The descent of the testis is effected by a very slow and gradual process of change. (Tout va par degres dans la nature, et rien par sauts.—Bonnet.) But how, or by what distinct and active structural agent, this descent is effected, or whether there does exist, in fact, any such agent as that which anatomists name "gubernaculum testis," are questions which appear to me by no means settled.[Footnote]
[Footnote: Dr. Carpenter (Principles of Human Physiology) remarks, that "the cause of this descent is not very clear. It can scarcely be due merely, as some have supposed, to the contraction of the gubernaculum, since that does not contain any fibrous structure until after the lowering of the testis has commenced." Dr. Sharpey (Quain's Anatomy, 5th edition) observes, that "the office of the gubernaculum is yet imperfectly understood." The opinions of these two distinguished physiologists will doubtless be regarded as an impartial estimate of the results of the researches prosecuted in reference to these questions by Haller, Camper, Hunter, Arnaud, Lobstein, Meckel, Paletta, Wrisberg, Vicq d'Azyr, Brugnone, Tumiati, Seiler, Girardi, Cooper, Bell, Weber, Carus, Cloquet, Curling, and others. From my own observations, I am led to believe that no such muscular structure as a gubernaculum exists, and therefore that the descent of the testis is the effect of another cause. Leaving these matters, however, to the consideration of the physiologist, it is sufficient for the surgeon to know that the testis in its transition derives certain coverings from the parietes of the groin, and that a communication is thereby established between the scrotal and abdominal cavities. ]
The general lining membrane of the foetal abdomen is composed of two layers—an outer one of fibrous, and an inner one of serous structure. Of these two layers, the abdominal viscera form for themselves a double envelope. [Footnote] The testis in the loins has a covering from both membranes, and is still found to be enclosed by both, even when it has descended to the scrotum. The two coverings of fibro-serous structure which surrounded the testis in the loins become respectively the tunica albuginea and tunica vaginalis when the gland occupies the scrotal cavity.
[Footnote: Langenbeck describes the peritonaeum as consisting of two layers; one external and fibrous, another internal and serous. By the first, he means, I presume, that membrane of which the transversalis and iliac fasciae are parts. (See Comment. de Periton. Structura, &c.) ]
Plate 39—Figure 1
PLATE 39, Fig. 2.—The testicle in the scrotum.—When the testicle, 5, descends into the scrotum, 7, which happens in general at the time of birth, the abdomino-scrotal fibro-serous membrane, 6 a, 6 d, is still continuous at the internal ring, 6 b. From this point downwards, to a level with the upper border of the testicle, the canal of communication between the scrotal cavity and the abdomen becomes elongated and somewhat constricted. At this part, the canal itself consists, like the abdominal membrane above and the scrotal membrane below, of a fibrous and serous layer, the latter enclosed within the former. The serous lining of this canal is destined to be obliterated, while the outer fibrous membrane is designed to remain in its primitive condition. When the serous canal contracts and degenerates to the form of a simple cord, it leaves the fibrous canal still continuous above with the fibrous membrane (transversalis fascia) of the abdomen, and below with the fibrous envelope (tunica albuginea) of the testis; and at the adult period, this fibrous canal is known as the internal spermatic sheath, or infundibuliform fascia enclosing the remains of the serous canal, together with the spermatic vessels, &c.
Plate 39—Figure 2
PLATE 39, Fig. 3.—The serous tunica vaginalis is separated from the peritonaeum.—When the testicle, 7, has descended to the scrotum, the serous tube or lining of the inguinal canal and cord, 6 b, 6 c, closes and degenerates into a simple cord, (infantile spermatic cord,) and thereby the peritonaeal sac, 6 a, becomes distinct from the serous tunica vaginalis, 6 d. But the fibrous tube, or outer envelope of the inguinal canal, remains still pervious, and continues in this condition throughout life. In the adult, we recognise this fibrous tube as the infundibuliform fascia of the cord, or as forming the fascia propria of an external inguinal hernia. The anterior part of the fibrous spermatic tube descends from the fascia transversalis; the posterior part is continuous with the fascia iliaca. In relation to the testicle, the posterior part will be seen to be reflected over the body of the gland as the tunica albuginea, while the anterior part blends with the cellular tissue of the front wall of the scrotum. The tunica vaginalis, 6 d, is now traceable as a distinct sac,[Footnote] closed on all sides, and reflected from the fore part of the testicle, above and below, to the posterior aspect of the front wall of the scrotum.
[Footnote: Mr. Owen states that the Chimpanzee alone, amongst brute animals, has the tunica vaginalis as a distinct sac.]
Plate 39—Figure 3
PLATE 40, Fig. 1.—The abdomino-scrotal serous lining remains continuous at the internal ring, and a congenital hydrocele is formed.—When the serous spermatic tube, 6 b, 6 c, remains pervious and continuous above with the peritonaeum, 6 a, and below with the serous tunica vaginalis, 6 d, the serous fluid of the abdomen will naturally gravitate to the most depending part—viz., the tunica vaginalis; and thus a hydrocele is formed. This kind of hydrocele is named congenital, owing to the circumstance that the natural process of obliteration, by which the peritonaeum becomes separated from the tunica vaginalis, has been, from some cause, arrested. [Footnote 1] As long as the canal of communication, 6 b, 6 c, between the tunica vaginalis, 6 d, and the peritonaeum 6 a, remains pervious, which it may be throughout life, this form of hydrocele is, of course, liable to occur. It may be diagnosed from diseased enlargements of the testicle, by its transparency, its fluctuation, and its smooth, uniform fulness and shape, besides its being of less weight than a diseased testis of the same size would be. It may be distinguished from the common form of hydrocele of the isolated tunica vaginalis by the fact, that pressure made on the scrotum will cause the fluid to pass freely into the general cavity of the peritonaeum. As the fluid distends the tunica vaginalis, 6 c, 6 d, in front of the testis, this organ will of course lie towards the back of the scrotum, and therefore, if it be found necessary to evacuate the fluid, the puncture may be made with most safety in front of the scrotum. If ascites should form in an adult in whom the tunica vaginalis still communicates with the peritonaeal sac, the fluid which accumulates in the latter membrane will also distend the former, and all the collected fluid may be evacuated by tapping the scrotum. When a hydrocele is found to be congenital, it must be at once obvious that to inject irritating fluids into the tunica vaginalis (the radical cure) is inadmissible. In an adult, free from all structural disease, and in whom a congenital hydrocele is occasioned by the gravitation of the ordinary serous secretion of the peritonaeum, a cure may be effected by causing the obliteration of the serous spermatic canal by the pressure of a truss. When a congenital hydrocele happens in an infant in whom the testicle, 5, Fig. 1, Plate 39, is arrested in the inguinal canal, [Footnote 2] if pressure be made on this passage with a view of causing its closure, the testicle will be prevented from descending.
[Footnote 1: The serous spermatic tube remains open in all quadrupeds; but their natural prone position renders them secure against hydrocele or hernial protrusion. It is interesting to notice how in man, and the most anthropo-morphous animals, where the erect position would subject these to the frequent accident of hydrocele or hernia, nature causes the serous spermatic tube to close.]
[Footnote 2: In many quadrupeds (the Rodentia and Monotremes) the testes remain within the abdomen. In the Elephant, the testes always occupy their original position beneath the kidneys, in the loins. Human adults are occasionally found to be "testi-conde;" the testes being situated below the kidneys, or at some part between this position and the internal inguinal ring. Sometimes only one of the testes descends to the scrotum.]
Plate 40—Figure 1.
PLATE 40, Fig. 2.—The serous spermatic canal closes imperfectly, so as to become sacculated, and thus a hydrocele of the cord is formed.—After the testicle, 7, has descended to the scrotum, the sides of the serous tube, or lining of the inguinal canal and cord, 6 b, 6 c, may become adherent at intervals; and the intervening sacs of serous membrane continuing to secrete their proper fluid, will occasion a hydrocele of the cord. This form of hydrocele will differ according to the varieties in the manner of closure; and these may take place in the following modes:—1st, if the serous tube close only at the internal ring, 6 a, while the lower part of it, 6 b, 6 c, remains pervious, and communicating with the tunica vaginalis, 6 d, a hydrocele will be formed of a corresponding shape; 2nd, if the tube close at the upper part of the testicle, 6 c, thus isolating the tunica vaginalis, 6 d, while the upper part, 6 b, remains pervious, and the internal ring, 6 a, open, and communicating with the peritonaeal sac, a hydrocele of the cord will happen distinct from the tunica vaginalis; or this latter may be, at the same time, distended with fluid, if the disposition of the subject be favourable to the formation of dropsy; 3rd, the serous tube may close at the internal ring, form sacculi along the cord, and close again at the top of the testicle, thus separating the tunica vaginalis from the abdomen, and thereby several isolated hydroceles may be formed. If in this condition of the parts we puncture one of the sacs for the evacuation of its contents, the others, owing to their separation, will remain distended.
Plate 40—Figure 2.
PLATE 40, Fig. 3.—Hydrocele of the isolated tunica vaginalis.—When the serous spermatic tube, 6 b, 6 c, becomes obliterated, according to the normal rule, after the descent of the testicle, 7, the tunica vaginalis, 6 d, is then a distinct serous sac. If a hydrocele form in this sac, it may be distinguished from the congenital variety by its remaining undiminished in bulk when the subject assumes the horizontal position, or when pressure is made on the tumour, for its contents cannot now be forced into the abdomen. The testicle, 7, holds the same position in this as it does in the congenital hydrocele. [Footnote] The radical cure may be performed here without endangering the peritonaeal sac. Congenital hydrocele is of a cylindrical shape; and this is mentioned as distinguishing it from isolated hydrocele of the tunica vaginalis, which is pyriform; but this mark will fail when the cord is at the same time distended, as it may be, in the latter form of the complaint.
[Footnote: When a hydrocele is interposed between the eye and a strong light, the testis appears as an opaque body at the back of the tunica vaginalis. But this position of the organ is, from several causes, liable to vary. The testis may have become morbidly adherent to the front wall of the serous sac, in which case the hydrocele will distend the sac laterally. Or the testis may be so transposed in the scrotum, that, whilst the gland occupies its front part, the distended tunica vaginalis is turned behind. The tunica vaginalis, like the serous spermatic tube, may, in consequence of inflammatory fibrinous effusion, become sacculated-multilocular, in which case, if a hydrocele form, the position of the testis will vary accordingly.—See Sir Astley Cooper's work, ("Anatomy and Diseases of the Testis;") Morton's "Surgical Anatomy;" Mr. Curling's "Treatise on Diseases of the Testis;" and also his article "Testicle," in the Cyclopaedia of Anatomy and Physiology.]
Plate 40—Figure 3.
PLATE 40, Fig. 4.—The serous spermatic tube remaining pervious, a congenital hernia is formed.—When the testicle, 7, has descended to the scrotum, if the communication between the peritonaeum, 6 a, and the tunica vaginalis, 6 c, be not obliterated, a fold of the intestine, 13, will follow the testicle, and occupy the cavity of the tunica vaginalis, 6 d. In this form of hernia (hernia tunicae vaginalis, Cooper), the intestine is in front of, and in immediate contact with, the testicle. The intestine may descend lower than the testicle, and envelope this organ so completely as to render its position very obscure to the touch. This form of hernia is named congenital, since it occurs in the same condition of the parts as is found in congenital hydrocele—viz., the inguinal ring remaining unclosed. It may occur at any period of life, so long as the original congenital defect remains. It may be distinguished from hydrocele by its want of transparency and fluctuation. The impulse which is communicated to the hand applied to the scrotum of a person affected with scrotal hernia, when he is made to cough, is also felt in the case of congenital hydrocele. But in hydrocele of the separate tunica vaginalis, such impulse is not perceived. Congenital hernia and hydrocele may co-exist; and, in this case, the diagnostic signs which are proper to each, when occurring separately, will be so mingled as to render the precise nature of the case obscure.
Plate 40—Figure 4.
PLATE 40, Fig. 5.—Infantile hernia.—When the serous spermatic tube becomes merely closed, or obliterated at the inguinal ring, 6 b, the lower part of it, 6 c, is pervious, and communicating with the tunica vaginalis, 6 d. In consequence of the closure of the tube at the inguinal ring, if a hernia now occur, it cannot enter the tunica vaginalis, and come into actual contact with the testicle. The hernia, 13, therefore, when about to force the peritonaeum, 6 a, near the closed ring, 6 b, takes a distinct sac or investment from this membrane. This hernial sac, 6 e, will vary as to its position in regard to the tunica vaginalis, 6 d, according to the place whereat it dilates the peritonaeum at the ring. The peculiarity of this hernia, as distinguished from the congenital form, is owing to the scrotum containing two sacs,—the tunica vaginalis and the proper sac of the hernia; whereas, in the congenital variety, the tunica vaginalis itself becomes the hernial sac by a direct reception of the naked intestine. If in infantile hernia a hydrocele should form in the tunica vaginalis, the fluid will also distend the pervious serous spermatic tube, 6 c, as far up as the closed internal ring, 6 b, and will thus invest and obscure the descending herniary sac, 13. This form of hernia is named infantile (Hey), owing to the congenital defect in that process, whereby the serous tube lining the cord is normally obliterated. Such a form of hernia may occur at the adult age for the first time, but it is still the consequence of original default.
Plate 40—Figure 5.
PLATE 40, Fig. 6.—Oblique inguinal hernia in the adult.—This variety of hernia occurs not in consequence of any congenital defect, except inasmuch as the natural weakness of the inguinal wall opposite the internal ring may be attributed to this cause. The serous spermatic tube has been normally obliterated for its whole length between the internal ring and the tunica vaginalis; but the fibrous tube, or spermatic fascia, is open at the internal ring where it joins the transversalis fascia, and remains pervious as far down as the testicle. The intestine, 13, forces and distends the upper end of the closed serous tube; and as this is now wholly obliterated, the herniary sac, 6 c, derived anew from the inguinal peritonaeum, enters the fibrous tube, or sheath of the cord, and descends it as far as the tunica vaginalis, 6 d, but does not enter this sac, as it is already closed. When we compare this hernia, Fig. 6, Plate 40, with the infantile variety, Fig. 5, Plate 40, we find that they agree in so far as the intestinal sac is distinct from the tunica vaginalis; whereas the difference between them is caused by the fact of the serous cord remaining in part pervious in the infantile hernia; and on comparing Fig. 6, Plate 40, with the congenital variety, Fig. 4, Plate 40, we see that the intestine has acquired a new sac in the former, whereas, in the latter, the intestine has entered the tunica vaginalis. The variable position of the testicle in Figs. 4, 5, & 6, Plate 40, is owing to the variety in the anatomical circumstances under which these herniae have happened.
Plate 40—Figure 6.
PLATE 41, Fig. 1.—When the serous spermatic tube is obliterated for its whole length between the internal ring, 1, and the top of the testicle, 13, a hernia, in order to enter the inguinal canal, 1, 4, must either rupture the peritonaeum at the point 1, or dilate this membrane before it in the form of a sac. [Footnote] If the peritonaeum at the point 1 be ruptured by the intestine, this latter will enter the fibrous spermatic tube, 2, 3, and will pass along this tube devoid of the serous sac. If, on the other hand, the intestine dilates the serous membrane at the point, 1, where it stretches across the internal ring, it will, on entering the fibrous tube, (infundibuliform fascia,) be found invested by a sac of the peritonaeum, which it dilates and pouches before itself. As the epigastric artery, 9, bends in general along the internal border of the ring of the fibrous tube, 2, 2, the neck of the hernial sac which enters the ring at a point external to the artery must be external to it, and remain so despite all further changes in the form, position, and dimensions of the hernia. And as this hernia enters the ring at a point anterior to the spermatic vessels, its neck must be anterior to them. Again, if the bowel be invested by a serous sac, formed of the peritonaeum at the point 1, the neck of such sac must intervene between the protruding bowel and the epigastric and spermatic vessels. But if the intestine enter the ring of the fibrous tube, 2, 2, by having ruptured the peritonaeum at the point 1, then the naked intestine will lie in immediate contact with these vessels.
[Footnote: Mr. Lawrence (op. cit.) remarks, "When we consider the texture of the peritonaeum, and the mode of its connexion to the abdominal parietes, we cannot fancy the possibility of tearing the membrane by any attitude or motion." Cloquet and Scarpa have also expressed themselves to the effect, that the peritonaeum suffers a gradual distention before the protruding bowel.]
Plate 41—Figure 1
PLATE 41, Fig. 2—When the serous spermatic tube, 11, remains pervious between the internal ring, 1, (where it communicates with the general peritonaeal membrane,) and the top of the testicle, (where it opens into the tunica vaginalis,) the bowel enters this tube directly, without a rupture of the peritonaeum at the point 1. This tube, therefore, becomes one of the investments of the bowel. It is the serous sac, not formed by the protruding bowel, but one already open to receive the bowel. This is the condition necessary to the formation of congenital hernia. This hernia must be one of the external oblique variety, because it enters the open abdominal end of the infantile serous spermatic tube, which is always external to the epigastric artery. Its position in regard to the spermatic vessels is the same as that noticed in Fig, 1, Plate 41. But, as the serous tube through which the congenital hernia descends, still communicates with the tunica vaginalis, so will this form of hernia enter this tunic, and thereby become different to all other herniae, forasmuch as it will lie in immediate contact with the testicle. [Footnote]
[Footnote: A hernia may be truly congenital, and yet the intestine may not enter the tunica vaginalis. Thus, if the serous spermatic tube close only at the top of the testicle, the bowel which traverses the open internal inguinal ring and pervious tube will not enter the tunica vaginalis.]
Plate 41—Figure 2
PLATE 41, Fig. 3.—The infantile serous spermatic tube, 11, sometimes remains pervious in the neighbourhood of the internal ring, 1, and a narrow tapering process of the tube (the canal of Nuck) descends within the fibrous tube, 2, 3, and lies in front of the spermatic vessels and epigastric artery. Before this tube reaches the testicle, it degenerates into a mere filament, and thus the tunica vaginalis has become separated from it as a distinct sac. When the bowel enters the open abdominal end of the serous tube, this latter becomes the hernial sac. It is not possible to distinguish by any special character a hernia of this nature, when already formed, from one which occurs in the condition of parts proper to Fig. 1, Plate 41, or that which is described in the note to Fig. 2, Plate 41; for when the intestine dilates the tube, 11, into the form of a sac, this latter assumes the exact shape of the sac, as noticed in Fig. 1, Plate 41. The hernia in question cannot enter the tunica vaginalis. Its position in regard to the epigastric and spermatic vessels is the same as that mentioned above.
Plate 41—Figure 3
PLATE 41, Fig. 4.—If the serous spermatic tube, 11, be obliterated or closed at the internal ring, 1, thus cutting off communication with the general peritonaeal membrane; and if, at the same time, it remain pervious from this point above to the tunica vaginalis below, then the herniary bowel, when about to protrude at the point 1, must force and dilate the peritonaeum, in order to form its sac anew, as stated of Fig. 1, Plate 41. Such a hernia does not enter either the serous tube or the tunica vaginalis; but progresses from the point 1, in a distinct sac. In this case, there will be found two sacs—one enclosing the bowel; and another, consisting of the serous spermatic tube, still continuous with the tunica vaginalis. This original state of the parts may, however, suffer modification in two modes: 1st, if the bowel rupture the peritonaeum at the point 1, it will enter the serous tube 11, and descend through this into the cavity of the tunica vaginalis, as in the congenital variety. 2nd, if the bowel rupture the peritonaeum near the point 1, and does not enter the serous tube 11, nor the tunica vaginalis, then the bowel will be found devoid of a proper serous sac, while the serous tube and tunica vaginalis still exist in communication. In either case, the hernia will hold the same relative position in regard to the epigastric artery and spermatic vessels, as stated of Fig. 1, Plate 41.
Plate 41—Figure 4
PLATE 41, Fig. 5.—Sudden rupture of the peritonaeum at the closed internal serous ring, 1, though certainly not impossible, may yet be stated as the exception to the rule in the formation of an external inguinal hernia. The aphorism, "natura non facit saltus," is here applicable. When the peritonaeum suffers dilatation at the internal ring, 1, it advances gradatim and pari passu with the progress of the protruding bowel, and assumes the form, character, position, and dimensions of the inverted curved phases, marked 11, 11, till, from having at first been a very shallow pouch, lying external to the epigastric artery, 9, it advances through the inguinal canal to the external ring, 4, and ultimately traverses this aperture, taking the course of the fibrous tube, 3, down to the testicle in the scrotum.
Plate 41—Figure 5
PLATE 41, Fig. 6.—When the bowel dilates the peritonaeum opposite the internal ring, and carries a production of this membrane before it as its sac, then the hernia will occupy the inguinal canal, and become invested by all those structures which form the canal. These structures are severally infundibuliform processes, so fashioned by the original descent of the testicle; and, therefore, as the bowel follows the track of the testicle, it becomes, of course, invested by the selfsame parts in the selfsame manner. Thus, as the infundibuliform fascia, 2, 3, contains the hernia and spermatic vessels, so does the cremaster muscle, extending from the lower margins of the internal oblique and transversalis, invest them also in an infundibuliform manner. [Footnote]
[Footnote: Much difference of opinion prevails as to the true relation which the cord (and consequently the oblique hernia) bears to the lower margins of the oblique and transverse muscles, and their cremasteric prolongation. Mr. Guthrie (Inguinal and Femoral Hernia) has shown that the fibres of the transversalis, as well as those of the internal oblique, are penetrated by the cord. Albinus, Haller, Cloquet, Camper, and Scarpa, record opinions from which it may be gathered that this disposition of the parts is (with some exceptions) general. Sir Astley Cooper describes the lower edge of the transversalis as curved all round the internal ring and cord. From my own observations, coupled with these, I am inclined to the belief that, instead of viewing these facts as isolated and meaningless particulars, we should now fuse them into the one idea expressed by the philosophic Carus, and adopted by Cloquet, that the cremaster is a production of the abdominal muscles, formed mechanically by the testicle, which in its descent dilates, penetrates, and elongates their fibres.]
Plate 41—Figure 6
PLATE 41. Fig. 7.—When an external inguinal hernia, 11, dilates and protrudes the peritonaeum from the closed internal ring, 1, and descends the inguinal canal and fibrous tube, 3, 3, it imitates, in most respects, the original descent of the testicle. The difference between both descents attaches alone to the mode in which they become covered by the serous membrane; for the testicle passes through the internal ring behind the inguinal peritonaeum, at the same time that it takes a duplicature of this membrane; whereas the bowel encounters this part of the peritonaeum from within, and in this mode becomes invested by it on all sides. This figure also represents the form and relative position of a hernia, as occurring in Figs. 1 and 3, 5, and 6, Plate 41.
Plate 41—Figure 7
PLATE 41, Fig. 8.—When the serous spermatic tube only closes at the internal ring, as seen at 1, Fig. 4, Plate 41, if a hernia afterwards pouch the peritonaeum at this part, and enter the inguinal canal, we shall then have the form of hernia, Fig. 8, Plate 41, termed infantile. Two serous sacs will be here found, one within the cord, 13, and communicating with the tunica vaginalis, the other, 11, containing the bowel, and being received by inversion into the upper extremity of the first. Thus the infantile serous canal, 13, receives the hernial sac, 11. The inguinal canal and cord may become multicapsular, as in Fig. 8, from various causes, each capsule being a distinct serous membrane. First, independent of hernial formation, the original serous tube may become interruptedly obliterated, as in Plate 40, Fig. 2. Secondly, these sacs may persist to adult age, and have a hernial sac added to their number, whatever this may be. Thirdly, the original serous tube, 13, Fig. 8, may persist, and after having received the hernial sac, 11, the bowel may have been reduced, leaving its sac behind it in the inguinal canal; the neck of this sac may have been obliterated by the pressure of a truss, a second hernia may protrude at the point 1, and this may be received into the first hernial sac in the same manner as the first was received into the original serous infantile tube. The possibility of these occurrences is self-evident, even if they were never as yet experienced. [Footnote]
[Footnote: According to Mr. Lawrence and M. Cloquet, most of the serous cysts found around hernial tumours are ancient sacs obliterated at the neck, and adhering to the new swelling (opera cit.)]
Plate 41—Figure 8
PLATE 42, Fig. 1.—The epigastric artery, 9, being covered by the fascia transversalis, can lend no support to the internal ring, 2, 2, nor to the tube prolonged from it. The herniary bowel may, therefore, dilate the peritonaeum immediately on the inner side of the artery, and enter the inguinal canal. In this way the hernia, 11, although situated internal to the epigastric artery, assumes an oblique course through the canal, and thus closely simulates the external variety of inguinal hernia, Fig. 7, Plate 41. If the hernia enter the canal, as represented in Fig. 1, Plate 42, it becomes invested by the same structures, and assumes the same position in respect to the spermatic vessels, as the external hernia.
Plate 42—Figure 1
PLATE 42, Fig. 2.—The hernial sac, 11, which entered the ring of the fibrous tube, 2, 2, at a point immediately internal to the epigastric artery, 9, may, from having been at first oblique, as in Fig. 1, Plate 42, assume a direct position. In this case, the ring of the fibrous tube, 2, 2, will be much widened; but the artery and spermatic vessels will remain in their normal position, being in no wise affected by the gravitating hernia. If the conjoined tendon, 6, be so weak as not to resist the gravitating force of the hernia, the tendon will become bent upon itself. If the umbilical cord, 10, be side by side with the epigastric artery at the time that the hernia enters the mouth of the fibrous tube, then, of course, the cord will be found external. If the cord lie towards the pubes, apart from the vessel, the hernia may enter the fibrous tube between the cord, 10, and artery, 9. [Footnote:] It is impossible for any internal hernia to assume the congenital form, because the neck of the original serous spermatic tube, 11, Fig. 2, Plate 41, being external to the epigastric artery, 9, cannot be entered by the hernia, which originates internally to this vessel.
[Footnote: M. Cloquet states that the umbilical cord is always found on the inner side of the external hernia. Its position varies in respect to the internal hernia, (op. cit. prop. 52.)]
Plate 42—Figure 2
PLATE 42, Fig. 3.—Every internal hernia, which does not rupture the peritonaeum, carries forward a sac produced anew from this membrane, whether the hernia enter the inguinal canal or not. But this is not the case with respect to the fibrous membrane which forms the fascia propria. If the hernia enter the inguinal wall immediately on the inner side of the epigastric artery, Fig. 1, Plate 42, it passes direct into the ring of the fibrous tube, 2, 2, already prepared to receive it. But when the hernia, 11, Fig. 3, Plate 42, cleaves the conjoined tendon, 6, 6, then the artery, 9, and the tube, 2, 2, remain in their usual position, while the bowel carries forward a new investment from the transversalis fascia, 5, 5. That part of the conjoined tendon which stands external to the hernia keeps the tube, 2, 2, in its proper place, and separates it from the fold of the fascia which invests the hernial sac. This is the only form in which an internal hernia can be said to be absolutely distinct from the inguinal canal and spermatic vessels. This hernia, when passing the external ring, 4, has the spermatic cord on its outer side.
Plate 42—Figure 3
PLATE 42, Fig. 4.—The external hernia, from having been originally oblique, may assume the position of a hernia originally internal and direct. The change of place exhibited by this form of hernia does not imply a change either in its original investments or in its position with respect to the epigastric artery and spermatic vessels. The change is merely caused by the weight and gravitation of the hernial mass, which bends the epigastric artery, 9*, from its first position on the inner margin of the internal ring, 1, till it assumes the place 9. In consequence of this, the internal ring of the fascia transversalis, 2, 2, is considerably widened, as it is also in Fig. 2, Plate 42. It is the inner margin of the fibrous ring which has suffered the pressure; and thus the hernia now projects directly from behind forwards, through, 4, the external ring. The conjoined tendon, 6, when weak, becomes bent upon itself. The change of place performed by the gravitating hernia may disturb the order and relative position of the spermatic vessels; but these, as well as the hernia, still occupy the inguinal canal, and are invested by the spermatic fascia, 3, 3. When an internal hernia, Fig. 1, Plate 42, enters the inguinal canal, it also may descend the cord as far as the testicle, and assume in respect to this gland the same position as the external hernia. [Footnote]
[Footnote: As the external hernia, Fig. 4, Plate 42, may displace the epigastric artery inwards, so may the internal hernia, Fig. 1, Plate 42, displace the artery outwards. Mr. Lawrence, Sir Astley Cooper, Scarpa, Hesselbach, and Langenbeck, state, however, that the internal hernia does not disturb the artery from its usual position three-fourths of an inch from the external ring.]
Plate 42—Figure 4
PLATE 42, Figs. 5, 6, 7.—The form and position of the inguinal canal varies according to the sex and age of the individual. In early life, Fig. 6, the internal ring is situated nearly opposite to the external ring, 4. As the pelvis widens gradually in the advance to adult age, Fig. 5, the canal becomes oblique as to position. This obliquity is caused by a change of place, performed rather by the internal than the external ring. [Footnote] The greater width of the female pelvis than of the male, renders the canal more oblique in the former; and this, combined with the circumstance that the female inguinal canal, Fig. 7, merely transmits the round ligament, 14, accounts anatomically for the fact, that this sex is less liable to the occurrence of rupture in this situation.
[Footnote: M. Velpeau (Nouveaux Elemens de med. Operat.) states the length of the inguinal canal in a well-formed adult, measured from the internal to the external ring, to be 1-1/2 or 2 inches, and 3 inches including the rings; but that in some individuals the rings are placed nearly opposite; whilst in young subjects the two rings nearly always correspond. When, in company with these facts, we recollect how much the parts are liable to be disturbed in ruptures, it must be evident that their relative position cannot be exactly ascertained by measurement, from any given point whatever. The judgment alone must fix the general average.]
Plate 42—Figure 5
Plate 42—Figure 6
Plate 42—Figure 7
Whilst all forms of inguinal herniae escape from the abdomen at places situated immediately above Poupart's ligament, the femoral hernia, G, Fig. 1, Plate 43, is found to pass from the abdomen immediately below this structure, A I, and between it and the horizontal branch of the pubic bone. The inguinal canal and external abdominal ring are parts concerned in the passage of inguinal herniae, whether oblique or direct, external or internal; whilst the femoral canal and saphenous opening are the parts through which the femoral hernia passes. Both these orders of parts, and of the herniae connected with them respectively, are, however, in reality situated so closely to each other in the inguino-femoral region, that, in order to understand either, we should, examine both at the same time comparatively.
The structure which is named Poupart's ligament in connexion with inguinal herniae, is named the femoral or crural arch (Gimbernat) in relation to femoral hernia. The simple line, therefore, described by this ligament explains the narrow interval which separates both varieties of the complaint. So small is the line of separation described between these herniae by the ligament, that this (so to express the idea) stands in the character of an arch, which, at the same time, supports an aqueduct (the inguinal canal) and spans a road (the femoral sheath.) The femoral arch, A I, Fig. 1, Plate 43, extends between the anterior superior iliac spinous process and the pubic spine. It connects the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle, D d, Fig. 2, Plate 44, with F, the fascia lata. Immediately above and below its pubic extremity appear the external ring and the saphenous opening. On cutting through the falciform process, F, Fig. 1, Plate 44, we find Gimbernat's ligament, R, a structure well known in connexion with femoral hernia. Gimbernat's ligament consists of tendinous fibres which connect the inner end of the femoral arch with the pectineal ridge of the os pubis. The shape of the ligament is acutely triangular, corresponding to the form of the space which it occupies. Its apex is internal, and close to the pubic spine; its base is external, sharp and concave, and in apposition with the sheath of the femoral vessels. It measures an inch, more or less, in width, and it is broader in the male than in the female—a fact which is said to account for the greater frequency of femoral hernia in the latter sex than in the former, (Monro.) Its strength and density also vary in different individuals. It is covered anteriorly by, P, Fig. 1, Plate 44, the upper cornu of the falciform process; and behind, it is in connexion with, k, the conjoined tendon. This tendon is inserted with the ligament into the pectineal ridge. The falciform process also blends with the ligament; and thus it is that the femoral hernia, when constricted by either of these three structures, may well be supposed to suffer pressure from the three together.
A second or deep femoral arch is occasionally met with. This structure consists of tendinous fibres, lying deeper than, but parallel with, those of the superficial arch. The deep arch spans the femoral sheath more closely than the superficial arch, and occupies the interval left between the latter and the sheath of the vessels. When the deep arch exists, its inner end blends with the conjoined tendon and Gimbernat's ligament, and with these may also constrict the femoral hernia.
The sheath, e f, of the femoral vessels, E F, Fig. 1, Plate 43, passes from beneath the middle of the femoral arch. In this situation, the iliac part of the fascia lata, F G, Fig. 2, Plate 44, covers the sheath. Its inner side is bounded by Gimbernat's ligament, R, Fig. 1, Plate 44, and F, the falciform edge of the saphenous opening. On its outer side are situated the anterior crural nerve, and the femoral parts of the psoas and iliacus muscles. Of the three compartments into which the sheath is divided by two septa in its interior, the external one, E, Fig. 1, Plate 43, is occupied by the femoral artery; the middle one, F, by the femoral vein; whilst the inner one, G, gives passage to the femoral lymphatic vessels; and occasionally, also, a lymphatic body is found in it. The inner compartment, G, is the femoral canal, and through it the femoral hernia descends from the abdomen to the upper and forepart of the thigh. As the canal is the innermost of the three spaces inclosed by the sheath, it is that which lies in the immediate neighbourhood of the saphenous opening, Gimbernat's ligament, and the conjoined tendon, and between these structures and the femoral vein.
The sheath of the femoral vessels, like that of the spermatic cord, is infundibuliform. Both are broader at their abdominal ends than elsewhere. The femoral sheath being broader above than below, whilst the vessels are of a uniform diameter, presents, as it were, a surplus space to receive a hernia into its upper end. This space is the femoral or crural canal. Its abdominal entrance is the femoral or crural ring.
The femoral ring, H, Fig. 2, Plate 43, is, in the natural state of the parts, closed over by the peritonaeum, in the same manner as this membrane shuts the internal inguinal ring. There is, however, corresponding to each ring, a depression in the peritonaeal covering; and here it is that the bowel first forces the membrane and forms of this part its sac.
On removing the peritonaeum from the inguinal wall on the inner side of the iliac vessels, K L, we find the horizontal branch of the os pubis, and the parts connected with it above and below, to be still covered by what is called the subserous tissue. The femoral ring is not as yet discernible on the inner side of the iliac vein, K; for the subserous tissue being stretched across this aperture masks it. The portion of the tissue which closes the ring is named the crural septum, (Cloquet.) When we remove this part, we open the femoral ring leading to the corresponding canal. The ring is the point of union between the fibrous membrane of the canal and the general fibrous membrane which lines the abdominal walls external to the peritonaeum. This account of the continuity between the canal and abdominal fibrous membrane equally applies to the connexion existing between the general sheath of the vessels and the abdominal membrane. The difference exists in the fact, that the two outer compartments of the sheath are occupied by the vessels, whilst the inner one is vacant. The neck or inlet of the hernial sac, H, Fig. 2, Plate 43, exactly represents the natural form of the crural ring, as formed in the fibrous membrane external to, or (as seen in this view) beneath the peritonaeum.
The femoral ring, H, is girt round on all sides by a dense fibrous circle, the upper arc being formed by the two femoral arches; the outer arc is represented by the septum of the femoral sheath, which separates the femoral vein from the canal; the inner arc is formed by the united dense fibrous bands of the conjoined tendon and Gimbernat's ligament; and the inferior arc is formed by the pelvic fascia where this passes over the pubic bone to unite with the under part of the femoral canal and sheath. The ring thus bound by dense resisting fibrous structure, is rendered sharp on its pubic and upper sides by the salient edges of the conjoined tendon and Gimbernat's ligament, &c. From the femoral ring the canal extends down the thigh for an inch and a-half or two inches in a tapering form, supported by the pectineus muscle, and covered by the iliac part of the fascia lata. It lies side by side with the saphenous opening, but does not communicate with this place. On a level with the lower cornu of the saphenous opening, the walls of the canal become closely applied to the femoral vessels, and here it may be said to terminate.
The bloodvessels which pass in the neighbourhood of the femoral canal are, 1st. the femoral vein, F, Fig. 1, Plate 43, which enclosed in its proper sheath lies parallel with and close to the outer side of the passage. 2nd, Within the inguinal canal above are the spermatic vessels, resting on the upper surface of the femoral arch, which alone separates them from the upper part or entrance of the femoral canal. 3rd, The epigastric artery, F, Fig. 2, Plate 43, which passes close to the outer and upper border of, H, the femoral ring. This vessel occasionally gives off the obturator artery, which, when thus derived, will be found to pass towards the obturator foramen, in close connexion with the ring; that is, either descending by its outer border, G*, between this point and the iliac vein, K; or arching the ring, G, so as to pass down close to its inner or pubic border. In some instances, the vessel crosses the ring; a vein generally accompanies the artery. These peculiarities in the origin and course of the obturator artery, especially that of passing on the pubic side of the ring, behind Gimbernat's ligament and the conjoined tendon, E H, are fortunately very rare.
As the course to be taken by the bowel, when a femoral hernia is being formed, is through the crural ring and canal, the structures which have just now been enumerated as bounding this passage, will, of course, hold the like relation to the hernia. The manner in which a femoral hernia is formed, and the way in which it becomes invested in its descent, may be briefly stated thus: The bowel first dilates the peritonaeum opposite the femoral ring, H, Fig. 2, Plate 43, and pushes this membrane before it into the canal. This covering is the hernial sac. The crural septum has, at the same time, entered the canal as a second investment of the bowel. The hernia is now enclosed by the sheath, G, Fig. 1, Plate 43, of the canal itself. [Footnote 1] Its further progress through the saphenous opening, B F, Fig. 1, Plate 44, must be made either by rupturing the weak inner wall of the canal, or by dilating this part; in one or other of these modes, the herniary sac emerges from the canal through the saphenous opening. In general, it dilates the side of the canal, and this becomes the fascia propria, B G. If it have ruptured the canal, the hernial sac appears devoid of this covering. In either case, the hernia, increasing in size, turns up over the margin of F, the falciform process, [Footnote 2] and ultimately rests upon the iliac fascia lata, below the pubic third of Poupart's ligament. Sometimes the hernia rests upon this ligament, and simulates, to all outward appearance, an oblique inguinal hernia. In this course, the femoral hernia will have its three parts—neck, body, and fundus—forming nearly right angles with each other: its neck [Footnote 3] descends the crural canal, its body is directed to the pubis through the saphenous opening, and its fundus is turned upwards to the femoral arch.
[Footnote 1: The sheath of the canal, together with the crural septum, constitutes the "fascia propria" of the hernia (Sir Astley Cooper). Mr. Lawrence denies the existence of the crural septum.]
[Footnote 2: The "upper cornu of the saphenous opening," the "falciform process" (Burns), and the "femoral ligament" (Hey), are names applied to the same part. With what difficulty and perplexity does this impenetrable fog of surgical nomenclature beset the progress of the learner!]
[Footnote 3: The neck of the sac at the femoral ring lies very deep, in the undissected state of the parts (Lawrence).]
The crural hernia is much more liable to suffer constriction than the inguinal hernia. The peculiar sinuous course which the former takes from its point of origin, at the crural ring, to its place on Poupart's ligament, and the unyielding fibrous structures which form the canal through which it passes, fully account for the more frequent occurrence of this casualty. The neck of the sac may, indeed, be supposed always to suffer more or less constriction at the crural ring. The part which occupies the canal is also very much compressed; and again, where the hernia turns over the falciform process, this structure likewise must cause considerable compression on the bowel in the sac. [Footnote] This hernia suffers stricture of the passive kind always; for the dense fibrous bands in its neighbourhood compress it rather by withstanding the force of the herniary mass than by reacting upon it. There are no muscular fibres crossing the course of this hernia; neither are the parts which constrict it likely to change their original position, however long it may exist. In the inguinal hernia, the weight of the mass may in process of time widen the canal by gravitating; but the crural hernia, resting on the pubic bone, cannot be supposed to dilate the crural ring, however greatly the protrusion may increase in size and weight.
[Footnote: Sir A. Cooper (Crural Hernia) is of opinion that the stricture is generally in the neck of the sheath. Mr. Lawrence remarks, "My own observations of the subject have led me to refer the cause of stricture to the thin posterior border (Gimbernat's ligament) of the crural arch, at the part where it is connected to the falciform process." (Op. cit.) This statement agrees also with the experience of Hey, (Practical Obs.)]
A. Anterior superior iliac spine.
B. Iliacus muscle, cut.
C. Anterior crural nerve, cut.
D. Psoas muscle, cut.
E. Femoral artery enclosed in e, its compartment of the femoral sheath.
F. Femoral vein in its compartment, f, of the femoral sheath.
G. The fascia propria of the hernia; g, the contained sac.
H. Gimbernat's ligament.
I. Round ligament of the uterus.
A. Anterior superior iliac spine.
B. Symphysis pubis.
C. Rectus abdominis muscle.
D. Peritonaeum.
E. Conjoined tendon.
F. Epigastric artery.
G* G. Positions of the obturator artery when given off from the epigastric.
H. Neck of the sac of the crural hernia.
I. Round ligament of the uterus.
K. External iliac vein.
L. External iliac artery.
M. Tendon of the psoas parvus muscle, resting on the psoas magnus.
N. Iliacus muscle.
O. Transversalis fascia.
A. Anterior superior iliac spine.
B. The crural hernia.
C. Round ligament of the uterus.
D. External oblique muscle; d, Fig. 2, its aponeurosis.
E. Saphaena vein.
F. Falciform process of the saphenous opening.
G. Femoral artery in its sheath.
H. Femoral vein in its sheath.
I. Sartorius muscle.
K. Internal oblique muscle; k, conjoined tendon.
L L. Transversalis fascia.
M. Epigastric artery.
N. Peritonaeum.
O. Anterior crural nerve.
P. The hernia within the crural canal.
Q Q. Femoral sheath.
R. Gimbernat's ligament.
The other letters refer to the same parts as seen in Fig. 1.
G. Glands in the neighbourhood of Poupart's ligament.
H. Glands in the neighbourhood of the saphenous opening.
I. The sartorius muscle seen through its fascia.
PLATE 44.—FIGURE 1, 2.
PLATE 45, Fig. 1.—The point, 3, from which an external inguinal hernia first progresses, and the part, 5, within which the femoral hernia begins to be formed, are very close to each other. The inguinal hernia, 3, arising above, 5, the crural arch, descends the canal, 3, 3, under cover of the aponeurosis of the external oblique muscle, obliquely downwards and inwards till it gains the external abdominal ring formed in the aponeurosis, and thence descends to the scrotum. The femoral hernia, commencing on a level with, 5, the femoral arch, descends the femoral canal, under cover of the fascia lata, and appears on the upper and forepart of the thigh at the saphenous opening, 6, 7, formed in the fascia lata; and thence, instead of descending to the scrotum, like the inguinal hernia, turns, on the contrary, up over the falciform process, 6, till its fundus rests near, 5, the very place beneath which it originated. Such are the peculiarities in the courses of these two hernial; and they are readily accounted for by the anatomical relations of the parts concerned.
PLATE 45, Fig. 2.—There exists a very evident analogy between the canals through which both herniae pass. The infundibuliform fascia, 3, 3, of the spermatic vessels is like the infundibuliform sheath, 9, 9, of the femoral vessels. Both sheaths are productions of the general fibrous membrane of the abdomen. They originate from nearly the same locality. The ring of the femoral canal, 12, is situated immediately below, but to the inner side of the internal inguinal ring, 3. The epigastric artery, 1, marks the width of the interval which separates the two rings. Poupart's ligament, 5, being the line of union between the oblique aponeurosis of the abdominal muscle and the fascia lata, merely overarches the femoral sheath, and does not separate it absolutely from the spermatic sheath.
PLATE 45, Fig. 3.—The peritonaeum, 2, 3, closes the femoral canal, 12, at the femoral ring, in the same way as this membrane closes the inguinal canal at the internal inguinal ring, 3, Fig. 2, Plate 45. The epigastric artery always holds an intermediate position between both rings. The spermatic vessels in the inguinal tube, 3, 3, Fig. 2, Plate 45, are represented by the round ligament in the female inguinal canal, Fig. 3, Plate 45. When the bowel is about to protrude at either of the rings, it first dilates the peritonaeum, which covers these openings.
PLATE 45, Fig. 4.—The place of election for the formation of any hernia is that which is structurally the weakest. As the space which the femoral arch spans external to the vessels is fully occupied by the psoas and iliacus muscles, and, moreover, as the abdominal fibrous membrane and its prolongation, the femoral sheath, closely embrace the vessels on their outer anterior and posterior sides, whilst on their inner side the membrane and sheath are removed at a considerable interval from the vessels, it is through this interval (the canal) that the hernia may more readily pass. The peritonaeum, 2, and crural septum, 13, form at this place the only barrier against the protrusion of the bowel into the canal.
PLATE 45, Fig. 5.—The hernia cannot freely enter the compartment, 10, occupied by the artery, neither can it enter the place 11, occupied as it is by the vein. It cannot readily pass through the inguinal wall at a point internal to, 9, the crural sheath, for here it is opposed by, 4, the conjoined tendon, and by, 8, Gimbernat's ligament. Neither will the hernia force a way at a point external to the femoral vessels in preference to that of the crural canal, which is already prepared to admit it. [Footnote] The bowel, therefore, enters the femoral canal, 9, and herein it lies covered by its peritonaeal sac, derived from that part of the membrane which once masked the crural ring. The septum crurale itself, having been dilated before the sac, of course invests it also. The femoral canal forms now the third covering of the bowel. If in this stage of the hernia it should suffer constriction, Gimbernat's ligament, 8, is the cause of it. An incipient femoral hernia of the size of 2, 12, cannot, in the undissected state of the parts, be detected by manual operation; for, being bound down by the dense fibrous structures which gird the canal, it forms no apparent tumour in the groin.
[Footnote: The mode in which the femoral sheath, continued from the abdominal membrane, becomes simply applied to the sides of the vessels, renders it of course not impossible for a hernia to protrude into the sheath at any point of its abdominal entrance. Mr. Stanley and M. Cloquet have observed a femoral hernia external to the vessels. Hesselbach has also met with this variety. A hernia of this nature has come under my own observation. Cloquet has seen the hernia descend the sheath once in front of the vessels, and once behind them. These varieties, however, must be very rare. The external form has never been met with by Hey, Cooper, or Scarpa; whilst no less than six instances of it have come under the notice of Mr. Macilwain, (on Hernia, p. 293.)]
PLATE 45, Fig. 6.—The hernia, 2, 12, increasing gradually in size, becomes tightly impacted in the crural canal, and being unable to dilate this tube uniformly to a size corresponding with its own volume, it at length bends towards the saphenous opening, 6, 7, this being the more easy point of egress. Still, the neck of the sac, 2, remains constricted at the ring, whilst the part which occupies the canal is also very much narrowed. The fundus of the sac, 9*, 12, alone expands, as being free of the canal; and covering this part of the hernia may be seen the fascia propria, 9*. This fascia is a production of the inner wall of the canal; and if we trace its sides, we shall find its lower part to be continuous with the femoral sheath, whilst its upper part is still continuous with the fascia transversalis. When the hernia ruptures the saphenous side of the canal, the fascia propria is, of course, absent.
PLATE 46, Fig. 1.—The anatomical circumstances which serve for the diagnosis of a femoral from an inguinal hernia may be best explained by viewing in contrast the respective positions assumed by both complaints. The direct hernia, 13, traverses the inguinal wall from behind, at a situation corresponding with the external ring; and from this latter point it descends the scrotum. An oblique external inguinal hernia enters the internal ring, 3, which exists further apart from the general median line, and, in order to gain the external ring, has to take an oblique course from without inwards through the inguinal canal. A femoral hernia enters the crural ring, 2, immediately below, but on the inner side of, the internal inguinal ring, and descends the femoral canal, 12, vertically to where it emerges through, 6, 7, the saphenous opening. The direct inguinal hernia, 13, owing to its form and position, can scarcely ever be mistaken for a femoral hernia. But in consequence of the close relationship between the internal inguinal ring, 3, and the femoral ring, 2, through which their respective herniae pass, some difficulty in distinguishing between these complaints may occur. An incipient femoral hernia, occupying the crural canal between the points, 2, 12, presents no apparent tumour in the undissected state of the parts; and a bubonocele, or incipient inguinal hernia, occupying the inguinal canal, 3, 3, where it is braced down by the external oblique aponeurosis, will thereby be also obscured in some degree. But, in most instances, the bubonocele distends the inguinal canal somewhat; and the impulse which on coughing is felt at a place above the femoral arch, will serve to indicate, by negative evidence, that it is not a femoral hernia.
PLATE 46, Fig. 2.—When the inguinal and femoral herniae are fully produced, they best explain their distinctive nature. The inguinal hernia, 13, descends the scrotum, whilst the femoral hernia, 9*, turns over the falciform process, 6, and rests upon the fascia lata and femoral arch. Though in this position the fundus of a femoral hernia lies in the neighbourhood of the inguinal canal, 3, yet the swelling can scarcely be mistaken for an inguinal rupture, since, in addition to its being superficial to the aponeurosis which covers the inguinal canal, and also to the femoral arch, it may be withdrawn readily from this place, and its body, 12, traced to where it sinks into the saphenous opening, 6, 7, on the upper part of the thigh. An inguinal hernia manifests its proper character more and more plainly as it advances from its point of origin to its termination in the scrotum. A femoral hernia, on the contrary, masks its proper nature, as well at its point of origin as at its termination. But when a femoral hernia stands midway between these two, points—viz. in the saphenous opening, 6, 7, it best exhibits its special character; for here it exists below the femoral arch, and considerably apart from the external abdominal ring.
PLATE 46, Fig. 3.—The neck of the sac of a femoral hernia, 2, lies always close to, 3, the epigastric artery. When the obturator artery is derived from the epigastric, if the former pass internal to the neck behind, 8, Gimbernat's ligament, it can scarcely escape being wounded when this structure is being severed by the operator's knife. If, on the other hand, the obturator artery descend external to the neck of the sac, the vessel will be comparatively remote from danger while the ligament is being divided. In addition to the fact that the cause of stricture is always on the pubic side, 8, of the neck of the sac, 12, thereby requiring the incision to correspond with this situation only, other circumstances, such as the constant presence of the femoral vein, 11, and the epigastric artery, 1, determine the avoidance of ever incising the canal on its outer or upper side. And if the obturator artery, [Footnote] by rare occurrence, happen to loop round the inner side of the neck of the sac, supposing this to be the seat of stricture, what amount of anatomical knowledge, at the call of the most dexterous operator, can render the vessel safe from danger?
[Footnote: M. Velpeau (Medecine Operatoire), in reference to the relative frequency of cases in which the obturator artery is derived from the epigastric, remarks, "L'examen que j'ai pu en faire sur plusieurs milliers de cadavres, ne me permet pas de dire qu'elle se rencontre un fois sur trois, ni sur cinq, ni meme sur dix, mais bien seulement sur quinze a vingt." Monro (Obs. on Crural Hernia) states this condition of the obturator artery to be as 1 in 20-30. Mr. Quain (Anatomy of the Arteries) gives, as the result of his observations, the proportion to be as 1 in 3-1/2, and in this estimate he agrees to a great extent with the observations of Cloquet and Hesselbach. Numerical tables have also been drawn up to show the relative frequency in which the obturator descends on the outer and inner borders of the crural ring and neck of the sac. Sir A. Cooper never met with an example where the vessel passed on the inner side of the sac, and from this alone it may be inferred that such a position of the vessel is very rare. It is generally admitted that the obturator artery, when derived from the epigastric, passes down much more frequently between the iliac vein and outer border of the ring. The researches of anatomists (Monro and others) in reference to this point have given rise to the question, "What determines the position of the obturator artery with respect to the femoral ring?" It appears to me to be one of those questions which do not admit of a precise answer by any mode of mathematical computation; and even if it did, where then is the practical inference?]
The taxis, in a case of crural hernia, should be conducted in accordance with anatomical principles. The fascia lata, Poupart's ligament, and the abdominal aponeurosis, are to be relaxed by bending the thigh inwards to the hypogastrium. By this measure, the falciform process, 6, is also relaxed; but I doubt whether the situation occupied by Gimbernat's ligament allows this part to be influenced by any position of the limb or abdomen. The hernia is then to be drawn from its place above Poupart's ligament, (if it have advanced so far,) and when brought opposite the saphenous opening, gentle pressure made outwards, upwards, and backwards, so as to slip it beneath the margin of the falciform process, will best serve for its reduction. When this cannot be effected by the taxis, and the stricture still remains, the cutting operation is required.
The precise seat of the stricture cannot be known except during the operation. But it is to be presumed that the sac and contained intestine suffer constriction throughout the whole length of the canal. [Footnote] Previously to the commencement of the operation, the urinary bladder should be emptied; for this organ, in its distended state, rises above the level of the pubic bone, and may thus be endangered by the incision through the stricture—especially if Gimbernat's ligament be the structure which causes it.
[Footnote: "The seat of the stricture is not the same in all cases, though, in by far the greater number of instances, the constriction is relieved by the division upwards and inwards of the falciform process of the fascia lata, and the lunated edge of Gimbernat's ligament, where they join with each other. In some instances, it will be the fibres of the deep crescentic (femoral) arch; in others, again, the neck of the sac itself, and produced by a thickening and contraction of the subserous and peritonaeal membranes where they lie within the circumference of the crural ring."—Morton (Surgical Anatomy of the Groin p. 148).]
An incision commencing a little way above Poupart's ligament, is to be carried vertically over the hernia, parallel with, but to the inner side of its median line. This incision divides the skin and subcutaneous adipose membrane, which latter varies considerably in quantity in several individuals. One or two small arteries (superficial pubic, &c.) may be divided, and some lymphatic bodies exposed. On cautiously turning aside the incised adipose membrane contained between the two layers of the superficial fascia, the fascia propria, 9, Figs. 4, 5, Plate 46, of the hernia is exposed. This envelope, besides varying in thickness in two or more cases, may be absent altogether. The fascia closely invests the sac, 12; but sometimes a layer of fatty substance interposes between the two coverings, and resembles the omentum so much, that the operator may be led to doubt whether or not the sac has been already opened. The fascia is to be cautiously slit open on a director; and now the sac comes in view. The hernia having been drawn outwards, so as to separate it from the inner wall of the crural canal, a director [Footnote] is next to be passed along the interval thus left, the groove of the instrument being turned to the pubic side. The position of the director is now between the neck of the sac and the inner wall of the canal. The extent to which the director passes up in the canal will vary according to the suspected level of the stricture. A probe-pointed bistoury is now to be slid along the director, and with its edge turned upwards and inwards, according to the seat of stricture, the following mentioned parts are to be divided—viz., the falciform process, 6; the inner wall of the canal, which is continuous with the fascia propria, 9; Gimbernat's ligament, 8; and the conjoined tendon, 4; where this is inserted with the ligament into the pectineal ridge. By this mode of incision, which seems to be all-sufficient for the liberation of the stricture external to the neck of the sac, we avoid Poupart's ligament; and thereby the spermatic cord, 3, and epigastric artery, 1, are not endangered. The crural canal being thus laid open on its inner side, and the constricting fibrous bands being severed, the sac may now be gently manipulated, so as to restore it and its contents to the cavity of the abdomen; but if any impediment to the reduction still remain, the cause, in all probability, arises either from the neck of the sac having become strongly adherent to the crural ring, or from the bowel being bound by bands of false membrane to the sac. In either case, it will be necessary to open the sac, and examine its contents. The neck of the sac is then to be exposed by an incision carried through the integument across the upper end of the first incision, and parallel with Poupart's ligament. The neck is then to be divided on its inner side, and the exposed intestine may now be restored to the abdomen.
[Footnote: The finger is the safest director; for at the same time that it guides the knife it feels the stricture and protects the bowel. As all the structures which are liable to become the seat of stricture—viz., the falciform process, Gimbernat's ligament, and the conjoined tendon, lie in very close apposition, a very short incision made upwards and inwards is all that is required.]
Plate 46—Figure 3
Plate 46—Figure 4
Plate 46—Figure 5
Through the groin, as through the axilla, the principal blood vessels and nerves are transmitted to, the corresponding limb. The main artery of the lower limb frequently becomes the subject of a surgical operation. The vessel is usually described as divisible into parts, according to the regions which it traverses. But, as in examining any one of those parts irrespective of the others, many facts of chief surgical importance are thereby obscured and overlooked, I propose to consider the vessel as a whole, continuous from the aorta to where it enters the popliteal space. The general course and position of the main artery may be described as follows:—The abdominal aorta, A, bifurcates on the body of the fourth lumbar vertebra. The level of the aortic bifurcation corresponds with the situation of the navel in front, and the crista ilii laterally. The aorta is in this situation borne so far forwards by the lumbar spine as to occupy an almost central position in the cavity of the abdomen. If the abdomen were pierced by two lines, one extending from a little to the left side of the navel, horizontally backwards to the fourth lumbar vertebra, and the other from immediately over the middle of one crista ilii, transversely to a corresponding point in the opposite side, these lines would intersect at the aortic bifurcation. The two arteries, G G,* into which the aorta divides symmetrically at the median line, diverge from one another in their descent towards the two groins. As both vessels correspond in form and relative position, the description of one will serve for the other.
While the thigh is abducted and rotated outwards, if a line be drawn from the navel to a point, D, of the inguinal fold, midway between B, the anterior iliac spine, and C, the symphysis pubis, and continued thence to the inner condyle of the femur, it would indicate the general course of the artery, G I W. In this course, the vessel may be regarded as a main trunk, giving off at intervals large branches for the supply of the pelvic organs, the abdominal parietes, and the thigh. From the point where the vessel leaves the aorta, A, down to the inguinal fold, D, it lies within the abdomen, and here, therefore, all operations affecting the vessel are attended with more difficulty and danger than elsewhere, in its course.
The artery of the lower limb, arising at the bifurcation of the aorta on the fourth lumbar vertebra, descends obliquely outwards to the sacra-iliac junction, and here it gives off its first branch, G, (internal iliac,) to the pelvic organs. The main vessel is named common iliac, at the interval between its origin from the aorta and the point where it gives off the internal iliac branch. This interval is very variable as to its length, but it is stated to be usually two inches. The artery, I, continuing to diverge in its first direction from its fellow of the opposite side, descends along the margin of the true pelvis as far as Poupart's ligament, D, where it gives off its next principal branches,—viz., the epigastric and circumflex iliac. At the interval between the internal iliac and epigastric branches, the main artery, I, is named external iliac; and the surgical length of this part is also liable to vary, in consequence of the epigastric or circumflex iliac branches arising higher up or lower down than usual. The main vessel, after passing beneath the middle of Poupart's ligament, D, next gives off the profundus branch, N, to supply the thigh. This branch generally arises at a point an inch and half or two inches below the fold of the groin; and between it and the epigastric above, the main artery is named common femoral. From the point where the profundus branch arises, down to the popliteal space, the vessel remains as an undivided trunk, being destined to supply the leg and foot. In this course, the artery is accompanied by the vein, H K O, which, according to the region in which it lies, assumes different names, corresponding to those applied to the artery. Both vessels may now be viewed in relation to each other, and to the several structures which lie in connexion with them.
The two vessels above Poupart's ligament lie behind the intestines, and are closely invested by the serous membrane. The origin of the vena cava, F, lies close to the right side of the bifurcation of the aorta, A; and here both vessels are supported by the lumbar spine. Each of the two arteries, G G,* into which the aorta divides, has its accompanying vein, H, on its inner side, but the common iliac part of the right artery is seen to lie upon the upper portions of both the veins, as these joining beneath it form the commencement of the vena cava. The external iliac part, I, of each artery has its vein, K, on its inner side. At the point, G, where the artery gives off its internal iliac branch, the ureter, g, crosses it, and thence descends to the bladder. The internal iliac branch subdivides in general so soon after its origin, that it may be regarded as for the most part an unsafe proceeding to place a ligature upon it.
The iliac vessels, A G I, in approaching Poupart's ligament along the border of the true pelvis, are supported by the psoas muscle, and invested and bound to their place by the peritonaeum, and a thin process of the iliac fascia. Some lymphatic glands are here found to lie over the course of the vessels. The spermatic artery and vein, together with the genito-crural nerve, descend along the outer border of the iliac artery. When arrived at Poupart's ligament, the iliac vessels, I K, become complicated by their own branches, and also by the spermatic vessels, as these are about to pass from the abdomen through the internal inguinal ring. While passing beneath the middle of Poupart's ligament, D, the iliac artery, I, having its vein, K, close to its inner side, rests upon the inner border of the psoas muscle, and in this place it may be effectually compressed against the os pubis. The anterior crural nerve, P, which in the iliac region lies concealed by the psoas muscle, and separated by this from the vessels, now comes into view, lying on the outer side of the artery. When the vessels have passed from beneath Poupart's ligament, the serous membrane no longer covers them, but the fibrous membrane is seen to invest them in the form of a sheath, divided into two compartments, one of which (internal) receives the vein, the other the artery. The iliac vessels, in passing to the thigh, assume the name of femoral.
The femoral vessels, O N W, in the upper third of the thigh traverse a triangular space, the base of which is formed by Poupart's ligament, D, whilst the sides and apex are formed by the sartorius, Q, and adductor longus muscles, T, approaching each other. In the undissected state of the part, the structures which bound this space can in general be easily recognised. A central depression extends from the middle of its base, D, to its apex, V, and marks the course of the vessels. Near the middle of Poupart's ligament, the vessels are comparatively superficial, and here the artery may be felt pulsating; but lower down, as they approach the apex of the triangle, the vessels become gradually deeper, till the sartorius muscle inclining from its origin obliquely inwards to the centre of the thigh, w, at length overlaps them. The inner border of the sartorius muscle at the lower part of the upper third of the thigh, W, guides to the position of the artery. Whilst traversing the femoral triangle, the vessels enclosed in their proper sheath are covered by the fascia lata, adipose membrane, and integument. In this place they lie imbedded in loose cellular and adipose tissue. The femoral vein, O, is on the same plane with the artery near Poupart's ligament; but from this place downwards through the thigh, the vein gradually winds from the inner to the back part of the artery; and when both vessels pass under cover of the sartorius, they enter a strong fibrous sheath, V, derived from the tendons of the adductor muscles upon which they lie. The artery approaches the shaft of the femur near its middle; and in this place it may be readily compressed against the bone by the hand. The anterior crural nerve, P, dividing on the outer side of the artery, sends some of its branches coursing over the femoral sheath; and one of these—the long saphenous nerve—enters the sheath and follows the artery as far as the opening in the great adductor tendon. The femoral artery, before it passes through this opening into the popliteal space, gives off its anastomatic branch. The profundus branch, N, springs from the outer side of the femoral artery usually at a distance of from one to two inches (seldom more) below Poupart's ligament, and soon subdivides. [Footnote] The femoral artery in a few instances has been found double.
[Footnote: The ordinary length of each part of the main artery is stated on the authority of Mr. Quain. See "Anatomy of the Arteries," &c. ]
The main artery of the lower limb may be exposed and tied in any part of its course from the aorta to the popliteal space. But the situation most eligible for performing such an operation depends of course upon circumstances, both anatomical and pathological. If an aneurism affect the popliteal part of the vessel, or if, from whatever cause arising, it be found expedient to tie the femoral above this part, the place best suited for the operation is that where the artery, W, first passes under cover of the sartorius muscle. [Footnote] For, considering that the vessel gives off no important branch destined to supply any part of the thigh or leg between the profundus branch and those into which it divides below the popliteal space, the arrest to circulation will be the same in amount at whichever part of the vessel between these two points the ligature be applied. But since the vessel in the situation specified can be reached with greater facility here than elsewhere lower down; and since, moreover, a ligature applied to it here will be sufficiently removed from the profundus branch above, and the seat of disease below, to produce the desired result, the choice of the operator is determined accordingly. The steps of the operation performed at the situation W, where the artery is about to pass beneath the sartorius, are these: an incision of sufficient length—from two to three inches—is to be made over the course of the vessel, so as to divide the skin and adipose membrane, and expose the fascia lata, through which the inner edge of the sartorius muscle becomes now readily discernible. A vein (anterior saphena) may be found to cross in this situation, but the saphena vein proper is not met with, as this lies nearer the inner side of the thigh. The fascia having been next divided, the edge of the sartorius is to be turned aside, and now the pulsation of the artery in its sheath will indicate its exact position. The sheath is next to be opened, for an extent sufficient only to carry the point of the ligature-needle safely around the artery, care being taken not to injure the femoral vein, which lies close behind it, and also to exclude any nerve which may lie in contact with the vessel.
[Footnote: This is the situation chosen by Scarpa for arresting by ligature the circulation through the femoral artery in cases of popliteal aneurism. The reasons stated in the text are those which determine the surgeon to perform the operation in this place in preference to that (the lower third of the thigh) where Mr. Hunter first proposed to tie the vessel.]
If an aneurism affect the common femoral portion of the artery, the external iliac part would require to be tied, because, between the seat of the tumour and the epigastric and circumflex ilii branches above, there would not be sufficient space to allow the ligature to rest undisturbed; and even if the aneurism arose from the femoral below the profundus branch in the upper third of the thigh, or if, after amputation of the thigh, a secondary haemorrhage took place from the femoral and the profunda arteries, a ligature would with more safety be applied to the external iliac part than to the common femoral; because of this latter, even when of its clear normal length, presenting so small an interval between the epigastric and profundus branches. In addition to this, it must be noticed, that occasionally the profundus itself, or some one of its branches, (external and internal circumflex, &c.), arises as high up as Poupart's ligament, close to the origin of the epigastric and circumflex iliac. [Footnote]
[Footnote: The main artery (Plate 47) has been exposed in the iliac and femoral regions with the object of showing the relation which its parts bear to each other and to the whole; all the other dissections have been made upon the same plan, the practical tendency of which will be illustrated when considering the subject of arterial anastomosis.]
The external iliac part of the artery, G I, when requiring to be tied, may be reached in the following way: an incision, commencing above the anterior iliac spine, B, is to be carried inwards parallel to, and above, Poupart's ligament, D, as far as the outer margin of the internal abdominal ring. This incision is the one best calculated for avoiding the epigastric artery, and for not disturbing the peritonaeum more than is necessary. The skin and the three abdominal muscles having been successively incised, the fibrous transversalis fascia is next to be carefully divided, so as to expose the peritonaeum. This membrane is then to be gently raised by the fingers, from off the iliacus and psoas muscles as far inwards as the margin of the true pelvis where the artery lies. On raising the peritonaeum the spermatic vessels will be found adhering to it. The iliac artery itself is liable to be displaced by adhering to the serous membrane, when this is being detached from the inner side of the psoas muscle. [Footnote] The artery having been divested of its serous covering as far up as a point midway between I G, the epigastric and internal iliac branches, the ligature is to be passed around it in this place, as being equidistant from these two sources of disturbance. As the vein, K, lies close along the inner side of the artery, the point of the instrument should first be inserted between them, and passed from within outwards, in order to avoid wounding the vein. If an aneurism affect the upper end of the external iliac artery, it is proposed to tie the common iliac; but this is an operation of so serious a nature, that it can in this respect be exceeded only by tying the aorta itself. The common iliac artery is so situated, that it can as easily be reached from the groin upwards as from the side of the abdomen inwards, and in both directions the peritonaeum would have to be disturbed to an equal extent.
[Footnote: The student, in operating upon the dead subject, is often puzzled to find that the iliac artery does not appear in its usual situation, unaware at the time that he has lifted the vessel in connexion with the peritonaeum. I have once seen a very distinguished surgeon, whilst performing this operation on the living body, at fault owing to the same cause.]
A. The aorta at its point of bifurcation.
B. The anterior superior iliac spine.
C. The symphysis pubis.
D. Poupart's ligament, immediately above which are seen the circumflex ilii and epigastric arteries, with the vas deferens and spermatic vessels.
E E*. The right and left iliac muscles covered by the peritonaeum; the external cutaneous nerve is seen through the membrane.
F. The vena cava.
G G*. The common iliac arteries giving off the internal iliac branches on the sacro-iliac symphyses; g g, the right and left ureters.
H H*. The right and left common iliac veins.
I I*. The right and left external iliac arteries, each is crossed by the circumflex ilii vein.
K K *. The right and left external iliac veins.
L. The urinary bladder covered by the peritonaeum.
M. The rectum intestinum.
N. The profundus branch of the femoral artery.
O. The femoral vein; 0, the saphena vein.
P. The anterior crural nerve.
Q. The sartorius muscle, cut.
S. The pectinaeus muscle.
T. The adductor longus muscle.
U. The gracilis muscle.
V. The tendinous sheath given off from the long adductor muscle, crossing the vessels, and becoming adherent to the vastus internus muscle.
W. The femoral artery. The letter is on the part where the vessel becomes first covered by the sartorius muscle.
Plate 47.
As the abdomen and pelvis form one general cavity, the organs contained in both regions are thereby intimately related. The viscera of the abdomen completely fill this region, and transmit to the pelvic organs all the impressions made upon them by the diaphragm and abdominal walls. The expansion of the lungs, the descent of the diaphragm, and the contraction of the abdominal muscles, cause the abdominal viscera to descend and compress the pelvic organs; and at the same time the muscles occupying the pelvic outlet, becoming relaxed or contracted, allow the perinaeum to be protruded or sustained voluntarily according to the requirements. Thus it is that the force originated in the muscular parietes of the thorax and abdomen is, while opposed by the counterforce of the perinaeal muscles, brought so to bear upon the pelvic organs as to become the principal means whereby the contents of these are evacuated. The abdominal muscles are, during this act, the antagonists of the diaphragm, while the muscles which guard the pelvic outlet become at the time the antagonists of both. As the pelvic organs appear therefore to be little more than passive recipients of their contents, the voluntary processes of defecation and micturition may with more correctness be said to be performed rather for them than by them. The relations which they bear to the abdomen and its viscera, and their dependence upon these relations for the due performance of the processes in which they serve, are sufficiently explained by pathological facts. The same system of muscles comprising those of the thorax, abdomen and perinaeum, performs consentaneously the acts of respiration, vomiting, defecation and micturition. When the spinal cord suffers injury above the origin of the phrenic nerve, immediate death supervenes, owing to a cessation of the respiratory act. Considering, however, the effect of such an injury upon the pelvic organs alone, these may be regarded as being absolutely excluded from the pale of voluntary influence in consequence of the paralysis of the diaphragm, the abdominal and perinaeal muscles. The expulsory power over the bladder and rectum being due to the opposing actions of these muscles above and below, if the cord be injured in the neck below the origin of the phrenic nerve, the inferior muscles becoming paralysed, the antagonism of muscular forces is thereby interrupted, and the pelvic organs are, under such circumstances, equally withdrawn from the sphere of volition. The antagonism of the abdominal muscles to the diaphragm being necessary, in order that the pelvic viscera may be acted upon, if the cord be injured in the lower dorsal region, so as to paralyse the abdominal walls and the perinaeal muscles, the downward pressure of the diaphragm alone could not evacuate the pelvic organs voluntarily, for the abdominal muscles are now incapable of deflecting the line of force backwards and downwards through the pelvic axis; and the perinaeal muscles being also unable to act in agreement, the contents of the viscera pass involuntarily. Again, as the muscular apparatus which occupies the pelvic outlet acts antagonistic to the abdomen and thorax, when by an injury to the cord in the sacral spine the perinaeal apparatus alone becomes paralysed, its relaxation allows the thoracic and abdominal force to evacuate the pelvic organs involuntarily. It would appear, therefore, that the term "paralysis" of the bladder or rectum, when following spinal injuries, &c. &c. means, or should mean, only a paralytic state of the abdomino-pelvic muscular apparatus, entirely or in part. For, in fact, neither the bladder nor rectum ever acts voluntarily per se any more than the stomach does, and therefore the name "detrusor" urinae, as applied to the muscular coat investing the bladder, is as much a misnomer (if it be meant that the act of voiding the organ at will be dependent upon it) as would be the name "detrusor" applied to the muscular coat of the stomach, under the meaning that this were the agent in the spasmodic effort of vomiting. |