Iberis umbellata rosea, 195 Improved races, inconstancy of 770-797 Indian cress, 668 pelorism of, 485 Indian pipe, 661 Ipecac spurge, 55 Iris, 456 falcifolis, 172 kaempferi, 174 lortetii, 521 pallida, 172 pallida abavia, 681 Isolation, 108 Ivy, 436
Jacob's ladder, 200, 202 Jacques, 614 Jacquin, 52, 632 Jaggi, 594, 595 Jaeger, 228, 662 Jalappa, 165 Janczewski, 266 Japanese plum, 58 Jasminum Sambac, 662 Joly, 712 Jordan, Alexis, 45, 47, 49, 50, 129 experiments with species, 37, 40 Juncus effusus spiralis, 684 Juniper, 684
Kapteyn, 716 Kelvin, Lord, 720, 711 Kerner von Marilaun, 266, 267 Keteleer, 618 Knight, 390, 719, 720 Koch, 433, 667 Koelreuter, 279 Korshinsky, 609, 612, 614, 617, 667 Krelage, 510, 619 Kuhn & Co., Messrs., 801, 809, 817
Labiates, 237 pelories of, 577 Labiatiflorae, pelorism of, 468 Labrador tea, 661 Laburnum, 270, 284, 342 oak-leaved 147, 179 pelorism of, 485 Lactuca, 52 Scariola, 456 Lagasca, Mariano, 96, 97, 114 Lamarck, 1, 447, 461, 522, 522 Lamarckism objections to, 449 Lamium album, 237 maculatum, 237 pelorism of, 486 purpureum, 237 Larch, 804 Larkspur, 124, 192, 311, 452 hybrid, 213 white, 160 Latency, 657 individual, 219 specific, 246 systematic, 219, 220, 235 varietal, 246 Latent characters, 216 Lathyrus odoratus, 776 Laurea pinnatifida, 450 Laurel, lady's, 146 Laurent, 802 Leaves, cleft, 685 variegated, 426, 431 LeBrun, Mme., 614 Le Couteur, 96, 97, 107, 108, 114, 115, 116, 742 Ledum, 222, 661 Lemna, 222 Lemoine, 762, 762 Lettuce, 684 crisped, 158 prickly, 456 Life, struggle for, 103, 119, 120 Lilacs, 59, 769 double, 762 Lilium candidum flore pleno, 331 pardalium, 116 Lime-tree, 355, 366, 428, 669 fern-leaved, 147 Linaria, 467, 471, 480 dalmatica, 482 genistifolia, 267 italica, 267 vulgaris, 267, 471 vulgaris peloria, 464 Lindley, 63, 129, 506 Linnaeus, 32, 33, 129, 132, 256, 663 on the idea of species, 11, 13 on origin of species, 2, 34 on primroses, 52 Linum angustifolium, 80 crepitans, 81 usitatissimum, 80, 161 Link, 466 Liver-leaf, 322 Lobelia syphilitica, 161 Lonicera etrusca, 640 tartarica nana, 614 Lorenz, Chr., 482 Lothelier, 454 Lotus corniculatus, 442 corniculatus hirsutus, 139 London, 615, 616, 667 Lucerne, 264 Ludwig, 738 Lupines, 90 Lychnis, 282 chalcedonica, 161 diurna, 238, 578 preslii, 578 vespertina, 238, 281, 585 Lycium, 455 Lycopersicum, 655 grandifolium, 654 latifolium (see L. grandifolium). solanopsis, 854, 656 validum (see L. solanopsis). Lyell, 1, 710 Lysimachia vulgaris, 684
MacDougal, D.T., 62, 575, 590 Macfarlane, 56, 255, 268 Madia elegans, 779 Magnolia, 355, 366, 428, 674, 675 obovata, 355, 669 Magnus, 228 Mahonia aquifolia, 270 Maize, 134, 775 "Cuzco," 152 European, 206 "Gracillima," 152 "Horse-dent," 152 "Quarantino," 118 Mallow, 663, 684 Malva crispa, 684 Maples, laciniate, 615 Marchant, 592 Marigold, 131, 158 corn, 729 field, 503, 505, 508 garden, 503 Japanese, 490, 494, 495 Marsh-marigold, 331 Martinet, 80 Measart, 434 Masters, 228, 370, 372 Matricaria Chamomilla, 130 Chamomilla discoidea, 156 Matricaria discoidea, D.C., 157 May-thorn, red, 196 Medicago media, 264 falcata, 264 Melanium, 39 Melons, 118 Mendel, 6, 210, 294, 296, 306, 308 Mendel's law, 276, 293, 294, 298, 299, 300, 301, 307, 612, 613, 616, 716 Mendelism, 307 Mentha, 52 Mercurialis annua, 420 annua laciniata, 592 Mercury, 420, 422, 425, 820 Methods of investigation, 21 Metzger, 205, 206 Milde, 38 Milfoil, 441 Millardet, 266 Miller, 611 Millet, 105 Mimulus, 151 quinquevulnerus, 725 Mimusops, 697 Miocene period, 698 Miquel, 83 Mirabilis, 241 Jalappa, 322 Mirbel, 615 Monardella macrantha, 444 Monstrosities, 400, 401, 445, 446, 447 Monkey-flower, 725 Monocotyledons ancestry of, 1, 5 regression in, 630 Monotropa, 222, 661 Morphologic units, 145, 152 Monstrosities, 818 Morgan on mutation-theory, 9 Morren, 244, 762 Mountain-ash, 342 Muller, Fritz, 775, 776, 780 Multiplication, vegetative (see Asexual propagation) Munting, Abraham, 164, 165, 490, 762 Munting's drawings, 512 Murr, 158, 236 Muscari comosam, 134 Museum d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, 522 Mutability vs. fluctuating variability, 568 Mutation, 659, 674, 677, 685, 686, 694, 713, 716, 825 absence of intermediate steps in, 474, 480 conditions for observing, 601 decided within the seed, 28 definition of, 7 easily observed, 30 experimental, 688 few observations of, 8 fluctuation vs., 7, 16, 719 influence of on variability, 335 iterative nature of, 476, , 703 laws of, 556, 558, 560, 562, 564, 566, 568, 570 limited in time, 29 observation of, 16 in Oenothera, 521, 525, 690 oldest known, 609 oldest recorded, 22 periodic, 690, 692, 694 perodicity of, 519 progressive, 307 repetition of, 476 in Saponaria calabrica, 612 simultaneous, 614 in tomato, 655 Mutations, 141, 275, 280, 445, 449, 573, 608, 620, 626, 678, 685, 686, 701, 704, 712, 713, 716, 800 artificial, 402 chance for useful, 598 defined, 191 frequency of, 597 in garden-flowers, 488 in horticulture, 604, 706 latent, 703 mode of appearance, 517 numerical proportion of, 475 original production of, 702 peloric, 707 periodic, 686, 705 progressive, 704 retrograde, 704 stray, 704, 705, 706 synonyms of, 191 Mutation-period, 714 Myosotis azorica, 368 Myrtus communis, 684
Nageli, 60, 439, 443, 448, 795 Nagelian principle, 448, 450, 451 Natural selection, 18, 119, 120, 445, 456, 682, 694, 703, 743, 744, 798-826 basis, 604 nature of, 6, 19 Naudin, 118 Nectarines, 137, 138, 226, 627 Nemec, 578 Neo-Lamarckians principle of, 8 Neo-Lamarckism 447 Nepenthes, 671, 672, 673, 674 Newton, 1, 732, 767 Nicandra, 152 Nigella, 134 Nightshade, 298 black, 282 Nourishment meaning of, 732 variability and 771 Nuphar, 268 Nutrition and growth, 720, 722 Nymphaea, 698
Oats, 98, 100, 101, 105, 112, 113, 115, 119, 133, 452 "Early Angus," 115 "Early Fellow," 115 "Fine Fellow," 115 "Hopetown," 112 "Longfellow," 115 "Make-him-rich," 112 wild, 207, 803 Oak, 136, 239 Oenothera, 260, 262, 279, 700, 706, 708, 709 European species, source of, 575 mutation in, 521, 525, 585, 690, 708 new species of, 516-546 albida, 537, 553, 555, 563, 565, 573 biennia, 82, 205, 256, 257, 258; 259, 262, 263, 264, 521, 524, 527, 574, 575, 586, 587, 683, 690, 708 biennis cruciata, 22, 587 brevistylis, 263, 280, 526, 529, 530, 547, 563, 564, 565, 573, 574, 702, 706 cruciata, 575, 585, 586, 589, 590, 683 elliptica, 540, 545, 555, 562 gigas, 533, 534, 535, 536; 537, 553, 554, 563, 565, 566, 567, 573, 574, 702 glauca, 424 hirtella, 262 laevifolia, 526, 528, 529, 547, 563, 564, 573, 574, 701, 706 lamarckiana, 17, 262, 262, 522, 523, 527, 528, 529,, 533, 574, 575, 586, 690, 699 pollination of, 524 lata, 540, 541, 542, 549, 550, 551, 552, 555, 559, 563, 566, 573, 574, 702 leptocarpa, 540 muricata, 256, 257, 258, 259, 262, 263, 264, 513, 575, 690 pollination of, 524 nanella, 526, 531, 549, 50, 551, 552, 555, 563, 564, 565, 566, 703 oblonga, 537, 538, 552, 555, 563, 565, 566, 572 rubrinervis, 533, 534, 536, 537, 550, 551, 552, 555, 563, 565, 568, 573, 574 scintillans, 540, 543, 553, 555, 563, 566, 573, 574 mutability of, 544 semilata, 540 suaveolens, 521 Oleander, 684 Onagra, 262, 708, 709 Onions, wild, 684 Ononis repens, 577 Orange, 90, 133, 134 Orchids, 631 Origin of species (Darwin), 109 Orobanche, 220 Othonna crassifolia, 442 Otin, 618 Oviedo, 89
Paeonia corallina leiocarpa, 126 Paillat, 618 Pangenes, 306 Pangenesis, 306, 689 Panicum, 105 Pansies, 640 Pansy, 118, 121 Papaver alpinum, 139 bracteatum, 661 bracteatum monopetalum, 661 commutatum, 357 dubium glabrum, 126 hybridism, 662 somniferum Danebrog, 162 somniferum monstruosum, 371 somniferum polycephalum, Parris, 754 Parsley crisped, 158, 181 Parsnip, water, 457 Pea-family, 344 Peach, 138, 226, 240 Peach-almond, 769 Pears, 79, 90, 134, 147, 152, 203, 283 Pearson, Karl, 716 Peas, sugar, 135, 158 Pedicularis, 410 palustris, 410 Pedigree-culture, 109 experimental, 547 Pelargonium, 272, 355 Peloria, definition of, 164 Peloric toad-flax first record of, 466 origin of, 459, 464, 472 sterility of, 467 Pelorism Antirrhinum majus (see snapdragon) Digitalis purpurea, 482 Gloxinia, 484, 485 labiates, 486 Laburnum, 485 Lamium, 486. Linaria, see Toad-flax Linaria dalmatica, 482 Linaria vulgaris, 464 orchids, 479, 486, 487 Salvia, 486 Scrophularia nodosa, 486 snapdragon, 481 toad-flax, 459-487 Tropaeolum majus, 485 Uropedium Lindenii, 487 wild sage, 486 Peltaria alliacea, 663 Pennywort, marsh, 668 Penzig, 638 Periodicity, law of, 365, 368, 721, 722 Periods, mutative, 706, 708 Periwinkles, 322 Persicaria, water, 433, 434, 435, 643 Petalomany, 330 Petunia, 491, 626 Phacelia, 420, 422, 820 Phaseolus lunatus, 592 multiflorus, 202 nanus, 202 Phleum alpinum, 696 Phlox, 232 drummondi, 161 Phyllonoma ruscifolia, 676 Physiologic units, 144, 153, 249 Picris hieraoioides, 411 Pimpernel, scarlet, 162 Pinacothec, Munich, 164 Pine, 368, 804 Pine-apples, 90, 134 Pinks, 178 Pinus sylvestris, 368 Pistillody in poppies, 369, 370, 372 Pitcher-plants, 671 Plankton, 711 Plantago, 53 lanceolata, 520, 671, 684 Plantain, 684 Plater, 610 Plum, 79, 134, 789 beach, 58 Japanese, 58 purple-leaved, 619 Plusia, 204 Poa alpina vivipara, 684 Podocarpus koraiana, 169 Polemonium coeruleum, 282 coeruleum album, 200 dissectum, 161, 202 Polygala, 242 Polygonum amphibium, 432 var. natans Moench, 433, 434 var. terrestris Wench, 433, 434 Convolvulus, 419, 424 viviparum, 684 Polymorphy, 188 Pomegranate, 90 Pond-lily, yellow, 268 Poplar, fastigiate, 623, 624 Italian, 623 Populus italica, 622 nigra, 624 Poppy, 146, 151, 152, 163, 165, 241, 356, 640, 723 "Danebrog," 283, 291 garden, 661 "Mephisto," 283, 291 opium, 89, 189, 195, 198, 282, 291, 369, 371, 373, 379, 383, 391, 405, 406, 420, 452, 720, 789 pistillody in, 369 pistilloid, 508 polycephalous, 405 Potatoes, 765, 810 Potentilla Tormentilla, 52 Pre-Linnean attitude, 2 Primrose, 268, 372, 410 evening (see evening-primrose). Primula acaulis, 52, 632 elatior, 52, 633, 635 grandiflora, 268 imperialis, 697 japonica, 410 officinalis, 52, 268, 633, 635 variabilis, 268 veris, 52, 633, 634 Prodromus (De Candolle) 370 Progression, 430, 705, 774, 775, 777, 779, 805 in evolution, 630 Propagation asexual, 745, 751, 766, 767, 770, 774, 777 sexual, 745, 777 vegetative (see asexual) Proskowetz, Em. von, 70 Prototype definition of, 170 Prunus, 52 cerasifera, 619 Mahaleb, 617 nana, 612 maritima, 59 Padus, 617 Pissardi, 619 variation in, 56 Pyrethrum roseum, 511 Pyrola, 222, 661
Quartile, 736, 737, 767 Quercus pedunculata fastigata, 596 Quetelet's law, 463, 716, 717, 725, 730, 734, 738, 748, 753, 759, 767, 775, 779, 780, 806
Races, inconstancy of improved, 770-797 Raciborsky, 682 Radishes, 325, 806 Ragwort, tansy, 157 Raisins, 134 Rameses, 697 Ranunculus, 331 acris, 331 arvensis, 282 arvensis inermis, 125 asiaticus, ,241 bulbosus, 357, 410, 740 Ra-n-Woser, King, 104 Raphanus Raphanistrum, 202, 424,520 caudatus, 202 Rasor, John, 588, 589 Raspberry, 268, 768 "Phenomenal," 268 "Primus," 269 Siberian, 269 Ratzeburg, 467 Raunkiaer on variation in Taraxacum, 60 Recessive character, 280 Sports, 191, 715, 689 bud, 427
Sprenger, 610, 611 Stability, 155 Stahl, 611 Stellaria Holostea apetala, 585 Stocks, 146, 322, 328, 329, 332, 334, 336, 338, 432 Stock "Brompton," 329 chamois-colored, 198 "Queen," 324 white, 160 Stork's-bill, white hemlock, 161 Strasburger, 196, 448 Strawberry, 158, 266, 342 "Gaillon," 135 "Giant of Zuidwijk," 614 one-leaved, 164, 596, 666 white, 158, 165 Striped flowers, 309, 374, 431, 606, 607 races, types of, 328 Struggle for life, 674, 571, 682, 702, 799, 803, 824, 825 St. Johnswort, 725 St. Sebastian, 164 Sub-species (see also Elementary species), 224, 225 Sugar-beets (see Beets, sugar) Sugar-cane, 731, 752 "Black Manilla," 753 "Cheribon," 753, 755, 756 "Chunnic," 753 "Hawaii," 755, 756 seeds of, 754 "White Manilla," 752 Sundew, 268 Sunflower, 410, 425, 820 Sweet-flag, 222 Sweet-pea, 160, 776 Sweet William, 163, 282, 322, 648 twisted variety, 408, 648 Syncotyls, 417, 424 Syringa vulgaris axurea plena, 763 Systematic species, 12, 64, 101, 128 nature of, 54, 62 Systematic units, 61, 91
Tagetes africana, 510 signata, 612 "Talavera de Bellevue," 97 Tanacetum vulgare, 131, 132, 236 Tansy, 131, 132, 236 Taraxacum, 125, 126 officinale, 59, 411 Tares, 105 Taxus, 136 baccata, 169 baccata fastigiata, 170, 618 minor, 169 Teasels, 402, 642, 645, 674, 675 twisted, 405, 412, 446, 447, 643, 646, 647, 648, 819 Tetragonia expansa, 162 Theatre d'Agriculture, 72 Thibault, 618 Thomson, Sir William (see Kelvin, Lord) Thorn-apples, 139, 142, 143, 145, 238, 283, 300, 452 thornless, 234 Thorn-broom, 457 Thrincia hirta, 411 Thuret, 38, 47, 49 Thyme, white creeping, 201 Thymus Serphyllum album, 201 vulgaris, 577 Tilia parvifolia, 355, 669 Toad-flax, 267, 282, 707 cross pollination of, 471 experiment with, described, 468 invisible dimorphous state of, 470, 471, 478 latent tendency to mutation in, 479 peloric, see Peloric toad flax sterility of mutants, 477 unusual pelorism, 486 Tomato, 653 "Acme," 656, 657 "Mikado," 654 mutation of, 655 upright, 654 "Washington," 657 Tournefort author of genera, 32 Tracy, W.W. 592 Trees, genealogic, 707, 708 Tricotyls, 416, 419, 420 Trifolium incarnatum, 352 Triticum dicoccum, 105 Tropaeolum, 193, 668 majus, pelorism of, 485 "True Exercises with Plants" (hunting), 490 Tulips, 149, 178, 274, 322 black, 620 Turnip, 244, 621 Twisted stems, 402, 403, 405, 413 Twisted varieties atavists of, 406
Ulex europaeus, 140, 217 Ulmus pedunculata, 615 pedunculata urticaefolia, 615 Umbellifers, 457 Umbilicus, 669 Unger, 105 Unit-characters, 249, 261, 306, 307, 313, 658, 689, 715, 716 Urban, 265 Uropedium lindenii, 487 Utility, 685, 724 Utricularia, 672
Vaccinium Myrtillus, 577 Valerian, 402, 409, 648 twisted, 403 Valeriana officinalis, 402 Vallisneria, 684. Van den Berg, 625 Van de Water, 614 Van Mons, 76, 77, 78, 806 Variability (see also Fluctuation ), 188, 190, 191 analogous, 244 apple, 75 asexual, 320 correlative, 142, 143, 148, 167 cultivated plants, 66 embryonic, 770, 771, 814 ever-recurring, 190 fluctuating (see also individual), 62, 142, 190, 233, 375, 416, 454, 698, 759, 762, 765, 766, 767, 770, 771, 789, 805, 814 fluctuating vs. mutability 569 homologous, 244 individual (see also fluctuating), 190, 716, 718, 746, 749, 770, 814 influence of mutation on, 335 kinds of, 715 nutrition and, 390, 391, 719, 771 parallel, 243 partial, 440, 444, 718, 746, 748, 753, 814, 816 repeated, 242 restricted, 598 sectional, 317 sexual, 320 sources of, 758 Variation bud, 176, 178, 180, 284, 317, 318, 321, 338, 427, 750 definition of, 188 partial, 788, 789 seed, 750 spontaneous, 191 use of term, 189 Variegation, 426, 427 Varietal marks, origin of, 275 Varieties, 84, 95, 126, 127, 128, 129, 132, 142 broom-like, 618, 624 constancy of, 532 constant, 135 crosses of species with, 247, 277, 278, 281 elementary species vs. 459 ever-sporting, 178, 309, 310, 311, 312, 313, 321, 324, 328, 329, 332, 333, 334, 350, 358, 365, 368, 372, 399, 413, 420, 430, 431, 432, 434, 445, 606, 607, 628, 740, 789, 790, 795 fasciated (see Fasciated stems). groups of, 606 horticultural, 607, 609 hybrid, 122, 190, 608 hybrids of, 210, 254, 255 inconstant, 135, 154; 155, 161 mutation of, 141 negative (retrogressive), 131, 132, 134, 224, 226, 238, 245, 277 positive, 131, 132, 134, 224, 238, 245 pure, 122, 190 retrograde, 14, 15, 16, 95, 121, 208, 430, 435, 606, 607 retrogressive (see negative). seed, 122 single, 191 spontaneous crosses, 209 sporting (see inconstant) stability of, 207 sterile, 622 types of, 142 variable, 606 vegetative, 122 weeping, 617 Variety, 130 definition of, 11, 12 elementary species vs. 141, 152, 154, 224, 243, 247, 251 origin of, 141, 152, 224 use of term, 189, 435 Variety-testing, 95, 97, 116, 119, 743, 799, 825 Varro, 106 Veitch & Sons, 272 Venus' looking-glass, 367 Verlot, 186, 612 Vernon, 132 Vernonia cinerea, 450 Veronica longifolia, 282, 284 scutellata, 139 spicata nitens, 126 Viburnum Opulus, 134, 239 Vicinism, 185, 188, 203, 205, 206, 213, 214, 776 definition of, 188, 192, 606 Vicinist, 199, 201 Vicoa aurioulata, 450 Victoria regia, 668 Villars on Draba verna, 49 Vilmorin, 570, 607, 612, 622, 661, 662, 773, 775, 776; 792, 795, 796, 797, 806, 807, 810, 813, 818, 820 Vilmorin, Louis de, 72, 92, 93, 97, 108, 109, 110, 114, 185, 818 Vilmorin, Messrs., 322 Vinca, 242, 490 minor, 322 Vine, parsley-leaved, 179 Viola, 126, 546, 547, 692 agrestis, 45 alpestris, 40 altaica, 39 anopetala, 44 arvensis, 39, 40, 41, 44 curtisepala, 45 striolata, 45 aurobadia, 44 caloarata, 39 cornuta, 39, 281 lutea, 38 lutescens, 44 nemausensis, 45 ornatissima, 44 palescens, 45 patens, 45 roseola, 44 segetatis, 45 stenochila, 41 tricolor, 38, 40, 41, 44, 46 ammotropha, 41 coniophila, 41 genuina, 42 versicolor, 42 Violets, 63, 232, 233, 490 Violet, dame's, 322, 323, 411 long-spurred, 281 Virgil, 105, 106, 108 Viscaria oculata, 4, 648, 821 twisted variety, 408 Vitis, 52 Volckamer, 228 Von Lochow, 821, 822, 822 Von Rumker, 94 Von Wettstein, 448, 805 Vrolik, 164, 483
"Waare Oeffeninge der Planten" (Munting), 490 Wallace, 5, 7, 8, 30, 205 Wall-flower, 370, 371 Walnut, 243, 766 cut-leaved, 616 one-bladed, 666 Water-lilies, 668 Weber, 228 Weeping-willow, 180 crisped, 181 Weigelias, 740 Wellingtonia, 618 Wheat, 96, 98, 105, 113, 119, 283, 810, 823 bearded, 98 "Blue-stem," 117 "Galland," 100, 207 "Hopetown," 112, 112 "Hunter's," 111, 112 "Minnesota No. 169," 117 "Mungoswell's," 110, 111 "Pedigree," 109 "Pringle's," 114 "Rivett's bearded," 207 "Sheriff's bearded red," 114 "Sheriff's bearded white," 114 "White Hunter's," 112 Wheat-ear carnation, 227 White, C.A., 656, 657 White varieties, 577 Whitlow-grasses, 63, 118, 119 Whorls, ternate, 684 Wild sage (see Salvia) Willdenow, 468, 666, 667 Williamson, 491 Willows, 135, 267 Willow weeping (see Weeping-Willow) Willow-herb, 268, 269, 682 Wintercress, 427 Wintergreen, 661 Wittmack, 682 Wittrock, 38, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46 Wooton, E.O., 140 Wormseed, 638
Xanthium canadense, 140 commune, 140, 152, 591 commune Wootoni, 22 Wootoni, 140, 152, 591
Yarrow, 131, 132 Yew, 136, 169 pyramidal, 618
Zea Mays cryptosperma, 641 tunicata, 641 Zinnia, 490 Zioberg, 466 Zocher & Co., 230