St. Nicholas, Vol. 5, No. 5, March, 1878
Author: Various
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1. Two brothers ever keeping side by side, The closer they are pressed the more do they divide

2. Brothers again unite their ponderous strength, Toiling all day throughout its tedious length.

3. I never met my sister; while she flies I can but follow, calling out replies.

4. A casket fair, whose closely covered lid A mother's hope, a nation's promise, hid.

5. A plant once used to drive sharp pain away, Not valued greatly in this later day, Except by those who fly when they are ill To test the virtues of a patent pill.



In fruit, but not in flower; a period of time, a fresh-water fish; a sea-bird; in strength, but not in power.



* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * E * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The middle letter, E, is given in the diagram. The centrals form two words, and are read from top to bottom and from side to side, including the middle letter. The words that form the limbs of the cross are read from the outside toward the center, those forming the top and bottom limbs being read horizontally, and those that form the arms, downward.

CENTRAL PERPENDICULAR: Perfume. CENTRAL HORIZONTAL: Strained. TOP LIMB: 1. New. 2. A boy's name. 3. A consonant. BOTTOM LIMB: 1. Plain. 2. A deed. 3. A consonant. LEFT ARM: 1. Existence. 2. A tavern. 3. A consonant. RIGHT ARM: 1. Unready. 2. A tree. 3. A consonant.



The answer is a couplet in Sir Walter Scott's poem "Marmion."


The whole, eleven letters, is a songster. The 1 2 3 4 is adjacent. The 5 6 7 is a metal. The 8 9 10 11 is a current of air.



1. What wood is sometimes called. 2. A character in "Hamlet." 3. Customary. 4. An underling of Satan's. 5. A common shrub. 6. A boy's name meaning "manly." 7. An animal. 8. A place of security. 9. A body of water. 10. A large bird of the vulture family. 11. The home of the gods in Greek mythology. 12. A preposition. 13. A spelled number.

The initials name a female author, and the finals a male author.



1. Take a bird from a saint's name, and leave something ladies wear. 2. Take the present from understanding, and leave a chief. 3. Take part of a fish from explained, and leave a will. 4. Take a forfeit from cultivated, and leave a color. 5. Take an insect from needed, and leave joined. 6. Take a vessel from to supply, and leave to angle.



My first may be made of my last, And carries mechanical force. My last both lives and dyes for man, May often be seen as a horse, And serves him by day and by night In ways very widely apart. My whole is the name, well renowned, Of a chief in the potter's art.



1. Syncopate and curtail a greenish mineral, and leave a Turkish officer. 2. Syncopate and curtail a royal ornament, and leave a domestic animal. 3. Syncopate and curtail a fabled spirit, and leave a coniferous tree. 4. Syncopate and curtail a small fruit, and leave an opening. 5. Syncopate and curtail a motive power, and leave a body of water. 6. Syncopate and curtail colorless, and leave a humorous man. 7. Syncopate and curtail stops, and leave a head-covering. 8. Syncopate and curtail a sweet substance, and leave an agricultural implement. 9. Syncopate and curtail a carpenter's tool, and leave an insect. 10. Syncopate and curtail coins, and leave an inclosure.



EASY DOUBLE CROSS-WORD ACROSTIC.—Initials, Birch; finals, Maple; horizontals, BeaM, IdA, RomP, CorraL, HousE.

SQUARE-WORD.—Ruler, Unite, Lithe, Ethel, Reels.



EASY DECAPITATIONS.—1. Foil, oil. 2. Spear, pear. 3. Feel, eel. 4. Sledge, ledge. 5. Stag, tag. 6. Mace, ace. 7. Goats, oats. 8. Draw, raw. 9. Galley, alley.

TRANSPOSITIONS.—1. Subtle, bustle. 2. Shah, hash. 3. Shearer, hearers. 4. Sharper, harpers. 5. Resorted, restored. 6. Negus, genus.

CHARADE.—Manhattan (Man-hat-tan).

GEOGRAPHICAL PUZZLE.—Queen Charlotte (1) went to Cork (2) to attend a ball. She there met Three Sisters (3), named as follows; Alexandria (4), Augusta (5), and Adelaide (6), in whom she was much interested. Her dress was Cashmere (7), and though elegantly trimmed with Brussels (8), it was, unfortunately, Toulon and Toulouse [too long and too loose] (9). As she felt chilly [Chili] (10), she wore around her shoulders a Paisley (11) shawl. Her jewelry was exclusively a Diamond (12). Her shoes were of Morocco (13), and her handkerchief was perfumed with Cologne (14). Being a Superior (15) dancer, she had distinguished partners, whose names were Washington (16), Columbus (17), Madison (18), Montgomery (19), Jackson (20), and Raleigh (21). Having boldly said that she was hungry [Hungary] (22), she was escorted by La Fayette (23) to a Table (24), where she freely partook of Salmon (25), some Sandwich[es] (26), Orange (27), Champagne (28), and some Madeira (29). After passing a Pleasant (30) evening, she bade Farewell (31) to her hostess and was escorted home by Prince Edward (32).

NUMERICAL ENIGMA.—Chinamen (chin-amen).

ILLUSTRATED PUZZLE.—1. Hare (hair). 2. Beholder (bee-holder, the hive). 3. Ear. 4. Clause (claws). 5. Wings. 6. Comb (honeycomb on the ground). 7. Branch. 8. Leaves. 9 and 10. B I (bee-eye). 11. Tongue. 12. Pause (paws).

CURTAILMENTS.—1. Teasel, tease, teas. 2. Planet, plane, plan. 3. Marsh, Mars, mar, ma. 4. Panel, pane, pan, pa.

COMPLETE DIAGONAL.—Diagonals from left to right downward: 1. L. 2. Ed. 3. Sir. 4. Aver, 5. Eager. 6. Dale. 7. Law. 8. Po. 9. L. Horizontals: E A S E L D A V I D L A G E R P A L E R L O W E R


SQUARE-WORD.—Czar, Zero, Arms, Rose.


Double Diamond: S A T E S P A R E E R A E

Concealed Square: A T E P A R E R A

PICTORIAL PROVERB PUZZLE.—"Let Hercules himself do what he may, The cat will mew, the dog will have his day."

ANSWERS TO PUZZLES in the January number were received, before January 18, from Jas. J. Ormsbee, Fred M. Pease, Morris H. Turk, Susie Hermance, M.W. Collet, Eddie Vultee, A.B.C., "M'sieur B.M.", Alice and Mamie Taylor, Constance Grandpierre and Sadie Duffield, Winnie Brookline, Charlie and Carrie Moyses, O.A.D., Baron P. Smith, F.U., Mary B. Smith, Milly E. Adams and Perry Adams, W.H.C, Anita O. Ball, "Bessie and her Cousin," Georgie Law, K.L. McD., Mary Wharton Wadsworth, Nessie E. Stevens, Inez Okey, Nellie Baker, E. Farnham Todd, Daisy Breaux, Lillie B. Dear, Mary C. Warren, Georgietta N. Congdon, "King Wompster," Nellie Emerson; 255 Indiana street, Chicago; Bessie Cary, Henry D. Todd, Jr., Finda Lippen, Jennie Beach, Mary Todd, Anna E. Mathewson, Nellie Kellogg, Lucy E. Johnson, Charles Behrens, Clara H. Hollis, Nellie Dennis, E.S.P., Bessie and Houghton Gilman, May C. Woodruff, George Herbert White, H. Howell, Lizzie B. Clark; Bessie T.B. Benedict, of Ventnor, Isle of Wight, England; B.M., and Jennie Wilson.

"Oriole" answered all the puzzles in the January number.


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