The burs of the common species are densely covered with long prickles, which are slightly hooked at the apex. In the new form, which is similar in all other respects to the common cocklebur, the burs are more slender and the prickles much less numerous, about 25 to the bur and mostly stouter at the base. It occurs abundantly in New Mexico, always growing with the common species, and seems to be quite constant from seed. Mr. Cockerell kindly sent me some burs of both forms, and from these I raised in my garden last year a nice lot of the common, as well as of the Wootoni plants.
Spineless varieties are recorded for the bastard-acacia, the holly and the garden gooseberry (Ribes Grossularia, or R. Uva-crispa). A spineless sport of the prickly Broom (Ulex europaeus) has been seen from time to time, but it has not been propagated.
Summarizing the foregoing facts, we have excellent evidence of varieties being produced either by the loss of some marked peculiarity or by the acquisition of others that are already [141] present in allied species. There are a great many cases however, in which the morphologic cause of the dissimilarity is not so easily discerned. But there is no reason to doubt that most of them will be found to conform to the rule on closer investigation. Therefore we can consider the following as the principal difference between elementary species and varieties; that the first arise by the acquisition of entirely new characters, and the latter by the loss of existing qualities or by the gain of such peculiarities as may already be seen in other allied species.
If we suppose elementary species and varieties originated by sudden leaps or mutations, then the elementary species have mutated in the line of progression, some varieties have mutated in the line of retrogression, while others have diverged from their parental types in a line of depression, or in the way of repetition. This conception agrees quite well with the current idea that in the building up of the vegetable kingdom according to the theory of descent, it is species that form the links of the chain from the lower forms to the more highly organized later derivatives. Otherwise expressed, the system is built up of species, and varieties are only local and lateral, but never of real importance for the whole structure.
[142] Heretofore we have generally assumed, that varieties differ from the parent-species in a single character only, or at least that only one need be considered. We now come to the study of those varieties, which differ in more than one character. Of these there are two types. In the first the points of dissimilarity are intimately connected with one another, in the second they are more or less independent.
The mutually related peculiarities may be termed correlative, and we therefore speak, in such cases, of correlative variability. This phenomenon is of the highest importance and is of general occurrence. But before describing some examples, it is as well to note that in the lecture on fluctuating variability, cases of a totally different nature will be dealt with, which unfortunately are designated by the same term. Such merely fluctuating variations are therefore to be left out of the present discussion.
The purple thorn-apple, which is considered by some writers as a variety of the white-flowered species or Datura Stramonium, and by others as a separate species, D. Tatula, will serve as an illustration. But as its distinguishing attributes, as far as we are concerned with them here, are of the nature described above as characteristic of varietal peculiarities no objection [143] can be made to our using them as a case of correlative variability.
The essential character of the purple thornapple lies in the color of the flowers, which are of a very beautiful pale blue. But this color is not limited to the corolla. It is also to be seen in the stems and in the stalks and veins of the leaves, which are stained with a deep purple, the blue color being added to the original green. Even on the surface of the leaves it may spread into a purplish hue. On the stems it is to be met with everywhere, and even the young seedlings show it. This is of some importance, as the young plants when unfolding their cotyledons and primary leaves, may be distinguished by this means from the seedlings of the white flowered species.
In crossing experiments it is therefore possible to distinguish the whites and the blues, even in young seedlings, and experience shows that the correlation is quite constant. The color can always be relied upon; if lacking in the seedlings, it will be lacking in the stems and flowers also; but if the axis of the young plant is ever so slightly tinged, the color will show itself in its beauty in the later stages of the life of the plant.
This is what we term correlation. The colors of the different organs are always in agreement. It is true that they require the concurrence of [144] light for development, and that in the dark or in a faint light the seedlings are apt to remain green when they should become purple, but aside from such consideration all organs always come true to their color, whether pure green and white, or whether these are combined with the blue tinge. This constancy is so absolute that the colors of the different organs convey the suggestion, that they are only separate marks of a single character.
It is on this suggestion that we must work, as it indicates the cause of the correlation. Once present, the faculty of producing the anthocyan, the color in question, will come into activity wherever and whenever opportunity presents itself. It is the cell-sap of the ordinary cell tissue or parenchyma, which is colored by the anthocyan, and for this reason all organs possessing this tissue, may exhibit the color in question.
Thus the color is not a character belonging to any single organ or cell, nor is it bound to a morphologic unit; it is a free, physiologic quality. It is not localized, but belongs to the entire plant. If we wish to assume for its basis material representative particles, these particles must be supposed to be diffused throughout the whole body of the plant.
This conception of a physiologic unit as the [145] cause of colors and other qualities is evidently opposed to the current idea of the cells and tissues as the morphologic units of the plants. But I do not doubt, that in the long run it will recommend itself as much to the scientist as to the breeder. For the breeder, when desiring to keep his varieties up to their standard, or when breeding to a definite idea, obviously keeps his standard and his ideal for the whole plant, even if he breeds only for flowers or for fruit.
I have chosen the color of the purple thornapple as a first example, but the colors of other plants show so many diverging aspects, all pointing so clearly to the same conclusion, that it would be well to take a more extensive view of this interesting subject.
First we must consider the correlation in the colors of flowers and fruits. If both are colored in the species, whether red or brown or purple or nearly black, and a variety lacking this hue is known, it will be lacking in both organs. If the color is pure, the flowers and berries will become white, but such cases are rare. Ordinarily a yellowish or greenish tinge underlies the ornamental color, and if this latter disappears, the yellowish ground will become manifest. So for instance in the Belladonna, a beautiful perennial herb with great shiny black, but very poisonous, fruits. Its flowers are brown, but in [146] some woods a variety with greenish flowers and bright yellow berries occurs, which is also frequently seen in botanic gardens. The anthocyan dye is lacking in both organs, and the same is the case with the stems and the leaves. The lady's laurel or Daphne Mezereum has red corollas, purple leaves and red fruits; its white flowered variety may be distinguished by lack of the red hue in the stems and leaves, and by their beautiful yellow berries. Many other instances could be given, since the loss of color in berries is a very common occurrence, so common that for instance, in the heath-family or Ericaceae, with only a few exceptions, all berry-bearing species have white-fruited varieties.
The same correlation is observed in the seeds. The white-flowered flax may be seen to yield yellow and not brown seeds as in the blue species. Many varieties of flowers may be recognized by the color of their seeds, as in the poppies, stocks and others. Other white-flowered varieties may be distinguished when germinating, their young axes being of a pure instead of a purplish green. It is a test ordinarily used by gardeners, to purify their flower beds long before the blooming time, when thinning or weeding them. Even in wild plants, as in Erodium, Calluna, Brunella and others, a botanist may recognize the rare white-flowered [147] variety by the pure green color of the leaves, at times when it is not in flower. Some sorts of peas bear colored flowers and a red mark on the stipules of their leaves. Among bulbous plants many varieties may be recognized even in the dry bulbs by the different tinges of the outer scales.
Leaving the colors, we come now to another instance of correlation, which is still more astonishing. For it is as rare, as color-varieties are common. It is afforded by some plants the leaves of which, instead of being entire or only divided into large parts, are cleft to a greater extent by repeated fissures of the marginal lobes. Such foliar variations are often seen in gardens, where they are cultivated for their beauty or singularity, as the laciniated alders, fern-leaved, beeches and limes, oakleaved laburnums, etc. Many of them are described under the varietal name of laciniata. In some cases this fissure extends to the petals of the flowers, and changes them in a way quite analogous to the aberrancy of the leaves.
This is known to occur with a variety of brambles, and is often seen in botanic gardens in one of the oldest and most interesting of all anomalies, the laciniated variety of the greater celandine or Chelidonium majus. Many other instances could be given. Most of them belong to the [148] group of negative variations, as we have defined them. But the same thing occurs also with positive varieties, though of course, such cases are very rare. The best known instance is that of the ever-flowering begonia, Begonia semperflorens, which has green leaves and white flowers, but which has produced garden varieties with a brown foliage and pink flowers. Here also the new quality manifests itself in different organs.
Enough has now been said on correlative changes, to convince us that they are as a rule to be considered as the expression of some general internal or physiologic quality, which is not limited to a single organ, but affects all parts of the organism, provided they are capable of undergoing the change. Such characters are therefore to be considered as units, and should be referred to the group of single characters.
Opposed to these are the true compound characters, which consist of different units. These may be segregated by the production of varieties, and thereby betray the separate factors of the complex group.
The most beautiful instances of such complex characters are offered by the colors of some of the most prized garden-flowers. Rarely these are of a single hue, often two or three shades contribute to the effect, and in some cases special [149] spots or lines or tracings are to be seen on a white or on a colored background. That such spots and lines are separate units is obvious and is demonstrated by the fact that sometimes spotless varieties occur, which in all other respects have kept the colors of the species. The complexity of the color is equally evident, whenever it is built up of constituents of the anthocyan and of the yellow group. The anthocyan dye is limited to the sap-cavity of the cells, while the yellow and pure orange colors are fixed in special organs of the protoplasm. The observation under the microscope shows at once the different units, which though lying in the same cell and in almost immediate vicinity of each other are always wholly separated from one another by the wall of the vacuole or sapfilled cell-cavity.
The combination of red and yellow gives a brown tinge, as in the cultivated wall-flower, or those bright hues of a dark orange-red, which are so much sought in tulips. By putting such flowers for a short time in boiling water, the cells die and release the red pigment, which becomes diffused in the surrounding fluids and the petals are left behind with their yellow tinge. In this way it is easy to separate the constituents, and demonstrate the compound nature of the original colors.
[150] But the diversity of the color patterns is far from being exhausted with these simple instances. Apart from them, or joined to them, other complications are frequently seen, which it is impossible to analyze in such an artificial way. Here we have to return to our former principle, the comparison of different varieties. Assuming that single units may be lost, irrespective of the others, we may expect to find them segregated by variation, wherever a sufficiently wide range of color-varieties is in cultivation. In fact, in most cases a high degree of dissimilarity may be reached in the simplest way by such a separation of the components, and by their combination into most diverse smaller groups. A very nice instance of such an analysis of flower-colors is afforded by the ordinary snapdragon. The beautiful brown red color of this common garden-plant is composed on one side of yellow elements, on the other of red units. Of the yellow there are two, one staining the whole corolla with a light hue, as is to be seen in the pure yellow variety called _luteum. This form has been produced by the loss of the whole group of the red constituents. If the yellow tinge is also lost, there arises a white variety, but this is not absolutely colorless, but shows the other yellow constituent. This last stains only some small parts [151] of the lips of the flower around the throat, brightening, as it seems, the entrance for the visiting insects. In many of the red or reddish varieties this one yellow patch remains, while the general yellow hue fails. In the variety called "Brilliant" the yellow ground makes the red color more shiny, and if it is absent the pure carmine tinge predominates.
It is readily seen, that in the ordinary form the lips are of a darker red than the tube. This evident dissimilarity indicates some complexity. And in fact we have two varieties which exhibit the two causes of this attribute separately. One of them is called "Delila," and has the red color limited to the lips, whilst the tube is pure white. The other is called "Fleshy," and is of a pale pink throughout the whole corolla. Adding these two units to one another, we get the original dark red of the wild type, and it may be briefly stated here, that the way of effecting such an addition is given us in the crossing of the "Fleshy" and the "Delila" variety, the hybrid showing the two colors and returning thereby to the old prototype.
Other cases of compound flower colors or of color patterns might be given as in the Mimulus and the poppy, and in most of these cases some varieties are to be seen in our gardens which show only the single constituents of the group.
[152] Many dark flowers have an intermediate bright hued form besides the white variety, as in the case of roses, asters, Nicandra and so on.
Intermediate forms with respect to stature may also be seen. The opium-poppy, the snapdragon, peas, the Nicandra, and many other garden-plants have not only dwarf varieties, but also some of intermediate height. These, though they are intermediate between the tall and dwarf types, cannot be considered as transitions, as between them and the extremes, intermediates are, as a rule wholly lacking. Instances of the same occurrence of three types may be seen in the seeds of maize ("Cuzco," "Horse-dent" and "Gracillima") of beans and some other plants. The Xanthium Wootoni, above referred to, with only part of the prickles of Xanthium commune is also a very curious instance of the demonstration of the compound nature of a character.
Summarizing the conclusions that may be drawn from the evidence given in this lecture, we have seen that varieties differ from elementary species in that they do not possess anything really new. They originate for the greater part in a negative way, by the apparent loss of some quality, and rarely in a positive manner by acquiring a character, already seen in allied species. These characters are not of the nature of [153] morphologic entities, but are to be considered as physiologic units, present in all parts of the organisms, and manifesting themselves where ever occasion is afforded. They are units in the sense that they may appear and disappear singly. But very often they are combined to yield compound characters, which are capable of analysis. Opportunities for such an analysis are afforded by these groups of cultivated varieties, of which some members show a single distinguishing quality, or a number of them.
It is generally believed that varieties are principally distinguished from species by their inconstancy. This conception is derived from some special cases and transferred to others, and in its common form this belief must have originated from the confusion which exists as to the meaning of the term variety. It is true that vegetative varieties as a rule run back, when propagated by seeds; they are an obvious instance of inconstancy. In the second place we have considered the group of inconstant or sporting varieties, which of course we must exclude when studying the stability of other types. However, even these sporting varieties are unstable only to a certain degree, and in a broader sense will prove to be as true to their character as the most constant types.
Having separated these two groups, which include also the wide range of hybrid forms, we may next consider only those varieties of pure origin, and ordinarily propagated by seeds, [155] which have been discussed in former chapters. Their general character lies in their fidelity to type, and in the fact that this is single, and not double, as in the sporting varieties.
But the current belief is, that they are only true to their peculiarities to a certain degree, and that from time to time, and not rarely, they revert to the type from which they have arisen. Such reversion is supposed to prove that they are mere varieties, and at the same time to indicate empirically the species from which they have sprung.
In the next lecture we shall examine critically the evidence on which this assumption rests. Before doing so however, it will be necessary to collate the cases in which there is no reversion at all, or in which the reversion is absent at least in experimental and pure sowings.
In the present state of our knowledge it is very difficult to decide, whether or not true reversion occurs in constant varieties. If it does occur, it surely does so very rarely and only under unusual circumstances, or in particular individuals. However when such individuals are multiplied by buds and especially when they are the only representatives of their type, the reversion, though theoretically rare, will be shown by nearly every specimen of the variety. Examples of this will be given below.
[156] They are generally called atavists or reversionists, but even these terms are sometimes used in a different sense.
Lastly it is to be said that the empirical and experimental evidence as to the question of constancy is not as extensive as it should be. The experimental conditions are seldom described, and it is only recently that an interest in the matter has been awakened. Much remains to be done. Among other things the innumerable varieties of trees, shrubs and perennial herbs should be tested as to their constancy when grown from purely fertilized seeds. Many of them may be included among the number that sport constantly.
Leaving aside the doubtful or insufficiently studied cases, we may now turn our attention to the facts that prove the absolute stability of a large number of varieties, at least as far as such completeness can be attained by experiment or observation.
The best proof is afforded by the varieties which grow wild in localities where they are quite isolated from the species, and where for this reason, no possibility of crossing disturbs the significance of the proof. As one instance the rayless form of the wild camomile, or the Matricaria Chamomilla discoidea may be mentioned. Many systematists have been so strongly [157] impressed with its absolute constancy and its behavior as an ordinary species, that they have elevated it, as it is called, to the rank of a species. As such it is described under the name of Matricaria discoidea DC. It is remarkable for its rapid and widespread distribution, as of late years it has become naturalized in different parts of America and of Europe, where it is to be seen especially in France and in Norway. Experimentally I raised in succeeding years between 1000 and 2000 seedlings, but observed no trace of reversion, either in the strongest or in the numerous very small and weak individuals which appeared in the cultures.
The tansy-ragwort or Senecio Jacobaea may be chosen as a second instance. It is a perennial herb with short rootstocks and stout stems bearing numerous short-peduncled heads in large compact corymb; it multiplies itself abundantly by seeds and is very common on the sand dunes of Holland. It has two forms, differing only in the occurrence or the lack of the ray florets. But these two varieties occupy different localities and are even limited to different provinces. As far as I have been able to ascertain on numerous excursions during a series of years, they never sport, and are only intermingled on the outskirts of their habitats. The rayless form is generally considered as the [158] variety but it is quite as stable as the radiate species.
The radiate varieties of marigold, quoted in a former lecture, seem to be equally constant, when growing far away from their prototypes. I sowed the seeds of a single plant of the radiate form of Bidens cernua, and found all of the seedlings came true, and in the next year I had from their seed between 2,000 and 3,000 flowering individuals, all equally radiate. Many species of composites have been tried, and they are all constant. On the other hand rare sports of this kind have been observed by Murr and other authors.
Many kinds of vegetables and of fruits give instances of stability. White strawberries, green grapes, white currants, crisped lettuce, crisped parsley and some other crisped forms may be cited. The spinage without prickles is a widely known instance. White-flowered flax never reverts to the blue prototype, if kept pure. Sugar-peas and sugar-corn afford further instances. Strawberries without runners have come true from seed ever since their first appearance, over a hundred years ago.
Many garden-varieties, the stability of which under ordinary circumstances is doubtful, because of their being sown too close to other varieties of the same species, have been tested in [159] respect to their stability by different writers and at different times. In doing this it is plain that it is very essential to be sure of the purity of the seed. Specimens must be grown in positions isolated from their allies, and if possible be pollinated artificially with the exclusion of the visits of insects. This may be done in different ways. If it is a rare species, not cultivated in the neighborhood, it is often sufficient to make sure of this fact. Pollen may be conveyed by bees from distances of some ten or twenty meters, or in rare cases from some hundred meters and more, but a greater distance is ordinarily sufficient for isolation. If the flowers fertilize themselves, as is more often the case than is generally supposed, or if it is easy to pollinate them artificially, with their own pollen or in small groups of similar individuals, the best way is to isolate them by means of close coverings. When flowering, the plants are as a rule too large to be put under bell-glasses, and moreover such coverings would keep the air moist, and cause the flower-buds to be thrown off. The best coverings are of netting, or of canvas of sufficiently wide mesh, although after a long experience I greatly prefer cages of fine iron-wire, which are put around and over the whole plant or group of plants, and fastened securely and tightly to the ground.
[160] Paper bags also may be made use of. They are slipped over the flowering branches, and bound together around the twigs, thus enclosing the flowers. It is necessary to use prepared papers, in order that they may resist rain and wind. The best sort, and the one that I use almost exclusively in my fertilization-experiments, is made of parchment-paper. This is a wood-pulp preparation, freed artificially from the so-called wood-substance or lignin. Having covered the flowers with care, and having gathered the seeds free from intermixtures and if possible separately for each single individual, it only remains to sow them in quantities that will yield the greatest possible number of individuals. Reversions are supposed to be rare and small groups of seedlings of course would not suffice to bring them to light. Only sowings of many hundreds or thousands of individuals are decisive. Such sowings can be made in one year, or can be extended over a series of years and of generations. Hildebrand and Hoffman have preferred the last method, and so did Hofmeister and many others. Hildebrand sowed the white hyacinth, and the white varieties of the larkspur, the stock and the sweet pea. Hoffman cultivated the white flax and many other varieties and Hofmeister extended his sowings [161] over thirty years with the white variety of the yellow foxglove (Digitalis parviflora). White-flowered varieties of perennial garden plants were used in my own experiments. I bought the plants, flowered them under isolation in the way described above, gathered the seeds from each individual separately and sowed them in isolated groups, keeping many hundreds and in some cases above a thousand plants up to the time of flowering. Among them I found only one inconstant variety, the white form of the yellow columbine, Aquilegia chrysantha. It evidently belonged to the group of sporting varieties already referred to. All others came absolutely true to type without any exception. The species experimented with, were Campanula persicifolia, Hyssopus officinalis, Lobelia syphilitica, Lychnis chalcedonica, Polemonium dissectum, Salvia sylvestris and some others. Tested in the same way I found the white varieties of the following annual plants also quite true: Chrysanthemum coronarium, Godetia amoena, Linum usitatissimum, Phlox drummondi, and Silene Armeria. To these may be added the white hemlock stork's-bill (Erodium cicutarium album) which grows very abundantly in some parts of my fatherland, and is easily recognizable by its pure green leaves and stems, even when not flowering. I cultivated it, in large numbers [162] during five succeeding generations, but was never able to find even the slightest indication of a reversion to the red prototype. The scarlet pimpernel or Anagallis arvensis has a blue variety which is absolutely constant. Even in Britton and Brown's "Flora," which rarely enumerates varieties, it is mentioned as being probably a distinct species. Eight hundred blooming seedlings were obtained from isolated parents, all of the same blue color. The New Zealand spinage (Tetragonia expansa) has a greenish and a brownish variety, the red color extending over the whole foliage, including the stems and the branches. I have tried both of them during several years, and they never sported into each other. I raised more than 5,000 seedlings, from the different seeds of one lot of the green variety in succeeding years, but neither those germinating in the first year, nor the others coming into activity after two, three or four years of repose gave any sign of the red color of the original species.
It is an old custom to designate intermediate forms as hybrids, especially when both the types are widely known and the intermediates rare. Many persons believe that in doing so, they are giving an explanation of the rarer forms. But since the laws of hybridism are coming to be known we shall have to break with [163] all such usages. So for instance there are numerous flowers which are of a dark red or a dark blue color, and which, besides a white variety, have a pink or a pale blue form. Such pale varieties are of exactly the same value as others, and on testing they are found to be equally stable. So for instance the pink variety of the Sweet William (Silene Armeria rosea), the Clarkia pulchella carnea and the pale variety of the corn-cockle, called usually Agrostemma Githago nicaeensis or even simply A. nicaeensis. The latter variety I found pure during ten succeeding generations. Another notable stable intermediate form is the poppy bearing the Danish flag (Papaver somniferum Danebrog). It is an old variety, and absolutely pure when cultivated separately. A long list of other instances might easily be given.
Many garden-varieties, that are still universally prized and cultivated are very old. It is curious to note how often such forms have been introduced as novelties. The common foxglove is one of the best examples. It has a monstrous variety, which is very showy because it bears on the summit of its raceme and branches, large erect cup-shaped flowers, which have quite a different aspect from the normal thimbleshaped side-blossoms. These flowers are ordinarily described as belonging to the anomaly [164] known as "peloria," or regular form of a normally symmetric type; they are large and irregular on the stems and the vigorous branches but slender and quinate on the weaker twigs. Their beauty and highly interesting anomalous character has been the cause of their being described many times, and nearly always as a novelty; they have been recently re-introduced into horticulture as such, though they were already cultivated before the middle of the last century. About that time very good descriptions with plates were published in the journal "Flora" by Vrolik, but afterwards they seem to have been forgotten. The peloric variety of the foxglove always comes true from seed, though in the strict sense of the word which we have chosen for our discussion, it does not seem to be a constant and pure variety.
It is very interesting to compare old botanical books, or even old drawings and engravings containing figures of anomalous plants. The celebrated Pinacothec of Munich contains an old picture by Holbein (1495-1543) representing St. Sebastian in a flower-garden. Of the plants many are clearly recognizable, and among others there is one of the "one-leaved" variety of the strawberry, which may still be met with in botanical gardens. In the year 1671 a Dutch botanist, Abraham Munting published [165] a large volume on garden-plants, containing a great number of very good engravings. Most of them of course show normal plants, but intermixed with these are varieties, that are still in cultivation and therefore must be at least two centuries old. Others, though not figured, are easily recognized by their names and descriptions. The cockscomb is the most widely known, but many white or double flowered varieties were already cultivated at that time. The striped Jalappa, the crested Sedum, the fasciated crown-imperial, white strawberries, red gooseberries and many others were known to Munting.
Some varieties are as old as culture itself, and it is generally known that the Romans cultivated the white form of the opium-poppy and used the foliage of the red variety of the sugarbeet as a vegetable.
In our time flowers and fruits are changing nearly as rapidly as the fancies and tastes of men. Every year new forms are introduced and usurp the place of older ones. Many are soon forgotten. But if we look at old country gardens, a goodly number of fine and valued old sorts are still to be found. It would be worth while to make special collections of living plants of old varieties, which surely would be a good and interesting work and bring about a conviction [166] of the stability of pure strains. Coming now to the other side of the question, we may consider those cases of reversion which have been recorded from time to time, and which always have been considered as direct proofs of the varietal character of the reverting form. Reversion means the falling back or returning to another type, and the word itself expresses the idea that this latter type is the form from which the variety has arisen.
Some instances of atavism of this kind are well known, as they are often repeated by individuals that are multiplied by buds or by grafting. Before looking attentively into the different features of the many cases of rare reversions it will be advisable to quote a few examples.
The flowering-currant of the Pacific Coast or North American scarlet ribes (Ribes sanguineum), a very popular ornamental shrub, will serve as a good example. It is prized because of its brilliant red racemes of flowers which blossom early in the spring, before the appearance of the leaves. From this species a white form has arisen, which is an old and widely cultivated one, but not so highly prized because of its pale flowers. These are not of a pure white, but have retained a faint reddish hue. The young twigs and the stalks of the [167] leaves afford an instance of correlated variability since in the species the red color shows itself clearly mixed with the green, while in the variety this tinge is wholly wanting.
Occasionally this white-flowered currant reverts back to the original red type and the reversion takes place in the bud. One or two buds on a shrub bearing perhaps a thousand bunches of white flowers produce twigs and leaves in which the red pigment is noticeable and the flowers of which become brightly colored. If such a twig is left on the shrub, it may grow further, ramify and evolve into a larger group of branches. All of them keep true to the old type. Once reverted, the branches remain forever atavistic. It is a very curious sight, these small groups of red branches among the many white ones. And for this reason attention is often called to it, and more than once I myself have had the opportunity of noting its peculiarities. It seems quite certain that by planting such shrubs in a garden, we may rely upon seeing sooner or later some new buds reverting to the prototype.
Very little attention seems hitherto to have been given to this curious phenomenon, though in many respects it deserves a closer investigation. The variety is said to have originated from seed in Scotland, many years ago, and [168] seems to be propagated only by cuttings or by grafting. If this is true, all specimens must be considered as constituting together only one individual, notwithstanding their wide distribution in the gardens and parks of so many countries. This induces me to suppose, that the tendency to reversion is not a character of the variety as such, but rather a peculiarity of this one individual. In other words it seems probable that when the whitish variety arises a second time from the red species, it is not at all necessary that it should exhibit this same tendency to revert. Or to put it still in another way, I think that we may suppose that a variety, which might be produced repeatedly from the same original stock, would only in rare individuals have a tendency to revert, and in most cases would be as absolutely constant as the species itself.
Such a conception would give us a distinct insight into the cause of the rarity of these reversions. Many varieties of shrubs and trees have originated but once or twice. Most of them must therefore, if our supposition is correct, be expected to be stable and only a few may be expected to be liable to reversions.
Among the conifers many very good cases of reversions by buds are to be found in gardens and glasshouses. They behave exactly like the whitish currant. But as the varietal characters [169] are chiefly found in the foliage and in the branches, these aberrations are to be seen on the plants during the whole year. Moreover they are in some cases much more numerous than in the first instance. The Cryptomeria of Japan has a variety with twigs resembling ropes. This is not caused by a twisting, but only by a curvature of the needles in such a way that they seem to grow in spiral lines around the twigs. This variety often reverts to the type with widely spread, straight needles. And on many a specimen four, five, or more reverted branches may be seen on different parts of the same shrub. Still more widely cultivated is the shrub called Cephalotaxus pedunculata fastigiata, and more commonly known under its old name of Podocarpus koraiana. It is the broomlike variety of a species, nearly allied to the common American and European species of yew, (Taxus minor and T. baccata). It is a low shrub, with broadly linear leaves of a clear green. In the species the leaves are arranged in two rows, one to the left and one to the right of the horizontally growing and widely spreading branches. In the variety the branches are erect and the leaves inserted on all sides. When sporting, it returns to the bilateral prototype and flat wings of fan-shaped twigs are produced laterally on its dense broom-like tufts.
[170] Wherever this variety is cultivated the same reversion may be seen; it is produced abundantly, and even under seemingly normal circumstances. But as in the case of the Ribes all the specimens are derived by buds from a single original plant. The variety was introduced from Japan about the year 1860, but is probably much older. Nothing is known as to its real origin. It never bears flowers or fruits. It is curious to note that the analogous variety of the European yew, Taxus baccata fastigiata, though much more commonly cultivated than the Cephalotaxus, never reverts, at least as far as I have been able to ascertain. This clearly corroborates the explanation given above.
After considering these rare instances of more widely known reversions, we may now examine the question of atavism from a broader point of view. But in doing so it should once more be remembered, that all cases of hybridism and also all varieties sporting annually or frequently, are to be wholly excluded. Only the very rare occurrence of instances of atavism in varieties that are for the rest known to be absolutely constant, is to be considered.
Atavism or reversion is the falling back to a prototype. But what is a prototype? We may take the word in a physiologic or in a systematic sense. Physiologically the signification is a [171] very narrowly restricted one; and includes only those ancestors from which a form is known to have been derived. But such evidence is of course historic. If a variety has been observed to spring from a definite species, and if the circumstances have been sufficiently ascertained not to leave the slightest doubt as to its pure origin, and if moreover all the evidence has been duly recorded, we may say that the origin of the variety is historically known. In most cases we must be content with the testimony, given somewhat later, and recorded after the new variety had the opportunity of showing its greater merits.
If it now happens that such a variety of recorded origin should occasionally revert to its parent-species, we have all we can wish for, in the way of a thoroughly proved case of atavism. But such instances are very rare, as the birth of most varieties has only been very imperfectly controlled.
Next to this comes the systematic relation of a variety to its species. The historic origin of the variety may be obscure, or may simply be forgotten. But the distinguishing marks are of the order described in our last lecture, either in the positive or in the negative direction, and on this ground the rarer form is considered to be a variety of the more wide-spread one. If [172] now the presumed variety sports and runs over to the presumed type, the probability of the supposed relation is evidently enhanced. But it is manifest that the explanation rests upon the results of comparative studies, and not upon direct observations of the phenomena themselves.
The nearer the relations between the two types in question, the less exposed to doubt and criticism are the conclusions. But the domain of atavism is not restricted to the cases described. Quite on the contrary the facts that strike us most forcibly as being reversions are those that are apt to give us an insight into the systematic affinity of a higher degree. We are disposed to make use of them in our attempts to perfect the natural system and to remould it in such a way as to become a pedigree of the related groups. Such cases of atavism no doubt occur, but the anomalies referred to them must be interpreted merely on the ground of our assumptions as to the relative places in the system to be assigned to the different forms.
Though such instances cannot be considered as belonging strictly to the subject we are dealing with, I think it may be as well to give an example, especially as it affords an occasion for referring to the highly important researches of Heinricher on the variability and atavistic [173] tendencies of the pale blue flag or Iris pallida. The flowers of the blue flags have a perianth of six segments united below into a tube. The three outer parts are dilated and spreading, or reflexed, while the three inner usually stand erect, but in most species are broad and colored like the outer ones. Corresponding to the outer, perianth-segments are the three stamens and the three, petal-like divisions of the style, each bearing a transverse stigma immediately above the anther. They are pollinated by bumble-bees, and in some instances by flies of the genus Rhingia, which search for the honey, brush the pollen out of the anthers and afterwards deposit it on the stigma. According to systematic views of the monocotyledons the original prototype of the genus Iris must have had a whorl of six equal, or nearly equal perianth-segments and six stamens, such as are now seen in the more primitive types of the family of the lilies, as for instance in the lilies themselves, the tulips, hyacinths and others. As to the perianth this view is supported by the existence of one species, the Iris falcifolia, the perianth of which consists of six equal parts. But species with six stamens are wholly lacking. Heinricher however, in cultivating some anomalous forms of Iris pallida, succeeded in filling out this gap and in producing [174] flowers with a uniform perianth and six stamens, recalling thereby the supposed ancestral type. The way in which he got these was as follows: he started from some slight deviations observed in the flowers of the pale species, sowed the seeds in large numbers and selected from the seedlings only those which clearly showed anomalies in the expected atavistic direction. By repeating this during several generations he at last reached his goal and was able to give reality to the prototype, which formerly was only a hypothetical one. The Iris kaempferi, a large-flowered Japanese species much cultivated in gardens, is very variable in the number of the different parts of its flowers, and may in some instances be seen even with six stamens. If studied in the same way as Heinricher's iris, it no doubt will yield highly interesting and confirmatory results.
Many other instances of such systematic atavism could be given, and every botanist can easily add some from memory. Many anomalies, occurring spontaneously, are evidently due to the same principle, but it would take too long to describe them.
Reversion may occur either by buds or by seeds. It is highly probable that it occurs more readily by sexual than by asexual propagation. But if we restrict the discussion to the limits [175] hitherto observed, seed-reversions must be said to be extremely rare. Or rather cases which are sufficiently certain to be relied upon, are very rare, and perhaps wholly lacking. Most of the instances, recorded by various writers, are open to question. Doubts exist as to the purity of the seeds and the possibility of some unobserved cross disturbing the results.
In the next lecture we shall deal in general with the ordinary causes and results of such crosses. We shall then see that they are so common and occur so regularly under ordinary circumstances that we can never rely on the absolute purity of any seeds, if the impossibility of an occasional cross has not been wholly excluded, either by the circumstances themselves, or by experimental precautions taken during the flowering period.
For these reasons cases of atavism given without recording the circumstances, or the precautions that guarantee the purity of the fertilization, should always be disregarded. And moreover another proof should always be demanded. The parent which yielded the seeds might be itself a hybrid and liable to reversions by the ordinary laws of the splitting up of hybrids. Such cases should likewise be discarded, since they bring in confusing elements. If we review the long list of recorded cases by these [176] strict methods of criticism very few instances will be found that satisfy legitimate demands. On this ground it is by far safer in the present state of our knowledge, to accept bud-variations only as direct proofs of true atavism. And even these may not always be relied on, as some hybrids are liable to split up in a vegetative way, and in doing so to give rise to bud-variations that are in many respects apparently similar to cases of atavism. But fortunately such instances are as yet very rare.
After this discussion it would be bold indeed to give instances of seed-atavism, and I believe that it will be better to refrain wholly from doing so.
Many instances of so-called atavism are of purely morphologic nature. The most interesting cases are those furnished by the forms which some plants bear only while young, and which evidently connect them with allied species, in which the same features may be seen in the adult state. Some species of the genus Acacia bear bipinnate leaves, while others have no leaves at all, but bear broadened and flattened petioles instead. The second type is presumed to be descended from the first by the loss of the leaflets and the modification of the stalks into flat and simple phyllodes. But many of them are liable to recall this primitive form [177] when very young, in the first two or three, or sometimes in eight or ten primary leaves. These leaves are small because of the weakness of the young plant and therefore often more or less reduced in structure. But they are usually strictly bipinnate and thereby give testimony as to their descent from species which bear such leaves throughout their life.
Other similar cases could be given, but this will suffice. They once more show how necessary it is to separate the different cases, thrown together until now, under this general name of atavism. It would be far better to give them all special names, and as long as these are not available we must be cautious not to be misguided by the name, and especially not to confuse different phenomena with one another, because at the present time they bear the same names.
Taking into consideration the relatively numerous restrictions resulting from this discussion, we will now make a hasty survey of some of the more notable and generally acknowledged cases of atavism by bud-propagation. But it should be repeated once more that most of the highly cultivated plants, grown as vegetables, or for their fruit or flowers, have so many crosses in their ancestry, that it seems better to exclude them from all considerations, in which purity of [178] descent is a requisite. By so doing, we exclude most of the facts which were until now generally relied upon. For the roses, the hyacinths, the tulips, the chrysanthemums always have furnished the largest contributions to the demonstrations of bud-variation. But they have been crossed so often, that doubt as to the purity of the descent of any single form may recur, and may destroy the usefulness of their many recorded cases of bud-variation for the demonstration of real atavism. The same assertion holds good in many other cases, as with Azalea and Camellia. And the striped varieties of these genera belong to the group of ever-sporting forms, and therefore will be considered later on. So it is with carnations and pinks, which occasionally vary by layering, and of which some kinds are so uncertain in character that they are called by floriculturists "catch-flowers." On the other hand there is a larger group of cases of reversion by buds, which is probably not of hybrid nature, nor due to innate inconstancy of the variety, but must be considered as pure atavism. I refer to the bud-variations of so many of our cultivated varieties of shrubs and trees. Many of them are cultivated because of their foliage. They are propagated by grafting, and in most cases it is probable that all the numerous specimens [179] of the same variety have been derived in this way from one primitive, aberrant individual. We may disregard variegated leaves, spotted or marked with white or yellow, because they are too inconstant types.
We may next turn our attention to the varieties of trees with cut leaves, as the oakleaved Laburnum, the parsley-leaved vine and the fern-leaved birch. Here the margin of the leaves is deeply cut and divided by many incisions, which sometimes change only the outer parts of the blade, but in other cases may go farther and reach, or nearly reach, the midvein, and change the simple leaf into a seemingly compound structure. The anomaly may even lead to the almost complete loss of all the chorophyll-tissue and the greater part of the lateral veins, as in the case of the cut-leaved beech or Fagus sylvatica pectinata.
Such varieties are often apt to revert by buds to the common forms. The cut-leaved beech sometimes reverts partially only, and the branches often display the different forms of cut-leaved, fern-like, oak-leaved and other variously shaped leaves on the same twigs. But this is merely due to the wide variability of the degree of fissure and is to be considered only as a fluctuation between somewhat widely distant extremes, which may even apparently include [180] the form of the common beech-leaves. It is not a bud-variation at all, and it is to be met with quite commonly while the true reversions by buds are very rare and are of the nature of sports appearing suddenly and remaining constant on the same twig. Analogous phenomena of wide variability with true reversion may be seen in the variety of the European hornbeam called Carpinus Betulus heterophylla. The leaves of this tree generally show the greatest diversity in form. Some other cases have been brought together by Darwin. In the first place a subvariety of the weeping-willow with leaves rolled up into a spiral coil. A tree of this kind kept true for twenty-five years and then threw out a single upright shoot bearing flat leaves. The barberry (Berberis) offers another case; it has a well known variety with seedless fruit, which can be propagated by cuttings or layers, but its runners are said always to revert to the common form, and to produce ordinary berries with seeds. Most of the cases referred to by Darwin, however, seem to be doubtful and cannot be considered as true proofs of atavism until more is known about the circumstances under which they were produced.
Red or brown-leaved varieties of trees and shrubs also occasionally produce green-leaved branches, and in this way revert to the type [181] from which they must evidently have arisen. Instances are on record of the hazel, Corylus Avellana, of the allied Corylus tubulosa, of the red beech, the brown birch and of some other purple varieties. Even the red bananas, which bear fruits without seeds and therefore have no other way of being propagated than by buds, have produced a green variety with yellow fruits. The Hortensia of our gardens is another instance of a sterile form which has been observed to throw out a branch with cymes bearing in their center the usual small staminate and pistillate flowers instead of the large radiate and neutral corollas of the variety, thereby returning to the original wild type. Crisped weeping-willows, crisped parsley and others have reverted in a similar manner.
All such cases are badly in need of a closer investigation. And as they occur only occasionally, or as it is commonly stated, by accident, the student of nature should be prepared to examine carefully any case which might present itself to him. Many phases of this difficult problem could no doubt be solved in this way. First of all the question arises as to whether the case is one of real atavism, or is only seemingly so, being due to hybrid or otherwise impure descent of the varying individual, and secondly whether it may be only an instance of the regularly [182] occurring so-called atavism of the sporting varieties with which we shall deal in a later lecture. If it proves to be real atavism and rare, the case should be accurately described and figured, or photographed if possible; and the exact position of the reverting bud should be ascertained. Very likely the so-called dormant or resting buds are more liable to reversions than the primary ones in the arils of the leaves of young twigs. Then the characters of the atavistic branches should be minutely compared with those of the presumed ancestor; they may be quite identical with them or slightly divergent, as has been asserted in some instances. The atavism may be complete in one case, but more or less incomplete in others. By far the most interesting point is the question, as to what is to be expected from the seeds of such an atavistic branch. Will they keep true to the reverted character, or return to the characters of the plant which bears the retrograde branch? Will all of them do so, or only part of them, and how large a part? It is very astonishing that this question should still be unsolved where so many individual trees bear atavistic branches that remain on them through long series of years. But then many such branches do not flower at all, or if they flower and bear seed, no care is taken to prevent [183] cross-fertilization with the other flowers of the same plant, and the results have no scientific value. For anyone who cares to work with the precautions prescribed by science, a wide field is here open for investigation, because old reverted branches may be met with much less rarely than new ones.
Finally the possibility is always to be considered that the tendency to bud-reversions may be a special feature of some individuals, and may not be met with in others of the same variety. I have spoken of this before. For the practical student it indicates that a specimen, once observed to produce atavistic buds, may be expected to do the same thing again. And then there is a very good chance that by combining this view with the idea that dormant buds are more apt to revert than young ones, we may get at a method for further investigation, if we recur to the practice of pruning. By cutting away the young twigs in the vicinity of dormant buds, we may incite these to action. Evidently we are not to expect that in so doing they will all become atavistic. For this result is not at all assured; on the contrary, all that we might hope to attain would be the possibility of some of them being induced to sport in the desired direction.
Many questions in scientific research can only [184] be answered by long and arduous work in well equipped laboratories; they are not to be attempted by every one. But there are other problems which the most complete of institutions are not able to study if opportunity is not offered them, and such opportunities are apt to occur more often in fields, gardens, parks, woods and plains, than in the relatively small experimental gardens of even the largest institution. Therefore, whosoever has the good fortune to find such sports, should never allow the occasion to pass without making an investigation that may bring results of very great importance to science.
About the middle of the last century Louis de Vilmorin showed that it was possible to subject plants to the methods of amelioration of races then in use for domestic animals, and since that time atavism has played a large part in all breeding-processes. It was considered to be the greatest enemy of the breeder, and was generally spoken of as a definite force, working against and protracting the endeavors of the horticulturist.
No clear conception as to its true nature had been formulated, and even the propriety of designating the observed phenomena by the term atavism seemed doubtful. Duchesne used this word some decades ago to designate those cases in which species or varieties revert spontaneously, or from unknown internal causes, to some long-lost characters of their ancestors. Duchesne's definition was evidently a sharp and useful one, since it developed for the first time the idea of latent or dormant qualities, [186] formerly active, and awaiting probably through centuries an occasion to awaken, and to display the lost characters.
Cases of apparent reversion were often seen in nurseries, especially in flower culture, which under ordinary circumstances are rarely wholly pure, but always sport more or less into the colors and forms of allied varieties. Such sporting individuals have to be extirpated regularly, otherwise the whole variety would soon lose its type and its uniformity and run over to some other form in cultivation in the vicinity. For this reason atavism in nurseries causes much care and labor, and consequently is to be dealt with as a very important factor.
From time to time the idea has suggested itself to some of the best authorities on the amelioration of plants, that this atavism was not due to an innate tendency, but, in many cases at least, was produced by crosses between neighboring varieties. It is especially owing to Verlot that this side of the question was brought forward. But breeders as a rule have not attached much importance to this supposition, chiefly because of the great practical difficulties attending any attempt to guard the species of the larger cultures against intermixture with other varieties. Bees and humble-bees fly from bud to bud, and carry the pollen from one [187 ] sort to another, and separation by great distances would be required to avoid this source of impurity. Unfortunately the arrangements and necessities of large cultures make it impossible to isolate the allied varieties from each other.
From a theoretical point of view the origin of these impurities is a highly important question. If the breeders' atavism is due to crosses, and only to this cause, it has no bearing at all on the question of the constancy of varieties. And the general belief, that varieties are distinguished from true species by their repeated reversion and that even such reversibility is the real distinction of a variety, would not hold.
For this reason I have taken much trouble in ascertaining the circumstances which attend this form of atavism. I have visited a number of the leading nurseries of Europe, tested their products in various ways, and made some experiments on the unavoidable conditions of hybridizing and on their effect on the ensuing generations. These investigations have led me to the conclusion, that atavism, as it is generally described, always or nearly always is due to hybridization, and therefore it is to be considered as untrue or false atavism.
True atavism, or reversion caused by an innate latent tendency, seems to be very rare, [188] and limited to such cases as we have spoken of under our last heading. And since the definition, given to this term by its author, Duchesne, is generally accepted in scientific works, it seems better not to use it in another sense, but rather to replace it in such cases by another term. For this purpose I propose the word vicinism, derived from the Latin vicinus or neighbor, as indicating the sporting of a variety under the influence of others in its vicinity. Used in this way, this term has the same bearing as the word atavism of the breeders, but it has the advantage of indicating the true cause thereof.
It is well known that the term variability is commonly employed in the broadest possible sense. No single phenomenon can be designated by this name, unless some primary restriction be given. Atavism and vicinism are both cases of variability, but in wholly different sense. For this reason it may be as well, to insert here a short survey of the general meanings to be conveyed by the term variation. It implies in the first place the occurrence of a wide range of forms and types, irrespective of their origin, and in the second place the process of the change in such forms. In the first signification it is nearly identical with polymorphy, or richness of types, especially so when these [189] types are themselves quite stable, or when it is not at all intended to raise the question of their stability. In scientific works it is commonly used to designate the occurrence of subspecies or varieties, and the same is the case in the ordinary use of the term when dealing with cultivated plants. A species may consist of larger or smaller groups of such units, and they may be absolutely constant, never sporting if hybridization is precluded, and nevertheless it may be called highly variable. The opium-poppy affords a good instance. It "varies" in height, in color of foliage and flowers; the last are often double or laciniated; it may have white or bluish seeds, the capsules may open themselves or remain closed and so on. But every single variety is absolutely constant, and never runs into another, when the flowers are artificially pollinated and the visits of insects excluded. So it is with many other species. They are at the same time wholly stable and very variable.
The terms variation and variety are used frequently when speaking of hybrids. By crossing forms, which are already variable in the sense just mentioned, it is easy to multiply the number of the types, and even in crossing pure forms the different characters may be combined in different ways, the resulting combinations [190] yielding new, and very often, valuable varieties. But it is manifest that this form of variation is of quite another nature from the variations of pure races. Many hybrid varieties are quite constant, and remain true to their type if no further crosses are made; many others are artificially propagated only in a vegetative way, and for this reason are always found true. Hybrid varieties as a rule were formerly confused with pure varieties, and in many instances our knowledge as to their origin is quite insufficient for sharp distinctions. To every student of nature it is obvious, that crossing and pure variability are wholly distinct groups of phenomena, which should never be treated under the same head, or under the same name.
Leaving aside polymorphy, we may now discuss those cases of variability, in which the changes themselves, and not only their final results play a part. Of such changes two types exist. First, the ever-recurring variability, never absent in any large group of individuals, and determining the differences which are always to be seen between parents and their children, or between the children themselves. This type is commonly called "individual variability" and since this term also has still other meanings, it has of late become customary to use instead the term "fluctuating variability." [191] And to avoid the repetition of the latter word it is called "fluctuation." In contrast to these fluctuations are the so-called sports or single varieties, not rarely denominated spontaneous variations, and for which I propose to use the term "mutations." They are of very rare occurrence and are to be considered as sudden and definite steps.
Lastly, we have to consider those varieties, which vary in a much wider range than the ordinary ones, and seem to fluctuate between two opposite extremes, as for instance variegated leaves, cultivated varieties with variegated or striped flowers, double flowers and some other anomalies. They are eversporting and ever-returning from one type to the other. If however, we take the group of these extremes and their intermediates as a whole, this group remains constant during the succeeding generations. Here we find once more an instance of the seemingly contradictory combination of high variability and absolute constancy. It means that the range of variability has quite definite limits, which in the common course of things, are never transgressed.
We may infer therefore that the word variability has such a wide range of meanings that it ought never be used without explanation. [192] Nothing indeed, is more variable than the signification of the term variable itself.
For this reason, we will furthermore designate all variations under the influence of neighbors with the new and special term "vicinism." It always indicates the result of crossing.
Leaving this somewhat lengthy terminological discussion, we now come to the description of the phenomenon itself. In visiting the plantations of the seedsmen in summer and examining the large fields of garden-flowers from which seed is to be gathered, it is very rare to find a plot quite pure. On the contrary, occasional impurities are the rule. Every plot shows anomalous individuals, red or white flowers among a field of blue, normal among laciniated, single among double and so on. The most curious instance is afforded by dwarf varieties, where in the midst of hundreds and thousands of small individuals of the same height, some specimens show twice their size. So for instance, among the dwarfs of the larkspur, Delphinium Ajacis.
Everywhere gardeners are occupied in destroying these "atavists," as they call them. When in full bloom the plants are pulled up and thrown aside. Sometimes the degree of impurity is so high, that great piles of discarded plants of the same species lie about the [193] paths, as I have seen at Erfurt in the ease of numerous varieties of the Indian cress or Tropaeolum.
Each variety is purified at the time when it shows its characters most clearly. With vegetables, this is done long before flowering, but with flowers only when in full bloom, and with fruits, usually after fertilization has been accomplished. It needs no demonstration to show that this difference in method must result in very diverging degrees of purity.
We will confine ourselves to a consideration of the flowers, and ask what degree of purity may be expected as the result of the elimination of the anomalous plants during the period of blooming.
Now it is evident that the colors and forms of the flowers can only be clearly distinguished, when they are fully displayed. Furthermore it is impossible to destroy every single aberrant specimen as soon as it is seen. On the contrary, the gardener must wait until all or nearly all the individuals of the same variety have displayed their characters, as only in this way can all diverging specimens be eliminated by a single inspection. Unfortunately the insects do not wait for this selection. They fertilize the flowers from the beginning, and the damage will have been done [194] long before the day of inspection comes around. Crosses are unavoidable and hybrid seeds will unavoidably come into the harvest. Their number may be limited by an early eradication of the vicinists, or by the elimination of the first ripe seeds before the beginning of the regular harvest, or by other devices. But some degree of impurity will remain under ordinary circumstances.
It seems quite superfluous to give more details. In any case in which the selection is not done before the blooming period, some impurities must result. Even if it is done before that time, errors may occur, and among hundreds and thousands of individuals a single anomalous one may escape observation.
The conclusion is, that flower seeds as they are offered in commerce, are seldom found absolutely pure. Every gardener knows that he will have to weed out aberrant plants in order to be sure of the purity of his beds. I tested a large number of samples of seeds for purity, bought directly from the best seed growers. Most of them were found to contain admixtures and wholly pure samples were very rare.
I will now give some illustrative examples. From seeds of a yellow snapdragon, I got one red-flowered specimen among half a hundred [195] yellow ones, and from the variety "Delila" of the same species two red ones, a single white and two belonging to another variety called "Firefly." Calliopsis tinctoria has three varieties, the ordinary type, a brown-flowered one and one with tubular rays. Seeds of each of these three sorts ordinarily contain a few belonging to the others. Iberis umbellata rosea often gives some white and violet examples. The "Swan" variety of the opium-poppy, a dwarfish double-flowered form of a pure white, contained some single-flowered and some red-flowered plants, when sown from commercial seed are said to be pure. But these were only occasional admixtures, since after artificial fertilization of the typical specimens the strain at once became absolutely pure, and remained so for a series of generations, as long as the experiment was continued. Seeds of trees often contain large quantities of impurities, and the laciniated varieties of birch, elder and walnut have often been observed to come true only in a small number of seedlings.
In the case of new or young varieties, seed merchants often warn their customers as to the probable degree of purity of the seeds offered, in order to avoid complaints. For example the snow-white variety of the double daisy, Bellis perennis plena, was offered at the start as containing [196] as much as 20% of red-flowered specimens.
Many fine varieties are recorded to come true from seed, as in the case of the holly with yellow fruits, tested by Darwin. Others have been found untrue to a relatively high degree, as is notorious in the case of the purple beech. Seeds of the laciniated beech gave only 10% of laciniated plants in experiments made by Strasburger; seeds of the monophyllous acacia, Robinia Pseud-Acacia monophylla, were found to be true in only 30% of the seedlings. Weeping ashes often revert to the upright type, red May-thorns (Crataegus) sometimes revert nearly entirely to the white species and the yellow cornel berry is recorded to have reverted in the same way to the red berries of the Cornus Mas.
Varieties have to be freed by selection from all such impurities, since isolation is a means which is quite impracticable under ordinary circumstances. Isolation is a scientific requirement that should never be neglected in experiments, indeed it may be said to be the first and most important requisite for all exact research in questions of variability and inheritance. But in cultivating large fields of allied varieties for commercial purposes, it is impossible to grow them at such distances from each other [197] as to prevent cross-pollination by the visits of bees.
This purification must be done in nearly every generation. The oldest varieties are to be subjected to it as well as the latest. There is no regular amelioration, no slow progression in the direction of becoming free from these admixtures. Continuous selection is indispensable to maintain the races in the degree of purity which is required in commerce, but it does not lead to any improvement. Nor does it go so far as to become unnecessary in the future. This shows that there must be a continuous source of impurities, which in itself is not neutralized by selection, but of which selection can only eliminate the deteriorating elements.
The same selection is usually applied to new varieties, when they occasionally arise. In this case it is called "fixing," as gardeners generally believe that through selection the varieties are brought to the required degree of purity. This belief seems to rest mainly on observations made in practice, where, as we have seen, isolation is of very rare application. Most varieties would no doubt be absolutely pure from the first moment of their existence, if it were only possible to have them purely fertilized. But in practice this is seldom to be obtained. Ordinarily the breeder is content with such slow [198] improvement as may be obtained with a minimum of cost, and this mostly implies a culture in the same part of the nursery with older varieties of the same species. Three, four or five years are required to purify the novelty, and as this same length of time is also required to produce sufficient quantities of seed for commercial purposes, there is no strong desire to shorten the period of selection and fixation. I had occasion to see this process going on with sundry novelties at Erfurt in Germany. Among them a chamois-colored variety of the common stock, a bluish Clarkia elegans and a curiously colored opium-poppy may be mentioned. In some cases the crossfertilization is so overwhelming, that in the next generation the novelty seems entirely to have disappeared.
The examples given may suffice to convey a general idea of the phenomenon, ordinarily called atavism by gardeners, and considered mostly to be the effect of some innate tendency to revert to the ancestral form. It is on this conception that the almost universal belief rests, that varieties are distinguished, as such, from species by their inconstancy. Now I do not deny the phenomenon itself. The impurity of seeds and cultures is so general and so manifest, and may so easily be tested by every one [199] that it cannot reasonably be subjected to any doubt. It must be conceded to be a fact, that varieties as a rule revert to their species under the ordinary circumstances of commercial culture. And I cannot see any reason why this fact should not be considered as stating a principal difference between varieties and species, since true species never sport into one another.
My objection only refers to the explanation of the observed facts. According to my view nearly all these ordinary reversions are due to crosses, and it is for this reason that I proposed to call them by a separate name, that of "vicinists." Varieties then, by means of such spontaneous intercrossing sport into one another, while species either do not cross, or when crossing produce hybrids that are otherwise constituted and do not give the impression of atavistic reversion.
I must not be content with proposing this new conception, but must give the facts on which this assumption rests. These facts are the results of simple experiments, which nevertheless are by no means easy to carry out, as they require the utmost care to secure the absolute purity of the seeds that are employed. This can only be guaranteed by previous cultures of isolated plants or groups of plants, or by artificial pollination.
[200] Once sure of this preliminary condition, the experiment simply consists in growing a variety at a given distance from its species and allowing the insects to transfer the pollen. After harvesting the seed thus subjected to the presumed cause of the impurities, it must be sown in quantities, large enough to bring to light any slight anomaly, and to be examined during the period of blooming.
The wild seashore aster, Aster Tripolium, will serve as an example. It has pale violet or bluish rays, but has given rise to a white variety, which on testing, I have found pure from seed. Four specimens of this white variety were cultivated at a distance of nearly 100 meters from a large lot of plants of the bluish species. I left fertilization to the bees, harvested the seeds of the four whites separately and had from them the following year more than a thousand flowering plants. All of them were of the purest white, with only one exception, which was a plant with the bluish rays of the species, wholly reverting to its general type. As the variety does not give such reversions when cultivated in isolation, this sport was obviously due to some cross in the former year. In the same way I tried the white Jacob's ladder, Polemonium coeruleum album in the neighborhood of the blue-flowered species, the distance [202] in this case being only 40 meters. Of two hundred seeds one became a blue atavist, or rather vicinist, while all others remained true to the white type. The same was observed in the white creeping thyme, or Thymus Serpyllum album, and the white self-heal, Brunella vulgaris alba, gave even so much as 28% seedlings with purple corollas out of some 400 specimens, after being cultivated in close proximity to its parent-species. I have tried many other species, but always with the same result. Such atavists only arise by cultivation in the proximity of allied varieties, never in isolation. They are not real atavists, but only vicinists.
In order to show this yet more clearly, I made another experiment with the white selfheal. I had a lot of the pinnate-leaved variety with purple flowers and somewhat stouter stems, and cultivated single plants of the whiteflowering sort at distances that varied from 2-16 meters. The seeds of each plant were collected and sown separately, those of the nearest gave up to 5 or 6 hybrids from the seeds of one parent, while those of the farthest gave only one purple-flowered plant for each parent. Evidently the chance of the pollen being carried by bees is much greater on short than on longer distances.
True hybrids between species may arise in quite the same way, and since it is obviously impossible to attribute them to an innate tendency to reversion, they afford an absolutely irrefutable proof of the assertion that pollen is often brought by insects from one lot of plants to another. In this way I obtained a hybrid between the common Jacob's ladder and the allied species Polemonium dissectum. With a distance of 100 meters between them I had two hybrid seeds among a hundred of pure ones. At a similar distance pollen was carried over from the wild radish, Raphanus Raphanistrum, to the allied Raphanus caudatus, and I observed the following year some very nice hybrids among my seedlings. A hybrid-bean between Phaseolus nanus and P. multiflorus, and some hybrids between the yellow daisy, Chrysanthemum segetum and the allied Chrysanthemum coronarium or ox-eye daisy which also arose spontaneously in my garden between parents cultivated at recorded distances, might further be noted. Further details of these experiments need not be given. Suffice to say, that occasional crosses between species do occur, and not even rarely, that they are easily recognized as such and cannot be confused with cases of atavism, and that therefore they give proof to the assumption that in the same way crosses ordinarily occur also between varieties [203] of the same species, if cultivated at small distances apart, say 40-50 meters or even more. Vicinism therefore, may play a part in all such cultures, enough to account for all the impurities observed in the nurseries or in commercial seed-samples.
Of course this whole discussion is limited to such species as are not only as a rule visited by insects, but are dependent on these visits for their fertilization. Most of our garden-flowers are included in this category. If not then we may expect to find the cultures and seeds pure, irrespective of the distances between allied varieties, as for instance with peas, which are known to be self-fertilizing. Another instance is given by the barley. One of the most curious anomalous varieties of this cereal, is the "Nepaul-barley," with its small adventitious flowers on the palets or inner scales. It is a very old, widely cultivated sort, which always comes true from seed, and which has been tested in repeated experiments in my garden. The spikelets of this curious plant are oneflowered and provided with two linear glumes or outer scales. Of the inner scales or palets, the outer one is three-lobed at the summit, hence the varietal name of Hordeum vulgare trifurcatum. The central lobe is oblong and hollow, covering a small supernumerary floret inserted [204] at its base. The two lateral lobes are narrower, sometimes linear, and are often prolonged into an awn, which is generally turned away from the center of the spike. The central lobe sometimes bears two florets at its base, although but one is usually present and it may be incomplete.
I might give one more instance from my own experience. A variety of the evening-primrose with small linear petals was once found by one of my sons growing wild near Amsterdam. It was represented by only one individual, flowering among a great many of the ordinary type with broad petals. But the evening-primroses open their anthers in the morning, fertilize themselves during the day, and only display their beautiful flowers in the evening, after the pollination has been accomplished. They then allure evening moths, such as Agrotis and Plusia, by their bright color, their sweet honeysmell and their nectar. Since the fertilization is accomplished many hours before opening, crosses are effected only in rare instances, and the seeds commonly remain true to the parent type. The seeds of this one plant, when sown separately in my garden, produced exclusively flowers with the small linear petals of their parent. Although I had a hundred individuals bearing many thousands of flowers, there was not an instance of reversion. And such would [205] immediately have been observed, had it occurred, because the hybrids between the cruciate and the normal flowers are not intermediate, but bear the broad petals of the O. biennis.
We may now take up another phase of the question, that of the running out of new varieties, shortly after their introduction into a new country, or later.
The most widely known instance of this is that of the American corn in Baden, recorded by Metzger and quoted by Darwin as a remarkable instance of the direct and prompt action of climate on a plant. It has since been considered as a reversion to the old type. Such reversions invariably occur, according to Wallace, in cases of new varieties, which have been produced quickly. But as we now know, such reversions are due to spontaneous crosses with the old form, and to the rule, that the hybrids of such origin are not intermediate, but assume the features of the older of the two parents. In the light of this experience, Metzger's observation becomes a typical instance of vicinism. It relates to the "Tuscarora" corn of St. Louis, a variety with broad and flat white seeds.
About the year 1840, this corn was introduced into Baden in Germany, and cultivated by Metzger. In the first year it came true to type, and [206] attained a height of 12 feet, but the season did not allow its seeds to ripen normally. Only a few kernels were developed before the winter. From this seed plants of a wholly different type came the next year, of smaller stature, and with more brownish and rounded kernels. They also flowered earlier and ripened a large number of seeds. The depression on the outer side of the seed had almost disappeared, and the original white had become darker. Some of the seeds had even become yellow and in their rounded form they approached the common European maize. Obviously they were hybrids, assuming the character of their pollen-parent, which evidently was the ordinary corn, cultivated all around. The observation of the next year showed this clearly, for in the third generation nearly all resemblance to the original and very distinct American species was lost. If we assume that only those seeds ripened which reverted to the early-ripening European type, and that those that remained true to the very late American variety could not reach maturity, the case seems to be wholly comprehensible, without supposing any other factors to have been at work than those of vicinism, which though unknown at the period of Metzger's and Darwin's writings, seems now to be fully understood. No innate tendency to run out and no changing influence of the climate are required for an adequate explanation of the facts.
In the observation quoted, what astonishes us most, is the great rapidity of the change, and the short time necessary for the offspring of the accidental crosses to completely supplant the introduced type. In the lecture on the selection of elementary species, closely analogous cases were described. One of them was the wild oat or Avena fatua which rapidly supplants the cultivated oats in bad years in parts of the fields. Other instances were the experiments of Risler with the "Galland" wheat and the observation of Rimpau on "Rivett's bearded" wheat.
Before leaving the question of vicinism and its bearing on the general belief of the instability of varieties, which when tested with due care, prove to be quite stable, it may be as well to consider the phenomena from another point of view. Our present knowledge of the effects of crosses between varieties enables us to formulate some general rules, which may be used to calculate, and in some way to predict, the nature of the impurities which necessarily attend the cultivation of allied species in close vicinity. And this mode of cultivation being in almost universal use in the larger nurseries, [208] we may, by this discussion, arrive at a more scientific estimation of the phenomena of vicinism, hitherto described.
The simplest case that may be given, is when an ordinary retrograde variety is cultivated with the species to which it belongs. For instance, if dwarfs are cultivated next to the taller type, or a white variety next to the red or blue-flowering species, or thornless forms in neighboring beds with the armed species. Bees and Bumble-bees, butterflies and moths are seen flying from flower to flower, collecting the honey and carrying pollen. I frequently saw them cross the limits of the neighboring beds. Loaded with the pollen of the variety they visit the flowers of the different species and impregnate the stigma with it. And returning to the variety they bring about similar crosses in the flowers of the latter. Hybrid seeds will develop in both cases and become mixed with the crop. We now have to ask the question, what sort of plants will arise from these hybrid seeds. As a general rule we may state, first, that the hybrids of either form of cross are practically the same, secondly that they are not intermediate, but that the character of one parent prevails to the almost absolute exclusion of the other and in the third place that the older character dominates the younger.
[209] The hybrid offspring will therefore, in the main, have the character of the species and be indistinguishable from it, or show only such differences as escape ordinary observation. When occurring in the seeds of the variety they betray themselves as soon as the differential characters are displayed. Between the thousands of flowering plants of a white variety the hybrids will instantly catch the eye by their red or blue corollas. Quite the contrary effect results from the admixture of hybrids with the seeds of the species itself. Here no difference will show itself, even in the fullest bloom. The effect of the spontaneous crosses will pass unobserved. The strain, if pure in the first year, will seem to be still in the same condition. Or in other terms, the unavoidable spontaneous crosses will disturb the purity of the variety in the second year, while they do not seem to interfere at all with the uniformity of the species. The direct effect of the visits of the insects is evident in the first case, but passes unobserved in the latter.
From this it would seem, that spontaneous crosses are hurtful to varieties, but are innocuous to true species. Certainly this would be so, were there no selection. But it is easily seen, that through this operation the effect becomes quite the opposite. For when the fields [210] are inspected at the time of the fullest display of the varietal characters, the obvious hybrids will be eliminated, but the hidden ones will of necessity be spared, as they are concealed among the species by the similarity of their type. Hence, the harvest of the variety may be rendered pure or nearly so, while the harvest of the species will retain the seeds of the hybrids. Moreover it will contain seeds originated by the spontaneous but numerous crosses of the true plants with the sparsely intermingled hybrids.
This brings us to the question, as to what will be the visible consequences of the occurrence of such invisible hybrids in the following generation. In opposition to the direct effects just described, we may call them indirect. To judge of their influence, we must know how hybrid seeds of the first generation behave.
In one of our lectures we will deal with the laws that show the numerical relations known as the laws of Mendel. But for our present purpose, these numerical relations are only of subordinate importance. What interests us here is the fact that hybrids of varieties do not remain constant in the second generation but usually split as it is said, remaining hybrid only in part of their offspring, the other portion returning to the parental types. This however, will show itself only in those individuals [211] which reassume the character of the varietal parent, all the others apparently remaining true to the type of the species. Now it is easy to foresee what must happen in the second generation if the first generation after the cross is supposed to be kept free from new vicinistic influences, or from crosses with neighboring varieties.
We may limit ourselves in the first place to the seeds of the unobserved hybrids. For the greater part they will repeat the character of their parents and still remain concealed. But a small number will display the varietal marks, as for example showing white flowers in a field of blue ones. Hence, the indirect consequence of the spontaneous crosses will be the same in the species, as was the direct effect in the variety, only that it appears a year later. It will then be eliminated in the process of selection.
Obviously, this elimination conduces only to a partial purification. The conspicuous plants will be destroyed, but a greater number of hybrids will remain, still concealed by their resemblance to the general type and will be spared to repeat the same process next year. So while the variety may be freed every year from the impurities brought into it in the preceeding summer, the admixtures of the species [212] will continue during a number of years, and it may not be possible to get rid of them at all.
It is an often recurring assertion that white varieties of colored species are the most stable of all horticultural races. They are often said to be at least as constant as the species itself, and even to surpass it in this quality. With our present state of knowledge, the explanation of this general experience is easily given. For selection removes the effect of spontaneous crosses from the variety in each year, and renders it practically pure, while it is wholly inadequate to produce the same effects on the species, because of the concealed hybrids.
The explanation given in this simple instance may be applied to the case of different varieties of the same species, when growing together and crossed naturally by insects.
It would take too long to go into all the details that present themselves here to the student of nature and of gardens. I will only state, that since varieties differ principally from their species by the lack of some sharp character, one variety may be characterized by the lack of color of the flowers, another by the lack of pubescence, a third by being dwarfed, and so on. Every character must be studied separately in its effects on the offspring [213] of the crosses. And it is therefore easily seen, that the hybrids of two varieties may resemble neither of them, but revert to the species itself. This is necessarily and commonly the case, since it is always the older or positive characters that prevail in the hybrids and the younger or negative that lie hidden. So for instance, a blue dwarf larkspur, crossed with a tall white variety, must give a tall blue hybrid, reassuming in both characters the essentials of the species.
Keeping this rule in view, it will be easy to calculate what may be expected from spontaneous crosses for a wide range of occurrences, and thus to find an explanation of innumerable cases of apparent variability and reversion in the principle of vicinism. Students have only to recollect that specific characters prevail over varietal ones, and that every character competes only with its own antagonist. Or to give a sharper distinction: whiteness of flowers cannot be expected to be interchanged with pubescence of leaves.
In concluding I will point out another danger which in the principle of vicinism may be avoided. If you see a plant in a garden with all the characteristics of its species, how can you be sure that it is truly a representative of the species, and not a hybrid? The prevailing [214] characters are in either case the same. Perhaps on close inspection you may find in some cases a slight difference, some character being not as fully developed in the hybrid as in the species. But when such is not the case, or where the opportunity for such a closer examination is wanting, a hybrid may easily be taken for a specimen of the pure race. Now take the seeds of your plant and sow them. If you had not supposed it to be hybrid you will be astonished at finding among its progeny some of a wholly different type. You will be led to conclude that you are observing a sudden change in structure such as is usually called a sport.
Or in other words you may think that you are assisting at the origination of a new variety. If you are familiar with the principle of vicinism, you will refrain from such an inference and consider the supposition of a hybrid origin. But in former times, when this principle was still unknown and not even guessed at, it is evident that many mistakes must have been made, and that many an instance, which until now has been considered reliable proof of a so-called single variation, is in fact only a case of vicinism. In reading the sparse literature on sports, numerous cases will be found, which cannot stand this test. In many instances crossing must be looked to as an explanation, [215] and in other cases the evidence relied upon does not suffice to exclude this assumption. Many an old argument has of late lost its force by this test. |