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the master. After the death of Confucius, Chi K'ang asked Yen how that event had made no sensation like that which was made by the death of Tsze-ch'an, when the men laid aside their bowstring rings and girdle ornaments, and the women laid aside their pearls and ear-rings, and the voice of weeping was heard in the lanes for three months. Yen replied, 'The influences of Tsze- ch'an and my master might be compared to those of overflowing water and the fattening rain. Wherever the water in its overflow reaches, men take knowledge of it, while the fattening rain falls unobserved.' 10. Pu Shang, styled Tsze-hsia (, ). It is not certain to what State he belonged, his birth being assigned to Wei (), to Wei (), and to Wan (). He was forty-five years younger than Confucius, and lived to a great age, for we find him, B.C. 406, at the court of the prince Wan of Wei ( ), to whom he gave copies of some of the classical Books. He is represented as a scholar extensively read and exact, but without great comprehension of mind. What is called Mao's Shih-ching () is said to contain the views of Tsze-hsia. Kung-yang Kao and Ku-liang Ch'ih are also said to have studied the Ch'un Ch'iu with him. On the occasion of the death of his son he wept himself blind. His place is the fifth, east, among 'The Wise Ones.' 11. Chwan-sun Shih, styled Tsze-chang (, ), has his tablet, corresponding to that of the preceding, on the west. He was a native of Ch'an (), and forty-eight years younger than Confucius. Tsze-kung said, 'Not to boast of his admirable merit; not to signify joy on account of noble station; neither insolent nor indolent; showing no pride to the dependent:— these are the characteristics of Chwan-sun Shih.' When he was sick, he called (his son) Shan-hsiang to him, and said, 'We speak of his end in the case of a superior man, and of his death in the case of a mean man. May I think that it is going to be the former with me to-day?' 12. Tsang Shan [or Ts'an] styled Tsze-yu (, [al. ]). He was a native of south Wu-ch'ang, and forty-six years younger than Confucius. In his sixteenth year he was sent by his father into Ch'u, where Confucius then was, to learn under the sage. Excepting perhaps Yen Hui, there is not a name of greater note in the Confucian school. Tsze-kung said of him, 'There is no subject which he has not studied. His appearance is respectful. His virtue is solid. His words command credence. Before great men he draws himself up in the pride of self-respect. His eyebrows are those of longevity.' He was noted for his filial piety, and after the death of his parents, he could not read the rites of mourning without being led to think of them, and moved to tears. He was a voluminous writer. Ten Books of his composition are said to be contained in the 'Rites of the elder Tai' (). The Classic of Filial Piety he is said to have made under the eye of Confucius. On his connexion with 'The Great Learning,' see above, Ch. III. Sect. II. He was first associated with the sacrifices to Confucius in A.D. 668, but in 1267 he was advanced to be one of the sage's four Assessors. His title— 'Exhibitor of the Fundamental Principles of the Sage,' dates from the period of Chia-ching, as mentioned in speaking of Yen Hui. 13. Tan-t'ai Mieh-ming, styled Tsze-yu (, ). He was a native of Wu-ch'ang, thirty-nine years younger than Confucius, according to the 'Historical Records,' but forty-nine, according to the 'Narratives of the School.' He was excessively ugly, and Confucius thought meanly of his talents in consequence, on his first application to him. After completing his studies, he travelled to the south as far as the Yang-tsze. Traces of his presence in that part of the country are still pointed out in the department of Su-chau. He was followed by about three hundred disciples, to whom he laid down rules for their guidance in their intercourse with the princes. When Confucius heard of his success, he confessed how he had been led by his bad looks to misjudge him. He, with nearly all the disciples whose names follow, first had a place assigned to him in the sacrifices to Confucius in A.D. 739. The place of his tablet is the second, east, in the outer court, beyond that of the 'Assessors' and 'Wise Ones.' 14. Corresponding to the preceding, on the west, is the tablet of Fu Pu-ch'i styled Tsze-tsien ( [al. and , all = ] , ). He was a native of Lu, and, according to different accounts, thirty, forty, and forty-nine years younger than Confucius. He was commandant of Tan-fu ( ), and hardly needed to put forth any personal effort. Wu-ma Ch'i had been in the same office, and had succeeded by dint of the greatest industry and toil. He asked Pu-ch'i how he managed so easily for himself, and was answered, 'I employ men; you employ men's strength.' People pronounced Fu to be a superior man. He was also a writer, and his works are mentioned in Liu Hsin's Catalogue. 15. Next to that of Mieh-ming is the tablet of Yuan Hsien, styled Tsze- sze (, ) a native of Sung or according to Chang Hsuan, of Lu, and younger than Confucius by thirty-six years. He was noted for his purity and modesty, and for his happiness in the principles of the master amid deep poverty. After the death of Confucius, he lived in obscurity in Wei. In the notes to Ana. VI. iii, I have referred to an interview which he had with Tsze-kung. 16. Kung-ye Ch'ang [al. Chih], styled Tsze-ch'ang [al. Tsze- chih], ( [al. ], [al. ]), has his tablet next to that of Pu-ch'i. He was son-in-law to Confucius. His nativity is assigned both to Lu and to Ch'i. 17. Nan-kung Kwo, styled Tsze-yung ( [al. and, in the 'Narratives of the School,' (T'ao)], ), has the place at the east next to Yuan Hsien. It is a question much debated whether he was the same with Nan-kung Chang-shu, who accompanied Confucius to the court of Chau, or not. On occasion of a fire breaking out in the palace of duke Ai, while others were intent on securing the contents of the Treasury, Nan-kung directed his efforts to save the Library, and to him was owing the preservation of the copy of the Chau Li which was in Lu, and other ancient monuments. 18. Kung-hsi Ai, styled Chi-ts'ze [al. Chi-ch'an] (, [al. ]). His tablet follows that of Kung-ye. He was a native of Lu, or of Ch'i. Confucius commended him for refusing to take office with any of the Families which were encroaching on the authority of the princes of the States, and for choosing to endure the severest poverty rather than sacrifice a tittle of his principles. 19. Tsang Tien, styled Hsi ([al. ], ). .He was the father of Tsang Shan. His place in the temples is the hall to Confucius's ancestors, where his tablet is the first, west. 20. Yen Wu-yao, styled Lu (, ). He was the father of Yen Hui, younger than Confucius by six years. His sacrificial place is the first, east, in the same hall as the last. 21. Following the tablet of Nan-kung Kwo is that of Shang Chu, styled Tsze-mu (, ). To him, it is said, we are indebted for the preservation of the Yi-ching, which he received from Confucius. Its transmission step by step, from Chu down to the Han dynasty, is minutely set forth. 22. Next to Kung-hsi Ai is the place of Kao Ch'ai, styled Tsze-kao and Chi-kao (, [al. ; for moreover, we find , and ]), a native of Ch'i, according to the 'Narratives of the School,' but of Wei, according to Sze-ma Ch'ien and Chang Hsuan. He was thirty (some say forty) years younger than Confucius, dwarfish and ugly, but of great worth and ability. At one time he was criminal judge of Wei, and in the execution of his office condemned a prisoner to lose his feet. Afterwards that same man saved his life, when he was flying from the State. Confucius praised Ch'ai for being able to administer stern justice with such a spirit of benevolence as to disarm resentment. 23. Shang Chu is followed by Ch'i-tiao K'ai [prop. Ch'i], styled Tsze-k'ai, Tsze-zo, and Tsze-hsiu ( [pr. ], , , and ), a native of Ts'ai (), or according to Chang Hsuan, of Lu. We only know him as a reader of the Shu-ching, and refusing to go into office. 24. Kung-po Liao, styled Tsze-chau (, ). He appears in the Analects, XIV. xxxiii, slandering Tsze-lu. It is doubtful whether he should have a place among the disciples. 25. Sze-ma Kang, styled Tsze-niu (, ), follows Ch'i-tiao K'ai; also styled . He was a great talker, a native of Sung, and a brother of Hwan T'ui, to escape from whom seems to have been the labour of his life. 26. The place next Kao Ch'ai is occupied by Fan Hsu, styled Tsze-ch'ih ( , ), a native of Ch'i, or, according to others, of Lu, and whose age is given as thirty-six and forty-six years younger than Confucius. When young, he distinguished himself in a military command under the Chi family. 27. Yu Zo, styled Tsze-zo (, ). He was a native of Lu, and his age is stated very variously. He was noted among the disciples for his great memory and fondness for antiquity. After the death of Confucius, the rest of the disciples, because of some likeness in Zo's speech to the Master, wished to render the same observances to him which they had done to Confucius, but on Tsang Shan's demurring to the thing, they abandoned the purpose. The tablet of Tsze-zo is now the sixth, east among 'The Wise Ones,' to which place it was promoted in the third year of Ch'ien-lung of the present dynasty. This was done in compliance with a memorial from the president of one of the Boards, who said he was moved by a dream to make the request. We may suppose that his real motives were a wish to do Justice to the merits of Tsze-zo, and to restore the symmetry of the tablets in the 'Hall of the Great and Complete One,' which had been disturbed by the introduction of the tablet of Chu Hsi in the preceding reign. 28. Kung-hsi Ch'ih, styled Tsze-hwa (, ), a native of Lu, younger than Confucius by forty-two years, whose place is the fourth, west, in the outer court. He was noted for his knowledge of ceremonies, and the other disciples devolved on him all the arrangements about the funeral of the Master. 29. Wu-ma Shih [or Ch'i], styled Tsze-Ch'i ( [al. ], [al. ]), a native of Ch'an, or, according to Chang Hsuan, of Lu, thirty years younger than Confucius. His tablet is on the east, next to that of Sze-ma Kang. It is related that on one occasion, when Confucius was about to set out with a company of the disciples on a walk or journey, he told them to take umbrellas. They met with a heavy shower, and Wu-ma asked him, saying, 'There were no clouds in the morning; but after the sun had risen, you told us to take umbrellas. How did you know that it would rain?' Confucius said, 'The moon last evening was in the constellation Pi, and is it not said in the Shih-ching, "When the moon is in Pi, there will be heavy rain?" It was thus I knew it.' 30. Liang Chan [al. Li], styled Shu-yu ( [al. ] ), occupies the eighth place, west, among the tablets of the outer court. He was a man of Ch'i, and his age is stated as twenty-nine and thirty-nine years younger than Confucius. The following story is told in connexion with him.— When he was thirty, being disappointed that he had no son, he was minded to put away his wife. 'Do not do so,' said Shang Chu to him. 'I was thirty-eight before I had a son, and my mother was then about to take another wife for me, when the Master proposed sending me to Ch'i. My mother was unwilling that I should go, but Confucius said, 'Don't be anxious. Chu will have five sons after he is forty.' It has turned out so, and I apprehend it is your fault, and not your wife's, that you have no son yet.' Chan took this advice, and in the second year after, he had a son. 31. Yen Hsing [al. Hsin, Liu, and Wei], styled Tsze-liu ( [al. , , and ], ), occupies the place, east, after Wu-ma Shih. He was a native of Lu, and forty-six years younger than Confucius. 32. Liang Chan is followed on the west by Zan Zu, styled Tsze-lu [al. Tsze-tsang and Tsze-yu] ( [al. ] * [al. * Digitizer's note: This is in the source text; I have corrected what is an obvious misprint. and ]), a native of Lu, and fifty years younger than Confucius. 33. Yen Hsing is followed on the east by Ts'ao Hsu, styled Tsze-hsun ( , ), a native of Ts'ai, fifty years younger than Confucius. 34. Next on the west is Po Ch'ien, styled Tsze-hsi, or, in the current copies of the 'Narratives of the School,' Tsze-ch'iai (, [al. ] or ), a native of Lu, fifty years younger than Confucius. 35. Following Tsze-hsun is Kung-sun Lung [al. Ch'ung] styled Tsze- shih ( [al. ], ), whose birth is assigned by different writers to Wei, Ch'u, and Chao (). He was fifty-three years younger than Confucius. We have the following account:— 'Tsze-kung asked Tsze-shih, saying, "Have you not learned the Book of' Poetry?" Tsze-shih replied, "What leisure have I to do so? My parents require me to be filial; my brothers require me to be submissive; and my friends require me to be sincere. What leisure have I for anything else?" "Come to my Master," said Tsze-kung, "and learn of him."' Sze-ma Ch'ien here observes: 'Of the thirty-five disciples which precede, we have some details. Their age and other particulars are found in the Books and Records. It is not so, however, in regard to the fifty-two which follow.' 36. Zan Chi, styled Tsze-ch'an [al. Chi-ch'an and Tsze-ta] (, [al. and ), a native of Lu, whose place is the 11th, west, next to Po Ch'ien. 37. Kung-tsu Kau-tsze or simply Tsze, styled Tsze-chih ( [or simply ], ), a native of Lu. His tablet is the 23rd, east, in the outer court. 38. Ch'in Tsu, styled Tsze-nan (, ), a native of Ch'in. His tablet precedes that of the last, two places. 39. Ch'i-tiao Ch'ih, styled Tsze-lien ( [al. ], ), a native of Lu. His tablet is the 13th, west. 40. Yen Kao, styled Tsze-chiao (). According to the 'Narratives of the School,' he was the same as Yen K'o (, or ), who drove the carriage when Confucius rode in Wei after the duke and Nan-tsze. But this seems doubtful. Other authorities make his name Ch'an (), and style him Tsze-tsing (). His tablet is the 13th, east. 41. Ch'i-tiao Tu-fu [al. . Ts'ung], styled Tsze-yu, Tsze-ch'i, and Tsze-wan ( [al. ], or [al. and ]), a native of Lu, whose tablet precedes that of Ch'i-tiao Ch'ih. 42. Zang Sze-ch'ih, styled Tsze-t'u, or Tsze-ts'ung ( [al. ] , [al. ]), a native of Ch'in. Some consider Zang-sze () to be a double surname. His tablet comes after that of No. 40. 43. Shang Chai, styled Tsze-Ch'i and Tsze-hsiu (, [al. ]), a native of Lu. His tablet is immediately after that of Fan Hsu, No. 26. 44. Shih Tso [al. Chih and Tsze]-shu, styled Tsze-ming ( [al. and ], , ). Some take Shih-tso () as a double surname. His tablet follows that of No. 42. 45. Zan Pu-ch'i, styled Hsuan (, ), a native of Ch'u, whose tablet is next to that of No. 28. 46. Kung-liang Zu, styled Tsze-chang ( [al. ], ), a native of Ch'in, follows the preceding in the temples. The 'Sacrificial Canon' says:— 'Tsze-chang was a man of worth and bravery. When Confucius was surrounded and stopped in P'u, Tsze-chang fought so desperately, that the people of P'u were afraid, and let the Master go, on his swearing that he would not proceed to Wei.' 47. Hau [al. Shih] Ch'u [al. Ch'ien], styled Tsze-li [al. Li-ch'ih] ( [al. ] [al. ], [al. ]), a native of Ch'i, having his tablet the 17th, east. 48. Ch'in Zan, styled K'ai (, ), a native of Ts'ai. He is not given in the list of the 'Narratives of the School,' and on this account his tablet was put out of the temples in the ninth year of Chia-tsing. It was restored, however, in the second year of Yung-chang, A.D. 1724, and is the 33rd, east, in the outer court. 49. Kung-hsia Shau, styled Shang [and Tsze-shang] ( [al. ], [and ]), a native of Lu, whose tablet is next to that of No. 44. 50. Hsi Yung-tien [or simply Tien], styled Tsze-hsi [al. Tsze- chieh and Tsze-ch'ieh] ( [or ], [al. and ]), a native of Wei, having his tablet the 18th, east. 51. Kung Chien-ting [al. Kung Yu], styled Tsze-chung ( [al. ] [al. ], [al. and ]). His nativity is assigned to Lu, to Wei, and to Tsin (). He follows No. 46. 52. Yen Tsu [al. Hsiang], styled Hsiang and Tsze-hsiang ( [al. ], , and ), a native of Lu, with his tablet following that of No. 50. 53. Chiao Tan [al. Wu], styled Tsze-kea ( [al. ], ), a native of Lu. His place is next to that of No. 51. 54. Chu [al. Kau] Tsing-ch'iang [and simply Tsing], styled Tsze- ch'iang [al. Tsze-chieh and Tsze-mang] ( [al. and ] [and simply ], [al. and ]), a native of Wei, following No. 52. 55. Han [al. Tsai]-fu Hei, styled Tsze-hei [al. Tsze-so and Tsze-su] ( [al. ] , [al. and ]), a native of Lu, whose tablet is next to that of No. 53. 56. Ch'in Shang, styled Tsze-p'ei [al. P'ei-tsze and Pu-tsze] (, [al. and ]), a native of Lu, or, according to Chang Hsuan, of Ch'u. He was forty years younger than Confucius. One authority, however, says he was only four years younger, and that his father and Confucius's father were both celebrated for their strength. His tablet is the 12th, east. 57. Shin Tang, styled Chau (). In the 'Narratives of the School' there is a Shin Chi, styled Tsze-chau (, ). The name is given by others as T'ang ( and ) and Tsu (), with the designation Tsze-tsu ( ). These are probably the same person mentioned in the Analects as Shin Ch'ang (). Prior to the Ming dynasty they were sacrificed to as two, but in A.D. 1530, the name Tang was expunged from the sacrificial list, and only that of Ch'ang left. His tablet is the 31st, east. 58. Yen Chih-p'o, styled Tsze-shu [or simply Shu] (, [or simply ]), a native of Lu, who occupies the 29th place, east. 59. Yung Ch'i, styled Tsze-ch'i [al. Tsze-yen] ( [or ], or [al. ]), a native of Lu, whose tablet is the 20th, west. * Digitizer's note: The actual variant used by Legge is (). 60. Hsien Ch'ang, styled Tsze-ch'i [al. Tsze-hung] (, [al. ]), a native of Lu. His place is the 22nd, east. 61. Tso Zan-ying [or simply Ying], styled Hsing and Tsze-hsing ( [or simply ], and ), a native of Lu. His tablet follows that of No. 59. 62. Yen Chi, styled An [al. Tsze-sze] ( [or ], [al. ) a native of Ch'in. His tablet is the 24th east. 63: Chang Kwo, styled Tsze-t'u (, ), a native of Lu. This is understood to be the same with the Hsieh Pang, styled Tsze-ts'ung (, ), of the 'Narratives of the School.' His tablet follows No. 61. 64. Ch'in Fei, styled Tsze-chih (, ), a native of Lu, having his tablet the 31st, west. 65. Shih Chih-ch'ang, styled Tsze-hang [al. ch'ang] (, [al. ]), a native of Lu. His tablet is the 30th, east. 66. Yen K'wai, styled Tsze-shang (, ), a native of Lu. His tablet is the next to that of No. 64. 67. Pu Shu-shang, styled Tsze-ch'e ( [in the 'Narratives of the School' we have an old form of ], ), a native of Ch'i. Sometimes for Pu () we find Shao (). His tablet is the 30th, west. 68. Yuan K'ang, styled Tsze-chi (, ), a native of Lu. Sze-ma Ch'ien calls him Yuan K'ang-chi, not mentioning any designation. The 'Narratives of the School' makes him Yuan K'ang (), styled Chi. His tablet is the 23rd, west. 69. Yo K'o [al. Hsin], styled Tsze-shang (, [al. ], ), a native of Lu. His tablet is the 25th, east. 70. Lien Chieh, styled Yung and Tsze-yung [al. Tsze-ts'ao] (, and [al. ), a native of Wei, or of Ch'i. His tablet is next to that of No. 68. 71. Shu-chung Hui [al. K'wai], styled Tsze-ch'i ( [al. ], ), a native of Lu, or, according to Chang Hsuan, of Tsin. He was younger than Confucius by fifty-four years. It is said that he and another youth, called K'ung Hsuan (), attended by turns with their pencils, and acted as amanuenses to the sage, and when Mang Wu-po expressed a doubt of their competency, Confucius declared his satisfaction with them. He follows Lien Chieh in the temples. 72. Yen Ho, styled Zan (, ), a native of Lu. The present copies of the 'Narratives of the School' do not contain his name, and in A.D. 1588 Zan was displaced from his place in the temples. His tablet, however, has been restored during the present dynasty. It is the 33rd, west. 73. Ti Hei, styled Che [al. Tsze-che and Che-chih] (, [al. and ]), a native of Wei, or of Lu. His tablet is the 26th, east. 74. Kwei [al. Pang] Sun, styled Tsze-lien [al. Tsze-yin] ( (kui1 ) [al. ] , [al. ]), a native of Lu. His tablet is the 27th, west. 75. K'ung Chung, styled Tsze-mieh (, ). This was the son, it is said, of Confucius's elder brother, the cripple Mang-p'i. His tablet is next to that of No. 73. His sacrificial title is 'The ancient Worthy, the philosopher Mieh.' 76. Kung-hsi Yu-zu [al. Yu], styled Tsze-shang ( [al. ], ), a native of Lu. His place is the 26th, west. 77. Kung-hsi Tien, styled Tsze-shang ( [or ], [al. ]), a native of Lu. His tablet is the 28th, east. 78. Ch'in Chang [al. Lao], styled Tsze-k'ai ( [al. ], ), a native of Wei. His tablet is the 29th, west. 79. Ch'an K'ang, styled Tsze-k'ang [al. Tsze-ch'in] (, [al. ]), a native of Ch'an. See notes on Ana. I. x. 80. Hsien Tan [al. Tan-fu and Fang], styled Tsze-hsiang ( [al. and ], ), a native of Lu. Some suppose that this is the same as No. 53. The advisers of the present dynasty in such matters, however, have considered them to be different, and in 1724, a tablet was assigned to Hsien Tan, the 34th, west. The three preceding names are given in the 'Narratives of the School.' The research of scholars has added about twenty others. 81. Lin Fang, styled Tsze-ch'iu (, ), a native of Lu. The only thing known of him is from the Ana. III. iv. His tablet was displaced under the Ming, but has been restored by the present dynasty. It is the first, west. 82. Chu Yuan, styled Po-yu (, ), an officer of Wei, and, as appears from the Analects and Mencius, an intimate friend of Confucius. Still his tablet has shared the same changes as that of Lin Fang. It is now the first, east. 83 and 84. Shan Ch'ang () and Shan T'ang (). See No. 57. 85. Mu P'i (), mentioned by Mencius, VII. Pt. II. xxxvii. 4. His entrance into the temple has been under the present dynasty. His tablet is the 34th, east. 86. Tso Ch'iu-ming or Tso-ch'iu Ming () has the 32nd place, east. His title was fixed in A.D. 1530 to be 'The Ancient Scholar,' but in 1642 it was raised to that of 'Ancient Worthy.' To him we owe the most distinguished of the annotated editions of the Ch'un Ch'iu. But whether he really was a disciple of Confucius, and in personal communication with him, is much debated. The above are the only names and surnames of those of the disciples who now share in the sacrifices to the sage. Those who wish to exhaust the subject, mention in addition, on the authority of Tso Ch'iu-ming, Chung-sun Ho-chi (), a son of Mang Hsi (see p. 63), and Chung-sun Shwo ( ), also a son of Mang Hsi, supposed by many to be the same with No. 17; Zu Pei, (), mentioned in the Analects, XVII. xx, and in the Li Chi, XVIII. Sect. II. ii. 22; Kung-wang Chih-ch'iu () and Hsu Tien (), mentioned in the Li Chi, XLIII. 7; Pin-mau Chia (), mentioned in the Li Chi, XVII. iii. 16; K'ung Hsuan () and Hai Shu-lan (), on the authority of the 'Narratives of the School;' Ch'ang Chi (), mentioned by Chwang-tsze; Chu Yu (), mentioned by Yen-tsze (); Lien Yu () and Lu Chun (), on the authority of ; and finally Tsze-fu Ho ( ), the Tsze-fu Ching-po () of the Analects, XIV. xxxviii. CHAPTER VI. LIST OF THE PRINCIPAL WORKS WHICH HAVE BEEN CONSULTED IN THE PREPARATION OF THIS VOLUME. |
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