The primrose will serve as an example. In the second lecture we have seen that the old species of Linnaeus, the Primula veris, was split up by Jacquin into three smaller ones, which are called P. officinalis, P. elatior and P. acaulis. From this systematic treatment we can infer that these three forms are assumed to be derived from a common ancestor. Now two of them bear their flowers in bracted whorls, condensed into umbels at the summits of a scape. The scapes themselves are inserted in the axils of the basal leaves, and produce the flowers above them. In the third species, Primula acaulis, this scape is lacking and the flowers are inserted singly in the axils on long slender stalks. For this reason the species is called acaulescent, indicating that it has no other stem than the subterranean rootstock. But on closer inspection we observe that the flower stalks are combined into little groups, each group occupying the aril of one of the basal leaves. This fact at once points to an analogy with the umbellate allies, and induces us to examine the insertion of the flowers more critically. In doing so we find that they are united at their base so as to constitute a sessile umbel. [634] The scapes are not absolutely lacking, but only reduced to almost invisible rudiments.
Relying upon this conclusion we infer that all of the three elementary species have umbels, some pedunculate and the others not. On this point they agree with the majority of the allied species in the genus and in other genera, as for instance in Androsace. Hence the conclusion that the common ancestors were perennial plants with a rootstock bearing their flowers in umbels or whorls on scapes. Lacking in the Primula veris, these scapes must obviously have been lost at the time of the evolution of this form.
Proceeding on this line of speculation we at once see that a very adequate opportunity for systematic atavism is offered here. According to our general conception the apparent loss of a scape is no proof of a corresponding internal loss, but might as well be caused simply by the reduction of the scape-growing capacity to a latent or inactive state. It might be awakened afterwards by some unknown agency, and return to activity.
Now this is exactly what happens from time to time. In Holland the acaulescent primrose is quite a common plant, filling the woods in the spring with thousands of clusters of bright yellow flowers. It is a very uniform type, but in [635] some years it is seen to return to atavistic conditions in some rare individuals. More than once I have observed such cases myself, and found that the variation is only a partial one, producing one or rarely two umbels on the same plant, and liable to fail of repetition when the varying specimens are transplanted into the garden for further observation. But the fact remains that scapes occur. The scapes themselves are of varying length, often very short, and seldom long, and their umbels display the involucre of bracts in a manner quite analogous to that of the Primula officinalis and P. elatior. To my mind this curious anomaly strongly supports the view of the latent condition of the scape in the acaulescent species, and that such a dormant character must be due to a descent from ancestors with active scapes, seems to be in no need of further reiteration. Returning to activity the scapes at once show a full development, in no way inferior to that of the allied forms, and only unstable in respect to their length.
A second example is afforded by the bracts of the crucifers. This group is easily distinguished by its cruciform petals and the grouping of the flowers into long racemes. In other families each flower of such an inflorescence would be subtended by a bract, according to the [636] general rule that in the higher plants side branches are situated in the arils of leaves. Bracts are reduced leaves, but the spikes of the cruciferous plants are generally devoid of them. The flower-stalks, with naked bases, seem to arise from the common axis at indefinite points.
Hence the inference that crucifers are an exception to a general rule, and that they must have originated from other types which did comply with this rule, and accordingly were in the possession of floral bracts. Or, in other words, that the bracts must have been lost during the original evolution of the whole family. This conclusion being accepted, the accidental re-apparition of bracts within the family must be considered as a case of systematic atavism, quite analogous to the re-appearance of the scapes in the acaulescent primrose. The systematic importance of this phenomenon, however, is far greater than in the first case, in which we had only to deal with a specific character, while the abolition of the bracts has become a feature of a whole family.
This reversion is observed to take place according to two widely different principles. On one hand, bracts may be met with in a few stray species, assuming the rank of a specific character. On the other hand they may be seen [637] to occur as an anomaly, incompletely developed, often very rare and with all the appearance of an accidental variation, but sometimes so common as to seem nearly normal.
Coming now to particular instances, we may turn our attention in the first place to the genus _Sisymbrium_. This is a group of about 50 species, of wide geographic distribution, among which the hedge mustard (_S. officinalis_) is perhaps the most common of weeds. Two species are reputed to have bracts, _Sisymbrium hirsutum_ and _S. supinum_. Each flower-stalk of their long racemes is situated in the aril of such a bract, and the peculiarity is quite a natural one, corresponding exactly to what is seen in the inflorescence of other families. Besides the _Sisymbrium some six other genera afford similar structures.
Erucastrum pollichii has been already alluded to in a former lecture when dealing with the same problem from another point of view. As previously stated, it is one of the most manifest and most easily accessible examples of a latent character becoming active through systematic atavism. In fact, its bracts are found so often as to be considered by some authors as of quite normal occurrence. Contrasted with those of the above mentioned species of Sisymbrium, they are not seen at the base of all the flower [638] stalks, but are limited to the lowermost part of the raceme, adorning a few, often ten or twelve, and rarely more flower-stalks. Moreover they exhibit a feature which is indicative of the presence of an abnormality. They are not all of the same size, but decrease in length from the base of the raceme upward, and finally slowly disappear.
Besides these rare cases there are quite a number of cruciferous species on record, which have been observed to bear bracts. Penzig in his valuable work on teratology gives a list of 33 such genera, many of them repeating the anomaly in more than one species. Ordinary cabbages are perhaps the best known instance, and any unusual abundance of nourishment, or anomalous cause of growth seems to be liable to incite the development of bracts. The hedge garlic or garlic mustard (Alliaria), the shepherd's purse, the wormseed or Erysimum cheiranthoides and many others afford instances. In my cultures of Heeger's shepherd's purse, the new species derived at Landau in Germany from the common shepherd's purse, the anomaly was observed to occur more than once, showing that the mutation, which changed the fruits, had not in the least affected this subordinate anomalous peculiarity. In all these cases the bracts behave as with the Erucastrum, [639] being limited to the base of the spike, and decreasing in size from the lower flowers upward. Connected with these atavistic bracts is a feature of minor importance, which however, by its almost universal accompaniment of the bracts, deserves our attention, as it is indicative of another latent character. As a rule, the bracts are grown together with their axillary flower-stalk. This cohesion is not complete, nor is it always developed in the same degree. Sometimes it extends over a large part of the two organs, leaving only their tips free, but on other occasions it is limited to a small part of the base. But it is very interesting that this same cohesion is to be seen in the shepherd's purse, in the wormseed and in the cabbage, as well as in the case of the Erucastrum and most of the other observed cases of atavistic bracts. This fact suggests the idea of a common origin for these anomalies, and would lead to the hypothesis that the original ancestors of the whole family, before losing the bracts, exhibited this peculiar mode of cohesion.
Bracts and analogous organs afford similar cases of systematic atavism in quite a number of other families. Aroids sometimes produce long bracts from various places on their spadix, as may be seen in the cultivated greenhouse species, Anthurium scherzerianum. [640] Poppies have been recorded to bear bracts analogous to the little scales on the flower-stalks of the pansies, on the middle of their flower stalks. A similar case is shown by the yellow foxglove or Digitalis parviflora. The foxgloves as a rule have naked flower-stalks, without the two little opposite leafy organs seen in so many other instances. The yellow species, however, has been seen to produce such scales from time to time. The honeysuckle genus is, as a rule, devoid of the stipules at the base of the petiole, but Lonicera etrusca has been observed to develop such organs, which were seen to be free in some, but in other specimens were adnate to the base of the leaf, and even connate with those of the opposite leaf.
Other instances could be given proving that bracts and stipules, when systematically lacking, are liable to reappear as anomalies. In doing so, they generally assume the peculiar characters that would be expected of them by comparison with allied genera in which they are of normal occurrence. There can be no doubt that their absence is due to an apparent loss, resulting from the reduction of a formerly active quality to inactivity. Resuming this effective state, the case attains the value and significance accorded to systematic atavism.
A very curious instance of reduced bracts, developing [641] to unusual size, is afforded by a variety of corn, which is called Zea Mays cryptosperma, or Zea Mays tunicata. In ordinary corn the kernels are surrounded by small and thin, inconspicuous and membranaceous scales. Invisible on the integrate spikes, when ripe, they are easily detected by pulling the kernels out. In cryptosperma they are so strongly developed as to completely hide the kernels. Obviously they constitute a case of reversion to the characters of some unknown ancestor, since the corn is the only member of the grass-family with naked kernels. The var. tunicata, for this same reason, has been considered to be the original wild form, from which the other varieties of corn have originated. But as no historical evidence on this point is at hand, we must leave it as it is, notwithstanding the high degree of attractiveness attached to the suggestion.
The horsetail-family may be taken as a further support of our assertion. Some species have stems of two kinds, the fertile being brownish and appearing in early spring before the green or sterile ones. In others the stems are all alike, green and crowned with a conelike spike of sporangia-bearing scales. Manifestly the dimorphous cases are to be considered as the younger ones, partly because they are obvious exceptions to the common rule, and [642] partly because the division of labor is indicative of a higher degree of evolution. But sometimes these dimorphic species are seen to revert to the primary condition, developing a fertile cone at the summit of the green summer-stem. I have had the opportunity of collecting an instance of this anomaly on the tall Equisetum telmateja in Switzerland, and other cases are on record in teratological literature. It is an obvious example of systematic atavism, occurring suddenly and with the full development of all the qualities needed for the normal production of sporangia and spores. All of these must be concealed in a latent condition within the young tissues of the green stems.
More than once I have had occasion to deal with the phenomenon of torsions, as exhibited by the teasels and some other plants. This anomaly has been shown to be analogous to the cases described as double adaptations. The capacity of evolving antagonistic characters is prominent in both. The antagonists are assumed to lie quietly together while inactive. But as soon as evolution calls them into activity they become mutually exclusive, because only one of them can come to full display in the same organ. External influences decide which of the two becomes dominant and which remains dormant. This decision must take place separately [643] for each stem and each branch, but as a rule, the stronger ages are more liable to furnish anomalies than the weaker.
Exactly the same thing is true of double adaptations. Every bud of the water-persicaria may develop either into an erect or into a floating stem, according as it is surrounded by water or by relatively dry soil. In other cases utility is often less manifest, but some use may either be proved, or shown to be very probable. At all events the term adaptation includes the idea of utility, and obviously useless contrivances could hardly be brought under the same head.
We have also dealt with the question of heredity. It is obvious that from the flowers of the floating and erect stems of the water-persicaria seeds will result, each capable of yielding both forms. Quite the same thing was the case with the teasels. Some 40% of the progeny produce beautifully twisted stems, but whether the seed was saved from the most completely twisted specimens or from the straight plants of the race was of no importance.
This phenomenon of twisting may now be considered from quite another point of view. It is a case of systematic atavism, or of the reacquirement of some ancient and long-lost quality. This quality is the alternate position of [644] the leaves, which has been replaced in the teasel family by a grouping in pairs. In order to prove the validity of this assertion, it will be necessary to discuss two points separately, viz.: relative positions of the leaves, and the manner in which the alternate position causes the stems to become twisted.
Leaves are affixed to their stems and branches in various ways. Among them one is of wide occurrence throughout the whole realm of the higher plants, while all the others are more rare. Moreover these subordinate arrangements are, as a rule, confined to definite systematic groups. Such groups may be large, as for instance, the monocotyledons, that have their leaves arranged in two opposite rows in many families, or small, as genera or subdivisions of genera. Apart from these special cases the main stem and the greater part of the branches of the pedigree of the higher plants exhibit a spiral condition or a screw arrangement, all leaves being inserted at different points and on different sides of the stem. This condition is assumed to be the original one, from which the more specialized types have been derived. As is usual with characters in general, it is seen to vary around an average, the spiral becoming narrower and looser. A narrow spiral condenses the leaves, while a [645] loose one disperses them. According to such fluctuating deviations the number of leaves, inserted upon a given number of spiral circuits, is different in different species. In a vast majority of cases 13 leaves are found on 5 circuits, and as we have only to deal with this proportion in the teasels we will not consider others.
In the teasels this screw-arrangement has disappeared, and has been replaced by a decussate grouping. The leaves are combined into pairs, each pair occupying the opposite sides of one node. The succeeding pairs alternate with one another, so as to place their leaves at right angles. The leaves are thus arranged on the whole stem in four equidistant rows.
On the normal stem of a teasel the two members of a pair are tied to one another in a comparatively complicated way. The leaves are broadly sessile and their bases are united so as to constitute a sort of cup. The margins of these cups are bent upward, thereby enabling them to hold water, and after a rainfall they may be seen filled to the brim. It is believed that these little reservoirs are useful to the plant during the flowering period, because they keep the ants away from the honey. Considering the internal structure of the stem at the base of these cups we find that the vascular bundles of the two opposite leaves are strongly connected [646] with one another, constituting a ring which narrowly surrounds the stem, and which would impede an increase in thickness, if such were in the nature of the plant. But since the stems end their existence during the summer of their development, this structure is of no real harm.
The grouping of the leaves in alternate pairs may be seen within the bud as well as on the adult stems. In order to do this, it is necessary to make transverse sections through the heart of the rosette of the leaves of the first year. If cut through the base, the pair exhibit connate wings, corresponding to the water-cups; if cut above these, the leaves seem to be free from one another.
In order to compare the position of leaves of the twisted plants with this normal arrangement, the best way is to make a corresponding section through the heart of the rosette of the first year. It is not necessary to make a microscopic preparation. In the fall the changed disposition may at once be seen to affect the central leaves of the group. All the rosettes of the whole race commence with opposite leaves; those that are to produce straight stems remain in this condition, but the preparation for twisting begins at the end of the first year as shown by a special arrangement of the leaves. This [647] disposition may then be seen to extend to the very center of the rosette, by use of microscopical sections. Examining sections made in the spring, the original arrangement of the leaves of the stem is observed to continue until the beginning of the growth of the shoot. It is easy to estimate the number of leaves corresponding to a given number of spiral circuits in these sections and the proportion is found to indicate 13 leaves on 5 turns. These figures are the same as those given above for the ordinary arrangement of alternate leaves in the main lines of the pedigree of the vegetable kingdom.
Leaving aside for the moment the subsequent changes of this spiral arrangement, it becomes at once clear that here we have a case of systematic atavism. The twisted teasels lose their decussation, but in doing so the leaves are not left in a disorderly dispersion, but a distinct new arrangement takes its place, which is to be assumed as the normal one for the ancestors of the teasel family. The case is to be considered as one of atavism. Obviously no other explanation is possible, than the supposition that the 5-13 spiral is still latent, though not displayed by the teasels. But in the very moment when the faculty of decussation disappears, it resumes its place, and becomes [648] as prominent as it must once have been in the ancestors, and is still in that part of their offspring, which has not become changed in this respect. Thus the proof of our assertion of systematic atavism is, in this case, not obtained by the inspection of the adult, but by the investigation of the conditions in an early stage. It remains to be explained how the twisting may finally be caused by this incipient grouping of the leaves. Before doing so, it may be as well to state that the case of the teasel is not an isolated one, and that the same conclusions are supported by the valerian, and a large number of other examples. In early spring some rosettes show a special condition of the leaves, indicating thereby at once their atavism and their tendency to become twisted as soon as they begin to expand. The Sweet William or Dianthus barbatus affords another instance; it is very interesting because a twisted race is available, which may produce thousands of instances developed in all imaginable degrees, in a single lot of plants. Viscaria oculata is another instance belonging to the same family.
The bedstraw (Galium) also includes many species which from time to time produce twisted stems. I have found them myself in Holland on Galium verum and G. Aparine. Both seem [649] to be of rare occurrence, as I have not succeeded in getting any repetition by prolonged culture.
Species, which generally bear their leaves in whorls, are also subjected to casual atavisms of this kind, as for instance the tall European horsetail, Equisetum Telmateja, which occasionally bears cones on its green summer stems. Its whorls are changed on the twisted parts into clearly visible spirals. The ironwood or Casuarina quadrivalvis is sometimes observed to produce the same anomaly on its smaller lateral branches.
Coming now to the discussion of the way in which the twisting is the result of the spiral disposition of the leaves, we may consider this arrangement on stems in the adult state. These at once show the spiral line and it is easy to follow this line from the base up to the apex. In the most marked cases it continues without interruption, not rarely however, ending in a whorl of three leaves and a subsequent straight internode, of which there may even be two or three. The spiral exhibits the basal parts of the leaves, with the axillary lateral branches. The direction of the screw is opposed to that of the twisting, and the spiral ribs are seen to cross the line of insertion of the leaves at nearly right angles. On this line the leaves are nearer [650] to one another than would correspond to the original proportion of 5 turns for 13 leaves. In fact, 10 or even 13 leaves may not rarely be counted on a single turn. Or the twist may become so strong locally as to change the spiral into a longitudinal line. On this line all inserted leaves extend themselves in the same direction, resembling an extended flag.
The spiral on the stem is simply the continuation of the spiral line from within the rosettes of the first year. Accordingly it is seen to become gradually less steep at the base. For this reason it must be one and the same with this line, and in extreme youth it must have produced its leaves at the same mutual distances as this line. Transverse sections of the growing summits of the stems support this conclusion.
From these several facts we may infer that the steepness of the spiral line increases on the stem, as it is gradually changed into a screw. Originally 5 turns were needed for 13 leaves, but this number diminishes and 4 or 3 or even 2 turns may take the same number of foliar organs, until the screw itself is changed into a straight line.
This change consists in an unwinding of the whole spiral, and in order to effect this the stem must become wound up in the opposite direction. The winding of the foliar screw must [651] curve the longitudinal ribs. The straighter and steeper the screw becomes, the more the ribs will become twisted. That this happens in the opposite direction is obvious, without further discussion. The twisting is the inevitable consequence of the reversal of the screw.
Two points remain to be dealt with. One is the direct proof of the reversal of the screw, the other the discussion of its cause. The first may be observed by a simple experiment. Of course it proceeds only slowly, but all that is necessary is to mark the position of one of the younger leaves of a growing stem of a twisting individual and to observe the change in its position in a few hours. It will be seen to have turned some way around the stem, and finally may be seen to make a complete revolution in the direction opposite to the screw, and thereby demonstrating the fact of its uncurling.
The cause of this phenomenon is to be sought in the intimate connection of the basal parts of the leaves, which we have detailed above. The fibrovascular strands constitute a strong rope, which is twisted around the stem along the line on which the leaves are inserted. The strengthening of the internodes may stretch this rope to some extent, but it is too strong to be rent asunder. Hence it opposes the normal growth, and the only manner in which the internodes [652] may adjust themselves to the forces which tend to cause their expansion is by straightening the rope. In doing so they may find the required space, by growing out in an unusual direction, bending their axes and twisting the ribs.
To prove the validity of this explanation, a simple experiment may be given. If the fibrovascular rope is the mechanical impediment which hinders the normal growth, we may try the effect of cutting through this rope. By this means the hindrance may at least locally be removed. Now, of course, the operation must be made in an early stage before, or at the beginning of the period of growth, in every case before the uncurling of the rope begins. Wounds made at this time are apt to give rise to malformations, but notwithstanding this difficulty I have succeeded in giving the necessary proof. Stems operated upon become straight where the rope is cut through, though above and under the wounded part they go on twisting in the usual way.
Sometimes the plants themselves succeed in tearing the rope asunder, and long straight internodes divide the twisted stems in two or more parts in a very striking manner. A line of torn leaf-bases connects the two parts of the screw and gives testimony of what has passed within [653] the tissues. At other times the straightening may have taken place directly internal to a leaf, and it is torn and may be seen to be attached to the stem by two distinct bases.
Summing up this description of the hereditary qualities of our twisted teasels and of their mechanical consequences, we may say that the loss of the normal decussation is the cause of all the observed changes. This special adaptation, which places the leaves in alternating pairs, replaced and concealed the old and universal arrangement on a screw line. In disappearing, it leaves the latter free, and according to the rule of systematic atavism, this now becomes active and takes its place. If the fibrovascular connection of the leaf-bases were lost at the same time the stems would grow and become straight and tall. This change however, does not occur, and the bases of the leaves now constitute a continuous rope instead of separate rings, and thereby impede the stretching of the internodes. These in their turn avoid the difficulty by twisting themselves in a direction opposite to that of the spiral of the leaves.
As a last example of systematic atavism I will refer to the reversionary changes, afforded by the tomatoes. Though the culture of this plant is a recent one, it seems to be at present in a state of mutability, producing new strains, or [654] assuming the features of their presumable ancestors. In his work "The Survival of the Unlike," Bailey has given a detailed description of these various types. Moreover, he has closely studied the causes of the changes, and shown the great tendency of the tomatoes to vicinism. By far the larger part of the observed cases of running out of varieties are caused by accidental crosses through the agency of insects. Even improvements are not rarely due to this cause. Besides these common and often unavoidable changes, others of greater importance occur from time to time. Two of them deserve to be mentioned. They are called the "Upright" and the "Mikado" types, and differ as much or even more from their parents than the latter do from any one of their wild congeners. Their characters come true from seed. The "Mikado" race or the Lycopersicum grandifolium (L. latifolium) has larger and fewer leaflets than the slender and somewhat flimsy foliage of the common form. Flat or plane blades with decurrent margins constitute another character. This variety, however, does not concern our present discussion. The upright type has stiff and self-sustaining stems and branches, resembling rather a potato-plant than a tomato. Hence the name Lycopersicum solanopsis or L. validum, under which it is usually described. [655] The foliage of the plant is so distinct as to yield botanical characters of sufficient importance to justify this specific designation. The leaflets are reduced in numbers and greatly modified, and the flowers in the inflorescence are reduced to two or three. This curious race came in suddenly, without any premonition, and the locality and date of its mutation are still on record. Until some years ago it had not made its appearance for a second time. Obviously it is to be considered as a reversionary form. The limp stems of the common tomatoes are in all respects indicative of the cultivated condition. They cannot hold themselves erect, but must be tied up to supports. The color of the leaves is a paler green than should be expected from a wild plant. Considering other species of the genus Solanum, of which the Lycopersicum is a subdivision, the stems are as a rule erect and self-supporting, with some few exceptions. These, however, are special adaptations as shown by the winding stems of the bitter-sweet.
From this discussion we seem justified in concluding that the original appearance of the upright type was of the nature of systematic atavism. It differs however, from the already detailed cases in that it is not a monstrosity, nor an ever-sporting race, but is as constant a form [656] as the best variety or species. Even on this ground it must be considered as a representative of a separate group of instances of the universal rule of systematic reversions.
Of late the same mutation has occurred in the garden of C.A. White at Washington. The parent form in this case was the "Acme," of the ordinary weak and spreading habit of growth. It is known as one of the best and most stable of the varieties and was grown by Mr. White for many years, and had not given any sign of a tendency towards change. Seeds from some of the best plants in 1899 were sown the following spring, and the young seedlings unexpectedly exhibited a marked difference from their parents. From the very outset they were more strong and erect, more compact and of a darker green than the "Acme." When they reached the fruiting stage they had developed into typical representatives of the Lycopersicum solanopsis or upright division. The whole lot of plants comprised only some 30 specimens, and this number, of course, is too small to base far-reaching conclusions upon. But all of the lot showed this type, no true "Acme" being seen among them. The fruit differed in flavor, consistency and color from that of the parent, and it also ripened earlier than the latter. No seed was saved from [657] these plants, but the following year the "Acme" was sown again and found true to its type. Seeds saved from this generation in 1900 have, however, repeated the mutation, giving rise to exactly the same new upright form in 1901. This was called by its originator "The Washington." Seeds from this second mutation were kindly sent to me by Mr. White, and proved true to their type when sown in my garden.
Obviously it is to be assumed in the case of the tomatoes as well as in instances from other genera cited, that characters of ancestors, which are not displayed in their progeny, have not been entirely lost, but are still present, though in a latent condition. They may resume their activity unexpectedly, and at once develop all the features which they formerly had borne.
Latency, from this point of view, must be one of the most common things in nature. All organisms are to be considered as internally formed of a host of units, partly active and partly inactive. Extremely minute and almost inconceivably numerous, these units must have their material representatives within the most intimate parts of the cells.
The theory of descent is founded mainly on comparative studies, which have the advantage of affording a broad base and the convincing effect of concurrent evidence brought together from widely different sources. The theory of mutation on the other hand rests directly upon experimental investigations, and facts concerning the actual descent of one form from another are as yet exceedingly rare. It is always difficult to estimate the validity of conclusions drawn from isolated instances selected from the whole range of contingent phenomena, and this is especially true of the present case. Systematic and physiologic facts seem to indicate the existence of universal laws, and it is not probable that the process of production of new species would be different in the various parts of the animal and vegetable kingdoms. Moreover the principle of unit-characters, the preeminent significance of which has come to be more fully recognized of late, is in full harmony [659] with the theory of sudden mutations. Together these two conceptions go to strengthen the probability of the sudden origin of all specific characters.
Experimental researches are limited in their extent, and the number of cases of direct observation of the process of mutation will probably never become large enough to cover the whole field of the theory of descent. Therefore it will always be necessary to show that the similarity between observed and other cases is such as to lift above all doubt the assertion of their resulting from the same causes.
Besides the direct comparison of the mutations described in our former lectures, with the analogous cases of the horticultural and natural production of species and varieties at large, another way is open to obtain the required proof. It is the study of the phenomena, designated by Casimir de Candolle by the name of taxonomic anomalies. It is the assertion that characters, which are specific in one case, may be observed to arise as anomalies or as varieties in other instances. If they can be shown to be identical or nearly so in both, it is obviously allowable to assume the same origin for the specific character and for the anomaly. In other terms, the specific marks may be considered as having originated according to the laws [660] that govern the production of anomalies, and we may assume them to lie within reach of our experiments. The experimental treatment of the origin of species may also be looked upon as a method within our grasp.
The validity and the significance of these considerations will at once become clear, if we choose a definite example. The broadest and most convincing one appears to me to be afforded by the cohesion of the petals in gamopetalous flowers. According to the current views the families with the petals of their flowers united are regarded as one or two main branches of the whole pedigree of the vegetable kingdom. Eichler and others assume them to constitute one branch, and therefore one large subdivision of the system. Bessey, on the other hand, has shown the probability of a separate origin for those groups which have inferior ovaries. Apart from such divergencies the connation of the petals is universally recognized as one of the most important systematic characters.
How may this character have originated? The heath-family or the Ericaceae and their nearest allies are usually considered to be the lowest of the gamopetalous plants. In them the cohesion of the petals is still subject to reversionary exceptions. Such cases of atavism may [661] be observed either as specific marks, or in the way of anomalies. Ledum, Monotropa and Pyrola, or the Labrador tea, the Indian pipe and wintergreen are instances of reversionary gamopetalism with free petals. In heaths (Erica Tetralix) and in rhododendrons the same deviation is observed to occur from time to time as an anomaly, and even the common Rhododendron ponticum of our gardens has a variety in which the corolla is more or less split. Sometimes it exhibits five free petals, while at other times only one or two are entirely free, the remaining four being incompletely loosened.
Such cases of atavism make it probable that the coherence of the petals has originally arisen by the same method, but by action in the opposite direction. The direct proof of this conclusion is afforded by a curious observation, made by Vilmorin upon the bright and large-flowered garden-poppy, Papaver bracteatum. Like all poppies it has four petals, which are free from one another. In the fields of Messrs. Vilmorin, where it is largely cultivated for its seeds, individuals occur from time to time which are anomalous in this respect. They exhibit a tendency to produce connate petals. Their flowers become monopetalous, and the whole strain is designated by the name of Papaver [662] bracteatum monopetalum. Henry de Vilmorin had the kindness to send me some of these plants, and they have flowered in my garden during several years. The anomaly is highly variable. Some flowers are quite normal, exhibiting no sign of connation; others are wholly gamopetalous, the four petals being united from their base to the very margin of the cup formed. In consequence of the broadness of the petals however, this cup is so wide as to be very shallow.
Intermediate states occur, and not infrequently. Sometimes only two or three petals are united, or the connation does not extend the entire length of the petals. These cases are quite analogous to the imperfect splitting of the corolla of the rhododendron. Giving free rein to our imagination, we may for a moment assume the possibility of a new subdivision of the vegetable kingdom, arising from Vilmorin's poppy and having gamopetalous flowers for its chief character. If the character became fixed, so as to lose its present state of variability, such a group of supposititious gamopetalous plants might be quite analogous to the corresponding real gamopetalous families. Hence there can be no objection to the view, that the heaths have arisen in an analogous manner from their polypetalous ancestors. Other species of [663] the same genus have also been recorded to produce gamopetalous flowers, as for instance, Papaver hybridum, by Hoffmann. Poppies are not the sole example of accidental gamopetaly. Linnaeus observed the same deviation long ago for Saponaria officinalis, and since, it has been seen in Clematis Vitalba by Jaeger, in Peltaria alliacea by Schimper, in Silene annulata by Boreau and in other instances. No doubt it is not at all of rare occurrence, and the origin of the present gamopetalous families is to be considered as nothing extraordinary. It is, as a matter of fact, remarkable that it has not taken place in more numerous instances, and the mallows show that such opportunities have been available at least more than once.
Other instances of taxonomic anomalies are afforded by leaves. Many genera, the species of which mainly bear pinnate or palmate leaves, have stray types with undivided leaves. Among the brambles, Rubus odoratus and R. flexuosus may be cited, among the aralias, Aralia crassifolia and A. papyrifera, and among the jasmines, the deliciously scented sambac (Jasminum Sambac). But the most curious instance is that of the telegraph-plant, or Desmodium gyrans, each complete leaf of which consists of a large terminal leaflet and two little lateral ones. These latter keep up, [664] night and day, an irregular jerking movement, which has been compared to the movements of a semaphore. Desmodium is a papilionaceous plant and closely allied to the genus Hedysarum, which has pinnate leaves with numerous pairs of leaflets. Its place in the system leaves no doubt concerning its origin from pinnate-leaved ancestors. At the time of its origination its leaves must have become reduced as to the number of the blades, while the size of the terminal leaflet was correspondingly increased.
It might seem difficult to imagine this great change taking place suddenly. However, we are compelled to familiarize ourselves with such hypothetical assumptions. Strange as they may seem to those who are accustomed to the conception of continuous slow improvements, they are nevertheless in complete agreement with what really occurs. Fortunately the direct proof of this assertion can be given, and in a case which is narrowly related, and quite parallel to that of the Desmodium, since it affects a plant of the same family. It is the case of the monophyllous variety of the bastard-acacia or Robinia Pseud-Acacia. In a previous lecture we have seen that it originated suddenly in a French nursery in the year 1855. It can be propagated by seed, and exhibits a curious degree [665] of variability of its leaves. In some instances these are one-bladed, the blade reaching a length of 15 cm., and hardly resembling those of the common bastard-acacia. Other leaves produce one or two small leaflets at the base of the large terminal one, and by this contrivance are seen to be very similar to those of the Desmodium, repeating its chief characters nearly exactly, and only differing somewhat in the relative size of the various parts. Lastly real intermediates are seen between the monophyllous and the pinnate types. As far as I have been able to ascertain, these are produced on weak twigs under unfavorable conditions; the size of the terminal leaflet decreases and the number of the lateral blades increases, showing thereby the presence of the original pinnate type in a latent condition.
The sudden origin of this "one-leaved" acacia in a nursery may be taken as a prototype of the ancient origin of Desmodium. Of course the comparison only relates to a single character, and the movements of the leaflets are not affected by it. But the monophylly, or rather the size of the terminal blade and the reduction of the lateral ones, may be held to be sufficiently illustrated by the bastard-acacia. It is worth while to state, that analogous varieties have also arisen in other genera. The "one-leaved" [666] strawberry has already been referred to. It originated from the ordinary type in Norway and at Paris. The walnut likewise, has its monophyllous variety. It was mentioned for the first time as a cultivated tree about 1864, but its origin is unknown. A similar variety of the walnut, with "one-bladed" leaves but of varying shapes, was found wild in a forest near Dieppe in France some years ago, and appeared to be due to a sudden mutation.
Something more is known concerning the "one-bladed" ashes, varieties of which are often seen in our parks and gardens. The common form has broad and deeply serrate leaves, which are far more rounded than the leaflets of the ordinary ash. The majority of the leaves are simple, but some produce one or two smaller leaflets at their base, closely corresponding in this respect to the variations of the "one-bladed" bastard-acacia, and evidently indicating the same latent and atavistic character. In some instances this analogy goes still further, and incompletely pinnate leaves are produced with two or more pairs of leaflets. Besides this variable type another has been described by Willdenow. It has single leaves exclusively, never producing smaller lateral leaflets, and it is said to be absolutely constant from seed, while the more variable types [667] seem to be also more inconstant when propagated sexually. The difference is so striking and affords such a reliable feature that Koch proposed to make two distinct varieties of them, calling the pure type Fraxinus excelsior monophylla, and the varying trees F. excelsior exheterophylla. Some writers, and among them Willdenow, have preferred to separate the "one-leaved" forms from the species, and to call them Fraxinus simplicifolia.
According to Smith and to Loudon, the "one-leaved" ashes are found wild in different districts in-England. Intermediate forms have not been recorded from these localities. This mode of origin is that already detailed for the laciniate varieties of alders and so many other trees. Hence it may be assumed that the "one-leaved" ashes have sprung suddenly but frequently from the original pinnate species. The pure type of Willdenow should, in this case, be considered as due to a slightly different mutation, perhaps as a pure retrograde variety, while the varying strains may only be eversporting forms. This would likewise explain part of their observed inconstancy.
In this respect the historic dates, as collected by Korshinsky, are not very convincing. Vicinism has of course, almost never been excluded, and part of the multiformity of the offspring [668] must obviously be due to this most universal agency. Indirect vicinism also plays some part, and probably affords the explanation of some reputed mutative productions of the variety. So, for instance, in the case of Sinning, who after sowing the seeds of the common ash, got as large a proportion as 2% of monophyllous trees in a culture of some thousand plants. It is probable that his seeds were taken partly from normal plants, and partly from hybrids between the normal and the "one-bladed" type, assuming that these hybrids have pinnate leaves like their specific parent, and bear the characters of the other parent only in a latent condition.
Our third example relates to peltate leaves. They have the stalk inserted in the middle of the blade, a contrivance produced by the connation of the two basal lobes. The water-lilies are a well known instance, exhibiting sagittate leaves in the juvenile stage and changing in many species, into nearly circular peltate forms, of which Victoria regia is a very good example, although its younger stages do not always excite all the interest they deserve. The Indian cress (Tropaeolum), the marsh pennywort or Hydrocotyle, and many other instances could be quoted. Sometimes the peltate leaves are not at all orbicular, but are elongated, oblong or elliptic, and with only the lobes [669] at the base united. The lemon-scented Eucalyptus citriodora is one of the most widely known cases. In other instances the peltate leaves become more or less hollow, constituting broad ascidia as in the case of the crassulaceous genus Umbilicus.
This connation of the basal lobes is universally considered as a good and normal specific character. Nevertheless it has its manifest analogy in the realm of the anomalies. This is the pitcher or ascidium. On some trees it is of quite common occurrence, as on the lime-tree (Tilia parvifolia) and the magnolia (Magnolia obovata and its hybrids). It is probable that both these forms have varieties with, and others without, ascidia. Of the lime-tree, instances are known of single trees which produce hundreds of such anomalous leaves yearly, and one such a tree is growing in the neighborhood of Amsterdam at Lage Vuursche. I have alluded to these cases more than once, but on this occasion a closer inspection of the structure of the ascidium is required. For this purpose we may take the lime-tree as an example. Take the shape of the normal leaves in the first place. These are cordate at their base and mainly inequilateral, but the general shape varies to a considerable extent. This variation is closely related to the position of the leaves on the twigs, and shows [670] distinct indications of complying with the general law of periodicity. The first leaves are smaller, with more rounded lobes, the subsequent leaves attain a larger size, and their lobes slightly change their forms. In the first leaves the lobes are so broad as to touch one another along a large part of their margins, but in organs formed later this contact gradually diminishes and the typical leaves have the lobes widely separated. Now it is easily understood that the contact or the separation of the lobes must play a part in the construction of the ascidia, as soon as the margins grow together. Leaves which touch one-another, may be affected by the connation without any further malformation. They remain flat, become peltate and exhibit a shape which in some way holds a middle position between the pennyworts and the lemon-scented eucalyptus. Here we have the repetition of the specific characters of these plants by the anomaly of another. Whenever the margins are not in contact, and become connate, notwithstanding their separation, the blade must be folded together in some slight degree, in order to produce the required contact. This is the origin of the ascidium. It is quite superfluous to insist upon the fact that their width or narrowness must depend upon the corresponding normal form. The more distant the [671] lobes, the deeper the ascidium will become. It should be added that this explanation of the different shapes of ascidia is of general validity.
Ascidia of the snake-plantain or Plantago lanceolata are narrow tubes, because the leaves are oblong or lanceolate, while those of the broad leaved species of arrowhead, as for instance, the Sagittaria japonica, are of a conical shape.
From the evidence of the lime-tree we may conclude that normal peltate leaves may have originated in the same way. And from the fact that pitchers are one of the most frequent anomalies, we may conclude that the chance of producing peltate leaves must have been a very great one, and wholly sufficient to account for all observed cases. In every instance the previously existing shape of the leaf must have decided whether peltate or pitcher-like leaves would be formed. As far as we can judge peltate anomalies are quite uninjurious, while ascidia are forms which must impede the effect of the light on the leaf, as they conceal quite an important part of the upper surface. In this way it is easily conceivable that peltate leaves are a frequent specific character, while ascidia are not, as they only appear in the special cases of limited adaptation, as in the instances of the so called pitcher-plants. The genera Nepenthes, [672] Sarracenia and some others are very well known and perhaps even the bladderworts or Utricularia might be included here.
The reproduction of specific characters by anomalous ascidia is not at all limited to the general case as described above. More minute details may be seen to be duplicated in the same way. Proofs are afforded on one side by incomplete ascidia, and on the other by the double cups.
Incomplete ascidia are those of the Nepenthes. The leaf is divided into three parts, a blade, a tendril and the pitcher. Or in other words, the limb produces a tendril at its summit, by means of which the plant is enabled to fasten itself to surrounding shrubs and to climb between their branches. But the end of this tendril bears a well-formed urn, which however, is produced only after the revolving and grasping movements of the tendril have been made. Some species have more rounded and some more elongated ascidia and often the shape is seen to change with the development of the stem. The mouth of the urn is strengthened by a thick rim and covered with a lid. Numerous curious contrivances in these structures to catch ants and other insects have been described, but as they have no relation to our present discussion, we shall abstain from dealing with them. [673] Likewise we must refrain from a consideration of the physiologic qualities of the tendril, and confine our attention to the combination of a limb, a naked midvein and an ascidium. This combination is to be the basis of our discussion. It is liable to be produced all of a sudden. This assertion is proved by its occurrence as a varietal mark in one of our most ordinary cultivated plants. It is the group known as Croton, belonging to the genus Codiaeum. A variety is called interruptum and another appendiculatum, and these names both relate to the interruption of the leaves by a naked midvein. The leaves are seen to be built up of three parts. The lower half retains the aspect of a limb; it is crowned by a vein without lateral nerves or blade-like expansions, and this stalk in its turn bears a short limb on its summit. The base of this apical limb exhibits two connate lobes, forming together a wide cup or ascidium. It should be stated that these interruptum varieties are highly variable, especially in the relative size of the three principal parts of the leaf. Though it is of course conceded that the ascidium of Nepenthes has many secondary devices which are lacking in Croton, it seems hardly allowable to deny the possibility of an analogous origin for both. Those of the Croton, according to our knowledge regarding similar cases, must [674] have arisen at once, and hence the conclusion that the ascidia of Nepenthes are also originally due to a sudden mutation. Interrupted leaves, with an ascidium on a naked prolongation of the midvein, are by no means limited to the Croton varieties. As stray anomalies they have often been observed, and I myself had the opportunity of collecting them on magnolia, on clover and on some other species. They are additional evidence in support of the explanation given above.
In the same way double ascidia may be made use of to explain the foliar cups of the teasels and some other plants, as for instance, some European snakeroots (Eryngium maritimum and E. campestre), or the floral leaves of the honeysuckle. The leaves on the stems of the teasels are disposed in pairs, and the bases of the two leaves of each pair are connate so as to constitute large cups. We have already mentioned these cups, and recall them in the present connection to use them as a prototype of the double ascidia. These are constituted of two opposite leaves, accidentally connated at their base or along some part of their margins. If the leaves are sessile, the analogy with the teasels is complete, as shown, for instance, in a case of Cotyledon, a crassulaceous plant which is [675] known to produce such cups from time to time. They are narrower than those of the teasel, but this depends, as we have seen for the "one-leaved" ascidium, on the shape of the original leaf. In other respects they exactly imitate the teasel cups showing thereby how these cups may probably have originated.
In numerous cases of anomalies some accidental structures are parallel to specific characters, while others are not, being obviously injurious to their bearers. So it is also with the double ascidia. In the case of stalked leaves the two opposite stalks must, of course, constitute a long and very narrow tube, when growing together. This tube must bear at its summit the conical ascidium produced by the two connate limbs. At its base however, it includes the terminal bud of the stem, and frequently the tube is so narrow as to impede its further development. By this contrivance the double ascidium assumes a terminal position. Instances have been observed on magnolia, in Boehmeria and in other cases.
Flowers on leaves are of rare occurrence. Notwithstanding this, they constitute specific characters in some instances, accidental anomalies in others. Helwingia rusciflora flora is the most curious and best known instance. It is a little shrub, belonging to the Cornaceae, and [676] has broad elliptical undivided leaves. On the middle of the midvein these leaves are seen to bear small clusters of flowers; indeed this is the only place where flowers are produced. Each cluster has from 13-15 flowers, of which some are staminate and borne on stalks, while others are pistillate and nearly sessile. These flowers are small and of a pale greenish color and yield small stone-fruits, with a thin coating of pulpy tissue. As the name indicates, this mode of flowering is closely similar to that of Ruscus, which however, does not bear its flowers and berries on real leaves, but on leaflike expansions of the twigs. Phyllonoma ruscifolia, a saxifragaceous plant, bears the same specific name, indicating a similar origin of the flowers. Other instances have been collected by Casimir de Candolle, but their number is very small.
As a varietal mark, flowers on leaves likewise rarely occur. One instance however, is very remarkable, and we have already dealt with it, when treating of constant varieties, and of the lack of vicinism in the case of species with exclusive self-fertilization.
It is the "Nepaul-barley" or Hordeum trifurcatum. The leaves, which in this case bear the adventitious flowers, are the inner scales of the spikelets, and not on green leaves as in the [677] cases already alluded to. But this of course makes no real difference. The character is variable to a high degree, and this fact indicates its varietal nature, though it should be recalled that at least with the Helwingia, the majority of the leaves are destitute of flowers, and that in this way some degree of variability is present in this normal case too.
All in all there are three sorts of "Nepaul-barley." They have the same varietal mark, but belong to different species of barley. These are differentiated according to the number of the rows in which the grains are seen on the spikes. These numbers may be two, four or six, giving rise to the specific names of Hordeum distichum, tetrastichum and hexastichum. Whether these three varieties are of independent, but parallel origin, or are to be considered as due to a single mutation and subsequent crosses is not known, all of them being of ancient origin. Historic evidence concerning their birth is wholly wanting. From analogy it would seem probable that the character had arisen by a mutation in one of the three named species, and had been transferred to others by means of accidental crosses, even as it has been artificially transmitted of late to quite a number of other sorts. But however admissible this conception may seem, there is of course no real objection [678] to the assumption of independent and parallel mutations.
For the purpose of a comparison with the Helwingia type we are however, not at all concerned with the species to which the trifurcatum variety belongs, but only with the varietal mark itself. The spikelets may be one-, two- or three-flowered, according to the species. If we choose for further consideration the hexastichum type, each spikelet produces three normal flowers and afterwards three normal grains. Morphologically however, the spikelet is not homologous to those parts of other grasses which have the same name. It is constituted of three real spikelets, and thus deserves the name of a triple construction. Each of these three little organs has its normal pair of outer scales or glumae. These are linear and short, ending in a long and narrow spine. Those of the middle-most spikelets stand on its outer side, while those of the lateral part are placed transversely. In this way they form a kind of involucre around the central parts. The latter consist of the inner and outer palets or scales, each two of which include one of the flowers. The outer palet is to be considered as the metamorphosed leaf, in the aril of which the flower is produced. In the common sorts of barley it bears a long awn, giving thereby its typical aspect to the [679] whole spike. The axillary flower is protected on the opposite side by a two-keeled inner palet. Each flower exhibits three stamens and an ovary. In the six-rowed barley all the three flowers of a triple spikelet are fertile, and each of them has a long awn on the top of the outer palet. But in the two-rowed species only the middle-most flower is normal and has an awn, the two remaining being sterile and more or less rudimentary and with only very short awns. From this description it is easily seen that the species of barley may be distinguished from one another, even at a casual glance, by the number of the rows of the awns, and therefore by the shape of the entire spikes. This striking feature, however, does not exist in the "Nepaul-barley." The awns are replaced by curiously shaped appendices, which are three-lobed. The central lobe is oblong and hollow, and forms a kind of hood, which covers a small supernumerary floret. The two lateral lobes are narrower, often linear and extended into a smaller or longer awn. These awns are mostly turned away from the center of the spike. The central lobe may sometimes bear two small florets, but ordinarily only one is to be found, and this is often incomplete, having only one or two stamens, or is different in some other way. [680] These narrow lateral lobes heighten the abnormal aspect of the whole spike.
They are only produced at a somewhat advanced stage of the development of the palet, are united to one another and to the central part by strong veins, which form transversal anastomoses at their insertion. The length of these awns is very variable, and this quality is perhaps the most striking of the whole variety. Often they reach only 1-2 mm., or the majority may become longer and attain even 1 cm., while here and there, between them, longer ones are inserted, extending in some instances even as far as 3 cm. from the spike. Their transverse position in such cases is strikingly contrasted with the ordinary erect type of the awns.
These lateral lobes are to be regarded, from the morphologic point of view, as differentiated parts of the blade of the leaf. Before they are formed, or coincidently with the beginning of their development, the summit of the central lobe becomes hollow, and the development of the supernumerary flower commences. In different varieties, and especially in the most recent crosses of them, this development is excessively variable.
The accidental flower arises at some distance beneath the summit of the scale, on its middle [681] vein. The development begins with the protrusion of a little scale, and the flower itself is situated beneath this scale, and is to be protected by it and by the primary scale, but is turned upside down at the same time. Opposite to this organ, which represents the outer palet of the adventitious flower, two little swollen bodies are evolved. In the normal flowers of barley and other grains and grasses their function is to open the flowers by swelling, and afterwards collapse and allow them to close.
In the adventitious flowers of the "Nepaul-barley," however, this function is quite superfluous. The stamens occur in varying numbers; typically there are three, but not rarely less, or more, are seen. In some instances the complete double whorl of six, corresponding to the ancestral monocotyledonous type, has been found. This is a very curious case of systematic atavism, quite analogous to the Iris pallida abavia, previously alluded to, which likewise has six stamens, and to the cases given in a previous lecture. But for our present discussion it is of no further interest. The ovary is situated in the middle of the flower, and in some instances two have been observed. This is also to be considered as a case of atavism.
All these parts of the adventitious flower are more or less subject to arrest of development, [682] in a later stage. They may even sometimes become abnormal. Stamens may unite into pairs, or carpels bear four stigmas. The pollen-sacs are as a rule barren, the mother-cells undergoing atrophy, while normal grains are seen but rarely. Likewise the ovaries are rudimentary, but Wittmack has observed the occasional production of ripe grains from these abnormal florets.
The scale is seldom seen to extend any farther upwards than the supernumerary flower. But in the rare instances where it does prolong its growth, it may repeat the abnormality and bear a second floret above the first. This of course is generally much weaker, and more rudimentary.
Raciborsky, who has lately given a full and very accurate description of this anomaly, lays great stress upon the fact that it is quite useless. It is perhaps the most obviously useless structure in the whole vegetable kingdom. Notwithstanding this, it has come to be as completely hereditary as any of the most beautiful adaptations in nature. Therefore it is one of the most serious objections to the hypothesis of slow and gradual improvements on the sole ground of their usefulness. The struggle for life and natural selection are manifestly inadequate to give even the slightest indication of [683] an explanation of this case. It is simply impossible to imagine the causes that might have produced such a character. The only way out of this difficulty is to assume that it has arisen at once, in its present apparently differentiated and very variable condition, and that, being quite uninjurious and since it does not decrease the fertility of the race, it has never been subjected to natural selection, and so has saved itself from destruction.
But if we once grant the probability of the origin of the "Nepaul-barley" by a sudden mutation, we obviously must assume the same in the case of the Helwingia and other normal instances. In this way we gain a further support for our assertion, that even the strangest specific characters may have arisen suddenly.
After having detailed at some length those proofs which seem to be the most striking, and which had not been previously described with sufficient detail, we may now take a hasty survey of other contingent cases. In the first place the cruciate flowers of some onagraceous plants should be remembered. Small linear petals occur as a specific character in Oenothera cruciata of the Adirondacks, but have been seen to arise as sudden mutations in the common evening-primrose (O. biennis) in Holland, and in the willow-herb (Epilobium hirsutum) in England. [684] Leaves placed in whorls of three are very rare. The oleander, juniper and some few other plants have ternate whorls as a specific character. As an anomaly, ternate whorls are far more common, and perhaps any plant with opposite leaves may from time to time produce them. Races rich in this abnormality are found in the wild state in the yellow loosestrife or Lysimachia vulgaris, in which it is a very variable specific character, the whorls varying from two to four leaves. In the cultivated state it is met with in the myrtle or Myrtus communis, where it has come to be of some importance in Israelitic ritual. Crisped leaves are known in a mallow, Malva crispa, and as a variety in cabbages, parsley, lettuce and others. The orbicular fruits of Heeger's shepherd's purse (Capsella heegeri) recall similar fruits of other cruciferous genera, as for instance, Camelina. Screw-like stems with wide spirals are specific in the flower-stalks of Cyclamen and Vallisneria, varietal in Juncus effusus spiralis and accidental in Scirpus lacustris. Dormant buds or small bulbs in inflorescences are normal for wild onions, Polygonum viviparum and others, varietal in Poa alpina vivipara and perhaps in Agave vivipara, and accidental in plantains (Plantago lanceolata), Saxifraga umbrosa and others. [685] Cleft leaves, one of the most general anomalies, are typical in Boehmeria biloba. The adnation of the peduncles of the inflorescences to the stem is typical in Solanum and accidental in many other cases.
It seems quite superfluous to add further proof. It is a very general phenomenon that specific characters occur in other genera as anomalies, and under such circumstances that the idea of a slow evolution on the ground of utility is absolutely excluded. No other explanation remains than that of a sudden mutation, and once granted for the abnormal cases, this explanation must obviously likewise be granted for the analogous specific characters.
Our whole discussion shows that mutations, once observed in definite instances, afford the most probable basis for the explanation of specific characters at large.
The prevailing belief that slow and gradual, nearly invisible changes constitute the process of evolution in the animal and vegetable kingdom, did not offer a strong stimulus for experimental research. No appreciable response to any external agency was of course to be expected. Responses were supposed to be produced, but the corresponding outward changes would be too small to betray themselves to the investigator.
The direct observation of the mutations of the evening-primrose has changed the whole aspect of the problem at once. It is no longer a matter dealing with purely hypothetical conditions. Instead of the vague notions, uncertain hopes, and a priori conceptions, that have hitherto confused the investigator, methods of observation have been formulated, suitable for the attainment of definite results, the general nature of which is already known.
To my mind the real value of the discovery [687] of the mutability of the evening-primrose lies in its usefulness as a guide for further work. The view that it might be an isolated case, lying outside of the usual procedure of nature, can hardly be sustained. On such a supposition it would be far too rare to be disclosed by the investigation of a small number of plants from a limited area. Its appearance within the limited field of inquiry of a single man would have been almost a miracle.
The assumption seems justified that analogous cases will be met with, perhaps even in larger numbers, when similar methods of observation are used in the investigation of plants of other regions. The mutable condition may not be predicated of the evening-primroses alone. It must be a universal phenomenon, although affecting a small proportion of the inhabitants of any region at one time: perhaps not more than one in a hundred species, or perhaps not more than one in a thousand, or even fewer may be expected to exhibit it. The exact proportion is immaterial, because the number of mutable instances among the many thousands of species in existence must be far too large for all of them to be submitted to close scrutiny.
It is evident from the above discussion that next in importance to the discovery of the prototype of mutation is the formulation of methods [688] for bringing additional instances to light. These methods may direct effort toward two different modes of investigation. We may search for mutable plants in nature, or we may hope to induce species to become mutable by artificial methods. The first promises to yield results most quickly, but the scope of the second is much greater and it may yield results of far more importance. Indeed, if it should once become possible to bring plants to mutate at our will and perhaps even in arbitrarily chosen directions, there is no limit to the power we may finally hope to gain over nature.
What is to guide us in this new line of work? Is it the minute inspection of the features of the process in the case of the evening-primroses? Or are we to base our hopes and our methods on broader conceptions of nature's laws? Is it the systematic study of species and varieties, and the biologic inquiry into their real hereditary units? Or is the theory of descent to be our starting-point? Are we to rest our conceptions on the experience of the breeder, or is perhaps the geologic pedigree of all organic life to open to us better prospects of success?
The answer to all such questions is a very simple one. All possibilities must be considered, and no line of investigation ignored. For myself I have based my field-researches and my [689] testing of native plants on the hypothesis of unit-characters as deduced from Darwin's Pangenesis. This conception led to the expectation of two different kinds of variability, one slow and one sudden. The sudden ones known at the time were considered as sports, and seemed limited to retrograde changes, or to cases of minor importance. The idea that sudden steps might be taken as the principal method of evolution could be derived from the hypothesis of unit characters, but the evidence might be too remote for a starting point for experimental investigation.
The success of my test has given proof to the contrary. Hence the assertion that no evidence is to be considered as inadequate for the purpose under discussion. Sometime a method of discovering, or of producing, mutable plants may be found, but until this is done, all facts of whatever nature or direction must be made use of. A very slight indication may change forever the whole aspect of the problem.
The probabilities are now greatly in favor of our finding out the causes of evolution by a close scrutiny of what really happens in nature. A persistent study of the physiologic factors of this evolution is the chief condition of success. To this study field-observations may contribute as well as direct experiments, [690] microscopical investigations as well as extended pedigree-cultures. The cooperation of many workers is required to cover the field. Somewhere no doubt the desired principle lies hidden, but until it is discovered, all methods must be tried.
With this conception as the best starting point for further investigation, we may now make a brief survey of the other phase of the problem. We shall try to connect our observations on the evening-primroses with the theory of descent at large.
We start with two main facts. One is the mutability of Lamarck's primrose, and the second is the immutable condition of quite a number of other species. Among them are some of its near allies, the common and the small flowered evening-primrose, or Oenothera biennis and O. muricata.
From these facts, a very important question arises in connection with the theory of descent. Is the mutability of our evening-primroses temporary, or is it a permanent condition? A discussion of this problem will give us the means of reaching a definite idea as to the scope of our inquiries.
Let us consider the present first. If mutability is a permanent condition, it has of course no beginning, and moreover is not due to the [691] agency of external circumstances. Should this be granted for the evening-primrose, it would have to be predicated for other species found in a mutable state. Then, of course, it would be useless to investigate the causes of mutability at large, and we should have to limit ourselves to the testing of large numbers of plants in order to ascertain which are mutable and which not.
If, on the other hand, mutability is not a permanent feature, it must once have had a beginning, and this beginning itself must have had an external cause. The amount of mutability and its possible directions may be assumed to be due to internal causes. The determination of the moment at which they will become active can never be the result of internal causes. It must be assigned to some external factor, and as soon as this is discovered the way for experimental investigation is open.
In the second place we must consider the past. On the supposition of permanency all the ancestors of the evening-primrose must have been mutable. By the alternative view mutability must have been a periodic phenomenon, producing at times new qualities, and at other times leaving the plants unchanged during long successions of generations. The present mutable state must then have been preceded by an immutable [692] condition, but of course thousands of mutations must have been required to produce the evening-primroses from their most remote ancestors.
If we take the species into consideration that are not mutable at present, we may ask how we are to harmonize them with each of the two theories proposed. If mutability is permanent, it is manifest that the whole pedigree of the animal and vegetable kingdom is to be considered as built up of main mutable lines, and that the thousands of constant species can only be taken to represent lateral branches of the genealogic tree.
These lateral branches would have lost the capacity of mutating, possessed by all their ancestors. And as the principle of the hypothesis under discussion does not allow a resumption of this habit, they would be doomed to eternal constancy until they finally die out. Loss of mutability, under this conception, means loss of the capacity for all further development. Only those lines of the main pedigree which have retained this capacity would have a future; all others would die out without any chance of progression.
If, on the other hand, mutability is not permanent, but a periodic condition, all lines of the genealogic tree must be assumed to show alternatively [693] mutating and constant species. Some lines may be mutating at the present moment; others may momentarily be constant. The mutating lines will probably sooner or later revert to the inactive state, while the powers of development now dormant may then become awakened on other branches.
The view of permanency represents life as being surrounded with unavoidable death, the principle of periodicity, on the contrary, follows the idea of resurrection, granting the possibility of future progression for all living beings. At the same time it yields a more hopeful prospect for experimental inquiry.
Experience must decide between the two main theories. It demonstrates the existence of polymorphous genera, such as Draba and Viola and hundreds of others. They clearly indicate a previous state of mutability. Their systematic relation is exactly what would be expected, if they were the result of such a period. Perhaps mutability has not wholly ceased in them, but, might be found to survive in some of their members. Such very rich genera however, are not the rule, but are exceptional cases, indicating the rarity of powerful mutative changes.
On the other hand, species may remain in a state of constancy during long, apparently during indefinite, ages.
[694] Many facts plead in favor of the constancy of species. This principle has always been recognized by systematists. Temporarily the current form of the theory of natural selection has assumed species to be inconstant, ever changing and continuously being improved and adapted to the requirements of the life-conditions. The followers of the theory of descent believed that this conclusion was unavoidable, and were induced to deny the manifest fact that species are constant entities. The mutation theory gives a clew to the final combination of the two contending ideas. Reducing the changeability of the species to distinct and probably short periods, it at once explains how the stability of species perfectly agrees with the principle of descent through modification.
On the other hand, the hypothesis of mutative periods is by no means irreconcilable with the observed facts of constancy. Such casual changes can be proved by observations such as those upon the evening-primrose, but it is obvious that a disproof can never be given. The principle grants the present constancy of the vast majority of living forms, and only claims the exceptional occurrence of definite changes.
Proofs of the constancy of species have been given in different ways. The high degree of similarity of the individuals of most of our [695] species has never been denied. It is observed throughout extended localities, and during long series of years. Other proofs are afforded by those plants which have been transported to distant localities some time since, but do not exhibit any change as a result of this migration. Widely dispersed plants remain the same throughout their range, provided that they belong to a single elementary species. Many species have been introduced from America into Europe and have spread rapidly and widely. The Canadian horsetail (Erigeron canadensis), the evening-primrose and many other instances could be given. They have not developed any special European features after their introduction. Though exposed to other environmental conditions and to competition with other species, they have not succeeded in developing a new character. Such species as proved adequate to the new environment have succeeded, while those which did not have succumbed.
Much farther back is the separation of the species which now live both in arctic regions and on the summits of our highest mountaintops. If we compare the alpine flora with the arctic plants, a high degree of similarity at once strikes us. Some forms are quite identical; others are slightly different, manifestly representing elementary species of the same systematic [696] type. Still others are more distant or even belong to different genera. The latter, and even the diverging, though nearly allied, elementary species, do not yield adequate evidence in any direction.
They may as well have lived together in the long ages before the separation of the now widely distant floras, or have sprung from a common ancestor living at that time, and subsequently have changed their habits. After excluding these unreliable instances, a good number of species remain, which are quite the same in the arctic and alpine regions and on the summits of distant mountain ranges. As no transportation over such large distances can have brought them from one locality to the other, no other explanation is left than that they have been wholly constant and unchanged ever since the glacial period which separated them. Obviously they must have been subjected to widely changing conditions. The fact of their stability through all these outward changes is the best proof that the ordinary external conditions do not necessarily have an influence on specific evolution. They may have such a result in some instances, in others they obviously have not. Many arctic forms bearing the specific name of alpinus justify this conclusion. Astragalus alpinus, Phleum alpinum, Hieracium alpinum and [697] others from the northern parts of Norway may be cited as examples.
Thus Primula imperialis has been found in the Himalayas, and many other plants of the high mountains of Java, Ceylon and northern India are identical forms. Some species from the Cameroons and from Abyssinia have been found on the mountains of Madagascar. Some peculiar Australian types are represented on the summit of Kini Balu in Borneo. None of these species, of course, are found in the intervening lowlands, and the only possible explanation of their identity is the conception of a common post-glacial origin, coupled with complete stability. This stability is all the more remarkable as nearly allied but slightly divergent forms have also been reported from almost all of these localities. Other evidence is obtained by the comparison of ancient plants with their living representatives. The remains in tombs of ancient Egypt have always afforded strong support of the views of the adherents of the theory of stability, and to my mind they still do so. The cereals and fruits and even the flowers and leaves in the funeral wreaths of Rameses and Amen-Hotep are the same that are still now cultivated in Egypt. Nearly a hundred or more species have been identified. Flowers of Acacia, leaves of Mimusops, [698] petals of Nymphaea may be cited as instances, and they are as perfectly preserved as the best herbarium-specimens of the present time. The petals and stamens retain their original colors, displaying them as brightly as is consistent with their dry state.
Paleontologic evidence points to the same conclusion. Of course the remains are incomplete, and rarely adequate for a close comparison. The range of fluctuating variability should be examined first, but the test of elementary species given by their constancy from seed cannot, of course, be applied. Apart from these difficulties, paleontologists agree in recognizing the very great age of large numbers of species. It would require a too close survey of geologic facts to go into details on this point. Suffice it to say that in more recent Tertiary deposits many species have been identified with living forms. In the Miocene period especially, the similarity of the types of phanerogamic plants with their present offspring, becomes so striking that in a large number of cases specific distinctions rest in greater part on theoretical conceptions rather than on real facts. For a long time the idea prevailed that the same species could not have existed through more than one geologic period. Many distinctions founded on this belief have since had to be abandoned. [699] Species of algae belonging to the well-preserved group of the diatoms, are said to have remained unchanged from the Carboniferous period up to the present time.
Summing up the results of this very hasty survey, we may assert that species remain unchanged for indefinite periods, while at times they are in the alternative condition. Then at once they produce new forms often in large numbers, giving rise to swarms of subspecies. All facts point to the conclusion that these periods of stability and mutability alternate more or less regularly with one another. Of course a direct proof of this view cannot, as yet, be given, but this conclusion is forced upon us by a consideration of known facts bearing on the principle of constancy and evolution.
If we are right in this general conception, we may ask further, what is to be the exact place of our group of new evening-primroses in this theory? In order to give an adequate answer, we must consider the whole range of the observations from a broader point of view. First of all it is evident that the real mutating period must be assumed to be much longer than the time covered by my observations. Neither the beginning nor the end have been seen. It is quite obvious that Oenothera lamarckiana was in a mutating condition when I first [700] saw it, seventeen years ago. How long had it been so? Had it commenced to mutate after its introduction into Europe, some time ago, or was it already previously in this state? It is as yet impossible to decide this point. Perhaps the mutable state is very old, and dates from the time of the first importation of the species into Europe.
Apart from all such considerations the period of the direct observations, and the possible duration of the mutability through even more than a century, would constitute only a moment, if compared with the whole geologic time. Starting from this conception the pedigree of our mutations must be considered as only one small group. Instead of figuring a fan of mutants for each year, we must condense all the succeeding swarms into one single fan, as might be done also for Draba verna and other polymorphous species. In Oenothera the main stem is prolonged upwards beyond the fan; in the others the main stem is lacking or at least undiscernable, but this feature manifestly is only of secondary importance. We might even prefer the image of a fan, adjusted laterally to a stem, which itself is not interrupted by this branch. |