Foxalls.—For centuries one of the most prosperous of our local families, having large tanneries in Digbeth as far back as 1570; afterwards as cutlers and ironmongers down to a hundred years ago. They were also owners of the Old Swan, the famous coaching house, and which it is believed was the inn that Prince Rupert and his officers came to when Thomas, the ostler, was shot, through officiously offering to take their horses.
Fox Hunts.—With the exception of the annual exhibition of fox-hounds and other sporting dogs, Birmingham has not much to do with hunting matters, though formerly a red coat or two might often have been seen in the outskirts riding to meets not far away. On one occasion, however, as told the writer by one of these old inhabitants whose memories are our historical textbooks, the inhabitants of Digbeth and Deritend were treated to the sight of a hunt in full cry. It was a nice winter's morning of 1806, when Mr. Reynard sought to save his brush by taking a straight course down the Coventry Road right into town. The astonishment of the shop-keepers may be imagined when the rush of dogs and horses passed rattling by. Round the corner, down Bordesley High Street, past the Crown and Church, over the bridge and away for the Shambles and Corn Cheaping went the fox, and close to his heels followed the hounds, who caught their prey at last near to The Board. "S.D.R.," in one of his chatty gossips anent the old taverns of Birmingham, tells of a somewhat similar scene from the Quinton side of the town, the bait, however, being not a fox, but the trail-scent of a strong red herring, dragged at his stirrup, in wicked devilry, by one of the well-known haunters of old Joe Lindon's. Still, we have had fox-hunts of our own, one of the vulpine crew being killed in St. Mary's Churchyard, Feb. 26, 1873, while another was captured (Sept. 11, 1883) by some navvies at work on the extension of New Street Station. The fox, which was a young one, was found asleep in one of the subways, though how he got to such a strange dormitory is a puzzle, and he gave a quarter-hour's good sport before being secured.
Freemasons.—See "Masonic."
Freeth, the Poet.—The first time Freeth's name appears in the public prints is in connection with a dinner given at his coffee-house, April 17, 1770, to celebrate Wilkes' release from prison. He died September 29, 1808, aged 77, and was buried in the Old Meeting House, the following lines being graved on his tombstone:—
"Free and easy through life 'twas his wish to proceed. Good men he revered, whatever their creed. His pride was a sociable evening to spend, For no man loved better his pipe and his friend."
Friendly Societies are not of modern origin, traces of many having been found in ancient Greek inscriptions. The Romans also had similar societies, Mr. Tomkins, the chief clerk of the Registrar-General, having found and deciphered the accounts of one at Lanuvium, the entrance fee to which was 100 sesterces (about 15s.), and an amphora (or jar) of wine. The payments were equivalent to 2s. a year, or 2d. per mouth, the funeral money being 45s., a fixed portion, 7s. 6d. being set apart for distribution at the burning of the body. Members who did not pay up promptly were struck off the list, and the secretaries and treasurers, when funds were short, went to their own pockets.—The first Act for regulating Friendly Societies was passed in 1795. Few towns in England have more sick and benefit clubs than Birmingham, there not being many public-houses without one attached to them, and scarcely a manufactory minus its special fund for like purposes. The larger societies, of course, have many branches (lodges, courts, &c), and it would be a difficult matter to particularise them all, or even arrive at the aggregate number of their members, which, however, cannot be much less than 50,000; and, if to these we add the large number of what may be styled "annual gift clubs" (the money in hand being divided every year), we may safely put the total at something like 70,000 persons who take this method of providing for a rainy day. The following notes respecting local societies have been culled from blue books, annual reports, and private special information, the latter being difficult to arrive at, in consequence of that curious reticence observable in the character of officials of all sorts, club stewards included.
Artisans at Large.—In March, 1868, the Birmingham artisans who reported on the Paris Exhibition of 1867, formed themselves into a society "to consider and discuss, from an artisan point of view, all such subjects as specially affect the artisan class; to promote and seek to obtain all such measures, legislative or otherwise, as shall appear beneficial to that class; and to render to each other mutual assistance, counsel, or encouragement." Very good, indeed! The benefits which have arisen from the formation of this society are doubtless many, but as the writer has never yet seen a report, he cannot record the value of the mutual assistance rendered, or say what capital is left over of the original, fund of counsel and encouragement.
Barbers.—A few knights of the razor in 1869 met together and formed a "Philanthropic Society of Hairdressers," but though these gentlemen are proverbial for their gossiping propensities, they tell no tales out of school, and of their charity boast not.
Butchers.—A Butchers' Benefit and Benevolent Association was founded in 1877.
Coaldealers.—The salesmen of black diamonds have a mutual benefit association, but as the secretary declines to give any information, we fear the mutual benefit consists solely of helping each other to keep the prices up.
Cannon Street Male Adult Provident Institution was established in 1841. At the expiration of 1877 there were 8,994 members, with a balance in hand of L72,956 15s. 5d. The total received from members to that date amounted to L184,900, out of which L131,400 had been returned in sick pay and funeral benefits, the payments out varying from 4s. to 20s. a week in sickness, with a funeral benefit of L20, L8 being allowed on the death of a wife.
Carr's Lane Provident Institution was commenced in 1845, and has 299 male and 323 female members, with a capital of L5,488, the amount paid in 1883 on account of sickness being L242, with L54 funeral money.
Chemistry.—A Midland Counties' Chemists' Association was formed in May, 1869.
Christ Church Provident Institution was established in 1835, and at the end of 1883, there were 646 male and 591 female members; during the year L423 had been paid among 138 members on account of sickness, besides L25 for funerals. Capital about L5,800. A junior or Sunday school branch also exists.
Church of the Saviour Provident Institution was started in 1857.
Church School Teachers.—The Birmingham and District Branch of the Church Schoolmaster's and Schoolmistresses' Benevolent Institution was formed in 1866, and the members contribute about L250 per year to the funds.
Druids.—The order of Druids has five Lodges here, with nearly 400 members. The United Ancient Order of Druids has twenty-one Lodges, and about 1,400 members.
Ebenezer Chapel Sick Society was established in 1828. Has 135 members, whose yearly payments average 32s. 6d., out of which 17s. dividend at Christmas comes back, the benefits being 10s. a week in sickness and L10 at death.
Foresters.—In 1745 a few Yorkshire-men started "The Ancient Order of Royal Foresters," under which title the associated Courts remained until 1834, when a split took place. The secessionists, who gave the name of "Honour" to their No. 1 Court (at Ashton-under-Lyne), declined the honour of calling themselves "Royal," but still adhered to the antique part of their cognomen. The new "Ancient Order of foresters" throve well, and, leaving their "Royal" friends far away in the background, now number 560,000 members, who meet in nearly 7,000 Courts. In the Birmingham Midland District them are 62 courts, with about 6,200 members, the Court funds amounting to L29,900, and the District funds to L2,200. The oldest Court in this town is the "Child of the Forest," meeting at the Gem Vaults, Steelhouse Lane, which was instituted in 1839. The other Courts meet at the Crown and Anchor, Gem Street; Roebuck, Lower Hurst Street; Queen's Arms, Easy Row; White Swan, Church Street; Red Cow, Horse Fair; Crown, Broad Street; White Hart, Warstone Lane; Rose and Crown, Summer Row; Red Lion, Suffolk Street; Old Crown, Deritend; Hope and Anchor, Coleshill Street; Black Horse, Ashted Row; Colemore Arms, Latimer Street South; Anchor, Bradford Street; Army and Navy Inn, Great Brook Street; Red Lion, Smallbrook Street; Union Mill Inn, Holt Street; Vine, Lichfield Road; Wellington, Holliday Street; Ryland Arms, Ryland Street; Star and Garter, Great Hampton Row; Oak Tree, Selly Oak; Station Inn, Saltley Road; Drovers' Arms, Bradford Street; Old Nelson, Great Lister Street; Ivy Green, Edward Street; Iron House, Moor Street; Green Man, Harborne; Fountain, Wrentham Street; King's Arms, Sherlock Street; Shareholders' Arms, Park Lane; Shakespeare's Head, Livery Street; Criterion, Hurst Street; Acorn, Friston Street; Hen and Chickens, Graham Street; Albion, Aston Road; Dog and Partridge, Tindal Street; White Horse, Great Colmore Street; Carpenters' Arms, Adelaide Street; Small Arms Inn, Muntz Street; Weymouth Arms, Gerrard Street; General Hotel, Tonk Street; Railway Tavern, Hockley; Noah's Ark, Montague Street; Sportsman, Warwick Road; Roebuck, Monument Road; Bull's Head, Moseley; Swan Inn, Coleshill; Hare and Hounds, King's Heath; Roebuck, Erdington; Fox and Grapes, Pensnett; Hazelwell Tavern, Stirchley Street; Round Oak and New Inn, Brierley Hill; The Stores, Oldbury; and at the Crosswells Inn, Five Ways, Langley.
General Provident and Benevolent Institution was at first (1833) an amalgamation of several Sunday School societies. It has a number of branches, and appears to be in a flourishing condition, the assets, at end of 1883, amounting to over L48,000, with a yearly increment of about L1,400; the number of members in the medical fund being 5,112.
Grocers.—These gentlemen organised a Benevolent Society, in 1872.
Independent Order of Rechabites.—Dwellers in tents, and drinkers of no wine, were the original Rechabites, and there are about a score of "tents" in this district, the oldest being pitched in this town in 1839, and, as friendly societies, they appear to be doing, in their way, good service, like their friends who meet in "courts" and "lodges," the original "tent's" cashbox having L675 in hand for cases of sickness, while the combined camp holds L1,600 wherewith to bury their dead.
Jewellers' Benevolent Association dates from Oct. 25, 1867.
Medical.—A Midland Medical Benevolent Society has been in existence since 1821. The annual report to end of 1883 showed invested funds amounting to L10,937, there being 265 benefit members and 15 honorary.
Musical.—The Birmingham Musical Society consists almost solely of members of the Choral Society, whose fines, with small subscriptions from honorary members, furnishes a fund to cover rehearsal, and sundry choir expenses as well as 10s in cases of sickness.
New Meeting Provident Institution was founded in 1836, but is now connected with the Church of the Messiah. A little over a thousand members, one-third of whom are females.
Oddfellows.—The National Independent Order of Oddfellows, Birmingham Branch, was started about 1850. At the end of 1879 there were 1,019 members, with about L4,500 accumulated funds.
The Birmingham District of the Manchester Unity of Oddfellows in January, 1882, consisted of 43 lodges, comprising 4,297 members, the combined capital of sick and funeral funds being L42,210. Tho oldest Lodge in the District is the "Briton's Pride," which was opened in 1827.
The first Oddfellows' Hall was in King Street, but was removed when New Street Station was built. The new Oddfellows' Hall in Upper Temple Street was built in 1849, by Branson and Gwyther, from the designs of Coe and Goodwin (Lewisham, Kent), at a cost of L3,000. Tim opening was celebrated by a dinner on December 3rd, same year. The "Hall" will accommodate 1,000 persons. The Oddfellows' Biennial Moveable Committee met in this town on May 29th, 1871.
The M.U. Lodges meet at the following houses:—Fox, Fox Street; White Horse, Congreve Street; Swan-with-two-Necks, Great Brook Street; Albion, Cato Street North; Hope and Anchor, Coleshill Street; 13, Temple Street; Wagon and Horses, Edgbaston Street; Crystal Palace, Six Ways, Smethwick; The Vine, Harborne; Prince Arthur, Arthur Street, Small Heath; George Hotel, High Street, Solihull; Bell, Phillip Street; Bull's Head, Digbeth; Edgbaston Tavern, Lee Bank, Road; The Stork, Fowler Street, Nechells; Three Tuns, Digbeth; Town Hall, Sutton Coldfield; Coffee House, Bell Street; Coach and Horses, Snow Hill; Roe Buck, Moor Street; Drovers' Arms, Bradford Street; Co-operative Meeting Room, Stirchley Street; Black Lion, Coleshill Street; Queen's Head, Handsworth; No. 1 Coffee House, Rolfe Street, Smethwick; New Inn, Selly Oak; Wagon and Horses, Greet; Talbot, Yardley; Saracen's Head, Edgbaston Street; Dolphin, Unett Street; Grand Turk, Ludgate Hill; Roebuck, Moor Street; White Swan, Church Street; White Lion, Thorpe Street; Queen's Arms, Easy Row; Rose and Crown, Wheeler Street, Lozells.
The National Independent Order was instituted in 1845, and registered under the Friendly Societies' Act, 1875. The Order numbers over 60,000 members, but its strongholds appear to be in Yorkshire and Lancashire, which two counties muster between them nearly 40,000. In Birmingham district, there are thirteen "lodges," with a total of 956 members, their locations being at the Criterion, Hurst Street; Bricklayers' Arms, Cheapside; Ryland Arms, Ryland Street; Sportsman, Moseley Street; Iron House, Moor Street; Exchange Inn, High Street; Red Lion, Smallbrook Street; Woodman, Summer Lane; Emily Arms, Emily Street; Boar's Head, Bradford Street; Turk's Head, Duke Street; Bird-in-Hand, Great King Street; Tyburn House, Erdington.
Old Meeting Friendly Fund was commenced in 1819, and registered in 1824. Its capital at the close of the first year, was L5 14s. 10-1/2d.; at end of the tenth year (1828) it was nearly L264; in 1838, L646; in 1848, L1,609; in 1858, L3,419; 1868, L5,549; in 1878, L8,237; and at the end of 1883, L9,250 16s. 2d.;—a very fair sum, considering the numbers only numbered 446, the year's income being L877 and the out-goings L662.
Railway Guards' Friendly Fund was originated in this town in 1848. It has nearly 2,200 members; the yearly disbursements being about L6,000, and the payments L40 at death, with life pensions of 10s. and upwards per week to members disabled on the line. More than L85,000 has been thus distributed since the commencement.
Roman Catholic.—A local Friendly Society was founded in 1794, and a Midland Association in 1824.
Shepherds.—The Order of Shepherds dates from 1834, but we cannot get at the number of members, &c. August 9, 1883 (according to Daily Post), the High Sanctuary meeting of the Order of Shepherds was held in our Town Hall, when the auditor's report showed total assets of the general fund, L921 15s. 4d., and liabilities L12 6s. 9-1/2d. The relief fund stood at L292 18s. 8d., being an increase of L66 0s. 11d. on the year; and there was a balance of L6 13s. 9-1/2d. to the credit of the sick and funeral fund.
St. David's Society.—The members held their first meeting March 1, 1824.
St. Patrick's Benefit Society, dating from 1865 as an offshoot of the Liverpool Society, had at end of 1882, 3,144 members, the expenditure of the year was L857 (L531 for funerals), and the total value of the society L2,030.
Unitarian Brotherly Society, registered in 1825, has about 500 members, and a capital of L8,500.
United Brothers.—There are nearly 100 lodges and 10,000 members of societies under this name in Birmingham and neighbourhood, some of the lodges being well provided for capital, No. 4 having L8,286 to 186 members.
United Family Life Assurance and Sick Benefit Society claims to have some 8,500 members, 750 of whom reside in Birmingham.
United Legal Burial Society, registered in 1846, like the above, is a branch only.
Union Provident Sick Society.—Founded 1802, enrolled in 1826 and certified in 1871, had then 3,519 members and a reserve fund of L8,269. At end of 1883 the reserve fund stood at L15,310 16s. 9d., there having been paid during the year L4,768 17s. 2d. for sick pay and funerals, besides 15s. dividend to each member.
There are 15,379 Friendly Societies or branches in the kingdom, numbering 4,593,175 members, and their funds amounted to (by last return) L12,148,602.
Friends (The Society of).—Quakerism was publicly professed here in 1654, George Fox visiting the town the following year and in 1657. The triends held their first "meetings" in Monmouth Street in 1659. The meeting-house in Bull Street was built in 1703, and was enlarged several times prior to 1856, when it was replaced by the present edifice which will seat about 800 persons. The re-opening took place January 25, 1857. The burial-ground in Monmouth Street, where the Arcade is now, was taken by the Great Western Railway Co. in 1851, the remains of over 300 departed Friends being removed to the yard of the meeting-house in Bull Street.
Froggery.—Before the New Street Railway Station was built, a fair slice of old Birmingham had to be cleared away, and fortunately it happened to be one of the unsavoury portions, including the spot known as "The Froggery." As there was a Duck Lane close by, the place most likely was originally so christened from its lowlying and watery position, the connection between ducks and frogs being self-apparent.
Frosts.—Writing on Jan. 27, 1881, the late Mr. Plant said that in 88 years there had been only four instances of great cold approaching comparison with the intense frost then ended; the first was in January, 1795; the next in December and January, 1813-14; then followed that of January, 1820. The fourth was in December and January, 1860-61; and, lastly, January, 1881. In 1795 the mean temperature of the twenty-one days ending January 31st was 24.27 degrees; in 1813-14, December 29th to January 18th, exclusively, 24.9 degrees; in 1820, January 1st to 21st, inclusively, 23.7 degrees; in 1860-61, December 20th to January 9th, inclusively, 24.5 degrees; and in 1881, January 7th to 27th, inclusively, 23.2 degrees. Thus the very coldest three weeks on record in this district, in 88 years, is January, 1881. With the exception of the long frost of 1813-4, which commenced on the 24th December and lasted three months, although so intense in their character, none of the above seasons were remarkable for protracted duration. The longest frosts recorded in the present century were as follows:—1813-14, December to March. 13 weeks; 1829-30, December, January, February, 10 weeks; 1838, January, February, 8 weeks; 1855, January, February, 7 weeks; 1878-79, December, January, February, 10 weeks.
Funny Notions.—The earliest existing statutes governing our Free Grammar of King Edward VI. bear the date of 1676. One of these rules forbids the assistant masters to marry.—In 1663 (temp. Charles II.) Sir Robert Holte, of Aston, received a commission from Lord Northampton, "Master of His Majesty's leash," to take and seize greyhounds, and certain other dogs, for the use of His Majesty!—The "Dancing Assembly," which was to meet on the 30th January, 1783, loyally postponed their light fantastic toeing, "in consequence of that being the anniversary of the martyrdom of Charles I."—In 1829, when the Act was passed appointing Commissioners for Duddeston and Nechells, power was given for erecting gasworks, provided they did not extend over more than one acre, and that no gas was sent into the adjoining parish of Birmingham.—A writer in Mechanics' Magazine for 1829, who signed his name as "A. Taydhill, Birmingham," suggested that floor carpets should be utilized as maps where with to teach children geography. The same individual proposed that the inhabitants of each street should join together to buy a long pole, or mast, with a rope and pulley, for use as a fireescape, and recommended them to convey their furniture in or out of the windows with it, as "good practice."—A patent was taken out by Eliezer Edwards, in 1853, for a bedstead fitted with a wheel and handle, that it might be used as a wheelbarrow.—Sergeant Bates, of America, invaded Birmingham, Nov. 21, 1872, carrying the "stars and stripes," as a test of our love for our Yankee cousins.
Funeral Reform.—An association for doing away with the expensive customs so long connected with the burying of the dead, was organised in 1875, and slowly, but surely, are accomplishing the task then entered upon. At present there are about 700 enrolled members, but very many more families now limit the trappings of woe to a more reasonable as well as economical exhibit of tailors' and milliners' black.
Furniture.—Judging from some old records appertaining to the history of a very ancient family, who, until the town swallowed it up, farmed a considerable portion of the district known as the Lozells, or Lowcells, as it was once called, even our well-to-do neighbours would appear to have been rather short of what we think necessary household furniture. As to chairs in bedrooms, there were often none; and if they had chimnies, only movable grates, formed of a few bars resting on "dogs." Window-curtains, drawers, carpets, and washing-stands, are not, according to our recollection, anywhere specified; and a warming-pan does not occur till 1604, and then was kept in the bed-room. Tongs appear as annexations of grates, without poker or shovel; and the family plate-chest was part of bed-room furniture. Stools were the substitutes for chairs in the principal sitting-room, in the proportion of even twenty of the former to two of the latter, which were evidently intended, par distinction, for the husband and wife.
Galton.—The family name of a once well-known firm of gun, sword, and bayonet makers, whose town-house was in Steelhouse Lane, opposite the Upper Priory. Their works were close by in Weaman Street, but the mill for grinding and polishing the barrels and blades was at Duddeston, near to Duddeston Hall, the Galton's country-house. It was this firm's manufactury that Lady Selbourne refers to in her "Diary," wherein she states that in 1765 she went to a Quaker's "to see the making of guns." The strange feature of members of the peace-loving Society of Friends being concerned in the manufacture of such death-dealing implements was so contrary to their profession, that in 1796, the Friends strongly remonstrated with the Galtons, leading to the retirement of the senior partner from the trade, and the expulsion of the junior from the body. The mansion in Steelhouse Lane was afterwards converted into a banking-house; then used for the purposes of the Polytechnic Institution; next, after a period of dreary emptiness, fitted up as the Children's Hospital, after the removal of which to Broad Street, the old house has reverted to its original use, as the private abode of Dr. Clay.
Gambetta.—The eminent French patriot was fined 2,000 francs for upholding the freedom of speech and the rights of the press, two things ever dear to Liberal Birmingham, and it was proposed to send him the money from here as a mark of esteem and sympathy. The Daily Post took the matter in hand, and, after appealing to its 40,000 readers every day for some weeks, forwarded (November 10, 1877) a draft for L80 17s. 6d.
Gaols.—The Town Gaol, or Lockup, at the back of the Public Office, in Moor-street, was first used in September, 1806. It then consisted of a courtyard, 59 ft. by 30 ft. (enclosed by a 26 ft. wall) two day rooms or kitchens, 14 ft. square, and sixteen sleeping cells, 8 ft. by 6 ft. The prisoners' allowance was a pennyworth of bread and a slice of cheese twice a day, and the use of the pump. Rather short commons, considering the 4 lb. loaf often sold at 1s. The establishment, which is vastly improved and much enlarged, is now used only as a place of temporary detention or lockup, where prisoners are first received, and wait their introduction to the gentlemen of the bench. The erection of the Borough Gaol was commenced on October 29, 1845, and it was opened for the reception of prisoners, October 17, 1849, the first culprit being received two days afterwards. The estimated cost was put at L51,447, but altogether it cost the town about L90,000, about L70,000 of which has been paid off. In the year 1877, three prisoners contrived to escape; one, John Sutcliffe, who got out on July 25, not being recaptured till the 22nd of January following. The others were soon taken back home. The gaol was taken over by the government as from April 1, 1878, Mr. J.W. Preston, being appointed Governor at a salary of L510, in place of Mr. Meaden, who had received L450, with certain extras.—See "Dungeon" and "Prisons." The new County Goal at Warwick was first occupied in 1860.
Gaol Atrocities.—The first Governor appointed to the Borough Gaol was Captain Maconochie, formerly superintendent over the convicts at Norfolk Island in the days of transportation of criminals. He was permitted to try as an experiment a "system of marks," whereby a prisoner, by his good conduct and industry, could materially lessen the duration of his punishment, and, to a certain extent improve his dietary. The experiment, though only tried with prisoners under sixteen, proved very successful, and at one time hopes were entertained that the system would become general in all the gaols of the kingdom. So far as our gaol was concerned, however, it proved rather unfortunate that Captain Maconochie, through advancing age and other causes, was obliged to resign his position (July, 1851), for upon the appointment of his successor, Lieutenant Austin, a totally opposite course of procedure was introduced, a perfect reign of terror prevailing in place of kindness and a humane desire to lead to the reformation of criminals. In lieu of good marks for industry, the new Governor imposed heavy penal marks if the tasks set them were not done to time, and what these tasks were may be gathered from the fact that in sixteen months no less than fifteen prisoners were driven to make an attempt on their lives, through the misery and torture to which they were exposed, three unfortunates being only too successful. Of course such things could not be altogether hushed up, and after one or two unsatisfactory "inquiries" had been held, a Royal Commission was sent down to investigate matters. One case out of many will be sufficient sample of the mercies dealt out by the governor to the poor creatures placed under his care. Edward Andrews, a lad of 15, was sent to gaol for three months (March 28, 1853) for stealing a piece of beef. On the second day he was put to work at "the crank," every turn of which was equal to lifting a weight of 20lbs., and he was required to make 2,000 revolutions before he had any breakfast, 4,000 more before dinner, and another 4,000 before supper, the punishment for not completing either of these tasks being the loss of the meal following. The lad failed on many occasions, and was fed almost solely on one daily, or, rather, nightly allowance of bread and water. For shouting he was braced to a wall for hours at a time, tightly cased in a horrible jacket and leather collar, his feet being only moveable. In this position, when exhausted almost to death, he was restored to sensibility by having buckets of water thrown over him. What wonder that within a month he hung himself. A number of similar cases of brutality were proved, and the Governor thought it best to resign, but he was not allowed to escape altogether scot free, being tried at Warwick on several charges of cruelty, and being convicted, was sentenced by the Court of Queen's Bench to a term of three months' imprisonment.
Garibaldi.—At a meeting of the Town Council, April 5, 1865, it was resolved to ask Garibaldi to pay a visit to this town, but he declined the honour, as in the year previous he had similarly declined to receive an offered town subscription.
Garrison.—Though a strong force was kept in the Barracks in the old days of riot and turbulence, it is many years since we have been favoured with more than a single company of red coats at a time, our peaceful inland town not requiring a strong garrison.
Gardens.—A hundred to 150 years ago there was no town in England better supplied with gardens than Birmingham, almost every house in what are now the main thoroughfares having its plot of garden ground. In 1731 there were many acres of allotment gardens (as they came to be called at a later date) where St. Bartholomew's Church now stands, and in almost every other direction similar pieces of land were to be seen under cultivation. Public tea gardens were also to be found in several quarters of the outskirts; the establishment known as the Spring Gardens closing its doors July 31, 1801. The Apollo Tea Gardens lingered on till 1846, and Beach's Gardens closed in September, 1854.
Gas.—William Murdoch is generally credited with the introduction of lighting by gas, but it is evident that the inflammability of the gas producible from coal was known long before his day, as the Rev. Dr. John Clayton, Dean of Kildare, mentioned it in a letter he wrote to the Hon. Robert Boyle, in 1691. The Dr.'s discovery was probably made during his stay in Virginia, and another letter of his shows the probability of his being aware that the gas would pass through water without losing its lighting properties. The discovery has also been claimed as that of a learned French savant but Murdoch must certainly take the honour of being the first to bring gas into practical use at his residence, at Redruth, in 1792, and it is said that he even made a lantern to light the paths in his evening walks, the gas burned in which was contained in a bag carried under his arm, his rooms being also lit up from a bag of gas placed under weights. The exact date of its introduction in this neighbourhood has not been ascertained though it is believed that part of the Soho Works were fitted with gas-lights in 1798, and, on the occurrence of the celebration of the Peace of Amiens, in 1802, a public exhibition was made of the new light, in the illumination of the works. The Gazette of April 5, 1802 (according to extract by Dr. Langford, in his "Century of Birmingham Life") described the various devices in coloured lamps and transparencies, but strangely enough does not mention gas at all. Possibly gas was no longer much of a novelty at Soho, or the reporter might not have known the nature of the lights used, but there is the evidence of Mr. Wm. Matthews, who, in 1827 published an "Historical Sketch of Gaslighting," in which he states that he had "the inexpressible gratification of witnessing, in 1802, Mr. Murdoch's extraordinary and splendid exhibition of gaslights at Soho." On the other hand, the present writer was, some years back, told by one of the few old Soho workmen then left among us, that on the occasion referred to the only display of gas was in the shape of one large lamp placed at one end of the factory, and then called a "Bengal light," the gas for which was brought to the premises in several bags from Mr. Murdoch's own house. Though it has been always believed that the factory and offices throughout were lighted by gas in 1803, very soon after the Amiens illumination, a correspondent to the Daily Post has lately stated that when certain of his friends went to Soho, in 1834, they found no lights in use, even for blowpipes, except oil and candles and that they had to lay on gas from the mains of the Birmingham and Staffordshire Gas Company in the Holyhead Road. If correct, this is a curious bit of the history of the celebrated Soho, as other manufacturers were not at all slow in introducing gas for working purposes as well as lighting, a well-known tradesman, Benjamin Cook, Caroline Street, having fitted up retorts and a gasometer on his premises in 1808, his first pipes being composed of old or waste gun-barrels, and he reckoned to clear a profit of L30 a year, as against his former expenditure for candles and oil. The glassworks of Jones, Smart, and Co., of Aston Hill, were lit up by gas as early as 1810, 120 burners being used at a nightly cost of 4s. 6d., the gas being made on the premises from a bushel of coal per day. The first proposal to use gas in lighting the streets of Birmingham was made in July 1811, and here and there a lamp soon appeared, but they were supplied by private firms, one of whom afterwards supplied gas to light the chapel formerly on the site of the present Assay Office, taking it from their works in Caroline Street, once those of B. Cook before-mentioned. The Street Commissioners did not take the matter in hand till 1815, on November 8 of which year they advertised for tenders for lighting the streets with gas instead of oil. The first shop in which gas was used was that of Messrs. Poultney, at the corner of Moor Street, in 1818, the pipes being laid from the works in Gas Street by a private individual, whose interest therein was bought up by the Birmingham Gaslight Company. The principal streets were first officially lighted by gas-lamps on April 29, 1826, but it was not until March, 1843, that the Town Council resolved that that part of the borough within the parish of Edgbaston should be similarly favoured.
Gas Companies.—The first, or Birmingham Gaslight Co. was formed in 1817, incorporated in 1819, and commenced business by buying up the private adventurer who built the works in Gas Street. The Company was limited to the borough of Birmingham, and its original capital was L32,000, which, by an Act obtained in 1855, was increased to L300,000, and borrowing powers to L90,000 more, the whole of which was raised or paid up. In the year 1874 the company supplied gas through 17,000 meters, which consumed 798,000,000 cubic feet of gas. The Birmingham and Staffordshire Gas Co. was established in 1825, and had powers to lay their mains in and outside the borough. The original Act was repealed in 1845, the company being remodelled and started afresh with a capital of L320,000, increased by following Acts to L670,000 (all called up by 1874), and borrowing powers to L100,000, of which, by the same year L23,000 had been raised. The consumption of gas in 1874 was 1,462,000,000 cubic feet, but how much of this was burnt by the company's 19,910 Birmingham customers, could not be told. The two companies, though rivals for the public favour, did not undersell one another, both of them charging 10/-per 1,000 feet in the year 1839, while in 1873 large consumers were only charged 2/3 per 1,000 feet, the highest charge being 2/7. The question of buying out both of the Gas Companies had been frequently mooted, but it was not until 1874 that any definite step was taken towards the desired end. On April 17th, 1874, the burgesses recorded 1219 votes in favour of Mr. Joseph Chamberlain's proposition to purchase the Gas [and the Water] Works, 683 voting against it. On Jan. 18th, 1875, the necessary Bills were introduced into the House of Commons, and on July 15th and 19th, the two Acts were passed, though not without some little opposition from the outlying parishes and townships heretofore supplied by the Birmingham and Staffordshire Co., to satisfy whom a clause was inserted, under which Walsall, West Bromwich, &c., could purchase the several mains and works in their vicinity, if desirous to do so. The Birmingham Gas Co. received from the Corporation L450,000, of which L136,890 was to be left on loan at 4%, as Debenture Stock, though L38,850 thereof has been kept in hand, as the whole was redeemable within ten years. The balance of L313,000 was borrowed from the public at 4%, and in some cases a little less. The Birmingham and Staffordshire Gas Co. were paid in Perpetual Annuities, amounting to L58,290 per year, being the maximum dividends then payable on the Co.'s shares, L10,906 was returned as capital not bearing interest, L15,000 for surplus profits, L30,000 the half-year's dividend, and also L39,944 5s. 4d. the Co's Reserve Fund. The total cost was put down as L1,900,000. The Annuities are redeemable by a Sinking Fund in 85 years. For their portion of the mains, service pipes, works, &c. formerly belonging to the Birmingham and Staffordshire Company, the Walsall authorities pay the Corporation an amount equivalent to annuities valued at L1,300 per year; Oldbury paid L22,750, Tipton L34,700, and West Bromwich L70,750.
Gas Fittings.—Curious notions appear to have been at first entertained as to the explosive powers of the new illuminator, nothing less than copper or brass being considered strong enough for the commonest piping, and it was thought a great innovation when a local manufacturer, in 1812, took out a patent for lead pipes copper-coated. Even Murdoch himself seems to have been in dread of the burning element, for when, in after years, his house at Sycamore Hill changed owners, it was found that the smaller gas pipes therein were made of silver, possibly used to withstand the supposed corrosive effects of the gas. The copper-covered lead pipes were patented in 1819 by Mr. W. Phipson, of the Dog Pool Mills, the present compo being comparatively a modern introduction. Messengers, of Broad Street, and Cook, of Caroline Street (1810-20), were the first manufacturers of gas fittings in this town, and they appear to have had nearly a monopoly of the trade, as there were but three others in it in 1833, and only about twenty in 1863; now their name is legion, gas being used for an infinitude of purposes, not the least of which is by the gas cooking stove, the idea of which was so novel at first that the Secretary of the Gas Office in the Minories at one time introduced it to the notice of the public by having his dinner daily cooked in a stove placed in one of the office windows. An exhibition of gas apparatus of all kinds was opened at the Town Hall, June 5, 1878, and that there is still a wonderful future for development is shown by its being seriously advocated that a double set of mains will be desirable, one for lighting gas, and the other for a less pure kind to be used for heating purposes.
Gas Works.—See "Public Buildings."
Gavazzi.—Father Gavazzi first orated here in the Town Hall, October 20, 1851.
Geographical.—According to the Ordnance Survey, Birmingham is situated in latitude 52 deg. 29', and longitude 1 deg. 54' west.
Gillott.—See "Noteworthy Men."
Girls' Home.—Eighteen years ago several kind-hearted ladies opened a house in Bath Row, for the reception of servant girls of the poorest class, who, through their poverty and juvenility, could not be sheltered in the "Servants' Home," and that such an establishment was needed, is proved by the fact that no less than 334 inmates were sheltered for a time during 1883, while 232 others received help in clothing &c., suited to their wants. The Midland Railway having taken Bath House, the Home has lately been removed to a larger house near the Queen's Hospital, where the managers will be glad to receive any little aid that can be rendered towards carrying on their charitable operations.
Glass.—In the reign of Henry VI. the commonest kind of glass was sold at 2s. the foot, a shilling in those days being of as much value as a crown of today. The earliest note we can find of glass being made here is the year 1785, when Isaac Hawker built a small glasshouse behind his shop at Edgbaston Street. His son built at Birmingham Heath on the site now occupied by Lloyd and Summerfield. In 1798 Messrs. Shakespeare and Johnston had a glasshouse in Walmer Lane. Pressed glass seems to have been the introduction of Rice Harris about 1832, though glass "pinchers" (eleven of them) are named in the Directory of 1780. In 1827 plate-glass sold at 12s. per foot and in 1840 at 6s., ordinary sheet-glass being then 1s. 2d. per foot. There was a duty on plate-glass prior to April 5, 1845, of 2s. 10-1/2d. per foot. The "patent plate" was the invention of Mr. James Chance, and Chance Brothers (of whose works a notice will be found in another part of this book) are the only manufacturers in this country of glass for lighthouse purposes—See also "Trades," &c.
Godwillings.—In olden days when our factors started on their tours for orders, it was customary to send a circular in advance announcing that "God willing" they would call upon their customers on certain specified dates. In the language of the counting-house the printed circulars were called "Godwillings."
Goldschmidt.—Notes of the various visits of Madame Goldschmidt, better known by her maiden name of Jenny Lind, will be found under the heading of "Musical Celebrities."
Good Templars.—The Independent Order of Good Templars, in this town, introduced themselves in 1868, and they now claim to have 90,000 adult members in the "Grand Lodge of England."
Gordon.—Lord George Gordon, whose intemperate actions caused the London Anti-Papist Riots of 1780, was arrested in this town December 7, 1787, but not for anything connected with those disgraceful proceedings. He had been found guilty of a libel, and was arrested on a judge's warrant, and taken from here to London, for contempt of the Court of King's Bench in not appearing when called upon to do so. It has been more than once averred that Lord George was circumcised here, before being admitted to the Jewish community, whose rites and ceremonies, dress and manners, he strictly observed and followed; but he first became a Jew while residing in Holland, some time before he took lodgings in such a classic locality as our old Dudley-street, where he lay hidden for nearly four months, a long beard and flowing gaberdine helping to conceal his identity.
Gough.—Gough Road, Gough Street, and a number of other thoroughfares have been named after the family, from whom the present Lord Calthorpe, inherits his property.—See "Edgbaston Hall."
Grammar School.—See "Schools."
Great Brooke Street takes its name from Mr. Brookes, an attorney of the olden time.
Great Eastern Steamship.—The engines for working the screw propeller, 4 cylinders and 8,500 horse-power (nominal 1,700) were sent out from the Soho Foundry.
Green's Village.—Part of the old [**]ookeries in the neighbourhood of the [**]nkleys.
Grub Street.—The upper part of Old Meeting Street was so called until late years.
Guardians.—See "Poor Law."
Guildhall.—The operative builders commenced to put up an edifice in 1833 which they intended to call "The Guildhall," but it was only half finished when the ground was cleared for the railway. Some of the local antiquaries strongly advocated the adoption of the name "Guildhall" for the block of municipal buildings and Council House, if only in remembrance of the ancient building on whose site, in New Street, the Grammar School now stands.
Guild of the Holy Cross.—Founded in the year 1392 by the "Bailiffs and Commonalty" of the town of Birmingham (answering to our aldermen and councillors), and licensed by the Crown, for which the town paid L50, the purpose being to "make and found a gild and perpetual fraternity of brethren and sustern (sisters), in honour of the Holy Cross," and "to undertake all works of charity, &c., according to the appointment and pleasure of the said bailiffs and commonalty." In course of time the Guild became possessed of all the powers then exercised by the local corporate authorities, taking upon themselves the building of almshouses, the relief and maintenance of the poor, the making and keeping in repair of the highways used by "the King's Majestie's subjects passing to and from the marches of Wales," looking to the preservation of sundry bridges and lords, as well as repair of "two greate stone brydges," &c., &c. The Guild owned considerable portion of the land on which the present town is built, when Henry VIII., after confiscating the revenues and possessions of the monastic institutions, laid hands on the property of such semi-religious establishments as the Guild of the Holy Cross. It has never appeared that our local Guild had done anything to offend the King, and possibly it was but the name that he disliked. Be that as it may, his son, Edward VI., in 1552, at the petition of the inhabitants, returned somewhat more than half of the property, then valued at L21 per annum, for the support and maintenance of a Free Grammar School, and it is this property from which the income of the present King Edward VI.'s Grammar Schools is now derived, amounting to nearly twice as many thousands as pounds were first granted. The Guild Hall or Town's Hall in New Street (then only a bye street), was not quite so large as either our present Town Hall or the Council House, but was doubtless considered at the time a very fine building, with its antique carvings and stained glass windows emblazoned with figures and armorial bearings of the Lords right Ferrers and others. As the Guild had an organist in its pay, it may be presumed that such an instrument was also there, and that alone goes far to prove the fraternity were tolerably well off, as organs in those times were costly and scarce. The old building, for more than a century after King Edward's grant, was used as the school, but even when rebuilt it retained its name as the Guild Hall.
Guns.—Handguns, as they were once termed, were first introduced into this country by the Flemings whom Edward IV. brought over in 1471, but (though doubtless occasional specimens were made by our townsmen before then) the manufacture of small arms at Birmingham does not date further back than 1689, when inquiries were made through Sir Richard Newdigate as to the possibility of getting them made here as good as those coming from abroad. A trial order given by Government in March, 1692, led to the first contract (Jan. 5, 1693) made between the "Officers of Ordnance" and five local manufacturers, for the supply of 200 "snaphance musquets" every month for one year at 17/-each, an additional 3/-per cwt. being allowed for carriage to London. The history of the trade since then would form a volume of itself, but a few facts of special note and interest will be given in its place among "Trades."
Gutta Percha was not known in Europe prior to 1844, and the first specimens were brought here in the following year. Speaking tubes made of gutta percha were introduced early in 1849.
Gymnasium.—At a meeting held Dec. 18, 1865, under the presidency of the Mayor, it was resolved to establish a public gymnasium on a large scale, but an present it is non-existent, the only gymnasium open being that of the Athletic Club at Bingley Hall.
Hackney Coaches were introduced here in 1775. Hutton says the drivers of the first few earned 30s. per day; those of the present day say they do not get half the sum now. Hansom Cabs, the invention, in 1836, of the architect and designer of our Town Hall, were first put on the stands in 1842.
Half-Holiday.—Ten to twelve hours a day, six days a week, used to be the stint for workpeople here and elsewhere. A Saturday Half-holiday movement was begun in 1851, the first employers to adopt the system being Mr. John Frearson, of Gas Street (late of the Waverley Hotel, Crescent), and Mr. Richard Tangye. Wingfields, Brown, Marshall & Co., and many other large firms began with the year 1853, when it maybe said the plan became general.
Handsworth.—Till within the last thirty or forty years, Handsworth was little more than a pleasant country village, though now a well-populated suburb of Birmingham. The name is to be found in the "Domesday Book," but the ancient history of the parish is meagre indeed, and confined almost solely to the families of the lords of the manor, the Wyrleys, Stanfords, &c., their marriages and intermarriages, their fancies and feuds, and all those petty trifles chroniclers of old were so fond of recording. After the erection of the once world-known, but now vanished Soho Works, by Matthew Boulton, a gradual change came o'er the scene; cultivated enclosures taking the place of the commons, enclosed in 1793; Boulton's park laid out, good roads made, water-courses cleared, and houses and mansions springing up on all sides, and so continuing on until now, when the parish (which includes Birchfield and Perry Barr, an area of 7,680 acres in all) is nearly half covered with streets and houses, churches and chapels, alms-houses and stations, shops, offices, schools, and all the other necessary adjuncts to a populous and thriving community. The Local Board Offices and Free Library, situate in Soho Road, were built in 1878 (first stone laid October 30th, 1877), at a cost of L20,662, and it is a handsome pile of buildings. The library contains about 7,000 volumes. There is talk of erecting public swimming and other baths, and a faint whisper that recreation grounds are not far from view. The 1st Volunteer Battalion of the South Staffordshire Regiment have their head-quarters here. Old Handsworth Church, which contained several carved effigies and tombs of the old lords, monuments of Matthew Boulton and James Watt, with bust of William Murdoch, &c., has been rebuilt and enlarged, the first stone of the new building being laid in Aug, 1876. Five of the bells in the tower were cast in 1701, by Joseph Smith, of Edgbaston, and were the first peal sent out of his foundry; the tenor is much older. The very appropriate inscription on the fourth bell is, "God preserve the Church of England as by law established."
Harborne is another of our near neighbours which a thousand years or so ago had a name if nothing else, but that name has come down to present time with less change than is usual, and, possibly through the Calthorpe estate blocking the way, the parish itself has changed but very slowly, considering its close proximity to busy, bustling Birmingham. This apparent stagnation, however, has endeared it to us Brums not a little, on account of the many pleasant glades and sunny spots in and around it. Harborne gardeners have long been famous for growing gooseberries, the annual dinner of the Gooseberry Growers' Society having been held at the Green Man ever since 1815. But Harborne has plucked up heart latterly, and will not much longer be "out of the running." With its little area of 1,412 acres, and only a population of 6,600, it has built itself an Institute (a miniature model of the Midland), with class rooms and reading rooms, with library and with lecture halls, to seat a thousand, at a cost of L6,500, and got Henry Irving to lay the foundation-stone, in 1879. A Masonic Hall followed in 1880, and a Fire Brigade Station soon after. It has also a local railway as well as a newspaper. In the parish church, which was nearly all rebuilt in 1867, there are several monuments of olden date, one being in remembrance of a member of the Hinckley family, from whose name that of our Inkleys is deducible; there is also a stained window to the memory of David Cox. The practice of giving a Christmas treat, comprising a good dinner, some small presents, and an enjoyable entertainment to the aged poor, was begun in 1865, and is still kept up.
Hard Times.—Food was so dear and trade so bad in 1757 that Lord Dartmouth for a long time relieved 500 a week out of his own pocket. In 1782 bread was sold to the poor at one-third under its market value. On the 1st of July, 1795, the lessee of the Theatre Royal, Mr. McCready, gave the proceeds of the night's performance (L161 8s.) for the benefit of the poor. The money was expended in wheat, which was sold free of carriage. Meat was also very scarce on the tables of the poor, and a public subscription was opened by the High Bailiff to enable meat to be sold at 1d. per lb. under the market price, which then ruled at 3d. to 6d. per lb. In November, 1799, wheat was 15s. per bushel. In May, 1800, the distressed poor were supplied with wheat at the "reduced price" of 15s. per bushel, and potatoes at 8s. per peck. Soup kitchens for the poor were opened November 30, 1816, when 3,000 quarts were sold the first day. The poor-rates, levied in 1817, amounted to L61,928, and it was computed that out of a population of 84,000 at least 27,000 were in receipt of parish relief. In 1819 L5,500 was collected to relieve the distressed poor. The button makers were numbered at 17,000 in 1813, two-thirds of them being out of work. 1825 and 1836 were terrible years of poverty and privation in this town and neighbourhood. In 1838, 380,000 doles were made to poor people from a fund raised by public subscription. In the summer of 1840, local trade was so bad that we have been told as many as 10,000 persons applied at one office alone for free passages to Australia, and all unsuccessfully. Empty houses could be counted by the hundred. There was great distress in the winter of 1853-4, considerable amounts being subscribed for charitable relief. In the first three months of 1855, there were distributed among the poor 11,745 loaves of bread, 175,500 pints of soup, and L725 in cash. The sum of L10,328 was subscribed for and expended in the relief of the unemployed in the winter of 1878-79—the number of families receiving the same being calculated at 195,165, with a total of 494,731 persons.
Harmonies.—See "Musical Societies."
Hats and Hatters.—In 1820 there was but one hatter in the town, Harry Evans, and his price for best "beavers" was a guinea and a half, "silks," which first appeared in 1812, not being popular and "felts" unknown. Strangers have noted one peculiarity of the native Brums, and that is their innate dislike to "top hats," few of which are worn here (in comparison to population) except on Sunday, when respectable mechanics churchward-bound mount the chimney pot. In the revolutionary days of 1848, &c., when local political feeling ran high in favour of Pole and Hungarian, soft broad-brimmed felt hats, with flowing black feathers were en regle, and most of the advanced leaders of the day thus adorned themselves. Now, the ladies monopolise the feathers and the glories thereof. According to the scale measure used by hatters, the average size of hats worn is that called 6-7/8, representing one-half of the length and breadth of a man's head, but it has been noted by "S.D.R." that several local worthies have had much larger craniums, George Dawson requiring a 7-1/2 sized hat, Mr. Charles Geach a 7-3/4, and Sir Josiah Mason a little over an 8. An old Soho man once told the writer that Matthew Boulton's head-gear had to be specially made for him, and, to judge from a bust of M.B., now in his possession, the hat required must have been extra size indeed.
Hearth Duty.—In 1663, an Act was passed for the better ordering and collecting the revenue derived from "Hearth Money," and we gather a few figures from a return then made, as showing the comparative number of the larger mansions whose owners were liable to the tax. The return for Birmingham gives a total of 414 hearths and stoves, the account including as well those which are liable to pay as of those which are not liable. Of this number 360 were charged with duty, the house of the celebrated Humphrey Jennens being credited with 25. From Aston the return was but 47, but of these 40 were counted in the Hall and 7 in the Parsonage, Edgbaston showed 37, of which 22 were in the Hall. Erdington was booked for 27, and Sutton Coldfield for 67, of which 23 were in two houses belonging to the Willoughby family. Coleshill would appear to have been a rather warmer place of abode, as there are 125 hearths charged for duty, 30 being in the house of Dame Mary Digby.
Heathfield.—Prior to 1790 the whole of this neighbourhood was open common-land, the celebrated engineer and inventor, James Watt, after the passing of the Enclosure Act being the first to erect a residence thereon, in 1791. By 1794 he had acquired rather more than 40 acres, which, he then planted and laid out as a park. Heathfield House may be called the cradle of many scores of inventions, which, though novel when first introduced, are now but as household words in our everyday life. Watt's workshop was in the garret of the south-east corner of the building, and may be said to be even now in exactly the same state as when his master-hand last touched the tools, but as the estate was lotted out for building purposes in May, 1874, and houses and streets have been built and formed all round it, it is most likely that the "House" itself will soon lose all its historic interest, and the contents of the workshop be distributed among the curiosity mongers, or hidden away on the shelves of some museum. To a local chronicler such a room is as sacred as that in which Shakespeare was born, and in the words of Mr. Sam Timmins, "to open the door and look upon the strange relics there is to stand in the very presence of the mighty dead. Everything in the room remains just as it was left by the fast failing hands of the octogenarian engineer. His well-worn, humble apron hangs dusty on the wall, the last work before him is fixed unfinished in the lathe, the elaborate machines over which his latest thoughts were spent are still and silent, as if waiting only for their master's hand again to waken them into life and work. Upon the shelves are crowds of books, whose pages open no more to those clear, thoughtful eyes, and scattered in the drawers and boxes are the notes and memoranda, and pocket-books, and diaries never to be continued now. All these relics of the great engineer, the skilful mechanic, the student of science, relate to his intellectual and public life; but there is a sadder relic still. An old hair-trunk, carefully kept close by the old man's stool, contains the childish sketches, the early copy-books and grammars, the dictionaries, the school-books, and some of the toys of his dearly-beloved and brilliant son Gregory Watt."
Heraldry.—In the days of the mail-clad knights, who bore on their shields some quaint device, by which friend or foe could tell at sight whom they slew or met in fight, doubtless the "Kings-At-Arms," the "Heralds," and the "Pursuivants" of the College of Arms founded by Richard III. were functionaries of great utility, but their duties nowadays are but few, and consist almost solely of tracing pedigrees for that portion of the community whom our American cousins designate as "shoddy," but who, having "made their pile," would fain be thought of aristocratic descent. In such a Radical town as Birmingham, the study of or and gules, azure and vert, or any of the other significant terms used in the antique science of heraldry, was not, of course, to be expected, unless at the hands of the antiquary or the practical heraldic engraver, both scarce birds in our smoky town, but the least to be looked for would be that the borough authorities should carefully see that the borough coat of arms was rightly blazoned. It has been proved that the town's-name has, at times, been spelt in over a gross of different ways, and if any reader will take the trouble to look at the public buildings, banks, and other places where the blue, red, and gold of the Birmingham Arms shines forth, he will soon be able to count three to four dozen different styles; every carver, painter, and printer apparently pleasing himself how he does it. It has been said that when the question of adopting a coat of arms was on the tapis, the grave and reverend seniors appointed to make inquiries thereanent, calmly took copies of the shields of the De Berminghams and the De Edgbastous, and fitted the "bend lozengy" and the "parti per pale" together, under the impression that the one noble family's cognisance was a gridiron, and the other a currycomb, both of which articles they considered to be exceedingly appropriate for such a manufacturing town as Birmingham. Wiser in their practicability than the gentlemen who designed the present shield, they left the currycomb quarters in their proper sable and argent (black and white), and the gridiron or and gules (a golden grid on a red-hot fire.) For proper emblazonment, as by Birmingham law established, see the cover.
Heathmill Lane.—In 1532 there was a "water mill to grynde corne," called "Heth mill," which in that year was let, with certain lands, called the "Couyngry," by the Lord of the Manor, on a ninety-nine years' lease, at a rent of L6 13s. 4d. per year.
Here we are again!—The London Chronicle of August 14, 1788, quoting from a "gentleman" who had visited this town, says that "the people are all diminutive in size, sickly in appearance, and spend their Sundays in low debauchery," the manufacturers being noted for "a great deal of trick and low cunning as well as profligacy!"
Highland Gathering.—The Birmingham Celtic Society held their first "gathering" at Lower Grounds, August 2, 1879, when the ancient sports of putting stones, throwing hammers, etc., was combined with a little modern bicycling, and steeple-chasing, to the music of the bagpipes.
Hill (Sir Rowland).—See "Noteworthy Men."
Hills.—Like unto Rome this town may be said to be built on seven hills, for are there not Camp Hill and Constitution Hill, Summer Hill and Snow Hill, Ludgate Hill, Hockley Hill, and Holloway Hill (or head). Turner's Hill, near Lye Cross, Rawley Regis is over 100ft. higher than Sedgley Beacon, which is 486ft. above sea level. The Lickey Hills are about 800ft. above same level, but the highest hill within 50 miles of Birmingham is the Worcestershire Beacon, 1395ft. above sea level. The highest mountain in England, Scawfell Pike, has an elevation of 3229ft.
Hailstorms.—In 1760 a fierce hailstorm stripped the leaves and fruit from nearly every tree in the apple orchards in Worcestershire, the hail lying on the ground six to eight inches deep, many of the stones and lumps of ice being three and four inches round. In 1798, many windows at Aston Hall were broken by the hail. A very heavy hailstorm did damage at the Botanical gardens and other places, May 9, 1833. There have been a few storms of later years, but none like unto these.
Hector.—The formation of Corporation Street, and the many handsome buildings erected and planned in its line, have improved off the face of the earth, more than one classic spot, noted in our local history, foremost among which we must place the house of Mr. Hector, the old friend and schoolfellow of Dr. Samuel Johnson. The great lexicographer spent many happy hours in the abode of his friend, and as at one time there was a slight doubt on the matter, it is as well to place on record here that the house in which Hector, the surgeon, resided, was No. 1, in the Old Square, at the corner of the Minories, afterwards occupied by Mr. William Scholefield, Messrs. Jevons and Mellor's handsome pile now covering the spot. The old rate books prove this beyond a doubt. Hector died there on the 2nd of September, 1794, after having practised as a surgeon, in Birmingham, for the long period of sixty-two years. He was buried in a vault at Saint Philip's Church, Birmingham, where, in the middle aisle, in the front of the north gallery, an elegant inscription to his memory was placed. Hector never married, and Mrs. Careless, a clergyman's widow, Hector's own sister, and Johnson's "first love," resided with him, and appears by the burial register of St. Philip's to have died in October, 1788, and to have been buried there, probably in the vault in which her brother was afterwards interred. In the month of November, 1784, just a month before his own decease, Johnson passed a few days with his friend, Hector, at his residence in the Old Square, who, in a letter to Boswell, thus speaks of the visit:—"He" (Johnson) "was very solicitous with me, to recollect some of our most early transactions, and to transmit them to him, for I perceived nothing gave him greater pleasure than calling to mind those days of our innocence. I complied with his request, and he only received them a few days before his death." Johnson arrived in London from Birmingham on the 16th of November, and on the following day wrote a most affectionate letter to Mr. Hector, which concludes as follows:—
"Let us think seriously on our duty. I send my kindest respects to dear Mrs. Careless. Let me have the prayers of both. We have all lived long, and must soon part. God have mercy upon us, for the sake of our Lord Jesus Christ! Amen!"
This was probably nearly the last letter Johnson wrote, for on the 13th of the following month, just twenty-seven days after his arrival in London from Birmingham, oppressed with disease, he was numbered with the dead.
Hinkleys.—Otherwise, and for very many years, known as "The Inkleys," the generally-accepted derivation of the name being taken from the fact that one Hinks at one time was a tenant or occupier, under the Smalbroke family, of the fields or "leys" in that locality, the two first narrow roads across the said farm being respectively named the Upper and the Nether Inkleys, afterwards changed to the Old and New Inkleys. Possibly, however, the source may be found in the family name of Hinckley, as seen in the register of Harborne. A third writer suggests that the character of its denizens being about as black as could be painted, the place was naturally called Ink Leys. Be that as it may, from the earliest days of their existence, these places seem to have been the abode and habitation of the queerest of the queer people, the most aristocratic resident in our local records having been "Beau Green," the dandy—[see "Eccentrics"]—who, for some years, occupied the chief building in the Inkleys, nicknamed "Rag Castle," otherwise Hinkley Hall. The beautiful and salubrious neighbourhood, known as "Green's Village," an offshoot of the Inkleys, was called so in honour of the "Beau."
Hiring a Husband.—In 1815, a Birmingham carpenter, after ill-treating his wife, leased himself to another woman by a document which an unscrupulous attorney had the hardihood to draw up, and for which he charged thirty-five shillings. This precious document bound the man and the woman to live together permanently, and to support and succour each other to the utmost of their power. The poor wife was, of course, no consenting party to this. She appealed to the law; the appeal brought the "lease" before the eyes of the judiciary; the man was brought to his senses (though probably remaining a bad husband), and the attorney received a severe rebuke.
Historical.—A local Historical Society was inaugurated with an address from Dr. Freeman, Nov. 18, 1880, and, doubtless, in a few years the reports and proceedings will be of very great value and interest. The fact that down to 1752 the historical year in England commenced on January 1, while the civil, ecclesiastical, and legal year began on the 25th of March, led to much confusion in dates, as the legislature, the church, and civilians referred every event which took place between January 1 and March 25 to a different year from the historians. Remarkable examples of such confusion are afforded by two well-known events in English history: Charles I. is said by most authorities to have been beheaded January 30, 1648, while others, with equal correctness, say it was January 30, 1649; and so the revolution which drove James II. from the throne is said by some to have taken place in February, 1688, and by others in February, 1689. Now, these discrepancies arise from some using the civil and legal, and others the historical year, though both would have assigned any event occurring after the 25th of March to the same years—viz., 1649 and 1689. To avoid as far as possible mistakes from these two modes of reckoning, it was usual, as often seen in old books or manuscripts, to add the historical to the legal date, when speaking of any day between January 1 and March 25, thus:
8(i.e. 1648, the civil and legal year. Jan.30. 164- ( 9(i.e. 1649 the historical year.
or thus, January 30, 1648-9.
This practice, common as it was for many years, is, nevertheless, often misunderstood, and even intelligent persons are sometimes perplexed by dates so written. The explanation, however, is very simple, for the lower or last figure always indicates the year according to our present calculation.
Hockley Abbey.—Near to, and overlooking Boulton's Pool, in the year 1799 there was a piece of waste land, which being let to Mr. Richard Ford, one of the mechanical worthies of that period, was so dealt with as to make the spot an attraction for every visitor. Mr. Ford employed a number of hands, and some of them he observed were in the habit of spending a great part of their wages and time in dissipation. By way of example to his workmen he laid aside some 12/-to 15/-a week for a considerable period, and when trade was occasionally slack with him, and he had no other occupation for them, he sent his horse and cart to Aston Furnaces for loads of "slag," gathering in this way by degrees a sufficient quantity of this strange building material for the erection of a convenient and comfortable residence. The walls being necessarily constructed thicker than is usual when mere stone or brick is used, the fancy took him to make the place represent a ruined building, which he christened "Hockley Abbey," and to carry out his deceptive notion the date 1473 was placed in front of the house, small pebbles set in cement being used to form the figures. In a very few years by careful training nearly the whole of the building was overgrown with ivy, and few but those in the secret could have guessed at the history of this ruined "abbey." For the house and some fifteen acres of land L100 rent was paid by Mr. Hubert Gallon, in 1816 and following years, exclusive of taxes, and by way of comfort to the heavily-burdened householders of to-day, we may just add that, in addition to all those other duties loyal citizens were then called upon to provide for the exigencies of the Government, the parochial taxes on those premises from Michaelmas, 1816, to Michaelmas, 1817, included two church rates at 30s. each, three highway rates at 30s. each, and thirty-six levies for the poor at 30s. each—a total of L61 10s. in the twelve months.
Hollow Tooth Yard.—At one time commonly called the "Devil's Hollow Tooth Yard." This was the name given to the Court up the gateway in Bull Street, nearest to Monmouth Street.
Holt Street, Heneage Street, Lister Street, &c., are named after the Holte family.
Home Hitting.—The Rev. John Home, a Scotch divine, who visited Birmingham in 1802, said, "it seemed here as if God had created man only for making buttons."
Horse Fair.—Formerly known as Brick-kiln Lane, received its present name from the fairs first held there in 1777.
Horses.—To find out the number of these useful animals at present in Birmingham, is an impossible task; but, in 1873, the last year before its repeal, the amount paid for "horse duty" in the Borough was L3,294 7s. 6d., being at the rate of 10s. 6d. on 6,275 animals.
Hospital Saturday.—The fact of the contributions on Hospital Sundays coming almost solely from the middle and more wealthy classes, led to the suggestion that if the workers of the town could be organised they would not be found wanting any more than their "betters." The idea was quickly taken up, committees formed, and cheered by the munificent offer of L500 from Mr. P.H. Muntz towards the expenses, the first collection was made on March 15th 1873, the result being a gross receipt of L4,705 11s. 3d. Of this amount L490 8s. 10d. was collected from their customers by the licensed victuallers and beerhouse keepers; the gross totals of each year to the present time being—
1873 . . L4,705 11 3 1874 . . 4,123 15 2 1875 . . 3,803 11 8 1876 . . 3,664 13 8 1877 . . 3,200 17 0 1878 . . 3,134 5 0 1879 . . 3,421 10 2 1880 . . 3,760 9 0 1881 . . 3,968 18 7 1882 . . 4,888 18 9 1883 . . 5,489 9 0 1884 . . 6,062 16 6
After deducting for expenses, the yearly amounts are divided, pro rata, according to their expenditures among the several hospitals and similar charities, the proportions in 1883 being:—General Hospital. L1,843 4s. 1d.; Queen's Hospital, L931 8s. 3d.; General Dispensary, L561 1s. 7d.; Children's Hospital, L498 0s. 4d.; Eye Hospital, L345 0s. 4d.; Birmingham and Midland Counties' Sanatorium, L211 0s. 4d., Women's Hospital, L193 1s. 9d.; Homoepathic Hospital, L195 5s. 3d.; Orthopaedic Hospital, L138 13s. 6d.; Lying-in Charity, L67 6s. 5d.; Skin and Lock Hospital, L44 14s. 8d.; Ear and Throat Infirmary, L26 12s. 8d.; Dental Hospital, L9 5s. 3d.; and Birmingham Nursing District Society, L34 17s. 7d. The total sum thus distributed in the twelve years is L48,574 18s. 9d.
Hospital Sunday.—There is nothing new under the sun! Birmingham has the honour of being credited as the birth-place of "Hospital Sundays," but old newspapers tell us that as far back as 1751, when Bath was in its pride and glory, one Sunday in each year was set aside in that city for the collection, at every place of worship, of funds for Bath Hospital; and a correspondent writing to Aris's Gazette recommended the adoption of a similar plan in this town. The first suggestion for the present local yearly Sunday collection for the hospitals appeared in an article, written by Mr. Thos. Barber Wright, in the Midland Counties Herald in October, 1859. A collection of this kind took place on Sunday, the 27th, of that month, and the first public meeting, when arrangements were made for its annual continuance, was held in the Town Hall, December 14th same year, under the presidency of Dr. Miller, who, therefrom, has been generally accredited with being the originator of the plan. The proceeds of the first year's collection were given to the General Hospital, the second year to the Queen's, and the third year divided among the other charitable institutions in the town of a like character, and this order of rotation has been adhered to since.
The following is a list of the gross amounts collected since the establishment of the movement:—
1859 General Hospital..........L5,200 8 10 1860 Queen's Hospital.......... 3,433 6 1 1861 Amalgamated Charities..... 2,953 14 0 1862 General Hospital.......... 8,340 4 7 1863 Queen's Hospital.......... 3,293 5 0 1864 Amalgamated Charities..... 3,178 5 0 1865 General Hospital.......... 4,256 11 11 1866 Queen's Hospital.......... 4,133 2 10 1867 Amalgamated Charities..... 3,654 9 7 1868 General Hospital.......... 4,253 9 11 1869 Queen's Hospital.......... 4,469 1 8 1870 Amalgamated Charities..... 4,111 6 7 1871 General Hospital.......... 4,886 9 2 1872 Queen's Hospital.......... 5,192 2 3 1873 Amalgamated Charities..... 5,370 8 3 1874 General Hospital.......... 5,474 17 11 1875 Queen's Hospital.......... 5,800 8 8 1876 Amalgamated Charities..... 5,265 10 10 1877 General Hospital.......... 5,280 15 3 1878 Queen's Hospital.......... 6,482 12 10 1879 Amalgamated Charities..... 5,182 3 10 1880 General Hospital.......... 4,886 1 8 1881 Queen's Hospital.......... 4,585 1 3 1882 Amalgamated Charities..... 4,800 12 6 1883 General Hospital.......... 5,145 0 5 1884 Queen's Hospital..........
Hospitals.—The General Hospital may be said to have been commenced in the year 1766, when the first steps were taken towards the erection of such an institution, but it was not formally opened for the reception of patients until 1779. The original outlay on the building was L7,140, but it has received many additions since then, having been enlarged in 1792, 1830, 1842, 1857 (in which year a new wing was erected, nominally out of the proceeds of a fete at Aston, which brought in L2,527 6s. 2d.), 1865, and during the last few years especially. The last additions to the edifice consist of a separate "home" for the staff of nurses, utilising their former rooms for the admittance of more patients; also two large wards, for cases of personal injury from fire, as well as a mortuary, with dissecting and jury rooms, &c., the total cost of these improvements being nearly L20,000. For a long period, this institution has ranked as one of the first and noblest charities in the provinces, its doors being opened for the reception of cases from all parts of the surrounding counties, as well as our own more immediate district. The long list of names of surgeons and physicians, who have bestowed the benefits of their learning and skill upon the unfortunate sufferers, brought within its walls, includes many of the highest eminence in the profession, locally and otherwise, foremost among whom must be placed that of Dr. Ash, the first physician to the institution, and to whom much of the honour of its establishment belongs. The connection of the General Hospital with the Triennial Musical Festivals, which, for a hundred years, have been held for its benefit, has, doubtless, gone far towards the support of the Charity, very nearly L112,000 having been received from that source altogether, and the periodical collections on Hospital Sundays and Saturdays, have still further aided thereto, but it is to the contributions of the public at large that the governors of the institution are principally indebted for their ways and means. For the first twenty-five years, the number of in-patients were largely in excess of the out-door patients, there being, during that period, 16,588 of the former under treatment, to 13,009 of the latter. Down to 1861, rather more than half-a-million cases of accident, illness, &c., had been attended to, and to show the yearly increasing demand made upon the funds of the Hospital, it is only necessary to give a few later dates. In 1860 the in-patients numbered 2,850, the out-patients 20,584, and the expenditure was L4,191. In 1876, the total number of patients were 24,082, and the expenditure L12,207. The next three years showed an average of 28,007 patients, and a yearly expenditure of L13,900. During the last four years, the benefits of the Charity have been bestowed upon an even more rapidly-increasing scale, the number of cases in 1880 having been 30,785, in 1881 36,803, in 1882 44,623, and in 1883 41,551, the annual outlay now required being considerably over L20,000 per year. When the centenary of the Hospital was celebrated in 1879, a suggestion was made that an event so interesting in the history of the charity would be most fittingly commemorated by the establishment or a Suburban Hospital, where patients whose diseases are of a chronic character could be treated with advantage to themselves, and with relief to the parent institution, which is always so pressed for room that many patients have to be sent out earlier than the medical officers like. The proposal was warmly taken up, but no feasible way of carrying it out occurred until October, 1883, when the committee of the Hospital had the pleasure of receiving a letter (dated Sept. 20), from Mr. John Jaffray, in which he stated that, having long felt the importance of having a Suburban Hospital, and with a desire to do some amount of good for the community in which, for many years, he had received so much kindness, and to which, in great measure, he owed his prosperity, he had secured a freehold site on which he proposed to erect a building, capable of accommodating fifty male and female patients, with the requisite offices for the attendants and servants, and offered the same as a free gift to the Governors, in trust for the public. This most welcome and munificent offer, it need hardly be said, was gratefully accepted, and a general appeal was made for funds to properly endow the "Jaffray Suburban Hospital," so that its maintenance and administration shall not detract from the extending usefulness of the parent institution. The site chosen by Mr. Jaffray is at Gravelly Hill, and it is estimated the new branch hospital, of which the first stone was laid June 4, 1884, will cost at least L15,000 in erection. Towards the endowment fund there have been nine or ten donations of L1,000 each promised, and it is hoped a fully sufficient amount will be raised before the building is completed, for, in the words of Mr. Jaffray, we "have great faith in the liberality of the public towards an institution—the oldest and noblest and ablest of our medical charities—which for more than a century has done so much for the relief of human suffering: and cannot help believing that there are in Birmingham many persons who, having benefited by the prosperity of the town, feel that they owe a duty to the community, and will gladly embrace this opportunity of discharging at least some part of their obligation." Patients are said to be admitted to the General Hospital by tickets from subscribers; but, in addition to accidents and cases of sudden illness, to which the doors are open at all hours, a large number of patients are admitted free on the recommendation of the medical officers, the proportion of the cases thus admitted being as six to ten with subscribers' tickets.
It is estimated that a capital sum of at least L60,000 will be required to produce a sufficiently large income to maintain the Jaffray Suburban Hospital, and donations have been, and are solicited for the raising of that sum. Up to the time of going to press with the "Dictionary," there has been contributed nearly L24,000 of the amount, of which the largest donations are:—
G.F. Muntz, Esq...............L2,000 0 0 The Right Hon. Lord Calthorpe 1,000 0 0 Trustees of Dudley Trust...... 1,000 0 0 W.B. Cregoe Colmore, Esq...... 1,000 0 0 Ralph Heaton, Esq............. 1,000 0 0 James Hinks, Esq.............. 1,000 0 0 Lloyds' Old Bank.............. 1,000 0 0 W. Middlemore, Esq............ 1,000 0 0 Mrs. Elizabeth Phipson........ 1,000 0 0 Miss Ryland................... 1,000 0 0 Mrs. Simcox .................. 1,000 0 0 Messrs. Tangyes (Limited)..... 1,000 0 0 Henry Wiggin, Esq., M.P....... 1,000 0 0 Mr. John Wilkes............... 1,000 0 0
About L5,000 more has been sent in hundreds and fifties, and doubtless many other large gifts will follow.
The Queens Hospital was commenced in 1840, the first stone being laid by Earl Howe on the 18th of June. His Royal Highness the Prince Consort was chosen as first president, and remained so until his death, the office not being filled up again until 1875, when Lord Leigh was appointed. Many special efforts have been made to increase the funds of this hospital, and with great success; thus, on Dec. 28, 1848, Jenny Lind sang for it, the receipts amounting to L1,070. On July 27, 1857, a fete at Aston Park added L2,527 6s. 2d. (a like sum being given to the General Hospital). In 1859, Mr. Sands Cox (to whom is due the merit of originating the Queen's Hospital), commenced the arduous task of collecting a million postage stamps, equivalent to L4,166 13s. 4d., to clear the then liabilities, to erect a chapel, and for purposes of extension. Her Majesty the Queen forwarded (Feb. 15, 1859) a cheque for L100 toward this fund. On January 16, 1869, the workmen of the town decided to erect a new wing to the Hospital, and subscribed so freely that Lord Leigh laid the foundation stone Dec. 4, 1871, and the "Workmen's Extension" was opened for patients Nov. 7, 1873. In 1880 a bazaar at the Town Hall brought in L3,687 17s., increased by donations and new subscriptions to L5,969. The system of admission by subscribers' tickets was done away with Nov. 1, 1875, a registration fee of 1s. being adopted instead. This fee, however, is not required in urgent cases or accident, nor when the patient is believed to be too poor to pay it. The ordinary income for the year 1882 was L5,580, as compared with L4,834 in the previous year, when the ordinary income was supplemented by the further sum of L4,356 from the Hospital Sunday collection, which falls to the Queen's Hospital once in three years. The chief items of ordinary income were, subscriptions 1881, L2,780; 1882, L2,788; donations, 1881, L397; 1882, L237; Hospital Saturday, 1881, L711; 1882, L852; legacies, 1881, L208; 1882, L870; dividends, 1881, L178; 1882, L199; registration fees, 1881, L538; 1882, L597. The expenditure for the year was L7,264, as compared with L6,997 in 1881. The number of in-patients in 1882 was 1,669, as compared with 1,663 in 1881; the number of out-patients was 16,538, as compared with 14,490 in the preceding year. The cost of each in-patient was L3 2s. 3-1/4d. Of the in-patients, 811 were admitted by registration, the remainder being treated as accidents or urgent cases. Of the out-patients, 8,359 were admitted by registration, the remainder, namely, 8,179, were admitted free. |