resulting in pleasant plans; if at some distance, there is a doubt of the news being sent.
BIRDS.—These are significant of happiness and joyful tidings; a single bird flying means speedy news, telegrams; birds in a row on a branch or line show that there will be vexatious delay in receiving some wished-for news; birds in a circle denote cogitation followed by swift decision. See also CLAPPER FOR SCARING BIRDS and STUFFED BIRDS.
BIRDS IN CAGE.—This implies that a variety of causes prevents you from obtaining your dearest wish; should the cage door be open, obstacles will shortly be removed and great happiness will be yours.
BIRD'S NEST.—This signifies a happy discovery, leading to a fortunate enterprise brought about to a great extent by your own patience and ability; it is also a good omen of love, friends, and increase of fortune.
BISCUITS.—These seen in various shapes and sizes foretell the occurrence of pleasant events.
BISHOP.—A sign of benevolence, authority, and progress; in cope and mitre, preferment and honour.
BLUEBELLS.—These indicate that an event bringing you much satisfaction and pleasure may be expected to take place in the spring.
BLUEBOTTLE FLY.—Unpleasantness and jealousy will be aroused by your success.
BOAR.—This animal shows much energy and push though not always in the right direction to bring you unqualified success; it is also a sign of obstacles in your path.
BOAT.—Success in a new enterprise; seen with clouds, troubles and disappointment. See also FERRYBOAT.
BOMB.—This foretells a personal disaster or news of an explosion and loss of life.
BONES.—These are an indication of misfortune surmounted with courage.
BONNET.—This implies that youth will be past before you have the best happiness of your life. See also WIDOW'S BONNET.
BOOK.—An open book shows a desire for information and a mind ever on the alert to understand new theories and facts; a closed book is a sign of expectancy.
BOOKCASE.—This is a pleasing symbol of coming success through study and perseverance.
BOOMERANG.—This sign means news from Australia, or that some unexpected development will lead to your having a great interest in that country; with signs of travel, that you will make your home there.
BOOTBLACK.—A bootblack is a sign of failure in your work.
BOOTS.—These show fortunate business, a good income, and the gratification of your tastes and pleasures; boots of a curious shape foretell an unfortunate enterprise ending in failure.
BOOT-TREE.—A lucky surprise.
BOTTLE.—A sign of happy days; several bottles indicate extravagant tastes; small bottles, illness.
BOUQUET.—This is a most fortunate symbol of coming happiness, love, fulfilled hope, and marriage.
BOW.—A sign of reunion after absence or estrangement.
BOW AND ARROW.—This denotes that there is unpleasant talk of your personal affairs which may do you harm.
BOWER.—Happiness in love is proclaimed by this symbol.
BOX.—An open box foreshows a troubled love affair; a closed box, that you will find something which you had lost.
BOY.—This symbol must be read in accordance with other signs in the cup.
BRACELET.—A discovery made too late.
BRANCH.—A large branch is a sign of much independence and of success in carrying out an undertaking; the larger it is the greater your success; a broken branch signifies an attempt to organise a project or new scheme which will end in failure.
BREAD.—A loaf of bread is a sign of the commonplace and of monotony; several loaves give warning against waste and extravagance, for a shortage of corn is threatened; loaves of bread with crossed swords above them predict mutiny and disaffection among those whom the world trusted.
BRICKLAYER'S TROWEL.—A task which you have in hand will be successfully carried out.
BRICKS.—These signify new plans and enterprises which will lead to prosperity.
BRIDE.—This sign indicates a wedding, coming joy, or a rival in your affections, according to other symbols around it.
BRIDGE.—An advantageous opportunity; a fortunate journey. See also SUSPENSION BRIDGE.
BRIDLE.—This points to the fact that you greatly object to interference or authority, and that you will always be "top dog" with your friends.
BROOCH.—This indicates that you are likely to make a discovery greatly to your advantage, and may in time turn it to good account in the development of a patent; a brooch with dots around it predicts a present.
BROOM.—This signifies that there is need for you to be careful in the choice of your friends, and to avoid rushing into an intimacy which you might later have cause to regret.
BUCKLES.—These foretell that some important arrangement of much personal advantage will fall through in an unforeseen manner, causing disappointment and dismay.
BUFFALO.—A most unexpected and unusual happening, possibly causing agitation and uncertainty as to the best way to proceed.
BUGLE.—This shows a desire for admiration and notice from all whom you meet; it also implies that it is high time to arouse yourself and become more energetic and industrious.
BUILDING.—A sign of removal.
BULL.—An ill omen of misfortune, attacks of pain, or of slander by some enemy; if it gallops with tail up, personal danger or illness of someone dear to you.
BUMBLE BEE.—This shows a cheerful disposition, making the best of everyone and everything, easily gratified tastes and pleasures; many friends and social success; with other signs, travel is indicated.
BUNS.—These signify social amusements and duties, also that you usually take a cheery view of things even in troublesome circumstances.
BUOY.—This is a symbol of hope; you have a good friend in all weathers.
BUSH.—Invitations and social enjoyments.
BUTTER.—This signifies good fortune and success, the comforts of life, and a desire for the best of everything.
BUTTERFLY.—Passing pleasure, power of attraction, many admirers, and flirtations; to the lover it speaks of inconstancy.
BUTTONHOOK.—An exchange between friends, successfully organised plans, and a propitious meeting.
BUTTONS.—If of various size and shape they mean that there will be many suggestions as to arrangements and new plans without anything definite being settled.
CAB.—A sign of gloom, sadness and parting.
CABBAGE.—This symbol points out that in spite of thrift and diligence, you will never be very rich.
CABINET.—An unexpected and fortunate discovery, giving you much pleasure and satisfaction, possibly wealth and unthought-of prosperity.
CAGE.—An empty cage shows that you expect to find all manner of amiable qualities in others which are entirely lacking in yourself. See also BIRDS IN CAGE.
CAKES.—New friends, social success, invitations, and hospitality. See also WEDDING CAKE.
CALF.—This signifies a need for gentleness and kindness to those with whom you associate.
CAMEL.—A responsibility satisfactorily carried out; sometimes frustrated plans and endless delays; a camel laden means wealth from an unexpected source abroad.
CAMERA.—This proclaims the fact that you are too fond of gathering new or clever ideas from others, with a view to passing them off as your own original thoughts whenever the opportunity arises.
CAMPANULAS.—These flowers indicate that your hope is centred on one desire, and assure you of the certainty of obtaining your wish.
CANDLE.—This is significant of trials, worries, or illness.
CANDLE EXTINGUISHER.—An uncomfortable incident or episode which will put you out considerably.
CANDLESTICK.—You have need to look at things from a wider point of view; to make the best of yourself you must cultivate perception.
CANNON.—This denotes military and naval display and good fortune; with pleasant symbols around or near, such as a crown or star, promotion for someone dear to you in the service.
CANOE.—This implies that a new friendship will eventually lead to a happy love affair.
CANOPY.—This brings success through the help and interest of those who are socially or mentally your superiors.
CANTERBURY BELLS.—These graceful flowers indicate that your happiness is to a great extent dependent upon others; if the figure of a woman appeared beside the flowers it will be through a woman that your best happiness comes, if a man were seen it will be one of the male sex to whom you must look for your chief joy in life.
CAP.—This warns you to be cautious in your dealings with those of the opposite sex; it also points to the fact that those things which you desire to hide will become known. See also PEAKED CAP.
CAPSTAN.—To those associated with the sea, this symbol gives warning of storms; to others, it predicts association with sailors or yachtsmen.
CARAFE.—A pleasure which will depend entirely upon yourself is the meaning of this symbol.
CARAVAN.—This signifies an independent nature, desiring to live a roaming life free of restrictions; should a horse be harnessed to the caravan your ambitions will be fulfilled.
CARNATIONS.—These sweet-scented flowers bring happiness, faithfulness, love, and good friends.
CARPENTER AT WORK.—Necessary arrangement of your affairs is the meaning of this symbol.
CARRIAGE AND HORSES.-This foretells that your affairs will prosper and that you may reasonably expect the comforts of life; a carriage without horses means that your riches will be transitory, leaving you in poverty; with other signs it denotes that you may be the victim of scandal.
CARRYING CHAIR.—An omen of illness or accident.
CART.—A symbol of fluctuation in fortune and of a tedious waiting for any settled improvement in financial affairs.
CARVING.—Handsome carving is a sign of satisfaction and development.
CASTLE.—You may expect fortune to smile upon you; a crumbling castle denotes disappointment and ill success in love and marriage.
CAT.—This is an uncomfortable sign of trickery, meanness, and quarrels among relations, money matters probably being the disturbing cause; a cat jumping shows worries and difficulty.
CATERPILLAR.—You are likely to be criticized unkindly by those who are envious of you, although you have no suspicion that these people are anything but friendly in their feeling towards you; there is slyness and deception, and it would be well to be on your guard or you may find unpleasant gossip has been spread about you.
CATHEDRAL.—Prosperity, contentment, and happiness with those whom you love is the meaning of this symbol.
CATTLE.—Profitable transactions.
CAULDRON.—New opportunities which need careful consideration.
CAULIFLOWER.—This signifies that even your best friends cannot describe you as constant or reliable.
CAVE.—Unless you rouse yourself and use a little more push, you are likely to remain in obscurity all your life.
CELERY.—A vigorous body and active mind which will preserve the energies of youth to a good old age.
CHAIN.—An engagement or wedding; an entangled chain means a dilemma which will tax your ingenuity to the utmost; a long, thick chain indicates ties that you wish to undo; a broken one, trouble in store.
CHAIR.—A small chair shows an arrival; a large one, deliberation over a new plan. See also CARRYING CHAIR, ROCKING CHAIR.
CHATELAINE.—This signifies that a variety of people will be instrumental in your career; it is also an indication that you are somewhat inclined to depend too much on sentimental and demonstrative affection.
CHAMPAGNE GLASS.—This is a symbol of good fortune and delight; to the sick, a good omen of recovery.
CHEESE.—A large cheese denotes that you will benefit by the generosity of prosperous friends.
CHERRIES.—A love affair, happiness, and health, are the meanings of this symbol.
CHESSMEN.—These announce the fact that you will be troubled by matters which are difficult to adjust to your satisfaction, and you must expect a certain amount of anxiety and worry.
CHESTNUT TREE.—An event of interest and importance may be expected in the spring.
CHESTNUTS.—These show determination in carrying out a scheme which you think will benefit you.
CHICKEN.—This shows new interests and pleasures; if roosting, domestic tribulation; if flying, troublesome matters.
CHILD.—This is a sign that you will soon be making fresh plans or forming new projects; a child running means bad news or threatened danger; at play, tranquillity and pleasure.
CHILD BLOWING SOAP BUBBLES.—Occasions of sadness and joy in quick succession.
CHILD WITH DANCING-DOLL.—The gratification of a wish through an entirely unexpected means.
CHILD WITH TAMBOURINE.—Pleasure, lightheartedness, coming good news.
CHIMNEY.—Unless you are cautious you will take a false step; a chimney with smoke to be seen means that you are content, and find pleasure in daily routine and a somewhat commonplace life.
CHINAMAN.—There is someone who appears eager to serve you but in reality is far from being trustworthy.
CHINESE LANTERN.—False security, the evidence of which will soon be brought to your notice.
CHISEL.—A symbol of losses, dismay, and trouble.
CHRISTMAS TREE.—This sign indicates that you may expect some special happiness at the Christmas season.
CHRYSANTHEMUMS.—These beautiful flowers assure you of a long desired hope in connection with someone dear to you which will be realised in the autumn.
CHURCH.—Courage, honour, and tranquillity; a legacy.
CHURNING.—This is a happy omen for good and successful results in all you undertake; you will be fortunate and will always take a turn in the right direction for your own happiness.
CIGAR.—A wealthy friend or lover who will absorb all your thoughts; a broken cigar signifies a disagreeable incident or a quarrel.
CIRCLE.—Money, presents, an engagement, faithful friends.
CLAPPER FOR SCARING BIRDS.—This sign proclaims that you are offended at small faults or failings in others, and are always eager to bring them into notice, but are blind to your own more obvious deficiencies.
CLARIONET.—A pleasure which will be gratified in an unlooked-for manner.
CLAW.—This symbol foretells scandal or evil influence.
CLENCHED HAND.—Indignation; disputes.
CLERGYMAN.—Reconciliation in a long-standing feud.
CLOCK.—A sign that you desire to hurry over the present and arrive at a time to which you are looking forward.
CLOUDS.—These denote disappointment, failure of plans, and dismay.
CLOVER.—A very lucky sign of coming good fortune.
CLOVES.—This symbol proclaims the desire for appreciation and the wish to appear at your best on all occasions.
CLOWN.—Your folly is apparent to everyone.
COACH.—If with horses, you may look forward to a time of ease and luxury; if without horses, it warns you against an act of folly or a harmful indiscretion.
COAL.—Prosperity and good fellowship
COAL-SCOOP.—This signifies domestic difficulties or vexation at the turn things have taken.
COAL SCUTTLE.—You will adapt yourself to unaccustomed circumstances requiring much energy.
COAT.—Sadness caused through a parting; if the coat is ragged, distressing news; without sleeves, failure in a new undertaking.
COBBLER.—This predicts a life of arduous and ill-paid work, poor health, and a struggle to make both ends meet.
COBRA.—A warning of grave danger to you or yours.
COCK.—A sign of forthcoming good news, of conquest and triumph.
COCKATOO.—This bird indicates disturbance in the home and some vexation with friends.
COCKCHAFER.—This predicts a bad harvest season; flying, the arrival of sudden news of a somewhat disagreeable nature.
COCOANUT.—Travel or interesting discoveries.
COFFEE POT.—Dependence on creature comforts; slight indisposition.
COFFIN.—A bad omen of coming bereavement; a coffin with a sword beside it shows death of a soldier; with a flag, that of a sailor; with snowdrops, death of a child or infant.
COLLAR.—Perseverance in the face of obstacles will bring you a great reward.
COLLAR-STUD.—A reminder of some tiresome or disagreeable little duty which you would fain forget.
COLUMBINE.—These flowers foretell the renewal of a former friendship which is brought about by means of an unthought-of meeting.
COMB.—You will find out that your confidence in someone was misplaced and this discovery will cause you much distress.
COMET.—Favourable weather; unusual and interesting events; to lovers it is an unfavourable omen of separation and blighted hope.
COMPASSES.—This sign implies that you may expect to travel and to spend your life in interesting activities.
CONCERTINA.—This symbol proclaims dilatory habits and feeble wit.
CONVOLVULI.—This flower shows feelings of sadness; love and hope which have lasted but a short time now leave only memories to which you cling.
CORKS.—This sign shows the power of adapting yourself to your company, and of proving yourself useful in awkward situations.
CORKSCREW.—This denotes that you will be vexed by inquisitive people who trouble you with questions.
CORMORANT.—This bird is a symbol of agility, swift decisions, and the attainment of your ambition through the power of rapid thought and work.
CORN.—This is a pleasant omen of wealth and success.
CORNUCOPIA.—This symbol predicts great happiness and unqualified success.
COW.—A calm, contented state of mind, peaceful and prosperous days.
COWSLIPS.—A sign of joy; to the married it foretells a birth.
CRAB.—Strife, family disagreements, an enemy.
CRADLE.—A birth; a broken cradle, sorrow or anxiety about a child.
CRANE.—Heavy burdens and anxiety are indicated by this symbol.
CRESTS.—These are often to be seen and must to some extent be read in connection with other signs in the cup; large crests indicate news of, or communications with, those in positions of authority; small crests, interesting family developments.
CRICKET BAT.—A love of sport and a keen desire for fair play in all matters.
CRINOLINE.—This predicts that unless you retrench in your expenditure, you will have but a pittance to spend upon your dress.
CROCUSES.—These flowers are an emblem of joy, and of radiant happiness in love.
CROQUET-MALLET.—A cheerful and patient disposition, always making the best of things, is the meaning of this symbol.
CROSS.—You must expect to meet with hindrances and obstacles in the way of your desires; sorrow and misfortune are also indicated by this symbol. See also MALTESE CROSS.
CROSSED KEYS.—A sign of authority, power and honour, and an assurance of comfort and help in times of difficulty or doubt.
CROWN.—Advancement and honour; the attainment of your highest ambition.
CRUTCHES.—This is an unpleasant sign of forthcoming illness or accident which causes lameness for the time being.
CUCUMBER.—A new plan successfully carried out.
CUP.—A large cup tells of a splendid opportunity coming your way which will insure your future success; a small cup means that a little anxiety is before you.
CUPBOARD.—Disappointment in money affairs.
CURTAIN.—This symbol proclaims that someone is hiding a matter from you which it would be to your advantage to learn; with other signs in the cup which are good you may conclude that the matter will be revealed to you shortly.
CUSTARD-GLASSES.—A signal of illness, possibly chicken pox or measles.
CYPRESS.—This tree indicates that you bravely face a difficulty, and finally overcome it by your own endeavours.
DAFFODILS.—A long-desired hope is about to come to pass, or a delightful holiday spent in the company of those most congenial to you.
DAGGER.—If near and pointing towards consultant, it would be a bad sign of danger from wounds or an operation; if more distant, it shows a much less personal danger.
DAHLIAS.—A sign of some important event which you may expect to take place in the autumn; it also denotes thrift and increase of fortune.
DAISIES.—These imply that you have an attractive, child-like nature, finding happiness in simple pleasures; a circle of daisies means that you attract someone to you of the same nature as yourself who will become all the world to you.
DAMSONS.—These denote complication of your affairs.
DANCER.—A pleasant omen of coming pleasure and gratification, good news, happiness in love and friendship; it also means that you will receive an unexpected invitation; several figures dancing in happy abandonment foretell that your hopes and desires will be fulfilled, and that many changes will occur, all tending to your success and future happiness.
DANDELION.—Unexpected news of the marriage of an old friend whom you had always supposed would never marry.
DATES.—A pleasure which is unlikely to come up to your expectations is the meaning of this symbol.
DEER.—An unfortunate indication that your ventures in new directions of work or business will end in failure; if running, a fruitless endeavour to undo your past mistakes; a dead deer, that you will be the innocent cause of distress to someone you love.
DESK.—You will receive a letter which will upset you, or you will lose the friendship of someone with whom you have corresponded regularly for many years.
DEVIL.—This symbol gives warning that reformation is needed, or you may find yourself so tightly in the grip of bad influence that it will be well-nigh impossible to extricate yourself.
DIADEM.—This ensign of royalty shows that your ambition is realised beyond your expectations; wonderful good fortune and influential friends assure you of an unusually successful career.
DISH.—Anxiety in household matters; a broken dish is a foretaste of a greater loss.
DIVER.—A great and unexpected piece of news which will lead to a fortunate discovery; to the lover, it reveals deception.
DIVING-BELL.—This sign predicts that you may one day find yourself in danger on the sea or river.
DOG.—This symbol has many meanings which must be read in accordance with the other symbols; in a general way this sign indicates adverse conditions, the thwarting of life's chances, unfortunate love affairs, family misfortune and money troubles; a large dog sometimes signifies protection and good friends; a small dog, vexation and impatience.
DOLL.—A festivity at which you will endeavour to conceal your feelings of boredom under somewhat foolish hilarity. See also CHILD WITH DANCING DOLL, RAG DOLL.
DOLPHIN.—A cheerful and optimistic character, pleasure on the sea or river.
DOVECOT.—Peace in the home.
DOVES.—These birds give a personal message of happiness and an assurance of faithfulness in love, peaceful circumstances, high ideals, and progress; to those who are at enmity this symbol proclaims reconciliation; to the sick or anxious, comfort and hope; to a business man, a fortunate omen of success.
DRAGON.—Great and sudden changes about which there is an element of danger.
DRAGON-FLY.—Tidings of unexpected occurrences, unlooked-for events, new and advantageous opportunities, sometimes new clothes or furniture.
DRUM.—A hazardous enterprise or expedition is the meaning of this symbol.
DRUMMER.—To a man, this foreshows popularity and a successful public career; to a woman, social success, a large following of friends and admirers, and power of gaining her own ends.
DUCK.—A sign of a taste for speculation; if more than one duck, success in work and enterprise, profitable undertakings.
DUMB BELL.—A chance meeting which will lead to the making of a new friend.
DUSTPAN AND BRUSH.—You will be certain to hear of domestic tribulation amongst your friends or relatives; if this symbol appears in your cup with other signs of vexation, it would indicate personal domestic annoyance.
DWARF.—This portends calamity, accident, or disgrace.
EAGLE.—This predicts that you may expect most beneficial changes, the realisation of a long-cherished hope, and possibly an inheritance of wealth from an unexpected source; a flying eagle shows the coming of wealth and honour after a change of residence; with a vulture, death of a monarch; a dead eagle, public loss and mourning.
EAGLE'S NEST.—An eagle on its nest foretells association with those in places of authority and honour; it also denotes a life of wealth and ease.
EAR.—A large ear shows that you will be shocked by hearing of some scandal or abuse; a normal ear means that you will receive some interesting and pleasant piece of news or valuable information.
EAR-RINGS.—To a man this symbol proclaims the displeasure of one of the opposite sex; to a woman, the humiliation of unrequited affection.
EARWIG.—A sign of uncomfortable discoveries in the home, troubles with domestics, deceit and prying.
EASEL.—A sign of marriage to widows and maids; to the married, increase of worldly goods; this symbol must be read in connection with other indications in the cup.
EELS.—This is an unpleasant symbol meaning malicious tongues and treacherous friends, also gossip over money matters.
EGG-CUP.—A sign of an escape from a threatened disaster.
EGGS.—New plans and ideas, or a birth.
ELEPHANT.—A sign of power, travel, promotion, happiness and stability in love and friendship.
ELF.—This symbol should put you on your guard or you may be the victim of an unpleasant practical joke.
ELM TREE.—A good omen of prosperity and coming happiness.
EMU.—Lack of caution will not be one of your failings.
ENGINE.—Journeys, trouble on the railway, strikes, accident, and hasty news are the meanings of this symbol.
EYE.—This signifies penetration and the solving of difficulties; it also shows depth of character and love.
EYEGLASSES.—You will make a beneficial discovery through surprising means.
FACES.—Several of these denote an invitation to a party or wedding; ugly faces mean disturbances or bad news; pretty faces, pleasure and love; two faces upon one head, looking diverse ways, indicate that you may hear yourself accused of deception and falseness, or that these things may be practised upon you; a bearded face, health and strength, but an indolent nature, which is a source of vexation to those around you.
FALCON.—This bird warns you to be on your guard, for you have an enemy.
FAN.—Love of admiration, frivolity, pleasure with the opposite sex.
FATE.—This is indicated by a straight thin line of tea leaves which ascends towards the consultant; what may be expected of fate must be judged by the line itself and other signs in the cup.
FEATHERS.—Large feathers signify achievement and prosperity; to authors, literary success; small feathers denote something of which you are afraid, but which you will meet with courage.
FEET.—You will be called upon to take a decisive step in some matter which may lead up to an eventful change in your life.
FENCE.—This means that there is but a step between you and success.
FENDER.—You will constantly come in contact with someone to whom you feel a strong antipathy.
FERNS.—Dignity, peace, and steadfast love are the meanings of this symbol.
FERRET.—Jealousy and enmity are likely to cause you distress.
FERRY-BOAT.—This symbol implies that difficulties will be smoothed away for you by the aid of good and useful friends.
FIELD MARSHAL'S HAT.—To a soldier, or those who are associated with them, this is a sign of coming promotion, triumph, and of the attainment to honour.
FIGS.—These indicate joy and abundance of the good things of this world; to those in business it is an omen of success and prosperity.
FIGUREHEAD OF A SHIP.—A good omen for your future Welfare; this symbol predicts that you will be enabled to steer your course through smooth waters.
FINGER.—This usually indicates a special need for attention to be paid to adjoining symbols.
FIRE-ENGINE.—An evidence of a serious fire of which you will hear or from which you will suffer; this must be judged by other indications in the cup.
FIRE-ESCAPE.—An urgent warning to take all precautions against fire.
FIREPLACE.—Your chief interests in life will probably lie in your home; small duties, simple pleasures, and a circle of friends.
FISH.—News from abroad; with other signs of movement, emigration; a starfish is a sign of good luck.
FLAG.—Danger, rebellion, and war are the meanings of this symbol.
FLOWER-BORDER.—That for which you have long hoped and waited is about to come to pass.
FLOWERS.—Many pleasant meanings may be given to this symbol, good fortune, happiness, love, marriage, and a large circle of admiring friends, being among them. See also BASKET OF FLOWERS, FOXGLOVES, LILY, FORGET-ME-NOT.
FLY.—This signifies small vexations and annoyances which will ruffle you considerably. See also BLUEBOTTLE FLY, DRAGON FLY.
FONT.—News of a birth or an invitation to a christening party.
FOOT.—This indicates a journey; a swollen foot, injury, or news of an accident to the foot.
FOOTBALL.—Love of outdoor games, or a keen interest in the welfare of those who take part in them, is shown by this symbol.
FORGE.—This implies a need for refinement and of reconstructing your ideas on many subjects.
FORGET-ME-NOT.—This flower speaks of the attainment of a cherished hope, also that you will probably find your truest happiness in love and marriage.
FORK.—This warns you against those who constantly flatter you; it would be well for you to be on your guard or you may one day awake to the fact that all this flattery was used as a tool to harm you.
FOUNTAIN.—A most favourable omen foretelling happiness, success in love and marriage, prosperity in business, and good fortune in all you undertake; this symbol also points to an unexpected legacy.
FOX.—This denotes that you may have an unsuspected enemy, possibly disloyal dependents; sometimes it means theft and trickery.
FOXGLOVES.—These show ambition and attainment; if broken or bending, defeated plans and hopes.
FROG.—A change of residence; with other signs, new work or profession; with bad symbols around, unpleasant sights and stories.
FRUIT.—A happy sign of forthcoming prosperity and general advancement.
GAITERS.—Your chief interests will be in outdoor work and amusements; intellectual pursuits will not attract you; to clergy, or to those associated with them, gaiters indicate promotion.
GALLOWS.—An omen of great distress and tragedy.
GARDEN ROLLER.—An indication that things around you are liable to become somewhat unmanageable, and that you will need tact and strength to avoid being crushed by circumstances.
GARLAND.—A sign of happiness, love and honour.
GARTERS.—A contempt for feminine weakness is the meaning of this sign.
GATE.—An excellent opportunity awaits you, perhaps the chance of a lifetime; massive high gates denote restriction, misery, or imprisonment.
GEESE.—These indicate the arrival of unexpected and rather troublesome visitors.
GENTIAN.—A memory which is interwoven with sorrow and joy.
GERANIUM.—This flower shows a strong will and determined character, contentment, and happiness; it also denotes two opposite natures who have a great bond of affection between them.
GIANT.—There is, or will be, a serious obstacle in your path.
GIMLET.—You will be unpleasantly reminded of a disagreeable fact.
GIRAFFE.—You are apt to cause mischief through blundering and the making of incorrect statements.
GLADIOLI.—These flowers indicate courage in the face of difficulty; hope and tenderness.
GLASSES.—These show that you will entertain your friends on a lavish scale, and delight in hospitality, but will occasionally be confronted by difficulties in your arrangements. See also CHAMPAGNE GLASS, CUSTARD-GLASSES, EYEGLASSES, HAND GLASS.
GLEANER.—You will always endeavour to make the best of the circumstances in which you find yourself but will seldom possess the most desirable things in life.
GOAT.—A new enterprise which has an element of risk about it; a goat is an unfortunate sign to sailors or to those connected with them.
GOLF CLUBS.—These indicate a life so full of work that there is but little leisure for recreation.
GONDOLA.—A visit to Italy, or a romance are the meanings of this sign.
GONG-AND-STICK.—This symbol warns you to expect little else than the "trivial round and common task" for the present.
GOOSE.—A venture needing much discussion and arrangement; plans are made only to be upset again, and unless you proceed with caution, you are likely to make a bad mistake.
GRAMOPHONE.—This usually portends vexation at being drawn into a somewhat disorderly and noisy pleasure.
GRAPES.—These signify pleasure, abundance, fulfilment, and a life free from care.
GRASSHOPPERS.—These insects give warning of a poor harvest season; for an old person the risk of chill leading to severe illness.
GRAVE.—This symbol must be read in accordance with its position, also with reference to other signs in the cup; as a general rule, with gloomy signs it would bring a message of coming sorrow, or with cheerful symbols that a death would benefit the consultant.
GREYHOUND.—This sign stands for energy and untiring activity which will bring you unqualified success; it also denotes that you may expect favourable tidings of the result of a new enterprise.
GRINDSTONE.—The aftermath of an indiscretion.
GUITAR.—This symbol displays strong power of attraction for the opposite sex, also pleasant adventures ending in a happy love affair.
GUN.—A very disquieting symbol, grave danger of a sudden calamity; with other bad signs, a violent death.
HAMMER.—Troublesome little tasks which you are reluctant to undertake.
HAMMOCK.—A mournful ending of something to which you had looked forward with delight.
HAM WITH FRILL.—This denotes a nice invitation, hospitality, pleasure with your friends; also enjoyment followed by dismay; a ham without a frill means increasing fortune and success.
HAND.—A sign of good fellowship, loyalty, and affection; it may also indicate a parting, a meeting or a bargain concluded; other signs around it must be noticed in order to read its special meaning. See also CLENCHED HAND.
HANDBELL.—You would much like to startle the world by a wonderful discovery or amazing theory by which your name would be known for all time but you will need every possible good symbol to appear in the cup to give you any assurance of your ambition being gratified.
HANDCUFFS.—Disgrace, imprisonment, misfortune, and dishonesty; this sign must be read in connection with others around it.
HANDGLASS.—An illusion quickly dispelled is the meaning of this symbol.
HANDSCREEN.—Even small demands sometimes necessitate great effort on the part of those to whom the demand is made.
HARE.—The return of an absent friend after a long absence; if it is running, a journey is indicated; a dead hare foreshows money acquired through industry.
HAREBELL.—Peace, a placid existence, and faithfulness in love are the meanings of this lovely little flower; with other signs you may expect news of a birth.
HARP.—This is a sign of melancholy and predicts the possibility of a nervous breakdown.
HARRISSI LILY.—These graceful flowers predict peace, joy, hope, and a wedding.
HARROW.—This shows that much of your time will be given endeavouring to make the lives of those around you smooth and happy, whilst you cheerfully spend your days in a somewhat monotonous manner.
HARVEST.—A shock of corn is a somewhat sad emblem showing that you have sown that of which the reaping will be tears; it is also a warning of illness, especially to the aged.
HASTENER FOR ROASTING MEAT.—You are reminded that you should endeavour to move with the times, and not cling so tenaciously to ideas and habits which are now obsolete.
HAT.—A symbol of luck, presents, success in new work or enterprise; sometimes it foreshows the arrival of a visitor.
HAWK.—This is an unfortunate symbol, as it denotes circumstances in which people and things seem to be working against you, placing you in awkward and embarrassing predicaments.
HAYRICK.—This indicates a desire for mastery and preeminence; it also shows that a doubt will arise as to how best to proceed, but you will find the right way out and will come to a wise decision.
HEAD.—A large head gives warning of family trouble or of serious illness; a very small head, waning ability or power; several heads, mental distress or derangement.
HEARSE.—A sign of bereavement or of sad news of those who are bereaved.
HEART.—A sign of coming happiness through the affections bringing joy into your life, or satisfaction through money, according to other signs near.
HEATHER.—A most fortunate sign of gratified wishes and of coming good luck; to lovers it is an assurance of much happiness.
HEDGE.—This shows that through energy and perseverance you will surmount obstacles and carry all before you.
HEDGEHOG.—You will be immensely surprised by hearing that someone whom you had always thought of as a confirmed bachelor is about to be married.
HEMLOCK.—The shadows of your past life have an inconvenient habit of appearing at the most awkward moments.
HENS.—Comfort and domestic felicity; a hen roosting shows domestic annoyance and money worries.
HIGHLANDER.—This is a sign of sound business capacity and a plodding contriver in transactions.
HOCKEY-STICK.—A keenness for games and success in the playing of them.
HOE.—This means that you will often have more to do than you can well accomplish; each day things will occur needing your attention and increasing your work, but in spite of it you will have good health and cheerfulness.
HOLLY.—This indicates that something of importance may be expected to occur in the winter; unless gloomy signs appear in the cup, it may be assumed that the event will be a happy one.
HOLLYHOCK.—You will have a friend, or lover, who will never disappoint you.
HONEYCOMB.—Prosperous undertakings, honour and renown, and much which is delightful are foreshown by this symbol.
HOOP.—You will find immense satisfaction in doing things that require energy even if they are of little importance.
HORNS.—You have a powerful enemy, or at least someone who has feelings of animosity towards you, which may prove to be unpleasant in their result.
HORSE.—Comforts, loyal friends, and pleasure; galloping horses mean that events are hurrying towards you over which you have no control, bringing many changes into your life. See also CARRIAGE AND HORSES.
HORSE-COLLAR.—To those who own horses, or do business with them, this sign is a pleasant indication of success in some transaction; to others it would imply toil and a strenuous effort to keep things going.
HORSESHOE.—An unexpected piece of good fortune, the achievement of your wish, and good luck in all you undertake; a double horseshoe hastens the arrival of your desires; a horseshoe reversed means an upset of plans causing much disappointment and vexation; a broken one denotes a dilemma, trials, or discomforts.
HOT-WATER BOTTLE.—You will always find compensation in all trials and discomforts.
HOT-WATER CAN.—Indisposition, irritability, annoyances.
HOURGLASS.—A warning against delay in arrangements or thought-of plans; with other signs, the hourglass is a grave warning of peril through illness or accident.
HOUSE.—A successful transaction, a visit, a new home.
HUMAN FIGURES.—These must be judged with regard to what they appear to be doing.
HYACINTH.—This flower predicts love, joy, and gratified ambition.
IBEX ON ROCK.—After a time of strenuous effort and struggle, you will achieve triumph and a position of security and peace.
INDIAN.—This symbol predicts news from India; the nature of the information, whether personal, public, pleasant, or the reverse, must be judged by other indications in the cup.
INITIALS.—These frequently occur, and usually point to names of people from whom you may expect to hear shortly; or they may indicate places.
IRIS.—These flowers bring a message of hope and pleasure.
IRON.—Small vexations or troubles which will quickly pass, is the meaning of this symbol.
IVORY.—This foretells increased wealth and a well-merited reward for past industry.
IVY.—Patience, understanding, steadfastness, and loyal friends are indicated by this sign.
JACKDAW.—Sagacity, dependable friends, and knowledge acquired by persevering study.
JAM.—Pots of jam caution you against extravagance and waste.
JELLY.—This foreshows a time of pleasure and a time of pain.
JEMMY.—A bad attack of toothache is indicated by this weapon.
JEWELLERY.—You may expect an increase of wealth, possibly good presents also.
JOCKEY.—Successful dealing and good money enterprise; luck in racing and speculation.
JOHN BULL.—This figure implies that you are likely to witness, or partake in, an event of national importance.
JUDGE IN ROBES.—Legal affairs, personal or otherwise according to other indications in the cup; this sign is often seen during a famous trial or when such is about to take place.
JUG.—This shows good health and money making.
JUMPING FIGURE.—Change which will be greatly to your advantage.
KANGAROO.—You will receive an unlooked-for and interesting piece of news; sometimes it indicates that you have a rival.
KETTLE.—This is a sign of illness; unless a human figure appears beside it, the illness is probably for the consultant; it is an omen of coming trouble.
KEY.—Circumstances will improve, things will become easy, and your path will be made smooth; you may hope for success in whatever you have on hand; a key at some distance from the consultant denotes the need for the assistance of good and influential friends in times of difficulty. See also CROSSED KEYS.
KEYHOLE.—This gives warning of a need for caution, for someone of whom you feel no suspicion is untrustworthy.
KINGFISHER.—This beautiful bird signifies the return of someone for whom you have been longing; if flying, news of a surprising nature will speedily arrive.
KING ON HIS THRONE.—Security and peace; it may also mean that you gain a high position through influential friends.
KITE.—Vanishing pleasures and benefits, or scandal, are the meanings of this sign.
KNEELING FIGURE.—A new enterprise or project; care should be taken to think it over well; do nothing rashly and seek reliable advice. |