KNIFE.—This is an unpleasant sign of quarrels, broken friendship, and tears.
KNIGHT IN ARMOUR.—This sign predicts good fortune, success in love, and loyalty to your friends.
KNIVES.—These signify danger of wounds, attacks of pain, and dismay.
LABURNUM TREE.—A sign of delight and the fulfilment of a cherished hope, probably occurring in the spring.
LADDER.—This signifies advancement, influential friends, and the attainment of good fortune.
LAMB.—An indication that you will be amazed by the success of a doubtful undertaking. See also PRANCING LAMB.
LAMP.—This sign provides an assurance of good success in business. See also STREET LAMP.
LANTERN.—This shows that fear and doubt will mar your happiness and progress. See also CHINESE LANTERN.
LAUREL.—This tree points to power, ability and health.
LEAVES.—Prosperous results of your diligence, new friends, and satisfaction.
LEEK.—This implies that you are anxious to come to the root of some matter of which at present you have only an inkling; with good signs around, you may expect to come to a satisfactory understanding.
LEG.—This foretells a successful race with fortune.
LEG OF MUTTON.—Depression and pecuniary worries is the meaning of this sign.
LEOPARD.—This animal foreshows triumph over adverse circumstances or an evil report; two leopards, fortune and misfortune following each other in quick succession.
LETTERS.—These are shown by oblong or square tea-leaves, initials near give the name of the writer; with dots around they will contain money.
LETTUCE.—This shows sleeplessness, possibly from the receiving of some perturbing news.
LIGHTHOUSE.—A good sign of security and of light on your path whenever it is most needed; if crooked or broken, disaster at sea.
LIGHTNING.—Forked lightning seen in a zig-zag up the side of the cup shows bad weather conditions; if near the figure of a man or woman, it may possibly indicate death from lightning or electrical mechanism; if seen at the bottom of the cup and with a clear space indicating water, it would mean bad storms abroad causing damage and loss.
LILAC.—This is an emblem of radiant happiness; joys shared with another, with whom there is perfect oneness of purpose and love.
LILY-OF-THE-VALLEY.—A fortunate omen of realisation, love, and marriage. See also ARUM LILY, BELLADONNA LILY, MADONNA LILY, HARRISSI LILY, WATER LILY.
LIMPETS.—These denote that you endeavour to wrest from others some valuable secret which they possess, but without success; limpets are a sign of good luck to fishermen and promise a big haul of fish.
LINES OF DOTS.—These indicate journeys and their probable length and direction; to be read in connection with other signs of movement; wavy lines mean tiresome journeys or difficulties likely to be encountered; if the lines ascend sharply to the brim of the cup, a journey to a hilly country will be taken.
LION.—One of the most fortunate symbols indicating high hopes and excellent prospects, association with distinguished persons, honour, and fame.
LIZARD.—This suggests treachery and the probability of a plot being laid against you by false and deceitful friends.
LOBSTER.—A pleasant event, or a good present, is shown by this symbol.
LOCK AND KEY.—You are warned against the loss of something which you value.
LOOKING-GLASS.—This implies a desire to know the truth, even if it be unpleasant to you.
LORD MAYOR'S COACH.—You will receive a good offer from an unexpected quarter.
LUTE.—This is a sign of a secret sadness of which those around you know nothing; to musicians, a good omen of success.
LYNX.—To the married a bad omen of estrangement, possibly divorce; to others it denotes treachery or episodes of a painful nature.
MACARONI.—This proclaims the sad fact that you must endeavour to make sixpence do the work of a shilling.
MACE.—Promotion, a position of authority and achievement.
MADONNA LILY.—This flower means perfection and peace, and the assurance of love and truth.
MAGNET.—You will be drawn by an irresistible attraction towards someone for whom you will eventually feel more dislike than affection.
MAGNIFYING GLASS.—You are given to such exaggeration that it amounts to untruthfulness.
MAGNOLIA.—This tree brings calm and peaceful conditions after a time of unrest.
MAGPIE.—"One for sorrow, two for mirth, three for a wedding, four for a birth"; this ancient saying well explains the meaning of seeing magpies in the tea-leaves.
MALLET.—You will arrive at a wise conclusion in a difficult matter. See also CROQUET MALLET.
MALTESE CROSS.—You will emerge from one source of vexation or trouble only to fall into another.
MAN.—You may expect a visitor.
MAN CARRYING A BURDEN.—An unhappy marriage or an unfortunate love affair.
MAN CARRYING MACE.—This points to personal promotion or the advancement of someone dear to you.
MAN SPEAKING FROM A PLATFORM.—Public news or developments which will specially interest or concern you.
MARS.—This sign will often be seen, and indicates a courageous, energetic nature, fond of exploits and freedom, and shows a capacity for strenuous work; a fortunate symbol for a soldier.
MASK.—For a lover, this predicts that unpleasant facts will come to light, of which at present there is no suspicion, leading to an abrupt ending of the love affair.
MASS OF LEAVES.—Arrivals and departures about which there are little difficulties.
MAST.—This symbol must be read in connection with the surrounding signs.
MASTIFF.—This dog warns you of an unexpected emergency in which there is danger of your being overpowered by the arguments of those who are masterful.
MAYPOLE.—This shows that you find but little satisfaction in your amusements and gaiety; for whilst you appear to enter into them in a light-hearted manner, you are craving for further excitement.
MAY TREE.—This signifies the receiving of a joyous message.
MEAT.—A sign of financial worry.
MEAT COVER.—An unpleasant emergency or discovery.
MEDAL.—You will be rewarded for past industry by future prosperity.
MEDICINE BOTTLE.—An unpleasant sign of illness.
MEDLAR.—This tree predicts a condition of transient happiness.
MEERSCHAUM PIPE.—You will be disturbed by some news from a man who has much influence in your life.
MELON.—This means gratification and good news, and the deriving of much pleasure from the appreciation of those whose good opinion is of value to you.
MERCURY.—This planet is constantly seen in the tea-leaves and is a symbol of ceaseless activity of striving to attain great things; it also indicates good business capacity.
MERMAID.—To those associated with the sea, this is a warning of shipwreck or other peril.
MERRYTHOUGHT.—The attainment of a wish or small pleasure.
MICE.—These indicate danger of poverty through fraud or theft.
MILK-CANS.—These show an agricultural enterprise that will be to your advantage.
MILK-CHURN.—A good emblem of future comfort and increased happiness.
MILKING-STOOL.—A new venture about which you will feel somewhat dubious but which with care will be carried out successfully.
MINE-SHAFT.—This is a hopeful sign of coming peace after a time of discontent amongst miners, or a coal strike.
MIRROR.—Prophetic dreams; a love of truth.
MISTLETOE.—This signifies that a cherished hope is unlikely to be fulfilled, or at any rate it will only be after many months have passed, and when you have become weary of waiting.
MITRE.—A prediction of honour and promotion for a clergyman.
MONK.—Religious controversy and disturbances.
MONKEY.—This is an unpleasant indication that ugly rumours and scandal will be spread about you or yours; sometimes public notoriety; with other signs, it foreshows grief and pain.
MONKEY-ON-ORGAN.—Difficult circumstances and a hard struggle are the meanings of this sign.
MONKEY PUZZLE TREE.—A task lies before you which you will find hard, but for which you will afterwards be rewarded by meeting with great success.
MONOGRAMS.—These will often be found in the tea-leaves and will indicate someone of much importance in your life, whose initials are shown by the monogram.
MONUMENT.—Someone in whose career you are much interested will rise to fame.
MOON.—A crescent moon denotes good news, fortune, and romance; for a man it predicts public recognition and honour.
MORTAR.—A sign of gloom, illness, emergencies.
MOTOR CAR.—Short journeys by road or rail, visits from friends; with other signs, some increase of fortune may be expected.
MOUNTAIN.—This gives promise of the realisation of a great ambition and of the influence of powerful friends; many mountains indicate obstructions and sometimes powerful enemies in your career.
MOUNTED HORSEMAN.—A sign of good friends, luck, and advantageous offers.
MOUSE.—This invariably indicates that there is need for a trap to be set; it also gives warning that domestic worries are to be expected.
MUFF.—This implies caprice and ostentation.
MUG.—This symbol predicts a merry meeting.
MUSHROOM.—This predicts that you will take a small risk and achieve a great success; to lovers, it foreshows a quarrel and possibly a broken engagement.
MUSIC CONDUCTOR.—A good sign to a musician; to others it suggests that enthusiasm and good spirits will carry them through life very happily.
MUTTON CHOP.—Fruitless discussion or indisposition are the meanings of this sign. See also LEG OF MUTTON.
MYRTLE TREE.—This speaks of affection and peace; a declaration of love, and a happy marriage.
NAIL.—Toothache and painful dentistry are foreshown by this sign.
NAMES.—To see the name of a person or place, signifies events occurring in connection with such person or place; if good symbols appear, pleasant happenings may be expected; if gloomy signs, then trouble will arise associated with the name seen.
NARCISSUS.—This flower shows sentiment and coming joy; also that some new idea will unfold itself to you in the spring and will prove to be of much advantage to you.
NATIVE WITH "TOM-TOM".—This foreshows news of disturbance in India or news of a personal nature which will cause anxiety.
NECKLACE.—A good present or money; a broken necklace shows that you will break a bond which you have grown to feel is unendurable.
NEEDLES.—These denote mischief and deceit; sometimes disappointment in love.
NEPTUNE.—This planetary symbol indicates a condition of chaos.
NET.—Toil or anxiety followed by amazing achievement and good fortune.
NINEPINS.—These show a mind determined to gain success whatever the cost in drudgery.
NOSE.—A large nose denotes dissipation; a crooked one shows a wayward and untrustworthy character; a long, thin nose implies that you change your ideas on various subjects and alter your mode of life in accordance with your new ideas.
NOTICE-BOARD.—Your attention will be called to some fact which it will be to your advantage to learn.
NUMBERS.—These are frequently found in the tea-leaves, and must be read in conjunction with surrounding symbols. If the consultant has a lucky number, and this appears with good signs, it promises much success. An unlucky number with gloomy signs predicts misfortune. A journey with a five near obviously points out that it will be taken in five days, or weeks, and so on. Ten dots, close together, means ten pounds or shillings, according to the size and number of the dots. Numbers with the symbol of a legacy show the amount to be expected.
NUN.—This is a sign that you will probably remain unmarried through your own choice; to the married it implies unjust suspicion.
NURSE.—A nurse in uniform usually foretells illness for yourself or for someone dear to you.
NUT-CRACKERS.—This portends that you will strive to solve a difficult problem, the result of which is of much importance to you.
NUTS.—Gratified ambition and wealth are indicated by nuts.
OAK TREE.—This is a good omen of wealth, strength, and attainment of cherished hopes; for a lover, it predicts happiness and prosperity in marriage.
OAR.—Sport; amusements; a broken oar denotes recklessness for which you will pay dearly; for a lover or husband, this means affliction.
OBELISK.—This foreshows honour and wealth.
OIL-CAN.—Work and worry are foretold by this sign.
ONIONS.—You may expect that something which you supposed was a secret will be discovered, possibly through treacherous friends.
OPERA-GLASSES.—You are in danger of losing the confidence of your friends because of your inquisitive questions.
ORCHIDS.—These give a pleasing assurance of coming good fortune and a life of ease and wealth.
ORGAN.—This must be read in connection with other signs around it; sometimes it means a wedding, death, or realised ambition; to a musician, it is a good omen of achievement. See also BARREL ORGAN.
OSTRICH.—This symbol points to achievement in creative work; if running, you may look for startling news and rumours of public upheavals.
OTTER.—You must expect to receive a disagreeable shock through some unpleasant spite on the part of those of whom you have always thought well, and regarded as loyal and affectionate friends.
OVERCOAT.—You may expect to have changes in your life and become of much importance.
OWL.—A bad omen of illness, misfortune, and poverty; if flying, you will receive tidings of grief; to lovers this bird is a symbol of bad news or unpleasant rumours; to those who are contemplating new work or enterprise the owl should be regarded as a warning to proceed with caution.
OX.—An ox in his stall implies hospitality, domestic peace and abundance.
OYSTERS.—These are a sign of enjoyment and expensive tastes, also that you will appreciate the pleasures of life more in your later years than in your youthful days.
PADLOCK.—An open padlock means a surprise; a closed one, a need for precaution.
PAGODA.—Foreign travels.
PAIL.—You will be called upon to undertake a variety of things which you dislike.
PAILS ON YOKE.—In the future you may hope for compensation for past trials and weariness.
PALACE.—This portends good fortune and favours.
PALETTE.—A hopeful sign of success to an artist or to those associated with one; to others, it suggests a need for deliberation and advice before embarking upon a new work or enterprise.
PALM TREE.—This is a symbol of honour, fame, and victory; increase of wealth, love, and marriage.
PAMPAS GRASS.—This is a sign that you will make a pathetic endeavour to find happiness in a life which is cast in a somewhat dreary lot.
PAN AND HIS PIPES.—A most cheering symbol which gives an assurance of happiness, future prosperity, and delight.
PANSY.—This flower is a symbol of understanding, modesty, and contentment; it is also a pleasant indication of faithful friends and happy days.
PANTHER.—You may expect to be shocked at the treacherous behaviour of a friend whom you had always regarded as honourable.
PARALLEL LINES.—These predict well-thought-out and smoothly running plans.
PARCELS.—These are shown by thick, square or round leaves.
PARROT.—This is a sign of foreign travel, the making of many friends, and much mental energy; sometimes it gives a hint that there is an inclination to gossip and spread scandal.
PARSLEY.—Small events will bring you satisfaction.
PEACOCK.—A sign of the acquisition of property; a prosperous and happy marriage; with other signs, an unfortunate friendship.
PEAKED CAP.—The arrival of a male visitor.
PEARS.—Improved social condition and other advantages; this fruit brings success to a business man and to a woman a rich husband; one pear signifies a birth or new plans.
PEDESTRIAN.—An important appointment or urgent business.
PELICAN.—This bird is a symbol of loneliness, separation, and yearning for the unattainable; if it is flying you will receive news from those who are far away in isolated parts of the world.
PENGUIN.—This strange bird indicates interesting news of expeditions and discoveries in the northern regions.
PENKNIFE.—This is an unfortunate symbol of enmity, disloyalty, and jealousy.
PEONIES.—You will probably be called upon to make a decision of much importance before another summer is past; broken peonies predict that you may possibly throw away your chance of happiness by coming to a wrong conclusion.
PEPPER-POT.—This means vexation and unreasonable irritation which you will endeavour to conceal.
PERAMBULATOR.—News of a birth.
PESTLE.—A sign of decisive measures; a remedy for a grievance or an ill.
PHEASANT.—Good fortune; new friends; if flying, speedy and propitious news.
PIANO.—This is a sign that you will make the most of your opportunities and will gain that for which you have aimed; to musicians, a sign of advancement.
PICKAXE.—This sign proclaims labour troubles and strikes.
PIG.—This assures you of gain and success in agricultural interests; it also denotes that you may expect a present of money or a legacy.
PIGEONS.—These show reconciliation with someone dear to you from whom you have been estranged; if flying, important and pleasant news is on its way; if stationary, delay in the arrival of important news.
PILLAR.—A symbol of strength, protection from danger, and of good and powerful friends; a broken pillar predicts sorrow and despair.
PILLAR BOX.—Important or specially interesting correspondence is the meaning of this sign.
PINCERS.—A painful experience; an injury; toothache.
PINCUSHION.—Thrift, order, and a well-regulated household.
PINEAPPLE.—A pleasing indication of wealth, rich friends, and good presents.
PINE TREES.—Happiness followed by an aftermath of regret.
PIPE.—A visit from a dear friend; several pipes foreshow news from a man who is much in your thoughts. See also MEERSCHAUM PIPE, PAN AND HIS PIPES.
PISTOL.—An ominous warning of disaster; with other bad signs, of a violent death.
PITCHER.—This shows an endeavour to relieve a rather dull and monotonous life, by throwing your energy into somewhat unnecessary work.
PITCHFORK.—A sign that you are apt to stir up feud, and make peace and quiet impossible.
PLATE.—For the present, you will merely jog along in an ordinary way.
PLOUGH.—You must expect to go through toil and frustration before you finally conquer your difficulties and achieve triumph.
PLUM PUDDING.—This denotes festivity and cheerfulness.
PLUMS.—These foretell a new development of plans.
POLAR BEAR.—This sign means a journey to a cold climate.
POLICEMAN.—This tells you to beware of theft and underhand practices; with other signs, it would indicate trouble probably caused by those with whom you are most closely associated.
POPE.—Unexpected gain and future happiness are foretold by this sign.
POPPY.—This flower is significant of a pleasant occurrence in the early summer.
PORTER AND TRUCK.—This indicates a pending journey or the arrival of a traveller.
POST.—This signifies a formidable obstacle; if broken, that you will encounter a storm of opposition to your plan.
POSTMAN.—Important and profitable news.
POTATO.—You will have need of patience in your daily life, and will sometimes be troubled by pecuniary difficulties.
PRANCING LAMB.—This is a symbol of trouble which will have beneficial results and will lead to contentment and happiness.
PRAWNS.—These bring pleasures, presents and satisfactory arrangements.
PRINCE OF WALES' PLUMES.—This is a symbol of pleasant events, stirring topics and sometimes of personal honour and distinction.
PUFFIN.—This bird denotes timidity and a desire for solitude; if flying, news from abroad.
PULPIT.—A love of talking and a dislike to listening is the meaning of this symbol.
PUMP.—Your own efforts will bring about a fortunate result.
PUNCH-AND-JUDY.—You will read, or hear, of a sensational case in married life.
PURSE.—This cautions you against theft, or carelessness that may lead to losing money.
PYRAMIDS.—These foreshow attainment to honour, fame and wealth.
QUEEN.—A queen upon her throne indicates security, peace, and honour; sometimes the attainment to a high position through powerful friends.
QUERY.—This shows doubt, indecision; if this sign were seen with a letter the doubt would be with regard to some correspondence; if with a journey, uncertainty about it; and so on.
QUILL PEN.—This shows that you may expect, before long, to sign your maiden name for the last time in a marriage register; with other signs, a legal document.
QUOITS.—This sign indicates a journey to the country on pleasure.
RABBIT.—An indication of illness for a child; a dead rabbit means domestic duties which will bore you, sometimes financial worry; several rabbits suggest that you must depend upon your own efforts for your amusements and must be content with simple ones; a rabbit on its hind legs predicts that a new plan or idea will bring you great success.
RAG DOLL.—This implies a simplicity that sometimes verges on folly.
RAILWAY SIGNAL.—This symbol may be seen at "danger" or "all clear." Its meaning must be read in accordance with other signs.
RAM.—An unpleasant person whom you would do well to avoid is indicated by this sign.
RAKE.—This implement denotes a persevering nature which should bring you a liberal measure of success in whatever you undertake; it also indicates luck in speculation.
RAT.—Treachery and other impending troubles, are foreshown by this unpleasant symbol.
RAVEN.—This bird is an omen of gloom and despondency, disappointment in love, separation, failure in work; it is also a symbol of death for the aged.
RAZOR.—Quarrels, also a warning against interference in other people's affairs; to lovers this sign foretells disagreement and separation.
RED-HOT POKER.—This flower suggests that you are likely to bring yourself within the range of unpleasant criticism by your flaunting manner.
REPTILE.—This is a bad omen of coming misfortune, treachery, or illness.
RHINOCEROS.—This animal denotes a risky proceeding into which you plunge without hesitation, although your friends and relations will try to persuade you to give up your scheme, but your indifference to the opinion of others prevents any chance of their being successful.
RIDER.—This brings good news from overseas of business and financial affairs.
RIFLE.—Strife and calamity are shown by this sign.
RING.—With dots around, a contract or a business transaction; with the figures of a man and woman, an engagement or wedding is foretold.
RIVER.—A sign of trouble and perplexity, sometimes illness and bereavement.
ROBIN.—A symbol of much good fortune, loyal friends, and happiness in love.
ROCKET.—This foretells joy and gladness at some event about to happen.
ROCKING CHAIR.—This indicates contemplation of a new idea or scheme about which you are somewhat doubtful.
ROCKING HORSE.—Happy associations will be renewed; pleasure with children.
ROCKS.—These prepare you for alarms and agitation, but if good signs appear, you will eventually find a smooth path through your fife.
ROLLING PIN.—This is an indication that you will be capable of smoothing out your difficulties and will usually find an easy path in which to tread.
ROSE.—A token of good fortune, joy, and love.
ROSEMARY.—Memories of the past will mar your future.
RUNNING FIGURES.—You may expect an emergency in which you will need to have all your wits about you; sometimes this signifies urgent messages.
SACK.—This predicts an unlooked for event which will turn out to be most fortunate.
SADDLE.—The successful solving of a troublesome matter is the meaning of this sign.
SAILOR.—You may expect news from overseas of an interesting nature.
SALMON JUMPING IN A POOL.—This is a fortunate sign of propitious news which will mean a great deal to you.
SANDWICH MAN.—After a time of irksome tasks and pecuniary worry, you will be rewarded by a time of ease and wealth.
SAUCEPAN.—This is an indication that many troubles will befall you, and your courage will be tested in meeting them.
SAUSAGES.—These show complaints or affliction.
SAW.—Interference which will bring a good deal of trouble upon you, is signified by a saw.
SCAFFOLD.—This signifies that you will enter into a rash speculation.
SCALES.—This symbol stands for legal proceedings.
SCARECROW.—This warns you to avoid interfering in the private affairs of others, or you may find that you will receive the cold shoulder from them.
SCEPTRE.—This is a fortunate sign of distinction and honour.
SCIMITAR.—You will hear of murders, horrible treachery, and riots.
SCISSORS.—An unlucky sign of friction between friends; disputing and disagreeableness with married couples; quarrels between lovers; trouble in business.
SCREW.—With a little ingenuity and perseverance, you will arrive at that for which you aim.
SCREW-SPANNER.—Troublesome affairs and vexations are before you.
SCYTHE.—This sign foreshows grief and pain.
SEAGULL.—A sign of storms; if flying, news from abroad.
SEAKALE.—A satisfactory conclusion to a vexed question is the meaning of this symbol.
SEAL.—An indication that a considerable amount of patience will be necessary before your hopes are realised, but eventually you will gain success and wealth.
SEALING-WAX.—Theoretically you are wise, but you seldom bring your wisdom to bear on practical matters.
SEE-SAW.—Unless you endeavour to become more decisive and reliable, you will lose any good opportunities which may come your way.
SEAWEED.—This denotes a joy in the past of which only the memory remains.
SHAMROCK.—A sign of good luck.
SHARK.—An ominous sign of death.
SHAVING-BRUSH.—This sign suggests that you are apt to turn molehills into mountains.
SHEEP.—To landowners or those engaged in any agricultural pursuits sheep are an omen of success and prosperous dealing; to others this sign implies that they will receive assistance from unexpected quarters.
SHELL.—Good luck from an unexpected source; with other signs, a visit to the seaside.
SHEPHERD.—The appearance of this symbol warns you against taking unnecessary risks in all matters.
SHIP.—News from distant lands; a successful journey; a voyage.
SHIRT.—This sign is considered an omen of good fortune.
SHOES.—These indicate speedy new arrangements which are likely to turn out extremely well.
SHRIMPING NET.—Pleasures and amusements, unconventionality, and good spirits.
SHUTTERS.—This sign proclaims the fact that there is need for secrecy, and that there may be things in your life of which you trust nothing will be known.
SICKLE.—A sign that you will experience sorrow and pain through the callous behaviour of someone you love.
SIGNPOST.—This symbol must be read in conjunction with surrounding symbols; it usually emphasises the importance of other signs; a broken signpost indicates, that you take a wrong turning in your life and afterwards have much cause to regret it.
SKELETON.—This implies a feeling of disgust at some information which is told to you and which you are asked not to reveal.
SKIPPING ROPE.—Pleasure with children and popularity with them.
SLEIGH.—A spell of cold weather; an interesting event or piece of news to be expected in the winter.
SLUG.—Petty annoyances; bad weather.
SNAIL.—This is a sign of infidelity; several snails, that mischief is going on around you of which you are unaware.
SNAKE.—This is an unpleasant sign of treachery, disloyalty, and hidden danger, sometimes caused by those whom you least suspect; if its head is raised, injury by the malice of a man is predicted; it is also an indication of misfortune and illness.
SNIPE.—This bird signifies the discovery of a useful fact; if flying, hasty news of a great friend.
SNOWDROPS.—These are a symbol of youth and innocence; this sign may point to some event affecting you and yours which will probably take place about February; if seen in a cross it would foreshow the death of an infant or young child.
SOAP.—Cakes or blocks of soap predict temporary trouble in business.
SOFA.—This foreshows indisposition or a small illness, sometimes disturbed nights or emergencies.
SOLDIER.—This signifies that you may count upon the loyalty and affection of your friends; sometimes it indicates that you may expect speedy news of a soldier.
SOLOMON'S SEAL.—This plant is a symbol of understanding, devotion, and coming joy.
SOUP LADLE.—It will be through the assistance of others that you will arrive at success.
SOUP TUREEN.—To the mature, this symbol points to a return of good fortune; to the young, a small illness and loss of appetite.
SPADE.—This means toil, care, unrest, disappointment, and failure. See ACE OF SPADES.
SPHINX.—This denotes that your hopes will be set on things far beyond your reach, and that as nothing but the very best in life has any attraction for you, it is improbable that you will ever attain to complete happiness.
SPIDER.—You may expect to receive an inheritance; with other signs, that you will be triumphant in disputed will or money settlement; several spiders foretell profitable transactions, sometimes a heritage of much wealth.
SPUR.—This symbol foretells that as the result of endurance and honest labour you will attain to honour.
SQUARE.—This formed of dotted lines indicates perplexity and dismay, and endeavour to extricate yourself from an embarrassing situation.
SQUIRREL.—This is a sign of contentment and cheerfulness; although you may never be rich you will be loved by those around you and, on the whole, will lead a happy life.
STAR.—A lucky sign; if surrounded by dots, wealth and honour are foretold.
STEAMER.—A voyage, news from overseas, interesting events, according to other signs.
STEEPLE.—This denotes misfortune, bad luck; if it is crooked or bending it foreshows a coming disaster or crushing blow to your hope.
STEPS.—Unaccustomed work which will fall to your lot as a result of the illness of someone with whom you work or associate.
STILE.—With a small amount of perception you will arrive at a right conclusion.
STILTS.—These show a desire to appear different in the eyes of your friends from that which you really are, and you will often fail in an effort to keep up this subterfuge.
STOCKS.—These sweet scented flowers foreshow an unexpected happiness with someone whom you have not seen for a long while.
STOCKINGS.—A present received or given is the meaning of this symbol.
STONES.—Little worries and vexations.
STOOL.—A large stool is a symbol of honour; a small one signifies that your success in life will be meagre.
STORK.—In summer, this bird tells you to beware of robbery or fraud; in winter, prepare for bad weather and a great misfortune; a stork flying predicts that whilst you hesitate in coming to a decision, a profitable chance is lost, the news of which will speedily reach you.
STOVE.—This symbol calls attention to the fact that trials and tribulations await you.
STRAW.—A bundle of straw foretells gain through industry.
STRAWBERRIES.—Pleasure and the gratification of your wishes are shown by this fruit.
STRAW HAT.—Modesty and simple pleasures.
STREET LAMP.—This is a sign of a foolish desire to draw attention to yourself.
STUFFED BIRDS.—A discovery that something upon which you had set your heart proves unsatisfying.
SUBMARINE.—Swiftly arriving news or events; sometimes the disclosure of a secret which will be of much personal value to you.
SUN.—This promises happiness, health, success in love, prosperity, and the beneficial discovery of secrets.
SUN BONNET.—A sign of originality, personal charm and attraction, sometimes coquetry.
SUNDIAL.—You are warned to take heed as to the way in which you spend your time.
SUNFLOWER.—This flower proclaims learning and a satisfactory conclusion in matters which are most interesting to you; it also implies that you may reasonably expect a scheme to work out greatly to your advantage.
SUSPENDERS.—These show precaution.
SUSPENSION BRIDGE.—A venture in which much is at stake but after a time of anxiety you arrive at final triumph.
SWALLOW.—A journey with a happy result; if flying, joyful tidings from someone you love; if several swallows are flying, they indicate a journey to a warm climate under very pleasant conditions.
SWAN.—This bird is significant of tribulation, troublesome conditions in the home, and sometimes of separation from those whom you love.
SWEEP.—The performing of an urgent disagreeable business will shortly fall to your lot.
SWEET WILLIAM.—This flower signifies that happiness in the past has tinged your future with sadness.
SWIMMING.—A brave endeavour to overcome your fear of an undertaking which must be faced.
SWING-BOAT.—By an act of folly, you forfeit the good opinion of someone with whom you most desire to be on terms of friendship.
SWORD.—This is a sign of danger, sudden illness, or even death; it also betokens slander and dangerous gossip; to lovers it is a bad omen of quarrels; a sword in its sheath shows honour and glory for someone dear to you; a broken sword predicts the triumph of an enemy.
TABLE.—This means suggestions and consultation; note the subject from the surrounding signs.
TAMBOURINE.—A symbol of lighthearted gaiety which will follow a time of gloom or worry. See also CHILD WITH TAMBOURINE.
TEA COSY.—To the unmarried, this is a sign that they will probably remain single; to the married, affection and comfort in the small things of life.
TEA-CUP AND SAUCER.—You may expect to hear something of much interest and pleasure in your "fortune."
TEETH.—These call attention to the fact that probably a visit to the dentist is required.
TELEGRAPH POST.—Hasty news by telephone or telegram.
TELEGRAPH WIRES.—You will transact important business by telephone or telegram.
TELEPHONE.—You will be put to considerable inconvenience through forgetfulness.
TELESCOPE.—This predicts the probability of trouble with your eyesight.
TENNIS NET.—This shows pleasures and social entertainments.
TENT.—A symbol of travel.
THIMBLE.—For a girl, this symbol implies that she will probably never marry; to the married, it predicts changes in the household.
THISTLE.—This is a pleasant sign of strength, endurance, and affection; it also shows a desire to remove obstacles from the path of those who are in difficulties.
THRONE.—An empty throne denotes public misfortune. See also KING ON THRONE.
THUMB.—A large and powerful thumb foretells an opportunity in which you prove yourself superior to those who hitherto somewhat despised you.
TIGER.—You will be placed in a perilous position possibly through the bad behaviour or folly of those who should protect you.
TIMBER.—Logs of timber are a sign of well-being and prosperity in your affairs.
TIN TACKS.—An agreement about to be satisfactorily concluded.
TOAD.—You may expect deceit and the discovery of disagreeable facts; this sign should caution you to be on your guard, for malicious talking causes much discomfort and may separate the best of friends.
TOADSTOOL.—You are warned against making rash and unguarded statements, a bad habit of gossiping and encouraging scandal.
TOMATOES GROWING.—An increase of worldly goods is foreshown by this sign.
TOMBSTONE.—This sign must be judged in accordance with other symbols around it.
TONGS.—A pair of firetongs indicates anxiety and disturbance in the home.
TONGUE.—This signifies that unless you amend you will make mischief by your indiscreet and unkind words.
TOOTH.—One large tooth is a symbol of bereavement.
TOPIARY WORK.—Trees and hedges cut into the forms of birds, animals, etc., are often to be seen in the tea-leaves; this sign assures you of the fact that those things for which you must wait longest are those which will give most joy.
TORCH (FLAMING).—This is a hopeful symbol that some unexpected piece of good fortune will come to you; it also indicates the discovery of an undeveloped talent.
TORPEDO.—Acts of violence, disaster, or distressing news are the meanings of this symbol.
TORTOISE.—This means that you attempt that of which you have no knowledge.
TOWER.—This predicts an advantageous opportunity through which you may rise to a good position in life.
TOYS.—Pleasure with children.
TRAIN.—Arrivals, removals, a journey.
TRAM.—A roadway journey on business or pleasure.
TRAM LINE.—This is indicated by two thin, straight lines which run near together up the side of the cup.
TREES.—Good health and a pleasing assurance of coming prosperity and happiness; if surrounded by dots an inheritance of property in the country is foreshown! See also CHESTNUT TREE, CHRISTMAS TREE, ELM TREE, OAK TREE, YEW TREE.
TRIANGLE.—A fortunate meeting, good luck; sometimes an unexpected legacy.
TRIDENT.—A hopeful sign of honour and promotion to those in the Navy.
TRIUMPHAL ARCH.—This is a fortunate omen of your future honour and high position; a decorated arch foretells a wedding.
TROWEL.—This gardening implement foretells good weather conditions; seen in the winter, it indicates unusual mildness. See also BRICKLAYER'S TROWEL.
TROUSERS.—A pair of trousers foretells news of misfortune or sorrow for a man.
TRUE LOVER'S KNOT.—This is a happy omen of faithfulness in love, and of enduring friendship.
TRUMPET.—This denotes good fortune to a musician; to others, entertainment, large assemblies of people, public speaking, sometimes the setting on foot of new schemes.
TRUNK.—Arrivals and departures.
TUB.—You have evil to fear, is the meaning of this sign.
TULIPS.—A symbol of radiance, health, and constancy in love and friendship.
TUNNEL.—This suggests that you are likely to make a wrong decision in an important matter.
TURKEY.—That you are in danger of committing injurious follies is the meaning of this sign.
TURNIP.—The discovery of secrets and domestic quarrels are indicated by this sign.
TURNPIKE.—This implies that the reminiscences which you relate of the past are of more interest than your topics of the present.
TURNSTILE.—This is a sign that you cleverly evade a disagreeable incident or unpleasant discussion without offending anyone.
TURTLE.—This is significant of wealth and luxury.
TWINS.—This is a symbol of sympathy and the perfection of happiness; with other signs, news of the birth of twins.
UGLY FACES.—These show domestic quarrels or unpleasant news.
UMBRELLA.—If it is open, bad weather and grumbling are foretold; closed, a bit of bad luck which may be avoided.
UNICORN.—This is an indication of scandal.
URN.—A sign of illness.
VAMPIRE.—This brings a message of gloom and sorrow, or also means that you await the expected news of a death.
VAN.—This sign denotes an interesting experiment in which you succeed.
VANITY BAG.—A large circle of admiring friends, and much pleasure with them.
VASE.—This sign brings you a promise of good health.
VEGETABLE MARROW.—This means sad news or monetary losses through bad crops, either at home or abroad.
VEGETABLES.—These indicate toil, followed by a time of leisure and affluent circumstances.
VENUS.—This planet which is sometimes seen in the tea-leaves, brings a message of peace or placidity.
VISE.—A carpenter's vise signifies that you will need powerful assistance to extricate you from the mess in which you will find yourself through your folly.
VIOLETS.—This is a symbol of high ideals and of the finding of happiness in its fullest sense; several violets assure you of coming joy; if in the form of a cross, death is predicted.
VIOLIN.—A symbol of coming success to a musician, and of pleasure and entertainment to others.
VULTURE.—This bird is a forewarning of evil and unrest in various quarters of the globe; it also means a powerful enemy, sometimes death; if it flies, tragedy, sorrow, and tears are predicted.
WADING BOOT.—This is a warning to be cautious in swimming or boating, or you may meet with an accident; with other signs it denotes a home by the sea.
WAGGON.—This implies a fortunate outlook and changes for the better.
WALKING STICK.—The arrival of a male visitor.
WALL.—A thick, high wall denotes many difficulties in your life, and that much courage will be needed to overcome them.
WALLFLOWER.—This sign indicates the serious consideration of a new plan.
WARMING PAN.—This is a sign of comfort in small things and domestic peace.
WASPS.—These insects are significant of distress caused by the sharp tongues of those around you.
WATER.—This is usually recognised by a clear space entirely free from tea-leaves at the bottom of the cup.
WATER LILY.—This flower proclaims a declaration of love.
WEASEL.—This animal shows cunning, and points to the sly behaviour of someone with whom you associate, and of whom you feel no suspicion.
WEATHERCOCK.—This is a sign that you feel incapable of making up your mind definitely on any matter without first consulting each one with whom you come in contact, and in the end you settle upon an entirely different course of action.
WEDDING CAKE.—This proclaims a speedy and prosperous marriage.
WHALE.—A prediction of personal danger which may be averted if you are cautious.
WHEEL.—This is symbolic of the wheel of fortune and foreshows a prosperous career or an inheritance of wealth; a broken wheel predicts a bad disappointment as to an expected increase of income or a legacy.
WHEELBARROW.—This sign foretells a visit to the country or a pleasant renewal of friendship with those who live in it.
WHIP.—To a woman this sign foretells vexation and trials in her marriage; for a man, it has much the same meaning, and severe disappointment will befall him.
WICKET GATE.—A small incident leads up to an important future event.
WIDOW'S BONNET.—This sign must be read in connection with other symbols; sometimes it foreshows grief and mourning, or if dots are round it, that a sum of money or a legacy may be expected from a widow.
WINDMILL.—A sign that you may hope to succeed in a doubtful enterprise.
WINDOW.—An open window shows that you are regarded with favour by many; a closed one means embarrassment.
WINE CUP.—Joy and realised ambition.
WITCH ON BROOM.—You will be reproved by some of your friends who consider that your interest in psychic matters is dangerous, but later on you will be able to prove to their satisfaction that no harm has come to it.
WITNESS BOX.—With bad signs around it, this would point to a personal matter ending in a law court; otherwise, it denotes the taking place of a trial in which you will feel special interest.
WOLF.—Beware of an avaricious and hard-hearted neighbour or friend.
WOMAN CARRYING A BURDEN.—An unhappy marriage or unfortunate love affair.
WOMAN CARRYING A CHILD.—This shows distress, sometimes illness of someone dear to you, or sadness through separation.
WOMAN HOLDING A MIRROR.—Clairvoyance and prediction of the future are signified by this symbol.
WOMEN.—With bad signs, several women mean scandal; otherwise, society.
WOOD.—Much happiness with someone dear to you, a forthcoming wedding, or a fortunate and favourable event.
WOODPECKER.—This bird brings pleasant news from those who live in the country.
WORMS.—These warn you of coming misfortune, or of treachery, and evil by secret foes.
WREATH.—This is a symbol of marriage, and of much happiness being in store for you.
YACHT.—This is a favourable sign of increased wealth or happiness.
YEW TREE.—You may expect to attain to a prominent position in life, and to receive a legacy from an aged relative or friend.
ZEBRA.—Something for which you have long waited is now within sight, but you are likely to be disappointed, for you will find that it was not worth waiting for after all.
ACE OF DIAMONDS, A BUSH.—A pleasant invitation.
ACE OF CLUBS, AN OBELISK.—The offer of a good promotion.
ACE OF HEARTS, A TRAIN, A QUERY.—Indecision about a removal.
ACE OF HEARTS, AN URN, A BED.—Illness in the home.
ACE OF SPADES, BRICKS.—An advantageous offer from a large town.
ARM, A MYRTLE TREE, BIRD ON A PERCH.—New plans which bring about a meeting with someone who will become all the world to you.
ARUM LILY, A BAT, A BED, A WIDOW'S BONNET.—Death of a widow.
BACON, PAGODA.—You will make your fortune abroad.
BANANA, A PEACOCK, ACE OF HEARTS, TREES.—A happy marriage to someone of wealth and property in the country.
BED, AN ENGINE, LABURNUM TREE.—A happy visit to the country in the spring.
BESOM, UGLY FACES.—You will make many enemies by mischief-making.
BONNET, A BOUQUET.—Marriage late in life.
BRIDE, A CRESCENT MOON, A SWALLOW.—A journey which leads to a romantic love affair.
BRIDE, PENKNIFE, AN OWL.—Jealousy terminates an unhappy engagement.
CAB, A SQUARE, A CAP.—A gloomy outlook brought about by one of the opposite sex.
CAMEL (LADEN), A SMALL "T," A COFFIN.—An unexpected fortune through the death of someone abroad whose name begins with "T."
CHAIN (ENTANGLED), ONION.—You will be placed in an embarrassing position by the discovery of a secret.
CHINESE LANTERN, A PAIR OF STILTS.—Pride brings about a fall.
CLOVER, PLUMS, A BRIDGE.—A new and excellent opportunity will come your way necessitating a journey.
DAFFODILS, THE SUN.—A joyful occurrence in the spring.
DOVES, A BOOK, A BEEHIVE.—You will advance rapidly and become a well-known writer.
DUCK, A VEGETABLE MARROW.—Rash investments.
EAGLE (FLYING), A STEAMER, A TENT, A LARGE "E."—A position of honour in Egypt.
EAR, A BEEHIVE, A TRUMPET.—Fame as a public speaker.
FATE LINE, A SWORD IN ITS SHEATH, THE SIGN OF MARS, A CHAIN.—A happy fate awaits you, and marriage to a soldier who will rise to the top of the tree in his profession.
FROG, A FISH, A SHIP, A LARGE "C."—Emigration to Canada.
GOAT, A RUNNING FIGURE, A LAMB.—There need be no doubt as to the successful outcome of your venture.
GRASSHOPPERS, A SLEIGH, A WREATH OF ASTERS.—Death of an elderly friend or relative in the winter.
KEY, A FLAMING TORCH.—Some discovery or the development of a patent leads to your becoming famous.
KING ON HIS THRONE, AN EAGLE IN A CAGE, A MACE.—An important public ceremony in which you take a part.
LADDER, RING, A MAN AND A WOMAN.—Marriage will be the means of advancement and good fortune.
LADDER, A PALETTE.—Attainment to a position of honour as an artist.
LADDER, THE SYMBOL OF MARS.—A most fortunate career as a soldier.
LION, A LUTE.—Rising to the top of the tree, as a musician, is assured by these symbols.
LION, A MAN SPEAKING FROM A PLATFORM.—Great success in a public career and the attaining to an influential position.
LION, A MAN BESIDE A PESTLE AND MORTAR.—Excellent prospects and fame as a doctor.
LIZARD, A PEAKED CAP.—An expected visitor is not to be trusted.
MACE, A MALLET.—Through wisdom and clear judgment you will rise to a position of authority.
MAN CARRYING A BURDEN, A PAIR OF SCISSORS, A MUSHROOM.—Quarrels in an unhappy love affair ending in a broken engagement.
MAGNET, A MEAT COVER.—An unpleasant discovery leads to the abrupt ending of an infatuation.
NAIL, A PAIR OF PINCERS.—A visit to the dentist and the removal of a tooth.
NOTICE-BOARD, A LEEK, AN OPEN PADLOCK.—In a surprising manner you will get the information for which you are seeking.
ONIONS, AN OTTER.—Those in whom you trusted have betrayed your confidence and divulged a secret.
OWL, A PAIL.—Loss of income will necessitate your undertaking distasteful work.
PAGODA, A PALM TREE, WATER.—A voyage to a warm climate under very happy conditions.
PESTLE AND MORTAR, A WALKING STICK.—Illness and the arrival of the doctor.
PULPIT, OPERA GLASSES.—Those who weary others by undue curiosity will always remain in ignorance.
QUERY, A LETTER, INITIAL "B," A GRAVE STONE.—You will be consulted as to the erecting of a headstone on the grave of a relative or friend.
QUILL PEN, LILIES OF THE VALLEY, AN ORGAN.—Great happiness through marriage.
RABBIT, AN ARROW, A LARGE LETTER "L," A DAGGER.—News of severe illness and a probable operation for a child who lives in London.
RHINOCEROS, AN OVERCOAT, A STEAMER, A LARGE LETTER "I."—The undertaking of a somewhat hazardous enterprise necessitates a voyage to India; through this much will happen which will eventually lead to your becoming famous.
ROCKET, A PEAR, A SNOWDROP.—News of a birth of which you may expect to hear in February.
ROCKING CHAIR, A PEDESTRIAN, A MUSHROOM.—Deliberation over important matters brings you to the conclusion that a great venture, which may mean enormous gain, is worth a small risk, and success will await you.
SAILOR, A FLYING SWALLOW, A TRIDENT, A RING.—Happy news of good promotion for a sailor and a proposal of marriage.
SCAFFOLD, LEG OF MUTTON.—Gambling or speculation will bring you to poverty unless you pay heed to this warning.
SHARK, A PISTOL, A FLYING SEAGULL.—News from abroad of a tragic death.
SNAKE, A RAM, A WOMAN, A WIDOW'S BONNET.—Overwhelming evidence against some widow who is a dangerous enemy.
SOFA, A SLEIGH.—A cold in the head or a chill.
SWORD, A RING, A MAN, A WOMAN, A TOAD.—Separation of lovers brought about by slander and malicious talk.
TABLE, A QUILL PEN, A CAT, A RING WITH DOTS AROUND.—Legal business over money matters which leads to family quarrels.
THRONE, AN OSTRICH RUNNING, A FLYING SEAGULL, A FLAG.—Serious news from abroad of disturbances and rebellion.
TRAM LINES, A BUILDING WITH DOTS AROUND IT, A PURSE.—You will take a roadway journey to a bank and are warned to beware of pickpockets.
URN, HOSPITAL NURSE, A MAN, A LARGE HEART.—Serious illness affecting the heart is predicted for a man.
VEGETABLE MARROW, A STEAMER, NATIVE WITH "TOM-TOM," A BROKEN PILLAR.—Distressing news of misfortune for someone dear to you in India.
VIOLET, A WATER LILY, A ROBIN, A CRESCENT MOON, A RING.—A romantic love affair which ends in a happy marriage taking place in the early spring.
WIDOW'S BONNET, A PIG, A DOTTED CIRCLE, THE FIGURES "100."—A small legacy of a hundred pounds may be expected from a widow.
WOODPECKER, TREES, A ROSE, A MAN.—A prospective visit to the country in the summer, when you will meet with someone who will become very dear to you.
YEW TREE, AN OPEN PADLOCK, A WALLFLOWER, A PINEAPPLE.—A new plan of life is made necessary as the result of an unexpected inheritance of much wealth.
The following twenty illustrations are photographs of cups which on various occasions have been turned by consultants and interpreted by a seer. The student will find these of much practical value in learning what symbols to look for, and how to discern them clearly as the cup is turned about in the hand.
The divination of each cup should be carefully studied with its illustration; by this means the student will be enabled to grasp the principles upon which to form a judgment of the cup as a whole.
Having mastered this, the knowledge gained can be supplemented by reference to the alphabetical Dictionary of Symbols and Their Meanings in the previous chapter.
To study the illustrations and their descriptions correctly, the former must be turned about and about until each symbol has been identified.
The most noticeable feature of this cup is the clear evidence given that the chief interests of the consultant are bound up in some man in India. That there is delay in receiving important news from him is shown by the symbol of the pigeon on the stone immediately beneath the handle. But that most favourable news may be expected later is certain, for the figure of a man upon an elephant with a pineapple beyond gives proof of this. The natives with the large "P" in conjunction show that the Punjaub is indicated, and this is further emphasised by the sign-post which points towards these symbols. The child's toys show the consultant's association and happiness with children. The figure of the woman seated on the edge of a rock with its curious peak behind her, and the seagull below, suggest that storms at sea will cause distress to some woman known to the consultant. The small figure "11," close to this symbol, points out that it is likely to be eleven days before there is hope of the anxiety being relieved.
On sides.—Natives on post. Large letter "P." Child's toys. Woman with uplifted hands on curious shaped rock. Small numeral "11" above. Seagull perched on small rock beneath.
In centre.—Pigeon standing on large stone, man in sun helmet on elephant. Sign-post pointing to letter "P."
Near rim and handle.—A pineapple on dish.
This cup shows that a variety of events may be expected, with a fair proportion of pleasure and success to be anticipated from them.
The finger beyond the handle pointing to the ark indicates that in all trials the consultant will find a refuge. The hanging lamp is also a guarantee of coming success, and prosperous undertakings, in some new plan which is under consideration.
The clouds, the symbol of the goat beyond which is facing into the open gateway, signify that an advantageous opportunity, to which a certain amount of risk is attached, awaits the consultant; the prominent figurehead upon the stone pillar gives assurance that all will turn out well, and that there is no need for hesitation in embarking upon this new opportunity; that it will necessitate a removal is shown by the buildings beyond. The quill pen and dots point to the fact that some legal business will be transacted over money affairs.
The dove-cot in the centre, with the form of a widow with dots around, signifies that a benefit to the home may be expected in the future, through a widow. The clergyman in conjunction, holding a paper, shows that the benefit will probably come about through a reconciliation. The bank of clouds behind the ferry boat shows that some trouble, to be expected in the future, will be lightened by the help of good friends. Whilst the bird stationary upon the piece of wood, at some distance from the consultant, and in conjunction with the letter "L," means uncertainty as to some desired information, which should come from someone whose name begins with "L."
On sides.—Finger. Small ark. Hanging lamp and shade. Large arm-chair. Bank of clouds. Goat. Large open gateway. Curious shaped figurehead upon a stone pillar. Low curved wall and buildings. Small quill pen and dots.
In centre.—Dove-cot. Widow in flowing veil seated in chair. Dots around. Man in clerical hat holding an open paper in his hand.
Near rim.—Shapeless leaves. Small ferry boat on water. Bird standing on log of wood. Letter "L."
The cat with dots around being near the handle indicates financial worry in the home. The bone beyond shows that the misfortunes will be met with courage, and eventually overcome. The cockatoo, with the cauliflower appearing on the opposite side, signifies that an unreliable friend will cause the consultant a little uneasiness, and as a small symbol of a mushroom is beside it, a quarrel with this undesirable friend may be expected.
The pear may be linked to the symbol of the font in the centre of the cup, showing that the consultant may expect news of a birth; the carving indicates that the news will give much satisfaction; the wine-cup, with the leg in conjunction, points out that the ambitions of the consultant will certainly be realised in the future. That a certain amount of waiting will be necessary is shown by the distance from the handle.
The motor boat, and monument in the centre, foretell the successful outcome of a new venture, which at present is unthought-of. The rocks show that a certain amount of mental agitation is aroused by the setting out on this undertaking, but, with the reassuring symbols in this cup, no alarm is necessary.
On side under handle.—Cat. Scattered dots.
On side.—Bone. Cockatoo upon a stump of wood. Small symbol of a leg. Wine-cup held in hand. Small symbol of a mushroom. Pear. Cauliflower.
On circle under handle.—Curious shaped rocks.
On circle beyond.—Monument.
In centre.—Motor boat. Font. Carved figures.
The symbol of the seal being directly under the handle, with the large arch and carving beyond, show that the consultant will soon enjoy the fulfilment of a long desired hope; everything is going smoothly, and will turn out as desired. The only obstacle is seen in the symbol of the weasel, which appears beyond the seal, pointing to the fact that the consultant has someone who is not to be trusted in the home, but this will not result in anything serious.
The figures of the two women opposite the handle show the arrival of friends to the "house," bringing presents with them. The inkpot, pen, and numeral "7," with the bird's nest in connection, show that happy news, as the result of personal effort on the part of the consultant, may be looked for within seven days.
The rock, motor, and wavy lines being in conjunction, warn the consultant of some forthcoming vexation, and possibly alarm, in connection with a motor expedition, but the episode is in the distance, and will not be more than a passing cloud.
The slug, at the bottom of the cup, predicts a future disturbance with someone, but the matter will be trifling. The large symbol of the king and queen upon the throne, opposite the handle, foretells a future of honour and wealth, and the assurance of every happiness for this fortunate consultant.
Opposite handle on circle.—Two women, inside figure carrying basket, outside figure with parcel under arm.
On sides.—Line of wavy dots. Large rock. Motor. Bird's nest. Pen. Numeral "7." Inkpot.
On circle.—Large arch with carving.
In centre.—Slug. Figures of King and Queen on throne.
Under handle.—Seal. Weasel.
The large rock on the side, with the letter "J" beside it, speaks of a forthcoming vexation or trouble caused by someone whose name begins with "J." The necklace and jewellery beyond, with scattered dots around, give a cheerful assurance to the consultant of coming prosperity. This is further emphasised by the circle of dots above the letter "C" in the centre. As the initial is large, it probably indicates the name of the place from which the source of wealth may be anticipated; and that much happiness will come to the consultant in the future, is shown by the dancing figure and carved figures being in conjunction.
The small basket, the sausage, and roll of bread, with the query and "2" beyond, all point to the fact that the consultant will have little complaints and grumbles to put up with, and there will be some doubt as to which of two people is most to blame. But it will be only a small ripple upon the otherwise smooth surface of the consultant's outlook.
On sides.—Large rocks. Letter "J" in conjunction. Necklace. Jewellery.
In centre.—Large ornamental "C." Circle of dots above. Figure of girl dancing with arm upraised beneath. Carved figures.
In centre near circle.—Basket. Large sausage with roll of bread in conjunction. Small query. Numeral "2."
The numeral "4," beside the shapeless leaves, and the line leading from this to the flat rock beyond, indicate that in about four days the consultant may expect to meet with obstacles in the way of some prospective outing or pleasure, which will probably fall through.
The corkscrew, with the letter "C" in conjunction, signifies vexatious curiosity as to the consultant's private concerns, on the part of persons whose names begin with these initials. But that it is merely a passing annoyance is shown by the symbol of the arch, and dancing figures above it, and, with the fig tree beyond, foretells the development of things most wished for, and much future happiness and prosperity.
The anvil in the centre, with the branches of a tree in conjunction, suggests that it will be largely owing to the consultant's energy that this hopeful outlook in the future may safely be predicted.
On sides.—Corkscrew. Letter "C." Arch. Dancing figures above. Fig tree.
Near rim.—Shapeless leaves. Numeral "4." Line leading to flat rock.
In centre.—Anvil. Branches of a tree.
Under handle.—Scattered dots.
Although the small symbol of the dagger points towards the consultant, it would not in this case predict a personal danger, as there are no further signs of illness or misfortune. So that it may safely be taken to mean that the consultant will shortly be going to see a friend who has had an operation; this fact is borne out by the short dotted line beyond, leading to the door knocker, under which is written the word "in."
The numeral "7" coming at the end of the dotted line would show that it will probably be seven weeks before this friend recovers from the illness. This friend's name is shown to begin with "L," as that letter is also near the end of the lines.
The more distant signs of a brooch and a cabinet beyond both foretell the unexpected development of good fortune. If the consultant is married, the thimble in the centre would show future changes in the household; that they will be advantageous is shown by the large feather which gives assurance of a prosperous future.
That this may come about through a friend, or lover, is shown by the cigar, and is further emphasised by the large dots beside it.
A warning against extravagance, however, is given to the consultant by the crinoline, which appears amidst these signs of future wealth.
Near rim.—Small dagger. Short dotted line leading to door knocker, with "in" written beneath. Numeral "7." Letter "L." Dots.
On sides near circle.—Group of dots and small symbols showing presents. Brooch. Cabinet.
In centre.—Crinoline. Large feather. Small cigar. Thimble.
Under handle.—Symbols of letters and parcels.
The only definite indication of future prospects is shown by the symbol of the organ, and acorn, upon the circle at the bottom of the cup, the position of these signs showing that hope will not be realised for some time.
But these symbols make the prediction of ultimate success a safe one. Should the consultant be a musician, triumph in the profession would be assured.
The coal scoop and beetle are significant of domestic worries and household cares. But the tea cosy in the centre promises compensation in the way of small comforts and affection.
Small symbol of a coal scoop.
On circle.—Organ. Acorn beside it. Beetle.
In centre.—Tea cosy.
This cup would be singularly disappointing from the consultant's point of view, as it is devoid of incident.
The large spray of thistle on the rim indicates an unselfish life of endurance. For the present, there is no sign of a more eventful existence.
The dust-pan, brush, and duster, in the centre, point to future domestic vexations, but the large spray of iris beside it promises a pleasure which will far outbalance the trifling disturbance.
Near rim.—Thistle.
Centre.—Dust-pan and brush. Duster. Large spray of iris.
Under handle.—Shapeless leaves.
The most striking features of this cup are the various indications of pleasure and social enjoyment. These being shown by the cake and butterfly, while the orchid in conjunction predicts that the consultant's personal charm and power of attraction will result in a future of wealth and social distinction.
The pillar, near the rim and handle, gives a pleasing assurance of security and loyal friends. The bird flying from the cage brings joyful news, that something which has been an obstacle in the way of the consultant's desires is about to be removed, and much future happiness may be looked for.
The figure of the man fishing from a rock foreshows the arrival of a visitor, who will have some pleasant news to tell.
The toque opposite the handle, but at the bottom of the cup, gives further evidence of the good luck coming to this fortunate consultant.
Near rim.—Small stone pillar. Cake on dish. Man on rock fishing.
On sides.—Bird cage, small bird flying from it.
On circle.—Butterfly. Lady's hat.
In centre.—Orchid with long stalk.
Under handle.—Shapeless leaves.
This cup indicates that the consultant is apt to be ruffled by trifles and to become upset by anything unexpected. As, for instance, in the case of the arrival of visitors, shown by the mass of leaves and chair. The query beside it shows the indecision of the consultant's mind as to necessary arrangements. The boots on the opposite side denote that lack of income will not trouble the consultant.
But that there is some misfortune or hindrance in the future is shown by the symbol of the broken cross in the bottom of the cup; the head and shoulders of the woman beside it suggest that this trouble will be caused by a woman. Compensation will be found in the happy love affair, which is clearly predicted by the cherries, the figures of the man and woman embracing, and the man's hat and pipe.
Large dots signify that wealth will be added to happiness. This event must not be expected for some months, as the symbols are in the bottom of the cup.
The letter "N" with the dots and small tree beyond show an immediate pleasant happening, in connection with a person whose name begins with that letter.
Near rim.—Mass of leaves. Stones.
On sides.—Chair. Query. Two boots.
On circle.—Figure of man and woman embracing. Small bunch of cherries beneath. Several dots. Man's hat and pipe in conjunction.
In centre.—Broken cross. Head and shoulders of woman.
Under handle.—Letter "N." Small tree beyond.
The present conditions of this consultant are not cheering. The large cloud, associated with dots, the small dog on the opposite side, and the policeman beyond, all point to grievous money worries, possibly caused by dishonesty.
The somewhat indistinct axe implies a brave effort to overcome, and final mastery of, some of the difficulties.
However, the future has more pleasant prospects, and may be looked forward to with hope. The symbols of the clover and cherries, give assurance of this.
The spray of ivy speaks of the patience with which the present trials are borne, also that true friends are a source of comfort to the consultant.
On side.—Small dog lying down.
Near rim.—Policeman. Indistinct symbol of an axe. Large cloud. Dots.
Centre.—Two small butterflies. Small symbol of a stocking. Small bunch of cherries. Spray of ivy. Clover.
The consultant who has "turned" this cup must be prepared for delays, and must not expect real happiness until rather late in life, this being shown by the bonnet and strings on the side of the cup.
The small symbol of birds on a perch gives further evidence that having to wait is a feature of the consultant's lot. The rock and pipe beyond show some dismay with regard to a dear friend.
The large spray of mistletoe and holly at the bottom of the cup, with the letters "F" and "L" in conjunction, implies that some event of importance to the consultant, in connection with persons whose names begin with these initial letters, will occur in the winter. If the cup has been "turned" during the autumn or winter, probably a year will pass before the event takes place, as the mistletoe indicates delay. But this consultant is prepared to hear the truth, and faces it calmly, even if it is a little unpleasant; the symbol of the woman looking into the glass brings this fact to light.
The child playing with its toys foreshows future pleasant plans which will result in tranquillity and satisfaction.
On sides.—Bonnet and strings. Birds on perch. Pieces of rock. A pipe.
On circle.—Child with toys.
Centre.—Large sprays of mistletoe and holly. Letters "F" and "L." Figure of woman looking in glass.
This cup was "turned" by a well-known authoress. Its sinister appearance is accounted for by the fact that at the time of "turning" the cup, she was arranging mentally a murder plot for the book she was then writing.
The symbols speak for themselves and need no explanation.
It is a most interesting specimen, as being absolutely unique.
On side overlapping circle.—Tail and hindquarters of rat, with head in a hole. Monster with a man's head and bear's paws.
On side.—Dead fish beyond.
The consultant who "turned" this cup was sorrowful and had either just passed through a bereavement, or such will take place in the immediate future. The rough cross and the grave near the handle point to this. The bed, with the figure of the woman in nurse's cloak near it tells of serious illness in the home. But this is a future trouble, as the symbols appear at some distance from the handle. The saucepan also bears witness to the general gloom.
The ivy leaves beyond the rough cross show the patience with which the consultant bears the trials; also that good and loyal friends will be a source of comfort.
The small bit of wood and the closed book are symbols of hope, and assure this sad consultant that the expected improvement in affairs will certainly take place and will relieve some of the present anxieties.
This is the most that can be foretold of the future, for there are no signs of pleasant events or definite changes. Indeed, the symbol of the loaf of bread in the centre of the cup shows that monotony and ordinary routine are all that can be predicted from the divination.
Near rim.—Rough cross. Ivy leaves beyond. Large closed book.
On sides.—Log of wood. Bed. Figure of a woman in nurse's cloak beside it. Grave, with small cross.
In centre.—Loaf of bread. Small symbol of a saucepan.
This cup gives an impression of a somewhat undeveloped character which is further brought into notice by the stump of a tree on the circle; the hen on a nest, near the handle, points to a home life of comfort and affection.
The egg in the cup, and the duck, show that a risk of threatened disaster, as a result of rash speculation will be averted, and with the symbol of the three boots, fortunate prospects, and the guarantee of hope fulfilled, may safely be predicted for the future.
On sides.—Hen on nest. Shapeless leaves. Egg in cup.
Near circle opposite handle.—A duck.
On circle.—Stump of tree. Three boots.
The figure of the child, with its toys beyond, implies that new plans, to be made very soon, will be most beneficial, and will bring much pleasure to the consultant. But as the sausages and snail are not far distant, there is likely to be a marring of the pleasant conditions, caused by an act of unfaithfulness on the part of someone with whom the consultant is closely connected.
The bellows beyond suggest that the matter is treated with as much philosophy as possible, and with a resolve to make the best of a bad business; the ham also, being in conjunction, it is evident that the episode will not interfere with the consultant's success in life.
The sign post, with the running figure beside it and the large letter "M" beyond, prepare the consultant for startling news, the result of which will be of great importance. The news will come from a place beginning with the letter "M." There is no doubt that the matter will turn out admirably and bring about many advantages, as shown by the spreading branches of the tree; while the grapes beneath promise abundant success and joy.
The large boot-tree and latch-key on the circle beneath the handle predict a fortunate and unexpected gain in the near future. This consultant may look forward with confidence to the pleasures which fate has in store.
On sides.—Child seated. Toys beyond. Sausages. Snail. Ham. Bellows.
In centre.—Sign post. Running figure beside it. Large letter "M" in conjunction.
On circle.—Tree with spreading branches. Bunch of grapes beneath. Large boot-tree. Latch-key.
The shadow beneath the haycock shows that the consultant will soon be placed in a somewhat trying position and will have considerable difficulty in finding a way out of it.
The future is full of promise and there can be little doubt that the consultant will enjoy the pleasures of prosperity.
A journey to a cold climate to be taken later will result in very propitious news as shown by the symbol of the pheasant.
On sides.—Shapeless leaves. Haycock. Shadow beneath.
In centre.—Pair of boots. Spreading branches of a tree. Pheasant flying.
Near circle.—Head of a polar bear.
The doll on the side, with the small symbol of a toadstool beside it, gives a warning to the consultant against folly and a bad habit of gossiping when feeling bored in society. The stuffed head of the deer, in this case, shows that much distress is caused by the unguarded talk, and the consultant certainly cannot be described as an "innocent cause."
The various scattered shapeless leaves point to confusion, and a somewhat "happy-go-lucky" nature. The spray of poppies on the circle beneath the handle foreshows that a pleasant experience may be expected in the summer.
The broken gate, with the cross above it, denotes that a new opportunity which awaits the consultant at a future date, will coincide with a time of perplexity and trouble, which fact is further borne out by the running figure below. This being in conjunction with a large letter "Y," implies that the disturbance will arise in connection with a place, the name of which begins with "Y."
On sides.—Small symbol of a toadstool. Doll. Head of a stuffed deer.
Near rim.—Many shapeless leaves.
On circle.—Spray of poppies.
In centre.—Broken gate with cross above it. Large "Y." Running figure.
This cup shows confusion and that the consultant was in a state of mental turmoil at the time of "turning" it. But in spite of this drawback there are some interesting facts to be found.
The dotted circles and large ornamental arch point to a most hopeful outlook and to the successful development of some desire at present unattainable.
The various initials and small numerals scattered about show correspondence as to plans and fixing of dates. The bush apple tree speaks of some pleasure which may be looked forward to in the summer.
The dancing figures predict much future happiness; the numerous changes which are likely to come about will all tend to success and the gratifying of the consultant's wishes. And what more cheerful outlook than this can be desired?
On sides.—Scattered shapeless leaves. Several initials. Small numerals. Dotted circles. A large ornamental arch.
Near circle.—Bush apple tree.
In centre.—Dancing and grotesque figures.
It may be safely promised to those who follow the simple instructions given in this book that within a short time they will find themselves encircled by a halo of popularity. For few things provide a more certain guarantee of this pleasant condition than that of being able to "tell fortunes." Divination by tea-leaves will bring to those who study it deeply a fund of knowledge beyond the radius of normal understanding.
For those who use it as a means of amusement only, it will give pleasure which is dependent upon nothing more difficult to obtain than a cup of tea! With this recommendation I will leave these pages, in the sincere hope that this little book may be of real value to those who desire to be initiated into the fascinating art of reading the future in a tea-cup.