Special Report on Diseases of Cattle
by U.S. Department of Agriculture
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Inflammatory diseases, skin, description, symptoms, and treatment, 320-334

Inhalation of medicines, manner, 10

Inoculation, use against hemorrhagic septicemia, 401

Intercostal muscles, rheumatism affecting, description and treatment, 100

Interdigital fibroma, description and treatment, 338

Intestinal parasites, description and treatment, 523

Intestines, roundworms affecting, kind and treatment, 532

Intussusception, causes, symptoms, post-mortem appearance, and treatment, 35

Invagination, cause of obstruction of bowels, symptoms, and treatment, 35

Inversion— eyelashes, treatment, 350 eyelid, description and treatment, 350

Iodin, tincture, use in punctured wounds, 297

Iowa, foot-and-mouth disease, 388

Iris, description, 341

Italy, foot-and-mouth disease, 385

Itch, scab, mites, and mange, description and treatment, 513

Itching, cause and treatment, 322

Japan, foot-and-mouth disease, 386

Jaundice, description, symptoms and treatment, 44

Jaw— big, lump, or lumpy, See Actinomycosis. lower, fracture, cause and treatment, 278 poverty, caused by twisted wireworms, 520

Jawbones, actinomycosis affecting, description and treatment, 440-449

Jensen, formula for protection of cattle from flies, 503

Joint-ill, description, symptoms, and treatment, 251

Kansas, foot-and-mouth disease, 388

Kelis, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 331

Kentucky, foot-and-mouth disease, 388

Keratitis, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 345

Kidney— ox, description, 117 parasites affecting, discussion, 127 stone in, description and treatment, 139

Kidneys— inflammation, description, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 123 tumors affecting, description, 128

Knee— fracture below, description and treatment, 282 fracture, description and treatment, 281 tumors, description and treatment, 317

Knotting and twisting of bowels, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 35

Labor pains before relaxation of passages, 175

Lacerated wounds, description and treatment, 298

Laceration, eyelid, cause and treatment, 351

Lacerations— and ruptures of the vagina, description and treatment, 219 ear, cause and treatment, 357

Lacrimal gland of the eye, description, 343

Lameness, symptom of foot-and-mouth disease, 383

Laminitis, description, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 335

Laryngitis, cause and treatment, 93

Laurel poisoning, description and treatment, 65

Law, James— chapter on "Diseases following parturition", 214-246 chapter on "Diseases of the generative organs", 147-214 chapter on "Diseases of the urinary organs", 113-146 chapter on "Diseases of young calves", 247-263 observation of foot-and-mouth disease in man, 395

Lead poisoning, description, symptoms, and treatment, 55

Leeches in cattle, description and treatment, 519

Lens of the eye, description, 342

Leucorrhea, symptoms and treatment, 224

Lice— blue (Haematopinus eurysternus and H. vituli), description and treatment, 512 red, description and treatment, 513

Lightning stroke, symptoms and treatment, 111

Limbs, fracture of bones, description, 281

Lime, use in fluke control, 534

Lipoma tumor, description and treatment, 314

Lips, contusions, wounds, and snake bites, symptoms and treatment, 14

Livestock, immunization against anthrax, 457-458

Liver— congestion, description, symptoms, and treatment, 44 diseases affecting, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 44-45 flukes, description and treatment, 526 inflammation affecting, symptoms and treatment, 45

Lockjaw— danger in castration of cattle, 300 reference, 300

Loco weed poisoning, description and treatment, 67

Loeffler, note on description of foot-and-mouth infection, 395

Louse, red (Trichodectes scalaris), description and treatment, 513

Lowe, William H.— and William Dickson, chapter on "Surgical operations", 289-302 chapter on "Noncontagious diseases of organs of respiration", 87-100

Lump, or lumpy jaw. See Actinomycosis.

Lung— abscess, description, 99 tissue, parasites affecting, 526

Lungs— actinomycosis affecting, 443 bleeding from, description and treatment, 99 bronchial tubes, parasites affecting, description and treatment, 530 parasites affecting, note, 526 worms of cattle, description and treatment, 530

Luxations of bones, description and treatment, 282

Lymphatics— description, 75 heart, and blood vessels, diseases, chapter by W. H. Harbaugh, 73-86

Malignant— catarrh, description, symptoms, and treatment, 469-472 edema, description, symptoms, and treatment, 472-474 pustule, description, 458 tumors, description, 306

Mammitis— contagious, description, prevention, and treatment, 237 simple, description, symptoms, and treatment, 234

Man— relation to beef measles in cattle, 529 symptoms of foot-and-mouth disease, 394 treatment with anthrax serum, 459

Mange— common, description and treatment, 513 itch, scab, mites, description and treatment, 513 psoroptic, description and treatment, 513 sarcoptic, cause and treatment, 517

Manure, breeding place for flies, 511

Margaropus annulatus, Texas fever tick, 480

Maryland, foot-and-mouth disease, 388

Massachusetts, foot-and-mouth disease, 387, 388

Measles, beef, discussion and management, 529

Measly beef, description and prevention, 529

Medicines, methods of administration, chapter by Leonard Pearson, 7-11

Membrana nictitans of eye, description, 343

Meninges, number and functions, 103

Mercury poisoning, symptoms and treatment, 57

Metacarpus, fracture, description and treatment, 282

Metatarsus, fracture, description, treatment, 282

Metritis, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 224

Metroperitonitis, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 224

Michigan, foot-and-mouth disease, 388

Micrococcus prodigiosus, cause of bloody milk, 242

Microorganisms, transmission, 361

Milk— absence, cause and treatment, 241 bloody and blue, cause and treatment, 239, 240, 241-242 diminution, symptom of foot-and-mouth disease, 383 duct— closure and thickening of mucous membrane, cause and treatment, 244 closure by membrane, description and treatment, 245 effect of different feeds, analyses, 256-258 fever, description, symptoms, and treatment, 226-237 fistula, description and treatment, 245 pasteurization as guard against foot-and-mouth infection, 395 source of foot-and-mouth disease infection, 394 stringy, cause and treatment, 242

Mineral— acid poisoning, description and treatment, 58 poisons, description and kinds, 54

Minnesota, foot-and-mouth disease, 388

Misplacement, heart, description, 83

Mites— description, 511 mange, itch, scab, description and treatment, 513

Mohler, John R.— chapter on "Infectious diseases of cattle", 358-511 chapter on "Mycotic stomatitis of cattle", 539-544 chapter on "Tumors affecting cattle", 303-320

Monstrosities, calf, descriptions, causes, and treatment, 182-184

Montana, foot-and-mouth disease, 384

Moor-ill, description, symptoms, and treatment, 119

Morphia, poisoning, description and treatment, 61

Mouth— diseases affecting, symptoms and treatment, 14-17 inflammation of the mucous membrane, cause, symptoms, and treatment, 17 sore, characteristic differences from foot-and-mouth disease, 391-392 ulcers affecting, in young calves. See Necrotic stomatitis.

Mucopurulent discharge from passages, symptoms and treatment, 224

Mucous cysts, description and treatment, 319

Mucous membrane— of mouth, inflammation, cause, symptoms, and treatment, 17 thickening and closure of milk duct, cause and treatment, 244

Multiceps multiceps (bladderworm), parasite of brain, 527

Murray, A. J., chapter on "Diseases of digestive organs", 12-50

Muscles— calf, rigid contraction, cause, and treatment, 181 eye, description, 343 intercostal, rheumatism affecting, description and treatment, 100

Mycotic stomatitis— cattle, chapter by John R. Mohler, 539-542 character, cause, symptoms, lesions, etc., 540 characteristic differences from foot-and-mouth disease, 391-392 differential diagnosis and treatment, 542 prevalence, 539 synonyms, 539

Myocarditis, description, symptoms, and treatment, 81

Myoma tumor, description and treatment, 309

Myxoma tumor, description and treatment, 314

Nagana, description, symptoms, and treatment, 510

Nasal catarrh, description, symptoms, and treatment, 92

Navel— abscess affecting, causes and treatment, 99 bleeding, cause, and treatment, 248 breach, symptoms, and treatment, 252 dropsy, description and treatment, 253 string, constricting member of fetus, description, 179 urine discharged through, description and treatment, 248 urine duct, inflammation, cause, and treatment, 248 veins, inflammation, description, causes, and treatment, 249

Necrosis— and diseases of cartilage of the ear, cause and treatment, 357 bony orbit, cause and treatment, 352

Necrotic stomatitis— characteristic differences from foot-and-mouth disease, 391 description, symptoms, and treatment, 464-469 differentiation from foot-and-mouth disease, 391

Neoformation and neoplasm. See Tumors.

Nephritis, description, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 123

Nerves, description, 101-103

Nervous system, diseases, chapter by W. H. Harbaugh, 101-112

Nervousness, cause of retarding calving, 179

Netherlands, foot-and-mouth disease, 386

Nettle rash, description, causes, and treatment, 324

Neurofibroma tumor, description and treatment, 310

New Hampshire, foot-and-mouth disease, 387-388

New Jersey, foot-and-mouth disease, 388

New York, foot-and-mouth disease, 388

Nicotin dip, directions for making, 516

Nodular disease of intestines due to hookworms, note, 525

Noncontagious— abortion— causes, 165 treatment, 167 diseases of organs of respiration, chapter by William H. Lowe, 87-100 foot-and-mouth disease, reference, 532

Norway, foot-and-mouth disease, 386

Nose bleeding, cause and treatment, 93

Nymphomania in female, cause and treatment, 148

Obstruction— arteries, description and treatment, 85 bowels, resulting from invagination, causes, symptoms, etc, 35 parturition by full bladder or rectum, 178 parturition by masses of fat, cause, 178

[OE]sophagostomum radiatum, parasite causing nodular disease, treatment, 525

Ohio, foot-and-mouth disease, 388

Oidirum albicans, parasite causing aphtha, or thrush, 263

Operations— asepsis, importance of, 289 surgical— chapter by William Dickson, William H. Lowe, 289-302 manner of securing the animals, 289 uses of anesthesia, 289

Ophthalmia— simple, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 344 specific, symptoms, treatment, and prevention, 345

Opium poisoning, description and treatment, 61

Orbit— bony, necrosis affecting, cause and treatment, 352 fracture, cause and treatment, 352 tumors, cause and treatment, 353

Orbital— and periorbital abscess, symptoms and treatment, 352 cavity of the eye, description, 342

Orchitis, description and treatment, 152

Ornithodoros megnini, ear tick of cattle, 518

Osteitis, description and treatment, 265

Osteoma, description and treatment, 314

Osteomalacia, description, symptoms, and treatment, 267

Osteomyelitis, description and treatment, 266

Ostertagia ostertagi, encysted stomach worm of cattle, 523

Otitis, symptoms and treatment, 355

Otobius magnini, ear tick, 518

Ovariotomy, description of the operation, 301

Ovum, inclosed, description and treatment, 181

Ox warbles and grubs, treatment, 507

Pains, labor, before relaxation of passages, 175

Palpitation of heart, description, 76

Palsy— following calving, description and treatment, 233 of neck of bladder, cause and treatment, 130

Papillary growths and warts on the penis, treatment, 156

Papilloma, description and treatment, 312

Paralysis— bladder, causes and treatment, 130 description, 109 hind parts during pregnancy, cause and treatment, 163 rear parts of body, cause, 109

Paramphistonum cervi, parasite affecting cattle, 519

Paraplegia, symptoms and treatment, 110

Parasites— animal, of cattle, chapter by B. H. Ransom, 502-531 blood, kinds, 530 bronchial tubes, description and treatment, 530 ear, kinds and treatment, 518 eye, kinds and treatment, 531 intestinal tract, kinds and treatment, 523 kidney, discussion, 125 lung, kinds, 530 stomach, kinds and treatment, 519

Parasitic— cysts, description, 317 diseases of the skin, description and treatment, 332

Parotid gland, inflammation, cause, symptoms, and treatment, 18

Parotitis, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 18

Parturient— apoplexy, description, symptoms, and treatment, 226 collapse, description, symptoms, and treatment, 226 fever, description, symptoms, and treatment, 226

Parturition— difficult, suggestions for assisting, 74 diseases following, chapter by James Law, 214-245 obstacles, causes, 174

Pasteurization, value in check of foot-and-mouth infection, 395

Pastures, how to free from ticks, 490

Paunch, distention with food, description and treatment, 26

Pearson, Leonard, chapter on "Administration of medicines", 7-11

Pelvis— fracture, description and treatment, 279 narrow, fracture, cause of difficult parturition, 178

Pemphigus, symptoms and treatment, 328

Penis— inflammation from bruising, prevention and treatment, 155 ulcers affecting, cause and treatment, 157 warts and papillary growths, treatment, 156 wounds, cause and treatment, 156

Pennsylvania, foot-and-mouth disease, 388

Percussion method of examination, 92

Pericarditis, symptoms and treatment, 79

Periorbital and orbital abscess, symptoms and treatment, 352

Periostitis, aseptic, purulent, and fibrous, description and treatment, 265

Peritoneal hernia, description, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 41

Peritoneum, diseases affecting, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 45-47

Peritonitis— causes, symptoms, and treatment, 45, 46 danger in castration of cattle, 300

Permanganate, use in production of formaldehyde gas, 365

Persistent urachus, description and treatment, 248

Pharyngeal polypi, description and treatment, 19

Pharyngitis, symptoms, causes, and treatment, 17

Pharynx— diseases, description, symptoms, and treatment, 19-22 tumors affecting, description and treatment, 19

Philippine Islands, foot-and-mouth disease, 386

Phlebitis— description and treatment, 86 umbilical, description, symptoms, and treatment, 249

Phosphorus poisoning, symptoms and treatment, 57

Pica, description, causes, and treatment, 28

Pink eye. See Ophthalmia.

Piroplasma bigeminum, protozoan causing Texas fever, 530

Pityriasis, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 329

Plants, poisonous, description of poisoning, 63-69

Pleurisy, description, symptoms, and treatment, 95

Pleurodynia, description and treatment, 100

Pleuropneumonia— cause, incubation, and symptoms, 369 definition and history, 366 post-mortem appearance, 373 prevention and treatment, 377

Pneumonia, description, symptoms, and treatment, 96

Pneumothorax, description and treatment, 99

Poison, definition, 51

Poisoning— acid, description and treatment, 58 aconite, description and treatment, 63 alkali, description and treatment, 59 animal products, description and treatment, 69 arsenic, description, symptoms, and treatment, 54 carbolic acid, description and treatment, 60 chapter by V. T. Atkinson, 51-72 coal oil, description and treatment, 59 copper, description and treatment, 56 fungi, description, 70 laurel, description and treatment, 65 lead, description, symptoms, and treatment, 55 loco weed, description and treatment, 67 mercury, description, symptoms, and treatment, 57 phosphorus, symptoms and treatment, 57 plant, description, 63 salt and saltpeter, description, symptoms, and treatment, 60-61 sources, 51 strychnin, description and treatment, 62 symptoms and treatment, 53

Poisonous— fungi, description, 68 plants, description, 63-69

Poisons— chapter by V. T. Atkinson, 51-72 description of action, 52 mineral, descriptions, 54-58 vegetables, uses as medicine, 61-71

Polydesmus excitans, effect on cattle, 13

Polypi— description and treatment, 313 pharyngeal, description and treatment, 19 vagina or uterus, description and treatment, 157

Polyuria, causes and treatment, 118

Pork measles, note, 536

Potash, permanganate, use in production of formaldehyde gas, 365

Poverty jaw and scours, caused by twisted wireworm, treatment, 527

Pregnancy— cramps of hind limbs during, cause, 162 duration, 160 signs, 157

Pregnant cow, hygiene, 160

Prepuce, calculi affecting, treatment, 144

Presentation of fetus, natural, 173

Pricks, hoof, treatment, 338

Probang, use in prevention of choking, 21

Prolapsus vaginae, description and treatment, 162

Proliferation cysts, description and treatment, 319

Prostration, heat, symptoms and treatment, 108

Protozoa— as intestinal parasites, note, 526 definition, 359

Protrusion, vagina, description and treatment, 162

Pruritis, causes and treatment, 322

Pseudoplasm. See Tumors.

Psoroptic mange, description and treatment, 513

Pucinia arundinacea, P. coronata, P. graminis, P. straminis, effect on cattle, 13

Pulmonary congestion, treatment, 98

Pulse— description, 74 examination, 90

Puncta lacrimalia of the eye, description, 344

Purulent periostitis, description and treatment, 266

Pustule— description, causes, and treatment, 327 malignant, in man, description, 458

Pterygium, description and treatment, 349

Pyemia, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 395

Pyemic inflammation of joints in calves, description, symptoms, and treatment, 251

Quarter-ill. See Blackleg.

Rabies, cattle, description, symptoms, etc., 402-406

Rachitis. See Rickets.

Ransom, B. H., chapter on "Animal parasites of cattle", 502-531

Rauschbrand. See Blackleg.

Rectal injections, uses and methods, 9

Rectum— full, obstruction to parturition, 178 method of administering medicines, 9

Red dysentery, note, 526

Red water, description, symptoms, and treatment, 119

Regulations, sanitary, for controlling Texas fever, 495

Renal calculi, description and treatment, 139

Rennet, hernia affecting, description and treatment, 38

Respiration— examination, 89 organs, methods of diagnosis, 37 organs, noncontagious diseases affecting, chapter by William H. Lowe, 87-100

Retina, eye, description, 342

Rheumatism— articular and muscular, symptoms, prevention, and treatment, 287, 288 intercostal muscles, description and treatment, 101

Rhode Island, foot-and-mouth disease, 387, 388

Ribs, fracture, cause and treatment, 281

Rickets— description and treatment, 267 in young calves, description and treatment, 263

Rinderpest, description, cause, symptoms, etc., 379-383

Ringing, bull, method, 291

Ringworm, description, symptoms, and treatment, 332

Roundworms— description, 524 eye, treatment, 531 intestine, kinds and treatment, 523 stomach, description, 519

Rumen— distention with food, description and treatment, 22 hernia, description and cause, 37

Rumenotomy, description, 294

Rupture— bladder, symptoms, 218 danger in castration of cattle, 300 heart, description, 82 womb, cause and treatment, 219

Ruptures— and lacerations of the vagina, description and treatment, 219-220 description and cause, 37

Russia, foot-and-mouth disease, 382

Saccharomyces albicans, parasite of aphtha, or thrush, 263

Salivation— cause, symptoms, and treatment, 15 symptoms of foot-and-mouth disease, 383

Salt, common, poisoning, description, symptoms, and treatment, 61

Saltpeter poisoning, description, symptoms, and treatment, 60

Salts, medicated, doubtful value against worms, 523

Sarcoma tumor, description and treatment, 315

Satyriasis in male, cause and treatment, 148

Scab, mange, itch, description of kinds and treatment, 513

Scabby teats, treatment, 243

Scalds, causes and treatment, 333

Schistosoma bovis, cause of bloody urine, 530

Scleroderma, description, 330

Sclerotic membrane of eye, description, 341

Scouring— acute contagious, in newborn calves, description, prevention, and treatment, 261 causes, symptoms, prevention, and treatment, 253-263

Scours— and poverty jaw, caused by twisted wireworm, treatment, 519 causes, symptoms, and treatment, 32

Screens, use against flies, remarks, 503

Screwworms— affecting animals, description and remedy, 506 control by dipping, 506

Scurf, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 329

Scurfy ears, cause and treatment, 356

Sebaceous cysts, description and treatment, 330

Sebaceous glands, location, 321

Seborrhea, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 329

Septicemia— causes, symptoms, and treatment, 395 gangrenous, description, symptoms, and treatment, 472 hemorrhagic, causes, symptoms, etc, 397-401 hemorrhagic, control by vaccination, etc, 401

Septicemic inflammation of joints in calves, description, symptoms, and treatment, 251

Serous cysts, description and treatment, 318

Serum, use against anthrax, 455

Setaria labiato-papillosa, embryo in blood, note, 529

Setoning, description and use, 293

Sheath— calculi affecting, treatment, 144 inflammation, causes and treatment, 153 penis, inflammation from bruising, prevention and treatment, 155

Sheep, dose of vaccine against anthrax, 455

Shoulder joint, sprain, causes and treatment, 269

Skeleton, number of bones, 264

Skin— description, 318 diseases, chapter by M. R. Trumbower, 320-334 gas or air under, symptoms and treatment, 334 glands, location and use, 321 inflammatory diseases, causes and treatment, 323 parasites affecting, description and treatment, 502-521 secretions and growths, descriptions, causes, and treatment, 329-331 wounds, kinds, description and treatment, 333-334

Skull, fracture, description and treatment, 278

Slinking, calf, description, 165

Snake bites, description, symptoms, and treatment, 14, 69

Sore mouth— characteristic differences from foot-and-mouth disease, 391-392 reference, 532

Sore throat, cause and treatment, 17, 93

Sore tongue, reference, 533

Soreness, foot, description and treatment, 335

Southern cattle fever. See Texas fever.

Spanish-fly poisoning, description and treatment, 72

Spasm of the neck of the bladder, description and treatment, 128

Spavin, description and treatment, 284

Spaying, description of operation, 301

Spinal column, fracture, description and treatment, 279

Spinal cord— congestion, description, symptom, and treatment, 110 description, 102 injuries, description, 109

Spleen— diseases, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 44-45 inflammation, description, 45

Splenetic fever. See Texas fever.

Splenitis, description, 45

Split hoof, description and treatment, 338

Sporadic— aphthae, reference, 532 stomatitis aphthosa, reference, 532

Sprain— fetlock, causes and treatment, 269 hip, cause and treatment, 270 shoulder joint, causes and treatment, 269

Sprains, description and treatment, 268

Squinting, description, 349

Stable flies (Stomoxys calcitrans), affecting cattle, 503

Stabling, value against stomach worms, 521-522

Staggers, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 103, 529

Staphylococcus pyogenes aureus and S. pyogenes citreus, bacteria of abscess, 237

Staphyloma, description, symptoms, and treatment, 348

Sterility, causes, 151

Stings— venomous. See Snake bites. wasps and bees, description and treatment, 71

Stomach— diseases affecting, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 22-34 fourth, affected with hernia, description and treatment, 38 hair balls in, 29 parasites affecting, treatment, 519, 524, 529 roundworms affecting, 524 traumatic inflammation, cause, symptoms, and treatment, 34 worm— encysted, description and treatment, 523 sanitary measures for suppression, 521-522 worms, different kinds affecting cattle, 519

Stomatitis— cause, symptoms, and treatment, 17 characteristic differences from foot-and-mouth disease, 391-393 mycotic. See Mycotic stomatitis. necrotic, description, symptoms, treatment, etc., 464-469

Stomoxys calcitrans affecting cattle, 503

Stone— bladder, obstruction to parturition, 178 bladder, symptoms and treatment, 142 description and causes, 130 effect of different feeds, 132-134 kidney, description and treatment, 139

Strabismus, description, 349

Straw, breeding place of stable fly, 503

Streptococcus pyogenes, bacteria of abscess, 237

String, navel, constricting member of fetus, description, 179

Stringy milk, cause and treatment, 242

Strongylus micrurus, parasite of verminous bronchitis, 100

Struma, cause, description, symptoms, and treatment, 310

Strychnin poisoning, description and treatment, 62

Sudorific glands, location and use, 321

Sugar in urine, description, 123

Sunstroke, symptoms and treatment, 108

Suppression, milk, cause and treatment, 241

Surfeit, description, causes, and treatment, 324

Surgery, discussion, 289

Surgical operations— asepsis, importance, 289 chapter by William Dickson and William H. Lowe, 289-302 manner of securing the animals during, 290 uses of anesthesia, 289

Swamp lands, drainage as measure against fluke disease, 527

Sweat glands, location and use, 322

Sweden, foot-and-mouth disease, 386

Swelling of calf with gas, cause and treatment, 181

Switzerland, foot-and-mouth disease, 385

Symptomatic anthrax. See Blackleg.

Taenia saginatae, tapeworm cysts, presence in cattle, 529

Tail, wolf in, imaginary disease, 27

Tapeworm cysts, source of injury to cattle, 529

Tapeworms— adult, of small intestine, species and remedy, 523 cysts in muscles of cattle, 529 cysts of liver, 527

Tarsus, fracture, description and treatment, 281

Teats— blocked by calculus, treatment, 243 blocked by concretion of casein, cause and treatment, 243 blocked by warty and other growth inside, description and treatment, 244 chapped, cause and treatment, 243 opening in the side, description and treatment, 245 scabby, treatment, 243 warts affecting, treatment, 243

Teeth— caries, description, 16 irregularities, cause and treatment, 16

Temperature— how to examine, 90 limits for dipping bath, 490

Test, tuberculin. See Tuberculin test.

Testicles, congestion and inflammation, description and treatment, 152

Tetanus— danger in castration of cattle, 300 reference, 405

Texas fever— description, symptoms, prevention, etc, 475-501 immunization of northern cattle, 495 infection carried by the cattle tick (Margaropus annulatus), 480 injurious effect of ticks, 482 loss occasioned by cattle ticks, 483 methods of eradication, 487-500 nature of the disease, 476 period of incubation of ticks, 486 prevention, 487 quarantine regulations, 495 symptoms and pathological changes after death, 478-480 tick eradication, plan of work, 487

Threadworms in abdominal cavity of cattle, 529

Throat, sore, symptoms, causes, and treatment, 17

Thrombosis, description and symptoms, 85

Thrush— calf, description and treatment, 263 parasite (Saccharomyces albicans), cause, 263

Ticks— cattle, time required to kill, 488 ear, 518 injury to cattle hides, 484 parasites of cattle, note, 502 See also Cattle tick; Texas fever.

Tilletia caries in wheat, effect on cattle, 13

Tinea favosa, description, symptoms, and treatment, 332

Tinea tonsurans, description, symptoms, and treatment, 332

Tracheotomy, description, 294

Traumatic inflammation of the stomach, cause, symptoms, and treatment, 34

Trichiasis, treatment, 350

Trichodectes scalaris (red louse), description and treatment, 513

Trichophyton tonsurans, fungus causing Tinea tonsurans, 332

Trumbower, M. R.— chapter on "Diseases of the ear", 353-357 chapter on "Diseases of the eye and its appendages", 340-354 chapter on "Diseases of the foot", 335-339 chapter on "Diseases of the skin", 320-334

Trypanosoma brucei, cause of nagana, or tsetse-fly disease, 500

Tsetse-fly disease, description, symptoms, and treatment, 500

Tuberculin test— description and history, 417 harmless to healthy animals, 426 summary of directions for making, 427

Tuberculosis— bovine, and public health, 430 cause and nature of disease, 411 occurrence, 407 statistics of tests in United States, 410 symptoms and diagnosis, 416-417 transmissibility of human and bovine, 432 treatment, 428

Tumor— bony, description and treatment, 314 chrondroma, description and treatment, 314 fibroma, description and treatment, 311 hairy, on eyeball, description and treatment, 349 lipoma, description and treatment, 314 sarcoma, description and treatment, 315

Tumors— brain, description, 112 calf, description and treatment, 181 cattle, chapter by John R. Mohler, 303-319 definition and description, 303 description, 303, 305, 307 description of kinds, 309 diagnosis, 308 eyelid, description and treatment, 350 general treatment, 309 kidney, description, 128 malignant and benign, description, 306 orbit, cause and treatment, 353 pharynx, description and treatment, 19

Twisted stomach worms, description and treatment, 519-523

Twisting— and knotting of the bowels, causes, symptoms, post-mortem appearance, and treatment, 35 of the neck of the womb, description and treatment, 176

Tympanites— acute, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 22 chronic, causes and treatment, 25

Udder— congestion, description and treatment, 233 contagious inflammation affecting, description, prevention, and treatment, 237 inflammation, description, symptoms, and treatment, 234

Ulceration, heel, causes and treatment, 337

Ulcerative stomatitis. See Necrotic stomatitis.

Ulcers— calves. See Necrotic stomatitis. cornea, cause, symptoms, and treatment, 347 penis, cause and treatment, 157

Umbilical hernia— description, causes, and treatment, 39 symptoms and treatment, 252

Umbilical phlebitis, description, causes, and treatment, 249

Urachus— inflammation, causes and treatment, 248 persistent, description and treatment, 248

Ureteral calculi, description and treatment, 139

Urethra, inflammation affecting, description and treatment, 156

Urethral calculus, symptoms and treatment, 142

Urinary calculi— classification, 138 description and causes, 130, 137 effect of different feeds, 133

Urinary disorders, symptoms, 118

Urinary organs— diseases, chapter by James Law, 113-146 functions, 113

Urine— albumin in, description and treatment, 121 amount passed daily, 115 analyses under different rations, 114 bloody, caused by blood flukes, 526 bloody, description, symptoms, and treatment, 119 cow, analysis, 114 discharged through navel, description and treatment, 248 excessive secretion, cause and treatment, 118 incontinence, cause and treatment, 130 ox, analysis, 115 retention, effect, cause, and treatment, 128 sugar in, description, 123

Urticaria, description, causes and treatment, 124

Uruguay, foot-and-mouth disease, 386

Uterus— hernia affecting, cause and treatment, 162 polypus affecting, description and treatment, 157

Vaccination, disadvantages in use against anthrax, 457

Vaccine— anthrax, care and use, 457 blackleg, free distribution, note, 463 preparation and use against hemorrhagic septicemia, 395

Vagina— clots of blood on walls, description and treatment, 220 inflammation, causes and treatment, 223 lacerations and rupture, description and treatment, 219 polypus affecting, description and treatment, 157

Vaginae prolapsus, description and treatment, 162

Vaginal walls, affected with coagulated blood after calving, treatment, 179

Vaginitis, causes and treatment, 223

Valves, heart, diseases affecting, symptoms and treatment, 80

Variola, description, symptoms, and treatment, 438

Vegetable— acids, poisonous, description and treatment, 58 poisons— note, 61 uses as medicine, description, symptoms, and treatment, 61-69

Veins— inflammation, description and treatment, 86 wounds, description and treatment, 83

Venereal desire, diminution or loss, cause, prevention, and treatment, 149

Venereal excess, cause and treatment, 148

Venomous stings. See Snake bites.

Ventral hernia, description and causes, 37

Verminous bronchitis— description, symptoms, and prevention, 100 parasites causing, 100

Vermont, foot-and-mouth disease, 387

Verruca, description, cause, and treatment, 331

Vertebra, fracture, description, and treatment, 279

Vesical calculus, symptoms and treatment, 142

Vesicular eruption of genital organs, description, symptoms, and treatment, 401

Vesicular exanthema, symptoms and treatment, 401

Veterinarians, views on foot-and-mouth disease in man, 395

Virginia, foot-and-mouth disease, 388

Vitreous humor of the eye, description, 342

Vomiting, symptoms, cause, and treatment, 27

Wall, hoof, fissure, description and treatment, 338

Warble fly— damages, estimate, 510 European species, appearance in United States, 510

Warbles— description and treatment, 507 penetration of skins of cattle, 508 reference, 333

Warts— description, causes, and treatment, 312, 331 penis, treatment, 156 teats, treatment, 243

Washington, foot-and-mouth disease, 388

Wasp stings, description and treatment, 71

Water— blisters, symptoms and treatment, 328 cold, drinking, a cause of indigestion, symptoms and treatment, 33 head of calf, description and treatment, 179

Weather, relation to occurrence of mycotic stomatitis, 392

Wens, description and treatment, 330

West Virginia, foot-and-mouth disease, 388

Wisconsin, foot-and-mouth disease, 388

Withers, casting, cause and treatment, 215

Wolf in the tail, imaginary disease, 27

Womb— bleeding from, description, symptoms, and treatment, 214 dropsy, description and treatment, 162 eversion, cause and treatment, 215 fetus developing outside, description and treatment, 163 inflammation, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 224 mouth, induration, description and treatment, 176 rupture, cause and treatment, 219 twisting of neck, description and treatment, 176

Wooden tongue. See Actinomycosis.

Wood-ill, description, symptoms, and treatment, 119

Worm— encysted stomach, description and treatment, 523 eye, description and treatment, 349

Worms— bladder, description, 528 lung, of cattle, description and treatment, 530 screw, description and remedies, 506 thread, in abdominal cavity of cattle, 529 twisted stomach, description and treatment, 519-520

Wounds— abdomen, causes, symptoms, and treatment, 43 arteries and veins, description and treatment, 83 contused and lacerated, description and treatment, 298 contusions of the lips and snake bites of mouth, description and treatment, 14 danger of infection from foot-and-mouth disease, 394 drainage, necessity, 298 gullet, description and treatment, 22 healing, treatment and dressing, description, 298 hoof, treatment, 338 incised— description and treatment, 295 punctured, and lacerated, description and treatment, 295-299 mouth, snake bites and contusions of lips, treatment, 14 penis, cause and treatment, 156 skin, kinds, description, and treatment, 333-334 treatment, summary of care after dressing, 298

Yellows, description, symptoms, and treatment, 44

Zinc poisoning, description and treatment, 57


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