*Simms, William Gilmore, 1807-1870 S. C. Yemassee, Partisan, &c.
Sims, Alexander Dromgoole, 1803-1848 Va., S. C. Slavery, Bevil Faulcon (novel).
Sims, James Marion, 1813-1883 surgeon S. C., N. Y. Story of My Life, Medical Works.
Sinclair, Carrie Bell, 1839- Ga. Heart Whispers (poems).
Skinner, Thomas E. Bapt. cl. N. C. Reminiscences, Sermons and Addresses (1894).
Slaughter, Philip, 1808- P. E. cl. Va. Life of Randolph Fairfax, Life of Joshua Fry, Colonial Church of Virginia, and other works.
Smart, Mrs. Helen Hamilton [Gardener], 1853- Va. Men, Women, and Gods, An Unofficial Patriot, Sex in Brain, Is This Your Son, My Lord?, A Thoughtless Yes, &c.
Smedes, Mrs. Susan Dabney, 1840- Miss. A Southern Planter.
Smith, Ashbel, 1806- phys., lawyer Conn., Tex. State and Scientific Papers.
Smith, Buckingham, 1810-1871 consul in Spain Ga. De Soto's Conquest of Florida, Spanish Discoveries and Settlements, Essays on Florida History and Spanish Historical Writings.
*Smith, Charles Henry, 1826- ("Bill Arp") Ga. Bill Arp's Scrap-Book, &c., School History of Georgia.
Smith, Eugene Allen, 1841- geologist Ala. Geology of Alabama.
Smith, Francis Henney, 1812- edu. Va. College Reforms, Scientific Education in Europe, Text-books on Arithmetic and Algebra (with R. M. T. Duke).
Smith, Francis Hopkinson, 1838- c. e., artist Md. Colonel Carter of Cartersville, and other stories.
Smith, James, 1737-1812 pioneer Pa., Ky. Life and Travels of James Smith, Shakerism Developed.
*Smith, John, 1579-1631 soldier, traveller Eng., Va. Generall Historie, &c.
Smith, John Lawrence, 1818-1883 scientist S. C., Ky. Mineralogy, Chemistry.
Smith, Nathan Ryno, 1797-1877 phys. ("Viator") Ky., Md. Legends of the South, Medical Works.
Smith, William Andrew, 1802-1870 M. E. cl. Va. Philosophy of Slavery.
Smith, William Loughton, 1758-1812 diplomate S. C. Constitution of the United States, Speeches, Essays, &c.
Smith, William Russell, 1813- Ala. The Alabama Justice, Uses of Solitude, As It Is (novel), Bridal Eve (poem), College Musings.
Smith, William Waugh, 1845- edu. Va. Outlines of Psychology, Chart of Comparative Syntax of Greek, Latin, French, German, and English.
Smith, Zachariah Frederick, 1827- Ky. History of Kentucky.
Smyth, John Ferdinand, 17— Eng., Va. Tour in the United States of America (1784).
Smyth, Thomas, 1808-1873 Ireland, S. C. Unity of the Human Race, Calvin, Presbyterian Doctrine.
Somerville, William Clarke, 1790-1826 Md. Letters from Paris on the French Revolution, On Choosing the President.
Southworth, Miss Emma Dorothy Eliza Nevitte, 1819- D. C. Retribution, Fatal Secret, Unknown, Gloria, Trail of the Serpent, Nearest and Dearest, The Mother's Secret, An Exile's Bride, and many other novels.
Spalding, Martin John, 1810-1872 R. C. archbishop Ky., Md. Early Catholic Missions in Kentucky, Miscellaneous, Theological Writings.
Spalding, John Lancaster, 1840- R. C. bishop Ky. Life of Archbishop Spalding, Essays, and other writings.
Sparks, William Henry, 1800-1882 lawyer Ga. Memories of Fifty Years, Dying Year, Old Church Bell, and other poems.
Sparrow, William, 1801-1874 edu., P. E. cl. Mass., Va. Life and Correspondence.
Specht, Mrs. Mo. Alfrieda (novel).
Speece, Conrad, 1776-1836 Pr. and Bapt. cl. Va. The Mountaineer (essays), Hymns.
Spelman Henry, 1600-1622 interpreter Eng., Va. (Killed by Indians), Relation of Virginia.
Spencer, Mrs. Cornelia [Phillips] N. C. History of North Carolina, Last Ninety Days of the War in North Carolina.
Spencer, Edward, 1834- dramatic ed. Md. Kit (drama).
Spencer, Mrs. W. L. [Nunez] Fla. Salt Lake Fruit.
Spotswood, Alexander, 1676-1740 governor of Va. Official Letters of Alexander Spotswood from 1710 to 1722, Speeches, (in Virginia Historical Register).
Stanton, Frank Lebby, 1858- Ga. Poem on the Death of Henry W. Grady, Songs of a Day, Dialect Poems.
Stanton, Henry Thompson, 1834- ed. Va., Ky. Moneyless Man, Jacob Brown, and other poems.
St. Ceran, Tullius La. Rien ou Moi, 1814 et 1815.
Steiner, Lewis Henry, 1827- phys. Md. Diary of a Rebel, Occupation of Frederick, Md., Cantate Domino.
*Stephens, Alexander Hamilton, 1812-1883 statesman, governor of Ga. War between the States, History of the United States, and other works.
Stephens, William, 1671-1753 president of the colony of Ga. Journal of the Proceedings in Georgia from 1737 to 1741, State of the Province.
Stephens, Thomas (son of the preceding) Castle-Builder, or History of William Stephens of the Isle of Wight.
Stibbes, Mrs. Agnes Jean Ga. Earls of Sunderland, Stories, &c.
Stiles, William Henry, 1808-1865 lawyer Ga. History of Austria.
Stith, William, 1689-1755 edu. Va. History of Virginia.
Stovall, Pleasant A. Ga. Life of Robert Toombs.
*Strachey, William from 1609 to 1612 secretary of the colony of Va. True Repertory, &c.
Strange, Robert, 1796-1854 Va., N. C. Eoneguski, or The Cherokee Chief.
Strobel, Philip S. C., Ga. History of the Salzburg Colony at Ebenezer, Georgia.
Strother, David Hunter, 1816-1888 (Porte Crayon) W. Va. Virginia Illustrated, Blackwater Chronicle.
Stuart, Mrs. Ruth McEnery La. Golden Wedding, Christmas Gifts, Carlotta's Intended, Camelia, Ricardo, and others.
Stuart, Alexander Hugh Holmes, 1807- statesman Va. Narrative of Virginia in 1869.
Summers, Thomas Osmond, 1812- M. E. cl. Eng., Va., Tenn. Commentary on the Gospels and Acts, Talks Pleasant and Profitable, Golden Censer.
Swain, David Lowry, 1801-1868 edu., statesman, governor of N. C. British Invasion of North Carolina, Revolutionary History of North Carolina.
Swain, Margie P. Ala. Lochlin (published 1864, Selma, Ala.)
Switzler, William F. ed. Mo. Illustrated History of Missouri.
Tabb, John B. Md. Poems.
Tailfer, Patrick colonist in 18th Century Ga., S. C. Colony of Georgia in America, 1741.
Talley, Susan Archer (see Mrs. Von Weiss)
Taney, Roger Brooke, 1777-1864 jurist Md. Autobiography, Supreme Court Decisions, (one of them being in the Dred Scott Case).
Tardy, Mrs. Mary ("Ida Raymond") Ala. Southland Writers, Living Female Writers of the South.
Taylor, Alexander Smith, 1817-1876 S. C., Cal. First Voyage to California, Grasshoppers and Locusts of the United States.
Taylor, George Boardman, 1832- Bapt. cl. Va., Italy. Oakland Stories, Walter Ennis, Letters, &c.
Taylor, James Barnett, 1819-1871 Bapt. cl. Eng., Va. Life of Lot Cary, Lives of Virginia Baptist Ministers, Memoir of Luther Rice, &c.
Taylor, John, 1750-1824, ("Arator") Va. New View of the Constitution, Construction Construed, Tyranny Unmasked, Agricultural Essays.
Taylor, Richard, 1826-1879 (son of Zachary Taylor) La. Destruction and Reconstruction.
Taylor, William Herron, 1838- Va. Four Years with General Lee.
Taylor, Zachary, 1784-1850 twelfth President Va. Messages.
*Terhune, Mrs. Mary Virginia [Hawes] Va., N. Y. ("Marion Harland"), Alone, Hidden Path, Mary the Mother of Washington, &c.
Testut, Charles La. Les Echos (poems), Le Vieux Salomon, Les Filles de Monte Cristo (novels).
Tevis, Mrs. Julia edu. Ky. Autobiography.
Tharin, Robert Seymour Symmes, 1830- lawyer S. C. Arbitrary Arrests in the South, Political Situation (1871).
Thierry, Camille La. Les Vagabondes, and other poems.
Thom, William Taylor, 1849- Va. Shakespeare and Chaucer Examinations (1887), Course of Shakespeare Historical Reading.
Thomas, Ebenezer Smith, 1780-1844 edu. Mass., S. C. Reminiscences of the last Sixty-five years, Reminiscences of South Carolina.
Thomas, Frederick William, 1811-1866 ed. S. C., Md., Ala. "'Tis Said that Absence Conquers Love," and other lyrics, Emigrant, East and West, &c.
Thomas, Lewis Foulke, 1815-1868 Md., Ky., Mo. Inda and other Poems, Osceola, Cortez, (dramas).
Thomas, Martha McCannon, 1823- Md. Life's Lessons, Captain Phil (story of the Civil War).
Thomas, Mary Von Erden, 1825- S. C. Winning the Battle.
Thompson, John, 1777-1799 ("Casca," "Gracchus") Letters of Curtius.
*Thompson, John Reuben, 1823-1873 ed. Va. Poems, Editorials, &c.
Thompson, Maurice, 1844- c. e., lawyer Ga., La., Ind. Tallahassee Girl, Creole Literature, Story of Louisiana, By-Ways and Bird-Notes, Songs of Fair Weather, At Love's Extremes, A Banker of Bankersville, Sylvan Secrets, Poems, Essays, &c.
Thompson, Waddy, 1798-1868 S. C., Fla. Recollections of Mexico (1846).
*Thompson, William Tappan, 1812-1882 ed. O., Ga. Major Jones's Courtship, &c.
Thomson, Samuel Harrison, 1813-1882 Ky. Mosaic Account of Creation, Geology an Interpretation of Scripture.
Thornton, Thomas C., 1794-1860 Va., Miss. History of Slavery in the United States.
Thornwell, James Henley, 1812-1862 Pr. cl., edu. S. C. Discourses on the Truth, Rights and Duties of Masters, State of the Church.
Tice, J. H. Mo. Over the Plains and on the Mountains.
Ticknor, Francis Orrery, 1822-1874 phys. Ga. Virginians of the Valley, and other poems (edited by Paul H. Hayne, 1879).
Tiffany, Osmond, 1823- Md. Brandon: A Tale of the American Colonies, Life of Gen. Otho H. Williams.
Timrod, William Henry, 1792-1838 S. C. Lyrics.
*Timrod, Henry, 1829-1867 edu., ed. S. C. Poems.
T. M. Va. Account of Bacon's Rebellion, (dated 1705, thirty years after, found in manuscript).
*Toombs, Robert, 1810-1885 statesman Ga. Speeches.
Toulmin, Henry, 1767-1823 Eng., Ky., Ala. Description of Kentucky in 1792, Laws of Alabama (1823), and other legal works.
Townsend, Mrs. Mary Ashley [Van Voorhis], 1836- ("Xariffa") La. Down the Bayou and other Poems, Captain's Story, and other works.
Toy, Crawford Howell, 1836- edu., linguist Va., Ky., Mass. History of the Religion of Israel, Quotations in the New Testament.
Trescot, William Henry, 1822- diplomate S. C. Foreign Policy of the United States, Diplomacy of the Revolution, Diplomatic History of the Administrations of Washington and Adams.
Trent, William P. edu. Tenn. Life of William Gilmore Simms.
Trott, Nicholas, 1663-1740 Eng., S. C. Laws of South Carolina, Clavis Linguae Sanctae, Laws of Church and Clergy in America.
*Tucker, George, 1775-1861 edu. Va. Life of Thomas Jefferson, &c.
Tucker, Henry Holcombe, 1819- Bapt. cl., ed. Ga. Gospel in Enoch, Old Theology Restated, and other writings.
Tucker, John Randolph, 1823- edu., statesman Va. Speeches.
Tucker, Mrs. Mary Eliza [Perrine], 1838- Ala., Ga. (now Mrs. Lambert, of Philadelphia), Poems, Loew's Bridge, &c.
*Tucker, Nathaniel Beverley, 1784-1851 lawyer, edu. Va. Partisan Leader, &c.
*Tucker, St. George, 1752-1828 jurist, edu. Va. Poems, Legal writings, &c.
*Tucker, St. George H., 1828-1863 soldier Va. Hansford, a Tale of Bacon's Rebellion.
Tupper, Henry Allen, 1828- Bapt. cl. S. C., Ga., Va. A Decade of Foreign Missions, First Century of the First Baptist Church of Charleston, Truth in Romance (novel).
Turner, William Mason, 1835- phys. Va., Pa. Under Bail, Ruby Ring, and other novels.
Turner, William Wilberforce, 1830- Ga. Jack Hopeton.
Upshur, Mary Jane Stith, 1828- ("Fanny Fielding") Va. (now Mrs. Sturges of New York), Confederate Notes (novel), Poems.
Vance, Robert B. N. C. Heart-Throbs from the Mountains.
Vance, Mrs. Sally Ada [Reedy] Miss., Ky. Charity, The Sisters, and other poems.
*Vance, Zebulon Baird, 1830-1894 statesman, governor of N. C. Last Days of the War in North Carolina, Addresses, &c.
Vasconcellos, Andres de, fifteenth century Portuguese navigator History of Florida, (in Spanish).
Villeneufve, Le Blanc de La. Poucha Houmma (drama).
Von Weiss, Mrs. Susan Archer [Talley] Va. Poems.
Waddell, Alfred Moore, 1834- N. C. Colonial Officer and His Times (in manuscript).
Waddell, Moses, 1770-1840 edu. N. C., S. C., Ga. (President of the University of Georgia), Memoir of Miss C. E. Smelt.
Wakelee, Kate C. Conn., Ga. Forest City Bride, India Morgan.
Walker, Alexander, 1819- Va., La. Jackson and New Orleans, Life of Andrew Jackson, History of the Battle of Shiloh, Butler at New Orleans.
Walker, Cornelius, 1819- P. E. cl. Va. Life of William Duval, William Sparrow, Dr. Andrews, articles on Theology, &c.
Walker, Norman McF. La. Geographical Nomenclature of Louisiana.
Wallis, Severn Teackle, 1816- Md. Prayer for Peace, Guerrilla Warfare, Life of George Peabody.
Walsh, Robert, 1784-1859 diplomate Md. American Revolution, Future State of Europe.
Walworth, Mrs. Jeannette Ritchie [Hademann], 1837- Miss., La. Southern Silhouettes, Stories of a Southern County, A Little Radical, A Splendid Egotist, That Girl from Texas, &c.
Ward, Matt Flournoy, 1826-1862 Ky. Letters from Three Continents, English Items.
Warfield, Mrs. Catherine Anne [Ware], 1816-1877 Miss., Ky. Household of Bouverie, Romance of Beauseincourt, Poems, and other novels.
Warren, E. W. Ga. Nellie Norton (novel).
*Washington, George, 1732-1799 first President Va. State Papers, Letters, &c.
Watson, Asa Rogers, 1837- Va., Ga. Minstrel of Elsinore, Kin.
Watterson, Henry, 1840- ed. Ky. Oddities of Southern Life and Character, Editorials, Addresses, &c.
Webb, Mrs. Laura S. ("Stannie Lee") Ala. Heart-Leaves (poems).
Webber, Charles Wilkins, 1819-1856 Ky. Old Hicks the Guide, Texas Virago, Tales of the Southern Border, Shot in the Eye.
Weber, John Langdon S. C. History of South Carolina.
*Weems, Mason Locke, 1760-1825 Va. Life of Washington, &c.
Welby, Mrs. Amelia B. [Coppuck] Md., Ky. Poems by Amelia (1844, 1850).
Westmoreland, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth [Jourdan] Ga. Poems, Soldier's Wife, Soldier's Trials (dramas, played in Atlanta during the war).
Wharton, E. C. La. Life of Gayarre, War of the Bachelors, Toodles, Young Couple (comedy).
Wharton, Morton Bryan, 1839- Bapt. cl. Va. What I Saw in the Old World, Famous Women of the Old Testament, Famous Women of the New Testament.
Wheeler, John Hill, 1806-1882 N. C. History of North Carolina, Reminiscences of North Carolina.
Whitaker, Alexander, 1585-1613 P. E. cl. Eng., Va. (Baptized and married Pocahontas), Good Newes from Virginia (1613).
Whitaker, Mrs. Mary Scrimzeour [Furman] [Miller], 1820- S. C. Albert Hastings (novel), Poems.
White, Henry Alexander Pr. cl. Va. Origin of the Pentateuch in the Light of the Ancient Monuments (1894).
White, Henry Clay, 1850- Md. Complete Chemistry of the Cotton Plant, &c.
White, John Blake, 1781-1859 artist S. C. Foscari, Mysteries of the Castle, Triumph of Liberty or Louisiana Preserved.
Whittlesey, Sarah Johnson Cogswell, 1825- N. C. Heart-Drops from Memory's Urn (poems), The Stranger's Stratagem, Summer Blossoms, &c.
*Wilde, Richard Henry, 1789-1847 Ga., La. My Life is Like the Summer Rose, &c.
Wiley, Calvin Henderson, 1819-1887 N. C., S. C. Roanoke, or Where is Utopia?, Alamance, Early Life at the South.
Wilkinson, Andrew La. Sketches of Plantation Life.
Wilkinson, James, 1757-1825 Md., Mex. Memoirs of My Times.
Wilkinson, John, 1821- naval officer Va. Narrative of a Blockade-Runner.
Willey, Waitman Thomas, 1811- statesman W. Va. Lectures, Speeches, &c.
Williams, Mrs. Bessie W. [Johnson] S. C., Ga. In Memory of Captain Herndon (poem), Ciaromski and His Daughter.
Williams, Espy W. H. La. Parrhasius, Witchcraft, and other poems and dramas.
Williams, John Wilson Montgomery, 1820- Bapt. cl. Va., Md. Reminiscences of a Pastorate of Thirty-three Years, Pastor and People.
Williams, Mrs. Mary Bushnell, 1826- La. Serfs of Chateney, Tales and Legends of Louisiana.
Wilmer, Richard Hooker, 1816- P. E. bishop Ala. Recent Past, from a Southern Standpoint (1887), Reminiscences of a Grandfather.
*Wilson, Mrs. Augusta Jane [Evans], 1835- Ala. St. Elmo, and other novels.
Wilson, John Leighton, 1809-1886 missionary S. C. Western Africa, &c.
Wilson, John Lyde, 1784-1849 S. C. Code of Honor, Cupid and Psyche.
*Wilson, Robert Burns, 1850- artist Pa., Ky. Life and Love (poems).
Wilson, Samuel Farmer, 1805-1870 Conn., La. History of the American Revolution.
Wilson, Woodrow, 1856- edu. Va., N. J. An Old Master and other political Essays, Disunion and Reunion, National Revenues, Congressional Government, &c.
Winchester, Boyd Ky. The Swiss Republic.
*Wirt, William, 1772-1834 jurist Md., Va. British Spy, Life of Patrick Henry, &c.
Wise, Henry Alexander, 1806-1876 governor of Va. Seven Decades of the Union.
Withers, Emma W. Va. Wildwood Chimes (poems).
Wood, Mrs. Jean Moncure, 1754-1823 Va. Flowers and Weeds of the Old Dominion (1859).
Wood, William Maxwell, 1809-1880 phys. N. C. Wandering Sketches in South America, Polynesia, California, &c., A Shoulder to the Wheel of Progress.
Woods, Mrs. Katharine Pearson W. Va. Metzerott Shoemaker, Mark of the Beast, Web of Gold.
Wright, Marcus Joseph, 1831- Tenn. Reminiscences of McNairy County, Tenn., Life of Gov. William Blount, General Scott.
Wylie, Mrs. Lollie Belle [Moore] ed. "Society" Ala. Morning-Glory, and other Poems.
Wynne, Mrs. Emma [Moffett], 1844- ("Lola") Ala., Ga. Crag-Font.
Yancey, William Lowndes, 1814-1863 statesman Ga., Ala. Speeches and Letters.
Yeaman, George Helm, 1829- lawyer Ky. Naturalization, Privateering, Study of Government.
Yonge, Francis colonist S. C. Proceedings of the People of South Carolina in 1719, Voyage to Virginia and the Chesapeake.
Young, Edward, 1818- Eng., S. C. Ladye Lillian, and other Poems.
Young, Mrs. Maud J. [Fuller] N. C., Tex. (Descendant of Pocahontas), Song of the Texas Rangers, Cordova, a Legend of Lone Lake.
Corrections and further information are earnestly requested. Address Miss LOUISE MANLY, care B. F. Johnson Publishing Company, Richmond, Va.
Afflick, Mrs. Mary Hunt Ky., Tex. Gates Ajar, and other Poems.
Alexander, Archibald, 1772-1851 Pr. cl., edu. Va., N. J. Distinguished American Clergymen, History of the Presbyterian Church in Virginia (1854), and many theological writings.
Alexander, Joseph Waddel, 1804- Pr. cl., edu. Va., N. J. Biography of Dr. Archibald Alexander, Family Worship, and theological writings.
Anderson, Archer soldier Va. Addresses: Battle of Chickamauga, Robert E. Lee, &c.
Anderson, L. B. Va. Biographies of Virginia Physicians of Olden Times (1891).
Andrews, Garnett Ga. Reminiscences of an Old Georgia Lawyer (1870).
Archer, Branch T. Va., Tex. Addresses, Essays, &c.
Avery, I. W. Ga. History of Georgia (1881).
Bachman, Catherine Louise S. C. Life of John Bachman (her father).
Badger, Mrs. E. M. Fla., Tex. Silent Influence, and other poems.
Barbour, Benjamin Johnson, -1895 Va. Addresses.
Barton, W. S. Va. Diocese of Virginia.
Bartram, William, 1739-1823 botanist England. Travels through Carolina, Georgia, Florida, &c. (1791).
Battle, Kemp Plummer, 1831- edu. N. C. History of Raleigh, Benjamin Smith, Z. B. Vance, General Sumner, and other addresses, essays, &c.
Beale, Maria N. C. Jack O'Doon.
Beckwith, Paul Mo. History of the Beckwith Family (1891), Creoles of St. Louis (1893).
Bedinger, Henry, 1810- Va. Poems.
Bell, J. M. Va. Life of Ex-Governor William Smith (1891).
Bennet, W. W. cl. Va. The Great Revival in the Southern Army, Methodism in Virginia.
Berney, Saffold Ala. Industrial History of Alabama.
Bernheim, G. D., 1827- Luth. cl. N. C. German Settlement and Lutheran Church in N. C. and S. C.
Bickley, G. W. L. Va. History of Tazewell County.
Biggs, Joseph, 1776-1844 Bapt. cl. N. C. Kehukee Baptist Association (1837, continuation of Burkitt's History).
Bigham, Robert Williams, 1824- M. E. cl. Ga. Vinny Leal's Trip, Uncle Viv's Story, Gold Field Scenes, Joe a Boy in the War Times.
Billon, Frederick L. Mo. Annals of St. Louis (1886).
Bishop, P. P. Bapt. cl. N. Y., Fla. The Psychologist (novel), Heart of Man, American Citizen.
Bouldin, Powhatan Va. Reminiscences of John Randolph of Roanoke (1878), The Old Trunk.
Boyd, C. R. Va. History of Washington County, Geological Treatises.
Bradley, Mary E. Va. Douglas Farm.
Branch, William, Jr. Va. Life, and other poems (1819).
Brent, Frank P. Va. Eastern Shore of Virginia (1891).
Broaddus, Andrew, 1770- Bapt. cl. Va. History of the Bible, Sermons, Letters, &c.
Broadhead, Garland C. edu. Mo. Missouri Geological Survey Reports, and many scientific and historical papers.
Brown, B. Gratz, 1826- lawyer Mo. Geometry Old and New (1879), State Papers.
Brown, George William, 1812-1890 jurist Md. Baltimore and the 19th of April, 1861, Life of Thomas Donaldson, Origin and Growth of Civil Liberty in Maryland, &c.
Brown, John, 1771-1850 Ger., Va. Sermons (1818).
Brown, Mrs. Mary Mitchel Conn., Mo., Tex. School History of Texas, Burial of Governor Henry Smith, The Golden Wedding, To Ex-President Jefferson Davis, and other poems.
Brown, Samuel, 1769- phys. Va. Description of a Cave on Crooked Creek.
Browne, Alexander Va. Genesis of the United States (1891).
Browne, Henry Va. Captives of Abb's Valley, The Great Supper.
Bruce, Philip A. Va. Virginia Historical Society Papers, Plantation Negro as a Freeman, &c.
Bruce, Thomas Va. Historical Sketches of Roanoke, Cupid and Duty, That Bruisin' Lad o' Greystone Lodge, &c.
Bryan, W. S. publisher Mo. History of Pioneer Families of St. Louis.
Bryant, Edgar S. lawyer Ark. Orations.
Buchannan, —— cl. Ark. The World and the Book (1893).
Burgwyn, C. P. E. Va. The Huguenot Lovers, and other poems.
Burkitt, Lemuel, 1750-1807 Bapt. cl. N. C. Kehukee Baptist Association (with Jesse Read, 1803, and 1850, "earliest volume issued in the State on any part of her history").
Burk, John Daly, -1808 Ireland, Va. History of Virginia, 1804-1816 (3 volumes by Burk, the 4th by Louis Hue Girardin and Skelton Jones), Poems, Dramas, and other works.
Burwell, Letitia McCreery Va. A Girl's Life in Virginia before the War, Poems, &c.
Burwell, William McCreery, 1809-1888 ed. Va. White Acre against Black Acre, Exile and Empire, Essays on Economics, Politics, &c., (editor of "De Bow's Review").
Bushnell, J. E. Va. Baptism, Consecrated Giving, Deaconess Work (1889).
Cabell, Ellen Mayo Va. An Odd Volume of Fact and Fiction (1852).
Cabell, Mrs. I. C. Va. Historical and Biographical Sketches, &c.
Cabell, Mrs. Margaret Couch [Anthony], 1814-1883 Va. Recollections of Lynchburg.
Caldwell, Howard Hayne, 1831-1858 lawyer S. C. Oliata (1855), Poems (1858), Prose Articles.
Caldwell, Mrs. M. M. Ga. The Tie that Binds (1895).
Cameron, John N. C. Hand-book of North Carolina.
Campbell, Alexander, 1786-1866 cl. Ireland, W. Va. Sermons (Founder of the Church of the Disciples).
Campbell, Jesse H., 1807- Bapt. cl. Ga. Georgia Baptists (1847).
Campbell, John Lyle, 1818- Va. Geology of James River Valley (1892), Agriculture.
Campbell, John Poage, 1767- Va. The Passenger (1804), Vindex (1806), Answer to Jones (1812), &c.
Campbell, John Wilson Va. History of Virginia to 1781 (1813).
Carter, St. Leger Landon Va. Nugae by Nugator (Poems).
Carter, William Page Va. Poems.
Caruthers, Eli W., -1865 N. C. Life of Rev. David Caldwell, D. D., Revolutionary Incidents in the "Old North State."
Carwile, John Brown, 1825- banker S. C. Reminiscences of Newberry.
Casselberry, Evans lawyer Mo. Spanish Laws, Missouri Land Laws, &c.
Chappell, Absalom Harris, 1801-1878 lawyer Ga. Miscellanies of Georgia (1874).
Charlton, Thomas U. P. jurist Md., Ga. Life of Major-General James Jackson (1809).
Child, Jacob ed. Mo. The Pearl of Asia (1892).
Clayton, Augustine Smith, 1783- Va. Crockett's Life of Van Buren.
Claytor, Graham Va. Otterdale, Among the Hills, Pleasant Waters.
Clark, Walter, 1846- jurist N. C. Editor Records of North Carolina (after 1776), historical and legal papers.
Clark, —— Mo. History of William Jewell College.
Clarke, William Va. Lewis and Clarke Expedition (with Lewis).
Cleland, John, 1709-1789 (son of Colonel Cleland, Will Honeycomb of the Spectator). Tombo-Chiqui (1758).
Clover, Lewis P. P. E. cl. Va. Old Churches in Virginia.
Cocke, Philip St. George, 1808-1861 Va. Plantation and Farm Instruction (1852).
Coghill, James H. Va. Abroad (1867), Family of Coghill, 1379 to 1879.
Coles, J. J. Va. Africa in Brief (1886).
Colwell, Stephen, 1800-1871 Va. Foreign Commerce, New Themes for the Protestant Clergy, Politics for American Citizens, Christianity in the United States, The South, &c.
Conant, A. J. Mo. Footprints of Vanished Races (1878).
Cook, Mrs. Mary Louisa [Redd], -1891 Ga. Ante Bellum, or Southern Life as It Was, A Woman's Perils, Poems, &c.
Cooke, Philip St. George, 1809- soldier Va. Scenes and Adventures in the Army (1856), Conquest of New Mexico and California (1878).
Corbin, Mrs. Diana Fontaine Maury Va. Life of Matthew F. Maury (her father).
Cox, Edward Travers, 1821- Va. Geological and Scientific Treatises.
Coxe, Henry Carlton, 1785- Va. Liberty and Necessity, The Will.
Coyner, —— Va. The Lost Trappers (sequel to Lewis and Clarke Expedition).
Dabney, Heath H., 1859- Va. History of the French Revolution (1889).
Dannelly, Mrs. Elizabeth O. [Marshall] Ga., Tex. Cactus; or Thorns and Blossoms (poems).
Davis, John A. G., 1801-1840 lawyer Va. Legal Treatises.
De Graffenreidt, Christopher baron Switzerland, N. C. Narrative (of the colony of Swiss at New Bern, N. C.).
Derry, Joseph T. edu. Ga. Story of the Confederate States, School History of the United States.
Dixon, Sam Houston Tex. Poets and Poetry of Texas.
Doddridge, Joseph, 1769-1826 P. E. cl. W. Va. Notes on Virginia and Pennsylvania, Logan.
Dove, John phys. Va. Edited Proceedings of the Grand Lodge of Masons from 1773 to 1822, History of the Grand Lodge in Virginia, &c.
Du Bose, John Witherspoon, 1836- ed. S. C., Ala. Mineral Wealth of Alabama, Life and Times of William L. Yancey (1892).
Du Bose, —— edu. Tenn. Soteriology.
Dudley, Thomas U. P. E. bishop Va., Ky. A Nice Discrimination the Church's Need, A Sunday School Question Book.
Dugan, Mrs. George E. ("May Myrtle") Mo. Myrtle Leaves (poem, 1885).
Dugger, Shepherd Monroe N. C. Balsam Groves of the Grandfather Mountain.
Duke, R. T. W., Jr. Va. Poems.
Duncan, R. S. Bapt. cl. Mo. History of Baptists in Missouri (1882).
Durrett, Reuben Thomas, 1824- Ky. Life of John Filson, the first historian of Kentucky, Essays, &c.
Early, Mrs. Mary Washington [Cabell], 1846- Va. Sambo's Banishment, Virginia before the War, and other Sketches, Stories, and Essays.
Efnor, Mrs. Lottie Tex. Poems, Sketches, and other writings.
Elliott, Stephen, 1771-1830 nat. S. C., Ga. Botany of South Carolina and Georgia (1821).
Elliott, —— P. E. bishop S. C., Ga. Religious writings.
Elliott, Charles, 1792- ed., M. E. cl. Ireland, Mo. Southwestern Methodism (1868), and other works.
Elliott, Richard Smith Mo. Notes on St. Louis (1883).
Ellison, Matthew, 1804- Bapt. cl. Va. Dunkerism, a Plea for the Union of Baptists.
Evans, Lawton B., 1862- edu. Ga. History of Georgia (1884).
Ewell, Alice Maud Va. The White and the Red (1889), Stories and Sketches.
Ewing, Finis, 1773- cl. Va. Lectures on Divinity (1839).
Ezekiel, H. C. Va. The Book Buyer and Seller (1892).
Festetits, Mrs. Kate Neely, 1837- Va. Ellie Randolph, and other stories for children.
Fielder, Herbert Ga. Life and Times of Joseph E. Brown (1883).
Filhive, Don Juan Spain, Ark. Description of Hot Springs, Arkansas (in Spanish, 1796).
Fitzhugh, William Va. History of the Northern Neck of Virginia.
Fitzhugh, William Henry, 1792- Va. African Colonization (essays).
Floyd, N. J. Va. Thorns in the Flesh (1886).
Folsom, James M. Ga. Heroes and Martyrs of Georgia (1864).
Forest, William S. Va. Historical and Descriptive Sketches of Norfolk.
Fowke, Gerard Ky., Va. Archeological Investigations in James and Potomac Valleys (1894).
Fox, Norman, 1836- edu., Bapt. cl. Mo. A Layman's Ministry, A life of Hon. Nathan Bishop, Preacher and Teacher, A life of President Rambaut.
Franklin, Willie Tenn., Tex. "Al Lannee," and other poems.
Garland, Landon Cabell, 1810- edu. Va., Ala., Tenn. Trigonometry, Addresses, &c.
Garnett, Alexander Yelverton Peyton, 1820- surgeon Va. Potomac Marshes, Epidemic Jaundice, &c.
Garrett, Thomas E. ed. Mo. Masque of the Muses (poem, 1883).
Garrison, George P. Ga., Tex. "Solitude," and other poems and sketches.
Gerald, Florence Tex. Lays of the (Texas) Republic, and other poems.
Gilleland, William M. Tex. Burial March of General Thomas Green, In Memory of General Ben. McCulloch, and other poems.
Gillespie, Mrs. Helena [West] edu. Tenn., Tex. Tennyson's Picture, and other poems.
Gilman, Mrs. Caroline Howard, 1794- Mass., S. C. Recollections of a Southern Matron, and many other writings, sketches, essays, &c.
Goode, George Brown sci. Va., D. C. Virginia Cousins, Descendants of John Goode of Whitby, Va., ("replete with incidents and pictures of Southern life"), and scientific writings.
Goodloe, Daniel Reaves, 1814- N. C. Birth of the Republic, Reminiscences of Washington (1894), and other writings.
Gordon, Mrs. John N. Va. Scene in the Vale of Tempe (1891).
Graham, William Alexander, 1804-1875 Governor of N. C. Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence, Thomas Ruffin, George E. Badger, A. D. Murphey, and other addresses and State papers.
Grasty, John S. M. E. cl. Mo. Memoirs of Rev. Samuel B. McPheeters (1871).
Green, Thomas Marshall jour. Ky. Historic Families of Kentucky (1889), The Spanish Conspiracy (1891), and other works.
Green, William jurist Va. Legal Treatises and Essays.
Greene, Mrs. Mary Mo. Life of Rev. Jesse Greene (1852).
Greenway, J. R. Va. Here and There (1892).
Gregory, Edward S. cl. Va. Sketch of Petersburg, Poems.
Griffin, Mrs. T. M. Ala., Tex. The Fountain, Haunted, Drifting, and other poems.
Gunter, Bessie E. Va. Housekeeper's Companion (1889).
Haines, Hiram, ("Stranger") Va. Buds and Blossoms (poems).
Hallum, John, 1833- lawyer Tenn., Ark. History of Arkansas (1887), Diary of an Old Lawyer (1895), Life on the Frontier.
Hallum, Mattie A., 1872- Mo., Ark. Clay (a story in verse) and other poems.
Hambach, G. edu. Mo. Missouri Geological Survey Reports, scientific papers, &c.
Hamlett, Mrs. Lizzie Miss., Tex. Death of Rusk, Pleasures of Home, and other poems.
Hamner, Salley B. Va. Now That You Are Married (1892).
Harby, Mrs. Lee Cohen S. C., Tex., N. Y. Thanksgiving Ode (1881), A South Carolina Village, Old Stone Fort at Nacogdoches, City of a Prince, Earliest Texas, The Tejas Nation, Poems, Stories, &c.
Harden, Edward Jenkins, 1813-1873 lawyer Ga. Life of George M. Troup (1859), Notes of a Short Northern Tour (translated into Latin).
Harris, Mrs. Louisa Mo. Behind the Scenes; or, Nine Years at the Four Courts (1893).
Harris, Thaddeus M. Ga. Memorials of Oglethorpe (1841).
Harrison, Gessner, 1807-1862 edu. Va. Laws of Latin Grammar, Greek Prepositions.
Hartshorne, Joseph, 1779- phys. Va. The Bones, and other medical works.
Hatton, John W. Mo. Battle of Life (poem, 1882).
Hayden, Horace Edwin P. E. cl. Va., Pa. Virginia Genealogies, and other writings.
Heath, James, ca. 1812- lawyer Va. Edgewood (novel of the Revolution, 1838).
Henderson, John B. lawyer, statesman Mo. Speeches.
Hening, William Waller, died 1828 lawyer Va. American Pleader (1811), New Virginia Justice (1825).
Henkel, Paul, 1754-1825 Luth. cl. N. C., Va. Baptism and the Lord's Supper, German Hymns, Zeitvertreib (poem).
Henning, Julia R. edu. Va. Geography of Virginia, Songs (with the music).
Hereford, Mrs. Elizabeth J. Ky., Tex. Rebel Rhymes, and other poems.
Hill, Benjamin Harvey, 1823-1882 Ga. Notes on the Situation, Orations, &c.
Hill, Britton A. lawyer Mo. Liberty and Law (1873), Absolute Money, Specie Resumption (1876).
Hobby, Alfred M. Fla., Tex. Frontier from the Saddle, Sentinel's Dream of Home.
Hodgson, Joseph Ala. Cradle of the Confederacy (1876).
Hogg, Thomas E. Tex. The Fate of Marvin (poem).
Holbrook, John Edwards, 1794-1871 sci. S. C. American Herpetology, Southern Ichthyology.
Holcombe, James Philemon, 1820- Va. Literature and Letters, &c.
Holding, Mrs. Elizabeth E. edu. Mo. Joy the Deaconess (novel).
Holmes, George Frederick, 1820- edu. British Guiana, Va. Comte's Philosophy, and other essays, History of the United States, Readers, and other text-books.
Hooper, William, 1782-1876 N. C. Fifty Years Since (1859), and other addresses.
Houston, Mrs. Margaret Moffett [Lea], -1867 Ala., Tex. To My Husband [General Sam. Houston], and other poems.
Howard, Overton Va. Life of the Law.
Hubbard, Fordyce Mitchell, 1809-1888 N. C. Life of W. R. Davie, Richard Caswell, The Harvey Family, &c.
Hughey, G. W. cl. Mo. The Liquor Traffic (1882), Catechism on Beer (1884), Ingersoll and Ingersollism (1883), Resurrection of the Dead, Christian Side of Faith, &c.
Hunt, James H. Mo. The Mormon War in Missouri, 1844 (with G. W. Westbrook).
Hutchins, James H. N. C., Tex. My Native Town, Funeral Odes, and other poems.
Hutson, Charles Woodward Ga., Miss. Beginnings of Civilization, Story of Beryl.
Irby, Richard Va. Sketch of the Nottoway Grays.
Irving, John B. S. C. Essays.
James, Benjamin, 1768-1825 jurist Va., S. C. Statute and Common Law of Carolina (1814).
Jamison, David F., 1810-1860 planter, soldier S. C. Memoir of Bertrand du Guesclin.
Jeffries, Fayette, 1820- Va. Crippled Fayette, an autobiography.
Jett, James Va. A Virginia Tragedy, and other stories.
Jewell, Horace cl. Ark. History of Methodism in Arkansas (1893).
Johnson, John, 1829- c.e., P. E. cl. S. C. Defense of Charleston Harbor (1890).
Johnston, Frederick, 1811-1894 Va. Old Virginia Clerks (1888).
Jones, Charles Edgeworth, 1867- lawyer Ga. Education in Georgia (1889), Divisions of Georgia (1892).
Jones, John P. Mo. Spanish Expedition to Missouri in 1719, Early Travel in Missouri, Missouri River and Indians, &c.
Jones, Joseph, 1833- phys., edu. Ga., Tenn., La. Aboriginal Remains of Tennessee (1876), Medical and Surgical Memoirs, &c.
Jones, Wiley Va. Gospel of the Kingdom.
Jones, William Hite Va. Federal Taxes and State Expenses.
Josselyn, Robert, 1810-1884 jour. Mass., Tex. The Last Tear I Shed, Satire on the Times, and other poems.
Keiffer, Aldine S. Va. Poems.
Kerr, Hugh, -1843 Ireland, Tex. Poetical Description of Texas (1838).
Kerr, Robert Pollok, 1850- Mo. Presbyterianism for the People (1883), History of Presbyterianism (1886), Hymns of the Ages (1891), Voice of God in History (1890), and other works.
Kerr, Washington Caruthers, 1827-1885 edu., geologist N. C. Geological Papers (in regard to North Carolina).
Kilby, L. Clay Va. Vernon Lonsdale (1876).
King, Willis P. phys. Mo. Quacks and Quackery in Missouri (1882), and medical writings.
Kingsbury, Theodore Bryant, 1828- ed. N. C. Baptism, History of Granville County, N. C., historical and literary essays, &c.
Krauth, Charles P., 1823- cl. Va. Winter and Spring in the Danish West Indies, Conservative Reformation, Christian Liberty, Berkeley's Principles, Augsburg Confession, Poems, &c.
Ladd, Mrs. Catherine [Stratton], ("Minnie Mayflower"), 1809- edu. Va., S. C. Tales, Essays, and Poems (1840-1860).
Lacy, J. Horace soldier Va. Historical Sketches.
Laidley, Theodore Thaddeus Sobieski, 1822-1886 soldier Va. Ordnance Manual, Rifle Practice.
Lafferty, J. J. M. E. cl. Va. Addresses, Lectures, Sermons, &c.
Lane, James H. soldier, edu. N. C. Lane's North Carolina Brigade, and other historical papers.
Langhorne, Orra Gray Va. Aunt Pokey's Son, and other stories.
Langston, John Mercer, 1829- Va. Freedom and Citizenship (1883).
Lawson, Thomas, 1781- Va. Sickness and Mortality in the United States Army, Meteorological Register.
Lay, James H. lawyer Mo. History of Benton County (1876).
Leachman, Mrs. Welthea [Bryant], 1847- Tex. Bitter Sweet, and other poems.
Lewis, John Va. Young Kate; or The Rescue—a tale of the Great Kanawha.
Lewis, Meriwether Va. Lewis and Clarke Expedition (with Clarke).
Leyburn, John, 1814- Pr. cl. Va. Soldiers of the Cross, Hints to Young Men, pamphlets and reviews.
Lind, G. Dallas phys. Mo. Races of Man, Religions of the World, Great Educators and Their Methods, Primeval Man, The Human Body, &c.
Lindsay, Margaret Isabella Va. The Lindsays of America (1889).
Lindsley, John Berrien, 1822- phys., edu. Tenn. Military History of Tennessee, Cumberland Presbyterian History, &c.
Linn, E. A. and N. Sargent Mo. Life of L. F. Linn (1857).
Linn, John J., 1798-1885 Ireland, Tex. Fifty Years in Texas (reminiscences).
Little, Lucius P. Ga. Ben Hardin (1887).
Littlepage, Lewis, 1762-1802 soldier, diplomate Va. Translation XXII. Ode, Book I., of Horace (done when fifteen years old), Letters.
Lloyd, Willa D., 1866- Tex. Christmas Chimes, Christmas in Camp, and other poems.
Logan, John Randolph, 1811-1884 Bapt. cl. N. C. Broad River and King's Mountain Baptist Association 1800-1882 (1887).
Lomax, John Tayloe, 1781-1862 jurist Va. Laws of Real Property, Law of Executors, &c.
Lowe, John, 1750-1798 edu. Scotland, Va. Mary's Dream, and other poems.
Lowndes, William Jones, 1782-1822 statesman S. C. Speeches.
Lucas, Virginia Va. Poems.
Ludlow, N. M. Mo. Dramatic Life As I Found It (1880).
Lupton, Nathaniel Thomas, 1830- edu. Va., Ala., Tenn. Scientific Agriculture, Chemistry.
Luther, John Hill, 1824- Bapt. cl. R. I., Tex. My Verses, sermons and other writings.
Lytle, William Henry soldier Va. Poems.
McCabe, James Dabney, 1808-1875 P. E. cl. Va. Masonic Text-Book.
McCarthy, Carlton Va. Soldier Life in the Army of Northern Virginia.
McClelland, H. B. Va. Life of J. E. B. Stuart (1885).
McEachin, R. B. Ala., Tex. Youthful Days, and other poems.
McDonald, Miss F. M. Va. Who Was the Patriot?
McElligott, James N., 1812- Va. Orthography, Analyzer, Speaker, Hymns, Greek and Hebrew Text-Books, &c.
McGehee, Montford, 1822- N. C. Life of William A. Graham (1877).
McMillan, Hamilton N. C. Sir Walter Raleigh's Lost Colony (1888).
McQueary, Howard cl. Va. Topics of the Times, Evolution and Christianity (1889).
McRee, Griffith John, 1819-1873 ed. N. C. Life and Correspondence of James Iredell (1857).
McVey, Mrs. Nellie Mo. Eureka Springs, Poems.
Madison, James, 1749-1812 P. E. bishop Va. Sermons, Eulogy on Washington.
Mallard, Robert Quarterman, 1830- Pr. cl. Ga., La. Plantation Life Before Emancipation (1892).
Mallary, Mrs. Mary Jeanie [Dagg] Ala., Ga. Horace Wilde, Elsie Lee, Rosalie Wynnton, Jack, A Seeming Trifle, Picciola or The Power of Conscience, Aunt Clara's School, Won by a Boy (just finished).
Manly, Basil, 1825-1892 edu., Bapt. cl. S. C., Va., Ky. Bible Doctrine of Inspiration, A Call to the Ministry, Higher Education in the South Before the War, Hymns, Sunday School Catechism, Addresses, &c.
Manly, John Matthews, 1865- Ala., R. I. Pre-Shaksperean Drama (1895).
Marr, Mrs. Jane Barren Hope Va. Novel of Spotswood's Time, "Stories and Papers," and other writings.
Martin, L. A. lawyer Mo. Halloween, and other poems.
Maynard, Mrs. Sallie Ballard [Hillyer], 1841-1882 Ga., Tex. The Two Heroines, or The Valley Farm (novel), Poems.
Melton, Wightman Fletcher M. E. cl., edu. Ala. The Preacher's Son (1894).
Mercer, Margaret, 1792-1846 edu. Md., Va. Ethics, Studies for Bible Classes (1842).
Meriwether, C. S. C. History of Higher Education in South Carolina (1889).
Merrimon, Maud L. N. C. Memoir of A. S. Merrimon (her father).
Miller, Mrs. M. C. [Keller] La. Severed at Gettysburg, Love and Rebellion.
Miles, James Warley, 1818-1875 P. E. cl. S. C. Philosophic Theology, Addresses, Essays, &c.
Minnigerode, Charles G., 1814-1894 P. E. cl. Ger., Va. Sermons.
Minor, Benjamin B. Va. Memoir of Chancellor Wythe (1852).
Minor, John Barbee, 1813-1895 edu., lawyer Va. Reports of 1799-1800, legal writings, &c.
Minor, Lucian, 1802-1858 ed. Va. Abolishing the Liquor Traffic, Travels in New England, Legal Treatises.
Minor, Virginia L. Va. Historical and Biographical Sketches, &c.
Mitchell, John Kearsley, 1798- phys. Va. St. Helena (poem), Indecision (novel) 1839, Properties of Water, Essays on Medical Subjects, &c.
Montague, —— Va. Montagues of Virginia.
Moore, Francis England, Ga. Travels into Africa, Voyage to Georgia in 1735 (1744).
Moorman, R. B. Va. Sketches of Travel in Europe.
Moran, Mrs. F. B. Va. Miss Washington of Virginia (1891).
Moran, W. H. W. Va. From School-Room to Bar (1892).
Morgan, William, 1775- Va. Illustrations of Freemasonry (1826).
Morris, Thomas Asbury, 1794- M. E. bishop Va. Church Polity, Biographical Sketches and Notes of Travel, Western Methodism (1852).
Mosby, Ella F., 1846- Va. The Ideal Life (1877), The Christmas Inn, and other stories, poems, &c.
Murphy, John Albert cl. N. C., Tex. The First Fallen Soldier of 1861, Our Silver Wedding-Day, and other poems.
Mutter, Thomas Dent, 1811- phys. Va. Salt-Sulphur Springs of Virginia, Medical and Surgical Essays (1846).
Newton, Virginius Va. Confederate Navy, The Ram Merrimac (in Southern Historical Society Papers).
Norris, Thaddeus, 1811-1877 Va. American Angler's Book (1864), American Fish Culture (1868).
Odom, Mary Hunt McCaleb ("L'Eclair") Ky., Miss., Tex. Hood's Last Charge, and other poems.
Olive, Johnson, 1816-1885 Bapt. cl. N. C. Autobiography.
Otey, James Hervey, 1800-1863 P. E. bishop Va., Tenn. Unity of the Church, Sermons and Essays.
Page, William lieutenant United States navy Va. Exploration of the Valley of the Amazon.
Page, William A. Va. Uncle Robin in His Cabin in Virginia (1853).
Paris, John Meth. Prot. cl. N. C. History of the Methodist Protestant Church (1849).
Parker, Nathan H. Mo. Missouri Hand-Book (1865), Geological Map of Missouri (1865), Missouri As It Is in 1867 (1867).
Parker, W. W. phys. Va. Rise and Decline of Homoeopathy, Forty Years a Doctor, &c.
Pate, Henry Clay Va. Sketches of Virginia.
Patton, John M. cl. Va. The Death of Death.
Paxton, William M. Mo. The Marshall Family (1885).
Peck, John M. Mo. Life of Daniel Boone, Annals of the West (1850).
Penn, Garland Va. California, Men of Mark, Wizard of the Wave, &c.
Perdue, E. T., 1831- Va. Words of Our Saviour (1890).
Phifer, C. L. Mo. Love and Law (sonnets), Annals of the Earth, Weather Wisdom, and two other volumes of poems.
Pinckney, Charles Cotesworth P. E. cl. S. C. Life of Thomas Pinckney.
Polk, William M. phys. La., N. Y. Life of Leonidas Polk (his father).
Pollard, Marie Antoinette N. G. Va. Poems.
Pollard, Henry Rives, 1833- Va. Historical Sketches, Essays, &c.
Pollard, Thomas Va. Hand-Book of Virginia.
Pope, William F., -1895 Ark. The Early Days of Arkansas.
Post, T. M. Mo. Life of Rev. Dr. T. A. Post.
Potter, Mrs. Mary Eugenia [Guillot], 1864- Tex. The Press, Gibraltar, Pioneer Association of Dallas County, and other poems.
Potter, Reuben M., 1802- N. J., Mex., Tex. Hymn of the Alamo, Old Texian Hunter, &c.
Price, Mrs. Anna Va. Sunday School Stories.
Pryor, Roger Atkinson, 1828- ed., lawyer Va., N. Y. Essays and Addresses.
Purdy, Mrs. Amelia V. [McCarty], 1845-1881 Pa., O., Tex. First Fruits, Vocation, and other poems.
Purefoy, George W. Bapt. cl. N. C. Sandy Creek Baptist Association, 1758-1858 (1859).
Rader, Perry S. ed. Mo. School History of Missouri (1891).
Randolph, Alfred Magill, 1836- P. E. bishop Va. Sermons and Discourses.
Randolph, E. A. Va. Life of John Jasper (1884).
Randolph, Peyton, 1779- lawyer Va. Reports of Cases in the Supreme Court, 1821-8.
Raymond, W. M. Va. Citronaloes (1889).
Reavis, L. U. Mo. The New Republic (1867), St. Louis the Future Great City (1870), Thoughts for Young Men (1873), Life of Horace Greeley, Life of General Harney (1878), Commercial Destiny of the Mississippi Valley (1880), The Isthmian Passage (1882), Manhood of America (1880), and other works.
Reichel, Levin Theodore, 1812-1878 Moravian bishop N. C. The Moravians in North Carolina (1857).
Reilly, J. S. N. C. Wilmington: Past, Present, and Future.
Reynolds, Thomas C. Governor of Mo. Two Hundredth Anniversary of the Discovery of the Upper Mississippi, State Papers, &c.
Rhodes, Edward Abesette, 1841-1863 soldier Tex. Poem on death of his father, &c.
Rhodes, Robert H., 1845-1874 Tex. Prayer, Under the Cactus, and other poems.
Rhodes, William Henry, 1822- N. C., Tex., Cal. Theodosia (play), Indian Gallows (poems), Caston's Book (essays, poems, and sketches).
Rice, Martin Bapt. cl. Mo. Rural Rhymes, Tales of Olden Times, Blue River Association.
Richards, William C., 1818-1892 cl., sci. England, Ga., Ill. Georgia Illustrated (1842).
Richardson, John M., 1831- S. C., Tex. The Whiskey Fiend, Prayer of Mary Queen of Scots, &c.
Riley, Benjamin Franklin, 1849- Bapt. cl., edu. Ala., Ga. History of Conecuh County, Ala., Alabama As It Is, History of the Baptists of Alabama, Baptists in the Southern States East of the Mississippi (in preparation).
Robinson, Conway, 1805- lawyer Va. Early Voyages to America (1848), and legal works.
Robinson, John Va. Forms in the Court of Law of Virginia (1790, 1826).
Robinson Willie Blanche ("Persia") 1857- Tex. Texas to Jefferson Davis—A Welcome, and other poems.
Rockwell, Elisha F., 1809-1888 N. C. Rowan County in 1774, John Thompson, James Hall, and other historical papers.
Rogers, Mrs. Loula Kendall edu. Ga. Toccoa the Beautiful, Twenty Years an Alien, Musical Drills, Songs, and other poems.
Rose, Victor M., -1893 Tex. Ross's Brigade, Los Despenadores, The Texas Vendetta, Demara the Comanche Queen, History of Victoria County, Life of General B. McCulloch, Legend of Dixie.
Ross, James, 1801-1878 —— Life and Times of Elder Reuben Ross (his father).
Rothwell, William R. edu., Bapt. cl. Mo. Reading the Scriptures (1889), New Testament Church Order (1890), Addresses.
Rowe, Horace, 1852-1884 Tex. Years of Youth, and other poems.
Royall, Anne, 1769-1854 b. in Virginia (a prisoner for years among the Indians, then lived in Alabama and Washington, D. C.). History, Life, and Manners in the United States, The Tennessee (novel), The Black Book, Letters from Alabama, Southern Tour.
Ruffin, Edmund, 1794-1865 Va. Essays on Agriculture, Anticipations of the Future (1860).
Ruffner, William H. —— History of Washington and Lee University, &c.
Salyards, Joseph H. edu. Va. Idothea, a Poem (1875).
Sampson, Francis Asbury, 1842- lawyer Mo. Natural History of Pettis County (1882), Bibliography of the Geology of Missouri (1890), Mollusca of Arkansas (1893), and other scientific and historical writings.
Saunders, Mrs. Mary [Ingle], 1836- England, Tex. Texas, San Jacinto Day, and other poems.
Saunders, William Lawrence, 1835-1891 statesman N. C. Edited Records of North Carolina to 1776 (8 volumes).
Schenck, David, 1835- lawyer N. C. North Carolina 1780-81, Guilford Court-House, and other historical papers.
Scott, John Va. Partisan Life with Mosby.
Scott, William Cooper, 1817- Va. Genius and Faith.
Scott, Winfield, 1786- soldier Va. Regulations for the Army, Infantry Tactics, Memoir of Lieutenant-General Scott, written by himself (1864).
Semmes, Thomas Va. Poems (by "Collegian").
Sherwood, Adiel, 1791-1879 Bapt. cl. Ga., Mo. Gazetteers of Georgia, Notes on the New Testament.
Shields, Joseph Dunbar, 1820- jurist Miss. Life and Times of Prentiss (1885).
Shinn, Josiah H., 1849- edu., jour. Ark. Public School and College (1891), The South and Education (1892), History of the American People (1893), Illustrated Arkansas (1893), and other works.
Shumard, Benjamin F. sci. Mo. Geological Reports of Missouri and Texas, &c.
Sibbald, George Ga. Pine Lands of Georgia (1801).
Slaughter, William Bank, 1798- Va. Reminiscences of Distinguished Men I Have met (1878).
Smith, Augustine Meade Va. Commissioners in Chancery (1888).
Smith, Benjamin Mosby, 1811- cl. Va. Commentary on the Psalms and Proverbs, Questions on the Gospels, Poetical Books of the Scriptures.
Smith, C. Alphonso edu. La. Repetition and Parallelism in English verse (1894).
Smith, Charles Lee, 1865- N. C. History of Education in North Carolina (1888).
Smith, George G., Jr., 1829- M. E. cl. Ga. History of Methodism in Georgia and Florida, Life of Bishop Andrew, &c.
Smith, John Augustine, 1782-1865 phys. Va. Nervous System, Mutations of the Earth, Moral and Physical Science, &c.
Smith, Mrs. Mary Stuart [Harrison] Va. Art of Housekeeping, Lang Syne, or The Wards of Mt. Vernon (1889), translations, essays, &c.
Smith, Sarah Henderson Va. Alice Singleton, Up to the Light, Poems (1885).
Smithdeal, George Michael, 1855- edu. N. C., Va. Book-Keeping: Theory and Practice.
Smithdeal, Mrs. Grace Henning D. C., Va. Grammar, Speller, and Letter-Writer.
Sommersall, James Ga. Poems (1853).
Sparks, W. H. Ga. Memories of Fifty Years (1870).
Spragins, Mrs. Anna Ward, -1876 Ala., Tex. Shiloh, Farewell to Texas, and other poems.
Sprunt, James, 1846- merchant, British vice-consul Scotland, N. C. Wilmington (1883), A Colonial Plantation, What Ship is That? (the blockade of Wilmington).
Stevens, William Bacon P. E. bishop Ga. History of Georgia (1847, 1859), Discourses.
Stewart, Frederick Campbell phys. Va. Hospitals and Surgeons of Paris (1843).
Stillman, Anne Raymond S. C., Ala. How They Kept the Faith (story of the Huguenots).
Stockard, Henry Jerome N. C. Poems.
Swartz, Joel, 1827- cl. Va. Dreams of the Waking Heart, Lyra Lutherana.
Swisher, Mrs. Bella French, 1837- ed. Ga., Wis., Tex. History of Brown County, Wis., Struggling Up to the Light (novel), San Antonio River, and other poems.
Taylor, Hannis Ala. History of the British Constitution.
Taylor, William, 1821- bishop Va. Christian Adventures in South Africa, Our South American Cousins, Four Year's Campaign in India, &c.
Thomas, Joseph, 1791- cl. N. C. The Life of the Pilgrim (autobiography).
Thurston, G. P. —— Antiquities of Tennessee (1890).
Tiernan, Mrs. Mary Spear [Nicholas], 1836-1891 Va., Md. Homoselle, and other novels.
Tiffany, Olive Mo. Floral Poems (1893).
Truitt, Mrs. Julia Phifer La., Tex. Birds of Passage, Sometimes, and other poems.
Tucker, David Holmes edu., phys. Va. Medical writings.
Tucker, Henry St. George, 1780-1848 jurist Va. Commentaries on the Law of Virginia, Constitutional Law, Natural Law and Government, &c.
Tucker, Nathaniel, 1750- Bermuda, Va. The Bermudian (poem, 1774).
Tunstall, Nannie W. Va. "No. 40," and other stories.
Turner, Thomas Sloss, 1860- Ky., Tex. Life's Brevity, and other poems.
Turrentine, Mrs. Mary E. [Arrington], 1834- Ark., Tex. To a Mocking-Bird, and other poems, and sketches.
Tuthill, C. L. —— Virginia Dare; or, The Colony of Roanoke.
Tuttle, Joseph K. M. E. cl. Mo. Ecce Christus Lectures (1887).
Tyler, John, 1790-1862 tenth President Va. The Dead of the Cabinet, Death of Jefferson, and other addresses and messages.
Tyler, Lyon Gardiner, 1853- edu., ed. Va. Letters and Times of the Tylers (two vols. 1884, a third vol. now in press, 1895), Parties and Patronage in the United States (1891), various literary and historical addresses and papers.
Tyler, Robert, 1818-1877 Va., Ala. Ahasuerus, Death or Medora's Dream (poems), addresses, and other writings.
Upshur, Abel Parker, 1790-1844 Va. Nature and Character of our Federal Government (1840).
Vass, Lachlan Gumming, 1831- Pr. cl. N. C. History of the Presbyterian Church in New Bern, N. C.
Velthusen, Johann Caspar —— News of the Church in North Carolina (in German, 1786-1792, four reports).
Venable, Charles S., 1827- edu. Va. Mathematical Text-Books (1869-'75).
Venable, Frank Preston, 1856- Va. Chemical Analysis.
Waddell, James D. lawyer Ga. Sketch of Linton Stephens (1877).
Waddell, Joseph Addison, 1823- Va. Annals of Augusta County, and other writings.
Wall, Henry Clay N. C. Historical Sketch of the Pee Dee Guards (1876).
Walter, Thomas, ca. 1745-ca. 1800 England, N. C. Flora Caroliniana (1788, London).
Walton, William Claiborne, 1793- cl. Va. Sermons and Discourses.
Warder, George W. Mo. Utopian Dreams and Lotus Leaves, Eden Dell.
Warrock, John, 1774- Va. Warrock's Almanac (issued annually forty years).
Washington, Bushrod, 1762- Va. Reports of Court of Appeals and of the Circuit Court of the United States (six volumes).
Washington, Lawrence Va. A Romance.
Waterhouse, S. edu. Mo. Resources of Missouri (1867), The Westward Movement of Capital (1890), St. Louis the Site for the World's Fair (1889), &c.
Weaver, W. T. G., 1834-1877 Mo., Tex. Hours of Amusement, Houston's Address to His Men at San Jacinto, Song of the Texas Rangers, The Girl in Red, and other poems.
Weeks, Stephen Beauregard, 1865- historian, edu. N. C. Bibliography of the Historical Literature of North Carolina, Lost Colony of Roanoke, and many other historical papers.
West, Mrs. Florence Duval, -1881 Fla., Tex. Land of the Lotus-Eaters (prose sketches), The Marble Lily, and other poems.
Weston, James A. P. E. cl. N. C. Life of Peter Stuart Ney (1895), Sermons and Memoirs.
Wharey, James, 1789-1842 cl. N. C., Va. Church History from the Birth of Christ to the Nineteenth Century.
White, George, 1802-1887 P. E. cl. S. C. Statistics of Georgia (1849), Historical Collections of Georgia (1854).
Whitsett, William Thornton, 1866- edu. N. C. "Bob White," To a Lark, and other poems.
Whitsitt, William Heth, 1841- Bapt. cl., edu. Tenn., Ky. History of the Baptists, Origin of the Disciples, History of the Wallace Family, &c.
Whitten, Mrs. Martha Elizabeth [Hotchkiss] Tex. The Old Home, Elegy on Dr. Manning, and other poems.
Whittle, Gilberta, 1850- Va. Stories and Essays.
Williams, John G. Bapt. cl. S. C. Invasion of the Moon.
Williamson, Hugh, 1735-1819 phys. N. C. History of North Carolina (1812).
Wilmer, William Holland, 1782-1827 P. E. cl. Va. Controversy with a Jesuit (1818), Sermons, &c.
Wilson, John S. Pr. cl. Ga. Necrology (1869).
Winkler, Mrs. A. V. ed. Va., Tex. Confederate Capitol, Hood's Texas Brigade.
Wingfield, Edwin Maria, 1570- England, Va. Discourse on Virginia.
Wirt, Mrs. Elizabeth Washington [Gamble], 1784-1857 Va. Flora's Dictionary.
Wise, George Va. History of the Seventeenth Virginia Infantry (1870).
Withers, Alexander Scott, 1792-1865 lawyer Va. (kinsman of Sir Walter Scott). Border Warfare.
Wood, Annie C. Va. Diana Fontaine (1891), Westover's Ward (1892).
Wood, John, 1775-1822 Scotland, Va. Rise and Progress of the Revolution, Trial of Aaron Burr, Diurnal Rotation of the Earth, &c.
Woodward, C. M. edu. Mo. History of St. Louis Bridge, City of St. Louis (1892).
Woodward, W. S. M. E. cl. Mo. Annals of Methodism in Missouri (1893).
Wormeley, Ariana Randolph —— The Coming Woman (a comedy, 1870).
Wormeley, Mary Elizabeth, 1822- England, Va. Forest Hill, Amabel (1853), Our Cousin Veronica (1856), The Steel Hammer (1888).
Wright, Robert England, Ga. Memoirs of General James Oglethorpe (1867).
Wynne, Thomas Hicks, 1820-1875 Va. Historical Documents from the Old Dominion (1860-1874), from the Old North State, Narrative of Col. David Fanning (1861).
Wythe, George, 1726- Va. Decisions of the High Court of Chancery (1795).
Transcriber's Note
Archaic and variable spelling is preserved as printed. Punctuation errors have been repaired.
The following amendments have been made:
Page 14—312 amended to 311—"Osceola, Leader of the Seminoles, 311"
Page 27—Soverignty amended to Sovereignty—"State Sovereignty and Liberty, ..."
Page 31—289 amended to 299—"University of Alabama 299"
Page 31—entries "University of Mississippi 337" and "Arkansas Industrial University 402" were originally immediately preceding the entry for "Mississippi Industrial Institute ... 446". They have been moved to the correct place in the List of Illustrations.
Page 98—inflence amended to influence—"... that all attempts to influence it by temporal punishments ..."
Page 125—efflulgence amended to effulgence—"... the purity of his private character gave effulgence to his public virtues."
Page 139—opprobium amended to opprobrium—"... (that opprobrium, in the opinion of some gentlemen, ...)."
Page 243—commere amended to commerce—"... and has proven of immense benefit both to commerce and science."
Page 254—Vasconselas amended to Vasconselos—"... Cassique of Kiawah. Vasconselos, [tale of De Soto.]"
Page 261—repeated 'of' deleted—"... preceded the final insensibility of the victim."
Page 292—repeated 'it' deleted—"... when one half of it is placed under water, ..."
Page 341—scarcly amended to scarcely—"His future was so uncertain—that he scarcely alluded to that ..."
Page 384—fuchias amended to fuchsias—"... and her fingers toyed with the scarlet fuchsias; ..."
Page 391—Maryiand amended to Maryland—"Potomac calls to Chesapeake, Maryland, my Maryland!"
Page 432—Pepworth amended to Pebworth—"Farrier Lass o' Piping Pebworth."
Page 441—grand amended to grande—"He went and married la grande demoiselle."
Page 448—omitted 2. added—"2. For what was his daughter Evelyn noted?"
Page 448—omitted 5. added—"5. When was the Farewell Address written?"
Page 448—2. amended to 6.—"6. Who were presidents before Jefferson?"
Page 449—Demothenes amended to Demosthenes—"5. Who were Demosthenes, Ossian, Homer, Milton, Rousseau?"
Page 449—7. amended to 5.—"5. When was the University established and opened?"
Page 450—6. amended to 5.—"5. Where did he die?"
Page 452—4. amended to 3.—"3. What other writers edited or wrote for the "Messenger"?"
Page 452—6. amended to 5.—"5. Mention some other Confederate soldiers who went to Mexico."
Page 452—5. amended to 6.—"6. Where is Magnolia Cemetery?"
Page 453—6. amended to 4.—"4. Tell something of James Edward Oglethorpe."
Page 454—2. amended to 3.—"3. Learn something of their history."
Page 457—entry "R. C., Roman Catholic." moved to appropriate alphabetical place in list of abbreviations.
Page 461—Addresss amended to Address—"Berrien, John Macpherson, ... Address in Congress."
Page 468—Ninteenth amended to Nineteenth—"War of Ahriman and Ormuzd in the Nineteenth Century, ..."
Page 473—Historie amended to Histoire—"Fortier, Alcee ... Histoire de la Litterature francaise, ..."
Page 476—Pourqui amended to Pourquoi—"Grisna, E. ... Pourquoi Jean Est Reste Garcon."
Page 482—Correspondende amended to Correspondence—"Life and Correspondence of Major-General Greene."
Page 486—Self-Governmant amended to Self-Government—"... Civil Liberty and Self-Government, ..."
Most references to the death date of St. George H. Tucker in the book give a year of 1863; however, the information about his death on page 329 notes that he died in the Seven Days' Battles around Richmond in 1862. Since an alternative source for the date of his death could not be found, all dates remain as printed.
Illustrations have been moved slightly, where necessary, so that they are not in the middle of a paragraph.