hurtit, hurt, hyne, far (away), i', in; into, I doobt, I know; I suspect, I wat, I know; I assure (you), idleseat, idleness; frivolous amusement, idleset, idleness; frivolous amusement, ilk, every; each, also common; ordinary ilka, every; each, also common; ordinary ill, bad; evil; hard; harsh, also misfortune; harm 'ill, will, ill-fauredest, most unbecoming or unmannerly, ill-guideship, mismanagement; ill-treatment, ill-guidit, mismanaged; ill-treated, 'im, him, imaigine, imagine, immorawlity, immorality, in atween, in the meantime; between, informt, informed, ingle-neuk, chimney-corner or recess, in's, in his, inten', intend, inten'it, intended, intil, into; in; within, intill, into; in; within, intill't, into it, intil's, into his; into us, intil't, into it, inveet, invite; invitation, inveetit, invited, ir, are, 'is, his, I's awa., I'm off.; I'd better go., Ise, I shall, isna, is not, is't, is it, i'stead, instead, ither, other; another; further, 'ithin, within, it'll, it will, itsel', itself, jabble, ripple; small broken waves, jaws, billows; splashes; surges, Jeames, James, jeedge, judge, jeedgin', judging, Jerooslem, Jerusalem, jine, join, jints, joints, jist, just, j'ists, joists, jography, geography, jokin', joking, jooggy, jigger; shot (of whisky), justifeed, justified, kail-wife, woman who sells colewort, kaimbt, combed, keepin', keeping, keepit, kept, keerious, curious, ken, know; be acquainted with; recognise, kenna, do not know, kenned, known; knew, kennin', knowing, kens, knows, kenspeckle, conspicuous, easily recognised from some peculiarity kent, known; knew, ken't, know it, killt, killed, kin', kind; nature; sort; agreeable, also somewhat; in some degree kin'ness, kindness, kirk, church, kirkyaird, churchyard, kirkyard, churchyard, kist, chest; coffer; box; chest of drawers, knicht, knight, koft, bought, kye, cattle; cows, laad, lad; boy, term of commendation or reverence laads, lads; boys, term of commendation or reverence laddie, boy, term of affection laddies, boys, term of affection lads, boys, term of commendation or reverence laidders, ladders, laird, landed proprietor; squire; lord, lairick, larch (type of tree), lairt, stuck fast (in mud or snow), laith, loath; unwilling; reluctant, laithly, loathsome; foul; repulsive, Laitin, Latin, lan', land; country; ground, lane, lone; alone; lonely; solitary, lanes, lone; alone, lang, long; big; large, also slow; tedious langer, longer, lang's, long as, langsyne, ancient; (old) times; long ago, lan's, lands; estates, lass, girl; young woman, term of address lasses, girls; young women, lassie, girl, term of endearment lat, let; allow, lat gang to dirt an' green bree, go to pot; go to ruin, lat's, let's; let us; let his, latten, let; allowed, lattin', letting; allowing, lauch, laugh, lauchin', laughing, lave, rest; remainder; others, also leave laverock, lark (type of bird), lawfu', lawful, layin', laying, lea', leave, lear, learning; education; lore, also teach learn, learn, also teach learnin', learning, also teaching learnt, learned, also taught leddies, ladies, leddy, boy; lad; laddy, also lady lee, pasture; fallow ground, also shelter from wind or rain lee'd, lied; told lies, lees, lies, leest, least, leeve, live, leevin', living; living being, leevit, lived, leeward, towards the grassland, also towards the sheltered side len', lend; give; grant, also loan len'th, length, leuk, look; watch; appearance, licht, light, lichtin', lighting, lickit, thrashed; punished; struck, lift, load; boost; lift; helping hand, also sky; heavens like, like; likely to; looking as if to, also as it were; as if likesna, does not like, likin', liking, likit, liked, liltin', singing softly; humming, lingelt, fastened; fettered; hobbled, lippen, trust; depend on, livin', living, 'll, will, loch, loch; lake, lodd, loaded, lo'denin', loading, lo'dent, loaded, lo'e, love, lo'esome, loveable; lovely; winsome, lood, loud, lookin', looking, loon, rascal; rogue; ragamuffin, loons, rascals; rogues; ragamuffins, loot, let; allowed; permitted, Losh!, corrupt form of 'Lord', exclamation of surprise or wonder low, flame, lowin', flaming, lowse, loose; free, lowsed, loosened; let loose; freed, lucifer spunks, lucifer-matches, lug, ear, also shallow wooden dish luggin', lugging, lugs, ears, luik, look, luikin', looking, luikit, looked, luiks, looks, lum, chimney, lyin', lying, lythe, shelter, 'm, him, mainner, manner, mainners, manners, mainteen, maintain, mair, more; greater, mairtins, martins (type of bird), maist, most; almost, 'maist, almost, maister, master; mister, maistly, mostly; almost, maitter, matter, maitters, matters, mak, make; do, mak', make; do, makin', making; doing, maks, makes; does, mankin', mankind, mappies, young rabbits, diminutive maun, must; have to, maunna, must not; may not, mavis, song-thrush (type of bird), mayhap, perhaps; maybe, mayna, may not, mealock, crumb (of oatcake etc.), meanin', meaning, meen, moon, meenute, minute, meeserable, miserable, meesery, misery, meetin', meeting, mem, Ma'am; Miss; Madam, mendit, mended; healed, menseless, ill-bred; boorish; unmannerly, mentionin', mentioning, mercifu', merciful; favourable, merriage, marriage, merry, marry, also merry merryin', marrying, mervel, marvel, mervellous, marvellous, mesel', myself, me't, it to me, micht, might, michtna, might not, michty, mighty; God, midden, dunghill; manure pile, midge, midge; gnat; mosquito, mids, midst; middle, miltin', melting, min', mind; recollection, also recollect; remember mincin', mincing, minnin, minnow, minnister, minister, min's, minds; reminds; recollects, mint, aimed at; intended to; attempted, mintit, minded; remembered, mirricle, miracle, mischeef, mischief; injury; harm, misguidit, wasted; mismanaged; ill-used, mistak, mistake, mither, mother, mony, many, moo, mouth, moo', mouth, moo'fu's, mouthfuls, mornin', morning, mornin's, mornings, motes, motes; specks; crumbs, reference to Matthew 7:3-5 mou'fu', mouthful, moul', mould; loose earth; top soil, mould, mould; loose earth; top soil, muckle, huge; enormous; big; great; much, mune, moon, muntains, mountains, murderin', murdering, muv, move; affect, My certie!, Take my word for it!, My certy!, Take my word for it!, my lane, on my own, mysel, myself, mysel', myself, na, not; by no means, nae, no; none; not, nae wise, nowise; in no way, naebody, nobody; no one, naegait, in no wise; nowhere, naething, nothing, naither, neither, naitral, natural, nait'ral, natural, nane, none, nat'ral, natural, natur, nature, natur', nature, near han', nearly; almost; near by, nearhan', nearly; almost; near by, necessar', necessary, neebour, neighbour, needcessity, necessity; state of need, needfu', needful; necessary; needy, needna, do not need; need not, neepers, neighbours, negleckit, neglected, neiper, neighbour, neist, next; nearest, nepkin, large handkerchief, nestie, little nest, diminutive 'neth, beneath; under, neuk, nook; recess; interior angle, news, talk; gossip, nicht, night; evening, nichts, nights, nick, score; mark (as signature), also cut nickum, mischievous and tricky boy, niffer, exchange; barter, nigher, nearer; closer, nipperty, mincing; affected, no, not, no', not, noo, now, nor, than; although; if, also nor nor'-easter, northeast wind, notwithstan'in', notwithstanding, noucht, nothing; not, nowt, cattle; oxen, o', of; on, obleeged, obliged, obligatit, obligated; obliged, o'er, over; upon; too, offerin', offering, ohn, without; un-, uses past participle not present progressive ohn expeckit, unexpected, on't, on it, ony, any, onybody, anybody; anyone, onything, anything, oogliest, ugliest, oogly, ugly, ook, week, ooks, weeks, oolets, owls, oonprovidit, unprovided, oor, our, oor lanes, on our own, oors, ours, oorsel's, ourselves, oot, out, ootcast, outcast, or, before; ere; until; by, also or ordinar', ordinary; usual; natural, also custom; habit orra, odd job (man), also idle; having no settled occupation o't, of it, ou, oh, oucht, anything; all, also ought ow, oh, exclamation of surprise ower, over; upon; too, owershot, very fast; racing; exploding, owre, over; upon; too, owse, ox, oye, grandchild; grandson; nephew, pairt, part, pairts, parts, pale, pointed piece of wood for fencing, paling, fence of pales, passin', passing; occasional, pastern, ankle (between hoof and fetlock), pasturs, pastures, pat, put; made, pawkiness, shrewdness; cunning, peelt, skinned, peeramid, pyramid, peetied, pitied, peety, pity, percaution, precaution, perfec', perfect; thorough; utter, perfeckly, perfectly; thoroughly; utterly, perplexin', perplexing, perris, parish, persuaudit, persuaded, perswaud, persuade, perswaudin', persuading, perswaudit, persuaded, pey, pay, peyed, paid, peyin', paying, pit, put; make, pitawtas, potatoes, pits, puts; makes, pitten, put; made, plaguit, plagued; troubled, plet, plate; dish, plooed, ploughed, plottin', plotting; planning, ploy, amusement; sport; escapade, poassible, possible, pooch, pocket, pooer, power, poun', pound (sterling), practeesed, practised, prankit, played tricks on, also played fast and loose with prayin', praying, prayt, prayed, preachin', preaching, preacht, preached, prech, preach, precher, preacher, pree, taste; try; prove; experience, preevileeges, privileges, prentit, printed, press-bed, box-bed with doors, prest, pressed, preten'it, pretended, priestie, little priest, diminutive pris'ner, prisoner, prood, proud, provokin', provoking, pruv, prove, pruv't, proven; proved, pu', pull, puckle, small quantity, puir, poor, pump, beer-shop, also pump putten, put, pyke, pick; pluck, quaiet, quiet, quaiet sough, quiet tongue, quaietest, quietest, quaitet, quieted; silenced, quest'ons, questions, quo', swore; said; quoth, railly, really, raither, rather, rale, real; true; very, randy, rough; wild; riotous, also coarse-tongued; abusive rant, make merry; revel, rase, rose, rave, tore, rax, extend; overdo it; stretch, raxed, extended; overdone it; stretched, reacht, reached, readin', reading, red, rid; free, redd, set in order; tidy; clean, reef, roof, refar, refer, refeese, refuse, reid, red, reik, smoke, releast, released, repentit, repented, reyn, rein, richt, right; correct, also mend richtly, certainly; positively, ridic'lous, ridiculous; unseasonable (weather), riggin', ridge; roof, rigs, ridges (in a ploughed field), rin, run, rinnin', running, rins, runs, rintherroot, gadabout; homeless vagrant; tramp, risin', rising, rist, rest, ristet, rested, rizon, reason, roamin', roaming, roarin', roaring, ro'd, road; course; way, roomie, little room, diminutive roon', around; round, rottan, rat, rouch, rough, roun, whisper, roun', around; round, rovin', roving, rowtin', bellowing; roaring; lowing, rucks, ricks; stacks, run k-nots, slip knots (that can not be untied), runkle, wrinkle; crease, 's, us; his; as; is, also has s', shall, sab, sob, sae, so; as, safe, safely, also safe safity, safety, sair, sore; sorely; sad; hard; very; greatly, also serve sairer, harder; sadder; sorer, saitisfee, satisfy, saiven, seven, sall, shall, san', sand, sang, song, sangie, little song, diminutive sangna, did not sing, sangs, songs, sangy, little song, diminutive sankna, did not sink, sarious, serious, sark, shirt, sattle, settle, sattled, settled, saugh, sallow; willow (type of tree), saven, wise; knowledgeable, savet, saved, savin', saving, also except Sawbath, Sabbath, sawmon, salmon, sawna, did not see, saw't, saw it, Sawtan, Satan, saxpence, sixpence, sayin', saying, says't, says it, say't, say it, 'scape, escape, scatter't, scattered, schuil, school, schuilin', schooling; education, schuilmaister, schoolmaster, schuilmaisterin', schoolmastering; teaching, scomfished, suffocated; stifled; choked, scoorin', scampering, scornin', mocking; ridiculing, Scotlan', Scotland, scrape, scrape; shave, scrattit, scratched; dug, scrimp, stunted; sparing, also short in weight or measure Scriptur', Scripture, scunner, disgust; disgusting; revolting, scunnerfu', disgusting; loathsome; sickening, seein', seeing, seemile, simile, seemin', seeming, seener, sooner, see't, see it, sen', send, set, set out; start off; become, set doon Bony an' set up Louy, lowers one; exalts another, Psalm 75:7 setna, do not set, Setterday, Saturday, Setterdays, Saturdays, settin', setting, settisfaction, satisfaction, shaidow, shadow, shal't, shelled, shaw, show; reveal, shee, shoe, sheen, shoes, sherp, sharp, shillin', shilling, shillin's, shillings, shirra, sheriff, shirra', sheriff, shoothers, shoulders, shot, speed; blasting; heavy breakers (sea), also shoot shottin', shooting, shuitable, suitable, sic, such; so, sich, sigh, sicht, sight, sids, husks of oats, siller, silver; money; wealth, simmer, Summer, simmerin', simmering, sin, since; ago; since then, also sin; sun sin', since; ago; since then, singin', singing, sitten, sat, sittin', sitting, sizon, season, skirlin', screaming; singing shrilly, sklet, (school) slate, also roofing slate sklet-pike, slate pencil, sma', small; little; slight; narrow; young, smokin', smoking; smouldering, smokin' flax, smouldering wick, reference to Matthew 12:20 snap, sharp blow; sudden stumble, snawba', snowball, sneck, door-latch; catch (gate), snot, small lump (of soot), soary, sorry, some, somewhat; rather; quite; very, also some somehoo, somehow, soo, ache; throb, soomin', swimming; floating, soon', sound, soopit, swept, soucht, sought, sough, sigh; sound of wind; deep breath, soughie, little sough, diminutive sowens, sour pudding of oats and water, sowl, soul, sowls, souls, spak, spoke, spate, spate; flood, speat, spate; flood, speerin', asking about; enquiring; questioning, speerit, spirit, speerits, spirits, speir, ask about; enquire; question, speirin', asking about; enquiring; questioning, speirs, asks about; enquires; questions, speirt, asked about; enquired; questioned, spen', spend, spendrife, spendthrift, speyk, speak, speykin', speaking, spier, ask about; enquire; question, spune, spoon, spunks, sparks; matches, spurtle, porridge stick, also wooden rod for turning oatcakes stair, stairs, stan, stand, stan', stand; stop, stane, stone; measure of weight, 1 stone = 14 pounds stanes, stones, stan'in, standing, stap, stop; stuff, also step stappit, stopped; stuffed, also stepped steek, shut; close; push, also stitch (as in clothing) stert, start; jump with surprise, sterve, starve, stick, stick; gore; butt with horns, stickin', sticking; goring, stickit, stuck; gored, stippety-stap, short mincing gait, stirks, steers, stockin', stocking, stockins, stockings, stockin's, stockings, stoot, stout; healthy; strong; plucky, strae, straw, straik, streak; stroke; caress, strang, strong, stray, lost; not at home, stude, stood, subjec', subject, subjec's, subjects, sucklin's, sucklings, sud, should, sudna, should not, sune, soon; early, suner, sooner, sune's, soon as, sunest, soonest, supposit, supposed, sutor, shoemaker; cobbler, sweem, swim; float, sweir, swear, sweirin', swearing, swoord, sword, syne, ago; since; then; at that time, also in (good) time 't, it, tae, toe, also the one taeless, toeless, taen, taken; seized, ta'en, taken; seized, tailie, little tail, diminutive tak, take; seize, tak a lug, have a dish, tak tent, look out; pay attention, takin', taking, takna, do not take, taks, takes; seizes, tane, the one, tap, top; tip; head, tarn, mountain lake, tarns, mountain lakes, taucht, taught, tay, tea, tee, 'to ye' i.e. to you, also tea; too; also teetle, title, tellin', telling, tellt, told, tent, attention; care; heed; notice, teuch, tough; hard, teuk, took, than, then, also than thankit, thanked, the day, today, the morn, tomorrow, the morn's, tomorrow is, the nicht, tonight, the noo, just now, thegither, together, themsels, themselves, themsel's, themselves, thereoot, outside; out there; out-of-doors, thestreen, last night, think, feel; experience; expect; wonder, Think ye?, Do you think so?, thinkin', thinking, this lang time, for a long time, tho', though, thoo, thou; you (God), thoom, thumb, thoosan', thousand, thoosan's, thousands, thouch, though, thoucht, thought, thouchts, thoughts, thrapple, windpipe; neck, thrapples, windpipes; necks, thraw, throw; turn; twist, thraw one's lug, twist one's ear; punish, three-fauld, threefold; three times, threep, argue obstinately, also maintain by dint of assertion threip, argue obstinately, also maintain by dint of assertion thro't, throat, throt-ro'd, throat, i.e. be drunk throts, throats, throu', through, thunner, thunder, tice, entice; coax, 'tice, entice; coax, till, to; till; until; about; at; before, till's, to his; to us, till't, to it, ting-a-ling, sound of a small bell, tint, lost; got lost, tiret, tired, 'tis, it is, tither, the other, tod, fox, toom, empty; unload, toom-heidit, empty headed, toon, town; village, tow, rope; string, tows, ropes; strings, trail, drag forcibly; haul along, trailin', dragging forcibly; hauling along, traivel, travel, trible, trouble, tribled, troubled, tribles, troubles, trifflin', trifling, trim'le, tremble, trimmin', beating; scolding, troth, truth; indeed, also used as an exclamation trouth, truth; indeed, also used as an exclamation trowth, truth; indeed, also used as an exclamation trustit, trusted, tryin', trying, 'ts, its, tuck, beat (drum), tuik, took, tum'ler, tumbler; glass (of whisky), turnin', turning, turnt, turned, twa, two; a few, 'twar, it were, 'twarna, it were not, 'twas, it was, twise, twice, twistet, twisted, tyauve, strive; struggle, tyne, lose; get lost, ugsome, disgusting; frightful; ghastly, umbrell, umbrella, unco, unknown; odd; strange; uncouth, also very great un'er, under, un'erstan', understand, up the stair, upstairs, upliftit, uplifted, upo', upon; on to; at, up-road, road (to heaven), up's, up his, vailue, value, vainity, vanity, verra, very; true; real, v'ice, voice, vreet, write, vroucht, wrought; worked, wa', wall, also way wad, would, wadna, would not, wae, woe; sad; sorrowful, waggin', wagging; nodding, waitin', waiting, waitit, waited, walcome, welcome, walkin', walking, w'alth, wealth; abundance, wan, reached; gained; got, wantin', wanting; lacking; without; in want of, wantit, wanted, war, were, wark, work; labour, warks, works, warl', world; worldly goods, also a large number warl' 's gear, worldly substance, warld, world, warna, were not, warran', warrant; guarantee, warrin', warring, warst, worst, warstle, wrestle, warstlin', wrestling, wa's, walls, also ways washen, washed, washin', washing, wasna, was not, was't, was it, wasterfu', wasteful; extravagant, water-brose, oatmeal stirred into boiling, water until thick wather, weather, watter, water, watters, waters, waur, worse, also spend money wee, small; little; bit, also short time; while weel, well; fine, weel-behaved, well-behaved, weel's, well as, weet, wet; dew; rain, weetin', wetting; getting wet, weicht, weight, weir, wear, also hedge; fence; enclosure weird, doom; disaster, weirs, wears, weyve, weave; knit, weyver, weaver; knitter, also knitter of stockings; spider wha, who, whae'er, whoever, wha'll, who will, whan, when, wharfor, what for; why; for what reason, wha's, who is, also whose What ca' they ye?, What is your name?, What for no?, Why not?, What for?, Why?, whaten, (on; by) what; what kind of, what-for, why; reason, also punishment; retribution whaul, whale, whaur, where, whause, whose, wheel, eddy; pool; deep still part of the river, wheen, little; few; number; quantity, whiles, sometimes; at times; now and then, whilk, which, Whisht!, Quiet! Silence! Hush!, whiskin', whisking, whumled, whelmed; overwhelmed; upset, whup, whip, whups, whipping, whusky, whisky, whustle, whistle, wi', with, wice-like, seem wise, wicket, back-door of a barn, wickit, wicked, wifie, little woman, term of endearment willin', willing, willin'est, willingest, win, reach; gain; get, win', wind, win'le strae, straw or grass dried on its root, weak; unhealthy winna, will not, wins, reaches; gains; gets, winsome, large; comely, wi'oot, without, wires, knitting needles, wis, was, wi't, with it, wither, weather, won'er, wonder; marvel, won'erfu', wonderful; great; large, won'erin', wondering, workin', working, worryin', worrying, worset, woollen fabric; wool; worsted, worum, worm, wrang, wrong; injured, writch, rich, wuddie, gallows, also willow wuds, woods; forests, wull, will; wish; desire, also astray; stray; wild wullin', willing; wanting, wulls, wills; wishes; desires, wuman, woman, wunna, would not; will not, wur, lay out, wuss, wish, wussed, wished, wut, wit; intelligence; sense, wuts, wits; senses, w'y, way, wydin', wading, w'ys, ways, wyte, blame; reproach, yaird, yard, yairds, yards, ye, you; yourself, year, years, also year ye'll, you will, yer, your, yer lane, on your own, yerd, yard; garden, ye're, you are, yersel, yourself, yersel', yourself, ye't, it to you, yett, gate, yeuks, itches, ye've, you have, yewky, itchy, yon, that; those; that there, yon'er, yonder; over there; in that place, yon'll, that will; that (thing) there will, yon's, that is; that (thing) there is, yoong, young,