KERCHIVAL. [After a moment's thought.] I will tell you—all—frankly, General.
BARKET. Colonel West? Adjutant Rollins wishes to report—a prisoner—just captured.
HAVERILL. We will meet again later, to-night, when the camp is at rest. We are both soldiers, and have duties before us, at once. For the present, Colonel, be on the alert; we must watch the enemy. [He moves up stage. BARKET salutes. HAVERILL stops and looks at envelope in his hands, reading.] "Private and confidential." [Exit.
KERCHIVAL. Sergeant Barket! Lieutenant Bedloe has crossed the enemy's line, at Buckton's Ford, with a party of men. I wish you to ride to the Ford yourself, and remain there, with your horse in readiness and fresh. As soon as any survivor of the party returns, ride back with the first news at full speed.
BARKET. Yes, sir. [Starting.
KERCHIVAL. You say a prisoner has been captured? Is it a spy?
BARKET. Worse—a petticoat.
KERCHIVAL. A female prisoner! [Dropping into seat.
BARKET. I towld the byes your honour wouldn't thank us fer the catchin' of her. The worst of it is she's a lady; and what's worse still, it's a purty one.
KERCHIVAL. Tell Major Wilson, for me, to let her take the oath, and everything else she wants. The Government of the United States will send her an apology and a new bonnet.
BARKET. The young lady is to take the oath, is it? She says she'll see us damned first.
KERCHIVAL. A lady, Barket?
BARKET. Well! she didn't use thim exact words. That's the way I understand her emphasis. Ivery time she looks at me, I feel like getting under a boom-proof. She was dashing through the woods on a gray horse, sur; and we had the divil's own chase. But we came up wid her, at last, down by the bend in Oak Run. Just at that moment we saw the figure of a Confederate officer, disappearing among the trays on the ither side.
BARKET. Two of us rayturned wid the girl; and the rist wint after the officer. Nothing has been heard of thim yet.
KERCHIVAL. Have you found any despatches on the prisoner?
BARKET. Well!—yer honour, I'm a bachelor, meself; and I'm not familar with the jayography of the sex. We byes are in mortal terror for fear somebody might order us to go on an exploring expedition.
KERCHIVAL. Tell them to send the prisoner here, Barket, and hurry to Buckton's Ford yourself, at once.
BARKET. As fast as me horse can carry me, sir, and it's a good one. [Exit.
KERCHIVAL. I'd rather deal with half the Confederate Army than with one woman, but I must question her. They captured her down by the Bend in Oak Run. [Taking out map; looks at it.] I see. She had just met, or was about to meet, a Confederate officer at that point. It is evident that she was either taking him a despatch or was there to receive one. Oak Run. [CORPORAL DUNN and Two SOLDIERS enter, with GERTRUDE as a prisoner. They stop; KERCHIVAL sits studying map. GERTRUDE glances at him and marches down with head erect; stops, with her back to him.
CORPORAL DUNN. The prisoner, Colonel West!
KERCHIVAL. Ah! Very well, Corporal; you can go. [Rising; he motions the GUARD to retire. CORPORAL DUNN gives the necessary orders and exit with GUARD.] Be seated, madam. [GERTRUDE draws up, folding her arms and planting her foot, spitefully. KERCHIVAL shrugs his shoulder. Aside.] I wish they'd capture a tigress for me, or some other female animal that I know how to manage better than I do a woman. [Aloud.] I am very sorry, madam, but, of course, my duty as a military officer is paramount to all other considerations. You have been captured within the lines of this army, and under circumstances which lead me to think that you have important despatches upon your person. I trust that you will give me whatever you have at once. I shall be exceedingly sorry if you compel me to adopt the extreme—and the very disagreeable course—for both of us—of having—you—I—I hesitate even to use the word, madam—but military law is absolute—having you—
GERTRUDE. Searched! If you dare, Colonel West! [Turning to him suddenly and drawing up to her full height.
KERCHIVAL. Gertrude Ellingham! [Springs across to her, with his arms extended.] My dear Gertrude!
GERTRUDE. [Turning her back upon him.] Not "dear Gertrude" to you, sir!
KERCHIVAL. Not?—Oh! I forgot.
GERTRUDE. [Coldly.] I am your prisoner.
KERCHIVAL. Yes. [Drawing up firmly, with a change of manner.] We will return to the painful realities of war. I am very sorry that you have placed yourself in a position like this, and, believe me, Gertrude—[With growing tenderness.]—I am still more sorry to be in such a position myself. [Resting one hand on her arm, and his other arm about her waist.
GERTRUDE. [After looking down at his hands.] You don't like the position? [He starts back, drawing up with dignity.] Is that the paramount duty of a military officer?
KERCHIVAL. You will please hand me whatever despatches or other papers may be in your possession.
GERTRUDE. [Looking away.] You will force me, I suppose. I am a woman; you have the power. Order in the guard! A corporal and two men—you'd better make it a dozen—I am dangerous! Call the whole regiment to arms! Beat the long roll! I won't give up, if all the armies of the United States surround me.
KERCHIVAL. General Buckthorn! [Saluting.
BUCKTHORN. Colonel West.
GERTRUDE. [Aside.] Jenny's father! [BUCKTHORN glances at GERTRUDE, who still stands looking away. He moves down to KERCHIVAL.
BUCKTHORN. [Apart, gruffly.] I was passing with my staff, and I was informed that you had captured a woman bearing despatches to the enemy. Is this the one?
KERCHIVAL. Yes, General.
BUCKTHORN. Ah! [Turning, looks at her.
GERTRUDE. I wonder if he will recognize me. He hasn't seen me since I was a little girl. [Turns toward, him.
BUCKTHORN. [Turning to KERCHIVAL; punches him in the ribs.] Fine young woman!—[Turns and bows to her very gallantly, removing his hat. She bows deeply in return.] A-h-e-m! [Suddenly pulling himself up to a stern, military air; then gruffly to KERCHIVAL, extending his hand.] Let me see the despatches.
KERCHIVAL. She declines positively to give them up.
BUCKTHORN. Oh! Does she? [Walks thoughtfully; turns.] My dear young lady! I trust you will give us no further trouble. Kindly let us have those despatches.
GERTRUDE. [Looking away.] I have no despatches, and I would not give them to you if I had.
BUCKTHORN. What! You defy my authority? Colonel West, I command you! Search the prisoner! [GERTRUDE turns suddenly towards KERCHIVAL, facing him defiantly. He looks across at her aghast. A moment's pause.
KERCHIVAL. General Buckthorn—I decline to obey that order.
BUCKTHORN. You—you decline to obey my order! [Moves down to him fiercely.
KERCHIVAL. [Apart.] General! It is the woman I love.
BUCKTHORN. [Apart.] Is it? Damn you, sir! I wouldn't have an officer in my army corps who would obey me, under such circumstances. I'll have to look for those despatches myself.
KERCHIVAL. [Facing him, angrily.] If you dare, General Buckthorn!
BUCKTHORN. [Apart.] Blast your eyes! I'd kick you out of the army if you'd let me search her; but it's my military duty to swear at you. [To GERTRUDE.] Colonel West has sacrificed his life to protect you.
GERTRUDE. His life!
BUCKTHORN. I shall have him shot for insubordination to his commander, immediately. [Gives KERCHIVAL a huge wink, and turns.
GERTRUDE. Oh, sir! General! I have told you the truth. I have no despatches. Believe me, sir, I haven't so much as a piece of paper about me, except—
BUCKTHORN. Except? [Turning sharply.
GERTRUDE. Only a letter. Here it is. [Taking letter from the bosom of her dress.] Upon my soul, it is all I have. Truly it is.
BUCKTHORN. [Taking letter.] Colonel West, you're reprieved. [Winks at KERCHIVAL, who turns away, laughing. BUCKTHORN reads letter.] "Washington"—Ho!—ho! From within our own lines!—"Colonel Kerchival West—"
GERTRUDE. Please, General!—Don't read it aloud.
BUCKTHORN. Very well! I won't.
KERCHIVAL. [Aside.] I wonder what it has to do with me?
BUCKTHORN. [Reading. Aside.] "If Kerchival West had heard you say, as I did—m—m——that you loved him with your whole heart—" [He glances up at GERTRUDE, who drops her head coyly.] This is a very important military document. [Turns to last page.] "Signed, Constance Haverill." [Turns to front page.] "My dear Gertrude!" Is this Miss Gertrude Ellingham?
GERTRUDE. Yes, General.
BUCKTHORN. I sent my daughter, Jenny, to your house, with an escort, this morning.
GERTRUDE. She is here.
BUCKTHORN. [Tapping her under the chin.] You're an arrant little Rebel, my dear; but I like you immensely. [Draws up suddenly, with an "Ahem!" Turns to KERCHIVAL.] Colonel West, I leave this dangerous young woman in your charge. [KERCHIVAL approaches.] If she disobeys you in any way, or attempts to escape—read that letter! [Giving him the letter.
GERTRUDE. Oh! General!
BUCKTHORN. But not till then.
KERCHIVAL. [Tenderly, taking her hand.] My—prisoner!
GERTRUDE. [Aside.] I could scratch my own eyes out—or his, either—rather than have him read that letter.
Enter CORPORAL DUNN, with GUARD of four soldiers and CAPTAIN EDWARD THORNTON as a prisoner.
KERCHIVAL. Edward Thornton!
GERTRUDE. They have taken him also! He has the despatch!
CORPORAL DUNN. The Confederate Officer, Colonel, who was pursued by our troops at Oak Run, after they captured the young lady.
BUCKTHORN. The little witch has been communicating with the enemy!
KERCHIVAL. [To GERTRUDE.] You will give me your parole of honour until we next meet?
GERTRUDE. Yes. [Aside.] That letter! I am his prisoner. [She walks up the steps and looks back at THORNTON. Exit.
KERCHIVAL. [To BUCKTHORN.] We will probably find the despatches we have been looking for now, General.
BUCKTHORN. Prisoner! You will hand us what papers you may have.
THORNTON. I will hand you nothing.
BUCKTHORN. Colonel! [KERCHIVAL motions to THORNTON, who looks at him sullenly.
KERCHIVAL. Corporal Dunn!—search the prisoner. [DUNN steps to THORNTON, taking him by the shoulder and turning him rather roughly. THORNTON'S back to the audience. DUNN throws open his coat, takes paper from his breast, hands it to KERCHIVAL, who gives it to BUCKTHORN.] Proceed with the search. [DUNN continues the search. BUCKTHORN drops upon seat, lights a match, looks at the paper.
BUCKTHORN. [Reading.] "General Rosser will rejoin General Early with all the cavalry in his command, at——" This is important. [Continues to read with matches. The CORPORAL hands a packet to KERCHIVAL. He removes the covering.
KERCHIVAL. [Starting.] A portrait of Mrs. Haverill! [He touches CORPORAL DUNN on the shoulder quickly and motions him to retire. DUNN falls back to the GUARD. KERCHIVAL speaks apart to THORNTON, who has turned front.] How did this portrait come into your possession?
THORNTON. That is my affair, not yours!
BUCKTHORN. Anything else, Colonel?
KERCHIVAL. [Placing the miniature in his pocket.] Nothing!
THORNTON. [Apart, over KERCHIVAL'S shoulder.] A time will come, perhaps, when I can avenge the insult of this search, and also this scar. [Pointing to a scar on his face.] Your aim was better than mine in Charleston, but we shall meet again; give me back that picture.
KERCHIVAL. Corporal! Take your prisoner!
THORNTON. Ah! [Viciously springing at KERCHIVAL; CORPORAL DUNN springs forward, seizes THORNTON, throws him back to the GUARD and stands with his carbine levelled at THORNTON; looks at KERCHIVAL, who quietly motions him out. CORPORAL DUNN gives the orders to the men and marches out with THORNTON.
BUCKTHORN. Ah! [Still reading with matches.] Colonel! [Rising.] The enemy has a new movement on foot, and General Sheridan has left the army! Listen! [Reads from despatches with matches.] "Watch for a signal from Three Top Mountain to-night."
KERCHIVAL. We hope to be able to read that signal ourselves.
BUCKTHORN. Yes, I know. Be on your guard. I will speak with General Haverill, and then ride over to General Wright's headquarters. Keep us informed.
KERCHIVAL. I will, General. [Saluting. BUCKTHORN salutes and exit.] "Watch for a signal from Three Top Mountain to-night." [Looking up at mountain.] We shall be helpless to read it unless Lieutenant Bedloe is successful. I only hope the poor boy is not lying dead, already, in those dark woods beyond the Ford. [Looking off; turns down stage, taking the miniature from his pocket.] How came Edward Thornton to have this portrait of Mrs. Haverill in his possession? [GERTRUDE runs in on veranda.
GERTRUDE. Oh, Colonel West! He's here! [Looks back.] They are coming this way with him.
GERTRUDE. My own horse!
KERCHIVAL. Ah, I remember! He and I were acquainted in Charleston.
GERTRUDE. Two troopers are passing through the camp with him.
KERCHIVAL. He is not in your possession?
GERTRUDE. He was captured at the battle of Fair Oaks, but I recognized him the moment I saw him; and I am sure he knew me, too, when I went up to him. He whinnied and looked so happy. You are in command here—[Running down.]—you will compel them to give him up to me?
KERCHIVAL. If he is in my command, your pet shall be returned to you. I'll give one of my own horses to the Government as a substitute, if necessary.
GERTRUDE. Oh, thank you, my dear Kerchival! [Going to him; he takes her hand, looking into her eyes.] I—I could almost—
KERCHIVAL. Can you almost confess, at last, Gertrude, that you—love me? [Tenderly; she draws back, hanging her head, but leaving her hand in his.] Have I been wrong? I felt that that confession was hovering on your tongue when we were separated in Charleston. Have I seen that confession in your eyes since we met again to-day—even among the angry flashes which they have shot out at me? During all this terrible war—in the camp and the trench—in the battle—I have dreamed of a meeting like this. You are still silent? [Her hand is still in his. She is looking down. A smile steals over her face, and she raises her eyes to his, taking his hand in both her own.
GERTRUDE. Kerchival! I—[Enter BENSON. She looks around over her shoulder. KERCHIVAL looks up stage. A TROOPER, leading the large black horse of Act I, now caparisoned in military saddle, bridle, &c., follows BENSON across; another TROOPER follows.] Jack! [She runs up stage, meeting horse. KERCHIVAL turns.
KERCHIVAL. Confound Jack! That infernal horse was always in my way!
GERTRUDE. [With her arm about her horse's neck.] My darling old fellow! Is he not beautiful, Kerchival? They have taken good care of him. How soft his coat is!
KERCHIVAL. Benson, explain this!
BENSON. I was instructed to show this horse and his leader through the lines, sir.
KERCHIVAL. What are your orders, my man? [Moving up, the TROOPER hands him a paper. He moves a few steps down, reading it.
GERTRUDE. You are to be mine again, Jack, mine! [Resting her cheek against the horse's head and patting it.] The Colonel has promised it to me.
KERCHIVAL. Ah! [With a start, as he reads the paper. GERTRUDE raises her head and looks at him.] This is General Sheridan's horse, on his way to Winchester, for the use of the General when he returns from Washington.
GERTRUDE. General Sheridan's horse? He is mine!
KERCHIVAL. I have no authority to detain him. He must go on.
GERTRUDE. I have hold of Jack's bridle, and you may order your men to take out their sabres and cut my hand off.
KERCHIVAL. [Approaches her and gently takes her hand as it holds the bridle.] I would rather have my own hand cut off, Gertrude, than bring tears to your eyes, but there is no alternative! [GERTRUDE releases the bridle and turns front, brushing her eyes, her hand still held in his, his back to the audience. He returns order, and motions TROOPERS out; they move out with horse. GERTRUDE starts after the horse; KERCHIVAL turns quickly to check her.] You forget—that—you are my prisoner.
GERTRUDE. I will go!
KERCHIVAL. General Buckthorn left me special instructions—[Taking out wallet and letter.]—in case you declined to obey my orders—
GERTRUDE. Oh, Colonel! Please don't read that letter. [She stands near him, dropping her head. He glances up at her from the letter. She glances up at him and drops her eyes again.] I will obey you.
KERCHIVAL. [Aside.] What the deuce can there be in that letter?
GERTRUDE. Colonel West! Your men made me a prisoner this afternoon; to-night you have robbed me, by your own orders, of—of—Jack is only a pet, but I love him; and my brother is also a captive in your hands. When we separated in Charleston you said that we were enemies. What is there lacking to make those words true to-day? You are my enemy! A few moments ago you asked me to make a confession to you. You can judge for yourself whether it is likely to be a confession of—love—or of hatred!
GERTRUDE. [Facing him.] Listen to my confession, sir! From the bottom of my heart—
GERTRUDE. I will not stop!
KERCHIVAL. I command you.
GERTRUDE. Indeed! [He throws open the wallet in his hand and raises the letter.] Ah! [She turns away; turns again, as if to speak. He half opens the letter. She stamps her foot and walks up steps of the veranda. Here she turns again.] I tell you, I—[He opens the letter. She turns, and exits with spiteful step.
KERCHIVAL. I wonder if that document orders me to cut her head off! [Returning it to wallet and pocket.] Was ever lover in such a position? I am obliged to cross the woman I love at every step.
Enter CORPORAL DUNN, very hurriedly.
CORPORAL DUNN. A message from Adjutant Rollins, sir! The prisoner, Captain Thornton, dashed away from the special guard which was placed over him, and he has escaped. He had a knife concealed, and two of the guard are badly wounded. Adjutant Rollins thinks the prisoner is still within the lines of the camp—in one of the houses or the stables.
KERCHIVAL. Tell Major Wilson to place the remainder of the guard under arrest, and to take every possible means to recapture the prisoner. [CORPORAL DUNN salutes, and exits.] So! Thornton has jumped his guard, and he is armed. I wonder if he is trying to get away, or to find me. From what I know of the man, he doesn't much care which he succeeds in doing. That scar which I gave him in Charleston is deeper in his heart than it is in his face. [A signal light suddenly appears on Three Top Mountain. The "Call."] Ah!—the enemy's signal! [Enter CAPTAIN LOCKWOOD, followed by LIEUTENANT OF SIGNAL CORPS.] Captain Lockwood! You are here! Are your Signalmen with you?
LOCKWOOD. Yes, Colonel; and one of my Lieutenants.
[The LIEUTENANT is looking up at signal with glass. CAPTAIN LOCKWOOD does the same. HAVERILL enters, followed by two STAFF OFFICERS.
HAVERILL. [As he enters.] Can you make anything of it, Captain?
LOCKWOOD. Nothing, General! Our services are quite useless unless Lieutenant Bedloe returns with the key to their signals.
HAVERILL. A—h! [Coming down stage.] We shall fail. It is time he had returned, if successful.
SENTINEL. [Without.] Halt! Who goes there? [KERCHIVAL runs up stage, and half way up incline, looking off.] Halt! [A shot without.
BARKET. [Without.] Och!—Ye murtherin spalpeen!
KERCHIVAL. Sentinel! Let him pass; it is Sergeant Barket.
SENTINEL. [Without.] Pass on.
KERCHIVAL. He didn't give the countersign. News from Lieutenant Bedloe, General!
BARKET. [Hurrying in, up slope.] Colonel Wist, our brave byes wiped out the enemy, and here's the papers.
KERCHIVAL. [Taking papers.—Then to LOCKWOOD.] Is that the key?
LOCKWOOD. Yes. Lieutenant! [LIEUTENANT hurries up to elevation, looking through his glass. LOCKWOOD opens book.
HAVERILL. What of Lieutenant Bedloe, Sergeant?
BARKET. Sayreously wounded, and in the hands of the inimy!
HAVERILL. [Sighing.] A—h.
BARKET. [Coming down stone steps.] It is reported that Captain Heartsease was shot dead at his side.
KERCHIVAL. Heartsease dead!
LIEUTENANT OF SIGNAL CORPS. [Reading signals.] Twelve—Twenty-two—Eleven.
BARKET. Begorra! I forgot the Sintinil entirely, but he didn't forget me. [Holding his left arm.
HAVERILL. Colonel West! We must make every possible sacrifice for the immediate exchange of Lieutenant Bedloe, if he is still living. It is due to him. Colonel Robert Ellingham is a prisoner in this camp; offer him his own exchange for young Bedloe.
KERCHIVAL. He will accept, of course. I will ride to the front with him myself, General, and show him through the lines.
HAVERILL. At once! [KERCHIVAL crosses front and exit on veranda. HAVERILL crosses.] Can you follow the despatch, Captain?
LOCKWOOD. Perfectly; everything is here
LIEUTENANT OF SIGNAL CORPS. Eleven—Twenty-two—One—Twelve.
LOCKWOOD. [From book.] "General Longstreet is coming with—"
HAVERILL. Longstreet!
LOCKWOOD. "With eighteen thousand men."
LOCKWOOD. "Sheridan is away!"
HAVERILL. They have discovered his absence!
LIEUTENANT OF SIGNAL CORPS. Two—Twenty-two—Eleven—One—Twelve—One.
LOCKWOOD. "We will crush the Union Army before he can return."
HAVERILL. Signal that despatch from here to our Station at Front Royal. [Pointing.] Tell them to send it after General Sheridan—and ride for their lives. [LOCKWOOD hurries out.] Major Burton! We will ride to General Wright's headquarters at once—our horses! [Noise of a struggle without.
BARKET. [Looking.] What the devil is the row out there? [Exit. Also one of the STAFF OFFICERS.
HAVERILL. [Looking off.] What is this? Colonel West wounded!
Enter KERCHIVAL WEST, his coat thrown open, with ELLINGHAM, BARKET assisting.
ELLINGHAM. Steady, Kerchival, old boy! You should have let us carry you.
KERCHIVAL. Nonsense, old fellow! It's a mere touch with the point of the knife. I—I'm faint—with the loss of a little blood—that's all. Bob!—I—[Reels suddenly and is caught by ELLINGHAM as he sinks to the ground, insensible.
ELLINGHAM. Kerchival! [Kneeling at his side.
HAVERILL. Go for the surgeon! [To STAFF OFFICER, who goes out quickly on veranda.] How did this happen? [Enter CORPORAL DUNN and GUARD, with THORNTON. He is in his shirt sleeves and disheveled, his arms folded. They march down.] Captain Thornton!
ELLINGHAM. We were leaving the house together; a hunted animal sprang suddenly across our path, like a panther. [Looking over his shoulder.] There it stands. Kerchival!—my brother!
CORPORAL DUNN. We had just brought this prisoner to bay, but I'm afraid we were too late.
HAVERILL. This is assassination, sir, not war. If you have killed him—
THORNTON. Do what you like with me; we need waste no words. I had an old account to settle, and I have paid my debt.
ELLINGHAM. General Haverill! I took these from his breast when he first fell. [Handing up wallet and miniature to HAVERILL. HAVERILL starts as he looks at the miniature. THORNTON watches him.
HAVERILL. [Aside.] My wife's portrait!
THORNTON. If I have killed him—your honour will be buried in the same grave.
HAVERILL. Her picture on his breast! She gave it to him—not to my son! [Dropping into seat. CAPTAIN LOCKWOOD enters with a SIGNALMAN, who has a burning torch on a long pole; he hurries up the elevation. CAPTAIN LOCKWOOD stands below, facing him. Almost simultaneously with the entrance of the SIGNALMAN, GERTRUDE runs in on veranda.
GERTRUDE. They are calling for a surgeon! Who is it? Brother!—you are safe,—ah! [Uttering a scream, as she sees KERCHIVAL, and falling on her knees at his side.] Kerchival! Forget those last bitter words I said to you. Can't you hear my confession? I do love you. Can't you hear me? I love you! [The SIGNALMAN is swinging the torch as the curtain descends, LOCKWOOD looking right.
SCENE. Same. It is now bright daylight, with sunshine flecking the foreground and bathing the distant valley and mountains.
DISCOVERED. JENNY, on low stone post, looking left. As the curtain rises, she imitates Trumpet Signal No. 19 on her closed fists.
JENNY. What a magnificent line! [Looking.] Guides-posts! Every man and every horse is eager for the next command. There comes the flag! [Trumpet Signal without, No. 30.] To the standard! [As the signal begins.] The regiment is going to the front. Oh! I do wish I could go with it. I always do, the moment I hear the trumpets. Boots and saddles! [Imitates No. 16.] Mount! [Imitates No. 37.] I wish I was in command of the regiment. It was born in me. [Trumpet Signal No. 48, without.] Fours right! There they go! Look at those horses' ears! [Trumpet Signal No. 39, without.] Forward. [Military band heard without—"The Battle Cry of Freedom" JENNY takes attitude of holding bridle and trotting.] Rappity—plap—plap—plap, etc. [She imitates the motions of a soldier on horseback, stepping down to rock at side of post; thence to ground and about stage, with the various curvettings of a spirited horse. Chorus of soldiers without, with the band. The music becomes more and more distant. JENNY gradually stops as the music is dying away, and stands, listening. As it dies entirely away, she suddenly starts to an enthusiastic attitude.] Ah! If I were only a man! The enemy! On Third Battalion, left, front, into line, march! Draw sabres! Charge! [Imitates Trumpet Signal No. 44. As she finishes, she rises to her full height, with both arms raised, and trembling with enthusiasm.] Ah! [She suddenly drops her arms and changes to an attitude and expression of disappointment—pouting.] And the first time Old Margery took me to papa, in her arms, she had to tell him I was a girl. Papa was as much disgusted as I was. But he'd never admit it; he says I'm as good a soldier as any of 'em—just as I am.
Enter BARKET on veranda, his arm in a sling.
BARKET. [On veranda] Miss Jenny!
JENNY. Barket! The regiment has marched away to the front, and we girls are left here, with just you and a corporal's guard to look after us.
BARKET. I've been watching the byes mesilf. [Coming down.] If a little milithary sugar-plum like you, Miss Jenny, objects to not goin' wid' 'em, what do you think of an ould piece of hard tack like me? I can't join the regiment till I've taken you and Miss Madeline back to Winchester, by your father's orders. But it isn't the first time I've escorted you, Miss Jenny. Many a time, when you was a baby, on the Plains, I commanded a special guard to accompany ye's from one fort to anither, and we gave the command in a whisper, so as not to wake ye's up.
JENNY. I told you to tell papa that I'd let him know when Madeline and I were ready to go.
BARKET. I tould him that I'd as soon move a train of army mules.
JENNY. I suppose we must start for home again to-day?
BARKET. Yes, Miss Jenny, in charge of an ould Sargeant wid his arm in a sling and a couple of convalescent throopers. This department of the United States Army will move to the rear in half an hour.
JENNY. Madeline and I only came yesterday morning.
BARKET. Whin your father got ye's a pass to the front, we all thought the fightin' in the Shenandoey Valley was over. It looks now as if it was just beginning. This is no place for women, now. Miss Gertrude Ellingham ought to go wid us, but she won't.
JENNY. Barket! Captain Heartsease left the regiment yesterday, and he hasn't rejoined it; he isn't with them, now, at the head of his company. Where is he?
BARKET. I can't say where he is, Miss Jenny. [Aside.] Lyin' unburied in the woods, where he was shot, I'm afraid.
JENNY. When Captain Heartsease does rejoin the regiment, Barket, please say to him for me, that—that I—I may have some orders for him, when we next meet. [Exit on veranda.
BARKET. Whin they nixt mate. They tell us there is no such thing as marriage in Hiven. If Miss Jenny and Captain Heartsease mate there, they'll invint somethin' that's mighty like it. While I was lyin' wounded in General Buckthorn's house at Washington, last summer, and ould Margery was taking care of me, Margery tould me, confidentially, that they was in love wid aitch ither; and I think she was about right. I've often seen Captain Heartsease take a sly look at a little lace handkerchief, just before we wint into battle. [Looks off.] Here's General Buckthorn himself. He and I must make it as aisy as we can for Miss Jenny's poor heart.
BUCKTHORN. Sergeant Barket! You haven't started with those girls yet?
BARKET. They're to go in half an hour, sir.
BUCKTHORN. Be sure they do go. Is General Haverill here?
BARKET. Yes, sir; in the house with some of his staff, and the Surgeon.
BUCKTHORN. Ah! The Surgeon. How is Colonel West, this morning, after the wound he received last night?
BARKET. He says, himself, that he's as well as iver he was; but the Colonel and Surgeon don't agray on that subject. The dochter says he mustn't lave his room for a month. The knife wint dape; and there's somethin' wrong inside of him. But the Colonel, bein' on the outside himsilf, can't see it. He's as cross as a bear, baycause they wouldn't let him go to the front this morning, at the head of his regiment. I happened to raymark that the Chaplain was prayin' for his raycovery. The Colonel said he'd court-martial him if he didn't stop that—quick; there's more important things for the Chaplain to pray for in his official capacity. Just at that moment the trumpets sounded, "Boots and Saddles." I had to dodge one of his boots, and the Surgeon had a narrow escape from the ither one. It was lucky for us both his saddle wasn't in the room.
BUCKTHORN. That looks encouraging. I think Kerchival will get on.
BARKET. Might I say a word to you, sur, about Miss Jenny?
BUCKTHORN. Certainly, Barket. You and old Margery and myself have been a sort of triangular mother, so to speak, to the little girl—since her own poor mother left her to our care, when she was only a baby, in the old fort on the Plains. [At his side and unconsciously resting his arm over BARKET'S shoulder, familiarly. Suddenly draws up.] Ahem! [Then gruffly.] What is it? Proceed.
BARKET. Her mother's bosom would have been the softest place for her poor little head to rest upon, now, sur.
BUCKTHORN. [Touching his eyes.] Well!
BARKET. Ould Margery tould me in Washington that Miss Jenny and Captain Heartsease were in love wid aitch ither.
BUCKTHORN. [Starting.] In love!
BARKET. I approved of the match.
BUCKTHORN. What the devil! [BARKET salutes quickly and starts up stage and out. BUCKTHORN moves up after him; stops at post. BARKET stops in road.
BARKET. So did ould Margery.
BUCKTHORN. March! [Angrily. BARKET salutes suddenly, and exits.] Heartsease! That young jackanapes! A mere fop; he'll never make a soldier. My girl in love with—bah! I don't believe it; she's too good a soldier, herself.
[Enter HAVERILL, on veranda.]
Ah, Haverill!
HAVERILL. General Buckthorn! Have you heard anything of General Sheridan since I sent that despatch to him last evening?
BUCKTHORN. He received it at midnight and sent back word that he considers it a ruse of the enemy. General Wright agrees with him. The reconnaissance yesterday showed no hostile force, on our right, and Crook reports that Early is retreating up the Valley. But General Sheridan may, perhaps, give up his journey to Washington, and he has ordered some changes in our line, to be executed this afternoon at four o'clock. I rode over to give you your instructions in person. You may order General McCuen to go into camp on the right of Meadow Brook, with the second division. [HAVERILL is writing in his note-book.
Enter JENNY, on veranda.
JENNY. Oh, papa! I'm so glad you've come. I've got something to say to you. [Running down and jumping into his arms, kissing him. He turns with her, and sets her down, squarely on her feet and straight before him.
BUCKTHORN. And I've got something to say to you—about Captain Heartsease.
JENNY. Oh! That's just what I wanted to talk about.
BUCKTHORN. Fall in! Front face! [She jumps into military position, turning towards him.] What's this I hear from Sergeant Barket? He says you've been falling in love.
JENNY. I have. [Saluting.
BUCKTHORN. Young woman! Listen to my orders. Fallout! [Turns sharply and marches to HAVERILL.] Order the Third Brigade of Cavalry, under Colonel Lowell, to occupy the left of the pike.
JENNY. Papa! [Running to him and seizing the tail of his coat.] Papa, dear!
BUCKTHORN. Close in Colonel Powell on the extreme left—[Slapping his coat-tails out of JENNY'S hands, without looking around.]—and hold Custer on the second line, at Old Forge Road. That is all at present. [Turns to JENNY.] Good-bye, my darling! [Kisses her.] Remember your orders! You little pet! [Chuckling, as he taps her chin; draws up suddenly; turns to HAVERILL.] General! I bid you good-day.
HAVERILL. Good-day, General Buckthorn. [They salute with great dignity. BUCKTHORN starts up stage; JENNY springs after him, seizing his coat-tails.
JENNY. But I want to talk with you, papa; I can't fall out. I—I haven't finished yet. [Etc., clinging to his coat, as BUCKTHORN marches out rapidly, in road,—holding back with all her might.
HAVERILL. It may have been a ruse of the enemy, but I hope that General Sheridan has turned back from Washington. [Looking at his note-book.] We are to make changes in our line at four o'clock this afternoon. [Returns book to pocket and stands in thought.] The Surgeon tells me that Kerchival West will get on well enough if he remains quiet; otherwise not. He shall not die by the hand of a common assassin; he has no right to die like that. My wife gave my own picture of herself to him—not to my son—and she looked so like an angel when she took it from my hand! They were both false to me, and they have been true to each other. I will save his life for myself.
Enter GERTRUDE, on veranda.
GERTRUDE. General Haverill! [Anxiously, coming down.] Colonel West persists in disobeying the injunctions of the Surgeon. He is preparing to join his regiment at the front. Give him your orders to remain here. Compel him to be prudent!
HAVERILL. [Quickly.] The honour of death at the front is not in reserve for him.
GERTRUDE. Eh? What did you say, General?
HAVERILL. Gertrude! I wish to speak to you, as your father's old friend; and I was once your guardian. Your father was my senior officer in the Mexican War. Without his care I should have been left dead in a foreign land. He, himself, afterwards fell fighting for the old flag.
GERTRUDE. The old flag. [Aside.] My father died for it, and he—[Looking left.]—is suffering for it—the old flag!
HAVERILL. I can now return the kindness your father did to me, by protecting his daughter from something that may be worse than death.
GERTRUDE. What do you mean?
HAVERILL. Last night I saw you kneeling at the side of Kerchival West; you spoke to him with all the tender passion of a Southern woman. You said you loved him. But you spoke into ears that could not hear you. Has he ever heard those words from your lips? Have you ever confessed your love to him before?
GERTRUDE. Never. Why do you ask?
HAVERILL. Do not repeat those words. Keep your heart to yourself, my girl.
GERTRUDE. General! Why do you say this to me? And at such a moment—when his life—
HAVERILL. His life! [Turning sharply.] It belongs to me!
KERCHIVAL. Sergeant! [Without. He steps in front road, looking back.] See that my horse is ready at once. General! [Saluting.] Are there any orders for my regiment, beyond those given to Major Wilson, in my absence, this morning? I am about to ride on after the troops and re-assume my command.
HAVERILL. [Quietly.] It is my wish, Colonel, that you remain here under the care of the Surgeon.
KERCHIVAL. My wound is a mere trifle. This may be a critical moment in the campaign, and I cannot rest here. I must be with my own men.
HAVERILL. [Quietly.] I beg to repeat the wish I have already expressed. [KERCHIVAL walks to him, and speaks apart, almost under his breath, but very earnest in tone.
KERCHIVAL. I have had no opportunity, yet, to explain certain matters, as you requested me to do yesterday; but whatever there may be between us, you are now interfering with my duty and my privilege as a soldier; and it is my right to be at the head of my regiment.
HAVERILL. [Quietly.] It is my positive order that you do not reassume your command.
KERCHIVAL. General Haverill, I protest against this—
HAVERILL. [Quietly.] You are under arrest, sir.
GERTRUDE. Ah! [KERCHIVAL unclasps his belt and offers his sword to HAVERILL.
HAVERILL. [Quietly.] Keep your sword; I have no desire to humiliate you; but hold yourself subject to further orders from me. [KERCHIVAL goes up veranda.
KERCHIVAL. My regiment at the front!—and I under arrest! [Exit.
HAVERILL. Gertrude! If your heart refuses to be silent—if you feel that you must confess your love to that man—first tell him what I have said to you, and refer him to me for an explanation. [Exit into road.
GERTRUDE. What can he mean? He would save me from something worse than death, he said. "His life—it belongs to me!" What can he mean? Kerchival told me that he loved me—it seems many years since that morning in Charleston—and when we met again, yesterday, he said that he had never ceased to love me. I will not believe that he has told me a falsehood. I have given him my love, my whole soul and my faith. [Drawing up to her full height.] My perfect faith!
JENNY runs in from road, and up the slope. She looks down the hill, then enters.
JENNY. A flag of truce, Gertrude. And a party of Confederate soldiers, with an escort, coming up the hill. They are carrying someone; he is wounded.
Enter up the slope, a LIEUTENANT OF INFANTRY with an escort of Union soldiers, their arms at right shoulder, and a party of Confederate soldiers bearing a rustic stretcher. LIEUTENANT FRANK BEDLOE lies on the stretcher. MAJOR HARDWICK, a Confederate Surgeon, walks at his side. MADELINE appears at veranda, watching them. GERTRUDE stands with her back to audience. The LIEUTENANT gives orders in a low tone, and the front escort moves to right, in road. The Confederate bearers and the SURGEON pass through the gate. The rear escort moves to left, in road, under LIEUTENANT'S orders. The bearers halt, front; on a sign from the SURGEON, they leave the stretcher on the ground, stepping back.
MAJOR HARDWICK. Is General Haverill here?
GERTRUDE. Yes; what can we do, sir?
MADELINE. The General is just about mounting with his staff, to ride away. Shall I go for him, sir?
MAJOR. Say to him, please, that Colonel Robert Ellingham, of the Tenth Virginia, sends his respects and sympathy. He instructed me to bring this young officer to this point, in exchange for himself, as agreed upon between them last evening. [Exit MADELINE.
JENNY. Is he unconscious or sleeping, sir?
MAJOR. Hovering between life and death. I thought he would bear the removal better. He is waking. Here, my lad! [Placing his canteen to the lips of FRANK, who moves, reviving.] We have reached the end of our journey.
FRANK. My father!
MAJOR. He is thinking of his home. [FRANK rises on one arm, assisted by the SURGEON.
FRANK. I have obeyed General Haverill's orders, and I have a report to make.
GERTRUDE. We have already sent for him. [Stepping to him.] He will be here in a moment.
FRANK. [Looking into her face, brightly.] Is not this—Miss—Gertrude Ellingham?
GERTRUDE. You know me? You have seen me before?
FRANK. Long ago! Long ago! You know the wife of General Haverill?
GERTRUDE. I have no dearer friend in the world.
FRANK. She will give a message for me to the dearest friend I have in the world. My little wife! I must not waste even the moment we are waiting. Doctor! My note-book! [Trying to get it from his coat. The SURGEON takes it out. A torn and blood-stained lace handkerchief also falls out. GERTRUDE kneels at his side.] Ah! I—I—have a message from another—[Holding up handkerchief.]—from Captain Heartsease. [JENNY makes a quick start towards him.] He lay at my side in the hospital, when they brought me away; he had only strength enough to put this in my hand, and he spoke a woman's name; but I—I—forgot what it is. The red spots upon it are the only message he sent. [GERTRUDE takes the handkerchief and looks back at JENNY, extending her hand. JENNY moves to her, takes the handkerchief and turns back, looking down on it. She drops her face into her hands and goes out sobbing.
Enter MADELINE on veranda.
MADELINE. General Haverill is coming. I was just in time. He was already on his horse.
FRANK. Ah! He is coming. [Then suddenly.] Write! Write! [GERTRUDE writes in the note-book as he dictates.] "To—my wife—Edith:—Tell our little son, when he is old enough to know—how his father died; not how he lived. And tell her who filled my own mother's place so lovingly—she is your mother, too—that my father's portrait of her, which she gave to me in Charleston, helped me to be a better man!" And—oh! I must not forget this—"It was taken away from me while I was a prisoner in Richmond, and it is in the possession of Captain Henry Thornton, of the Confederate Secret Service. But her face is still beside your own in my heart. My best—warmest, last—love—to you, darling." I will sign it. [GERTRUDE holds the book, and he signs it, then sinks back very quietly, supported by the SURGEON. GERTRUDE rises and walks right.
MADELINE. General Haverill is here. [The SURGEON lays the fold of the blanket over FRANK'S face and rises.
MAJOR. He is dead. [MADELINE, on veranda, turns and looks left. The LIEUTENANT orders the guard, "Present Arms". Enter HAVERILL, on veranda. He salutes the guard as he passes. The LIEUTENANT orders, "Carry Arms." HAVERILL comes down.
HAVERILL. I am too late?
MAJOR. I'm sorry, General. His one eager thought as we came was to reach here in time to see you. [HAVERILL moves to the bier, looks down at it, then folds back the blanket from the face. He starts slightly as he first sees it.
HAVERILL. Brave boy! I hoped once to have a son like you. I shall be in your father's place, to-day, at your grave. [He replaces the blanket and steps back.] We will carry him to his comrades in the front. He shall have a soldier's burial, in sight of the mountain-top beneath which he sacrificed his young life; that shall be his monument.
MAJOR. Pardon me, General. We Virginians are your enemies, but you cannot honour this young soldier more than we do. Will you allow my men the privilege of carrying him to his grave? [HAVERILL inclines his head. The SURGEON motions to the Confederate soldiers, who step to the bier and raise it gently.
HAVERILL. Lieutenant! [The LIEUTENANT orders the guard, "Left Face." The Confederate bearers move through the gate, preceded by LIEUTENANT HARDWICK. HAVERILL draws his sword, reverses it, and moves up behind the bier with bowed head. The LIEUTENANT orders "Forward March," and the cortege disappears. While the girls are still watching it, the heavy sound of distant artillery is heard, with booming reverberations among the hills and in the Valley.
MADELINE. What is that sound, Gertrude?
GERTRUDE. Listen! [Another and more prolonged distant sound, with long reverberations.
MADELINE. Again! Gertrude! [GERTRUDE raises her hand to command silence; listens. Distant cannon again.
GERTRUDE. It is the opening of a battle.
MADELINE. Ah! [Running down stage. The sounds again. Prolonged rumble.
GERTRUDE. How often have I heard that sound. [Coming down.] This is war, Madeline! You are face to face with it now.
MADELINE. And Robert is there! He may be in the thickest of the danger—at this very moment.
GERTRUDE. Yes. Let our prayers go up for him; mine do, with all a sister's heart. [KERCHIVAL enters on veranda, without coat or vest, his sash about his waist, looking back as he comes in.] Kerchival!
KERCHIVAL. Go on! Go on! Keep the battle to yourselves. I'm out of it. [The distant cannon and reverberations rising in volume. Prolonged and distant rumble.
MADELINE. I pray for Robert Ellingham—and for the cause in which he risks his life! [KERCHIVAL looks at her, suddenly; also GERTRUDE.] Heaven forgive me if I am wrong, but I am praying for the enemies of my country. His people are my people, his enemies are my enemies. Heaven defend him and his, in this awful hour.
KERCHIVAL. Madeline! My sister!
MADELINE. Oh, Kerchival! [Turning and dropping her face on his breast.] I cannot help it—I cannot help it!
KERCHIVAL. My poor girl! Every woman's heart, the world over, belongs not to any country or any flag, but to her husband—and her lover. Pray for the man you love, sister—it would be treason not to. [Passes her before him to left. Looks across to GERTRUDE.] Am I right? [GERTRUDE drops her head. MADELINE moves up veranda and out.] Is what I have said to Madeline true?
GERTRUDE. Yes! [Looks up.] Kerchival!
KERCHIVAL. Gertrude! [Hurries across to her, clasps her in his arms. He suddenly staggers and brings his hand to his breast.
GERTRUDE. Your wound! [Supporting him as he reels and sinks into seat.
KERCHIVAL. Wound! I have no wound! You do love me! [Seizing her hand.
GERTRUDE. Let me call the Surgeon, Kerchival.
KERCHIVAL. You can be of more service to me than he can. [Detaining her. Very heavy sounds of the battle; she starts, listening.] Never mind that! It's only a battle. You love me!
GERTRUDE. Be quiet, Kerchival, dear. I do love you. I told you so, when you lay bleeding here, last night. But you could not hear me. [At his side, resting her arm about him, stroking his head.] I said that same thing—to—to—another, more than three years ago. It is in that letter that General Buckthorn gave you. [KERCHIVAL starts.] No—no—you must be very quiet, or I will not say another word. If you obey me, I will repeat that part of the letter, every word; I know it by heart, for I read it a dozen times. The letter is from Mrs. Haverill.
KERCHIVAL. [Quietly.] Go on.
GERTRUDE. "I have kept your secret, my darling, but I was sorely tempted to betray the confidence you reposed in me at Charleston. If Kerchival West—[She retires backward from him as she proceeds.]—had heard you say, as I did, when your face was hidden in my bosom, that night, that you loved him with your whole heart—"
KERCHIVAL. Ah! [Starting to his feet. He sinks back. She springs to support him.
GERTRUDE. I will go for help.
KERCHIVAL. Do not leave me at such a moment as this. You have brought me a new life. [Bringing her to her knees before him and looking down at her.] Heaven is just opening before me. [His hands drops suddenly and his head falls back. Battle.
GERTRUDE. Ah! Kerchival! You are dying! [Musketry. A sudden sharp burst of musketry, mingled with the roar of artillery near by. KERCHIVAL starts, seizing GERTRUDE'S arm and holding her away, still on her knees. He looks eagerly.
KERCHIVAL. The enemy is close upon us!
BARKET runs in, up the slope.
BARKET. Colonel Wist! The devils have sprung out of the ground. They're pouring over our lift flank like Noah's own flood. The Union Army has started back for Winchester, on its way to the North Pole; our own regiment, Colonel, is coming over the hill in full retrate.
KERCHIVAL. My own regiment! [Starting up.] Get my horse, Barket. [Turns.] Gertrude, my life! [Embraces GERTRUDE.
BARKET. Your horse, is it? I'm wid ye! There's a row at Finnegan's ball, and we're in it. [Springs to road, and out.
KERCHIVAL. [Turns away. Stops.] I am under arrest. [Retreat. Fugitives begin to straggle across stage.
GERTRUDE. You must not go, Kerchival; it will kill you.
KERCHIVAL. Arrest be damned! [Starts up stage, raises his arms above his head with clenched fist, rising to full height.] Stand out of my way, you cowards! [They cower away from him as he rushes out among them. The stream of fugitives passing across stage swells in volume. GERTRUDE runs through them and up to the elevation, turning.
GERTRUDE. Men! Are you soldiers? Turn back! There is a leader for you! Turn back! Fight for your flag—and mine!—the flag my father died for! Turn back! [She looks out and turns front.] He has been marked for death already, and I—I can only pray. [Dropping to her knees.
The stream of fugitives continues, now over the elevation also. Rough and torn uniforms, bandaged arms and legs; some limping and supported by others, some dragging their muskets after them, others without muskets, others using them as crutches. Variety of uniforms, cavalry, infantry, etc.; flags draggled on the ground, the rattle of near musketry and roar of cannon continue; two or three wounded fugitives drop down beside the hedge. BENSON staggers in and drops upon rock or stump near post. Artillerists, rough, torn and wounded, drag and force a field-piece across. CORPORAL DUNN, wounded, staggers to the top of elevation. There is a lull in the sounds of the battle. Distant cheers are heard without.
CORPORAL DUNN. Listen, fellows! Stop! Listen! Sheridan! General Sheridan is coming! [Cheers from those on stage. GERTRUDE rises quickly. The wounded soldiers rise, looking over hedge. All on stage stop, looking eagerly. The cheers without come nearer, with shouts of "Sheridan! Sheridan!"] The horse is down; he is worn out.
GERTRUDE. No! He is up again! He is on my Jack! Now, for your life, Jack, and for me! You've never failed me yet. [The cheers without now swell to full volume and are taken up by those on the stage. The horse sweeps by with GENERAL SHERIDAN.] Jack! Jack!! Jack!!! [Waving her arms as he passes. She throws up her arms and falls backward, caught by DUNN. The stream of men is reversed and surges across stage to road and on elevation, with shouts, throwing up hats, etc. The field-piece is forced up the slope with a few bold, rough movements; the artillerists are loading it, and the stream of returning fugitives is still surging by in the road as the curtain falls.
SCENE. Residence of GENERAL BUCKTHORN, in Washington. Interior. Fireplace slanting upward. Small alcove. Opening to hall, with staircase beyond, and also entrance from out left. Door up stage. A wide opening, with portieres to apartment. Upright piano down stage. Armchair and low stool before fireplace. Small table for tea, etc. Ottoman. Other chairs, ottomans, etc., to taste.
TIME. Afternoon.
DISCOVERED. MRS. HAVERILL, in armchair, resting her face upon her hand, and looking into the fire. EDITH is on a low stool at her side, sewing a child's garment.
EDITH. It seems hardly possible that the war is over, and that General Lee has really surrendered. [Fife and drum, without.] There is music in the streets nearly all the time, now, and everybody looks so cheerful and bright. [Distant fife and drums heard playing "Johnnie Comes Marching Home." EDITH springs up and runs up to window, looking out.] More troops returning! The old tattered battle-flag is waving in the wind, and people are running after them so merrily. [Music stops.] Every day, now, seems like a holiday. [Coming down.] The war is over. All the women ought to feel very happy, whose—whose husbands are—coming back to them.
MRS. HAVERILL. Yes, Edith; those women whose—husbands are coming back to them. [Still looking into fire.
EDITH. Oh! [Dropping upon the stool, her head upon the arm of the chair.
MRS. HAVERILL. [Resting her arm over her.] My poor little darling! Your husband will not come back.
EDITH. Frank's last message has never reached me.
MRS. HAVERILL. No; but you have one sweet thought always with you. Madeline West heard part of it, as Gertrude wrote it down. His last thought was a loving one, of you.
EDITH. Madeline says that he was thinking of you, too. He knew that you were taking such loving care of his little one, and of me. You have always done that, since you first came back from Charleston, and found me alone in New York.
MRS. HAVERILL. I found a dear, sweet little daughter. [Stroking her head.] Heaven sent you, darling! You have been a blessing to me. I hardly know how I should have got through the past few months at all without you at my side.
EDITH. What is your own trouble, dear? I have found you in tears so often; and since last October, after the battle of Cedar Creek, you—you have never shown me a letter from—from my—Frank's father. General Haverill arrived in Washington yesterday, but has not been here yet. Is it because I am here? He has never seen me, and I feel that he has never forgiven Frank for marrying me.
MRS. HAVERILL. Nonsense, my child; he did think the marriage was imprudent, but he told me to do everything I could for you. If General Haverill has not been to see either of us, since his arrival in Washington, it is nothing that you need to worry your dear little head about. How are you getting on with your son's wardrobe?
EDITH. Oh! Splendidly! Frankie isn't a baby any longer; he's a man, now, and he has to wear a man's clothes. [Holding up a little pair of trousers, with maternal pride.] He's rather young to be dressed like a man, but I want Frank to grow up as soon as possible. I long to have him old enough to understand me when I repeat to him the words in which General Haverill told the whole world how his father died! [Rising.] And yet, even in his official report to the Government, he only honoured him as Lieutenant Bedloe. He has never forgiven his son for the disgrace he brought upon his name.
MRS. HAVERILL. I know him so well—[Rising.]—the unyielding pride, that conquers even the deep tenderness of his nature. He can be silent, though his own heart is breaking. [Aside.] He can be silent, too, though my heart is breaking. [Dropping her face in her hand.
EDITH. Mother! [Putting her arm about her.
JANNETTE. A letter for you, Madam.
MRS. HAVERILL. [Taking note. Aside.] He has answered me. [Opens and reads; inclines her head to JANNETTE, who goes out to hall. Aloud.] General Haverill will be here this afternoon, Edith. [Exit up the stairs.
EDITH. There is something that she cannot confide to me, or to anyone. General Haverill returned to Washington yesterday, and he has not been here yet. He will be here to-day. I always tremble when I think of meeting him.
GENERAL BUCKTHORN appears in hall.
BUCKTHORN. Come right in; this way, Barket. Ah, Edith!
BARKET. [Entering.] As I was saying, sur—just after the battle of Sayder Creek began—
BUCKTHORN. [To EDITH.] More good news! The war is, indeed, over, now!
BARKET. Whin Colonel Wist rode to the front to mate his raytrating rigiment—
BUCKTHORN. General Johnson has surrendered his army, also; and that, of course, does end the war.
EDITH. I'm very glad that all the fighting is over.
BUCKTHORN. So am I; but my occupation, and old Barket's, too, is gone. Always at work on new clothes for our little soldier?
EDITH. He's growing so, I can hardly make them fast enough for him. But this is the time for his afternoon nap. I must go now, to see if he is sleeping soundly.
BUCKTHORN. Our dear little mother! [Tapping her chin.] I always claim the privilege of my white hair, you know. [She, puts up her lips; he kisses her. She goes out.] The sweetest young widow I ever saw! [BARKET coughs. BUCKTHORN turns sharply; BARKET salutes.] Well! What the devil are you thinking about now?
BARKET. The ould time, sur. Yer honour used to claim the same privilege for brown hair.
BUCKTHORN. You old rascal! What a memory you have! You were telling me for the hundredth time about the battle of Cedar Creek; go on. I can never hear it often enough. Kerchival West was a favourite of mine, poor fellow!
BARKET. Just afther the battle of Sayder Creek began, when the Colonel rode to the front to mate his raytrating rigiment—
BUCKTHORN. I'll tell Old Margery to bring in tea for both of us, Barket.
BARKET. For both of us, sur?
BUCKTHORN. Yes; and later in the evening we'll have something else, together. This is a great day for all of us. I'm not your commander to-day, but your old comrade in arms—[Laying his arm over BARKET'S shoulder.]—and I'm glad I don't have to pull myself up now every time I forget my dignity. Ah! you and I will be laid away before long, but we'll be together again in the next world, won't we, Barket?
BARKET. Wid yer honour's permission. [Saluting.
BUCKTHORN. Ha—ha—ha! [Laughing.] If we do meet there I'm certain you'll salute me as your superior officer. There's old Margery, now. [Looking to door. Calls.] Margery! Tea for two!
MARGERY. [Without.] The tay be waiting for ye, sur; and it be boilin' over wid impatience.
BUCKTHORN. Bring up a chair, Barket. [Sitting in arm-chair.
BARKET. [Having placed table and drawing up a chair.] Do you know, Gineral, I don't fale quite aisy in my moind. I'm not quite sure that Margery will let us take our tay together. [Sits down, doubtfully.
BUCKTHORN. I hadn't thought of that. I—[Glancing right.]—I hope she will, Barket. But, of course, if she won't—she's been commander-in-chief of my household ever since Jenny was a baby.
BARKET. At Fort Duncan, in Texas.
BUCKTHORN. You and Old Margery never got along very well in those days; but I thought you had made it all up; she nursed you through your wound, last summer, and after the battle of Cedar Creek, also.
BARKET. Yis, sur, bliss her kind heart, she's been like a wife to me; and that's the trouble. A man's wife is such an angel when he's ill that he dreads to get well; good health is a misfortune to him. Auld Margery and I have had anither misunderstanding.
BUCKTHORN. I'll do the best I can for both of us, Barket. You were telling me about the battle of—
BARKET. Just afther the battle of Sayder Creek began, whin Colonel Wist rode to the front to mate his raytrating rigiment—
Enter OLD MARGERY, tray, tea, &c. She stops abruptly, looking at BARKET. He squirms in his chair. BUCKTHORN rises and stands with his back to the mantel. OLD MARGERY moves to the table, arranges things on it, glances at BARKET, then at BUCKTHORN, who looks up at ceiling, rubbing his chin, &c. OLD MARGERY takes up one of the cups, with saucer.
OLD MARGERY. I misunderstood yer order, sur. I see there's no one here but yerself. [Going right.
BUCKTHORN. Ah, Margery! [She stops.] Barket tells me that there has been a slight misunderstanding between you and him.
OLD MARGERY. Day before yisterday, the ould Hibernian dhrone had the kitchen upside down, to show anither old milithary vagabone loike himself how the battle of Sayder Creek was fought. He knocked the crame pitcher into the basket of clane clothes, and overturned some raspberry jam and the flat-irons into a pan of fresh eggs. There has been a misunderstanding betwane us.
BUCKTHORN. I see there has. I suppose Barket was showing his friend how Colonel Kerchival West rode forward to meet his regiment, when he was already wounded dangerously.
OLD MARGERY. Bliss the poor, dear young man! He and I was always good frinds, though he was somethin' of a devil in the kitchen himself, whin he got there. [Wiping her eye with one corner of her apron.] And bliss the young Southern lady that was in love wid him, too. [Changing the cup and wiping the other eye with the corner of her apron.] Nothing was iver heard of ayther of thim after that battle was over, to this very day.
BUCKTHORN. Barket was at Kerchival's side when he rode to the front. [OLD MARGERY hesitates a moment, then moves to the table, sets down the cup and marches out. BUCKTHORN sits in the arm-chair again, pouring tea.] I could always find some way to get Old Margery to do what I wanted her to do.
BARKET. You're a great man, Ginerel; we'd niver have conquered the South widout such men.
BUCKTHORN. Now go on, Barket; you were interrupted.
BARKET. Just afther the battle of Sayder Creek began, whin—
Enter JANNETTE with card, which she hands to BUCKTHORN.
BUCKTHORN. [Reading card.] Robert Ellingham! [Rises.] I will go to him. [To JANNETTE.] Go upstairs and tell Madeline to come down.
JANNETTE. Yes, sir. [Going.
BUCKTHORN. And, Jannette, simply say there is a caller; don't tell her who is here. [Exit JANNETTE upstairs. BUCKTHORN follows her out to hall.] Ellingham! My dear fellow! [Extending his hand and disappearing.
BARKET. Colonel Ellingham and Miss Madeline—lovers! That's the kind o' volunteers the country nades now!
BUCKTHORN. [As he enters.] We've been fighting four years to keep you out of Washington, Colonel, but we are delighted to see you within the lines, now.
ELLINGHAM. I am glad, indeed, General, to have so warm a welcome. But can you tell me anything about my sister, Gertrude?
BUCKTHORN. About your sister? Why, can't you tell us? And have you heard nothing of Kerchival West on your side of the line?
ELLINGHAM. All I can tell you is this: As soon as possible after our surrender at Appomattox, I made my way to the Shenandoah Valley. Our home there is utterly deserted. I have hurried down to Washington in the hopes that I might learn something of you. There is no human being about the old homestead; it is like a haunted house—empty, and dark, and solitary. You do not even know where Gertrude is?
BUCKTHORN. We only know that Kerchival was not found among the dead of his own regiment at Cedar Creek, though he fell among them during the fight. The three girls searched the field for him, but he was not there. As darkness came on, and they were returning to the house, Gertrude suddenly seized the bridle of a stray horse, sprang upon its back and rode away to the South, into the woods at the foot of Three Top Mountain. The other two girls watched for her in vain. She did not return, and we have heard nothing from her since.
ELLINGHAM. Poor girl! I understand what was in her thoughts, and she was right. We captured fourteen hundred prisoners that day, although we were defeated, and Kerchival must have been among them. Gertrude rode away, alone, in the darkness, to find him. I shall return to the South at once and learn where she now is.
JANNETTE has re-entered, down the stairs.
JANNETTE. Miss Madeline will be down in a moment. [Exit in hall.
BARKET. [Aside.] That name wint through his chist like a rifle ball.
BUCKTHORN. Will you step into the drawing-room, Colonel? I will see Madeline myself, first. She does not even know that you are living.
ELLINGHAM. I hardly dared asked for her. [Passing; turns.] Is she well?
BUCKTHORN. Yes; and happy—or soon will be.
ELLINGHAM. Peace, at last! [Exit to apartment. BUCKTHORN closes portieres.
BUCKTHORN. I ought to prepare Madeline a little, Barket; you must help me.
BARKET. Yis, sur, I will.
Enter MADELINE down the stairs.
MADELINE. Uncle! Jannette said you wished to see me; there is a visitor here. Who is it?
BARKET. Colonel Robert Ellingham.
MADELINE. Ah! [Staggering.
BUCKTHORN. [Supporting her.] You infernal idiot! I'll put you in the guard-house!
BARKET. You wanted me to help ye, Gineral.
MADELINE. Robert is alive—and here? [Rising from his arms, she moves to the portieres, holds them aside, peeping in; gives a joyful start, tosses aside the portieres and runs through.
BUCKTHORN. Barket! There's nothing but that curtain between us and Heaven.
BARKET. I don't like stayin' out o' Hivin, myself, sur. Gineral! I'll kiss Ould Margery—if I die for it! [Exit.
BUCKTHORN. Kiss Old Margery! I'll give him a soldier's funeral. [Enter JENNY from hall, demurely.] Ah! Jenny, my dear! I have news for you. Colonel Robert Ellingham is in the drawing-room.
JENNY. Oh! I am delighted. [Starting.
JENNY. Oh!—exactly. I see. I have some news for you, papa. Captain Heartsease has arrived in Washington.
BUCKTHORN. Oh! My dear! I have often confessed to you how utterly mistaken I was about that young man. He is a soldier—as good a soldier as you are. I'll ask him to the house.
JENNY. [Demurely.] He is here now.
JENNY. He's been here an hour; in the library.
BUCKTHORN. Why! Barket and I were in the library fifteen minutes ago.
JENNY. Yes, sir. We were in the bay-window; the curtains were closed.
BUCKTHORN. Oh! exactly; I see. You may tell him he has my full consent.
JENNY. He hasn't asked for it.
BUCKTHORN. Hasn't he? And you've been in the bay-window an hour? Well, my darling—I was considered one of the best Indian fighters in the old army, but it took me four years to propose to your mother. I'll go and see the Captain. [Exit to hall.
JENNY. I wonder if it will take Captain Heartsease four years to propose to me. Before he left Washington, nearly two years ago, he told everybody in the circle of my acquaintance, except me, that he was in love with me. I'll be an old lady in caps before our engagement commences. Poor, dear mother! The idea of a girl's waiting four years for a chance to say "Yes." It's been on the tip of my tongue so often, I'm afraid it'll pop out, at last, before he pops the question.
Enter BUCKTHORN and HEARTSEASE from hall.
BUCKTHORN. Walk right in, Captain; this is the family room. You must make yourself quite at home here.
HEARTSEASE. Thank you. [Walking down.
BUCKTHORN. My dear! [Apart to JENNY.] The very first thing he said to me, after our greeting, was that he loved my daughter.
JENNY. Now he's told my father!
BUCKTHORN. He's on fire!
JENNY. Is he? [Looking at HEARTSEASE, who stands quietly stroking his mustache.] Why doesn't he tell me?
BUCKTHORN. You may have to help him a little; your mother assisted me. [Turning up stage.] When you and Jenny finish your chat, Captain—[Lighting a cigar at the mantel.]—you must join me in the smoking-room.
HEARTSEASE. I shall be delighted. By the way, General—I have been in such a fever of excitement since I arrived at this house—
JENNY. [Aside.] Fever? Chills!
HEARTSEASE. That I forgot it entirely. I have omitted a very important and a very sad commission. I have brought with me the note-book of Lieutenant Frank Bedloe—otherwise Haverill—in which Miss Gertrude Ellingham wrote down his last message to his young wife.
JENNY. Have you seen Gertrude?
BUCKTHORN. [Taking book.] How did this note-book come into your possession?
HEARTSEASE. Miss Ellingham visited the prison in North Carolina where I was detained. She was going from hospital to hospital, from prison to prison, and from burial-place to burial-place, to find Colonel Kerchival West, if living—or some record of his death.
BUCKTHORN. Another Evangeline! Searching for her lover through the wilderness of this great war!
HEARTSEASE. I was about to be exchanged at the time, and she requested me to bring this to her friends in Washington. She had not intended to carry it away with her. I was not exchanged, as we then expected, but I afterwards escaped from prison to General Sherman's army.
BUCKTHORN. I will carry this long-delayed message to the widowed young mother. [Exit.
JENNY. I remember so well, when poor Lieutenant Haverill took out the note-book and asked Gertrude to write for him. He—he brought me a message at the same time. [Their eyes meet. He puts up his glasses. She turns away, touching her eyes.
HEARTSEASE. I—I remember the circumstances you probably allude to; that is—when he left my side—I—I gave him my—I mean your—lace handkerchief.
JENNY. It is sacred to me!
HEARTSEASE. Y-e-s—I would say—is it?
JENNY. [Wiping her eyes.] It was stained with the life-blood of a hero!
HEARTSEASE. I must apologize to you for its condition. I hadn't any chance to have it washed and ironed.
JENNY. [Looking around at him, suddenly; then, aside.] What could any girl do with a lover like that? [Turning up stage.
HEARTSEASE. [Aside.] She seems to remember that incident so tenderly! My blood boils!
JENNY. Didn't you long to see your—your friends at home—when you were in prison, Captain?
HEARTSEASE. Yes—especially—I longed especially, Miss Buckthorn, to see—
JENNY. Yes!—to see—
HEARTSEASE. But there were lots of jolly fellows in the prison. [JENNY turns away.] We had a dramatic society, and a glee club, and an orchestra. I was one of the orchestra. I had a banjo, with one string; I played one tune on it, that I used to play on the piano with one finger. But, Miss Buckthorn, I am a prisoner again, to-night—your prisoner.
JENNY. [Aside.] At last!
HEARTSEASE. I'll show you how that tune went. [Turns to piano; sits.
JENNY. [Aside.] Papa said I'd have to help him, but I don't see an opening. [HEARTSEASE plays part of an air with one finger; strikes two or three wrong notes.
HEARTSEASE. There are two notes down there, somewhere, that I never could get right. The fellows in prison used to dance while I played—[Playing.]—that is, the lame ones did; those that weren't lame couldn't keep the time.
JENNY. You must have been in great danger, Captain, when you escaped from prison.
HEARTSEASE. Y-e-s. I was badly frightened several times. One night I came face to face, on the road, with a Confederate officer. It was Captain Thornton.
JENNY. Oh! What did you do?
HEARTSEASE. I killed him. [Very quietly, and trying the tune again at once. Enter JANNETTE, from in hall; she glances into the room and goes up the stairs.] I used to skip those two notes on the banjo. It's very nice for a soldier to come home from the war, and meet those—I mean the one particular person—that he—you see, when a soldier loves a woman, as—as—
JENNY. [Aside.] As he loves me. [Approaches him.
HEARTSEASE. As soldiers often do—[Plays; she turns away, petulantly; he plays the tune through correctly.] That's it!
JENNY. [Aside.] I'm not going to be made love to by piece-meal, like this, any longer. [Aloud.] Captain Heartsease! Have you anything in particular to say to me? [He looks up.
HEARTSEASE. Y-e-s. [Rising.
JENNY. Say it! You told my father, and all my friends, that you were in love with me. Whom are you going to tell next?
HEARTSEASE. I am in love with you.
JENNY. It was my turn.
HEARTSEASE. [Going near to her.] Do you love me?
JENNY. [Laying her head quietly on his breast.] I must take time to consider.
HEARTSEASE. [Quietly.] I assume that this means "Yes."
JENNY. It isn't the way a girl says "No."
HEARTSEASE. My darling!
JENNY. Why! His heart is beating as fast as mine is!
HEARTSEASE. [Quietly.] I am frantic with joy. [He kisses her. She hides her face on his breast. Enter MRS. HAVERILL, down-stairs, followed by JANNETTE. MRS. HAVERILL stops suddenly. JANNETTE stands in the doorway. HEARTSEASE inclines his head to her, quietly looking at her over JENNY.] I am delighted to see you, after so long an absence; I trust that we shall meet more frequently hereafter.
JENNY. [Looking at him.] Eh?
HEARTSEASE. [Looking down at her.] I think, perhaps, it might be as well for us to repair to another apartment, and continue our interview, there!
JENNY. [Dropping her head on his breast again.] This room is very comfortable.
MRS. HAVERILL. Jenny, dear! [JENNY starts up; looks from MRS. HAVERILL to HEARTSEASE.
JENNY. Constance! I—'Bout face! March! [Turns and goes out.
MRS. HAVERILL. I am glad to see you again, Captain, and happy as well as safe.
HEARTSEASE. Thank you, Madam. I am happy. If you will excuse me, I will join—my father—in the smoking-room. [MRS. HAVERILL inclines her head, and HEARTSEASE walks out.
MRS. HAVERILL. Jannette! You may ask General Haverill to come into this room. [Exit JANNETTE. MRS. HAVERILL walks down, reading a note.] "I have hesitated to come to you personally, as I have hesitated to write to you. If I have been silent, it is because I could not bring my hand to write what was in my mind and in my heart. I do not know that I can trust my tongue to speak it, but I will come."
Enter HAVERILL from hall; he stops.
HAVERILL. Constance!
MRS. HAVERILL. My husband! May I call you husband? After all these months of separation, with your life in almost daily peril, and my life—what? Only a weary longing for one loving word—and you are silent.
HAVERILL. May I call you wife? I do not wish to speak that word except with reverence. You have asked me to come to you. I am here. I will be plain, direct and brief. Where is the portrait of yourself, which I gave you, in Charleston, for my son?
MRS. HAVERILL. Your son is dead, sir; and my portrait lies upon his breast, in the grave. [HAVERILL takes the miniature from his pocket and holds it towards her in his extended hand. She starts back.] He gave it to you? And you ask me where it is?
HAVERILL. It might have lain in the grave of Kerchival West!
HAVERILL. Not in my son's. I found it upon his breast. [She turns front, dazed.] Well! I am listening! It was not I that sought this interview, Madam; and if you prefer to remain silent, I will go. You know, now, why I have been silent so long.
MRS. HAVERILL. My only witnesses to the truth are both dead. I shall remain silent. [Turning towards him.] We stand before each other, living, but not so happy as they. We are parted, forever. Even if you should accept my unsupported word—if I could so far forget my pride as to give it to you—suspicion would still hang between us. I remain silent. [HAVERILL looks at her, earnestly, for a moment; then approaches her.
HAVERILL. I cannot look into your eyes and not see truth and loyalty there. Constance!
MRS. HAVERILL. No, John! [Checking him.] I will not accept your blind faith!
HAVERILL. [Looking down at the picture in his hand.] My faith is blind; blind as my love! I do not wish to see! [Enter EDITH. She stops; looks at HAVERILL. He raises his head and looks at her.
EDITH. This is General Haverill? [Dropping her eyes.] I am Edith, sir.
HAVERILL. [Gently.] My son's wife. [Kisses her forehead.] You shall take the place he once filled in my heart. His crime and his disgrace are buried in a distant grave.
EDITH. And you have not forgiven him, even yet?
MRS. HAVERILL. Is there no atonement for poor Frank's sin—not even his death? Can you only bury the wrong and forget the good?
HAVERILL. The good?
MRS. HAVERILL. Your own words to the Government, as his commander!
HAVERILL. What do you mean?
MRS. HAVERILL. "The victory of Cedar Creek would have been impossible without the sacrifice of this young officer."
HAVERILL. My own words, yes—but—
EDITH. "His name must take its place, forever, in the roll of names which his countrymen honour."
HAVERILL. Lieutenant Bedloe!
MRS. HAVERILL. Haverill! You did not know?
EDITH. You did not receive mother's letter?—after his death?
HAVERILL. My son! [Sinking upon chair or ottoman.] I left him alone in his grave, unknown; but my tears fell for him then, as they do now. He died before I reached him.
EDITH. Father! [Laying her hand gently on his shoulder.] You shall see Frank's face again. His little son is lying asleep upstairs; and when he wakes up, Frank's own eyes will look into yours. I have just received his last message. I will read it to you. [Note-book. Reads.] "Tell our little son how his father died, not how he lived. And tell her who filled my own mother's place so lovingly." [She looks at MRS. HAVERILL, moves to her and hides her face in her bosom.] My mother!
MRS. HAVERILL. Edith—my child! Frank loved us both.
EDITH. [Reading.] "Father's portrait of her, which she gave to me in Charleston—[HAVERILL starts.]—helped me to be a better man."
HAVERILL. [Rising to his feet.] Constance!
EDITH. [Reading.] "It was taken from me in Richmond, and it is in the possession of Captain Edward Thornton."
HAVERILL. One moment! Stop! Let me think! [EDITH looks at him; retires up stage.] Thornton was a prisoner—and to Kerchival West. A despatch had been found upon him—he was searched! [He moves to her and takes both her hands in his own, bowing his head over them.] My head is bowed in shame.
MRS. HAVERILL. Speak to me, John, as you used to speak! Tell me you still love me!
HAVERILL. The—the words will come—but they are—choking me—now. [Presses her hand to his lips.
MRS. HAVERILL. We will think no more of the past, except of what was bright in it. Frank's memory, and our own love, will be with us always.
Enter BUCKTHORN, followed by HEARTSEASE.
BUCKTHORN. Haverill! You are back from the war, too. It begins to look like peace in earnest.
HAVERILL. Yes. Peace and home. [Shaking hands with him. MRS. HAVERILL joins EDITH.
BARKET. Gineral! [BUCKTHORN moves to him. HAVERILL joins MRS. HAVERILL and EDITH. BARKET speaks apart, twisting one side of his face.] I kissed her!
BUCKTHORN. Have you sent for a surgeon?
BARKET. I felt as if the inimy had surprised us agin, and Sheridan was sixty miles away.
HAVERILL. This is old Sergeant Barket. [BARKET salutes.] You were the last man of us all that saw Colonel West.
BARKET. Just afther the battle of Sayder Creek began—whin Colonel Wist rode to the front to mate his retreating rigiment—the byes formed in line, at sight of him, to raysist the victorious inimy. It was just at the brow of a hill—about there, sur—[Pointing with his cane.] and—here! [He takes tray from table and sets it on the carpet. Lays the slices of bread in a row.] That be the rigiment. [All interested. MADELINE and ELLINGHAM enter, and look on. BARKET arranges the two cups and saucers in a row.] That be the inimy's batthery, sur. [Enter MARGERY. She goes to the table; then looks around, sharply, at BARKET.
MARGERY. Ye ould Hibernian dhrone! What are yez doin' wid the china on the floor? You'll break it all!
BUCKTHORN. Ah—Margery! Barket is telling us where he last saw Colonel Kerchival West.
MARGERY. The young Colonel! The tay-cups and saucers be's the inimy's batthery? Yez may smash 'em, if ye loike!
BUCKTHORN. Go on, Barket. [JENNY and HEARTSEASE have entered as BARKET proceeds; the whole party lean forward, intensely interested. GERTRUDE enters in hall, looks in, beckons out left. KERCHIVAL follows. They move up stage, back of the rest and unseen, listening.
BARKET. Just as the rigiment was rayformed in line, and Colonel Wist was out in front—widout any coat or hat, and wid only a shtick in his hand—we heard cheers in the rear. Gineral Sheridan was coming! One word to the men—and we swept over the batthery like a whirlwind! [Slashing his cane through the cups and saucers.
MARGERY. Hoo-roo!
BARKET. The attack on the lift flank was checked. But when we shtopped to take breath, Colonel Wist wasn't wid us. [GERTRUDE turns lovingly to KERCHIVAL. He places his arm about her.] Heaven knows where he is now. Afther the battle was over, poor Miss Gertrude wint off by hersilf into the wilderness to find him.
KERCHIVAL. My wife! You saved my life, at last! [Embracing her.
BARKET. They'll niver come together in this world. I saw Miss Gertrude, myself, ride away into the woods and disappear behind a school-house on the battle-field, over there.
GERTRUDE. No, Barket—[All start and look.]—it was the little church; we were married there this morning!