Powders, manner of administering, 44
Pregnancy— duration, 177 mare, hygiene, 177 medication, 175
Premaxillary bone, fracture, description and treatment, 336
Preputial calculus, calculus in sheath, description and treatment, 163
Presentations at birth, abnormal, 197-200
Pruritis, or nervous irritation of skin, description and treatment, 468
Pseudoluxations of patella, description, symptoms, cause, and treatment, 363
Psoroptes equi, animal parasite of skin, 480
Psoroptic acariasis, description and treatment, 480
Ptyalism, or salivation, description and treatment, 61
Pulex— or flea, prevention and treatment for bite, 482 penetrans, or chigoe, bite, treatment, 482
Pulse, how to count, 13
Purpura hemorrhagica— description, symptoms, and treatment, 270 or anasarca, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 531
Pustules, inflammation, description and treatment, 465
Quittor, description of different kinds, 407
Rabies— description, symptoms, and treatment, 244-245, 559-562 fatality of, 562
Ransom, study of flies and worms, 470
Rectum— and tail, paralysis, cause, 230 impaction with feces, 191 methods of administering medicines, 47
Red efflorescence, or erythema, description and treatment, 461
Renal calculi, description, symptoms, and treatment, 158
Respiratory organs— description, 95 diseases, chapter by W. H. Harbaugh, 95-133 methods of examination, 16
Retinitis, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 288
Ribs, fractures, description, symptoms, and treatment, 339
Ridglings, or cryptorchids, castration method, 169
Ringbone, description, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 313, 439
Ringworm— circinate, or Tinea tonsurans, description, symptoms, and treatment, 477 honeycomb, or favus, description and treatment, 478
Roaring and thick wind, description and treatment, 108, 230
Roundworm of kidney, 146
Roundworms, horse, dangers and treatment, 90-91
Rubber pads in shoes, uses, 601
Rupture— of an artery, description, symptoms, and treatment, 266 of diaphragm, causes and symptoms, 133 of flexor metatarsi, description, cause, symptoms, and treatment, 377 of heart, description and cause, 262 of liver, cause, symptoms, and treatment, 89 of stomach, result of engorgement, colic, symptoms, and treatment, 66, 67 of suspensory ligament, description, symptoms, and treatment, 403 of vagina, description and treatment, 207 or hernia, description of different kinds, 82 or laceration of womb, causes and treatment, 206
Saccharine diabetes, diabetes mellitus, glycosuria, or inosuria, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 130
Sacrum, fractures, description and treatment, 341
St. Vitus dance, or chorea, description and treatment, 227
Salivation, or plyalism, description and treatment, 61
Sand-cracks of foot, description, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 432
Sarcocele, description and treatment, 165
Sarcophaga carnaria, or flesh fly, note, 481
Sarcoptes, scabiei equi, animal parasite of skin, 478
Sarcoptic acariasis, description, symptoms, and treatment, 478
Scalds and burns, treatment, 483, 496
Scaly skin disease, or pityriasis, description and treatment, 467
Scapula, fracture, cause, symptoms, and treatment, 344
Scorpion and tarantula, treatment for sting or bite, 483
Scratches, or chaps on knee and hock, or cracked heels, causes and treatment, 467
Screw-worm fly, or Lucilia hominivorax, note, 481
Scrotal or congenital hernia, cause, description, and treatment, 82
Scrotum, dropsy, or hydrocele, symptoms and treatment, 166
Sebaceous glands, description, 460
Self-abuse, or masturbation, remedy, 168
Serum, use against strangles and anthrax, 531, 544
Sesamoid bones, fracture, cause, symptoms, treatment, etc., 352
Sesamoid sheath, inflammation, or navicular disease, description, symptoms, and treatment, 435
Sesamoids, description, 395
Sexual and urinary organs, examination, 24
Sheath— calculus, or bilocular cavity, or preputial calculus, description and treatment, 163 of flexor tendons, sprains, cause, symptoms, and treatment, 371 penis, and abdomen, swelling, cause and treatment, 171
Shock, electric, description and treatment, 246
Shoe— bar, uses, 601 detailed description, 597 hot fitting, 600
Shoeing— chapter by John W. Adams, 583-605 preliminary examination, 594 preparation of the hoof, 596 rubber pads, 601
Shoes, special peculiarities of chief classes, 598
Shoulder— joint, displacement, description and treatment, 363 lameness, description, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 365
Sick horse. See Horse, sick.
Sidebones, description, cause, symptoms, and treatment, 316, 438
Silage, use and danger as horse feed, 56-57
Sinuses, collection in, chronic catarrh, or nasal gleet, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 99
Sitfasts— horny sloughs, or sloughing callosities, description and treatment, 475 or harness galls, description and treatment, 496
Skin— and visible mucous membranes, may indicate disease, 11 animal parasites affecting, description of kinds, 478 bleeding eruptions, description and treatment, 469 congestion, red efflorescence, or erythema, description and treatment, 461 disease, scaly, or pityriasis, description and treatment, 467 diseases, chapter by James Law, 458-483 grubs under, description and treatment, 481 hairs, description, 460 inflammation and congestion, description of kinds, 461 nervous irritation, or pruritis, description and treatment, 468 of fetlock and ankle, note, 397 parasites, 477-483 structure, divisions, 459 true, or dermis, description 459 vegetable parasites, description of kinds, symptoms and treatment, 477 wounds, description of different kinds and treatment, 463-470
Sloughs, horny, sitfasts, or sloughing callosities, description and treatment, 475, 496
Snake bites, treatment, 483
Sole of foot, description, 397
Sore throat, or laryngitis, description, symptoms, and treatment, 103
Sores, summer, caused by Filaria irritans, treatment, 469, 470
Spasm— of diaphragm, or thumps, description and treatment, 132, 225 of glottis or intestines, description and treatment, 225 of larynx, description and treatment, 107 of neck of bladder, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 146, 225 of neck of womb, description and treatment, 191 of thigh, or cramp of hind limb, description and treatment, 226
Spasmodic or cramp colic, cause, symptoms, and treatment, 74
Spasms, or cramps, causes and treatment, 226
Spavin— blood, bog spavin, and thorough pin, description and treatment, 356 description, cause, symptoms, prognosis, and treatment, 317
Speedy cuts and interfering, description, symptoms, treatment, etc. 387
Spermatic cord— strangulated, cause and treatment, 170 tumors, causes and treatment, 171
Spinal— anemia, symptoms and treatment, 234 compression and concussion, cause, description, and treatment, 234 concussion, causes, and treatment, 235 congestion, cause, symptoms, and treatment, 233 cord, description, 212 cord, inflammation of membranes, causes, symptoms, treatment, etc., 232 cord, inflammation of substance, or myelitis, causes, symptoms, treatment, 233 hemorrhage, symptom and treatment, 235 meningitis, causes, symptoms, pathology, and treatment, 232 nerves, designation, 212 tumors, symptoms and treatment, 236
Spleen and pancreas, diseases, remarks, 90
Splint, description, symptoms, cause, and treatment, 310
Sprain— of elbow muscles, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 368 of fetlock, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 402
Sprains— description and treatment, 365-374, 392-394 of loins, description, cause, symptoms, and treatment, 392 of suspensory ligaments and of flexor tendons or their sheath, cause, symptoms, and treatment, 371-372
Sprung knees, cause, symptoms, and treatment, 373
Staphyloma, or bulging cornea, description and treatment, 296
Stallion— castration, methods, 168 sterility, cause and treatment, 172
Sterility in mare and stallion, cause and treatment, 172
Stiles, Ch. Wardell, chapter on "Surra", 572-577
Stock vaccines, administration, 506
Stomach— and intestines, diseases, remarks, 65 calculi, or stones, symptoms and treatment, 70 rupture, result of engorgement colic, symptoms and treatment 68 worms, description, etc., 91-92
Stomatitis, description and treatment, 60
Stone— in bladder, vesical calculus, or cystic calculus, description, symptoms, and treatment, 160 in urethra, or urethral calculus, description, symptoms, and treatment, 162 or calculus, and tumor in bladder, 190 urinary calculi, or gravel, description, 154, 157
Stones— or calculi, in intestines, description, symptoms, and treatment, 71 or calculi, in stomach, symptoms and treatment, 70
Strangles, definition, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 527-531
Strangulated spermatic cord, cause and treatment, 170
Streptococcus pyogenes equi, cause of pneumonia, 522
Stricture— of esophagus, description and treatment, 65 of urethra, description and treatment, 153
Stringhalt, description, cause and treatment, 227, 390
Strongyles, injuries to horses, symptoms and treatment, 92-93
Strongylus— equinum, parasite of kidney, 146 spp. injuries by and treatment, 92-93 vulgaris, worm causing one form of aneurism, 265
Sty, furuncle, or boil of eyelid, description and treatment, 282
Suffraginis, description, 395
Summer sores, caused by Filaria irritans, description and treatment, 469, 470
Sunstroke, heat stroke, or heat exhaustion, symptoms, treatment, etc., 219
Superpurgation, description and treatment, 78
Suppositories, description and uses, 48
Suppuration and abscess in lung, symptoms, 127
Surfeit, nettlerash, or urticaria, description and treatment, 467
Surra— chapter by Ch. Wardell Stiles, 572-577 climatic conditions, animals affected, and lethality, 572 diagnosis and treatment, 577 method of infection, symptoms, 573
Suspensory ligament— and flexor tendons, or their sheaths, sprains, cause, symptoms, treatment, 371-372 description, 395 rupture, description, symptoms, and treatment, 403
Sutures, description and uses, 486
Swamp fever. See Infectious anemia.
Sweat glands, description, 461
Symbiotes equi, Dermatophagus equi, or Chorioptes spathiferus, animal parasite of skin, 480
Syncope, or fainting, symptoms and treatment, 259
Synovial— dropsies, remarks, 355 sacs, diseases, description, 355
Synovitis, cause, prognosis, and treatment, 357
Tail and rectum, paralysis, cause, 230
Tapeworms, horse, kind and injuries, 90
Tarantula and scorpion, treatment for bite and sting, 483
Teats, sore, scabs, cracks, warts, cause, and treatment, 209
Teeth— diseases period of dentition, 58 irregularities, remedies, 58
Temperament of horse, 10
Temperature, method of determining, 15
Tendon sheaths, wounds, description and treatment, 494
Tendons— and muscles, diseases, 365 flexor, or their sheath, sprains, cause, symptoms, and treatment, 371 functions, 301 lacerated, cause, symptoms, prognosis, and treatment, 376 of foot, function, 396
Testicles— abnormal number, causes of degeneration, 166 or orchitis, congestion and inflammation, causes, symptoms, treatment, 166
Tetanus, or lockjaw, causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment, 241
Thick wind and roaring, description and treatment, 108
Thigh, spasm, or cramp of hind limb, description and treatment, 226
Thoracic choke, description and treatment, 63, 64
Thoroughpin, blood spavin, and bog spavin, description and treatment, 356
Threadworms, cause of bleeding skin eruptions, 469
Throat— abscesses affecting, treatment, 62 sore, or laryngitis, description, symptoms, and treatment, 103
Thrombosis, description, cause, symptoms, and treatment, 391
Thrombus and embolism, description, symptoms, and treatment, 267
Thrush, description, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 417
Thumps, or spasm of diaphragm, description and treatment, 132, 225
Tibia, fractures, symptoms and treatment, 349
Ticks, description and treatment, 481
Timothy, best hay for feeding, 53
Tinea tonsurans, or circinate ringworm, description and treatment, 477
Tissues, description, 27
Tobacco dip, use against mange in horses, 479
Toothache, how to determine and treat, 59
Trichiasis, or turned eyelashes, description and treatment, 283
Trichophyton tonsurans, vegetable parasite of skin, 477
Trumbower, M. R.— chapter on "Diseases of heart, blood vessels, and lymphatics", 247-273 chapter on "Diseases of nervous system", 210-246
Trypanosoma equiperdum, cause of dourine, note, 562
Tuberculosis, or consumption, note, 128
Tumor— and calculus, or stone in bladder, 190 of haw, or caries of cartilage, description and treatment, 284 of nerve, or neuroma, cause, symptoms, and treatment, 236 on spermatic cord, causes and treatment, 171
Tumors— and warts of eyelids, description and treatment, 283 black pigment, or melanosis, description and treatment, 476 in nostrils, treatment, 97 in vagina and pelvis, description and treatment, 188 of eyeball, remarks, 296 of fetus, or inclosed ovum, description and treatment, 194 of kidneys, note, 146 of spine, symptoms and treatment, 236 of udder, cause and treatment, 209 of abnormal growths, cause of colic, 73 within cranium, description of kinds, 224
Twins, remarks, 196
Tympanitic colic, cause, symptoms, and treatment, 73
Udder— congestion and inflammation, symptoms and treatment, 208 tumors, cause and treatment, 209
Ulceration, description, causes, and treatment, 499
Ulcers on cornea, treatment, 288
Umbilical hernia, description and treatment, 84
Urachus, persistent, or discharge of urine by navel, description and treatment, 151
Uremia, description, symptoms, and treatment, 245
Urethra— inflammation, urethritis, or gleet, symptoms and treatment, 153 stone, or urethral calculus, description, symptoms, and treatment, 162 stricture, description and treatment, 153
Urethral calculi, description and treatment, 159
Urethral calculus, or stone in urethra, description, symptoms, and treatment, 162
Urethritis, inflammation of urethra, or gleet, symptoms, and treatment, 153
Urinary— and sexual organs, examination, 24 calculi, classification, 157 calculi, stone, or gravel, description and causes, 154, 157 disorders, causes, 134 organs, diseases, chapter by James Law, 134-163 organs, parasites affecting, 146 organs, symptoms of disease, 136 organs, uses, 134
Urine— analysis, 154 bloody, or hematuria, cause and treatment, 141 discharge by navel, or persistent urachus, description and treatment, 151 excessive secretion, diuresis, polyuria, diabetes insipidus, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 138 how to examine, 136 of healthy horse, description, 25
Urocystitis, inflammation of bladder, or cystitis, symptoms and treatment, 149
Urticaria, nettlerash, or surfeit, description and treatment, 467
Vaccination— use against diseases and manufacture of material, 510 use against strangles and anthrax, 531, 544
Vaccines, kinds and use, 506, 531
Vagina— and pelvis, tumors affecting, description and treatment, 188 rupture, description and treatment, 207
Vaginal walls, effusion of blood, 190
Valvular disease of heart, symptoms and treatment, 257
Varicocele, description and treatment, 166
Varicose veins, varix, or dilatation of veins, causes and treatment, 269
Variola, equine, or horsepox, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 535-540
Veins— description, 250 dilatation, varicose veins, or varix, causes and treatment, 269 diseases, or phlebitis, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 268
Ventral hernia, description and treatment, 83
Vertebra, fractures, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 338
Vesical calculus, stone in bladder, or cystic calculus, description, symptoms, and treatment, 159
Vesicular mole, or cystic disease of walls of womb, description and treatment, 179
Volvulus, gut-tie, or twisting of bowels, cause, symptoms, and treatment, 72
Vulva, or vagina, fibrous constriction, cause and treatment, 191
Warts— and tumors of eyelids, description and treatment, 283 description and treatment, 476 on penis, treatment, 167
Wasps, bees, and hornets, stings, treatment, 483
Water— impure, cause of disease, time to give, 49 in head, or hydrocephalus of foal, description and treatment, 192
Watering eye, or obstruction of lachrymal apparatus, description and remedy, 285
Whistling, description, 110
Wind— broken, heaves, or asthma, definition, symptoms, and treatment, 128 colic, cause, symptoms, and treatment, 73
Windgalls, description, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 355, 401
Windpipe, description, 119
Winking cartilage, or cartilago nictitans, description, 276
Womb— and peritoneum, inflammation, symptoms, and treatment, 206 bleeding, or flooding, treatment, 205 dropsy, cause, symptoms, and treatment, 179 eversion, description and method of treatment, 205 hernia, description and treatment, 189 laceration, or rupture, causes and treatment, 206 neck, twisting, description and treatment, 189
Worm colic, notes 93
Worms— bladder, affecting kidneys, 146 injuries by, and treatment, 90-94 strongyle, danger and treatment, 92-93 treatment with dips, 479
Wounds— and their treatment, chapter by Ch. B. Michener, 484-506 gunshot, description and treatment, 494 healing under a scab, treatment, 487 in nostrils, cause and treatment, 97 lacerated and contused, description and treatment, 488 penetrating walls of chest, description and treatment, 131 poisoned, description and treatment, 495 punctured, description, symptoms, and treatment, 426, 490
Yellows, jaundice, or icterus, description and treatment, 88