Faith— definition of, xxxix in "spiritual" religion, xv as an approach to religion, xxxviii-xlv magic reliance on, 75 Confessions of, 118 Confessions of, source of divisions, 115 view of, held by— Luther, xxxix, 5-11, 75 Schwenckfeld, 75, 77-78 Castellio, 100 Coornhert, 109-110 Weigel, 146 Boehme, 195-198 de Valdes, 236, 237 John Smith, 316 Quakers, 344 Familism, 238, 241, 254, 255, 256 n.., 258, 263, 267 n. Faust, xxiii Ferrar, Nicholas, 237, 238 Ficino, Marsilius, 134, 235-236 influence on Sterry, 280 Fox, George, 328 mission of, 337-34l, 349 character, 343 conception of the Church, 200, 226, 339-341 and Abrahams, 122-123 and Boehme, 165 n., 170 n., 221-227, 338 n., 339 n. and Justice Hotham, 210 and Henry Vane, 278 France— Castellio on conditions in, 101-102 Francis of Assisi— and Schwenckfeld, 65 Franck, Sebastian, 139 Humanist and Mystic, 46, 55, 105 life of, 47-52, 92 writings, 49, 51 teachings, 49, 50, 52-63, 69, 93, 199, 242, 243, 247, 346 on the Stillstand, 86 quoted by William Caton, 103 n. translated by Everard, 242, 243 influence on— Coornhert, 107 Boreel, 118 Weigel, 145, 146 n., 148 Boehme, 154, 169, 190 Franckenberg, Abraham von— on Boehme, 156, 165 Frecht, Martin, 47 Freedom— views on, of— Spiritual Reformers, xlix Hans Denck, 22, 23 Buenderlin, 35 Luther, 70 Schwenckfeld, 70, 72 Castellio, 93-96, 107 Coornhert, 106, 113 Randall, 258-259 Vane, 273, 275 Freedom of conscience in Holland, 104 Frettwell, Ralph, 232, 233 Furley, Benjamin, 128 n. collection of books, 258 n.
Gairdner, W. H. J., xxvii n. Gangraena, Edwards'— on Giles Randall, 254, 256 n., 257, 262 Gataker, Thomas— on Giles Randall, 254 ft. Gerson, 6 Gichtel, J. G.— on Boehme, 153 n. Gnosticism— view of man in, xii, xiii seven qualities in, 180 n. God— as conceived— in a Faith religion, xliv by Reason, xxxv-xxxviii by Spiritual Reformers, xlvii, 44 by Mystics, xxiv, xxvii-xxviii, 247 by Luther, 10, 11 by Denck, 22-26 by Buenderlin, 35-37 by Entfelder, 40 by Castellio, 99 by Descartes, 125 by Spinoza, xxviii, 126-127 by Boehme, 35 n., 174-177 in The Light on the Candlestick, 130 in the Cabala, 134-135 by Justice Hotham, 210 by Everard, 246-248 by Randall, 260-261, 262 Goeters, W.— on Collegiants, etc., 104 n. "Gomarists," 114 Gonzaga, Giulia, 237 Goodwin, John— on Randall, 257 Grace— salvation by, 75, 99 "Covenant of, the," 274 as conceived by— the Remonstrants, 114 Boehme, 170, 191 Gregory of Nazianzen, 267 Gregory of Nyssa, 267 Gregory Thaumaturgus, 307 Grocyn, 236 Grotius, Hugo, 114 n. Gruetzmacher, R. H.— on Schwenckfeld, 64 n. on Boehme, 168
Hagen, Carl— on Buenderlin, 34 n. Haldane, E. S.— on Descartes, 124 n. Hales, John, 291 Harford, Rapha— on Everard, 240, 241 Harless, von— on Boehme, 151 n. Harnack, A.— on Luther, 15 on Irenaeus, 71 n. Hartmann, Franz— on Boehme, 151 n. Hartranft, C. D.— editor of Corpus Schwenchfeldianorum, 64 n. Heaven— as conceived by— Spiritual Reformers, xlviii Weigel, 147 Boehme, 179, 186-188, 289, 302 n., 312, 334 Milton, 187 n. Everard, 252 Whichcote, 289, 301-302, 312 John Smith, 312-313 Thomas Traherne, 334-335 Heberle— on Denck, 17 n. Hegel, G. W. F.— on nature of consciousness, xxxii on Boehme, 151 n., 195 n. Hegler, A.— on Franck, 48 n. Hell— as conceived by— Spiritual Reformers, xlviii Weigel, 147 Boehme, 179, 186-188, 289, 302 n., 312, 334 Milton, 187 n. Whichcote, 289, 301-302, 312 John Smith, 312-313 Thomas Traherne, 334-335 Heppe, H.— on Collegiants, 104 n. Heraclitus, 63 Herbert, George, 237, 322 "Hermes Trismegistus," 53, 136 n., 210 translated by Everard, 243 Hetzer, Ludwig, 19, 21 Hill, Thomas, 291 Hinkelmann, Dr., 167 Hobbes, Thomas, 291 Hoffman, Melchior, 33 Holland— Collegiants in, 68 n., 84, 86, 113-124 William Caton in, 103 n. disciples of Castellio in, 102, 103 religious liberty in, 104 Calvinism in, 106 Hotham, Charles— on Boehme, 209, 211, 221 Hotham, Durant— on Boehme, 209-210, 211, 221, 222 and George Fox, 210 views of, 211-212 Howgil, Francis, 231 Huebmaier, Balthasar, 40 Huegel, Friedrich von, xlii Humanists— finding a new world, 1-3 view of man, 2, 4, 19, 69 view of "Hermes Trismegistus," 243 in England, 235-236 influence on— Spiritual Reformers, xxx, 289 Denck, 18, 19 Franck, 46, 47 Castellio, 89 Coornhert, 105-106 Cambridge Platonists, 289 Thomas Traherne, 323 Hutchinson, Anne, 274 Hutten, Ulrich von, 47 Hylkema, C. B.— on Collegiants, 104 n. on Boreel, 118 n.
Imitation of Christ, The, 4, 267 Immortality— John Smith on, 314 Independency, 268 Inquisition, Spanish, 106 Irenaeus, 71 Israel, A.— on Weigel, 140 n.
Jarrin, Charles— on Castellio, 88 n. Job, xxiii Joris, David, 108 Justification— mediaeval conception of, 8 n. as conceived by— Luther, 8 n., 19, 74 Schwenckfeld, 75, 77 John Smith, 310 the Quakers, 344
Keith, George, 122, 233 Keller, L.— on Denck, 17 n., 18 n. Kempis, Thomas a, 267 Kessler, J., 18 n. Kober, Dr. Tobias, 165 Kodde, Giesbert Van der— founder of Collegiants, 115-116 Kodde, John Van der, 115, 117 Kodde, William Van der, 115 Kolde, Th., 20 n.
Ladders, mystical, xxiii n. Langcake, Thomas, 234 n. "Latitude-men," 279, 288-291 Law, William— on Boehme, 153 n., 179, 234 on Inner Word, 346 n. Leade, Jane, 228, 230, 232 n., 233 Lee, Francis, 230-231, 233 Letter, the— versus the Spirit in— Denck, 28-29 Buenderlin, 36-39 Entfelder, 41-43 Schwenckfeld, 72-74 Franck, 60-62, 154, 245, 317 Castellio, 101 Coornhert, 108-109 The Light on the Candlestick, 130 Weigel, 148 Boehme, 169-170, 201 John Ellistone, 217-218 Everard, 241, 245-246, 251 Randall, 263 Rous, 269 Vane, 276 Sterry, 285 John Smith, 316-318 Liegnitz Pastors, 67 n. Life and Light of a Man in Christ Jesus, The, 263-265 "Light, Children of the," 132, 221, 260, 277, 341 Light, Inward, 129-132 (see Inward Word) Light on the Candlestick, The, 123, 128 teaching of, 128-132 circulated as Quaker Tract, 128 Linacre, Thomas, 236 Loofs, F.— on Luther, 13 Lucifer, 178, 185, 192, 234 Luther, Martin— child of the people, 4, 9 influence of mystics on, 6, 7, 9 influence of Humanists on, 7, 8 discovers way of Faith, xxxix, 5-8, 15 theology of, 9-14, 19, 70, 76 as a Reformer, 14-16, 12l quoted on Toleration, 93 influence on— Franck, 47 Schwenckfeld, 65-69 Boehme, 154
Magic— in use of words, xi as an aspect of— the Sacraments, 13 Justification, 75 Sacerdotalism, 79 Superstition, 309 in the Cabala, 135 in Agrippa of Nettesheim, 136 in Paracelsus, 137 Man— as conceived by— Gnostics, xii, xiii the psychologist, xvii the mystics, xxvi, 70 the Spiritual Reformers, xxx-xxxii, xlviii, 337 the Humanists, 2, 4, 19, 69 Luther, 9, 11-12, 70 Denck, xxx, 21-23 Buenderlin, 35, 36 Franck, 53-55 Schwenckfeld, 54, 70, 77, 269 Castellio, 99 Coornhert, 106 Remonstrants, 114 Descartes, 124-125 Spinoza, 127 author of The Light on the Candlestick, 130-131 exponents of "Nature Mysticism," 133 Agrippa of Nettesheim, 137 Paracelsus, 138 Weigel, 142-145 Boehme, xxx, 184-186, 188, 190-191 Charles Hotham, 211 John Ellistone, 218, 219 John Sparrow, 218, 219 Everard, 248-250 Rous, 268 Vane, 276-277 Sterry, xxx, 283 Robert Barclay, 283, 347 Cambridge Platonists, 290 Whichcote, 296-297 John Smith, 310-311 English poets, 322, 323 Traherne, 327, 328-329 the Quakers, 347 Mann, Edward, 233 n. Martensen, H. L.— on Boehme, 151 n. Martyr, Peter, 236 Massachusetts— religious controversies in, 273-274 McGiffert, A. C.— on Luther, 15 Mennonites, 115 views of, 116 and Collegiants, 116, 120 Mildmay, Sir Walter, 279 Millennium, the— Vane on, 275, 277-278 Milton, John— on heaven and hell, 187 n. on strange sects, 214 on Vane, 271 on Inward Word, 321 influence of Boehme on, 234 and Sterry, 281 and Quakers, 321 Ministry— must be divinely ordained, 79 in interim-Church, 113 among Mennonites, 116 among Collegiants, 115, 117 as conceived by— Weigel, 146-147 de Valdes, 237 George Fox, 226, 338-339 Montanists establish a "spiritual" church, xiii "Montfort, Basil," 93 More, Henry, 118, 280, 319 More, Sir Thomas, 236 "Morning Meeting," the, of London Friends, 232-233 Muenzer, Thomas— views on Inward Word, 19 Mysticism— characteristics of, xix-xxi, 223 limitations of, xxii-xxix negative way of, xxv-xxviii in "spiritual" religion, xv the basis of life, 3, 4 a pathway to God, 133 of Buenderlin, 35 of Entfelder, 41 of Franck, 46, 55, 62, 155 of Coornhert, 108 of Spinoza, 123, 125 of Ficino, 134 of Paracelsus, 138 of Weigel, 141, 155 of Boehme, 154-155, 159, 201-206 of Randall, 258 of Vane, 273 of English poets, 323 of Traherne, 333-334 "Mysticism, Nature," 133-139, 148, 154, 180 n. Mystics— conception of— man, 70 salvation, 75 the universe, 155 God, xxiv, xxvii-xxviii, 246-247 influence on— Luther, 6, 7, 9 new views, 136 n. Coornhert, 108 Boreel, 118 Everard, 247 Rous, 267 Sterry, 280 Cambridge Platonists, 289
"Nature Mysticism," 133-139, 148, 154, 180 n. Neo-Platonism, 134, 136 n. Neo-Pythagoreanism, 134 Newton, Sir Isaac— influence of Boehme on, 181 n., 234 Nicholas, Henry, 108 Nicoladoni, A., 21 on Buenderlin, 33 n. Norris, John, 319 Novalis— on Boehme, 153 n.
Oaths— views on— of Mennonites, 116 of Collegiants, 116 Ochino, Bernardino, 236, 237, 238 OEcolampadius, 18, 21, 34, 137 Oporin, Humanist printer, 92 Origen, 267, 307
Paracelsus, 137-139 teaching of, 159 n., 184 symbolism of, 173 n. influence on— Weigel, 148, 150 n. Tentzel, 150 n. Boehme, 154, 174, 175 n. Parker, Alexander, 233 n. Pascal, xxx n., 94, 250 n., 261 n. Patrick, Simon (S. P.)— on "Latitude-Men," 288 n., 290 on John Smith, 305 n., 306-308, 319 Paul St.— use of word "spiritual," xi Penington, Isaac, xix, xxi, 345 n. Penn, William— and Abrahams, 122 teaching of, 344, 347, 348 Pennsylvania— migration of Schwenckfelders to, 83 Penny, A. J.— on Boehme, 151 n. Pepys, Samuel— on Vane, 272 Perfection, doctrine of— John Sparrow on, 216-217 Randall on, 254, 255, 259 Perkins, 294 Personality, xlix, 8 Pfeiffer, F.— on Eckhart, xxvi n., xxvii n. Pflug, Julius, 34 Philadelphian Society, the, 230, 23l, 233 Philosophy— Greek, 134 in England, 235-236, 288, 295 Arabian, 134 Pico of Mirandola, 134 Pirkheimer, 47 Plato, xxxiv, 53, 134, 211, 268 influence on— Ficino, 235-236 Peter Sterry, 280 Cambridge Platonists, 289, 290 Traherne, 323 Platonists, Cambridge, 279, 280, 288-291, 319, 334 Plotinus, 3, 53, 211, 236, 239, 280, 289, 290, 323 Poiret, Peter— on Boehme, 153 n. Pordage, John, 227-230 on Quakers, 230 n. Pordage, Samuel— on John Sparrow, 217 n. Predestination, 99 as viewed by— Spiritual Reformers, xlix Coornhert, 111 Remonstrants, 114 Boehme, 164, 204 Presbyterianism, 268, 28l Principles, Three— in Boehme's universe, 183 Proclus, 280 Psalms, translated by Rous, 267 Puritans, 279, 290, 291 Pythagoras, 210
Quakers, the— precursors of, xxxii, 31, 83, 116, 123, 132, 146, 263, 264 n., 283, 337, 346, 348 circulate The Light on the Candlestick, 128 influence of Boehme on, 220-227, 233 n., 338 n. influence of Everard on, 252 n. and the Behmenists, 231-233 mission of, 337-341 organization of, 341-343 views of, 343-348 Qualities, Seven— in Jacob Boehme, 180-183, 191 in Gnosticism, alchemy, etc., 180 n. Quarles, Francis, 322, 323
Randall, Giles— and Everard, 243 n., 256, 260 life of, 253-254 teaching, 254, 255, 260-263 translations, 255-256, 258, 260, 261 Randall, John, 253 Ranterism, 31, 210, 241, 267 n. among Anabaptists, 33 Ranters, 320 Raphael, 176 Reason— in "spiritual" religion, xv as an approach to religion, xxxii-xxxviii use of, for— Luther, 12 Franck, 55 Castellio, 98, 101 Coornhert, 108 Ficino, 235-236 Rous, 268 Durant Hotham, 210, 211 Whichcote, 295, 300 n. Reformation, the— divisions in, 1, 31, 49, 88, 98-99, 169 character of, 43-44, 66-67 how to be carried out, 82, 112 false course of, 97, 121 in England, 266-267 Spiritual Reformers and, xiv-xv, xlvi, 336-337, 349 Reformer, a— types of, 14-16 Denck as, 29 Buenderlin as, 43-45 Entfelder as, 43-45 Franck as, 46 Schwenckfeld, 64, 65, 75, 139 Castellio as, 103 Reformers, Spiritual— type of religion, xxix-xxxii, xlvi-li views of early, 43-45, 76, 133 views brought into England, 235 mission of, 336-337, 349 and Spinoza, 127 and Weigel, 139, 148 and the Cambridge Platonists, 288-290 influence of, on— Coornhert, 107 Everard, 239, 251-252 Randall, 255 Vane, 273 Milton, 321 Traherne, 323 Quakerism, 336-337, 348-349 Reforms, Economic and Social, 4 Religion, First-hand— Faith as, xlv in "Covenant of Grace," 274 as taught by— Denck, 26-27 Buenderlin, 37-39 Entfelder, 42 Franck, 45, 58 Schwenckfeld, 71-72 Spiritual Reformers, 76 Castellio, 90, 100 Coornhert, 109 Weigel, 141 Boehme, 154, 170-171, 192 seq. Durant Hotham, 212 John Ellistone, 217-218 de Valdes, 237 Everard, 244 Rous, 267 Vane, 272, 274 Whichcote, 296, 297-299, 300-301, 322 John Smith, 308, 310, 311-312, 318, 322 English poets, 322-323 Religion of lay type— Humanism and, 3, 4, 8 found in Schwenckfeld Societies, 82-83 in Collegiant Societies, 115-117, 120 in Congregational Church government, 268 Religion, rational type of, xxxii-xxxviii Religion, "spiritual," xlvi in Montanism, xiii in Gnostic sects, xii during Reformation period, xiv-xv three tendencies in, xv, xxix, xlv-xlvi Religion, study of, xv-xix Remonstrants, the— views of, 114 Reuchlin, J., 47 forerunner of Reformation, 134 Richter, Gregorius— and Boehme, 162-164, 166-167, 168 Rieuwertz, John, 128 Roehrich, Gustave— on Denck, 17 n. Roth, F.— on Schwenckfeld Societies, 83 n. Rous, Francis— life, 267-268, 270 writings, 268 teaching, 268-271 Rues, S. F.— on Collegiants, 123 n. Rutherford, Samuel— on Schwenckfeld, 87 on de Valdes, 238 on Randall, 254, 258, 262, 263 "Rynsburgers," 114 (see Collegiants)
Sabbath, the— names for, 264 n. true, for Coornhert, 111 Sachs, Hans, 47 Sacraments, the use of— as taught by— Luther, 12-14, 19 Denck, 27 Buenderlin, 37, 39 Entfelder, 41-43 Franck, 59 Schwenckfeld, 67-69, 80-82, 86, 270
Castellio, 101 Coornhert, 110-112 Collegiants, 116 Borellists, 120 Weigel, 142, 147 Boehme, 201 Behmenists, 232-233 Jane Leade, 232 n. Everard, 251 Randall, 254, 255 Vane, 273 Seekers, 273 Whichcote, 302-303 Salter, Dr. Samuel— on Whichcote, 291 n. Saltmarsh, John, 267 n. Salvation— by Faith, xlii-xliv by works, xlvi, 75 view of, as held by— Protestant Reformers, xlvi Spiritual Reformers, xlvii-xlix, 44, 76 historic Church, 75, 99 Mystics, 75 Luther, 10-12, 76 Denck, 25-27, 28, 243 Buenderlin, 36-38 Entfelder, 42 Franck, 54-55 Schwenckfeld, 70-72, 74-78, 285 Irenaeus, 70 Castellio, 98, 100 Coornhert, 110 Remonstrants, 114 Weigel, 141 Boehme, 170, 190-198, 289 de Valdes, 236, 237 Everard, 250 Sterry, 285 Whichcote, 289, 293, 301 John Smith, 311-312 Traherne, 332-333 Quakers, 345, 346-347 Sampson, Alden— on Milton, 321 n. Schellhorn, J. G., 66 n. Schleiermacher, Friedrich, xxxii Schmalkald League, 69 Schneider, Walter— on Adam Boreel, 118 n. Schweinitz, Sigismund von, 167, 168 Schweizer, A.— on Castellio, 88 n. Schwenckfeld, Caspar, 48 as a Reformer, 64, 65, 75, 139 life, 65-69 teaching, 54, 66, 67, 69-87, 154, 269, 285, 346, 347 writings, 64 n., 70 n. organizes Societies, 82-83 appearance of views in England, 84, 87, 103 n. influence on— Weigel, 142, 148 Boehme, 154, 156 n., 190 Scriptures, the— views on, as held by— Luther, 12 Denck, 28, 29, 242 Buenderlin, 36 Entfelder, 42 Spiritual Reformers, 44, 251 Franck, 58, 60, 6l, 243 Schwenckfeld, 73 Castellio, 101 Coornhert, 108 Borellists, 120 Boehme, 169, 170, 225 John Sparrow, 215, 216, 225 George Fox, 225 Everard, 245, 251 Randall, 255 Rous, 269 Whichcote, 300 John Smith, 317 Quakers, 348 Scultetus, B., 163 n. Seekers, the— and the Stillstand, 68 n. view of the Church, 84, 86, 340 view of sacraments, 273 Schwenckfeld and, 84 among the Collegiants, 117, 120, 122 in England, 122, 267 n. Boehme of the type of, 159 Boehme's influence on, 220-221 Vane one of the, 273 and the Quakers, 340-342 Seidemann, J. R.— on Muenzer, 19 n. Servetus, 93, 96 Sewel, William— on Abrahams, 122 n. "Signature," 174, 183, 222, 223 Silesius, Angelus, 244 n. Simons, Menno, 112, 121 Sin— views of, as held by— Franck, 62 Schwenckfeld, 70 Castellio, 99 Remonstrants, 114 Boehme, 154, 155, 177-179, 188-189, 191 John Sparrow, 216, 217 Sterry, 284 Whichcote, 301-302 John Smith, 312-313 Traherne, 331-332 Slee, J. C. Van— on Collegiants, 114 n. Smith, John— life, 305-306 character, 305, 306-308, 318 teaching, 308-318, 322 Societies— organized by Schwenckfeld, 82-83 of Collegiants, 115-117, 119-120, 123 Society of Friends— organized by George Fox, 337, 341-343 Socrates, xxxiii n., 211 Sopingius, G., 114 Sparrow, John— translates Boehme into English, 213-221, 222, 234 n. views of, 214-217, 225 Spinoza, B.— mysticism of, xxviii, 123, 125 Philosophy of, 125 and the Spiritual Reformers, 127 and the Collegiants, 123, 128 Spiritual, the word— Paul's use of, xi in Johannine writings, xii among Gnostics, xii Montanists, xiii Spiritual Reformers, xiv-xv "Spiritualists," 12, 31, 48 Spruyt, David, 120 Steiner, R.— on Boehme, 151 n. Sterry, Peter— life, 279-281 writings, 281 teachings, xxx, xxxiv, 281-287 Stillstand, the— Schwenckfeld and, 67, 86, 273 Franck and, 86 revived by Collegiants and Seekers, 68 n. Vane adopts type of, 273 Stoddart, A. M.— on Paracelsus, 137 n. Stoicism, 134 Stoupe— on Collegiants, 119 Strobel, G. T.— on Muenzer, 19 n. Sub-conscious, the, xxviii-xxix Swinburne, A. C., 173
Tauler, xxvi, 3, 4, 6, 19, 141, 239, 243, 253 n., 267 his conception of God, 247 Taylor, Jeremy, 291 Taylor, Thomas— on Boehme, 220 "Temperature," 178, 181, 185 Tentzel, A., 242 use of astrology by, 150 n. Theologia Germanica, xxvi n., 4, 6, 239, 263 translated by— John Theophilus (Castellio), 103 n., 243, 256 Everard, 243 Randall, 256-257, 258 influence on Weigel, 141 Theophilus, John (Castellio), 103 n., 243 Thornton, William, 220 Tilken, Balthazar, 170 Traherne, Thomas— life, 323-324, 327, 328 writings, 327 teaching, 322, 324-327, 328-335 Trithemius, 137 Troeltsch, E.— on Luther, 15 n. on Franck, 47 n. on Schwenckfeld, 64 n. Tuckney, Dr. Anthony, 279, 291 correspondence with Whichcote, 292-296, 302 Tulloch, John— on Cambridge Platonists, 303 n., 305 Tully, 290 Turner, Wyllyam, 84
Underhill, Evelyn, x Universe, the— as conceived— in a rational religion, xxxii-xxxviii by Buenderlin, 35 by Entfelder, 40 in "Nature Mysticism," 133 in the Cabala, 135 by Agrippa of Nettesheim, 137 by Paracelsus, 138-139 by Weigel, 148 by Boehme, 150 n., 159-160, 172-189 by John Sparrow, 214 by John Ellistone, 219 by Everard, 248 by Vane, 276-278 by Sterry, 282 by John Smith, 314-316 by Traherne, 329-331 Vadian, 21 Valdes, Alfonso de, 236 Valdes, Juan de— life, 236-237 teaching, 237 influence in England, 237-238 Vane, Sir Harry— life, 271-274 teaching, 274 and George Fox, 278 and Sterry, 280 Vaughan, Henry, 322, 326, 335 Veesenmeyer— on Buenderlin, 33 n. on Entfelder, 40 Vermigli, Pietro Martire, 236, 237, 238
Wallace, William, xxxvii Walther, Dr. B., 165 Walton, Christopher— on Boehme, 151 n., 179 n. on Jane Leade, 230 War— views of Collegiants on, 117 views of Boehme on, 199 Ward, George— on Boehme, 234 n. Ward, James, xxxvi Warmund, Church of, 115-116 Weigel, Valentine— life, 139-140, 148 n. teaching, 141-150 writings, 141, 145, 148 influence on Boehme, 139, 148, 150 n., 154, 156 n., 169, 190 influence in England, 139, 141, 146, 148, 150 Weissner, Dr. Cornelius, 163, 165 Whichcote, Benjamin— life, 279, 289, 291-293 teaching, 293-304 and Dr. Tuckney, 292-295 and John Smith, 306 Whitaker, Richard— on Boehme, 208 n. Wilcox, Ella Wheeler, xxxviii Williams, Roger— on Vane, 275 Winstanley, Gerard, 267 n., 334 Winthrop, John, 274, 275 Word of God, Inward— as taught by— the Spiritual Reformers, xxx, xxxviii, li, 32, 44, 337 Thomas Muenzer, 19 Ludwig Hetzer, 19 Denck, 24, 27, 28-30, 243 Buenderlin, 36-39 Entfelder, 41 Franck, 53, 56-58, 346 Schwenckfeld, 66, 72, 346, 347 Castellio, 101 Coornhert, 108-109 The Light on the Candlestick, 129-132 Weigel, 147 Boehme, 169 John Sparrow, 214-216 George Fox, 215 John Ellistone, 218 de Valdes, 238 Everard, 246, 251-252 Randall, 263 Rous, 268-269 Vane, 276, 279 Milton, 321 William Law, 346 n. root principle of Quakerism, 345, 348 Wordsworth, William, xxiii, xxxv Worthington, John— on John Smith, 306, 307
Zwickau Prophets, 12 Zwingli, 121