EDWARD COATE PINKNEY.—1. What position had his father in 1802? 2. For what was his father distinguished? 3. Who do you think were "the five greatest poets of the country" in his lifetime?
CHARLES ETIENNE ARTHUR GAYARRE.—1. In what languages did he write? 2. Who first manufactured sugar in Louisiana? 3. When? 4. Who were lords of Louisiana in 1750-70? 5. How long was Louisiana under Spanish domination? 6. When was the Louisiana Purchase made? 7. Tell the story of the Acadians.
MATTHEW FONTAINE MAURY.—1. What title did his sea studies acquire for him? 2. What was his service to the Atlantic Telegraph Cable? 3. Tell what honors he received. 4. Where is there a monument to Lieutenant Herndon? 5. What relation were Maury and Herndon? 6. Learn something of the Emperor Maximilian and the Mexican revolution.
WILLIAM GILMORE SIMMS.—1. What is the subject of most of Simms' novels? 2. Who has written his life? 3. What is the usual form of Manneyto? (Manitou) 4. Who were the Yemassees and when was the Yemassee war? 5. Give a sketch of General Marion. (See also under Ramsay.)
ROBERT EDWARD LEE.—1. Who have written the life of General Lee? 2. What is the present name of Washington College? 3. Where are there monuments to Lee? 4. When did the Civil War begin and end? 5. Learn more of General Lee.
JEFFERSON DAVIS.—1. When and where was he inaugurated president of the Confederacy? 2. What has his daughter Winnie written? 3. Who have written the life of President Davis? 4. When was Pierce president of the United States? 5. Where is Beauvoir? 6. Where is the Hermitage? 7. Where is Mr. Davis buried?
EDGAR ALLAN POE.—1. What is said of the "Raven" in 1845? 2. Where are monuments to Poe? 3. Which are the best lives of him? 4. Who was John Pendleton Kennedy? 5. What is the Koran? 6. "The red levin"?
ROBERT TOOMBS.—1. What two distinguished men besides Toombs were ordered to be captured after the war? 2. Why did he not sue for pardon? 3. Who have written his life? 4. Learn more of him.
OCTAVIA WALTON LE VERT.—1. What was the name of her father and grand father? 2. What did La Fayette say of her when a child? 3. What is said of her in Washington? 4. Trace her voyage to Spain from Mobile, Ala. 5. Who were the Moors and when did they rule Spain?
LOUISA SUSANNAH M'CORD.—1. Name of Mrs. M'Cord's father? 2. Learn the last paragraph on page 292. 3. When was this article published? 4. Where is Forte Motte? 5. For what is it noted? 6. Tell something of the Women's Rights Movement in Europe and America.
JOSEPH G. BALDWIN.—1. What do you think of this sketch of Virginians? 2. Translate the Latin. 3. Who were Jefferson Hamilton Jackson, Clay John Randolph?
ALEXANDER HAMILTON STEPHENS.—1. In what family did he teach? 2. Name of his home? 3. Tell the anecdotes of him. 4. When did Calhoun die? 5. Tell what you can of the Senators mentioned in the sketch. 6. How did Fillmore afterwards become president of the United Stales? 7. When?
ALEXANDER BEAUFORT MEEK.—1. What system was established by him in Alabama? 2. Tell some of the characters in his writings 3. For whom is Montgomery named? 4. When was the Seminole war? 5. Who was the American general? 6. What river did De Soto discover and when did he march through Alabama?
PHILIP PENDLETON COOKE.—1. Whose brother and whose cousin was he? 2. What is said of the poem "Florence Vane"?
THEODORE O'HARA.—1. When was the battle of Buena Vista? 2. Where is O'Hara buried? 3. What is meant by "the Dark and Bloody Ground"? 4. What famous pioneer is also buried in Frankfort? 5. Mention some others given in this book who were in the battle of Buena Vista.
FOURTH PERIOD, 1850-1895.
GEORGE RAINSFORD FAIRBANKS.—1. What other names had Osceola? 2. Find out more about him and about the Florida War. 3. For whom is Fort Moultrie named? 4. Who wrote the lines on page 314?
RICHARD MALCOLM JOHNSTON.—1. What people are described in his stories? 2. Who are they, and what are such people called in London, in North Carolina, and in different other States? 3. Who was Mr. Ellington?
JOHN REUBEN THOMPSON.—1. Of what magazine was he editor from 1847 to 1859? 2. Who were some of its contributors? 3. What other writers edited or wrote for the "Messenger"? 4. Who was Ashby?
JABEZ LAMAR MONROE CURRY.—1. What have we inherited from England? 2. What relation does Mr. Gladstone think should exist between England and America? 3. What is the Peabody Educational Fund? 4. Learn what you can of George Peabody and of the Peabody Institute in Baltimore. (See also under John Pendleton Kennedy and Sidney Lanier.)
MARGARET JUNKIN PRESTON.—1. How was Mrs. Preston related to Stonewall Jackson? 2. Where did he die? 3. What were his last words? 4. Where is the Virginia Military Institute? 5. Where is the Natural Bridge? (See Jefferson's Description.)
CHARLES HENRY SMITH ("BILL ARP").—1. Tell of the Cherokees and their march to the West. 2. Who were Ridge and Ross? 3. Tell of John Howard Payne's imprisonment. 4. Why did the Cherokees go beyond the Mississippi?
ST. GEORGE H. TUCKER.—1. What relation was he to St. George Tucker? 2. When was Jamestown burned? 3. When did the Seven Days' Battles around Richmond occur? 4. When was Berkeley governor of Virginia? 5. Tell of Bacon's Rebellion. (See also Dr. Caruthers' "Knights of the Golden Horseshoe.") 6. What is left of Jamestown now? (See under John Smith.)
GEORGE WILLIAM BAGBY.—1. What was Dr. Bagby's pen-name? 2. Whom did he succeed as editor of the "Southern Literary Messenger"? 3. Who was Rubinstein?
SARAH ANNE DORSEY.—1. How did Mrs. Dorsey gain her pen-name? 2. To whom did she will her Mississippi home? 3. Who was H. W. Allen? 4. What was her opinion as to going in to exile after the war? 5. Mention some other Confederate soldiers who went to Mexico. 6. Who was Mrs. C. A Warfield and what did she write? (See "List of Southern Writers.") 7. Describe the life of the mistress of a large plantation. (See under Kennedy and Mrs. M'Cord; also Mrs. Smedes' "Southern Planter.")
HENRY TIMROD.—1. What occupation did Timrod's father choose and why? 2. Who were the companions of Timrod's vacations? 3. Who wrote a sketch of his life? 4. In what great fire was his property destroyed in Columbia? 5. When did it occur? 6. Where is Magnolia Cemetery?
PAUL HAMILTON HAYNE.—1. What title has been given him? 2. What loss had he during the war? 3. What relation was he to Robert Young Hayne? 4. What book has his son published? 5. The name of his son?
JOHN ESTEN COOKE.—1. What relation was he to P. P. Cooke and to John P. Kennedy? 2. Who were Jackson and Stuart? 3. Tell something of Virginia History at the time the "Races" took place; of United States History at the same time.
ZEBULON BAIRD VANCE.—1. What title had he and why? 2. What race settled North Carolina? 3. What is the origin of the term "buncombe" as popularly used? 4. Tell of the Siege of Londonderry, and of the Mecklenburg Declaration of Independence.
ALBERT PIKE.—1. Tell of his trip to the West. 2. Of what does his "Mocking-Bird" remind one? 3. Learn more of Pike and of his labors for Freemasonry.
WILLIAM TAPPAN THOMPSON.—1. What distinction about his birth? 2. What was the Western Reserve?
JAMES BARRON HOPE.—1. In what year was the 250th anniversary of the settlement of Jamestown? 2. Who is "the Man" of the Yorktown Centennial Ode? 3. Tell of the surrender at Yorktown. 4. For whom was Lord Cornwallis exchanged?
JAMES WOOD DAVIDSON.—1. What have been his services to Southern literature? 2. What is the Beautiful? 3. The Poetical?
CHARLES COLCOCK JONES, JR.—1. What collections did he make? 2. How stands he among Georgian writers? 3. Describe the city of Savannah in 1734. 4. Tell something of James Edward Oglethorpe. 5. What did Oglethorpe write? (See "List of Southern Writers.") 6. Who were Jasper, De Soto, Pulaski?
MARY VIRGINIA TERHUNE ("MARION HARLAND").—1. For what special purpose was the Story of Mary Washington written? 2. When was the monument unveiled? 3. Where is it? 4. When did Mrs. Washington die?
AUGUSTA EVANS WILSON.—1. What was Mrs. Wilson's first novel? 2. Her most famous one? 3. Translate the foreign phrases and look up the unknown names in the selection.
DANIEL BEDINGER LUCAS.—1. When was the poem written? 2. To whom does the fifth stanza refer? 3. What was the Forum?
JAMES RYDER RANDALL.—1. What has "My Maryland" been called? 2. When was it written? 3. Who were Carroll, Howard, Ringgold, Watson, Lowe, May?
ABRAM JOSEPH RYAN.—1. What was his title? 2. Mention some of his poems? 3. What was the Conquered Banner?
WILLIAM GORDON MCCABE.—1. What were the Trenches? 2. Who wrote Tristram and Iseult?
SIDNEY LANIER.—1. What kind of ancestry had he? 2. What is said of his "Science of English Verse"? 3. What was his favorite remark on Art? 4. Tell of the Centennial Ode. 5. To what poems does Barbe refer in his tribute to Lanier? (See under Waitman Barbe.) 6. Study well the "Song of the Chattahoochee," its rhyme, meter, and thought. 7. What are the marshes of Glynn? (Salt marches on the coast of Ga.) 8. What are the Peabody Symphony Concerts?
JAMES LANE ALLEN.—1. From what States was Kentucky mainly settled? 2. When was the battle of Blue Licks? 3. When was Kentucky admitted to the Union?
JOEL CHANDLER HARRIS.—1. What is said of "On the Plantation"? 2. Is the negro dialect the same in all the States? 3. Who was Uncle Remus?
ROBERT BURNS WILSON.—1. Who is the "Fair Daughter of the Sun"? 2. To whom are Wilson's poems dedicated?
CHRISTIAN REID (MRS. TIERNAN).—1. In what battle was Colonel Fisher killed? 2. When was it? 3. Tell of Dr. Mitchell's death and burial. (A granite monument has been erected over his grave).
HENRY WOODFEN GRADY.—1. Of what paper was he editor? 2. Where is there a monument to him? 3. Learn all that you can of the persons and places mentioned in the extract.
THOMAS NELSON PAGE.—1. With whom did he first write? 2. What passage of Grady's does the extract illustrate?
CHARLES EGBERT CRADDOCK (MISS MURFREE).—1. For whom was Murfreesboro named? 2. Where are Miss Murfree's stories laid?
DANSKE DANDRIDGE.—1. Whence did Mrs. Dandridge get her first name? 2. Learn the beautiful poem by heart.
AMELIE RIVES (MRS. CHANLER).—1. Who were her paternal grandparents, and what did they write? 2. What style had she at first 3. Learn something of the ginseng-diggers in the Alleghany Mountains.
GRACE KING.—Describe the contrast in the life of many of the Southern planters before and after the war.
WAITMAN BARBE.—1. To whom is the poem addressed? 2. Of what paper is he editor?
MADISON CAWEIN.—1. Of what race is he? 2. Who were the Huguenots? 3. Learn something of their history.
DIXIE.—1. Who wrote Dixie, and when?
This list is not complete. It is my desire to make it so, and I shall be greatly obliged for information as to names, dates, residence, and works of Southern writers. Correction of mistakes is urgently and respectfully solicited, as well as fuller details in regard to the names here given, which lack some of the above particulars.
Communications may be addressed to Miss Louise Manly, care B. F. Johnson Publishing Company, Richmond, Virginia.
Valuable aid has been most kindly and generously rendered by Prof. B. F. Meek, University of Alabama; Prof. Howard N. Ogden, University of West Virginia (now of the University of Chicago); Mr. Charles Weathers Bump, Ph. D., Johns Hopkins University; Prof. Charles W. Kent, Linden-Kent Professor of English, University of Virginia; Dr. James Wood Davidson, Washington, D. C.; Prof. B. F. Riley, University of Georgia; Mr. Alfred Holt Stone, Greenville, Mississippi; Prof. R. H. Willis, Arkansas University; Prof. F. C. Woodward, South Carolina University; Prof. C. V. Waugh, Florida State College; Miss Sara Hartman, Editor of The Gulf Messenger, San Antonio, Texas; Mr. F. A. Sampson, Sedalia, Missouri; Mr. William F. Switzler, Editor of The Missouri Democrat, Boonville, Missouri; Mr. Fay Hempstead, Little Rock, Arkansas; Mr. Leonard Lemmon, Editor of The School Forum, Sherman, Texas; Prof. E. M. Davis, University of Tennessee (now of Hampden-Sidney, Va.), and other professors and scholars.
* * * * *
Those marked * are to be found in the body of the book. The following abbreviations are used:
Bapt., Baptist. c. e., civil engineer. cl., clergyman. ed., editor. edu., educator. jour., journalist. Luth., Lutheran. M. E., Methodist Episcopal. nat., naturalist. P. E., Protestant Episcopal. phys., physician. Pr., Presbyterian. R. C., Roman Catholic. sci., scientist.
Abbey, Richard M. E. Cl. Miss. Apostolic Succession, Creed of All Men, and other religious works.
Aiken, Mrs. J. G. La. Poems.
Ainslie, Hew, 1792-1878 poet Scotland, Ky. Ingleside, On with the Tartan, Pilgrimage to the Land of Burns, and other poems.
Aleix, Mme Eulalie L. T. La. Le Livre d'Or de la Comtesse Diane, Maxime de la Vie, Les Poesies de Lamartine.
Alfriend, Frank H. Va. Life of Jefferson Davis, Life of R. E. Lee.
Allan, William,—d. 1891 colonel C. S. A. Va. Battlefields of Virginia, Jackson's Valley Campaign, Army of Northern Virginia.
Allen, Henry Watkins, 1820-1866 War governor of La. Travels of a Sugar-Planter.
*Allen, James Lane novelist Ky. Flute and Violin and other stories, John Gray, A Kentucky Cardinal.
Allston, Joseph Blyth soldier S. C. Battle Songs.
Allston, Washington, 1779-1843 artist and poet S. C., Eng., Mass. Monaldi (novel), Poems, Art writings.
Alsop, George, 1638- colonist England, Md. Character of the Province of Maryland, Small Treatise on the Wild and Naked Indians or Susquehannakes of Maryland.
Anderson, Florence Ky. Zenaida (novel), Poems.
Andrew, James Osgood, 1794-1871 M. E. bishop Ga., Ala. Miscellanies, Family Government.
Andrews, Eliza Frances, 1847 ("Elzey Hay") Ga. Family Secret, Mere Adventurers, Prince Hal, Dress Under Difficulties (fashions in Dixie during the war), Plea for Red Hair, and other writings.
Andry, Mme Laure La. Histoire de la Louisiane pour les Enfants.
Archdale, John Quaker, came in 1664 as governor of Carolina. Description of Carolina.
Archer, G. W. phys. Md. More than She Could Bear (Tales of Texas).
Arrington, Alfred W., 1810-1867 N. C., Mo., Ark. Apostrophe to Water, Sketch of the South-West, Rangers and Regulators of the Tanaha.
Asbury, Francis, 1745-1816 M. E. bishop Eng., Va. Journal (3 vols., travels in establishing Methodism).
Ashe, Thomas, ("T. A., Gent.") Eng., Va. Carolina: or a Description of the Present State of that Country and the Natural Excellencies thereof (published in 1682, reprinted, 1836).
*Audubon, John James, 1780-1851 naturalist La., Pa., Ky., N. Y. Ornithological Biographies, Birds of America, Quadrupeds of America (with Rev. John Bachman).
Augustin, George La. Legends of New Orleans.
Augustin, John La. Creole Songs, War Flowers.
Augustin, Marie La. Le Macandal (novel).
Bachman, John, 1790-1874 Luth. cl., nat. N. Y., S. C. Quadrupeds of America (with Audubon), Unity of the Human Race, Defence of Luther.
Bacon, Julia Tex. Looking for the Fairies, and other poems.
*Bagby, George William, 1828-1883 humorist, essayist Va. Letters of Mozis Addums and other writings.
Baker, Daniel, 1791-1857 Pr. cl., edu. Ga., Va., Tex. Sermons, Address to Fathers, and other works.
Baker, William Munford (son of Daniel), 1825-1883 cl. Tex., Mass. Inside, A Chronicle of Secession, by G. F. Harrington, Virginians in Texas, New Timothy, and other works.
Baker, Mrs. Marion A. (Julie K. Wetherill), 1858- La. Poems, essays, and other writings.
*Baldwin, Joseph G., 1811-1864 jurist, humorist Ala., Cal. Flush Times of Alabama and Mississippi, Party Leaders, and other writings.
Baldwin, James Mark edu. S. C., N. J. Mental Development in the Child and the Race, Psychology.
Ball, Mrs. Caroline A. [Rutledge] S. C. Jacket of Gray and other Poems (1866).
Banister, John, ?-1692 botanist Eng., Va. Insects of Virginia, Curiosities in Virginia.
*Barbe, Waitman, 1864- ed. W. Va. Addresses, Ashes and Incense, and other poems.
Barbee, William J., 1816- cl., phys., edu. Ky., Tenn., Mo. Cotton Question, Life of Paul, and other writings.
Barber, Miss Catherine Webb [Mrs. Towles] ed. Mass., Ala., Ga. (Ed. "Miss Barber's Weekly"), Three Golden Links, Freemason's Fireside.
Barclay, James Turner, 1807-1874 cl. Va., Ala. City of the Great King.
Barde, Alexandre La. Histoire des Comites de Vigilance aux Attakapas.
Barnes, Annie Maria, 1857- S. C., Ga. Some Lowly Lives, Story of the Chattahoochee, Found in the Sand, &c.
Barney, John, 1784-1856 Md. Personal Recollections of Men and Things in America and Europe.
Barr, Mrs. Amelia Edith Eng., Tex. Remember the Alamo, Jan Vedder's Wife, and many other novels.
Barrow, Mrs. Frances Elizabeth [Mease] (Aunt Fanny), 1822 S. C., N. Y. Aunt Fanny's Story-Book, Letter G, Six Nightcaps.
Bartlett, Napier La. Military Recollections of Louisiana, Soldier's Story of the War.
Bartley, James Avis Va. Lays of Virginia.
Bascom, Henry Bidleman, 1796-1850. M. E. bishop N. Y., Ky. (Ed. "Southern Methodist Quarterly Review"), Sermons, Methodism and Slavery.
Baxter, William, 1823- cl., edu. England, Ark. Poems, Pea Ridge and Prairie Grove, War Lyrics.
Bay Mo. Bench and Bar of Missouri.
Baylor, Frances Courtenay, 1848- novelist Ark., Va. On Both Sides, Behind the Blue Ridge, A Shocking Example.
Beale, Helen G. Va. Lansdowne.
Beard, Richard, 1799-1880 Pr. cl., edu. Tenn. Systematic Theology, Biographical Sketches, Why I Am a Cumberland Presbyterian.
Beauregard, Pierre Gustave Toutant, 1818- soldier La. Principles and Maxims of the Art of War, Defence of Charleston.
Beck, George, 1749-1812 edu. England, Ky. Poems, original, and translated from Greek and Latin.
Bell, Orelia Key, 1864- Ga. Po' Jo, Jamestown Weed, and other poems.
Bellamy, Mrs. Elizabeth Whitfield [Croom], "Kamba Thorp," 1839- Fla., Ala. Four Oaks, Little Joanna, Penny Lancaster Farmer, Old Man Gilbert, The Luck of the Pendennings, (Ladies' Home Journal, 1895).
Bennett, Mrs. Martha Haines Butt Va. Pastimes with Little Friends, Leisure Moments.
*Benton, Thomas Hart, 1782-1858 statesman N. C., Mo. Thirty Years in the United States Senate.
Berkeley, Sir William, 1610-1677 colonial governor of Virginia, 1641-1676 Va. The Lost Lady, a Tragi-Comedy, 1638, Description of Virginia.
Bernard, P. V. La. Un Ancetre de la Sainte Alliance.
Berrien, John Macpherson, 1781-1856 statesman N. J., Ga. (Called "The American Cicero"), Address in Congress.
Beverley, Robert, 1670-1735 statesman, historian Va. History of the Present State of Virginia, 1705.
Bigby, Mrs. Mary Catherine [Dougherty], 1839- Ga. Delilah, Death of Polk, and other poems.
Bigney, Mark F. La. Forest Pilgrims, Wreck of the Nautilus, and other poems.
Blackburn Va. Miss Washington of Virginia.
Blair, Francis Preston, 1821-1875 ed., soldier Ky., Mo. (Ed. "Mo. Democrat"), Life of General William O. Butler.
Blair, James, 1656-1743 first president of William and Mary College, edu. Scotland, Va. State of His Majesty's Colony in Virginia, Sermons.
Blake, Mrs. Lillie [Devereux], 1835- N. C., N. Y. Woman's Place To-day, Fettered for Life, Southwold, Rockford, and other stories.
Bland, Richard, ("Virginia Antiquary"), 1710-1776 Va. Letter to the Clergy, Rights of the British Colonies.
Bledsoe, Albert Taylor, 1809-1877 cl., edu. Ky., Tenn., Va. (Ed. "Southern Review"), Theodicy, Is Davis a Traitor? Edwards on the Will, Liberty and Slavery, Philosophy of Mathematics. "Dr. Bledsoe was a giant of Southern Literature."
Bleton, C. La. De la Poesie dans l'Histoire.
Blount, Annie R. (Jenny Woodbine) Ga. Poems, (1860).
Boernstein Mo. Mysteries of St. Louis.
Boner, John Henry, 1845- N. C., N. Y. (One of the editors of the Century Dictionary, and of the Library of American Literature), Whispering Pines (poems).
Bosman, John Leeds, 1757-1823 lawyer Md. History of Maryland, Verses and prose articles.
Botts, John Minor, 1802-1869 Va. Great Rebellion.
Boyce, James Petigru, 1827-1889 Bapt. cl., edu. S. C., Ky. (Founder of the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary), Systematic Theology, Catechism.
Boyle, Virginia Frazer, 1863- Tenn. Old Canteen, On Both Sides.
Bradley, Thomas Bibb Va. Poems (with his cousin, Mrs. Creswell).
Breckinridge, John Cabell, 1821-1875 statesman, soldier Ky. Addresses.
Breckinridge, Robert Jefferson, 1800-1871 Pr. cl., edu. Ky. Internal Evidences of Christianity, Knowledge of God, Travels, and other writings.
Brewer, Willis Ala. Alabama.
Bringhurst, Mrs. Nettie Houston (daughter of Sam Houston) Tex. Poems.
Brisbane, Abbott Hall, 1861- civil engineer S. C. Ralphston.
Broadus, John Albert, 1827-1895 Bapt. cl., edu. Va., S. C., Ky. Preparation and Delivery of Sermons, History of Preaching, Sermons and Addresses, Commentary on Matthew, Memoir of James P. Boyce, Harmony of the Gospels.
Brock. R. A. Va. Virginia and Virginians, Southern Historical Society Papers.
Brock, Miss Sallie A. (see Mrs. Putnam) Va.
Brooks, Nathan Covington, 1819- edu. Md. Shelley, History of the Mexican War, Literary Amaranth, and other writings.
Brown, John Henry Tex. History of Texas.
Brown, William Hill, 1766-1793 N. C. Poems.
Browne, Emma Alice, 1840- Md. Poems—"The Water-Lilies Float Away," and others.
Browne, William Hand, 1828- edu. Md. English Literature, Life of Alexander H. Stephens, (with R. M. Johnston), George and Cecilius Calvert, Maryland.
Brownlow, William Gannaway, 1805-1877 cl. Va., Tenn. Secession.
Bruns, John Dickson, 1836- phys., edu. S. C., La. "Charleston," "Wrecked," and other poems, Lectures on Tennyson and Timrod, medical writings.
Bryan, D. Va. Mountain Muse, Adventures of Daniel Boone.
Bryan, E. L. Va. 1860-1865 (novel).
Bryan, Mrs. Mary Edwards, 1846- Fla., Ga. Manch, Wild Work, Poems, and other works.
Buchanan, Joseph, 1785-1829 ed., inventor Va., Ky. Philosophy of Human Nature.
Buckner, Mrs. R. T. La. Toward the Gulf.
Burke, John W. Ireland, Ga. Life of Robert Emmet.
Burnett, Mrs. Frances Hodgson England, Tenn. That Lass o' Lowrie's (1877), Surly Tim's Troubles (1872), Haworth's (1879), Louisiana (1880), Fair Barbarian (1881), Through One Administration (1883), Little Lord Fauntleroy (1886), Sarah Crewe (1888), The Pretty Sister of Jose (1889), Little Saint Elizabeth (1890), Giovanni and the Other (1891), The One I Knew Best (1893), The Mind of a Child (1893), (describing her son, the original of Fauntleroy).
Butler, William Orlando, 1791-1880 soldier Ky. Boatman's Horn (poem).
*Byrd, William, 1674-1744 statesman Va. Westover Manuscripts: History of the Dividing Line, A Journey to the Land of Eden, Progress to the Mines.
Cable, George Washington, 1844- La., Mass. Old Creole Days (1879), Grandissimes (1880), Madam Delphine (1881), Dr. Sevier (1883), Creoles of Louisiana (1884), The Silent South (1885), Bonaventure (1887), Strange True Stories of Louisiana, edited and revised by G. W. Cable (1889), Negro Question (1890), John March, Southerner (1893-4).
Caldwell, Charles, 1772-1853, phys. N. C., Ky. Autobiography, and other works.
Caldwell, James Fitz-James S. C. A Brigade of South Carolinians, Letters from Europe.
*Calhoun, John Caldwell, 1782-1850 statesman S. C. Addresses in Congress (6 vols).
Calvert, George Henry, 1803-1880 ed. Md. Poems, Goethe, Dante, St. Beuve, and other essays.
Campbell, Charles, 1807-1876 historian Va. Bland Papers, Introduction to the History of the Old Dominion, Spotswood Family.
Canonge, L. Placide, 1822- dramatist La. Qui Perd Gagne, Brise du Sud, Le Comte de Carmagnola, Institutions Americaines.
Carleton, Henry Guy, 1835- dramatist N. M., La. Memnon.
Cardozo, J. N. S. C. Reminiscences of Charleston.
Carroll, Mother Austin La. Annals of the Sisters of Mercy.
Caruthers, William A., 1800-1850 phys. Va., Ga. Knights of the Golden Horse-Shoe, Cavaliers of Virginia, Kentuckians in New York.
Castleman, Virginia C. edu. Va. A Child of the Covenant, Belmont, a Tale of the New South.
*Cawein, Madison, 1865- poet Ky. Blooms of the Berry (1887), Days and Dreams, &c.
Chambers, H. E. La. Histories of the United States (for schools).
*Chanler, Mrs. Amelie Rives, 1863- Va. A Brother to Dragons and Other Stories (1888), Virginia of Virginia (1888), The Quick or the Dead? (1888) and other novels and dramas.
Chapman, John A. S. C. The Walk (poem), History of South Carolina (for schools).
Charlton, Robert M., 1807-1854 lawyer Ga. Leaves from the Portfolio of a Georgia Lawyer, Sketches, Poems.
Chaudron, Louis Ala. Madame La Marquise, and other comedies.
Chittenden, William Lawrence, 1862- N. J., Tex. (called "Poet-Ranchman"), Ranch Verses.
Clack, Mrs. Marie Louise La. Our Refugee Household (1866).
Claiborne, John Francis Hamtranck, 1809-1884 jour. Miss. Life and Times of General Sam. Dale, Life of J. A. Quitman (1860), History of the War of Secession.
Clarke, Mrs. Kate Upson, 1851- Ala., N. Y. That Mary Ann, and other writings.
Clarke, Mrs. Mary Bayard [Devereux], 1830- N. C. Wood-Notes, Mosses from a Rolling Stone, Reminiscences of Cuba, Stories, Sketches, Poems.
*Clay, Henry, 1777-1852 statesman Va., Ky. Addresses at the Bar and in Congress.
Clemens, Jeremiah, 1814-1865 Ala. Rivals, Mustang Gray, and other novels.
Cleveland, Henry Ga. Alexander H. Stephens (1866).
Clingman, Thomas Lanier, 1812- statesman, soldier N. C. Speeches, Mountains of North Carolina, Follies of the Positive Philosophy.
Cobb, Joseph Buckham, 1819-1858 Ga., Miss. Creole, Mississippi Scenes, Leisure Labor.
Cobb, Thomas Read Rootes, 1823-1862 lawyer Ga. Law of Slavery, Laws of Georgia, Addresses, Poems.
Coleman, Charles Washington, Jr Va. Poems, Literature in the South.
Collens, Thomas Wharton, 1812-1879 lawyer La. Martyr Patriots (drama), Humanics, Eden of Labor.
Collins, Clarence B. Fla. (Called "Sand-spur Philosopher"), Tom and Joe, (a story of the war).
Connelly, Emma M. Ky. Story of Kentucky, Tilting at Windmills.
Conway, Moncure Daniel, 1832- Va. Idols and Ideals, Wandering Jew, Pine and Palm, Prisons of Air, Life of Paine, and other works.
Cook, E., colonial times Va., Md. Sot-Weed [Tobacco] Factor.
*Cooke, Philip Pendleton, 1816-1850 Va. Froissart Ballads and other Poems (1847), John Carpe, Crime of Andrew Blair, and other stories.
*Cooke, John Esten, 1830-1886 Va. Virginia Comedians, Surry of Eagle's Nest, and other novels.
Courmont, Felix de La. Le Morne Vert, L'Amour, Le Dernier des Caraibes.
*Craddock, Charles Egbert (Miss Murfree) Tenn. Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains, &c.
Crafts, William, 1787-1826 lawyer S. C. Raciad, and other poems, essays, &c.
Crane, William Carey, 1816-1885 Bapt. cl., edu. Va. Tex. Life of General Sam Houston.
Crawford, J. Marshall Va. Mosby and His Men (1867).
Crawford, William Harris, 1772-1834 statesman Ga. Speeches.
Crawford, Nathaniel Macon, 1811-1871 Bapt. cl., edu. Ga., Ky. Christian Paradoxes.
Creswell, Mrs. Julia [Pleasants], 1827-1886 Ala. Callamura, Apheila, Poems.
"Crim, Matt" Ga. Adventures of a Fair Rebel, In Beaver Cove and Elsewhere, Elizabeth: Christian Scientist.
*Crockett, David, 1786-1836 soldier, hunter Tenn. Autobiography, &c.
Cross, Mrs. Jane Tandy [Chinn], 1817-1870 edu. Ky. Heart Blossoms, Azile, Six Months Under a Cloud (Prison Life).
Crozier, Robert Haskins cl. Miss. Confederate Spy.
Cruse, Mary Ann Ala. Cameron Hall.
Cumming, Kate, 1835- Ala. Hospital Life in the Army of Tennessee.
*Curry, Jabez Lamar Monroe, 1825- diplomate Ala., Va. Southern States of the American Union, &c.
Custis, George Washington Parke, 1781-1857 Va. Memoir of Washington.
Cutler, Mrs. Lizzie [Petit], 1831- Va. Light and Darkness, Household Mysteries, A Romance of Southern Life.
Dabney, Richard, 1787-1825 Va. Poems, original and translated.
Dabney, Robert Lewis, 1820- edu. Va., Tex. Defence of Virginia and the South, Life of T. J. Jackson.
Dabney, Virginius, 1835-1894 Va. Don Miff, Gold That Did Not Glitter.
Dagg, John L., 1794-1884 Bapt. cl., edu. Va., Ga., Ala. Manual of Theology, Moral Philosophy.
Dalsheimer, Mrs. Alice [Solomon], 1845-1880 ("Salvia Dale") La. Motherhood, Twilight Shadows (poems).
Dana, Mrs., see Shindler
*Dandridge, Mrs. Danske [Bedinger], 1859- W. Va. Joy and other Poems.
Darby, John F. Mo. Personal Recollections.
Darden, Mrs. Fannie A. D. [Baker] Ala., Tex. Comanche Boy, Old Brigade, and other poems.
Dargan, Clara Victoria, 1840- S. C. Riverlands, Helen Howard, Poems.
Daveiss, Mrs. Maria [Thompson], 1814- Ky. Roger Sherman, a Tale of '76, Woman's Love, Poems.
David, Urbain La. Les Anglais a la Louisiane en 1814 et 1815.
*Davidson, James Wood, 1829- edu., jour. S. C. Living Writers of the South (1869), Poetry of the Future, &c.
*Davis, Jefferson, 1808-1889, statesman Miss. Rise and Fall of the Confederacy.
Davis, Mrs. Varina Jefferson [Howell] Miss. Jefferson Davis.
Davis, Varina Anne, 1864 (called "Child of the Confederacy") Miss. An Irish Knight, Essays, &c.
Davis, Mrs. Mary Evelyn [Moore] Ala., Tex., La. Minding the Gap and other Poems, In War Times at La Rose Blanche, Keren Happuch, New Orleans Sketches.
Davis, Henry Winter, 1817-1865, statesman Md. War of Ahriman and Ormuzd in the Nineteenth Century, Speeches.
Davis, Noah Knowles, 1830- edu. Ala., Va. Logic, Moral Philosophy, &c.
Davis, Reuben, 1813- lawyer Tenn., Miss. Recollections of Mississippi.
Davis, George L. L. Md. History of Maryland.
Debouchel, Victor La. Histoire de la Louisiane.
DeBow, James D. B., 1820-1867 ed. S. C., La. Editorials in DeBow's Review, &c.
Dejacque, Joseph La. Les Lazareennes, Poesies Sociales, Fables, Chansons.
De Kay, Charles, 1848- jour. D. C., Md. Bohemians, Hesperus, Manmatha, &c.
Delery, Francois Charles, 1815-1880 phys. La. L'Ecole du Peuple, Les Nemesiennes Confederees, and others.
De Leon, T. Cooper ed. Ala. Four Years in Rebel Capitals, A Fair Blockade-Breaker, Creole and Puritan, and other stories.
Dennis, James Teackle Md. On the Shores of an Inland Sea (Alaskan travel and life).
Dessommes, George La. Geoffroy le Troubadour, A Deux Morts.
De Vere, Maximilian Schele, 1820- edu. Sweden, Va. Romance of American History, The Great Empress Agrippina, Grammaire francaise, Studies in English, Americanisms, Modern Magic, and other works.
Devron, G. La. Montezuma, and studies in Louisiana History.
Dew, Thomas Roderick, 1802-1846 edu. Va. Policy of the Government, Slavery, and other Essays.
Dickison, Mrs. Mary Elizabeth S. C., Fla. Dickison and His Men.
Didier, Franklin James, 1794-1840 phys. Md. Letters.
Didier, Eugene Lemoine, 1838- Md. Life of Poe, Madame Bonaparte.
Dimitry, Alexander, 1805-1883 ("Guarnerius") edu. La. Greek Demetrius.
Dimitry, John Bull Smith, 1835- ed. La. History and Geography of Louisiana.
Dimitry, Charles Patton, 1837- ("Guarnerius, Jr.") ed. La., Va. Braddock Field, House on Balfour Street, Poems.
Dinnies, Mrs. Annie Peyre [Shackelford], 1816- S. C., La. The Floral Year, and other Poems.
Dinwiddie, Robert 1752-1758 colonial gov. of Va. Dinwiddie Papers.
Dodge, Richard Irving, 1827- soldier, traveller N. C. Great West, Black Hills, &c.
Doggett, Daniel Seth, 1810-1880 M. E. bishop Va. War and Its Close.
Donaldson, James Lowry, 1814-1885 soldier Md. Sergeant Atkins (a tale of the Florida War).
*Dorsey, Mrs. Sarah Anne [Ellis], 1829-1879 ("Filia") Miss., La. Recollections of H. W. Allen, and other works.
Dorsey, Mrs. Anna Hanson, 1815- D. C. May Brooke, Oriental Pearls, &c.
Dorsey, James Owen, 1848- linguist Md. Indian Languages and Customs.
Doussan, Gaston La. La Fayette en Amerique, Revolution francaise.
Downing, Mrs. Fanny Murdaugh, 1835-1894 Va. Nameless, Pluto, Legend of Catawba, and other poems and stories.
*Drayton, William Henry, 1742-1779 statesman S. C. Revolution in South Carolina.
*Drayton, John, 1766-1822 lawyer gov. of S. C. View of South Carolina, &c.
Du Bose, Mrs. Catherine Anne [Richards], 1826- Ga. Wachulla (poem), Pastor's Household.
Duffee, Mary Gordon, ca. 1840- Ala. Cleopatra, History of Alabama, Mammoth Cave, Blount Springs, &c.
Duffy, Annie V. N. C. Glenalban and other Poems (1878).
Dufour, Cyprien La. Esquisses Locales.
Duggan, Mrs. Janie Prichard N. C. A Mexican Ranch (1894).
Dugue, Charles Oscar, 1821- ed. La. Le Cygne ou Mingo, Mila ou la Mort de La Salle, Essais poetiques, Philosophie Morale (in French and English).
Duke, Basil W. soldier, ed. Ky. (Editor Southern Magazine), Morgan's Cavalry.
Dupuy, Eliza Ann, 1814-1881 Va., La. Conspirators (story of Aaron Burr), and many other novels.
Early, John, 1785-1873 M. E. bishop Va. Sermons.
Early, Jubal Anderson, 1816-1894 soldier Va. Last Year of the War for Independence in the Confederate States.
Eastman, Mrs. Mary Henderson, 1818- Va. Dacotah, Chicora, Aunt Phillis' Cabin (answer to Uncle Tom's Cabin).
Eaton, John Henry, 1790-1856 Tenn. Life of Andrew Jackson.
Eaton, Thomas Treadwell, 1845- Bapt. cl., ed. Tenn., Va., Ky. Talks on Getting Married, Sermons to Children, and other sermons and addresses.
Edwards, Harry Stillwell, 1854- Ga. Two Runaways, and other stories.
Edwards, John Ellis, 1814- M. E. cl. N. C., Va. Travels in Europe, Confederate Soldier, Log Meeting-House, Life of J. W. Childs.
Edwards, William Emory, 1842- M. E. cl. Va. John Newsom: A Tale of College Life.
Edwards, J. N. Mo. Shelby and His Men; Noted Guerrillas.
Edwards, Mrs. Mo. Life of J. N. Edwards.
Edwards, Ninian, 1775-1833 statesman Md. Edwards Papers.
Edwards, Wirt, 1809- lawyer Ky., Ill. Life and Times of Ninian Edwards, History of Illinois.
Edwards, Richard Mo. Great West.
Elder, George A. M., 1794-1838 ed., edu. Ky. Letters to Brother Jonathan.
Elder, Mrs. Susan [Blanchard], 1835- ("Hermine") La. Loss of the Papacy, James II., Savonarola, Ellen Fitzgerald.
Ellinjay, Louise Va. Rising Young Men, and other tales.
Elliot, Benjamin, 1786-1836 jurist S. C. Refutation of Calumnies as to Slavery, Militia System of South Carolina.
Elliott, William, 1788-1863 ("Venator," "Piscator," "Agricola") S. C. Fiesco (tragedy), Carolina Sports by Land and Water, and other articles.
Elliott, Sarah Barnwell Ga., Tenn. Jerry, The Felmeres, John Paget.
Ely, Richard Theodore, 1854- edu. Md. French and German Socialism, Political Economy, Labor Movement.
Emory, John, 1789-1835 M. E. bishop Md. Divinity of Christ, Defence of Our Fathers.
Emory, Robert, 1814-1848 edu. Md. Life of Bishop Emory, History of the Discipline of the M. E. Church.
Emory, William Hemsley, 1811- soldier Md. Notes of a Military Reconnoissance in Missouri and California.
England, John, 1786-1842 first R. C. bishop of Charleston, S. C. Works (5 volumes).
Eve, Paul Fitzsimmons, 1806-1877 surgeon, edu. Ga., Tenn. What the South and West have done for American Surgery.
*Fairbanks, George Rainsford, 1820- soldier Fla. History of Florida, &c.
Fanning, David, 1754-1825 freebooter N. C. Narrative of Adventures in North Carolina, edited by J. H. Wheeler (1861).
Farmer, Henry Tudor, 1782-1828 phys. Eng., S. C. Imagination and other poems.
Farrar, F. R. lawyer Va. Johnny Reb, Rip Van Winkle.
Fauquier, Francis, 1720-1768 colonial governor of Va. Raising Money for the War.
Ficklen, Mrs. John R. La. Dream Poetry.
Field, Joseph M., 1810-1856 ("Straws") actor Mo. Drama of Pokerville.
Field, Kate, 1840- ed. "Kate Field's Washington" Mo., D. C. Charles A. Fechter, Planchette's Diary, Ten Days in Spain, Dickens' Readings, Hap-Hazard.
Field, Miss L. A. Ga. History of the United States.
Filley, Mrs. C. I. Mo. Chapel of the Infant Jesus.
Filson, John, 1747-1788 explorer Ky., O. Discovery, Settlement, and Present State of Kentucke.
Finley, John, 1797-1866 Va., Ind. Hoosier's Nest and other poems.
*Fisher, Miss Frances C. (see Reid, Christian)
Fitzhugh, George, 1807-1881 Va., Tex. Sociology for the South, Cannibals All.
Flash, Henry Lynden, 1835- La., Cal. What She Brought Me, and other poems.
Fontaine, Lamar Va., Tex. (One of the reputed authors of "All Quiet Along the Potomac"), In Memoriam (poems).
Foote, Henry Stuart, 1800-1880 statesman Va., Tenn. Texas and Texans, War of the Rebellion, Bench and Bar of the South-West, Personal Reminiscences.
Foote, William Henry, 1794-1869 cl., edu. Conn., Va. Presbyterian Church in Virginia, Sketches of Virginia, Sketches in North Carolina.
Ford, Mrs. Sally Rochester, 1828- Ky., Mo. Grace Truman, Morgan and His Men, May Bunyan, Ernest Quest, and other religious stories.
Fortier, Florent La. La Salle.
Fortier, Alcee edu. La. Histoire de la Litterature francaise, Sept Grands Auteurs du Dix-neuvieme Siecle, Gabriel d'Ennerich, Louisiana Studies (1894).
Forwood, William Stump, 1830- phys. Md. History of Harford County, La Fayette's Passage through Harford County in 1781, Mammoth Cave of Kentucky.
Fraser, Charles, 1782-1860 artist S. C. Reminiscences of Charleston, Addresses, &c.
Freeman, Mrs. (Mary Forrest) Women of the South Distinguished in Literature.
Fremont, John Charles, 1813-1890 soldier Ga., the West. Fremont's Explorations, Memoirs of My Life.
Fremont, Mrs. Jessie Benton, 1824- Mo. Story of the Guard, Life of Thomas Hart Benton, Souvenirs of My Times.
French, Benjamin Franklin, 1799- Va., La. Historical Annals of North America, Historical Collections of Louisiana.
French, Mrs. L. Virginia [Smith], 1830-1881 Md., Tenn. Wind Whispers, Iztahlxo, Legends of the South.
Fuller, Edwin Wiley, 1847-1876 N. C. Angel in the Cloud (poem), Sea-Gift (novel).
Furman, Richard, 1816-1886 Bapt. cl. S. C. Pleasures of Piety and other poems, Description of Table-Rock.
Gadsden, Christopher Edwards, 1785-1852 P. E. bishop S. C. Prayer-Book As It Is, Bishop Dehon, Sermons, &c.
Gallagher, William Davis, 1808- jour. O., Ky. Wreck of the Hornet, Errato, Miami Woods, and other poems.
Garden, Alexander, 1685-1756 P. E. cl. Scot., S. C. Letters to Whitefield, Sermons.
Garden, Alexander, 1730-1791 phys., nat. S. C. Botanical Writings (Gardenia, or Cape Jessamine, named in his honor).
Garden, Alexander, 1757-1829 soldier S. C. Anecdotes of the Revolutionary War.
Gardener, H. H. (see Mrs. Smart).
Garland, Hugh A., 1805-1854 lawyer Va., Mo. Life of John Randolph of Roanoke.
Garnett, James Mercer, 1770-1843 publicist Va. (Founder and first president of the U. S. Agricultural Society), Female Education, Articles on Agriculture.
Garnett, James Mercer, 1840- edu. Va. English Literature, Translations of Anglo-Saxon Poems.
Garrett Ala. Public Men of Alabama.
Gaston, James McFadden S. C. Hunting a Home in Brazil.
*Gayarre, Charles Etienne Arthur, 1805-1895 La. History of Louisiana and other works.
Gentil, J. La. Elle (poesie).
Gibbes, Robert Wilson, 1809-1846 sci. S. C. Documentary History of the American Revolution, medical and scientific works.
Gibbons, James, 1834- R. C. Cardinal Md. Faith of Our Fathers.
Gibson, William, 1788-1868 surgeon Md., Ga. Rambles in Europe, Surgery.
Gilbert, David McConaughey, 1836- Luth. cl. Pa., Va. Lutheran Church in Virginia, Muhlenberg's Ministry in Virginia, &c.
Gildersleeve, Basil Lanneau, 1831- edu. S. C., Md. Studies in Philology, editor of Greek texts.
Gillespie, Joseph H. cl., edu. N. C. Chancellorsville, Myra, Sumter, Elsinore and other poems (1888).
Gilman, Daniel Coit, 1831- edu. Conn., Md. Life of Monroe, &c.
Gilmer, George Rockingham, 1790-1859 lawyer Ga. Georgiana.
Gilmor, Harry, 1838-1883 soldier Md. Four Years in the Saddle.
Girard, Mme D. La. Histoire des Etats-Unis, suivie de l'Histoire de la Louisiane.
Glenn, James from 1744 to 1755 governor of S. C. Description of South Carolina.
Glisan, Rodney, 1827- surgeon Md. Journal of Army Life, Two Years in Europe.
Goode Mo. The Story of a Life.
Gordon, Armistead Churchill, 1855- lawyer Va. Befo' de Wa' (with Thomas Nelson Page), Ode on the Unveiling of the Soldiers' Monument (1894).
Gorman, John Berry, 1793-1864 phys. S. C., Ga. Philosophy of Animated Existence.
Goulding, Francis Robert, 1810-1881 Pr. cl. Ga. Little Josephine (1844), Robert and Harold or the Young Marooners on the Florida Coast (1852 and 1866), Marooners' Island (1868), Frank Gordon (1869), Fishing and Fishers, Life Scenes from the Gospel History, Woodruff Stories (1870).
*Grady, Henry Woodfen, 1850-1889 ed. Ga. The New South.
Granberry, John Cowper, 1829- M. E. bishop Va. Bible Dictionary.
Graves, Mrs. Adelia C. [Spencer], 1821- edu. Tenn. Ruined Lives, Jephthah's Daughter (a drama).
Grayson, William J., 1788-1863 statesman S. C. Hireling and Slave, Chicora (poem), Life of J. L. Petigru, and other works.
Green, Alexander Little Page, 1806-1874 cl. Tenn. Church in the Wilderness.
Green, Duff, 1791-1875 statesman Ky. Facts and Suggestions.
Green, Thomas Jefferson, 1801-1863 soldier N. C. Mississippi Expedition.
Green, William Mercer, 1798-1887 P. E. bishop N. C., Tenn. Memoir of Bishop Ravenscroft.
Greenhow, Robert, 1800-1854 Va. History of Tripoli, Discovery of the Northwest Coast of North America, History of Oregon and California.
Gregg, Alexander, 1819- P. E. bishop S. C., Tex. History of Old Cheraw, Life of Bishop Otey, Church in Texas.
Griffin, Gilderoy Wells, 1840- ed. Ky. Life of George D. Prentice, New Zealand.
Griffith, Mattie (cousin of Lord Bulwer-Lytton) Ky. Poems.
Grigsby, Hugh Blair, 1806-1881 historian Va. Virginia Convention of 1776, and other historical studies.
Grimke, John Faucheraud, 1752-1819 jurist S. C. Laws of South Carolina and other works.
Grimke, Thomas Smith, 1786-1834 lawyer S. C. Addresses on Science, Education, and Literature, Free Institutions.
Grimke, Frederick, 1791-1863 lawyer S. C. Ancient and Modern Literature.
Grimke, Sarah Moore, 1792-1873 S. C., N. J. Condition of Women, Anti-slavery articles.
Grisna, E. La. Pour un Nickel, Elegie, Pourquoi Jean Est Reste Garcon.
Grundy, Felix, 1777-1840 statesman Va., Tenn. Addresses, Oration on Jefferson and Adams.
Gwyn, Mrs. Laura S. C. Poems.
Habersham, Alexander Wylly, 1826-1883 naval officer Ga., Md. My Last Cruise.
Hall, James, 1744-1826 cl. Pa., N. C. Missionary Tour, Extraordinary Work of Religion in North Carolina.
Hall, Robert Pleasants, 1825-1854 lawyer S. C., Ga. Winona, Cherokee, Poems by a South Carolinian.
Hammond, James Henry, 1807-1864 statesman S. C. Address on Calhoun, on the Admission of Kansas, and others.
Hammond, Marcus Claudius Marcellus, 1814-1876 statesman S. C. Essays, Critical History of the Mexican War.
Hammond, John colonist in 1635 Va., Md. Two Sisters, Leah and Rachel (meaning Virginia and Maryland).
Hamor, Raphe colonist Va. True Discourse of the Present State of Virginia (1615).
Hampton, Wade, 1818- soldier, statesman S. C. Addresses.
Handy, Alexander Hamilton, 1809-1883 jurist Md., Miss. Secession as a Right, Parallel Between the Reigns of James II. and Abraham Lincoln.
Harby, Isaac, 1788-1828 ed. S. C. Alexander Severus, Gordian Knot, and other dramas.
Hardee, William J., 1817-1873 soldier Ga., Ala. United States Tactics.
Hardinge, Mrs. Belle Boyd Va. Belle Boyd in Camp and Prison.
Harney, William Wallace, 1831- jour. Ky., Fla. Bitter Sweet, poems, essays, &c.
Harney, John Milton, 1789-1825 Del., Ky. Crystalina, Whippoorwill, and other poems.
Harper, Robert Goodloe, 1765-1825 statesman Va., Md. Political Papers, addresses, &c.
Harris, George Washington, 1814-1869 humorist Pa., Tenn. Sut Lovingood's Yarns.
*Harris, Joel Chandler, 1848- lawyer, ed. Ga. Uncle Remus Stories, &c.
Harrison, Mrs. Burton (nee Gary), 1835- Va., N. Y. Anglomaniacs, Flower de Hundred, My Lord Fairfax, and other novels.
Harrison, Hall, 1837- P. E. cl. Md. Memoir of Hugh Davy Evans, and other works.
Harrison, James Albert, 1848- edu. Miss., Va. Greek Vignettes, Spain, Story of Greece, Beowulf, &c.
Hatcher, John E. ("G. W. Bricks") Va. Katie Lyle, Poems, &c.
Hatcher, William E. Bapt. cl. Va. Life of Jeremiah Bell Jeter, &c.
Haw, Miss M. J. Va. The Rivals: A Tale of the Chickahominy.
Hawkins, Benjamin, 1754-1816 statesman N. C., Ga. Topography, Indian Character (he was agent among the Creeks).
*Hawks, Francis Lister, 1798-1866 P. E. cl. N. C., N. Y. History of North Carolina, and ecclesiastical works.
Hawthorne, James Boardman, 1837- Bapt. cl. Ala., Ga. St. Paul and the Women, Lectures, Sermons, and Addresses.
Hay, George,—died 1830 ("Hortensius") jurist Va. Life of John Thompson, &c.
Haygood, Atticus Green, 1839- M. E. cl. Ga. Our Children, Our Brother in Black, Sermons, &c.
*Hayne, Robert Young, 1791-1839 statesman S. C. Speeches.
*Hayne, Paul Hamilton, 1830-1886 poet S. C., Ga. Poems, &c.
Hayne, William Hamilton, 1856- poet S. C., Ga. Sylvan Lyrics.
Haywood, John, 1753-1826 jurist N. C., Tenn. Laws of North Carolina, Tennessee Reports, History of Tennessee.
Hazelius, Ernest Lewis, 1777-1853 Luth. cl. S. C. Life of Luther, Church History, &c.
Heady, Morrison blind and deaf poet Ky. Seen and Heard (poems).
Heard, Thomas Jefferson, 1814- phys. Ga., Texas. Topography and Climatology of Texas.
Hearn, Lafcadio, 1850- Greece, La., Japan. Chita, Youma, Two Years in the French West Indies, Stray Leaves from Strange Literature, Some Chinese Ghosts, Unfamiliar Japan, &c.
Helper, Hinton Rowan, 1829- N. C. Impending Crisis, Land of Gold, &c.
Hempstead, Fay ed. Ark. Random Arrows (poems), History of Arkansas.
Hendrix, Eugene Russell, 1847- M. E. bishop Mo. Around the World.
Henkel, Moses Montgomery, 1798-1864 M. E. cl. Va. Life of Bishop Bascom, Platform of Methodism, &c.
*Henry, Patrick, 1736-1799 orator, statesman Va. Speeches.
Henry, William Wirt, 1831- lawyer Va. Life of Patrick Henry, Defence of John Smith's History.
Henry, Mrs. Ina M. [Porter] Ala. Roadside Stories, None but the Brave Deserve the Fair (drama).
Hentz, Mrs. Caroline Lee [Whiting], 1800-1856 edu. Mass., N. C., Ala., Fla. Rena, Aunt Patty's Scrap-Bag, Mob-Cap, Linda, Planter's Northern Bride, and other novels.
Herndon, Mrs. May Eliza [Hicks], 1820- Ky. Louisa Elton (reply to Uncle Tom's Cabin), Bandits of State, Poems, &c.
Herndon, William Lewis, 1813-1857 naval officer Va. Explorations of the Valley of the Amazon, Vol. I.
Herrick, Mrs. Sophie McIlwaine [Bledsoe], 1837- Va. (Editor of the "Southern Review" after the death of her father, Dr. A. T. Bledsoe), Wonders of Plant Life.
Herron, Fanny E. Fla. Siege of Muran, Glenelglen.
Hewat, Alexander, 1745-1829 Pr. cl. S. C. History of South Carolina and Charleston (the first history of the State), Sermons, &c.
Higbee, Miss Ky. In God's Country (novel).
Hill, Daniel Harvey, 1821-1889 soldier, ed. S. C., N. C. (Editor of "Land We Love," 1866-1868), Algebra, Sermon on the Mount, Crucifixion.
Hill, Theophilus Hunter, 1836- ed. N. C. Hesper and other poems (1861, the first book copyrighted by the Confederate Government), Poems (1869), Passion-Flower and other poems (1883).
Hill, Walter Henry, 1822- R. C. cl. Ky. Ethics, History of St. Louis University.
Hilliard, Henry Washington, 1808- lawyer N. C., S. C., Ga., Ala. De Vane (novel), Speeches, translated "Roman Nights."
Hoge, Moses, 1752-1820 Pr. cl., edu. Va. Christian Panoply (answer to Paine's "Age of Reason"), Sermons.
Hoge, Moses Drury, 1819- Pr. cl. Va. Oration on Stonewall Jackson, Sermons, &c.
Holbrook, Silas Pinckney, 1796-1835 lawyer, jour. S. C., Mass. Amusing Letters, Sketches by Traveller, &c.
Holcombe, William Henry, 1825- phys. Va., La. Southern Voices, Poems, The Sexes, Our Children in Heaven, In Both Worlds, End of the World, Homoeopathy, New Life, Mystery of New Orleans.
Holden, Edward Singleton, 1846- edu., astronomer Mo., N. C., Cal. Astronomy, Sir William Herschel.
Holland, Edward Clifford, 1794-1824 S. C. Odes, Naval Songs, &c.
Holley, Mrs. Mary Austin, died 1846 La. History of Texas, Memoir of Horace Holley.
Holloway, Mrs. Elizabeth [Howel] Tenn. Crag and Pine, (western stories).
Holloway, Mrs. Laura Carter, 1848- Tenn., Ky. Ladies of the White House, Mothers of Great Men, and other works.
Holmes, Isaac Edward, 1796-1867 statesman S. C. Recreations of George Taletell.
Holmes, Mrs. Mary Jane [Hawes] Mass., Ky. Tempest and Sunshine, Lena Rivers, and many other novels.
Holt, John Saunders, 1826-1886 ("Abraham Page") lawyer Ala., Miss. Life of Abraham Page, The Quines, &c.
Homes, Mrs. Mary Sophie [Shaw] [Rogers], 1830- Md., La. Progression, or the South Defended; Wreath of Rhymes.
Hood, John Bell, 1831-1879 soldier Ky., La. Advance and Retreat, Personal Experiences in the United States and Confederate Armies.
Hooper, Sue E. Va. Ashes of Roses and other stories.
Hooper, Johnson Jones, 1815-1863 lawyer N. C., Ala. Adventures of Captain Suggs, Widow Rugby's Husband.
*Hope, James Barron, 1827-1887 ed. Va. Arms and the Man (ode for the Centennial Celebration of the Battle of Yorktown, 1881).
Horne, Mrs. Ida Harrell N. C. Under the Snow, Crushed Violets, and other poems.
Hoskins, Mrs. Josephine R. La. Love's Stratagem.
Hotchkiss, Jed. Va. Battlefields of Virginia (with Wm. Allan).
Houssaye, de la, Madame S. La. Le Mari de Marguerite.
*Houston, Sam, 1793-1863 soldier, president of Texas. State Papers.
Houston, A. C. Va. Hugh Harrison (novel).
Howe, W. W. La. Municipal History of New Orleans, The Late Lamented (drama).
Howell, Robert Boyle Crawford, 1801-1868 Bapt. cl. N. C., Va., Tenn. Deaconship, Early Baptists of Virginia, &c.
Howison, Robert Reid, 1820- Va. History of Virginia, Life of Morgan, of Marion, of Gates, History of the War, History of the United States.
Hubner, Charles W., 1835- ed. Md., Ga. Historical Souvenirs, Poems, Essays, &c.
Hughes, Robert William, 1821- ed. Va., N. C. American Dollar, Lives of Gen. Floyd and Gen. J. E. Johnston.
Humes, Thomas W. Tenn. Loyal Mountaineers of Tennessee.
Hungerford, James Md. The Old Plantation, Master of Beverley.
Hunter, Robert Mercer Taliaferro, 1809-1887 statesman Va. Speeches.
Ingraham, Joseph Holt, 1809-1860 P. E. cl. Me., Miss. Southwest by a Yankee, Lafitte or Pirate of the Gulf, American Lounger, Prince of the House of David, Pillar of Fire, Throne of David.
Izard, Ralph, 1742-1804 statesman S. C. Correspondence 1774-1784.
Jackson, Mrs. Mary Ann [Morrison] N. C. Life of General T. J. Jackson.
Jackson, Henry Rootes, 1820- ed., jurist Ga. Tallulah and other Poems.
Jamison, Mrs. C. V. La. Story of an Enthusiast, Lady Jane.
Janney, Samuel Macpherson, 1801-1880 Friend Va. Country School-House, Last of the Lenapes, Life of Penn, of Fox, and other works.
Jarratt, Devereux, 1733-1801 P. E. cl. Va. Autobiography, Sermons.
*Jefferson, Thomas, 1743-1826 statesman, third President Va. Autobiography, Declaration of Independence, Notes of Virginia, and other works.
Jeffreys, Mrs. Rosa Vertner [Griffin], 1828 Miss., Ky. Poems by Rosa, Marsh, Woodburn, Crimson Hand, and other novels.
Jervey, Mrs. Caroline Howard [Gilman] [Glover], 1823- S. C. Vernon Grove, Helen Courtenay's Promise, Poems, &c.
Jeter, Jeremiah Bell, 1802-1880 ed., Bapt. cl. Va. Life of Mrs. Shuck, of A. Broaddus, Recollections of a Long Life, &c.
Johns, John, 1796-1876 P. E. bishop Va. Memorial of Bishop Meade.
Johnson, Richard W., 1827- soldier Ky. Life of General G. H. Thomas, A Soldier's Reminiscences.
Johnson, Mrs. Sarah [Barclay], 1837-1885 Va., Syria. Hadji in Syria.
Johnson, William, 1771-1834 jurist S. C. Life and Correspondence of Major-General Greene.
Johnson, Joseph, 1776-1862 phys. S. C. Traditions and Reminiscences of the Revolution.
Johnson, William Bullien, 1782-1862 Bapt. cl. S. C. Memoir of N. P. Knapp, and other works.
Johnston, Joseph Eggleston, 1807-1891 soldier Va. Narrative of Military Operations during the Late War.
*Johnston, Richard Malcolm, 1822- Ga., Md. Dukesborough Tales, &c.
Johnston, William Preston, 1831- edu. Ky., La. Life of General Albert Sidney Johnston, Shakspere Studies, My Garden Walk (poems).
Jones, Buehring H., 1823- soldier W. Va. The Sunny Land, or Prison Prose and Poetry.
Jones, Charles Colcock, 1804-1863 Pr. cl. Ga. Religious Instruction for Negroes, Church of God.
*Jones, Charles Colcock, Jr., 1831-1893 lawyer Ga. History of Georgia, &c.
Jones, Hugh, 1669-1760 P. E. cl. Eng., Va. Present State of Virginia.
Jones, John Beauchamp, 1810-1866 ed. Md., Pa., Va. Books of Visions, Rural Sports (poem), Western Merchant, Wild Western Scenes, Rival Belles, Adventures of Col. Vanderbomb, Monarchist, Country Merchant, Freaks of Fortune, Rebel War Clerk's Diary at the Confederate States Capital (1866).
Jones, John William, 1836- Bapt. cl. Va. Army of Northern Virginia, Christ in the Camp, Personal Reminiscences of R. E. Lee, Davis Memorial Volume, &c.
Jones, Joseph Seawell, 1811-1855 N. C. Revolutionary History of North Carolina, Memorials of North Carolina.
Jordan, Mrs. Cornelia Jane [Matthew], 1830- Va. Richmond, Corinth, Flowers of Hope and Memory.
Jordan, Thomas, 1819- soldier Va., Tenn. Campaigns of Lieut.-Gen. Forrest.
Joynes, Edward Southey, 1834- edu. Va., S. C., Tenn. Study of the Classics, Modern Languages, Text-books, &c.
Kavanaugh, Benjamin Taylor, 1805-1888 Ky. Great Central Valley of North America, Notes of a Western Rambler, Electricity the Motor Power of the Solar System.
Keiley, Anthony M. Va. In Vinculis, or the Prisoner of War (1866).
Kendall, George Wilkins, 1809-1867 ed. La., Texas. (Founder of the N. O. Picayune), Santa Fe Expedition, War between the United States and Mexico.
Kenly, John Reese, 1822- soldier Md. Memoirs of a Maryland Volunteer.
*Kennedy, John Pendleton, 1795-1870 Md. Horse-Shoe Robinson, &c.
Kennedy, William, 1799-1849 English consul Scot., Texas. Rise, Progress, and Prospects of the Republic of Texas, Texas, its Geography, Natural History, and Topography.
Kenney, Martin Joseph, 1819-1861 ed., lawyer Md. Histories and Biographies for school use.
Kercheval, S. Va. History of the Valley of Virginia (1833, 1850).
Ketchum, Mrs. Annie Chambers, 1824- edu. Ky., Tenn. Lotus-Flowers (poems), Rilla Motto (novel), Nellie Bracken, Benny, Teacher's Empire.
*Key, Francis Scott, 1780-1843 lawyer Md. Star-Spangled Banner, and other poems.
King, Mrs. Sue Petigru S. C. Busy Moments of an Idle Woman, Lily, Sylvia's World, and other novels.
*King, Grace La. Balcony Stories, History of Louisiana, &c.
Kinloch, Francis, 1755-1826 statesman S. C. Letters from Geneva, Eulogy on George Washington.
Knott, James Proctor, 1830- statesman Ky. Duluth Speech.
Kouns, Nathan Chapman, 1833- Mo. Arius the Libyan, Dorcas the Daughter of Faustina.
Kroeger, Adolph Ernst, 1837-1882 ed. Mo. Minnesingers of Germany.
La Borde, Maximilian, 1804-1873 edu. S. C. History of South Carolina College, Story of Lethea and Verona.
La Costa, Marie Ga. Somebody's Darling.
Ladd, Mrs. Catharine [Stratton], 1809- edu. Va., S. C. Tales, Essays, and Poems.
Ladd, Joseph Brown, 1764-1786 phys. R. I., S. C. Poems of Arouet.
Lamal, P. La. Voyage en Oceanie.
*Lamar, Mirabeau Buonaparte, 1798-1859 Ga., Tex. (Second president of Texas), Verse Memorials.
Lamar, John B., 1819-1862 Ga. Polly Peachblossom's Wedding, Blacksmith of Smoky Mountain.
Lance, William, 1791-1840 lawyer S. C., Tex. Life of Washington (in Latin), Essays.
*Lanier, Sidney, 1842-1881 poet Ga., Md. Poems, Tiger-Lilies (novel), &c.
Lanier, Clifford Anderson Ga., Ala. Thorn Fruit, Two Hundred Bales (novels), Poems, and Essays.
Latil, Alexandre La. Ephemeres, Essais poetiques, &c.
Latrobe, John Hazlehurst Boneval, 1803- lawyer, inventor Md. Picture of Baltimore, History of Maryland, Biography of Charles Carroll, Reminiscences of West Point, and other writings.
*Laurens, Henry, 1724-1792 statesman S. C. Confinement in Tower of London, political and State papers.
Laurens, John, 1756-1782 (called "Bayard of the Revolution") S. C. Letters (edited by Wm. Gilmore Simms).
*Lawson, John, died 1712 Scot., N. C. A New Voyage to Carolina (history of North Carolina).
Lay, Henry Champlin, 1823-1885 P. E. bishop Va., Md. Studies in the Church and Nation.
Le Conte, John Eatton, 1784-1860 naturalist N. J., Ga. North American Butterflies.
Le Conte, John, 1818-1891 physicist Ga., Cal. Physics and Meteorology.
Le Conte, Joseph, 1823- geologist Ga., Cal. Manual of Geology, Light, Evolution, &c.
Lederer, John, traveller in 1669-70 Discoveries of John Lederer in Three Marches in Virginia and Carolina (in Latin).
Lee, Arthur, 1740-1792 diplomate Va. Monitor's Letters, Junius Americanus.
Lee, Fitz Hugh, 1835- soldier Va. Life of Robert Edward Lee.
*Lee, Henry, 1756-1818 soldier Va. Champe's Adventure, War in the Southern Department.
Lee, Henry, 1787-1837 Va. Campaign of 1781 in South Carolina, Writings of Thomas Jefferson, Life of Napoleon.
Lee, Jesse, 1758-1816 M. E. cl. Va., Md. History of Methodism.
Lee, Leroy Madison, 1808-1882 M. E. cl. Va. Life of Jesse Lee, Sermons, &c.
Lee, Mary Elizabeth, 1813-1849 S. C. Historical Tales for Youth, Poems.
Lee, Richard Henry, 1732-1794 orator and statesman Va. Speeches and Letters in Revolutionary Times.
Lee, Richard Henry, 1802-1865 Va. Life of R. H. Lee (his grandfather), Life of Arthur Lee.
*Lee, Robert Edward, 1807-1870 soldier, edu. Va. Orders, Letters, &c.
Lee, Samuel Phillips, 1812- Va. Cruise of the Dolphin.
Lee, Mrs. Susan Pendleton Va. Life of Gen. William N. Pendleton, History of the United States (in press).
*Legare, Hugh Swinton, 1797-1843 jurist S. C. Essays, Speeches, Diary.
Legare, Mary Swinton (Mrs. Bullen) S. C. Memoir and Writings of Hugh Swinton Legare.
Legare, James Matthews, 1823-1859 inventor, poet S. C. Orta-Undis, and other Poems.
Leighton, William, Jr., 1833- Mass., W. Va. Sons of Godwin, Change, Hamlet, Price of the Present Paid by the Past.
Leonard, Agnes (see Mrs. Scanland)
*Le Vert, Mrs. Octavia Walton, 1810-1877 Ga., Fla., Ala. Souvenirs of Travel.
Levy, Samuel Yates, 1827- Ga. Italian Bride (drama).
Lieber, Francis, 1800-1872 edu. Ger., Pa., S. C. Civil Liberty and Self-Government, Encyclopaedia Americana, Political Ethics, Character of Gentlemen, &c.
Lindsay, John Summerfield, 1842- P. E. cl. Va. St. John's Church, Hamilton Parish, True American Citizen.
Lipscomb, Andrew Adgate, 1816- M. E. cl., edu. Ga. Ala., Va. Studies in the Forty Days, and other essays.
Lloyd, Mrs. Annie Creight Ala. Garnet, Hagar, Pearl (novels).
Logan, John Henry, 1822-1885 phys. S. C. History of the Upper Country of South Carolina.
Long, Armistead Lindsay, 1827- soldier Va. Memoir of R. E. Lee (1866).
Long, Charles Chaille, 1842- soldier Md. Central Africa, The Three Prophets, &c.
Long, Crawford W., 1815-1878 phys. Ga. (Discoverer of Anaesthesia), medical writings.
Long, Mrs. Ellen Call Fla. Romance of Tallahassee.
*Longstreet, Augustus Baldwin, 1790-1870 edu. Ga. Georgia Scenes and other writings.
Lord, Mrs. Alice E. Md. The Days of Lamb and Coleridge, (1894).
Loughborough, Mrs. Mary Webster, 1836-1887 Ark. My Cave Life in Vicksburg (1864), For Better, For Worse, and other Stories.
Lowndes, Rawlins, 1722-1800 statesman W. Indies, S. C. Political addresses.
*Lucas, Daniel Bedinger, 1836- jurist W. Va. Land Where We Were Dreaming, and other poems, &c.
Lussan, A. La. Les Martyrs de la Louisiane (tragedy).
Lynch, James Daniel, 1836- lawyer Va., Miss., Tex. Clock of Destiny, Star of Texas, Siege of the Alamo, Bench and Bar of Mississippi, Bench and Bar of Texas.
Lynch, Patrick Niesen, 1817-1882 R. C. bishop Ireland, S. C. Vatican Council and other religious writings.
Lynch, William Francis, 1800-1865 naval officer Va., Md. United States Expedition to the Jordan and Dead Sea.
McAdoo, William Gibbs, 1820- jurist Tenn. Poems, Elementary Geology of Tennessee.
McAdoo, Mrs. Mary Faith [Floyd], 1832- Tenn. Nereid, Antethusia.
McAfee, Robert Breckenridge, 1784-1849 lawyer Ky. History of the War of 1812.
McAfee, Mrs. Nelly Nichol [Marshall], 1845- Ky. Eleanor Morton or Life in Dixie, As by Fire, Wearing the Cross, and other novels.
McAnally, David Rice, 1810- Tenn. Martha Laurens Ramsay, Lives of Rev. William and Rev. Samuel Patton.
McCabe, John Collins, 1810-1875 P. E. cl. Va. Scraps (poems).
McCabe, James Dabney, Jr., 1842- Va. Gray-Jackets, Life of Jackson, Life of A. S. Johnston, Paris by Gaslight and Sunlight, Life of Gen. Lee, Centennial History of the United States, Young Folks Abroad, &c.
*McCabe, William Gordon, 1841- edu. Va. Ballads of Battle and Bravery (1873), Defence of Petersburg in Campaign 1864-5 (1876).
McCaleb, Thomas La. Anthony Melgrave.
McCall, Hugh, 1767-1824 soldier Ga. History of Georgia.
McCalla, William Latta, 1788-1859 Pr. cl. Ky., La. Adventures in Texas 1840, Doctorate of Divinity, Sermons.
McClelland, Mary Greenway Va. Oblivion, Norwood, White Heron, Eleanor Gwynn, Princess, Jean Monteith, Madam Silva, Burkett's Lock.
McClung, John Alexander, 1804-1859 Pr. cl. Ky. Sketches of Western Adventure.
McClurg, James, 1747-1825 phys. Va. Belles of Williamsburg (poem, in John Esten Cooke's "Virginia Comedians").
*M'Cord, Mrs. Louisa Susannah [Cheves], 1810-1880 S. C. My Dreams (poems), Essays, &c.
McCulloh, James Haines, 1793- Md. American Aboriginal History.
McDowell, Mrs. Katharine Sherwood [Bonner], 1849-1884 Miss. Like unto Like, Dialect Tales, "Radical Club" (poem).
McDowell, Silas, 1795-1879 artisan S. C., N. C. Above the Clouds, Theory of the Thermal Zone.
McDuffie, George, 1788-1851 statesman governor of S. C. Speeches, Eulogy on R. Y. Hayne (1840).
McFerrin, John Berry, 1807-1887 M. E. cl. Tenn. History of Methodism in Tenn.
McGarvey, John William, 1829- cl., edu. Ky. Commentary on Acts, Matthew, and Mark, Lands of the Bible, Text and Canon.
McGuire, Mrs. Judith Walker [Brockenbrough], 1813- Va. Diary of a Southern Refugee during the War, by a lady of Virginia (1861-5), Life of Lee (for Sunday-Schools).
McGuire, Hunter Holmes, 1835- surgeon Va. Medical Writings, Account of the Death of Stonewall Jackson (whose attending physician he was), Life of Jackson (yet unpublished).
McIntosh, Maria Jane, 1803-1878 ("Aunt Kitty") Ga., N. J. To Seem and To Be, Woman in America, Two Lives, Blind Alice, and other stories for girls.
McKenney, Thomas Lorraine, 1785-1859 Md. Tour to the Lakes, Travels among Northern and Southern Indians.
Mackey, John, 1765-1831 edu. S. C. Text-book on Arithmetic (the first one published in America).
Mackey, Albert Gallatin, 1807-1881 phys. S. C. Free Masonry, Mystic Tie, and other Masonic works.
McLeod, Mrs. Georgiana A. [Hulse] edu. Fla. Sunbeams and Shadows, Ivy Leaves from the Old Homestead.
McMahon, John Van Lear, 1800-1871 Md. Historical View of Maryland.
Macon, John Alfred, 1851- jour. Ala. Uncle Gabernarius, Uncle Gabe Tucker, Christmas at the Quarters, and other dialect poems.
McRee, John Griffith, 1820-1872 lawyer N. C. Life of James Iredell.
McSherry, James, 1819-1869 lawyer Md. History of Maryland, Pere Jean, Willitoft.
McSherry, Richard, 1817-1885 phys. W. Va., Md. El Puchero, or a Mixed Dish from Mexico, Medical Essays.
McTyeire, Holland Nimmons, 1824- M. E. bishop S. C. Duties of Christian Masters, Catechism, History of the Methodist Discipline.
*Madison, James, 1751-1836 statesman, fourth President Va. State papers.
Madison, Mrs. Dorothy [Payne] [Todd], 1772-1849 N. C., Va. Letters (edited by her grand-niece).
Maffit, John Newland, 1795-1850 M. E. cl. Ala., Ark. Pulpit Sketches, Poems, Autobiography.
Magill, Mary Tucker, 1832- Va. The Holcombes (novel), Chronicle of the Late War, History of Virginia.
Magruder, Allan Bowie, 1755-1822 statesman Ky. Cession of Louisiana, Character of Jefferson, Indians (unfinished).
Magruder, Allan B. Va. Life of John Marshall.
Magruder, Julia, 1854- Va. Across the Chasm, At Anchor, Honored in the Breach, Magnificent Plebeian, A Beautiful Alien, and other stories.
Mallary, Charles Dutton, 1801-1864 Bapt. cl. S. C., Ga. Memoir of Jesse Mercer, Life of Edmund Botsford.
Mangum, A. W., 1834- M. E. cl. N. C. Myrtle Leaves, Safety Lamp.
Mann, Ambrose Dudley, 1801- diplomate Va. Memoirs.
Marean, Mrs. Beatrice Fla. Tragedies of Oakhurst, Her Shadowed Life, &c.
Marigny, Bernard de La. La Politique des Etats-Unis.
Marks, Elias, 1790-1886 edu. S. C. Elfreide of Guldal, and other poems.
Marr, Frances Harrison, 1835- Va. Heart Life in Song, Virginia, and other poems.
*Marshall, John, 1755-1835 jurist Va. Life of Washington, Decisions of the Supreme Court.
Marshall, Charles, 1830- lawyer Va. Life of R. E. Lee.
Marshall, Humphrey, 1756-1841 statesman Va., Ky. History of Kentucky.
Marshall, Thomas Francis, 1801-1864 orator, lawyer Ky. Speeches.
Martin, Mlle Desiree La. Le Destin d'un Brin de Mousse.
Martin, Francois Xavier, 1764-1846 jurist N. C., La. History of North Carolina, History of Louisiana.
Martin, Joseph Hamilton, 1825-1887 Pr. cl. Tenn., S. C., Va., Ky. Historical poems: Smith and Pocahontas, Declaration of Independence, &c.
Martin, Luther, 1748-1826 lawyer N. J., Md. Defence of Captain Cresap, Modern Gratitude, Speeches.
Martin, Mrs. Margaret Maxwell, 1807- edu. S. C. Heroines of Early Methodism, Scenes in South Carolina, Day-Spring, Christianity in Earnest, Poems.
Martin, Mrs. Sallie M. [Davis] S. C., Ga. Lalla de Vere, Women of France.
Marvin, Enoch Mather, 1823-1877 M. E. bishop Mo. Work of Christ, To the East by Way of the West.
Mason, George, 1725-1792 statesman Va. Speeches.
Mason, Emily Virginia, 1815- Ky., Va. Life of R. E. Lee, Edited Southern Poems of the War.
Mason, Otis Tufton scientist D. C. Woman's Share in Primitive Culture (1894).
*Maury, Matthew Fontaine, 1806-1873 naval officer, sci. Tenn., Va. Physical Geography of the Sea, &c.
Maury, Ann, 1803-1876 Memoirs of a Huguenot Family.
Maury, Mrs. Sarah Mytton [Hughes], 1803-1849 Eng., Va. English Women in America, Statesmen of America, Etchings from the Caracci.
Maury, Dabney Herndon, 1822- soldier Va. Skirmish Drill, Recollections of a Virginian (1894).
Maxcy, Jonathan, 1768-1820 edu. Mass., S. C. (First president of South Carolina College), Orations, Sermons, Addresses (ed. by R. Elton, D. D.).
Maxwell, Hu W. Va. Idylls of Golden Shore, poems.
Maxwell, William, 1784-1857 ed. Va. Historical Register Va. Memoir of Rev. John H. Rice.
Mayer, Brantz, 1809-1879 Md. Journal of Charles Carroll, Baltimore, Captain Canot, Mexico.
Mayo, Joseph Va. Woodburne (novel of Virginia and Maryland).
Mayo, Robert, 1784-1864 ed. Va., D. C. Mayo Family, System of Mythology, Ancient Geography and History, Treasury Department.
Mead, Edward C. Va. History of the Lee Family in Virginia and Maryland from A. D. 1200 to 1866.
Meade, William, 1789-1862 P. E. bishop Va. Old Churches, Ministers, and Families of Virginia, Sermons, The Bible and the Classics.
*Meek, Alexander Beaufort, 1814-1865 Ala. Red Eagle, Romantic Passages, &c.
Mell, Patrick Hues, 1814-1888 Bapt. cl., edu. Ga. Parliamentary Practice, Philosophy of Prayer, Baptism, Church Discipline.
Memminger, Charles Gustavus, 1803- Ger., S. C. Book of Nullification.
Mercier, Alfred La. L'Habitation St. Ybars, La Rose de Smyrne, L'Hermite de Niagara, La Fille du Pretre.
Meriwether, Elizabeth Avery Miss. Master of Red Leaf.
Meriwether, Lee, 1862- Miss. European Labor, Tramp Trip, How to See Europe on Fifty Cents a Day.
Mery, Gaston Etienne, 1793-1844 La. La Legende du Corsaire Lafitte, La Politique Americaine et Les Indiens.
Messenger, Mrs. Lilian Rozelle, 1853- Ky., Ala., Ark. Poems.
Metcalfe, Samuel L., 1798-1856 phys. Va., Ky. Indian Warfare in the West, Caloric, &c.
Michel, William Middleton, 1822- phys. S. C. (Editor, Medical and Surgical Journal), Development of the Opossum.
Middleton, Arthur, 1742-1787 ("Andrew Marvell") S. C. Political Essays, Speeches, &c.
Middleton, John Izard, 1785-1849 S. C. Grecian Remains in Italy, Cyclopean Walls.
Middleton, Henry, 1797-1876 S. C. Prospects of Disunion, Government and Currency, Causes of Slavery, Universal Suffrage.
Miles, George Henry, 1824-1871 dramatist Md. Mahomet, De Soto, Mary's Birthday, Aladdin's Palace, Senor Valiente, Cromwell, Seven Sisters, Abou Hassan the Wag, Landing of the Pilgrims of Maryland, Christine (story in verse), Inkerman (lyric), Glimpses of Tuscany, Loretto or the Choice, Truce of God, Review of Hamlet.
Miller, Mrs. Mary [Ayer], ("Luola") N. C. Wood Notes (poems), and Sunday-school books.
Miller, Stephen Franks, 1810-1867 lawyer N. C., Ga. Bench and Bar of Georgia, Wilkins Wilder, Memoir of Gen. David Blackshear.
Milligan, Robert, 1814-1875 edu., cl. Ireland, Ky. Prayer, Reason and Revelation, Annals of the New Testament, Great Commission, Commentary on Hebrews.
Mills, Robert, 1781-1855 architect S. C. (Designer of the Washington Monument at Washington), Statistics of South Carolina, American Pharos.
Mitchell, Ormsby McKnight, 1809-1862 astronomer Ky., S. C. Planetary and Stellar Worlds, Orbs of Heaven, Physical Geography, &c.
Mitchell, Elisha, 1793-1857 sci. Conn., N. C. Elements of Geology. (See account under Christian Reid.)
Mitchell, Miss F. L. Ga. Georgia Land and People.
Moise, Penina, 1797-1830 S. C. Fanny's Sketch-Book (poems).
Monroe, James, 1758-1831 statesman, fifth President Va. State Papers, "Monroe Doctrine."
Montgomery, Sir Robert, 1680-1731 colonist Establishment of a New Colony to the south of Carolina, in the most delightful Country of the Universe.
Moore, Hight C. N. C. Select Poetry of North Carolina (1894).
Moore, John W. N. C. History of North Carolina.
Moore, Thomas Vernon, 1818-1871 Pr. cl. Va., Tenn. God's Universe, Commentaries on Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi, Culdee Church, &c.
Mordecai, S. Va. Richmond in By-Gone Days.
Morehead, James Turner, 1797-1854 Ky. First Settlers of Kentucky, Law in Kentucky.
Mosby, John Singleton, 1833- soldier Va. War Reminiscences.
Mosby, Mary Webster, 1791-1844 Va. Pocahontas.
Moultrie, William, 1731-1805 soldier S. C. Memoirs of the American Revolution in North and South Carolina and Georgia.
Muir, James, 1757-1820 Pr. cl. Scot., Va. Examination of the "Age of Reason."
Mullany, Patrick Francis, 1847- edu., ("Brother Azarias") Md. Psychological Aspects of Education, Philosophy of Literature, Dante, Aristotle and the Church, English Thought.
Munford, Robert dramatist Va. Candidate, Patriots, (dramas, pub'd 1798).
Munford, William, 1775-1825 (son of Robert) Va. Poems, Translation of the Iliad, Reports of the Court of Appeals.
*Murfree, Mary Noailles (see Craddock)
Murfree, Fannie D. (sister of Mary) Tenn. Felicia (novel).
Murphy, Mrs. Rosalie Miller S. C., Ala., N. Y. Destiny, or Life As It Is, Mistrust, Waifs (poems).
Musick, John R., 1851- Mo. Pocahontas, Columbian Novels, Calamity Row.
Nagle, J. E. phys. La. A Home That I Love, and other Poems.
Neville, L. Va. Edith Allen (Life in Virginia).
Nicholson, Mrs. Eliza Jane [Poitevent], ("Pearl Rivers") Miss., La. (Editor "New Orleans Picayune"), Burial and Resurrection of Love, and other lyrics and writings.
Norman, Benjamin Moore, 1809-1860 N. Y., La. New Orleans and Environs (1845), Rambles in Yucatan, Rambles by Land and Water.
Norton, John Nicholas, 1820-1881 P. E. cl. N. Y., Ky. Lives of the Bishops, Boy Trained to be a Clergyman, Full Proof of the Ministry, and many other works.
Norwood, Colonel England. Voyage to Virginia, 1649.
Nott, Henry Junius, 1797-1837 S. C. Novelettes of a Traveller, Essays, &c.
Nott, Josiah Clark, 1804-1873 phys., sci. S. C., Ala. Types of Mankind, History of the Jewish Race, Indigenous Races of the East.
Nourse, James Duncan, 1817-1854 jour. Ky., Mo. Forest Knight, Leavenworth, God in History.
Oglethorpe, James Edward, 1698-1785 Eng., Ga. St. Augustine Campaign (1742), Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia.
*O'Hara, Theodore, 1820-1867 soldier Ky., Ga. Bivouac of the Dead, and other poems.
O'Neall, John Belton, 1793-1863 jurist S. C. Annals of Newberry, Bench and Bar of South Carolina.
Otts, John Martin Philip, 1838- Pr. cl. S. C., Ala. Southern Pen and Pulpit, Light and Life, Sermons.
Overall, John W. ed. Va., Ala., La. "76 and 61," Bards, and other poems.
Owen, William Miller La. In Camp and Battle, Washington Artillery.
Page, John, 1744-1808 governor of Va. Addresses to the People.
Page, Richard Channing Moore, 1841- phys. Va. Page Family in Virginia.
*Page, Thomas Nelson, 1853- Va. In Ole Virginia, &c.
Paine, Robert, 1799-1882 M. E. bishop N. C., Miss. Life of Bishop McKendree.
Painter, F. V. N. edu. Va. History of Education, Luther and Education, Study of English Literature.
Palmer, Benjamin Morgan, 1818- Pr. cl. S. C., La. Life of J. H. Thornwell, Formation of Character, Sermons.
Palmer, John Williamson, 1825- Md. Stonewall Jackson's Way and other poems, Golden Dagon, Old and New, After His Kind (novel).
Palmer, Mrs. Henrietta Lee, 1834- Md. Stratford Gallery or Shakespearean Sisterhood, Home Life in the Bible.
Parker, William Harwar, 1827- naval officer Va. Recollections of a Naval Officer (1883), Talks on Astronomy, Naval Writings.
Parrish, John, 1729-1807 Friend Md. Remarks on the Slavery of the Black Race.
Paschall, Edwin, 1799-1869 ed., edu. Va., Tenn. Old Times, or Tennessee History.
Pattie, James Ohio, 1804- Ky. Journal of an Expedition from Kentucky to the Pacific and through Mexico, 1824-28.
Peck, Mrs. Sarah Elizabeth Ala. Dictionary of Similes and Figures, Stories.
Peck, Samuel Minturn, 1854- Ala. Rings and Love-Knots, Cap and Bells (poems).
Peck, William Henry, 1830- edu. Ga. The McDonalds, Maids and Matrons of Virginia, Conspirators of New Orleans, and many other novels.
Pendleton, Edmund, 1721-1803 statesman Va. Political and State Papers.
Pendleton, James Madison, 1811-1891(?) Bapt. cl. Va., Pa., Ky. Old Landmarks Re-Set, Sermons, &c.
Pendleton, William Nelson, 1809-1883 edu. Va. Science a Witness for the Bible.
Penick, Charles Clifton, 1843- P. E. bishop Va. More Than a Prophet.
Penny, Virginia, 1826- Ky. Employments of Women, and other works.
Percy, George, 1586-1632 colonist and governor of Va. Plantations of the Southern Colonies in Virginia.
Perry, Benjamin Franklin, 1805-1886 S. C. Reminiscences of Public Men.
Pettigrew, James Johnston, 1828-1863 soldier N. C. Spain and the Spaniards.
Peyton, John Lewis, 1824- Va. Over the Alleghanies, Memoir of William Peyton, History of Augusta County, Virginia, and other writings.
Phelan, James, 1856- Miss., Tenn. Philip Massinger, History of Tennessee.
Piatt, Mrs. Sarah Morgan Bryan, 1836- Ky. A Woman's Poems (1871), Voyage to the Fortunate Isles (1874), That New World and other Poems (1876), Poems in Company with Children (1877), Dramatic Persons and Moods (1879), Irish Garland (1884), In Primrose Time (1885), Child's-World Ballads (1887), two volumes of poems with her husband, John James Piatt (1864, 1884).
Pickett, Albert James, 1810-1858 N. C., Ala. History of Alabama.
Pierce, George Foster, 1811-1884 M. E. bishop Ga. Incidents of Western Travel.
*Pike, Albert, 1809-1891 ed., soldier Mass., Ark. Hymns to the Gods, Freemasonry, &c.
Pilsbury, Charles A., 1839- La. Pepita and I (poems).
Pinckney, Mrs. Eliza [Lucas], 1721-1792 S. C. Letters.
Pinckney, Charles, 1758-1824 statesman S. C. Political Papers (by "Republican").
Pinckney, Henry Laurens, 1794-1863 ed. S. C. Orations, Memoirs of Maxcy, Hayne, Jackson, &c.
Pinkney, William, 1764-1822 statesman Md. Legal and Political Speeches.
*Pinkney, Edward Coate (or Coote), 1802-1828 Md. Poems.
Pinkney, Ninian, 1776-1825 soldier Md. Travels in the South of France.
Pinkney, William, 1810-1883 P. E. bishop Md. Life of Wm. Pinkney (his uncle), Memoir of John H. Alexander.
Pise, Charles Constantine, 1802-1866 R. C. cl. Md. History of the Church, Lives of the Saints, Poems, Father Rowland, Indian Cottage, Horae Vagabundae, Alethia, Ignatius and His First Companions, Christianity and the Church, and other writings.
Plumer, William Swan, 1802-1880 Pr. cl. Pa., S. C. Vital Godliness, Sermons to Children, Bible True, and other religious works.
*Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849 Va., Md. Poems, Tales, &c.
Poinsett, Joel Roberts, 1779-1851 statesman S. C. Notes on Mexico (Poinsettia named in his honor), Addresses, Letters, &c.
Points, Marie L. La. Stories of Louisiana.
Polk, James Knox, 1795-1849 eleventh President N. C., Tenn. State Papers.
Pollard, Edward Albert, 1828-1872 jour. Va. Lost Cause, Letters of the Southern Spy, Lee and His Lieutenants, Black Diamonds, and other works.
Pope, John, 1822- soldier Ky. Expedition from the Red River to the Rio Grande, Campaign of Virginia in July and August, 1862.
Pope, Mrs. Mary E. [Foote] Ala., Tenn. Poems.
Porcher, Francis Peyre, 1825- phys. S. C. Medical Botany of South Carolina, and other medical writings.
Pory, John, 1570-1635 pioneer Eng., Va. Excursion among the Indians in Captain Smith's "Generall Historie."
Powell, William Byrd, 1799-1867 phys. Ky. Natural History of the Human Temperament, Study of the Brain.
Poydras, Julien, 1740-1824 pioneer, planter France, La. La Prise du Morne du Baton Rouge (poem).
*Prentice, George Denison, 1802-1870 ed. Ky. Life of Henry Clay, Poems, Paragraphs.
Prentiss, Sargent Smith, 1808-1850 orator Me., Miss. Political Speeches.
*Preston, William Campbell, 1794-1860 orator, edu. S. C. Addresses, Letters, &c.
Preston, John Smith, 1809-1881 orator, soldier S. C. Orations.
*Preston, Mrs. Margaret Junkin, 1825- Va. Beechenbrook: a Rhyme of the War, and other poems.
Preston, Thomas Lewis, 1812- Va. Life of Elizabeth Russell.
Price, Bruce, 1845- architect Md. (Designer of the Lee Memorial Church at Lexington, Va.) A Large Country House.
Prince, Oliver Hillhouse, 1787-1837 statesman Conn., Ga. "A Military Muster" in "Georgia Scenes," and other humorous sketches, Laws of Georgia.
Prince, Oliver Hillhouse, Jr., 1823-1875 Ga. Billy Woodpile's Letters.
Pugh, Mrs. Eliza Lofton [Phillips], 1841- ("Arria") La. Not a Hero, In a Crucible, and many other novels.
Putnam, Mrs. Sallie A. [Brock], 1845- ("Virginia Madison") Va. Richmond During the War, Kenneth My King, Southern Amaranth.
Pyrnelle, Mrs. Louise Clarke Ala., Ga. Diddie, Dumps, and Tot: Plantation Child-Life.
Ralston, Thomas Neely, 1806- edu., M. E. cl. Ky. Evidences of Christianity, Ecce Unitas.
*Ramsay, David, 1749-1815 surgeon Pa., S. C. History of South Carolina, &c.
Ramsey, James Gattys McGregor, 1796-1884 Tenn. Annals of Tennessee.
Ranck, G. W. Ky. History of Lexington, O'Hara.
*Randall, James Ryder, 1839- Md., La. My Maryland, and other poems.
Randolph, Sir John, 1693-1737 (uncle of William Stith) Va. Breviate Book.
Randolph, Edmund Jennings, 1753-1813 Va. Political Truth, and other Papers.
*Randolph, John, of Roanoke, 1773-1833 statesman Va. Addresses, &c.
Randolph, Thomas Jefferson, 1792-1875 Va. Sixty Years of the Currency of the United States.
Randolph, Sarah Nicholas, 1839- edu. Va., Md. Domestic Life of Thomas Jefferson (her great-grandfather), and other writings.
Randolph, Innis Va. Back-Log, Good Old Rebel, and other humorous poems.
Ravenscroft, John Stark, 1772-1820 first P. E. bishop of N. C. Sermons, and other writings.
Reese, Thomas, 1742-1794 Pr. cl., edu. S. C. Influence of Religion on Civil Society.
Reese, Lizette Woodworth, 186— Md. A Branch of May (poems).
Reeves, Marian Calhoun Legare, ca. 1854- ("Fadette") S. C. Ingemisco, Randolph Honor, Sea-Drift, Maid of Acadie, and other stories.
Reichel, Levin Theodore, 1812-1878 Moravian bishop Moravians in North Carolina (1857).
*Reid, Christian N. C. Land of the Sky, and other novels, Land of the Sun (1895).
Reid, Sam Chester, 1818- lawyer N. Y., Miss. McCulloch's Texas Rangers, Raid of John H. Morgan.
Relf, Samuel, 1776-1823 jour. Va. Infidelity, or the Victims of Sentiment.
Remy, Henri La. Histoire de la Louisiane.
Renoe, Itti Kinney, 1862- Tenn. Miss Breckenridge, An Exceptional Case.
Requier, Augustus Julian, 1825-1887 ed. S. C., Ala. Legend of Tremaine, Christalline, Old Sanctuary, Spanish Exile, Marco Bozzaris, Ode to Victory, Ashes of Glory (reply to Ryan's "Conquered Banner").
Ribaut, Jean, 1520-1565 discoverer France, Florida. The Whole and True Discovery of Florida.
Rice, David, 1733-1816 Pr. cl. Va., Ky. To Presbyterians of Kentucky, Divine Decrees, Baptism, &c.
Rice, Nathan Lewis, 1804-1877 Pr. cl. Ky. Our Country and the Church, &c.
Rich, R. Eng., Va. Newes from Virginia, 1610.
Riddell, John Leonard, 1807-1867 phys. La. Flora of the Western States, (Riddellia named in his honor).
Rivers, Richard Henderson, 1814- edu. Tenn., Ala., Ky. Life of Bishop Paine, Mental and Moral Philosophy.
Rivers, William James, 1822- edu. S. C. History of South Carolina, Poems.
Rives, William Cabell, 1793-1868 Va. Life of James Madison, Life of John Hampden, Ethics of Christianity.
Rives, Mrs. Judith Page Walker, 1802-1882 Va. Souvenirs of a Residence in Europe, Home and the World.
*Rives, Amelie (see Mrs. Chanler).
Robertson, John, 1787-1873 jurist Va. Riego, or the Spanish Martyr, Opuscula (poems).
Robertson, Thomas Bolling, 1773-1828 Va., La. Events in Paris (1816).
Robertson, Wyndham, 1803-1888 governor of Va. Pocahontas, alias Matoaka, and her Descendants.
Robinson, Fayette,—d. 1859 Va., N. Y. Mexico and Her Military Chieftains, California and the Gold Regions, Wizard of the Wave, and other works.
Robinson, Mrs. Martha Harrison Va. Helen Erskine (novel).
Rogers, James Webb, 1822- lawyer N. C. Arlington, Lafitte, Madame Surratt (tragedy), Poems.
Rolfe, John, d. 1622 colonist, husband of Pocahontas Va. Letter to Sir Thomas Dale.
Roman, Alfred La. Military Operations of General Beauregard.
Rosenthal, Lewis, 1856- jour. Md. America and France.
Rouen, B. La. Cent Huit Ans, Rayon de Soleil.
Rouquette, Francois Dominique, 1810- La. Les Meschacebeennes, Fleurs d'Amerique.
Rouquette, Adrien Emanuel, 1813-1887 La. La nouvelle Atala, L'Antoniade, Les Savanes, and other poems.
Rowland, Kate Mason Va. Life of George Mason of Gunston, Charles Carroll of Carrollton.
Rozier, Firman A. Mo. History of the Early Settlement of the Mississippi Valley.
Ruffner, Henry, 1789-1861 edu. Va. Judith Ben-saddi, Fathers of the Desert, Future Punishment.
Rumple, Jethro, 1827- Pr. cl. N. C. History of Davidson College, of Rowan County, of the Presbyterians in North Carolina.
Russell, Irwin, 1853-1879 Miss. Dialect Poems (1888).
Rutherford, Mildred Ga. English Authors, American Authors (1894).
Rutledge, John, 1739-1800 statesman, and governor of S. C. Speeches.
*Ryan, Abram Joseph, 1839-1886 Va., Ala. Conquered Banner, and other poems.
Safford, William Harrison, 1821- lawyer W. Va. Life of Blennerhassett.
Sanders, John, 1810-1858 civil engineer Ky. Resources of the Valley of the Ohio.
Sands, Alexander Hamilton, 1828-1887 lawyer, Bapt. cl. Va. Recreations of a Southern Barrister, Sermons by a Village Pastor, &c.
Sandys, George, 1577-1644 colonist Va. Translation of Ovid (the first literary production of America), A Journey in the East, Poems.
Sawyer, Lemuel, 1777-1852 N. C. Life of John Randolph of Roanoke, Autobiography, Dramas.
Scanland, Mrs. Agnes Leonard, 1842- Ky. Myrtle Blossoms, Heights and Depths, Vanquished.
Scharf, John Thomas, 1843- Md. History of Maryland, of Baltimore, of St. Louis, of Philadelphia, of Delaware, History of the Confederate States.
Schoolcraft, Mrs. Mary Howard S. C., N. Y. Black Gauntlet, a Tale of Plantation Life in South Carolina.
Scott, Charles, 1811-1861 lawyer Tenn., Miss. Analogy of Ancient Free-Craft Masonry to Natural and Revealed Religion.
Scott, Walter, 1796-1861 (akin to Sir Walter Scott) Scot., Ky. Gospel Restored, Messiahship.
Screven, William, 1629-1713 Bapt. cl. Eng., S. C. Ornament for Church Members.
Searing, Mrs. Laura Catherine [Redden], 1840- (deaf and dumb) Md. ("Howard Glyndon"), Notable Men of the Thirty-Seventh Congress, Idyls of Battle and Poems of the Rebellion, Sounds from Secret Chambers.
Seaton, William Winston, 1785-1866 jour. Va., N. C. Annals of Congress 1798-1824 (42 vols.), Debates of Congress 1824-1837.
Seawell, Molly Elliott Va. Throckmorton, Maid Marian, Hale-Weston, Young Heroes of the Navy, Paul Jones, Decatur and Somers, &c.
Seemueller, Mrs. Anne Moncure [Crane], 1838-1871 Md. Emily Chester, Opportunity, &c.
Sejour, Victor, 1809- La. Le Retour de Napoleon, and other dramas.
Semmes, Raphael, 1809-1877 naval officer Md., Ala. Service Afloat and Ashore during the Mexican War, Cruise of the Alabama.
Semmes, Alexander Jenkins, 1828- phys. D. C., La., Ga. Surgical Journal of the War, Medical Sketches.
Semple, Robert Baylor, 1769-1831 Bapt. cl. Va. History of Virginia Baptists, Catechism.
Shaffner, Taliaferro Preston, 1818-1881 Va. Secession War in America, History of America.
Shaler, Nathaniel Southgate, 1841- geologist Ky., Mass. Geological Survey of Kentucky, History of Kentucky, Interpretation of Nature, Sea and Land.
Shaw, John, 1778-1809 surgeon Md. Poems.
Sheldon, George William, 1843- art critic S. C., N. Y. American Painters.
Shepherd, E. H. Mo. Early History of St. Louis, Autobiography.
Shindler, Mrs. Mary Stanley Bunce [Palmer] [Dana], 1810- S. C. Pass under the Rod, and other Poems, Southern Harp, Northern Harp, Young Sailor, and other works.
Shipp, Alfred Micajah, 1819- edu., M. E. cl. N. C., S. C. History of Methodism in South Carolina.
Shipp, Bernard, 1813- Miss., Ky. Fame and other Poems, Progress of Freedom.
Shober, Gottlieb, 1756-1838 Lutheran cl. Pa., N. C. Rise and Progress of the Christian Church, by Dr. Martin Luther.
Shreve, Thomas H., 1808-1853 jour. Va., Ky. Drayton, an American Tale, Poems.
Shuck, John Lewis, 1812-1863 Bapt. missionary Va., S. C. Portfolio Chinensis.
Shuck, Mrs. Henrietta Hall, 1817-1844 Va. Scenes in China.
Simmons, William Hayne, 1785- S. C. Onea (poem), History of the Seminoles.
Simmons, James Wright S. C. Blue Beard, Greek Girl, and other Poems. |