J.T. (Verified.)
(Title of cause.)
(Venue.) A.M., being duly sworn, says, that he is the defendant in this action; that J.C.S., who resides in the town of , in said county, is a material witness for this defendant, without whose testimony he cannot safely proceed to the trial of this action; that the said J.C.S., if examined as a witness on the trial, will testify that he was present at the time the horse mentioned in the answer was purchased, and heard the plaintiff say to the defendant, "the horse is sound, and I warrant him so;" that he heard this defendant reply, "well, I shall rely entirely upon your warranty;" and that thereupon defendant gave his note for the balance of the purchase money of the horse.
That on the day of , 18, he procured a subpoena for the said J.C.S., and went with the same to his residence to serve the same, when he there learned for the first time that said J.C.S. had unexpectedly left home the day before and had gone to , in the state of , to be absent (three) weeks. That he knows of no other person by whom he can prove these facts; and that he expects to be able to procure the attendance of said J.C.S. as a witness on the trial, if this cause is adjourned for (thirty) days.
State of , } ss. County of }
The State of to J.K., J.L. and G.G.:
You are hereby required to appear before the undersigned, one of the justices of the peace in and for said county, at my office in the town of , on the day of , 18, at o'clock in the noon of said day, to give evidence in a certain cause then and there to be tried between J.T., plaintiff, and A.M., defendant, on the part of the plaintiff (or defendant.)
Given under my hand this day of , 18.
W.D.D., Justice of the Peace.
The State of to the sheriff or any constable of said county:
You are hereby commanded to attach the body of S.K.B., if he shall be found in your county, and bring him forthwith before the undersigned, one of the justices of the peace in and for said county, at my office in the town of , in said county, to give evidence in a certain cause now pending before me, between J.T., plaintiff, and A.M., defendant, on the part of the defendant (or plaintiff); and also to answer all such matters as shall be objected against him, for that the said S.K.B., having been duly subpoenaed to attend at the trial of said action, had refused (or failed without just cause) to attend, in conformity to said subpoena; and have you then and there this writ.
Given under my hand, etc. W.B.D., Justice of the Peace.
(Title of cause.)
List of names of (twenty-four) inhabitants of the county of , qualified to serve as jurors in the district court of said county, made by me as directed by said justice of the peace, from which to impanel a jury in the above entitled cause.
G.W., Constable.
Dated, etc.
John J. Cooke, X
Allan K. Ware,
X Jared S. Benson,
Walter G. Brown,
George W. Jones,
Elias Bedall,
Erick Peterson,
Patrick Kelly, X
X Thomas O. Jones,
Julius Graetz,
John Shannon, X
X David F. Lamb,
Wm. W. Wertsel,
X Daniel G Pratt,
Horace S Roberts, X
J.W. Everstine,
Aaron M Ozmun,
X Ole T. Ruhd,
Lars Anderson,
Conrad Schacht,
O.P. Whitcomb,
X J.Q. Leonard,
Zera Fairman, X
Russell Blakely. X
** Names struck off by plaintiff checked on the right; by defendant checked on the left.
W.D.D., Justice of the Peace.
State of ,} County of }ss.
The State of to the sheriff or any constable of said county:
You are hereby commanded to summon (here insert the names in full), to be and appear before the undersigned, one of the justices of the peace in and for said county, on the day of , 18, at o'clock in the noon of said day, in the (town) of , in said county, to make a jury for the trial of a civil action between J.T., plaintiff, and A.M., defendant, and have you then and there this writ.
Given under my hand this day of , A.D. 18.
W.D.D., Justice of the Peace.
I hereby certify that, by virtue of the within writ, I have personally summoned as jurors the several persons named therein, viz. (give the list served; and if any are not served, add): and that the following named persons could not be found (giving their names.)
Dated this day of , 18. G.W., Constable. Fees, etc.
State of ,} County of }ss.
The State of to the sheriff or any constable of said county:
Whereas, on the day of , A. D. 18, a venire was duly issued by the undersigned, one of the justices of the peace of the said county, in the case of J.T. vs A. M., then pending before me as such justice; and, whereas, one E.F. was duly named as juror therein, and said venire was duly served upon said E.F. by G.H., a constable of said county; and, whereas, the said E.F. failed to appear as such juror, or to render any reasonable excuse for his default, as appears from the return of said constable, and from my docket; now, therefore, you are hereby commanded forthwith to apprehend the said E.F. and bring him before me to show cause why he should not be fined for contempt in not obeying said writ, and to be further dealt with according to law.
Given under my hand, etc.
W.D.D., Justice of the Peace.
(With oral pleadings, jury trial, execution, etc.)
State of ,} County of ,}ss.
In Justice Court.
Before W.D.D., Justice of the Peace.
J.T., Plaintiff,
A.M., Defendant.
Justice's Fees.
Summons...............$ 25 Complaint............. 15 Answer................ 15 Reply................. 15 Adjournment........... 15 Oath, 2d adjt......... 15 2d adjournment........ 15 Filing two papers..... 10 3d adjournment........ 15 Swearing jury......... 25 Oath, nine witnesses.. 1 35 Oath, officer......... 15 Judgment.............. 25 Taxing costs.......... 15
$3 55
Constable's Fees.
On summons............$1 10 Jury list............. 15 Summoning jury........ 1 00 1 day's att. court.... 1 00 Attending jury........ 50
$3 75
Plaintiff's Witnesses. W.A.,att. and mil.....$1 48 L.D., " " ..... 1 24 Z.S., " " ..... 1 12 J.B., " " ..... 1 36
$5 20
$12 50
August l, 1887.—Summons issued, returnable August 9,1887, at 1 o'clock P.M.
August 5.—Summons returned by Constable S. (Here give the return of the officer.)
August 9, 1 P.M.—Parties appeared and joined issue. Plaintiff complained orally upon a promissory note, and delivered the same to the court, and stated that there was due him $80 and interest thereon, which he claimed to recover Of defendant; verified the same. Defendant answered orally, alleging that said note was given for a horse, which horse was warranted to be sound, whereas, in fact, it was unsound, claiming $100 damages thereby; verified. Plaintiff replied orally, denying the warranty; verified. Plaintiff then applied for an adjournment, and the suit was adjourned to August 16, 1887, at 1 P.M., at my office.
August 16, 1 P.M.—Parties appeared, and defendant applied for an adjournment of thirty days, to obtain material witness, and having shown cause therefor, upon oath, the suit was adjourned to September 16, 1887, at 1 P.M., at my office.
September 16, 1887, 1 P.M.—Parties appeared, and defendant demanded a jury of twelve persons, paying their fees. Venire issued and delivered to Constable G.W. Cause adjourned to September 17, 1887, at 1 P.M., at my office, to give time to summon the jury, and for them to appear.
September 17, 1 P.M.—Parties appear. Two of the jurors not appearing, G.D. and E.F. were summoned as talesmen. The following jurors were sworn: (Give the list.) The following witnesses were sworn for the plaintiff: (Note in order in the docket all exceptions taken to any testimony.) The following witnesses were sworn for the defendant, etc. The following witnesses were sworn in rebuttal, etc. (All exceptions to rulings of the court are to be noted in the docket in order whenever they occur.)
September 17, 5 P.M.—After hearing the testimony, the jury retire, under charge of Constable G.W., sworn for that purpose.
6 P.M.—Jury returned into court, and say that they find for the plaintiff for the sum of $86.00.
Judgment rendered thereupon against the defendant for $86.00 and costs of suit, taxed at $12.50, on this 17th day of September, 1887.
W.D.D., Justice of the Peace.
September 29, 1887.—Execution issued for $86.00, and interest from September 17, and for $12.50 costs, and delivered to Constable G.W. to collect.
W.D.D., Justice of the Peace.
October 11.—Execution returned satisfied.
W.D.D., Justice of the Peace.
October 15,1887.—Received the above judgment and costs in full.
J.T., Plaintiff.
"You do solemnly swear that you will well and truly try the matters in difference between the parties in this cause, and a true verdict give, according to the evidence given you in court and the laws of this state. So help you God."
"You do solemnly swear that the evidence you shall give relative to the cause now under consideration shall be the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. So help you God."
"You do solemnly swear that you will keep this jury together in some suitable place, without food or drink, unless ordered by the court; that you will suffer no person to speak to them upon the matters submitted to their charge until they are agreed, nor will you speak to them yourself about the cause, except to ask them whether they are agreed; that you will permit no person to listen to, or overhear, any conversation or discussion they may have while deliberating on their verdict; that you will not disclose their verdict nor any conversation they may have respecting the cause, until they have delivered their verdict in court, or been discharged by order of the court. So help you God."
State of ,} County of }ss.
The state of to the sheriff or any constable of said county:
Whereas, judgment against A.M. for the sum of (eighty-six) dollars, lawful money of the United States, and for (twelve) dollars and (fifty) cents, costs of suit, was recovered the day of , 18, before me, at the suit of J.T.; these are therefore to command you to levy distress on the goods and chattels of the said A.M. (excepting as the law exempts), and make sale thereof according to law, in such case made and provided, to the amount of the said sum, together with twenty-five cents for this execution, and the same return to me within thirty days, to be rendered to the said J.T. for his said judgment and costs. Hereof fail not, under penalty of the law.
W.D.D., Justice of the Peace
COUNTY OF.........................................
J.T., plaintiff
A.M., defendant
Collect Judgment........$86 00 Costs................... 12 00 _ $98 50
Interest thereon at seven per cent, from Sept. 17, 1887, and your fees.
W.D.D., Justice of the Peace
Received the within execution Sept. 29, 1887.
G.W., Constable.
(See constable's return.)
By virtue of the within execution, on this first day of October, 1887, I have levied on one bay horse about seven years old, one single harness, and one single buggy, the property of the said A.M.
G.W., Constable.
By virtue of an execution issued by E.M., justice of the peace, against the goods and chattels of A.M., I have seized and taken the following described property, to-wit: (describing it), which I shall expose for sale at public vendue to the highest bidder, on Tuesday, the eleventh day of October, 1887, at ten o'clock A.M. (in front of the postoffice), at , in said county.
G. W., Constable.
Dated Oct. 1, 1887.
I hereby certify that, by virtue of the within execution, on the first day of October, 1887, I levied on the goods and chattels in the annexed inventory named, the property of said A.M., and on the first day of October, 1887, I advertised the said property for sale by posting up in three public places in the election district where it was to be sold, to-wit, in the town of , three notices describing said property, and giving notice of the time and place, when and where the same would be exposed for sale; that at the time so appointed (naming it), I attended at the place mentioned in said notice (naming the place), and then and there exposed the said goods and chattels to sale at public vendue to the highest bidder; and sold the said horse to John Smith, for $76; the harness to Edward White, for $13.50; and the buggy to Samuel Jones, for $23.40, they being the highest bidders therefor; that I have retained $4.16, my fees and disbursements, from said amount, and have applied $86.40 in payment of the within execution, Which is hereby returned fully satisfied.
G. W., Constable.
(Dated and signed.)
II. Criminal Prosecutions.
"You do solemnly swear that you will true answers make to such questions as shall be put to you touching this complaint against R.F. So help you God."
State of ,} County of ,}ss.
The complaint of J.D., of said county, made before A.J.S., Esq., one of the justices of the peace in and for said county, who, being duly sworn, on his oath says, that on the day of , 18, at the of , in said county, one R.F. did * threaten to beat (or wound, or maim, or as the case may be) him, the said J.D., and to do him great bodily harm; (or to burn his dwelling-house; or as the case may be); and that he has great cause for fear the said R.F. will beat, etc., (as above.) The said J.D., therefore, prays surety of the peace to be granted him against the said R.F., and this he does, not from any private malice or ill-will towards the said R.F., but simply because he is afraid, and has good cause to fear, that the said R.F. will beat, etc., (as above), against the form of the statute in such case made and provided, and against the peace and dignity of the state of Minnesota, * and prays that the said R.F. may be arrested and dealt with according to law.
A.J.S., Justice of the Peace.
State of ,} County of ,}ss.
The State of to the sheriff or any constable of said county:
Whereas, J.D. has this day complained in writing to me, on oath, that R.F., on the day of , 18, at in said county, did (insert the statement of the offense, as in the complaint); and prayed that the said R.F. might be arrested and dealt with according to law; Now, therefore, you are commanded forthwith to apprehend the said R.F., and bring him before me, to be dealt with according to law; and you are also commanded to summon A.B., C.D., and E.F., material witnesses in said complaint, to appear and testify concerning the same.
Given under my hand this day of, A.D. 18.
A.J.S., Justice of the Peace.
I hereby certify that by virtue of the within warrant I have arrested the within named defendant, and have him now before the court in custody.
(Fees, etc.)
J.N., Constable.
State of ,} County of ,}ss.
We, R.F., as principal, and J.B. and L.O., as sureties, of , in said county, acknowledge ourselves to owe and be indebted unto the state of Minnesota in the sum of (two hundred) dollars, to be levied of our several goods and chattels, lands and tenements, to the use of said state, if default be made in the condition following, to-wit:
The condition of this recognizance is such, that if the above bounden R.F. shall and does keep the peace, and be of good behavior, for the period of (three months) from the date hereof, towards all the people of this state, and particularly towards J.D., then this recognizance to be void; otherwise of force.
Taken and acknowledged before me, etc.
A.J.S., Justice of the Peace.
State of ,} County of ,}ss.
The State of to the sheriff or any constable, and to the keeper of the common jail of said county:
Whereas, B.F. was, on the day of , 18, brought before the undersigned, one of the justices of the peace in and for said county, charged, on the oath of J.D., with having, on the day of , 18, at , in the said county (here state the offense as charged in the warrant), and upon examination of the said charge, it appearing to me that there is just cause to fear that such offense will be committed by the said R.F., he was ordered to enter into a recognizance, with sufficient sureties in the sum of ($200), to keep the peace toward all the people of this state, and especially toward the said J.D., for the term of (three) months; and the said R.F. having refused (or failed, or neglected,) to comply with such order: Now, therefore, you, the said constable, are commanded forthwith to convey and deliver into the custody of the said keeper the body of the said R.F., and you, the said keeper, are hereby commanded to receive the said R.F. into your custody in the said jail, and him there safely kept for the term of (three) months from the date hereof, or until he so recognizes as aforesaid, or until he shall thence be discharged by due course of law.
Given under my hand this day of , A.D. 18.
J.P., Justice of the Peace.
I hereby certify that I have received into my custody the within named R.F., and have lodged him in the common jail of said county, as within commanded.
Dated, etc.
L.S.P., Sheriff, by G.S., Deputy.
I hereby certify that by virtue of the within warrant I have delivered the within named R.F. to the keeper of the common jail of the said county, as appears by his receipt indorsed hereon.
Dated, etc. T.R., Constable.
Fees, etc.
III. Miscellaneous.
(Follow form "Criminal Complaint" to the *, then say): Divers goods and chattels, viz.: (describing them particularly, and their value,) were feloniously stolen, taken and carried away; and that the said C.W. has good reason to believe, and does believe, that the said goods and chattels are concealed in the (dwelling-house) of one J.S., situated in the (town) of , in said county (particularly describing the place), and that the grounds of his said belief are as follows: (here state the facts and circumstances on which his belief is founded.) He, therefore, prays that a warrant may issue to make search for said goods and chattels in said (dwelling-house) of the said J.S., according to the statute in such case made and provided.
(Use the general form of warrant, except in the concluding sentence say): Now, therefore, you are commanded forthwith to enter the (dwelling-house) of one J.S., situated, etc., (particularly describing the place), and there make search for the above described property (or, as the case may be); and if the same, or any part thereof, shall there be found, you are hereby commanded to bring the same, together with the person(s) in whose possession the same may be found, before me, to be dealt with according to law.
Given under my hand, etc.
A.J.S., Justice of the Peace.
Probate Court.
State of ,} County of ,}ss.
In Probate Court.
To the Judge of said Court:
The petition of of said , respectfully represents that late of , deceased the day of , at , died testate, as petitioner believe; that the instrument in writing herewith presented to this court, is the last will and testament of said deceased as petitioner believe; and that the said petitioner the identical named and appointed in and by said last will and testament as executor thereof; that the heirs at law of said deceased are .
Your petitioner would further represent, that the goods, chattels and personal estate of said deceased amount to about dollars; and that the said deceased left debts due and unpaid to the probable amount of dollars.
Your petitioner would pray that a day be appointed for hearing the proofs of said last will and testament, and that public notice thereof be given to all persons interested, as this court shall direct; and that upon the proof and allowance of said will, and the approval of the bond of your petitioner , letters testamentary be to issued thereon, and appraisers and commissioners appointed, according to the rules and practices of this court.
Dated at , this day of , A.D. 18.
State of ,} County of ,}ss.
On this day of , A.D. 18, before me personally appeared the above named and made oath that he heard read the above and foregoing petition, subscribed by and know the contents thereof, and that the same is true of own knowledge, except as to the matters which are therein stated to be on information and belief, and as to those matters he believe it to be true.
State of ,} County of ,}ss.
In Probate Court. Term , 18
In the matter of the estate of , deceased.
Pursuant to an order of this court made in the above entitled matter, on the day of , 18, the hearing of the proofs of that certain instrument bearing date the day of , 18, purporting to be the last will and testament of , deceased, came on this day; and it appearing to the satisfaction of the court that the notice directed in the order aforesaid to be given, has been given; thereupon and , the subscribing witnesses to said instrument, were duly sworn and examined on behalf of the proponent thereof, their testimony reduced to writing, subscribed by them, and filed. And it appearing to the court after a full hearing and examination of the testimony in said matter, that said died on the day of , 18, testate, in the said county of , and that he was at the time of his death a resident of said county, and left assets therein; that said instrument offered for probate as and for the last will and testament of said deceased, was duly executed as his last will and testament by said testator according to law; that said testator, at the time of executing the same, was of sound mind, of lawful age and under no restraint, and that the same is valid and genuine; and no adverse appearance or objection being made:
Now, therefore, it is ordered, adjudged, and decreed, that said instrument be and hereby is established and allowed as the last will and testament of said , deceased, and that the same hereby is admitted to probate. Ordered, further, that said last will and testament, with a certificate of the probate thereof, be recorded.
Judge of Probate.
State of __,} County of _}
In Probate Court.
In the matter of the estate of , deceased:
Be it remembered, that on the day of the date hereof, at a term of said probate court, pursuant to notice duly given, the last will and testament of , late of said county of , deceased, bearing date the day of, 18, and being the annexed written instrument, was duly proved before the probate court in and for the county of aforesaid; and was duly allowed and admitted to probate by said court according to law, as and for the last will and testament of said , deceased, which said last will and testament is recorded and the examination taken thereon filed in this office.
In testimony whereof, the judge of the probate court of said county hath hereunto set his hand and affixed the seal of the said court, at in said county, this day of , A.D. 18
Judge of Probate.
State of __,} County of _}ss
The State of , to all to whom these presents shall come or may concern, and especially to of the county of and state of , greeting:
Know ye, that whereas, late of the county of and state of , lately died testate, and being at the time of his decease a of said county, by means whereof the proving and recording his last will and testament, and granting administration of all and singular the goods, chattels, rights, credits and estate whereof he died possessed, and also the auditing, allowing and finally discharging the account thereof, is within the jurisdiction of the probate court of said county of .
And whereas, on the day of , A.D. 18, at in said county, before the Hon. , probate judge of said county, the last will and testament of the said (a copy whereof is hereunto annexed) was proved, allowed and admitted to probate: And, whereas, , executor named and appointed in and by said last will and testament, has given bond, as required by law, for the faithful execution of said trust, which said bond has been approved by said judge, and filed in the aforesaid probate court; we therefore, reposing full confidence in your integrity and ability, have granted and by these presents do grant the administration of all and singular the goods, chattels, rights, credits and estate of the said deceased, and any way concerning his said last will and testament, unto you, the said executor aforesaid: Hereby authorizing and empowering you to take and have possession of all the real and personal estate of said deceased, and to receive the rents, issues and profits thereof, until said estate shall have been settled, or until delivered over by order of said court, to the heirs or devisees of said deceased; and to demand, collect, recover and receive all and singular, the debts, claims, demands, rights, and chooses in action, which to the said deceased while living and at the time of his death did belong; and requiring you to keep in good tenantable repair, all houses, buildings and fences on said real estate, which may and shall be under your control, and in accordance with your bond approved and filed as aforesaid, to make and return into the probate court of said county of within three months, a true and perfect inventory of all the goods, chattels, rights, credits and estate of said deceased, which shall come to your possession or knowledge, or to the possession of any other person for you; to administer, according to law, and to said last will and testament, all the goods, chattels, rights, credits and estate of the said deceased, which shall at any time come to your possession or to the possession of any other person for you, and out of the same to pay and discharge all debts, legacies and charges chargeable on the same, or such dividends thereon as shall be ordered and decreed by said court; to render a just and true account of your administration to said court within one year, and at any other time when required by said court, and to perform all orders and decrees of said court, by you to be performed in the premises.
In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of our probate court to be hereunto affixed: Witness the Hon. , judge of probate, at , in said county, this day of , A.D. 18.
Judge of Probate Court, County of , .
I, (name of testator), of (residence), being of sound mind and memory, do hereby make, publish, and declare this to be my last will and testament, hereby revoking and making void all former wills by me at any time heretofore made.
First.—I order and direct my executors, as soon after my death as possible, to pay off and discharge all debts and liabilities that may exist against me at the time of my decease.
Second.—I give and bequeath unto my wife, (naming her, and specifying property bequeathed.)
Third.—I give and bequeath unto my son, (naming him, and specifying property bequeathed.)
And so on for each legacy.
Fourth.—I hereby nominate and appoint (naming the person or persons) as the executors of this, my last will and testament.
In witness whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name, this day of , A.D. Autograph signature of testator.
The above and foregoing instrument was at the date thereof signed, sealed, published, and declared, by the said (name of testator), as and for his last will and testament, in presence of us, who, at his request, and in his presence, and in the presence of each other, have subscribed our names as witnesses.
Name , Residence. Name , Residence.
For citations, pupils should watch the newspapers and make clippings.
District Court.
State of __,} County of _}ss
District Court, Judicial District.
The State of to
You are hereby commanded to have the body of , by you imprisoned and detained, as it is said, together with the time and cause of such imprisonment and detention, by whatsoever name the said shall be called or charged, before the Honorable , judge of the district court, to do and receive what shall then and there be considered concerning the said . And have you then and there this writ.
Witness the Honorable , judge of said district court, at in said county, this day of , A.D. 18.
State of __,} County of _}ss
District Court, Judicial District.
The State of against , accused by the grand jury of the county of , in the state of , by this indictment of the crime of , committed as follows:
The said , on the day of , A.D. 18, at the city of , in the county of , and state of , did, without the authority of law, and with malice aforethought, , contrary to the form of the statute in such case made and provided, and against the peace and dignity of the state of .
Dated at the city of , in the county of , and state of , this day of , A.D. 18.
A.L.H., Foreman of the Grand Jury.
Names of witnesses examined before the grand jury: B.F.H., R.D.H., A.F.B., E.S., H.P.C., L.H.
(First Paper.)
State of __,} County of _}ss
I, , do solemnly declare on oath to , clerk of the district court of the county of , and state of , that it is bona fide my intention to become a citizen of the United States, and to renounce forever all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state or sovereignty whatever, and particularly to the sovereign of , whereof I was heretofore a citizen or subject.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this __ day of __, A.D. 18_.
Clerk of said Court.
State of __,} County of _}ss
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true copy of the original declaration of , this day filed in my office.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of the district court aforesaid, at , this day of , A.D. 18.
(Second Paper.)
State of __,} County of _}ss
District Court, Judicial District.
Be it remembered, that on this day of , 18, appeared in the district court of the judicial district of the State of , and for the county aforesaid, the said court being a court of record, having a common law jurisdiction and a clerk and seal, and applied to said court to be admitted to become a citizen of the United States of America, pursuant to the several acts of congress of the United States of America for that purpose made and provided; and the said applicant having thereupon produced to the court such evidence, declaration and renunciation, and having taken such oaths as are by the said acts required: Thereupon it was ordered by the said court that the said applicant be admitted, and he was accordingly admitted by the said court to be a citizen of the United States of America.
In testimony whereof, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of the court aforesaid, this day of , A.D. 18.
Clerk of said Court.
State of __,} County of _}ss
District Court, Judicial District.
(Title of Cause.)
The judgment in the above entitled action, rendered in __ county, __, on the _ day of __, A.D. 18_, and duly docketed in the office of the clerk of the district court of said county, on the _ day of __, A.D. 18_, for $_ in favor of __ against __, is paid and satisfied in full; and the clerk of said court is hereby authorized to discharge said judgment of record.
In testimony whereof, has hereunto set hand and seal this day of , A.D. 18.
Signed, sealed and delivered in presence of
[Seal.] [Seal.] [Seal.]
State of __,} County of _}ss
On this day of , A.D. 18, before me, the subscriber, a in and for said county, personally appeared to me known to be the person described in, and who executed the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged that he executed the same as free act and deed.
=================================================================+ State Legislature Senate + - - Name Houses Number Term/Age ========================================================== 1 Alabama Leg. S. & R.[2] 33 4 27 2 Arkansas " S. & R. 32 4 25 3 California " S. & A. 40 4 21 4 Colorado " S. & R. 26 4 25 5 Connecticut Gen. A. [d] " 24 2 21 6 Delaware Leg. " 9 4 27 7 Florida " S. & A. 32 4 21 8 Georgia Gen. A. S. & R. 44 4 25 9 Idaho Leg. " 48 2 21 10 Illinois " " 51 4 25 11 Indiana " " 50 4 25 12 Iowa Gen. A. " 50 4 25 13 Kansas Leg. " 40 4 21 14 Kentucky " " 38 4 30 15 Louisiana Gen. A. " 35 4 25 16 Maine Leg. " 31 2 25 17 Maryland Gen. A. S. & D.[e] 26 4 25 18 Massachusetts Gen. Ct. [f] S. & R. 40 1 21 19 Michigan Leg. " 32 2 21 20 Minnesota " " 63 4 21 21 Mississippi " " 40 4 25 22 Missouri Gen. A. " 34 4 30 23 Montana Leg. A. " 16 4 24 24 Nebraska Leg. " 33 2 21 25 Nevada " S. & Ass. 20 4 21 26 New Hampshire Gen. Ct. S. & R. 24 2 30 27 New Jersey Leg. S. & Gen. A. 21 3 30 28 New York " S. & Ass. 50 2 21 29 North Carolina Gen. A. S. & R. 50 2 25 30 North Dakota Leg. A. " 50[3] 4 25 31 Ohio Gen. A. " 37 2 30 32 Oregon Leg. A. " 30 4 21 33 Pennsylvania Gen. A. " 50 4 25 34 Rhode Island " " 36 1 21 35 South Carolina " " 35[h] 4 25 36 South Dakota Leg. " 45[3] 2 25 37 Tennessee Gen. A. " 33 2 30 38 Texas Leg. " 31 4 26 39 Utah " " 18 4 25 40 Vermont Gen. A. " 30 2 30 41 Virginia " S. & D.[e] 40 4 21 42 Washington Leg. S. & R. 35 4 21 43 West Virginia " S. & D. 24 4 21 44 Wisconsin " S. & Ass. 33 4 21 45 Wyoming " S. & R. 16 4 25 46 Territories " Leg. C. & R. 12 2 21 ==========================================================
[Transcriber's Note: Right-hand page, continuing previous table]
+===+===============+===============+======+========================+ House. Meeting. Salary + -+ + + -+ -+ -+ + + Number Term Age Freq Duration Begins Same for each House, presiding Officer usually double. +===+==========/===/=====+=========+=====/=========================+ 1 100 2 21 B. 50 Nov. $4 and 10c. mileage.[1] 2 92 2 21 B. 60 Jan. $6 a day. 3 80 2 21 B. 60 " $8 and 10c. mileage, and $25. 4 49 2 25 B. 90 " $7 and 15.c mileage. 5 249[a] 2 21 B. .....[b] " $300 and mileage. 6 20 2 24 B. ..... " $3 and mileage. 7 76 2 21 B. 60 " $6 and 10c. mileage. 8 175 2 21 A. 50[c] Oct. $4 and mileage. 9 36 2 21 B. 60 Jan. $5 and 10c. mileage. 10 153 2 21 B. ..... " $5 and 10c. mileage, and $50. 11 100 2 21 B. 60 " $6 and 20c. mileage. 12 100 2 21 B. ..... " $500 per term and 10c. mileage. 13 125 2 21 B. 50 " $3 and 15c. mileage.[1] 14 100 2 24 B. 60[c] Dec. $5 and 15c. mileage. 15 98 4 21 B. 60 May. $4 and mileage. 16 151 2 21 B. ..... Jan. $150 a year and 20c. mileage. 17 91 2 21 B. 90 " $5 and mileage.[1] 18 240 1 21 A. ..... " $170 a year and 20c. mileage. 19 100 2 21 B. ..... " $3 and 10c. mileage.[1] 20 119 2 21 B. 90 " $5 and 15c. mileage. 21 120 4 21 Q.[j] ..... " $400 per reg. sess. and 10c. mileage. 22 140 2 24 B. 70 " $5 and mileage, and $30. 23 55 2 21 B. 60 " $6 and 20c. mileage.[1] 24 100 2 21 B. 90 " $5 and 10c. mileage.[1] 25 40 2 21 B. 60 " $7 and 40c. mileage. 26 321 2 21 B. ..... " $200 per term. 27 60 1 21 A. ..... " $500 a year.[1] 28 150 1 21 A. ..... " $1500 and 10c. mileage.[1] 29 120 2 21 B. 60 " $4 and 10c. mileage.[1] 30 140[3] 2 21 B. 60 " $5 and 10c. mileage.[1] 31 110 2 25 B. ..... " $600 and 10c. mileage. 32 60 2 21 B. 40 " $3 and 15c. mileage.[1] 33 201 2 21 B. ..... " $1500 and 5c. mileage, and $100. 34 72[a] 1 21 A.[g] ..... May. $1 and 8c. mileage.[1] 35 123 2 22 A. ..... Jan. $4 and 10c. mileage. 36 135[3] 2 25 B. ..... " $5 and 10c. mileage.[1] 37 99 2 21 B. 75 " $4 and 16c. mileage.[1] 38 106 2 21 B. 90 " $5 and 20c. mileage.[1] 39 45 2 25 B. 60 " $4 and 10c. mileage. 40 240 2 21 B. ..... Oct. $3 a day. 41 100 2 21 B. 90[c] Dec. $540 a year. 42 70 2 21 B. 60 Jan. $5 and 10c. mileage.[1] 43 65 2 21 B. 45[c] " $4 and 10c. mileage.[1] 44 100 2 21 B. ..... " $500 and 10c. mileage.[1] 45 33 2 21 B. 40 " $5 and 15c. mileage. 46 24 2 21 B. 60 "[i] $4 and 20c. mileage. +===+=======+==+===+======+=========+=====+=========================+
[Footnote a: "One from each town."]
[Footnote b: No limitation.]
[Footnote c: May be extended by special vote.]
[Footnote d: General Assembly.]
[Footnote e: House of Delegates.]
[Footnote f: General Court.]
[Footnote g: Two sess. annually, in May and Oct.]
[Footnote h: "One for each county."—State Const.]
[Footnote i: New Mexico in December.]
[Footnote j: Quadrennially in general session, with sp. sess midway between.]
[Footnote 1: State constitution.]
[Footnote 2: Senate and house of representatives.]
[Footnote 3: "Not more than."—Constitution.]
[Transcriber's Note: These pages were modified slightly from their original form. The originals were printed lengthwise (landscape-style) across both pages to take maximum advantage of space. As this cannot be done in an ASCII medium, the table has had line numbers added to it like the Legislative Table above (which was done in the original), and will be shown in continuing pieces.]
=============================================================== STATES. GOVERNOR. Qualifications. Term. Salary. Election. years. ========================================================+ 1 Alabama 30,c,r7[a] 2 $3,000 P[b] 2 Arkansas 30,c,r7 2 3,500 P 3 California 30,c,r2 4 6,000 P 4 Colorado 30,c,r2 2 5,000 P 5 Connecticut 30,voter 2 4,000 M[d] 6 Delaware 30,C12,c6[4][i] 4[h] 2,000[1] P 7 Florida C 9,c3 4 3,500 P 8 Georgia 30,C15,C6 2 3,000[1] M 9 Idaho 30,c,r2 2 3,000 P 10 Illinois 30,C5,c5 4 6,000[1] P 11 Indiana 30,C5,r5 4[h] 5,000 P 12 Iowa 30,C,r2 2 3,000 P 13 Kansas ............... 2 3,000 P 14 Kentucky 35,C,r6 4[h] 6,500[1] P 15 Louisiana C,r2 4[h] 4,000 P 16 Maine 30,C,r5[f] 2 2,500 M[d] 17 Maryland 30,c10,r5 4 4,500[1] P 18 Massachusetts 37,Christian 1 8,000 M[d] 19 Michigan 30,C5,r2 2 4,000 P 20 Minnesota 25,C,r1 2 5,000 P 21 Mississippi 30,C20,r2 4 4,000[1] P 22 Missouri 35,C10,r7 4 5,000[1] P 23 Montana 30,C,r2 4 5,000 P 24 Nebraska 30,C2,c2 2 2,500 P 25 Nevada 25,C,r2 4 5,000 P 26 New Hampshire 30,r7 2 2,000 M[d] 27 New Jersey 30,C20,r7 3[h] 10,000 P 28 New York 30,C,r5 2 10,000[1] P 29 North Carolina 30,C5,r2 4 3,000[1] P 30 North Dakota 30,C,c,r5 2 3,000 P 31 Ohio Voter 2 8,000 P 32 Oregon 30,C,r3 4 1,500 P 33 Pennsylvania 30,r7 4 10,000[1] P 34 Rhode Island Voter,c 1 3,000 M[d] 35 South Carolina 30,C2,c,r2 2 3,500[1] P 36 South Dakota 30,c,c,r2 2 2,500 P 37 Tennessee 30,C,c7 2 4,000 P 38 Texas 30,C,r5 2 4,000[1] P 39 Utah 30,c,r5 4 2,000 P 40 Vermont Voter 2 1,500 M 41 Virginia 30,c,r3 4[h] 5,000[1] P 42 Washington C,c 4 4,000 P 43 West Virginia Voter 4 2,700 P 44 Wisconsin Voter 2 5,000 P 45 Wyoming 30,C,r5 4 2,500 P 46 Territories Partisan 4 2,600 A[j] +====================================================
[Transcriber's Notes: Next set of columns, continuing table.]
+==+==========================+==================================+ Lieut. Gov. Usual Administrative Officers + -+ + + -+ + -+ Term and Succession to Secretary State State Salary Governorship of state Treasurer Auditor or Comptroller +==+==========+============+==========+==========+==========+ 1 None P,S[3] 2, 1800 2, 2150 2, 1800 2 None P,S 2, 1800 2, 2250 2, 2250 3 4, 3000 L,P 4, 3000 4, 3000 4, 3000 4 2, 1000 L,P,S[e] 2, 3000 2, 3000 2, 2000 5 2, 500[2] L,P,S 2, 1500 2, 1500 2, 1200 6 None P,S 4, 1000[j] 2, 1450 4, 200 7 4, 500 L,P 4, 1500 4, 2000 4, 1500 8 None. P 2, 2000 2, 2000 2, 2000 9 2, $7.50/day L,P,S 2, 1800 2, 1000 2, 2000 10 4, 1000 L,P 4, 3500 2, 3500 4, 3500 11 4, $8/day[2] L,P 2, 2000 2, 3500 2, 2500 12 2, 1100 L,P,S 2, 2200 2, 2200 1500 13 2, $6/day L,P,S 2, 2000 2, 2500 2, 2500 14 4, L,P,S 4, 1500 2, 2400 4, 500 $10/day[2] 15 4, $8/day L,P 4, 1800 4, 2000 4, 3000 16 None. P,S 2, 1200 2, 1600 2, 1000 17 None. P,S 4, 2000 2, 2500 4, 3000 18 1, 200 L. Council 1, 3000 1, 5000 1, 4000 19 2, 1200 L,P 2, 2000 2, 2000 2, 3000 20 2, $10/day L,P 2, 3500 2, 3500 2, 3500 21 4, 800[2] L,P,S 4, 2500 4, 2500 4, 2500 22 4, $5/day[2] L,P,S 4, 3000 4, 3000 ....... 23 4, $12/day L,P,S 4, 3000 4, 3000 4, 3000 24 2, $6/day L,P,S 2, 2000 2, 2500 2, 2500 25 Lib. L,P 4, 3000 4, 3000 4, 3000 4, 2700 26 None. P 2, 800 2, 1800 ....... 27 None. P 5, 6000 3, 6000 3, 6000 28 3, 5000 L,P 2, 5000 2, 5000 2, 6000 29 4, $8/day L,P 4, 2000 4, 3000 4, 1500 30 2, 1000 L,Sec 2, 2000 2, 2000 2, 2000 31 2, 800 L,P 2, 3000 2, 3000 4, 3000 32 Sec St. L,P 4, 1500[g] 4, 800 ....... ex-officio 33 4, 3000 L,P 4000[j] 2, 5000 3, 3000 34 1, 500 L,P 1, 3500 1, 2500 1, 1500 35 2, 1000 L,P 2, 2100 2, 2100 2, 2100 36 2, $10/day L,Sec 2, 1800 2, 1800 2, 1800 37 None. P,S 4, 1800 2, 2750 2, 2750 38 2, $5/day L,P 2000[j] 2, 2500 2, 2500 39 None. Sec,P 4, 2000 4, 1000 4, 1500 40 2, $6/day L 2, 1700[j] 2, 1700 2, 2000[j] 41 4, 900 L 2, 2000 2, 2000 2, 3000 42 4, 1000 L 4, 2500 4, 2000 4, 2000 43 None P,S 4, 1000 4, 1400 4, 2000 44 2, 1000 L,Sec,S 2, 5000 2, 5000 45 None Sec 4, 2000 4, 2000 4, 2000 46 ....... ....... 4, 1800 2, varies 2, varies +==+============+==============+==========+========+==========+
[Transcriber's Notes: Next set of columns, continuing table.]
============================================+ Usual Administrative Officers. + - - Attorney Supt. of Public Railroad General Instruction Commissioners ============================================+ 1 2, 1500 2250[j] 2, 3000[c] 2 2, 1500 2, 1600 Gov., Sec. 3 4, 3000 4, 3000 4, 4000 4 2, 2000 2, 3000 .......... 5 2, 1200 2, 3000 2, 3000 6 4, 200 4, 1500 .......... 7 4, 1500 4, 1500 .......... 8 2, 2000 2, 2000 2, 2500 9 2, 2000 2, 1500 .......... 10 4, 3500 4, 3500 2, 3500 11 2, 2500 2, 2500 .......... 12 1500 2, 2200 3, 3000 13 2, 2500 2, 2000 3, 3000 14 4, 500 4, 2400 2, 2000 15 4, 3000 4, 2000 .......... 16 2, 1000 3, 1000 3, 1000 17 4, 3000 2, 2500 .......... 18 1, 4000 1, 3400 3, 3500 19 2, 3000 2, 2000 2, $10/day 20 2, 3500 2, 2500[j] 3, 3000 21 4, 2500 4, 2000 3, 2500 22 ....... 4, 3000 6, 3000 23 4, 3000 4, 2500 .......... 24 2, 2000 2, 2000 .......... 25 4, 3000 4, 2400 .......... 26 5, 2200 2, 2500 3, 2500 27 5, 7000 3, 3000 .......... 28 2, 5000 3, 5000 3, 8000 29 4, 2000 4, 1500 30 2, 2000 2, 2000 2, 2000 31 2, 2000 3, 2000 2, 2000 32 4, 1500 .......... 33 3500[j] 4, 2500 .......... 34 1, 4500 3000[j] 1, 500 35 2, 2100 2, 2100 6, 3000 36 2, 1000 2, 1800 .......... 37 6, 3000 2, 1300 38 2, 2000 2, 2500 2, 3000 39 4, 1500 4, 1500 .......... 40 .......... 2, 1400 2, 500[j] 41 4, 2500 4, 2500 3000 42 4, 2000 4, 2500 .......... 43 4, 1300 4, 1500 .......... 44 2, 3000 2, 3500 2, 3000 45 .......... 4, 2000 .......... 46 .......... 2, varies .......... +==========================================
[Footnote a: That is, 30 years old, a citizen of the state, and a resident thereof 7 years.]
[Footnote b: Plurality or majority to elect.]
[Footnote c: There are three railroad commissioners each in Ala., Cal., Conn., Ga., Ill., Iowa, Kan., Ky., Me., Mass., Minn., Miss., Mo., N.D., N.H., N.Y., S.C; one in other states.]
[Footnote d: In case no one has a majority, election goes to legislature.]
[Footnote e: That is, the order of succession is Lieutenant Governor, President of Senate, Speaker of House.]
[Footnote f: Governor must be native citizen of U.S.]
[Footnote g: In Oregon the Secretary of State is also ex-officio Lieutenant Governor, Auditor, and one of the Land Commissioners.]
[Footnote h: Ineligible for succeeding term.]
[Footnote i: In Delaware, North Carolina, Ohio, and Rhode Island the Governor has no veto.]
[Footnote j: Appointed.]
[Footnote 1: In these thirteen states the Governor also has the use of the "Executive Mansion" of the state.]
[Footnote 2: In these states the Lieutenant Governor may debate in "committee of the whole."]
[Footnote 3: That is, the order of succession is President of Senate, Speaker of House.]
[Footnote 4: Thirty years old; citizen of the United States, 12; and of the state, 6 years. In Me., Mass., N.H., and Vt. the Governor is assisted by an executive council of 7, 8, 12, and 5 members respectively.]
[Transcriber's Note: This table is formatted in the same way as the Executive and Legislative Tables above it. See notes above for details. In addition, places where the scanned text is illegible are marked with a "*".]
+=====+=================+=========================================+ Supreme Court + + + -+ -+ Chief States. Members Justice Election Term +=====+=================+========+========+===========+=======+ 1 Alabama 3 A P'ple 6 2 Arkansas 3 A P 8 3 California 7 C P 12 4 Colorado 3 C P 9 5 Connecticut 5 A Leg. 8 6 Delaware 5 A Gov. Life 7 Florida 3 A Gov. Life 8 Georgia 3 A Leg. 12 9 Idaho 3 C P 6 10 Illinois 7 B P 9 11 Indiana 5 B P 6 12 Iowa 5 C P 6 13 Kansas 3 A P 6 14 Kentucky 4 C P 6 15 Louisiana 5 A Gov. 12 16 Maine 8 A Gov. 7 17 Maryland 9 A P 15 18 Massachusetts 7 A Gov. Life 19 Michigan 5 A P 10 20 Minnesota 5 A P 6 21 Mississippi 3 A Gov. 9 22 Missouri 5 A P 10 23 Montana 3 A P 6 24 Nebraska 3 C P 6 25 Nevada 3 A P 6 26 New Hampshire 7 A Gov. till 70 27 New Jersey 9 A Gov. 7 28 New York 7 A P 14 29 North Carolina 3 A P 8 30 North Dakota 3 C P 6 31 Ohio * A P 5 32 Oregon 4 C P 6 33 Pennsylvania 7 C P 21 34 Rhode Island 6 A Leg. Life 35 South Carolina 3 A Leg. 6 36 South Dakota 3 B P 6 37 Tennessee 5 A P 8 38 Texas 3 A P 6 39 Utah 3 C P 6 40 Vermont * * Leg. 2 41 Virginia * B Leg. 12 42 Washington 3 C P 6 43 West Virginia 4 A P 12 44 Wyoming 3 C P 8 45 Territories 3-6 A Pres. 4 +=====+=================+========+========+===========+=======+
[Transcriber's Notes: Next set of columns, continuing table.]
+====+================================+==========================+ Supreme Court Circuit Court + + -+ + -+ + + Qualifi- Juris- Meetings Salary cations diction Election Term +====+==========+========+==========+========+==========+======+ 1 1 $ 3600 25 L P 6 2 2 3000 30,C,r2,L8 L P 4 3 [3] 6000 .......... LE P 6 4 2 5000 30,C,r2,LL LE P 6 5 6[1] { 4500 .......... LE ........ 8 { 4000 6 2 { 2500 .......... Held by S.C. Judges. { 2200 7 3 3000 .......... LE Gov. 6 8 2 3000 30,c3,L7 LE P 4 9 4 3000 30,C,r2 LE P 4 10 6[1] 5000 30,C,r5 LE P 4 11 2 5000 .......... LE P 6 12 4 4000 .......... LE P 4 13 11 3000 .......... LE P 4 14 2 4000 30,C,r2,L8 LE P 6 15 4 5000 .......... L P 4 16 3 3000 .......... By Judges Supreme Ct. 17 [3] 3500 30,c5,LL LE P 15 18 [3] 3000 .......... L Gov. Lf. 19 4 5000 .......... LE P 6 20 2 5000 .......... LE P 6 21 2 3500 30,c2 L Gov. 6 22 2 4500 30,C,c5,LL LE P 6 23 3 4000 30,C,r2,LL LE P 4 24 2 2500 30,C,r3 LE P 4 25 4 { 7000 .......... LE P { 6000 26 2 { 3500 .......... Held by Judges of Sup. Ct. { 3300 27 3 {10000 .......... L Leg 5 { 9000 28 2 12500 Held by Judges of Sup. Ct. 29 2 2500 30 3 30,C,r3,LL LE P 4 31 1 5000 P 5 32 2 2000 LE P 6 33 3 { 8*00 L P 10 { 34 * { **00 Held by Judges of Sup. Ct. { *000 35 2 { 4000 30,C,r5 L Leg 4 { 3500 36 2 2500 30,C,r2,LL LE P 4 37 3 4000 30,r5 L P 8 38 3 3500 30,C,c,L7 LE P 4 39 3 3000 30,LL,r5 L P 4 40 3000 Held by Judges of Sup. Ct. 41 3 { 3*50 LE Leg 8 { *000 42 [3] 4000 [1]LE P 4 43 3 2250 LE P 8 44 2 30,C,r3,L9 LE P 6 45 3000 LE Judges of S.C. +====+==========+========+==========+========+==========+======+
[Transcriber's Notes: Next set of columns, continuing table.]
+===+=========================+======================+===============+ Probate Court Justice Court Remarks + -+ -+ -+ + -+ -+ -+ Juris- Election Term Juris- Number Term (Municipal and diction diction Special courts not given) +===+=========+=========+=====+========+=======+=====+===============+ 1 Pr.[2] P'ple 6 $100 2 .... Chancery. 2 Pr.[2] P 2 100 2 2 Com. Pleas. 3 Pr.[2]L P 4 300 2 2 Naturalization 4 Pr.[2]C P 3 300 ...... 2 in County Court 5 ........ ..... .... 100 ...... .... Common Pleas, less than $500 6 Held by the Chancellor 100 ...... .... Chancery. 7 Pr. & L Gov. 4 100 Gov. 4 8 Pr.[2] P 4 100 P 4 Superior Ct. between. C. and S.C. 9 Pr.[2] P .... 300 ...... .... 10 Pr.[2] P 4 200 ...... 4 Appellate Courts 11 In Circuit Court 200 ...... 4 compos'd of Circuit Judges 12 In Circuit Court 100 ...... .... By consent of parties, $300. 13 Pr.[2] P 2 300 2 2 14 Pr.[2] P 4 50 2 4 15 Pr. $500 ..... .... 100 ...... 2 No equity proceedings in La. 16 Pr.[2]L ..... .... 50 ...... .... Probate Court 17 Pr. P 6 100 Gov. 2 also Court of Insolvency. 18 Pr.[2]L Gov. Lf. 300 Gov. 7 Probate Court 19 P. P 4 300 4 4 also Court of Insolvency. 20 Pr.[2] P 2 100 2 2 21 In Chancery Court 150 [4] 2 Chancery. 22 Pr. P .... 150 [5] .... 23 ........ ..... .... 300 2 .... 24 Pr.[2]L P 2 100 2 2 25 300 26 Pr. 100 27 100 Chancellor, $10,000. 28 Pr. P 200 Probate Court called "Surrogate" 29 Clk Superior Ct acts as 200 Cir. Ct called Probate Judge "Superior Ct." 30 Pr.[2]L 200 31 Pr.[2] P 3 100 3 There is a Court of 32 Pr.[2] P 4 250 Common Pleas 33 Pr.[2] P 100 2 Prob. Ct called 34 Town Councils are Prb Cts 100 "Orphan's Ct." 35 Pr.[2] P 2 100 [4] 36 Pr.[2]L P 2 100 2 37 Pr. 100 2 38 Pr.[2] P 2 200 1 6 Just. of Peace are County Com'rs and Prob. Ct. 39 District Judges 2 Ct of Appeals below S.C. 40 Pr.[2]L 2 200 2 Chancery Court by Judges of S.C. 41 Pr.[2] Leg 6 100 42 43 Pr.[2] P 4 100 2 4 Two J.P.s associated with Pr. J in holding court 44 200 [5] 45 Pr.[2] 100 +===+=========+=========+=====+========+=======+=====+===============+
The three modes of selecting the Chief Justice are by electing or appointing one as such, by leaving the judges themselves to determine which shall act, or by a provision making the one whose term expires first act. These modes are indicated in the table by A, B, and C, respectively. In the salary column, where two numbers appear, the upper is the salary of the Chief Justice. In giving jurisdiction of Circuit courts, L means law only, LE means jurisdiction in both law and equity, 30, C, c, L7 means 30 years old, a citizen of the US and of the state, and seven years legal practice. LL means "learned in the law".
In Me, Mass, N.H., and S.D., the Supreme Court is required to give legal advice to the Governor.
[Footnote 1: Called Superior Court, at least one in each county. This court also exercises the Probate powers.]
[Footnote 2: Probate Court given some other duty, unrelated to its regular function. L means that it has also certain civil jurisdiction.]
[Footnote 3: Continuous.]
[Footnote 4: Competent number.]
[Footnote 5: As many as are needed.]
[Transcriber's Note: This table crosses facing pages of the book ("Portrait" orientation). Thus, reference numbers are used as in the tables above to refer to the states the information belongs to.]
+===+===============+====+=====================+========+========+ States Age Requirement As To Residence Residence Citizenship of U.S. In State In County +===+===============+====+=====================+========+========+ 1 Alabama 21 Citizens or declared 1 year 3 months intention 2 Arkansas 21 Citizens or declared 1 year 6 months intention 3 California 21 Actual citizens 1 year 90 days 4 Colorado 21 Citizens or declared 6 months intention 5 Connecticut 21 Actual citizens 1 year 6 months 6 Delaware 21 Actual county 1 year 1 month taxpayers 7 Florida 21 United States 1 year 6 months citizens or declared intention 8 Georgia 21 Actual citizens 1 year 6 months 9 Idaho 21 Actual citizens 6 months 30 days 10 Illinois 21 Actual citizens 1 year 90 days 11 Indiana 21 Citizens or declared 6 months 60 days intention 12 Iowa 21 Actual citizens 6 months 60 days 13 Kansas 21 Citizens or declared 6 months intention 14 Kentucky 21 Free white male 2 years 1 year citizens 15 Louisiana 21 Citizens or declared 1 year 6 months intention 16 Maine 21 Actual citizens 3 months 17 Maryland 21 Actual citizens 1 year 6 months 18 Massachusetts 21 Actual citizens 1 year 19 Michigan 21 Citizens or declared 3 months intention 20 Minnesota 21 Actual citizens for 1 year 3 months 21 Mississippi 21 Actual citizens 6 months 1 month 22 Missouri 21 Citizens or declared 1 year 60 days intention 23 Montana 21 Actual citizens 1 year 24 Nebraska 21 Citizens or declared 6 months intention 25 Nevada 21 Citizens or declared 6 months 30 days intention 26 New Hampshire 21 Actual citizens 27 New Jersey 21 Actual citizens 1 year 5 months 28 New York 21 Actual citizens for 1 year 4 months 90 days 29 North Carolina 21 Actual citizens 12 months 90 days 30 North Dakota 21 Cit or dec intent or 1 year 6 months Indians 2 yrs out of tribal relations 31 Ohio 21 Actual citizens 1 year 32 Oregon 21 Citizens or declared 6 months intention 33 Pennsylvania 21 Actual citizens 1 year 34 Rhode Island 21 Actual tax paying 1 year citizens 35 South Carolina 21 Actual citizens 1 year 36 South Dakota 21 Citizens or declared 6 months 60 days intention 37 Tennessee 21 Actual citizens 12 months 30 days 38 Texas 21 Citizens or declared 1 year 6 months intention 39 Utah 21 Actual citizens for 1 year 4 months 90 days 40 Vermont 21 Actual citizens 1 year 41 Virginia 21 Actual citizens 12 months 42 Washington 21 Actual citizens 1 year 90 days 43 West Virginia 21 Actual citizens 1 year 60 days 44 Wisconsin 21 Citizens or declared 1 year intention 45 Wyoming 21 Actual citizens 1 year 60 days +===+===============+====+=====================+========+========+
[Transcriber's Notes: Next set of columns, continuing table.]
+===+==========+=========================+===========================+ Residence Registration Excluded From Voting In Voting Precinct +===+==========+=========================+===========================+ 1 1 month Legislature may regulate Idiots Indians convicted of crime 2 1 month Prohibited as a bar to Idiots Indians convicted of suffrage crime 3 30 days Registration required by Idiots Indians convicts law Chinese 4 Required by constitution Persons in prison 5 6 months Required by law Those unable to read and convicts 6 No registration required Idiots insane paupers criminals 7 Required by constitution Idiots insane criminals bettors on elections duelists 8 Leg may regulate no act Idiots insane criminals non-taxpayers 9 Required by constitution Idiots criminals polygamists 10 30 days Required by law Convicts 11 30 days No law for registration Fraudulent voters and bribers 12 Required by law Idiots insane criminals 13 30 days Required in cities only Idiots insane convicts 14 60 days No registration required Bribery robbery forgery &c 15 30 days Legislature my regulate Idiots insane criminals 16 Required by law Paupers Indians not taxed 17 Required by constitution Lunatics convicts, and guilty of bribery 18 6 months Required by law Paupers persons under guardians non-taxpayers and men unable to read and write 19 10 days Required by law Duelists 20 10 days Required by law Idiots insane convicts 21 Required by constitution Idiots insane criminals 22 Required by constitution Inmates of asylums, in cities only poorhouses, and prisons, US army 23 Leg may require Insane 24 Required by law Idiots convicts US army 25 Required by constitution Idiots insane convicts 26 Town 6 ms Required by law Paupers 27 Required in cities of Paupers idiots insane 10,000 convicts 28 30 days Required in cities of Election bettors or bribers 10,000 convicts 29 Required by constitution Convicts 30 90 days Convicts, insane 31 No registration required Idiots insane 32 Idiots insane convicts US army Chinese 33 2 months Required by constitution Non-taxpayers political bribers 34 Town 6 ms Required by law Persons without property to the value of $134 35 Required by constitution Insane inmates of asylums almshouses prisons, US army, duelists 36 10 days Convicts insane 37 No registration required Non-payers of poll tax 38 6 months Prohibited by Lunatics, idiots, paupers, constitution convicts, US army 39 60 days Idiots criminals 40 Town 3 ms Required by law Bribers 41 Required by law Lunatics idiots convicts, duelists, US army 42 30 days Required by law Convicts, insane 43 Prohibited by Lunatics paupers convicts constitution 44 Required by law Insane idiot convict briber bettor, duelist 45 Required by constitution Idiots insane criminals +===+==========+=========================+===========================+
[Transcriber's Note: This table crosses facing pages of the book ("Portrait" orientation). Thus, reference numbers are used as in the tables above to refer to the nations the information belongs to.]
+===+==============+========+====================================+ Both Houses + -+ -+ + Names of Kind of Name applied Names of the Mtgs. Nations. Gov't. to the Houses. Legislative Body. +===+==============+========+===========+=================+======+ 1 Austria- F.H.M. Delegations. Upper, A Hungary Lower 2 Austria S.H.M. Diet or Herrenhaus, A Reichsrath. Abgeordnetenhaus 3 Hungary S.H.M. Diet or Magnates, A Reichstag. Representatives. 4 Belgium S.H.M. Legislative Senate, A Chambers. Deputies. 5 Denmark S.H.M. Diet or Landsthing, A Rigsdag. Folkething. 6 France S.R. Assembly. Senate, A Deputies. 7 Germany F.H.M. ............ Bundesrath, A Reichstag. 8 Prussia S.H.M. Legislative Herrenhaus, A Chambers. Abgeordnetenhaus 9 Great Britain F.H.M. Parliament. Lords, A Commons. 10 Italy S.H.M. Legislative Senate, A Chambers. Deputati. 11 Netherlands S.H.M. States- Upper, A General. Lower. 12 Spain S.H.M. Cortex. Senate, A Congress. 13 Sweden S.H.M.[3] Diet. Upper, A Lower. 14 Norway S.H.M. Storthing. Lagthing, A Odolsthing. 15 Switzerland F.R. Bundes- Standerath, A Versammlung. Nationalrath. 16 Argentina F.R. Congress. Senate, A Deputies 17 Columbia F.R. Congress. Senate, A H. of R. 18 Mexico F.R. Congress. Senate, A H. of R. 19 Brazil F.R. Legislative Senate, A Assembly. Congress. +===+==============+========+===========+=================+======+
[Transcriber's Notes: Next set of columns, continuing table.]
==================================================+ Upper House + - - - - How Composed. Election Term Qualifications ============================================ 1 20 Austrians, State Leg. 20 Hungarians 2 {Royal Princes, life { Nobles, 3 { Archbishops, life { Appointees 4 68 People 8 40,c,r,P 5 66 {12 ap, 8 25,r {54 el 6 300 {75 for life 40,c {225 for 9 7 59 States 1 8 Royal Princes, Sovereign life Hered Nobles, Appointees, &c 9 Hered Nobles, Sovereign life Bishops, Life Peers, etc. 10 Royal Princes, Sovereign life Appointees 40[2] 11 39 By 2 Divisions 12 Hered Nobles, Sovereign 100 Life Sen 130 elected by States 10 13 137, one for 9 35,P 30,000 14 One-fourth of People 3 Storthing indirectly 15 44, 2 from By cantons 3 Voter each canton 16 28, 2 from By each province provinces 17 27, 3 from By the each state states 18 54, 2 from State Leg. 6 30 each state 19 58 People 40,N,P indirectly ============================================
[Transcriber's Notes: Next set of columns, continuing table.]
====================================================+ Lower House + - - - How Composed. Election Term Qualifications Salaries ====================================================+ 1 40 Austrians, State Leg. 40 Hungarians 2 353 People 6 $1780, yr 3 445 " 3 4 136, one for " 4 25,c,r $84, m h 40,000 inh 5 102 " 3 25,r $4, day 6 557 " 4 25,c $1780, yr 7 397 " 3 8 433 People 3 30,c indirectly 9 658 People 7 21,c None indirectly 10 508, one for " 5 30,V,P None 40,000 inh 11 86, one for " 3 $830, yr 45,000 inh 12 One for " 5 25 50,000 inh 13 64, town, " 3 21,P 140, country 14 3/4 of People 3 Storthing indirectly 15 135, one for People 3 Voter $2.50, dy 20,000 inh 16 50 " $1040, yr 17 66, one for " 2 50,000 inh 18 331, one for " 2 25,r,8 80,000 inh 19 122 People 4 N,P indirectly +====================================================
[Transcriber's Note: Perhaps because of a poor scan, I cannot find the places where footnotes 1 and 2 are referenced.]
[Footnote 1: The Chancellor is responsible only to the Emperor. The administration is through the Bundesrath in seven standing committees.]
[Footnote 2: These appointees must have held high office, or be eminent in science, literature or art, or pay annual taxes of at least $600.]
[Footnote 3: Sweden and Norway form a F.H.M.]
In giving qualifications, N means native, and P means a property qualification.
Greece has only one chamber in its legislature. Consult the Statesman's Year-Book, or an encyclopedia.
YEAR OF DATE OF GOVERNMENTS RULERS TITLE BIRTH ACCESSION =================================================================== Argentina Jose E. Uriburu President Jan 22, '95 Austria Hungary Franz Joset I Emperor 1830 Dec 2 '48 Belgium Leopold II King 1835 Dec 10 '65 Bolivia General Alonzo President Aug — '96 Brazil Prudente de Moraes President 1841 Nov 15 '94 Bulgaria Ferdinand I Prince 1861 July 7 '87 Chili Fed. Errazuriz President 1850 Sept 18 '96 China Tsai Tien Emperor 1872 Jan 12 '75 Colombia (US of) M.A. Caro President Sept 18 '94 Denmark Christian IX King 1818 Nov 15 '63 Ecuador Gen Eloy Alfaro President 1843 ———- '97 France Francois F. Faure President 1841 Jan 17 '95 Germany Wilhelm II Emperor 1859 June 15 '88 Baden Friedrich I Grand Duke 1826 Apr 24 '52 Bavaria Otto I King 1848 June 13 '86 Hesse Ernst Louis V Grand Duke 1868 Mar 13 '92 Mecklenburg Schwerm Friedrich Franz III Grand Duke 1831 Apr 15 '83 Mecklenburg Strelitz Friedrich Wilhelm Grand Duke 1819 Sept 6 '60 Oldenburg Nicholas F. Peter Grand Duke 1827 Feb 27 '33 Prussia Wilhelm II King 1859 June 15 '88 Saxony Albert King 1828 Oct 29 '73 Wurttemberg Wilhelm II King 1848 Oct 6 '91 Great Britain and Ireland Victoria I Queen 1819 June 20 '37 British India Earl of Elgan Viceroy 1849 ———- '94 Canada Dominion of Earl of Aberdeen Gov Gen 1847 Sept — '93 Greece Georgios I King 1845 June 5 '63 Guatemala Gen. J.M.R. Burios President 1853 Mar 15 '92 Haiti Gen. Tiresias A.S. President ———- '96 Sam Hawaiian Islands Sanford B. Dole President 1844 July 4 '94 Honduras Dr. P. Bonilla President Jan 1 '95 Italy Humbert I King 1844 Jan 9 '78 Japan Mutsu Hito Emperor 1852 Feb 13 '67 Korea Yi Hi King 1851 ———- '64 Mexico Porfirio Diaz President 1830 ———- '84 Montenegro Nicholas I Prince 1841 Aug 14 '60 Morocco Abdul Azziz Sultan 1878 June 7 '94 Netherlands Wilhelmina Queen 1880 Nov 23 '90 Nicaragua Gen. Santos Zelaya President 1853 Feb 1 '94 Paraguay Gen. Fgusquiza President Nov 25 '94 Persia Mozaffer ed Din Shah 1853 May 1 '96 Peru Nicolas de Pierola President Aug 12 '95 Portugal Carlos I King 1863 Oct 19 '89 Rome (Pontificate of) Leo XIII Pope 1810 Feb 20 '78 Romania Carol I King 1839 Mar 26 '81 Russia Nicholas II Emperor 1868 Nov 1 '94 Santo Domingo Ulises Heureaux President —— '86 Servia Alexander I King 1876 Mar 6 '89 Siam Chulalongkorn I King 1853 Oct 1 '68 South African Rep'blic S.J. Paul Kruger President 1825 May 12 '93 Spain Alfonso XIII King 1886 May 17 '86 Sweden and Norway Oscar II King 1829 Sept 18 '72 Switzerland Adrien Lachenal President Jan 1 '96 Turkey Abdul Hamid II Sultan 1842 Aug 31, '76 Egypt Abbas II Khedive 1874 Jan 7 '92 United States William McKinley President 1843 Mar 4 '97 Uruguay Idiarte Borda President 1844 Mar 1 '94 Venezuela Joaquin Crespo President 1841 Mar 5, '94
======================================================== Name Birthplace Year Paternal Resi- Year Ancestry dence Inaug. ======================================================== 1 George Washington Westmoreland 1732 English Va. 1789 Co., Va. 2 John Adams Quincey, Mass. 1735 English Mass. 1797 3 Thomas Jefferson Shadwell, Va. 1743 Welsh Va. 1801 4 James Madison Port Conway, 1751 English Va. 1809 Va. 5 James Monroe Westmoreland 1758 Scotch Va. 1817 Co., Va. 6 John Quincy Adams Quincey, Mass. 1767 English Mass. 1825 7 Andrew Jackson Union Co., N.C. 1767 Scotch- Tenn. 1829 Irish 8 Martin Van Buren Kinderhook, 1782 Dutch N.Y. 1837 N.Y. 9 William H. Berkeley, Va. 1773 English O. 1841 Harrison 10 John Tyler Greenway, Va. 1790 English Va. 1841 11 James K. Polk Mecklenburg 1795 Scotch- Tenn. 1845 Co., N.C. Irish 12 Zachary Taylor Orange Co., Va. 1784 English La. 1849 13 Millard Fillmore Summer Hill, 1800 English N.Y. 1850 N.Y. 14 Franklin Pierce Hillsboro, N.H. 1804 English N.H. 1853 15 James Buchanan Cove Gam, Pa. 1791 Scotch- Pa. 1857 Irish 16 Abraham Lincoln Larue Co., Ky. 1809 English Ill. 1861 17 Andrew Johnson Raleigh, N.C. 1808 English Tenn. 1865 18 Ulysses S. Grant Point Pleasant, 1822 Scotch D.C. 1869 O. 19 Rutherford B. Delaware, O. 1822 Scotch O. 1877 Hayes 20 James A. Garfield Cuyahoga Co., 1831 English O. 1881 O. 21 Chester A. Arthur Fairfield, Vt. 1830 Scotch- N.Y. 1881 Irish 22 Grover Cleveland Caldwell, N.J. 1837 English N.Y. 1883 23 Benjamin Harrison North Bend, O. 1833 English Ind. 1889 24 Grover Cleveland Caldwell, N.J. 1837 English N.Y. 1893 25 William McKinley Niles, O. 1843 Scotch- O. 1897 Irish ========================================================
=============================================================== Name Birthplace Year Paternal Resi- Inaug. Ancestry dence =============================================================== 1 John Adams Quincey, Mass. 1735 English Mass. 1789 2 Thomas Shadwell, Va. 1743 Welsh Va. 1797 Jefferson 3 Aaron Burr Newark, N.J. 1756 English N.Y. 1801 4 George Clinton Ulster Co., N.Y. 1739 English N.Y. 1805 5 Elbridge Gerry Marblehead, Mass. 1744 English Mass. 1813 6 Daniel D. Scarsdale, N.Y. 1774 English N.Y. 1817 Tompkins 7 John C. Abbeville, S.C. 1782 Scotch- S.C. 1825 Calhoun Irish 8 Martin Van Kinderhook, N.Y. 1782 Dutch N.Y. 1833 Buren 9 Richard M. Louisville, Ky. 1780 English Ky. 1837 Johnson 10 John Tyler Greenway, Va. 1790 English Va. 1841 11 George M. Philadelphia, Pa. 1792 English Pa. 1845 Dallas 12 Millard Summer Hill, N.Y. 1800 English N.Y. 1849 Fillmore 13 William R. Sampson Co., N.C. 1786 English Ala. 1853 King 14 John C. Lexington, Ky. 1821 Scotch Ky. 1857 Breckinridge 15 Hannibal Paris, Me. 1809 English Me. 1861 Hamlin 16 Andrew Johnson Raleigh, N.C. 1808 English Tenn. 1865 17 Schuyler New York City 1823 English Ind. 1869 Colfax 18 Henry Wilson Farmington, N.H. 1822 English Mass. 1873 19 William A. Malone, N.Y. 1819 English N.Y. 1877 Wheeler 20 Chester A. Fairfield, Vt. 1830 Scotch- N.Y. 1881 Arthur Irish 21 Thomas A. Muskingum Co., O. 1819 Scotch- Ind. 1885 Hendricks Irish 22 Levi P. Morton Shoreham, Vt. 1824 Scotch N.Y. 1889 23 Adlai E. Christian Co., Ky. 1835 Scotch- Ill. 1893 Stevenson Irish 24 Garret A. Long Branch, N.J. 1844 English N.J. 1897 Hobart ===============================================================
PRESIDENTS PRO TEMPORE OF THE UNITED STATES SENATE. CONGRESS YEARS NAME STATE BORN DIED ================================================================= 1, 2 1789-92 John Langdon N H 1739 1819 2 1792 Richard H Lee Va 1732 1794 2, 3 1792 94 John Langdon N H 1739 1819 3 1794 95 Ralph Izard S C 1742 1804 3, 4 1795 96 Henry Tazewell Va 1753 1799 4 1796 97 Samuel Livermore N H 1732 1803 4, 5 1797 William Bingham Pa 1751 1804 5 1797 William Bradford R I 1729 1808 5 1797 98 Jacob Read S C 1752 1816 5 1798 Theo Sedgwick Mass 1746 1813 5 1798 99 John Laurence N Y 1750 1810 5 1799 James Ross Pa 1762 1847 6 1799-1800 Samuel Livermore N H 1732 1803 6 1800 Uriah Tracy Ct 1755 1807 6 1800-1801 John E Howard Md 1752 1827 6 1801 James Hillhouse Ct 1754 1832 7 1801 02 Abraham Baldwin Ga 1754 1807 7 1802-03 Stephen R Bradley Vt 1754 1830 8 1803 04 John Brown Ky 1757 1837 8 1804-05 Jesse Franklin N C 1758 1823 8 1805 Joseph Anderson Tenn 1757 1837 9, 10 1805-08 Samuel Smith Md 1752 1823 10 1808-09 Stephen R Bradley Vt 1754 1837 10, 11 1809 John Milledge Ga 1757 1839 11 1809-10 Andrew Gregg Pa 1755 1835 11 1810 11 John Gaillard S C 1826 11, 12 1811-12 John Pope Ky 1770 1845 12, 13 1812 13 Wm H. Crawford Ga 1772 1834 13 1813 14 Jos B Varnum Mass 1750 1821 13-15 1814-18 John Gaillard S C 1826 15 16 1818 19 James Barbour Va 1775 1842 16 19 1820-26 John Gaillard S C 1826 19, 20 1826 28 Nathaniel Macon N C 1757 1837 20 22 1828-32 Samuel Smith Md 1752 1839 22 1832 L W Tazewell Va 1774 1863 22, 23 1832-34 Hugh L White Tenn 1773 1840 23 1834 35 Geo Poindexter Miss 1779 1853 24 1835 35 John Tyler Va 1790 1862 24-26 1836 41 William R King Ala 1786 1853 26, 27 1841 42 Samuel L Southard N J 1787 1842 27 29 1842 46 W P Mangum N C 1792 1861 29, 30 1846-49 D R Atchison Mo 1807 1886 31, 32 1850 52 William R King Ala 1786 1853 32 33 1852 54 D R Atchison Mo 1807 1886 33 34 1854-57 Jesse D Bright Ind 1812 1875 34 1857 James M Mason Va 1798 1871 35, 36 1857 61 Benj Fitzpatrick Ala 1802 1869 36 38 1861-64 Solomon Foot Vt 1802 1866 38 1864-65 Daniel Clark N H 1809 1891 39 1865-67 Lafayette S. Foster Ct 1806 1880 40 1867-69 Benj F Wade Ohio 1800 1878 41, 42 1869-73 Henry B Anthony R I 1815 1884 43 1873-75 M H Carpenter Wis 1824 1881 44, 45 1875 79 Thomas W Ferry Mich 1827 1896 46 1879-81 A G Thurman Ohio 1813 1895 47 1881 Thomas F Bayard Del 1828 47 1881-83 David David Ill 1815 1886 48 1883 85 Geo F Edmunds Vt 1818 49 1885 87 John Sherman Ohio 1823 1900 49-51 1887 91 John J Ingalls Kan 1833 52 1891-93 C F Manderson Neb 1837 53 1893-95 Isham G Harris Tenn 1818 .... 54, 55 1895-99 William P Frye Me 1831 ....
CONGRESS. YEARS. NAME. STATE. BORN. DIED. =============================================================== 1 1789-91 F.A. Muhlenburg Pa. 1750 1801 2 1791-93 Jonathan Trumbull Ct. 1740 1809 3 1793-95 F.A. Muhlenburg Pa. 1750 1801 4, 5 1795-99 Jonathan Dayton N.J. 1760 1824 6 1799-1801 Theo. Sedgwick Mass. 1746 1813 7-9 1801-07 Nathaniel Macon N.C. 1757 1837 10, 11 1807-11 Joseph B. Varnum Mass. 1750 1821 12, 13 1811-14 Henry Clay Ky. 1777 1852 13 1814-15 Langdon Cheves S.C. 1776 1857 14-16 1815-20 Henry Clay Ky. 1777 1852 16 1820-21 John W. Taylor N.Y. 1784 1854 17 1821-23 Philip P. Barbour Va. 1783 1841 18 1823-25 Henry Clay Ky. 1777 1852 19 1825-27 John W. Taylor N.Y. 1784 1854 20-23 1827-34 Andrew Stevenson Va. 1784 1857 23 1834-35 John Bell Tenn. 1797 1869 24, 25 1835-39 James K. Polk Tenn. 1795 1849 26 1839-41 R. M. T. Hunter Va. 1809 1887 27 1841-43 John White Ky. 1805 1845 28 1843-45 John W. Jones Va. 1805 1848 29 1845-47 John W. Davis Ind. 1799 1850 30 1847-49 Robert C. Winthrop Mass. 1809 1894 31 1849-51 Howell Cobb Ga. 1815 1868 32, 33 1851-55 Linn Boyd Ky. 1800 1859 34 1855-57 Nathaniel P. Banks Mass. 1816 1894 35 1857-59 James L. Orr S.C. 1822 1873 36 1860-61 Wm. Pennington N.J. 1796 1862 37 1861-63 Galusha A. Grow Pa. 1823 .... 38-40 1863-69 Schuyler Colfax Ind. 1823 1885 41-43 1869-75 James G. Blaine Me. 1830 1893 44 1875-76 Michael C. Kerr Ind. 1827 1876 44-46 1876-81 Samuel J. Randall Pa. 1828 1890 47 1881-83 John W. Keifer O. 1836 .... 48-50 1883-89 John G. Carlisle Ky. 1835 .... 51 1889-91 Thomas B. Reed Me. 1839 .... 52, 53 1891-95 Charles F. Crisp Ga. 1845 1896 54, 55 1895-99 Thomas B. Reed Me. 1839 ....
Office. Salary. President of United States..... $30,000 Vice President................. 8,000
Secretary of State............. $ 8,000 Assistant Secretary............ 4,500 Second Assistant Sec'y......... 3,500 Third Assistant Sec'y.......... 3,500 Chief Clerk.................... 2,750 Chief of Diplomatic Bureau..... 2,100 Chiel of Consular Bureau....... 2,100 Chief of Indexes & Archives.... 2,100 Four other bureau officers..... 2,100
Secretary of the Treasury...... $ 8,000 2 Assistant Secretaries........ 4,500 Chief Clerk of Department...... 3,000 Chief of Appointmerit Div...... 2,750 Chief of Warrant Division...... ,000 [Transcriber's Note: misprint] Chief of Public Moneys Div..... 2,500 Chief of Customs Division...... 2,750 Chief Mer.Mar.& Int. Rev....... 2,500 Chief Loans & Currency Div..... 3,500 Chief Revenue Marine Div....... 2,500 Chief Stationery & Printing.... 2,500 Supervising Inspector-General of Steamboats................ 3,500 Director of the Mint........... 4,500 Chief of Bureau of Statistics.. 3,000 Supt. of Life-Saving Service... 4,000 Chairman Light-House Board..... ..... Supervising Surgeon-General.... 4,000 Chief of Bureau of Engraving and Printing................. 4,500 Supervising Architect.......... 4,500 Supt, U.S. Coast Survey (Acting) 6,000 2 Comptrollers.................. 5,000 Commissioner of Customs......... 4,000 6 Auditors...................... 3,600 Treasurer of the U. S........... 6,000 Register of the Treasury........ 4,000 Comptroller of the Currency..... 5,000 Com'r of Internal Revenue....... 6,000
Secretary of War............... $ 8,000 Chief Clerk.................... 2,750 Adjutant-General............... 5,500 Inspector-General.............. 5,500 Quartermaster-General.......... 5,500 Paymaster-General.............. 5,500 Commissary-General............. 5,500 Surgeon-General................ 5,500 Judge Advocate Gen. (Acting)... 5,500 Chief of Engineers............. 5,500 Chief Signal Officer........... 5,500 Chief of Ordnance.............. 5,500 Officer in Charge War Records.. 3,500
Secretary of the Navy.......... $ 8,000 Chief Clerk.................... 2,500 Judge-Advocate General......... 4,500 Chief of Bureau of Yards and Docks........................ 5,000 Chief of Bureau of Navigation.. 5,000 Chief of Bureau of Ordnance.... 5,000 Chief of Bureau of Provisions and Clothing................. 5,000 Chief of Bureau of Medicine and Surgery.................. 5,000 Chief of Bureau of Equipment and Recruiting............... 5,000 Chief of Bureau of Construction and Repair................... 5,000 Chief of Bureau of Steam Engineering.................. 5,000 Chief of Library and War Records...................... 3,000 Pay Director................... 3,000 Supt. Naval Observatory........ 5,000 Supt. Nautical Almanac......... 3,500 |