Pantechnetheca.—A large place of general business, opened in 1824, at the New-street end of Union-passage. In 1817, there stood on this spot a publichouse, known as the "Old Crown," the entrance to which was in a large, open gateway at its side, through which a path led to the cherry orchard. The Pantechnetheca was one of "the sights" of the town, the exterior being ornamented with pillars and statues; while the name was not only a puzzle to the "Black Country" visitors, but quite a subject of dispute as to its etymology among the Greek scholars of the Grammar School opposite.
Paradise Street.—The footpath on the Town Hall side used to be several feet higher than the causeway, and was supplied with iron railings. If the name had been given in late years, it might be supposed to have been chosen because the doors of the Parish Offices are in the street.
Parish Offices.—See "Public Buildings."
Parkesine.—A material used for knife handles and other purposes, so named after its maker, Alexander Parkes, a well-known local manufacturer, who said it was made from refuse vegetable fibre, pyroxyline, oil, naphtha, and chloride of sulphur.
Park Lane.—From Aston Cross Tavern to the Birchfield Road, originally being the road outside the wall of Aston Park. The first lots of land for building that were sold were those fronting Church Lane, and they fetched an average price of 2s. 2d. per yard, each lot being 12 yards by 60 yards. The next were the lots marked out by the side of Park Lane, and it was at about the middle of Park Lane that the first house was built in Aston Park in 1854 or 1855.
Park Road.—Leading over the hill from Aston Cross to Aston Church, was the first laid out, and the first opened to the public (Easter Monday, 1855) through the old grounds belonging to the Holts.
Parks.—Thanks to the munificence of Miss Ryland, Lord Calthorpe, Sir Charles Adderley, and Mr. W. Middlemore, with the concurrent generosity of the Church authorities, in whom the freehold of our churchyards was invested, Birmingham cannot be said to be short of parks and public grounds, though with all put together the area is nothing like that taken from the inhabitants under the Enclosures Acts of last century. The first movement for the acquisition of public parks took the shape of a town's meeting, Dec. 22, 1853, when the burgesses approved the purchase, and in 1854 an Act was obtained for the formation thereof. The first to be opened was Adderley Park, Aug. 30, 1856, the gift of Sir Charles Adderley. Its area is 10A. Or. 22P., and it is held nominally on a 999 years' lease, at a rental of 5s. per year. Calthorpe Park was opened June 1, 1857; its area being 31A. 1R. 13P., and it is held under a grant by the Calthorpe family that is equivalent to a conveyance in fee. Aston Park was opened Sept. 22, 1864; its area is 49A. 2R. 8P., and it belongs to the town by purchase. Cannon Hill Park, the gift of Miss Ryland, was opened Sept. 1, 1873; its area being 57A. 1R. 9P. In 1874, the Town Council gave the Trustees of Holliers' Charity the sum of L8,300 for the 8A. 8R. 28P. of land situated between the Moseley Road and Alcester Street, and after expending over L5,400 in laying out, fencing, and planting, opened it as Highgate Park June 2, 1876. In 1876 Summerfield House and grounds covering 12A. 0R. 20P. were purchased from Mr. Henry Weiss for L9,000, and after fencing, &c., was thrown open as Summerfield Park, July 29, 1876. In the following year, Mr. William Middlemore presented to the town a plot of ground, 4A. 1R. 3p. in extent, in Burbury Street, having spent about L3,500 in fencing and laying it out, principally as a recreation ground for children (the total value being over L12,000), and it was opened as Hockley Park, December 1, 1877.—Small Heath Park, comprising 41A. 3R. 34p., is another of the gifts of Miss Ryland, who presented it to the town June 2, 1876, and in addition provided L4,000 of the L10,000 the Town Council expended in laying it out. The formal opening ceremony took place April 5, 1879. There are still several points of the compass directing to suburbs which would be benefited by the appropriation of a little breathing place or two, and possibly in due time they will be acquired. The Nechells people have had laid out for their delectation the waste ground near the gas works which may be called Nechells Park for the time being. The Earl of Dartmouth in June, 1878, gave 56 acres out of Sandwell Park to the inhabitants of West Bromwich, and they call it Dartmouth Park.
Park Street takes its name from the small park or wood surrounding Park House, once existing somewhere near to the burial ground.
Park Street Gardens—As they are now called, comprise the Park Street Burial Ground and St. Bartholomew's Churchyard, the possession of which (under a nominal lease for 999 years) was given by the Rectors of St. Martin's and St. Bartholomew's to the Corporation according to the provisions of the Closed Burial Grounds Act. The whole area included a little over five acres, and the size thus given was valued at L50,000. About half an acre was devoted to the widening of the surrounding streets, the remainder being properly fenced in and laid out as recreating grounds and gardens. The opening ceremony took place, June 25, 1880.
Parliamentary Elections.—Notwithstanding the safeguards provided by the Ballot Act, and all the deterrent measures enacted against bribery and intimidation, and those peculiar tactics known as "getting up steam," the period of an election for Parliamentary representatives is a time of great excitement even in these days. But it is comparatively naught to what it used to be, when the art of kidnapping Tory voters, or "bottling" Whigs, was considered as only a small part of the education required by aspiring political agents. Leading burly prizefighters to clear the hustings on nomination day, upsetting carriages containing voters going to poll, and such like practical jokes were all en regle, and as such "goings-on" were to be found as much on the one side as the other, neither party's pot had a right to call the opponent's kettle black. Prior to the enfranchisement of the borough, one of the most exciting elections in which the Brums had been engaged was that for the county of Warwick in 1774, when Sir Charles Holte, of Aston Hall, was returned. The nomination took place Oct. 13, the candidates being Mr. Shipworth (a previous member), Mr. (afterwards Lord) Mordaunt, and Sir Charles, who for once pleased the Birmingham folks by calling himself an "Independent." The polling, which commenced on the 20th, was continued for ten days, closing on the 31st, and as Mr. Mordaunt had the lead for many days the excitement was intense, and the rejoicings proportionate at the end when the local candidate came in with flying colours. The voting ran:—Shipwith, 2,954; Holte, 1,845; Mordaunt, 1,787.—A Birmingham man was a candidate at the next great county contest, forty-six years after. This was Mr. Richard Spooner, then (1820) a young man and of rather Radical tendencies. His opponent, Mr. Francis Lawley, was of the old-fashioned Whig party, and the treatment his supporters received at the hands of the Birmingham and Coventry people was disgraceful. Hundreds of special constables had to be sworn in at Warwick during the fourteen days' polling, business being suspended for days together, but Radical Richard's roughs failed to influence the election, as Mr. Lawley obtained 2,153 votes against Mr. Spooner's 970. As Mr. Spooner grew older he became more prominent in commercial circles, and was peculiarly au fait in all currency matters, but he lost his hold on local electors by turning to the Conservative side of politics. Of this he was more than once reminded in after years, when speaking in the Town Hall, by individuals taking off their coats, turning them inside out, and having put them on again, standing prominently in front of "Yellow Dick" as they then called him.
That the inhabitants of Birmingham, so rapidly increasing in numbers and wealth, should be desirous of direct representation in the House of Commons, could be no wonder even to the most bigoted politicians of the last and early part of the present century. Possibly, had there been '91 Riots, nor quite so much "tall talk," the Legislature might have vouchsafed us a share in the manufacture of our country's laws a little earlier than they did, and the attempt to force a member through the doors of the House could not have added to any desire that may have existed in the minds of the gentlemen inside to admit the representative of Birmingham. The Newhall Hill meeting of July 12th, 1819, may be reckoned as the first pitched battle between the invaders and defenders of the then existing Parliamentary Constitution. The appointment of Sir Charles Wolesey as "Legislatorial Attorney and Representative," with instructions to take his seat as M.P. for the town (and many so styled him), even though made at a meeting of 20,000 would-be electors, does not appear to have been the wisest way to have gone to work, notwithstanding the fact that Sir Charles himself said he had no doubt of their right to send him up as their Member. Prosecution of the leaders followed, as a matter of course, and if the twenty-and-odd-thousands of the local Conservative electors of to-day were thus to try to obtain their due share of representation in the House, most likely the leaders of such a movement would be as liberally dealt with. The "battle of freedom," as the great Reform movement came to be called, has often been described, and honour been given to all who took part in it. The old soldiers of the campaign should be allowed, if they choose, to "fight their battles o'er again," as long as they live, but it is about time that the hatchet of party spite, (hitherto so freely used in local political warfare) was buried out of sight, and all sides be as willing to give equal rights as their fathers were to fight for theirs. Birmingham, however, was not without some friends in Parliament, and on the occasion of the disfranchisement of the borough of East Retford in 1827, it was proposed by Mr. Charles Tennyson that the two seats thus voided should be given to Birmingham. Mr. George Attwood was High Bailiff at the time, and he at once called a public meeting to support Mr. Tennyson's proposition by petition. The Public Office was not large enough for those who attended the meeting (June 22, 1827) and they adjourned to Beardsworth's Repository, where speeches were delivered by the leading men of all parties. Petitions to both Houses were drawn up and signed, the county members, Dugdale Stratford Dugdale and Francis Lawley, Esqrs., being asked to introduce the one to the House of Commons, and Lord Dudley and Ward (Baron of Birmingham) and Lord Calthorpe to support the petitioners' prayer in the Upper House. Mr. Tennyson (who afterwards took the name of D'Eyncourt) brought in his Bill, but notwithstanding all that could be said or done by the friends of the town they were outvoted (March 21, 1828), and the Bill was thrown out. The next four years were full of trouble, and the news of the passing of the Reform Bill (June 7, 1832), which at last gave Birmingham its long-sought political rights was most welcome indeed. The first election day was fixed for December 12, and for some time it was rumoured that Mr. Richard Spooner would stand in opposition to Messrs. Thomas Attwood and Joshua Scholefield, the chosen representatives of the Liberals; but the Conservative party, deeming it but right that those who had borne the brunt of the constitutional fight should be allowed the first honours of the local victory, declined to oppose those gentlemen, and they were accordingly returned without opposition. The hustings had been erected on a plot of land opposite the Public Offices and here the nominations took place at the early hour of 8 a.m. The proceedings were over by nine o'clock, but the "victory," as the popular party chose to consider it, did not satisfy them, and as there was an election on at Walsall the same day it was determined that the Birmingham Liberals should go there to help Mr. Bosco Attwood in his contest with Mr. Foster. A procession of some thousands, with bands and banners, according marched the whole of the distance so Walsall, and if their behaviour there represented what they were prepared to do at home had they not been allowed to have their own way, it was well for Birmingham they were not opposed. Long before evening this town was in the most fearful excitement, the passengers and guards of the various coaches which had passed through Walsall bringing the direst news of fire and riot, mixed with reports of the military being called out and firing on the people, numbers being killed, &c. Fortunately there was much exaggeration in these tales, and by degrees most of the Birmingham men found their way home, though many were in sad plight through the outrageous behaviour of themselves and the "victorious" crew who went off so gaily with them in the morning. The elections in after years may be briefly chronicled.
1835.—At the general election, which occurred this year, the Town Hall was first used as the place of nomination (Jan. 7th). During the proceedings the front of the great gallery gave way and precipitated those sitting there on to the heads of the people below, but providentially, the injuries received were not of a serious character. Mr. R. Spooner was most impatiently heard, and the show of hands was decidedly against him. The state of the poll showed:—
Thomas Attwood 1,718 votes } Joshua Scholefidd 1,660 " } Returned. Richard Spooner 915 "
1837, August.—At this election the late sitting members were opposed by Mr. A. G. Stapleton, but unsuccessfully, the voting being
Thomas Attwood .. 2,145 } Joshua Scholefield .. 2,114 }Returned. A.G. Stapleton .. 1,046
1840, January.—Mr. Attwood having resigned, Sir Charles Wetherell appeared in the Conservative interest against Mr. G.F. Muntz. Mr. Joseph Sturge, who also issued an address to the electors, retiring on the solicitation of his friends, on the understanding that the whole Liberal party would support him at the next vacancy. The result was in favour of Mr. Muntz, thus—
Geo. Fred. Muntz .. 1,454—Returned. Sir C. Wetherell .. 915
1841, July.—Mr. Richard Spooner, who opposed Messrs. Muntz and Scholefield, was again defeated, through receiving the suffrages of double the number of electors who voted for him in 1835. The returns were—
Geo. Fred. Muntz .. 2,176 } Joshua Scholefield .. 1,963 }Returned. Richard Spooner .. 1,825
1857, March.—The same gentlemen were again returned without opposition.
1857, August.—On the death of Mr. Muntz, though the names of George Dawson and others were whispered, the unanimous choice fell upon Mr. John Bright, "the rejected of Manchester," and it may be truly said he was at that time the chosen of the people. Birmingham men of all shades of politics appreciating his eloquence and admiring his sterling honesty, though many differed with his opinions. Addresses were early issued by Baron Dickenson Webster and Mr. M'Geachy, but both were at once withdrawn when Mr. Bright consented to stand and his address appeared.
1859, April.—At the election of this year, though defeat must have been a foregone conclusion, Mr. Thomas D. Acland waged battle with Messrs. Scholefield and Bright, and the result was:—
William Scholefield .. ..4,425 } John Bright .. .. ..4,282 }Returned. T.D. Acland .. .. ..1,544
1864, December.—On the death of Mr. Spooner, Mr. Davenport-Bromley, (afterwards Bromley-Davenport) was elected un-opposed, and retained his seat until his death, June 15, 1884.
1864.—Householders, whose rates were compounded for by their landlords, had hitherto not been allowed to exercise their right of voting, but the decision given in their favour, Feb. 17, 1864, was the means of raising the number of voters' names on the register to over 40,000.
1865, July.—Whether from fear of the newly-formed Liberal Association (which was inaugurated in February for the avowed purpose of controlling the Parliamentary elections in the borough and adjoining county divisions), or the lack of a sufficiently popular local man, there was no opposition offered to the return of Messrs. Scholefield and Bright at the election of this year.
1867, July.—On the death of Mr. Scholefield, Mr. George Dixon was nominated by the Liberals and opposed by Mr. Sampson S. Lloyd The result was:—
Geo. Dixon .. .. .. ..5,819 Returned. S.S. Lloyd .. .. .. ..4,214
1868, November.—This was the first election after the passing of the Reform Bill of 1867, by which Birmingham became entitled to send three members to the House of Commons; and as the Bill contained a proviso (generally known as the "minority clause") that each voter should be limited to giving his support to two only of the candidates, an immense amount of interest was taken in the interest that ensued. The Conservatives brought forward Mr. Sampson S. Lloyd and Mr. Sebastian Evans, the Liberal Association nominating Messrs. John Bright, George Dixon, and Philip Henry Muntz (brother to the old member G.F. Muntz). The election has become historical from the cleverly-manipulated scheme devised by the Liberal Association, and the strict enforcement of their "vote-as-you're-told" policy, by which, abnegating all personal freedom or choice in the matter the electors under the influence of the Association were moved at the will of the chiefs of their party. That the new tactics were successful is shown by the returns:—
George Dixon .. .. .. 15,188 } P.H. Muntz .. .. .. 14,614 }Returned. John Bright .. .. .. 14,601 } S.S. Lloyd .. .. .. 8,700 S. Evans .. .. .. 7,061
1868, Dec. 21.—Mr. Bright having been appointed President of the Board of Trade, was re-elected without opposition. He held office till the close of 1870, but for a long time was absent from Parliament through illness.
1873, Aug. 6.—Mr. John Jaffray, one of the proprietors of the Daily Post, contested East Staffordshire against Mr. Allsopp, but he only obtained 2,893 votes, as against Mr. Allsopp's 3,630.
1873, Oct. 18.—Soon after recovery of health Mr. Bright returned to his seat, and being appointed to the office of the Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, was re-elected in due course.
1874, Jan. 30.—No opposition was made to the re-election of Messrs. Bright, Dixon, and Muntz.
1876, June 27.—Mr. Joseph Chamberlain was elected without opposition on the resignation of Mr. Dixon.
1880, March 31.—Though free from all the rioting and possible bloodshed that would have attended such an occasion a hundred years ago, the election of 1880 was the most exciting and hardest-fought battle between the two great political parties of the town yet recorded in local history. The candidates were Messrs. John Bright, Joseph Chamberlain and Philip Henry Muntz, the previous members and nominees of the Liberal Association, and Major Burnaby and the Hon. A.C.G. Calthorpe, Conservatives. There were 139 polling stations, and no less than 47,776 out of the 63,398 persons whose names were on the register, recorded their votes under the protection of the Ballot Act of 1870, now first brought into use at a Parliamentary election. The usual courtesies (!) appertaining to political contests were indulged in to considerable extent, and personalities of all sorts much too freely bandied about, but the election altogether passed off in the most creditable manner. The returns of the polling stood thus—
Philip Henry Muntz..... 22,803} John Bright............ 21,986} Returned. Joseph Chamberlain..... 19,476} Major Burnaby.......... 15,716 Hon. A.C.G. Calthorpe 14,270
An analysis of the polling issued by the Mayor about a week after the election showed that 16,098 voters supported the Conservative candidates and 33,302 the Liberals. Deducting the 2,004 who "split" their votes between the parties, and 380 whose papers were either rejected or not counted as being doubtful, the total gives 47,396 as the actual number whose votes decided the election. As a curiosity and a puzzle for future politicians, the Mayor's analysis is worth preserving, as here re-analysed:—
Calthorpe only .. .. 42 Burnaby only .. .. 164 206 Chamberlain only .. .. 50 Muntz only .. .. 199 Bright only .. .. 86 335
Calthorpe and Muntz .. 153 Calthorpe and Chamberlain .. 83 Burnaby and Muntz .. 1,239 Burnaby and Chamberlain .. 182 Bright and Calthorpe .. 104 Bright and Burnaby .. 243 2,004
Burnaby and Calthorpe .. 13,888 13,888
Chamberlain and Muntz .. 9,410 Bright and Muntz .. 11,802 Bright and Chamberlain .. 9,751 30,963
Voting papers rejected and doubtful 380
Total number of voters polled.. .. 47,776
Mr. Bright having been again appointed Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, and Mr. Chamberlain chosen as President of the Board of Trade, they were re-elected, without opposition, early in May following the election. Three other local Liberal gentlemen were returned to Parliament during this general election, viz.:—Mr. Jesse Collings for Ipswich (receiving 3,074 votes), Mr. H. Wiggin for East Staffordshire (4,617 votes), and Mr. J.S. Wright for Nottingham (8,085 votes). The last-named, however, did not live to take his seat, dying very suddenly while attending a committee-meeting at the Council House, Birmingham, on the 15th April.—See "Statues," &c According to the published returns of January, 1884, Birmingham was then the largest borough constituency in England, the number of electors on the register then in force being 63,221: Liverpool coming next with 61,336; and Lambeth third, with 55,588; but Glasgow was the largest in the United Kingdom, with 68,025. The largest county constituency in England and Wales was Middlesex, with 41,299 electors; the next being South-West Lancashire, with 30,624; the third, South-East Lancashire, with 28,728; and the fourth, the southern division of the West Riding, with 27,625. The total electorate for England and Wales, was 2,660,444; Scotland, 331,264; and Ireland, 230,156.
The following statistics have been taken from the returns named, showing in respect of each constituency in this neighbourhood, the area of each borough, city, or county division, the population, the number of inhabited houses, the number of voters and their qualifications, and the Members sent to Parliament prior to the passing of the Franchise and Redistribution Bills of 1885, and are worth preserving for future local reference:—
[Transcriber's note: this table has been split in order to fit the page width.]
Borough, City Area in Population Inhabited Houses or County Square in in in in Division Miles. 1871 1881 1871 1881 Birmingham 13 343,787 400,774 68,532 78,301 Bewdley 11-1/4 7,614 8,678 1,717 1,839 Bridgnorth 17 7,317 7,212 1,565 1,52[**] Coventry 10 41,348 46,563 9,334 10,185 Droitwich 43 9,510 9,858 1,931 2,006 Dudley 12 82,249 87,527 15,985 16,889 E. Staffordshire 218 101,564 138,439 19,960 26,003 E. Worcestershr. 324 147,685 117,257 30,551 35,781 Evesham 3-1/2 4,888 5,112 1,001 1,050 Kidderminster 3-3/4 20,814 25,633 4,292 5,062 Lichfield 5 7,347 8,349 1,543 1,678 Newcastle (Stff.) 1 15,948 17,493 3,180 3,393 N. Staffordshire 396 120,217 132,684 24,194 26,403 N. Warwickshire 383 134,723 170,086 29,032 35,151 S. Warwickshire 462 96,905 99,592 20,803 21,485 Stafford 1 15,946 18,904 2,939 3,385 Stoke-on-Trent 14 130,575 152,394 24,582 28,350 Tamworth 18 11,493 14,101 2,357 2,772 Walsall 11-3/4 49,018 59,402 9,566 11,140 Warwick 8-1/2 10,986 11,800 2,418 2,518 Wednesbury 17-3/4 116,809 124,437 22,621 23,443 W. Staffordshire 434 100,413 117,737 20,134 23,261 W. Worcestershr 341 66,419 67,139 13,895 13,928 Wolverhampton 29-1/2 156,978 164,332 30,424 31,475 Worcester 5 38,116 40,354 8,043 8,539
City or Borough Electors. - L10 Freehold Freemen Borough, City Occupiers and Lodgers and or Voters or County Inhabitant Burgage by Ancient Division Householders. Tenants. Rights Birmingham 63,149 72 .. .. Bewdley 273 2 .. 1 Bridgnorth 055 .. .. 163 Coventry 4,733 12 .. 3,995 Droitwich 1,409 .. .. 1 Dudley 14,833 1 .. .. E. Staffordshire .. .. .. .. E. Worcestershr. .. .. .. .. Evesham 794 11 .. 20 Kidderminster 3,898 5 .. .. Lichfield 1,095 7 101 39 Newcastle (Stff.) 2,431 5 .. 679 N. Staffordshire .. .. .. .. N. Warwickshire .. .. .. .. S. Warwickshire .. .. .. .. Stafford 2,764 22 .. 798 Stoke-on-Trent 21,131 13 .. .. Tamworth 2,220 6 .. 3 Walsall 9,821 3 .. .. Warwick 1,742 4 .. 15 Wednesbury 19,807 3 .. .. W. Staffordshire .. .. .. .. W. Worcestershr .. .. .. .. Wolverhampton 23,559 31 .. .. Worcester 5,948 59 .. 355
- County Electors. - Borough, City Total No. or County L12 L50 Owners. of M.P.'s Division Occupiers. Tenants. Electors. Returned Birmingham .. .. .. 63,221 3 Bewdley .. .. .. 1,276 1 Bridgnorth .. .. .. 1,218 1 Coventry .. .. .. 8,740 2 Droitwich .. .. .. 1,410 1 Dudley .. .. .. 14,834 1 E. Staffordshire 5,106 141 6,481 11,728 2 E. Worcestershr. 4,745 567 6,931 12,243 2 Evesham .. .. .. 825 1 Kidderminster .. .. .. 3,903 1 Lichfield .. .. .. 1,242 1 Newcastle (Stff.) .. .. .. 3,115 2 N. Staffordshire 3,008 1,071 7,141 11,220 2 N. Warwickshire 5,878 516 5,603 11,997 2 S. Warwickshire 2,561 688 3,253 6,502 2 Stafford .. .. .. 3,584 2 Stoke-on-Trent .. .. .. 21,144 2 Tamworth .. .. .. 2,229 2 Walsall .. .. .. 9,824 1 Warwick .. .. .. 1,761 2 Wednesbury .. .. .. 19,810 1 W. Staffordshire 2,715 661 8,570 11,946 2 W. Worcestershr 1,142 1,033 4,426 6,601 2 Wolverhampton .. .. .. 23,590 2 Worcester .. .. .. 6,362 1
Parsonage.—The Old Parsonage, at the corner of Smallbrook Street and Pershore Street, an old-fashioned two-storey gabled house, was moated round and almost hidden by trees, and has been preserved for future historians in one of David Cox's sketches, which remains as a curious memento of the once rural appearance of what are now some of the busiest spots in town. The house was pulled down in 1826.
Parson and Clerk.—A noted publichouse on the old Chester Road is the Royal Oak, better known as "The Parson and Clerk." An old pamphlet thus gives the why and wherefore:
"There had used to be on the top of the house two figures—one of a parson leaning his head in prayer, while the clerk was behind him with uplifted axe, going to chop off his head. These two figures were placed there by John Gough, Esq., of Perry Hall, to commemorate a law suit between him and the Rev. T. Lane, each having annoyed the other. Mr. Lane had kept the Squire out of possession of this house, and had withheld the licenses, while the latter had compelled the clergyman to officiate daily in the church, by sending his servants to form a congregation. Squire Gough won the day, re-built the house in 1788, and put up the figures to annoy Parson Lane, parsons of all sorts being out of his good books."
Parsons, Preachers, and Priests of the Past.—It would be a lengthy list or make note of all the worthy and reverend gentlemen who have, from pulpit or platform, lectured and preached to the people in our town, or who have aided in the intellectual advancement and education of the rising generation of their time. Church and Chapel alike have had their good men and true, and neither can claim a monopoly of talent, or boast much of their superiority in Christian fellowship or love of their kind. Many shepherds have been taken from their so-called flocks whose places at the time it was thought could never be filled, but whose very names are now only to be found on their tombs, or mentioned in old magazines or newspapers. Some few are here recalled as of interest from their position, peculiarities, &c.
John Angell James.—A Wiltshire man was John Angell James, who, after a short course of itinerary preaching came to Birmingham, and for more than fifty years was the idolised minister of Carr's Lane congregation. He was a good man and eloquent, having a certain attractive way which endeared him to many. He lived, and was loved by those who liked him, till he had reached the age of 74, dying Oct. 1, 1859, his remains being buried like those of a saint, under the pulpit from which he had so long preached.
Samuel Bache.—Coming as a Christmas-box to his parents in 1804, and early trained for the pulpit, the Rev. Samuel Bache joined the Rev. John Kentish in his ministrations to the Unitarian flock in 1832, and remained with us until 1868. Loved in his own community for faithfully preaching their peculiar doctrines, Mr. Bache proved himself a man of broad and enlightened sympathies; one who could appreciate and support anything and everything that tended to elevate the people in their amusements as well as in matters connected with education.
George Croft.—The Lectureship of St. Martin's in the first year of the present century was vested in Dr. George Croft, one of the good old sort of Church and King parsons, orthodox to the backbone, but from sundry peculiarities not particularly popular with the major portion of his parishioners. He died in 1809.
George Dawson.—Born in London, February 24, 1821, George Dawson studied at Glasgow for the Baptist ministry, and came to this town in 1844 to take the charge of Mount Zion chapel. The cribbed and crabbed restraints of denominational church government failed, however, to satisfy his independent heart, and in little more than two years his connection with the Mount Zion congregation ceased (June 24, 1846). The Church of the Saviour was soon after erected for him, and here he drew together worshippers of many shades of religious belief, and ministered unto them till his death. As a lecturer he was known everywhere, and there are but few towns in the kingdom that he did not visit, while his tour in America, in the Autumn of 1874, was a great success. His connection with the public institutions of this town is part of our modern history, and no man yet ever exercised such influence or did more to advance the intelligence and culture of the people, and, as John Bright once said of Cobden "it was not until we had lost him that we knew how much we loved him." The sincerity and honesty of purpose right through his life, and exhibited in all his actions, won the highest esteem of even those who differed from him, and the announcement of his sudden death (Nov. 30, 1876) was felt as a blow by men of all creeds or politics who had ever known him or heard him. To him the world owes the formation of the first Shakesperian Library—to have witnessed its destruction would indeed have been bitter agony to the man who (in October, 1866) had been chosen to deliver the inaugural address at the opening of the Free Reference Library, to which he, with friends, made such an addition. As a preacher, he was gifted with remarkable powers; as a lecturer, he was unsurpassed; in social matters, he was the friend of all, with ever-open hand to those in need; as a politician, though keen at repartee and a hard hitter, he was straightforward, and no time-server; and in the word of his favourite author, "Take him all in all, we ne'er shall look on his like again."—See "Statues," &c.
W. D. Long.—The Rev. Wm Duncan Long (who died at Godalming, April 12, 1878), according to the Record, was "a good man, and full of the Holy Ghost and of faith." In our local records he is noted as being distinguished for hard work among the poor of St. Bartholomew's, of which parish he was minister for many years prior to 1851.
Thomas Swann.—The Rev. Thomas Swann, who came here in January 1829, after a few years' sojourn in India, served the Cannon Street body for 28 years, during which time he baptised 966 persons, admitting into membership a total of 1,233. Mr. Swann had an attack of apoplexy, while in Glasgow, on Sunday, March 7, 1857, and died two days afterwards. His remains were brought to Birmingham, and were followed to the grave (March 16) by a large concourse of persons, a number of ministers taking part in the funeral service.
W. L. Giles.—The Rev. W. Leese Giles, who filled the pulpit in Cannon Street from Oct., 1863, to July, 1872, was peculiarly successful in his ministrations, especially among the young.
Lewis Chapman.—The Rev. Lewis Chapman (taken to his fathers Oct. 2, 1877, at the age of 81), after performing the duties and functions of Rabbi to the local Jewish community for more than forty-five years, was, from his amiability and benevolence, characterised by many Gentile friends as "an Israelite indeed, in whom is no guile."
Hon. G. M. Yorke.—Brother to the late Earl of Hardwicke, and born in 1809, Mr. Yorke, on finishing his University education, entered the army, obtaining a commission in the Fourth Dragoons; and, considering his subsequent connection with Birmingham in a widely different character, it is curious that his first visit here should have been paid as an officer of dragoons in the Chartist riots of 1839. Mr. Yorke's personal tastes, however, led him to prefer the Church to the army, and he entered into holy orders, the Bishop of Worcester, in 1814, presenting him to the rectory of St. Philip's: and at a later period he was nominated Rural Dean. Mr. Yorke held the living of St. Philip's for the long period of thirty years—until 1874—when the Prime Minister appointed him Dean of Worcester. During his residence in Birmingham Mr. Yorke did much public service in connection with various educational institutions. He promoted good schools in St. Philip's parish, and was an active member of the committee of the Educational Prize Scheme, and then of the Education Aid Society, both of them institutions which were of great value in their day. He also took a strong interest in the affairs of Queen's College, of which he was for many years the Vice-president. In the Diocesan Training College, at Saldey, he likewise took part as a member of the managing body and he was interested in the School of Art and the Midland Institute. Wherever, indeed, there was educational work to be done, the Rector of St. Philip's was sure to be found helping in it; and though there have been many Rectors at the church it can be truly said that none left more regretted by the poor, notwithstanding the aristocratic handle to his name, than did Mr. Yorke. The Hon. and Rev. gentleman died at Worcester, Oct. 2, 1879.
J.C. Miller.—The Rev. John Cale Miller (born at Margate, in 1814), though only thirty-two, hail already attracted the notice of the Evangelical Party in the Church, and his appointment to St. Martin's (Sept. 1846), gave general satisfaction. His reputation as a preacher had preceded him, and he soon diffused a knowledge of his vigour as a worker, and his capacity as an administrator. Few men have entered so quickly into popular favour as Dr. Miller did, which may, perhaps, be accounted for by the fact that he not only showed a sincere desire to live in harmony with the Dissenters of all shades, but that he was prepared to take his full share in the public work of the town, and determined to be the minister—not of any section of the people, but of the parish altogether. Under his direction St. Martin's became a model parish. New facilities were afforded for public worship, schools were established, parochial institutions multiplied under his hand, an ample staff of curates and scripture-readers took their share of labour, and the energies of the lay members of the congregation were called into active exercise. To the Grammar School, the Midland Institute, the Free Libraries, the Hospitals and Charities of the town, the Volunteer movement, &c., he gave most assiduous attention, and as long as he remained with us, his interest in all public matters never failed. In the early part of 1866, Dr. Miller was presented to the living at Greenwich, taking his farewell of the townspeople of Birmingham at a meeting in the Town Hall, April 21, when substantial proof of the public goodwill towards him was given by a crowded audience of all creeds and all classes. A handsome service of plate and a purse of 600 guineas, were presented to him, along with addresses from the congregation of St. Martin's, the Charity Collections Committee, the Rifle Volunteers (to whom he had been Chaplain), the Committees of the Hospitals, and from the town at large. The farewell sermon to St. Martin's congregation was preached April 29. In 1871 Dr. Miller was appointed residential Canon of Worcester, which preferment he soon afterwards exchanged for a Canonry at Rochester as being nearer to his home, other honours also falling to him before his death, which took place on the night of Sunday, July 11, 1880.
George Peake.—The Rev. G. Peake, Vicar of Aston, from 1852 to his death, July 9, 1876, was a ripe scholar and archaeologist, a kind-hearted pastor, and an effective preacher.
Isaiah Birt.—Mr. Isaiah Birt, a native of Coleford, undertook the pastorship of Cannon Street in 1800, holding it until Christmas, 1825, when from ill-health he resigned. The congregation allowed Mr. Birt an annuity of L100 until his death, in 1837, when he had reached 80 years of age.
Thomas Potts.—The Rev. Thomas Potts, who died in the early part of December, 1819, at the age of sixty-and-six, was, according to the printed funeral oration pronounced at the time, "an accurate, profound, and cautious theologian," who had conducted the classical studies at Oscott College for five-and-twenty years with vigour and enthusiasm, and "a grandeur of ability peculiarly his own."
Sacheveral.—Dr. Sacheveral, the noted and noisy worthy who kicked up such a rumpus in the days of Queen Anne, was a native of Sutton Coldfield, and his passing through Birmingham in 1709 was considered such an event of consequence that the names of the fellows who cheered him in the streets were reported to Government.
Pearce.—Ordained pastor of Cannon Street, Aug. 18, 1790. Mr. Pearce, in the course of a short life, made himself one of the most prominent Baptist divines of the day, the church under his charge increasing so rapidly that it became the source of great uneasiness to the deacons. Mr. Pearce took great interest in the missionary cause, preaching here the first sermon on behalf of the Baptist Missionary Society (Oct., 1792), on which occasion L70 was handed in; he also volunteered to go to India himself. Suffering from consumption he preached his last sermon Dec. 2, 1798, lingering on till the 10th of October following, and dying at the early age of 33. He was buried at the foot of the pulpit stairs.
Slater.—Hutton says that an apothecary named Slater made himself Rector of St. Martin's during the days of the Commonwealth, and that when the authorities came to turn him out he hid himself in a dark corner. This is the individual named in Houghton's "History of Religion in England" as being brought before the Court of Arches charged with having forged his letters of orders, with preaching among the Quakers, railing in the pulpit at the parishioners, swearing, gambling, and other more scandalous offences.
Scholefield.—The pastor of the Old Meeting Congregation in 1787 was named Scholefield, and he was the first to properly organise Sunday Schools in connection with Dissenting places of worship.
Robert Taylor.—The horrible title of "The Devil's Chaplain" was given the Rev. Robert Taylor, B.A., who in 1819-20 was for short periods curate at Yardley and at St. Paul's in this town. He had been educated for the Church, and matriculated well, but adopted such Deistical opinions that he was ultimately expelled the Church, and more than once after leaving here was imprisoned for blasphemy.
Charles Vince.—Charles Vince was the son of a carpenter, and was a native of Surrey, being born at Farnham in 1823. For some years after reaching manhood Mr. Vince was a Chartist lecturer, but was chosen minister of Mount Zion Chapel in 1851, and remained with us till Oct. 22, 1874, when he was removed to the world above. His death was a loss to the whole community, among whom he had none but friends.
John Webb.—The Rev. John Webb, who about 1802 was appointed Lecturer at St. Martin's and Minister of St. Bartholomew's was an antiquarian scholar of some celebrity; but was specially valued here (though his stay was not long) on account of his friendship with Mendelssohn and Neukomm, and for the valued services he rendered at several Festivals. He wrote the English adaptation of Winter's "Timoteo," or "Triumph of Gideon," performed at the Festival of 1823, and other effective pieces before and after that date, interesting himself in the success of the Triennials for many years. He died February 18, 1869, in Herefordshire.
William Wollaston.—That eminent English divine, the Rev. William Wollaston, who was born in the neighbouring county of Stafford, in 1659, was for several years assistant, and afterwards head master at our Free Grammar School, but, coming into a rich inheritance, retired. He died in 1724.
And so the list might go on, with such names as the Rev. Charles Curtis, of St. Martin's (1784) the Rev. E. Burn, of St. Mary's (1818), the Rev. John Cook, of St. Bartholomew's (1820), the Rev. W.F. Hook, of Moseley (1822), afterwards Dean of Christchurch; Dr. Outram, of St. Philip's (who died in 1821); Rann Kennedy, of St. Paul's; G.S. Bull, of St. Thomas's; with I. C. Barratt, of St Mary's, and many other clergymen and ministers, who have departed in these later years.
Patents.—The first patent granted to a Birmingham inventor is dated May 22, 1722, it being granted to Richard Baddeley for having "with much pains, labour, and expense, invented and brought to perfection 'An Art for making streaks for binding Cart and Wagon Wheels and Box Smoothing Irons' (never yet practised in this our kingdom) which will be more durable and do three times the service of those made of bar iron," &c., &c. It is not particularly wonderful that the toyshop of England should stand first on the list as regards the number of patent grants applied for and taken out. As Bisset said—
Inventions curious, various kinds of toys, Engage the time of women, men, and boys; And Royal patents here are found in scores, For articles Minute—or pond'rous ores.
By the end of 1799 the list shows that 92 patents had been granted to Birmingham men after Richard Baddeley had brought out his "patent streaks," and during the present century there have been many hundreds of designs patented or registered, scores of fortunes being made and thousands of hands employed, but often the inventors themselves have sold their rights for trifling amounts or succumbed to the difficulties that stood in the way of bringing their brainwork into practical use. Could the records of our County Asylums be thoroughly inspected, it is to be feared that disappointed inventors would be found more numerous than any other class of inmates. The costs of taking out, renewing, and protecting patents were formerly so enormous as practically to prevent any great improvements where capital was short, and scores of our local workers emigrated to America and elsewhere for a clearer field wherein to exercise their inventive faculties without being so weighted down by patent laws. The Patent Law Amendment Act of 1852 was hailed with rejoicing, but even the requirements of that Act were found much too heavy. The Act which came into force Jan. 1, 1884, promises to remedy many of the evils hitherto existing. By this Act, the fees payable on patents are as follows:—On application for provisional specification, L1; on filing complete specification, L3; or, on filing complete specification with the first application, L4. These are all the fees up to the date of granting a patent. After granting, the following fees are payable: Before four years from date of patent, L50; and before the end of eight years from the date of patent, L100. In lieu of the L50 and the L100 payments, the following annual fees may be paid: Before the end of the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh years. L10 each year; before the end of the eighth and ninth years, L15 each year; and before the end of the tenth, eleventh, twelfth, and thirteenth years, L20 each year.—If the number of words contained in the specifications constitutes the value of a patent, that taken out by our townsman, James Hardy (March 28, 1844), for an improvement in tube-rolling must have been one of the most valuable ever known. The specifications filled 176 folios, in addition to a large sheet of drawings, the cost of an "office copy" being no less than L12 18s! The Mechanics' Magazine said it could have all been described in 176 words.
Patriotic Fund.—The local collection for this fund was commenced October, 25, 1854, and closed February 22, 1858, with a total of L12,936 17s. 3d.
Paving.—A "patent" was obtained in 1319, 12th Edw. II., to "take toll on all vendible commodities for three years, to pave the town of Birmingham;" and as the funds thus raised were not sufficient for such a "town improvement," another "patent" for the purpose was procured in 1333, 7th Edw. III., the toll being fixed at one farthing on every eight bushels of corn. What the paving was in the early part of the present century is best told in the following extract from Bissett's "Magnificent Directory," published in 1800:—
The streets are pav'd, 'tis true, but all the stones Are set the wrong end up, in shape of cones; And strangers limp along the best pav'd street, As if parch'd peas were strew'd beneath their feet, Whilst custom makes the Natives scarcely feel Sharp-pointed pebbles press the toe or heel.
About 1819-20 the roadways were stoned with the aid of a steam paving-engine, supplied with a row of six heavy rammers, which dropped on the uneven stones and drove them into the roads, the engine moving about a foot after each series of blows. A wood roadway was laid in Moor Street in April, 1873; and in June, 1874, the Council decided also so to pave New Street, High Street, and Bull Street. At their meeting, June 1876, it was resolved to spend L30,000 a year for six years in paving streets, and they have done all that.
Pawnbrokers.—In December, 1789, a Bill was prepared for presentation to Parliament "to suppress all pawnbrokers within the town." and to establish in lieu a general office for pledges. Wonder what our uncles thought of it.
Peace.—A branch of the Workmen's Peace Association was formed December 18, 1871.
Pebble Mill Pool.—The last few years a favourite spot for suicides, no less than thirty-nine persons having drowned themselves there since 1875. Strangely enough there was not a single similar case in the four years preceding, and only three cases of accidental drownings in the last 27 years.
Peck Lane.—Originally called Feck Lane, leading out of New Street, next to the Grammar School, was closed and cleared for the Railway Station. Steep and narrow as the old thoroughfare was, it was at one time thought quite as much of as Bull Street.
Pearls and Pearl Fisheries.—A few small pearls are occasionally found enclosed in the nacre (or mother-of-pearl) of shells cut up for buttons, &c., but seldom of much value, though it is related that a few years back a pearl thus discovered by a workman, and handed over to his employer, was sold for L40, realising L150 afterwards. In March, 1884, Mr. James Webb, Porchester Street, had the good fortune to find a pearl weighing 31 grains in an Australian shell he was cutting up, and it has been valued at L100. As there is a good market here for pearls, no doubt many others have been found that "have not come to light." A few years back, "pearl fisheries" of rather an extraordinary kind were here and there to be found in the outskirts, the prices of good workable shell having risen to to such an extent that it paid to hunt for and dig up the scrap flung away in former years, as much as 15s. to 20s. per bag being obtained for some of these finds. One smart little master who recollected where his scrap was deposited some years before, in the neighbourhood of St. Luke's, paid the spot a visit, and finding it still unbuilt upon, set to work, and carted most of it back, and having improved tools, made a handsome profit by this resurrection movement.— See "Trades."
Pens.—The question as to who made the first steel pen has often been debated; but though Perry and Mason, Mitchell and Gillott, and others besides, have been named as the real original, it is evident that someone had come before them; for, in a letter written at least 200 years back (lately published by the Camden Society), the writer, Mary Hatton, offered to procure some pens made of steel for her brother, as "neither the glass pens nor any other sort was near so good." Silver pens were advertised for sale in the Morning Chronicle, in June, 1788, as well as "fountain pens;" and it has been claimed that an American supplied his friends with metallic pens a dozen years prior to that date. There was a Sheffield artisan, too, before our local men came to the front, who made some pens on the principle of the quill, a long hollow barrel, pointed and split; but they were considered more in the light of curiosities than for use, and fetched prices accordingly. Mr. James Perry is said to have given his workmen 5s. each for making pens, as late as 1824; and Mr. Gillott got 1s. each for a gross he made on the morning of his marriage. In 1835, the lowest wholesale price was 5s. per gross; now they can be had at a trifle over 1d. per gross. Even after the introduction of presses for the manufacture of steel pens (in 1829), there was considerable quantities of little machines made here for cutting quill pens, the "grey goose quill" being in the market for school use as late as 1855, and many bankers and others have not yet discarded them. In May, 1853, a quantity of machinery was sent out to America, where many skilled workmen had gone previously; and now our Yankee cousins not only make their own pens, and run us close in all foreign markets, but actually send their productions to Birmingham itself.—See "Trades."
People's Hall.—The foundation stone of the People's Hall, corner of Loveday and Princip Streets, was laid on Easter Monday, 1841, by General (then Colonel) Perronet Thompson. The cost of the building was L2,400, and, as its name implies, it was intended, and for a short time used, as a place for assemblies, balls, and other public purposes. Like a number of other "institutions for the people," it came to grief, and has long been nothing more than a warehouse.
Pershore Road was laid out in 1825.
Perry Barr.—Three miles from Birmingham, on the road to Lichfield, is one of the ancient places that can claim a note in Domesday. Prior to the eighteenth century there had been a wooden bridge over the Tame, the present curiously-built stone erection, with its recesses to protect the wayfarers from contact with crossing vehicles, being put up in 1711-12 by Sir Henry Gough, who received L200 from the county, and contributions from the neighbouring parishes, towards the cost. The date of the early church is unknown, the present one being built and endowed by Squire Gough in 1832. Like other suburbs Perry Barr bids fair to become little more than an offshoot to Birmingham, the road thereto fast filling up with villa and other residences, while churches, chapels, and schools may be seen on all hands. The Literary Institute, built in 1874, at a cost of L2,000, contains reading and class rooms, lecture hall, &c., while not far off is a station on the L. and N.W. line. Ferry Hall, the seat of the Hon. A.C.G. Calthorpe, has been the home of the Lords of the Manor for many generations.
Pest and Plague.—The year 1665 is generally given as the date of "the great plague" being here; but the register of St. Martin's Church does not record any extraordinary mortality in that year. In some of the "news sheets" of the 17th century a note has been met with (dated Sept. 28, 1631), in which the Justices of the Peace inform the Sheriff that "the plague had broken out in Deritend, in the parish of Aston, and spread far more dangerously into Birmingham, a great market town." St. Martin's registers of burials are missing from 1631 to 1655, and those of Aston are not get-at-able, and as the latter would record the deaths in Deritend, there does not appear any certain data to go upon, except that the plague was not a casual visitor, having visited Coventry in 1603 and 1625, Tamworth in 1606 and 1625, and Worcester in 1825 and 1645, the date generally given (1665) being that of the year when the most deaths 68,596, occurred in London. The tradition is that the plague contagion was brought here in a box of clothes conveyed by a carrier from London. It is said that so many persons died in this town that the churchyard would not hold the bodies, and the dead were taken to a one-acre piece of waste land at Ladywood Green, hence known for many generations as the "Pest Ground." The site has long been built over, but no traces of any kind of sepulture were found when house foundations were being laid.
Pewter.—To have bright pewter plates and dishes ranged on their kitchen shelves was once the delight and the pride of all well-to-do housewives, and even the tables of royalty did not disdain the pewter. At the grand dinner on George IV.'s Coronation-day, though gold and silver plate was there in abundance for the most noble of the noble guests, the majority were served on brightly-burnished pewter, supplied from Thomason's of Birmingham. The metal is seldom seen now except in the shape of cups and measures used by publicans.
Philanthropic Collections.—The following are a few not mentioned in previous pages:—A local fund for the relief of sufferers by famine in Asia Minor was opened May 6, 1875, the amount collected being L682.—In 1875, a little over L1,700 was gathered to aid the sufferers from the inundations in France that year.—November 25, 1878, at a meeting held to sympathise with the losers through the failure of the Glasgow Bank more than L1,000 was subscribed; L750 being gathered afterwards.—The Mayor's Relief Fund, in the winter-time of 1878-79, totalled up to L10,242, of which L9,500 was expended in relief, L537 in expenses, and the balance divided between the Hospitals. The number of separate gifts or donations to the poor was 500,187, equivalent to relieving once 108,630 families.
Philanthropic Societies.—Are as numerous as they are various, and the amount of money, and money's worth, distributed each year is something surprising. The following are the principal ones:—
Aged Women.—A society was commenced here in 1824 for the relief of poor women over 60 years of age, and there are now on the books the names of nearly 200 who receive, during the year, in small amounts, an average of 17s to 18s. each. Miss Southall, 73, Wellington Road, is one of the Hon. Sees., who will be pleased to receive additional subscriptions. Fifty other aged women are yearly benefitted through Fentham's Trust.—See "Blue Coat School."
Architects.—There is a Benevolent Society in connection with the Royal Institute of British Architects, for relieving poor members of the profession, their widows, or orphans. The local representative is Mr. F. Cross, 14A, Temple Row.
Aunt Judy's Work Society.—On the plan of one started in London a few years back; the object being to provide clothes for poor children in the Hospitals. The secretary is Mrs. W. Lord, Brakendale, Farquhar Road, Edgbaston.
Bibles, etc.—The Birmingham Depository of the British and Foreign Bible Society is at 40, Paradise Street; and that of the Christian Knowledge Society is at 92, New Street.
Boarding-out Poor Children.—A Ladies' Society for Befriending Pauper Children by taking them from the Workhouse and boarding them out among cottagers and others in the country, had been quietly at work for some dozen years before the Marston Green Homes were built, but whether the latter rule-of-thumb experiment will prove more successful than that of the ladies, though far more costly, the coming generation must decide.
Boatmen's Friend Society.—A branch of the British Seamen's and Boatmen's Friend Society, principally for the supply of religious education to the boatmen and their families on the canals, the distribution among them of healthy literature, and the support of the work carried on at the Boatmen's Hall, Worcester Wharf, where the Superintendent (Rev. R.W. Cusworth) may be found. The subscriptions in 1882 amounted to L416.
Church Pastoral Aid Society.—The name tells what subscriptions are required for, and the Rev. J.G. Dixon, Rector of St. George's, will be glad to receive them. The grants of the Parent Society to Birmingham in 1882 amounted to L3,560, while the local subscriptions were only L1,520.
Clergymen's Widows.—The Society for Necessitous Clergy within the Archdeaconry of Coventry, whose office is at 10, Cherry Street, has an income from subscriptions, &c., of about L320 per year, which is mainly devoted to grants to widows and orphans of clergymen, with occasional donations to disabled wearers of the cloth.
Deritend Visiting and Parochial Society, established in 1856. Meeting at the Mission Hall, Heathmill Lane, where Sunday Schools, Bible classes, Mothers' Meetings, &c., are conducted. The income for 1883 was L185 7s. 4d., and the expenditure L216 16s. 7d., leaving a balance to be raised.
District Nursing Society, 56, Newhall Street, has for its object the nursing of sick poor at their own homes in cases of necessity. In 1883 the number of cases attended by the Society's nurses was 312, requiring 8,344 visits.
Domestic Missions, of one kind and another, are connected with all the principal places of worship, and it would be a difficult task to enumerate them. One of the earliest is the Hurst Street Unitarian, dating from 1839.
Flower Mission.—At No. 3, Great Charles Street, ladies attend every Friday to receive donation of flowers, &c., for distribution in the wards of the Hospitals, suitable texts and passages of Scripture accompanying the gifts to the patients.
Girls' Friendly Society.—The local Branch, of which there are several sub (or parochial) branches, has on its books near upon 1,400 names of young women in service, &c., whose welfare and interests are looked after by a number of clergymen and ladies in connection with the Church of England.
Humane Society.—A Branch on the plan of the London Society was established here in 1790, but it was found best to incorporate it with the General Hospital in 1803.
India.—A Branch of the Christian Vernacular Education Society for India was formed here in 1874. There are several branches in this town and neighbourhood of the Indian Female Normal School and Instruction Society for making known the Gospel to the women of India, and about L600 per year is gathered here.
Iron, Hardware, and Metal Trades' Pension Society was commenced in this town in 1842. Its head offices are now in London; the local collector being Mr. A. Forrest, 32, Union Street.
Jews and Gentiles.—There are local Auxiliary Branches here of the Anglo-Jewish Association, the Society for Promoting Christianity among the Jews, and the British Society for Propagating the Gospel among Jews, the amounts subscribed to each in 1882 being L72, L223, and L29 respectively.
Kindness to Animals.—Mainly by the influence and efforts of Miss Julia Goddard, in 1875, a plan was started of giving prizes among the scholars and pupil teachers of the Board Schools for the best written papers tending to promote kindness to animals. As many as 3,000 pupils and 60 teachers send papers in every year, and the distribution of 500 prizes is annually looked forward to with interest. Among the prizes are several silver medals—one (the champion) being given in memory of Mr. Charles Darwin, another in memory of Mr. E.F. Flower, a third (given by Mr. J.H. Chamberlain) in memory of Mr. George Dawson, and a fourth given by the Mayor.
Ladies' Useful Work Association.—Established in 1877 for the inculcating habits of thrift and the improvement of domestic life among mothers of families and young people commencing married life. A start was made (Oct. 4) in the shape of a series of "Cookery Lessons," which were exceedingly well attended. Series of useful lectures and lessons have followed since, all bearing on home life, and as it has been shown that nearly one-half of the annual number of deaths in Birmingham are those of children under 5 years of age, it is to be hoped that the "useful work" the ladies of the Association have undertaken may be resultive in at least decreasing such infantile mortality. Office, No. 1, Broad Street Corner. In March, 1883, the ladies had a balance in hand of L88.
Needlework Guild,—Another Ladies' Association of a similar character to the above was established April 30, 1883.
Negroes' Friends.—When slavery was as much a British as American institution it was not surprising that a number of lady residents should form themselves, in 1825, into a Negroes' Friend Society. The funds now collected, nearly L170 a year, are given in grants to schools on the West Coast of Africa and the West Indies, and in donations to the Freedmen's Aid Society, the Anti-Slavery Society, &c.
Old Folks' Tea Party.—In 1857, a few old people were given a treat just prior to Christmas, and the good folks who got it up determined to repeat it. The next gatherings were assembled at the Priory Rooms, but in a few years it became needful to engage the Town Hall, and there these treats, which are given biennially, are periodically held. At the last gathering there attended over 700, not one of whom was under sixty years of age, while some were long past their three-score and ten, and a few bordered on ninety. The funds are raised by the sale of tickets (to be given by the purchasers to such old people they think deserve it), and by subscriptions, the recipients of the treat not only having that enjoyment, but also take home with them warm clothing and other usefuls suited to their time of life.
Prevention of Cruelty to Animals.—Birmingham Society for this purpose was established in 1852, and its officers have frequently been the means of punishing inhuman brutes who cruelly treated the animals entrusted to their care. Cases of this kind should be reported to Mr. B. Scott, the Society's Secretary, 31, Bennett's Hill. In 1882, 125 persons were summoned, and 107 of them convicted, the year's expenditure being L344.
Religious Tract Society.—A local auxiliary was established here in 1853 in which year L409 were realised, by the sale of books, tracts, and religious periodicals; in 1863 that amount was quadrupled; in 1873 the receipts were nearly L2,000. Last year (1883) the value of the sales reached L2,597, and, in addition, there had been free grants made of more than 13,000 tracts and magazines—the Hospitals, Lunatic Asylums, Workhouses, Police Stations, Cabmen's Rests, &c., being supplied gratuitously.
St. John Ambulance Association.—The Birmingham Branch of this Association was organised in 1881, and some hundreds of both sexes have since then passed the examination, and obtained certificates of their proficiency in ambulance work, and in the treatment of ordinary cases of accident or sudden illness. It would be a good thing if every man and woman in the town had similar knowledge, and would make use of it when occasions require quick thought and ready hand. The secretary is Mr. J.K. Patten, 105, Colmore Row.
St. Thomas's Day Charity.—A very old custom in Edgbaston has been the collection of donations for a Christmas distribution to the poor and old of the parish. Regular accounts have been booked for over fifty years, but how much longer the custom has existed is uncertain. At first, money only was given, afterwards part was given in bread and packets of tea, while of later years a stock of about 500 blankets has been provided for lending out. The receipts per year are about L200.
True Blues.—In 1805 a number of young men who had been brought up at the Blue Coat School and who called themselves the "Grateful Society," united their contributions and presented that charity with L52 10s. 3d. in gratitude for the benefits they had received, a worthy plan which was followed for several years. These same young men originated the "United Society of True Blues" (composed of members who had been reared in the School) for the purpose of forming a fund for the relief of such of their number as might be in distress, and further to raise periodical subscriptions for their old school, part of which is yearly expended in prizes among the children.
Philanthropic and Benevolent Institutions—Birmingham cannot be said ever to have wanted for charitable citizens, as the following list of philanthropic institutions, societies, and trusts will show:—
Blind Institution, Carpenter Road, Edgbaston.—The first establishment in this town for teaching the blind was opened at 113, Broad Street, in March, 1847, with five boarders and twelve day pupils. At Midsummer, in the following year, Islington House was taken, with accommodation for thirteen resident and twelve day scholars, but so well did the public meet the wishes of the patrons and committee of the Institution, that the latter were soon in a position to take upon lease a site for a permanent building (two acres, at L40 a year for 99 years), and on the 23rd of April, 1851, the corner-stone was laid of the present handsome establishment near to Church Road, the total cost of completion being about L7,000. Nearly another L7,000 has since been expended in the erection of workrooms, master's residence, in furniture, musical instruments, tools, &c., and the Institution may be considered in as flourishing a condition as any in the town. The 37th annual report (to Lady-day, 1884), stated that the number of in-door pupils during the past year had been 86—viz., 51 males and 35 females. In the same period 4 paid teachers, 15 out-door blind teachers and workmen, and 4 females had been employed. The number of adult blind residing at their own homes, and visited by the blind teachers engaged in this department of the work was 253. The total number of persons benefited by the institution was therefore 362. The financial statement showed that the expenditure had been L6,067 2s. 7d., of which L1,800 had been invested in Birmingham Corporation Stock. The receipts amounted to L6,403 7s. 9d., leaving a balance of L336 5s. 2d. in the treasurer's hands. The statement of receipts and payments on behalf of the adult blind home-teaching branch, which are kept separately, showed a balance due to the treasurer of L71 5s. 9d.
Bloomsbury Institution.—Commencing in 1860 with a small school, Mr. David Smith has gradually founded at Bloomsbury an institution which combines educational, evangelistic, and missionary agencies of great value to the locality. The premises include a mission hall, lecture room, class rooms, &c., in addition to Cottage Homes for orphan and destitute children, who are taught and trained in a manner suited to the future intended for them in Canada. The expenditure of the Institution is now about L1,500 a year, but an amount equal to that is wanted for enlargement of buildings, and other philanthropists will do well to call upon their brother Smith.
Children's Day Nursery, The Terrace, Bishopgate Street, was first opened in 1870, to take care of the children in cases where the mothers, or other guardians, have to go to work.
About 6,000 of the little ones are yearly looked after, at a cost of somewhat under L200. Parties wishing to thus shelter their children must prove the latter's legitimacy, and bring a recommendation from employer or some one known to the manager.
Children's Emigration Homes, St. Luke's Road.—Though ranking among our public institutions, the philanthropic movement of picking up the human waifs and strays of our dirty back streets may be said to have hitherto been almost solely the private work of our benevolent townsman, Mr. Middlemore. The first inmate received at the Homes (in 1872) was a boy who had already been in prison three times, and the fact that that boy is now a prosperous man and the owner of a large farm in Canada, should be the best of all claims to the sympathy and co operation of the public in the beneficent work of placing out "Street Arabs" in new homes where they will have equal chances of getting on in the world. The batch of children leaving this town (June 11, 1884), comprised 110 boys and 50 girls, making the total number of 912 sent out by Mr. Middlemore in the twelve years.—In connection with the Bloomsbury Institution there is also a Children's Home, from which 23 children have been sent to Canada, and at which some 30 others are at present being trained ready to go.
Deaf and Dumb Institution, Church Road, Edgbaston.—This is the only institution of its kind within a radius of a hundred miles, and was the second established in England. Its founder was Dr. De Lys, an eminent physician, resident here in 1810, in which year a society was established for its formation. The first house occupied was in Calthorpe Road (1812), Lord Calthorpe giving the use of the premises until the erection of the institution in Church Road, in 1814. The school, at first, would accommodate only a score of pupils, but from time to time additions were made, and in 1858 the whole establishment was remodelled and enlarged, at a cost of L3,000, so that now there is room for 120. The number on the books at Midsummer, 1883, was 109—64 boys and 45 girls. The year's receipt's amounted to L3,152 12s. 4d., and the expenditure to L2,932 12s. 8d. The children, who are elected at the annual meeting of subscribers in September, are received from all parts of the kingdom, but must not be under eight or over thirteen years of age. Subscribers of a guinea have the right of voting at the elections, and the committee have also power to admit children, on an annual payment of L25. The parents or guardians of the elected candidates, must pay L6 per year towards clothing, &c. The office of the Secretary is at City Chambers, 82 New Street.
Friendless Girls.—The Ladies' Association (established 1878) for the recovery of girls who have given way to temptation for a short time, or who have been convicted of a first offence, has been the means of rescuing many from the streets and from a life of crime. The Home is in Spring Road, and Mrs. Pike, Sir Harry's Road, is the treasurer, to whom contributions can be sent; and that they will be welcome is shown by the fact that there is a balance at present against the Institution's funds.
Girls' Home, Bath Row, established in 1851, to provide shelter for young women of good character, when out of situations. A free registry is kept, and over 300 girls avail themselves of the Home every year.
Girls' Training Institution, George Road, Edgbaston, was opened in 1862, to prepare young girls from twelve to fifteen, for domestic service.
Industrial and Reformatory Schools.—Gem Street Industrial School, for the recovery of boys who had began a life of crime, was opened in 1850, and at the close of 1883 it contained 149 boys, under the charge of nine officers.
According to the report of Her Majesty's Inspector, the boys cost 7s. 8d. per head per week, but there was an industrial profit of L601 11s. 4d., L309 0s. 11d. having been received for hire of boys' labour. The Treasury paid L1,350 14s., the rates no less than L1,007 18s. 11d., and subscriptions brought in L83 13s. Of 125 discharges, only 40 per cent, were reported to be doing well, 4 per cent, convicted, 16 per cent, doubtful, and as many as 40 per cent, unknown.—Penn Street School, an establishment of a similar character, was certified in Jan., 1863. There were 60 boys and 5 officers. The boys cost only 5s. 6d. per head per week. The school received L67 16s. 11d. from the Treasury, L275 0s. 10d. from the rates, L93 2s. from subscriptions, and L100 9s. 3d. from the hire of boy labour. There is an industrial profit of L136 19s, 11d. Of 37 discharges 70 per cent, are said to be doing well, 6 per cent, to be re-convicted, 3 per cent, dead, and 21 per cent, unknown.—At Shustoke School, certified in February, 1868, there were 130 boys, under 11 officers. The boys cost 6s. 8d. per head per week. L1,580 17s. 11d. had been received from the Treasury; L1,741 16s. from the rates, of which, however, L1,100 had been spent in building, &c.; industrial profit, L109 3s. 7d. Of 27 discharges 74 per cent, were reported to be doing well, 18 per cent, to be convicted, 4 per cent, to be doubtful, and 4 per cent, to be unknown.—Saltley Reformatory was established in 1852. There were 91 boys under detention and 16 on license at the time of the inspector's visit; 9 officers. This school received L1,371 14s. 3d. from the Treasury, L254 19s. 1d. from the rates, and L99 16s. 6d. from subscriptions. The boys cost 6s 8d. per head per week, and there was L117 9s. 10d. industrial profit, representing the produce of their labour. Of 74 boys discharged in 1879-81, 69 per cent are reported to be doing well, 19 per cent. to be reconvicted, and 12 per cent. unknown.— At Stoke Farm Reformatory, established in 1853, there were 78 boys under detention, in charge of 10 officers; and 19 on license. Stoke received L1,182 19s. 8d. from the Treasury, L102 17s. 6d. from the rates, and L100 from subscriptions. The boys cost 6s. 11d. per head per week, and there was an industrial profit of L18 14s. 11d. Of 62 boys discharged in 1879-81, 76 per cent, were reported to be doing well, 16 per cent. to be convicted of crime, 5 per cent. doubtful, 11/2 per cent. dead, 11/2 per cent. unknown.
Licensed Victuallers' Asylum, Bristol Road, founded in 1848, to receive and maintain for life distressed members of the trade and their wives or widows.—The Secretary is Mr. H.C. Edwards, The Quadrant, New Street.—See. "Trade Societies."
Little Sisters' Home.—Founded in 1864, by three French and two English members of the Catholic "Order of Little Sisters of the Poor," the first home being at one of the large houses in the Crescent, where they sheltered, fed, and clothed about 80 aged or broken-down men and women. In 1874 the Sisters removed to their present establishment, at Harborne, where they minister to nearly double the number. The whole of this large family are provided for out of the scraps and odds-and-ends gathered by the Sisters from private houses, shops, hotels, restaurants, and bars of the town, the smallest scraps of material crusts of bread, remains of meat, even to cigar ends, all being acceptable to the black robed ladies of charity daily seen in the town on their errand of mercy. Though essentially a Catholic institution, the "Little Sisters" bestow their charity irrespective of creed, Protestants being admitted and allowed freely to follow their own religious notions, the only preference made being in favour of the most aged and destitute.
Magdalen Asylum and Refuge.—First established in 1828, the chapel in Broad Street being opened in 1839. Removed to Clarendon Road, Edgbaston, in 1860. There are usually from 35 to 40 inmates, whose labour provides for great part of the yearly expenditure; and it is well that it is so, for the subscriptions and donations from the public are not sent in so freely as could be wished. The treasurer is Mr. S.S. Lloyd.
Medical Mission.—Opened in Floodgate Street, Deritend, in 1875. While resembling other medical charities for the relief of bodily sickness, this mission has for its chief aim the teaching of the Gospel to the sick poor, and in every house that may be visited. That the more worldly part of the mission is not neglected is shown by the fact that the expenditure for the year ending Michaelmas, 1883, reached L643.
Night Refuges.—Mr. A.V. Fordyce, in July, 1880, opened a night asylum in Princess Road, for the shelter of homeless and destitute boys, who were supplied with bed and breakfast. The necessity for such an institution was soon made apparent by larger premises being required, and the old police station, corner of Bradford Street and Alcester Street, was taken. This has been turned into a "Home," and it is never short of occupants, other premises being opened in 1883, close to Deritend Bridge, for the casual night-birds, the most promising of whom are transferred to the Home after a few days' testing. A somewhat similar Refuge for Girls has also been established, and if properly supported by the public, these institutions must result in much good.
Nurses.—Tim Birmingham and Midland Counties' Training Institution for Nurses, organised in 1868, has its "Home" in the Crescent. It was founded for the purpose of bringing skilled nursing to the homes of those who would otherwise be unable to obtain intelligent aid in carrying out the instructions of their medical attendants. The subscription list for 1882 amounted to L282 1s., and the sum to the credit of the nurses pension fund to L525 1s. The committee earnestly appeal for increased support, to enable them to extend the work of the institution, from which at present the services of four nurses are granted to the District Nursing Society, Newhall Street, for attendance on the sick poor. The staff included 66 trained nurses, with 18 probationers, the latter passing for their training through the General, Children's, and Homoeopathic Hospitals. The nurses from the "Home" attend on an average over 500 families in the year, those from the District Society conferring their services on nearly 200 other families.
Protestant Dissenting Charity School, Graham Street.—This is one of the oldest of our philanthropical institutions, having been established in 1760—the first general meeting of subscribers being held June 22, 1761. The first house taken for the purposes of the charity was in New Meeting Street, and both boys and girls were admitted, but since 1813 only girls have received its benefits. These are taken from any locality, and of any Protestant denomination, being housed, fed, clothed, educated and trained for domestic servants. There are usually about 45 to 48 inmates, the cost per child averaging in 1883 (for 56 girls) nearly L20 per head. At the centenary in 1861 a fund of nearly L1,500 was raised by public subscription in aid of the institution, which has but a small income from investments. Subscribers of a guinea per year have the right of nominating and voting for the admission of one child every year. The present home in Graham Street was erected in 1839, and application should be made to the matron for information or for servant girls.
Sanatorium, situated at Blackwell, near Bromsgrove.—This establishment, which cost L15,750, of which L2,000 was given by Miss Ryland, was built to provide a temporary home, with pure air, rest, and nourishing diet for convalescent patients, who otherwise might have had to pine away in the close-built quarters of this and neighbouring towns. The buildings, which will accommodate sixty persons, were opened April 16, 1873, and take the place of a smaller establishment to which Miss Ryland had devoted for some years a house at Sparkbrook. The average number of inmates is put at fifty, and the number who passed through the house in 1883 was 1,052, the expenditure for the year being L1,780 8s. The income was derived from annual subscriptions, L901 10s.; special subscriptions, L347 11s. 6d.; paid by hospitals for maintenance of patients, L192 6s.; grant from the General Hospital, L26 5s.; share of Hospital Saturday collection, L211 Os. 4d. The Secretary, from whom all information can be received as to terms of special and other tickets, is Mr. E.J. Bigwood, 3, Temple Row West.
Servants' Home and Training Institution, established in 1860, finds shelter for a time to as many as 240 young women in the course of a year, many looking upon it as the only home they have when out of a situation. In connection with it is a "training school" and laundry, where a score or more girls are taught. Both parts of the institution pay their way, receipts and expenditure (L180 and L350 respectively) generally balancing. The Servants' Home is at 30, Bath Row, where there is a Registry for servants, and also for sick and monthly nurses.
Town Mission—Established in 1837, and re-modelled in 1850. This institution seeks work in a variety of ways, its agents visiting the homes of the poor, the wards of the Hospitals, the lodging-houses, and even the bedsides of the patients in the smallpox and fever hospitals. In addition to the providing and looking after the "Cabmen's Rests," of which there are sixteen in the town, the Mission employs a Scripture reader specially to deal with the deaf and dumb members of the community, about 200 in number. At the Noel Road Refuge (opened in 1859) about 40 inmates are received yearly, and at Tindal House (opened in 1864) about half that number, the two institutions having (to end of 1883) sheltered 1,331 females, of whom nearly a thousand have been brought back to moral and industrious habits. The income of the Society for 1883 was L1,690 17s. 3d., the expenditure being a little over that amount, though the laundries connected with the Refuges more than pay their way. The office is at the Educational Chambers; 90, New Street.
Young Men's Christian Association.—Instituted in 1849; incorporated in 1873. For many years its meetings were held at the Clarendon Chambers, but when the notorious "Sultan Divan" was closed in Needless Alley, it was taken for the purposes of this institution, the most appropriate change of tenancy that could possibly be desired, the attractions of the glaring dancing-rooms and low-lived racket giving place to comfortable reading-rooms, a cosy library, and healthy amusements. Young men of all creeds may here find a welcome, and strangers to the town will meet friends to guide them in choice of companions, or in securing comfortable homes.—A similar Association is that of the Church of England Y.M.C.A., at 30, Paradise Street, which was commenced in 1849, and numbers several hundred members.—At a Conference held Nov. 24, 1880, it was decided to form a Midland District Union of Y.M.C.A.s in this and the surrounding counties.
Young Women's Christian Association, 3, Great Charles Street.—The idea of forming an institute for young women was first mooted in 1874, a house being taken for the purpose in Colmore Row in 1876, but it was removed to Great Charles Street in 1882, where lodgings may be obtained for 2s. 6d. a week. From returns sent in from various branches in connection with the Association, it would appear that the number of members in Birmingham was 1,500, which says much or its popularity among the class it was intended to benefit.
Philanthropic Trust Funds.—That our predecessors forgot not charity is well proved, though some of the "Trusts" read strangely in these days.
Apprenticing Poor Boys.—A favourite bequest in past days was the leaving of funds for apprenticing poor lads to useful trades, and when workmen were so scarce and valuable that the strong arm of the law was brought in to prevent their emigrating or removing, doubtless it was a useful charity enough. Now-a-days the majority of masters do not care about the small premiums usually paid out of these trusts, and several such charities have been lost sight of or become amalgamated with others. The funds, however, left by George Jackson, 1696, and by Richard Scott, 1634, are still in the hands of trustees, and to those whom it may concern, Messrs. Horton and Lee, Newhall street, solicitors to both trusts, will give all needful information.
Banner's Charity.—Richard and Samuel Banner, in 1716, left some land at Erdington, towards providing clothing for two old widows and half-a-dozen old men, the balance, if any, to be used in apprenticing poor boys in Birmingham,
Dudley Trust.—Mr. William Dudley, at his decease in 1876 left L100,000 on trust for the purpose of assisting young tradesmen commencing business on their own account, to relieve aged tradesmen of the town who had not succeeded in life, and lastly to benefit the charities of the town. The rules require that applicants must be under fifty years of age; that they must reside within the limits of the borough; that they must not have been set up in business more than three years; that they must give satisfactory proof of their honesty, sobriety, and industry; and that they must give satisfactory security to the Trustees, either personal, viz., by bond with two or more sureties [each surety must give two or three references], or upon freehold, copyhold, or leasehold properties. All these conditions being satisfactorily met, the loans, which will be made free of cost, will bear interest at 2-1/2 per cent. per annum, payable half-yearly, and must be repaid within five years, and if the money is wanted for more than two years, repayments by instalments must then commence. The benefactions to aged persons take the shape of grants, annual or otherwise, not exceeding L20 in any one year, in favour of persons who fulfil the following requirements: They must be of the age of sixty years at least, they must have been tradesmen within the limits of the borough; and they must be able to show to the satisfaction of the Trustees that they are of good character and need assistance, and that they have not received any parochial relief. The Trustees have made several large grants to charitable institutions. Offices: 20, Temple Row.
Fentham's Charity.—In 1712 George Fentham left about one hundred acres of land in Handsworth and Erdington Parishes, in trust, to teach poor children to read, and to clothe poor widows. The property, when devised, was worth L20 per year. At the end of the century it was valued at L100 per year; and it now brings in nearly L460. The twenty children receiving the benefits of this charity are admitted to the Blue Coat School, and are distinguished by their dress of dark green. Some fifty widows yearly share in the clothing gifts. |