62. CLARK, A. Players or Companies on Tour 1548-1630. (Notes and Queries, X Series, XII, 41.)
COCKPIT-IN-COURT. See Nos. 18, 80, 81, 82, 83, 89, 99, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 197, 228, 250, 253, 305, 313.
COCKPIT-IN-DRURY LANE. See Nos. 4, 30, 33, 47, 72, 88, 91, 99, 119, 138, 139, 142, 147, 159, 197, 223, 227, 228, 303.
*63. COLLIER, J.P. The Alleyn Papers. London. Printed for The Shakespeare Society, 1843. (See No. 161.)
64. —— The Diary of Philip Henslowe. London. Printed for The Shakespeare Society, 1845. (See No. 143.)
*65. —— The History of English Dramatic Poetry. 3 vols. 1831. Second edition, London, 1879.
66. —— Lives of the Original Actors. (See No. 68.)
*67. —— Memoirs of Edward Alleyn. London. Printed for The Shakespeare Society, 1841. (See No. 316.)
68. —— Memoirs of the Principal Actors in the Plays of Shakespeare. London. Printed for The Shakespeare Society, 1846. (Reprinted with some corrections in No. 65.)
69. —— On Players and Dramatic Performances in the Reign of Edward IV. (The Shakespeare Society's Papers, II, 87.)
*70. —— Original History of "The Theatre" in Shoreditch, and Connexion of the Burbadge Family with it. (Ibid., IV, 63.)
71. —— Richard Field, Nathaniel Field, Anthony Munday, and Henry Chettle. (Ibid., IV, 36.)
*72. —— The Works of Shakespeare, London, 1844. (Vol. I, p. ccxli, reprints a record of the end of certain early playhouses from "some manuscript notes to a copy of Stowe's Annales, by Howes, folio, 1631, in the possession of Mr. Pickering." See No. 119.)
73. CONRAD, H. Robert Greene als Dramatiker. (The Shakespeare Jahrbuch, XXIX-XXX, 210.)
74. CORBIN, J. Shakspere his own Stage-Manager. (The Century Magazine, LXXXIII, 260.)
75. CREIGHTON, C. A History of Epidemics in Britain. 2 vols. Cambridge, 1891-94.
76. CREIZENACH, W. Geschichte des neueren Dramas. Vol. IV, Part I, Book viii. Halle, 1909. (English translation by Cecile Hugon, London, 1916.)
77. —— Die Schauspiele der englischen Komoedianten. (Deutsche National-Litteratur, XXIII.)
78. CULLEN, C. Puritanism and the Stage. (Proceedings of the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow, XLIII, 153.)
79. CUNNINGHAM. P. Did General Harrison Kill "Dick Robinson" the Player? (The Shakespeare Society's Papers, II, 11.)
*80. —— Extracts from the Accounts of the Revels at the Court in the Reigns of Queen Elizabeth and King James I. London. Printed for The Shakespeare Society, 1842. (See Nos. 11, 180, 181, 184.)
81. —— A Handbook of London. 2 vols. London, 1849. (A new edition, "corrected and enlarged," London, 1850. See also No. 305.)
82. —— Inigo Jones. A Life of the Architect. London. Printed for The Shakespeare Society, 1848.
83. —— Inigo Jones, and his Office under the Crown. (The Shakespeare Society's Papers, I, 103.)
84. —— Plays at Court, Anno 1613. (Ibid., II, 123.)
85. —— Sir George Buc and the Office of the Revels. (Ibid., IV, 143.)
*86. —— The Whitefriars Theatre, the Salisbury Court Theatre, and the Duke's Theatre in Dorset Gardens. (Ibid., IV, 89.)
CURTAIN. See Nos. 96, 150, 151, 222, 223, 284.
*87. DASENT, J.R. Acts of the Privy Council of England. New Series. London, 1890-. (This contains the Acts to the end of Elizabeth's reign; for those Acts relating to the drama from 1603 to 1642, see No. 54. Cf. No. 260.)
88. Description of the Great Machines of the Descent of Orpheus into Hell. Presented by the French Comedians at the Cockpit in Drury Lane. London, 1661.
89. Diaries and Despatches of the Venetian Embassy at the Court of King James I., in the Years 1617, 1618. Translated by Rawdon Brown. (The Quarterly Review, CII, 398.)
Diary, of the Duke of Stettin-Pomerania. (See Nos. 34, 146.)
90. DOBELL, B. Newly Discovered Documents. (The Athenaeum, March 30, 1901, p. 403. Of value for Blackfriars.)
*91. DOWNES, J. Roscius Anglicanus. London, 1708.
92. DRAMATICUS. On the Profits of Old Actors. (The Shakespeare Society's Papers, I, 21.)
93. —— The Players Who Acted in The Shoemaker's Holiday, 1600. (Ibid., IV, 110.)
94. DURAND, W.Y. Notes on Richard Edwards. (The Journal of Germanic Philology, IV, 348.)
95. —— Palaemon and Arcyte, Progne, Marcus Geminus, and the Theatre in Which They Were Acted, 1566. (Publications of the Modern Language Association of America, XX, 502.)
96. ELLIS, H. The History and Antiquities of the Parish of Saint Leonard, Shoreditch. London, 1798.
97. ELTON, C.I. William Shakespeare, His Family and Friends. London, 1904. (Chap. IV deals with Blackfriars and the Globe.)
98. EVANS, M.B. An Early Type of Stage. (Modern Philology, IX, 421.)
99. EVELYN, J. Diary and Correspondence. Edited by William Bray and H.B. Wheatley. 4 vols. London, 1906.
*100. FEUILLERAT, A. Blackfriars Records. (The Malone Society's Collections, II, 1.)
101. —— John Lyly. Cambridge, 1910.
102. —— Le Bureau des Menus-Plaisirs (Office of the Revels) et la Mise en Scene a la Cour D'Elizabeth. Louvain, 1910.
*103. —— Documents Relating to the Office of the Revels in the Time of Queen Elizabeth. Louvain, 1908.
104. —— Documents Relating to the Revels at Court in the Time of King Edward VI and Queen Mary. (The Loseley Manuscripts.) Louvain, 1914.
*105. —— The Origin of Shakespeare's Blackfriars Theatre. (The Shakespeare Jahrbuch, XLVIII, 81.)
106. —— Shakespeare's Blackfriars. (The London Daily Chronicle, December 22, 1911.)
*107. FIRTH, C.H. The Suppression of the Drama during the Protectorate and Commonwealth. (Notes and Queries, VII Series, VI, 122.)
108. FITZJEFFREY, H. Notes from Black-fryers. London, 1620.
*109. FLEAY, F.G. A Biographical Chronicle of the English Drama, 1559-1642. 2 vols. London, 1891.
110. —— A Chronicle History of the Life and Work of William Shakespeare. London, 1886.
*111. —— A Chronicle History of the London Stage, 1559-1642. London, 1890.
112. —— History of the Theatres in London from their First Opening in 1576 to their Closing in 1642. (Transactions of the Royal Historical Society, X, 114. Also privately issued.)
113. —— On the Actor Lists, 1578-1642. (Ibid., IX, 44.)
114. —— A Shakespeare Manual. London, 1878.
115. FLECKNOE, R. A Short Discourse of the English Stage. (Attached to Love's Kingdom, 1664; reprinted in No. 158.)
116. FORESTIER, A. The Fortune Theatre Reconstructed. (The Illustrated London News, August 12, 1911, p. 276.)
117. —— Origins of the English Stage (Ibid., CXXXV, 934; CXXXVI, 57, 169, 225, 344, 423.)
FORTUNE. See Nos. 8, 24, 38, 46, 61, 63, 64, 67, 72, 89, 116, 119, 120, 126, 129, 143, 144, 161, 190, 211, 223, 231, 234, 235, 239, 303, 304, 316.
118. FOWELL, F. AND F. PALMER. Censorship in England. London, [1913].
*119. FURNIVALL, F.J. The End of Shakespeare's Theatres. (The Academy, XXII, 314. Manuscript notes from the Phillipps copy of Stow's Annals, 1631. Previously printed by Collier. See No. 72.)
120. —— The Fortune Theatre in 1649. (Notes and Queries, X Series, I, 85.)
*121. —— Harrison's Description of England. The New Shakspere Society. London, 1877-78. (See No. 154.)
122. G., G.M. The Stage Censor, an Historical Sketch: 1544-1907. London, 1908.
*123. GAEDERTZ, K.T. Zur Kenntnis der altenglischen Buehne. Bremen, 1888. (On the De Witt drawing of the Swan. See Nos. 31, 193, 306.)
124. GAEHDE, C. Das Theater; Schauspielhaus und Schauspielkunst vom griechischen Altertum bis auf die Gegenwart. Leipzig, 1908.
125. GARDNER, A.E. The Site of the Globe Playhouse of Shakespeare. (The Athenaeum, December 5, 1914.)
126. GAYTON, E. Pleasant Notes on Don Quixot. London, 1654. (The second edition, 1768, is of no value.)
127. GENEST, J. Some Account of the English Stage from the Restoration in 1660 to 1830. 10 vols. Bath, 1832.
*128. GILDERSLEEVE, V.C. Government Regulation of the Elizabethan Drama. New York, 1908.
GLOBE. See Nos. 38, 49, 51, 72, 97, 117, 119, 125, 150, 152, 165, 166, 167, 171, 176, 191, 205, 206, 207, 208, 211, 212, 213, 223, 233, 236, 237, 240, 241, 251, 257, 266, 292, 297, 299, 300, 301.
129. GODFREY, W.H. An Elizabethan Playhouse. (The Architectural Review, London, April, 1908; reprinted in No. 61. See also the Architect and Builder's Journal, London, August 16, 1911, and The Architectural Review, London, January, 1912, for descriptions of Mr. Godfrey's model of the Fortune. This model is now in the Dramatic Museum at Columbia University, and a duplicate is in the Museum of European Culture at the University of Illinois. See also Nos. 8, 38, 61, 116, 211.)
130. GOODWIN, A.T. Court Revels in the Reign of Henry VII. (The Shakespeare Society's Papers, I, 47.)
131. GRABO, C.H. Theatres of Elizabeth's London. (Chautauquan, November, 1906.)
*132. GRAVES, T.S. The Court and the London Theatres During the Reign of Elizabeth. Menasha, Wis., 1913.
*133. —— A Note on the Swan Theatre. (Modern Philology, IX, 431. See No. 135.)
134. —— The Shape of the First London Theatre. (The South Atlantic Quarterly, July, 1914.)
135. —— Tricks of Elizabethan Showmen. (Ibid., April, 1915. Deals with The Swan. See No. 133.)
*136. GREENSTREET, J. The Blackfriars Playhouse: Its Antecedents. (The Athenaeum, July 17, 1886, p. 91, January 7, 1888, p. 25.)
*137. —— Blackfriars Theatre in the Time of Shakespeare. (Ibid., April 7, 1888, p. 445; April 21, 1888, p. 509; August 10, 1889, p. 203. These documents are reprinted by Fleay, No. 111.)
*138. —— Documents Relating to the Players at the Red Bull, Clerkenwell, and the Cockpit in Drury Lane, in the Time of James I. (The New Shakspere Society Transactions, 1880-86, p. 489. Also in The Athenaeum, February 21, 1885. Reprinted by Fleay, No. 111.)
*139. —— Drury Lane Theatre in the Reign of James I. (The Athenaeum, 1885, February 21, p. 258; August 29, p. 282. Reprinted by Fleay, No. 111.)
*140. —— The Red Bull Playhouse in the Reign of James I. (The Athenaeum, November 28, 1885, p. 709. Reprinted by Fleay, No. 111; and by Wallace, in completer form, No. 303.)
*141. —— The Whitefriars Theatre in the Time of Shakespeare. (The New Shakspere Society Transactions, 1887-90, p. 269.)
*142. —— The Will of Thomas Greene, with Particulars as to the Red Bull. (The Athenaeum, August 29, 1885. Reprinted by Fleay, No. 111.)
*143. GREG, W.W. Henslowe's Diary. 2 vols. London, 1904-1908. (See No. 46.)
*144. —— Henslowe Papers. London, 1907.
—— See also under CHAMBERS, E.K. AND W.W. GREG.
145. GROTE, W. Das London zur Zeit der Koenigin Elisabeth in deutscher Beleuchtung. (Neueren Sprachen, XIV, 633.)
*146. HAGER, H. Diary of the Journey of Philip Julius, Duke of Stettin-Pomerania, through England in the Year 1602. (Englische Studien, XVIII, 315. See No. 34.)
*147. HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS, J.O. A Collection of Ancient Documents Respecting the Office of the Master of the Revels, and Other Papers Relating to the Early Theatre. London, 1870. (Only eleven copies printed. The documents, with others, have been reprinted by Adams in No. 4.)
148. —— Dispute between the Earl of Worcester's Players and the Corporation of Leicester in 1586. (The Shakespeare Society's Papers, IV, 145.)
149. —— Illustrations of the Life of Shakespeare. London, 1874. (The material of this book has been embodied in No. 150.)
*150. —— Outlines of the Life of Shakespeare. 2 vols. The eleventh edition. London, 1907. (The page numbers have not been changed since the seventh edition, 1887.)
151. —— Tarlton's Jests, and News out of Purgatory. London. Printed for The Shakespeare Society, 1844.
152. —— Two Old Theatres. Views of the Globe and Bear Garden. Privately printed. Brighton, 1884.
153. —— The Visits of Shakespeare's Company of Actors to the Provincial Cities and Towns of England, Illustrated by Extracts Gathered from Corporate Records. Privately printed. Brighton, 1887.
*154. HARRISON, WILLIAM. Harrison's Description of England. Edited by F.J. Furnivall. The New Shakspere Society, London, 1877-78. (Additions by Mrs. C.C. Stopes, The Shakespeare Library, 1908. Edited also by L. Withington, London, 1902.)
155. HASLEWOOD, JOSEPH. Account of the Old London Theatres. (Roxburghe Revels, Edinburgh, 1837, p. 85. Fifty copies only printed.)
156. HATCHER, O.L. A Book for Shakespeare Plays and Pageants. New York, 1916. ("Theatres," p. 133.)
157. HAZLITT, W.C. Brand's Popular Antiquities of Great Britain. Faiths and Folklore. 2 vols. London, 1905.
*158. —— The English Drama and Stage under the Tudor and Stuart Princes, 1543-1664. Printed for the Roxburghe Library, 1869.
159. HECKETHORN, C.W. Lincoln's Inn Fields, and the Localities Adjacent. London, 1896.
160. HENTZNER, P. Itinerarium Germaniae; Galliae; Angliae; Italiae. Nueremberg, 1612.
161. HERBERT, J.F. Additions to "The Alleyn Papers." (The Shakespeare Society's Papers, I, 16. See No. 63.)
162. HEYWOOD, T. An Apology for Actors. London, 1612. (London: Reprinted for The Shakespeare Society, 1841.)
*163. HISTORICAL MANUSCRIPTS COMMISSION. Calendars and Reports. London, 1870-.
164. HITCHCOCK, R. An Historical View of the Irish Stage. 2 vols. Dublin, 1788.
HOPE. See Bear Garden and Hope.
*165. HUBBARD, G. On the Exact Site of the Globe Playhouse of Shakespeare. (Transactions of the London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, New Series, vol. II, part iii, 1912.)
*166. —— The Site of the Globe Theatre of Shakespeare on Bankside as Shown by Maps of the Period. (Journal of the Royal Institute of British Architects, London, 1909, Third Series, XVII, 26.)
167. —— The Site of the Globe. (Notes and Queries, XII Series, XII, 11, 50, 70, 201, 224.)
168. HUGHSON, D. An Epitome of the Privileges of London, Including Southwark, as Granted by Royal Charters. London, 1812.
169. —— Multum in Parvo. The Privileges of Southwark. London, [c. 1818].
170. INGLEBY, C.M. A Complete View of the Shakespeare Controversy. London, 1861. (A discussion of the inaccuracies and forgeries of J.P. Collier.)
171. JACKSON, R.C. The Site of Shakespeare's Globe Playhouse. (The Athenaeum, October 30, 1909, p. 525.)
*172. JEAFFRESON, J.C. Middlesex County Records. 4 vols. London, 1886-92.
173. JENKINSON, W. The Early Playhouses and the Drama as Referred to in Tudor and Stuart Literature. (The Contemporary Review, CV, 847.)
174. JUSSERAND, J.J. Les Theatres de Londres au Temps de Shakespeare. (La Revue de Paris, VI, 713.)
175. —— A Literary History of the English People From the Renaissance to the Civil War. 2 vols. London, 1906-09. (Vol. II, bk. V, chap. V.)
176. K., L.L. Site of the Globe Theatre (Notes and Queries, XI Series, X, 290, 335.)
*177. KELLY, W. Notices Illustrative of the Drama and Other Popular Amusements. London, 1865.
*178. KEMPE, A.J. The Loseley Manuscripts. London, 1836.
*179. LA FEVRE DE LA BODERIE, ANTOINE. Ambassades de Monsieur de La Boderie en Angleterre ... depuis les annees 1606 jusq' en 1611. 5 vols. [Paris], 1750.
180. LAW, E. Cunningham's Extracts from the Revels' Books, 1842. (The Athenaeum, 1911, vol. II, pp. 297, 324, 388; 1912, vol. I, pp. 390, 469. See Nos. 11, 80, 181, 184.)
181. —— More About Shakespeare "Forgeries." London, 1913. (See Nos. 11, 80, 180, 184.)
182. —— Shakespeare at Whitehall. (The London Times, October 31, 1910, p. 10.)
183. —— Shakespeare's Christmas, St. Stephen's Day, 1604. (Ibid., December 26, 1910, p. 10.)
184. —— Some Supposed Shakespeare Forgeries. London, 1911. (See Nos. 11, 80, 180, 181.)
*185. LAWRENCE, W.J. The Elizabethan Playhouse and Other Studies. Stratford-upon-Avon, 1912. Second Series, 1913. (I do not record separately the numerous articles by Mr. Lawrence which appeared first in periodicals, and which are reprinted in these two volumes.)
*186. —— The Evolution and Influence of the Elizabethan Playhouse. (The Shakespeare Jahrbuch, XLVII, 18.)
*187. —— A Forgotten Restoration Playhouse. (Englische Studien, XXXV, 279.)
188. —— Ireland's First Theatrical Manager. (The Weekly Freeman, St. Patrick's Day Number, March 11, 1916.)
*189. —— The Mystery of Lodowick Barry. (The University of North Carolina Studies in Philology, XIV, 52.)
*190. —— Restoration Stage Nurseries. (Archiv fuer das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, 1914, p. 301.)
191. LEE, SIR S. A Life of William Shakespeare. New York, 1916. (Chap. VI.)
*192. Letters and Papers, Foreign and Domestic, of the Reign of Henry VIII. London, 1862-1905. (Calendar of State Papers; see No. 35.)
193. LOGEMAN, H. Johannes de Witt's Visit to the Swan Theatre. (Anglia, XIX, 117. Cf. The Academy, December 26, 1896. See No. 31, 123, 306.)
194. LONDON TOPOGRAPHICAL SOCIETY. London Topographical Record. London, 1901-.
195. MAAS, H. Aeussere Geschichte der Englischen Theatertruppen in dem Zeitraum von 1559 bis 1642. Louvain, 1907.
196. —— Die Kindertruppen. Goettingen, 1901.
*197. MCAFEE, H. Pepys on the Restoration Stage. New Haven, 1916.
198. MALCOLM, J.P. Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London during the Eighteenth Century. London, 1808.
199. —— Anecdotes of the Manners and Customs of London from the Roman Invasion to the Year 1700. London, 1811.
*200. MALONE, E. The Plays and Poems of William Shakespeare. 21 vols. London, 1821. (The Variorum edition, edited by Boswell.)
201. MANLY, J.M. The Children of the Chapel Royal and their Masters. (The Cambridge History of English Literature, vol. VI, chap. xi.)
202. MANNING, O. AND W. BRAY. The History and Antiquities of the County of Surrey. 3 vols. London, 1804-14.
203. MANTZIUS, K. Engelske Theaterforhold i Shakespeare-tiden. Khvn., 1901. (See No. 204.)
204. —— A History of Theatrical Art in Ancient and Modern Times. Authorised Translation by Louise von Cossel. Vol. III, "The Shakespearean Period in England." London, 1904.
205. MARTIN, W. Shakespeare in London. (The London Times, October 8, 1909, p. 10.)
206. —— The Site of Shakespeare's Globe Playhouse. (The Athenaeum, October 9, 1909, p. 425.)
207. —— The Site of the Globe. (Notes and Queries, XI Series, X, 209, XII, 10, 121, 143, 161.)
*208. —— The Site of the Globe Playhouse of Shakespeare. (Surrey Archaeological Collections, London, 1910, XXIII, 149. Also separately printed.)
209. MEMBER FROM THE BEGINNING. Accounts of Performances and Revels at Court in the Reign of Henry VIII. (The Shakespeare Society's Papers, III, 87.)
210. MEYMOTT, W.J. The Manor of Old Paris Garden; an Historical Account of Christ Church, Surrey. London, 1881. (Printed for private circulation. Inaccurate. See Notes and Queries, VII Series, III, 241.)
211. MILES, D.H. The Dramatic Museum at Columbia University. (The American Review of Reviews, XLVI, 67. Illustrations of models of early playhouses. See No. 38, 129.)
212. MILLS, C.A. Shakespeare and the Globe Theatre. (The London Times, April 11, 1914.)
213. Model of the Globe Playhouse. (The Graphic, London, LXXXII, 579; Illustrated London News, CXXXVI, 423.)
214. MORGAN, A. The Children's Companies. (Shakesperiana, IX, 131.)
215. MURRAY, J.T. English Dramatic Companies in the Towns Outside of London, 1550-1600. (Modern Philology, II, 539.)
*216. —— English Dramatic Companies. 2 vols. London, 1910.
217. N., T.C. The Old Bridge at Newington. (Notes and Queries, II Series, XII, 323.)
218. NAIRN, J.A. Boy-Actors under the Tudors and Stuarts. (Transactions of the Royal Society of Literature, II Series, XXXII, 11.)
*219. NICHOLS, J. The Progresses and Public Processions of Queen Elizabeth. 4 vols. London, 1823.
*220. —— The Progresses, Processions, and Magnificent Festivities of King James the First. 4 vols. London, 1828.
221. ONIONS, C.T. Shakespeare's England. 2 vols. Oxford, 1916. (Chap. XXIV, "Actors and Acting," by Percy Simpson; chap. XXV, "The Playhouse," by William Archer and W.J. Lawrence; chap. XXVII, section 7, "Bearbaiting, Bull Baiting, and Cockfighting," by Sir Sidney Lee. A popular treatise.)
*222. ORDISH, T.F. Early London Theatres. London, 1894. (For an important review, see E.K. Chambers in The Academy, August 24, 1895, p. 139.)
*223. —— London Theatres. (The Antiquary, XI-XVI. "Theatre and Curtain," XI, 89; "Rose," XI, 212; "Bear Garden," XI, 243; "Globe," XII, 41; "Elizabethan Stage," XII, 193; "Swan," XII, 245; "Blackfriars," XIV, 22, 55, 108; "Fortune," XIV, 205; "Red Bull," XIV, 236, "Cockpit," XV, 93; "Whitefriars," XV, 262; "Salisbury Court," XVI, 244.)
*224. OVERALL, W.H. AND H.C. Analytical Index to the Series of Records Known as the Remembrancia. Preserved among the Archives of the City of London. 1579-1664. London, 1878. (See No. 55.)
225. OVEREND, G.H. On the Dispute between George Maller, Glazier and Trainer of Players to Henry VIII, and Thomas Arthur, his Pupil. (The New Shakspere Society's Transactions, 1877-79, p. 425.)
226. PAGET, A.H. The Elizabethan Playhouses. London, 1891. (Privately printed, 8vo, 14 pp.)
*227. PARTON, J. Some Account of the Hospital and Parish of St. Giles in the Fields, Middlesex. London, 1822. (Contains parish records relating to the Cockpit in Drury Lane.)
PAUL'S. See Nos. 6, 12, 26, 101, 196, 201, 214, 218, 297.
*228. PEPYS, S. The Diary of Samuel Pepys. Edited by Henry B. Wheatley. 9 vols. London, 1893.
PHOENIX. See Cockpit in Drury Lane.
229. PINKS, W.J. The History of Clerkenwell. Second edition. London, 1880. (The Red Bull Playhouse, p. 190.)
230. Pleadings in Rastell v. Walton, a Theatrical Lawsuit, temp. Henry VIII. (Arber, An English Garner, Fifteenth Century Prose and Verse, 1903, p. 305.)
231. PLOMER, H.R. Fortune Playhouse (Notes and Queries, X Series, VI, 107.)
232. POLLOCK, A. The Evolution of the Actor. (The Drama, August and November, 1915, and November, 1916.)
233. PORTER, C. Playing Hamlet as Shakespeare Staged It in 1601. (Ibid., August and November, 1915.)
234. PRYNNE, W. Histriomastix. London, 1633.
235. RANKIN, G. Early London Theatres. (Notes and Queries, IV Series, VI, 306; cf. p. 423.)
RED BULL. See Nos. 4, 91, 107, 126, 138, 139, 140, 142, 147, 197, 223, 228, 229, 234, 303.
Remembrancia. See Nos. 55, 224.
*236. RENDLE, W. The Bankside, Southwark, and the Globe Playhouse. (In Furnivall's edition of Harrison's Description of England, Part II, Book iii. See No. 121. Deals with the Swan, Bear Garden, Hope, Rose, and Globe.)
*237. —— The Globe Playhouse. (Walford's Antiquarian, VIII, 209.)
238. —— Paris Garden and Christ Church, Blackfriars. (Notes and Queries, VII Series, III, 241, 343, 442.)
239. —— Philip Henslowe. (The Genealogist, IV, 149.)
*240. —— The Playhouses at Bankside in the Time of Shakespeare. (The Antiquarian Magazine and Bibliographer, VII, 207, 274; VIII, 55.)
241. —— Old Southwark and its People. London, 1878.
242. —— The Swan Playhouse, Bankside, circa 1596. (Notes and Queries, VII Series, VI, 221.)
*243. RENDLE, W. AND P. NORMAN. The Inns of Old Southwark and Their Associations. London, 1888.
*244. Report of the Royal Commission on Historical Manuscripts. London, 1870-. (See No. 163.)
245. RIMBAULT, E.F. The Old Cheque-Book, or Book of Remembrance, of the Chapel Royal from 1561 to 1744. (The Camden Society, 1872.)
246. —— Who was "Jack Wilson" the Singer of Shakespeare's Stage? London, 1846. (Cf. The Shakespeare Society's Papers, II, 33.)
ROSE. See Nos. 24, 46, 63, 64, 67, 143, 144, 161, 222, 223, 236, 239, 240, 241, 257, 263, 300, 302, 304, 316.
*247. RYE, W.B. England as Seen by Foreigners in the Days of Elizabeth and James I. London, 1865.
SALISBURY COURT. See Nos. 4, 7, 19, 72, 86, 91, 99, 119, 147, 197, 223, 228.
248. SCHELLING, F.E. "An Aery of Children, Little Eyases." (The Queen's Progress and Other Elizabethan Sketches, Boston and New York, 1904, chap. V.)
249. —— The Elizabethan Theatre. (Lippincott's Monthly Magazine, LXIX, 309.)
Shakespeare's England. See No. 221.
250. SHEPPARD, E. The Old Royal Palace of Whitehall. London and New York, 1902.
251. The Site of the Globe Theatre, Bankside. (The Builder, March 26, 1910, p. 353.)
252. SMITH, W.H. Bacon and Shakespeare. An Inquiry Touching Players, Playhouses, and Play-Writers in the Days of Elizabeth. London, 1857.
253. SPIERS, W.L. An Autograph Plan by Wren. (The London Topographical Record, 1903. Concerns Whitehall Palace and the Cockpit.)
State Papers. See Nos. 35, 192.
254. Statutes of the Realm. Record Commission. 9 vols. London, 1810-28.
255. STEPHENSON, H.T. Shakespeare's London. New York, 1905. (Chap. XIV, "The Theatres.")
256. —— The Study of Shakespeare. New York, 1915. (Chap. III, "The Playhouses.")
*257. STOPES, C.C. Burbage and Shakespeare's Stage. London, 1913.
258. —— The Burbages and the Transportation of "The Theatre." (The Athenaeum, October 16, 1909, p. 470.)
259. —— Burbage's "Theatre." (The Fortnightly Review, XCII, 149.)
260. —— Dramatic Records from the Privy Council Register, James I and Charles I. (The Shakespeare Jahrbuch, XLVIII, 103. See No. 54.)
261. —— Giles and Christopher Alleyn of Holywell. (Notes and Queries, X Series, XII, 341.)
262. —— "The Queen's Players" in 1536. (The Athenaeum, July 24, 1914.)
263. —— The Rose and the Swan, 1597. (The Stage, January 6, 1910. The documents here summarized are printed in full in No. 257 and again in No. 302.)
264. —— Shakespeare's Environment. London, 1914. (Chapters on William Hunnis, Burbage's "Theatre," and The Transportation of Burbage's "Theatre.")
*265. —— Shakespeare's Fellows and Followers. (The Shakespeare Jahrbuch, XLVI, 92.)
266. —— The Site of the Globe. (Notes and Queries, XI Series, XI, 447.)
267. —— "The Theatre." (Archiv fuer das Studium der Neueren Sprachen und Literaturen, CXXIV, 129.)
268. —— William Hunnis. (The Shakespeare Jahrbuch, XXVII, 200.)
269. —— William Hunnis. (The Athenaeum, March 31, 1900.)
270. —— William Hunnis and the Revels of the Chapel Royal. Louvain, 1910.
*271. STOW, J. A Survey of London. Edited by C.L. Kingsford. 2 vols. Oxford, 1908.
*272. —— A Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster ... Corrected, Improved, and Very Much Enlarged ... by John Strype. 2 vols. London, 1720.
*273. —— Annales, or A Generall Chronicle of England, Continued by Edmund Howes. London, 1631.
274. STRUTT, J. Sports and Pastimes of the People of England. London, 1801.
STRYPE, J. See No. 272.
275. —— The Anatomy of Abuses. Edited by F.J. Furnivall, for The New Shakspere Society. London, 1877-79. (There is an earlier edition by J.P. Collier, 1870.)
SWAN. See Nos. 9, 31, 46, 123, 133, 135, 144, 193, 210, 214, 222, 223, 236, 238, 240, 241, 242, 257, 263, 302, 306.
276. SYMONDS, J.A. Shakespeare's Predecessors. London, 1883. (Chap. VIII, "Theatres, Playwrights, Actors, and Playgoers.")
THEATRE, BURBAGE'S. See Nos. 28, 70, 96, 134, 150, 151, 222, 223, 257, 258, 259, 261, 264, 267, 277, 290.
277. The Theater; a Middlesex Sessions Record Touching James Burbage's "Theater." (The Athenaeum, February 12, 1887, p. 233.)
*278. THOMPSON, E.N.S. The Controversy between the Puritans and the Stage. New York, 1903.
279. THORNBURY, G.W. Shakespeare's England. 2 vols. London, 1856. (Vol. II, chap. X, "The Theatre.")
*280. THORNDIKE, A.H. Shakespeare's Theatre. New York, 1916. (Chap. III, "The Playhouses.")
281. TILER, A. The History and Antiquities of St. Saviours. London, 1765.
282. TOMLINS, T.E. A New Document Regarding the Authority of the Master of the Revels. (The Shakespeare Society's Papers, III, 1. The document is reprinted in No. 103.)
283. —— The Original Patent for the Nursery of Actors and Actresses in the Reign of Charles II. (Ibid., III, 162.)
*284. —— Origin of the Curtain Theatre, and Mistakes Regarding It. (The Shakespeare Society's Papers, I, 29.)
285. —— Three New Privy Seals for Players in the Time of Shakespeare. (Ibid., IV, 41.)
286. TYSON, W. Heming's Players at Bristol in the Reign of Henry VIII. (Ibid., III, 13.)
287. Victoria History of London. London, 1909.
*288. WALLACE, C.W. The Children of the Chapel at Blackfriars 1597-1603. Lincoln [Nebraska], 1908. (Originally printed in University Studies, University of Nebraska, 1908.)
*289. —— The Evolution of the English Drama up to Shakespeare, with a History of the First Blackfriars Theatre. (Schriften der Deutschen Shakespeare-Gesellschaft, Band IV. Berlin, 1912.)
*290. —— The First London Theatre, Materials for a History. (University Studies, University of Nebraska, vol. XII. Lincoln, Nebraska, 1913.)
291. —— Gervase Markham, Dramatist. (The Shakespeare Jahrbuch, XLVI, 345. Cf. J.Q. Adams, in Modern Philology, X, 426.)
*292. —— Globe Theatre Apparel. [London.] Privately printed, August, 1909. (For the nature of the contents see the London Times, November 30, 1909, p. 12; and the Shakespeare Jahrbuch, XLVI, 239.)
293. —— Keysar v. Burbage and Others. Privately printed, 1910. (These documents are included in the author's Shakespeare and his London Associates, No. 297.)
294. —— A London Pageant of Shakespeare's Time. (The London Times, March 28, 1913.)
295. —— New Shakespeare Discoveries. (Harper's Monthly Magazine, CXX, 489. See No. 297.)
296. —— Old Blackfriars Theatre. (The London Times, September 12, 1906; the New York Evening Post, September 24, 1906.)
*297. —— Shakespeare and His London Associates as Revealed in Recently Discovered Documents. (University Studies, University of Nebraska, X, 261.)
298. —— Shakespeare and the Blackfriars Theatre. (The Century Magazine, September, 1910. The documents on which this popular article is based may be found in Nos. 289 and 297.)
*299. —— Shakespeare and the Globe. (The London Times, October 2 and 4, 1909. Deals with the Osteler-Heminges documents, and the site of the Globe. These documents Mr. Wallace has privately printed in Advance Sheets from Shakespeare, The Globe, and Blackfriars, The Shakespeare Head Press, 1909, whence they were printed in the Shakespeare Jahrbuch, XLVI, 235.)
*300. —— Shakespeare and the Globe. (The London Times, April 30 and May 1, 1914.)
301. —— Shakspere's Money Interest in the Globe Theatre. (The Century Magazine, August, 1910. The documents on which this popular article is based may be found in No. 297.)
*302. —— The Swan Theatre and the Earl of Pembroke's Servants. (Englische Studien, XLIII, 340. See Nos. 257, 263.)
*303. —— Three London Theatres of Shakespeare's Time. (University Studies, University of Nebraska, IX, 287.)
*304. WARNER, G.F. Catalogue of the Manuscripts and Muniments of Alleyn's College of God's Gift at Dulwich. [London], 1881.
305. WHEATLEY, H.B. London, Past and Present.... Based upon the Handbook of London by the late Peter Cunningham. London and New York, 1891. (See No. 81.)
*306. —— On a Contemporary Drawing of the Interior of the Swan Theatre, 1596. (The New Shakspere Society's Transactions, 1887-90, p. 213.)
WHITEFRIARS. See Nos. 5, 6, 7, 19, 43, 60, 61, 86, 141, 144, 189, 196, 201, 214, 218, 223, 239, 287, 293, 297.
*307. WILKINSON, R. Londina Illustrata. 2 vols. London, 1819-25. (The second volume is entitled Theatrum Illustrata.)
308. WILSON, J.D. Life in Shakespeare's England. Cambridge, 1911. (Chap. VII, "The Theatre.")
*309. —— The Puritan Attack upon the Stage. (The Cambridge History of English Literature, vol. VI.)
*310. WINWOOD, R. Memorials of Affairs of State. 3 vols. London, 1725.
311. WOOLF, A.H. Shakespeare and the Old Southwark Playhouses: a Lecture. London, 1903. (20 pp., 8vo, privately printed.)
312. WOTTON, SIR H. Reliquiae Wottonianae. London, 1651.
313. WRIGHT, G.R. The English Stage in the Year 1638. (The Journal of the British Archaeological Association, XVI, 275; reprinted in the author's Archaeologic and Historic Fragments, London, 1887.)
*314. WRIGHT, J. Historia Histrionica, London, 1699. (Reprinted in Hazlitt's Dodsley, vol. XV.)
315. WRIGHT, T. Queen Elizabeth and Her Times. 2 vols. London, 1838.
*316. YOUNG, W. The History of Dulwich College, with a Life of the Founder, Edward Alleyn, and an Accurate Transcript of his Diary, 1617-1622. 2 vols. London, 1889. (Edition limited to 250 copies, privately printed for the author.)
CRACE, J.G. A Catalogue of Maps, Plans, and Views of London, Westminster, and Southwark, Collected and Arranged by Frederick Crace. London, 1878. (This collection of maps is now in the British Museum. The Catalogue is not always trustworthy.)
GOMME, L. The Story of London Maps. (The Geographical Journal, London, 1908, XXXI, 489, 616.)
MARTIN, W. A Study of Early Map-Views of London. (The Antiquary, London, 1909, XLV, 337, 406. See also Home Counties Magazine, IX.)
VAN DEN WYNGAERDE, A. View of London, Westminster, and Southwark. (The original drawing, made about 1530, is now preserved in the Sutherland Collection in the Bodleian Library. A reproduction in three sections will be found in Besant's London in the Time of the Tudors.)
BRAUN, G., AND F. HOGENBERGIUS. Londinum Feracissimi Angliae Regni Metropolis. (In Civitates Orbis Terrarum, Cologne, 1572. The map is based on an original, now lost, drawn between 1554 and 1558; see Alfred Marks, The Athenaeum, March 31, 1906.)
AGAS, R. Civitas Londinum. (This map, executed about 1570, is based on the same original map, 1554-58, made use of by Braun and Hogenbergius, although Agas has introduced a few changes. The two earliest copies are in Guildhall, London, and in the Pepysian Library at Cambridge. The student should be warned against Vertue's reproduction, often met with. The best reproduction is that by The London Topographical Society, 1905.)
NORDEN, J. London. (In Speculum Britanniae, an Historical and Chorographical Description of Middlesex. By the Travaile and View of John Norden. London, 1593. The map was engraved by Pieter Vanden Keere.)
DELARAM, F. View of London. (In the background of an engraving, made about 1603, representing King James on horseback.)
HONDIUS, J. London. (A small view of the city set in the large map of "The Kingdome of Great Britaine and Ireland" printed in John Speed's Theatre of the Empire of Great Britaine, London, 1611. The plate is dated 1610, but the inset view of London seems to have been based on an earlier view, now lost, representing the city as it was in or before 1605. Apparently the views, in the Delaram portrait of King James, and on the title-pages of Henry Holland's Her[Greek: o]ologia, 1620, and Sir Richard Baker's Chronicle, 1643, were based also on this lost view.)
VISSCHER, C.J. London. (This splendid view was printed in 1616; but it was drawn several years earlier, and represents the city as it was in or before 1613.)
MERIAN, M. London. (In J.L. Gottfried's Neuwe Archontologia Cosmica, Frankfurt am Mayn, 1638. Based mainly on Visscher's View, but with additions from some other earlier view not yet identified.)
[RYTHER, A.] The Cittie of London. (This map, erroneously attributed to Ryther in the Catalogue of the Crace Collection, is often misdated 1604. It was made between 1630 and 1640; see Notes and Queries, IV Series, IX, 95; VI Series, XII, 361, 393; VII Series, III, 110, 297, 498.)
HOLLAR, W. View of London. (The View is dated 1647; Hollar was in banishment from England between the years 1643 and 1652. Excellently reproduced by The London Topographical Society, 1907.)
[? HOLLAR, W.] London. (In James Howell's Londinopolis, London, 1657. This view is a poor copy of Merian's splendid view, 1638. Though generally attributed to Hollar, it is unsigned.)
FAITHORNE, W., AND R. NEWCOURT. An Exact Delineation of the Cities of London and Westminster, and the Suburbs Thereof. London, 1658. (Reproduced by The London Topographical Society, 1905.)
PORTER, T. Map of London and Westminster. (About 1660. Probably based on the earlier map, 1630-40, mistakenly ascribed to Ryther. Reproduced by The London Topographical Society, 1898.)
MOORE, J. Map of London, Westminster, and Southwark. (Drawn in 1662. Reproduced by The London Topographical Society, 1912.)
OGILBY, J., AND W. MORGAN. A Large and Accurate Map of the City of London, 1677. (Reproduced by The London and Middlesex Archaeological Society, 1895, with Ogilby's description of the map, entitled London Surveyed.)
MORDEN, R., AND P. LEA. London &c. Actually Survey'd, 1682. (Reproduced by The London Topographical Society, 1904.)
ROCQUE, J. An Exact Survey of the Cities of London and Westminster, the Borough of Southwark.... Begun in 1741, Finished in 1745, and published in 1746. London, 1746. (An excellent reproduction of this large map is now being issued in parts by The London Topographical Society, 1913-.)
Abuses, 116.
Admiral—Prince Henry—1 Palsgrave—3 Prince Charles's Company: Admiral's Company, 14, 16, 61 n., 72-73, 153-57, 174-75, 176, 267, 269, 272, 281-82, 289-90. Prince Henry's Company, 88, 282-83, 295. Palsgrave's Company, 283-87, 290, 368, 369 n., 375. Prince Charles II's Company, 287, 289-90, 303, 375-79, 401.
AEschylus, 398.
Agas, Ralph, 328, 392.
Aglaura, 404.
Albemarle, George Monck, I Duke of, 365, 405.
Albright, V.E., vii.
Alchemist, The, 419.
Alcimedon, 422.
Aldgate, 7, 10.
Alexander and Campaspe, 109, 113.
Alfonso, 232.
Allen, William, 305.
Alleyn, Edward, 57, 72, 85, 86, 133, 140, 150-51, 153, 156, 246, 267-74, 281-87, 299, 319, 335-36.
Alleyn, Gyles, 30-38, 43, 47, 52, 53, 58-65, 84, 182, 190, 199, 234.
Alleyn, Joan Woodward, ix, 151.
Alleyn, John, 57-58, 72, 73.
Alleyn, Sara. See Gyles Alleyn.
All is True, 251-55. See Henry VIII.
All's Lost by Lust, 309.
Allyn, Sir William, 81.
Alnwick Castle, 173 n.
Amends for Ladies, 346.
Amphitheatre, the projected, 411-17.
Andronicus, 140, 152.
Androwes, George, 313, 314, 315.
Anjou, Duke of, 385.
Anne of Denmark, Queen of England, 300, 353. Her players, see under Worcester, Children of the Chapel, and Children of Her Majesty's Royal Chamber.
Antonio's Revenge, 112.
Apothecaries, Society of, 191 n.
Architectural Record, The, ix, 395.
Aristophanes, 398.
Armin, Robert, 316.
Arundel and Surrey, Thomas Howard, 2 Earl of, 426, 429, 430.
Arundel's Company, 70, 83.
Arviragus and Philicia, 401.
Ashen-tree Court, 313.
Ashley, Sir Anthony, 322.
Aubrey, John, 78, 364.
Aunay, Josias d', 423.
Bacon, Anthony, 15.
Bacon, Sir Edmund, 320.
Bacon, Francis, 15, 65.
Baker, Michael, 430.
Baker, Sir Richard, 127, 146.
Banks, Jeremiah, 306.
Banks's horse, 13.
Bankside, 28-29, 63, 64, 119 f., 134 f., 142 f., 161 f., 182-83, 185, 238 f., 267, 326 f.
Banqueting-House at Whitehall, 385-89.
Barclay, Perkins, and Company, 265.
Barry, David Lording, 313, 314-15, 316, 317.
Barry, Lodowick. See David Barry.
Bartholomew Fair, 325 n., 330, 334.
Bath, 71.
Baxter, Richard, 300-01.
Bear Alley, 340, 341.
Bear Garden (First), 15, 119-33, 145, 146, 146 n., 159 n., 167, 182, 238, 244, 248, 326, 328, 329, 332 n., 336, 416.
Bear Garden (Second). See Hope Playhouse.
Bear Garden Alley, 340, 341.
Bear Garden Glass House, 341 n.
Bear Garden Square, 341.
Beaumont, Francis, 116, 304, 404.
Beaven, William, 293.
Beddingfield, Anne, 294.
Beddingfield, Christopher, 294.
Beecher, Sir William, 230.
Beeston, Christopher, 158, 299-300, 350-58, 374, 421.
Beeston, Mrs. Elizabeth, 362.
Beeston, William, 358-61, 380-83.
Beeston's Boys. See King's and Queen's Company.
Beggar's Bush, 404.
Bell, Hamilton, ix, 395-400.
Bell Inn, 1-17, 67.
Bell Savage Inn, 1-17.
Bermondsey, Monastery of, 161.
Bethelem, 69.
Betterton, Thomas, 366, 406.
Betterton, Mrs. Thomas, 406 n.
Bevis, 133.
Bird, Theophilus, 350 n., 381.
Bird, William, 170, 174.
Bishop, Nicholas, 57.
Bishopsgate Street, 7 f., 67.
Black Book, The, 73 n.
Blackfriars Playhouse (First), 8, 91-110, 113, 183, 194, 201, 202, 204, 208, 311 n.
Blackfriars Playhouse (Second), 59, 74, 86, 93, 98 n., 116, 117, 118, 182-233, 250, 256, 260, 261, 311, 312, 317, 319, 320, 324, 343, 350, 355, 356, 365, 369, 372 n., 373, 402, 403, 404, 428.
Blackfriars Playhouse (Rosseter's). See Rosseter's Blackfriars.
Blagrove, Thomas, 369.
Blagrove, William, 368-72, 374, 424.
Bloody Brother, The, 363.
Blount, Thomas, 122.
Boar's Head Inn, Eastcheap, 7 n.
Boar's Head Inn, Whitechapel, 1-17, 87, 157-58, 159.
Boar's Head Yard, 17.
Bodley, Sir John, 256-57, 262.
Bondman, The, 382.
Bonetti, Rocho, 194-95.
Boone, Colonel, 382.
Bourne, Theophilus, 350 n.
Bouverie Street, 313.
Bowes, Sir Jerome, 184.
Bowman (the actor), 405 n.
Box, Edward, 160.
Bradshaw, Charles, 192.
Braun, G., and F. Hogenbergius, 122.
Brayne, John, 39-58, 72, 78, 83, 144, 234.
Brayne, Mrs. Margaret, 43, 44 n., 54-58.
Brend, Elizabeth, 264.
Brend, Matthew, 257, 262-63.
Brend, Sir Nicholas, 238-39, 249, 256.
Brend, Sir Thomas, 240 n., 249.
Brend, Thomas (the younger), 264.
Bridges Street, 408.
Bristol, 172.
Brockenbury, Richard, 35.
Brome, Richard, 233, 361, 379.
Bromvill, Peter, 176.
Brooke. See Cobham.
Browker, Hugh, 176-77.
Brown, Sir Matthew, 256.
Brown, Rawdon, 279 n.
Browne, Robert, 318.
Bruskett, Thomas, 191, 195.
Bryan, Sir Francis, 184.
Bryan, George, 73.
Buc, Sir George, 321, 325, 343.
Buchell, Arend van, 166.
Buckhurst, Robert, Lord, 311-12, 314.
Bull Inn, 1-17, 67, 294 n.
Burbage, Cuthbert, 39 n., 40, 45 n., 49, 52, 54-65, 74, 84, 198, 199-200, 223, 224, 234-41, 249, 257, 282.
Burbage, James, 11, 27-59, 65, 66, 67, 70-74, 75, 78, 83, 91, 98 n., 144, 161, 182-99, 202, 234.
Burbage, Mrs. James, 56, 57, 63.
Burbage, Richard, 40, 57, 61, 62, 63, 73, 74, 84, 111, 117, 140, 198, 199, 200-01, 204, 208 n., 215, 218, 223-25, 234-41, 249, 255, 257, 261, 282, 317, 319, 325.
Burghley, William Cecil, Lord, 14, 20, 69.
Burgram, John, 242-43.
Burnell, Henry, 418.
Burt, Nicholas, 363, 367.
Burt, Thomas, 241-42.
Busino, Orazio, 130, 279.
Bussy D'Ambois, 400, 404.
Buttevant, Viscount, 313 n.
Byron, 220, 316.
C., W., 302.
Cambridge, 67.
Camden, William, 350, 352.
Campaspe, 109, 113.
Campeggio, Cardinal Lorenzo, 186.
Cape, Walter, 55.
Cardinal, The, 406.
Careless Shepherdess, The, 302.
Carew, Thomas, 302, 356.
Carey. See Hunsdon.
Carlell, Lodowick, 404.
Carleton, Mrs. Alice, 260.
Carleton, Sir Dudley, 212 n., 281, 284, 388, 393.
Carter, Lane, 231.
Cartwright, William, 374.
Castle, Tavern, 348 n.
Castlemaine, Lady, 406.
Catherine of Aragon, Queen, 186.
Cawarden, Sir Thomas, 96, 184, 186-90, 193.
Challes, 69-70, 83.
Chalmers, George, 137-38, 428.
Chamberlain, John, 212 n., 252, 260, 281, 284, 388, 392, 393.
Chamberlain's Company. See Strange-Derby, etc., company.
Chambers, E.K., ix, 44 n., 230 n., 247.
Chambers, George, 206.
Chambers, Richard, 206.
Chances, The, 404.
Changes, The, 376-78.
Chapel Royal, 91 f. See also Children of the Chapel.
Chapman, George, 116, 206, 217, 220.
Chappell, John, 206.
Charles I, 227, 231, 301-02, 359, 394, 395, 414, 424. His players, see King's and Queen's Company, King's Revels Company, Prince Charles's Company, Strange-Derby, etc., Company.
Charles II, 287, 405. His players, see under Admiral.
Chasserau, Peter, 75 n., 79.
Cheeke, Sir John, 96, 184, 190.
Chettle, Henry, 158.
Cheyney, Sir Thomas, the Lord Warden, 184, 188.
Children of Blackfriars. See Children of the Chapel, etc.
Children of Her Majesty's (Queen Anne's) Royal Chamber of Bristol, 215 n.
Children of His Majesty's (James I's) Revels (at Whitefriars), 224.
Children of St. Paul's, 91, 108-10, 111-18, 217, 311 n., 319.
Children of the Chapel—1 Queen's Revels—Revels—Whitefriars—2 Queen's Revels Company: Children of the Chapel (at First Blackfriars), 91-110, 111, 113. Children of the Chapel (at Second Blackfriars), 200-15, 237, 249-50. 1 Children of the Queen's (Anne's) Revels, 215-18, 219, 311. Children of the Revels (or of Blackfriars), 218-24, 314 n., 316-17. Children of Whitefriars, 318. 2 Children of the Queen's (Anne's) Revels, 117, 318-21, 324, 342-46.
Children of the Queen's Revels. See under Children of the Chapel, etc., and under Worcester-Queen, etc.
Children of Whitefriars. See under Children of the Chapel, etc.
Children of Windsor Chapel, 91-108, 111, 201.
Cholmley, John, 143-44, 148, 148 n., 234.
Clerkenwell, 78, 88, 301, 294 f.
Clifton, Henry, 205-13.
Clifton, Thomas, 210-13.
Clink, the Liberty of the, 124 f., 135, 142, 145, 161.
Clough, George, 53-54.
Cobham, George Brooke, Lord, 96, 184.
Cobham, Henry Brooke, Lord, 184.
Cobham, William Brooke, Lord, 98, 99, 184, 198, 199, 212 n.
Cockpit-in-Court, 384-409, 420.
Cockpit in Dartmouth Street, 408 n.
Cockpit Playhouse in Drury Lane, 291, 297 n., 299, 300, 305, 348-67, 369, 373, 376 n., 381 n., 408 n., 421-22, 431.
Cokaine, Sir Aston, 233.
Colefox, Edwin, 34-35.
Collett, John, 256.
Collier, J.P., vii, 76, 138, 230 n., 322 n., 337, 347 n., 353 n., 373 n.
Columbia University, 277.
Condell, Henry, 224, 238, 255, 257, 258, 262, 355.
Conspiracy and Tragedy of Charles, Duke of Byron, The, 220, 316.
Constant Maid, The, 419.
Conway, Edward, Lord, 414-17.
Cooke, William, 315.
Cooper, Lane, ix.
Corneille, Pierre, 406 n.
Cornishe, John, 241-42.
Cotton, John, 412-14.
Court Beggar, The, 361.
Coventry, Thomas, 414-17.
Cranydge, James, 13.
Creed, John, 366.
Crew, John, 406.
Cromwell, Oliver, 364, 405.
Cross Keys Inn, 1-17, 68.
Cruelty of the Spaniards in Peru, The, 365.
Cunningham, Peter, 322, 372, 374 n., 407 n.
Cupid and Psyche, 113.
Cupid's Whirligig, 316.
Curtain Court, 79, 90.
Curtain Playhouse, 8, 10, 16, 26, 32 n., 46, 47, 61, 62, 69, 70, 72, 75-90, 135, 144 n., 155, 159, 167, 172 n., 174, 182, 200, 295, 296, 297, 298 n., 301, 355.
Curtain Road, 34, 90.
Custom of the Country, The, 404.
Cutwell, 11.
Cynthia's Revels, 209 n.
Daborne, Robert, 318, 324 n., 325.
Dancaster, Thomas, 35.
Daniel, Samuel, 215 n., 216.
Davenant, William, 309, 361-65, 382, 424-31.
Davenant's Projected Theatre, 424-31.
Davenport, Robert, 356.
David, John, 12.
Davies, James, 339.
Day, John (playwright), 158, 220, 315.
Day, John (printer), 411.
Deadman's Place, 264.
Dekker, Thomas, 116, 158, 244, 278, 298, 332 n.
Delaram, F., 128, 146, 248, 248 n.
De Lawne, William, 190.
Derby, Ferdinando Stanley, Earl of, 73, 153.
Derby's Company. See under Strange-Derby, etc.
Devonshire, Charles Blount, Earl of, 216 n.
De Witt, Johannes, 46, 77 n., 146 n., 165-68, 273.
Ditcher, Thomas, 242.
Dixon, Thomas, 412-17.
Doctor Faustus, 73.
Dorchester, Evelyn Pierrepont, Marquis of, 340.
Dorset, Edward Sackville, Earl of, 369-70, 375, 378-80.
Dorset House, 371.
Dotridge, Alice, 35.
Doubtful Heir, The, 289, 419.
Downes, John, 307, 365, 366.
Downton, Thomas, 170, 174, 282.
Dragon, John, 34-35.
Drayton, Michael, 311-17.
Droeshout, Martin, 266.
Drury Lane, 309, 348 f., 420 f.
Dryden, John, 417.
Dublin Theatre, 417-19.
Duchy Chamber, 189 f.
Dudley, Robert, See Leicester.
Duke, John, 158.
Duke's Theatre, 383 n.
Dulwich College, ix, 133, 144 n., 274, 283, 285 n., 286-93.
Dumb Knight, The, 316.
Dun, 178.
Dunstan, James, 350 n.
Du Rocher, R.M., 420 n.
Duryer, Pierre, 422 n.
Dutch Courtesan, The, 196 n.
Earthquake, 82-83.
Eastcheap, 7 n., 122.
East Smithfield, 410 f.
Eastward Hoe, 217.
Eaton, Henry, 308.
Elizabeth, Princess (daughter of James I), 393. Her players, see Princess Elizabeth's Company.
Elizabeth, Queen of England, 91, 108, 113-14, 158 n., 171, 212 n., 215, 385. Her players, see Queen's Company.
Endimion, 114.
England's Joy, 177-78.
English Traveller, The, 277.
Epicharmus, 398.
Epicoene, 319, 405.
Epicurus, 398.
Erasmus, Desiderius, 120.
Essex, 44 n.
Essex, Robert Devereux, Earl of, 13, 216.
Euripides, 398.
Evans, Henry, 107, 110, 192-225.
Evelyn, John, 338, 363, 405 n.
Every Man in His Humour, 85.
Every Man out of his Humour, 246, 247 n.
Fair Favourite, The, 404.
Faithorne, W., 348 n., 392.
Falcon Stairs, 164.
Family of Love, The, 315.
Farrant, Anne, 104-10.
Farrant, Richard, 91-110, 183, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204.
Faunte, William, 133.
Fennor, William, 177 n., 332-34.
Ferrers, Captain, 366.
Ferretti, Francesco, 164.
Ferrys, 173.
Feuillerat, A., 101 n., 186.
Field, John, 125.
Field, Nathaniel, 206, 237, 319, 324 n., 325, 342 n., 346.
Finsbury Field, 28-38, 75, 81, 135, 142, 268, 352.
Fisher, Edward, 381, 383.
Fisher, John, 285 n., 387 n., 396.
Fitz-Stephen, William, 120.
Fleay, F.G., 112, 115, 179 n., 201 n., 311 n., 323, 335 n., 350 n., 354 n., 377, 402 n., 416 n.
Flecknoe, Richard, 6, 7, 17, 111, 311 n.
Fleet Street, 231, 314, 424 f.
Fleetwood, William, 20, 46, 69-70, 71.
Fletcher, Dr., 172.
Fletcher, John, 251, 304, 325, 419.
Floridor, Josias, 401, 420-24.
Fortescue, Sir John, 211.
Fortune Playhouse, 45, 85, 88, 156-57, 176, 177 n., 229, 246, 259 n., 267-93, 295, 297, 298, 302, 303, 327 n., 333 n., 353 n., 364 n., 368, 374, 375, 379, 381 n., 425 n.
Fortunes of Nigel, The, 310 n.
Fowler, Thomas, 172, 410.
Fox, The, 404.
Frederick V, Elector Palatine of Palsgrave, 393.
French Ambassador, 113 n., 220-21, 261, 316.
French players, 401, 420-24.
French Players' Theatre, 420-24.
Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay, 150.
Frith, Sir Richard, 96, 190.
Gabriel. See Spencer.
Gaedertz, Karl T., 167.
Gardiner, William, 34.
Garrard, G., 231, 232.
Gasquine, Susan, 159 n.
Gayton, Edmund, 303.
Gazette, The, 341 n.
General, The, 419.
George Yard, 313.
Gerschow, Frederic, 197, 208.
Gibbon's Tennis-Court Playhouse, 309 n.
Gildersleeve, Virginia C., 320 n.
Giles, Nathaniel, 201-13, 220 n.
Gill, John, 300.
Gill, Richard, 300 n.
Giolito, Gabriel, 411.
Giunti, 411.
Glapthorne, Henry, 369, 423.
Globe Playhouse, 65, 74, 85, 86, 86 n., 88, 112, 128, 146, 146 n., 155, 156, 159 n., 176, 180, 200, 209, 210, 214 n., 219 n., 223, 224, 227, 229, 233 n., 234-66, 267, 274-76, 282, 286, 289 n., 295, 297, 298, 311 n., 324, 328.
Goad, Christopher, 374.
Godfrey (Master of the Bear Garden), 337.
Godfrey, W.H., 277 n.
Golding Lane, 88, 268 f.
Goodman, Nicholas, 180-81, 336.
Gosson, Stephen, 11, 47, 113.
Goulston Street, 17.
Govell, R., 369 n.
Gower, Edward, 405.
Grabu, M., 408.
Grace Church Street, 7 f., 67, 68.
Grateful Servant, The, 349.
Grave, Thomas, 387.
Graves, T.S., vii, 47 n., 177 n.
Gray, Lady Anne, 184.
Greene, Robert, 150.
Greene, Thomas, 296, 298-99.
Greene's Tu Quoque, 298.
Greenstreet, J., 317.
Greenwich, 384.
Greg, W.W., ix, 73, 148, 159 n., 179 n., 335 n., 377.
Grigges, John, 48.
Grymes, Thomas, 206.
Guildford, Lady Jane, 184.
Gunnell, Richard, 368-72, 374, 375.
Gwalter, William, 285 n.
Gyles, Thomas, 113-15, 206.
Hall, Ralph, 308.
Hamlet (Pre-Shakespearean), 74, 140.
Hamlet (Shakespeare), 208-10, 212 n., 248 n., 261.
Hammon, Thomas, 395.
Hampton Court, 384, 385, 401, 402, 404.
Harberte, Thomas, 81.
Harington, Sir John, 69.
Harper, Sir George, 184.
Harrison, Joan, 34-35.
Harrison, Thomas (Colonel), 304.
Hart, William, 304, 363.
Harvey, Gabriel, 48.
Hathaway, Richard, 158.
Hatton, Sir Christopher (Vice-Chamberlain), 70.
Hatton House, 363.
Haukins, William, 85.
Hawkins, Alexander, 211, 213, 214, 215.
Hayward, John, 411.
Heath, John, 297.
Hector of Germany, The, 89, 321 n.
Heminges, John, 62, 73, 84, 204, 208 n., 223, 224, 235-41, 255, 257, 258, 261-62, 319, 355.
Heminges, Thomasine, 261.
Henrietta Maria, Queen of England, 232-33, 420-22. Her players, see Queen's Company, King's and Queen's Company.
Henry IV, 7 n., 404.
Henry V (not Shakespeare's), 13.
Henry V (Shakespeare), 77 n., 348.
Henry VI, 150.
Henry VIII, 251-55, 391 n.
Henry VIII, 29, 186, 391.
Henry, Prince of Wales, 282-83, 392-93. His players, see under Admiral.
Henslowe, Agnes, 283.
Henslowe, Philip, 73, 85, 140, 140 n., 142-60, 161, 166, 174-75, 179, 213 n., 234, 244-46, 267-74, 281-83, 321-22, 324-35, 342-43, 346.
Henslowe, William, 268 n.
Hentzner, Paul, 131, 162.
Herbert, Sir Henry, 89, 225, 232, 250, 301, 307 n., 351 n., 357 n., 358, 359, 360, 360 n., 367, 368, 369, 373, 374, 376, 377, 377 n., 378, 380, 381, 400, 401 n., 403, 412 n., 420-24.
Herbert, Sir Philip, 392.
Herbert, Thomas, 81.
Herne, John, 370, 380.
Herne, John (the younger), 380-81.
Heton, Richard, 356 n., 357 n., 378-80, 427.
Heywood, Thomas, 158, 235 n., 247 n., 277 n., 298-99, 382, 394-95.
Hide, John, 51, 53-55, 70 n.
High Street, Southwark, 121.
Hill, John, 50.
Hoby, Sir Edward, 220.
Hoby, Sir Philip, 184.
Hockley-in-the-hole, Clerkenwell, 340.
Hogarth, William, 409 n.
Hog Hath Lost His Pearl, The, 320.
Holinshed, Raphael, 385.
Holland, Aaron, 294-96.
Holland, Henry, 127, 146.
Hollandia, Dona Britannica, 180.
Holland's Leaguer (Goodman), 180, 336.
Holland's Leaguer (Marmion), 259, 375, 377, 415.
Hollar, W., 181, 259, 329-30.
Hollywell Lane, 81.
Holywell Priory, 30 f., 75 f., 88, 182, 183.
Honduis, J., 127, 146, 265, 329 n.
Hope Playhouse, 46, 128, 133, 146 n., 166, 179, 180, 248 n., 322, 324-41, 346, 355.
Horton, Joan, 143.
Houghton, John, 129.
Housekeepers, 225, 234 n., 236, 237 n., 351 n., 421 n.
Howard, Charles, the Lord Admiral. See Nottingham.
Howell, James, 248, 329 n.
Howes, Edmund, 7, 45 n., 111, 141, 251, 257, 285, 349, 350, 352, 372. See also Phillipps.
Humour Out of Breath, 315.
Hungarian Lion, The, 368.
Hunks, Harry, 121.
Hunnis, William, 102-10, 202, 203.
Hunsdon, George Carey, Lord, 184, 189, 198, 199, 212 n., 214.
Hunsdon, Henry Carey, Lord, 14, 68 n., 71, 184.
Hunsdon's Company (not the Strange-Derby, etc. Company), 69-71.
Hunsdon's Company. See under Strange-Derby, etc. Company.
Hutchinson, Christopher, 350 n., 362.
Hynde, John, 11.
Ianthe, 406.
Ibotson, Richard, 11.
Inner Temple Masque, The, 350.
Isle of Dogs, The, 84, 154, 170-75.
Isle of Guls, The, 220.
Italian players, 21.
Jack Drum's Entertainment, 115.
James I, 215, 217, 218, 221, 227, 250, 258, 281, 310 n., 316, 387, 392, 413, 416. His players, see Children of His Majesty's Revels, King's Revels Company, Strange-Derby, etc. Company.
James, William, 264.
Jeaffreson, J.C., 85, 410.
Jeffes, Anthony, 174 n.
Jeffes, Humphrey, 174 n.
Jerningham, Sir Henry, 184, 189.
Jew, The, 11.
Jew of Malta, The, 140, 150, 395.
Johnson, Henry, 60.
Johnson, Peter, 191-92, 196.
Johnson, Samuel, 264.
Jones, Inigo, 389, 395-400.
Jones, Richard, 168, 174, 318.
Jones, Robert, 343.
Jonson, Ben, 78, 84, 85, 171-73, 174 n., 206, 207, 217, 226, 244, 246, 247, 251, 255, 259, 319, 325, 330, 334, 419, 424.
Joyner, William, 194.
Julius Caesar, 404.
Just Italian, The, 356.
Katherens, Gilbert, 326-30.
Kempe, Anthony, 189.
Kempe, William, 62, 73, 84, 115, 158, 235-40, 298.
Kelly, William, 17.
Kendall, Richard, 177 n., 333 n.
Kendall, Thomas, 213-22.
Kendall, William, 213 n.
Kenningham, Robert, 41.
Keysar, Robert, 117, 218-19, 222-24, 317-20.
Kiechel, Samuel, 47, 77.
Kildare, Earl of, 419.
Killigrew's playhouse, 382.
Kinaston, Edward, 207, 366.
Kingdom's Weekly Intelligencer, The, 291, 293 n.
King Lear, 261.
King Leir, 153.
Kingman, Philip, 343.
King's and Queen's Company (or Beeston's Boys), 357-62.
King's Company. See under Strange-Derby, etc.
King's (James I's) Revels Company, 311-18.
King's (Charles I's) Revels Company, 287, 374, 377-79.
Kingsland Spittle, 89.
Kingston, Lady Mary, 189.
Kingston, Sir William, 184.
Kirkham, Edward, 116, 208 n., 213-22, 226.
Kirkman, Francis, 296-97, 305, 358-59.
Knowles, John, 241-42.
Kymbre, 41.
Kynaston, Edward, 207, 366.
Kyrkham, Sir Robert, 184.
Ladies' Priviledge, The, 423.
Lady Elizabeth's Company. See Princess Elizabeth's Company.
Lady Mother, The, 369.
La Fevre de la Boderie, Antoine, 220-22, 316 n.
Lamb, Charles, 299.
Lambarde, William, 15.
Lambeth, 121, 161.
Landgartha, 418.
Laneham, Robert, 128.
Langley, Francis, 161, 170-76, 234.
Lanham, John, 67, 69, 80 n.
Lanman, Henry, 78-82, 83, 86, 87, 144, 234.
Lanteri, Edward, 265 n.
Lau, Hurfries de, 423.
Laud, William, 228-30.
Lawrence, W.J., vii, 48 n., 112, 177 n., 293 n., 313 n., 350 n., 365 n., 398, 408, 423 n.
Leaden Hall, 12.
Lee, Sir Sidney, 124 n., 294 n., 350 n., 408 n.
Le Febure (or Fevure), 422-23.
Leicester, Robert Dudley, Earl of, 106-07.
Leicester's Company, 22, 66, 67, 71, 80 n.
Lennox, James Stuart, 4 Duke of, 232.
Lennox, Ludovick Stuart, 2 Duke of, 261.
Lenton, Francis, 356.
Leveson, Sir Richard, 405.
Levison, William, 240.
Lewes, Thomas, 382.
Lilleston, Thomas, 366.
Lincoln's Inn Fields, 348 n., 352, 382, 414 f.
Lodge, Thomas, 74.
London's Lamentation for her Sins, 302.
Long, Maurice, 81.
Lorkin, Thomas, 254, 389.
Lost Lady, The, 404.
Loves and Adventures of Clerico and Lozia, The, 359.
Love's Mistress, or the Queen's Masque, 382.
Lowin, John, 158, 363, 400.
Loyal Protestant, The, 339.
Loyal Subject, The, 366.
Ludgate, 7 f., 226.
Ludlow, 71.
Luther, Martin, 113 n., 411.
Lyly, John, 109-10, 112, 113-14, 194, 202.
Machiavel, 411.
Machin, Lewis, 316.
Machyn, Henry, 124 n.
Mackaye, Steele, 398.
Madden, Sir Frederick, 130.
Madison Square Theatre, 398.
Maiden Lane, 88, 144, 243 f., 341.
Malcolm, J.P., 339.
Malone, Edmund, vii, 77, 89, 160 n., 225, 248, 367, 373, 375-76, 420.
Manchester, Edward Montagu, Earl of, 122, 337.
Mankind, 2-4.
Manningham, John, 178.
Mantzius, Karl, 48 n.
Markham, Gervais, 316.
Marlowe, Christopher, 73.
Marmion, Shackerley, 259, 375, 376, 377, 415.
Marston, John, 85 n., 112, 115, 116, 196 n., 216, 217-18, 223.
Martin, William, 265 n.
Martin Marprelate Controversy, 114.
Martin's Month's Mind, 10, 69.
Mason, John, 315, 316.
Masque, The, 369 n.
Massinger, Philip, 325, 382 n.
Mathews, John, 14.
Meade, Jacob, 326-36, 346.
Measure for Measure, 388.
Melise, ou Les Princes Reconnus, La, 420.
Mercer, Will, 338.
Merchant of Dublin, The, 418.
Mercurius Fumigosus, 307 n.
Mercurius Politicus, 292.
Meres, Francis, 175 n., 176.
Merian, M., 146 n., 180 n., 248, 328 n.
Merry, Edward, 192.
Merry Devil of Edmonton, The, 404.
Merry Wives of Windsor, The, 388, 404.
Midas, 112.
Middlesex Street, 17.
Middleton, Thomas, 116, 207, 209 n., 278, 315, 350, 419.
Mohun, Michael, 304.
Monk, General. See Albemarle.
Monkaster. See Mulcaster.
Montmorency, Duke of, 385.
Moore, Mr. (of Pepy's Diary), 405.
Moor Field, 81.
Moor of Venice, The, 367, 387.
More, Sir Christopher, 184.
More, Sir William, 96-110, 113, 184, 189-90, 208.
Morocco Ambassador, 339.
Morris, Isbrand, 241-42.
Motteram, John, 206.
Mountjoy, Lord, 81.
Mulcaster, Richard, 206.
Munday, Anthony, 82.
Murray, J.T., 71, 88, 89 n., 111 n., 286 n., 298 n., 311 n., 323, 354 n., 377, 378.
Myles, Ralph, 57.
Myles, Robert, 28 n., 42, 43, 54-58.
Nash, Thomas, 10 n., 69, 84, 114-15, 154, 171-73.
Neuendorf, B., vii.
Neville, Sir Henry, 95-100, 102 n., 184.
Newgate Market, 122.
Newington Butts Playhouse, 73, 134-41, 151, 154.
New Inn Yard, 34, 79.
Newman, John, 107-08.
Nexara, Duke of, 130.
Nicholas, Basilius, 224.
Nightingale Lane, 410-12.
Noble Stranger, The, 373 n.
Norden, John, 128 n., 145.
Northbrooke, John, 76.
Northern Lass, The, 404.
Northup, Clark S., ix.
Nottingham, Charles Howard, Earl of, 155 n., 268-70, 272-73. His players, see Admiral.
No Wit, No Help like a Woman's, 419.
Ogilby, John, 294, 417-19.
Ogilby, John, and William Morgan, 294.
Ogilby's Dublin Theatre, 417-19.
Oldcastle, 404.
Opera, 365, 425.
Ordish, T.F., vii, 48 n., 341 n.
Orlando Furioso, 150.
Osteler, William, 225 n., 237, 260.
Othello, 367, 387, 388.
Oxford, Edward de Vere, Earl of, 16, 108-10, 157, 202.
Oxford's Company, 16, 87 n., 157-59.
Palatine. See Frederick V.
Palladio, Andrea, 398.
Pallant, Robert, 158.
Palmyra, 265.
Palsgrave. See Frederick V.
Palsgrave's Company. See under Admiral.
Pappe with an Hatchet, 112.
Paris, Robert de, 122.
Paris Garden. See Bear Garden.
Paris Garden, Manor of, 121 f., 135, 161 f.
Park, The, 241.
Park Street, 265.
Parliament Chamber, 186 f.
Passionate Lovers, The, 404.
Pastorall, The, 401.
Pavy, Salmon (or Salathiel), 206, 207.
Payne, Robert, 215.
Peckam, Edmund, 51-52, 66.
Pembroke, William Herbert, Earl of, 261.
Pembroke and Montgomery, Philip Herbert, Earl of, 232.
Pembroke's Company, 84, 154-55, 157, 170-75.
Penruddoks, Edward, 430.
Pepys, Samuel, 17, 207, 308, 338, 366, 382, 405.
Perfect Account, The, 305.
Perfect Occurrences, 304.
Perkins, Richard, 158, 380.
Perrin, Lady, 184.
Peyton, Sir John, 410.
Phillips, Augustine, 62, 73, 84, 224, 235-41, 260.
Phillipps, Sir Thomas (his copy of Stow's Annals), 233, 258 n., 264, 285 n., 291, 330 n., 336, 364, 381 n.
Philotas, 216.
Phoenix Playhouse. See Cockpit Playhouse in Drury Lane.
Pierce, Edward, 116, 117, 319-20.
Pierce, James, 382.
Pierce, Mrs. James, 308, 382.
Pierce the Ploughman's Creed, 196.
Piozzi, Hester Lynch, 264.
Pipe Office, 190 n., 197.
Pit Court, 348 n.
Plague, 12, 15, 20, 23, 24, 67 n., 74 n., 152-53, 159, 215, 222, 223, 224, 281, 282, 287-88, 316, 355, 356, 357, 358, 379.
Playhouse to be Let, 309.
Playhouse Yard, 197.
Plomer, H.R., 293 n.
Poetaster, 1 n., 226.
Pollard, Thomas, 363.
Pope (a scrivener?), 159.
Pope, Alexander, 417.
Pope, Morgan, 159 n.
Pope, Thomas, 62, 73, 84, 86, 159 n., 224, 235-41, 260.
Porter's Hall. See Rosseter's Blackfriars Playhouse.
Portynary, Sir John, 184, 193.
Pride, Thomas, 337.
Prince Charles—2 Red Bull Company: Prince Charles I's Company, 17, 88, 89, 179, 300, 301-02, 334-35, 344, 346, 354-55, 417. 2 Red Bull Company, 301-04.
Prince Charles's (Charles II's) Company. See under Admiral, etc.
Prince Henry's Company. See under Admiral, etc.
Prince's Arms Inn, 180 n.
Princess Elizabeth's Company, 179, 321, 324, 332-35, 342, 344, 346, 354 n., 355.
Prynne, William, 302, 310 n., 372 n.
Ptolome, 11.
Puckering, Sir Thomas, 254, 389.
Puddlewharf, 343 f.
Puiseux, M. de, 221 n.
Puritans, 6, 18-19, 29, 85, 126, 156.
Pykman, Phillipp, 206.
Queen Anne's Company. See under Worcester, etc.
Queen's (Elizabeth's) Company, 12, 13, 66-72, 80 n., 84, 153.
Queen's (Henrietta's) Company, 355-56, 379-80, 394, 421, 427.
Queen's Revels. See under Children of the Chapel, etc.
Queen's Street, 348 n.
Raleigh, Sir Walter, 126.
Ram Alley, 313, 316.
Randolph, Thomas, 303, 349.
Rastell, William, 213-22.
Ratcliffe, 352.
Rathgeb, Jacob, 132.
1 Red Bull Company. See under Worcester, etc.
2 Red Bull Company. See under Prince Charles, etc.
Red Bull Playhouse, 75 n., 88, 89, 219 n., 226 n., 287, 294-309, 311 n., 351, 353, 353 n., 356, 374, 378.
Red Bull Yard, 294.
Redwood, C.W., ix.
Reeve, Ralph, 343.
Rendle, William, 12, 124 n., 143, 178 n., 180 n., 339.
Reulidge, Richard, 8, 310 n.
Revels Office, 94, 96.
Reynolds, G.F., vii.
Rhodes, John, 365, 366.
Richards, Hugh, 36.
Richmond, 402, 404.
Roaring Girl, The, 278.
Roberts, John, 242.
Robinson, James, 205, 213.
Robinson, Richard, 304.
Rochester, John Wilmot, Earl of, 340.
Romeo and Juliet, 85.
Roper, Lactantius, 241-42.
Rosania, 259, 419.
Rose Alley, 144, 160 n.
Rose Playhouse, 16, 16 n., 61 n., 63, 73 n., 75 n., 77 n., 128, 139, 140, 142-60, 167, 168 n., 174, 179, 182, 238, 248, 265, 267, 296, 324, 332 n.
Rosseter, Philip, 117, 118, 224, 317-23, 324-25, 330-32, 335, 342-47.
Rosseter's Blackfriars Playhouse, 322, 336, 342-47, 355.
Rossingham, Edmond, 288.
Rowlands, Samuel, 185 n.
Roxalana, 406.
Royal Master, The, 419.
Rump, The, 382.
Russell, Dowager Lady Elizabeth, 199.
Rutland, Edward Manners, Earl of, 36, 36 n., 37.
Rutland House, 364.
Ryther, Augustine, 277.
Sacarson, 121.
Sackful of News, A., 10.
St. Bride's, Parish of, 425 f.
St. Dunstan's, Parish of, 425 f.
St. Giles, Cripplegate, 268 f.
St. Giles in the Fields, 355, 362.
St. James, Palace of, 384, 392.
St. James, Parish of, 294 f.
St. John's Gate, 294.
St. John's Street, 11, 96, 294 f., 305.
St. Mary Overies, 64-65, 168 n., 238.
St. Mildred, Parish of, 143, 159.
St. Patrick for Ireland, 419.
St. Paul's Boys. See Children of St. Paul's.
St. Paul's Cathedral, 29 n., 167.
St. Paul's Playhouse, 8, 111-18, 349.
St. Saviours, Parish of, 145, 170, 259.
St. Warburg's Street, Dublin, 418.
Salisbury, Mr. (portrait painter), 366.
Salisbury, Robert Cecil, Earl of, 221.
Salisbury Court Playhouse, 233, 259, 287, 291, 302, 350, 357 n., 360 n., 364, 368-83, 427.
Sampson, M.W., 279 n.
Sandwich, Edward Montagu, Earl of, 405.
Sapho and Phao, 109, 113.
Satiromastix, 332.
Saunders, Lady, 343 f.
Saunders, Sir Thomas, 184.
Savage, Thomas, 240.
Scornful Lady, The, 403, 406.
Scott, Sir Walter, 310 n.
Scuderi, Georges de, 421 n.
Sellers, William, 242.
Shadwell, Thomas, 310 n.
Shakespeare, William, 62, 63, 65, 73, 84, 85, 140, 150, 186, 208-10, 212 n., 224, 235-41, 249, 251, 261-62, 298, 348, 391 n.
Shanks, John, 263.
Sharp, Lewis, 373 n.
Sharpham, Edward, 316.
Shatterel, Edward, 304-05, 308.
Shaw, Robert, 168, 172-74.
Sherlock, William, 380.
Shirley, James, 259, 349, 376, 377, 406 n., 419.
Shoreditch, 30, 78, 185.
Sibthorpe, Edward, 315.
Siege of Rhodes, The, 364.
Silent Woman, The, 319, 405.
Silver, George, 13 n., 194-95.
Silver, Thomas, 381, 383.
Singer, John, 235 n.
Sir Francis Drake, 364.
Sir Giles Goosecappe, 373.
Skevington, Richard, 172.
Skialetheia, 46, 61.
Slaiter, Martin, 315, 317-18.
Slye, William, 224, 225 n., 235 n., 260.
Smallpiece, Thomas, 108.
Smith, Isack, 366.
Smith, John, 351 n.
Smith, Captain John, 369 n.
Smith, Wentworth, 158.
Smith, William, 63.
Smithfield, 332.
Somerset House, 404.
Sophocles, 398.
Soulas, Josias de, 420-24.
Spanish Ambassador, 281, 339.
Spanish Curate, The, 404.
Spanish Tragedy, The, 150, 261.
Sparagus Garden, The, 379.
Sparks, Thomas, 285 n.
Speed, John, 265.
Spencer, Gabriel, 168, 172-74, 235 n.
Spiller, Sir Henry, 230.
Spykes School, 206.
Squire of Alsatia, The, 310 n.
Stanley, Ferdinando, Lord Strange. See Derby.
Star of the West, 133.
Steevens, George, 77-78.
Stepney Field, 352.
Stettin-Pomerania, Philip Julius, Duke of, 207, 214-15.
Stevens, John, 183.
Stockwood, John, 8, 26, 46, 48.
Stone, George, 121.
Stopes, Charlotte C., 361 n.
Stoughton, Robert, 36.
Stow, John, 124, 136, 166, 348, 388, 391. See also Howes, Phillipps, and Strype.
Strafford, Thomas Wentworth, Earl of, 417-18.
Strange, Lord. See Derby.
Strange—Derby—1 Chamberlain—Hunsdon—2 Chamberlain—King James I—King Charles I's Company: Strange's Company, 14, 139, 150-54. Derby's Company, 73, 87 n., 153. 1 Chamberlain's Company, 14-15, 150, 153-54. Hunsdon's Company, 199, 199 n. 2 Chamberlain's Company, 16, 61, 61 n., 62, 68 n., 73-74, 84, 85, 150, 154-55, 159 n., 174-75, 176, 200, 209 n., 212 n., 235-38, 249, 267, 272-73, 351. King James I's Company, 88, 118, 223-27, 250-62, 295, 320-21, 324, 325, 374. King Charles I's Company, 227-33, 262-63, 302, 365, 374, 378, 400, 401, 402.
Street, Peter, 63, 64, 239, 269, 273-74.
Strype, John, 243, 340, 391, 408 n.
Stubbes, Philip, 83, 125.
Stutville, George, 374.
Summer playhouse, 67-68, 225, 250, 321, 324, 325, 342.
Sumner, John, 380.
Sussex's Company, 152.
Swan Inn, 180 n.
Swan Playhouse, 77 n., 84, 154-55, 161-81, 182, 238, 273, 321, 324, 326, 327, 329, 334, 342-43.
Swanston, Eilliard, 400.
Swinerton, Sir John, 321.
Swynnerton, Thomas, 296.
Taming of a Shrew, The, 140.
Tarbock, John, 318.
Tarleton, Richard, 12, 13, 14 n., 67, 69, 72, 72 n., 235, 298.
Tarlton's Jests, 13.
Tarlton's News out of Purgatory, 69, 75.
Tatham, John, 289, 303 n., 382.
Taylor, John (the Water Poet), 251, 257, 259, 329, 332-34.
Taylor, Joseph, 363, 400.
Taylor, Robert, 320.
Theatre Playhouse, 8, 10, 11 n., 15, 26, 27-74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 83, 84, 91, 112, 135, 138, 154, 155, 167, 172 n., 182, 199, 200, 234-35, 239, 244, 249.
Thespis, 398.
Thoresby, Henry, 410.
Thorndike, A.H., vii.
Thrale, Mrs. Henry, 264.
Three Kings Ordinary, 425, 429, 430.
Tilney, Edmund, 66, 85.
Titus Andronicus, 140, 152.
Tomlins, T.E., 76.
Tom Tell Troth's Message, 146.
Tooley, Nicholas, 350 n.
Topclyfe, Richard, 172-73.
Totenham Court, 373.
Toy, The, 419.
Trevell, William, 315.
Trompeur Puni, Le, 421.
Trussell, Alvery, 206.
Tunstall, James, 350 n.
Turk, The, 316.
Turner, 178.
Turner, Anthony, 308, 380.
Turnor, Richard, 50.
Two Maids of Moreclacke, The, 316.
Underwood, John, 86.
Unfortunate Lovers, The, 233, 404.
University of Illinois, 277 n.
Vaghan, Edward, 410.
Valient Cid, The, 406.
Vaughan, Sir William, 125.
Venetian Ambassador, 280.
Vennar, Richard, 177-78, 333 n.
Vere, Lady Susan, 392.
Verneuil, Madame de, 220-21.
Vertue, George, 387 n., 396.
Virgin, performance by a, 74 n.
Visscher, C.J., 127, 128, 146 n., 164-65, 248, 253, 328, 328 n., 329.
Volpone, 404.
Vox Graculi, 89.
Vuolfio, Giovanni. See John Wolf.
Walker, Thomas, 337.
Wallace, C.W., ix, 67, 71, 110 n., 115, 117, 140, 148 n., 160 n., 168 n., 170 n., 177 n., 178 n., 179 n., 192 n., 196 n., 197, 197 n., 201 n., 204 n., 208, 212 n., 215 n., 221 n., 243, 248-49, 258 n., 259 n., 266, 285 n., 353 n.
Walsingham, Sir Francis, 110.
Warburton, John, 369 n.
War of the Theatres, 250.
Warwick, Ambrose Dudley, Earl of, 12.
Water Lane, Blackfriars, 98, 102.
Water Lane, Whitefriars, 371.
Way to Content all Women, or How a Man May Please his Wife, 368-69.
Webster, John, 116, 158, 226 n.
Weekly Account, The, 290.
Weekly Intelligencer, The, 306, 307.
Westcott, Sebastian, 113.
Westminster Cathedral, 126, 167.
Westminster School, 206.
What You Will, 112.
Whitaker, Laurence, 230.
White, Thomas, 48, 76.
Whitechapel, 8 n., 17.
Whitechapel Street, 7.
Whitecross Street, 268 f.
White Devil, The, 226 n.
Whitefriars Playhouse, 8, 117, 224, 310-23, 324, 342-43, 368 n.
Whitehall, 356 n., 374, 384 f., 387-91, 403.
White Hart Inn, 1.
Whitelock, Bulstrode, 305.
Whitton, Tom, 382.
Wigpitt, Thomas, 285 n.
Wilbraham, 172.
Wilbraham, William, 374.
Wilkinson, Nicholas, 350 n.
Wilkinson, R., 259 n., 293 n.
Williams, John, 412-17.
Williamson, Joseph, 306.
Wilson, J.D., 76 n.
Wilson, Robert, 12, 176.
Winchester, Bishop of, 119, 134, 241 n.
Windsor, 384. See also Children of Windsor Chapel.
Winter playhouse, 67-68, 225, 233, 250, 321, 324, 325, 342.
Wintershall, William, 308.
Winwood, Sir Ralph, 252, 392.
Wirtemberg, Duke of, 132.
Witch of Edmonton, The, 354 n.
Witt, Johannes de, 77 n., 146 n., 165-68, 273.
Witter, John, 224, 258.
Wit Without Money, 304.
Wolf, John, 410-12.
Wolf's Theatre, 410-12.
Wolsey, Cardinal, 186, 252, 391.
Woman is a Weathercock, A, 140, 342 n.
Wood, Anthony a, 418.
Woode, Tobias, 410.
Woodford, Thomas, 311, 313, 314, 322.
Woodman, 193.
Woodward, 142.
Woodward, Agnes, 142-43, 283.
Woodward Joan, ix, 151.
Worcester College, 395.
Worcester—Queen—1 Red Bull—Children of the Revels Company: Worcester's Company, 16, 72, 87, 157-59, 295, 351. Queen Anne's Company, 16, 87, 88, 158, 295-300, 351, 353. 1 Red Bull Company, 300-01. Children of the Revels, 301.
Wordsworth, William, 299.
Wotton, Sir Henry, 251, 320.
Wright, George R., 401.
Wright, James, 285, 297, 303, 304, 350, 363, 373.
Wyngaerde, A. van den, 124.
Yarmouth, 45 n.
York House, 391.
Young, John, 374.
Younger Brother, The, 299.
Young Gallant's Whirligig, The, 356.
Zanche, Lord, 184.