Mr. Godfrey is absolutely right in his indictment of hooping as usually done, for hoops can serve no purpose until the concrete contained therein is stressed to incipient rupture; then they will begin to act, to furnish restraint which will postpone ultimate failure. Mr. Godfrey states that, in his opinion, the lamina of concrete between each hoop is not assisted; but, as a matter of fact, practically regarded, it is, the coarse particles of the aggregate bridging across from hoop to hoop; and if—as is the practice of some—considerable longitudinal steel is also used, and the hoops are very heavy, so that when the bridging action of the concrete is taken into account, there is in effect a very considerable restraining of the concrete core, and the safe carrying capacity of the column is undoubtedly increased. However, in the latter case, it would be more logical to consider that the vertical steel carried all the load, and that the concrete core, with the hoops, simply constituted its rigidity and the medium of getting the load into the same, ignoring, in this event, the direct resistance of the concrete.
What seems to the writer to be the most logical method of reinforcing concrete columns remains to be developed; it follows along the lines of supplying tensile resistance to the mass here and there throughout, thus creating a condition of homogeneity of strength. It is precisely the method indicated by the experiments already noted, made by the Department of Bridges of the City of New York, whereby the compressive resistance of concrete was enormously increased by intermingling wire nails with it. Of course, it is manifestly out of the question, practically and economically, to reinforce column concrete in this manner, but no doubt a practical and an economical method will be developed which will serve the same purpose. The writer knows of one prominent reinforced concrete engineer, of acknowledged judgment, who has applied for a patent in which expanded metal is used to effect this very purpose; how well this method will succeed remains to be seen. At any rate, reinforcement of this description seems to be entirely rational, which is more than can be said for most of the current standard types.
Mr. Godfrey's sixteenth point, as to the action in square panels, seems also to the writer to be well taken; he recollects analyzing Mr. Godfrey's narrow-strip method at the time it appeared in print, and found it rational, and he has since had the pleasure of observing actual tests which sustained this view. Reinforcement can only be efficient in two ways, if the span both ways is the same or nearly so; a very little difference tends to throw the bulk of the load the short way, for stresses know only one law, namely, to follow the shortest line. In square panels the maximum bending comes on the mid-strips; those adjacent to the margin beams have very little bending parallel to the beam, practically all the action being the other way; and there are all gradations between. The reinforcing, therefore, should be spaced the minimum distance only in the mid-region, and from there on constantly widened, until, at about the quarter point, practically none is necessary, the slab arching across on the diagonal from beam to beam. The practice of spacing the bars at the minimum distance throughout is common, extending the bars to the very edge of the beams. In this case about half the steel is simply wasted.
In conclusion, the writer wishes to thank Mr. Godfrey for his very able paper, which to him has been exceedingly illuminative and fully appreciated, even though he has been obliged to differ from its contentions in some respects. On the other hand, perhaps, the writer is wrong and Mr. Godfrey right; in any event, if, through the medium of this contribution to the discussion, the writer has assisted in emphasizing a few of the fundamental truths; or if, in his points of non-concordance, he is in coincidence with the views of a sufficient number of engineers to convince Mr. Godfrey of any mistaken stands; or, finally, if he has added anything new to the discussion which may help along the solution, he will feel amply repaid for his time and labor. The least that can be said is that reform all along the line, in matters of reinforced concrete design, is insistent.
JOHN STEPHEN SEWELL, M. AM. SOC. C. E. (by letter).—The author is rather severe on the state of the art of designing reinforced concrete. It appears to the writer that, to a part of the indictment, at least, a plea of not guilty may properly be entered; and that some of the other charges may not be crimes, after all. There is still room for a wide difference of opinion on many points involved in the design of reinforced concrete, and too much zeal for conviction, combined with such skill in special pleading as this paper exhibits, may possibly serve to obscure the truth, rather than to bring it out clearly.
Point 1.—This is one to which the proper plea is "not guilty." The writer does not remember ever to have seen just the type of construction shown in Fig. 1, either used or recommended. The angle at which the bars are bent up is rarely as great as 45 deg., much less 60 degrees. The writer has never heard of "sharp bends" being insisted on, and has never seen them used; it is simply recommended or required that some of the bars be bent up and, in practice, the bend is always a gentle one. The stress to be carried by the concrete as a queen-post is never as great as that assumed by the author, and, in practice, the queen-post has a much greater bearing on the bars than is indicated in Fig. 1.
Point 2.—The writer, in a rather extensive experience, has never seen this point exemplified.
Point 3.—It is probable that as far as Point 3 relates to retaining walls, it touches a weak spot sometimes seen in actual practice, but necessity for adequate anchorage is discussed at great length in accepted literature, and the fault should be charged to the individual designer, for correct information has been within his reach for at least ten years.
Point 4.—In this case it would seem that the author has put a wrong interpretation on what is generally meant by shear. However, it is undoubtedly true that actual shear in reinforcing steel is sometimes figured and relied on. Under some conditions it is good practice, and under others it is not. Transverse rods, properly placed, can surely act in transmitting stress from the stem to the flange of a T-beam, and could properly be so used. There are other conditions under which the concrete may hold the rods so rigidly that their shearing strength may be utilized; where such conditions do not obtain, it is not ordinarily necessary to count on the shearing strength of the rods.
Point 5.—Even if vertical stirrups do not act until the concrete has cracked, they are still desirable, as insuring a gradual failure and, generally, greater ultimate carrying capacity. It would seem that the point where their full strength should be developed is rather at the neutral axis than at the centroid of compression stresses. As they are usually quite light, this generally enables them to secure the requisite anchorage in the compressed part of the concrete. Applied to a riveted truss, the author's reasoning would require that all the rivets by which web members are attached to the top chord should be above the center of gravity of the chord section.
Point 6.—There are many engineers who, accepting the common theory of diagonal tension and compression in a solid beam, believe that, in a reinforced concrete beam with stirrups, the concrete can carry the diagonal compression, and the stirrups the tension. If these web stresses are adequately cared for, shear can be neglected.
The writer cannot escape the conclusion that tests which have been made support the above belief. He believes that stirrups should be inclined at an angle of 45 deg. or less, and that they should be fastened rigidly to the horizontal bars; but that is merely the most efficient way to use them—not the only way to secure the desired action, at least, in some degree.
The author's proposed method of bending up some of the main bars is good, but he should not overlook the fact that he is taking them away from the bottom of the beam just as surely as in the case of a sharp bend, and this is one of his objections to the ordinary method of bending them up. Moreover, with long spans and varying distances of the load, the curve which he adopts for his bars cannot possibly be always the true equilibrium curve. His concrete must then act as a stiffening truss, and will almost inevitably crack before his cable can come into action as such.
Bulletin No. 29 of the University of Illinois contains nothing to indicate that the bars bent up in the tests reported were bent up in any other than the ordinary way; certainly they could not be considered as equivalent to the cables of a suspension bridge. These beams behaved pretty well, but the loads were applied so as to make them practically queen-post trusses, symmetrically loaded. While the bends in the bars were apparently not very sharp, and the angle of inclination was much less than 60 deg., or even 45 deg., it is not easy to find adequate bearings for the concrete posts on theoretical grounds, yet it is evident that the bearing was there just the same. The last four beams of the series, 521-1, 521-2, 521-5, 521-6, were about as nearly like Fig. 1 as anything the writer has ever seen in actual practice, yet they seem to have been the best of all. To be sure, the ends of the bent-up bars had a rather better anchorage, but they seem to have managed the shear question pretty much according to the expectation of their designer, and it is almost certain that the latter's assumptions would come under some part of the author's general indictment. These beams would seem to justify the art in certain practices condemned by the author. Perhaps he overlooked them.
Point 7.—The writer does not believe that the "general" practice as to continuity is on the basis charged. In fact, the general practice seems to him to be rather in the reverse direction. Personally, the writer believes in accepting continuity and designing for it, with moments at both center and supports equal to two-thirds of the center movement for a single span, uniformly loaded. He believes that the design of reinforced concrete should not be placed on the same footing as that of structural steel, because there is a fundamental difference, calling for different treatment. The basis should be sound, in both cases; but what is sound for one is not necessarily so for the other. In the author's plan for a series of spans designed as simple beams, with a reasonable amount of top reinforcement, he might get excessive stress and cracks in the concrete entirely outside of the supports. The shear would then become a serious matter, but no doubt the direct reinforcement would come into play as a suspension bridge, with further cracking of the concrete as a necessary preliminary.
Unfortunately, the writer is unable to refer to records, but he is quite sure that, in the early days, the rivets and bolts in the upper part of steel and iron bridge stringer connections gave some trouble by failing in tension due to continuous action, where the stringers were of moderate depth compared to the span. Possibly some members of the Society may know of such instances. The writer's instructors in structural design warned him against shallow stringers on that account, and told him that such things had happened.
Is it certain that structural steel design is on such a sound basis after all? Recent experiences seem to cast some doubt on it, and we may yet discover that we have escaped trouble, especially in buildings, because we almost invariably provide for loads much greater than are ever actually applied, and not because our knowledge and practice are especially exact.
Point 8.—The writer believes that this point is well taken, as to a great deal of current practice; but, if the author's ideas are carried out, reinforced concrete will be limited to a narrow field of usefulness, because of weight and cost. With attached web members, the writer believes that steel can be concentrated in heavy members in a way that is not safe with plain bars, and that, in this way, much greater latitude of design may be safely allowed.
Point 9.—The writer is largely in accord with the author's ideas on the subject of T-beams, but thinks he must have overlooked a very careful and able analysis of this kind of member, made by A.L. Johnson, M. Am. Soc. C. E., a number of years ago. While too much of the floor slab is still counted on for flange duty, it seems to the writer that, within the last few years, practice has greatly improved in this respect.
Point 10.—The author's statement regarding the beam and slab formulas in common use is well grounded. The modulus of elasticity of concrete is so variable that any formulas containing it and pretending to determine the stress in the concrete are unreliable, but the author's proposed method is equally so. We can determine by experiment limiting percentages of steel which a concrete of given quality can safely carry as reinforcement, and then use empirical formulas based on the stress in the steel and an assumed percentage of its depth in the concrete as a lever arm with more ease and just as much accuracy. The common methods result in designs which are safe enough, but they pretend to determine the stress in concrete; the writer does not believe that that is possible within 30% of the truth, and can see no profit in making laborious calculations leading to such unreliable results.
Point 11.—The writer has never designed a reinforced concrete chimney, but if he ever has to do so, he will surely not use any formula that is dependent on the modulus of elasticity of concrete.
Points 12, 13, and 14.—The writer has never had to consider these points to any extent in his own work, and will leave discussion to those better qualified.
Point 15.—There is much questionable practice in regard to reinforced concrete columns; but the matter is hardly disposed of as easily as indicated by the author. Other engineers draw different conclusions from the tests cited by the author, and from some to which he does not refer. To the writer it appears that here is a problem still awaiting solution on a really satisfactory basis. It seems incredible that the author would use plain concrete in columns, yet that seems to be the inference. The tests seem to indicate that there is much merit in both hooping and longitudinal reinforcement, if properly designed; that the fire-resisting covering should not be integral with the columns proper; that the high results obtained by M. Considere in testing small specimens cannot be depended on in practice, but that the reinforcement is of great value, nevertheless. The writer believes that when load-carrying capacity, stresses due to eccentricity, and fire-resisting qualities are all given due consideration, a type of column with close hooping and longitudinal reinforcement provided with shear members, will finally be developed, which will more than justify itself.
Point 16.—The writer has not gone as deeply into this question, from a theoretical point of view, as he would like; but he has had one experience that is pertinent. Some years ago, he built a plain slab floor supported by brick walls. The span was about 16 ft. The dimensions of the slab at right angles to the reinforcement was 100 ft. or more. Plain round bars, 1/2 in. in diameter, were run at right angles to the reinforcement about 2 ft. on centers, the object being to lessen cracks. The reinforcement consisted of Kahn bars, reaching from wall to wall. The rounds were laid on top of the Kahn bars. The concrete was frozen and undeniably damaged, but the floors stood up, without noticeable deflection, after the removal of the forms. The concrete was so soft, however, that a test was decided on. An area about 4 ft. wide, and extending to within about 1 ft. of each bearing wall, was loaded with bricks piled in small piers not in contact with each other, so as to constitute practically a uniformly distributed load. When the total load amounted to much less than the desired working load for the 4-ft. strip, considerable deflection had developed. As the load increased, the deflection increased, and extended for probably 15 or 20 ft. on either side of the loaded area. Finally, under about three-fourths of the desired breaking load for the 4-ft. strip, it became evident that collapse would soon occur. The load was left undisturbed and, in 3 or 4 min., an area about 16 ft. square tore loose from the remainder of the floor and fell. The first noticeable deflection in the above test extended for 8 or 10 ft. on either side of the loaded strip. It would seem that this test indicated considerable distributing power in the round rods, although they were not counted as reinforcement for load-carrying purposes at all. The concrete was extremely poor, and none of the steel was stressed beyond the elastic limit. While this test may not justify the designer in using lighter reinforcement for the short way of the slab, it at least indicates a very real value for some reinforcement in the other direction. It would seem to indicate, also, that light steel members in a concrete slab might resist a small amount of shear. The slab in this case was about 6 in. thick.
SANFORD E. THOMPSON, M. AM. SOC. C. E. (by letter).—Mr. Godfrey's sweeping condemnation of reinforced concrete columns, referred to in his fifteenth point, should not be passed over without serious criticism. The columns in a building, as he states, are the most vital portion of the structure, and for this very reason their design should be governed by theoretical and practical considerations based on the most comprehensive tests available.
The quotation by Mr. Godfrey from a writer on hooped columns is certainly more radical than is endorsed by conservative engineers, but the best practice in column reinforcement, as recommended by the Joint Committee on Concrete and Reinforced Concrete, which assumes that the longitudinal bars assist in taking stress in accordance with the ratio of elasticity of steel to concrete, and that the hooping serves to increase the toughness of the column, is founded on the most substantial basis of theory and test.
In preparing the second edition of "Concrete, Plain and Reinforced," the writer examined critically the various tests of concrete columns in order to establish a definite basis for his conclusions. Referring more particularly to columns reinforced with vertical steel bars, an examination of all the tests of full-sized columns made in the United States appears to bear out the fact very clearly that longitudinal steel bars embedded in concrete increase the strength of the column, and, further, to confirm the theory by which the strength of the combination of steel and concrete may be computed and is computed in practice.
Tests of large columns have been made at the Watertown Arsenal, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the University of Illinois, by the City of Minneapolis, and at the University of Wisconsin. The results of these various tests were recently summarized by the writer in a paper presented at the January, 1910, meeting of the National Association of Cement Users[O]. Reference may be made to this paper for fuller particulars, but the averages of the tests of each series are worth repeating here.
In comparing the averages of reinforced columns, specimens with spiral or other hooping designed to increase the strength, or with horizontal reinforcement placed so closely together as to prevent proper placing of the concrete, are omitted. For the Watertown Arsenal tests the averages given are made up from fair representative tests on selected proportions of concrete, given in detail in the paper referred to, while in other cases all the corresponding specimens of the two types are averaged. The results are given in Table 1.
The comparison of these tests must be made, of course, independently in each series, because the materials and proportions of the concrete and the amounts of reinforcement are different in the different series. The averages are given simply to bring out the point, very definitely and distinctly, that longitudinally reinforced columns are stronger than columns of plain concrete.
A more careful analysis of the tests shows that the reinforced columns are not only stronger, but that the increase in strength due to the reinforcement averages greater than the ordinary theory, using a ratio of elasticity of 15, would predicate.
Certain of the results given are diametrically opposed to Mr. Godfrey's conclusions from the same sets of tests. Reference is made by him, for example (page 69), to a plain column tested at the University of Illinois, which crushed at 2,001 lb. per sq. in., while a reinforced column of similar size crushed at 1,557 lb. per sq. in.,[P] and the author suggests that "This is not an isolated case, but appears to be the rule." Examination of this series of tests shows that it is somewhat more erratic than most of those made at the University of Illinois, but, even from the table referred to by Mr. Godfrey, pursuing his method of reasoning, the reverse conclusion might be reached, for if, instead of selecting, as he has done, the weakest reinforced column in the entire lot and the strongest plain column, a reverse selection had been made, the strength of the plain column would have been stated as 1,079 lb. per sq. in. and that of the reinforced column as 3,335 lb. per sq. in. If extremes are to be selected at all, the weakest reinforced column should be compared with the weakest plain column, and the strongest reinforced column with the strongest plain column; and the results would show that while an occasional reinforced column may be low in strength, an occasional plain column will be still lower, so that the reinforcement, even by this comparison, is of marked advantage in increasing strength. In such cases, however, comparisons should be made by averages. The average strength of the reinforced columns, even in this series, as given in Table 1, is considerably higher than that of the plain columns.
+ + + - Average Average strength of Location strength longitudinally Reference. of test. of plain reinforced columns. columns. + + + - Watertown 1,781 2,992 Taylor and Thompson's Arsenal. "Concrete, Plain and Reinforced" (2nd edition), p. 493. + + + - Massachusetts 1,750 2,370 Transactions, Institute of Am. Soc. C. E., Vol. L, p. 487. Technology. + + + - University of 1,550 1,750 Bulletin No. 10. Illinois. University of Illinois, 1907. + + + - City of 2,020 2,300 Engineering News, Minneapolis. Dec. 3d, 1908, p. 608. + + + - University of 2,033 2,438 Proceedings, Wisconsin. Am. Soc. for Testing Materials, Vol. IX, 1909, p. 477. + + + -
In referring, in the next paragraph, to Mr. Withey's tests at the University of Wisconsin, Mr. Godfrey selects for his comparison two groups of concrete which are not comparable. Mr. Withey, in the paper describing the tests, refers to two groups of plain concrete columns, A1 to A4, and W1 to W3. He speaks of the uniformity in the tests of the former group, the maximum variation in the four specimens being only 2%, but states, with reference to columns, W1 to W3, that:
"As these 3 columns were made of a concrete much superior to that in any of the other columns made from 1:2:4 or 1:2:3-1/2 mix, they cannot satisfactorily be compared with them. Failures of all plain columns were sudden and without any warning."
Now, Mr. Godfrey, instead of taking columns A1 to A3, selects for his comparison W1 to W3, made, as Mr. Withey distinctly states, with an especially superior concrete. Taking columns, A1 to A3, for comparison with the reinforced columns, E1 to E3, the result shows an average of 2,033 for the plain columns and 2,438 for the reinforced columns.
Again, taking the third series of tests referred to by Mr. Godfrey, those at Minneapolis, Minn., it is to be noticed that he selects for his criticism a column which has this note as to the manner of failure: "Bending at center (bad batch of concrete at this point)." Furthermore, the column is only 9 by 9 in., and square, and the stress referred to is calculated on the full section of the column instead of on the strength within the hooping, although the latter method is the general practice in a hooped column. The inaccuracy of this is shown by the fact that, with this small size of square column, more than half the area is outside the hooping and never taken into account in theoretical computations. A fair comparison, as far as longitudinal reinforcement is concerned, is always between the two plain columns and the six columns, E, D, and F. The results are so instructive that a letter[Q] by the writer is quoted in full as follows:
"In view of the fact that the column tests at Minneapolis, as reported in your paper of December 3, 1908, p. 608, are liable because of the small size of the specimens to lead to divergent conclusions, a few remarks with reference to them may not be out of place at this time.
"1. It is evident that the columns were all smaller, being only 9 in. square, than is considered good practice in practical construction, because of the difficulty of properly placing the concrete around the reinforcement.
"2. The tests of columns with flat bands, A, B, and C, in comparison with the columns E, D and F, indicate that the wide bands affected the placing of the concrete, separating the internal core from the outside shell so that it would have been nearly as accurate to base the strength upon the material within the bands, that is, upon a section of 38 sq. in., instead of upon the total area of 81 sq. in. This set of tests, A, B and C, is therefore inconclusive except as showing the practical difficulty in the use of bands in small columns, and the necessity for disregarding all concrete outside of the bands when computing the strength.
"3. The six columns E, D and F, each of which contained eight 5/8-in. rods, are the only ones which are a fair test of columns longitudinally reinforced, since they are the only specimens except the plain columns in which the small sectional area was not cut by bands or hoops. Taking these columns, we find an average strength 38% in excess of the plain columns, whereas, with the percentage of reinforcement used, the ordinary formula for vertical steel (using a ratio of elasticity of steel to concrete of 15) gives 34% as the increase which might be expected. In other words, the actual strength of this set of columns was in excess of the theoretical strength. The wire bands on these columns could not be considered even by the advocates of hooped columns as appreciably adding to the strength, because they were square instead of circular. It may be noted further in connection with these longitudinally reinforced columns that the results were very uniform and, further, that the strength of every specimen was much greater than the strength of the plain columns, being in every case except one at least 40% greater. In these columns the rods buckled between the bands, but they evidently did not do so until their elastic limit was passed, at which time of course they would be expected to fail.
"4. With reference to columns, A, B, C and L, which were essentially hooped columns, the failure appears to have been caused by the greater deformation which is always found in hooped columns, and which in the earlier stages of the loading is apparently due to lack of homogeneity caused by the difficulty in placing the concrete around the hooping, and in the later stage of the loading to the excessive expansion of the concrete. This greater deformation in a hooped column causes any vertical steel to pass its elastic limit at an earlier stage than in a column where the deformation is less, and therefore produces the buckling between the bands which is noted in these two sets of columns. This excessive deformation is a strong argument against the use of high working stresses in hooped columns.
"In conclusion, then, it may be said that the columns reinforced with vertical round rods showed all the strength that would be expected of them by theoretical computation. The hooped columns, on the other hand, that is, the columns reinforced with circular bands and hoops, gave in all cases comparatively low results, but no conclusions can be drawn from them because the unit-strength would have been greatly increased if the columns had been larger so that the relative area of the internal core to the total area of the column had been greater."
From this letter, it will be seen that every one of Mr. Godfrey's comparisons of plain versus reinforced columns requires explanations which decidedly reduce, if they do not entirely destroy, the force of his criticism.
This discussion can scarcely be considered complete without brief reference to the theory of longitudinal steel reinforcement for columns. The principle[R] is comparatively simple. When a load is placed on a column of any material it is shortened in proportion, within working limits, to the load placed upon it; that is, with a column of homogeneous material, if the load is doubled, the amount of shortening or deformation is also doubled. If vertical steel bars are embedded in concrete, they must shorten when the load is applied, and consequently relieve the concrete of a portion of its load. It is therefore physically impossible to prevent such vertical steel from taking a portion of the load unless the steel slips or buckles.
As to the possible danger of the bars in the concrete slipping or buckling, to which Mr. Godfrey also refers, again must tests be cited. If the ends are securely held—and this is always the case when bars are properly butted or are lapped for a sufficient length—they cannot slip. With reference to buckling, tests have proved conclusively that vertical bars such as are used in columns, when embedded in concrete, will not buckle until the elastic limit of the steel is reached, or until the concrete actually crushes. Beyond these points, of course, neither steel nor concrete nor any other material is expected to do service.
As proof of this statement, it will be seen, by reference to tests at the Watertown Arsenal, as recorded in "Tests of Metals," that many of the columns were made with vertical bar reinforcement having absolutely no hoops or horizontal steel placed around them. That is, the bars, 8 ft. long, were placed in the four corners of the column—in some tests only 2 in. from the surface—and held in place simply by the concrete itself.[S] There was no sign whatever of buckling until the compression was so great that the elastic limit of the steel was passed, when, of course, no further strength could be expected from it.
To recapitulate the conclusions reached as a result of a study of the tests: It is evident that, not only does theory permit the use of longitudinal bar reinforcement for increasing the strength of concrete columns, whenever such reinforcement is considered advisable, but that all the important series of column tests made in the United States to date show a decisive increase in strength of columns reinforced with longitudinal steel bars over those which are not reinforced. Furthermore, as has already been mentioned, without treating the details of the proof, it can be shown that the tests bear out conclusively the conservatism of computing the value of the vertical steel bars in compression by the ordinary formulas based on the ratio of the moduli of elasticity of steel to concrete.
EDWARD GODFREY, M. AM. SOC. C. E. (by letter).—As was to be expected, this paper has brought out discussion, some of which is favorable and flattering; some is in the nature of dust-throwing to obscure the force of the points made; some would attempt to belittle the importance of these points; and some simply brings out the old and over-worked argument which can be paraphrased about as follows: "The structures stand up and perform their duty, is this not enough?"
The last-mentioned argument is as old as Engineering; it is the "practical man's" mainstay, his "unanswerable argument." The so-called practical man will construct a building, and test it either with loads or by practical use. Then he will modify the design somewhere, and the resulting construction will be tested. If it passes through this modifying process and still does service, he has something which, in his mind, is unassailable. Imagine the freaks which would be erected in the iron bridge line, if the capacity to stand up were all the designer had to guide him, analysis of stresses being unknown. Tests are essential, but analysis is just as essential. The fact that a structure carries the bare load for which it is computed, is in no sense a test of its correct design; it is not even a test of its safety. In Pittsburg, some years ago, a plate-girder span collapsed under the weight of a locomotive which it had carried many times. This bridge was, perhaps, thirty years old. Some reinforced concrete bridges have failed under loads which they have carried many times. Others have fallen under no extraneous load, and after being in service many months. If a large number of the columns of a structure fall shortly after the forms are removed, what is the factor of safety of the remainder, which are identical, but have not quite reached their limit of strength? Or what is the factor of safety of columns in other buildings in which the concrete was a little better or the forms have been left in a little longer, both sets of columns being similarly designed?
There are highway bridges of moderately long spans standing and doing service, which have 2-in. chord pins; laterals attached to swinging floor-beams in such a way that they could not possibly receive their full stress; eye-bars with welded-on heads; and many other equally absurd and foolish details, some of which were no doubt patented in their day. Would any engineer with any knowledge whatever of bridge design accept such details? They often stand the test of actual service for years; in pins, particularly, the calculated stress is sometimes very great. These details do not stand the test of analysis and of common sense, and, therefore, no reputable engineer would accept them.
Mr. Turner, in the first and second paragraphs of his discussion, would convey the impression that the writer was in doubt as to his "personal opinions" and wanted some free advice. He intimates that he is too busy to go fully into a treatise in order to set them right. He further tries to throw discredit on the paper by saying that the writer has adduced no clean-cut statement of fact or tests in support of his views. If Mr. Turner had read the paper carefully, he would not have had the idea that in it the hooped column is condemned. As to this more will be said later. The paper is simply and solely a collection of statements of facts and tests, whereas his discussion teems with his "personal opinion," and such statements as "These values * * * are regarded by the writer as having at least double the factor of safety used in ordinary designs of structural steel"; "On a basis not far from that which the writer considers reasonable practice." Do these sound like clean-cut statements of fact, or are they personal opinions? It is a fact, pure and simple, that a sharp bend in a reinforcing rod in concrete violates the simplest principles of mechanics; also that the queen-post and Pratt and Howe truss analogies applied to reinforcing steel in concrete are fallacies; that a few inches of embedment will not anchor a rod for its value; that concrete shrinks in setting in air and puts initial stress in both the concrete and the steel, making assumed unstressed initial conditions non-existent. It is a fact that longitudinal rods alone cannot be relied on to reinforce a concrete column. Contrary to Mr. Turner's statement, tests have been adduced to demonstrate this fact. Further, it is a fact that the faults and errors in reinforced concrete design to which attention is called, are very common in current design, and are held up as models in nearly all books on the subject.
The writer has not asked any one to believe a single thing because he thinks it is so, or to change a single feature of design because in his judgment that feature is faulty. The facts given are exemplifications of elementary mechanical principles overlooked by other writers, just as early bridge designers and writers on bridge design overlooked the importance of calculating bridge pins and other details which would carry the stress of the members.
A careful reading of the paper will show that the writer does not accept the opinions of others, when they are not backed by sound reason, and does not urge his own opinion.
Instead of being a statement of personal opinion for which confirmation is desired, the paper is a simple statement of facts and tests which demonstrate the error of practices exhibited in a large majority of reinforced concrete work and held up in the literature on the subject as examples to follow. Mr. Turner has made no attempt to deny or refute any one of these facts, but he speaks of the burden of proof resting on the writer. Further, he makes statements which show that he fails entirely to understand the facts given or to grasp their meaning. He says that the writer's idea is "that the entire pull of the main reinforcing rod should be taken up apparently at the end." He adds that the soundness of this position may be questioned, because, in slabs, the steel frequently breaks at the center. Compare this with the writer's statement, as follows:
"In shallow beams there is little need of provision for taking shear by any other means than the concrete itself. The writer has seen a reinforced slab support a very heavy load by simple friction, for the slab was cracked close to the supports. In slabs, shear is seldom provided for in the steel reinforcement. It is only when beams begin to have a depth approximating one-tenth of the span that the shear in the concrete becomes excessive and provision is necessary in the steel reinforcement. Years ago, the writer recommended that, in such beams, some of the rods be curved up toward the ends of the span and anchored over the support."
It is solely in providing for shear that the steel reinforcement should be anchored for its full value over the support. The shear must ultimately reach the support, and that part which the concrete is not capable of carrying should be taken to it solely by the steel, as far as tensile and shear stresses are concerned. It should not be thrown back on the concrete again, as a system of stirrups must necessarily do.
The following is another loose assertion by Mr. Turner:
"Mr. Godfrey appears to consider that the hooping and vertical reinforcement of columns is of little value. He, however, presents for consideration nothing but his opinion of the matter, which appears to be based on an almost total lack of familiarity with such construction."
There is no excuse for statements like this. If Mr. Turner did not read the paper, he should not have attempted to criticize it. What the writer presented for consideration was more than his opinion of the matter. In fact, no opinion at all was presented. What was presented was tests which prove absolutely that longitudinal rods without hoops may actually reduce the strength of a column, and that a column containing longitudinal rods and "hoops which are not close enough to stiffen the rods" may be of less strength than a plain concrete column. A properly hooped column was not mentioned, except by inference, in the quotation given in the foregoing sentence. The column tests which Mr. Turner presents have no bearing whatever on the paper, for they relate to columns with bands and close spirals. Columns are sometimes built like these, but there is a vast amount of work in which hooping and bands are omitted or are reduced to a practical nullity by being spaced a foot or so apart.
A steel column made up of several pieces latticed together derives a large part of its stiffness and ability to carry compressive stresses from the latticing, which should be of a strength commensurate with the size of the column. If it were weak, the column would suffer in strength. The latticing might be very much stronger than necessary, but it would not add anything to the strength of the column to resist compression. A formula for the compressive strength of a column could not include an element varying with the size of the lattice. If the lattice is weak, the column is simply deficient; so a formula for a hooped column is incorrect if it shows that the strength of the column varies with the section of the hoops, and, on this account, the common formula is incorrect. The hoops might be ever so strong, beyond a certain limit, and yet not an iota would be added to the compressive strength of the column, for the concrete between the hoops might crush long before their full strength was brought into play. Also, the hoops might be too far apart to be of much or any benefit, just as the lattice in a steel column might be too widely spaced. There is no element of personal opinion in these matters. They are simply incontrovertible facts. The strength of a hooped column, disregarding for the time the longitudinal steel, is dependent on the fact that thin discs of concrete are capable of carrying much more load than shafts or cubes. The hoops divide the column into thin discs, if they are closely spaced; widely spaced hoops do not effect this. Thin joints of lime mortar are known to be many times stronger than the same mortar in cubes. Why, in the many books on the subject of reinforced concrete, is there no mention of this simple principle? Why do writers on this subject practically ignore the importance of toughness or tensile strength in columns? The trouble seems to be in the tendency to interpret concrete in terms of steel. Steel at failure in short blocks will begin to spread and flow, and a short column has nearly the same unit strength as a short block. The action of concrete under compression is quite different, because of the weakness of concrete in tension. The concrete spalls off or cracks apart and does not flow under compression, and the unit strength of a shaft of concrete under compression has little relation to that of a flat block. Some years ago the writer pointed out that the weakness of cast-iron columns in compression is due to the lack of tensile strength or toughness in cast iron. Compare 7,600 lb. per sq. in. as the base of a column formula for cast iron with 100,000 lb. per sq. in. as the compressive strength of short blocks of cast iron. Then compare 750 lb. per sq. in., sometimes used in concrete columns, with 2,000 lb. per sq. in., the ultimate strength in blocks. A material one-fiftieth as strong in compression and one-hundredth as strong in tension with a "safe" unit one-tenth as great! The greater tensile strength of rich mixtures of concrete accounts fully for the greater showing in compression in tests of columns of such mixtures. A few weeks ago, an investigator in this line remarked, in a discussion at a meeting of engineers, that "the failure of concrete in compression may in cases be due to lack of tensile strength." This remark was considered of sufficient novelty and importance by an engineering periodical to make a special news item of it. This is a good illustration of the state of knowledge of the elementary principles in this branch of engineering.
Mr. Turner states, "Again, concrete is a material which shows to the best advantage as a monolith, and, as such, the simple beam seems to be decidedly out of date to the experienced constructor." Similar things could be said of steelwork, and with more force. Riveted trusses are preferable to articulated ones for rigidity. The stringers of a bridge could readily be made continuous; in fact, the very riveting of the ends to a floor-beam gives them a large capacity to carry reverse moments. This strength is frequently taken advantage of at the end floor-beam, where a tie is made to rest on a bracket having the same riveted connection as the stringer. A small splice-plate across the top flanges of the stringers would greatly increase this strength to resist reverse moments. A steel truss span is ideally conditioned for continuity in the stringers, since the various supports are practically relatively immovable. This is not true in a reinforced concrete building where each support may settle independently and entirely vitiate calculated continuous stresses. Bridge engineers ignore continuity absolutely in calculating the stringers; they do not argue that a simple beam is out of date. Reinforced concrete engineers would do vastly better work if they would do likewise, adding top reinforcement over supports to forestall cracking only. Failure could not occur in a system of beams properly designed as simple spans, even if the negative moments over the supports exceeded those for which the steel reinforcement was provided, for the reason that the deflection or curving over the supports can only be a small amount, and the simple-beam reinforcement will immediately come into play.
Mr. Turner speaks of the absurdity of any method of calculating a multiple-way reinforcement in slabs by endeavoring to separate the construction into elementary beam strips, referring, of course, to the writer's method. This is misleading. The writer does not endeavor to "separate the construction into elementary beam strips" in the sense of disregarding the effect of cross-strips. The "separation" is analogous to that of considering the tension and compression portions of a beam separately in proportioning their size or reinforcement, but unitedly in calculating their moment. As stated in the paper, "strips are taken across the slab and the moment in them is found, considering the limitations of the several strips in deflection imposed by those running at right angles therewith." It is a sound and rational assumption that each strip, 1 ft. wide through the middle of the slab, carries its half of the middle square foot of the slab load. It is a necessary limitation that the other strips which intersect one of these critical strips across the middle of the slab, cannot carry half of the intercepted square foot, because the deflection of these other strips must diminish to zero as they approach the side of the rectangle. Thus, the nearer the support a strip parallel to that support is located, the less load it can take, for the reason that it cannot deflect as much as the middle strip. In the oblong slab the condition imposed is equal deflection of two strips of unequal span intersecting at the middle of the slab, as well as diminished deflection of the parallel strips.
In this method of treating the rectangular slab, the concrete in tension is not considered to be of any value, as is the case in all accepted methods.
Some years ago the writer tested a number of slabs in a building, with a load of 250 lb. per sq. ft. These slabs were 3 in. thick and had a clear span of 44 in. between beams. They were totally without reinforcement. Some had cracked from shrinkage, the cracks running through them and practically the full length of the beams. They all carried this load without any apparent distress. If these slabs had been reinforced with some special reinforcement of very small cross-section, the strength which was manifestly in the concrete itself, might have been made to appear to be in the reinforcement. Magic properties could be thus conjured up for some special brand of reinforcement. An energetic proprietor could capitalize tension in concrete in this way and "prove" by tests his claims to the magic properties of his reinforcement.
To say that Poisson's ratio has anything to do with the reinforcement of a slab is to consider the tensile strength of concrete as having a positive value in the bottom of that slab. It means to reinforce for the stretch in the concrete and not for the tensile stress. If the tensile strength of concrete is not accepted as an element in the strength of a slab having one-way reinforcement, why should it be accepted in one having reinforcement in two or more directions? The tensile strength of concrete in a slab of any kind is of course real, when the slab is without cracks; it has a large influence in the deflection; but what about a slab that is cracked from shrinkage or otherwise?
Mr. Turner dodges the issue in the matter of stirrups by stating that they were not correctly placed in the tests made at the University of Illinois. He cites the Hennebique system as a correct sample. This system, as the writer finds it, has some rods bent up toward the support and anchored over it to some extent, or run into the next span. Then stirrups are added. There could be no objection to stirrups if, apart from them, the construction were made adequate, except that expense is added thereby. Mr. Turner cannot deny that stirrups are very commonly used just as they were placed in the tests made at the University of Illinois. It is the common practice and the prevailing logic in the literature of the subject which the writer condemns.
Mr. Thacher says of the first point:
"At the point where the first rod is bent up, the stress in this rod runs out. The other rods are sufficient to take the horizontal stress, and the bent-up portion provides only for the vertical and diagonal shearing stresses in the concrete."
If the stress runs out, by what does that rod, in the bent portion, take shear? Could it be severed at the bend, and still perform its office? The writer can conceive of an inclined rod taking the shear of a beam if it were anchored at each end, or long enough somehow to have a grip in the concrete from the centroid of compression up and from the center of the steel down. This latter is a practical impossibility. A rod curved up from the bottom reinforcement and curved to a horizontal position and run to the support with anchorage, would take the shear of a beam. As to the stress running out of a rod at the point where it is bent up, this will hardly stand the test of analysis in the majority of cases. On account of the parabolic variation of stress in a beam, there should be double the length necessary for the full grip of a rod in the space from the center to the end of a beam. If 50 diameters are needed for this grip, the whole span should then be not less than four times 50, or 200 diameters of the rod. For the same reason the rod between these bends should be at least 200 diameters in length. Often the reinforcing rods are equal to or more than one-two-hundredth of the span in diameter, and therefore need the full length of the span for grip.
Mr. Thacher states that Rod 3 provides for the shear. He fails to answer the argument that this rod is not anchored over the support to take the shear. Would he, in a queen-post truss, attach the hog-rod to the beam some distance out from the support and thus throw the bending and shear back into the very beam which this rod is intended to relieve of bending and shear? Yet this is just what Rod 3 would do, if it were long enough to be anchored for the shear, which it seldom is; hence it cannot even perform this function. If Rod 3 takes the shear, it must give it back to the concrete beam from the point of its full usefulness to the support. Mr. Thacher would not say of a steel truss that the diagonal bars would take the shear, if these bars, in a deck truss, were attached to the top chord several feet away from the support, or if the end connection were good for only a fraction of the stress in the bars. Why does he not apply the same logic to reinforced concrete design?
Answering the third point, Mr. Thacher makes more statements that are characteristic of current logic in reinforced concrete literature, which does not bother with premises. He says, "In a beam, the shear rods run through the compression parts of the concrete and have sufficient anchorage." If the rods have sufficient anchorage, what is the nature of that anchorage? It ought to be possible to analyze it, and it is due to the seeker after truth to produce some sort of analysis. What mysterious thing is there to anchor these rods? The writer has shown by analysis that they are not anchored sufficiently. In many cases they are not long enough to receive full anchorage. Mr. Thacher merely makes the dogmatic statement that they are anchored. There is a faint hint of a reason in his statement that they run into the compression part of the concrete. Does he mean that the compression part of the concrete will grip the rod like a vise? How does this comport with his contention farther on that the beams are continuous? This would mean tension in the upper part of the beam. In any beam the compression near the support, where the shear is greatest, is small; so even this hint of an argument has no force or meaning.
In this same paragraph Mr. Thacher states, concerning the third point and the case of the retaining wall that is given as an example, "In a counterfort, the inclined rods are sufficient to take the overturning stress." Mr. Thacher does not make clear what he means by "overturning stress." He seems to mean the force tending to pull the counterfort loose from the horizontal slab. The weight of the earth fill over this slab is the force against which the vertical and inclined rods of Fig. 2, at a, must act. Does Mr. Thacher mean to state seriously that it is sufficient to hang this slab, with its heavy load of earth fill, on the short projecting ends of a few rods? Would he hang a floor slab on a few rods which project from the bottom of a girder? He says, "The proposed method is no more effective." The proposed method is Fig. 2, at b, where an angle is provided as a shelf on which this slab rests. The angle is supported, with thread and nut, on rods which reach up to the front slab, from which a horizontal force, acting about the toe of the wall as a fulcrum, results in the lifting force on the slab. There is positively no way in which this wall could fail (as far as the counterfort is concerned) but by the pulling apart of the rods or the tearing out of this anchoring angle. Compare this method of failure with the mere pulling out of a few ends of rods, in the design which Mr. Thacher says is just as effective. This is another example of the kind of logic that is brought into requisition in order to justify absurd systems of design.
Mr. Thacher states that shear would govern in a bridge pin where there is a wide bar or bolster or a similar condition. The writer takes issue with him in this. While in such a case the center of bearing need not be taken to find the bending moment, shear would not be the correct governing element. There is no reason why a wide bar or a wide bolster should take a smaller pin than a narrow one, simply because the rule that uses the center of bearing would give too large a pin. Bending can be taken in this, as in other cases, with a reasonable assumption for a proper bearing depth in the wide bar or bolster. The rest of Mr. Thacher's comment on the fourth point avoids the issue. What does he mean by "stress" in a shear rod? Is it shear or tension? Mr. Thacher's statement, that the "stress" in the shear rods is less than that in the bottom bars, comes close to saying that it is shear, as the shearing unit in steel is less than the tensile unit. This vague way of referring to the "stress" in a shear member, without specifically stating whether this "stress" is shear or tension, as was done in the Joint Committee Report, is, in itself, a confession of the impossibility of analyzing the "stress" in these members. It gives the designer the option of using tension or shear, both of which are absurd in the ordinary method of design. Writers of books are not bold enough, as a rule, to state that these rods are in shear, and yet their writings are so indefinite as to allow this very interpretation.
Mr. Thacher criticises the fifth point as follows:
"Vertical stirrups are designed to act like the vertical rods in a Howe truss. Special literature is not required on the subject; it is known that the method used gives good results, and that is sufficient."
This is another example of the logic applied to reinforced concrete design—another dogmatic statement. If these stirrups act like the verticals in a Howe truss, why is it not possible by analysis to show that they do? Of course there is no need of special literature on the subject, if it is the intention to perpetuate this senseless method of design. No amount of literature can prove that these stirrups act as the verticals of a Howe truss, for the simple reason that it can be easily proven that they do not.
Mr. Thacher's criticism of the sixth point is not clear. "All the shear from the center of the beam up to the bar in question," is what he says each shear member is designed to take in the common method. The shear of a beam usually means the sum of the vertical forces in a vertical section. If he means that the amount of this shear is the load from the center of the beam to the bar in question, and that shear members are designed to take this amount of shear, it would be interesting to know by what interpretation the common method can be made to mean this. The method referred to is that given in several standard works and in the Joint Committee Report. The formula in that report for vertical reinforcement is:
V s P = ————- , j d
in which P = the stress in a single reinforcing member, V = the proportion of total shear assumed as carried by the reinforcement, s = the horizontal spacing of the reinforcing members, and j d = the effective depth.
Suppose the spacing of shear members is one-half or one-third of the effective depth, the stress in each member is one-half or one-third of the "shear assumed to be carried by the reinforcement." Can Mr. Thacher make anything else out of it? If, as he says, vertical stirrups are designed to act like the vertical rods in a Howe truss, why are they not given the stress of the verticals of a Howe truss instead of one-half or one-third or a less proportion of that stress?
Without meaning to criticize the tests made by Mr. Thaddeus Hyatt on curved-up rods with nuts and washers, it is true that the results of many early tests on reinforced concrete are uncertain, because of the mealy character of the concrete made in the days when "a minimum amount of water" was the rule. Reinforcement slips in such concrete when it would be firmly gripped in wet concrete. The writer has been unable to find any record of the tests to which Mr. Thacher refers. The tests made at the University of Illinois, far from showing reinforcement of this type to be "worse than useless," showed most excellent results by its use.
That which is condemned in the seventh point is not so much the calculating of reinforced concrete beams as continuous, and reinforcing them properly for these moments, but the common practice of lopping off arbitrarily a large fraction of the simple beam moment on reinforced concrete beams of all kinds. This is commonly justified by some virtue which lies in the term monolith. If a beam rests in a wall, it is "fixed ended"; if it comes into the side of a girder, it is "fixed ended"; and if it comes into the side of a column, it is the same. This is used to reduce the moment at mid-span, but reinforcement which will make the beam fixed ended or continuous is rare.
There is not much room for objection to Mr. Thacher's rule of spacing rods three diameters apart. The rule to which the writer referred as being 66% in error on the very premise on which it was derived, namely, shear equal to adhesion, was worked out by F.P. McKibben, M. Am. Soc. C. E. It was used, with due credit, by Messrs. Taylor and Thompson in their book, and, without credit, by Professors Maurer and Turneaure in their book. Thus five authorities perpetrate an error in the solution of one of the simplest problems imaginable. If one author of an arithmetic had said two twos are five, and four others had repeated the same thing, would it not show that both revision and care were badly needed?
Ernest McCullough, M. Am. Soc. C. E., in a paper read at the Armour Institute, in November, 1908, says, "If the slab is not less than one-fifth of the total depth of the beam assumed, we can make a T-section of it by having the narrow stem just wide enough to contain the steel." This partly answers Mr. Thacher's criticism of the ninth point. In the next paragraph, Mr. McCullough mentions some very nice formulas for T-beams by a certain authority. Of course it would be better to use these nice formulas than to pay attention to such "rule-of-thumb" methods as would require more width in the stem of the T than enough to squeeze the steel in.
If these complex formulas for T-beams (which disregard utterly the simple and essential requirement that there must be concrete enough in the stem of the T to grip the steel) are the only proper exemplifications of the "theory of T-beams," it is time for engineers to ignore theory and resort to rule-of-thumb. It is not theory, however, which is condemned in the paper, it is complex theory; theory totally out of harmony with the materials dealt with; theory based on false assumptions; theory which ignores essentials and magnifies trifles; theory which, applied to structures which have failed from their own weight, shows them to be perfectly safe and correct in design; half-baked theories which arrogate to themselves a monopoly on rationality.
To return to the spacing of rods in the bottom of a T-beam; the report of the Joint Committee advocates a horizontal spacing of two and one-half diameters and a side spacing of two diameters to the surface. The same report advocates a "clear spacing between two layers of bars of not less than 1/2 in." Take a T-beam, 11-1/2 in. wide, with two layers of rods 1 in. square, 4 in each layer. The upper surface of the upper layer would be 3-1/2 in. above the bottom of the beam. Below this surface there would be 32 sq. in. of concrete to grip 8 sq. in. of steel. Does any one seriously contend that this trifling amount of concrete will grip this large steel area? This is not an extreme case; it is all too common; and it satisfies the requirements of the Joint Committee, which includes in its make-up a large number of the best-known authorities in the United States.
Mr. Thacher says that the writer appears to consider theories for reinforced concrete beams and slabs as useless refinements. This is not what the writer intended to show. He meant rather that facts and tests demonstrate that refinement in reinforced concrete theories is utterly meaningless. Of course a wonderful agreement between the double-refined theory and test can generally be effected by "hunching" the modulus of elasticity to suit. It works both ways, the modulus of elasticity of concrete being elastic enough to be shifted again to suit the designer's notion in selecting his reinforcement. All of which is very beautiful, but it renders standard design impossible.
Mr. Thacher characterizes the writer's method of calculating reinforced concrete chimneys as rule-of-thumb. This is surprising after what he says of the methods of designing stirrups. The writer's method would provide rods to take all the tensile stresses shown to exist by any analysis; it would give these rods unassailable end anchorages; every detail would be amply cared for. If loose methods are good enough for proportioning loose stirrups, and no literature is needed to show why or how they can be, why analyze a chimney so accurately and apply assumptions which cannot possibly be realized anywhere but on paper and in books?
It is not rule-of-thumb to find the tension in plain concrete and then embed steel in that concrete to take that tension. Moreover, it is safer than the so-called rational formula, which allows compression on slender rods in concrete.
Mr. Thacher says, "No arch designed by the elastic theory was ever known to fail, unless on account of insecure foundations." Is this the correct way to reach correct methods of design? Should engineers use a certain method until failures show that something is wrong? It is doubtful if any one on earth has statistics sufficient to state with any authority what is quoted in the opening sentence of this paragraph. Many arches are failures by reason of cracks, and these cracks are not always due to insecure foundations. If Mr. Thacher means by insecure foundations, those which settle, his assertion, assuming it to be true, has but little weight. It is not always possible to found an arch on rock. Some settlement may be anticipated in almost every foundation. As commonly applied, the elastic theory is based on the absolute fixity of the abutments, and the arch ring is made more slender because of this fixity. The ordinary "row-of-blocks" method gives a stiffer arch ring and, consequently, greater security against settlement of foundations.
In 1904, two arches failed in Germany. They were three-hinged masonry arches with metal hinges. They appear to have gone down under the weight of theory. If they had been made of stone blocks in the old-fashioned way, and had been calculated in the old-fashioned row-of-blocks method, a large amount of money would have been saved. There is no good reason why an arch cannot be calculated as hinged ended and built with the arch ring anchored into the abutments. The method of the equilibrium polygon is a safe, sane, and sound way to calculate an arch. The monolithic method is a safe, sane, and sound way to build one. People who spend money for arches do not care whether or not the fancy and fancied stresses of the mathematician are realized; they want a safe and lasting structure.
Of course, calculations can be made for shrinkage stresses and for temperature stresses. They have about as much real meaning as calculations for earth pressures behind a retaining wall. The danger does not lie in making the calculations, but in the confidence which the very making of them begets in their correctness. Based on such confidence, factors of safety are sometimes worked out to the hundredth of a unit.
Mr. Thacher is quite right in his assertion that stiff steel angles, securely latticed together, and embedded in the concrete column, will greatly increase its strength.
The theory of slabs supported on four sides is commonly accepted for about the same reason as some other things. One author gives it, then another copies it; then when several books have it, it becomes authoritative. The theory found in most books and reports has no correct basis. That worked out by Professor W.C. Unwin, to which the writer referred, was shown by him to be wrong.[T] An important English report gave publicity and much space to this erroneous solution. Messrs. Marsh and Dunn, in their book on reinforced concrete, give several pages to it.
In referring to the effect of initial stress, Mr. Myers cites the case of blocks and says, "Whatever initial stress exists in the concrete due to this process of setting exists also in these blocks when they are tested." However, the presence of steel in beams and columns puts internal stresses in reinforced concrete, which do not exist in an isolated block of plain concrete.
Mr. Meem, while he states that he disagrees with the writer in one essential point, says of that point, "In the ordinary way in which these rods are used, they have no practical value." The paper is meant to be a criticism of the ordinary way in which reinforced concrete is used.
While Mr. Meem's formula for a reinforced concrete beam is simple and much like that which the writer would use, he errs in making the moment of the stress in the steel about the neutral axis equal to the moment of that in the concrete about the same axis. The actual amount of the tension in the steel should equal the compression in the concrete, but there is no principle of mechanics that requires equality of the moments about the neutral axis. The moment in the beam is, therefore, the product of the stress in steel or concrete and the effective depth of the beam, the latter being the depth from the steel up to a point one-sixth of the depth of the concrete beam from the top. This is the method given by the writer. It would standardize design as methods using the coefficient of elasticity cannot do.
Professor Clifford, in commenting on the first point, says, "The concrete at the point of juncture must give, to some extent, and this would distribute the bearing over a considerable length of rod." It is just this local "giving" in reinforced concrete which results in cracks that endanger its safety and spoil its appearance; they also discredit it as a permanent form of construction.
Professor Clifford has informed the writer that the tests on bent rods to which he refers were made on 3/4-in. rounds, embedded for 12 in. in concrete and bent sharply, the bent portion being 4 in. long. The 12-in. portion was greased. The average maximum load necessary to pull the rods out was 16,000 lb. It seems quite probable that there would be some slipping or crushing of the concrete before a very large part of this load was applied. The load at slipping would be a more useful determination than the ultimate, for the reason that repeated application of such loads will wear out a structure. In this connection three sets of tests described in Bulletin No. 29 of the University of Illinois, are instructive. They were made on beams of the same size, and reinforced with the same percentage of steel. The results were as follows:
Beams 511.1, 511.2, 512.1, 512.2: The bars were bent up at third points. Average breaking load, 18,600 lb. All failed by slipping of the bars.
Beams 513.1, 513.2: The bars were bent up at third points and given a sharp right-angle turn over the supports. Average breaking load, 16,500 lb. The beams failed by cracking alongside the bar toward the end.
Beams 514.2, 514.3: The bars were bent up at third points and had anchoring nuts and washers at the ends over the supports. Average breaking load, 22,800 lb. These failed by tension in the steel.
By these tests it is seen that, in a beam, bars without hooks were stronger in their hold on the concrete by an average of 13% than those with hooks. Each test of the group of straight bars showed that they were stronger than either of those with hooked bars. Bars anchored over the support in the manner recommended in the paper were nearly 40% stronger than hooked bars and 20% stronger than straight bars. These percentages, furthermore, do not represent all the advantages of anchored bars. The method of failure is of greatest significance. A failure by tension in the steel is an ideal failure, because it is easiest to provide against. Failures by slipping of bars, and by cracking and disintegrating of the concrete beam near the support, as exhibited by the other tests, indicate danger, and demand much larger factors of safety.
Professor Clifford, in criticizing the statement that a member which cannot act until failure has started is not a proper element of design, refers to another statement by the writer, namely, "The steel in the tension side of the beam should be considered as taking all the tension." He states that this cannot take place until the concrete has failed in tension at this point. The tension side of a beam will stretch out a measurable amount under load. The stretching out of the beam vertically, alongside of a stirrup, would be exceedingly minute, if no cracks occurred in the beam.
Mr. Mensch says that "the stresses involved are mostly secondary." He compares them to web stresses in a plate girder, which can scarcely be called secondary. Furthermore, those stresses are carefully worked out and abundantly provided for in any good design. To give an example of how a plate girder might be designed: Many plate girders have rivets in the flanges, spaced 6 in. apart near the supports, that is, girders designed with no regard to good practice. These girders, perhaps, need twice as many rivets near the ends, according to good and acceptable practice, which is also rational practice. The girders stand up and perform their office. It is doubtful whether they would fail in these rivet lines in a test to destruction; but a reasonable analysis shows that these rivets are needed, and no good engineer would ignore this rule of design or claim that it should be discarded because the girders do their work anyway. There are many things about structures, as every engineer who has examined many of those erected without engineering supervision can testify, which are bad, but not quite bad enough to be cause for condemnation. Not many years ago the writer ordered reinforcement in a structure designed by one of the best structural engineers in the United States, because the floor-beams had sharp bends in the flange angles. This is not a secondary matter, and sharp bends in reinforcing rods are not a secondary matter. No amount of analysis can show that these rods or flange angles will perform their full duty. Something else must be overstressed, and herein is a violation of the principles of sound engineering.
Mr. Mensch mentions the failure of the Quebec Bridge as an example of the unknown strength of steel compression members, and states that, if the designer of that bridge had known of certain tests made 40 years ago, that accident probably would not have happened. It has never been proven that the designer of that bridge was responsible for the accident or for anything more than a bridge which would have been weak in service. The testimony of the Royal Commission, concerning the chords, is, "We have no evidence to show that they would have actually failed under working conditions had they been axially loaded and not subject to transverse stresses arising from weak end details and loose connections." Diagonal bracing in the big erection gantry would have saved the bridge, for every feature of the wreck shows that the lateral collapse of that gantry caused the failure. Here are some more simple principles of sound engineering which were ignored.
It is when practice runs "ahead of theory" that it needs to be brought up with a sharp turn. It is the general practice to design dams for the horizontal pressure of the water only, ignoring that which works into horizontal seams and below the foundation, and exerts a heavy uplift. Dams also fail occasionally, because of this uplifting force which is proven to exist by theory.
Mr. Mensch says:
"The author is manifestly wrong in stating that the reinforcing rods can only receive their increments of stress when the concrete is in tension. Generally, the contrary happens. In the ordinary adhesion test, the block of concrete is held by the jaws of the machine and the rod is pulled out; the concrete is clearly in compression."
This is not a case of increments at all, as the rod has the full stress given to it by the grips of the testing machine. Furthermore, it is not a beam. Also, Mr. Mensch is not accurate in conveying the writer's meaning. To quote from the paper:
"A reinforcing rod in a concrete beam receives its stress by increments imparted by the grip of the concrete, but these increments can only be imparted where the tendency of the concrete is to stretch."
This has no reference to an adhesion test.
Mr. Mensch's next paragraph does not show a careful perusal of the paper. The writer does not "doubt the advisability of using bent-up bars in reinforced concrete beams." What he does condemn is bending up the bars with a sharp bend and ending them nowhere. When they are curved up, run to the support, and are anchored over the support or run into the next span, they are excellent. In the tests mentioned by Mr. Mensch, the beams which had the rods bent up and "continued over the supports" gave the highest "ultimate values." This is exactly the construction which is pointed out as being the most rational, if the rods do not have the sharp bends which Mr. Mensch himself condemns.
Regarding the tests mentioned by him, in which the rods were fastened to anchor-plates at the end and had "slight increase of strength over straight rods, and certainly made a poorer showing than bent-up bars," the writer asked Mr. Mensch by letter whether these bars were curved up toward the supports. He has not answered the communication, so the writer cannot comment on the tests. It is not necessary to use threaded bars, except in the end beams, as the curved-up bars can be run into the next beam and act as top reinforcement while at the same time receiving full anchorage.
Mr. Mensch's statement regarding the retaining wall reinforced as shown at a, Fig. 2, is astounding. He "confesses that he never saw or heard of such poor practices." If he will examine almost any volume of an engineering periodical of recent years, he will have no trouble at all in finding several examples of these identical practices. In the books by Messrs. Reid, Maurer and Turneaure, and Taylor and Thompson, he will find retaining walls illustrated, which are almost identical with Fig. 2 at a. Mr. Mensch says that the proposed design of a retaining wall would be difficult and expensive to install. The harp-like reinforcement could be put together on the ground, and raised to place and held with a couple of braces. Compare this with the difficulty, expense and uncertainty of placing and holding in place 20 or 30 separate rods. The Fink truss analogy given by Mr. Mensch is a weak one. If he were making a cantilever bracket to support a slab by tension from the top, the bracket to be tied into a wall, would he use an indiscriminate lot of little vertical and horizontal rods, or would he tie the slab directly into the wall by diagonal ties? This is exactly the case of this retaining wall, the horizontal slab has a load of earth, and the counterfort is a bracket in tension; the vertical wall resists that tension and derives its ability to resist from the horizontal pressure of the earth.
Mr. Mensch states that "it would take up too much time to prove that the counterfort acts really as a beam." The writer proposes to show in a very short time that it is not a beam. A beam is a part of a structure subject to bending strains caused by transverse loading. This will do as a working definition. The concrete of the counterfort shown at b, Fig. 2, could be entirely eliminated if the rods were simply made to run straight into the anchoring angle and were connected with little cast skewbacks through slotted holes. There would be absolutely no bending in the rods and no transverse load. Add the concrete to protect the rods; the function of the rods is not changed in the least. M.S. Ketchum, M. Am. Soc. C. E.,[U] calculates the counterfort as a beam, and the six 1-in. square bars which he uses diagonally do not even run into the front slab. He states that the vertical and horizontal rods are to "take the horizontal and vertical shear."
Mr. Mensch says of rectangular water tanks that they are not held (presumably at the corners) by any such devices, and that there is no doubt that they must carry the stress when filled with water. A water tank,[V] designed by the writer in 1905, was held by just such devices. In a tank[W] not held by any such devices, the corner broke, and it is now held by reinforcing devices not shown in the original plans.
Mr. Mensch states that he "does not quite understand the author's reference to shear rods. Possibly he means the longitudinal reinforcement, which it seems is sometimes calculated to carry 10,000 lb. per sq. in. in shear;" and that he "never heard of such a practice." His next paragraph gives the most pointed out-and-out statement regarding shear in shear rods which this voluminous discussion contains. He says that stirrups "are best compared with the dowel pins and bolts of a compound wooden beam." This is the kernel of the whole matter in the design of stirrups, and is just how the ordinary designer considers stirrups, though the books and reports dodge the matter by saying "stress" and attempting no analysis. Put this stirrup in shear at 10,000 lb. per sq. in., and we have a shearing unit only equalled in the cheapest structural work on tight-fitting rivets through steel. In the light of this confession, the force of the writer's comparison, between a U-stirrup, 3/4-in. in diameter, and two 3/4-in. rivets tightly driven into holes in a steel angle, is made more evident, Bolts in a wooden beam built up of horizontal boards would be tightly drawn up, and the friction would play an important part in taking up the horizontal shear. Dowels without head or nut would be much less efficient; they would be more like the stirrups in a reinforced concrete beam. Furthermore, wood is much stronger in bearing than concrete, and it is tough, so that it would admit of shifting to a firm bearing against the bolt. Separate slabs of concrete with bolts or dowels through them would not make a reliable beam. The bolts or dowels would be good for only a part of the safe shearing strength of the steel, because the bearing on the concrete would be too great for its compressive strength.
Mr. Mensch states that at least 99% of all reinforced structures are calculated with a reduction of 25% of the bending moment in the center. He also says "there may be some engineers who calculate a reduction of 33 per cent." These are broad statements in view of the fact that the report of the Joint Committee recommends a reduction of 33% both in slabs and beams.
Mr. Mensch's remarks regarding the width of beams omit from consideration the element of span and the length needed to develop the grip of a rod. There is no need of making a rod any less in diameter than one-two-hundredth of the span. If this rule is observed, the beam with three 7/8-in. round rods will be of longer span than the one with the six 5/8-in. rods. The horizontal shear of the two beams will be equal to the total amount of that shear, but the shorter beam will have to develop that shear in a shorter distance, hence the need of a wider beam where the smaller rods are used.
It is not that the writer advocates a wide stem in the T-beam, in order to dispense with the aid of the slab. What he desires to point out is that a full analysis of a T-beam shows that such a width is needed in the stem.
Regarding the elastic theory, Mr. Mensch, in his discussion, shows that he does not understand the writer's meaning in pointing out the objections to the elastic theory applied to arches. The moment of inertia of the abutment will, of course, be many times that of the arch ring; but of what use is this large moment of inertia when the abutment suddenly stops at its foundation? The abutment cannot be anchored for bending into the rock; it is simply a block of concrete resting on a support. The great bending moment at the end of the arch, which is found by the elastic theory (on paper), has merely to overturn this block of concrete, and it is aided very materially in this by the thrust of the arch. The deformation of the abutment, due to deficiency in its moment of inertia, is a theoretical trifle which might very aptly be minutely considered by the elastic arch theorist. He appears to have settled all fears on that score among his votaries. The settlement of the abutment both vertically and horizontally, a thing of tremendously more magnitude and importance, he has totally ignored.
Most soils are more or less compressible. The resultant thrust on an arch abutment is usually in a direction cutting about the edge of the middle third. The effect of this force is to tend to cause more settlement of the abutment at the outer, than at the inner, edge, or, in other words, it would cause the abutment to rotate. In addition to this the same force tends to spread the abutments apart. Both these efforts put an initial bending moment in the arch ring at the springing; a moment not calculated, and impossible to calculate.
Messrs. Taylor and Thompson, in their book, give much space to the elastic theory of the reinforced concrete arch. Little of that space, however, is taken up with the abutment, and the case they give has abutments in solid rock with a slope about normal to the thrust of the arch ring. They recommend that the thrust be made to strike as near the middle of the base of the abutment as possible.
Malverd A. Howe, M. Am. Soc. C. E., in a recent issue of Engineering News, shows how to find the stresses and moments in an elastic arch; but he does not say anything about how to take care of the large bending moments which he finds at the springing. |