And from the way the crab raised its claws in the air, snapping them shut, it would seem that the shellfish would have been very glad indeed to pinch the dog's nose. But Teddy had learned a lesson. He kept well away from the gasping Sallie Growler, too.
"What makes 'em be called Sallie Growler?" asked Laddie, as he and Russ looked at the fish. It was very ugly, with a head shaped like a toad, and a very big mouth.
"I don't know why they call 'em Sallie," said George; "but they call 'em Growler 'cause they do growl. Sometimes you can hear 'em grunting under the water. There goes this one now!"
Just as he spoke the fish did give a sort of groan or growl. It opened its mouth, gasping for breath.
"They're no good—worse than a toad fish!" exclaimed George, as he kicked the one Laddie had caught into the water.
"Are there many around here?" asked Russ.
"Yes, quite a lot in the inlet," answered George. "They don't bite on crab-meat bait, but if you're fishing for fish they often swallow your hook, bait and all. I don't like 'em, and I guess Teddy won't either after to-day."
"Was he ever bit before?" Laddie wanted to know as the dog lay down on the pier and began to lick his bitten nose with his tongue.
"Not that I know of," answered George, who was a little older than Russ. "Once is enough. I wouldn't want one to bite me."
"Me, neither," added Russ. "Want to help catch crabs?" he asked George. "I have two lines and you can have one."
"Thanks, I will. I was out walking with my dog and I saw you two down on this pier. I came to see if you were the same boys that gave my dog marshmallows last night."
"Yes, we're the same," answered Russ. "Did he like the candy we fed him?"
"Oh, sure! He always eats candy, but he doesn't get too much at our house. Teddy's always smelling things. That's how he came to go up to the Sallie Growler. I guess he'll let the next one alone."
"I hope I don't catch any more," said Laddie. "I don't like 'em."
"Nobody else does," said George. "We come to the seashore every year, and I never saw anybody yet that liked a Sallie Growler."
Laddie, Russ and their new chum stayed on the pier for some time. Russ and George caught quite a number of crabs, and Laddie had fine luck with his fish-pole and line, landing three good-sized fish on the pier. He caught no more Sallie Growlers, for which he was thankful. I guess Teddy was, too, for his nose was quite sore.
For several days after that George came over each morning to play with the two older Bunker boys. He brought his dog with him and Teddy made friends over again with Rose and Violet and Margy and Mun Bun, as well as with Russ and Laddie.
"I guess he 'members we gave him candy," said Margy, as she patted the dog's shaggy head.
There were many happy days at Seaview. The six little Bunkers played in the sand, they went wading and bathing and had picnics, more marshmallow roasts and even popcorn parties on the beach.
"I don't ever want to go home," said Laddie one night after a day of fun on the beach. "This is such a nice place. It's so good to think up riddles."
"Have you a new one?" asked his father. "Have you thought up an answer yet to where the fire goes when it goes out?"
"Not yet," Laddie answered. "But I have one about what is the sleepiest letter of the alphabet."
"What is the sleepiest letter of the alphabet?" repeated Russ. "Do you mean the letter I? That ought to be sleepy 'cause it's got an eye to shut."
"No, I don't mean I," said Laddie. "But that's a good riddle, too, isn't it? What's the sleepiest letter of the alphabet?"
"Do you know the answer?" Rose wanted to know. "This isn't like the fire riddle, is it?"
"No, I know an answer to this," Laddie said. "Can anybody else answer it?"
They all made different guesses, and Vi, as usual, asked all sort of questions, but finally no one could guess, or, if Mother and Daddy Bunker could, they didn't say so, and Laddie exclaimed:
"The sleepiest letter of the alphabet is E 'cause it's always in bed; B-E-D, bed!" and he laughed at his riddle.
"That is a pretty good one," said his mother.
"You ought to say what are the three sleepiest letters in the alphabet," declared Russ, "'cause there are three letters in bed."
"Oh, well, one is enough for a riddle," said Laddie, and I think so myself.
One day the children saw Daddy Bunker and Cousin Tom putting on long rubber boots, and taking down heavy fishing-poles and some baskets.
"Where are you going?" asked Russ.
"Down to fish in the surf," answered his father. "Want to come?"
Russ and Laddie did. Rose and Violet were already trying to catch crabs further up the inlet. Margy and Mun Bun had gone to take their afternoon nap.
Laddie and Russ played about on the beach while their father and Cousin Tom began to fish, throwing the heavy sinkers and big hooks far out in the surf, trying to catch a bass. The men had to stand where the waves broke, and that is why they wore rubber boots.
Suddenly Laddie, who had run down the beach to watch a big piece of driftwood come floating in, called:
"Oh, Russ! Come here, quick! Here is a fish that's got legs! It's a fish that can walk! It's worse than a Sallie Growler! Come and look at it!"
Russ at first thought his smaller brother was playing a joke.
"You can't fool me," cried Russ. "I don't want to guess any of your riddles!"
"This isn't a riddle!" declared Laddie. "It's a real fish, and it's got real legs. Come and look at it!"
He was pointing to something on the beach, which seemed to have been washed in by the tide.
"Come on!" cried Laddie again. "It isn't a riddle—honest! It's a fish with legs. I didn't see him walk, but it sort of—sort of stands up!"
Still Russ was afraid of being fooled. So he called over to his father and Cousin Tom, who were fishing in the surf not far away.
"Daddy, is there a fish with legs? Laddie says he's found one on the beach."
"Well, you might call 'em legs," answered Cousin Tom, as he flung his hook and sinker as far as he could out into the ocean. "I guess what Laddie has found is a skate."
"But he says it's a fish!" exclaimed Russ. "Now you call it a skate! I guess you're both trying to make up riddles."
"No, Russ," said his father, as he reeled in his line. "The fish Laddie sees, and I can see it from where I stand, really has some long, thin fins, which are like legs. And the name of the fish is 'skate,' so you see they are both right. Come, we'll go and look at it."
And when Russ got to where Laddie was standing over the queer creature on the beach he had to laugh, for surely the fish was a very queer one.
"Isn't it funny?" asked Laddie.
"I should say so!" cried Russ. "It's as funny as some of your riddles."
And if any of you have ever seen a skate at the seashore I think you will agree with Russ. Imagine, if you have never seen one, a fish as flat as a flounder, with a flat, pointed nose sticking out in front. Away back, under this nose, and out of sight from the top, or the back of the fish, is its mouth. And the mouth is rather large and has sharp teeth.
Fastened to the back of the skate is a long, slender tail, like that of a rat, only larger, and between the tail and the round, flat body on the under side, are two things that really look like legs. Perhaps the skate may use them to walk around on the bottom of the ocean, as a horseshoe crab uses his legs for walking. But a skate can also swim, and in that way it comes up off the bottom, and often bites on the hooks of fishermen who do not at all want to catch such an unpleasant fish.
The skate swims, using the things like legs as a fish uses its fins, and sometimes, when landed on the shore, the fish really seems to be standing up on these legs, so Laddie was not so far wrong. On each side of the skate were thin, flat fins, which were something like wings. The skate had a humpy head and big, bulging eyes.
"What's a skate for?" asked Russ, as he looked at the queer creature.
"And who gave it that name?" Laddie wanted to know.
"My! You two are getting as bad at asking questions as Violet!" laughed Mr. Bunker. "Well, I'll answer as well as I can. I don't know how the fish came to be called a skate unless it sort of skates around on the bottom of the ocean. Though when a skate is dead its tail curls up and around like the old-fashioned skates once used in Holland. It may get its name from that."
"Are they good to eat?" asked Russ.
"Some kinds are said to be," answered Cousin Tom, "though I never tasted one myself. I have heard of fishermen eating certain parts of the skates caught along here. But I never saw any one do it. Whenever I catch a skate I throw it back into the water. I can't see that they are good for anything."
The skate which Laddie and Russ were watching, and which seemed to have been cast up on the beach by the waves, was flopping about, now and then raising itself on its queer legs, until, finally, the tide came up higher and washed it out into the sea again.
"I guess it's glad to get back in the ocean," said Russ.
"Yes," agreed his brother. "I'd have put it back in only I was afraid it might bite me."
"No, I don't believe it would," said Cousin Tom.
"There's heaps of funny things down at the seashore," said Laddie, as he watched to see if the skate would swim back, but it did not.
"Lots of funny things," agreed Russ.
"The shore is a good place to make riddles," went on Laddie.
"And it's a bad place to lose things," said his brother. "Look how Rose lost her locket."
"Yes, that was too bad," said Daddy Bunker. "I'm afraid we shall never find that now. There is so much sand here."
"We've dug holes and looked all over," said Russ, "but we can't find it."
"I wish we could find that box we had up on shore and that the waves came up and washed away," remarked Laddie. "Don't you 'member the box you were going to open, Daddy?"
"Yes, I remember," answered Mr. Bunker. "I would like to know what was in that. But I don't suppose we ever shall."
"And I guess we'll never get back Vi's doll that I lost," said Russ. "But when I get back home I'm going to save up and buy her another."
"That will be a nice thing to do," replied Mr. Bunker. "Of course Violet has, in a way, forgotten about her doll, but I'm sure she would like to have you get her another."
"And I will!" exclaimed Russ. He did not even dream how soon he was to do this.
"Well," said Cousin Tom, after the skate had been washed out to sea, "I don't believe, Daddy Bunker, that we are going to have any luck fishing to-day. I think we might as well go back to the bungalow and see what they have to eat."
"I hope they didn't count on us bringing some fish," said the father of the six little Bunkers with a laugh. "If they did we'll all go hungry."
"I don't want to be hungry," murmured Laddie, with a queer look at his father.
"Oh, he's only joking," whispered Russ. "I can tell by the way he laughs around his eyes."
"Yes, I'm only joking," said Laddie's father. "I guess Cousin Ruth will have plenty to eat. We'll walk along the beach a little way and then go home."
The two men reeled in their fish lines and, with the two little boys, strolled along the sand. Laddie and Russ were wondering what they could do to have some fun, and they were thinking of different things when Cousin Tom, who was a little way ahead, cried:
"Look! Isn't that a box being washed up on the beach?"
They all looked and saw something white and square being rolled over and over in the waves nearest the shore. It was quite a distance ahead of them, but Cousin Tom, handing his pole and basket to Daddy Bunker, ran and, wading into the surf with his high rubber boots, caught hold of the box.
"It shan't get away from us this time!" he called to Daddy Bunker, Russ and Laddie as they hastened toward him. "I'll keep it safe this time, all right!" and he carried the box well up among the sand dunes, or little hills, well out of reach of the highest tide.
"Why do you say 'this time'?" asked Daddy Bunker. "Did you ever pull in this box before?"
"Indeed I did, or, rather, one of us did. This is the same box the children found once before; don't you remember? This time we'll find out what is in this box for sure. And we won't wait for a hammer, either. I'll use a piece of driftwood."
As Daddy Bunker and the two boys gathered around the box they saw that indeed it was the same one that had been cast up before by the waves.
What could be in it?
Cousin Tom had said he was not going to wait for a hammer to open the box, and he was as good as his word. When he had carried the box well up on the beach, out of reach of even the highest waves, he looked about for a piece of driftwood that he could use in knocking the cover off the case. And while he was thus searching, Daddy Bunker, Russ and Laddie examined the box.
"It looks just like the same one," said Russ.
"I'm positive it is," added his father. "I remember the size and shape of the other box and this is just the same. And there were two funny marks in the wood on top, and this has the same marks."
"There was a piece of paper tacked on the other box," said Russ. "That isn't here now."
"That was soaked off in the water and washed away," said his father. "But you can still see the four tacks, one for each corner of the card. I suppose that had some address on but it was washed off by the salt water."
"What made the box come back to us?" asked Laddie, as Cousin Tom came walking along with a heavy stick he was going to use as a hammer to open the case.
"Well, no one knows what the sea is going to do," replied Daddy Bunker. "It washes up queer things and takes them away again. I suppose this has been floating around for some time—ever since it was washed away from us the time we thought we so surely had it."
"It may have been washed up on the beach in some lonely spot a little while after we last saw it," said Cousin Tom. "And it may have been there ever since until the last high tide, when it was washed away again and then I happened to spy it just now. But it will not get away again until we open it."
Using the piece of heavy driftwood he had picked up as a hammer, Cousin Tom soon broke the top of the box that had drifted ashore. He pulled back the splintered pieces and eagerly they all looked inside. The box was about two feet long and the same in height and width, and all Laddie and Russ could see at first was what seemed to be some heavy paper.
"Is that all that's in it?" cried Russ.
"Wait and see," advised his father. "There may be something under the paper."
Cousin Tom put his hand in and raised the covering. Some bright colors were seen and then what appeared to be a lot of pieces of cloth.
"A lot of dresses!" exclaimed Russ in disappointed tones. "That's all!"
"But here is something inside the dresses," said his father with a smile.
"Something in the dresses?"
"Yes. Unless I am very much mistaken there are Japanese dolls in this box—maybe half a dozen of them—and it is their gaily colored dresses which you see. Isn't that it, Cousin Tom?"
"You are right, Daddy Bunker! There they are! Japanese dolls!" and Cousin Tom pulled out one about two feet long and held it up in front of the two boys.
"Dolls!" gasped Laddie.
"Japanese dolls!" added his brother.
"A little spoiled by the salt water, but still pretty good," said Cousin Tom, as he pulled another doll out of the box. "They were wrapped in oiled silk and the box is lined with a sort of water-proof cloth, so they didn't get as wet as they might otherwise. Some of the dresses are a bit stained, and I see that the black-haired wig of one of the dolls has melted off. But we can glue that on again. Well, that's quite a find—six nice, large Japanese dolls," laughed Cousin Tom.
"They aren't any good for us!" exclaimed Russ. "I was thinking maybe there'd be a toy steam engine in the box."
"If there had been it would have been spoiled by the sea water," said Cousin Tom with a smile. "Dolls are about the best thing that could be in the box. They are light and wouldn't sink. And, being so well wrapped up, they didn't get very wet. We can take them home to Rose and Mun Bun and Margy and——"
"Oh, there'll be one for Violet!" cried Russ. "Now I can give her back a doll for the one that sunk when my boat upset! Save the nicest doll for Violet!"
"Yes, I think that would be no more than fair," said Daddy Bunker. "The sea took Violet's doll and the sea gives her back another. How many dolls did you say there were, Cousin Tom?"
"Six. One for each of the six little Bunkers."
"Pooh! I don't want a doll!" exclaimed Russ. "I'm too big!"
"So'm I!" added Laddie.
"Very well. And as there are six dolls and only four who will want them, that will leave two over, so if Rose or Violet or Mun Bun loses a doll we'll have two extra ones. Only I hope they won't lose anything more while we're here," and Daddy Bunker smiled.
"Where do you suppose the dolls came from?" asked Russ as Cousin Tom packed them back in the box so the case could be carried to the bungalow.
"It's hard to say," was the answer. "As the tag on the box has been washed off we don't know to whom the dolls belonged. They may have gotten in a load of refuse from New York by mistake, from one of the big stores, and been dumped into the sea, or they may have been lost off some vessel in a storm. Or there may even have been a wreck.
"Anyhow the box of dolls, well wrapped up from the water, has been floating around for some time, I should say. It came to us once but we lost it. Then we had another chance at it and we didn't lose it. Now we'll take the dolls home and see what Rose, Violet and the others have to say about them."
It was a jolly home-going, even though no fish had been caught. Long before they were at the bungalow but within sight of it Laddie and Russ cried:
"Look what we got!"
"We found the box again!"
Rose, Violet, Margy and Mun Bun came running out to see what it all meant.
"Did you find my gold locket?" asked Rose eagerly.
"No, my dear, we didn't find that," her father answered.
"Did you get my doll back from the bottom of the ocean?" Violet called.
"Well, we pretty nearly did," answered Russ. "Anyhow, we got you one I guess maybe you'll like as well."
Cousin Tom gave Russ one of the Japanese dolls from the box and, with it in his arms, Russ ran toward his little sister.
"Look! Here it is!" he cried.
"Oh! Oh! Oh!" gasped Violet, hardly able to believe her eyes. "Oh, what a lovely, lovely doll!"
A disappointed look came over the face of Rose, but it changed to one of joy when her father took out another doll and gave it to her. Then Mun Bun set up a cry:
"I want one!"
"So do I!" echoed Margy.
"There is one for each of you," laughed Cousin Tom, as he took out two more dolls.
"And two left over!" added Russ.
"Oh, where did you get them?" asked Rose. "Oh, I just love mine!" and she hugged it to her closely.
"My doll's wet!" exclaimed Mun Bun, as he saw the damp dress on his plaything.
"Mine is, too," said Violet. "But all dolls have to be wet when they come out of the ocean, don't they, Daddy?"
"Yes, I suppose so. And that is where these dolls came from—right out of the ocean."
Then the children were told how the queer box had been found again floating near the beach and how Cousin Tom had waded out in his high rubber boots and brought it to shore.
Mother Bunker and Cousin Ruth came out to see the find and they, too, thought the dolls were wonderful.
"And we saw a fish that could walk," added Laddie when the dolls had been looked at again and again.
Then he and Russ told about the queer-looking skate.
The doll with the wig of black hair that had been soaked off was laid aside to be mended, as was the one the dress of which was badly stained by sea water. But the other dolls were almost as good as new. And, in fact, Rose and Violet would rather have had them than new dolls right out of the store, because there was such a queer story connected with them.
"I wonder if they came right from Japan," mused Rose as she made believe put her doll to sleep.
"We can pretend so, anyhow," said Violet. "I'm not going to cry about my other doll that was drowned now, 'cause I got this one. She's the nicest one I ever had."
"Mine, too," added Rose.
I might say that the six little Bunkers never found out where the dolls came from. But most likely they had fallen off some ship and the oiled silk and other wrappings kept them in good shape until the box was washed up on the beach the second time.
"Well, if the seashore is a bad place to lose things on account of so much sand it is also a good place to find things," said Mother Bunker that night when the six little Bunkers had been put to bed and the dolls were also "asleep."
"I'm glad you like it here," said Cousin Ruth. "But I am sorry that Rose lost her locket."
"Well, it couldn't be helped," said the little girl's mother. "I did have hopes that we would find it soon after she lost it. But now I have given up."
"Yes," agreed her husband. "The locket is gone forever."
But I have still a secret to tell you about that.
A few days after the finding of the dolls all six of the little Bunkers were playing down on the beach. Four of them had the Japanese dolls, but Russ and Laddie did not.
Laddie was digging a hole in the sand and trying to think of a new riddle, and Violet had just finished asking Russ a lot of questions when, all of a sudden, George Carr, the little boy whose dog had been bitten by the Sallie Growler, came running around a group of sand dunes, crying:
"Oh, the boat's upset! The boat's upset, and all the men are spilled out! And the fish, too! Come and see the upset boat!"
"What do you mean—the boat upset?" asked Russ, looking up from the sand fort he was making on the beach. "Do you mean one of your toy boats and is it make-believe men that are spilled out?"
"No, I mean real ones!" exclaimed George. "It's one of the fishing boats, and it was just coming in from having been out to the nets. It was full of fish and they're all over, and you can pick up a lot of 'em and they're good to eat. And maybe one of the men is drowned. Anyhow, there's a lot of 'em in the water. Come on and look!"
"Where is it?" asked Laddie.
"Right down the beach!" and George pointed. "'Tisn't far."
"Come on, Mun Bun and Margy!" called Rose as she saw Russ and Laddie start down the beach with George and his dog. "We'll go and see what it is. Vi, you take Mun Bun's hand and I'll look after Margy."
"Shall we leave our dolls here?" asked Vi.
"Yes. There's nobody here now and we can go faster if we don't carry them," answered Rose. "Here, Mun Bun and Margy, leave your dolls with Vi's and mine. They'll be all right."
Rose laid her doll down on the sand and the others did the same, so that there were four Japanese dolls in a row.
"Won't the waves come up and get 'em?" asked Margy as she looked back on the dolls.
"No, the waves don't come up as high as the place where we left them," said Rose, who had taken care to put the dolls to "sleep" well above what is called "high-water mark," that is, the highest place on the beach where the tide ever comes.
"Come on! Hurry if you want to see the men from the upset boat!" George called back to Rose and the others.
"Let's wait for 'em," proposed Laddie. "Maybe they'll be lonesome. I'm going to wait."
"Well, we'll all wait," said George, who was a kind-hearted boy. "If you can't see the men swim out you can see the lot of fish that went overboard."
As the children came out from behind the little hills of sand they saw, down on the beach, a crowd of men and boys. And out in the surf and the waves, which were high and rough, was a large white boat, turned bottom up, and about it were men swimming.
"Oh, will they drown?" asked Russ, much excited.
"No, I guess not," answered George. "They're fishermen and they 'most all can swim. Anyhow the water isn't very deep where they are. They're trying to get their boat right side up so they can pull it up on the beach."
"What made 'em upset?" asked Laddie.
"Rough water. There's going to be a storm and the ocean gets rough just before that," George explained.
The children watched the men swimming about the overturned boat, and noticed that the water all about them was filled with floating, dead fish.
"Did the men kill the fish when they upset?" asked Violet.
"No, the men got the fish out of their nets," explained George, who had been at the seashore every summer that he could remember. "There are the nets out where you see those poles," and he pointed to a place about a half mile off shore. "The men go out there in a big motor-boat," he went on, "and pull up the net. They empty the fish into the bottom of the boat and then they come ashore. They put the fish in barrels with a lot of ice and send them to New York.
"But sometimes when the boat tries to come up on the beach with the men and a load of fish in it the waves in the surf are so big that the boat upsets. That's what this one did. I was watching it and I saw it. Then I came to tell you, 'cause I saw you playing on the sand."
"I'm glad you did," said Russ. "I'm sorry the men got upset, but I like to see 'em."
"So am I. Will they lose all their fish?" demanded Laddie.
"Most of 'em," said George. "They can scoop up some in nets, I guess, but a lot that wasn't quite dead swam away and the waves took the others out to sea. The fish hawks will get 'em and lots of boys and men are taking fish home. The fishermen can't save 'em all and when a boat upsets anybody that wants to, keeps the fish."
After hard work the men who had been tossed into the water when the boat went over managed to get it right side up again. Then a rope was made fast to it and horses on shore, pulling on the cable, hauled the boat up out of reach of the waves, where it would stay until it was time to make another trip to the nets.
"Could we take some of the fish?" asked Russ of George.
"Oh, yes, as many as you like," said his friend. "The fishermen can never pick them all up."
So the six little Bunkers each picked up a fish and took it home to Cousin Ruth. They were nice and fresh and she cooked them for dinner.
"Well, you youngsters had better luck than Cousin Tom and I had," said Daddy Bunker with a laugh as he saw what Russ and the others had picked up. "I guess, after this, we'll take you fishing with us."
The promise of the storm brought by the big waves that upset the fishing-boat, came true. That night the wind began to rise and to blow with a howling and mournful sound about the bungalow. But inside it was cosy and light.
In the morning, when the children awakened, it was raining hard, the drops dashing against the windows as though they wanted to break the glass and get inside.
"Is the sea very rough now, Daddy?" asked Russ after breakfast.
"Yes, I think it is," was the answer. "Would you like to see it?"
Russ thought he would, and Laddie wanted to go also, but his mother said he was too small to go out in the storm.
"It is a bad storm," said Cousin Tom. "I saw a fisherman as I was coming back from the village this morning early and he said he never felt a worse blow. The sea is very high."
Daddy Bunker and Cousin Tom put on "oilskins," that is, suits of cloth covered with a sort of yellow rubber, through which the water could not come.
A small suit with a hat of the same kind, called a "sou'wester," was found for Russ, and then the three started down for the beach. It was hard work walking against the wind, which came out of the northeast, and the rain stung Russ in the face so that he had to walk with his head down most of the time and let his father and Cousin Tom lead him.
"Oh, what big waves!" cried Russ as he got within sight of the beach. And indeed the surf was very high. The tide was in and this, with the force of the wind, sent the big billows crashing up on the beach with a noise like thunder.
"I guess no fishermen could go out in that, could they, Daddy?" asked the little boy.
"No, indeed, Son! This weather is bad for the fishermen and all who are at sea," said Mr. Bunker.
They remained looking at the heavy waves for some time and then went back to the house. Russ was glad to be indoors again, away from the blow and noise of the storm.
"Do you often have such blows here?" asked Mother Bunker of Cousin Ruth.
"Well, I haven't been here, at this beach, very long, but almost always toward the end of August and the beginning of September there are hard storms at the shore."
It rained so hard that the six little Bunkers could not go out to play and Cousin Ruth and their mother had to make some amusement for them in the bungalow.
"Have you ever been up in the attic?" asked Cousin Ruth.
"No!" cried the six little Bunkers.
"Well, you may play up there," said Cousin Ruth. "It isn't very big, but you can pretend it is a playhouse and do as you please."
With shouts of joy the children hurried up to the attic. Indeed it was a small place. But the six little Bunkers liked it. There were so many little holes into which they could crawl away and hide.
The four who liked to play with dolls brought up their Japanese toys, and Russ and Laddie found some of their playthings, so they had lots of fun in the bungalow attic. Cousin Ruth gave them something to eat and they played they were shipwrecked sailors part of the time. With the wind howling outside and the rain beating down on the roof, it was very easy to pretend this.
The storm lasted three days, and toward the end the grown folks in Cousin Tom's bungalow began to wish it would stop, not only because they were tired of the wind and rain, but because the children were fretting to be out.
At last the wind died down, the rain ceased and the sun shone. Out rushed the six little Bunkers with gladsome shouts. Laddie and Russ had some large toy shovels which their mother had bought them.
"What are you going to do?" Rose asked her two older brothers as she saw them hurrying down to the beach when the sun was out.
"We're going to make a sand fort and have a battle," answered Russ. "The sand will pack fine now 'cause it's so wet. We're going to make a big sand fort."
And he and Laddie began this play. Something very strange was to come from it, too.
"Here's a good place to make the fort," said Russ as he and Laddie reached the beach not far from Cousin Tom's bungalow and looked about them. "We'll build the fort right here, Laddie, near this hill of sand."
"What's the hill for?"
"That's where we can put our flag. They always put a flag on a hill where everybody can see it."
"But we haven't a flag. Where are we going to get one?"
"Say, you ask almost as many questions as Vi," exclaimed Russ. "We'll make a flag!"
"Out of a handkerchief. You've a handkerchief and so have I. One is enough for both of us and we can take the other and make a flag of it."
"But that'll be a white flag, Russ, and soldiers don't ever have a white flag lessen they give up and surrender. We didn't surrender, 'cause we haven't even got our fort built. We don't want a white flag."
"Oh, well, I didn't mean to have a white flag. That's just the start. We'll take a white handkerchief for a flag and we can make it red and blue."
"How?" Laddie certainly was asking questions.
"Well, Cousin Tom has some red and blue pencils. I saw 'em on his desk the other night. He marks his papers with 'em. You go and ask Cousin Ruth if we can't take a red and a blue pencil and then I'll show you how to make a red, white and blue flag out of a handkerchief."
"You won't make the fort till I come back, will you?"
"No, I'll only start it. Now you go and get the pencils."
Laddie ran back to the bungalow and Cousin Ruth let him have what he wanted. He promised not to lose the pencils, and soon he was helping Russ mark red stripes and blue stars on Laddie's white handkerchief. They did make something that looked like our flag, and then, finding a long piece of driftwood to use as a flag-pole they planted it on top of the hill.
Making a fort in the damp sand at the seashore is very easy. It is even easier than making one of snow, for you don't have to wait for the snow to fall and often after it has snowed the flakes are so cold and dry that they will not pack and hold together. But you can always find damp sand at the seashore. Even though it is dry on top if you dig down a little way you will find it moist. Now, on account of the rain, the sand was wet all over and was just fine for making forts.
Russ and Laddie had some toy shovels their mother had bought for them. The shovels had long handles and were larger than the kind children usually play with at the shore, so the boys could dig faster with them.
"How do you make a fort?" asked Laddie.
"Well," explained Russ, "you dig a sort of hole and you pile the sand up in front of you in a sort of half ring and then you can lie down behind it and if anybody throws bullets at you they won't hit you."
"Do you have a roof to your fort?"
"No! Course forts don't ever have a roof."
"Then you get wet when it rains."
"Yes, but a soldier doesn't ever mind rain. All he minds is bullets, and they can't hit him in the fort."
"Supposin' they come over the top where there isn't a roof?"
"I don't guess they'll come that way," said Russ. "Anyhow, you mustn't throw any that way."
"Oh! am I going to throw the bullets?"
"Yes," Russ replied, "We'll take turns being in the fort. After we get it made I'll be captain of it and you must come up and try to take it away. You must shoot bullets at me."
"Real ones?"
"No, course not! Make 'em of paper. Then they won't hurt. After a while I'll take down the flag—that means I surrender—and you can be in the fort and I'll fire bullets at you."
"That'll be fun!" exclaimed Laddie.
"Lots of fun!" agreed Russ.
So they dug in the sand with their shovels, piling it up in front of them in a long ridge shaped like a half circle. The ridge of sand which was to be the outer wall of the fort was in front of the hill over which floated the red, white and blue handkerchief flag. Between the hill and the outer wall of the fort was a hole which was made as Laddie and Russ tossed out the sand.
"I'll sit down in this hole," Russ explained, "and then it will be all the harder for you to hit me with the paper bullets."
The boys fairly made the sand fly as they dug with their shovels, and soon they had quite a high ridge of it half way around the little hill with the flag on top. There was also quite a hole for Russ to stand in and throw paper bullets back at Laddie.
"Now I guess we can have the battle," said Russ. "You get a lot of paper, Laddie, and roll it up into bullets."
"And I'll make some big ones!" exclaimed the little fellow.
"We can call the big bullets cannon balls," said Russ, and Laddie agreed to this. "I'll help you make the bullets," Russ offered.
There were plenty of old papers at the bungalow, and soon Russ and Laddie were tearing them up on the beach near their fort and wadding and rolling them up into "bullets" and "cannon balls."
"I guess we have enough," said Russ at last. "Come on now, we'll have a battle."
"Are Rose and Vi going to play?" asked Laddie.
"Nope! Girls never can be in a battle. They can be Red Cross nurses if they want to. But we won't call 'em until after the fight. They'd only holler like anything."
Rose and Violet were up in the bungalow playing jackstones, while Margy and Mun Bun had gone for a walk with their mother. So Russ and Laddie had the beach to themselves to play on.
Russ got inside the fort and crouched down in the hole he had dug. Laddie took up his position not far away, a little distance down the beach, having with him a pile of paper wads that he was to throw at his brother.
"Are you ready?" asked Laddie.
"All ready!" answered Russ. "Go ahead and fire!"
"Bang! Bang!" shouted Laddie, making believe he was shooting off a gun. The boys often played this game so they knew just how to do it. "Bang! Bang!"
Then Laddie began throwing large and small wads of paper at the sand fort behind which crouched Russ. And Russ threw wads of paper at his smaller brother.
The sand walls of the fort kept Russ from being "shot" in the battle. Laddie's "bullets" and "cannon balls" hit the sand walls of the fort more often than they struck his brother and Russ only laughed at them, at the same time he was pelting Laddie.
"Oh, say! this is no fun," complained the smaller boy after a bit. "I'm getting hit all the while and you don't get any at all."
"I do so! I got hit twice!"
"Well, that was when I threw cannon balls up in the air and they came down on your head like rain."
"Well, you shoot me a few more times and then I'll let you come into the fort," agreed Russ. "I'll pull down the flag and surrender. Go on, shoot me some more!"
So Laddie got together more paper "bullets" and "cannon balls" and threw them at his brother. But hardly any of them hit Russ. The fort was a good protection and with the flag floating from the top of the hill made a fine place for him to stay.
"This is the last time I'm going to shoot!" cried Laddie, and he took good aim with a large wad of paper which he called a "double cannon ball."
He threw it at Russ and then, from some point back of the fort another "cannon ball" came sailing into it, flying off and hitting Laddie's brother.
"Ouch! Quit that!" cried Russ. "'Tisn't fair throwing sand! A lot of it went down my neck."
"I didn't throw sand!" said Laddie.
"Yes, you did, too! That last cannon ball you threw had a lot of sand wrapped up in it."
"No, I didn't," cried Laddie.
"Don't you think I know!" shouted Russ, scrambling up out of the hole behind his fort. "Can't I feel it?"
Just then another paper "cannon ball" sailed into the fort from a sand hill back of it and it fell at the feet of Russ and burst, letting out a pile of sand.
"There!" cried Russ. "What'd I tell you?"
"But I didn't throw it!" said Laddie. "You looked right at me and I didn't throw it."
"No, you didn't," admitted Russ. "It came from in back of me. I wonder who's throwing sand cannon balls at us."
And then came another which hit Laddie, sending a shower of the gritty grains down his back.
"Hi! Quit that!" cried Russ. He and Laddie looked all around, but they could see no one. A mysterious enemy was shooting at them.
Once more there came sailing through the air a paper "cannon ball." It fell on the ground between Laddie and Russ and burst open, a lot of dry, soft sand spilling out.
"There!" cried Laddie. "See! I didn't throw 'em!"
"No, I don't guess you did," admitted Russ. "But who did?"
Just then a jolly laugh sounded, and out from behind a ridge of sand—one of the dunes made by the wind—came George Carr.
"Did I scare you?" asked George.
"A—a little," admitted Russ, wiggling to get rid of the sand down his back.
"We didn't know who it was," said Laddie. And he, too, squirmed about, for there was sand inside his blouse.
"I thought you wouldn't," said George, laughing again. "I saw you playing soldiers and I thought I'd make believe I was another enemy coming up behind. You didn't make any fort in back of you," he said to Russ, "and so I could easily fire at you."
"But we don't put sand in our paper bullets," complained Laddie.
"Don't you?" asked George. "Then I'm sorry I did. I hope I didn't hurt you, or get any in your eyes."
"No," answered Russ, sort of shaking himself to let the sand sift down through the legs of his knickerbockers. "But it tickles a lot."
"Well, I won't throw any more," promised George. "But lots of times we play soldier down on the beach and we throw sand bullets. Only we don't ever throw 'em at each others' eyes. Sand in your eyes hurts like anything."
"I know it does," agreed Russ. "Mun Bun got some in his the other day and he cried a lot."
"Well, come on, let's play soldier some more," suggested George. "I'll be on Laddie's side. You go in the fort, Russ, and we'll stand against you. Two to one is fair when the one is inside a fort."
"And won't you throw any more sand bullets or cannon balls?"
"No, only paper ones."
"All right, then I'll play."
Russ went back in his fort, and Laddie and George, outside the wall of sand, began pelting him with wads of paper. But now the battle went differently. The attacking force could shoot twice as many paper bullets and balls as could Russ and they soon ran up on him, pelting him so that he had to put his hands over his head.
"All right—I surrender! I give up!" he cried.
"Wait till I haul down the flag!" laughed George.
Then he took down the red and blue penciled handkerchief and he and Laddie took possession of the fort. Russ was beaten, but he did not mind, for it was all in fun. Then he took a turn outside the fort, with Laddie and George inside. However, as this was two against one, Russ could not win, though the three boys had jolly times.
They were pelting away at one another, using paper "bullets" and "cannon balls," shouting and laughing, when, as they became quiet for a moment, they heard a voice asking:
"What is all this?"
They looked up to see Mrs. Bunker with Mun Bun and Margy.
"How-do?" called George, grinning.
"Oh, we're having such fun!" cried Laddie. "We're soldiers and we got a fort, and we had a flag——"
"It's made out of a handkerchief and red and blue pencils," added Russ.
"I want to play soldier!" exclaimed Mun Bun.
"No, it's too rough for you," explained Russ.
"I want to play, too!" insisted Margy.
"We're done playing fort and soldier," said Russ. "We'll play something else."
"Let's see who can dig the deepest hole," suggested George. "I'll go and get a shovel, and you have yours, Russ and Laddie. Let's see who can dig the deepest hole!"
The two older Bunker boys thought this would be fun, and George ran over to his cottage to get his shovel.
"Can we play that game, Mother?" asked Margy.
"Yes, you and Mun Bun can do that," said Mrs. Bunker.
The warm sun was drying out the beach, and when George came back with his shovel he and Laddie and Russ began three holes in a row, each one trying to make his the deepest. Mun Bun and Margy, each of whom had a small shovel, also began to dig, though, of course, they could not expect to dig as fast as the boys, nor make as deep holes.
"I'll sit on the sand and watch you," said Mrs. Bunker.
"Maybe we'll find a treasure," suggested Russ.
"What treasure?" asked George.
"Oh, before we came down here, when we were at our Aunt Jo's in Boston," Russ explained, "we knew a boy named Sammie Brown. His father dug up some treasure on a desert island once. We thought maybe we could dig up some here."
"But we didn't—not yet," added Laddie.
"And I don't guess we ever will," said Russ. "Only we make believe, lots of times, that we're going to."
The three boys dug away and Mun Bun and Margy did the same, only more slowly. Then along came Rose and Violet.
"What are you doing?" Violet asked, getting in her question first, as usual.
"Digging holes," answered Russ.
"Seeing who can make the biggest," added George. "Mine's deeper than yours!" he said to Russ.
"Yes, but mine's going to be bigger. I'm going to make a hole big enough so I can stand down in it and dig. I'm going to make a regular well."
"I guess I will, too," decided George.
"So'll I," said Laddie.
"Well, if you come to water, don't fall in," advised Mrs. Bunker with a laugh.
"You go get a shovel and dig, too," called Russ to Rose.
"No, I don't want to," said his sister. "I'll watch you."
My, how the sand was flying on the beach now! Russ, Laddie and George were all digging as fast as they could with their shovels, each one trying to make the biggest hole. Mun Bun and Margy dug also, but, though they made a lot of sand fly, they did not always dig in the same place. Instead of keeping to one hole they made three or four. But they had just as much fun.
Suddenly Laddie, who had made a hole in which he could stand, it being so deep that he was half hidden from sight in it, uttered a cry.
"What's the matter?" asked his mother. "Did you hurt yourself?"
"Did you dig up a Sallie Growler?" asked Vi.
"Maybe it's a crab," said Mun Bun, and he dropped his shovel and started for his mother.
"No, nothing like that," said Laddie. "Only—oh, goody—I guess I've found the treasure!" he shouted.
"Treasure!" cried Russ. "What do you mean?"
"I guess I've found some gold in my hole!" went on Laddie. "Come and look! It shines like anything!"
Russ and George leaped out of the holes they were digging and ran toward Laddie. Mrs. Bunker got up and hurried down the beach. Mun Bun and Margy followed. Rose and Violet went too.
"Where is it?" asked Russ, stooping over the edge of his brother's hole. "Where's the treasure?"
"There," answered Laddie, pointing to something shining in the sand. It did glitter brightly and it was not buried very deeply, being near the top of the hole, but on the far edge, where Laddie had not done much digging.
"It is gold!" cried George. "Whoop! Maybe that boy you knew was right, and there is pirate's treasure here!"
Mrs. Bunker bent down and looked at what Laddie had uncovered. Then she took a stick and began carefully to dig around it.
"Here, take my shovel," offered Laddie.
"No, I don't want to scratch it, if it is what I think," said his mother. "I had better dig with the stick."
She went on scratching away the sand. As she did so the piece of shiny thing became larger. It sparkled more brightly in the sun.
"Is it treasure?" asked Laddie eagerly. "Did I find some gold treasure?"
"Yes, I think you did, Son," said Mrs. Bunker. "It is gold and it is a treasure."
"Did the pirates hide it?" demanded Russ.
"No, I think not," said Mrs. Bunker with a smile. "I think Rose lost it."
"Rose lost it!" cried the two Bunker boys. "What?"
"Yes, it is her locket that she dropped when we first came here and never could find," went on Mrs. Bunker. "Laddie, you have found it. You have discovered the golden treasure—Rose's locket!"
Having dug away the sand in which it was imbedded, Mrs. Bunker lifted up a dangling gold chain to which was fastened the gold locket.
"Oh, it is mine!" cried Rose. "Oh, how glad I am to get it back again! Oh, Laddie, how glad I am!"
Her mother handed the little girl her long-lost locket. It was not a bit hurt from having been buried in the sand, for true gold does not tarnish in clean sand. And the ornament was as good as ever. Rose clasped it about her neck and looked very happy.
"How did it get in my hole?" asked Laddie.
"It didn't," said his mother. "You happened to dig in just the place where Rose dropped her locket and you uncovered it. Or this may not have been the exact place where it fell. Perhaps the sands shifted and carried the locket with them. That is why we could not find it before. But now we have it back."
"It was like finding real treasure," said Russ.
"I wish we'd find some more," said George. "I'm going to dig a big hole."
But, though he scooped out more sand, he found no more gold, nor did Russ, though they found some pretty shells.
Daddy Bunker, Cousin Tom and Cousin Ruth came down to the beach to see what all the joyful laughter was about and they were told of the finding of the lost locket Rose had dropped in the sand.
"I never thought I'd get it back," she said, "but I did."
"And I never thought I'd get my doll back," said Vi, "and I didn't. But I got a nicer one out of the sea."
"Well, that was very good luck," said Daddy Bunker. "For once digging in the sand had some results."
They all walked up to Cousin Tom's bungalow.
On the way Laddie seemed rather quiet.
"What's the matter?" asked his father. "Aren't you glad you found your sister's gold locket?"
"Oh, yes, very glad," answered Laddie. "Only I was trying to think up a riddle about it and I can't. But I have one about why is the ocean like a garden?"
"'Tisn't like a garden," declared Russ. "It's all water, the ocean is."
"It's like a garden in my riddle," insisted Laddie.
"Why?" his mother asked.
"The ocean is like a garden 'cause it's full of seaweed," answered Laddie.
"I don't think that's a very good riddle," remarked Russ.
"It wouldn't be a very good garden that had weeds in it," said Mr. Bunker with a laugh. "Anyhow we ought to be happy because Rose has her locket back."
And they all were, I'm sure.
"What makes gold so bright?" asked Vi, as she saw the locket sparkling in the sun.
"Because it is polished," her mother answered.
"What makes it polished?" went on Vi.
"Oh, my dear, if you keep on asking questions I'll get in such a tangle that I'll never be able to find my way out," laughed her mother. "Come, we'll get ready to go crabbing this afternoon and that will keep you so busy you won't want to talk."
"We never came to any nicer place than this, did we?" asked Russ of Rose as they sat on the pier that afternoon catching crabs by the dozen.
"No, we never had any better fun than we've had here. I wonder where we'll go next."
"I don't know," answered Russ. "Home, maybe."
But the children did not stay at home very long, and if you want to hear more about their adventures I invite you to read the next book in this series. It will be called: "Six Little Bunkers at Grandpa Ford's," and in it is told all about what happened that winter and how the ghost——
But there. I guess you'd better read the book.
"Daddy! Daddy! Come quick!" called Mun Bun, as he felt a tug at his line. "I got a terrible big crab!"
"Well, I should say you had!" exclaimed his father, as he caught it in the net. "It's a wonder it didn't pull you off the pier!"
The crab was a large one, the largest caught that day, and Mun Bun was very glad and happy. But he was no more glad than was Rose over her locket that had been lost and found.
And so we will leave them, the six little Bunkers, enjoying the last days of their visit at Cousin Tom's.
For Little Men and Women
Author of "The Bunny Brown" Series, Etc.
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Copyright publications which cannot be obtained elsewhere. Books that charm the hearts of the little ones, and of which they never tire. Many of the adventures are comical in the extreme, and all the accidents that ordinarily happen to youthful personages happened to these many-sided little mortals. Their haps and mishaps make decidedly entertaining reading.
THE BOBBSEY TWINS AT SCHOOL Telling how they go home from the seashore; went to school and were promoted, and of their many trials and tribulations.
THE BOBBSEY TWINS AT SNOW LODGE Telling of the winter holidays, and of the many fine times and adventures the twins had at a winter lodge in the big woods.
THE BOBBSEY TWINS ON A HOUSEBOAT Mr. Bobbsey obtains a houseboat, and the whole family go off on a tour.
THE BOBBSEY TWINS AT MEADOW BROOK The young folks visit the farm again and have plenty of good times and several adventures.
THE BOBBSEY TWINS AT HOME The twins get into all sorts of trouble—and out again—also bring aid to a poor family.
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Author of "The Bobbsey Twins Series."
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The adventures of Ruth and Alice DeVere. Their father, a widower, is an actor who has taken up work for the "movies." Both girls wish to aid him in his work and visit various localities to act in all sorts of pictures.
THE MOVING PICTURE GIRLS Or First Appearance in Photo Dramas. Having lost his voice, the father of the girls goes into the movies and the girls follow. Tells how many "parlor dramas" are filmed.
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THE MOVING PICTURE GIRLS IN WAR PLAYS Or The Sham Battles at Oak Farm. The girls play important parts in big battle scenes and have plenty of hard work along with considerable fun.
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Author of the "Bobbsey Twin Books" and "Bunny Brown" Series.
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THE OUTDOOR GIRLS IN A MOTOR CAR Or The Haunted Mansion of Shadow Valley. One of the girls has learned to run a big motor car, and she invites the club to go on a tour to visit some distant relatives. On the way they stop at a deserted mansion and make a surprising discovery.
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THE OUTDOOR GIRLS ON PINE ISLAND Or A Cave and What it Contained. A bright, healthful story, full of good times at a bungalow camp on Pine Island.
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Transcriber's notes:
Punctuation normalised.
Page 100, "it" changed to "in". (when it caved in)