Mushrooms, however, have a distinct and very great value as a food of the third class, that is, as condiments or food accessories, and their value as such is beyond the computation of the chemist or the physiologist, and doubtless varies with different individuals. They are among the most appetizing of table delicacies and add greatly to the palatability of many foods when cooked with them. It is surely as unfair to decry the mushroom on account of its low nutritive value, as it is wrong to attribute to it qualities which are nothing short of absurd in view of its composition. In some respects its place as a food is not unlike that of the oyster, celery, berries, and other delicacies. Worked out on the basis of nutritive value alone they would all be condemned; the oyster for instance presents a showing but little better than the mushroom, and vastly inferior, so far as economy is concerned, to the common potato. This, too, for oysters purchased by the quart. The nutritive value of one cent's worth of oysters "on the half shell" would be interesting!
The question of the toxicology of the higher fungi is one of very great theoretical and practical interest. But on account of the great difficulties in the way of such investigations comparatively little has yet been accomplished. A few toxic compounds belonging chiefly to the class termed alkaloids have, however, been definitely isolated.
Choline.—This alkaloid is of wide occurrence in the animal and vegetable kingdoms. It has been isolated from Amanita muscaria, A. pantherina, Boletus luridus, and Helvella esculenta. It is not very toxic, but on uniting with oxygen it passes over to muscarine. According to Kobert the substance formed from choline on the decay of the mushrooms containing it is not muscarine, but a very closely related alkaloid, neurin. This transformation of a comparatively harmless alkaloid to an extremely deadly one simply by the partial decay of the plant in which the former is normally found, emphasizes very much the wisdom of rejecting for table use all specimens which are not entirely fresh. This advice applies to all kinds of mushrooms, and to worm-eaten and otherwise injured, as well as decayed ones. Neurin is almost identical in its physiological effects with muscarine, which is described below.
Muscarine.—This is the most important because the most dangerous alkaloid found in the mushrooms. It is most abundant in Amanita muscaria, it is also found in considerable quantity in Amanita pantherina, and to a lesser, but still very dangerous extent in Boletus luridus and Russula emetica. It is quite probably identical with bulbosine, isolated from Amanita phalloides by Boudier. Muscarine is an extremely violent poison, .003 to .005 of a gram (.06 grain) being a very dangerous dose for a man. Like other constituents of mushrooms, the amount of muscarine present varies very greatly with varying conditions of soil and climate. This, indeed, may account for the fact that Boletus luridus is regarded as an edible mushroom in certain parts of Europe, the environment being such that little or no muscarine is developed.
According to Kobert, Amanita muscaria contains, besides choline and muscarine, a third alkaloid, pilz-atropin. This alkaloid, like ordinary atropin, neutralizes to a greater or less extent the muscarine. The amount of pilz-atropin present varies, as other constituents of mushrooms vary, with varying conditions of soil, climate, etc., and it may be that in those localities where the Amanita muscaria is used for food the conditions are favorable for a large production of pilz-atropin which neutralizes the muscarine, thus making the plant harmless. Be this as it may, Amanita muscaria, so deadly as ordinarily found, is undoubtedly used quite largely as food in parts of France and Russia, and it has been eaten repeatedly in certain localities in this country without harm.
Fortunately muscarine has a very unpleasant taste. It is interesting in this connection to note that the Amanita muscaria is said to be used by the inhabitants of Northern Russia—particularly the Koraks—as a means of inducing intoxication. To overcome the extremely unpleasant taste of the plant they swallow pieces of the dried cap without chewing them, or boil them in water and drink the decoction with other substances which disguise the taste.
The symptoms of poisoning with muscarine are not at once evident, as is the case with several of the less virulent poisons. They usually appear in from one-half to two hours. For the symptoms in detail we shall quote from Mr. V. K. Chestnut, Dept. of Agr., Washington (Circular No. 13, Div. of Bot.): "Vomiting and diarrhoea almost always occur, with a pronounced flow of saliva, suppression of the urine, and various cerebral phenomena beginning with giddiness, loss of confidence in one's ability to make ordinary movements, and derangements of vision. This is succeeded by stupor, cold sweats, and a very marked weakening of the heart's action. In case of rapid recovery the stupor is short and usually marked with mild delirium. In fatal cases the stupor continues from one to two or three days, and death at last ensues from the gradual weakening and final stoppage of the heart's action."
The treatment for poisoning by muscarine consists primarily in removing the unabsorbed portion of the mushroom from the alimentary canal and in counteracting the effect of muscarine on the heart. The action of this organ should be fortified at once by the subcutaneous injection, by a physician, of atropine in doses of from one one-hundredth to one-fiftieth of a grain. The strongest emetics, such as sulphate of zinc or apomorphine, should be used, though in case of profound stupor even these may not produce the desired action. Freshly ignited charcoal or two grains of a one per cent. alkaline solution of permanganate of potash may then be administered, in order, in the case of the former substance, to absorb the poison, or, in the case of the latter, to decompose it. This should be followed by oils or oleaginous purgatives, and the intestines should be cleaned and washed out with an enema of warm water and turpentine.
Experiments on animals poisoned by Amanita muscaria and with pure muscarine show very clearly that when the heart has nearly ceased to beat it may be stimulated to strong action almost instantly by the use of atropine. Its use as thus demonstrated has been the means of saving numerous lives. We have in this alkaloid an almost perfect physiological antidote for muscarine, and therefore in such cases of poisoning its use should be pushed as heroically as the symptoms of the case will warrant. The presence of phallin in Amanita muscaria is possible, and its symptoms should be looked for in the red color of the blood serum discharged from the intestines.
Phallin.—The exact chemical nature of this extremely toxic substance is not certainly known, but it is generally conceded to be of an albuminous nature. That it is an extremely deadly poison is shown by the fact that .0015 grain per 2 lbs. weight of the animal is a fatal dose for cats and dogs. It is the active principle of the most deadly of all mushrooms, the Amanita phalloides, or death-cup fungus. We quote again from Mr. Chestnut's account of phallin and its treatment: "The fundamental injury is not due, as in the case of muscarine, to a paralysis of the nerves controlling the action of the heart, but to a direct effect on the blood corpuscles. These are quickly dissolved by phallin, the blood serum escaping from the blood vessels into the alimentary canal, and the whole system being rapidly drained of its vitality. No bad taste warns the victim, nor do the preliminary symptoms begin until nine to fourteen hours after the poisonous mushrooms are eaten. There is then considerable abdominal pain and there may be cramps in the legs and other nervous phenomena, such as convulsions, and even lockjaw or other kinds of tetanic spasms. The pulse is weak, the abdominal pain is rapidly followed by nausea, vomiting, and extreme diarrhoea, the intestinal discharges assuming the 'rice-water' condition characteristic of cholera. The latter symptoms are persistently maintained, generally without loss of consciousness, until death ensues, which happens in from two to four days. There is no known antidote by which the effects of phallin can be counteracted. The undigested material, if not already vomited, should, however, be removed from the stomach and intestines by methods similar to those given for cases of poisoning by Amanita muscaria.
"After that the remainder of the poison, if the amount of phallin already taken up by the system is not too large, may wear itself out on the blood and the patient may recover. It is suggested that this wearing-out process may be assisted by transfusing into the veins blood freshly taken from some warm-blooded animal. The depletion of the blood serum might be remedied by similar transfusions of salt and warm water."
Helvellic Acid.—This very deadly poison is sometimes found in Helvella esculenta Persoon (Gyromitra esculenta), particularly in old or decaying specimens. It has been studied and named by Boehm. It is quite soluble in hot water, and in some localities this species of Helvella is always parboiled—the water being thrown away—before it is prepared for the table. It seems to be quite generally agreed that young and perfectly fresh specimens are free from the poison. As the poison is very violent, however, this plant should be carefully avoided.
The symptoms resemble in a very marked degree those of the deadly phallin, the dissolution of the red corpuscles of the blood being one of the most marked and most dangerous; this is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, jaundice, and stoppage of the kidneys. There is no known antidote for this poison, hence the little that can be done would be similar to that mentioned under phallin.
When poisoning by mushrooms is suspected, one cannot too strongly urge that the services of a competent physician should be secured with the least possible delay.
In fungi, as in higher plants, each organ or part of the plant is subject to a great number of variations which appeal to the eye of the student, and by which he recognizes relationship among the various individuals, species, and genera of this group. For the purpose of systematic studies of mushrooms or even for the recognition of a few species, it is of primary importance to be acquainted with terms used in describing different types of variation. Only a few of the more important terms, such as are employed in this book, together with diagrams illustrating typical cases to which they are applied, will be given here.
The pileus.—The pileus or cap is the first part of a mushroom which attracts the attention of the collector. It is the fleshy fruit body of the plant. This, like all other parts of the mushroom, is made up, not of cellular tissue as we find it in flowering plants, but of numerous interwoven threads, called hyphae, which constitute the flesh or trama of the pileus. Ordinarily, the filamentous structure of the flesh is very obvious when a thin section of the cap is examined under the microscope, but in certain genera, as Russula and Lactarius, many branches of the hyphae become greatly enlarged, forming little vesicles or bladders. These vesicles lie in groups all through the flesh of the pileus, sometimes forming the greater part of its substance. The filamentous hyphae pass around and through these groups, filling up the interstices. In cross section this tissue resembles parenchyma, and appears as if it were made up of rounded cells. Such a trama is said to be vesiculose to distinguish it from the ordinary or floccose trama. The threads on the outer surface of the pileus constitute the cortex or cuticle. They are thick walled and often contain coloring matter which gives the plants their characteristic color. In many species their walls become gelatinized, covering the outside of the pileus with a viscid, slimy, or glutinous layer, often called pellicle. In other instances the corticle layer ceases to grow with the pileus. It is then torn and split by the continued expanding of the rest of the plant, and remains on the surface in the form of hairs, fibers, scales, etc.
As an example of the most usual form of the pileus, we may take that of the common mushroom (Agaricus campestris) when it is nearly expanded. The pileus is then quite regular in outline and evenly convex (Fig. 243). Many mushrooms during the early stages of their development have this form, which is variously changed by later growth. The convex pileus usually becomes plane or expanded as it grows. If the convexity is greater it is said to be campanulate (Fig. 245), conical hemispherical, etc., terms which need no explanation. The pileus is umbilicate when it has an abrupt, sharp depression at the center (Fig. 241), infundibuliform when the margin is much higher than the center, so that the cap resembles a funnel (Fig. 244), and depressed when the center is less, or irregularly, sunken. When the center of the pileus is raised in the form of a boss or knob it is umbonate (Fig. 242). The umbo may have the form of a sharp elevation at the center, or it may be rounded or obtuse, occupying a larger part of the disc. When it is irregular or indistinct the pileus is said to be gibbous (Fig. 246).
The gills.—The gills or lamellae are thin blades on the under side of the pileus, radiating from the stem to the margin. When the pileus is cut in halves the general outline of the gills may be observed. In outline they may be broad, narrow, lanceolate, triangular, etc. In respect to their ends they are attenuate when gradually narrowed to a sharp point, acute when they end in a sharp angle, and obtuse when the ends are rounded. Again, the gills are arcuate when they arch from the stem to the edge of the pileus, and ventricose when they are bellied out vertically toward the earth.
The terms given above are often used in descriptive works, but the most important feature to be noted in the section of the plant is the relation of the gills to the stem. This relation is represented by several distinct types which are sometimes used to limit genera or sub-genera, since the mode of attachment is usually constant in all species of a group. The principal relations of the gills to the stem are described as follows: Adnate when they reach the stem and are set squarely against it (Fig. 247); decurrent when they run down the stem (Fig. 244); sinuate or emarginate when they have a notch or vertical curve at the posterior end (Fig. 246); and free when they are rounded off without reaching the stem (Fig. 243). In all cases when the lamellae reach the stem and are only attached by the upper angle they are said to be adnexed. This term is often used in combination with others, as sinuate-adnexed (Fig. 248, small figure), or ascending adnexed (Fig. 248, larger plant). Sometimes the lamellae are adnate, adnexed, etc., and have a slight decurrent process or tooth as in Mycena galericulata (Fig. 245). In many plants the gills separate very readily from the stem when the plants are handled. Sometimes merely the expansion of the pileus tears them away, so that it is necessary to use great caution, and often to examine plants in different stages of development to determine the real condition of the lamellae.
In certain genera the gills have special characteristics which may be noted here. Usually the edge of the lamellae is acute or sharp like the blade of a knife, but in Cantharellus and Trogia the edges are very blunt or obtuse. In extreme forms the lamellae are reduced to mere veins or ridges. Again, the edge is generally entire, i. e., not noticeably toothed, but in Lentinus it is often toothed or cut in various ways. In some other plants the edges are serrulate, crenulate, etc. In Schizophyllum alneum, a small whitish plant very common on dead sticks, the gills are split lengthwise along the edge with the halves revolute, i. e., rolled back. In Coprinus the gills and often a large part of the pileus melt at maturity into a dark, inky fluid.
The hymenium.—The term hymenium is applied to the spore-bearing tissue of many fungi. In the Agaricaceae the hymenium covers the entire surface of the gills and usually the portion of the pileus between the gills. It originates in the following manner: the threads forming the trama of the gills grow out from the lower side of the pileus and perpendicular to its under surface. As growth advances many branches of the threads turn outward toward either surface of the gill and finally terminate in club-shaped cells. These cells, therefore, lie side by side, perpendicular to the surface, forming a pavement, as it were, over the entire surface of the gills. Some of them put out four little prongs, on each of which a spore is borne, while others simply remain as sterile cells (Figs. 249, 250). The spore-bearing cells are basidia; the others are called paraphyses. They resemble each other very much, except that the basidia bear four sterigmata and a spore on each. In a few species the number of sterigmata is reduced to two and in some low forms the number is variable. The layer just beneath the basidia is usually more or less modified, being often composed of small cells different from the rest of the trama. This is called the sub-hymenial layer or sub-hymenium (Fig. 250).
Other cells called cystidia occur in the hymenia of various species distributed through nearly all the genera of the agarics. Cystidia are large, usually inflated, cells which project above the rest of the hymenium (Fig. 250). They originate either like the basidia, from the sub-hymenial cells (Fig. 250), or from special hyphae deeper down in the trama of the gill (Fig. 249). They are scattered over the entire surface of the hymenium, but become more numerous on the edge of the lamellae. Their number is much smaller than that of the basidia, but in some species where they are colored they may greatly change the appearance of the gills. Cystidia often secrete moisture which collects in drops at their tips, a phenomenon common to all free fungous cells.
The stem.—The stem is usually fixed to the center of the pileus, but it may be eccentric, i. e., fixed to one side of the center, or entirely lateral. When the stem is wanting the pileus is sessile. With regard to its interior the stem is solid, when it is evenly fleshy throughout (Fig. 246), or hollow when the interior is occupied by a cavity (Fig. 248). If the cavity is narrow and tubular the stem is fistulose (Fig. 245); and if the center is filled with a pithy substance it is stuffed (Fig. 243). These terms apply only to the natural condition of the stem, and not the condition brought about by larvae, which eat out the interior of the stem, causing it to be hollow or fistulose.
The terms applicable to the consistency of the stem are difficult to define. In general, stems may be either fleshy or cartilaginous. The meaning of these terms can best be learned by careful study of specimens of each, but a few general characters can be given here. Fleshy, fibrous stems occur in the genera Clitocybe and Tricholoma, among the white-spored forms. Their consistency is like that of the pileus, namely, made up of fleshy, fibrous tissue. They are usually stout, compared with the size of the plant, and when bent or broken they seem to be more or less spongy or tough, fibrous, so that they do not snap readily. Cartilaginous stems have a consistency resembling that of cartilage. Their texture is always different from that of the pileus, which is fleshy or membranous. In general such stems are rather slender, in many genera rather thin, but firm. When bent sufficiently they either snap suddenly, or break like a green straw, without separating. In regard to their external appearance some resemble fibrous stems, while others are smooth and polished as in Mycena and Omphalia.
The veil.—In the young stages of development the margin of the pileus lies in close contact with the stipe, the line of separation being indicated by a kind of furrow which runs around the young button mushroom. In many genera, as Collybia, Mycena, Omphalia, etc., the pileus simply expands without having its margin ever united to the stipe by any special structure, but in other forms, which include by far the greater number of genera of the Agaricaceae and some Boleti, the interval between the stem and pileus is bridged over by threads growing from the margin of the pileus and from the outer layers of the stem. These threads interlace to form a delicate membrane, known as the veil, which closes the gap between the stem and pileus and covers over the young hymenium.
The veil remains firm for a time, but it is finally torn by the expanding pileus, and its remnants persist on the cap and stem in the form of various appendages, whose character depends on the character of the veil. In Cortinarius the veil is made up of delicate threads extending radially from the stem to the margin of the cap without forming a true membrane. From its resemblance to a spider's web such a veil is said to be arachnoid. At maturity mere traces of it can be found on the stem. In many genera the veil consists of a delicate membrane which tears away from the stem and hangs in flakes to the margin of the pileus. In these cases the veil is appendiculate (Fig. 248). Frequently it is so delicate that no trace of it remains on the mature plant. Where the veil is well developed it usually remains on the stem as a ring or annulus which becomes free and movable in species of Lepiota (Fig. 242) and Coprinus, or forms a hanging annular curtain in Amanita, or a thick, felty ring in Agaricus, etc. In some plants (species of Lepiota) the annulus is continuous with the outer cortex of the stem, which then appears as if it were partially enclosed in a sheath, with the annulus forming a fringe on the upper end of the sheath, from which the apex of the stem projects.
No reference is here made to the volva, which encloses the entire plant, and which is described in connection with the genera in which it occurs.
The few typical characters described here will help the student to become familiar with terms applied to them. In nature, however, typical cases rarely exist, and it is often necessary to draw distinction between differences so slight that it is almost impossible to describe them. Only by patient study and a thorough acquaintance with the characters of each genus can one hope to become familiar with the many mushrooms growing in our woods and fields.
By the Author.
Plants of large or medium size; fleshy, membranaceous, leathery, woody or gelatinous; growing on the ground, on wood or decaying organic matter; usually saprophytic, more rarely parasitic. Fruiting surface, or hymenium, formed of numerous crowded perpendicular basidia, the apex of the latter bearing two to six (usually four) basidiospores, or the basidiospores borne laterally; in many cases cystidia intermingled with the basidia. Hymenium either free at the beginning, or enclosed either permanently or temporarily in a more or less perfect peridium or veil. Basidiospores continuous or rarely septate, globose, obovoid, ellipsoidal to oblong, smooth or roughened, hyaline or colored, borne singly at the apex of sterigmata.
Order Gasteromycetes. Plants membranaceous, leathery or fleshy, furnished with a peridium and gleba, the latter being sometimes supported on a receptacle. Hymenium on the surface of the gleba which is enclosed within the peridium up to the maturity of the spores or longer; spores continuous, sphaeroid or ellipsoid, hyaline or colored. Puff-balls, etc.
Order Hymenomycetes. Hymenium, at the beginning, borne on the free outer surface of the compound sporophore, or if at first enclosed by a pseudo-peridium or veil it soon becomes exposed before the maturity of the spores; mushrooms, etc.
Analytical Key of the Families.
Plants not gelatinous; basidia continuous. 1
Plants gelatinous or sub-gelatinous, basidia forked, or divided longitudinally or transversely. 4
1—Hymenium uneven, i. e., in the form of radiating plates, or folds; or a honey-combed surface, or reticulate, warty, spiny, etc. 2
Hymenium smooth (not as in B, though it may be convolute and irregular, or ribbed, or veined). 3
2—Hymenium usually on the under side, in the form of radiating plates, or strong folds. The genus Phlebia in the Hydnaceae has the hymenium on smooth, somewhat radiating veins which are interrupted and irregular. One exotic genus has the hymenium on numerous irregular obtuse lobes (Rhacophyllus). Agaricaceae. 17
Hymenium usually below (or on the outer surface when the plant is spread over the substratum), honey-combed, porous, tubulose, or reticulate; in one genus with short, concentric plates. Polyporaceae. 171
Hymenium usually below (or on the outer surface when the plant is spread over the substratum), warted, tuberculate, or with stout, spinous processes; or with interrupted vein-like folds in resupinate forms. Hydnaceae. 195
3—Plants somewhat corky or membranaceous, more or less expanded; hymenium on the under surface (upper surface sterile), or on the outer or exposed surface when the plant is spread over the substratum (margin may then sometimes be free, but upper surface, i. e., that toward the substratum, sterile). (Minute slender spines are sometimes intermingled with the elements of the hymenium, and should not be mistaken for the stouter spinous processes of the Hydnaceae). Thelephoraceae. 208
Plants more or less fleshy, upright (never spread over the surface of the substratum), simple or branched. Hymenium covering both sides and the upper surface. Clavariaceae. 200
4—Basidia forked or longitudinally divided; or if continuous then globose, or bearing numerous spores; or if the plant is leathery, membranous, or floccose, then basidia as described. Hymenium covering the entire free surface or confined to one portion; smooth, gyrose, folded or lobed; or hymenium lamellate, porous, reticulate or toothed forms which are gelatinous and provided with continuous basidia may be sought here. Tremellineae. 204
Pileus more or less expanded, convex, bell-shaped; stipe central or nearly so; or the point of attachment lateral, when the stipe may be short or the pileus sessile and shelving. Fruiting surface usually on the under side and exposed toward the earth, lamellate, or prominently folded or veined. Lamellae or gills radiating from the point of attachment of the pileus with the stipe or with the substratum in the sessile forms; lamellae simple or branched, rarely anastomosing behind, clothed externally on both surfaces with the basidia, each of which bears four spores (rarely two), cystidia often present.
Key to the North American genera.
(Sometimes there is a faint tinge of pink or lilac when the spores are in bulk, but the color is not seen under the microscope.)
Plants soft, fleshy or nearly so, usually soon decaying; dried plants do not revive well when moistened. 1
Plants tough, either fleshy or gelatinous, membranaceous, corky or woody, persistent, reviving when moistened. 13
1—Gills acute on the edge. 2
Edge of the gills obtuse, or gills fold-like, or vein-like, but prominent. 12
2—Trama of the pileus of interwoven threads, not vesiculose. 3
Trama of the pileus vesiculose, plants rigid but quite fragile. 11
3—Gills thin, not much broadened toward the pileus. 4
Gills broadened toward the pileus, of waxy consistency. Hygrophorus. 110
4—Stipe central or sub-central. (Some species of Pleurotus are sub-central, but the gills are usually not decurrent.) 5
Stipe on one side of the pileus, or none, rarely with the stipe sub-central. (Some species of Clitocybe are sub-central.) Pleurotus. 102
5—Stipe fleshy, pileus easily separating from the stipe, gills usually free. 6
Stipe fleshy or fibrous and elastic, pileus confluent with the stipe and of the same texture. 7
Stipe cartilaginous, pileus confluent with the stipe, but of a different texture. 9
6—Volva and annulus present on the stipe. Amanita. 52
Volva present, annulus wanting. Amanitopsis. 74
Volva wanting, annulus present. Lepiota. 77
7—Annulus and volva wanting. 8
Annulus usually present (sometimes vague), volva wanting, gills attached to the stipe. Armillaria. 83
8—Gills sinuate. Tricholoma. 87
Gills decurrent, not sinuate. Clitocybe. 89
9—Gills decurrent, pileus umbilicate. Omphalia. 100
Gills not decurrent. 10
10—Margin of pileus at first involute, pileus flat or nearly so, somewhat fleshy (some plants rather tough and tending toward the consistency of Marasmius). Collybia. 92
Margin of the pileus at first straight, pileus slightly bell-shaped, thin. Mycena. 93
Gills usually free, pileus deeply plicate so that the gills are split where they are attached to the pileus, pileus membranaceous, very tender but not diffluent. Hiatula.
11—Plants where bruised exuding a milky or colored juice. Lactarius. 114
Plants not exuding a juice where bruised. Russula. 125
12—Gills decurrent, dichotomous, edge blunt. Cantharellus. 128
Gills not decurrent, plants parasitic on other mushrooms. Nyctalis.
13—Edge of gills not split into two laminae. 14
Edge of gills split into two laminae and revolute. Schizophyllum. 136
14—Plants leathery, either fleshy, membraneous, or gelatinous. 15
Plants corky or woody (placed by some in Polyporaceae). Lenzites.
15—Stipe separate from the pileus (hymenophore), easily separating. 16
Stipe continuous with hymenophore. 17
16—Plants tough and fleshy, membranaceous or leathery. Marasmius. 130
Plants gelatinous and leathery. Heliomyces.
17—Edge of the gills acute. 18
Edge of the gills obtuse. 19
18—Edge of gills usually serrate. Lentinus. 134
Edge of gills entire. Panus. 134
19—Gills dichotomous. Xerotus.
Gills fold-like, irregular. Trogia. 137
There are only a few rare species of Hiatula, Nyctalis, Heliomyces and Xerotus in the United States. None are here described.
(The spores are yellowish brown or rusty brown.)
Gills not separating readily from 1
Gills sometimes separating readily from the pileus, forked or anastomosing at the base, or connected with vein-like reticulations. Paxillus. 165
1—Universal veil not arachnoid (i. e., not cobwebby). 2
Universal veil arachnoid, distinct from the cuticle of the pileus, gills powdery from the spores. Cortinarius. 161
2—Stipe central. 3
Stipe eccentric or none. Crepidotus. 159
3—Volva or annulus present on stipe. 4
Volva and annulus wanting. 5
4—Stipe with an annulus. Pholiota. 150
Stipe with a volva. Locellina (not reported in U. S.).
5—Gills free from the stem. Pluteolus.
Gills attached. 6
6—Gills not dissolving nor becoming powdery. 7
Gills dissolving into a gelatinous or powdery condition, not diffluent as in Coprinus. Bolbitius. 163
7—Stipe fleshy. 8
Stipe cartilaginous or sub-cartilaginous. 10
8—Gills somewhat sinuate. 9
Gills adnate or decurrent. Flammula. 156
9—Cuticle of the pileus silky or bearing fibrils. Inocybe. 158
Cuticle of pileus smooth, viscid. Hebeloma. 157
10—Gills decurrent. Tubaria. 159
Gills not decurrent. 11
11—Margin of pileus inflexed. Naucoria. 153
Margin of pileus straight, from the first. Galera. 155
No species of Pluteolus are here described.
(The spores are rose color, pink, flesh or salmon color.)
Stipe central. 1
Stipe eccentric or none and pileus lateral. Claudopus. 149
1—Pileus easily separating from the stipe, gills free. 2
Pileus confluent with the stipe and of the same texture, gills attached, in some becoming almost free. 3
2—Volva present and distinct, annulus wanting. Volvaria. 140
Volva and annulus wanting. Pluteus. 138
3—Stipe fleshy to fibrous, margin of pileus at first incurved. 4
Stipe cartilaginous. 5
4—Gills sinuate. Entoloma. 143
Gills decurrent. Clitopilus. 142
5—Gills not decurrent (or if so only by a minute tooth), easily separating from the stipe. 6
Gills decurrent, pileus umbilicate. Eccilia. 148
6—Pileus slightly convex, margin at first incurved. Leptonia. 147
Pileus bell-shaped, margin at first straight and pressed close against the stipe. Nolanea.
No species of Nolanea are described here.
(The spores are dark brown or purplish brown.)
Pileus easily separating from the stem; gills usually free. 1
Pileus continuous with the stem; gills attached. 2
1—Volva wanting, annulus present. (Psalliota Fr.) Agaricus. 18
Volva present, annulus wanting. Chitonia.
Volva and annulus wanting. Pilosace.
2—Veil present. 3
Veil wanting or obsolete. 4
3—Annulus present, gills attached. Stropharia. 31
Annulus wanting, veil remaining attached to margin of pileus. Hypholoma. 26
4—Stipe tenacious, margin of pileus first incurved. 5
Stipe fragile, margin of pileus at first straight. Psathyra.
5—Gills sub-triangularly decurrent. Deconica.
Gills not decurrent. Psilocybe.
But few species of Psathyra, Deconica, Chitonia and Pilosace are noted from the United States. None are here described.
Pileus present to which the gills are attached. 1
Pileus wanting, gills attached to a disk at apex of stem from which they radiate. Montagnites.[G]
1—Gills more or less deliquescing, or pileus thin, membranous and splitting between the laminae of the gills and becoming more or less plicate. Coprinus. 32
Gills not deliquescing, etc. 2
2—Spores globose, ovoid. 3
Spores elongate, fusiform (in some species brown), plants with a slimy envelope. Gomphidius. 49
3—Pileus somewhat fleshy, not striate, projecting beyond the gills at the margin; gills variegated in color from groups of dark spores on the surface. 4
Pileus somewhat fleshy, margin striate, gills not variegated. Psathyrella. 48
4—Annulus wanting, but veil often present. Panaeolus. 45
Annulus wanting, veil appendiculate on margin of cap. Chalymotta. 48
Annulus present. Anellaria.
cm. = centimeter (about 2-1/2 cm. make one inch). mm. = millimeter (about 25 mm. make 1 inch). mu = one micron (1000 mu = 1 mm.).
Adnate, said of the gills when they are attached squarely, or broadly, to the stem.
Adnexed, said of gills when they are attached only slightly or only by the upper angle of the stem.
Anastomose, running together in a net-like manner.
Annulus, the ring or collar around the stem formed from the inner or partial veil.
Appendiculate, said of the veil when it clings in fragments to the margin of the pileus.
Arachnoid, said of the veil when it is cobwebby, that is, formed of loose threads.
Ascus, the club-shaped body which bears the spores inside (characteristic of the Ascomycetes).
Basidium (pl. basidia) the club-shaped body which bears the spores in the Basidiomycetes. These stand parallel, and together make up the entire or large part of the hymenium or fruiting surface which covers the gills, etc. Paraphyses (sterile cells) and sometimes cystidia (longer sterile cells) or spines are intermingled with the basidia.
Bulbous, said of the enlarged lower end of the stem in some mushrooms.
Circumscissile, splitting transversely across the middle, used to indicate one of the ways in which the volva ruptures.
Cortina, a cobwebby veil.
Cuticle, the skin-like layer on the outside of the pileus.
Decurrent, said of the gills when they extend downward on the stem.
Diffluent, said of the gills when they dissolve into a fluid.
Dimidiate, halved, said of a sessile pileus semi-circular in form and attached by the plane edge directly to the wood.
Echinulate, term applied to minute spinous processes, on the spores for example.
Eccentric, said of a stem when it is attached to some other point than the center of the pileus.
Fimbriate, in the form of a delicate fringe.
Fistulose, becoming hollow.
Floccose, term applied to indicate delicate and soft threads, cottony extensions from the surface of any part of the mushroom.
Flocculose, minutely floccose.
Fugacious, disappearing.
Fuliginous (or fuligineous), dark brown, sooty or smoky.
Fulvous, tawny, reddish yellow.
Fusiform, spindle-shaped.
Fusoid, like a spindle.
Furfuraceous, with numerous minute scales.
Gleba, the chambered tissue forming the hymenium (fruiting surface) in the puff-balls and their allies.
Hygrophanous, appearing to be water soaked.
Hymenium, the fruiting surface of the mushrooms and other fungi.
Hymenomycetes, the subdivision of the Basidiomycetes in which the fruiting surface is exposed before the spores are ripe.
Hymenophore, the portion of the fruit body which bears the hymenium.
Hypha (pl. hyphae), a single mycelium thread.
Imbricate, overlapping like the shingles on a roof.
Involute, folded or rolled inward.
Lamella (pl. lamellae), the gills of the mushroom.
Mycelium, the vegetative or growing portion of the mushrooms, and other fungi, made up of several or many threads.
Ocreate, applied to the volva where it fits the lower part of the stem, as a stocking does the leg.
Pectinate, like the teeth of a comb.
Peridium, the wall of the puff-balls, etc.
Pileus (pl. pilei), the cap of the mushroom.
Plicate, plaited, or folded like a fan.
Punctate, with minute points.
Pulverulent, with a minute powdery substance.
Repand, wavy.
Resupinate, spread over the matrix, the fruiting surface external and the pileus next the wood.
Revolute, rolled backward.
Rugose, wrinkled.
Rugulose, with minute wrinkles.
Saprophytic, growing on dead organic matter.
Sessile, where the pileus is attached directly to the matrix without any stem.
Sinuate, said of the gills when they are notched at their junction with the stem.
Stipe, the stem.
Sulcate, furrowed.
Squamulose, with minute scales.
Squarrose, with prominent reflexed scales.
Tomentose, with a dense, matted, hairy or woolly surface.
Trama, the interior portion of the gills or pileus.
Umbo, with a prominent boss or elevation, in the center of the pileus.
Umbilicate, with a minute abrupt depression in the center of the cap.
Veil, a layer of threads extending from the margin of the cap to the stem (partial veil or marginal veil). A universal veil envelops the entire plant.
Veins, elevated lines or folds running over the surface of the lamellae in some species, and often connected so as to form reticulations.
Ventricose, enlarged or broadened at the middle, bellied.
Vesiculose, full of small rounded vesicles, as the trama of the pileus of a Russula.
Volva, a wrapper or envelope, which in the young stage completely surrounds the plant, same as universal veil. At maturity of the plant it may be left in the form of a cup at the base of the stem, or broken up into fragments and distributed over the cap and base of the stem.
[F] The sub-class Ascomycetes includes the morels, helvellas, cup fungi, etc., and many microscopic forms, in which the spores are borne inside a club-shaped body, the ascus. Only a few of the genera are described in this book, and the technical diagnosis will be omitted. See page 216.
[G] One American species in Texas.
NOTE.—In this index the generic and specific names have been divided into syllables, and the place of the primary accent has been indicated, with the single object of securing a uniform pronunciation in accordance with the established rules of English orthoepy.
Agaricus (A-gar'i-cus), 18—26. arvensis (ar-ven'sis), 21, fig. 18. campestris (cam-pes'tris), 1—9, 18, figs. 1—7, 12. comtulus (com'tu-lus), 24, fig. 24. cretaceus (cre-ta'ce-us), 79. diminutivus (di-min-u-ti'vus), 26. echinatus (ech-i-na'tus), 158. fabaceus (fa-ba'ce-us), 23. maritimus (ma-rit'i-mus), 142. placomyces (pla-com'y-ces), 23, pl. 4, 5, figs. 21, 22, 23. rodmani (rod'ma-ni), 20, fig. 17. silvaticus (sil-vat'i-cus), 23. silvicola (sil-vic'o-la), 20, figs. 19, 20. subrufescens (sub-ru-fes'cens), 23.
Amanita (Am-a-ni'ta), 52. caesarea (cae'-sa're-a), 70, pls. 18, 19, fig. 72. cothurnata (coth-ur-na'ta), 66 69, pl. 17, figs. 68—70. floccocephala (floc-co-ceph'a-la), 62, fig. 63. frostiana (fros-ti-a'na), 54, 55, 67, pl. 1. mappa (map'pa), 58. muscaria (mus-ca'ri-a), 52—54, pls. 1, 12, 13, figs. 52—54. pantherina (pan-the-ri'na), 69. phalloides (phal-loi'des), 3, 14, 55—61, 78, pl. 14, figs. 55—58. polypyramis (pol-y-pyr'a-mis), 74. rubescens (ru-bes'cens), 71, 72, pls. 19, 20, figs. 73, 74. spreta (spre'ta), 69, 70, fig. 71. solitaria (sol-i-ta'ri-a), 72—74, pls. 21, 22, figs. 75, 76. strobiliformis (strob-i-li-for'mis), 73. velatipes (ve-lat'i-pes), 63—66, pls. 15, 16, figs. 64—67. verna (ver'na), 60, 61, 78, figs. 59—61. virosa (vi-ro'sa), 61, 62, fig. 62.
Amanitopsis (A-man-i-top'sis), 74. farinosa (far-i-no'sa), 76, 77, fig. 78. livida (liv'i-da), 75. nivalis (ni-va'lis), 76. spadicea (spa-dic'e-a), 75. vaginata (vag-i-na'ta), 74—76, pl. 23, fig. 77. volvata (vol-va'ta), 76.
Armillaria (Ar-mil-la'ri-a), 83. aurantia (au-ran'ti-a), 84—86, fig. 86. mellea (mel'le-a), 83, 84, pl. 27, fig. 85.
Annularia laevis (An-nu-la'ri lae'vis), 78.
Ascomycetes (As-co-my-ce'tes), 216.
Basidiomycetes (Ba-sid-i-o-my-ce'tes), 260.
Black-spored agarics, 32.
Bolbitius (Bol-bit'i-us), 163. variicolor (va-ri-ic'o-lor), 164, fig. 158.
Boletinus (Bo-le-ti'nus), 172. pictus (pic'tus), 183, fig. 175. porosus (po-ro'sus), 184, pl. 63, fig. 176.
Boletus (Bo-le'tus), 172. americanus (a-mer-i-ca'nus), 178, fig. 171. brevipes (brev'i-pes), 179. bulbosus (bul-bo'sus), 172. chromapes (chro'ma-pes), 176, pl. 59, fig. 168. edulis (e-du'lis), 172, 173, 176, pls. 55, 56, 57, figs. 164, 165. felleus (fel'le-us), 173, pl. 58, fig. 166. flavidus (flav'i-dus), 178. granulatus (gran-u-la'tus), 178. luteus (lu'te-us), 181, 182, pl. 62, figs. 173, 174. obsonium (ob-so'ni-um), 177, pl. 61, fig. 170. ornatipes (or-nat'i-pes), 174, 176. punctipes (punc'ti-pes), 179, fig. 172. retipes (re'ti-pes), 174—176, fig. 167. scaber (sca'ber), 174. subluteus (sub-lu'te-us), 181, 182. subtomentosus (sub-tom-en-to'sus), 167, 168. vermiculosus (ver-mic-u-lo'sus), 177, pl. 60, fig. 169.
Bovista (Bo-vis'ta), 209.
Calostoma (Ca-los'to-ma), 212. cinnabarinum (cin-na-ba-ri'num), 212, 213, pl. 82, fig. 211. lutescens (lu-tes'cens), 212.
Calvatia (Cal-va'ti-a), 209.
Cantharellus (Can-tha-rel'lus), 128. aurantiacus (au-ran-ti'a-cus), 129, 130, pl. 41, figs. 127, 128. cibarius (ci-ba'ri-us), 128, fig. 126.
Chalymotta retirugis (Chal-y-mot'ta re-ti-ru'gis), 48.
Clavaria (Cla-va'ri-a), 201. botrytes (bo-try'tes), 202, fig. 202. formosa (for-mo'sa), 201, pl. 80, fig. 201. mucida (mu'ci-da), 203, fig. 204. pistillaris (pis-til-la'ris), 203, fig. 203.
Clavariaceae (Cla-va-ri-a'ce-ae), 200.
Coral fungi, 200.
Clitocybe (Cli-toc'y-be), 89. candida (can'di-da), 89, pls. 28, 29, figs. 90, 91. cyathiformis (cy-a-thi-for'mis), 90. illudens (il-lu'dens), 90, fig. 92. infundibuliformis (in-fun-dib-u-li-for'mis), 90, fig. 244. laccata (lac-ca'ta), 89. multiceps (mul'ti-ceps), 91, pl. 30, fig. 93. pelletieri (pel-let-i-e'ri), 168.
Clitopilus (Cli-top'i-lus), 142. orcella (or-cel'la), 143. prunulus (pru'nu-lus), 142, pl. 44, fig. 138.
Collybia (Col-lyb'i-a), 92. dryophila (dry-oph'i-la), 204, fig. 205. longipes (lon'gi-pes), 93. lachnophylla (lach-no-phyl'la), 132. platyphylla (plat-y-phyl'la), 93. radicata (rad-i-ca'ta), 92, pl. 31, fig. 94. spinulifera (spin-u-lif'e-ra), 132. velutipes (ve-lu'ti-pes), 92, pl. 32, fig. 95.
Coprinus (Co-pri'nus), 32. atramentarius (a-tra-men-ta'ri-us), 40—42, pl. 10, figs. 39—42. comatus (co-ma'tus), 33—40, pl. 9, figs. 31—38. micaceus (mi-ca'ce-us), 15, 42—44, figs. 43, 44.
Corticium (Cor-tic'i-um), 208.
Cortinarius (Cor-ti-na'ri-us), 161. cinnamomeus (cin-na-mo'me-us), 162, fig. 155. collinitus (col-li-ni'tus), 161. ochroleucus (och-ro-leu'cus), 163, pls. 50, 51, figs. 156, 157. violaceus (vi-o-la'ce-us), 161.
Craterellus (Crat-e-rel'lus), 208. cantharellus (can-tha-rel'lus), 208. cornucopioides (cor-nu-co-pi-oi'des), 208. pistillaris (pis-til-la'ris), 203.
Crepidotus (Crep-i-do'tus), 159. applanatus (ap-pla-na'tus), 161. calolepis (ca-lol'e-pis), 161. chimonophilus (chi-mo-noph'i-lus), 160. fulvotomentosus (ful-vo-tom-en-to'sus), 161. herbarum (her-ba'rum), 160. versutus (ver-su'tus), 160, fig. 154.
Daedalea ambigua (Dae-da'le-a am-big'u-a), 16, 17, pl. 3, fig. 16.
Dictyophora (Dic-ty-oph'o-ra), 214. duplicata (du-pli-ca'ta), 214, pl. 83, fig. 212. ravenelii (rav-e-nel'li-i), 215, 216, pl. 84, figs. 213—215.
Discomycetes (Dis-co-my-ce'tes), 216.
Eccilia (Ec-cil'i-a), 148. polita (po-li'ta), 148, fig. 143.
Entoloma (En-to-lo'ma), 143. grayanum (gray-a'num), 144, 145, fig. 140. jubatum (ju-ba'tum), 143, 144, fig. 139. repandum (re-pan'dum), 143, 303, fig. 250. strictius (stric'ti-us), 145, 146, fig. 141.
Exidia glandulosa (Ex-id'ia glan-du-lo'sa), 206.
Fistulina (Fis-tu-li'na), 171, 186. firma (fir'ma), 186. hepatica (he-pat'i-ca), 186, pl. 65. pallida (pal'li-da), 186, 187, pls. 65, 66, fig. 180.
Flammula (Flam'mu-la), 156. paradoxa (par-a-dox'a), 168. polychroa (po-lych'ro-a), 156, 157, fig. 151. rhodoxanthus (rhod-o-xan'thus), 168. sapinea (sa-pin'e-a), 157. tammii (tam'mi-i), 169.
Fomes (Fo'mes), 193, 194.
Galera (Ga-le'ra), 155. antipoda (an-tip'o-da), 155. coprinoides (cop-rin-oi'des), 155. flava (fla'va), 155. lateritia (lat-e-ri'ti-a), 155. tenera (ten'e-ra), 155.
Geaster (Ge-as'ter), 209.
Gomphidius (Gom-phid'i-us), 49. glutinosus (glu-ti-no'sus), 51. nigricans (nig'ri-cans), 49—51, figs. 50, 51. rhodoxanthus (rhod-o-xan'thus), 168.
Gomphus (Gom'phus), 168.
Gyrocephalus (Gy-ro-ceph'a-lus), 207. rufus (ru'fus), 207, fig. 208.
Gyromitra esculenta (Gy-rom'i-tra es-cu-len'ta), 220.
Hebeloma (He-be-lo'ma), 157. crustuliniforme (crus-tu-lin-i-for'me), 158, fig. 152.
Hedgehog fungi, 195.
Helvella (Hel-vel'la), 219. crispa (cris'pa), 219. lacunosa (lac-u-no'sa), 220, fig. 219.
Hydnaceae (Hyd-na'ce-ae), 195.
Hydnum (Hyd'num), 195. caput-medusae (ca'put—me-du'sae), 198. caput-ursi (ca'put—ur'si), 197, pl. 77, fig. 196. coralloides (cor-al-loi'des), 196, fig. 195. erinaceus (er-i-na'ce-us), 198, fig. 197. fragile (frag'i-le), 200. graveolens (gra-ve'o-lens), 200. imbricatum (im-bri-ca'tum), 198, fig. 200. repandum (re-pan'dum), 198, pl. 78, fig. 198. putidum (pu'ti-dum), 199, pl. 79, fig. 199. velutinum (ve-lu'ti-num), 200.
Hygrophorus (Hy-groph'o-rus), 110. chrysodon (chrys'o-don), 111, fig. 115. coccineus (coc-cin'e-us), 114. conicus (con'i-cus), 114. eburneus (e-bur'ne-us), 111, pl. 38, fig. 116. fuligineus (fu-li-gin'e-us), 113, fig. 117. hypothejus (hy-po-the'jus), 114. miniatus (min-i-a'tus), 113, 114. pratensis (pra-ten'sis), 113. psittacinus (psit-ta-ci'nus), 114.
Hymenochaete (Hy-me-no-chae'te), 208.
Hymenomycetes (Hy-me-no-my-ce'tes), 261.
Hypholoma (Hyph-o-lo'ma), 26. appendiculatum (ap-pen-dic-u-la'tum), 27, 28, pl. 7, figs. 26, 27. candolleanum (can-dol-le-a'num), 28. lachrymabundum (lach-ry-ma-bun'dum), 28—30, fig. 28. perplexum (per-plex'um), 27. rugocephalum (ru-go-ceph'a-lum), 30, pl. 8, fig. 29. sublateritium (sub-la-te-ri'ti-um), 26, pl. 6, fig. 25.
Inocybe (I-noc'y-be), 158. echinata (ech-i-na'ta), 158. repanda (re-pan'da), 303, fig. 250.
Ithyphallus impudicus (Ith-y-phal'lus im-pu-di'cus), 216.
Lactarius (Lac-ta'ri-us), 114. chelidonium (chel-i-do'ni-um), 124, pl. 39. chrysorrheus (chrys-or'rhe-us), 122, fig. 125. corrugis (cor-ru'gis), 116, fig. 118. deliciosus (de-lic-i-o'sus), 123, pl. 39. fuliginosus (fu-lig-i-no'sus), 118, fig. 120. gerardii (ge-rar'di-i), 119. indigo (in'di-go), 125, pl. 39. lignyotus (lig-ny-o'tus), 117, fig. 119. pergamenus (per-ga-me'nus), 121. piperatus (pip-e-ra'tus), 120, fig. 122. resimus (re-si'mus), 121, figs. 123, 124. torminosus (tor-mi-no'sus), 119, fig. 121. volemus (vo-le'mus), 121.
Lentinus (Len-ti'nus), 134. lecomtei (le-comt'e-i), 135. lepideus (le-pid'e-us), 135. stipticus (stip'ti-cus), 135, 136. vulpinus (vul-pi'nus), 134, pl. 42, figs. 131, 132.
Leotia lubrica (Le-o'ti-a lu'bri-ca), 221, fig. 221.
Lepiota (Lep-i-o'ta), 77. acutesquamosa (a-cu-te-squa-mo'sa), 81. americana (a-mer-i-ca'na), 80, 81, fig. 82. asperula (as-per'u-la), 82, 83, pl. 26, fig. 84. badhami (bad'ham-i), 81. cristata (cris-ta'ta), 81, fig. 83. naucina (nau-ci'na), 13, 77—79, pl. 24, figs. 79, 80. naucinoides (nau-ci-noi'des), 77. procera (pro-ce'ra), 79, pl. 25, figs. 81, 242. rachodes (ra-cho'des), 79.
Leptonia (Lep-to'ni-a), 147. asprella (as-prel'la), 147, fig. 142. incana (in-ca'na), 147.
Lycoperdaceae (Ly-co-per-da'ce-ae), 209.
Lycoperdon (Ly-co-per'don), 209. cyathiforme (cy-a-thi-for'me), 210, pl. 81, fig. 209. gemmatum (gem-ma'tum), 210, fig. 210. giganteum (gi-gan'te-um), 210. pyriforme (pyr-i-for'me), 211.
Marasmius (Ma-ras'mi-us), 130. cohaerens (co-hae'rens), 132, 133, figs. 130, 249. oreades (o-re'a-des), 131, fig. 129. rotula (rot'u-la), 131.
Merulius (Me-ru'li-us), 171, 172, 194. lacrymans (lac'ry-mans), 194, pl. 73, figs. 189, 190. tremellosus (trem-el-lo'sus), 194, pl. 74, figs. 191, 192.
Mitremyces lutescens (Mi-trem'y-ces lu-tes'cens), 213.
Morchella (Mor-chel'la), 217. bispora (bis'po-ra), 219. conica (con'i-ca), 217, fig. 217. crassipes (cras'si-pes), 219, pl. 86, fig. 218. deliciosa (de-lic-i-o'sa), 219. esculenta (es-cu-len'ta), 217, pl. 85, fig. 216. semilibera (sem-i-lib'e-ra), 219.
Mucronella (Mu-cro-nel'la), 200.
Mycena (My-ce'na), 93. acicula (a-cic'u-la), 97, 98, fig. 100. cyanothrix (cy-an'o-thrix), 98, fig. 101. epipterygia (e-pip-te-ryg'i-a), 96, 97, fig. 98. galericulata (gal-e-ric-u-la'ta), 94, 245. haematopa (hae-mat'o-pa), 98—100, fig. 102. polygramma (pol-y-gram'ma), 94, fig. 96. praelonga (prae-lon'ga), 94, 95. pura (pu'ra), 95, 96, fig. 97. succosa (suc-co'sa), 100. vulgaris (vul-ga'ris), 97, fig. 99.
Myriostoma (Myr-i-os'to-ma), 209.
Naucoria (Nau-co'ri-a), 153. semiorbicularis (sem-i-or-bic-u-la'ris), 153, 154. vernalis (ver-na'lis), 154, fig. 150.
Ochre-spored agarics, 150.
Omphalia (Om-pha'li-a), 100. campanella (cam-pa-nel'la), 101, 254, pl. 33, figs. 103, 241. epichysium (ep-i-chys'i-um), 101, fig. 104.
Panaeolus (Pa-nae'o-lus), 45. fimicola (fi-mic'o-la), 48. papilionaceus (pa-pil-i-o-na'ce-us), 48, fig. 247. retirugis (re-ti-ru'gis), 45—48, pl. 11, figs. 45—48, 248. solidipes (so-lid'i-pes), 48.
Panus (Pa'nus), 134. cyathiformis (cy-a-thi-for'mis), 135. rudis (ru'dis), 135. strigosus (stri-go'sus), 135. stipticus (stip'ti-cus), 135, 136.
Paxillus (Pax-il'lus) 165. atro-tomentosus (at-ro-tom-en-to'sus), 169, fig. 161. corrugatus (cor-ru-ga'tus), 170, pl. 53, fig. 162. flavidus (flav'i-dus), 168. involutus (in-vo-lu'tus), 166, 167, fig. 159. panuoides (pan-u-oi'des), 170, pl. 54, fig. 163. rhodoxanthus (rhod-o-xan'thus), 167, 168, pl. 52, fig. 160.
Phalloideae (Phal-loid'e-ae), 213.
Phlebia (Phle'bi-a), 195. merismoides (mer-is-moi'des), pls. 75, 76, figs. 193, 194.
Pholiota (Pho-li-o'ta), 150. adiposa (ad-i-po'sa), 151, 152, pl. 47, fig. 146. aurivella (au-ri-vel'la), 152. cerasina (ce-ras'i-na), 152. johnsoniana (john-so-ni-a'na), 153, pl. 49, fig. 149. marginata (mar-gi-na'ta), 151, fig. 147. praecox (prae'cox), 150, 151, pl. 46, fig. 145. squarrosa (squar-ro'sa), 152. squarrosoides (squar-ro-soi'des), 152, pl. 48, fig. 148. subsquarrosa (sub-squar-ro'sa), 152. unicolor (u-nic'o-lor), 151.
Pleurotus (Pleu-ro'tus), 102. applicatus (ap-pli-ca'tus), 109, 110, fig. 114. corticatus (cor-ti-ca'tus), 106, pl. 37, fig. 110. dryinus (dry'i-nus), 105, 106, pl. 36, figs. 109, 110. ostreatus (os-tre-a'tus), 104, pl. 34, fig. 107. petaloides (pet-a-loi'des), 107—109, figs. 112, 113. sapidus (sap'i-dus), 104, 105, pl. 35, fig. 108. serotinus (se-rot'i-nus), 109. sulfureoides (sul-fu-re-oi'des), 107, fig. 111. ulmarius (ul-ma'ri-us), 102—104, figs. 105, 106.
Pluteus (Plu'te-us), 138. cervinus (cer-vi'nus), 138, 139, fig. 135. tomentosulus (to-men-tos'u-lus), 140, fig. 136.
Polyporaceae (Pol-y-po-ra'ce-ae), 171.
Polyporus (Po-lyp'o-rus), 171, 188—194. applanatus (ap-pla-na'tus), 193, fig. 15. borealis (bo-re-a'lis), 9, 10, figs. 9, 10. brumalis (bru-ma'lis), 191, pl. 71, fig. 186. fomentarius (fo-men-ta'rius), 194. frondosus (fron-do'sus), 188, pls. 67, 68, figs. 181, 182. igniarius (ig-ni-a'ri-us), 194. intybaceus (in-ty-ba'ce-us), 184. leucophaeus (leu-co-phae'us), 194. lucidus (lu'ci-dus), 193, pl. 72, fig. 188. sulphureus (sul-phu're-us), 190, pls. 69, 70, figs. 184, 185. umbellatus (um-bel-la'tus), 189, fig. 183.
Polystictus (Pol-y-stic'tus), 191. cinnabarinus (cin-na-ba-ri'nus), 192. cinnamomeus (cin-na-mo'me-us), 192, fig. 187. connatus (con-na'tus), 192. hirsutus (hir-su'tus), 192. oblectans (ob-lec'tans), 192. perennis (pe-ren'nis), 192, fig. 187. pergamenus (per-ga-me'nus), 105, 193. splendens (splen'dens), 192. versicolor (ver-sic'o-lor), 192.
Psalliota (Psal-li-o'ta), 18—26, 158.
Psathyrella (Psath-y-rel'la), 48. disseminata (dis-sem-i-na'ta), 48, 49, fig. 49.
Psilocybe foenisecii (Psi-loc'y-be foe-ni-se'ci-i), 48.
Purple-brown-spored agarics, 18.
Rosy-spored agarics, 138.
Russula (Rus'su-la), 125. adusta (ad-us'ta), 127, pl. 40. alutacea (al-u-ta'ce-a), 125, 126, pl. 40. emetica (e-met'i-ca), 127, pl. 40. fragilis (frag'i-lis), 127. furcata (fur-ca'ta), 127. lepida (lep'i-da), 126, pl. 40. nigricans (nig'ri-cans), 127. virescens (vi-res'cens), 126, pl. 40.
Sarcoscypha floccosa (Sar-cos'cy-pha floc-co'sa), 221, 222, fig. 222.
Schizophyllum (Schiz-o-phyl'lum), 136. alneum (al'ne-um), 136, 137, fig. 133. commune (com-mu'ne), 136.
Scleroderma (Scler-o-der'ma), 212. verrucosum (ver-ru-co'sum), 212. vulgare (vul-ga're), 212.
Spathularia velutipes (Spath-u-la'ri-a ve-lu'ti-pes), 220, fig. 220.
Spinellus fusiger (Spi-nel'lus fu'si-ger) 95. macrocarpus (mac-ro-car'pus), 95.
Sterium (Ste'ri-um), 208.
Strobilomyces (Strob-i-lom'y-ces), 184. floccopus (floc'co-pus), 185. strobilaceus (strob-i-la'ce-us), 184, pl. 64, figs. 177—179.
Stropharia (Stro-pha'ri-a), 31. aeruginosa (ae-ru-gi-no'sa), 32. semiglobata (sem-i-glo-ba'ta), 31, fig. 30. stercoraria (ster-co-ra'ri-a), 32.
Thelephoraceae (Thel-e-pho-ra'ce-ae), 208.
Trametes (Tra-me'tes), 16, 193. ambigua (am-big'u-a), 16, 17.
Trembling fungi, 204.
Tremellineae (Trem-el-lin'e-ae), 204.
Tremella (Tre-mel'la), 204. frondosa (fron-do'sa), 205, fig. 206. fuciformis (fu-ci-for'mis), 206, fig. 207. lutescens (lu-tes'cens), 205. mycetophila (my-ce-toph'i-la), 204, fig. 205.
Tricholoma (Trich-o-lo'ma), 87. peckii (peck'i-i), 85, 86. personatum (per-so-na'tum), 87, figs. 87, 88. sejunctum (se-junc'tum), 88, fig. 89.
Trogia (Tro'gi-a), 137. crispa (cris'pa), 137, pl. 43, fig. 134.
Tubaria (Tu-ba'ri-a), 159. pellucida (pel-lu'ci-da), 159, fig. 153.
Tube-bearing fungi, 171.
Verpa bohemica (Ver'pa bo-hem'i-ca), 219.
Volvaria (vol-va'ri-a), 140. bombycina (bom-byc'i-na), 140, 141, fig. 137. speciosa (spe-ci-o'sa), 141, 142.
White-spored agarics, 52.
acicula (Mycena), 97. acutesquamosa (Lepiota), 81. adiposa (Pholiota), 151. adusta (Russula), 127. aeruginosa (Stropharia), 32. alneum (Schizophyllum), 136. alutacea (Russula), 125. ambigua (Daedalea), 16. ambigua (Trametes), 16. americana (Lepiota), 80. americanus (Boletus), 178. antipoda (Galera), 155. applanatus (Crepidotus), 161. applanatus (Polyporus), 193. appendiculatum (Hypholoma), 27. applicatus (Pleurotus), 109. arvensis (Agaricus), 20. asperula (Lepiota), 82. asprella (Leptonia), 147. atramentarius (Coprinus), 40. atro-tomentosus (Paxillus), 169. aurantia (Armillaria), 84. aurantiacus (Cantharellus), 129. aurivella (Pholiota), 152.
badhami (Lepiota), 81. bispora (Morchella), 219. bohemica (Verpa), 219. bombycina (Volvaria), 140. botrytes (Clavaria), 202. brevipes (Boletus), 179. brumalis (Polyporus), 191. bulbosus (Boletus), 172.
caesarea (Amanita), 70. calolepis (Crepidotus), 161. campestris (Agaricus), 18. campanella (Omphalia), 101. candida (Clitocybe), 89. candolleanum (Hypholoma), 28. cantharellus (Craterellus), 208. caput-medusae (Hydnum), 198. caput-ursi (Hydnum), 197. caudicinus (Polyporus), 190. cerasina (Pholiota), 152. cervinus (Pluteus), 138. chelidonium (Lactarius), 124. chimonophilus (Crepidotus), 160. chromapes (Boletus), 176. chrysodon (Hygrophorus), 111. chrysorrheus (Lactarius), 122. cibarius (Cantharellus), 128. cinnabarinum (Calostoma), 212. cinnabarinus (Polystictus), 192. cinnamomeus (Cortinarius), 162. cinnamomeus (Polystictus), 192. coccinea (Sarcoscypha), 222. coccineus (Hygrophorus), 112. cohaerens (Marasmius), 132. cohaerens (Mycena), 132. collinitus (Cortinarius), 161. comatus (Coprinus), 33. commune (Schizophyllum), 136. comtulus (Agaricus), 24. conica (Morchella), 217. conicus (Hygrophorus), 114. connatus (Polystictus), 192. coprinoides (Galera), 155. coralloides (Hydnum), 196. cornucopioides (Craterellus), 208. corrugatus (Paxillus), 170. corrugis (Lactarius), 116. corticatus (Pleurotus), 106. cothurnata (Amanita), 66. cretaceus (Agaricus), 79. crassipes (Morchella), 219. crispa (Helvella), 219. crispa (Trogia), 139. cristata (Lepiota), 81. crustuliniforme (Hebeloma), 158. cyanothrix (Mycena), 98. cyathiforme (Lycoperdon), 209. cyathiformis (Clitocybe), 90. cyathiformis (Panus), 135.
deliciosa (Morchella), 219. deliciosus (Lactarius), 123. diminutivus (Agaricus), 26. disseminata (Psathyrella), 48. dryinus (Pleurotus), 105. dryophila (Collybia), 204. duplicata (Dictyophora), 214.
eburneus (Hygrophorous), 111. echinata (Inocybe), 158. edulus (Boletus), 172. emetica (Russula), 127. epichysium (Omphalia), 101. epipterygia (Mycena), 96. erinaceus (Hydnum), 198. esculenta (Gyromitra), 220. esculenta (Morchella), 217.
farinosa (Amanitopsis), 76. felleus (Boletus), 173. fimicola (Panaeolus), 48. firma (Fistulina), 186. flava (Galera), 155. flavidus (Boletus), 178. flavidus (Paxillus), 168. floccocephala (Amanita), 62. floccopus (Strobilomyces), 185. floccosa (Sarcoscypha), 221. foenisecii (Psilocybe), 48. fomentarius (Polyporus), 194. formosa (Clavaria), 201. fragile (Hydnum), 200. fragilis (Russula), 127. frondosa (Tremella), 205. frondosus (Polyporus), 188. frostiana (Amanita), 54. fuciformis (Tremella), 206. fuligineus (Hygrophorus), 113. fuliginosus (Lactarius), 118. fulvotomentosus (Crepidotus), 161. furcata (Russula), 127. fusiger (Spinellus), 95.
galericulata (Mycena), 94. gemmatum (Lycoperdon), 210. gerardii (Lactarius), 119. giganteum (Lycoperdon), 210. glandulosa (Exidia), 206. glutinosus (Gomphidius), 51. granulatus (Boletus), 178. graveolens (Hydnum), 200. grayanum (Entoloma), 144.
haematopa (Mycena), 98. hepatica (Fistulina), 186. herbarum (Crepidotus), 160. hirsutus (Polystictus), 192. hypothejus (Hygrophorus), 114.
igniarius (Polyporus), 194. illudens (Clitocybe), 90. imbricatum (Hydnum), 198. impudicus (Ithyphallus), 216. incana (Leptonia), 147. indigo (Lactarius), 125. infundibuliformis (Clitocybe), 90. intybaceus (Polyporus), 189. involutus (Paxillus), 166.
johnsoniana (Pholiota), 153. jubatum (Entoloma), 143.
laccata (Clitocybe), 89. lachnophylla (Collybia), 132. lachrymabundum (Hypholoma), 28. lacrymans (Merulius), 194. lacunosa (Helvella), 220. laevis (Annularia), 78. lateritia (Galera), 155. lecomtei, (Lentinus), 135. lepida (Russula), 126. lepideus (Lentinus), 135. lignyotus (Lactarius), 117. livida (Amanitopsis), 75. longipes (Collybia), 93. lubrica (Leotia), 221. lucidus (Polyporus), 193. leucophaeus (Polyporus), 194. lutescens (Calostoma), 212. lutescens (Mitremyces), 213. lutescens (Tremella), 205. luteus (Boletus), 181.
macrocarpus (Spinellus), 95. mappa (Amanita), 58. marginata (Pholiota), 151. maritimus (Agaricus), 142. merismoides (Phlebia), 195. mellea (Armillaria), 83. micaceus (Coprinus), 42. miniatus (Hygrophorus), 113. morgani (Lepiota), 80. mucida (Clavaria), 203. muscaria (Amanita), 52. mycetophila (Tremella), 205.
naucina (Lepiota), 77. nigricans (Gomphidius), 49. nigricans (Russula), 127. nivalis (Amanitopsis), 76.
oblectans (Polystictus), 192. obsonium (Boletus), 177. ochroleucus (Cortinarius), 163. orcella (Clitopilus), 143. oreades (Marasmius), 131. ornatipes (Boletus), 174. ostreatus (Pleurotus), 104.
pallida (Fistulina), 186. pantherina (Amanita), 69. panuoides (Paxillus), 170. papilionaccus (Panaeolus), 48. paradoxa (Flammula), 168. peckii (Tricholoma), 85. pelletieri (Clitocybe), 168. pellucida (Tubaria), 159. perennis (Polystictus), 192. pergamenus (Lactarius), 121. pergamenus (Polystictus), 193. perplexum (Hypholoma), 27. personatum (Tricholoma), 87. petaloides (Pleurotus), 107. phalloides (Amanita), 55. pictus (Boletinus), 183. pinicola (Polyporus), 194. piperatus (Lactarius), 120. pistillaris (Clavaria), 203. pistillaris (Craterellus), 203. placomyces (Agaricus), 19. platyphylla (Collybia), 93. polita (Eccilia), 148. polychroa (Flammula), 156. polygramma (Mycena), 94. polypyramis (Amanita), 74. porosus (Boletinus), 184. praecox, (Pholiota), 150. praelonga (Mycena), 94. pratensis (Hygrophorus), 113. procera (Lepiota), 79. prunulus (Clitopilus), 142. psittacinus (Hygrophorus), 114. punctipes (Boletus), 179. pura (Mycena), 95. putidum (Hydnum), 199. pyriforme (Lycoperdon), 211.
rachodes (Lepiota), 79. radicata (Collybia), 93. ravenelii (Dictyophora), 215. repanda (Inocybe), 257. repandum (Entoloma), 143. repandum (Hydnum), 198. resimus (Lactarius), 121. retirugis (Chalymotta), 48. retirugis (Panaeolus), 45. rhodoxanthus (Flammula), 168. rhodoxanthus (Gomphidius), 168. rhodoxanthus (Paxillus), 167. rodmani (Agaricus), 20. rotula (Marasmius), 130. rubescens (Amanita), 71. rudis (Panus), 135. rufus (Gyrocephalus), 207. rugocephalum (Hypholoma), 30.
sapidus (Pleurotus), 104. sapinea (Flammula), 157. scaber (Boletus), 174. sejunctum (Tricholoma), 88. semiglobata (Stropharia), 31. semilibera (Morchella), 219. semiorbicularis (Naucoria), 153. serotinus (Pleurotus), 109. silvaticus (Agaricus), 21. silvicola (Agaricus), 22. solidipes (Panaeolus), 48. solitaria (Amanita), 72. spadicea (Amanitopsis), 75. speciosa (Volvaria), 141. spinulifera (Collybia), 132. splendens (Polystictus), 192. spreta (Amanita), 69. squarrosa (Pholiota), 152. squarrosoides (Pholiota), 152. stercoraria (Stropharia), 32. stipticus (Lentinus), 135. stipticus (Panus), 135. strictius (Entoloma), 145. strigosus (Panus), 135. strobilaceus (Strobilomyces), 184. strobiliformis (Amanita), 73. sublateritium (Hypholoma), 26. subluteus (Boletus), 181. subrufescens (Agaricus), 23. subsquarrosa (Pholiota), 152. subtomentosus (Boletus), 167. succosa (Mycena), 100. sulphureus (Polyporus), 190. sulfureoides (Pleurotus), 107.
tammii (Flammula), 179. tenera (Galera), 155. tomentosulus (Pluteus), 140. tomninosus (Lactarius), 119. tremellosus (Merulius), 194.
ulmarius (Pleurotus), 102. umbellatus (Polyporus), 189. unicolor (Pholiota), 151.
vaginata (Amanitopsis), 74. variicolor (Bolbitius), 164. velutinum (Hydnum), 200. velatipes (Amanita), 63. velutipes (Collybia), 92. velutipes (Spathularia), 220. vermiculosus (Boletus), 177. verna (Amanita), 60. vernalis (Naucoria), 154. verrucosum (Scleroderma), 212. versicolor (Polystictus), 192. versutus (Crepidotus), 160. violacens (Cortinarius), 161. virescens (Russula), 126. virosa (Amanita), 61. volemus (Lactarius), 115. volvata (Amanitopsis), 76. vulgare (Scleroderma), 212. vulgaris (Mycena), 97. vulpinus (Lentinus), 134.
* * * * * *
Transcriber's Notes:
Page 17 [A] For analytical keys to the families and genera see Chapter XXII. Changed Chapter XXII to XXIV. Apparently Chapters were added making these references outdated.
Page 18 [B] For analytical key to the genera see Chapter XXII. Changed Chapter XXII to XXIV.
Page 32 The spores are black in mass, not purple tinged. For analytical keys to the genera see Chapter XXII. Changed XXII to XXIV.
Page 33 Changed kornos to kopros in accordance with printed correction list.
Page 52 The spores are white in mass, or sometimes with a faint yellowish or lilac tinge. For analytical keys to the genera see Chapter XXII. Changed XXII to XXIV.
Page 54 Figures 52—54 are from plants (No. 2065 C. U. herbarium) collected in an open woods near Ithaca. For the poisonous property of the plant see Chapter XX. Changed Chapter XX to Chapter XXII.
Page 58 condition of the circumsissle Changed to circumscissile.
Page 60 as A. verna; the pilus convex, the annulus broad and entire, Changed to pileus.
Page 69 a few remnants of the volva, striate on the margin, and 1-.5 cm. Unchanged, although 1-1.5 cm. may have been intended.
Page 71 Facing Plate 19 Fig. 2.—A. caesaria. Changed to caesarea.
Page 104 often in a recticulate fashion. The spores are white, oblong, 7—10 mu Changed to 'reticulate'.
Page 132 variations being due to numbers of colored cystida Changed to cystidia.
Page 138 The spores are rosy, pink, salmon colored, flesh colored, or reddish. For analytical keys to the genera see Chapter XXII. Changed Chapter XXII to XXIV.
Page 148 The pileus is convex and umbilcate, somewhat membranaceous, smooth, Changed to umbilicate.
Page 150 The spores are ochre yellow, rusty, rusty-brown, or some shade of yellow. For analytical keys to the genera see Chapter XXII. Changed XXII to XXIV.
Page 155 membraneous, ovate or companulate Changed to campanulate.
Page 164 during May and June, 1898, in a freshly manured grass plat between plat = a portion of flat, even ground.
Page 182 were found in open woods under Kalmia were the sun had an opportunity Changed to 'where the sun'.
Page 209 giant buff-ball, and the L. cyathiforme, where the wall or peridium Changed to 'puff-ball'.
Page 220 Changed Gyromytra to Gyromitra in accordance with the corrections list.
Page 226 then the specimen must be covered with a bell-bar or other receiver Changed to 'bell-jar'.
Page 265 or compartment where there is little moisture, until the bricks are Unchanged. Although, 'a little moisture' seems to make more sense.
Page 283 also wash and remove the pores from half a dozen good sized "beefsteak" Changed to 'spores'.
Page 290 made, but it may be assumed that the soluble cabohydrates Changed to carbohydrates.
Page 307 honey-combed surface, or recticulate, Changed to 'reticulate'.
Page 309 Gills not decurrent, plants parastic on other mushrooms. Changed to parasitic.
Page 310 4—Stipe tenaceous, margin of pileus first incurved. Changed to tenacious.
Page 320 carnucopioides (Craterellus), 208. Changed to cornucopioides.
Page 322 spreta (Amanita), 69. Relocated alphbetically 2 lines up from original.
Hyphenation Some hyphenation is inconsistent depending on whether it is used in text or in an index/glossary.
Accents Some accents are inconsistent between text and illustration captions.