Haldane, Q.C., R.B.; 23 Halifax and Walsall, Liberal enthusiasm; 29 Harcourt, Sir William; 15, 74, 192, 233, 237 —— beams pleasantly; 29 —— and the Budget; 146-7 —— as an Early Christian; 152-3 Hardie, Keir- (see Keir-Hardie) Harland, Sir E.; 254 Harrington and Chamberlain, Mr.; 223-6 Hayes-Fisher and the fight; 251-2 Healy and the fight, Mr.; 249 Herod—Judas!; 242-6 Hibbert, Sir John; 252 Hicks-Beach, Sir Michael; 43 Hissing in the gallery; 244 Home Rule; 31-41, 58-64, 111-44, 178-206, 227-52, 260-8 —— and Gladstone (see Gladstone and Home Rule) —— in Committee; 164-76 —— in the Lords; 269-82 Hull; 162-3 Hunter, Dr.; 51, 57
Incidents; 21-2, 193-4 Incident, the Sexton; 198 Interruption, a vulgar and caddish; 126 —— another unmannerly; 129-30 —— My remarks on; 193-4 Ireland in danger; 59 ——'s Charter through; 260-8 Irony of seats, the; 9 Irish objections to Divorce; 199-200
Jackson and Gladstone; 108-9 James, Sir Henry; 13, 48, 141, 155 Jealousies and great questions, small; 47-50 Jesse Collings (see Collings, Jesse) Johnston of Ballykilbeg; 10-1, 25, 137-8 Jones, Atherley; 241 Judas!; 242-7
Keeping the seats; 247 Keir-Hardie; 24-5 Kenyon convulses the House; 47-8
Labouchere, Henry; 15, 97, 99, 236, 252 ——'s pronunciation; 22-3 —— and Biggar; 98-9 Lambert, G.; 17 Liberals, the plain duty of; 257-8 Lion lashes out, the; 79 Lockwood, Frank; 163 Logan and the fight; 247-9, 251-2 Lords, Home Rule in the; 269-82 Lowther, James; 55-7, 68-71, 77, 81, 85-6, 89-90 —— What a cruel face; 55 —— and Burns; 65 —— flouts Balfour; 80 Lubbock, Sir John; 199
Macartney, W.G.E.; 170, 199-200 Marjoribanks, E.P.C.; 58, 62 McCarthy, Justin; 29, 122, 264 McCorquodale & Co.; 252-3 McGregor, Dr.; 197 McNeill, Swift; 176-240 Mellor, J.W.; 65-6, 166, 197, 236-8, 246 —— and Mr. Sexton; 238-40 Memories; 9 Milman, the interfering; 240 Miners, triumph of the; 161-2 Ministry, the new; 15 Mitchelstown, and Mr. Dillon; 219-23 Morley, Arnold; 254 Morley, John; 15, 64, 75, 185, 211, 218, 253, 267-8 —— and Chamberlain; 134-5 ——'s tweed suit; 203-4 Morton, A.C.; 59, 259 Malcontents, powerful; 52 Morton, E.J.C.; 24 Mundella, A.J.; 43, 90-1, 163 My apology; 250-1 My remarks on interruption; 193-4
Narrow shave, a; 187-8 Nepotism in the army; 258-9 New ministry, the; 15 Ninth Clause, the; 230-7 Nolan, Colonel; 268
O'Brien, William; 12, 126 —— and the fight; 249 Obstruction, naked and unashamed; 29 —— sober and subdued; 40-1 —— organized for; 53 —— artists in; 55 —— rampant; 64 —— flagrant; 76 —— Tory; 144-50 Old age, the consolations of; 192-3 Opening of Parliament; 9 —— of the row; 246-7 Opposition in excellent form, the; 17 Outburst, the; 175-6
Parliamentary Wednesdays; 44-5 Parnell twelve years ago; 31-2 —— a memory of; 105-6 —— and Chamberlain; 119-20 —— and Gladstone; 120-1 Pas de Deux, a brilliant; 204-5 Peers impressed, even the; 279-80 Philipps, J.W.; 16 Plain duty of the Liberals, the; 257-8 Potter and Mr. Chamberlain, T.B.; 21-2 Powerful malcontents; 52 Private Members and the Government; 153
Railway rates; 51 —— Servants' Bill; 153 Redmond. J.E.; 29, 230-1, 263 —— and Home Rule; 38-9 Reduced majorities; 229-30 Reed us an alarmist, Sir E.J.; 255-6 Registration Bill, the; 41 Release of the dynamitards; 29 Reminiscence of 1885, a; 267-8 Rendel, Stuart; 41 Renewal of the fight; 178 Rentoul, Dr.; 11 Ribblesdale, Lord; 274 Rigby, Sir John; 127 Ripon, the Bishop of; 282 Robertson, E.; 260 Rollit, the modern Tory, Sir Albert; 41 Roscoe, Sir Henry; 193 Rosebery's great triumph, Lord; 276-80 Russell, Sir Charles; 203 Russell, T.W.; 25, 45, 64, 89, 91-2, 176 —— and the Second Chamber; 169
Salaried Members; 51 Salisbury's signal failure, Lord; 280-2 Saunderson, Colonel; 12 —— & the fight; 248-9 Saunders, Mr.; 268 Scene, a strange; 174-6 —— A wild; 210-12 —— A brilliant; 269 "Scenes,"; 47-8, 65-6, 129-30, 166-9, 176, 227-8, 237-40, 242-53 —— Pathetic; 182-3 Selborne, Lord; 276 Seton-Karr; 53 —— demands admission; 10 Sexton, Thomas; 65, 136, 147-8, 237 —— and Home Rule; 37 —— and the bullet in Downing Street; 153-4 —— Intervenes; 189 —— incident, the; 198 —— and Arnold Forster; 227-8 —— makes the running; 234-5 —— takes the lead; 235-6 —— defies the Chair; 238-40 Shave, a narrow; 187-8 Shaw, Mr.; 236 Shout of battle, the; 214-5 Shuttleworth, Sir O.K.; 254 Silence of the Tories, cowed; 262 —— of the Irishry, Stony; 165-6 Situation, an awkward; 159 Slow progress; 195-6 Small jealousies and great questions; 49-50 Speaker snubs Brookfield, the; 126 —— and Lord Cranborne, the; 130 —— and Mr. Conybeare, the; 226-7 —— and the fight, the; 249-50 Speech from the throne, the; 16-7 Spencer's serene courage, Earl; 271-3 Squabble, a; 237-40 Stansfeld, Mr.; 117-8 Storey, S.; 61 ——'s fateful speech; 68-9 Storm, a coming; 58 Strange bedfellows; 10 Stuart Rendel; 46 Suspensory Bill for Wales, the; 45-8
Tanner, Dr.; 11 ——'s waistcoat, Dr.; 11 Tea on the Terrace; 207-9 Temple, Sir Richard; 179 Times out-manoeuvred, the; 53 —— organized for obstruction, the; 53 —— Cowed silence of the; 262 To thy orisons; 213-4 Tory Leader, no; 58 Tragedy of politics, the; 101 Tramp, tramp, tramp; 241 Treasury Bench looks awkward, the; 184-5 Trevelyan, Sir George; 122-3 Triumph, a historic; 160 —— for Mr. Burns, a; 259-60 —— of the tweed coat, the; 201-40
Uganda; 21-4, 96-101 Ugander; 22-3 Ugly moment, an; 184-5
Vaccinationists, the Anti-; 177 Vincent and fair trade, Sir H.; 25, 258 Visit to the Lords, a; 155 Vote of Censure, the; 104-10 Vulgar and caddish interruption, a; 126
Wales in a rage; 45-8 Wallace, Mr.; 268 —— Wit, wearisome; 266 Walsall and Halifax; 29 Watchers for the dawn; 10 Welsh Suspensory Bill, the; 45-8 "Who said 'Rats'?"; 27 Wilson, J.H.; 162 Wistful Whip, the; 213 Wolmer, Lord; 180-1 Woods, Sam; 16 Wyndham, George; 26
Young Man and the Old, the; 167-8
*** Transcriber's notes, corrections ***
p28 tyranny : was "tryanny" p59 ofttimes : was "oft-times" p87 Brummagem : was "Brummagen" p95 satisfactory : was "satifactory" p98 must : was "most" p108 spellbound : was "spell-bound" p128 cheers—he : was "cheer—she" p150 unusually : was "unusally" p191 airily : was "arily" p221 eyeglass : was "eye-glass" p226 spellbound : was "spell-bound" p250 shamefaced : was "shame-faced"
(see HTML version for pagenumbers) *** End Transcriber's notes ***