The great master of League records, and the whilom Secretary of the League since its organization, Mr. Young, is known throughout the entire base ball world, alike for the integrity of his character, the geniality of his disposition and the marked industry and persevering application which has characterized the discharge of his onerous official duties.
It is well known that "Old Nick" is frequently alluded to in daily life as the arch-fiend of the world; but the Old Nick of the base ball arena presents a character the very opposite in every respect of his devilish namesake—the one being the spirit of evil, and the other the spirit of honor and good nature. Long may he live to honor the position and uphold the reformation in the base ball world which his predecessors so creditably originated and supported.
Mr. Young is a native of Amsterdam, N.Y. He was but a mere boy at the outbreak of the war between the States, but he was game to the core and among the first from his home country to enlist in the Union service. Just before the war he appeared as an athletic young fellow with muscles that would have done credit to one as large again as he was. He was looked on as the best cricket player in the section of the country in which he lived, playing frequently on elevens which had besides himself George and Harry Wright as members. You should hear Nick relate anecdotes of his career as a cricketer. At the close of the war Mr. Young made Washington his residence, and securing a position in the Second Auditor's Department, being an excellent accountant, he has occupied his position through several administrations. From cricket he became interested in the national game of base ball, and eventually, in connection with Mr. A.G. Mills, he started the old Olympic club of Washington, and then it was that he took the field again. In 1871 he was elected Secretary of the old "National Association of Base Ball Players"—not of clubs, but of players—and in 1884, he succeeded Mr. Mills as President of the National League, which organization succeeded the National Association, which had become rotten.
* * * * *
As adopted by the National League and American Association of Professional Base Ball Clubs.
RULE 1. The Ground must be an inclosed field, sufficient in size to enable each player to play in his position as required by these Rules.
RULE 2. To lay off the lines governing the positions and play off the Game known as Base Ball, proceed as follows:
From a point, A, within the grounds, project a right line out into the field, and at a point, B, 154 feet from point A, lay off lines BC and BD at right angles to the line AB; then with B as centre and 63.63945 feet as radius, describe arcs cutting the lines BA at F and BC at G; BD at H ; and BE at I. Draw lines FG, GE, EH and HF, and said lines will be the containing lines of the Diamond or Infield.
RULE 3. With F as centre and 90 feet radius, an arc cutting line FA at L, and draw lines LM and LO at right angles to FA; and continue same out from FA not less than 90 feet.
RULE 4. From the intersection point, F, continue the straight lines FG and FH until they intersect with the lines LM and LI, and then from the points G and H in the opposite direction until they reach the boundary lines of the grounds.
RULE 5. With F as centre and 50 feet radius, describe arcs cutting lines FO and EM at P and Q, then with F as centre again and 75 feet radius describe arcs cutting FG and FH at R and S; then from the points P Q R and S draw lines at right angles to the lines FO, FM, FG, and FH, and continue same until they intersect at the points T W and W.
RULE 6. With R and S as centres and 15 feet radius, describe arcs cutting lines RW and ST at X and Y, and from the points X and Y draw lines parallel with lines FH and FG, and continue same out to the boundary lines of the ground.
RULE 7. With F as centre and 45 feet radius, describe an arc cutting line FG at 1, and from 1 out to the distance of 3 feet draw a line at right angles to FG, and marked point 2; then from point 2, draw a line parallel with the line FG to a point 3 feet beyond the point G, and marked 3; then from the point 3 draw a line at right angles to line 2, 3, back to and intersecting with line FG, and from thence back along line GF to point 1.
RULE 8. With point F as centre and 60.5 feet as radius, describe an arc cutting the line FB at a point 4, and draw a line 5, 6, passing through point 4 and extending 12 inches on either side of line FB; then with line 5, 6, as a side, describe a parallelogram 24 inches by 6 inches.
RULE 9. Within the angle F, describe a square the sides of which shall be 12 inches, two of its sides lying upon the lines FG and FH, and within the angles G and H describe squares the side of which shall be 15 inches, the two outer sides of said square lying upon the lines FG and GI and FH and HI, and at the angle E describe a square whose side shall be 15 inches and so described that its sides shall be parallel with GI and IH and its centre immediately over the angular point E.
RULE 10. On either side of the line AFB describe two parallelograms 6 feet long and 4 feet wide (marked 8 and 9), their length being parallel with the line AFB, their distance apart being 6 inches, added to each end of the length of the diagonal of the square within the angle F, and the centre of their length being upon said diagonal.
RULE 11. The Home Base at F and the Pitcher's Plate at 4 must be of whitened rubber and so fixed in the ground as to be even with the surface.
RULE 12. The First Base at G, the Second Base at E, and the Third Base at H, must be of white canvas bags, filled with soft material, and securely fastened in their positions described in Rule 9.
RULE 13. The lines described in Rules 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 10 must be marked with lime, chalk, or other suitable material, so as to be distinctly seen by the Umpire.
RULE 14. The Ball.[A] [Footnote A: The Spalding League Ball has been adopted by the National League for the past sixteen years, and is used in all League contests.
For junior clubs (clubs composed of boys under 16 years of age) we recommend them to use the Spalding Boys' League Ball, and that games played by junior clubs with this ball will count as legal games the same as if played with the Official League Ball.]
SECTION 1. Must not weigh less than five nor more than five and one-quarter ounces avoirdupois, and measure not less than nine nor more than nine and one-quarter inches in circumference. The Spalding League Ball, or the Reach American Association Ball, must be used in all games played under these rules.
SECTION. 2. For each championship game two balls shall be furnished by the Home Club to the Umpire for use. When the ball in play is batted to foul ground, out of sight of the Umpire, the other ball shall be immediately brought into play. As often as one of the two in use shall be lost a new one must be substituted, so that the Umpire shall at all times after the game begins have two balls for use. The moment the Umpire delivers an alternate ball to the pitcher it comes into play, and shall not be exchanged until it, in turn, passes out of sight to foul ground.
SECTION. 3. In all games the ball or balls played with shall be furnished by the Home Club, and the last ball in play becomes the property of the winning club. Each ball to be used in championship games shall be examined, measured and weighed by the Secretary of the Association, inclosed in a paper box and sealed with the seal of the Secretary, which seal shall not be broken except by the Umpire in the presence of the Captains of the two contesting nines after play has been called.
SECTION. 4. Should the ball become out of shape, or cut or ripped so as to expose the interior, or in any way so injured as to be, in the opinion of the Umpire, unfit for fair use, he shall, upon appeal by either Captain, at once put the alternate ball into play and call for a new one.
RULE 15. The Bat.
Must be made entirely of hard wood, except that the handle may be wound with twine, or a granulated substance applied, not to exceed eighteen inches from the end.
It must be round, not exceed two and three-quarter inches in diameter in the thickest part, and must not exceed forty-two inches in length.
RULE 16. The players of each club in a game shall be nine in number, one of whom shall act as Captain, and in no case shall less than nine men be allowed to play on each side.
RULE 17. The players' positions shall be such as may be assigned them by their Captain, except that the pitcher must take the position as defined in Rules 8 and 29.
RULE 18. Players in uniform shall not be permitted to occupy seats among the spectators.
RULE 19. SECTION 1. Every club shall adopt uniforms for its players, but no player shall attach anything to the sole or heel of his shoes other than the ordinary base ball shoe plate.
SECTION. 2. The catcher and first baseman are permitted to wear a glove or mitt of any size, shape or weight. All other players are restricted to the use of a glove or mitt weighing not over ten ounces, and measuring in circumference around the palm of the hand not over fourteen inches.
RULE 20. The Players' Benches must be furnished by the Home Club, and placed upon a portion of the ground outside of, and not nearer than twenty-five feet to, the players' lines. One such bench must be for the exclusive use of the visiting club, and one for the exclusive use of the home club, and the players of the competing teams shall be required to occupy their respective benches while not engaged in active play.
RULE 21. SECTION 1. Every Championship game must be commenced not later than two hours before sunset.
SECTION. 2. A Game shall consist of nine innings to each contesting nine, except that
(a) If the side first at bat scores less runs in nine innings than the other side has scored in eight innings, the game shall then terminate.
(b) If the side last at bat in the ninth innings scores the winning run before the third man is out, the game shall terminate.
RULE 22. If the score be a tie at the end of nine innings, play shall be continued until one side has scored more runs than the other in an equal number of innings, provided that if the side last at bat scores the winning run before the third man is out the game shall terminate. A DRAWN GAME.
RULE 23. A Drawn Game shall be declared by the Umpire when he terminates a game on account of darkness or rain, after five equal innings have been played, if the score at the time is equal on the last even innings played; but (exception) if the side that went second to bat is then at the bat, and has scored the same number of runs as the other side, the Umpire shall declare the game drawn without regard to the score of the last equal innings.
RULE 24. If the Umpire calls "Game" on account of darkness or rain at any time after five innings have been completed, the score shall be that of the last equal innings played, unless the side second at bat shall have scored one or more runs than the side first at bat, in which case the score of the game shall be the total number of runs made.
RULE 25. A forfeited game shall be declared by the Umpire in favor of the club not in fault, at the request of such club, in the following cases:
SECTION 1. If the nine of a club fail to appear upon a field, or being upon the field, fail to begin the game within five minutes after the Umpire has called "Play," at the hour appointed for the beginning of the game, unless such delay in appearing or in commencing the game be unavoidable.
SECTION. 2. If, after the game has begun, one side refuses or fails to continue playing, unless such game has been suspended or terminated by the Umpire.
SECTION. 3. If, after play has been suspended by the Umpire, one side fails to resume playing within one minute after the Umpire has called "Play."
SECTION. 4. If a team resorts to dilatory practice to delay the game.
SECTION. 5. If, in the opinion of the Umpire, any one of these rules is willfully violated.
SECTION. 6. If, after ordering the removal of a player as authorized by Rule 59, Sec. 5, said order is not obeyed within one minute.
SECTION. 7. In case the Umpire declares a game forfeited, he shall transmit a written notice thereof to the President of the Association within twenty-four hours thereafter.
RULE 26. "No Game" shall be declared by the Umpire if he shall terminate play on account of rain or darkness, before five innings on each side are completed, except in a case when the game is called, and the club second at bat shall have more runs at the end of its fourth innings than the club first at bat has made in its five innings, then the Umpire shall award the game to the club having made the greatest number of runs, and it shall be a game and be so counted in the Championship record.
RULE 27. SECTION 1. In every championship game each team shall be required to have present on the field, in uniform, one or more substitute players.
SECTION. 2. Any such player may be substituted at any time by either club, but no player thereby retired shall thereafter participate in the game.
SECTION. 3. The Base Runner shall not have a substitute run for him except by consent of the Captains of the contesting teams.
RULE 28. The choice of innings shall be given to the Captain of the Home Club, who shall also be the sole judge of the fitness of the ground for beginning a game after rain.
RULE 29. The Pitcher shall take his position facing the Batsman with both feet square on the ground, and in front of the Pitcher's plate, but in the act of delivering the ball one foot must be in contact with the pitcher's plate, defined in Rule 8. He shall not raise either foot, unless in the act of delivering the ball, nor make more than one step in such delivery. He shall hold the ball, before the delivery, fairly in front of his body, and in sight of the Umpire. When the Pitcher feigns to throw the ball to a base he must resume the above position and pause momentarily before delivering the ball to the bat.
RULE 30. A Fair Ball is a ball delivered by the Pitcher while standing in his position, and facing the Batsman, the ball so delivered to pass over the Home Base, not lower than the Batsman's knee, nor higher than his shoulder.
RULE 31. An Unfair Ball is a ball delivered by the Pitcher, as in Rule 30, except that the ball does not pass over the Home Base, or does pass over the Home Base above the Batsman's shoulder or below the knee.
RULE 32. A Balk shall be:
SECTION 1. Any motion made by the Pitcher to deliver the ball to the bat without delivering it.
SECTION. 2. The holding of the ball by the Pitcher so long as to delay the game unnecessarily.
SECTION. 3. Any motion in delivering the ball to the bat by the Pitcher while not in the position defined in Rule 29.
RULE 33. A Dead Ball is a ball delivered to the bat by the Pitcher that touches any part of the Batsman's person or clothing while standing in his position without being struck at; or any part of the Umpire's person or clothing, while on foul ground, without first passing the Catcher.
RULE 34. In case of a Foul Strike, Foul Hit ball not legally caught out, Dead Ball, or Base Runner put out for being struck by a fair hit ball, the ball shall not be considered in play until it is held by the Pitcher standing in his position, and the Umpire shall have called play.
RULE 35. SECTION 1. A Block is a batted or thrown ball that is touched, stopped or handled by any person not engaged in the game.
SECTION. 2. Whenever a Block occurs the Umpire shall declare it, and Base Runners may run the bases without being put out until the ball has been returned to and held by the pitcher standing in his position.
SECTION. 3. In the case of a Block, if the person not engaged in the game should retain possession of the ball, or throw or kick it beyond the reach of the Fielders, the Umpire should call "Time," and require each Base Runner to stop at the last base touched by him until the ball be returned to the pitcher standing in his position, and the Umpire shall have called play.
RULE 36. The Batsmen must take their positions within the Batsmen's Lines, as defined in Rule 10, in the order in which they are named in the batting order, which batting order must be submitted by the Captains of the opposing teams to the Umpire before the game, and this batting order must be followed except in the case of a substitute player, in which case the substitute must take the place of the original player in the batting order. After the first inning the first striker in each inning shall be the batsman whose name follows that of the last man who has completed his turn—time at bat—in the preceding inning.
RULE 37. SECTION 1. When their side goes to the bat the players must immediately return to the players' bench, as defined in Rule 20, and remain there until the side is put out, except when batsmen or base runners; provided, that the Captain and one assistant only may occupy the space between the Players' Lines and the Captain's Lines, to coach base runners.
SECTION. 2. No player of the side "at bat," except when batsman, shall occupy any portion of the space within the Catcher's Lines, as defined in Rule 3. The triangular space behind the Home Base is reserved for the exclusive use of Umpire, Catcher and Batsman, and the Umpire must prohibit any player of the side "at bat" from crossing the same at any time while the ball is in the hands of, or passing between the Pitcher and Catcher, while standing in their positions.
SECTION. 3. The players of the side "at bat" must occupy the portion of the field allotted them, but must speedily vacate any portion thereof that may be in the way of the ball, or any Fielder attempting to catch or field it.
RULE 38. A Fair Hit is a ball batted by the Batsman, standing in his position, that first touches any part of the person of a player or umpire or falls within the foul lines, that (whether it first touches Foul or Fair Ground) bounds or rolls within the Foul Lines, between Home and First, or Home and Third Bases, without interference by a player.
RULE 39. A Foul Hit is a ball batted by the Batsman, standing in his position, that first touches the ground, any part of the person of a player, or any object behind either of the Foul Lines, or that strikes the person of such Batsman, while standing in his position, or batted by the Batsman, standing in his position, that (whether it first touches Foul or Fair Ground) bounds or rolls outside the Foul Lines, between Home and First or Home and Third Bases, without interference by a player: Provided, that a Foul Hit ball not rising above the Batsman's head, and caught by the Catcher playing within ten feet of the Home Base, shall be termed a Foul Tip.
RULE 40. A bunt hit is a deliberate attempt on the part of the Batsman to hit a ball slowly within the infield so that it cannot be fielded by any infielder in time to retire the batsman.
RULE 41. When a batted ball passes outside the grounds, the Umpire shall decide it Fair should it disappear within, or Foul should it disappear outside of, the range of the Foul Lines, and Rules 38 and 39 are to be construed accordingly.
RULE 42. A Fair batted ball that goes over the fence shall entitle the batsman to a home run, except that should it go over the fence at a less distance than two hundred and thirty-five feet from the Home Base, when he shall be entitled to two bases only, and a distinctive line shall be marked on the fence at this point.
RULE 43. A strike is:
SECTION 1. A ball struck at by the Batsman without its touching his bat; or
SECTION. 2. A Fair Ball legally delivered by the Pitcher, but not struck at by the Batsman.
SECTION. 3. Any obvious attempt to make a Foul Hit.
SECTION. 4. A Foul Hit, other than a Foul Tip, made by the Batsman while attempting a bunt hit, as defined in Rule 40, that falls or rolls upon foul ground between Home Base and First Base or Home Base and Third Base.
SECTION. 5. A ball struck at, if the ball touches any part of the Batsman's person.
SECTION. 6. A ball tipped by the Batsman and caught by the catcher within the 10-foot lines.
RULE 44. A Foul Strike is a ball batted by the Batsman when any part of his person is upon ground outside the lines of the Batsman's position.
RULE 45. The Batsman is out:
SECTION 1. If he fails to take his position at the bat in his order of batting, unless the error be discovered and the proper Batsman takes his position before a time "at bat" recorded; and in such case the balls and strikes called must be counted in the time "at bat" of the proper Batsman, and only the proper Batsman shall be declared out: Provided, this rule shall not take effect unless the out is declared before the ball is delivered to the succeeding Batsman, and no runs shall be scored or bases run, and further, no outs shall be counted other than that of the proper Batsman.
SECTION. 2. If he fails to take his position within one minute after the Umpire has called for the Batsman.
SECTION. 3. If he makes a Foul Hit other than a Foul Tip, as defined in Rule 39, and the ball be momentarily held by a Fielder before touching the ground, provided it be not caught in a Fielder's hat or cap, or touch some object other than a Fielder, before being caught.
SECTION. 4. If he makes a Foul Strike.
SECTION. 5. If he attempts to hinder the Catcher from fielding or throwing the ball by stepping outside the lines of his position, or otherwise obstructing or interfering with the player.
SECTION. 6. If, while the First Base be occupied by a base runner, three strikes be called on him by the Umpire, except when two men are already out.
SECTION. 7. If, after two strikes have been called, the Batsman obviously attempts to make a foul hit, as in Rule 43, Section 3.
SECTION. 8. If, while attempting a third strike, the ball touches any part of the Batsman's person, in which case base runners occupying bases shall return, as prescribed in Rule 49, Section 5.
SECTION. 9. If he hits a fly ball that can be handled by an infielder while first and second bases are occupied, or first, second and third, with only one out.
SECTION. 10. If the third strike is called in accordance with Section 4, Rule 43, in such case the Umpire shall, as soon as the ball is hit, declare infield or outfield hit.
RULE 46. The Batsman becomes a Base Runner:
SECTION 1. Instantly after he makes a Fair Hit.
SECTION. 2. Instantly after four balls have been called by the Umpire.
SECTION. 3. Instantly after three strikes have been decided by the Umpire.
SECTION. 4. If, while he be a Batsman, without making any attempt to strike, his person—excepting hands or forearm, which makes it a dead ball—or clothing be hit by a ball from the Pitcher; unless, in the opinion of the Umpire, he intentionally permits himself to be so hit.
SECTION. 5. Instantly after an illegal delivery of a ball by the Pitcher.
RULE 47. The Base Runner must touch each base in regular order, viz., First, Second, Third and Home Bases, and when obliged to return (except on a foul hit) must retouch the base or bases in reverse order. He shall only be considered as holding a base after touching it, and shall then be entitled to hold such base until he has legally touched the next base in order, or has been legally forced to vacate it for a succeeding Base Runner.
RULE 48. The Base Runner shall be entitled, without being put out, to take the base in the following cases:
SECTION 1. If, while he was Batsman, the Umpire called four balls.
SECTION. 2. If the Umpire awards a succeeding batsman a base on four balls, or for being hit with a pitched ball, or in case of an illegal delivery—as in Rule 46, Section 5—and the Base Runner is thereby forced to vacate the base held by him.
SECTION. 3. If the Umpire calls a "balk." SECTION. 4. If a ball, delivered by the Pitcher, pass the Catcher and touch the Umpire, or any fence or building within ninety feet of the Home Base.
SECTION. 5. If, upon a fair hit, the ball strikes the person or clothing of the Umpire on fair ground.
SECTION. 6. If he be prevented from making a base by the obstruction of an adversary.
SECTION. 7. If the Fielder stop or catch a batted ball with his hat or any part of his dress.
RULE 49. The Base Runner shall return to his base, and shall be entitled to so return without being put out:
SECTION 1. If the Umpire declares a Foul Tip (as defined in Rule 39), or any other Foul Hit not legally caught by a fielder.
SECTION. 2. If the Umpire declares a Foul Strike.
SECTION. 3. If the Umpire declares a Dead Ball, unless it be also the fourth Unfair Ball and he be thereby forced to take the next base, as provided in Rule 48, Section 2.
SECTION. 4. If the person or clothing of the Umpire interferes with the Catcher, or he is struck by a ball thrown by the Catcher to intercept a Base Runner.
SECTION. 5. The Base Runner shall return to his base, if, while attempting a strike, the ball touches any part of the Batsman's person.
RULE 50. The Base Runner is out:
SECTION 1. If, after three strikes have been declared against him while Batsman, and the Catcher fail to catch the third strike ball, he plainly attempts to hinder the Catcher from fielding the ball.
SECTION. 2. If, having made a Fair Hit while Batsman, such fair hit ball be momentarily held by a Fielder, before touching the ground, or any object other than a Fielder: Provided, it be not, caught in a Fielder's hat or cap.
SECTION. 3. If, when the Umpire has declared three strikes on him, while Batsman, the third strike ball be momentarily held by a Fielder before touching the ground: Provided, it be not caught in a Fielder's hat or cap, or touch some object other than a Fielder, before being caught.
SECTION. 4. If, after Three Strikes or a Fair Hit, he be touched with the ball in the hand of a Fielder before he shall have touched First Base.
SECTION. 5. If, after Three Strikes or a Fair Hit, the ball be securely held by a Fielder, while touching First Base with any part of his person, before such Base Runner touches First Base.
SECTION. 6. If, in running the last half of the distance from Home Base to First Base, while the ball is being fielded to First Base, he runs outside the three-foot lines, as defined in Rule 7, unless to avoid a Fielder attempting to field a Batted Ball.
SECTION. 7. If, in running from First to Second Base, from Second to Third Base, or from Third to Home Base, he runs more than three feet from a direct line between such bases, to avoid being touched by the ball in the hands of a Fielder; but in case a Fielder be occupying the Base Runner's proper path, in attempting to field a batted ball, then the Base Runner shall run out of the path, and behind said Fielder, and shall not be declared out for so doing.
SECTION. 8. If he fails to avoid a Fielder attempting to field a batted ball, in the manner described in Sections 6 and 7 of this Rule; or if he in any way obstructs a Fielder attempting to field a batted ball, or intentionally interferes with a thrown ball: Provided, that if two or more Fielders attempt to field a batted ball, and the Base Runner comes in contact with one or more of them, the Umpire shall determine which Fielder is entitled to the benefit of this rule, and shall not decide the Base Runner out for coming in contact with any other fielder.
SECTION. 9. If, at any time while the ball is in play, he be touched by the ball in the hands of a Fielder, unless some part of his person is touching a base he is entitled to occupy: Provided, the ball be held by the Fielder after touching him; but (exception as to First Base), in running to First Base he may overrun said base, without being put out for being off said base, after first touching it, provided he returns at once and retouches the base, after which he may be put out as at any other base. If, in overrunning First Base, he also attempts to run to Second Base, or, after passing the base he turns to his left from the foul line, he shall forfeit such exemption from being put out.
SECTION. 10. If, when a Fair or Foul Hit ball (other than a foul tip as referred to in Rule 39) is legally caught by a Fielder, such ball is legally held by a Fielder on the base occupied by the Base Runner when such ball was struck (or the Base Runner be touches with the ball in the hands of a Fielder), before he retouches said base after such Fair or Foul Hit ball was so caught: Provided, that the Base Runner shall not be out in such case, if, after the ball was legally caught as above, it be delivered to the bat by the Pitcher before the Fielder holds it on said base, or touches the Base Runner with it; but if the Base Runner in attempting to reach a base, detaches it before being touched or forced out, he shall be declared safe.
SECTION. 11. If, when a Batsman becomes a Base Runner, the First Base, or the First and Second Bases, or the First, Second and Third Bases, be occupied, any Base Runner so occupying a base shall cease to be entitled to hold it, until any following Base Runner is put out, and may be put out at the next base or by being touched by the ball in the hands of a Fielder in the same manner as in running to First Base, at any time before any following Base Runner is put out.
SECTION. 12. If a Fair Hit ball strike him before touching the Fielder, and in such case no base shall be run unless forced by the Batsman becoming a base runner, and no run shall be scored; or any other Base Runner put out.
SECTION. 13. If, when running to a base or forced to return to a base, he fail to touch the intervening base or bases, if any, in the order prescribed in Rule 47, he may be put out at the base he fails to touch, or being touched by the ball in the hands of a Fielder, in the same manner as in running to First Base; Provided, that the Base Runner shall not be out in such case if the ball be delivered to the bat by the Pitcher before the Fielder holds it on said base or touches the Base Runner with it.
SECTION. 14. If, when the Umpire calls "Play," after any suspension of a game, he fails to return to and touch the base he occupied when "Time" was called before touching the next base: Provided, the Base Runner shall not be out in such case if the ball be delivered to the bat by the Pitcher before the Fielder holds it on said base or touches the Base Runner with it.
RULE 51. The Umpire shall declare the Batsman or Base Runner out, without waiting for an appeal for such decision, in all cases where such player is put out in accordance with these rules, except as provided in Rule 50, Sections 10 and 14.
RULE 52. The coachers shall be restricted to coaching the Base Runner only, and shall not be allowed to address any remarks except to the Base Runner, and then only in words of necessary direction; and shall not use language which will in any manner refer to or reflect upon a player of the opposing club, the Umpire or the spectators, and not more than two coachers, who may be one player participating in the game and, any other player under contract to it, in the uniform of either club, shall be allowed at any one time. To enforce the above, the Captain of the opposite side may call the attention of the Umpire to the offence, and upon a repetition of the same, the offending player shall be debarred from further participation in the game and shall leave the playing field forthwith.
RULE 53. One run shall be scored every time a Base Runner, after having legally touched the first three bases, shall touch the Home Base before three men are put out by (exception). If the third man is forced out, or is put out before reaching First Base, a run shall not be scored.
RULE 54. The Umpire shall not be changed during the progress of a game, except for reason of illness or injury.
RULE 55. SECTION 1. The Umpire is master of the Field from the commencement to the termination of the game, and is entitled to the respect of the spectators, and any person offering any insult or indignity to him must be promptly ejected from the grounds.
SECTION. 2. He must be invariably addressed by the players as Mr. Umpire; and he must compel the players to observe the provisions of all the Playing Rules, and he is hereby invested with authority to order any player to do or omit to do any act as he may deem necessary, to give force and effect to any and all such provisions.
RULE 56. The Umpire's duties shall be as follows:
SECTION 1. The Umpire is the sole and absolute judge of play. In no instance shall any person, except the Captain of the competing teams, be allowed to address him or question his decisions, and they can only question him on an interpretation of the Rules. No Manager or any other officer of either club shall be permitted to go on the field or address the Umpire, under a penalty of a forfeiture of a game.
SECTION. 2. Before the commencement of a Game, the Umpire shall see that the rules governing all the materials of the Game are strictly observed. He shall ask the Captain of the Home Club whether there are any special ground rules to be enforced, and if there are, he shall see that they are duly enforced, provided they do not conflict with any of these rules.
SECTION. 3. The Umpire must keep the contesting nines playing constantly from the commencement of the game to its termination, allowing such delays only as are rendered unavoidable by accident, injury or rain. He must, until the completion of the game, require the players of each side to promptly take their positions in the field as soon as the third man is put out, and must require the first striker of the opposite side to be in his position at the bat as soon as the fielders are in their places.
SECTION. 4. The Umpire shall count and call every "Unfair Ball" delivered by the Pitcher, and every "Dead Ball," if also an unfair ball, as a "Ball," and he shall count and call every "Strike." Neither a "Ball" nor a "Strike" shall be counted or called until the ball has passed the Home Base. He shall also declare every "Dead Ball," "Block," "Foul Hit," "Foul Strike," and "Balk," "Infield" or "Outfield Hit," as prescribed in Rule 45, Section 9.
RULE 57. The Umpire must call "Play" promptly at the hour designated by the Home Club, and on the call of "Play" the game must immediately begin. When he calls "Time" play shall be suspended until he calls "Play" again, and during the interim no player shall be put out, base be run or run be scored. The Umpire shall suspend play only for an accident to himself or a player (but in case of accident to a Fielder "Time" shall not be called until the ball be returned to and held by the Pitcher, standing in his position), or in case rain falls so heavily that the spectators are compelled, by the severity of the storm, to seek shelter, in which case he shall note the time of suspension, and should such rain continue to fall thirty minutes thereafter, he shall terminate the game; or to enforce order in case of annoyance from spectators.
RULE 58. The Umpire is only allowed, by the Rules, to call "Time" in case of an accident to himself or a player, a "Block" as referred to in Rule 35, Section 3, or in case of rain, as defined by the rule.
RULE 59. The Umpire is empowered to inflict lines of not less than $25.00, nor more than $100.00, for the first offence, on players during the progress of a game, as follows:
SECTION 1. For vulgar, indecent or other improper conduct or language.
SECTION. 2. For the Captain or Coacher willfully failing to remain within the legal bounds of his position, except upon an appeal by the captain from the Umpire's decision upon a misinterpretation of the rules.
SECTION. 3. For the disobedience by a player of any other of his orders, or for any other violation of these rules.
SECTION. 4. Immediately upon notification by the Umpire that a fine has been imposed upon any Manager, Captain or player, the Secretary shall forthwith notify the person so fined, and also the club of which he is a member, and in the event of the failure of the person so fined to pay to the Secretary the amount of said fine within five days of notice, he shall be debarred from participation in any championship game until such fine is paid.
SECTION. 5. The Umpire may remove a player from the playing field for a violation of Section 1 of this rule, in addition to a fine, but under no circumstances shall he remove a player for a violation of Section 2 of this Rule, unless upon a repetition of the offence prescribed therein.
RULE 66. No club shall allow open betting or pool-selling upon its ground, nor in any building owned or occupied by it.
RULE 61. No person shall be allowed upon any part of the field during the progress of the game in addition to the players in uniform, the Manager on each side and the Umpire; except such officers of the law as may be present in uniform, and such officials of the Home Club as may be necessary to preserve the peace.
RULE 62. No Umpire, Manager, Captain or player shall address the spectators during the progress of a game, except in case of necessary explanation.
RULE 63. Every Club shall furnish sufficient police force upon its own grounds to preserve order, and in the event of a crowd entering the field during the progress of a game, and interfering with the play in any manner, the Visiting Club may refuse to play further until the field be cleared. If the ground be not cleared within fifteen minutes thereafter, the Visiting Club may claim, and shall be entitled to, the game by a score of nine runs to none (no matter what number of innings have been played).
RULE 64. "Play" is the order of the Umpire to begin the game, or to resume play after its suspension.
RULE 65. "Time" is the order of the Umpire to suspend play. Such suspension must not extend beyond the day of the game.
RULE 66. "Game" is the announcement by the Umpire that the game is terminated.
RULE 67. An "Inning" is the term at bat of the nine players representing a Club in a game, and is completed when three of such players have been put out, as provided in these rules.
RULE 68. A "Time at Bat" is the term at bat of a Batsman. It begins when he takes his position, and continues until he is put out or becomes a base runner; except when, because of being hit by a pitched ball, or in case of an illegal delivery by the Pitcher, or in case of a sacrifice hit purposely made to the infield which, not being a base hit, advances a base runner without resulting in a put out, except to the Batsman, as in Rule 45.
RULE 69. "Legal" or "Legally" signifies as required by these Rules.
RULE 70. In order to promote uniformity in scoring championship games the following instructions, suggestions and definitions are made for the benefit of scorers, and they are required to make all scores in accordance therewith.
SECTION 1. The first item in the tabulated score, after the player's name and position, shall be the number of times he has been at bat during game. The time or times when the player has been sent to base by being hit by a pitched ball, by the Pitcher's illegal delivery, or by a base on balls, shall not be included in this column.
SECTION. 2. In the second column should be set down the runs made by each player.
SECTION. 3. In the third column should be placed the first base hits made by each player. A base hit should be scored in the following cases:
When the ball from the bat strikes the ground within the foul lines, and out of reach of the Fielders.
When a hit ball is partially or wholly stopped by a Fielder in motion, but such player cannot recover himself in time to handle the ball before the striker reaches First Base.
When a hit ball is hit so sharply to an infielder that he cannot handle it in time to put out the Batsman. In case of doubt over this class of hits, score a base hit, and exempt the Fielder from the charge of an error.
When a ball is hit so slowly toward a Fielder that he cannot handle it in time to put out the Batsman.
That in all cases where a Base Runner is retired by being hit by a batted ball, the Batsman should be credited with a base hit.
When a batted ball hits the person or clothing of the Umpire, as defined in Rule 48, Section 5.
SECTION. 4. In the fourth column shall be placed Sacrifice Hits, which shall be credited to the Batsman, who, when no one is out, or when but one man is out, advances a Runner a base by a bunt sacrifice hit, which results in putting out the Batsman, or would so result if the ball were handled without error.
SECTION. 5. The number of opponents put out by each player shall be set down in the fifth column. Where a Batsman is given out by the Umpire for a foul strike, or where the Batsman fails to bat in proper order, the put out shall be scored to the Catcher.
SECTION. 6. The number of times the player assists shall be set down in the sixth column. An assist should be given to each player who handles the ball in assisting a run out or other play of the kind.
An assist should be given to a player who makes a play in time to put a Runner out, even if the player who could complete the play fails, through no fault of the player assisting.
And generally an assist should be given to each player who handles or assists in any manner in handling the ball from the time it leaves the bat until it reaches the player who makes the put out, or in case of a thrown ball, to each player who throws or handles it cleanly, and in such a way that a put out results, or would result if no error were made by the receiver.
SECTION. 7. An error shall be given in the seventh column for each misplay which allows the striker or base runner to make one or more bases when perfect play would have insured his being put out, except that "wild pitches," "base on balls," bases on the Batsman being struck by a "pitched ball," or in case of illegal pitched balls, balks and passed balls, shall not be included in said column. In scoring errors of batted balls see Section 3 of this Rule.
SECTION. 8. Stolen Bases shall be scored as follows:
Any attempt to steal a base must go to the credit of the Base Runner, whether the ball is thrown wild or muffed by the fielder, but any manifest error is to be charged to the fielder making the same. If the Base Runner advances another base he shall not be credited with a stolen base, and the fielder allowing the advancement is also to be charged with an error. If the Base Runner makes a start and a battery error is made, the runner secures the credit of a stolen base, and the battery error is scored against the player making it. Should a Base Runner overrun a base and then be put out, he shall receive the credit for the stolen base. If a Base Runner advances a base on a fly out, or gains two bases on a single base hit, or an infield out, or attempted out, he shall be credited with a stolen base, provided there is a possible chance and a palpable attempt made to retire him.
SECTION. 9. An earned run shall be scored every time the player reaches the home base unaided by errors before chances have been offered to retire the side.
RULE 71. The Summary shall contain:
SECTION 1. The number of earned runs made by each side.
SECTION. 2. The number of two-base hits made by each player.
SECTION. 3. The number of three-base hits made by each player.
SECTION. 4. The number of home runs made by each player.
SECTION. 5. The number of bases stolen by each player.
SECTION. 6. The number of double and triple plays made by each side, and the names of the players assisting in the same.
SECTION. 7. The number of men given bases on called balls by each Pitcher.
SECTION. 8. The number of men given bases from being hit by pitched balls.
SECTION. 9. The number of men struck out.
SECTION. 10. The number of passed balls by each Catcher.
SECTION. 11. The number of wild pitches by each Pitcher.
SECTION. 12. The time of Game.
SECTION. 13. The name of the Umpire.
RULE. The Ground, 1 The Field, 2 Catcher's Lines, 3 Foul Lines, 4 Players' Lines, 5 The Captain's and Coachers' Lines, 6 Three-foot Line, 7 Pitcher's Plate, 8 The Bases, 9 Batsman's Lines, 10 The Home Base, 11 First, Second and Third Bases, 12 Lines must be Marked, 13 The Ball, 14 Weight and Size, (1) 14 Number Balls Furnished, (2) 14 Furnished by Home Club, (3) 14 Replaced if Injured, (4) 14 The Bat, 15 Material of (1) 15 Shape of (2) 15
Number of Players in Game, 16 Players' Positions, 17 Players not to Sit with Spectators, 18 Club Uniforms, (1) 19 Gloves, (2) 19 Players' Benches, 20
Time of Championship Game, (1) 21 Number of Innings, (2) 21 Termination of Game, (a) 21 The Winning Run, (b) 21 A Tie Game, 22 A Drawn Game, 23 A Called Game, 24 A Forfeited Game, 25 Failure of the Nine to Appear, (1) 25 Refusal of One Side to Play, (2) 25 Failure to Resume Playing, (3) 25 If a Team Resorts to Dilatory Practice, (4) 25 Wilful Violation, (5) 25 Disobeying Order to Remove Player, (6) 25 Written Notice to President, (7) 25 No Game, 26 Substitutes, 27
RULE. One or more substitute players, (1) 27 Extra Player, (2) 27 Base Runner, (3) 27 Choice of Innings—Condition of Grounds, 28 The Pitcher's Position, 29 Delivery of the Ball—Fair Ball, 30 Unfair Ball, 31 Balking, 32 Motion to Deceive, (1) 32 Delay by Holding, (2) 32 Pitcher Outside of Lines, (3) 32 A Dead Ball, 33 A Foul Strike, 34 Block Balls, 35 Stopped by Person not in Game, (1) 35 Ball Returned, (2) 35 Base Runner must Stop, (3) 35 The Batsman's Position—Order of Batting, 36 Where Players must Remain, (1) 37 Space Reserved for Umpire, (2) 37 Space Allotted Players "at Bat," (3) 37 Batting Rules—Fair Hit, 38 Foul Hit, 39 Bunt Hit, 40 Batted Ball Outside Grounds, 41 A Fair Batted Ball, 42 Strikes, 43 Ball Struck at by Batsman, (1) 43 Fair Ball Delivered by Pitcher, (2) 43 Attempt to Make Foul Hit, (3) 43 Foul Hit while Attempting a Bunt Hit, (4) 43 Ball Struck at after Touching Batsman's Person, (5) 43 Ball Tipped by Batsman, (6) 43 A Foul Strike, 44 The Batsman is Out, 45 Failing to Take Position at Bat in Order, (1) 45 Failure to Take Position within One Minute after being called, (2) 45 If He Makes a Foul Hit, (3) 45 If He Makes a Foul Strike, (4) 45 Attempt to Hinder Catcher, (5) 45 Three Strikes Called by Umpire, (6) 45 Attempt to Make a Foul Hit After Two Strikes have been Called, (7) 45 If Ball Hits Him While Making Third Strike, (8) 45 If He Hits a Fly Ball that can be Handled by Infielder while First Base Occupied with Only One Out, (9) 45 If Third Strike is Called, (10) 45
BASE RUNNING RULES. RULE. The Batsman Becomes a Base Runner, 46 After a Fair Hit, (1) 46 After Four Balls are Called, (2) 46 After Three Strikes are Declared, (3) 46 If Hit by Ball While at Bat, (4) 46 After Illegal Delivery of Ball, (5) 46 Bases to be Touched, 47 Entitled to Bases, 48 If Umpire Call Four Balls, (1) 48 If Umpire Award Succeeding Batsman Base, (2) 48 If Umpire Calls Balk, (3) 48 If Pitcher's Ball Passes Catcher, (4) 48 Ball Strikes Umpire, (5) 48 Prevented from Making Base, (6) 48 Fielder Stops Ball, (7) 48 Returning to Bases, 49 If Foul Tip, (1) 49 If Foul Strike, (2) 49 If Dead Ball, (3) 49
If Person of Umpire Interferes with Catcher, (4) 49 If the Ball Touches the Batsman's Person, (5) 49 Base Runner Out, 50 Attempt to Hinder Catcher from Fielding Ball, (1) 50 If Fielder Hold Fair Hit Ball, (2) 50 Third Strike Ball Held by Fielder, (3) 50 Touched with Ball After Three Strikes, (4) 50 Touching First Base, (5) 50 Running from Home Base to First Base, (6) 50 Running from First to Second Base, (7) 50 Failure to Avoid Fielder, (8) 50 Touched by Ball While in Play, (9) 50 Fair or Foul Hit Caught by Fielder, (10) 50 Batsman Becomes a Base Runner, (11) 50 Touched by Hit Ball Before Touching Fielder, (12) 50 Running to Base, (13) 50 Umpire Calls Play, (14) 50 When Batsman or Base Runner is Out, 51 Coaching Rules, 52 Scoring of Runs, 53
The Umpire 54 When Master of the Field, (1) 55 Must Compel Observance of Playing Rules, (2) 55 Special Duties, 56 Is Sole Judge of Play, (1) 56 Shall See Rules Observed before Commencing Game, (2) 56
RULE. Must Keep Contesting Nines Playing, (3) 56 Must Count and Call Balls, (4) 56 Umpire Must Call Play, 57 Umpire Allowed to Call Time, 58 Umpire is Empowered to Inflict Fines, 59 For Indecent Language, (1) 59 Wilful Failure of Captain to Remain within Bounds, (2) 59 Disobedience of a Player, (3) 59 Shall Notify Captain, (4) 59 Repetition of Offences, (5) 59
No Club Shall Allow Open Betting, 60 Who Shall be Allowed in the Field, 61 Audience Shall Not be Addressed, 62 Every Club shall Furnish Police Force, 63
Play, 64 Time, 65 Game, 66 An Inning, 67 A Time at Bat, 68 Legal, 69 Scoring, 70 Batting, (1) 70 Runs Made, (2) 70 Base Hits, (3) 70 Sacrifice Hits, (4) 70 Fielding, (5) 70 Assists, (6) 70 Errors, (7) 70 Stolen Bases, (8) 70 Earned Runs, (9) 70 The Summary, 71 Number of Earned Runs, (1) 71 Number of Two Base Hits, (2) 71 Number of Three Base Hits, (3) 71 Number of Home Runs, (4) 71 Number of Stolen Bases, (5) 71 Number of Double and Triple Plays, (6) 71 Bases on Called Balls, (7) 71 Bases From being Hit, (8) 71 Men Struck Out, (9) 71 Passed Balls, (10) 71 Wild Pitches, (11) 71 Time of Game, (12) 71 Name of Umpire, (13) 71
Rules Appendix.
We have very little to comment upon this year in regard to the amendments made to the playing rules of the game, alike by the special committee appointed to revise them, or by the committee of the whole who do the final work of revision. No improvement in this branch of League legislative work, too, may be looked for until a regular and permanent committee of rules be appointed, with President Young as its continuous chairman, aided by the chief of the umpire staff, Harry Wright, and one member of the League, a member like Mr. Byrne, who has done more since he has been in the League to really improve the game than any other of the several members of the rules committee since 1891. Moreover, the report sent in by this proposed permanent committee of rules should not be changed by the committee of the whole at the spring meetings except by a two-thirds vote. As it is now, the whole business would likely be spoiled by the final revision made by a simple majority vote.
The changes made by the committee of 1894, in several instances did not improve the game at all. The amendment made to the bat rule, which removed the restrictions as to size, was absurd. The League did well to throw it out. The gain in the diameter of the bat, though small, will have its effect on the batting. A quarter of an inch is not much, but it will tell. The abolition of the "mitt," except for catchers and first basemen, was a good move, as was the introduction of a penalty for the failure of umpires to prevent "kicking." One change introduces a new experiment, and that is the call of a strike on every foul tip caught on the fly. The calls of strikes will be more numerous than ever, viz., the regular strikes, the strikes on foul bunts and on foul tips.
As to the change made in the pitcher's plate, nothing was gained by it. The pitcher will still violate the rule requiring him to have his foot in contact with the rubber plate, as he did last year. He cannot get a firm foothold by placing his foot on the rubber. What was wanted was a hollow, oblong square, 12x36 inches, in which the pitcher could have obtained a good, firm foothold within the box, and not as now, outside of it, as he now has to, to secure a good standpoint for his pivot foot outside of the box.
Not a single change was made in the badly-worded scoring rules, and in consequence the same old premium for record batting is offered to every "fungo" hitter in the ranks. Each member of the committee still walks in the same old rut in this respect.
One of the best changes was the following: Rule 59 reads now so that players using "vulgar, indecent, or other improper language" shall be fined $25 and $100, instead of $5 and $25. In Rule 59, Section 4 was stricken out and the following substituted: "Upon notification from an umpire that a fine has been imposed upon any manager, captain or player, the secretary shall forthwith notify the person so fined, and also the club of which he is a member, and in the event of the failure of the person so fined to pay the amount within five days, he shall be debarred from participating in any championship game until such fine is paid."
The committee still retained that problem in mathematics contained in the first rule, a description of how to lay out a field which would puzzle a Yale quarterback.
The change made in Rule 45, Section 1, is a good one. Only the batsman who has failed to bat in his proper turn can be declared out, not those who have batted out of turn in consequence of the former's error.
It will now cost a kicker $25 at least, for indulging in his "hustling" tactics.
That was a much-needed resolution adopted by the League forbidding any club from paying a single fine inflicted on a player.
——————————————————————————————————- CLUBS. In In In In Boston. Brooklyn. New York. Philadelphia. ——————————————————————————————————- Boston July Apr. June 29 3, 4, 4 24, 25, 26 July 1, 2 Sept. Sept. Aug. 23, 24, 25 11, 12, 14 16, 17, 19 ——————————————————————————————————- Brooklyn June Apr. July 30, 31 19, 20, 21 18, 20, 22 Aug. 1 Aug. Aug. Sept. 6, 7, 8 2, 5, 17 27, 28, 30 ——————————————————————————————————- New York June June 29 May 22, 24, 25 July 1, 2 2, 3, 4 Sept. Aug. Aug. 19, 20, 21 3, 16, 19 13, 14, 15 ——————————————————————————————————- Philadelphia June June Apr. 26, 27, 28 22, 24, 25 27, 29, 30 Aug. Aug. Sept. 2, 3, 5 9, 10, 12 16, 17, 18 ——————————————————————————————————- Baltimore July 30, 31 May July June Aug. 1 1, 2, 4 3, 4, 4 19, 20, 21 Sept. Sept. Sept. Aug. 16, 17, 18 19, 20, 21 27, 28, 30 6, 7, 8 ——————————————————————————————————- Washington April 19 June June July May 2, 4 26, 27, 28 19, 20, 21 4, 4 Aug. Aug. Aug. Sept. 9, 10, 12 13, 14, 15 6, 7, 8 14, 19, 20, 21 ——————————————————————————————————-
——————————————————————————————————- CLUBS. In In In In Baltimore. Washington. Pittsburgh. Cleveland. ——————————————————————————————————- Boston Apr. Apr. May May 27, 29, 30 20, 22, 23 23, 24, 25 13, 14, 15 Aug. Sept. July July 13, 14, 15 27, 28, 30 6, 8, 9 25, 26, 27 ——————————————————————————————————- Brooklyn Apr. Apr. May May 24, 25, 26 27, 29, 30 6, 7, 8 20, 21, 22 Sept. Sept. July July 11, 12, 14 16, 17, 18 10, 11, 13 18, 19, 20 ——————————————————————————————————- New York June July 30, 31 May May 26, 27, 28 Aug. 1 16, 17, 18 23, 24, 25 Aug. Sept. July July 9, 10, 12 23, 24, 25 25, 26, 27 10, 11, 13 ——————————————————————————————————- Philadelphia Apr. Apr. May May 18, 20, 22 24, 25, 26 13, 14, 15 16, 17, 18 Sept. July 3 July July 23, 24, 25 Sept. 11, 12 18, 19, 20 6, 8, 9 ——————————————————————————————————- Baltimore June 24, 25 May May July 1 9, 10, 11 6, 7, 8 Aug. July July 2, 5, 16 22, 23, 24 15, 16, 17 ——————————————————————————————————- Washington June 22, 29 May May July 2 20, 21, 22 9, 10, 11 Aug. Sept. July 3, 17, 23 7, 7, 9 22, 23, 24 ——————————————————————————————————-
——————————————————————————————————- CLUBS. In In In In Cincinnati. Louisville. Chicago. St. Louis. ——————————————————————————————————- Boston May May May May 20, 21, 22 16, 17, 18 9, 10, 11 6, 7, 8 July July July July 15, 16, 17 10, 11, 13 18, 19, 20 22, 23, 24 ——————————————————————————————————- Brooklyn May May May May 9, 10, 11 23, 25, 26 16, 18, 19 12, 13, 14 July July July July 6, 7, 8 14, 15, 16 21, 22, 23 26, 27, 28 ——————————————————————————————————- New York May May May May 6, 7, 8 9, 10, 11 13, 14, 15 20, 21, 22 July July July July 22, 23, 24 18, 19, 20 6, 8, 9 15, 16, 17 ——————————————————————————————————- Philadelphia May May May May 23, 24, 25 6, 7, 8 20, 21, 22 9, 10, 11 July July July July 25, 26, 27 22, 23, 24 15, 16, 17 11, 12, 13 ——————————————————————————————————- Baltimore May May May May 12, 13, 14 20, 21, 22 23, 25, 26 16, 18, 19 July July July July 18, 20, 21 25, 27, 28 11, 13, 14 6, 7, 8 ——————————————————————————————————- Washington May May May May 16, 18, 19 12, 13, 14 6, 7, 8 24, 25, 26 July July July July 10, 13, 14 6, 7, 8 25, 27, 28 19, 20, 21 ——————————————————————————————————-
——————————————————————————————————— CLUBS. In In In In Boston. Brooklyn. New York Philadelphia ——————————————————————————————————— Pittsburgh. Jun 5,6,7 Jun 1,4,10 June 3,8,11 Jun15,17,18 Aug.24,26,27 Aug. 20,22 Aug. 21 Aug. 31 Sept. 5 Sept. 4,6 Sept. 2,3 ——————————————————————————————————— Cleveland. Jun 15,17,18 May 30,30 May 28 Jun 8,10,11 Aug.28,29,30 June 13 June 12,14 Aug24,26,27 Aug. 31 Sept.2,2,5 Sept. 4,6 ——————————————————————————————————— Cincinnati. June 1,3,4 June 5,7,17 June 6,15,18 May28,30,30 Aug. 31, Aug. 29 Aug. 28,30 Aug20,21,22 Sept. 2,2 Sept. 7,10 Sept. 9 ——————————————————————————————————— Louisville. June 8,10,11 June 6,15,18 June 5,7,17 Jun12,13,14 Aug.20,21,22 Aug.26,28,30 Aug. 24,27,29 Sept. 7,7,9
——————————————————————————————————— Chicago. Jun 12,13,14 May 28 May 30,30 June 1,3,4 Sept. 4,5,6 June 8,11 June 10 Aug28,29,30 Sept. 2,2,9 Aug. 31 Sept. 7,10 ——————————————————————————————————— St. Louis. May 28,30,30 Jun 3,12,14 June 1,4,13 June 5,6,7 Sept. 7,9,10 Aug. 21,24,27 Aug. 20,22,26 Sept. 4,5,6 Sept. 2,2 ———————————————————————————————————
——————————————————————————————————— CLUBS. In In In In Baltimore. Washington. Pittsburgh Cleveland ——————————————————————————————————— Pittsburgh. June 12,13,14 May 28,30,30 . . . . . July 1,2,3 Aug. 28,29,30 July 16,17 . . . . . Aug. 1,2,3 Aug. 19 . . . . . ——————————————————————————————————— Cleveland. June 1,3,4 June 5,6,7 July 4,4,5 . . . . . Sept. 7,9,10 Aug. 20,21,22 Sept.19,20,21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ———————————————————————————————————- Cincinnati. June 8,10,11 June 12,13,14 May 1,2,4 Aug. 15,16,17 Aug. 24,26,27 Sept. 4,5,6 Sept.11,12,14 Sept.16,17,18
———————————————————————————————————- Louisville. May 28,30,30 June 1,3,4 June 19,20,22 June 24,25,26 Sept. 4,5,6 Aug. 31 Aug. 8,9,10 Aug. 5,6,7 Sept. 2,3 ———————————————————————————————————— Chicago. June 5,6,7 June 15,17,18 July 29,30,31 June 27,28,29 Aug. 20,21,22 Aug. 24,26,27 Sept.16,17,18 Sept.23,24,25
———————————————————————————————————— St. Louis. June 15,17,18 June 8,10,11 June 27,28,29 May 1,2,4 Aug. 31 Aug. 28,29,30 Aug. 5,6,7 Aug. 12,13,14
———————————————————————————————————— CLUBS. In In In In Cincinnati Louisville Chicago St. Louis ———————————————————————————————————— Pittsburgh. Apr. 23,24,25 Apr. 18,19,20 June 24,25,26 Apr 26,27,29 Aug. 12,13,14 Sept.23,25,25 Aug. 15,16,17 Sept. 26,27,28
———————————————————————————————————— Cleveland. Apr. 18,20,21 Apr. 27,28,29 June 20,22,23 April 23,24,25 May 26 Sept.26,28,29 Aug. 8,9,10 Sept. 12,14,15 July 28 Aug. 18 ———————————————————————————————————— Cincinnati. . . . . . July 1,2,3 July 4,4,5 June 20, 22,23 . . . . . Aug. 1,3 Aug. 5,6,7 Sept. 23,24,25 . . . . . Sept. 22 ———————————————————————————————————— Louisville. June 27,29,30 . . . . . May 2,4,5 July 4,4,5 Aug. 4 . . . . . Sept.12,14,15 Aug. 16,17,18 Sept. 19,21 . . . . . ———————————————————————————————————— Chicago. Apr. 27,28,29 Apr. 23,24,25 . . . . . April 18,20,21 Sept.26,28,29 Aug. 11,12,13 . . . . . Sept. 20,21,23 . . . . . . . . . . ———————————————————————————————————— St. Louis. May 5 July 29,30,31 June 30 . . . . . June 24,25 Sept.16,17,18 July 1,2 . . . . . Aug. 8,10,11 Aug. 1,3,4 . . . . . ————————————————————————————————————
The readers of the OFFICIAL GUIDE will receive with pleasure the innovation of this year, which for the first time, presents to them twenty-one pages of half-tone portraits of all the leading clubs and players of America.
Old-timers will appreciate the picture of the famous Red Stockings of '69.
Herewith we present a key. The individual players in each group are numbered to correspond with the numbers in the following list:
1, Ed Hanlon; 2, H.R. Von der Horst; 3, H.H. Von der Horst; 4, W. Brodie; 5, George Hemming; 6, W. Robinson; 7, D. Brouthers; 8, J. McMahon; 9, W. Clark; 10, W. Brown; 11, Charles Esper; 12, J. Kelly; 13, H. Reitz; 14, "Kid" Gleason; 15, F. Bonner; 16, J. McGraw; 17, H. Jennings; 18, W. Keeler; 19, W.V. Hawke.
NEW YORK BASE BALL CLUB, '94. (Photograph copyrighted by Prince, New York and Washington.)
1, Park A. Wilson; 2, Charles A. Farrell; 3, George Van Haltren; 4, Roger Connor; 5, Jouett Meekin; 6, Huyler Westervelt; 7, Amos Rusie; 8, W.H. Clark; 9, Lester German; 10, John J. Doyle; 11, John Ward; 12, M. Tiernan; 13, Geo. S. Davis; 14, W.B. Fuller; 15, James Stafford; 16, W.H. Murphy.
1, Callahan; 2, Allen; 3, Delehanty; 4, Boyle; 5, Thompson; 6, Taylor; 7, Hamilton; 8, Reilly; 9, Clements; 10, Weyhing; 11, Hallman; 12, Irwin; 13, Carsey; 14, Haddock; 15, Hartman; 16, Sharrott; 17, Turner; 18, Grady.
1, G. Tredway; 2, M.G. Griffin; 3, T.P. Burns; 4, P. Gilbert; 5, Wm. Shindle; 6, T.W. Corcoran; 7, T.P. Daly; 8, T.F. Kinslow; 9, D.L. Foutz (Manager); 10, C.F. Dailey; 11, G. Lachance; 13, G. Q. Shoch; 13, William Kennedy; 14, D.W. Daub; 15, G.O. Sharrott; 16, E.F. Stein.
1, Tebeau; 2, O'Connor; 3, Young; 4, Burkett; 5, Ewing; 6, McAleer; 7, McGarr; 8, Childs; 9, McKean; 10, Dewald; 11, Virtue; 12, Clarkson; 13, Cuppy; 14, Fisher; 15, Zimmer.
1, Shiebeck; 2, Bierbauer; 3, Stigden; 4, Mack; 5, Beckley; 6, Smith; 7, Lukens; 8, Lyons; 9, Colcolough; 10, Donovan; 11, Killen; 12, Buckenberger; 13, Ehret; 14, Stenzel; 15, Glasscock; 16, Gumbert; 17, Nicol.
1, Chas. Comiskey; 2, Frank Dwyer; 3, Elton Chamberlain; 4, Geo. Cross; 5, Thos. Parrott; 6, Morgan Murphy; 7, Harry Vaughn; 8, Frank Motz; 9, John McPhee; 10, Arlie Latham; 11, Geo. Smith; 12, Jas. Holliday; 13, Wm. Hoyt; 14, John McCarthy; 15, Jas. Canavan.
1, A.G. Cooley; 3, A. Twineham; 3, T. Dowd; 4, Thomas Hannigan; 5, M.F. Hogan; 6, T. Breitenstein; 7, Harry Staley; 8, Roger Connor; 9, Tom Brown; 10, C.H. Peitz; 11, J.H. McDougal; 12. F. Ely.
1, Charles Petty; 2, Sam Wise; 3, Joe Mulvey; 4, Wm. Hassamer; 5, W. Black; 6, Charles Esper; 7, Ed Cartwright; 8, Wm. Joyce; 9, Geo. Tebeau; 10, Geo. Stephens; 11, Jas. McGuire; 12, G.H. Schmelz; 13, Otis Stockdale; 14, Jos. Sullivan; 15, Frank Ward; 16, Al Selbach; 17, John Egan, 18, John McMahon; 19, Paul Radford; 20, D.E. Dugdale; 21, W.B. Mercer.
1, E. Cunningham; 2, A. Stewart; 3, H. Howe; 4, Chas. Marr; 5, W.F. Hart; 6, F. Parvin; 7, Chas. Jones; 8. W.H. Watkins (Manager); 9, J. Walsh; 10, Geo. H. Hogreiver; 11, F. Genins; 12, A. Twineham; 13, F. Kraus; 14, J. Newell.
1. Al Mauck; 2, Belden Hill; 3, W.F. Kreig; 4, Paddy Lynch; 5. Wm. Zeis; 6, Harry Sage (Manager); 7, Harry Burrell; 8, J.A. Andrews; 9, Joe Cantillon (Captain); 10, Dan Sweeney.
1, Jno. Farrell; 2, H.F. Keefer; 3, J. McJannes; 4. R. Fender; 5, John Foreman; 6, Mike Trost; 7, Geo. Kelly; 8, R. Stafford; 9, L.W. Smith; 10, Bert Myers; 11, Stewart Sanford; 12, Ed Leach; 13, S.T. Honeycutt.
1, J.B. Speer; 2, C.H. George; 3, F. Murphy; 4, F. Rustin; 5, H.M. Keator; 6, A.A. Bigelow; 7, G.B. Case; 8, M.J. Warner; 9, W.F. Carter; 10, J.R. Quinby; 11, T.S. Arbuthnot; 12, F.B. Stephenson; 13, G.O. Redington; 14, E.R. Trudeau; 15, J.C. Greenway.
1, C.J. Paine; 2, E.W. Ames; 3, J.H. Williams; 4, J. Wiggins; 5, P.W. Whittemore; 6, B. Cook, Jr.; 7, A. Winslow; 8, A.A. Highlands; 9, F.M. Carthy; 10, J. Corbett; 11, R. Paine; 12, R. Stevenson; 13, J.J. Hayes; 14, D.D. Scannell; 15, H. Dickinson; 16, W.J. O'Malley.
1. Payne; 2, Bradley; 3, King; 4, Brooks; 5, Trenchard; 6, Otto; 7, Forsythe; 8, Gunster; 9, W.D. Ward; 10, Mackenzie (Captain); 11, P. Ward; 12, Lindsay; 13, Small; 14, Altman; 15, Williams.
1, Blair; 2, Brown; 3, Sinclair; 4, Stokes; 5, Dickson; 6, Blakely; 7, Reese; 8, Hollister; 9, Higgins; 10, Mintzner; 11, Coogan; 12, Thomas; 13, Gelbert; 14, Goeckel.
1, Charles Gould, First Base; 2, Charles Sweasey, Second Base; 3, Asa Brainard, Pitcher; 4, Cal McVey, Right Field; 5, Harry Wright, Centre Field (Capt.); 6, George Wright, Short Stop; 7, "Dug" Allison, Catcher; 8, Fred Waterman, Third Base; 9, Andy Leonard, Left Field.
A Compliment to the Editor of The Guide.
At the annual meeting of the National League, held at the Fifth Avenue Hotel, New York, on Nov. 15, 1894, on a motion made by C.H. Byrne, president of the Brooklyn club, Henry Chadwick, the veteran base ball writer, and editor of the League GUIDE since 1881, was, by a unanimous vote, made an honorary member of that body. This honor has been conferred upon but four other persons in the history of the League, namely: A.G. Mills, of New York, ex-President of the League; A.G. Spalding, of Chicago; George W. Howe, of Cleveland, and John B. Day, of New York. In presenting Mr. Chadwick's name Mr. Byrne spoke enthusiastically of the effective work the veteran had done for years in popularizing base ball, and called attention to the fact that Mr. Chadwick was the recognized authority in all matters pertaining to base ball, and to him more than any other individual living is due the credit for the present almost perfect code of rules governing the game.
The League subsequently appointed a committee, consisting of President N.E. Young, C.H. Byrne, of Brooklyn, and A.J. Reach, of Philadelphia, to prepare a proper address to Mr. Chadwick, and to have same engrossed and framed for presentation. The result of their official duty was an exceptionally handsome piece of engrossing, set in a gilt frame. A pastel portrait of Mr. Chadwick is in the centre of a decorative scroll on which is the following testimonial:
At a regular annual meeting of the National League and American Association of Professional Base Ball Clubs, held in New York City, November 15, 1894, all twelve clubs being present,
MR. HENRY CHADWICK, of Brooklyn, N. Y., was by a unanimous vote elected an HONORARY MEMBER of this body.
In conferring this membership this organization pays the highest tribute in its power to one who, during a number of years almost as great as is usually alloted to man to live, has unselfishly devoted his time, his talents and his energies, by voice and pen, to establish BASE BALL as the NATIONAL GAME of America.
At all times and in all places he has diligently worked for its DEVELOPMENT, and battled for its INTEGRITY, its HONESTY and the PURITY of its methods.
He has been an unflinching foe of those within the ranks who permitted any stigma to attach to it and a gallant defender against any attack from without, touching its good name and fame. Always a devoted friend of the honest ball player, he has been a never-failing advocate of the rights of and the respect due the umpire. His advice and good offices most frequently sought have ever been readily given, and to the benefit and advantage of all.
We pay this tribute with pleasure and deference to
the father of base ball, who now in the full of his years and after a long life of usefulness to his fellow man, still lives to see the fruition of his fondest hopes, and base ball, which he has fostered and upheld, pleaded for and battled for, now established forevermore as our national game.
The National League and American Association of Professional Base Ball Clubs, Boston, New York, Brooklyn, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Pittsburgh, Cleveland, Cincinnati, Louisville, St. Louis, Chicago.
N.E. YOUNG, C.H. BYRNE, A.J. REACH, *Committee.
NEW YORK, November 15, 1894.
This Trade Mark
The Standard of Comparison The World Over,
and which has stood the test of years, will be stamped in the future, as in the past, on all goods manufactured by us and will guarantee each article, from the cheapest to the highest priced, as the very best that can be produced for the money.
But this additional Trade Mark—
will be placed on the "Highest Quality" goods in their respective line and will be a further guarantee that the article so stamped represents the very highest grade of material, workmanship and finish, and the most perfect in design our past experience enables us to produce.
Our Complete Catalogue of "SPRING AND SUMMER SPORTS" Mailed FREE to any Address.
* * * * *
Our line of flannels for Base Ball Uniforms consists of five qualities and over forty different patterns. Each grade is kept up to the highest point of excellence, and patterns changed every season; base ball players may be assured that whatever grade of uniform is selected, it will be the very best that can be furnished for the money. On orders for complete sets of uniforms, we make no charge for lettering; on orders for single suits we charge Five Cents per letter. Special measurement blanks, samples of flannel and belt webbing for all the following uniforms furnished on application.
No. 0. Uniform, complete, Plain Pants $14.00 No. 1. Uniform, complete, Plain Pants 11.00 No. 2. Uniform, complete, Plain Pants 8.40 No. 3. Uniform, complete, Plain Pants 6.00 No. 4. Uniform, complete, Plain Pants 4.25 No. 5. Uniform, complete. Plain Pants 2.75 On No. 0 Uniform, Padded Pants extra 1.00 On Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 4 Uniforms, Padded Pants .75
* * * * *
And Containing Every Requisite for Athletic Sports, mailed free to any address.
* * * * *
ATHLETIC UNIFORMS AND Wearing Apparel for All Sports.
Bicycle Suits, Sweaters, Tennis Suits, Jerseys, Athletic Shoes, Knee Pants, College and Full Tights, Outing Caps, Ladies' & Gentlemens' Belts.
In Cotton, Worsted, Silk and Leather.
BARNARD'S Celebrated A1 Shooting Coat, Shooting Trousers, Shooting Hats and Caps—Gun Cases, Cartridge Belts, Revolver Holsters.
And an Important Line of Leggings.
GEO. BARNARD & CO., Sixth Ave. and Pacific St., BROOKLYN, 199-201 Madison St., CHICAGO, ILL.
Strictly Manufacturers.
Made in Rights and Lefts, and without Throwing Gloves.
Highest Quality Mitt, made of the finest selected leather, heavily padded and laced all around. Each, $7.50
The "Morill" Mitt. Special design, made of finest drab buckskin, heavily padded; a soft, easy fitting mitt. Each, $6.00
No. 5/0. Spalding's League Mitt, finest selected hogskin, laced back and well padded; a strong, durable mitt. Each, $5.00
No. 0X. Spalding's "Decker Patent" Mitt, hand of soft deerskin, back of selected hogskin, laced, and sole leather reinforce on back for additional protection, well made and padded; the original catchers' mitt. Each, $3.50
No. 0. Spalding's Catchers' Mitt, hand of soft tanned deerskin, back-piece selected hogskin, laced back and well padded. Each, $3.00
No. A. Spalding's Amateur Mitt, extra quality leather, heavily padded, lace back. Each, $2.00
No. 3. Spalding's Practice Mitt, hand of grain leather, back of sheepskin, laced all around and well padded. Each, $1.00
* * * * *
Boys' Mitts.
No. 0XB. Spalding's "Decker Patent" Boys' Mitt, hand-piece of velvet tanned deerskin, back of fine hogskin, sole leather reinforced patent back for extra protection to fingers, laced and heavily padded. Each, $2.00
No. 2. Spalding's Boys' Mitt, tanned buckskin, laced back and nicely padded. Each, $1.50
No. 4. Spalding's Boys' Mitt, front and back grain leather, hand-piece yellow tanned sheepskin, laced back and well padded. Each, 50c.
No. 5. Spalding's Boys' Mitt, leather front hand-piece; a strong and durable glove for boys. Each, 25c.
* * * * *
Our Complete Illustrated Catalogue Mailed Free.
A Perfect Little Machine.
CHARGES PREPAID to any Express or Post Office in the United States.
It is not a toy, but a perfect little Sewing Machine, and Warranted to do Good Sewing on any material that can be used on the regular sewing machine.
It uses the Wilcox & Gibbs No. 2 needle and the regular No. 60 thread. It makes a chain stitch.
It has a patent finger protector which absolutely prevents the smallest child from getting its finger under the needle, either by accident or intent.
It has a tension screw for regulating the tension.
It is simple in construction, cannot get out of order, and the smallest child can successfully work it. It is attached to table, chair or any convenient place by clamp, which is furnished with each machine. It has no attachment of any kind, is intended to do plain sewing only, and is not offered as a substitute for the family sewing machine. It is sent, complete, in a wood box, securely packed, and the machine properly adjusted, with thread, clamp, needles, and everything necessary to begin sewing the minute it is opened up. Simple directions for its operation on each box.
Each machine is thoroughly tested before leaving the factory and a sample of its sewing left on the plate. The price, $2.50, must be sent with order, and we will then send it to your nearest Express Office, all charges paid, or to any Post Office in the United States in registered package. Not sent C.O.D. Agents wanted everywhere. Write for terms.
Price, $2.50. Charges Prepaid.
Our Complete Catalogue contains thousands of the latest and most interesting Novelties as well as all requisites for Athletic Sports and Pastimes. Mailed free on application.
P.O. Box 2751. NEW YORK CITY.
Spalding's Base Ball Goods.
Spalding's Basemen's Mitts.
Made in Rights and Lefts.
No. 3X. [The Spalding logo] Base Mitt, finest velvet tanned buckskin, perfectly padded, highest quality. Each, $3.00
No. 4X. Spalding's Basemen's Mitt, soft tanned brown leather, fine felt padding, made in rights and lefts. Each, $2.00
No. 5X. Spalding's Basemen's Mitt, made of special gold tanned leather, well padded, rights and lefts. Each, $1.00
Spalding's Boys' Basemen's Mitt, same as our No. 5X, but smaller sizes. Each, 50c.
Spalding's Basemen's Mitt.
In Rights and Lefts.
No. BX. [The Spalding logo] Basemen's Mitt, finest velvet tanned buckskin, laced edge, perfectly padded, highest quality. Each, $4.00
Spalding's Infielders' Glove.
In Rights and Lefts.
No. 2X. [The Spalding logo] Infielders' Glove, finest velvet tanned buckskin, perfectly padded, highest quality. Each, $3.00
No. X. Spalding's Amateur Infielders' Glove. Each, $1.50
Spalding's Body Protectors.
Made of rubber and inflated with air. The only safe and reliable Body Protector.
EACH. No. 00. Umpire Body Protector. $10.00 No. 0. League " " 10.00 No. 1. Amateur " " 6.00 No. 2. Boys' " " 5.00
* * * * *
Our complete Catalogue of "Spring and Summer Sports," mailed free to any address.
* * * * *
A. G. SPALDING & BROS., New York. Chicago. Philadelphia.
Look for our trade-mark shield, which is placed on every boat of our manufacture.
* * * * *
Our eight boats, St. Lawrence River Skiffs; rowboats; sailing canoes; paddling canoe; yacht tender and small sail yacht, received
* * * * *
We build HIGH GRADE Pleasure Craft of all kinds, from Canoe to Steam Launch.
* * * * *
Our single-hander Sail Boats, of modern built, fin-keel type, are immensely successful cruisers and racers.
* * * * *
On receipt of application, we will mail to any address our HANDSOMELY ILLUSTRATED AND DESCRIPTIVE CATALOGUE.
CLAYTON, Jefferson County, N.Y.
Spalding's Club Bat Bags.
Each. No. 0. League Club Bag, sole leather, for 18 bats $15.00 No. 1, Canvas Club Bag, leather ends, for 24 bats 5.00 No. 2. Canvas Club Bag, leather ends, for 12 bats 4.00
Individual Bags.
Each. No. 01. Sole Leather Bag, for two bats $4.00 No. 02. Heavy Canvas Bag, leather reinforce at both ends 1.50 No. 03. Canvas Bag, leather reinforce at one end 1.00
Athletes' Uniform Bag.
For carrying Base Ball and other Uniforms, made to roll, and will not wrinkle or soil same, separate compartment for shoes.
Each No. 1. Canvas $2.50 No. 2. Leather 3.50
Spalding's Bases.
Three Bases to a set.
Per Set. No. 0. League Club Bases, extra quality, quilted, with spikes $7.50 No. 1. Best Canvas Bases, not quilted, with spikes 5.00 No. 2. Ordinary Canvas Bases, with spikes 4.00
Home Plates.
Each. No. 1. Rubber Home Plate, League regulation, $7.50 complete, with spikes No. 2. Marble Home Plates, best quality 2.00 No. 3. Plate for Pitcher's Box 5.00
Spalding's Indicators.
Each. No. O. Umpire Indicators $0.50 No. 1. Scoring Tablets .35
Our Complete Catalogue of "Spring and Summer Sports" Mailed Free to Any Address.
Wright & Ditson
Send for our complete illustrated catalogue
Manufacturers of the famous Campbell racket
Publishers of the Official Lawn Tennis Guide for 1895... Price 15 cents
Lawn Tennis, Baseball, Athletic Goods
Uniforms for all outdoor sports
Wright & Ditson's Championship ball
Adopted by the United States Lawn Tennis Association, Intercollegiate Lawn Tennis Association, Southern Lawn Tennis Association, Canadian Lawn Tennis Association, and other Associations of the United States and Canada.
Retail, 344 Washington St., Boston, Mass. Wholesale, 95 Pearl St., Boston, Mass.
Published Monthly. Each Number Complete. Devoted to all kinds of Sports.
No. 2. INDIAN CLUBS AND DUMB BELLS. By J.H. DOUGHERTY, Amateur Champion of America.
No. 3. BOWLING. By A.E. VOGELL. Containing instructions How to Bowl, How to Score, How to Handicap.
No. 4. BOXING. This book is, without doubt, the most valuable manual of its kind ever published. It is fully illustrated.
No. 5. GYMNASTICS. By ROBERT STOLL, N.Y.A.C., America's Champion on the Flying Rings since 1885.
No. 9. ATHLETES' GUIDE. Articles on Training, Sprinting, Throwing Weights, Walking, etc., and Rules for Government of Athletic Games.
No. 10. CROQUET. Official Rules of the Game as adopted by the National Croquet Association.
No. 12. GAELIC AND ASSOCIATION FOOT BALL. Complete Methods and Rules of each Game.
No. 13. HANDBALL. How to Play It. Rules and Definitions, Regulation Court and its construction, with other interesting matter.
NO. 14. CURLING, HOCKEY AND POLO. Rules governing each game, and other valuable information.
No. 15A. INDOOR BASE BALL GUIDE. Complete Illustrations for Playing, with Description of Game.
No. 16. SKATING. History of Skating, from earliest appearance to the present day, to which is added a list of the most authentic records.
No. 17. BASKET BALL, Latest Revised Rules, with diagrams showing position of players, etc.
No. 18. FENCING. Complete Manual of Foil and Sabre, according to the methods of the best modern school.
No. 19. SPALDING'S OFFICIAL BASE BALL GUIDE FOR 1894. Complete hand-book of the National Game of Base Ball.
No. 20. CRICKET GUIDE. By GEO. WRIGHT. Fully Illustrated.
No. 21. ROWING. By E.J. GIANNINI, Champion Amateur Oarsman. Fully illustrated.
No. 22. CROQUET. As adopted by the National Croquet Ass'n. Ill'd.
No. 24. OFFICIAL FOOT BALL GUIDE FOR 1894. Edited by WALTER CAMP. Contains revised rules, portraits of leading players, etc. |